Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov
What about the documented lies from the CDC and others prior to COVID as it pertains to just MMR vaccines in children. (There are many others as well) We are now experiencing autism at the rate of 1 in 50 children worldwide! THIS IS STUNNING, EVIL, and CRIMINAL!
The 1986 law which essentially gave immunity to the Pharma companies must be repealed immediately. ALL vaccines must be mandated to at least meet the same standards of oral drugs at a minimum. (also questionably corrupt as well) It is time to completely dismantle the CDC from the top down. 💪
..make sick then treat make sick then treat.. they are demon possessed.. if you are not a child of God whose child are you.... there are two power in this world God/satan, if you are not a child of God whose child are you????????????????? They will stand before a TRIBUNAL one day (with one judge THE LORD JESUS CHRIST) and be judged "according to their works" Revelation 20:11-15 that's what the CREATOR GOD SAID. Now, do you want to argue with God? I didn't think so!
I have a great book called "Child of Satan. Child of God." It was written by Susan Atkins, of the Manson family. She converted to Christianity in prison, after, she said, Jesus appeared to her in her cell. For the next 30 or so years, she had a prison ministry. She was a near model prisoner. Diagnosed as a clinical psychopath, nobody ever seemed to try harder to right an unspeakable wrong. I think she might have been sincere in her conversion.
People change from within once they know Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Look at the Apostle Paul.......God ended up using him as the Apostle to the Gentiles. God also used him as the one to pin at least 13 books in the New Testament. He suffered for Christ more than anyone I know of. 2 Corinthians 11:22-28
Next event Jesus Christ comes for his CHURCH, called the snatching away (harpazo-in greek). 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Next JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST 2 Corinthians 5:10. Next is the GREAT TRIBULATION. Matthew 24:15-21. Next is the 2nd Coming of Christ/armageddon. Revelation 19:11-21. There is more but we can do it later! DO NOT BELIEVE ME -SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES DAILY WHERTHER THESE THINGS WERE SO!......Acts 17:10,11.
They claim the adjuvants like aluminum and mercury are to trigger the immune response, but this is ludicrous since it doesn't take into account the adverse impact on human health. Criminal all the way around.
My friend’s daughter died today. She was 9 months pregnant and the placenta detached, killing the baby. She lost a great deal of blood and went into cardiac arrest.
They got her stabilized, but had to amputate her leg due to blood clots. She stabilized again, but then had a fatal stroke. She was just 33 and left behind a husband and two little boys.
just a matter of time ... and then the spam censorship automation will kick in and that will be followed by platform level censorship. that's usually the pattern of how these things go, unless substack sticks to its guns.
it's even possible that the spam is meant to produce this result long term, btw.
Unlike some of the commenters here, there is one thing they said that I believe to be true: there is a novel Covid virus that began spreading sometime in 2019. Beyond that, yup, pretty much all lies.
One note on the initial statistics from the study. If 18 people out of 109 died from COVID-induced myocarditis that means that the COVID-induced myocarditis killed 16.5% of people recorded. If 27 people out of 530 people died from vaccine-induced COVID, then that means that the vaccine-induced myocarditis killed only 5.1% of people people. Statistics is a science that can very easily be subjectively twisted, so it's important do a deep dive into what the numbers actually mean. From what I can tell from this study and others, we still don't know if COVID or the vaccine are more like to cause myocarditis because we don't know how many people sampled had COVID, were vaccinated, or both. What we can tell, it that it seems likely that COVID causes more severe myocarditis than the vaccine did. The next question to answer would be if getting COVID while vaccinated would decrease the severity of illness-induced myocarditis.
"decrease the severity of illness-induced myocarditis"
Yikes. Some dangerous assumptions built into that.
Igor was the first to describe vaccine induced "tolerance." Tolerance to antigens is fine if it is a benign pollen. Terrible if it is a dangerous covid virus. Is it happening? Oh, yes. The IgG4 antibody creates tolerance and it was found to be dominant in the jabbed and boosted. That news broke over the holidays. So those who have a defective immune system full of IgG4 antibodies do not show symptoms of severe illness. Symptoms like fever, body aches, etc that are the result of the immune system going to war against an invader. No, symptoms but the victims have a severe illness. While their immune system sleeps, the virus attacks the body as does the jabbed induced covid spike protein.
So the jabbed and boosted can have severe myocarditis with only one symptom that includes, "suddenly and unexpectedly died." That is kind of severe but the covidians are still doing everything they can to deny and hide it. Anybody who says, "mild myocarditis" is a fool or very evil. Consult Dr. McCullough on that.
And most myocarditis deaths would not even be labeled as myocarditis proper, since they tend to occur months later when the initial scarring of the heart (which can occur without symptoms) later leads to ventricular fibrillation and sudden cardiac death.
Right, and I've literally seen "Internet doctors" who support the Covid vaccine go after experts like Dr. Peter McCullough and attorney Robert Kennedy Jr., calling them pandemic profiteers. Oh, the irony. These men and others have suffered great loss because they have integrity and a zealous desire for people to know the truth.
My cousins son got myocarditis. Almost positive he got the jab. I sent my cousin a screen shot of Dr. Ladapo’s tweet some months back about not recommending the shots for 18-39 year old men. He did not reply. Sadly he’s under the spell. We used to be so close. No relationship at all since I tried sending him info in October of 2021. Dumped me big time. 😢
My friends used to call me an idiot or conspiracy theorist for ‘doing my own research’ and sharing it with them. Their main retort was, “What would you know?” They were all too happy to point out how I must be wrong the last couple of years, now they’re strangely silent and no longer want to talk about anything remotely covid related. Their new response is “Just let it go.”
My sis simply doesn’t want to know anything more about all of this as she is realizing that I was right. Despite living in Vermont where I imagine as a teacher she and her children will be forcibly jabbed in perpetuity. She screams her head off with a p*ssy hat on when Trump gets elected though. Or scream for violence on Facebook when George Floyd dies. Mind numbing.
Most of us have dem-leaning/embracing ideologuers in our families.
Early on my brother said, 'Don't send me anything; I won't read it'. They
embrace the lie. (II Thessalonians 2) We who have been seeing this government deception for almost three years are weary and somewhat astonished that more people have not seen it too. Many are stuck in the illusion of the duopoly and cannot fathom their own government would be capable of what is being unveiled more each day. It's a leap too far. If it's any consolation, you are not alone.
Mary Lou it"s not getting any better IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE. At one point they they they will only have BLOOD TO DRINK. I can prove it? It is exactly what they deserve. It will happen, you can be sure of that, as sure the sun has came up in the east every day in 2022. It's that set in Granite.
I feel for you! Proclaimed to my 50 year old daughter not to take their experiment, she rec. jab with 3 boost. She goes to pain clinic twice a week, to her pill pusher once a week. Hurts all the time and holding onto her job by a thread. At 73 and 74 we may have to take care of her? So be it we are in my GOD hands what happens to us he has to allows!
Talked to my daughter about the jab till I was blue in the face. She got shot all boosters. She has been sick ever since, still don't believe it"s the jab! Some people never learn!
