Nobody has ever spoken to the idea that our bodies naturally produce antibodies on a limited scale. The body does not produce things that it does not need. We are living in a universe where no matter is created or destroyed, i.e., everything comes from something.
Completely unlike any vaccine, the covid gene therapy with continual boosting attempts to trick ("force" is more like it) the body into continually "creating" specific antibodies outside of infection. Those antibodies... come from somewhere... some resource within the body is being spent. And being spent for periods of time that are quite unnatural and dissimilar to body's process of handling disease.
When the body is busy manufacturing antibodies that target some antigen and is then invaded by some other antigen, how does the body react to that? It is a finite system. It is possible that forcing the production of antibodies for X could limit, prevent or negatively affect production of antibodies for Y.
But we're not gonna know because nobody pushing the poison gene therapy will allow any examination of it that might prove it to be unnecessary, counterproductive or even harmful.
This is the sort of propaganda piece appearing in the British press, and a couple of days ago the newspapers all ran a “Get Boosted” headline. The government have managed to turn the attention away from their incompetence and convinced the gullible sheep that it’s the unjabbed’s fault for absolutely everything. It was any other group of people they’d be in Court and charged with a hate crime. It’s absolutely appalling.
Here’s part of the article…
“I am getting very fed up with a group of people who appear to be disproportionately responsible for this state of affairs. They are the elephant in the Covid room, about whom we talk in hushed tones or ignore entirely: the unvaccinated.
The panacea, we are told, is to get boosted. Yet by definition the refuseniks will not get a third jab when they have not been vaccinated in the first place. I understand if someone does not want to get jabbed. It is their body and they are entitled to say they do not want to be medicated. We cannot force them to. But if the consequence of that decision is to place others at risk then it cannot be allowed to pass by default. We all understand, too, that some people for a variety of medical reasons cannot have the vaccine.
In order to persuade a greater take-up of jabs, the Government wanted to bring in vaccine passports for certain settings but watered these down to include proof of a negative test, which rather defeats the object. Scores of Tory MPs voted against even this on the grounds that such a measure was illiberal.
But the Conservative Party has never been a libertarian movement. It is supposed to believe that with rights come responsibilities. Opponents of heavy-handed state action against the citizen often quote J S Mill’s famous dictum: “The only purpose for which power can rightfully be exercised over any member of a civilised society, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.” I agree with that. I don’t see why I should have restrictions placed on me when I am unlikely to cause harm to others.
But that is not necessarily true of the unvaccinated. According to Sajid Javid, the Health Secretary, nine in 10 Covid patients needing the most care are unjabbed. A similar point was made by Sadiq Khan, the London mayor, who said the “vast, vast majority” of seriously ill people were unjabbed, identifying “black Londoners, Muslim Londoners, Jewish Londoners and eastern European Londoners” as groups that are proving particularly resistant. Why is this?
In the absence of comprehensive official data, we are having to rely on anecdotal evidence, but I know several hospital consultants who tell of seriously ill patients being transferred to critical care units who are still unvaccinated, taking up emergency beds needed for other patients.
One told me that so far he had not seen anyone in intensive care who had been jabbed, suggesting that even if vaccinated people are getting sick, they’re not getting as sick.”
They lie so much that they become totally confused and write outright nonsense. An amazing article, and NOT because it is any good. Thanks for sharing.
That’s not even the full article. The paper pulled comments after over 5500 mostly furious people posted expressing their disgust at the article. Apparently it’s the most comments the Daily Telegraph has ever received for one article and goodness knows what the number would have been if they’d kept it open.
Igor, are you going to correct this article? The source you linked was looking at omicron versus delta. it shows vaccinated people, WHEN INFECTED, are more likely to get omicron than delta. In addition, it also said there wasn't enough data to even draw a conclusion. If anything, you're showing that the vaccines were effective at reducing exposure to Delta. When are you going to correct this? Why add yet more BS to this conversation?
How can the press say that when the official, publicly available data UK completely contradicts it? Over 80% of covid deaths in UK are vaccinated and have been for months. Doesn’t the British public have any sense at all?
