All of the planet-wide madness we've been experiencing was designed and implemented by a hierarchy that resides above the sovereignty of nations, at the very top of the global power structure. One does not simultaneously shut the entire world down over a cold virus, without first having control of every government on earth. For the sake of simplicity, let's call this higher power the WEF or the 'World Economic Forum'.

This ridiculous Ukraine war is simply the next phase of the global enslavement directive that began in earnest with the lockstep lockdowns in 2020. The end-goal from this deliberate destruction and rebirth of everything is a one-world-government where one entity will own and control everything on this planet, including you. In the WEF's own words: You will own nothing, and you will be happy. Or else.

Resist this ^


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Yes, "For the sake of simplicity". The actual situation is a bit more complex. I think of the WEF as a front organization that provides information or disinformation as appropriate, and serves as a distraction away from other things.

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Yes the WEF is the executive of the Banksters whence all our troubles come: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/11/29/did-you-know-that-only-one-square-mile-dominates-the-entire-planetary-civilization/

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And switzerlanf dc london vatican and kiev are theit strongholfs.

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Indeed Y, but my feeling is that the City of London rules the lot - a state within a state: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrObZ_HZZUc

Yes, just like the Vatican and DC. BIS is the executive for the K-mafia bankster families, and WEF is the political/governance arm. The rest are footsoldiers here. https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/04/20/who-runs-the-world-organized-crimes-front-groups-secret-societies/

It's a Big Club and I'm not in it!

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The Justinian deception is worth checking out


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Thank you FT - this is really good and I must find time to watch it.



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There is a higher power and I'm in it.

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LOL - I hope I am in it 'Y', but the road to salvation is narrow and I often fall off it because I am imperfect!

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The WEF is like a signal smoke that the invisible qabal uses to move pieces on the chessboard. So it is like taking a poker and using it to move a gloved hand, that moves the piece.

The WEF is the hand we see, but we don't see the invisible tool and user behind them.

It is not a distraction, but there is plausible deniability. Not everything they are shown comes to pass. Many are backup plans to backup plans. When a plan is activated, the invisible hands can easily activate the visible hands who already have prepared a number of plans ready to move.

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Ukraine wants to be the "Greater Israel." The Sabbateans who are running this so called US Government want to get their homeland back (Khazaria).

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WHOA, you are on it !

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No. Surprise (possibly to you)! The Christian Vatican in Rome rules this world (as much as Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING allows it!) Sadly, this U.S. Government turned it's power over to it decades ago. The Papacy is the beast in Revelation 13:1. The two-horned beast in this chapter is the U.S. Government, verse 18. Those having wisdom will understand. I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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YOU mean ENIL/ bro to Amun RA....There is only ONE Prime Creator; neither of these however. All IS ENERGY, VIBRATION AND FREQUENCY.

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No. Yahweh is HIS NAME and It should be (transliterated) in every language like the Hebrew word of praise "HalleluYah!" which means "Praise ye Yah!" His Son Yahshua came in His Father's Name, John 5:43. Israel was captive under Egypt for 400 years but they never worshipped in the names of Egypt's pagan deities.

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The Vatican's Translator, knows more about the bible than anyone at the Vatican

The Naked Bible: The Truth about the most famous book in History - Mauro Biglino: https://ia802504.us.archive.org/29/items/the-naked-bible-the-truth-abou-giorgio-cattaneo/The%20Naked%20Bible_%20The%20Truth%20Abou%20-%20Giorgio%20Cattaneo.pdf

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I stopped reading this when I found too many lies. The Bible I use is The Holy Name Bible by Elder A. B. Traina (long deceased.) This Bible is still available. It has the True Names and other passages restored. This present Earth is only very nearly 6000 years old. Yahweh told Noah "Man's days will be 120 years. 120 Jubilee years (120 x 50) = 6000 years. Genesis 6:3" Cain was born first and Eve only mentioned singular, "a man." Genesis 4:1.


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It is indeed - but it comes with many names - Enil is one.

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The name Enil is not contained in a Bible list of names. I found out that it its origin is from Sanskrit also used in Sweden. I do not believe that it is a Biblical name for Yahweh. In fact in my 75 years I have never even heard of it!

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True Jayna this name and many others go a long way back 1,000s years before the Bible which was copied from much earlier wisdom. My son has done extensive research into this and has had me read many books on the subject. I found this one of particular interest but there are thousands:


For example, Moses' Laws are an almost exact copy of "The Code of Hammurabi which is a Babylonian legal text composed during 1755–1750 BC. It is the longest, best-organised, and best-preserved legal text from the ancient Near East. It is written in the Old Babylonian dialect of Akkadian, purportedly by Hammurabi, sixth king of the First Dynasty of Babylon."


One of my Chinese readers tells me their written history is the oldest in the world and over the millennia the West has been fooled with fake information. For example: https://www.unz.com/article/how-fake-is-church-history/



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Bravo - tell the truth and spread THE WORD. This is a spiritual war and Satan cannot win for it is written.

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Yes. But, sadly, him and his agents here on Earth do win for awhile!!

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Yes true - this is also written Jayna. According to John’s first Letter and Paul’s second Letter to the Thessalonians, what would those symbolic weeds picture?

In the harvest now taking place during the ‘conclusion of a system of things,’ the symbolic weeds make up the foretold Antichrist.