I think they just can’t confront what’s happening. They really believe they work to help produce to pay the government to keep them safe.....that is it....they know there are bad asses out there but the government keeps them safe....no questions asked, just believe. They are really indoctrinated to believe that there is always someone who will fix everything....it’s worked so far. You cannot get through that egg sac around them.
That's characteristic of the personality disorder called OCPD, Hitler's personality disorder. There's a subtype called "bureaucratic compulsive (with narcissistic features)." They think they are always right and get really angry if confronted with evidence that contradicts them. It's worse than psychopathy in some ways and appears to be common in public health bureaucrats. There are some on our side as well as the other side and maybe Ladapo is one. Nonetheless, one Ladapo is worth more than a thousand Fauci or Gorskis.
It's difficult to learn if you refuse to acknowledge when you are wrong.
What one should do is embrace being shown when one is wrong... imagine going through life being pissed off at people who have tried to point you in the right direction
I've been wrong so many times over the years that I am now almost always right. :)
Law of averages, regression to the mean. The more wrong you were in your youth the more right you’ll be as you age. It’s just simple statistics (or stubbornness) 😀
In theory, you could learn from other people's mistakes... but that is so hard in today's environment of pervasive Big Tech and Big Govt censorship. (Yes, it's the Govt you voted for which is f*cking you over - I don't want to blame just Big Tech)
Twitter Files shows that the directions are coming from the White House, CDC, DHS, CIA etc. i.e. from higher up. And we all know that the Govt has incestuous relationships with industry (crony capitalism). The media outlets are essentially propaganda outlets for these dark actors.
No doubt. Makes me so very sad though. Even sadder is the obliteration of the relationship with my two older brothers. My sister and I cry about it weekly. I thank God for her. If not for her and my faith, I could not cope.
I sent my friend studies about myocarditis before her husband got the booster and then when he caught covid a couple of months later, he got myocarditis too. I am very cautious how I broach the subject and mainly I talk about anti inflammatory diets and supplements to find a common area. I know she knows but she just can’t say it. It’s too painful. I have nothing to gain by making her say the words. I’m just furious at the CDC- they let this happen.
A close friend of the family just died of multiple organ failure of unspecified cause, and the whole way that happened had a great deal in common with how my dad died in June 2021, shortly after Moderna. From their reactions, I know my mom and my uncle have clocked it now that the vaccine was probably involved in both deaths. The family friend was 4x vaccinated; my last memory of him is him shying away from me like a startled horse when I went to hug him at my dad's funeral, his N95 in place. I too have no desire to make anyone say the words, their current grief is horrible enough.
My mom refuses to speak with me. I have unloaded mountains of facts on her since she accused me of being a science denier. She says she has no room for “hate” in her life. Me desperately trying to get these idiots to stop taking boosters is hate apparently.
I learned many months ago to leave them be... that was after one family member informed me that he did not wish to discuss this topic...
Am visiting Canada next week - bought tickets for both of us to a Canucks game... we will not discuss Covid... hopefully nobody in the family keels over while I am there... (his entire family including young kids are boosted)... attending a funeral is not on my itinerary.
I am quite certain the injuries are collateral damage caused by poor quality control...
They'd prefer not to have these injuries happen because they want people to keep injecting because the primary goal here is to create a deadly 'Bossche Mutation'
They are pouring aviation fuel on that raging inferno:
Merck’s oral antiviral pill for COVID-19, molnupiravir — marketed under the name Lagevrio — may be fueling the development of new and potentially deadly variants of COVID-19, according to the authors of a new preprint study. “It’s not a surprise that molnupiravir could cause [the] escape of mutant virus strains or substrains into the population,” said Dr. Harvey Risch. “Its main function is to get the virus to mutate faster.”
The restrictions are off... also the Leafs have invited me for a tryout as they prepare for the day when VAIDS kills all their players and subs... and they will take just about anyone
Oh, what a tragedy Chiadrum, I feel for you. My daughter's mother-in-law has a 2nd son in CA - a scientist who advised his mom to take the shots! So my own son-in-law got jabbed too but my strong-minded daughter was not influenced! Thank goodness my own family stayed clear - I brought them up to think critically on their own, stand by their principles with head held high, and tell authority to get stuffed where appropriate.
I chalked one up for freedom! Families are so much more important than disagreeing on inconsequential personal matters - I am sure she loves you and is just afraid that your God-given natural immunity will fail but it's the best thing we have, built over millennia, to keep us safe. Man's pathetic attempts at even understanding it are a lost cause IMHO. Show her this:
I think that many of these folks are far from stupid and can’t possibly admit how horrifically they have been duped. Their decisions never made a lick of sense and they know it deep down. Better to bury your head in the sand. She will look at precisely nothing that I send her so…..
It's certainly baffling FT - one thought: maybe it's to do with underlying irrational fears, like in the stock markets where the FOMO (fear of missing out) rides an irrational market even higher until reality dawns; I see it all the time.
Laura, I am so sorry for you. This is truly sad. My daughter thought I was nuts in the beginning, now she has learned the lesson on not jumping on board right away.
I have similar experiences, Laura, with some long-standing business contacts accusing me of being a conspiracy theorist and refusing even to discuss the issues. It is amazing how deep these psychological methods get into some people.
It is an area I am exploring as a counsellor - there clearly are strong indicators of mental dysfunction in reaction to fear in some types of personality - fascinating.
UK is a hidden totalitarian police state at present but all is not lost. I shall be writing more about the peoples' defence options using our unique (unwritten but powerful) truly democratic constitution of which almost all Brits have no knowledge. They have been lied to manipulated for centuries.
Maybe love and empathy would have got you a different reaction than sending screenshots of why he was to blame for his son's misfortune.
My wife and I saw things differently, she was vaccinated and injured, but I have not once told her that I told her so. It wouldn't help her or our relationship.
Andrew - my cousin's son is in his 30's. It was his own decision to get the shots - not his parents. And please do not assume my message to my cousin with the screen shot was not loving - because it was. Never once did I mention in my message his son's myocarditis or that in any way he was to blame. And please do not assume that I would EVER tell someone "I told you so". I am not that kind of a person.
I'm sure that you never intended damaging the relationship, sometimes the best of intentions are misread on the receiving end, it can sometimes be hard to guess how the recipient will react.
Ha! My angry and sad reaction is always: sweep together all these reports and send them TO. HER. SON.! The relationship has already BEEN damaged, why not give him mateial to think on...
We have neighbors whose children are doctors. They were crowing recently about getting what I assume if their 4th or 5th shot. Telling us we should run to Walmart and take advantage before the miracle jabs stop being “free”. Seem like nice folks otherwise.
My sister has her best friend fighting breast cancer and her uber healthy brother in law battling bone cancer. I sent her the article of the French doctor whose cancer exploded after his booster. She won’t read it. She has no “desire” to know any more. And sweet old Anthony would never lie. My buddy has myocarditis and his daughter needed emergency surgery for a brain tumor. 2021 was a “hell of a year” for him. Not 2020. But definitely not the jab. He rages about the Dopesick series in HULU and that “fuckiing piece of shit” FDA. But he’s on the fence about boosters. There is no hope for these people. I just pray that I won’t be at his funeral. His father was literally a junkie who lasted into his 70’s, so it ain’t genetic.
