So my kids were kicked out of their art classes for not taking an experimental genetic treatment they didn't need in the first place and which is now banned in the UK for their age group? Gotcha.

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That's science for you

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from P. Alexander substack

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Not sure why this ost reminds me of the rant I saw where POTUS said something like Beat pharma. I didn’t get it or all the people cheering. Hysteria?

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He was ranting like a sick dementia patient, he didn’t beat anything, including cornpop.

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biden made a deal with phrama. he bought the jabs and they will (maybe) lower a few bucks on some meds to make the old doddery look good for elections. they can do that since they made Billions now.

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It's spelled $cience... ;-)

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That says it all🙌🏼

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It's about as scientific as Scientific Mapp. Remember him?

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it is The Science. You got to believe in it to see that it works lol.

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"The Science(tm) !

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No the Science is a human half god called Fauci.

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More like half-human demi-cockroach.🤣

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How do you expect them to become interesting and original artists if they won't mindlessly obey government mandates and orders?

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“The trouble with the music Biz is that it’s become so bourgeois. A Middle Class executive business like the police force.”

Mark E Smith

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... or a scientist, if you dare to doubt the "established science"...

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Yes it was wrong but a cheap price for your kids to pay to learn a valuable life lesson most refuse to. They paid the lesser price by far.

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Gongratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jippeeejaaaajeeeee!!!

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Just like the care workers, and what they tried to do to NHS staff. It's shocking and even worse when children are the victims.

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it looks more and more the government of us has to be locked up for the criminally insane. the nuthouse. Under high security.

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This certainly makes me wonder what data they have that they haven't released.

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The discontinuation of the vax in pregnant women makes me wonder the same.

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Spot on!

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I don't think the jab has been discontinued for pregant women. There is some confusion, but so far as I know it's still recommended.

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In a document entitled: "Public Assessment Report

Authorisation for Temporary Supply COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2

(BNT162b2 RNA) concentrate for solution for injection" from the UKs MHRA, the recommendation is for pregnant women to not get it due to lack of safety data.

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These are both current official advice. I don't agree with it, but that's beside the point.


"It's strongly recommended that you get vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19) if you're pregnant or breastfeeding."


"No change to MHRA advice on the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding

"Our advice remains that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective during pregnancy and breastfeeding"

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Thank you, it seems you are right. It appears one of the relevant public health sites left up old information and never updated it to reflect the later recommendation. This was discovered and was assumed to be one of these quiet changes, similar to this one about younger kids. But apparently not? That's very disappointing.

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My guess is it’s probably a lot scarier than we know.

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I agree

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Me too

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I have a feeling it's going to get a lot worse as more information comes out.....the information they didn't want to reveal until EVERYONE WAS DEAD!

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You don't trust Harrari? Such A Father Knows Best type

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Heaven forbid!😬

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It don't get creepier. My wife will find me slumped over, dead of massive coronary... Watching a vid of him

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That is funny!!

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Check is in mail, Mig

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I don't understand your answer but I really like to know what you ment!

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I was kidding. You said that my comment was funny. I was pretending to say I bribed you for it. Being silly

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The FDA in the USA was forced by a court order to release the study data of the mRNA vaccine trials. It is damming to say the least and the pharma companies are already being hit with criminal malfeasance charges. They thought they were going to push off the studies being released for 75 years. It didn’t work out that way so now all these governments around the world will have to answer for blindly following LIES.

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Nobody anywhere read the documents - They were too busy counting their multi million $$ fee money!

And then the U.S. Govt paid pfizer & moderna $55 billion for their poisons! Isn't that about the same as they donated to Ukraine? Amazing - for a country that's SO broke... Ah well, they can always keep printing more. What inflation?

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What data?

Data is being collected as we speak, these shots are experimental released under “Emergency Authorization “. Funny, you tell someone to take extra vitamin D or C and they act like it’s rat poison, but will line up and inject some unknown crap in their arm no questions asked…I know of two couples who flew back to Michigan from Florida to get these shots.

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I wonder how Biden is gonna skate around the UK data...once he gets to hear from it maybe in many months in a few lucid moments of his maybe...his immidiate repsonse will be TRUMP..that TRUMP he made me do this!!

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Great news, thanks! Hopefully the tip of the iceberg as these criminal elements discover the extent of their deeds. Too little, too late.