In his first Letter, written near the end of the first century, the apostle John writes, saying: “Just as you have heard that Antichrist is coming, even now there have come to be many Antichrists. And we know who they are. https://hannenabintuherland.com/usa/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families-who-own-usa-dean-henderson-herlandreport/

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Well, for me a true Bible believer (NOT Christian!) and long time dabbler in Eschatology, the Biblical Antichrist should be called AntiMessiah. Since at least The Third Century A.D. his name has been

"Jesus Christ!" This is the name of the image (idol) of the beast (The Christian Vatican) in Revelation 13:1,18. It's also "The Mark of the Beast." I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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Ukraine is the old Pale of Settlement, and good luck ever getting that back.

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Always wanted to know where all that red bullock shit was going back in the day...

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They are not as powerful as the tyranny of the masses. That is why they keep us divided. We have solutions. We need our own decentralized and transparent technology that connects us to fight back. Like this https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/satoshi-lives-an-exclusive-interview?r=7oa9d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Very interesting thanks.

There are some more reader contributed solutions here: http://tritorch.com/united/#solutions

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Thank for sharing. Wow Satoshi founder of bitcoin has some great wisdom and insight. The elite are using all their resources to look for Satoshi. People who create money out of thin air are trying to stop this guy. I believe GOD is helping him.

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You can read about thr powers in ephesians 6 12 and hidden hand 2008 interview

If u want to know a higher truth then look for zingdad s adamu victory message.

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I have read about them, there in Ephesians, in the Greek. Paul uses some interesting words to describe what we are up against, that don't translate all that clearly. A problem with reading translations is that subtle relationships between words used in different passages are lost. For example, in this passage, κοσμοκράτορας -- literally 'world ruler' -- also brings to my mind, in stark contrast, παντοκράτωρ -- almighty, or literally 'all powerful', as in κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὁ παντοκράτωρ -- the Lord God Almighty of Rev. 4:8. That is quite a contrast in power (κράτορας/κράτωρ), and part of the sense of it is lost in translation, as with other word associations. These powers are a big deal, especially the last two of the passage.

I don't understand what has happened over the past few years to be sudden. The parts have been constructed over the past two millennia and consolidated over the past few centuries, but the underlying patterns have been repeating across even more thousands of years. Because of the global scale of the present events, however, I do see this as likely to be the final round.

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When the mark of the Beast comes you can be sure that there will be plenty of ministers saying that it is not the one talked about in Revelation; but people will have to make a choice: take the Mark, and buy and sell, or refuse it and suffer with God's people. The problem with most of today's teaching is that people can live their very selfish lives instead of living the gospel.

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The princes refers to the fallen watchers. 1st enoch describes the issue. Also confessions of a watcher by timothy seems legitimate.

These would be the dark corrupt powers in psalm 82.

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To which of the four are you referring, or is it all? The first kind is τὰς ἀρχάς, which is often translated "the rulers" in this context, but "princes" would work too. The KJV translates it "principalities". It often refers to "flesh and blood" rulers, but obviously it can't be that in this passage.

I have an English translation of 1 Enoch that I have read, and it is interesting.

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The princes of darkness in the heavens. Fallen ones.

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OK, so this is not in direct reference to Eph. 6, but it is related.

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This is what I mean by drawing conclusions from too little data. If the globalists control 'every government on earth' how do you explain the fact that China never introduced an mRNA vaccine? Theirs is conventional, and while no doubt ineffective, it at least limits the potential damage as there's no replication of S2 proteins taking place. You get what's in the vial, and that's it. Also, China executed an extreme lockdown in the early stages, and this is given as reason to support a globalist agenda, but it's just as easily explained by their believing they were under attack. I mean they had plenty of evidence to support that conclusion given prior outbreaks, not just in the human population but also in the poultry and pork industries which were devastated by viral outbreaks in recent years.

Moving on to Russia, again while their Sputnik vaccine uses a similar approach to mRNA using a DNA based platform, they've also introduced three conventional vaccines and appear to be quietly retiring Sputnik. They also didn't push the vaccine nearly as hard as in the West, and now appear to be backing off due to widespread skepticism for which Russians are famous, and not without good reason. So, where's the globalist agenda in that? Because VVP was a WEF alumni? That's the evidence?

From my vantage point, the globalists appear to be failing and have done what psychopaths typically do as part of that syndrome: they've overreached and are now in a panic. That's not to say they aren't dangerous, but all powerful? Highly doubtful. I'm sure they'd like you to think that though, but if it were true, would they be losing so badly on the battlefield, where it actually counts? Not just Ukraine, but consider the number of countries resisting and/or joining the defacto anti-globalist alliance that's grown out attempts to overthrow Russia, a program that failed the first time and is failing spectacularly now. How does that fit into control of every govt. on earth? Sorry, but I just don't see it.

(I'm off to work now. I'll follow up in about 14 hours)

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"how do you explain the fact that China never introduced an mRNA vaccine? Theirs is conventional, and while no doubt ineffective, it at least limits the potential damage as there's no replication of S2 proteins taking place. You get what's in the vial, and that's it."

You know this because...you read it on the news? The objective is to get everyone injected with "something". That is a major cornerstone of the plandemic.