I've often wondered what would happen if you kidnapped some hard core CovIDIOTS and locked them in a room and force fed them data that destroys their beliefs.
The closest I have been able to get to that was a good mate who was constantly hassling me on Whatsapp re getting jabbed... His business (corporate events) was destroyed by lockdowns so he had huge time on his hands.
I don't really work having mostly retired after GFC when I realized we were f789ed and on borrowed time... so I was able to indulge him.
I pounded him with all the Big Guns ... data from Joel Smalley -- stuff from Igor ... vax injuries... you name I threw it onto Whatsapp... I focused on visuals cuz they won't read stuff... so he had to look...
Not only did he not change his mind on any of this (he repeated the same CNNBBC rubbish endlessly) he eventually broke contact... that was about 6 months ago ...
It is not possible to turn a CovIDIOT. It's a cult. A very dangerous cult where people inject themselves repeatedly with poison.
Mostly true. I turned one and saved another unjabbed who was ready to roll up the sleeve since his girlfriend works for a cruise line. He wanted the cheap vacays. Ironically, he is the only unjabbed guy that I know who has been reinfected. Had Covid 3 times and it hangs on. But I turned him on to our functional medicine doctor and he’s doing much better. And now he can cruise at will. The one that I turned was a former coworker. On my last day he sent me a farewell and ended with “oh yeah, you were dead on about all the Covid stuff”. Felt like I won the Super Bowl. My Uncle couldn’t walk for two months after his Murderna but and was incredulous as he saw jabbed and boosted infected, but he suspects nothing and is still all in. Once you have that insanity in your cells, the brain will simply reject any potentially negative information. It’s a defense mechanism I suppose. I do know many who after realizing these jabs did nothing that was promised won’t take another ever again at least. But the hardcore are lost forever. They could literally be on their last breath due to a condition brought on by the jab and would still accept whatever “cure” the “experts” recommended. I’m done wasting my breath.
It is far worse than that even. This only covers hospitalized cases and viral myocarditis is usually discovered while the patient is in the hospital for a serious case of covid. Those with mild cases are far in the majority. The vaccinated with myocarditis though are discovered when they have chest pains which a lot of people will ignore as heartburn or indigestion until the pain goes away. The Thai study showed us that huge numbers of subclinical myocarditis are present but never detected because the symptoms never elevate to the point medical attention is sought.
The net result is that a huge percentage of the population is now primed for a sudden death with exertion but the exertion isn't necessary to cause a sudden death.
When hordes of people realize just how screwed they are I think we are going to see some serious civil unrest with real repercussions against those who did this to them.
Most of them are still in denial and are insisting those who refused the vaccines are uneducated anti-vaxxers and they who got the shots are where the intelligence resides. When they figure it out they are nothing more than "useful idiots" who willingly participated in their own demise, watch out, they will come unglued.
Not sure what kind of civil unrest there will be, because we’ve already seen several instance when a crowd gets unruly, a bunch of the people in the crowd start dropping from heart attacks.
Just run some clips of ICUs filled with (vaccinated) Covid patients... and they'll immediately demand lockdowns and stay home triple masked watching BBCCNN for updates
This is likely Takotsubo syndrome, except that you need to survive to be diagnosed with the syndrome. It is thought to be caused by massive adrenergic discharge which does occur in riots and similar crowd events.
There have been suggestions that this is the cause of the athletic deaths over the past two years, as well as SADS.
So unruly mobs can cause deaths. So the message on MSM is for everybody to stay home and wear another mask, just to be safe. In any case, the guy with myoC has bigger problems than going with those mobs. Will his insurance be around once they find out he's into all these activities?
The PR Team is ready for the tipping point - they are already seeding the ground with 'saved tens of millions' ...
They will make the vax damaged out to be heroes in the war against covid... tickets to Disney Land .. a worthless rainbow coloured cross of valour ... a few will be rolled out in wheel chairs at NFL games -- given a round of applause -- they dumped into the nearest ditch...
The line "they've saved tens of millions" has been out there since '21. I know someone who manages clinical trials for Pfi$er. She has literally told me the side effects are negligible compared to the millions of lives that have been saved all over the world. These people really believe C0VID is fatal. Really.
As for 'heroes in the war of C0VID" that is EXACTLY what they will do. Gamed out in Event 201. After that, they will start the payouts. But for many... it is already too late.
I can't help but think that could create another lovely little thing where the vaxxed end up in another category. Like you get vaxxed but your vax induced myocarditis is never discovered until you get covid, voila its now "viral" myocarditis since that came "last".
We've seen them use similar switcharoos in the past to protect these shots and bury the damages they do, so I dont put it past them to do it again.
As a long time nurse... I’ll never trust “medical leaders” again. They’ve mislead us and haven’t been right yet on anything Covid related. It’s been heartbreaking to watch. So done with them.
The myocarditis is particularly insidious because they saw the trends early on- and it was pretty easy to assume that we only caught the numbers with the young males because the issues couldn’t be attributed to anything. Whereas with older males it was too easy to fob off cardiac issues on other underlying co-morbidities. Really really awful.
I've noticed the study going around that Covid causes myocarditis so get your jabs. That assumes that the Covid vaccines prevent Covid, even though the opposite appears to be the case over time. Did they really separate out those who remained unjabbed but had Covid from those who were vaccinated and had Covid? Did any compare those with a true control group who had no vaccines and no Covid? That could be done historically by determining the background rate. Bad Cattitude had a good one I read this morning about the fertility signal being massaged in the other direction through statistical analysis. It had me putting on my lawyer hat. If the researchers are clever enough to massage bad raw data away through study design or statistical shenanigans, wouldn't that constitute academic fraud?
I was going to comment to your discussion with el Gato, but did not wish to intrude.
However... In all of the studies over the past three years it has not been evident that Gompertz curves and seasonality have been addressed in the data sets or analyses.
Furthermore, Covid diagnosis has been so fraudulent that I distrust the published reports.
One would want to see every included, and excluded, subject's date, symptoms, and laboratory results, with attention to PCR Ct's, viral genotyping when available, and relevant demographics in order to confirm validity. Then one could begin statistical manipulation- oops, I meant analysis.
Currently blame it on Covid seems to be the rage with the anything-but-the-jabs-are-causing-this bought and paid for pharma whores, I mean researchers. This doesn't pass the sniff test for a few reasons. First the rates of say, myocarditis should have been elevated in Covid but no vaccine year 2020, but they weren't. Even now a simple comparison to never jabbed never had Covid can be made by just using historical rates of said ailment prior to the virus or the jabs. As you say the definition of had Covid can be gamed as it was in the trials. As long as the definition of Covid is consistent that wouldn't bother me as it should consistently over or under estimate in both groups. But if they aren't separating out timeline of when covid, when vaxxd, and when event occurred, this just becomes so much GIGO
Good observations in your previous post about academic fraud. What a shame your argument is not being made loudly and forcefully and frequently by more people.