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Sep 6, 2022
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Good news from the Netherlands tonight: one day after a prominent news article opining the lack of lockdown, curfew and mandatory vaccination measures in our new permanent corona law (why we even need it is beyond me), I enjoyed a very large face to face event with all the parents of new middle schoolers, the selection of which was quite fraught last year in the throes of corona madness. Anyway, bumping into old contacts from across town, one parent who vaxxed herself and her child under duress said to me: so much of what they told us is lies. We cannot maintain the farce for one moment longer. I did a happy dance inside! Even if seeing just one of my posts was a small part of her feeling comfortable enough to say that, I can pat myself on the back. And I know I have an ally if they try to pull this shit for another winter. Well, as long as she has found her backbone for real this time.

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Now ask her about Ukraine.

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One step at a time insteap of no steps for 2,5 years is massive improvement for blind-sheep-people! I actually started to think it might be impossible.

When people like them have to change their minds, it is not easy, I guess, and the person in casu problaby needs like another 2,5 years for being able to see to what the Ukraine 'war' is really about;-))

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right? that's a step too far for so many people...

the rest of us are questioning everything nowadays, as we should be.

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Yes it is! And of course you don't want to fight over it on your childrens school, because you want to be a good example to them, and or you have far better things to do etc

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Given how compliant people are these days receiving a "not recommended" label from the government works as if it was banned. Basically the government is telling doctors they are on their own from now on, which is a powerful deterrent as what doctors want most in life is to avoid liability.

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Yes, being closer is what I was reacting to. But for them to backtrack this much is impressive for a start.

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Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation document is labelled as "guidance".

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And so be it!

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Next question -- what makes it appropriate for someone 12 years and one second old to get the shot, when not the moment prior? Is there some special biological process that makes the mRNA "safe and effective" at age 12?

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My thoughts exactly, why is it good for a 13yr old? Or a 20yr old? Etc….this concept reminds me of the “minimum wage” issue here in the states and if $15 is enough well why not $20….frustrations that there is no answer

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or a 51 year old

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Anyone with DNA needs to avoid these toxic substances and a lot more.

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Sep 7, 2022
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And also 'anything'...

As a matter of fact...if anything breathing water and drinking oxygen would ask my advice, I wouldn't recommend the toxines either

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And yes

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Or $2.15 which I earned as a tipped employee in 1981 and is still in effect with little change in several states at least until recently. It's all fuckery. All of it.

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Exactly! The science changed because the science is settled because science is real and men can get pregnant

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By women?

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Define “women”/“woman”.

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Cis gender X/X : )

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No sarcasm button available = fail.

X/X cis it is ;)

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I just love the one where they say that sex/gender was something pushed on good and pure tribes of completely noble savages by colonists. That shit makes me LOL.

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To me it appears like it’s a game to them. Ignore the data, try to force the vaccine, push it to the point where it’s obvious that people have drawn the line… then backtrack after you’ve gotten everyone vaccinated who’s going to take it and say “Oh look, the science has changed! Don’t take it! We’re here to keep you safe!”

It’s a pattern that’s playing out in a lot of countries….

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Yes, a planetary game of chicken.

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The zigzag is straight out of the Marxist playbook:


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Many say Marxist, many Nazi-style. But tyranny is after all tyranny.

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Well it helps to define the enemy. And the enemy ain’t Nazis…. It’s Bolshevism. Define Bolshevism and you see the same playbook being used.,,

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Deceivers gotta deceive. And yes it's a fun game to them.

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Welp. Working their way up I hope... 12-17 have worse adverse events due to an arbitrarily higher dosage

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I also hope so

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Saw your attempt to establish a dialogue with AB on his Substack re: Ivermectin. Thank you for your class and humility. I hope at some point the two of you will have a discussion. We need more open-minded dialog like this.

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Echoing you comment as I just caught that too! Classy indeed. Alex ain’t all bad either. We all have our blind spots.

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I am going to sound harsh and I do agree that we all have blind spots or maybe short sighted BUT he has a huge following. He has a responsibility . When called on it he ignored it, just like a child. I like at his stuff but that’s about it. I completely understand that other people have completely different opinions. I respect that. I may change my mind. I think we just had a substack on being open minded.

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I consider this a fair criticism.

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Dr Linda (btw, my pronoun this week is JIM THORPE)

You don't sound harsh enuf. Take it up 2.5 notches

Here's my reality this week:


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It seems clear in hindsight that Alex Berenson is part controlled opposition and part grifter.

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How so?

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Sep 7, 2022
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Igor likes all my posts... So off the charts.

