In Scotland, the double vaxxed may be having the highest death rate because they got their booster shots, and are now more likely to test positive and die again within the 14 day window that they are still not considered boosted by the definitions they use
When all the CovIDIOTS start dying from Reverse AIDS etc... they'll call it long Covid.
Oh right ...
A Pulitzer Prize winner has warned a "mass disability event" is already under way, as numbers of those suffering long-term symptoms after having Covid continue to grow.
From what i gather long-covid is mostly avoidable if folks can get early treatment. Oh wait, early treatment is apparently a myth fostered by the misinformers. My bad.
It's like the CovIDIOTS are sticking themselves with a knife... then stabbing again and again and again ... not dead yet? stab some more ... to Stay Safe. And it could have been so much worse if they had not stabbed themselves.
In addition, there will always be a sub-population of people right at death's door (think of terminally ill cancer patients). These people will not be vaccinated (I presume), might still get Covid and be counted as Covid deaths. It's a small group in absolute terms but it contributes a lot to total deaths. Not vaccinating these people actually makes the vaccines look good (higher efficacy computed). Now, imagine a person got two shots in 2021 but has meanwhile entered the near-death category and is not boosted. Is there any chance to quantify such effects of vaccinee selection?
I don't have any children because I knew a situation like the one we are facing (extinction) was imminent ... from around 2010.
I am sure you'd happily have my dogs experimented on rather than your kids... so why is it not ethically acceptable for me to want to instead use your kids for the experiments?
How about we cut a deal.
If the experiment benefits canines ... I'll sacrifice one of my dogs.
But if the experiments benefit humans - you sacrifice a kid
I think that's fair.
Let's allow the audience to settle this shall we - like this comment if you agree
Yes you did - you use loads of products including medical treatments that were tested on animals. You are complicit.
Oh and BTW - you also consume food produced on industrial farms so you are complicit in the global gulag system known as farming. Perhaps we should require that every family donate one child (good opportunity to get rid of the most troublesome brat...) to an industrial farm setting --- producing food for dogs.
I am sure you will recoil at these suggestions ... but if you were a sentient being from UrANUS... and you were eavesdropping on this discussion ... you'd surely be saying to the other UrANIANS... 'this Fast Eddy guy has a good point'
My recommendation would be to avoid violence... and instead sabotage the machine ... throw wrenches into the gears... convince vaxxed truckers to join the fight -- call in sick .. work to rule
Oh and make sure to visit places of interest re covid -- then self isolate (because that's what you are supposed to do)... and get a paid holiday :)
Enough people do that ... and the machine seizes up ... cuz the shelves go empty ..
And don't stop with the truckers... if loads of people 'were at places of interest' and isolating... then guess what... the machine can't function
Imagine how psychologically uncomfortable this is if you jabbed your child.
You will eventually find out that your child was at extremely low, statistically non-existent risk to the disease.
You will eventually find out that the exp. jabs are highly risky loaded with potential adverse reactions, some quick, but many of them immune system time bombs that will present over a long period.
You will find out sooner rather than later, that the "efficacy" that you were hoping for lasted only a couple of months or less.
How many intellectual hoops will you jump through to avoid this collection of inconvenient realities?
How much will you seek to demonize the "unvaccinated" in an illogical scapegoat making avoidance of your decision making?
Up until now, it has been sprayed like bile at the swarthy "unvaxxed", but will they ever turn it towards those pancake makedup gleaming anchor heads, and at Fauci and Walensky and so forth? Bourlas, and other Big Pharm criminals?
This is why we see politicians, like Newsom, reluctant to give up emergency power. He sees Canada, he knows the truth about the shots and he's in a dead-end health issue that he created. Newsom will keep playing for time, keep pushing the panic, because without fear on the general populace, the people will turn on him. Look at Oregon, masks in schools, forever.
I am not even sure justice would satisfy the masses at this point. Just behind the Covid narrative there's a hop, skip, and a jump to other on goings that bother people. Early on I felt that even if this was interrupted somehow, that the scale of the horror would be too great a threat you'd need to steer it to the end and actually play out the narrative.
It's very similar to stories where the earth is to be struck by an object from space. Do you tell the people, or do you not? Plenty of watching out there for the variations of that decision.
You'd have to keep giving boosters of saline solution or something, while also finding a way to counter act the damage from the vaccine. All while keeping it a secret, as this secret has been largely kept. It'd be the greatest show on earth and you wouldn't want to be in the know.
I do not think brother would slay brother, in that moment of "oh ****." Just.. our systems having the willpower to continue on. Who is going to work if the reality becomes a what the data is suggesting.
It's what I tell my vaccinated friends who insist I convert, that I could be wrong. I read once about Vikings. Apparently they had a individual in the kings guard, whom would have the role of naysayer. Their role was to go against the grain. I can see this as an invaluable aid to a decision maker -- especially if that naysayer is trusted to do their duty without bias.
I think the best method in dealing with all this is to embrace the psychosis in a manner. The movie Inception had a novel idea of a dream within a dream, within a dream, within a dream. This feels like our reality right now.
All that being said, being able to embrace the duality (to be simple about it) of what is going on -- understanding it. Then building the negative.
I do not believe there is any way to prepare for the reverse here. If we're all wrong in our thinking, we can say we tried to the end of our coil. If we are right... Man do not deserve God's help, his hubris, what have we done to our Garden? Man will need to forgive man, and they will not be able to talk about it for a very long time.
They will go to great lengths not to confront the obvious, though it will become hard and it won't be just the sacrificial children, many of those foolish parents will be plagued with chronic illness or worse.
Is UK counting those who get infected within 14 days after the shot as "unvaccinated" or "unboosted"? What if they get infected within 14 days but die after the 14-day period -- are they considered an "unvaccinated" or "unboosted" death?
Yes, but it’s not clear to me if you get infected on day 13 and then die a week later whether you are counted as an “unvaccinated” death. I assume so (based on the theory that you were infected before full “vaccination” kicked in) but would like to make sure that’s right.
This is correct, and it’s the same everywhere. I think the only difference is some places say you’re not considered to have had “one dose” unless you’re 21 days after getting the shot vs 14 days
I have family members who (sadly) got the initial two-dose of pfizer, and are now debating whether to get a booster. I've seen data - like that from Scotland shown in this article - which suggest the boosted have improved protection vs the double-vaxxed, but there's also a lot of data which indicate the protection will likely wane at least as fast as the double-dose protection did. So... temporary protection, with the additional risk of the extra dose of dangerous 'vaccine' and potential further damage to the immune system.
Does anyone have thoughts or further data both in favour of, and against boosting? I'd like to provide family with as much information as possible... but it's scattered and piecemeal and difficult to remember and articulate.