It's so suckers "trust the science" and buy more koolaid jabs. Science endorses scepticism and doubt. It's not about being trusted. Cults are about being trusted, e. g., the cult of coerced mass vaccination salvation hysteria, which is actually an offshoot of the doomsday cult of runaway global warming and imminent near term extinction and rising sea, levels hysteria, which was originally designed both to get more research grant money and to make people part with beachside real estate at rock bottom prices.
Indeed. "Associated with X" only included cases within 28 days of COVID test or vax shot, so they've completely ignored any possible long-term effects (or cumulative effects, boosters etc) - as Amy noticed, there was no "unvaxed, uninfected" control group. (Though to be fair, it would be pretty hard to diagnose the cause, so setting an arbitrary time limit is I guess vaguely reasonable.)
Also, the researchers' conclusion points out that "myocarditis after COVID-19" has a much greater risk of heart failure than "myocarditis after vaccine" (about 3x as likely) while quietly not mentioning that "myocarditis after vaccine" happens about 5x as often. It's very interesting to speculate on what might give rise to this relationship.
This is the first perpetual motion machine in history.... get jabbed - get damaged - get VAIDS - blame it all on Covid --- get more boosters... rinse repeat
To me, by far the greatest and most overwhelming heart disease sits with there being a lack of heart. Too many people who should, and did, know better, abandoned the logic and morality of their precious hearts to directly or indirectly inflict harm on innocent people. Literally thousands upon thousands abandoned principle and ethics, without real question, to kill their fellow man. These half humans come from all the trusted institutions, are quite often handsomely paid and given undue respect when in reality they are poor beyond spiritual recognition and deserve contempt for their failures as human beings. The fact that there are so, so many of them indicates to me at least that this ‘civilization’ is past its use by date. We have failed as a society when we produce this kind of person. Educated idiots with no moral fibre in desperate need of a backbone.
Controllers must believe their goals are in our species best interest long run. Idk, are we in a war- with China, aliens? Maybe the DOD directed shots are for a different purpose, food medicine formula shortages what are they selecting for, yes we are the lab rats? Can you say mass produce crickets? Does seem pop control and financial reaet, they anticipate reset upheaval. Who really needs faster 5g, 4g quite fast. technology manipulations too
I'm trying to figure out what they didn't lie about?
Let me know when you find something they did NOT lie about, I am also interested
What about the documented lies from the CDC and others prior to COVID as it pertains to just MMR vaccines in children. (There are many others as well) We are now experiencing autism at the rate of 1 in 50 children worldwide! THIS IS STUNNING, EVIL, and CRIMINAL!
The 1986 law which essentially gave immunity to the Pharma companies must be repealed immediately. ALL vaccines must be mandated to at least meet the same standards of oral drugs at a minimum. (also questionably corrupt as well) It is time to completely dismantle the CDC from the top down. 💪
According to CHD, the rate of autism in the US is now 1 in 30:
> https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/kids-diagnosed-autism-spectrum-disorder-jama-pediatrics/
Another complete and utter "vaccine" disaster
Wow. It went from roughly 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 30 in less than half a century.
I know. The data is absolutely stunning ~ and glaringly incriminating ~ when we are willing to take a closer look:
> Autism: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/9e39e3e3f2ac
> SIDS: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/ba664d240523
> Vaccine Legacy: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/538b4798ca4f
35% excess deaths in Europe this week.
Mainstream media turn a blind eye.
Faucis biggest critic mysteriously dies in 2019 RIP Kary Mullis
It really doesn't help that they wideneď the diagnostic criteria to make it nearly useless. But my goodness, it's great for selling more meds
All for a few $. They will get their just reward!?! Revelation 20:11-15. Hell (hades) is a holding place to get ready for White Throne judgement.
..make sick then treat make sick then treat.. they are demon possessed.. if you are not a child of God whose child are you.... there are two power in this world God/satan, if you are not a child of God whose child are you????????????????? They will stand before a TRIBUNAL one day (with one judge THE LORD JESUS CHRIST) and be judged "according to their works" Revelation 20:11-15 that's what the CREATOR GOD SAID. Now, do you want to argue with God? I didn't think so!
I have a great book called "Child of Satan. Child of God." It was written by Susan Atkins, of the Manson family. She converted to Christianity in prison, after, she said, Jesus appeared to her in her cell. For the next 30 or so years, she had a prison ministry. She was a near model prisoner. Diagnosed as a clinical psychopath, nobody ever seemed to try harder to right an unspeakable wrong. I think she might have been sincere in her conversion.
People change from within once they know Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Look at the Apostle Paul.......God ended up using him as the Apostle to the Gentiles. God also used him as the one to pin at least 13 books in the New Testament. He suffered for Christ more than anyone I know of. 2 Corinthians 11:22-28
Read CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O'Neill... it will blow your mind.
Next event Jesus Christ comes for his CHURCH, called the snatching away (harpazo-in greek). 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Next JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST 2 Corinthians 5:10. Next is the GREAT TRIBULATION. Matthew 24:15-21. Next is the 2nd Coming of Christ/armageddon. Revelation 19:11-21. There is more but we can do it later! DO NOT BELIEVE ME -SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES DAILY WHERTHER THESE THINGS WERE SO!......Acts 17:10,11.
More victims of climate change.
What is climate change?
Another excuse to print money
They claim the adjuvants like aluminum and mercury are to trigger the immune response, but this is ludicrous since it doesn't take into account the adverse impact on human health. Criminal all the way around.
Now you have the clear picture! Fear not they are going to meet a judgement, it's called Great White Throne judgement Revelation 20:11-15.
35% excess deaths in Europe this week.
Mainstream media turn a blind eye.
35% increase in excess, still big, but better to spread the correct claim, and it must be put in context vs 2018, 2021, etc.
Let’s closely watch our new law here in Florida. I am cautiously hopeful
DeSantis left backdoors in his bills for forced vaccinations. Do not trust him.
I completely agree. I question the herding of anti mandate people into FLA TX and other red states
Faucis biggest critic mysteriously dies in 2019 RIP Kary Mullis
Tuck thank you so much for this link
I’m half way through but wanted to say I appreciate this info
They did not lie when they said they really wanted you to get injected with something.
As far as I can tell, that's the only truth.
My friend’s daughter died today. She was 9 months pregnant and the placenta detached, killing the baby. She lost a great deal of blood and went into cardiac arrest.
They got her stabilized, but had to amputate her leg due to blood clots. She stabilized again, but then had a fatal stroke. She was just 33 and left behind a husband and two little boys.
I'm so sorry.
Whoa!! Too terrible!!
They didn't lie about the "effective", they lied about "for what".
they have lied about every single thing
EMFs also can't be overlooked, as electricity from radiofrequencies creates heart disease: https://open.substack.com/pub/romanshapoval/p/how-electricity-created-heart-disease?r=1iykap&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Maybe it’s a disorder, akin to Tourette’s Syndrome 😶
It certainly has resulted in their being part of a “protected class.” So far.
Are you referring to this study in particular, or COVID-19 in general?