What is actually in the vials they are pulling from likely has nothing in common with what they claim it is. Their claims are not legitimate. If you believe otherwise you are the greater fool.

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"You know this because...you read it on the news?"

That's your rebuttal? Sarcasm? Your assertions have no more validity than mine unless you can present some convincing evidence, so spare me the sarcasm.

"Their claims are not legitimate. If you believe otherwise you are the greater fool."

And the ad hominem. If you've got an actual argument, show us the evidence. Just saying it doesn't make it so.

If you want to read up on Chinese vaccines here's a good source. It's in Russian, so you might have to use a translator.


A question I would ask myself if I were you. Are these things you believe coming from your own mind, or are they things that "they" want you to believe, and how would you know the difference? If you're going to be a skeptic, you have to question your own beliefs as well as those of others. Otherwise, you're just another ideologue.

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Their claims are not credible.


The entire industry is smothered by unimaginable corruption and conflict of interest:


Do you imagine that communist China is better? Give this a watch if you want your eyes opened:


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I'm painfully aware of the malfeasance and outright criminality that's gone on these past 3 years - it's divided my family, and made my 28 yo nephew sick (myocarditis) so trust me, I have a dog in this fight. As far as investigations are concerned, I've been following George Webb since 2016, and have done my own research since early 2020 when the first red flag appeared with the attack on Didier Raoult. I have over 100 scientific papers from reliable investigators in support of Raoult et al where it concerns early treatment and also the danger of the mNRA approach, so I think I'm up to speed on that one, including the DARPA connection which Malone and co. are desperate to bury.

What I don't agree with is attempts to spin this into a global depopulation conspiracy involving all the nations of the world. That's just hyperbole and relies mostly on anecdotes such as so and so is a WEF or a CFA member. Like they used to say in the Soviet Union 'they like to think big thoughts' but they're not so good on execution otherwise NATO would have its ass planted in Sevastopol at this point, rather than being on the verge of collapse and eastern Ukraine now part of Russia, with more to follow.

But lets say all that's true and that every major nation on earth is a party to that scheme. That doesn't leave much room for resistance does it? How do we extract ourselves from that dilemma if they control everything, including as some allege, our very thoughts (of which yours may be part)?

Right now there are so many people spinning theories, insisting on their validity, and making authoritative statements like "if you want your eyes opened" that it starts to resemble 9/11 and all the nonsense surrounding that event that similarly only serves to cloud the investigation and drive rational thinkers away, which is partly by design, but also a facet of human nature - the inability of most people to deal with uncertainty and it's corollary, the quest for easy answers.

I approach this subject like a prosecutor seeking an indictment. I have to build a rock solid case if I'm going to present it to a jury. For that I need hard evidence, not hearsay and opinion. Sorry, but that's just how I roll, and I'm dismayed (but not surprised) that most of my fellow skeptics don't. They're very selective in their skepticism, in fact some only imagine themselves to be skeptics when in fact they're true believers, and I count the religious among that number, which is why my remark about signs and portents. Their entire belief system rests on an unprovable premise, so what does that say about the rest of their thinking?

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Upvoted. You are wrong. What is it you think Epstein and his ilk were doing? They belong to cabals and their bloodlines that go back centuries. They are the men and women behind the curtain.

Agree to disagree. I salute your tenacity and research.

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International Covid Summit III - part 1 - European Parliament, Brussels


Richard Vobes summary of the conference shocking


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This ridiculous Ukraine war is simply the next phase of the global enslavement directive that began in earnest with the lockstep lockdowns in 2020.

You've got the order reversed. The war in Ukraine started in 2014.

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They are The Borg.

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Quick Index of Key Players


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That is fantastic, thank you!

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tritorch.com doesn't have tls/ssl certificates?

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Yes of course it does. Just make sure you put an s after http. eg https://tritorch.com I will update all the interlinks on the site to https, thanks for the heads up.

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But the page links come up unsecure. Oh didnt see the second sentence 👍

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The https updates are complete - should have been done a long time ago - thanks again.

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I don't buy the global conspiracies any more than I buy all the nonsense around defending Trump as some type of good guy fighting "bad people". Very superficial analysis. There is no mastermind behind a global plot, just a lot of amoral greedy SOBs angling for money and power.

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Belief and disbelief are the enemies of knowledge. https://tritorch.com/BeliefTrap

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May 12, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

He just undid everything he tried to fix...this makes him look very suspect. Back to Neurolink Elon.

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I'm unconvinced that he purchased twitter to support free speech. Words matter more than deeds.

On a personal level he may support it, but he is also beholden to banks, governments, and a host of other entities that are rapidly creating a surveillance state that pushes a single set of values. There are consequences for challenging that manufactured consensus.

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IMO that purchase was govt-backed and was a gambit to recapture the big chunk of govt-opposed users who had, for some time, been leaving the platform... which is, and always has been, a surveillance and propaganda tool.

I mean, think about what TikTok is: China (brilliantly) made a platform that almost-randomly rewards video posted by users. It's a gambling platform where the more you play, the more likely you are to win. Like a lottery. The behavior this encourages from users is: post as many videos as possible, without regard for content or quality. Quantity is what matters. Combine this with the face-recognition, gait-recognition, and GPS-tagging tech we know they're all using, and what you've got is probably the most cost-effective on the ground foreign surveillance ever deployed-- 50 million Americans working for Chinese intelligence services, without getting paid a dime for it. They're doing it for fake popularity and dopamine hits.