In a word…no. We are being bombarded by propaganda left, right and centre. Even the flippin Archbishop of Canterbury has stuck his nose in and said “the unvaccinated are immoral”. People are so desperate to blame somebody they just lap it up. I’m appalled by the stupidity of my fellow citizens, things don’t bode well for the future.
As the vax strategic fails in front of them, they must explain why - lashing out is an attempt to redirect blame. Those who have been vaccinated also must deny reality.
Clearly this isn’t a pandemic of the unvaccinated when 80% of death & hosp are in vaccinated, no? This is extremely important data which is being suppressed, hidden and lied about and shows that the government and media cannot be trusted.
Come on my dude, when the whole country gets vaccinated, everyone in hospital will be vaccinated. The fact they are vaccinated is a reflection of the fact the country is vaccinated. The disparity between cases and deaths is where the benefit of any vaccine will be seen. Bearing in mind we are commenting on an article that is lying about the study cited. I even told the author where he went wrong. This is a bit of data that compares the likelihood of getting omicron versus delta, NOT omicron versus nothing. IE, it doesn't say a single thing about the likelihood of getting covid at all. This page is where the truth goes to die, lol
My comments have nothing to do with the study. “Pandemic of the unvaccinated” is a complete lie, as the UK stats have proven. Since the government and media lied about this and many other things in the course of the pandemic none of their conclusions are trustworthy. Rates are easily manipulated, no account is made for healthy vaccinee bias or for testing bias. There is no transparency, and less now than when this article was published. Public health Scotland recently decided to stop releasing stats because they showed total vaccine failure. CDC has done that all along.
The death rate became completely divorced from the infection rate and the mortality rate among unvaccinated was a lot higher than among vaccinated. Please read that sentence a few times. If you can't understand why the fact that most people in hospital have had a jab says nothing about the efficacy, then there's nothing more to say. This is the comments section of an article that is straight up lying. The arrticle says "being vaccinated DOUBLES the chance of catching Omicron compared to the unvaxxed", when the data (which is literally linked above, not that you will ever click or look at it) showed that people with vaccines were far more likely to get omicron, than delta. The author is pretending that they are more likely to get omicron than not getting infected at all. This is literally an disinfo article. Why are you going on about "complete lies", lol. You clearly have absolutely no interest in the truth to begin with. This article is false, and you love it, and the author. Stop pretending to give a solitary f**k about truth
In the US, Joe and his gang are hyping boosters. They're certainly aware it diminishes immunity to new variants. They need case panic to justify more lockdowns, which won them the last election. Increased cases, however benign, is their only chance to retain power. Normalize society and they're guaranteed epic losses.
I understand and sympathize with your point of view.
But just try to suspend your belief for a minute and imagine, purely as a mental exercise, that between January 10 and Feb 10, there will be a million deaths in the USA, among which 850,000 will be among the vaxxed.
Now imagine the tragedy but also the fallout. I am asking this not to say that this will definitely happen, but just so that we keep an open mind.
Sadly, your projection is likely as due to the high R, hospitals that are already stretched to the breaking point and lost 5-10% due to vaxx mandates, will overwhelm faster, doubling the CFR as well as all cause mortality.
Looking at recent SA data on naked capitalism suggests double the mortality of alpha - doubling the last peak gets to about 10k per day plus ~50% for hospital collapse and you get ~500k in a month.
Probably because I ignore MSM, my memory works and I recall that when alpha reached the US there was non-stop "propaganda" about Covid's mildness, just a few fatalities, blah blah blah, and then two months bodies stacked in mass graves in NYC, and running out of morgue trucks in Texas and elsewhere. China, meanwhile built a pandemic hospital in 10 days, which told me the western narrative was BS. Same narrative today, which your analysis suggests is once again BS. Kudos!
The allegations have been, and the response to such a calamity (however unlikely) would be the 850,000 are victims of the 150,000 unvaxed. Since deaths seem increasingly inlikely, they will focus on "cases" to continue the fear, and demand lockdowns and mail in ballots for the election. They know if they lose the congress, the panic is over and indictments will proceed.
No, it seems the officials are arriving at the conclusion that reporting cases is no longer helpful. It exposes the failures. They double down on boosters because they can't change course. Nobody has a clue about booster effectiveness against Omicron but they may help some for Delta for some period.