I just reported it as spam, which I just found you can do by clicking on the three dots to the right of the "Collapse" option
Oh, thanks. I didn't know that.
This same spam comment has been on a number of stacks recently. Fortunately, spam in general seems to be few and far between here on substack.
just a matter of time ... and then the spam censorship automation will kick in and that will be followed by platform level censorship. that's usually the pattern of how these things go, unless substack sticks to its guns.
it's even possible that the spam is meant to produce this result long term, btw.
Good on you for taking money from RINOs. I do hope they and all your john's use protection. You wouldn't want to catch anything.
RINOs? Did you not notice Hunter Biden on the client list?
They hid it in the corner of a round room.
Unlike some of the commenters here, there is one thing they said that I believe to be true: there is a novel Covid virus that began spreading sometime in 2019. Beyond that, yup, pretty much all lies.
I don’t even believe it’s a novel Virus.
I absolutely believe Nada on what they said
According to David Martin, not new, not novel:
> https://www.bitchute.com/video/v9IcFa1NVyyg/
Learn more:
> Virus & Vaccine Patents: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_8289088bcebd_ee26928af0bc_79381c33
> Lab Leak & Gain-of-Function Research: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_8289088bcebd_1f31ef988517_7938
Thanks for the links. I’ll take a look.
Flu and colds vanished when the 'novel virus' took over?
Nebulize with H2O2 and never get another virus!!!!!!!!!!!! I have nebulize for years no cold, flu, sinus headache, stuffy nose, etc.
Don't believe it; that's a con.
nothing. "they" are all criminals.
The only thing: we have learned this. Now we know.
We can act accordingly.
Let me break it down for you. They lied about every blooming thing.
To our face. Lying bastards.
And you see old videos, versus new info, it's even more clear.
And we didn't need new info.
Exactly! It isn’t a question of what they lied about, it’s a question of WHAT DIDN’T THEY LIE ABOUT?
In the clown world we now live in, if they say “go right”, I’m heading in the opposite direction!
Wise choice!
post of month, across all substacks
Even mine.
You know they’re lying when........ fill in as you see fit at your leisure☘️
One note on the initial statistics from the study. If 18 people out of 109 died from COVID-induced myocarditis that means that the COVID-induced myocarditis killed 16.5% of people recorded. If 27 people out of 530 people died from vaccine-induced COVID, then that means that the vaccine-induced myocarditis killed only 5.1% of people people. Statistics is a science that can very easily be subjectively twisted, so it's important do a deep dive into what the numbers actually mean. From what I can tell from this study and others, we still don't know if COVID or the vaccine are more like to cause myocarditis because we don't know how many people sampled had COVID, were vaccinated, or both. What we can tell, it that it seems likely that COVID causes more severe myocarditis than the vaccine did. The next question to answer would be if getting COVID while vaccinated would decrease the severity of illness-induced myocarditis.
"decrease the severity of illness-induced myocarditis"
Yikes. Some dangerous assumptions built into that.
Igor was the first to describe vaccine induced "tolerance." Tolerance to antigens is fine if it is a benign pollen. Terrible if it is a dangerous covid virus. Is it happening? Oh, yes. The IgG4 antibody creates tolerance and it was found to be dominant in the jabbed and boosted. That news broke over the holidays. So those who have a defective immune system full of IgG4 antibodies do not show symptoms of severe illness. Symptoms like fever, body aches, etc that are the result of the immune system going to war against an invader. No, symptoms but the victims have a severe illness. While their immune system sleeps, the virus attacks the body as does the jabbed induced covid spike protein.
So the jabbed and boosted can have severe myocarditis with only one symptom that includes, "suddenly and unexpectedly died." That is kind of severe but the covidians are still doing everything they can to deny and hide it. Anybody who says, "mild myocarditis" is a fool or very evil. Consult Dr. McCullough on that.
And most myocarditis deaths would not even be labeled as myocarditis proper, since they tend to occur months later when the initial scarring of the heart (which can occur without symptoms) later leads to ventricular fibrillation and sudden cardiac death.
Does myocarditis also cause Afib?
Most likely
Pfizer did not lie about making 100bn in revenue in 2022, more than half tied to their cures for the deadly pandemic.
"Pfizer sold $37.8 billion of its Covid vaccine last year, a small increase of 3% compared with 2021 as demand for the shots slowed.
Sales of Paxlovid, however, surged to $18.9 billion in 2022, which was the first full year the antiviral pill was available."
Right, and I've literally seen "Internet doctors" who support the Covid vaccine go after experts like Dr. Peter McCullough and attorney Robert Kennedy Jr., calling them pandemic profiteers. Oh, the irony. These men and others have suffered great loss because they have integrity and a zealous desire for people to know the truth.
"Their cures"?
It's gonna take a while
Good question
Very likely a a very round number.
My cousins son got myocarditis. Almost positive he got the jab. I sent my cousin a screen shot of Dr. Ladapo’s tweet some months back about not recommending the shots for 18-39 year old men. He did not reply. Sadly he’s under the spell. We used to be so close. No relationship at all since I tried sending him info in October of 2021. Dumped me big time. 😢
Sorry to hear, he is probably mad at you for pointing out the error in his thinking
Notice how people tend to get angry then go silent when provided with the truth.
Generally people don't want the truth.
My friends used to call me an idiot or conspiracy theorist for ‘doing my own research’ and sharing it with them. Their main retort was, “What would you know?” They were all too happy to point out how I must be wrong the last couple of years, now they’re strangely silent and no longer want to talk about anything remotely covid related. Their new response is “Just let it go.”
My sis simply doesn’t want to know anything more about all of this as she is realizing that I was right. Despite living in Vermont where I imagine as a teacher she and her children will be forcibly jabbed in perpetuity. She screams her head off with a p*ssy hat on when Trump gets elected though. Or scream for violence on Facebook when George Floyd dies. Mind numbing.
Most of us have dem-leaning/embracing ideologuers in our families.
Early on my brother said, 'Don't send me anything; I won't read it'. They
embrace the lie. (II Thessalonians 2) We who have been seeing this government deception for almost three years are weary and somewhat astonished that more people have not seen it too. Many are stuck in the illusion of the duopoly and cannot fathom their own government would be capable of what is being unveiled more each day. It's a leap too far. If it's any consolation, you are not alone.
Mary Lou it"s not getting any better IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE. At one point they they they will only have BLOOD TO DRINK. I can prove it? It is exactly what they deserve. It will happen, you can be sure of that, as sure the sun has came up in the east every day in 2022. It's that set in Granite.
I feel for you! Proclaimed to my 50 year old daughter not to take their experiment, she rec. jab with 3 boost. She goes to pain clinic twice a week, to her pill pusher once a week. Hurts all the time and holding onto her job by a thread. At 73 and 74 we may have to take care of her? So be it we are in my GOD hands what happens to us he has to allows!
If it was true it would be on BBCCNN... that is implied
Pretty much, one is originally from the UK and a big fan of the BBC. Whenever I here him quote the BBC it reminds me of this:
Ivo, conspiracy fact
They RUN when they see me around, they don't even talk. Sad, but, I'M glad!