Think about that, and then think about what every single other social media platform is doing, is collecting... none of these companies need to make a profit from advertising to stay in business. They're too valuable to governments to just collapse for lack of funding.

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...and if you think conservative social media platforms are the answer, you haven't been paying attention.

Every time you use any of them, every time you conduct any social interaction through an electronic middleman, you're voluntarily reporting on your location, your thoughts and opinions, your political affiliations, and your friends and family, to... whom? You have no way of knowing. Who owns that company? Who spies on that company with or without its knowledge? Think any interested government or non-government party with sufficient resources would just leave that trove of information sitting on the table like that?

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That's why they call it DOPE...amine.

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It really is extraordinary that we've figured out how to hijack evolutionary biology to the extent that hormonal systems wired to make us cooperate in packs so we could bring down large game and share resources to survive... are now used to get us to spy on our own countrymen for foreign governments. What'll they think of next?

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don't forget space X. they depend on gov approvals. as does tesla to some extent.

he has to play nice with big gov.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

The only true public intellectuals = Experts in their discipline, confident in their morality.

In a perilous environment where to condemn openly what is wrong and reprehensible is a capital sin.

Here are two of the most prominent ones in our times of trouble (tribulations):

J. Robert Oppenheimer (developed the bomb, opposed its use). More recently, Luc Montagnier, Nobel prize for HIV discovery, denouncer of covid story/vaccine lies.

Both vilified.

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Jordan Peterson

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Perhaps, but too early to tell.

Naomi Wolf, too.

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He is a massive contractor for the Defense Dept. The richest man on Earth is obviously one of them trying to trick us

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Are you sure he tried to fix?

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No I’m not...has occurred to me it’s a huge psyop

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Everything is done by long term planning at the WEF

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Musk is the one wanting to kill us off with thousands of 5G-blasting satellites— so that nowhere on Earth will we be able to escape the deadly radiation!

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I've also read that the inside of a tesla is essentially a microwave that, if you're a man, fries you b@lls.

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My homeopathist, who graduated Harvard top of her class , told me to stay away from electric cars, because the energy the battery emits on the driver is toxic to our cells

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We all live in a sea of electromagnetic energy. You are only relatively free of it while camping in a tent with your cell phone turned off, in the wilderness. You would be astounded at what you would find walking around in the average home with a 60Hz gaussmeter. Power frequency magnetic fields everywhere, especially near small transformers (like the power brick for your computer). I don't buy the fact that an EV is really that unique in terms of these kinds of exposures... since we cannot see them, we are just unaware of the fields, magnetic and electric, across a wide range of frequencies, to which we are constantly exposed.

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lol I recently got a pdf "How to check your balls" if we don't know that by now, even by age 14, we've paid no attention.

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He was never to be trusted to begin with. He's a fucking plant!

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Absolutely but look how many people he fooled by sucking everyone in he was returning Twitter to free speech. Look how many people became enamored with him. Can’t wait to see the reactions.

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I will enjoy the reactions to realization, ... having never used Twitter even once myself. lol No, Musk taking over Twitter made no difference whatsoever as far as my using the platform.

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I wrote a piece back when Elon was yanking the chain of the twitter-idiots, and threatening to buy the farm. It explained that Elon is an ideas and money guy...and both those things depend on one another. His ideas generate money and his money funds his ideas - and tangible things that come from those ideas...maybe.

While the ridiculously foolish simps, draped a metaphorical cape over his shoulders and lined his path with palm leaves, he remained the same technocratic actor, with the same goals and methods, to reach those goals.

He didn't climb down off a cross and say "I will save you from the evils of censorship my children...even if I have to lose everything and be re-crucified"...but you would think that he did, given the pieces written here on substack.

He may believe in free speech...BUT...it's his version of free speech...not yours...because it's his company. But the free speech thing is really just the lipstick on the pig. It's the hook that was meant to pull all those who were booted off twitter - the conservative half of the market - back into the money making (for Elon) fold. And boy did it ever work - I'd say to around 90%.

As others here have pointed out, the platform was and is a government spy/infiltration/subversion vehicle. That doesn't change...whether Elon is a CIA plant or not.

Additionally, your free speech, will never be as important to him, as his projects and ability to make money, to support those projects.

Lets say Elon decides to push hard for the Mars mission and Pepsi say, "we'll fund 70% of the project, if you put our logo/brand on all rockets, vehicles, suits and Mars station. By the way we are running a huge ProTrans campaign and we don't want any push back on twitter, like A-B got, so you'll need to shut that stuff down"...what do you think Elon is going to say????

By the way, his new CEO is an ADVERTISING guru...you would be hard pressed to find altruism, in truly profit driven advertising. Just read the first few paragraphs of Edward Bernays' book "Propaganda", to understand the industry she cut her teeth in.

Last thing, while I have never been a social media user (I did open a fb account when it first came out and then abandon it 6 months later - seemed very stupid) anything that has the ability to capture information and the minds of it's users AND is WEF adjacent...is something I consider to be problematic at best.

Good comments Fizzygurl.