Joe says he's buying half billion tests. The only purpose for that is stoking cases. With the current variant flaming out for lethality, cases is all they've got to frighten the uninformed.
The way things are currently going for Joe & his puppeteers it won't be too long before he/they have a less than zero approval rating. It's rather enjoyable to watch it all implode, actually.
the piece he linked was about getting omicron versus delta, but he just lied and told everyone it was about omicron vs no infection. The entire thing is baloney
This is a very old thread, but you seem to misunderstand Igor's approach. Superficial reading of the references gives different results than digging into the actual data. The lies are in the reports, and their gullible supporters. Igor is consistently more honest and more competent than his targets.
There's no "misunderstanding the approach". There is an excel sheet, linked and screenshotted above, full of explanatory information, that a human being with a working mind can read. Igor is lying, or mistaken. Your opinion on his "approach", or "gullible supporters" does not change the contents of that spread sheet. The article is baloney
The report, as I will now repeat, was a report on the TYPE of covid that infected vaccinated people got. It showed vaccinated were less likely to get delta and more likely to get omicron. Download the excel sheet, and actually read the information
If you're so enthusiastic about reading and accepting government data, this probably isn't what you want to read. The rest of us recognize government shills, so your specious claims are uninteresting. If you think of something useful, let us know.
It doesn’t make you a bad person. IMO, Just watch your thoughts. It’s something I have to constantly do. When under attack from ignorant people who want to outcast you and demand your medical information, i found it very easy to get angry and hope their vaccine sees them off. Then I realise, most people just want to live their lives and still trust the system and these people are victims. We need to win them over and I’m doing my best to not turn into a monster like some of these extreme vax clowns.
Fred is right. Most are doing what they believe to be the best thing for their survival, as the unvaxxed also are. Hating the unvaxxed has unfortunately been legitimised, so for some it has become their duty to blame the unvaxxed, just as we may blame criminals for crimes. This is of course wrong, but legitimisation has a long history of screwing with people's moral compasses. At the root of it, however, we see people (on both sides) who have been frightened into perceiving the world in a polarised way as us versus them, and in times of fear people tend to double down and retreat into their own vision of the world, falsely believing that their world view represents the absolute truth and the only way to overcome the problem at hand. The only way to change this situation is to show compassion and remove the judgement. This gives people permission to explore other points of view. I've seen people start to question things because what they were seeing didn't match their belief systems, but above all because the people around them gave them the chance to change. And I hope the same for myself!
We inherently are tribal, joining in "our tribe" for defense. The sheeple joined in because they thought it would help the tribe. Blaming anyone aside from the Chinese for allowing the virus to escape is wrong. I don't buy all the nonsense about THE PLAN other than inept functionaries fearful of being found in error. Groupthink took over and they have controlled the narrative until now. They are not at all happy by evidence exposing them.
Humans are MOREONS... barnyard animals with a few circus animals that perform the more complicated tricks... but ultimately they are all as easily controlled as rats in a maze... and because they are so easily controlled - they need to be controlled.
Humans are an aberration ... a disease .. a virus... that is destroying the planet...
But before we pave the whole thing over... we're being exterminated...
Which is a good thing (for every species except the humans of course)...
My only concern about this is that we are leaving 4000 spent fuel ponds behind... as our parting gift to the species that live in harmony with nature.
We are a vindictive lot as well -- we don't just take our ball and leave -- we put a nuclear bomb inside the ball and toss it onto the playground -- before we depart
why is nobody actually checking the source and downloading and reading the spreadsheet? Why is everyone so keen to just beleive whatever some guy says ABOUT the info, but not bother to read it themselves? The report has been completely mischaracterised. It was about which type of covid the vaccinated caught (omicron versus delta) and contained literally no information about getting covid versus not getting it.
substitute another disease - I assume you cheers when an alcoholic has liver failure? You shout for joy with each smoker who dies of lung cancer (so many millions to cheer the death of how do you find time to sleep)? You cry with happiness for each obese person who has diabetes?
The point of the narrative you are supporting is division that distracts while enabling the largest wealth transfer from the American public in history to a handful, who will relocate to an orbital Elysium.
