Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

COVID-19 Coronavirus development is a product of the DOD, DARPA, Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance, NIH, UNC, BU, Beth Israel Deaconess and Brigham and Women's, among others.

Wuhan, China was just the offshore assembly plant.

COVID-19 is a US invention AND a US Intentional Release during the Military World Games in Wuhan, China in October 2019.

The proof ….

1. Event 201, October 18th, the same day the Military World Games in Wuhan, China started.

2. Dr Fauci’s statements just days before Trump was inaugurated January, 2020.

“There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,” “The thing we’re extraordinarily confident about is that we are going to see this in the next few years,” he said in a speech titled “Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration” at Georgetown University Medical Center.

3. SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence. 2015, Ralph Baric

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Epidemiology.


4. David Martin PhD goes into more documented evidence in this video.


5. Plandemic Series 1, 2, 3

Mikki Willis / David Martin PhD


Dr. Fauci Warned In 2017 Of ‘Surprise Outbreak’ During Trump Administration


Pentagon gave millions to EcoHealth Alliance for weapons research program


Letter confirms Wuhan lab’s COVID-19 leak was funded by US taxpayers


7th International Military Sports Council Military World Games, Wuhan, China, 2019.


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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Not only do I agree with this, but it’s still entirely possible that the US spread the virus on purpose in China for a variety of reasons. Certainly not impossible, and worthy of further investigation.

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Definitely not impossible

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Provide even a shred of credible evidence.

How was it that the ‘virus’ obediently stopped killing people at jurisdictional boundaries?

How did this supposed deadly pathogen kill lots more where the ’emergency measures’ were fiercest, and killing far fewer in the next-door-contiguous jurisdiction where they were much milder?

How was it that this virus spread across thousands of kilometers within days and peaked synchronously in selected locations?

How was it that this virus was able to spread so fast across thousands of kilometers, peaking at the same time in those selected locations, yet wasn’t contagious enough to spread to nearby locations?

How was it possible that all countries in the West and beyond adopted similar measures virtually "overnight” mirroring the Italian template with measures resembling a de facto police state rather than health initiatives?

How was it that this "virus" waited for a government decree and immediately thereafter began to create excess death and only killed fragile elderly people from institutionalized setting?

How was it as has been demonstrated from all-cause-mortality figures analysis – that the ‘virus’ obediently stopped killing people at jurisdictional boundaries?

Killing lots more where the ’emergency measures’ were fiercest, and killing far fewer in the next-door-contiguous jurisdiction where they were much milder?

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Medical murders and false claims of 'everything's COVID' backed by PCR, etc. abuse have been so blatant that one would think it was hard to miss.

The CDC even admitted at one point that 94% of claimed COVID deaths were ('PCR pos.') 'with COVID' not 'of' and that the remaining 6% was (something like) questionable' but we still hear absolute nonsense being repeated.

If someone has 'mild, cold-like symptoms' in D-deficiency/cold and flu'season or is simply cleansing toxins despite having insufficient nutrients to do so easily, though, 'it must be COVID' - at least up until COVID recently vanished to be replaced by 'flu' again.

But the planned famine and all of the rest will ensure that almost no-one in the world is ALLOWED to have decent nutrition or supplementation, which will no longer be allowed to exist, since Gates and the others think they've stocked up enough in preparation to keep themselves going, likely in the underground cities sometimes mentioned.

The people responsible for/willingly participating in this extinction event ought to never again see the light of day, except through bars.

And it would help if all of their often ill-gotten assets were seized and used to repair whatever can be of the damage done to humanity and what remains of ungenetically-damaged/surviving Earth life, which the perps are also destroying at an appalling rate.

They are destroying the ability of the planet to sustain life, out of madness, ignorance and megalomania - and we're LETTING them.

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Yes everything you've said here, exactly... Also I think via spray they didn't get too many actual covid cases, but I think this is how it was spread perhaps too, aerosolisied mRNA lipidnanoparticles, or via spike attachment to a standard coronavirus backbone, but not as infectious as a spray, as it is once in people, this is why as you said a lot was flu etc rebranded "covid"... Especially if covid aerosol was detectable in the fraudulent PCR... Then a few particles detected by over amplification, allowed flu to be covid... and all the others who died of something else but tested positive...

The way they've really spread true covid is via injection of vaccines, I suspect, shown to be capable of entering and expressing spike in exosomes and extracellular vesicles... and then able to be aerosolisied via breath, and excreted in bodily fluids...

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(2), 1036; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24021036

The nature of the spike itself is engineered to enter cells in many ways, one of the ways is via nanotubes to infect surrounding cells to escape the immune system and spread by stealth.


It's definitely more than a simple coronavirus, it's engineered... I suspect the true toll of covid and the most deadly version will be the disastrous countermeasures injected inside... With no true evidence of a mRNA off switch, and replication competent DNA now found inside jabs... I fear the depop theory is spot on unfortunately.


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There was no "spray"- this isn't a movie.

They killed people who wre the most vulnerable to get the effect. The only "spread" was from the media which spread their usual lies.

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Great reply, I agree 100%. If these, thugs, idiots, morons, murderers and psychopaths are not locked up for the rest of their lives, then no lessons will have been learned and the message from us is: it's ok, you can try again with a new virus in 2025.

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Dorothy N., to late for old folk, but, if you remind me tomorrow I will tell you where the pcr swab go and what they do with them. Just code it where do pcr swabs go!

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influenza 'disappeared', and orders came down in US to not use antibiotics or any other treatments on people with fevers and pneumonia, which would decimate populations of elderly with comorbidities; and it did so quite handily. "...How was it that this virus was able to spread so fast across thousands of kilometers, peaking at the same time in those selected locations, yet wasn’t contagious enough to spread to nearby locations?..."

Of course you already know the answer...deliberate spread.

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Agreed-- sprayed on us by the usual jets dispersing their filthy chem trails. AND Bill Gates has been working with Ken Caldera, a "geoengineer," whom Gates calls his "greatest teacher..." What do you suppose Caldera arranged for Gates? Especially when we have Caldera on record saying that when he worked for DARPA, they'd sit around and talk about how you could commit warfare on your "enemy," like spray pathogens into clouds and let them rain out onto "enemy" territory. Caldera's denied saying this, though Dane Wigington of geoengineeringwatch.org saved the YouTube video where you can clearly hear Caldera talking about spraying us with pathogens, as well as causing an earthquake that would cause a tsunami that would destroy the "enemie's" cities... this was spoken about before the massive earthquake at Fukushima...

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Delivery by arial spraying makes sense here in Australia because we had devastating fires all along the highly populated east coast from Dec 2019 through Feb 2020. No one spent much time outside as the air was not fit to breathe from particulate matter and smoke. The authorities attributed hardly anyone getting sick from C19 in 2020 to the lockdowns. [eye roll] But after people started getting juiced in April 2021, the hospitals were full. And still are.

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I think the idea that certain viruses were seeded around the World is highly likely - Northern Italy being a case in point where it miraculously appeared in 6 regions at the same time and the spread / growth rate in those regions was identical. Apparently that is impossible.

Other seeded locations? Japanese cruise ship? German firm - remember the Chinese lady who is reported as bringing it into the firm but amazingly was well enough to get on a flight back to China before the Germans worked out why the staff were getting ill.