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And even better thought-provoking comments by you! I just think of the sneaky little clues that he has displayed like being Baphomet on Halloween and the white jacket at the Met Gala with a very light stencil barely visible of “NWO.”

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Oh yes, these players have a penchant for telling you the truth...but we commoners (especially of late) have an equally developed penchant to look past those signs...in order to find and crown a savior.

I've always found it to be sad irony, that normal everyday people have little understanding, that these "elites" - be they actors, sports figures, politicians, influencers, activists - have a vastly different view of the world, than we do.

Yet we idolize, canonize and in many cases worship them and their positions...all the while thinking..."they understand me, we're pals, we're the same"...or some deluded equivalent. After all, EVERYONE is on a first name basis with the owner of twitter right??? This phenomenon is all around us, no matter the political, social or religious boundaries. Until people accept that these saviors only have their own best interests at heart - which may briefly cross paths with yours from time to time - nothing can or will change.

I have taken to telling people, "you are ants in an ant farm and the globalist/progressive/elites are the ones watching, feeding and watering you. Is it any surprise that they periodically shake the ant farm container violently, in order to watch you re-build your network of tunnels or just to see what will happen??"

We let the genie out of the bottle long ago and have been paying the price ever since.

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In My view, it's the cult of personality. I believe the elite that you named have replaced the old ancient gods that were once worshipped by the masses. Nowadays, these iconics can be worshipped with little or no blowback from moralists who once called those ancient folks idol worshippers. This way, everyone can participate in the idol worship with no blowback. They are blatant enough to run shows like "American Idol" and nobody blinks.

The other part is that human beings, especially westernized human beings are conditioned into a latent state of existence. They have come to see farming as a servile occupation only done by the brainless. They have been conditioned into allowing these idols and leaders to take the fall for anything that goes wrong. They vote in droves for someone else to take responsibility because it takes too much effort to be responsible for their actions. It's easier to sit back and scream at the boob tube, rather than get up and change the experience.

Finally, I would say that those who have little or no light of their own become sycophants who will sit in the light of others who appear to have it. Instead of nurturing and harnessing their own light, it is easier to glean the light of others.

I believe that Western Society has create a mob of mindless individuals who no longer are capable of being sovereign within their own experience and are therefore easily lead by anyone who appears to have a little more going for them, e.g., the rich & famous elite, entertainers, political leaders and sports stars.

What Does Lady Gaga, Obama, Trump, Beyonce, Lebron James and Jay-Z Have In Common https://odysee.com/@nanabaakan:3/what-does-lady-gaga-obama-trump-beyonce:d

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The company we keep is one of the best indicators we have to evaluate the values and intentions one holds. As someone who has kept company with a wide and diverse strata of society, economic, education, status, faith, free-thinkers, rigid-thinkers, I agree with the premise that being exposed to a wide range of people with vastly different values and qualities from all walks of life is hugely important and enriching. It allows for much more empathy and understanding of those we won't otherwise be able to find agreement with. So while she follows those diverse strata's of society does she immerse herself, keep the company of all of them, too? Just following them is often done as a form of reconnaissance to learn how to better influence them; learning how to be a horse-whisperer, or a MAGA-whisperer.

What also could be the case is as Noam Chomsky describes in Manufacturing Consent. About the fluidity of people in positions of power and status not being wedded to any particular ideology or value structure. Flexibility to put their finger into the air and see what direction the wind is blowing in order to preserve and enhance their status being their primary consideration. It's nothing personal to this type of person. Just business. The business of governing. "Justifying their role as ideological managers in the service of real power.":


"So in a- as a society becomes more free — that is, there’s less capacity to coerce — it simply needs more sophisticated indoctrination and propaganda. For the public good.

The similarity between this and Leninist ideology is very striking. According to Leninist ideology, the cool observers, the radical intelligentsia, will be the vanguard who will lead the stupid and ignorant masses on to, you know, communist utopia, because they’re too stupid to work it out by themselves.

And in fact there’s been a very easy transition over these years between one and the other position. You know, it’s very striking that continually people move from one position to the other, very easily. And I think the reason for the ease is partly because they’re sort of the same position. So you can be either a Marxist-Leninist commissar, or you can be somebody celebrating the magnificence of State capitalism, and you can serve those guys. It’s more or less the same position. You pick one or the other depending on your estimate of where power is, and that can change.

The- and in fact the mainstream of the intelligentsia, I think over the last, say, through this century, have tended to be in one or the other camp. Either- there’s this strong appeal of Marxism-Leninism to the intelligentsia, for obvious reasons — I don’t have to bother saying. And there’s the same appeal of these doctrines to the intelligentsia, because it puts them in the position of justifying- of having a justified role as ideological managers, in the service of real power, corporate/State power. For the public good, of course. So you naturally are tempted to one or the other position."

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"Just following them is often done as a form of reconnaissance to learn how to better influence them; learning how to be a horse-whisperer, or a MAGA-whisperer."


'"It’s more or less the same position. You pick one or the other depending on your estimate of where power is, and that can change."'

Successful whores are very good at doing that.

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Will you take the neurolink pr 5g or 6g internet?

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May 12, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Sorry. Out of all the millions of people Musk could select, he chose a WEF member. I can't get past that. The US was just about the only country that supported sovereignty of the individual. Free speech is fundamental to this. Neither of these seem to be concerns of the new Twitter CEO. Or Musk, either? Is his drive for free speech just to obtain better data?