I’m WAY happier after confronting my mom and sis. I was literally losing sleep. No more. I’ve done all that I can. The chips will fall where they may.
Talked to my daughter about the jab till I was blue in the face. She got shot all boosters. She has been sick ever since, still don't believe it"s the jab! Some people never learn!
I think they just can’t confront what’s happening. They really believe they work to help produce to pay the government to keep them safe.....that is it....they know there are bad asses out there but the government keeps them safe....no questions asked, just believe. They are really indoctrinated to believe that there is always someone who will fix everything....it’s worked so far. You cannot get through that egg sac around them.
Looks like they would wake up sometime!
That's characteristic of the personality disorder called OCPD, Hitler's personality disorder. There's a subtype called "bureaucratic compulsive (with narcissistic features)." They think they are always right and get really angry if confronted with evidence that contradicts them. It's worse than psychopathy in some ways and appears to be common in public health bureaucrats. There are some on our side as well as the other side and maybe Ladapo is one. Nonetheless, one Ladapo is worth more than a thousand Fauci or Gorskis.
It's difficult to learn if you refuse to acknowledge when you are wrong.
What one should do is embrace being shown when one is wrong... imagine going through life being pissed off at people who have tried to point you in the right direction
I've been wrong so many times over the years that I am now almost always right. :)
Law of averages, regression to the mean. The more wrong you were in your youth the more right you’ll be as you age. It’s just simple statistics (or stubbornness) 😀
In theory, you could learn from other people's mistakes... but that is so hard in today's environment of pervasive Big Tech and Big Govt censorship. (Yes, it's the Govt you voted for which is f*cking you over - I don't want to blame just Big Tech)
Makes sense!
They can't handle the truth, they rather believe a lie!
People only don't want to accept the truth, if it doesn't suit their narrative.
Narratives are fed to them by CNNBBC ... which don't ever provide truths
Twitter Files shows that the directions are coming from the White House, CDC, DHS, CIA etc. i.e. from higher up. And we all know that the Govt has incestuous relationships with industry (crony capitalism). The media outlets are essentially propaganda outlets for these dark actors.
The Deep State supposedly runs the show --- but they are not powerful enough to stop PBS from exposing them! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/watch-the-deep-state-hidi_b_4848282
Or maybe.. The Deep State does not run the show -- and the folks who do run the show ... want you to think the Deep State is the boss....
here here!
Very true.
Love of truth has almost died.
Not to folks on these substacks
Not to a lot of people John.
Count me in on both!
No doubt. Makes me so very sad though. Even sadder is the obliteration of the relationship with my two older brothers. My sister and I cry about it weekly. I thank God for her. If not for her and my faith, I could not cope.
we can never forget or forgive the criminals for dividing our families using nazi and commie tactics
Dig your attitude.
No amnesty!
never forget, but forgiving will be helpful to your own healing. Not fair, but true.
Our family is divided as well.
They’re damaged. It happens. You tried.
I sent my friend studies about myocarditis before her husband got the booster and then when he caught covid a couple of months later, he got myocarditis too. I am very cautious how I broach the subject and mainly I talk about anti inflammatory diets and supplements to find a common area. I know she knows but she just can’t say it. It’s too painful. I have nothing to gain by making her say the words. I’m just furious at the CDC- they let this happen.
A close friend of the family just died of multiple organ failure of unspecified cause, and the whole way that happened had a great deal in common with how my dad died in June 2021, shortly after Moderna. From their reactions, I know my mom and my uncle have clocked it now that the vaccine was probably involved in both deaths. The family friend was 4x vaccinated; my last memory of him is him shying away from me like a startled horse when I went to hug him at my dad's funeral, his N95 in place. I too have no desire to make anyone say the words, their current grief is horrible enough.
The CDC didn’t let this happen, they MADE this happen....
Yes intent to harm and implement shorter lives. Debt reduction strategy.
I think that you may be giving them too much credit.
I’m not at all sure that they have a strategy for anything.....except covering up their misdeeds.
Charlotte I do the same as well
Talk about diet and supplements.
Way back I sent some data/studies to give family/friends food for thought on this whole debacle but I was tossed aside
Seems weekly we hear of someone’s heart taking a dive now.
My mom refuses to speak with me. I have unloaded mountains of facts on her since she accused me of being a science denier. She says she has no room for “hate” in her life. Me desperately trying to get these idiots to stop taking boosters is hate apparently.
That in itself is a study to be dissected… how adults could have their brains so easily captured.
I’m so sorry Chiadrum. So many tragic stories like ours 😢
Too many of these stories
I learned many months ago to leave them be... that was after one family member informed me that he did not wish to discuss this topic...
Am visiting Canada next week - bought tickets for both of us to a Canucks game... we will not discuss Covid... hopefully nobody in the family keels over while I am there... (his entire family including young kids are boosted)... attending a funeral is not on my itinerary.
Hopefully the theory of tainted batches is real. And many are receiving basically placebos. It’s all we can hope for.
I am quite certain the injuries are collateral damage caused by poor quality control...
They'd prefer not to have these injuries happen because they want people to keep injecting because the primary goal here is to create a deadly 'Bossche Mutation'
They are pouring aviation fuel on that raging inferno:
Merck’s oral antiviral pill for COVID-19, molnupiravir — marketed under the name Lagevrio — may be fueling the development of new and potentially deadly variants of COVID-19, according to the authors of a new preprint study. “It’s not a surprise that molnupiravir could cause [the] escape of mutant virus strains or substrains into the population,” said Dr. Harvey Risch. “Its main function is to get the virus to mutate faster.”
They are letting you in---finally?
The restrictions are off... also the Leafs have invited me for a tryout as they prepare for the day when VAIDS kills all their players and subs... and they will take just about anyone
Oh, what a tragedy Chiadrum, I feel for you. My daughter's mother-in-law has a 2nd son in CA - a scientist who advised his mom to take the shots! So my own son-in-law got jabbed too but my strong-minded daughter was not influenced! Thank goodness my own family stayed clear - I brought them up to think critically on their own, stand by their principles with head held high, and tell authority to get stuffed where appropriate.
I chalked one up for freedom! Families are so much more important than disagreeing on inconsequential personal matters - I am sure she loves you and is just afraid that your God-given natural immunity will fail but it's the best thing we have, built over millennia, to keep us safe. Man's pathetic attempts at even understanding it are a lost cause IMHO. Show her this:
Something as magical as this can only be a creation of a power greater than us and that's what some call God. :-)
I think that many of these folks are far from stupid and can’t possibly admit how horrifically they have been duped. Their decisions never made a lick of sense and they know it deep down. Better to bury your head in the sand. She will look at precisely nothing that I send her so…..
Pity, but you are right. The mark can never accept they have been duped, regrettably it has the power to degrade many people's self-esteem.
It's certainly baffling FT - one thought: maybe it's to do with underlying irrational fears, like in the stock markets where the FOMO (fear of missing out) rides an irrational market even higher until reality dawns; I see it all the time.