I directly anathematize Berenson on one issue and he doesn't respond to anything (his belief abortion is bad, but what are we going to do? He could be a bullshit traitor theology teacher at bullshit Georgetown)

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I don't

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He doesn’t listen about IVM.

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Berenson is a Bi-polar.

And an arrogant ass.

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Which is why the New York Times hired him.

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New Yorkers are the best. I'm smarter than berenson, by far.

Go Mets. Go Knicks. Piss on Roger Clements and Yanks

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The new Yorkers who pissed on deblasio, only

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I would say the goal would be to have the discussion. It would be worthwhile even without changing AB's mind.

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I've been doing some background reading on ivermectin. Today's curious find: In the 2017 edition of the "Physician's Desk Reference," which (I thought) was a prime medical guide, I can find almost no mention of ivermectin. I found* one product, a topical creme for rosacea. I find this rather odd, since we are talking a drug that has been in worldwide use for nearly half a century, millions of users per year. Now granted, tropical parasitic disease is quite rare in the US, but still, thousands of Rx are written for this drug yearly. Hardly discussed in the bible of drugs? Very odd!

*I don't discount the chance I've overlooked something. Nevertheless, I've been able to find other drugs I was interested in.

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Well the world outside the us is huge!!!!! In most African countries it’s as common as aspirine...Untill the plandemic was rolled out.

Weirdly enough..

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The tide may be turning. Clearly

not safe, undeniably not effective.

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so liz truss is now pivoting to freezing the remaining uk kids to death this winter instead?

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usa will have schools, jobs and universities mandating a bivalent jab based on nih accepting an inference based on 8 mice who all failed the challenge while having a [variable] display of antibodies.....

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You made it sound SO stupid! And 100% spot on

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it's also interesting to learn that Paul Offit's objection to recommending the bivalent boosters was that the only evidence for efficacy is that these boosters merely increase antibody levels by a factor of 1.5 to 1.7. that's all we know about them.

and (this is the interesting part), we already know from earlier studies back in December 2020 on the original Moderna and Pfizer vaccines that *even if you DOUBLE the quantity of circulating antibodies, it DOES NOT RESULT IN BETTER CLINICAL OUTCOMES*.

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Antibodies are the new electrolytes from Idiocracy

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ha. yeah.

and I guess that means that the FDA and CDC are acting like idiots now.

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Depends on when you look.

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Offit raising any objection at all to the new booster is a very curious about-face. For him to badmouth the miracle potions should be as startling as it would be if the madam of a house of ill repute were to author an op-ed denouncing fornication. Offit is a total vaccine whore, going back decades with Fauci and a frequent face in the media. His name appears at least 62 times in the e-book version of RFK Jr.'s "The Real Anthony Fauci." My speculation: Offit knows the game is up and is trying to cover his ass as best he can.

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I also find this really startling. I developed what I would have to call a hatred of Offitt when I was pregnant with my first and did a really deep dive into vaccine stuff. He is not a good guy. And he doesn't care if the vaccine isn't effective -- he might make that claim, but he is worried about far bigger issues than that, like Nuremberg trials.

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Unfortunately I doubt there will be any trials for any of these evil bastards!

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Exactly. Offit cares about Offit

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He's an odd case. He's historically been pro-vaxx, but yet, apparently does sometimes press the brakes. I believe he was also against the recommendation for boosters earlier this year (or late last year) because there again, it didn't make sense to him to just perpetually keep antibodies high given the the new omicron reality: we're all gonna get it.

More interestingly, and this may have been political, but back in the Dubya administration when the anthrax scare happened, there was a proposal to start vaccinating large numbers of people against smallpox out of fear that smallpox bioterrorism might occur somehow. And Offit opposed this publicly because the risks of the smallpox vaccine were too high! (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Offit#Smallpox_vaccine)

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Years ago I took my oldest to a normie pediatrician for her 4 month appointment. She had never been vaccinated and the pediatrician and I were discussing a select/delay vaccination schedule

Even the normie ped was like “yeah that one pretty much useless” re: rota vax

Offit is the patent holder of a rotavirus vaccine. So he occasionally puts up a little bit of resistance but he is firmly entrenched

Edit: years later my children have received 0 vaccines

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Mine too. They're young adults now. Some of my friends who didn't vax ran into a lot of friction with doctors but I must have come across as intimidating AF (I think I did actually) because I normally met with essentially no resistance. I hope you have had an okay time of it.

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