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Kim, you are waking up.

The USA *is* the NWO. Look at the back of the One Dollar bill, under the pyramid.

The phrase Novus ordo seclorum, located just below the pyramid, literally translates as “New world order” or “New order for the ages.”

More here: https://decodetheworld.substack.com/p/whats-going-on-at-twitter

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To me, more important is when that initially appeared. This is/was a coupe.

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Kim, the coup happened December 23, 1913 (Federal Reserve Act). "They" have been in charge ever since.

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1871 republic died. But masonry always had a new world order in mind. Majestic 12 and dark illuminati

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Yes, so when they call it a "Democracy," they are actually right. It is a democracy between the "Stakeholders" but it excludes all of us. They want to subject us to something that we are excluded from.

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Well the story is that usa became a corporation in 1871 and now we use admiralty law and gold fringed flags. People have contested legally in the courts and sometimes succeeded. Shareholders are not us. Citizens are just assets on the book. The birth cert the official slave sold contract.

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Yes, I've been researching how to spit myself and family out of this. So far, I have only come up with a Declaration of Individualized Sovereignty. Effectively this is like unplugging a very badly virus infected computer. Once something is so dysfunctional that it is just bricked, it's time to come up with something new like decentralized, coordinated localized communities.

The birth certificate thing is really in need of being nullified.

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This comment nailed it.

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I agree. That's why there is no such thing as an American 'conservative' or 'right winger'. To be right wing in the traditional sense one must be nationalist, religious, and a supporter of the Christian social order. "God, King, and Country" in the British formulation.

America was founded in opposition to the traditional Christian social hierarchy, as the Founders rejected the nobility and embraced religious pluralism. Many were Freemasons and occultists, which is why you have the "all seeing eye" and other symbols.

Yes, the dominant religion was Christianity in terms of the population, but the leadership has always been dominated by occultists. Hence the "anti-Masonic Party" in the 19th century.

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The so called "all seeing eye" is a MASSIVE misinterpretation of the "inward seeing eye." Arbitrary Hierarchy like what we see today is not natural for people. Competitive Hierarchy may be. The 'Cult' that is manipulating our country are "Occult Subversivist."

There are many non religious / mystic studying organizations that don't do what these Parasites do. Their philosophy has always been "a lie wrapped up in a little bit truth."

The All Seeing Eye is actually a very good analogy to the type of hierarchy the Globalist want to have. It IS a pyramid scheme of government.

What does government actually mean?

Break the word up: Govern = Control Ment = Mind (as in mentality)

Government = Mind Control.

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If you really want to go down a weird rabbit hole, check out these related sites:



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The solution is learning how to harness the power of the “Tyranny of the Masses” and use it against them. They are not as powerful as the tyranny of the masses. That is why they keep us divided. We have solutions. We need our own decentralized and transparent technology that connects us to fight back. Like this https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/satoshi-lives-an-exclusive-interview?r=7oa9d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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The Americas were known to the elites of Europe as 'The New World' in the 15th Century. Today's elites view themselves as the inheritors of that system, many are indeed descended from those elites back then. Britain was still trying to get back their wayward colonies in the Civil War.

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Most of the people trotted out as 'dissidents' have those same connections. Vivek Ramaswamy, magically created a biotech company with the help of WEF-related investors. Jordan Peterson, former consultant to the UN who was hired to make replacement migration palatable. Go down the list.

The real dissidents never have access to the levers of power. Just look at the treatment of Brook Jackson compared to the Facebook 'whistleblower' who was quickly rushed onto primetime TV. Julian Assange, etc.

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Where are thr angels?

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Angels will assist when asked, but will not interfere.

Some things we must do ourselves.

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The real ones end up broke or dead.

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Fake controversy there, with the "free speech"

Twitter isn't free speech. It's intensely surveilled speech. All social media platforms are.

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Surveilled speech is one thing, Censorship is quite another.

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They do go so well together, though, don't they?

"Censorship" is the power to suppress and to promote. It can be subtle or overt. It's the basic model of every media platform, with Google probably the most ubiquitous and successful example.

"Surveillance" is direct input to the censorship function, and also perhaps to other "intelligence" purposes, of which there are many. It also feeds back to the paranoia (or if you prefer, social awareness) of the user base, keeping them in line: a concept already well-developed in Bentham's Panopticon.

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If that's what lets you sleep at night...

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When I peruse Twitter, one could say I am surveilling. When Twitter censors, information is withheld and cannot be assessed. There's a big difference and has nothing to do with what makes me sleep.

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I respect your opinion on it. I've simply come to a different conclusion-- namely, that the platform's entire reason for existence, is as a surveillance tool.

The format is engineered for optimal addictiveness and suboptimal communication. Perhaps you can counter-surveil it and get useful information. But I find that it's very easy to delude myself that engaging in addictive behaviors is somehow good and productive. I'm gathering information, right? I'm checking out this thing so I'll know what everyone's talking about. I want to know what's going on.

But is it really a more productive use of my time than *everything* else I could be doing? How much am I lying to myself about how much time I've spent there? What am I getting in exchange? is it worth it? What was the opportunity cost: what did I miss out on, when I chose to spend my time that way? There's always a cost.

