An interesting post on substack today mentioned a brand new and interesting data set: the UK Coronavirus Infection Survey from Dec 21. My quick post will take a slightly different take on the data, that is nothing short of shocking but completely agrees with what is happening in Denmark.
The conclusion from this data is that in the UK, being vaccinated DOUBLES the chance of catching Omicron compared to the unvaxxed.
How could this be? Isn’t it crazy?
It can easily happen, exactly the same thing is happening in Denmark, and the article below will hopefully explain.
Using UK population and the number of vaccinated Brits, let’s arrange the data into easier form:
The most damning piece is that the ignorant, science-denying unvaccinated, in the UK, are 25% of the population, but they ONLY get 12.2% of Omicron cases. This means that the unvaxxed are TWICE LESS LIKELY to get Omicron and, therefore, the vaccinated are TWICE MORE LIKELY to get Omicron. Somehow, their vaccination status makes the vaccinated twice more susceptible to catching Omicron compared to the “comparison group”.
Wow. How can this be? Please read my previous Denmark update — it has a section dedicated to this question — and the discussion for that post for details. All of the explanations portend future bad news to the vaccinated.
Here’s what I said about Denmark, which 100% applies to the UK:
What is going on? I can think of three explanations.
The unvaccinated include more Covid-recovered who are immune to Covid. This is very uncertain as to the extent of this, as many recovered persons were bamboozled into getting a vaccine also.
The vaccine antibodies are actually aiding and abetting Omicron in penetrating mucosal barrier and overcoming immune defenses. This is called “ADE” and was much discussed on substack, in my previous post as well as many others. Click on the links in the above article.
The vaccine generally destroys immunity, and Omicron evades vaccine antibodies, making Omicron as infectious as without the vaccine, but without the working immune system to oppose it.
Please comment on this and provide your own ideas?
Wait, but boosters will save us!
No, they will not. The UK data that I am describing, is dated up to December 12. This means that the number of “fully boosted”, that is, boosted persons who had more than 14 days past booster, is the number of individuals receiving booster shot as of Nov 27 (more than 14 days before Dec 12), or 17,611,000 persons.
The number of Omicron cases among these fully boosted by Dec 12, is 1.23 per million (21 cases per 17.611 million boosted).
The number of Omicron cases among unvaccinated persons is 0.82 per million (14 cases per 17.126 million unvaccinated).
So the boosted are also in a worse position, compared to the unvaccinated, with higher rate of illness.
Such is the “success” of vaccination policy in the UK. Mind you, I am not badmouthing the UK. I am in the US and we are facing exactly the same failure, but do not have reporting agencies like the UK does, to tell us the truth.
The vaccinated are now entrapped in a “vaccine trap”, whereby boosters give a short and small improvement, but still leave them worse off than the pure-blood unvaccinated persons.
Will boosters prevent “severe cases”?
It is way to early to tell. There is, at present, zero evidence that boosters, or vaccinations against the two year old Wuhan virus that is long extinct, reduce severe outcomes from Omicron with its extensive immune evasion. The so-called “experts” who “expect protection from boosters”, are pulling their opinions from thin air.
Discussion Needed
If you have any suggestions as to whether boosters will prevent severe disease, please post them in comments!
Nobody has ever spoken to the idea that our bodies naturally produce antibodies on a limited scale. The body does not produce things that it does not need. We are living in a universe where no matter is created or destroyed, i.e., everything comes from something.
Completely unlike any vaccine, the covid gene therapy with continual boosting attempts to trick ("force" is more like it) the body into continually "creating" specific antibodies outside of infection. Those antibodies... come from somewhere... some resource within the body is being spent. And being spent for periods of time that are quite unnatural and dissimilar to body's process of handling disease.
When the body is busy manufacturing antibodies that target some antigen and is then invaded by some other antigen, how does the body react to that? It is a finite system. It is possible that forcing the production of antibodies for X could limit, prevent or negatively affect production of antibodies for Y.
But we're not gonna know because nobody pushing the poison gene therapy will allow any examination of it that might prove it to be unnecessary, counterproductive or even harmful.
This is the sort of propaganda piece appearing in the British press, and a couple of days ago the newspapers all ran a “Get Boosted” headline. The government have managed to turn the attention away from their incompetence and convinced the gullible sheep that it’s the unjabbed’s fault for absolutely everything. It was any other group of people they’d be in Court and charged with a hate crime. It’s absolutely appalling.
Here’s part of the article…
“I am getting very fed up with a group of people who appear to be disproportionately responsible for this state of affairs. They are the elephant in the Covid room, about whom we talk in hushed tones or ignore entirely: the unvaccinated.
The panacea, we are told, is to get boosted. Yet by definition the refuseniks will not get a third jab when they have not been vaccinated in the first place. I understand if someone does not want to get jabbed. It is their body and they are entitled to say they do not want to be medicated. We cannot force them to. But if the consequence of that decision is to place others at risk then it cannot be allowed to pass by default. We all understand, too, that some people for a variety of medical reasons cannot have the vaccine.
In order to persuade a greater take-up of jabs, the Government wanted to bring in vaccine passports for certain settings but watered these down to include proof of a negative test, which rather defeats the object. Scores of Tory MPs voted against even this on the grounds that such a measure was illiberal.
But the Conservative Party has never been a libertarian movement. It is supposed to believe that with rights come responsibilities. Opponents of heavy-handed state action against the citizen often quote J S Mill’s famous dictum: “The only purpose for which power can rightfully be exercised over any member of a civilised society, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.” I agree with that. I don’t see why I should have restrictions placed on me when I am unlikely to cause harm to others.
But that is not necessarily true of the unvaccinated. According to Sajid Javid, the Health Secretary, nine in 10 Covid patients needing the most care are unjabbed. A similar point was made by Sadiq Khan, the London mayor, who said the “vast, vast majority” of seriously ill people were unjabbed, identifying “black Londoners, Muslim Londoners, Jewish Londoners and eastern European Londoners” as groups that are proving particularly resistant. Why is this?
In the absence of comprehensive official data, we are having to rely on anecdotal evidence, but I know several hospital consultants who tell of seriously ill patients being transferred to critical care units who are still unvaccinated, taking up emergency beds needed for other patients.
One told me that so far he had not seen anyone in intensive care who had been jabbed, suggesting that even if vaccinated people are getting sick, they’re not getting as sick.”