I suspect my home town of Swansea in West Wales - twinned with Wuhan and with several thousand Wuhan students in Swansea - was also seeded. We had, across South Wales, people in their 20s and 30s getting ill with breathing problems in late 2019 and early 2020 - two young women died with breathing problems and doctors did not understand from what.

New York? Was that seeded? New York State seems to have become a hot spot especially up in Buffalo. Lack of Vitamin D and obesity or was something seeded? We probably will never know.

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Nothing was "seeded."

They killed the elderly and disabled via hospital despotism.

People seem stuck in some movie script.

Here is what happened in Italy:


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I don't know if people are necessarily stuck in movie script. I think they're trying to figure out what's real and what isn't real.

I know as a fact people got murdered in hospitals and nursing homes. As for the other things... I still have questions.

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So theybwould stop at hospitals? No this aint a hollywood movie. The hydra state would go all in and use everything

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Thanks for that article, they certainly moved quickly to implinent all the theatre of lockdown within three days of one death "with" covid didn't they? The plan was ready to go...

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An inadequate article that Global Research should not have reprinted. The "seeding" in Northern Italy may well have been done by way of the massive meningitis vaccination campaign preceding covid-1984; it had features of the poison death shots propaganda already. Not a word about it here.

There were young people dying in the hospitals, for whatever reason; not just the elderly and disabled.

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

This is a reply to Allen's Global Research link above.

Your source is "TL;R2!" I had seen this before, thus R2-read twice.

The conclusion that this was a necessary event to disguise the impending financial collapse of the banking system (worldwide), as revealed by the Sept., 2019, Repo Crisis, appears correct.

As you are talking about Italy, "Qui bono" seems apropos.

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If you remember (or have seen) the movie "12 Monkeys", that's how the virus was spread world wide, in this instance by one madman flying to several places releasing the virus, but a co-ordinated release, definitely enough evidence the vast distance between all these outbreaks, seemingly at the same time is super sus..!!

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I have not seen that film. Interesting. Thanks.

Don't forget, we had videos of Chinese people licking / rubbing laptops / shopping trolleys with their body fluids. What was that about? Did they do it on a whim or were they ordered to do it? Again, this has been memory-holed.

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NATO couriers, carrying stuff from one lab to the next. Pathogens, toxins, bioweapons. Virus is a misnomer.

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There were a lot of videos online in late 2019 early 2020 of Chin.-looking tourists (real or hired?) dumping vials of liquid on door handles or elevator buttons. These were popping up in places that regularly have handheld videos of fires in strategic food storage sites and destruction of railways and industrial plants... Italy seems to have been seeded as a kickoff.

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I had forgotten about the lift buttons. I would love it if the Chinese were able to say they were innocent but why were Chinese citizens doing this across the World? Had they been sent out to do this? Presumably so. Were they doing it in retaliation for what they saw as an attack on China by the US with a bioweapon? Perhaps, but then why were CCP military biological warfare scientists working in that top level Canadian biolab? It looks to me as if the plandemic was a joint operation between the US and the CCP with the so-called elites in various Western countries fully part of it all. Their joint actions on lockdowns, masks, social distancing and then trying to force the jabs on everyone suggests this. If you watch the long recent interview with Dr. Chetty, which is up on Rumble, he says he was told by people within the US intelligence services that a faction within the US defence / intelligent services is behind it all.

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There were also the really weird videos of Chinese people in stores doing things like licking their fingers and wiping them on items in places like Best Buy. Still have no idea if those were real or not.

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Now that this has been mentioned, I can recall a (pre-COVID) burst of publicity with videos claiming that people in the US were doing senselessly-gross things in grocery stores, like opening and licking the tops of (apparently un-safety-sealed) ice cream containers and the like. And, later, such as a disgusting one of a woman licking a toilet seat in a passenger plane.

As I avoided watching such things when pre-identified, I missed as many as possible...

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"How was it that this virus spread across thousands of kilometers within days and peaked synchronously in selected locations? How was it that this virus was able to spread so fast across thousands of kilometers, peaking at the same time in those selected locations, yet wasn’t contagious enough to spread to nearby locations?"

Welcome to the epidemiology of respiratory viruses! Exactly those questions, together with "Why does an outbreak only infect 10-15% of the population?" have been asked about flu for decades and there is much we don't know. Edgar Hope-Simpson, a British GP, wrote a book about it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Edgar_Hope-Simpson#Work_on_influenza

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The initial deaths were caused by 5g radiation and dews.

5g can disable the blood s ability to carry oxygen thus people fall over standing. This allows spread beyond airborne virus. The virus then is what thr body produces to promite herd immunity.

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023

No they were not. They were caused by the poor, disabled and elderly being killed in hospitals (many taken out of nursing homes/abandoned/ care withdrawn etc.).

There was no "spread" whatsoever. That is a lie that covers up the murders that happened. The evidence is voluminous and crystal clear on this.

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No, the lie is that u think 5g weapons dont exist. The hydra state has a pot of weapons u dont know about

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RF is safe.

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Indeed! See https://karenkingston.substack.com/

All this virus source discussion was clearly theatre to distract us from banning the "vaccines" and pursuing the many real criminals, who planned, commanded, and imposed this extremely destructive C19 hoax since 2020, with telling actions even earlier!

Viruses clearly don't exist, virology is fraud; its isolation process is an oxymoron.

"SARS-COV2" is a fiction. All viral tests and "vaccines" are frauds.

The alleged spike protein was clearly fabricated, and if present in the "vaccines" is clearly a cationic toxin designed to progressively destroy the body, by disrupting all the natural anionic membranes in the body; the same for the unnatural, thus toxic, cationic "lipids" in the "vaccines". Suffice to say, these "vaccines" are clearly sophisticated biological/chemical/electronic weapons. See https://nobulart.com/covid-19-vaccine-ingredients/

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The deaths were caused by the response of Governments and their bureaucrats and not the "virus" per se.

There is no proof of existence other than some digitally created computer generated sequence existing in a Genebank, that found in a concoction a brew that is claimed to be that of the said "phantom".

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Bravo, Allen! And what happened to the flu in 2020? A normal flu season sees 60-80,000 Americans die from it. And, I believe that only 3 provinces out of 23 in China were affected with this "virus".

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Ah, I can see you're a consumer of propaganda that tries to thin the human herd by convincing us it's "nothing".

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Rather than a vacuous comment can you provide some evidence?

I'm guessing not hence the mindless remark and gaslighting.

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Can you?

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100% 100%

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who's to say it was released in one country? I know an ICU nurse who was working in Vegas in the summer of 19 and they had a covid patient in july.

On another note I had dinner with oncologist friend who left Methodist here in houston for not taking the vaxx. She set up shop in a private office. I kept asking her have you seen more cancer. Its been a few months since we last spoke and she said this week along I saw 95 people. 90%+vaxxed. Her non v in remission patient were all good. Lots of leukemia and other bone cancers. She said I could have seen more if we had the staff.

A good friend is a Biomolecular engineer(he work on synthetic veins) he know a thing or two about whats going on..HE IS PISSED that so many fell for this mrna bull. He and I both know people either hurt or died from the vax. He thinks they have lost control of the narrative and that people are trying to jump on the next one..

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Brian Mowrey (Unglossed) also thinks there were multiple release points of the virus. Definitely possible.

