I hate to use an expression which may cause anyone mental anguish... but this all just seems like the perpetual flogging of one very dead horse. THEY CANNOT LET GO

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Great comment, PINNED

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Explain to me how B.1.1.529 (also known as Ba.1) just disappeared.

Explain to me how delta just disappeared.

Give me the details.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

... and if the horse is not dead yet - give it another jab - WHO knows :P?

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<insert Monty Python dead parrot skit here> :D :D :D

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZw35VUBdzo :-)....

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

What you see is merely a flesh wound (pun intended) ...or maybe it's more...

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I was reminded of the Black Knight bit. :)

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Don't they know you should never look a gift horse in the mouth.

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"... kick a man when he's down, kick him when he's on the ground..."


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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The deal is though, they will spare no cost to cover up all this evil. Im not sure there's anything for them to let go. IMO, they're past that point. This is so silly, that it doesn't look like they're even trying to prove they're "Right". More like proving they're Might.

Think about the lengths an average person will go through to cover up a crime. Now think how that cover-up looks when it involves global evil perpetrated for 2 years. I am not prone to conspiracy theories, but my spidey-sense tells me this isn't just about profit, simple stupidity or misguided diversion.

I think we need to entertain the idea that the new variant specific vaccines are part of the cover-up. I'm not sure how, but I have that visceral sneaking suspicion, I had at 15 days to slow spread, that all is not what you see. And back then they had no "experience" with the Grand Experiment. The lockdowns, etc., were a bludgeon and easier to see. These variant specific vaccines seem to be more like a scalpel.

I just think there's more to it than appears at face value. Look at Igor's write-up. Its so ridiculous that it none of this makes sense imo...unless you start looking at it from an abstract angle.

Maybe they "want" us to spend time and effort trying to disprove this latest gobbledygook? Maybe the variant vaccines are a head fake to buy time for some more nefarious diversion that takes time to "bake".

Obviously I can't prove anything at this point. However, this makes no practical sense at the surface. I think this is a shiney object. Diversion, misinformation and disinformation are always part of "war" and/or a cover-up

Just food for thought. And maybe diligence on more than just this chicanery?

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And, if the goal is to continue getting Wuhan spike into people repeatedly, this is yet another way to do that. Folks who may be less inclined to get booster 4 or 5 are more likely to get this “new” vaccine variant. 😓

Or, people who held off getting the original injection may think that they may as well get this “new” one. After all, the products have now been out for a year, so surely this one may be okay. I’m thinking of the potential minority of unV folks who may teeter into the edge of fear, who as they age may be losing clear cognition and logical thought and thus more easily persuaded from their prior convictions, etc.

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I think you’re right. They could use this shot as a “start over.” If you take it, you are now considered fully vaxxed. Of course they would have to continue to ignore natural immunity. Scary

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As Dr. Linda says; brilliant!

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As Ryan said Dr Linda said: brilliant!

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Another group I think might be susceptible to this propaganda is those who were on the cusp of a risk group at the beginning of the pandemic and have now crossed over to the dangerous side of the cusp. For example, if you were 64 years old at the beginning and are now 66. Or your BMI was a bit below 25 a couple of years ago but is now above 25. 

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This is positive feedback. If you "cowered in place" and aged two years your BMI has increased.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Wtf. Great reset. WEF. One world government. Connect the dots. Ofc there's a conspiracy.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't think you have to attribute this mess to a conspiracy except for the kind that seeks to maximize profits. This is about money. That is all.

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For some, like the Pharma, it is for money. But I think this is about control and power. Every generation you have your megalomaniacs that just have to control the world (i.e. WEF) only now there is the technology to do so.

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That last step across the river is the hardest.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Very kind of you

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It's too big for them to cover up now, 220 million plus poisoned. When the Jan 6 investigation is bagged the agency corruption investigation will come: https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vax-deadliest-fraud-in-history-edward-dowd/

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I think 4.5 billion worldwide, have recieved atleast two doses. I may be wrong.

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Seriously? God, I wonder how many of those can be directly linked to the media brain washing? It'd be interesting to know.

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I notice you are a Glenn Greenwald founding member.

Ask him. He's got a nasty case of Mass Formation.

He's a big media critic. Constantly taking the corporate news to task, as well he should. Isn't it odd how he has nothing to say about this historic scandal? Ever?

Matt Taibbi too?

There's media brain washing and there is media cowardice.

