С Новым Годом!!! Keep up the good work!

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Igor, maybe john at newsguard is the same clown who spews antisemitic hate in comments, under a different handle

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Thanks much for your insightful and timely postings. Please keep up the great work!

A very Merry and Blessed Christmas-tide to you and yours!

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023

Igor??? Ya gotta expose these incorrect checkers for what they are: paid censors for the rapidly failing mainstream narrative and media. Without sufficient resistance, their attacks will increase.

Here's one article from 6 Dec: https://nypost.com/2023/12/07/media/us-state-department-funds-censorship-firms-that-favor-left-wing-media-suit/ - - "A bombshell lawsuit has accused the US State Department of violating First Amendment rights by using taxpayer dollars to fund private censorship firms that have favored left-wing media outlets at the expense of conservative news sites.

Under the Biden administration, the federal agency has unlawfully used “censorship enterprises that target the American press” and which selectively smear news organizations — typically those that lean to the right — as “purveyors of ‘disinformation,'” according to the federal suit filed Wednesday."...

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AND here's another article from 11 Dec 2023 - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/gop-pentagon-defund-censorship-groups-newsguard-gdi - -

"The final draft of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, an $886 billion spending bill released last week by the Senate and House Armed Services committees, includes an amendment Republicans hope will stop the Pentagon from contracting with groups "censoring" conservatives.

That provision, which along with others will need to pass both chambers and receive President Joe Biden's signature before becoming law, made it into the bill text after House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Republicans fought "tooth and nail" with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), according to eight congressional staffers and sources familiar with the high-level negotiations. It is also, in part, a result of a Washington Examiner investigation into how the State Department-housed Global Engagement Center, an interagency group working with the Defense Department, granted $100,000 in 2021 to the Global Disinformation Index, a British think tank pressuring advertisers to defund conservative news outlets."... FASCISM is showing its true colors?

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Haha! Looks like people have them pegged for what they are.

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If all Newsguard can do is give a rating, it will only matter to people that still trust the system, they are irrelevant. A reasonably educated person should be able to figure out for themselves the status and inclination of a website without the likes of Newsguard.

That said I've been fooled more than once, most often because the site or post said what I wanted to hear, these should get twice the the amount of consideration.

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Mr. Chudov says he has a successful series of math courses; he shortchanges his capabilities! He is an amazing teacher and can teach anyone! Subscribing to his math and statistics courses helped me ace my college classes!

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I am only a few chapters into this... it describes the circumstances of the working classes across many countries during this period -- in one instance it is estimated that 60% or more of the population was barely able to feed itself... horrible filthy living conditions...

And I am thinking ... it was not vaccines that delivered them from disease rather it was the harnessing of energy... which resulted in more and better quality food... better sanitation and living conditions... less harsh work environments... better pay ... medicines.. health care ... better 'terrain' able to fight off diseases etc...

And I am thinking ... once again... F789 ALL VACCINES ... they are useless toxic garbage..............


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They seem like the Global Disinformation Index organisation which has taken upon itself to decide which media outlets are worthy of approval:


Effectively it`s tantamount to economic warfare.

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Just the name NewsGuard tells me all I need to know. It’s 1984, I guess.

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Igor, thank you for allowing we folks who can’t afford all these paid subscriptions to comment. Otherwise, comments are exclusively from only those with the most wealth.

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Paid subscribers mostly agree with the writers they support. Why shut the door on people who politely disagree?!? Mutual admiration societies are boring anyway. IC, thanks for keeping the conversation open!

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I agree, thank you for keeping it open. You never know what you will get in the comments, it can range from trolling to vital information.

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So very grateful for you, Igor! I hope you and your family have a beautiful holiday season!

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Congratulations, Igor!

You analysis, honesty and critical thinking could not long go unnoticed by the Intelligence agencies, um, I mean the completely independent, NOT government funded/affiliated NewsGuard.

Them reaching out to you should be taken as high praise to the veracity and quality of your work. Keep it up!

NewsGuard equals clowns.

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Worse than clowns, in my opinion.

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One other SubStacker was approached by Reuters or Associated Press for a fact check on some thing about the vaccines. They replied very politely and factually with references why the fact checkers should be referring to them as military countermeasures and not vaccines as the legal documents refer to them in the USA. Someone here will remember who it was if you make a shout out.

The fact checkers are also vulnerable to well placed red pills.

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It's been WAY too long! I honestly didn't realize that you had ALSO written a post about this Magical "SPIKE PROTEIN Study" which just came out a few weeks ago!

This "study" has some MEGA-SERIOUS issues to say the least! (Like no controls).

Dr Jessica Rose has already made a conscious decision to NOT respond to our comments regarding her analysis of the paper.

Margaret Anna Alice has "not had a chance to review" the paper yet, but she "appreciates the shortcomings we’ve pointed out". (Smart play...because this study stinks worse than last night's expired eggnog!)

Igor, I KNOW that you've read this "paper"... Are you sure that YOU still want to stand by this "study"?

I'm thinking about hosting a "What Spike Protein Party" around New Year's. This little Italian "study" is truly at the center of the world right now, but most normal people don't realize this yet! The implications are worth billions, if not trillions of dollars!

I left a much more detailed comment in your previous post. We're super late to the party again, as usual...sorry man. Hope this doesn't get lost in your vast ocean of comments, (But that's what we're expecting regardless). ANyways,

Just wanted to give you a heads up in case you wanted to clarify anything beforehand that we may have missed before the next party gets poppin.

Happy New Year Bro.


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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023

I greatly appreciate you and your work, Igor!

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