- The vaxxed are seriously trapped in the endless and quickening booster/shots cycle and are screwed with as well as without boosters
- As a relative, you will be blamed if you come on too strongly, they do what you want and get sick.
- Some relatives would hate you even more if they DISREGARD your advice and get seriously sick -- they will say that you "jinxed" it
- Lastly, and this especially applies to ideologically pro-vaccine people, as opposed to the accidentally vaccinated, when they realize how much they were screwed, they might hate YOU rather than their abusers - vaccinators and censors.
So I think that while your opinions have every right to be stated anywhere, and in fact it is your duty to politely state your opinion once to your loved ones -- be very careful with over-pressuring your relatives. It may not end well.
Seems to be a repeating phenomenon in a lot of families. I’ve found that injected family members who receive any kind of advice become very resistant and resentful. They don’t want to hear it and they resent their family who don’t buy the narrative. I’ve also stopped trying. It’s heartbreaking knowing the damage they’re doing to themselves, and heartbreaking the way it’s causing such dissonance between loved ones….I almost don’t want them to realize the truth because it’s too awful.
Just to let everyone know that the issues with family members taking the shots and some not taking the shots, the cold should and being ostracized, it happens everywhere and in all culture. It is just "not that severe" in Asia.
I've not had this happen, but my parents are all in for the vaxx and booster merry go round. My dad told me today he trusts his doctors, the same way he would if they prescribed a medication. He also says the local hospital publishes numbers and that "clearly" mostly unvaxxed are clogging hospitals. The latter is obviously sketchy. As far as your own doctor, look...I get it. Who wants to believe that their doctor wouldn't understand how the vaxx works or possible implications. Sometimes I feel like the crazy one. Maybe I am :/
Maybe show them videos on realnotrare and some of the many firsthand online accounts of side effects. Encourage them to stay home until Omicron is over or newr over, tell them it’s dying out, as the news says.
I would like to tell people there there are 2 distinct issues related to vaccines - (1)side effects or adverse effects and (2)the suppressed immunity that is caused by the vaccine. Two separate things
Indeed - the news says. The news has said this several times already. Of course it is not based on any data or science (and BA2 is arriving soon - noone could have seen that Biden will say - I nominate Igor for Presidential Covid advisor).
And, if un-natural - who is to say a new variant will not be released in a few months. Or Deltacron.
Interestingly, deaths are now worse than the alpha wave and heading for the wave 2 (delta) showing how much the media can ignore if it doesn't fit the narrative.
Just scan Igor's old posts. He has a few that explain how repeated boosting hijacks and diminishes the effectiveness of the natural immune system.
These jabs are not working. Even on the red. hosp./death metrics.
They may kick the can down the road for a tighter and tighter spiral of time, but you end up worse off. Like taking out payday loans with exploding interest rates.
Alex Berenson has some good posts on this as well. Don't get the boosters. Stop digging the hole for yourself. Peace.
Sadly, the boosters have an unfair protection halo in most data sets that is mostly an artifact of healthy user bias as I mentioned in a comment below - the mere act of rolling out boosters makes outcomes look better in the boosted and worse in the double-dosed-only.
Again, the better performance of boosters is probably an artifact of the booster rollout itself, but at least it still clearly demonstrates that 2 dose efficacy against critical care vs unvaxxed never went anywhere (though that might have been healthy user bias to begin with, the UK stats are a Matryoshka doll of bias).
Good luck. I lost this same fight. I was told that the booster will "offer at least some protection." How does anyone believe this about the booster after being convinced the first two weren't enough (even though really severe efficacy never dropped)! It's crazy.
Israel data also shows lower severe efficacy performance among the "without validity" cohort vs the "fully" (boosted, or still <6 months from dose two, or any dose + recovered infection) group. And the "without validity" group is quite substantial in many age groups despite boosters being rolled out 6 months ago, so I'm not sure from 10,000 ft what to make of whoever is driving severe outcomes in this group. Is it people who had a health downturn after the second dose? Is it recently first-dosed only? Who can say. Whatever the reason, the boosters look stronger in the official stats.
probably the best thing you can do is show them the initial articles and videos clearly showing everyone promising 94% protection from INFECTION. remember that? and display the articles from that same time saying it wont (basically those who reviewred the actual trial results. they need to see that way back when, they were lying and people were trying to expose them.. i have a facebook post from early december 2020 stating "wait till you find out the vaxcines dont protect from infection and do not reduce transmission." i like to use that a lot cause its simple and clear lol ;-)
Remdesivir with a side serving of Midazolam. Early effective treatment not available. Stay home until you're nearly dead. Do not visit your GP. Yes, same homicidal prohibitions. Do not think. Do not question. Get boosted!
In all fairness, the last two times I went to the GP I had to wait three weeks after an hour trying to get though on the phone. If I got covid I’d be over it before I got my appointment.
“ My personal suggestion is to do everything possible to be in the best shape that you can be, exercise, suntan when possible although within reason, eat healthy, and buy Ivermectin just in case.”
This should have been the cdc advice right from day 1. No more mRNA shots. The great experiment is a total failure.
Immunity is limited against omicron. I've had Delta and 15 months later omicron came in. I'm unvaxxed, but lot's of my acquaintances are vaxxed & boostered and also had omicron. It looks like omicron doesn't care about previous infections, nor vaccinations. Omicron is probably far more effective in providing some broader, longer term immunity than vaccination. In that sense it operates as a Live-Attenuated Vaccine.
I assume it was Delta. We are talking about late October 2020 in Europe. By then Delta was well distributed in many countries, though I cannot say for sure. Anyway, the typical symptoms such as loss of smell and taste were present. Omicron was a few weeks ago and the symptoms were different. I can hardly say it was milder because the former variant was also relatively mild. It never settled on the respiratory system and I'm a smoker. Fatigue was the main problem and this continued for weeks, if not months.
It could have been Alpha or Beta though. I know someone who had it in March 2020 and again in late 2020, but much milder. Reinfection was already noticed then, but quite rare. I see the repeated re-infections in the short term as the biggest problem because after all it can compromise your immune system. This was also noted with vaccinations given in short succession and the reason why the EMA sent the message out into the world to leave at least 4 months between injections. It had an impact on the overall immune response. Indeed, reinfections have been noted a few weeks apart with omicron. I think it is a unique phenomenon, given the mutation rate of the virus, and the reason why caution is advised for the fall of 2022. It is not a black & white, pro & contra story as it is often profiled by the polarization. I personally think that the scientists behind the Barrington Declaration got it right by suggesting to adapt the approach to the population segments.Vaccinations should certainly not be taken under coercion and even discouraged in groups without underlying diseases between 0 and say 50 years of age. A suggestive personalized approach with the assistance of the physician regarding vaccinations would probably have led to more effective results.