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I know. I really had hope that he would. I keep getting the excuse that he's chin deep in unraveling the Ukraine pageantry. That subject is boring to me. It's so easy to see what's going on over there. It's a diversion.

Maybe he's afraid of not getting a spot on Tucker? And yes that would make him a coward.

Taibbi doesn't have the sack or stomach for something this "dangerous".

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And coercion. Many would have lost their job and ability to feed their family if they didn't comply.

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I know. That's the part that makes me so angry. And the lack of acknowledging natural immunity. Which most these people had. A pox on our country

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Good point. Thank you for the link!

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Saw a great analogy yesterday that we are working with this huge jigsaw puzzle, but no picture to guide us. The puzzle is being worked on though and slowly, the picture is beginning to emerge.

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So true. My wife and I were thinking something along the same line yesterday.

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Correct take right here.

edit to add: I just made the case on another board that the ridiculous Ministry of Disinformation "attempt" was also a diversion. They are pulling out all the stops to avoid the root lies of all of this.

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MSM is owned by Big Pharma, and Big Gov owned by Big Pharma as well.

Who exactly is going to tell Joe Average that that they willingly took an injection that could very likely kill them.

Also... MSM/ Big Gov is filled with liberals who emotionally NEED to be vaxxed. They will never accept any contrary information. So Big Pharma doesn't need to cover anything up, and the info just bubbles under the surface for the curious who are not believed.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They cannot let go off profits since the stock price has crashed 70%.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Why would they? It's a $$ bonanza.

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The horse is not only dead, nothing is left but the skeleton.

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NOBODY is too old for THE JAB :)...

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hopefully Moderna will have to throw away all these doses because no one will want them. They just threw away millions of doses. I would be very happy to see them bankrupt themselves throwing past profits into the trash.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This is why the globalists want vaccine passports, so as to make it impossible to refuse their toxic injections.

If you don't take their poisonous product your vaccine passort becomes invalid and you don't get to interact in society, earn a living, travel etc

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Very similar strategy to the Fukshima disaster when they shipped Fukishma waste all over Japan and burned it. No control group.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

great point. eleven years later, reactor 3 is still leaking into the pacific. media blackout

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Ah that's why my tuna glows in the dark..

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And then straight to jail. But only after a fair trial, - I mean they know all about fair trials do they not.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

If I were king, they'd be first against the wall

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I agree, but hanging from a light pole, even if we had to "double them up" would be cool too.

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Yes! I like this. We could get real creative

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes. This

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

just to say, throwing away, this is not a simple thing re vaccines, to dispose of them safely...

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They have an Omicron-specific vaccine on the way. Or something. They'll have to throw those out too.

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You don't go bankrupt easily when the ones controlling you are in charge of creating the money supply.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"The boosters were generally well tolerated"... as the autopsies have confirmed :P.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Gallows humor. Clever!

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Geert Vanden Bossche warned an omicron vax would be the point of no return https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/scientific-blog/will-mass-vaccination-against-omicron-give-the-final-blow

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

In response to the same issue, Luc Montagnier said before he died: "The future of our species is at stake".

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Could David Icke be right about the reptiles who run the world? Are they clearing us out to make way for their species...

Or is it this https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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If anything, it is trans-demons from the next 64,571 dimensions.

Trans-dimensional, just to clarify.

It's not that I'm anti-trans, or a xenophobe or homophobe, or anything like that.

It's just that when I came up, we had very few of these things besides your garden variety homosexuals, bi-sexuals, lesbians, cross-dressers, strippers, streakers (remember them?), and I was like my old buddy, Drink Small, "The Blues Doctor" and a master at consuming Brass Monkeys, I considered myself a tri-sexual. Actually, it is "try-sexual," I would try anything sexual besides the anal thing, with the proper woman(s).

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"Try-sexual" great I'm stealing this :)

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Just remember to credit the Brass Monkey king, Drink Small, "The Blues Doctor."

"Give to me straight, Doctor, I can handle it!"

--The Reverend Doctor Johnny Fever (Golfing for God)

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Bollox. Ask Russia about "finite".

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deletedJun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

How would you suggest finishing it?

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2750 feet per second at a time.

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Nah. The French way: about 20ft/sec with a 25lb very sharp 'bullet'.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022

I think this is a question that needs to be addressed. They have used unconventional methods of attack. We will need unconventional methods of response.

So much of this is psychological. A big part is to refuse the bullshit they are selling. Remember the scene in The Matrix where Neo is beginning to believe and they are firing the bullets at him and he just raises up his hand and says 'No.'? Everyone needs to find their inner Neo.