I must admit ... as someone who played competitive sports and exercises daily (I still play in a fairly high level hockey league with guys 30 years younger - mountain bullshit e-bike - with some HITT sessions worked in a couple of times during the week - then there's the downhill skiing) .... does not ever consume soft drinks (and I mean never)... does not eat fast food (and I mean never).... who is obsessive about diet... who drinks alcohol sparingly .. has never smoked...
That I do harbour a bit of disdain for people who end up with 'lifestyle diseases' There is a tinge of superiority ... you wanna sit on the sofa and chug family sized cola and cram crisps down your maw every night --- don't expect a whole lot of empathy when you pay the price and you are riddled with diabetes... heart disease and high BP... how about some self control????
Yes there is some of that... but would I seriously suggest that someone who has ruined their body by living a life of sloth and gluttony be denied medical care? Do I wish they suffer and die?
Absolutely not.
But when it comes to CovIDIOTS... this is a different animal.
These are the people who wish me ill because I am not willing to partake in the grand experiment. These are the fools who put the smug vaxxie photos onto social media. These are the same clowns who mock the unvaxxed... the unthinking idiots who regurgitate the lies fed to them by the MSM ... the jack asses who would - if permitted - stone me to death or immolate me on a pile of burning tyres --- for not wearing a mask.
So yes - I am pleased when I am made aware of these CovIDIOTS get maimed or die from the injections. I am particularly pleased when a kid is involved... not because I wish ill on the kid -- rather I hope the parents suffer with eternal guilt because they were so stupid signing their kid up to inject and experimental substance into their body...
I do not wish on any person who is being forced into this genocidal plan - those who are given the horrifying choice of be injected so they can earn and feed their families - or refuse and end up homeless. I save my tears for those people.
We have Murdoch's 'The Sun' running an editorial today saying that the UK must not be forced into lockdown because the hospitals are overrun with unvaccinated Brits. Yet, anecdotally I am hearing from numerous unjabbed friends that it is jabbed friends, family and work colleagues who are falling ill.
I am hearing all sorts of anecdotal stories from less people in offices due to covid infection, pubs closed due to staff off sick with covid and cancelled hospital appointments due to NHS staff off sick with covid. A paramedic I know has been called to numerous strokes and shingles-like skin problems in young people. He asks each one whether they have been jabbed and when the last one was - usually it is within days or hours of them becoming ill.
Meanwhile the Welsh are going into some crazy sorta lockdown on Boxing Day - some bizarre rules which allows certain mixing but bans others. I could not be bothered looking at the detail as, being single, I am always in a bubble of one. But between now and Boxing day is enough time for the pubs and nightclubs to be crammed full of people so they can all share this highly infectious virus. If the virus was so dangerous then they would IMMEDIATELY lockdown. Crazy huh?
I've been concerned about this happening and feeling glad I'm not vaxxed, but is there any way to tease out how many chose not to get vaxxed because they already had covid? That would give them the best immunity but confound what is the immune status of those not vaccinated.
It would be a good idea to know how many unvaccinated people are Covid recovered. But note that a lot of covid recovered were talked into getting vaccinated, or the vaccinated also had Covid in the last few months. Untangling this would take some serious serological and statistical work. It is the job of the government.
If you aren't collecting the data because you haven't required it's creation, that serious work won't happen. The US has failed, maybe on purpose. We must rely on data elsewhere.
The data collection - especially in a day and age with computers that can assist with statistics has been awful from the start. I do believe this was on purpose. From the beginning there should have been some way to quantify (like on a scale from 1 to 5) the best estimate of Covid's contribution to a death rather than calling every death with covid a covid death and honesty about the PCR test accuracy, honesty about deaths / injury following vaccine, clotting events following covid or vaccine for several months, attempts to access the effectiveness of repurposed drugs and more - the whole thing has been a public health fiasco.
I understand doctors in India use PCR cycle counts as a guide to assess patients. The cycle count was used to establish immediate need for care, watchful waiting or recover at home. The count had some meaning to them. here it seems no guidance and we have no idea should the test suggest infection. Then states deciding whether a person's vaccination status will be reported in the stats or the difference of death from/with covid. One might think the CDC would have established reporting guidelines/requirements.