I think ultimately anyone can get covid (another variant) a second time but if the immune system remembers some of the key functionally-constrained proteins from the initial infection, then the infection should be significantly less problematic and shorter lived (like getting a cold). I think that is the key. Avoiding a positive pcr test is kinda irrelevant.
Any source for that? Since pretty much everywhere censors positive tests for 90 days after a previous positive, I don't see how there'd be any non-anecdotal support for 2x Omicron infections yet. Meanwhile the anecdotes seem to be along the lines of the virus seeming to go away and coming back (though in my case, there was no second bout).
First off, let me recommend following the discussion and linked articles in naked capitalism - typically in the "Water Cooler" feature. Great source of solid information (by which I mean referenced).
...and the nakedcapitalism page is merely mixing up Omicron after Wuhan-strain reinfection news with Yaneer Bar-Yam's poor reading of the Servellita, V. et al. study, where Omicron convalescent plasma was taken well before seroconversion to new anti-Omicron antibodies could possibly occur (same mistake Eugyppius recycled for a OAS CONFIRMEDN! post a few days later)
The immune system understands viruses. Omicron is a virus. Done.
Right, but if the anecdotes are indicative of an underlying truth, leave them to stand on their own - trying to “prove” the anecdotes by misreading a survey or mistaking a neutralization assay paper based on a premature sera collection schedule as a smoking gun only makes the case weaker.
I do not say believe everything you see on nakedcaitalism (or anywhere for that matter); follow the links and make your own mind up; however, NC assembles the links, which is an enormous service.
NC was where I learned about UK REACT - its not just Yaneer Bar Yam! with many other links making it a good source for finding new info.
ADE is definitely not proven; however, the growing death rate of all cause mortality (not COVID) is consistent. I presume the insurance companies know whether influenza deaths are spiking too, now, as the official US data is so much garbage as to be worthless for epidemiologists.
So I tried reading the preprint of the Monkey study. Can I just say that I absolutely hate the layout of preprints?? Also, it's strange that the full document isn't shown unless you download it.
There's a few things worth noting here.
One, neutralizing titers were based off of collection of convalescent plasma and challenged with pseudovirus that expressed the spike protein. Now, I don't know much about methodology but I always found this interesting as the actual virus tends to never be used in these studies.
Second, and it's something that I've been pondering and have previously written about, is that the study mentions mucosal memory. I always questioned whether mucosal memory is being triggered by these vaccines, and the lack of mucosal immunity is likely the reason why these vaccines do not stop transmission (remember that tests are done using nose and throat swabs). What's interesting is that they indicate that there does appear to be some minor mucosal immunity, although it seems spotty with their results. What's even more interesting, is the ramifications of eliciting mucosal immunity, as it likely suggests that something may have "travelled" in order to elicit such an immune response.
With respect to that, I have written about a previous study that indicated mucosal immunity and it's worth considering the ramifications of these:
There's a few more things, although I have mostly just skimmed the paper. There's so much to try to make sense of that it's been so hard to try to piece the information together. I'm really curious to the reinfection of people with BA.2 after they just had BA.1. I'll need more information to understand why that may be, or whether there may be some conflation of the data occurring here.
Epidemiologically, Ba2 was there as early, or even before, Ba1. But it was smoldering until Ba1 infected everyone (at least in Europe). After Ba1 pandemic crested, Ba2 took off like crazy. It can only be explained by reinfections and Ba1 preparing the "landing ground" for Ba2 in the unfortunate victims,+
Based on this argument, we would then have to assume that there is something that relates Ba1 to Ba2 then, and I think this is where I'm having difficulty rationalizing this so hopefully more information comes out of Denmark to propose a possible mechanism for this.
Thinking about it from the perspective of antigenic distance and cross-reactive antibodies is what's making it difficult to understand why reinfections would occur so widely in those infected with Ba1, although maybe it's because we lack information about those who have been infected with prior variants and then infected with Ba2 since it may be in the initial stages of spread.
It could also be a difference in disease pathology, such that the initial evidence suggests that Omicron spreads to nearby host cells through cell-to-cell trafficking through the endosomal pathway rather than cell lysis. I wonder if this change is leading to a change in immune response.
I've also tried looking up genomic data on Ba2 to see if any of the mutation it has accumulated has leaned it more towards the typical mutations found in Delta although it's been hard to assess that information as well, especially since any attempt to find it is difficult unless looking at the GISAID website and I definitely don't have the knowledge to be able to assess their phylogenetic trees thoroughly!
Think of BA1 and Ba2 as fourth cousins. The Wuhan virus is their common relative and it is in the MIDDLE between them. Now you can see why cross-immunity from Ba1 to Ba2 is difficult
Is there evidence of less lysis? I know shows endosomal entry but that's of the virus (actually their pseudovirus), meaning in enters cells in an endosome as opposed to fusing with the membrane like the Wuhan strains.
Thank you for the website! It's been difficult trying to examine the actual GISAID website.
The less lysis comment was more of a supposition, but some studies have suggested that Omicron transmits through the endosomal pathway more than the typical pathway. Some studies have suggested reduced ACEII binding, although this appears to be conflicting evidence. There are also some studies that suggest that host serine protease may not cleave the spike subunits as readily which would add to the fact that the typical route of viral entry has been altered.
I wrote about these in my Omicron series, although more evidence is likely to suggest something else occurring.
It also appears that treatment options such as Fluvoxamine and HCQ are likely to be more effective against Omicron rather than IVM, so there may be some areas of concern about what roles antivirals will play against Omicron.
If the entire world had embraced ivermectin, Omicron's arrival might be taken as proof that ivermectin created an escape mutant. In reality it seems to be a coincidence; Omicron might actually be a "childhood resistance (lower TMPRSS2 expression)" escape mutant
Interesting. Part of me would question this idea but also part of me really wouldn't be surprised if it ended up happening. I'm trying to learn as I go and there's so much to discover. What's pretty telling is the inability for many to draw relationships and parallels and understand how to piece things together. I think a lack of actually understanding (or even attempting) to understand science is really leading a lot of the issues we are seeing with the COVID discourse.
I cannot remember where i read it (Paul Alexander's substack) but the vaccines aren't ideal for mucosal memory but work better for systemic infections (at least initially, which might be why they prevent severe covid?). But it seems at the mucosal barrier to the bloodstream, there does appear to be some overlap between this mucosal part of the immune system and the systemic/blood part of the immune system.