I also agree with your cancer description. I’m currently in remission, I peeked at my chart online and they wrote - Covid vaccine status- unvaccinated because concerned about p53 gene suppression! I felt that was pretty cool I got that in my chart :)

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Regarding multiple release points, it's a theory my husband (and to a lesser extent I) have been talking about for a while.


I really don't enjoy being a 21st century Nostradamus and watching all the crazy stuff I say come true.

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The COVID vaccine akin to numerous other vaccines was NEVER tested for carcinogenic properties. It was the most rushed "vaccine produced in history. Inevitably, it will produce a plethora of long-term adverse effects.

Indubitably, this will be a profitable enterprise for pharmaceutical companies and any remaining physicians (who haven't been cajoled into early retirement)

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The Chinese said as much. Personally, knowing that many nations had a hand in W.I.V. (the French built it), it seems most likely that The Deal is that the Chinese will point at the U.S. and the U.S. will point at China. And no one much remembers Ralph Baric and his team of viral shape-shifting ghouls who crowed in the November 16, 2015 issue of The Scientist about adding an "S" protein to a bat corona virus, rendering it capable of infecting humanized mouse lung cells. THAT IS A SMOKING GUN AND NO ONE'S TALKING ABOUT IT.

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And what do you think about some theories that the virus was actually developed in the US (maybe in Chapel Hill o maybe Ft. Detrick) and that WIV was just an assembly point? Maybe the US govt is willing to back the Chinese lab leak because it deflects from them... I'm just speculating.

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1. Not a "theory," especially not when you publish your findings in The Scientist ;-)

2. In case ppl haven't noticed, lots of stuff gets outsourced to China, why not biowarfare R & D? It's Big Business... while eedjots here are just now waking up to this F.A.C.T.

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The US has labs all over the world working on bioweapons. And I rather vaguely recall reading someone's complaint that the Wuhan Lab had been built

while labeled as an international lab, only the US moved in and cleared out almost everyone else.

Also, (again vaguely,) elsewhere, something about Chapel Hill having to supply training to Chinese researchers at the Wuhan lab who apparently knew little/nothing about Gain of Function work.

Does anyone else recall more than I do ATM about these?

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When it comes out the US gov blew up the nordstream...I'm positive theyre capable of other god awful things

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023

Why not use the scientific method to study and analyze what is happening? There are those who make a persuasive case that viruses do not exist. Drs. Thomas Cullen, Sam Bailey, Stephan Lanka, Albert Kaufman to name a few. So why paste the word “virus” over the phenomenon? Why not say that it is a poisoning that, to be sure, is created or directed, but that seems to have elements that involve things like Graphene and contributions from certain wavelengths of electrical energy and the nano dimension of chemistry and physics? And why not notice and keep speaking up about the profound degree of deliberate misinformation and censorship that characterizes the “government” response which coordinates across “countries” to obstruct true information and thwart the real discovery of the actual problem to actually relieve the suffering instead of magnifying it?

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As pointed out in Turtles All The Way Down, the tobacco industry vehemently denied any evidence that cigarette smoking causes cancer. The petroleum industry and now the vaccine industry took a page or three right outta Big Tobacco's legal playbook, never mind that plenty of truly scientific research proved that smoking in fact is a large factor in causing lung and other cancers. Likewise, we don't need a team of scientists to discover the facts of what has been happening all along in the biowarfare/vaccine industries. Just people who dig up what's been written, including published research, patents, Congressional testimony and more. There are MOUNTAINS of evidence. The real problem is on the RECEIVING END of people who cannot understand the term "cognitive dissonance," or who are just plain D.o.D.-paid trolls and those whom they've convinced to go along. Want more? Go and read "Biohazard," Dr. Ken Alibek's memoir re what happened while he ran the biowarfare industry for the FSU. Dr. Alibek, a physician as well as a VIROLOGIST, worked with these pathogens all the time. He wrote in his 1999 book that "PANDEMIC" would one day in the not-too-distant future become a household word. Now, do we really need a team of research scientists to prove that this recently came true? Go to the library and read all the periodicals for the last three years, then you tell me. Sheeesh.

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It seems like it's all starting to come out! That's a good thing.

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Ummmm, maybe. Depends on what JUSTICE gets SERVED as a result, don'tcha kinda sorta think??

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So true. What difference does all this talk make if these people are not brought to a horrible end? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It WILL happen again and if we fail to make them pay now we deserve what we get.

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Dr Fauci wouldn’t have made this speech 2-months after Trump was elected if it wasn’t an intentional release by the US. They threw everything at Trump. Trump being elected is likely the primary reason for the release.


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The vaccines and the millions they made were the reason for the release!

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the community acquired infection and the injection used the same designer spike. But many billions more copies made by your cells via injection for an indeterminate amount of time, maybe forever.

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I'm suspicious and this makes sense. Fauci was the keynote speaker at Georgetown University where he prognosticated that "this administration" (Trump's) will see a pandemic at some point. Not that I'm for Trump, but it makes sense that the corporate scumbags wanted to pull this on Trump's watch and make him look bad for it.

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If that is the case then Trump is a moron for letting Fauxi run his covid team. Who would want such a dumb person running the country again? I wouldn't.

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023

Ah, but Fauci has MORE power than these presidents... HE told THEM which end was up, or rather, which end was officially up... and witness the continuation of Fauci on into the Biden administration. Double dumb.

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You anti Trumpers take every occasion to denigrate him when the real culprits are Fauci & Collins, who lied to Trump and set him up. Do you realize how stupid you sound? Further, the mandates, the lockdowns, inflation, the war in Ukraine have all occurred in 2021-2023. Trumpers would never expect you to appreciate the man but one thing we know for sure: you’re the dumbasses.

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He had all of the right information from all of the right people and did exactly the wrong things.

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The primary reason was the abysmal financial crisis happening just two days before Trump signed his otherwise completely unwarranted warp speed executive order. Note that HE signed it.

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What was he supposed to do instead pray tell?

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Wasn’t the gain of function worked on in the US? It became illegal, so Fraudci and Obummer moved it to Wuhan, with $430,000,000 of our taxpayer money!

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Yes. Ralph Baric and his team at the University of North Carolina crowed about adding an "S" protein to a bat corona virus, making a "novel" corona virus that successfully infected humanized mouse lung cells, in the November 16, 2015 issue of The Scientist.

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Gain of Fiction doesn't DO anything except siphon off taxpayer money and keep the fear machine rolling.

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You forgot to say that it KILLS people. Duh.

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It also enables them to work on creating genetic damage of the sort we're seeing being injected into people. Including many of our loved ones who couldn't even just 'wait and see'...

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JJ Couey posits that an infectious clone was released. Says the mRNA capabilities are a fiction - too unstable, just pieces in most shots. Reckons they are lying to scare us into believing they CAN do this with mRNA when in fact we were just 'poisoned' with a more conventional toxin.

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That's not what Charles Leiber thought. So, umm, WHO is Charles Leiber, and what was HE being paid to do while working at W.I.V. for NINE YEARS, hmm? And WHY did the F.B.I. arrest him, hmmm?? THAT WAS ON THE N.P.R. WEBSITE. PUBLIC INFORMATION.

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Yep. At the University of North Carolina this was definitely still going on in 2015. Witness the crowing about adding an "S" protein to a bat corona virus, thus making it capable of infecting humanized mouse lung cells. That was in the November 16, 2015 issue of The Scientist, but it now has a disclaimer attached to the article on the webpage that basically says "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!!"