Have you ever set a timer on it to find out exactly how much time that is? When you counter-surveil, are you using a VPN to avoid giving it your personal information? Do you "follow" people you know IRL?

Personally, I found that it was both a gigantic time-suck, and an enormous temptation to divulge unnecessary personal information *and* engage in the kind of snarky, callous behavior I would never dare to deploy in real life. It wasted terrific amounts of my time, and made me a worse person.

We're not all the same. YMMV. It's important to be honest with yourself. I am weak-willed and compulsive, and the platform exploits those things. I'm better off staying away from it, just as I'm better off staying away from recreational drugs. But let's suppose (as is probably true) that you are a better person than I, with loads of moral fortitude. Let's say you're the sort who can use just a bit of heroin now and then and not become an addict. Does that mean it's OK to buy the heroin, even though that supports cartels? Or is that a weaselly rationalization to justify to yourself that what you're already doing is entirely OK? If you still hang out socially with drug dealers, are you doing counter-surveillance... or are you there for the free booze and a good time? Like, were you really ever going to report them to the authorities or do a sting operation, or were you just telling yourself that?

Twitter's part of the cartel, and most of us are not cut out to be secret agents.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

And Tucker is under contract with them now? How's that going to work for freedom to speak? Much less government backdoors?

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I didn't trust that from the start. He barely got going, thank goodness, before people had a chance to latch on.

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Ussa does not suppprt free speech. Only russian federation is on the side of freedom now

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I kind of believe that to an extent

The whole world is laughing at us.

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The whole world is afraid of a banana rrpublic with dukes. They expect dc to duke em for random stuff. Thus they dont want to provoke a dying 4th reich

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You know Elon's a Young Global Leader, right?

Some basic facts about the guy:



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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Even worse she was chairman of Ad Council - literally a propaganda arm of the government. She headed the vaccine propaganda campaign of Ad Council. Zerohedge had this last night off her linked in and twitter.

https://twitter.com/lindayacc/status/1331372706986663945 (https://archive.ph/crvBH)

https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindayaccarino/ (https://archive.ph/Xo0Qb)

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

Matt Taibbi has written about the Ad Council in his recent article on the big players in the Censorship Industrial Complex. Taibbi said the Ad Council was "One of Twitter’s main four Covid-19 misinfo advisors. Specifically, advanced a project to increase vaccine demand"

More here: https://www.racket.news/p/report-on-the-censorship-industrial-74b?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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She says: "Freedom of speech, not reach." Hmmm

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Elon's been saying this for a long time. Nothing new here.

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That's Google's model too. Always was.

Is there anyone who's so dumb that they can't read this as "we control what gets promoted and what gets suppressed"? Seems really obvious to me.

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Exactly. Very obvious. Disturbingly so

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I read on Twitter that “she encouraged Elon to allow advertisers to have influence on the platform and he disagreed but she persisted requesting the reinstatement of an influence counsel for advertisers to regularly interact with Twitter‘s leadership.”

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"take the shots, brought to you by DHHS and the Ad Council"

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And Linda Yaccarino.

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Pray! Maybe she will hurry up and die from the shots she took! Lol!

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I think theirs has a different formula altogether, and they got it before the thing was released

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Ewwww. I mean, she's not even interesting.

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I think Musk had the better idea than this, .... when he appointed his Dog as CEO. lol

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I think he's going for the opposite of "interesting". He's trying to shore up the status of the platform with its previous stakeholder majority.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Doesn’t this really illustrate free speech via Twitter is just a fantasy we wanted to believe? Another controlled opp maneuver to mislead and pacify us?

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Musk wants to chip your brain Sharon.

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Twitter is a classic honey pot operation. Elon opened it up to bring conservatives back in, they had opted out or been deplatformed from just about everywhere and they needed more tracking data.

You should use Twitter only to view news (for now). The censorship will come back fiercely soon and anyone posting there will get those things put "in their files".

As a friend who lived in the East Bloc under communism told me, "the best strategy is to not stick out". That means you have a spying device they control and you know it's spying. Use that to your advantage. Communicate "off grid" for sensitive things.

If anything requires your phone number or email address, you are inside their system. Telegram, Signal, your phone, Twitter, Facebook, etc. all part of the data gathering system.

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Best advice. Includes substack.

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"Twitter is a classic honey pot operation"

> Could not agree more . . . .

"The best strategy is to not stick out"

> Wise words, indeed . . . .

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"Words of wisdom, Lloyd ... words .. of .. wisdom"

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Or... like the Dutch, we stand up and take a REAL stand, and confront those with evil intent and put a stop to their plans wherever and however we can while also getting down on our knees in repentance and BEGGING God to also intervene. God is more than capable of changing the course of history in ways that totally surpass all of our human strivings.

But we have to be willing to do as He desires, and speak the truth boldly and without fear of powerful men and women.

And we do have choices. We aren't entirely without advertency in the current moment.

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" Ye are gods, all this U can do , and more. "

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Ding ding ding we have a winner

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The eye tecj is countered by anti divination on my side

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This attitude is self-defeating.

If you organise your own resistance network, don't use any of these tools for your private communication. Not because they are surveillance tools (they are), your activities and networks can be monitored by any third party, because you make that stuff public.