The issue is that this appears to have been an issue that has carried over from prior flu vaccine regimens which appear to not elicit mucosal immunity. It's the likely culprit for why our annual flu vaccines aren't very effective. It's interesting that years of vaccine research have indicated the faults of intramuscular injections and yet it's not something that was taken into consideration with these vaccines and now we have to deal with the ramifications. It's even more shocking how many people like Walensky and Fauci were so adamant that these vaccines were sterilizing only to become surprised, as if we have not had prior evidence to caution against such an assessment.
It appears plenty of studies are being done with nasal administration of vaccines, but I'm not sure how far those studies will go or if they will be brought to market because of the parochial view of how these vaccines are being administered. We would also need to take into consideration the risk assessment of what a nasally administered vaccine vs intramuscular.
Yeah, so much for scientific research. I think we have seen during covid that the scientific community (medical at least) is myopic and the lack of research or solid studies on vaccines/transfections effects, masks etc is evidence that they have their narrow focus and everything else gets completely ignored.
Mucosal immunity is more than just antibodies. So if you take a BAL swab and build a neutralization assay around it, you aren’t measuring anything about tissue-resident B and T Cells, natural killer cells, the microbiome (always going to be a missing element in animal models), etc.
But, the neutralization assay built around that swab still demonstrates antibodies are present in the mucosa. And there aren’t a lot (maybe any) of swab-based neutralization assays in human recipients but we can infer from short term infection efficacy that there’s some sort of defense elicited in the mucosa by these injections as well. Since infection efficacy goes away, this protection seems to be married to serum antibody titers.
So in absence of better study of just what class of antibodies are in the mucosa, the conservative assumption is that IgG is leaking out from the blood into the mucosa to provide short term effect against the virus, and this goes away when serum IgG drops. If there’s a bit of resident B Cells and IgA generation it still doesn’t seem nearly as durable as the natural infection response.
Of course, Omicron circumvents that response as well - maybe by changing tissue preference to the upper airway - so the boosted might be temporarily better off thanks to the shotgun leakage of IgG. Plausibly still a net negative for innate immunity, but the data is messy.
I've definitely been hesitant to assert antibodies over B and T cell immunity, but it appears that most researchers tend not to do any assays with cells. Part of me believes it's because it is far easier to just take antibodies and see if they bind rather than having to assess cellular responses.
The IgG leak is interesting, as it would correlate to the very low levels of neutralizing antibodies from the monkey assays. However, a rebuttal to that would be the paper I assessed in my above comment where the researchers examined mucosal immunity by administering Comirnaty to one group and administered Synopharm's inactivated virus in the other. Surprisingly, no mucosal immunity was seen in the inactivated virus group while the Comirnaty group elicited some immunity, although minor, which would at least suggest that it may be more likely that something may have travelled to elicit immunity in those given Comirnaty rather than the inactivated virus. I would like to see comparative studies using things such as Novavax, inactivated viruses, and mRNA/DNA vaccines and comparing their mucosal response to get a good gauge, but once again this all feels like areas of research that tend not to be touched.
Right, for example I take it as highly plausible that the mRNA package gets into GI/respiratory tract epithelial cells, and these cells undergo metaplasia to an apocrine phenotype, and this is the rather icky reason behind the anecdotes of "shedding spike."
So, could this also result in higher inflammatory signaling in the same tissues, and more resident B and T Cells? Perhaps. It's intuitively still not going to be on the same scale as post-infection immunity, and the infection evidence supports that there's no comparison, but it could explain a difference in animal models vs inactivated injections that have zero tissue/spike association and are purely systemic.
Yeah, this is all really concerning because I think we've been provided a blanket argument that our cells are made to express the spike protein which would cause them to be targeted by our immune system, and yet I don't think we've taken into consideration the importance of knowing which cells are made to express spike and how that is likely to affect the types of adverse reactions we are seeing.
There definitely is a lot more that could be learned from all of this, and I think further comparative studies of different vaccines could really help elucidate the differences. I think there's plenty to learn from comparisons with the Adenovirus vaccines and the mRNA vaccines as well and it's something I was thinking of looking into.
i would also add that the elderly "unvaccinated" are more than likely also too frail to be vaccinated to begin with. UK should differentiate those so we can get better comparative numbers
People should look into monolaurin. It's been shown effective against every lipid-coated virus that it has been tested against. SARS-COV-2 is a lipid coated virus. Monolaurin is available as a nutritional supplement.
Monolaurin was also determined using absolute quantification: the analysis reported an average concentration of 0.28 ± 0.24 ug/mL in the protected subjects, while the concentration was lower (0.12 ± 0.06 ug/mL) in the personnel that developed the disease after a few weeks, including asymptomatic subjects.
Just like any other "cowboy" who botches a job, Big Pharma should return the money, plus a hefty fine. But we must change and charge every one in every government first.
There's a ton of work to do, people. And no one will do it for us.
In Scotland, the double vaxxed may be having the highest death rate because they got their booster shots, and are now more likely to test positive and die again within the 14 day window that they are still not considered boosted by the definitions they use
When all the CovIDIOTS start dying from Reverse AIDS etc... they'll call it long Covid.
Oh right ...
A Pulitzer Prize winner has warned a "mass disability event" is already under way, as numbers of those suffering long-term symptoms after having Covid continue to grow.
From what i gather long-covid is mostly avoidable if folks can get early treatment. Oh wait, early treatment is apparently a myth fostered by the misinformers. My bad.
you forget an onslaught of cancer as T-cells ignore malignant cells.
It's like the CovIDIOTS are sticking themselves with a knife... then stabbing again and again and again ... not dead yet? stab some more ... to Stay Safe. And it could have been so much worse if they had not stabbed themselves.
I almost can’t believe it….
This may be the only time in history where something that is too good to be true.. is true hahaha
In addition, there will always be a sub-population of people right at death's door (think of terminally ill cancer patients). These people will not be vaccinated (I presume), might still get Covid and be counted as Covid deaths. It's a small group in absolute terms but it contributes a lot to total deaths. Not vaccinating these people actually makes the vaccines look good (higher efficacy computed). Now, imagine a person got two shots in 2021 but has meanwhile entered the near-death category and is not boosted. Is there any chance to quantify such effects of vaccinee selection?
those poor little monkeys....including us. The sadness in their eyes is hellable.
This is why I am quite happy to see humans go extinct.
If we are going to experiment on animals then we should at least have the decency to use children
There is no "we" here, but you are welcome to use your children.
I don't have any children because I knew a situation like the one we are facing (extinction) was imminent ... from around 2010.
I am sure you'd happily have my dogs experimented on rather than your kids... so why is it not ethically acceptable for me to want to instead use your kids for the experiments?
How about we cut a deal.
If the experiment benefits canines ... I'll sacrifice one of my dogs.