Laura, I am so sorry for you. This is truly sad. My daughter thought I was nuts in the beginning, now she has learned the lesson on not jumping on board right away.
Mrs. - Thank the good Lord!
I have similar experiences, Laura, with some long-standing business contacts accusing me of being a conspiracy theorist and refusing even to discuss the issues. It is amazing how deep these psychological methods get into some people.
It is an area I am exploring as a counsellor - there clearly are strong indicators of mental dysfunction in reaction to fear in some types of personality - fascinating.
Your namesake wrote a revealing book about all this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/State-Fear-government-weaponised-Covid-19/dp/1780667205 which I read and stimulated my enquiries to test her claims - she is bang on I regret to say.
UK is a hidden totalitarian police state at present but all is not lost. I shall be writing more about the peoples' defence options using our unique (unwritten but powerful) truly democratic constitution of which almost all Brits have no knowledge. They have been lied to manipulated for centuries.
Protect and Survive - thank you for the links. The profoundly tragic fallout from this scamdemic will be far reaching for decades.
I read that the wonderful Neil Oliver reviewed my namesake’s book. He’s a gem. ❤️
He is indeed a star, Laura - and this clip from yesterday makes is very clear where this is going: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZcBo4UqoNE
Protect & Survive - Thank for sharing sharing this video of Neil. The power of NO. We The People. We Are Free People. Amen Neil!
Great comment ! Protect and Survive
Sad. Sorry to hear that. They've done incalculable damage to so many innocent people
Yes. Please take of yourself. It will help you stay at a higher vibration so the lower frequencies can’t affect you.
Sorry Laura , you tried 🙏
I truly did, Bro 😢
Maybe love and empathy would have got you a different reaction than sending screenshots of why he was to blame for his son's misfortune.
My wife and I saw things differently, she was vaccinated and injured, but I have not once told her that I told her so. It wouldn't help her or our relationship.
Andrew - my cousin's son is in his 30's. It was his own decision to get the shots - not his parents. And please do not assume my message to my cousin with the screen shot was not loving - because it was. Never once did I mention in my message his son's myocarditis or that in any way he was to blame. And please do not assume that I would EVER tell someone "I told you so". I am not that kind of a person.
I'm sure that you never intended damaging the relationship, sometimes the best of intentions are misread on the receiving end, it can sometimes be hard to guess how the recipient will react.
I assume the screen shots were sent before the fools got injected - and damaged
I didn't read it that way, maybe it is the case Eddy.
Shame on him
Her son should not be practicing medicine.
That would apply to thousands of doctors, millions worldwide.
.....ask my doc. for Ivermectin he said if he did he would get fired, I got no Ivermectin, doc. got fired anyway, BY ME!
Amen, Mrs. McFarland!
Ha! My angry and sad reaction is always: sweep together all these reports and send them TO. HER. SON.! The relationship has already BEEN damaged, why not give him mateial to think on...
We have neighbors whose children are doctors. They were crowing recently about getting what I assume if their 4th or 5th shot. Telling us we should run to Walmart and take advantage before the miracle jabs stop being “free”. Seem like nice folks otherwise.
Hopefully one of them crashes out of vaccine roulette with a serious vax injury soon
My sister has her best friend fighting breast cancer and her uber healthy brother in law battling bone cancer. I sent her the article of the French doctor whose cancer exploded after his booster. She won’t read it. She has no “desire” to know any more. And sweet old Anthony would never lie. My buddy has myocarditis and his daughter needed emergency surgery for a brain tumor. 2021 was a “hell of a year” for him. Not 2020. But definitely not the jab. He rages about the Dopesick series in HULU and that “fuckiing piece of shit” FDA. But he’s on the fence about boosters. There is no hope for these people. I just pray that I won’t be at his funeral. His father was literally a junkie who lasted into his 70’s, so it ain’t genetic.
I've often wondered what would happen if you kidnapped some hard core CovIDIOTS and locked them in a room and force fed them data that destroys their beliefs.
The closest I have been able to get to that was a good mate who was constantly hassling me on Whatsapp re getting jabbed... His business (corporate events) was destroyed by lockdowns so he had huge time on his hands.
I don't really work having mostly retired after GFC when I realized we were f789ed and on borrowed time... so I was able to indulge him.
I pounded him with all the Big Guns ... data from Joel Smalley -- stuff from Igor ... vax injuries... you name I threw it onto Whatsapp... I focused on visuals cuz they won't read stuff... so he had to look...
Not only did he not change his mind on any of this (he repeated the same CNNBBC rubbish endlessly) he eventually broke contact... that was about 6 months ago ...
It is not possible to turn a CovIDIOT. It's a cult. A very dangerous cult where people inject themselves repeatedly with poison.
Mostly true. I turned one and saved another unjabbed who was ready to roll up the sleeve since his girlfriend works for a cruise line. He wanted the cheap vacays. Ironically, he is the only unjabbed guy that I know who has been reinfected. Had Covid 3 times and it hangs on. But I turned him on to our functional medicine doctor and he’s doing much better. And now he can cruise at will. The one that I turned was a former coworker. On my last day he sent me a farewell and ended with “oh yeah, you were dead on about all the Covid stuff”. Felt like I won the Super Bowl. My Uncle couldn’t walk for two months after his Murderna but and was incredulous as he saw jabbed and boosted infected, but he suspects nothing and is still all in. Once you have that insanity in your cells, the brain will simply reject any potentially negative information. It’s a defense mechanism I suppose. I do know many who after realizing these jabs did nothing that was promised won’t take another ever again at least. But the hardcore are lost forever. They could literally be on their last breath due to a condition brought on by the jab and would still accept whatever “cure” the “experts” recommended. I’m done wasting my breath.
Clearly you are to blame for the clots - that's why she doesn't want to you!
It was a toss up between you for aggravating her -- and climate change.
It is far worse than that even. This only covers hospitalized cases and viral myocarditis is usually discovered while the patient is in the hospital for a serious case of covid. Those with mild cases are far in the majority. The vaccinated with myocarditis though are discovered when they have chest pains which a lot of people will ignore as heartburn or indigestion until the pain goes away. The Thai study showed us that huge numbers of subclinical myocarditis are present but never detected because the symptoms never elevate to the point medical attention is sought.
The net result is that a huge percentage of the population is now primed for a sudden death with exertion but the exertion isn't necessary to cause a sudden death.
When hordes of people realize just how screwed they are I think we are going to see some serious civil unrest with real repercussions against those who did this to them.
Most of them are still in denial and are insisting those who refused the vaccines are uneducated anti-vaxxers and they who got the shots are where the intelligence resides. When they figure it out they are nothing more than "useful idiots" who willingly participated in their own demise, watch out, they will come unglued.
Not sure what kind of civil unrest there will be, because we’ve already seen several instance when a crowd gets unruly, a bunch of the people in the crowd start dropping from heart attacks.
Just run some clips of ICUs filled with (vaccinated) Covid patients... and they'll immediately demand lockdowns and stay home triple masked watching BBCCNN for updates
This is likely Takotsubo syndrome, except that you need to survive to be diagnosed with the syndrome. It is thought to be caused by massive adrenergic discharge which does occur in riots and similar crowd events.