I have developed middleware software that rationalizes various databases so that can be done in centralized reporting and collection. Without being inside the NIH/CDC we can't know what they are doing. I recall Dr Brix was concerned about what reporting was being done. I this era of big data not sure why we can't do better. OTOH, fools creating requirements that they don't understand along with contractors doing what they wish makes for broken, unusable systems.
I'm always going to be baffled at the preventing severe cases argument. Either the cases in thr vaccinated have been grossly underreported and VE is much lower than claimed (in which case green passes are even more ludicrous) or severe disease is not and has never been prevented (which means the entire vaccine narrative falls apart). It seems, given the data you and el gato posted today, the vaccinated have no option but to live with their decision at this point and hope omicron is mild (signs do point this way) and omicron provides robust natural immunity for future variants. I'm curious about the latter scenario. I could see both an OAS and ADE scenario play out in the long run here.
Look at South Africa hospitalizations and how they keep rising, despite cases slowing. Hospitalizations close to Delta levels already despite high natural immunity.
Hi Igor, while I can't vouch for the accuracy of the stats (they've proven to be very inaccurate in the past, mostly overstated), just to give you an update on what I'm able to observe on the ground, in our local community here in Gauteng...
Omicron is soaring. Since my last update, my aunt, cousin and sister-in-law have all contracted omicron. Many of my close family members, who had mostly been covid free since the beginning of this plandemic, all seem to have contracted omicron.
Classic physical symptoms seem to be threefold. Lethargy, body aches and headaches. And of course there's the mental aspect.
But I'm thinking omicron might be a kind of blessing, because of the additional spikes, and it being less lethal than previous variants, I think it's a good virus to contract and develop natural immunity towards.
I know the stats from the UK indicate that many are dying of omicron, but delta is also soaring amongst them. I'm thinking it might be the combined effect of omicron, along with other factors, leading to the high death rate in the UK. Possibly also another variant, mistaken as omicron? I can't be sure. But despite many people in our local community contracting omicron, while some might be getting hospitalised, the death rate is thankfully very low.
I'm kinda glad that my family and I contracted omicron, as opposed to any of the previous variants. I'm hopeful that very robust natural immunity will be the result.
Thanks Igor. My family are all unvaxxed. Since I was able to see through this whole plandemic, almost since it's initial inception, I did quite a bit of brainwashing of my own amongst those closest to me. It took a lot of work, but by the grace of the Almighty, I got them all on the right side, albeit eventually.
I honestly don't mingle much with the vaccinated crowd. I know many people who've taken the vaccine, but don't associate much with them. Guess they're just generally not my cup of tea (just generally speaking, nothing to do with them taking the vaccine)
But as far as I can tell, omicron seems to be affecting both the vaxxed and unvaxxed indiscriminately. I can't say that either group is more susceptible to contracting it, nor more severely affected (just going by my normal observation)
I mean, my family and I are all unvaxxed, and 5 of us contracted it, and my sister knows quite a few vaxxed individuals who also contracted it, despite having been vaccinated within just the last 3 months or so. So basically, the vaccine has done nothing to protect them against contracting omicron.
As for other symptoms me, my family and others have experienced, I fear this is where I lose you guys, because now we're heading into the metaphysical aspect of covid.
Are you aware of "Omicron", the movie?
I haven't watched it, but just read up a bit about it on Google. It's a 1963 movie, basically about invisible aliens taking over people's bodies.
Do you think this is just a coincidence?
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I am" a student of truth, and there's no denying that many conspiracy theories end up being proven correct. There are many legitimate conspiracies at play in the world, and there have been many more in the past. History bears testimony to this fact.
Don't get me wrong now, because I'm not saying aliens are invading our bodies, with omicron, but the reality isn't too far from that..
I mentioned the demonic aspect of covid previously, and I've known this from the first wave already. So my views aren't based on some 1963 movie (which I only came to know about quite recently, since the discovery of the omicron variant), but rather, the movie only gives credence to views I've held for a long time already.
I'm willing to break this down for you guys and delve into it really deeply, but only if you're interested, so please let me know if you are.
Most people simply shy away when it comes to these kinds of matters which are beyond their understanding, and at conflict with their views on reality, so I'll give you guys the option before delving any further into it.