But if the experiments benefit humans - you sacrifice a kid
I think that's fair.
Let's allow the audience to settle this shall we - like this comment if you agree
I vote for neither.
Sadly, it looks like the people in charge are happy to experiment on both.
You seem to be missing my point: there is no "we" here.
I did not consent to experiments on monkeys, nor on dogs, nor on any other animals.
And just because "we" (again, I did not consent) are experimenting on monkeys, therefore "we" should experiment on children is absurd and evil.
Yes you did - you use loads of products including medical treatments that were tested on animals. You are complicit.
Oh and BTW - you also consume food produced on industrial farms so you are complicit in the global gulag system known as farming. Perhaps we should require that every family donate one child (good opportunity to get rid of the most troublesome brat...) to an industrial farm setting --- producing food for dogs.
I am sure you will recoil at these suggestions ... but if you were a sentient being from UrANUS... and you were eavesdropping on this discussion ... you'd surely be saying to the other UrANIANS... 'this Fast Eddy guy has a good point'
Meanwhile in Canada get ready for Action:
My recommendation would be to avoid violence... and instead sabotage the machine ... throw wrenches into the gears... convince vaxxed truckers to join the fight -- call in sick .. work to rule
Oh and make sure to visit places of interest re covid -- then self isolate (because that's what you are supposed to do)... and get a paid holiday :)
Enough people do that ... and the machine seizes up ... cuz the shelves go empty ..
And don't stop with the truckers... if loads of people 'were at places of interest' and isolating... then guess what... the machine can't function
You don't speak for me. End of.
Imagine how psychologically uncomfortable this is if you jabbed your child.
You will eventually find out that your child was at extremely low, statistically non-existent risk to the disease.
You will eventually find out that the exp. jabs are highly risky loaded with potential adverse reactions, some quick, but many of them immune system time bombs that will present over a long period.
You will find out sooner rather than later, that the "efficacy" that you were hoping for lasted only a couple of months or less.
How many intellectual hoops will you jump through to avoid this collection of inconvenient realities?
How much will you seek to demonize the "unvaccinated" in an illogical scapegoat making avoidance of your decision making?
It is a very tragic situation for a lot of parents, including parents of young adults, who did not realize what was going on or could not stop it.
The anger has to go somewhere, once they see.
Up until now, it has been sprayed like bile at the swarthy "unvaxxed", but will they ever turn it towards those pancake makedup gleaming anchor heads, and at Fauci and Walensky and so forth? Bourlas, and other Big Pharm criminals?
What will they do with their anger?
Our anger is completely justified, the crimes are in front of us, and the criminals need to be investigated, tried, and punished.
If justice does not happen, God save us from unbounded and unconstrained anger.
This is why we see politicians, like Newsom, reluctant to give up emergency power. He sees Canada, he knows the truth about the shots and he's in a dead-end health issue that he created. Newsom will keep playing for time, keep pushing the panic, because without fear on the general populace, the people will turn on him. Look at Oregon, masks in schools, forever.
I am not even sure justice would satisfy the masses at this point. Just behind the Covid narrative there's a hop, skip, and a jump to other on goings that bother people. Early on I felt that even if this was interrupted somehow, that the scale of the horror would be too great a threat you'd need to steer it to the end and actually play out the narrative.
It's very similar to stories where the earth is to be struck by an object from space. Do you tell the people, or do you not? Plenty of watching out there for the variations of that decision.
You'd have to keep giving boosters of saline solution or something, while also finding a way to counter act the damage from the vaccine. All while keeping it a secret, as this secret has been largely kept. It'd be the greatest show on earth and you wouldn't want to be in the know.
I do not think brother would slay brother, in that moment of "oh ****." Just.. our systems having the willpower to continue on. Who is going to work if the reality becomes a what the data is suggesting.
It's what I tell my vaccinated friends who insist I convert, that I could be wrong. I read once about Vikings. Apparently they had a individual in the kings guard, whom would have the role of naysayer. Their role was to go against the grain. I can see this as an invaluable aid to a decision maker -- especially if that naysayer is trusted to do their duty without bias.
I think the best method in dealing with all this is to embrace the psychosis in a manner. The movie Inception had a novel idea of a dream within a dream, within a dream, within a dream. This feels like our reality right now.
All that being said, being able to embrace the duality (to be simple about it) of what is going on -- understanding it. Then building the negative.
I do not believe there is any way to prepare for the reverse here. If we're all wrong in our thinking, we can say we tried to the end of our coil. If we are right... Man do not deserve God's help, his hubris, what have we done to our Garden? Man will need to forgive man, and they will not be able to talk about it for a very long time.
They’ll blame the messengers. Malone, Rogan etc.
It is not advisable to overestimate some people´s intellectual capabilities; the stupid is with us, in bulk.
They will go to great lengths not to confront the obvious, though it will become hard and it won't be just the sacrificial children, many of those foolish parents will be plagued with chronic illness or worse.
Is UK counting those who get infected within 14 days after the shot as "unvaccinated" or "unboosted"? What if they get infected within 14 days but die after the 14-day period -- are they considered an "unvaccinated" or "unboosted" death?
The two weeks trick is the biggest con in this pandemic.
It’s so hard to pick just one.
Yes, but it’s not clear to me if you get infected on day 13 and then die a week later whether you are counted as an “unvaccinated” death. I assume so (based on the theory that you were infected before full “vaccination” kicked in) but would like to make sure that’s right.
This is correct, and it’s the same everywhere. I think the only difference is some places say you’re not considered to have had “one dose” unless you’re 21 days after getting the shot vs 14 days
I have family members who (sadly) got the initial two-dose of pfizer, and are now debating whether to get a booster. I've seen data - like that from Scotland shown in this article - which suggest the boosted have improved protection vs the double-vaxxed, but there's also a lot of data which indicate the protection will likely wane at least as fast as the double-dose protection did. So... temporary protection, with the additional risk of the extra dose of dangerous 'vaccine' and potential further damage to the immune system.
Does anyone have thoughts or further data both in favour of, and against boosting? I'd like to provide family with as much information as possible... but it's scattered and piecemeal and difficult to remember and articulate.
My thoughts are as follows:
- The vaxxed are seriously trapped in the endless and quickening booster/shots cycle and are screwed with as well as without boosters
- As a relative, you will be blamed if you come on too strongly, they do what you want and get sick.
- Some relatives would hate you even more if they DISREGARD your advice and get seriously sick -- they will say that you "jinxed" it
- Lastly, and this especially applies to ideologically pro-vaccine people, as opposed to the accidentally vaccinated, when they realize how much they were screwed, they might hate YOU rather than their abusers - vaccinators and censors.