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You might want to look into Ft. Dietrich... and wonder why the US athletes stopped off at the bio-lab there, en route to the Wuhan-hosted World Military Games, where they were noted at the time to have spent a lot of time hanging around the near-by wet market, prior to having to be flown back early to the US, for hospitalisation.

Their having performed below expectations, medal-wise, at the Wuhan World Military Games, was attributed in news coverage I'd read (I'd figured those running the US would do something to spoil the extravaganza, something which I normally would not have been following at all) to their already having been coming down with this mysterious illness.

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

It's Fort Detrick, MD. And nobody found any animals infected with a bat virus at the fish ("wet") market. Besides, what's with the story published in The Scientist about the "S" protein Ralph Baric added to a bat corona virus in NC back in 2015, don't you read? It's common knowledge that this wet market "fish story" is a completely fabricated fairy tale, "full of sound and fury," told and retold again and again, repackaged and resold, and bought, by idiots-- oh, and trolls ;-)

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The release wasn’t accidental as Fauci telegraphed it prior (see above). Also highly suspicious was the almost immediate, and very deadly, outbreak in Iran.

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There was no virus spread anywhere.

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Wrong. They SPRAYED us with it. I HAD IT FOR 8 WEEKS IN 2020. Sheeeesh.

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Provide evidence.

You may still have IT.

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Very wrong - I had it for 8 weeks from early November 2022 too.

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Mar 16, 2023·edited Mar 16, 2023

The "Allens" of this world could easily be D.o.D. Chatterbots," or just garden-variety eedjots who tend to believe the tallest of tales on commonly understood subjects, going for the wildest explanation of any given phenomenon, prone to believing in fairy tales rather than established facts re pathogens, infiltrating/infecting the particular substacks that have come into existence to tell the truth and use recognized FACTS. That said, reading widely and listening to different front line workers who were working during that time, I heard that our local hospital was not in fact "overflowing" with hundreds of people sickened with COVID. Obviously SOMETHING was making quite a few of us sick, and some died, but I do believe the numbers were fudged. Just look at the clinical trials of the death shots-- erase the truth by erasing the control group. UGH.

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Provide evidence. As you like to say.

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This is what happened in N Italy Spring 2020:


Same scenario in NYC.

Here is what happened afterwards:


And I've not even cited the impacts of lockdowns which you could easily research.

All talk of "unique pathogen" is not only evidence free blathering it covers up the crimes that were committed.

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 16, 2023

And we can certainly agree on CRIMES committed, past and in ongoing process of continual commission: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org

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If you look at the movie Plandemic, Judy Miskovits, who used to work for Fauci, claimed that it the US had a hand in making it at either Chapel Hill or Ft. Detrick.

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Or both! (And more US-controlled labs all over the world...)

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I think it was this project that made covid-19.

Project 1742: Risks of bat-borne zoonotic diseases in Western Asia

Duration: 24/10/2018-23 /10/2019

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Ron Unz talked about this and that it was designed to cripple their economy because they are growing too fast and US gov can't have any country do that.

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Author/blogger Ron Unz has written about and discussed that quite extensively


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Can I give you 5 stars for that? Thank you.

Another great resource for documentation is Sasha Latypova and Kathrin Watt. The vaccine is labeled as a medical countermeasure and prototype.

Language found in the unpatriot act, considers US citizens as an enemy to the government. That is why they made a bio weapon.

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Unbelievable people have fallen for and are promoting this lab leak/GoF crap.

It's grossly irresponsible at this point.

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Now that's funny.

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Allen...you are trying so hard. And nobody here believes you.

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You've obviously never experienced Covid. Those who have will tell you without fail that it was NOT AT ALL like any flu they had before.

I've rebutted Allen's nonsense on many other occasions in many other substacks, but don't have the time or inclination to argue with his cookie-cutter absurdities here. When his "Toxin" theory can explain the thousands of biological phenomena and global epidemiological events that make pretty good sense using virology, we'll all give it a good read; until then, he's just blowing momentum-sapping smoke (and lots of it).

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"You've obviously never experienced Covid. Those who have will tell you without fail that it was NOT AT ALL like any flu they had before."

Beg to differ slightly if I may - I have had a (tested) Asian flu bug some years ago and very debilitating that was. Also had a "winter bug" of similar length from NOV 2022 for almost 2 months, which had some similar effects - very evident heavy doses of fatigue which appeared one day, not the next , but then appeared again, lasting circa a month off and on - but was different in other aspects. Neither "pleasant".

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I completely agree with you. Covid was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I’ve been sick before but I felt like everything in my body was inflamed including my brain. True it’s a flu or cold for most, but for me it was a whole other order of illness.

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Omicron may be like a cold or flu, but alpha and delta were much nastier bugs -- in duration and effects, if not in overall discomfort.

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A few small points.

Event201 was run almost concurrent with the Wuhan World Military Games...

And just because SOME work was done at the Wuhan Lab - that doesn't mean that ALL THE WORK was done at that Lab.

There's ALSO a German Lab, that does the same work, a stone's throw from the 'Wet Market', too. Drosten - the guy behind the crappy PCR tests is connected to that one, not the WIV.

I feel like the WIV is really just the 'Oswald Institute of Virology' - the patsy/fallguy.

Why do I say this? Well, because the (correct) timeline doesn't seem to support that as being anywhere near to ground zero. That was probably here, and in Lombardy, Italy - before they were acknowledging the existence of the BioWarfare agent(s). https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2019/07/17/third-person-has-died-after-respiratory-illness-outbreak-greenspring-village-fairfax-officials-say/

And don't forget "Mysterious Vaping Illness", which was never actually explained - and which disappeared as soon as we acknowledged that the BioWarfare agent was loose on our shores. It had identical symptom presentation.

I had a very Covid-like flu, in December of 2019. Lots of people reported similar...

I suspect the real work was done here, under military secrecy, and around the world, in Ukraine and Georgia, etc.. http://dilyana.bg/project-g-2101-pentagon-biolab-discovered-mers-and-sars-like-coronaviruses-in-bats/ .

Let's not forget that Ft. Detrick issued press releases and made great fanfare of a breach in containment, in August of that year - announcing a "shut-down". That's odd, because they have breaches on the regular, without alerting the MOCKINGBIRD presstitutes.

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You need extra storage for all the extra likes I owe you! This is awesome!

I'd never heard mention of some of this, including that German lab - was Drosten actually in physical proximity at the strategic moment?

I've always thought of him as sort of an idiot, due to the idiocy of the 'Drosten test' and the manner in which (IIRC) he described himself and his team as literally making up the test as a patchwork based on... whatever looked likely for a coronavirus in some pureed lung fluid and some commercially-available base pairs and the results of some computer constructs apparently essentially programmed to 'make a coronavirus' based on that, with the test to be created to look for a chunk of one construct ultimately selected on the basis of length.

Can't imagine him being entrusted with any 'guidance of the narrative' or anything...

And thank you for smelling the fishy odour of 'must be Chinese lab' doing work for CDC; I feel a little less lonely now, lol.

I'll have to check out those links later - falling asleep sitting up - but wonderful to have new info on this fall into my lap, after all this time.