There are diehard fear porn addicts out there, but most people will go along to get along and while they may not like what is going on and in their gut know something is really hinky, they want to be good citizens . The problem is they don't yet see yet that people in decision making roles (I won't call them leaders) have broken the compact of trust and ergo should be ignored. Completely. It won't be a magic solution, but it is a big step in just getting started.

I am not saying it is easy. It's not. But there are more of us then them. And they know it.

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We can make some progress by electing a government that doesn't use the media as a tool for their propaganda. We need to clean up the media (lawsuits and Musk-type takeovers will help here) so that the populace can be privy to more intellectually honest discussion. It's a start . . .

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We just had a primary in California. Apparently the voter turnout was about 30%. Pretty pathetic trying to change idiot leaders on that turnout.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

'Somehow, though, I decided to dig a little deeper, did my own research, and decided to remain a Covid vaccine skeptic.'

I'm not sure of your position regarding other vaccine types, if you dig into vaccinology and virology in general you will find that the claims made for all vaccine types are as credible as for these types.

I recommend reading the book Virus Mania by Engelbrecht and Torsten

'Virus Mania:Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense'

Also the book Dissolving Illusions by Humphries

'Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths. But is this really true?Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases.'

Thanks for your work.

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I decided to delay looking at other vaccines (other than the scam flu vax) until we defeat the evil of Covid vax. Vaccines are complicated.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I haven’t looked in detail at other vaccines. However, after being a very staunch advocate of them for many years, I have now changed my mind.

After seeing prior to C O V I D how corrupted some medical studies have been and how guidelines have been influenced by industry {pharma, processed food}, I was wondering if similar happenings have influenced childhood vaccines. I already questioned why we need to vaccinate for chickenpox, HPV (can be 100% prevented w behavior), Hep A (almost always mild and doesn’t require intervention), rotavirus (yeah, some kids have to be hospitalized for IV fluids, but is that a reason to mass vaccinate everyone? Or is that just a way for the pharmaceutical companies to keep up their business?).

After seeing this debacle and overt deception and fraud, I am disgusted. Then, I read Robert Kennedy Jr’s book The Real Anthony Fow-chi (actually only a few chapters: about HIV and about some of the childhood vaccines), and that did it for me. No more of these things ever for me or for my family.

I wish now that I had never had our child vaccinated. Perhaps our child would not have needed some of the therapies and such that have been needed to support development and optimal learning. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I am in the same place. But I like to do deep dives and just do not have time to deep dive into childhood vaccines. But I am with you. Things look rotten in vaccine-land and it was well covered so I did not know -- until Covid vax blew it open.

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Dr. Paul Thomas (pro-vaxx) accidentally (not planned) had a trail of 12,000 kids 1) followed CDC vaxx scheduled 2) op'd for a few vaxx 3) no vaxx. https://www.ifm.org/about/profile/paul-thomas-md-faap/

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You have said exactly how I feel and how i arrived at the same conclusion. But i guess it is better to be right than consistent. A real awakening. A little ashamed that I allowed my children to have all 60 or so vaccinations without taking any time to educate myself or question the risk/benefit.

I just trusted. I'll never do that again.

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Not really complicated. Every vaccine is an assault on the immune system. Each and every one!

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You got that right, for sure. The end game is keeping you sick so that they can pump more useless drugs into you.

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And having a less than vibrant and healthy society so that you can control them, plus it’s a multibillion dollar industry!

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes. Evil covid Vax first. The rest may require a cost/benefit analysis per individual. The covid Vax may require a before/after analysis per species.

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When you realise that the very foundation of virology and vaccinology are completely bogus it helps you to understand the covid 'vaccine' fraud.

The people making the old school vaccines know their products don't work and cause harm this is one of the reasons they wanted to push the mRNA type 'vaccines' on us as an alternative, far too many people were waking up to just how damaging old school vaccines are which wasvery bad for business.

[I only recently came to understand that virology is based on the most ridiculous 'science' imaginable, I have understood that vaccinolgy doesn't work for longer]

It isn't just that these mRNA products were developed too quickly and insufficiently safety tested it is that all vaccines of all types don't work and cause massive amounts of harm.

You should take the time to read the books I recommended, they will open your eyes to a whole new level of this fraud.

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I’m just not taking anything that the so called medical community advises, mandates or otherwise tries to brainwash me into. I haven’t had a flu shot in 12 years & exactly 12 years since I’ve been sick.