There have been suggestions that this is the cause of the athletic deaths over the past two years, as well as SADS.
There is a biological adrenal surge with awaking - death in sleep.
Is there any treatment for this?
So unruly mobs can cause deaths. So the message on MSM is for everybody to stay home and wear another mask, just to be safe. In any case, the guy with myoC has bigger problems than going with those mobs. Will his insurance be around once they find out he's into all these activities?
The PR Team is ready for the tipping point - they are already seeding the ground with 'saved tens of millions' ...
They will make the vax damaged out to be heroes in the war against covid... tickets to Disney Land .. a worthless rainbow coloured cross of valour ... a few will be rolled out in wheel chairs at NFL games -- given a round of applause -- they dumped into the nearest ditch...
The line "they've saved tens of millions" has been out there since '21. I know someone who manages clinical trials for Pfi$er. She has literally told me the side effects are negligible compared to the millions of lives that have been saved all over the world. These people really believe C0VID is fatal. Really.
As for 'heroes in the war of C0VID" that is EXACTLY what they will do. Gamed out in Event 201. After that, they will start the payouts. But for many... it is already too late.
The whole thing was scripted out in Event 201 and in the Crimson Contagion.
All the censorship (to tackle "vaccine hesitancy") was pre-planned.
This was a criminal operation by the Govt agencies vs the citizenry.
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
Chronic meta-inflammation can kill anyone with something as innocuous as ascending a few stairs
I can't help but think that could create another lovely little thing where the vaxxed end up in another category. Like you get vaxxed but your vax induced myocarditis is never discovered until you get covid, voila its now "viral" myocarditis since that came "last".
We've seen them use similar switcharoos in the past to protect these shots and bury the damages they do, so I dont put it past them to do it again.
😡😡 and my husband got this and when will they be prosecuted for this!!
I am sorry Abigail
As a long time nurse... I’ll never trust “medical leaders” again. They’ve mislead us and haven’t been right yet on anything Covid related. It’s been heartbreaking to watch. So done with them.
The myocarditis is particularly insidious because they saw the trends early on- and it was pretty easy to assume that we only caught the numbers with the young males because the issues couldn’t be attributed to anything. Whereas with older males it was too easy to fob off cardiac issues on other underlying co-morbidities. Really really awful.
Exactly, old people's deaths are easier to dismiss.
I've noticed the study going around that Covid causes myocarditis so get your jabs. That assumes that the Covid vaccines prevent Covid, even though the opposite appears to be the case over time. Did they really separate out those who remained unjabbed but had Covid from those who were vaccinated and had Covid? Did any compare those with a true control group who had no vaccines and no Covid? That could be done historically by determining the background rate. Bad Cattitude had a good one I read this morning about the fertility signal being massaged in the other direction through statistical analysis. It had me putting on my lawyer hat. If the researchers are clever enough to massage bad raw data away through study design or statistical shenanigans, wouldn't that constitute academic fraud?
They did not separate -- GREAT QUESTION
I was going to comment to your discussion with el Gato, but did not wish to intrude.
However... In all of the studies over the past three years it has not been evident that Gompertz curves and seasonality have been addressed in the data sets or analyses.
Furthermore, Covid diagnosis has been so fraudulent that I distrust the published reports.
One would want to see every included, and excluded, subject's date, symptoms, and laboratory results, with attention to PCR Ct's, viral genotyping when available, and relevant demographics in order to confirm validity. Then one could begin statistical manipulation- oops, I meant analysis.
Currently blame it on Covid seems to be the rage with the anything-but-the-jabs-are-causing-this bought and paid for pharma whores, I mean researchers. This doesn't pass the sniff test for a few reasons. First the rates of say, myocarditis should have been elevated in Covid but no vaccine year 2020, but they weren't. Even now a simple comparison to never jabbed never had Covid can be made by just using historical rates of said ailment prior to the virus or the jabs. As you say the definition of had Covid can be gamed as it was in the trials. As long as the definition of Covid is consistent that wouldn't bother me as it should consistently over or under estimate in both groups. But if they aren't separating out timeline of when covid, when vaxxd, and when event occurred, this just becomes so much GIGO
they created "loong covid" as ABV tool, suckers buy it and take more jabs.
Thy sure did. Long Covid or AIDs or VAIDS what does it matter?
Good observations in your previous post about academic fraud. What a shame your argument is not being made loudly and forcefully and frequently by more people.
I think there is a lot of “oops” when it comes to statistical analysis
And by "oops," I think you mean "we rig the study to follow the narrative."
there are Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics. "Medical Science" heavily relies on all three
It's so suckers "trust the science" and buy more koolaid jabs. Science endorses scepticism and doubt. It's not about being trusted. Cults are about being trusted, e. g., the cult of coerced mass vaccination salvation hysteria, which is actually an offshoot of the doomsday cult of runaway global warming and imminent near term extinction and rising sea, levels hysteria, which was originally designed both to get more research grant money and to make people part with beachside real estate at rock bottom prices.
Indeed. "Associated with X" only included cases within 28 days of COVID test or vax shot, so they've completely ignored any possible long-term effects (or cumulative effects, boosters etc) - as Amy noticed, there was no "unvaxed, uninfected" control group. (Though to be fair, it would be pretty hard to diagnose the cause, so setting an arbitrary time limit is I guess vaguely reasonable.)
Also, the researchers' conclusion points out that "myocarditis after COVID-19" has a much greater risk of heart failure than "myocarditis after vaccine" (about 3x as likely) while quietly not mentioning that "myocarditis after vaccine" happens about 5x as often. It's very interesting to speculate on what might give rise to this relationship.
This is the first perpetual motion machine in history.... get jabbed - get damaged - get VAIDS - blame it all on Covid --- get more boosters... rinse repeat
Ponzi scheme.
When the narrative tips out of their favor a new ponzi theme crisis will emerge to distract and bog lawsuits.
good one, it is a miraculous science
Amy Smart 🎯
They lied to us about everything:
To me, by far the greatest and most overwhelming heart disease sits with there being a lack of heart. Too many people who should, and did, know better, abandoned the logic and morality of their precious hearts to directly or indirectly inflict harm on innocent people. Literally thousands upon thousands abandoned principle and ethics, without real question, to kill their fellow man. These half humans come from all the trusted institutions, are quite often handsomely paid and given undue respect when in reality they are poor beyond spiritual recognition and deserve contempt for their failures as human beings. The fact that there are so, so many of them indicates to me at least that this ‘civilization’ is past its use by date. We have failed as a society when we produce this kind of person. Educated idiots with no moral fibre in desperate need of a backbone.
Controllers must believe their goals are in our species best interest long run. Idk, are we in a war- with China, aliens? Maybe the DOD directed shots are for a different purpose, food medicine formula shortages what are they selecting for, yes we are the lab rats? Can you say mass produce crickets? Does seem pop control and financial reaet, they anticipate reset upheaval. Who really needs faster 5g, 4g quite fast. technology manipulations too
Idk but suspicious of it all.