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I confess that I can't account for the whereabouts of Dr. Drosten, in the relevant timeframe - but from what I've read about his involvement with the GENOCIDAL response architecture in Germany - I don't think he's a dummy. He may be affecting that posture for narrative purposes, but he appears to be part of the inner circle. And he certainly has been well-rewarded for his role, whatever it actually is

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I would say Drosten is the main architect of the fraudulent tests on which the whole "casedemic" rests. He knew full well what he was doing. My five cents. And as we know, he constructed that test from an extrapolated genetic sequence in a computer...

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And the sequence was the same stuff that Baric and the CIA and DIA and DARPA and ModeRNA have been emailing each other, all around their worldwide network of BioWeapons Labs, for quite some time... As RFK Jr. was good enough to remind us all, recently - when you're building BioWeapons - you make the Vaccine FIRST...

And as we know - they NEEDED the Virus, to justify the "Vaccine", and not the other way around.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Covid-19 is the invention of a propaganda system.

Bioweaponry and GoF are complete nonsense.

Patrick Henningsen had a superb interview today with Freddie Ponton and Steve Falconer today.

They get into how bioweapons/GoF are complete nonsense and massive racketeering. It's Gain of FICTION- you are being bamboozled-.

Definitely worth the hour. Interview here:


Ponton's article here:

“To produce a true mass casualty attack the terrorist will likely have to use agents from that threat list developed and tested for biological warfare application. However, because a small non-lethal attack, or even a biological hoax, is adequate to cause panic and lead to coveted national television coverage, the modern bioterrorist probably has a much wider spectrum of agents from which to choose. However, the terrorist spectrum, while much broader, is not necessarily more lethal.”

Many have profiled Robert Kadlec, Christian Hassell, or bio-weapons researcher Steven Hatfill even Dick Spertzel whose government careers go back to the 2001 anthrax attacks and the FBI’s Amerithrax investigation. However, three individuals seem to have operated in a league of their own. The relationship between the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and the American Biodefence establishment was advanced by EcoHealth Alliance policy advisor, David R. Franz ( quoted above) who also was a former commander at US bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick and another interesting character, Dr. Thomas Geisbert, a biodefence/biowarfare expert at the Galveston National Laboratory. The third individual would have to be the legendary DARPA Man Dr. Michael Callahan.

Could these people, who seem to share the same values, be at the very center of the most elaborate hoax of all time, the COVID-19 plandemic? I am pretty confident about my answer to this question but time will tell…"


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"Official Stories" by Liam Scheff. Very enlightening.

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Thank you! So many fail to even mention that China was hosting the World Military Games - which I was only paying attention to, due to knowing that, as would be typical, the US was likely to do something to spoil the extravaganza.

The US athletes, having made a pit stop en route to leaky old Ft. Dietrich, a lab notorious for having an 'incident' on an average of (IIRC) every 3 days, apparently put in an unexpectedly non-medal-winning performance at the Wuhan World Military Games, which was later attributed, in the online news articles I'd read at the time, to an oncoming illness, these athletes having to be flown home earlier than anticipated, at least some of them becoming sick enough to require hospitalisation.

This also seems to typically have not been mentioned, and it would seem that there were few, if any, (I recall none being mentioned in news coverage, but this was a while back, as stated, and I might easily have missed anything that was) immediate reports of other such illness prior to this.

However, there had already been an issue in the US with a nasty illness causing a 'ground-glass opacity' in the lungs - initially attributed to vaping (so that inspections of vaping shops were immediately stopped, as an interesting response,) and killing residents in nursing homes in the area surrounding Ft. Dietrich which was initially affected, (which rather stressed the vaping explanation,) and this spread into New York State. (I believe this was 2018? Been awhile since I've thought of this.)

In any event, around this point, Ft. Dietrich was officially shut down for a while by the CDC - apart from ongoing experiments.

The US athletes had been noted in online news articles of the time for hanging out at the nearby wet market, where bats apparently not sold there were initially thought to have been the cause of the illness.

But the wet market was considered to be the site of dispersal until a lack of proof of any source of contagion there finally caused the theory to expire.

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Some clarification: The summer "Pneumonia" outbreak 50 miles from Ft. Detrick was in July of 2019. The CDC could not identify the pathogen at the time, and the symptoms were exactly like Covid-19. The community is an easy commute to Ft. Detrick for work or a family visit. The labs at Ft. Detrick were ordered closed (until the following spring!) only a couple days after the report below was aired:


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Yes, this bears investigating because of this little tidbit from the article. COVID was atypically non seasonal as was this outbreak in the elderly home: “"One of the things about skilled nursing facilities and assisted living facilities is [that] when you have a lot of people in close proximity, who have underlying medical conditions, there is an increased risk for outbreaks," he said. "Seeing a respiratory outbreak in a long-term care facility is not odd. ... One thing that's different about this outbreak is just that it's occurring in the summer when, usually, we don't have a lot of respiratory disease."

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Greenspring Village: op, or not? I used to think it was an early test of a manufactured bug, but I see how it could be a part of the op.

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Thank you VERY much! I had a better memory once but I seem to have forgotten where I last used it, to locate it again!

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there is a second lab in Wuhan also working on biowarfare

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Yeah, there are bioweapons labs all over the world and as far as I know, (which may not be very far, lol,) they all seem to be US-funded/controlled. Our local lab, some years back, had a bit of excitement when a Chinese researcher was stopped from carrying biological material from a bat coronavirus back to China and I thought at the time the poor devil was probably trying to warn his people about a potential attack...

After COVID, however, it seemed that mention of bat coronaviruses and the like were retroactively removed from the online versions of local newspaper articles I'd quoted from, pretty much every time I posted quotes on them.

So many layers of lies in a fog of secrecy...

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Yes, I was wondering what happened about that one. Wasn't it a German lab? Quite close by? I recall reading something about that a while back.

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I think the virus was co-operation between the US and the CCP so-called elites. Why haven't the CCP pointed the finger more forcibly at the US if the Chinese had nothing to do with its creation? If the US created it and released it in China then that is biological WW3 warfare on the Chinese - you would think that the Chinese would be angry as f**k about that.

As I say, I think the virus was created by super-rich people running Washington who, looking at the CCP, realised that the Chinese elite now have all the trappings of wealth without any of that pesky election, democracy & free speech stuff to put up with. The US so-called elite want the same for themselves so have deliberately set out to weaken the West from within - everything Biden has done in Office has weakened the US and Europe - to bring about a 'Hunger Games' type oligarch ruled slave-class in the Western nations. I keep pointing out to people that, in the original 'Hunger Games' books, the slaves in the Districts were forced to wear masks whilst the elite in Capital City did not - hmm, where have we seen that recently? Pelosi parties and hairdressers? Newsome restaurant parties? Downing Street parties? G8 meeting in Windsor Castle?

/ rant

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In reality it's a whole big bunch of people who are involved in this very big business. Go and read "Biohazard," the 1999 book by Ken Alibekov, who ran the biowarfare research and development program for the FSU.

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And remember -- they cancelled the one-child policy a couple years before that. Lots of research took place in China as well as India on using this technology to reduce fertility.

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Agree. Don't leave out Ralph Baric.

Patent 2015 – Baric; Methods and compositions for chimeric coronavirus spike proteins https://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1677/92/1677924802822128.jpg




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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023

As revealed by Dr David E Martin....some time ago.