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I’ve never taken one. I also don’t buy into their “necessary” invasive diagnostics.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Annual check ups……aka “tumor hunts”. Haven’t had a “check up” since my last child was born, 23 years ago.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m speaking about mammograms and colonoscopies. I also don’t get any checkups. I order my own blood work. There are several sites where you can do this.

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My grandma was of the mindset that you go to the doctor when you are sick. She lived to 93.

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My Abuelita (little grandmother) was married to an Orthopedic Surgeon who did his residency in NYC in the 1920’s and would not go to doctors. She lived to 99 1/2. Never took a flu shot, a pharmaceutical product, never had diagnostic testing done - she said it was all invasive and unnecessary. She was healthy and vibrant well into her 90’s! She was my role model and best teacher on this and life in general! Grandmother wisdom has no rival!

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I don’t do mammograms or colonoscopies either. Nothing.

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Ok! I thought you were a man.

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The flu shot has one of the highest acknowledged adverse events rates of any vaccine and it doesn't evenprevent the flu. This massive study looking at the NHS (UK socialisist medicine) compared people a couple of years before turning 65 to a couple of years after turning 65, the government pushes the flu vaccine heavily for those over 65.

Hardly anyone gets the flu shot prior to 65 nearly all get it after 65 because their family Docotor pushes it on them.

The study found zero benefit for those taking the flu vaccine in terms of hospitalisation or deathf from flu.

As an added bonus flu vaccine contains aluminium adjuvants, aluminium has been found to cross the blood brain barrier and cause inflammation in the brain at the sites that cause dementia.

So all the flu vaccine does is destroy the brain of the elderly.

The Effect of Influenza Vaccination for the Elderly on Hospitalization and Mortality


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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

🙌 I learned about the dangers of childhood vaccines when I started having children 32 years ago.

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I’m reading Virus Mania, incredible the brainwashing that pharma has accomplished with the pseudosciences of virology and vaccines. I also highly recommend the book The Poisoned Needle by McBean.

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Thank you for the recommendation.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I remember wanting to do a back flip when I found out the courts said Pfizer had to release the documents now and at thousands of pages a month......I thought, a-ha!!...they wanted info kept hidden for 75 years so now we would see the smoking gun and game over, mic drop, end of story....this is their evidence admitting/showing side effects and effin nothing...more approval for children, mandates in place, restrictions, masks, and now this....holy $h*T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I'm sensitive because I am a Canadian that can barely get around in my own country but come on....

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I feel for you!

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and 50 cases of Mad Cow found in France, out of 54 million vaxxed people, all started within two weeks after the jab. most dead or dying. Confirmed by 3 studies. and it kills within months not years like regular prion disease

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I'm not an MSM guy but from what I do see there is nothing reporting that Pfizer did zero trials on pregnant women (only on 40 pregnant rats)... yet they highly recommend that preggo women get jabbed.

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One of Pfizer's documents showed that their definition of "vaccine failure" was if someone tested positive for the virus at least seven days after their second (NOT third or fourth) jab. Now, after literally MILLIONS of people have met that standard, everyone instead parrots the line that it "prevents severe outcomes" (it doesn't). That was never the "efficacy" that was promised! Everyone needs to loudly and repeatedly proclaim "vaccine failure" as Pfizer defined it originally.


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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The Moderna updated EUA fact sheet as of March 29, 2022 that folks acknowledge with a signature that they have read, stIll says, 4 times, that the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine prevents Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). No mention of preventing severe death or hospitalization. Just prevents Covid-19. How can Moderna prevent Covid-19 and still need the new Omicron booster? Is everyone just pretending?

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I have been typing my next installment of Grasshopper's Appeal I wrote in 2010. Tis in my substack friends.

I am so struck by how the same language and brutal methods employed upon me were later used against us all.

Like being a threat to public safety without hacksxxxxine to work.

They called me a threat to public safety then.

So original.

The basis of their operation seems to be fear.

They never stop .

Without fear their whole show falls apart

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Are they even running trials anymore or just measuring antibodies?

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Pretty much just counting antibodies.

They will get approved soon and count actual infections (among 400 ppl) a year from now when it will not matter.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Such a scam. This trial is like the PCR scam. Whip up some fake testing or trials to fool people into being paranoid so they "feel" like they need something or they're going to die.

I think we should call it the "Trial of the Vials" when we bring these war criminals to justice!