So I think that while your opinions have every right to be stated anywhere, and in fact it is your duty to politely state your opinion once to your loved ones -- be very careful with over-pressuring your relatives. It may not end well.
I just don't talk to my parents about covid anymore, they don't / won't accept that Saint Fauci is willing to let them die for his SCIENCE.
My brother won't talk to me because I am not a Covidian. Great times.
Yah, I'm in a similar situation with some fam.
You (I) are a walking mirror of their decision, and they would prefer to avoid that mirror's reflection.
Even if we don't say anything.
This is true. I first witnessed this when we chose to home educate our children. Humans are a herd animal.
A herd that is now stampeding to the cliff edge.
Seems to be a repeating phenomenon in a lot of families. I’ve found that injected family members who receive any kind of advice become very resistant and resentful. They don’t want to hear it and they resent their family who don’t buy the narrative. I’ve also stopped trying. It’s heartbreaking knowing the damage they’re doing to themselves, and heartbreaking the way it’s causing such dissonance between loved ones….I almost don’t want them to realize the truth because it’s too awful.
There is still hope as long as there is placebo ...
Just to let everyone know that the issues with family members taking the shots and some not taking the shots, the cold should and being ostracized, it happens everywhere and in all culture. It is just "not that severe" in Asia.
I've not had this happen, but my parents are all in for the vaxx and booster merry go round. My dad told me today he trusts his doctors, the same way he would if they prescribed a medication. He also says the local hospital publishes numbers and that "clearly" mostly unvaxxed are clogging hospitals. The latter is obviously sketchy. As far as your own doctor, look...I get it. Who wants to believe that their doctor wouldn't understand how the vaxx works or possible implications. Sometimes I feel like the crazy one. Maybe I am :/
Maybe show them videos on realnotrare and some of the many firsthand online accounts of side effects. Encourage them to stay home until Omicron is over or newr over, tell them it’s dying out, as the news says.
The vaccine "side effects" are very real, of course. But these immediate side effects are only a tiny part of why the vaccinated got a very bad deal.
I would like to tell people there there are 2 distinct issues related to vaccines - (1)side effects or adverse effects and (2)the suppressed immunity that is caused by the vaccine. Two separate things
Indeed - the news says. The news has said this several times already. Of course it is not based on any data or science (and BA2 is arriving soon - noone could have seen that Biden will say - I nominate Igor for Presidential Covid advisor).
And, if un-natural - who is to say a new variant will not be released in a few months. Or Deltacron.
Interestingly, deaths are now worse than the alpha wave and heading for the wave 2 (delta) showing how much the media can ignore if it doesn't fit the narrative.
Very sound advice, which generally mirrors my own experience.
Just scan Igor's old posts. He has a few that explain how repeated boosting hijacks and diminishes the effectiveness of the natural immune system.
These jabs are not working. Even on the red. hosp./death metrics.
They may kick the can down the road for a tighter and tighter spiral of time, but you end up worse off. Like taking out payday loans with exploding interest rates.
Alex Berenson has some good posts on this as well. Don't get the boosters. Stop digging the hole for yourself. Peace.
I like the metaphor of "being in a hole" and "stop digging".
Sadly, the boosters have an unfair protection halo in most data sets that is mostly an artifact of healthy user bias as I mentioned in a comment below - the mere act of rolling out boosters makes outcomes look better in the boosted and worse in the double-dosed-only.
ICNARC at least preserves a robust portrait of 2-dose efficacy against critical outcomes - See page 46 of the pdf for January 28 at
Again, the better performance of boosters is probably an artifact of the booster rollout itself, but at least it still clearly demonstrates that 2 dose efficacy against critical care vs unvaxxed never went anywhere (though that might have been healthy user bias to begin with, the UK stats are a Matryoshka doll of bias).
Good luck. I lost this same fight. I was told that the booster will "offer at least some protection." How does anyone believe this about the booster after being convinced the first two weren't enough (even though really severe efficacy never dropped)! It's crazy.
tell them to look at Israeli data.
Israel data also shows lower severe efficacy performance among the "without validity" cohort vs the "fully" (boosted, or still <6 months from dose two, or any dose + recovered infection) group. And the "without validity" group is quite substantial in many age groups despite boosters being rolled out 6 months ago, so I'm not sure from 10,000 ft what to make of whoever is driving severe outcomes in this group. Is it people who had a health downturn after the second dose? Is it recently first-dosed only? Who can say. Whatever the reason, the boosters look stronger in the official stats.
probably the best thing you can do is show them the initial articles and videos clearly showing everyone promising 94% protection from INFECTION. remember that? and display the articles from that same time saying it wont (basically those who reviewred the actual trial results. they need to see that way back when, they were lying and people were trying to expose them.. i have a facebook post from early december 2020 stating "wait till you find out the vaxcines dont protect from infection and do not reduce transmission." i like to use that a lot cause its simple and clear lol ;-)
What is the treatment protocol in UK? Or anyplace else for that.matter? Is everybody else suffering the same homicidal prohibitions as US?
Remdesivir with a side serving of Midazolam. Early effective treatment not available. Stay home until you're nearly dead. Do not visit your GP. Yes, same homicidal prohibitions. Do not think. Do not question. Get boosted!
In all fairness, the last two times I went to the GP I had to wait three weeks after an hour trying to get though on the phone. If I got covid I’d be over it before I got my appointment.
Nil. No therapeutics in the UK. Come back to A&E when you cannot breath.
“ My personal suggestion is to do everything possible to be in the best shape that you can be, exercise, suntan when possible although within reason, eat healthy, and buy Ivermectin just in case.”
This should have been the cdc advice right from day 1. No more mRNA shots. The great experiment is a total failure.
Immunity is limited against omicron. I've had Delta and 15 months later omicron came in. I'm unvaxxed, but lot's of my acquaintances are vaxxed & boostered and also had omicron. It looks like omicron doesn't care about previous infections, nor vaccinations. Omicron is probably far more effective in providing some broader, longer term immunity than vaccination. In that sense it operates as a Live-Attenuated Vaccine.
Hi, was it Delta if it was 15 months before Omicron? Delta only started last spring IIRC
I assume it was Delta. We are talking about late October 2020 in Europe. By then Delta was well distributed in many countries, though I cannot say for sure. Anyway, the typical symptoms such as loss of smell and taste were present. Omicron was a few weeks ago and the symptoms were different. I can hardly say it was milder because the former variant was also relatively mild. It never settled on the respiratory system and I'm a smoker. Fatigue was the main problem and this continued for weeks, if not months.