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And let's keep digging on these people all the way back to Morgellons in the early 2000's, which is why they quietly moved the gain-of-function labs overseas in the first place, while admitting absolutely no fault or responsibility. That brings in the Texas crowd, fastforward to Metabiota and Hunter now.

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Hah! It's the Church hearings all over again, except the implications for Uhmerukunz, who have NO stomach, as the public reaction to those hearings showed, or much of anything else with which to digest such strong doses of reality, are muuuch worse.

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Hey there. I wonder if you can let me know about anything you've dug up on Morgellons? Very funny, but I hadn't thought of a possible connection (or at least a common pattern) between Covid, other epidemics and Morgellons until I saw your comments here and in Sam Housseini's recent Substack on Ebola. I lived in Los Angeles in the early 2000's, and have some very personal reasons for wanting to learn more.

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Baric should be called into the chamber to testify as to these patents. Then he and Fauci should be thrown in prison for the rest of time.

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This seems like an excellent a concise summary of crucial events in the timeline. Thank you.

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Great catch, people don't want to remember all this stuff.

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Trump was inaugurated 2017.

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And Tony fauci's keynote address at Georgetown took place that year, too. The story's still up at huffpost.

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None of that is proof of intentionality.

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Hah hahah-- yep, "Weeeze justa buncha li'l ol' boy scouts playin' around, snippin' an' a-slicin' genes, in HUMANIZED mouse lung cells, jes fur fuuun!!!

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Well, but silence...

I don't agree that "silence is violence" - that's dumb. But in this case, silence indicates complicity, no?

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023

Silence CERTAINLY PAVES THE WAY for violence. Nobody has to "believe" that-- just take a look at what happened here on Planet Earth this past few years, but NOOOO, the Lotus Eaters wanna pretend "everything's just f-i-i-i-i-n-e," so go back to sleep, folks, nothin' to see here. I wonder how many actually KNOW that there are CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS going on right now about the origins of this Plandemic, and who paid whom for the research?

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Well, I do, of course, but your point is taken.

Most of the people around me do not know, and moreover, do not care.

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The newer, "kinder" face of trolling....??

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RemovedMar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023
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Excuse me, we seem to have stumbled upon yet another act in the Theater of the Absurd.

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Sorry but in case you didn't notice I left before intermission...

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Mode-RNA CEO Stephane Bancel also told his employees in 2019 that they needed to prepare a billion doses of a vaccine because "there will be a pandemic next year." He confessed at WEF gathering of psychos. His name is also on a US patent for a portion of the sequenced virus provided by China to the world, but the patent was filed in 2017. A one in three trillion probability of happenstance. And Russia and many "poorer" countries used remdesivir and ventilators and killed people in hospitals. The excess mortality statistics of 2020 could be as imaginary as the lethal virus repurposed from the flu. There was no threat. Only a psyop with crafted narratives people still regurgitate three years later. They got what they planned for, billions of arms injected with the real bioweapon.


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Have to disagree. Covid hit Russia rather hard even though they openly used hydroxychloroquine in hospitals (not sure about remdesevir). Maybe it targets different ethnicities differently (why did US DoD collect DNA of "white Russians" in those Ukraine biolabs and whose else DNA did they collect and for what purpose)?

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I don't think is is about diffferent ethnicities. When you have understaffed hospitals ( like Russian ) and you ban relatives from visits, fragile patients will die from lack of care.

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Russians are not known to be fragile

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Mostly, we are not, but heart attacks/strokes/dementia do happen and those patients are vulnerable

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stupid and irrelevant comment

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I will admit I do not know enough to say either way. Traditionally though, Russia had more doctors per capita and until this day has free home ambulance visits including for covid patients. Could also have to do with more people living in cities, using public transportation, etc vs places like the US.

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Doctors is not all, you also need nurses and cleaners in hospitals and there are not enough of them, due to very low pay((((((

Yes we have home visits, it is a good thing

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Hospital closures are taking off in the Republic of Californiastan. The environmetal-warfare targeted town of Paradise, CA recently saw the closure of it's only hospital. When towns lose residents en masse from disasters and corporations need to make a profit, while patients' wages stagnate and costs rise, hospitals can't keep doors open.

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That's one of the things I wonder too, if an ethnic bioweapon is nested within other vectors. Genetic polymorphisms used to be discussed then disappeared for "only the elderly and immunocompromised" I just question everything now---what was known globally about demographic distribution of susceptible alleles? What was in the environment or food sources prior to the pandemic? What was known about that, or engineered? (e.g. selenium deficient soils) What were the actual vectors of COVID? Could it have been waterborne in hot zones? Might they have made us lockdown to keep us near and using water? Aerosolized virus? Did the vectors change? Could corporate woke religion, ushered in in comprehensive form by the George Floyd protests, be a cover for an ethnic bioweapon? Like Nancy Reagan saying "just say no" when most of Congress had CIA drug running money in their investment portfolios back in the day? Were all nations in on it? The theater in China with people dropping and hospitals being built the catalyst for all of us believing in the severity unilaterally? What is the actual arsenal of weapons they have, biological and technological? Did they know exactly what demographics would go down and know which hospitals had issues with anti-biotic resistance outbreaks? I have wondered if dollar stores, often owned by China, might've been involved in seeding poisons or in high doses of glyphosate in products purchased by the poor? These may be stupid questions, or uninformed questions, but to understand this, I think the Overton Window must be defenestrated lol, or something like that. Outside the proverbial box thinking. How do different macrocosmic trajectories intersect?

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Hahah--! My Russian-trained teacher used to say "There are no Russians in Russia." The truth is that Russia, just like the U.S. and most other places, is an ethnically, racially mixed place. This puts me in mind of Dr. Robert Redfield, who can be seen giving Congressional testimony that was videotaped, on Twitter. When asked about whether he knew something, he replied that he was called a racist for pointing out the fact that Wuhan Institute of Virology is controlled by the Chinese, or something like that.

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Then they offshored it to many places - China, Ukraine - who know where else. All linked at the level of the WEF and similar groups. All planned all carried out.

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I think the Bancel quote has been misunderstood. He was talking about Moderna's 2019 production only having been 100K doses (maybe for clinical trials for their pipeline, or veterinary vaccines?) and then he said that when he returned from Davos [i.e. Jan 2020] he told his employees that they would need a billion doses etc. "next year" - most likely as a native French speaker he was mentally translating "l'année prochaine" which word-for-word is "next year" but it often means "over the next year". https://nitter.cz/goddeketal/status/1632709396693172225

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Why would they produce expensive sht before 2020? They knew

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Because they were an mRNA treatment company, they had been since they were founded in 2010, and manufacturing of these novel treatments at scale was one of the things they needed to learn how to do? By 2019 they already had several human vaccines in trials. Shareholders didn't invest in them just so they could do nothing; that would have been weird. They weren't short of money, they'd had the largest biotech IPO in history.

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The military founded moderna and facebook. A billion doses without buyers is like you making 50 shoes and nobody ordered one.

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Why produce anything in 2019 with no threat? And how could they when China didn't provide the sequence until Jan 2020? Uh, nope not for vets. Not misunderstood. He confessed again at WEF this year. Plandemic.

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Because they had already been trialling other mRNA shots since 2015 (they started with one for flu) and they needed practical experience of manufacturing these novel treatments at scale.