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I want a variant named after Willie Mays

I mean why not... the utter bullshit


Safe and effective 👍

No white privelege for me against Willie!

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Still believe they should have moved to Chinese characters — more range to cover all the new variants this will select for.

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They need to hire us.

I am looking at WEF , Silicon Valley jobs! I WANT TO INFILTRATE THEM.

The filthy bastards

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I’m inclined to suspect though, that perhaps this post is not necessarily a positive step in that direction ;)

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I have anger issues

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Yeah well — very justified these days…

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I told my daughter, I'm gonna infiltrate secret societies.

She says don't blame me if they kill you.

Stunned! She HAD been listening! And she kinda believed me.

Often smile a lot. I am such UTTER FAILURE convincing anyone.

A bright shining moment

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

Not gonna work bro, have you ever heard of remote neural monitoring? These people can literally go inside your head. You wont fool anyone. This tecnology exist since 1974 btw.


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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Dear Igor

I sense something unsettling reverberate from the closing words of your article:

"As a pro-business person, I am very happy for Moderna. I am less happy for people who will be reinjected and reinfected with the resulting cornucopia of variants, but oh well. Who cares? Nobody.”

I feel like shouting WE ALL CARE! We read your articles and we CARE for every word you write, every piece of DATA you analyse and present in ways we can understand and make sense of it. We care for every argument you introduce because the way you do it help us learn, understand and expand our insights into realms we would not be able to otherwise. You take us all on the privileged, luxurious learning journey. So WE ALL CARE. We are all grateful for all the time, sacrifices and effort you put into producing these articles, these little pieces into the exquisite, delicious unknown which possibly has the added benefit of saving our lives. (I certainly found strength in your posts to continue on my unvaccinated journey so I am forever grateful.)

Having said all that, I often wonder what could be done to augment the impact of all your efforts so that you can bask in that feeling of warmth, peace and content that comes from knowing you made a difference so huge that you can release all the tensions into that liquid state of warm happiness and smile at the world around you?

I hope I am making sense. Feel a bit loss as where I am going with this, so I will just leave it there. Thank you for another great article.

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Yeah. I was sarcastic. I care. I actually edited the last sentence based on your feedback.

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I didnt mean to say "you dont care". Your sarcasm came through. I was sensing the pain/hurt/disappointment behind sarcasm and was responding to that...I did not express myself clearly. I appologise.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Somebody come up with a different word for vaccine. It is so annoying to write. It's a lie. Just like all the NPI's and the rest of the nonsense. By writing it all the time, in some way small way, they're making us "live" a lie. That's been the point the last two years: to make us live a lie. Tell a lie or to wear a lie often enough the people will believe it.

I'm being facetious a bit, but also serious.

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I never use the word vaccine for this poison. It's a shot, prick or jab.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Prick is perfect. Bunch pricks they are... Thx for helping

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

“Injection” works well and is unlikely to turn off folks who believe in them but with whom you may be having a discussion attempting to offer a different point of view.

Calling them a “jab” or other may be okay in contexts like this Substack, but that terminology is not going to open anyone else’s ears to what you may have to say if it’s counter to their already-held beliefs.

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Very true. Thank you for that advice!

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I’m frequently thinking about ways that I can respectfully counter the narrative w my friends in ways that will open their eyes.

It’s a challenge at times, because everything is so obvious… to me.

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Frustratingly obvious

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Injectable therapy with narrow efficacy window and poor safety profile.

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deletedJun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022
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Well said! Everything you say is spot on. Thanks for inoculant!

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

How do I protect myself from getting blood clots from the vaxed around me? I take Nattokinase capsules, one a day. It's a natural Japanese blood thinner that prevents and heals blood clots. I like Doctor's Best brand. I post publicly on MeWe. STAY WELL NATURALLY!

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Do not hug, kiss, exchange bodily fluids for a month after any mrna injection

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What if you are in a bar on a business trip and have had a few lines ... and two SI Swim Suit models ask if they can come back to your room to 'party' .... and you know they've been injected...

That becomes a philosophical decision --- is it worth dying for that one great night????

Is that one night worth all nights you will sacrifice? Quality over Quantity.

The thing is ... you can't know how many nights you will miss out on ... and what might have happened on those nights.

I think this is a flip a coin moment

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A moral person will not have that problem.

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I have a mate who has an office in Bangkok... he employs locals and expats...

You know what his biggest HR problem is? It's 'moral' expats - often happily married --- who get tempted by the flesh pots.... they just can't help themselves... and many go completely off the rails...