It could have been Alpha or Beta though. I know someone who had it in March 2020 and again in late 2020, but much milder. Reinfection was already noticed then, but quite rare. I see the repeated re-infections in the short term as the biggest problem because after all it can compromise your immune system. This was also noted with vaccinations given in short succession and the reason why the EMA sent the message out into the world to leave at least 4 months between injections. It had an impact on the overall immune response. Indeed, reinfections have been noted a few weeks apart with omicron. I think it is a unique phenomenon, given the mutation rate of the virus, and the reason why caution is advised for the fall of 2022. It is not a black & white, pro & contra story as it is often profiled by the polarization. I personally think that the scientists behind the Barrington Declaration got it right by suggesting to adapt the approach to the population segments.Vaccinations should certainly not be taken under coercion and even discouraged in groups without underlying diseases between 0 and say 50 years of age. A suggestive personalized approach with the assistance of the physician regarding vaccinations would probably have led to more effective results.
I think ultimately anyone can get covid (another variant) a second time but if the immune system remembers some of the key functionally-constrained proteins from the initial infection, then the infection should be significantly less problematic and shorter lived (like getting a cold). I think that is the key. Avoiding a positive pcr test is kinda irrelevant.
Or not. Reinfections of omicron for those infected with omicron are alarmingly high and growing among vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Any source for that? Since pretty much everywhere censors positive tests for 90 days after a previous positive, I don't see how there'd be any non-anecdotal support for 2x Omicron infections yet. Meanwhile the anecdotes seem to be along the lines of the virus seeming to go away and coming back (though in my case, there was no second bout).
First off, let me recommend following the discussion and linked articles in naked capitalism - typically in the "Water Cooler" feature. Great source of solid information (by which I mean referenced).
Also, see the UK REACT Survey data.
...and the nakedcapitalism page is merely mixing up Omicron after Wuhan-strain reinfection news with Yaneer Bar-Yam's poor reading of the Servellita, V. et al. study, where Omicron convalescent plasma was taken well before seroconversion to new anti-Omicron antibodies could possibly occur (same mistake Eugyppius recycled for a OAS CONFIRMEDN! post a few days later)
The immune system understands viruses. Omicron is a virus. Done.
Brian, if I may say, reinfections is the single most important long term aspect of this pandemic.
There is not yet quite enough data and honest and in-depth research on reinfections.
I trawl reddit for personal stories in /r/COVID19Positive and there are numerous stories of "reinfection in 30 days" and such.
This may be
- Delta to Omicron
- Ba1 to Ba2
- False stories (meaning false positives, these posters have no incentive to lie)
- Ba1 to Ba1
- Continuation of a non-cleared infection
Keep in mind that calling both Ba1 and Ba2 "Omicron" is a mistake and they are farther from each other than they are from Beta or Delta
Right, but if the anecdotes are indicative of an underlying truth, leave them to stand on their own - trying to “prove” the anecdotes by misreading a survey or mistaking a neutralization assay paper based on a premature sera collection schedule as a smoking gun only makes the case weaker.
I do not say believe everything you see on nakedcaitalism (or anywhere for that matter); follow the links and make your own mind up; however, NC assembles the links, which is an enormous service.
NC was where I learned about UK REACT - its not just Yaneer Bar Yam! with many other links making it a good source for finding new info.
Thanks, I'll look over there. The REACT survey counts reported "previous" positives for currently/residual infected by design.
Interesting thanks! And look at the rates of change between week 4 and week 5 in the unvaxed and boosted.
Great article, although I am not yet seeing any ADE,
ADE is definitely not proven; however, the growing death rate of all cause mortality (not COVID) is consistent. I presume the insurance companies know whether influenza deaths are spiking too, now, as the official US data is so much garbage as to be worthless for epidemiologists.
So I tried reading the preprint of the Monkey study. Can I just say that I absolutely hate the layout of preprints?? Also, it's strange that the full document isn't shown unless you download it.
There's a few things worth noting here.
One, neutralizing titers were based off of collection of convalescent plasma and challenged with pseudovirus that expressed the spike protein. Now, I don't know much about methodology but I always found this interesting as the actual virus tends to never be used in these studies.
Second, and it's something that I've been pondering and have previously written about, is that the study mentions mucosal memory. I always questioned whether mucosal memory is being triggered by these vaccines, and the lack of mucosal immunity is likely the reason why these vaccines do not stop transmission (remember that tests are done using nose and throat swabs). What's interesting is that they indicate that there does appear to be some minor mucosal immunity, although it seems spotty with their results. What's even more interesting, is the ramifications of eliciting mucosal immunity, as it likely suggests that something may have "travelled" in order to elicit such an immune response.
With respect to that, I have written about a previous study that indicated mucosal immunity and it's worth considering the ramifications of these:
There's a few more things, although I have mostly just skimmed the paper. There's so much to try to make sense of that it's been so hard to try to piece the information together. I'm really curious to the reinfection of people with BA.2 after they just had BA.1. I'll need more information to understand why that may be, or whether there may be some conflation of the data occurring here.
Epidemiologically, Ba2 was there as early, or even before, Ba1. But it was smoldering until Ba1 infected everyone (at least in Europe). After Ba1 pandemic crested, Ba2 took off like crazy. It can only be explained by reinfections and Ba1 preparing the "landing ground" for Ba2 in the unfortunate victims,+
Based on this argument, we would then have to assume that there is something that relates Ba1 to Ba2 then, and I think this is where I'm having difficulty rationalizing this so hopefully more information comes out of Denmark to propose a possible mechanism for this.
Thinking about it from the perspective of antigenic distance and cross-reactive antibodies is what's making it difficult to understand why reinfections would occur so widely in those infected with Ba1, although maybe it's because we lack information about those who have been infected with prior variants and then infected with Ba2 since it may be in the initial stages of spread.
It could also be a difference in disease pathology, such that the initial evidence suggests that Omicron spreads to nearby host cells through cell-to-cell trafficking through the endosomal pathway rather than cell lysis. I wonder if this change is leading to a change in immune response.
I've also tried looking up genomic data on Ba2 to see if any of the mutation it has accumulated has leaned it more towards the typical mutations found in Delta although it's been hard to assess that information as well, especially since any attempt to find it is difficult unless looking at the GISAID website and I definitely don't have the knowledge to be able to assess their phylogenetic trees thoroughly!
Think of BA1 and Ba2 as fourth cousins. The Wuhan virus is their common relative and it is in the MIDDLE between them. Now you can see why cross-immunity from Ba1 to Ba2 is difficult
Would having had wild type or Alpha provide better natural immunity against Ba2 then (better than nat. immunity against Ba1, that is)?
If you open multiple tabs, you can cross-reference mutations at
Is there evidence of less lysis? I know shows endosomal entry but that's of the virus (actually their pseudovirus), meaning in enters cells in an endosome as opposed to fusing with the membrane like the Wuhan strains.