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I cant help but think that the best way to discourage this from happening again is to punish the people severely (jail time) who funded this pandemic. We have to hold the US as being more culpable than China in this respect, because it was Fauci who decided to fund Daszak and the UNC in the morally reprehensible quest of gain of function- a folly of hubris which was bound to bite us in the rear. Likewise, those who profited in promoting and mandating ineffective and even deadly treatment drugs like Remdesivir, need to be punished. And those who mandated the jabs and stood to take profit while manipulating the production process to make sure their companies stood to benefit during the pandemic. And finally, maybe most importantly, those elected to represent the citizens who instead chose to line their pockets instead of acting in the best interests of their constituents - need the harshest punishments. Every single person inCongress who took money from any pharmaceutical giant that stood to profit from the pandemic from their legislation needs a good jail term to learn.

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I strongly believe in capital punishment for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Nothing else will stop these monsters.

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Which requires more than "Oh, what a shame, he committed suicide in the jail cell and disappeared off public radar -- well, case closed!" As in, CIA escorts him out the door and off to a joyful next life phase.

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It requires public theater in a public square!

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

It's certainly a start.

In war, it's often better to incapacitate your enemy than to kill them.

When one man goes down, four are required to carry him out. Effectively removing five soldiers from the fight.

Dead can be left behind and often are. Despite the claims to the contrary.

The perfect bio weapon wouldn't kill. It would cripple.

The perfect bio weapon released on a global scale, wouldn't work immediately but slowly over time like a carcinogen.

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In the Army, my expertise was Chemical and Biological warfare. You are absolutely correct. Incapacitate one enemy and four or five are at least temporarily hors de combat.

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Interesting, mine too.

As a medic and for medical/rescue response to CBRNE events.

Glad I'm not the only one jumping up and down about this.

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Can we add the neat bonus that Olympic athletes are also required to be incapacitated by the vax? -- just in case someone maybe happened to have high competitive enthusiasm for the Olympics ...

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Poor or rich country, I saw that they were relabelling all deaths as covid. Died in a car accident then test positive with PCR for covid. Stage 4 cancer, test positive with PCR, another C19 death and on it went.

Without PCR there was no pandemic, it is all very sketchy right from the get go.

I’m still waiting to get covid 19 but no luck. I feel like I missed out like not being allowed to go to Disneyland because Mum wouldn’t sign the permission slip.

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Well aren't you the lucky one. There are many of us, not tainted by the jab, that got a rather severe case of something unlike any flu or pneumonia of the past. More like flu PLUS pneumonia PLUS severe arrhythmia PLUS vertigo PLUS fever PLUS searing cough PLUS weakness PLUS loss of taste & smell with only slow recovery. To me it was rather real.

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My dear friend in Nov 2019 described his disease in exactly your words: “It’s the worst cold or the weirdest flu I ever had. Can’t smell anything and everything tastes like metal.” Then 3 months later he started having absence seizures, with no prior history. My other friend and I caught it during Super Bowl weekend in Feb of 2020. He started coughing in the car on the way home, and I started coughing that evening. We both got vaccinated about a year later. That friend is now dead from a very rapidly progressing liver disease, and I have developed a cardiac arrhythmia. Wheee

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Sorry to hear about your experience with c-19. There are new studies all the time with various healing and detox methods. NAC and bromelain are supposed to be helpful.

I know what’s not helpful is having your experience dismissed by virus-deniers...whether their beliefs are true or not- their need to push their views on others is not helpful.

Wishing you well on the road to recovery 💕

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Sorry you are going through that.

This is why I get so upset at the people who say "it's just the flu" or "it's just a bad cold." Because no, it's not - it carries a real risk of causing a variety of issues down the road, with a particular propensity for neurological disorders.

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But none of this is fundamentally new. Viruses were doing this, albeit not with the same prevalence, before 2019. Outside of the tropics they rarely, if ever, seriously affect genuinely healthy people. There is not necessarily any moral judgment implied here, because we have been misled by the medical establishment over health matters. The problem is underlying poor health, not viruses.

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The virus is/was a bitch, and it affected more than just the chronically ill or weak. My health and physical condition was quite good until lockdowns and the stress of murderous scamdemic policies knocked it down a notch or two. Delta was not fun at all. Your cavalier attitude would likely change a bit if you had received sufficient exposure to contract it. It was tempting for me to pontificate about lifestyle, too -- until summer of 2021.

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if they wanted people to catch the common cold or flu, they would not have spent 20 years on some of the features found in C-19 spike.

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They made it a bit more virulent for a while, but not by much in healthy people. The only way to prevent the next pandemic is to stop the on-going pandemic of poor health.

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You are right. The 1918 pandemic killed millions because Europe had been starving for 4 years. My friend and I weathered the viral infection just fine, and I had a second round in June of ‘22 (caught it on an all-vaccinated cruise ship) that was unpleasant but I came out fine. The virus is nothing— it’s the vaccine that’s killing us.

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5G? 🤔

What I noticed too was that when I hung out at the Pistol Club on very busy Saturdays with a whole bunch of jabbed folk, the next day or two I would be feeling lethargic and all my gardening scratches and such would get unusual clotting around them. So now I do my practises and matches solo and am much better for it.

Have you been looking in on Mark Steele and seeing what he has to say about 5G?


As well, check in with Dr Sam Bailey


Might open up some other perspectives for you.

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I agree with your conclusions, Igor, but not with all of your reasoning. The truth about COVID-19 deaths are that we really don't know. I've asked many scientists this question, and none can give me an answer: "What percent of people who died of COVID-19 were infected with the SARS COV2 virus?" No-one can answer that because we don't have any reliable test to determine who is infected. All we can say is that there is a probability. To prove one is infected with a micro-organism, according to Koch and Rogers, one must be able to clearly identify that organism in a person. We have only indirect markers with antibodies, or RNA fragments amplified ridiculous numbers of time. All we can say is that many people MAY have died from the SARS coronavirus, but we have no way of PROVING that anyone died and certainly not how many have died. The truth is that we humans are pretty much idiots much of the time, when it comes to thinking we know things we don't actually know. I include myself here, by all means. I've been fooled countless times, and probably will be again. So humble acceptance of the limitations of our understanding of the natural world remains, in my view, the most accurate description of the truth about COVID-19 mortality.

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Yours is the most cogent post in this thread. Like you, I have "believed" many things in my life, and a great many of those beliefs have been debunked. It's definitely easier to believe than to know. The one thing I do know is that we have been lied to about almost everything by the government, the mainstream media, the education system, the military, and the medical industry.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm slapping a "Like" on this post based on the HEADLINE, alone !

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BREAKING - 10 min. video - March 6 - Swiss President Berset named in lawsuit filed by British Swiss Banker Pascal Najadi vs Pfizer Inc. & FDA with Supreme Court NY, USA - https://rumble.com/v2c2ut4-breaking-swiss-president-berset-named-in-us-supreme-court-law-suit-along-wi.html From badgerbrigante - 14 hours ago - "Pascal. Incredible news you bloody wonderful fellow!! Well done and thank you for taking up the charge on this SO IMPORTANT issue. You are an inspiration. Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man! I sincerely hope both of your cases pass to the next stage and the accused are charged - then we will know the justice system is truly willing to engage."