I was on a business trip to Bangkok and a major international client invited me out with senior management -- 6 or seven married guys --- for drinks and dinner ... they started early ... around 5pm ... and we were finished by about 7.... they said hey you wanna to join us to attend xyz gogo bar?

I was not keen as I had some plans to hit some clubs with some mates -- and not wanting to rain on their parade I said -- ya I'd like to but it's a bit early for that don't you think? The response was --- you have to get in earlier to get the best ones... and get home in time to put the kids to bed...

hahahahaha... priceless!

There are no moral people --- particularly when SI Swimsuit models are involved... of course that never happens so the morals stay intact.

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Interesting insights. Poor kids! My hubby was an engineer. He said that married couples would go out to lunch with others for quickies. It's too bad that their spouses were not enough for them. I feel very sad for young people today. It seems that the jabbed victims are greatly limiting "the dating pool" for those wishing to stay well. Yeah.

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We've got some interns in our office to support a hockey league we sponsor - they were showing me how Tindr works back in 2019 when I used to go to our office ...

Basically it should be called Wanna F789? And it works!

Rather than feel sad in a way I envied them... a little haha

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in other words, don’t stand near Biden after he’s boosted

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I wish he was boosted. You don’t really think any body in government took these kill shots? Ivermectin for them.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't believe that any of them including the Trumps had COVID-19 or "drank the Kool-Aid." And, I believe now that close proximity to those jabbed can cause terrible problems. Yeah. It's THAT bad!

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Unless you like your hair sniffed...


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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Pfizer stated in their papers that just by breathing the air of the vaxed victims and touching their skin others can be infected and blood clots were mentioned as possible. This is why I started taking the Nattokinase.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Inhaling or rubbing against a couple loose spike proteins probably isn't a big deal. Your body has many lines of defense and this is a very different scenario from injecting millions of the things (or their blueprints anyway) directly into your bloodstream.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

100% agree. There are plenty of real things to be concerned about without inventing new ones.

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Who is inventing "new ones" if (IF!) the evil technology is already in the vaccines? Just asking. . .

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Add Hawthorn Berry, vitamin C, and high potency cayenne tincture. That would be 180,000 Heat Units ( a regular pepper is about 5,000-10,000) which can be bought from a herbal store or even Walmart for less than $15 a bottle and it will last a long time. Check out high potency cayenne.

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I take a Solaray's Cool Cayenne capsule after eating which is about as hot as I can take. (No. I don't eat hot spicy foods, never have.) This keeps the blood flowing. It also comes containing Butcher's Broom (if you can find it! This herb also greatly helps with circulation.) I get these from Swanson Vitamins which also has 1000 mg. Vitamin C with Rosehips capsules that are quite reasonable. I also like Doctor's Best D3 5000 i.u. gels. I have taken Swanson's NAC (Cysteine, and amino acid) 600 mg. capsules since 2009 and have not had any flu or Coronavirus'. It's about $10.00 a bottle

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I also take Nattokinase for "elevated" cholesterol instead of the statin poison one doc wanted me to take. The Japanese eat this stuff like candy. Heart disease was rare there, at least until the vaxxes came on the scene.

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Japan has the fewest number of blood clots in the world. They love natto for breakfast (from fermented soybeans) and it is widely eaten there. Natto is not pleasing to Western tastes. AMA doctors in the U.S. won't prescribe Nattokinase. It's over the counter here. I take Doctor's Best capsules. STAY WELL NATURALLY!

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Never heard of it before.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thanks, Igor. Another bonza of a post. I will flick it off to our Aussie pollies and experts.

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I am positive that they will engage in a rational, fact based debate with you this time, (especially the "experts"). Wait, this is not their "truth" so no, they will probably reply in the same way as before, if they reply at all. Still, I commend you for the effort - when the wheel will turn, and it will, these imbeciles will not be able to claim that they did not know.

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"....will not be able to claim that they did not know."

That is one reason why I am doing that. Another is to let them know that they are NOT fooling everyone.

I told them those two reasons, among others, as my justification for sending them.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

These people are nothing less than mad scientists experimenting on the human race. They’re taking full advantage of a corrupt system (scientific+medical+political+media) to prey on the trusting and the fearful. When and how can they be stopped?

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They are cockroaches. Blast light on their fuel system.

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“Omicron vaccine” that doesn't prevent Omicron will be mandated to make more billions for Moderna and presumably Pfizer, too bad about the side effects

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