But know this, that whatever I have to say is pivotal to understanding the reality of covid, the paranoia people experience, the brain fog, hallucinations, confusion, loss of memory, etc.
I'm telling you guys, there's more to covid and the vaccines than meets the eye. But there's no point in me delving into this if people's minds are closed to what I have to say, so I'll leave the ball in your court.
I signed up for Substack just so I could ask to read your thoughts on this.
I too have suspected there is a supernatural blindness toward the danger of these shots. It is written that He will cause this type of blindness to occur in unbelievers. I pray I'm wrong but I will not bet against scripture.
There's honestly lots to tell, Hugh. I'm just gonna ramble a bit if that's ok.
Covid is actually a demonic attack. Do you know what jinn are? Do you know that viruses can technically also be classified as jinn?
What if I told you these entities were responsible for causing cancer and a whole range of other illnesses?
Shayateen (devils) sometimes perch on our backs, and kinda like mosquitos, inject poison into our hearts.
There are high level occultists at the helm of just about every industry.
You ever watch the rituals scientists at CERN partake in?
I know of someone, a Haafiz of Quran, young, healthy, who after taking just one dose of the Pfizer vaccine, had to do ruqya for 4 days before he got back to normal.
Did you see the entity Dr. Carrie Madej found in the Moderna vaccine? She was interviewed by Stew Peters some weeks back.
These satanists who produce these viruses and vaccines aren't idiots. They're actually getting us possessed by jinn, that's what they're doing.
Trust me, possession is a lot deeper than you guys think. There are varying degrees. Many people go through entire lives, possessed, but never realise it.
Sometimes magic is labeled as science. In fact, one of the cards in the illuminati card game mentions something to the effect that they'd take magic out of the realm of the occult and call it science.
With covid comes hordes of shayateen (demons). Many people have seen them while they had covid.
My one friend, who isn't really religious at all, described it as a kaboos. I had to Google the term to see what he was talking about.
There's too much for me to tell you everything, but I assure you, demons accompany covid.
What our satanic overlords really want is to impress their religion on us. Mind control and subliminal messaging are one of their many tools. They want to bring us to the same satanic vibration they're on. Of course they want to wipe out a large number of us, control every aspect of our lives, etc, as well, but demonic possession always plays an integral part.
Sex, drugs, magic and dragons. That's the gist of their religion.
Understand that they're intimate with demons. They work together, strike deals with one another, etc.
Everything we're witnessing is the prelude to the emergence of dajjaal.
The deception in on such a level, few will ever truly realise.
Some people are so far from the Almighty, they actually have a symbiotic relationship with the shayateen. Hence covid will affect different people differently. The demonic onslaught is more severe for some than others.
If I have to give you an analogy...
A person who lives in a dump yard will be immune to the smell. To him, it's home. But if a person who works in a perfume factory enters a dump yard, he'll instantly perceive the stench.
Similarly, some people's hearts are filled with noor (light), so they instantly perceive darkness. This was the case of the Haafiz I mentioned earlier. He basically felt possessed after just a single jab.
[The vaccine is essentially a potion. There's an element of sihr (magic) to it]
But a person who's already in darkness might never be able to perceive the darkness in covid and the vaccines. Many already have a symbiotic relationship with jinn.
But the shayateen are extremely evil and hate all humans. They'll always try to harm us.
Then again, many people aren't even entirely human. Part human, part demon.
Magic these days is at its height. Demonic activity too. There's been a noticeable paradigm shift in the world, as I'm sure you've noticed. Only true sheeple will still be oblivious to what's going on.
There's honestly lots more to say, but just mentioned the little bit which came to mind.
InshaAllah (God willing), I'll do so soon, Abu. I just typed out quite a lengthy comment on another thread, and delving into the metaphysical aspect of covid will likely require an even lengthier post, so please bear with me on this. InshaAllah I'll get to it soon as I have more time to spare.