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BREAKING - 1 hr. video - Pascal Najadi & Astrid Stueckelberger - THE HOUSE OF CARDS IS ABOUT TO COLLAPSE - https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

Pascal Najadi, the Swiss Investment banker who filed a criminal complaint against Pfizer, against the Swiss President and Minister of Health, has submitted a new case in the USA that has been accepted by the Supreme Court in NY against Pfizer Inc. The case is based on Pfizer’s violation of US law for selling products for profit into the Swiss market in a way that violates the Swiss National Constitution. In his dedication to justice, Pascal Najadi who was injured by the Pfizer shot, has filed the lawsuit against Pfizer in the United States in a private case. Pfizer now faces litigation on multiple fronts in multiple countries. So far no MSM outlet has reported on this bombshell. Help us get the word out! https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

First post, woo hoo!

(On a serious note, yes, there have to be tribunals, and there has to be punishment.)

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

On a related note, Pfizer and Moderna vaccine development began in early January 2020, but two months later in March 2020 Fauci and company repeatedly discouraged precautions and said things like "if you want to go on a cruise, go". Think about that, it can only be explained by sinister motives.

Pfizer vaccine development began on January 10, 2020 (see last paragraph of article): https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2034577

Moderna vaccine development had begun by January 13, 2020: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1682852/000119312520074867/d884510dex991.htm

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This version of the Pfizer, Moderna and other pharm companies development began in 2020, many other versions of this genetic cell therapy research and development had been going on since approximately 2001 with MERS, and SARS-Cov1 outbreaks.

The problem big pharm had from around 2001 to 2020, the FDA, NIH, and CDC, refused the pharm community to start human phase testing because all the animal phase testing either maimed or killed every animal the research was conducted on, many of the same issues, blood clots, heart attacks, respiratory illness, neurological disorders, etc. Google the research it's all there.

The SARS-COV2 pandemic opened the door for pharm to begin human phase testing for the first time with the emergency approval, thus welcome to the greatest 4.8 billion voluntary and fraudulent, "Human Toxic Lethal Dosage Experiment" in the history of science.

And with the "sixth dosage" you enter the bonus round provided you survive.

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

If Moderna only began to develop their "vaccine" in Jan 2020, why do they - apparently - have a patent for part of the "vaccine" mechanism going back to circa 2013? (Correction, that might be 2016 - makes zero difference though) It is very apparent from disclosures made to date "this" was in the works for years, highly suggestive of deliberate actions on the part of Fauci/US DOD/DARPA/US Intelligence/Farrar/BMGF, the list is very long, to varying degrees.

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The logical reason for that is as the development of new versions thru new changes or new ingredients they patent them along the way, I would if I was trying protect my fraud. I agree, and said if you read my comment this has been in research and development since approximately 2001 starting with MERS, and SARS-CoV1, and even before that with near research regarding the HIV vaccine authored by Dr. Fauci?

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I stand corrected !! David Martin, for one, pulled back the curtain some time ago .

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If you want to go rioting, go!

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Hold accountable all who had a part of this horrible crime against humanity. They are murderers. Follow the money l!!

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I agree with you on these points. And the US is very culpable for this bioweapon. They have started a new plan for 2025 and had a smaller simulation, similar to event 201. So we better get to stopping things and punishing people ASAP.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I haven’t read this post yet, but the title - this must be the bare minimum, or our children are in grave danger

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Hi Igor, yes SARS-2 is very infectious by design. Some countries like Finland had very little excess death in 2020 because they had a bad flu year prior and fewer vulnerable citizens in 2020. The question about excess death is whether the numbers looked like a bad flu year or ten times that.

Canada similarly did not show much excess death until shots were rolled out, per an article recently posted.

Ioannidis estimated the IFR several times. It’s not zero but could NOT have produced 1M casualties in the US without unethical and fatal hospital protocols.

The bitter irony is that with early treatments the IFR about goes away. The problem with the shots is that folks who had absolutely NO risk from the virus were killed.

I had it at age 70 in July ‘21. It lasted 3 days, far milder than something I had 20 years ago. I did lose sense of smell for a time. This is not unique to SARS-2 but more common than in other respiratory infection, so I have read.

This experience was typical. It is abundantly clear that this infection is far from a death sentence, as the IFR calculations indicate.

Any pathogen takes an audit of your health and files a report in the language of symptoms. SARS is weird, no doubt. It was engineered, so everybody gets it … it is endemic. But McCullough, Zelenko and a handful of others realized early on the overwhelming cause of death was hospitalization itself. Early treatments would have prevented most hospitalizations.

In countries that rolled out early treatments, the “pandemic” ended long ago.

The mass extermination in US hospitals was iatrogenic and used as the #1 propaganda tool to sell the shots. These fatalities were the premise for lockdowns and injection mandates world wide, including countries that experienced significant COVID deaths only AFTER the shots were introduced.

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While I’m thinking of it I’d like to add the following:

1. The virus is a lousy bioweapon left to its modest IFR, easily ameliorated by truncating the replication stage with a host of repurposed drugs and combinations. These are LOCAL rather than FEDERAL solutions.

2. Remdesivir is highly toxic, flunked out of drug testing school and joined the military as many drop outs do. It contributed significantly to in-patient fatalities by causing organ failure. The “Standard of Care” under PREP entailed remdesivir, intubation, dehydration, starvation, isolation, organ failure and death. Patients under torture from intubation were administered morphine to quell struggling against restraints. A potent bioweapon that greased the way for shots as a key contribution to extermination program. The phrase “died of COVID” carried with it the deliberate message “the virus did it.”

3. COVID shots are a potent bioweapon. There were 250,000 dead in 2021 alone. The inconsistent vial contents delivered by the DODs contractors due to poor QA in manufacture undoubtedly spared many lives inadvertently. The age stratum 25 to 45 presented double excess death numbers in Q3’21 (see Ed Dowd, “Cause Unknown,” SOA TABLE 5.7). It is no coincidence that the age 35 corresponded to birth year 1986. This group absorbed the hockey stick escalation of childhood vaccines launched by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act. They filtered with their lives the convolution of cumulative immune suppression due to over vaccination with the flaky COVID injection vial contents. The deaths among young people are ongoing.

4. The most potent bioweapon of all was the small army of MDs and hospital administrators responsible for delivering the incentivized Standard of Care and COVID shots. Like Mickey’s broomsticks they operated on autopilot. In the ER double doors, out by the loading dock.

5. Schuldig: The injection manufactures AND DOD who knew that death was a side effect but accompanied each vial with a blank package insert as well as every company CEO who imposed a mandate with no legal requirement, but leveraged jobs to coerce compliance. They not only broke Federal law in violating the EUA terms but instead followed CDC guidelines often refusing all exemptions with willful naïvité, giving priority instead to insurance coverage concerns over the lives of employees. “Didn’t know” is not a valid excuse when “Should have known” is an inescapable reality.

Nazi doctors and nurses hanged for less.

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Absolutely! We must punish all who were involved at every level or else all that will happen is that they'll just try to find a way to do a better job of it next time.

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The better way infrastructure is already laid. Compliance for vaccine passports in order to participate in employment / school / banks / food. Any molecule they want to insert in the next official jab can be designed in a very short time. Take out kidney function; weaken the blood brain barrier and thus mental clarity; target the iron household or thyroid system to incapacitate........ Daily lab work already for experiments. Just ship it out to whatever group of people you don't like.

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Not much to disagree with.

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