And viewing tweets only gives away more infos than you probably realise. A lot of meaningful data can be extracted from the time you spend viewing a tweet, etc.

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Actually, when you discover something spying on you, don't disconnect it. That's what you send misinformation/misdirection thru. Everything you do on the public networks is fully transparent and monitored.

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Now they know we know they know. Now you have to send the real information because they will believe it is misinformation? But now they know we know they know we know they know. What now?

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This is when times become dangerous.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Hugely disappointing. Feel now that the odds of Elon not being controlled opposition are basically zero.

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Minor quibble: it's not "controlled opposition". That would be like, he really wants to do the right thing and has everybody's best interest at heart but alas he's weak and blackmailed and bribed.

No, Musk and his kind are "opposition control". They know exactly what they're doing, they know whose side they're on, and they serve their masters as sheepdogs or Judas goats.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I told you that Elon was not our savior.

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I think his investment cash came from CIA

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And neither is Igor, nor anybody else for the matter.

Menschlich allzu Menschlich.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

It is always disappointing to see intelligent people, including this woman, part of a sick and twisted organisation like the WEF. How very disappointing Elon has chosen her for employment with twitter. Very disappointing.

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How "intelligent" can she really be?

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A lot of the people pushed to top positions in business are not all that bright. Compare them with physicists or mathematicians and it's a 30 IQ point difference.

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Not highly. But I think many of these people test and imitate well.

But they're not imaginative. And they really have nothing better to do, no real jobs that will take them. So they take on this fluff work and think they've got it made.

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Or very encouraging as it displays the real picture more clearly

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May 12, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Was going to create an account to watch Tucker. Nope, pass.

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Surprised Tucker woukd want anything to do with a WEF puppet. Time to quietly slip away from twitter.

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Past time, I would say . . .

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Maybe it's time to have a deeper look into this "Tucker" character?


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Tucker is a Swanson and friends with Hunter Biden.

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No one is perfect, least of all me, but suggest avoiding earthly idols. They disappoint.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I just can’t make up my mind about that guy. On the surface & in some deeds, he seems legit. In others, he seems like a Trojan Horse to lull the masses. Hiring anyone w/ WEF ties (doesn’t he have them too?) is very suspect, to me. Their agenda is front & center for all to see & there is not a single good to come of it for the “little people”. How can someone know that & still participate in that group?

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Musk may be a visionary but he is unstable and therefore untrustworthy.

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I've never understood: Why is there any question about the guy? His transhumanist plan to brain chip humanity, his advocacy of AI and his massive satellite network tell the whole story . . . .

In fact, this new development only confirms what was already sitting out in the open, right in plain sight, for all the world to see . . . .

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rather than them engaging with all sorts of people, as I am sure they prefer to think of themselves, , perhaps they are a type of controlled opposition (your Trojan Horse) to gather in some of the refuseniks. Easier to brainwash more people than to have to exterminate them. Under their control either way.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Beyond disappointing

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Twitter is the equivalent of Chairman Mao's "Hundred Flowers Campaign". Once Elon has identified the dissentors he can begin the slaughter.

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Surprise, surprise...

" Elon Musk confirmed that Tesla is currently working on version 3 of its vaccine printer for CureVac and he believes that it is going to be an “important product for the world.”

Earlier this year, Musk announced that Tesla has become the manufacturing partner for biotech firm CureVac who is working on a COVID-19 vaccine based on their RNA technology."


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The Musk news just keeps getting worse. He is a smart man, yet he does not seem to know the mRNA covid jabs have caused serious adverse events and deaths and destroyed people’s immune systems. Dr Joe Ladapo where are you? Looks like our brainiac Tesla, starlink, Neuralink, space man does not understand the information shared in Turtles all the way down. Could you have a word with Elon, Joe. thank you.

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Is he protecting himself for government contracts?

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That would be very slutty of him.

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He was complaining that his booster "crushed him".


Prior to that he had been saying that he wouldn't take a jab.


I really can't work out what to think about him. He certainly pushes back against the narrative on some things such as population collapse. He was warning of a coming ice age, yet makes a lot of money on electric cars). His "free speech" on twitter has been an improvement, but nothing like what he promised.

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Good reveal, Lioness. Looks like Elon is holding nothing back now . . . .

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Smells like Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes.

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REALLY? She probably follows these groups to keep up with what her enemies are doing. Elon is BOUGHT and OWNED and Tucker Carlson going to TWITTER will also continue to be BOUGHT and OWNED. There were a lot of people Musk could have named but to name someone that is an Exec with WEF just exposes who he really is. WAKE UP. I am really surprised at your naivety Igor.

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I am suspicious (jaded??) too, Karen. "Following" does not imply "agreement." It could very well mean "intelligence gathering and counter-attacking."

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Well I for one appreciate Igor's light touch. Understatement is a rare gift, these days.

He knows his audience will say it all anyway. And just look at us!

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I have really enjoyed posting Covid info freely since Musk bought Twitter. But I can’t help but wonder - in the whole world of people to choose a CEO from, why one ACTIVE in the WEF. sad but I have to write elsewhere now.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Musk's Twitter files release was a classic limited hangout. This should surprise nobody.

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Well said!

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If he was serious he would have released the whole tranche unredacted. Instead we got carefully curated bullshit through leftist journalists.

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