Well... let's put it this way... if *something* (ADE, OAS or vaccine suppression/dysregulation of the innate immune system, whatever it is) is causing this strain to preferentially infect the vaccinated (especially the double dosed as opposed to the triple dosed possibly... and then maybe only for a while) there has to be the constant fear (for those aware enough to even think about it) that a *future* variant might well be as infectious and preferentially infect the vaccinated as omicron seemingly does BUT just by chance not be mild (or as seemingly mild as omicron). With our luck as a global society it will be as severe as the Wuhan strain (or maybe worse, maybe like SARS-1 or MERS) and as infectious as omicron. No doubt by chance it will also happen to arrive when, for naming purposes, they reach the last Greek letter: Omega
[That would be ironic and poetic in a macabre fashion since "omicron" means "little o" (o micron) and "omega" (o mega) means "big O", as a doomsday variant the name Omega would be so suitably fitting that we would have to seriously consider the possibility that we now live in a Hollywood universe - it would be right out of a some zombie movie (or maybe a James Bond flick): the Omega Virus...]
Also I guess now we might as well prepare ourselves with omicron as the dress rehearsal for Omega's arrival on the scene in say... what... October 2022? At the rate they discover and name variants that should be about the time we see Omega I guess (or rather when we notice it...doubtlessly an analysis soon after will reveal it diverged from some ancestor strain at least a few months before)
I know I’m just a dumb anti-vaxxer, but there is something I’ve never understood: if “vaccine” induced antibodies are not effective against a Covid variant (say “omicron”), then how in the hell can getting a booster (which just causes the production of more of the same ineffective antibodies) provide any more protection against these variants?
The only effect I can think of is generally giving a short-term immune boost just from having antigens in the body, like you would not catch a flu a few weeks after you had a cold.
Obviously, a "cold" does not immunize you against a "flu", but it raises some short term immune defenses.
If the vaccine-induced antibodies are "low effective" (affinity) rather than "ineffective," then having more can prevent infection (if enough of them seep into the mucosa, despite few being targeted IgA). Low affinity is suggested by the neutralization results published so far ( - if it was 0 affinity, 3rd dose shouldn't make any difference at all), though those are a simulation, not real life. Seems to take a week for any IRL difference against the pre-Omni strains ( The widespread anecdotes of "booster breakthroughs" in the US suggests that whatever effect there is must be short lived vs Omni.
The U.K. data confirms what seems to be true so far: there is not a shred of evidence that boosting makes omicron infection less likely or milder, and emerging data suggests the contrary.
Is there a single public health official or elected leader right now who is "following the science" on this and urging caution? Is it possible that they are emphatically recommending boosting because, although it is worse than no vax, it appears that being twice vaccinated is worst of all, and it's not like that population can go back and become unvaccinated? (But still, they are telling unvaxxed to get vaccinated, cannot treat them as behaving at all logically, only in senseless lockstep.)
But don’t we expect that Omnicron is infecting more people than Delta did? Thus even is hospitalizations reach same level Delta did it is actually a lower % of total cases??
Thanks Igor for all of the information that you compile. It is difficult, though, because here (US) all we hear is that the unvaxx are overwhelming the hospitals.
You are right, and blaming the vaxxed for full hospitals is a complete lie! Hospitals are actually full of sick vaccinated and lack capacity because of vaxx mandates.
My only question is whether this survey was of symptomatic people, people who showed up to get tested, or a truly random survey of the general population?. Because in the former cases, the #s could change dramatically.
Additionally, Beaumont hospital is the largest system in Michigan. On the news this morning they announced that over 580 patients are covid +. The news anchor pauses then continues that this amount includes all eight of their hospitals which (doesn't make the number seem quite as oppressive). The hospital rep then admits that they have over 100 staff that is sick with covid. I'm assuming they have all been vaxxed. It's confusing making sense of all the data.
Nobody has ever spoken to the idea that our bodies naturally produce antibodies on a limited scale. The body does not produce things that it does not need. We are living in a universe where no matter is created or destroyed, i.e., everything comes from something.
Completely unlike any vaccine, the covid gene therapy with continual boosting attempts to trick ("force" is more like it) the body into continually "creating" specific antibodies outside of infection. Those antibodies... come from somewhere... some resource within the body is being spent. And being spent for periods of time that are quite unnatural and dissimilar to body's process of handling disease.