Thank you for the website! It's been difficult trying to examine the actual GISAID website.
The less lysis comment was more of a supposition, but some studies have suggested that Omicron transmits through the endosomal pathway more than the typical pathway. Some studies have suggested reduced ACEII binding, although this appears to be conflicting evidence. There are also some studies that suggest that host serine protease may not cleave the spike subunits as readily which would add to the fact that the typical route of viral entry has been altered.
I wrote about these in my Omicron series, although more evidence is likely to suggest something else occurring.
It also appears that treatment options such as Fluvoxamine and HCQ are likely to be more effective against Omicron rather than IVM, so there may be some areas of concern about what roles antivirals will play against Omicron.
If the entire world had embraced ivermectin, Omicron's arrival might be taken as proof that ivermectin created an escape mutant. In reality it seems to be a coincidence; Omicron might actually be a "childhood resistance (lower TMPRSS2 expression)" escape mutant
Interesting. Part of me would question this idea but also part of me really wouldn't be surprised if it ended up happening. I'm trying to learn as I go and there's so much to discover. What's pretty telling is the inability for many to draw relationships and parallels and understand how to piece things together. I think a lack of actually understanding (or even attempting) to understand science is really leading a lot of the issues we are seeing with the COVID discourse.
I cannot remember where i read it (Paul Alexander's substack) but the vaccines aren't ideal for mucosal memory but work better for systemic infections (at least initially, which might be why they prevent severe covid?). But it seems at the mucosal barrier to the bloodstream, there does appear to be some overlap between this mucosal part of the immune system and the systemic/blood part of the immune system.
The issue is that this appears to have been an issue that has carried over from prior flu vaccine regimens which appear to not elicit mucosal immunity. It's the likely culprit for why our annual flu vaccines aren't very effective. It's interesting that years of vaccine research have indicated the faults of intramuscular injections and yet it's not something that was taken into consideration with these vaccines and now we have to deal with the ramifications. It's even more shocking how many people like Walensky and Fauci were so adamant that these vaccines were sterilizing only to become surprised, as if we have not had prior evidence to caution against such an assessment.
It appears plenty of studies are being done with nasal administration of vaccines, but I'm not sure how far those studies will go or if they will be brought to market because of the parochial view of how these vaccines are being administered. We would also need to take into consideration the risk assessment of what a nasally administered vaccine vs intramuscular.
Yeah, so much for scientific research. I think we have seen during covid that the scientific community (medical at least) is myopic and the lack of research or solid studies on vaccines/transfections effects, masks etc is evidence that they have their narrow focus and everything else gets completely ignored.
Mucosal immunity is more than just antibodies. So if you take a BAL swab and build a neutralization assay around it, you aren’t measuring anything about tissue-resident B and T Cells, natural killer cells, the microbiome (always going to be a missing element in animal models), etc.
But, the neutralization assay built around that swab still demonstrates antibodies are present in the mucosa. And there aren’t a lot (maybe any) of swab-based neutralization assays in human recipients but we can infer from short term infection efficacy that there’s some sort of defense elicited in the mucosa by these injections as well. Since infection efficacy goes away, this protection seems to be married to serum antibody titers.
So in absence of better study of just what class of antibodies are in the mucosa, the conservative assumption is that IgG is leaking out from the blood into the mucosa to provide short term effect against the virus, and this goes away when serum IgG drops. If there’s a bit of resident B Cells and IgA generation it still doesn’t seem nearly as durable as the natural infection response.
Of course, Omicron circumvents that response as well - maybe by changing tissue preference to the upper airway - so the boosted might be temporarily better off thanks to the shotgun leakage of IgG. Plausibly still a net negative for innate immunity, but the data is messy.
I've definitely been hesitant to assert antibodies over B and T cell immunity, but it appears that most researchers tend not to do any assays with cells. Part of me believes it's because it is far easier to just take antibodies and see if they bind rather than having to assess cellular responses.
The IgG leak is interesting, as it would correlate to the very low levels of neutralizing antibodies from the monkey assays. However, a rebuttal to that would be the paper I assessed in my above comment where the researchers examined mucosal immunity by administering Comirnaty to one group and administered Synopharm's inactivated virus in the other. Surprisingly, no mucosal immunity was seen in the inactivated virus group while the Comirnaty group elicited some immunity, although minor, which would at least suggest that it may be more likely that something may have travelled to elicit immunity in those given Comirnaty rather than the inactivated virus. I would like to see comparative studies using things such as Novavax, inactivated viruses, and mRNA/DNA vaccines and comparing their mucosal response to get a good gauge, but once again this all feels like areas of research that tend not to be touched.
Right, for example I take it as highly plausible that the mRNA package gets into GI/respiratory tract epithelial cells, and these cells undergo metaplasia to an apocrine phenotype, and this is the rather icky reason behind the anecdotes of "shedding spike."
So, could this also result in higher inflammatory signaling in the same tissues, and more resident B and T Cells? Perhaps. It's intuitively still not going to be on the same scale as post-infection immunity, and the infection evidence supports that there's no comparison, but it could explain a difference in animal models vs inactivated injections that have zero tissue/spike association and are purely systemic.
Yeah, this is all really concerning because I think we've been provided a blanket argument that our cells are made to express the spike protein which would cause them to be targeted by our immune system, and yet I don't think we've taken into consideration the importance of knowing which cells are made to express spike and how that is likely to affect the types of adverse reactions we are seeing.
There definitely is a lot more that could be learned from all of this, and I think further comparative studies of different vaccines could really help elucidate the differences. I think there's plenty to learn from comparisons with the Adenovirus vaccines and the mRNA vaccines as well and it's something I was thinking of looking into.
i would also add that the elderly "unvaccinated" are more than likely also too frail to be vaccinated to begin with. UK should differentiate those so we can get better comparative numbers
excellent point
People should look into monolaurin. It's been shown effective against every lipid-coated virus that it has been tested against. SARS-COV-2 is a lipid coated virus. Monolaurin is available as a nutritional supplement.
can you show us any studies of it as an antiviral against Covid19?
Monolaurin was also determined using absolute quantification: the analysis reported an average concentration of 0.28 ± 0.24 ug/mL in the protected subjects, while the concentration was lower (0.12 ± 0.06 ug/mL) in the personnel that developed the disease after a few weeks, including asymptomatic subjects.
Monolaurin is made in the body or on the skin by the consumption or application of lauric acid which is found in coconut oil.
Just like any other "cowboy" who botches a job, Big Pharma should return the money, plus a hefty fine. But we must change and charge every one in every government first.
There's a ton of work to do, people. And no one will do it for us.
I am more worried about shortage of available and unoccupied lampposts