When the body is busy manufacturing antibodies that target some antigen and is then invaded by some other antigen, how does the body react to that? It is a finite system. It is possible that forcing the production of antibodies for X could limit, prevent or negatively affect production of antibodies for Y.
But we're not gonna know because nobody pushing the poison gene therapy will allow any examination of it that might prove it to be unnecessary, counterproductive or even harmful.
Andreas Oehler described the phenomenon very well:
This is the sort of propaganda piece appearing in the British press, and a couple of days ago the newspapers all ran a “Get Boosted” headline. The government have managed to turn the attention away from their incompetence and convinced the gullible sheep that it’s the unjabbed’s fault for absolutely everything. It was any other group of people they’d be in Court and charged with a hate crime. It’s absolutely appalling.
Here’s part of the article…
“I am getting very fed up with a group of people who appear to be disproportionately responsible for this state of affairs. They are the elephant in the Covid room, about whom we talk in hushed tones or ignore entirely: the unvaccinated.
The panacea, we are told, is to get boosted. Yet by definition the refuseniks will not get a third jab when they have not been vaccinated in the first place. I understand if someone does not want to get jabbed. It is their body and they are entitled to say they do not want to be medicated. We cannot force them to. But if the consequence of that decision is to place others at risk then it cannot be allowed to pass by default. We all understand, too, that some people for a variety of medical reasons cannot have the vaccine.
In order to persuade a greater take-up of jabs, the Government wanted to bring in vaccine passports for certain settings but watered these down to include proof of a negative test, which rather defeats the object. Scores of Tory MPs voted against even this on the grounds that such a measure was illiberal.
But the Conservative Party has never been a libertarian movement. It is supposed to believe that with rights come responsibilities. Opponents of heavy-handed state action against the citizen often quote J S Mill’s famous dictum: “The only purpose for which power can rightfully be exercised over any member of a civilised society, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.” I agree with that. I don’t see why I should have restrictions placed on me when I am unlikely to cause harm to others.
But that is not necessarily true of the unvaccinated. According to Sajid Javid, the Health Secretary, nine in 10 Covid patients needing the most care are unjabbed. A similar point was made by Sadiq Khan, the London mayor, who said the “vast, vast majority” of seriously ill people were unjabbed, identifying “black Londoners, Muslim Londoners, Jewish Londoners and eastern European Londoners” as groups that are proving particularly resistant. Why is this?
In the absence of comprehensive official data, we are having to rely on anecdotal evidence, but I know several hospital consultants who tell of seriously ill patients being transferred to critical care units who are still unvaccinated, taking up emergency beds needed for other patients.
One told me that so far he had not seen anyone in intensive care who had been jabbed, suggesting that even if vaccinated people are getting sick, they’re not getting as sick.”
They lie so much that they become totally confused and write outright nonsense. An amazing article, and NOT because it is any good. Thanks for sharing.
That’s not even the full article. The paper pulled comments after over 5500 mostly furious people posted expressing their disgust at the article. Apparently it’s the most comments the Daily Telegraph has ever received for one article and goodness knows what the number would have been if they’d kept it open.
Igor, are you going to correct this article? The source you linked was looking at omicron versus delta. it shows vaccinated people, WHEN INFECTED, are more likely to get omicron than delta. In addition, it also said there wasn't enough data to even draw a conclusion. If anything, you're showing that the vaccines were effective at reducing exposure to Delta. When are you going to correct this? Why add yet more BS to this conversation?
I am always puzzled when they use this term.
"But if the consequence of that decision(Not being vaxxed) is to place others at risk.."
Since both Vaxxed and UnVaxxed can both pass on the virus What extra risk is this?..
And if they are vaxxed and I am not, then why are they worried.?
How can the press say that when the official, publicly available data UK completely contradicts it? Over 80% of covid deaths in UK are vaccinated and have been for months. Doesn’t the British public have any sense at all?
In a word…no. We are being bombarded by propaganda left, right and centre. Even the flippin Archbishop of Canterbury has stuck his nose in and said “the unvaccinated are immoral”. People are so desperate to blame somebody they just lap it up. I’m appalled by the stupidity of my fellow citizens, things don’t bode well for the future.
As the vax strategic fails in front of them, they must explain why - lashing out is an attempt to redirect blame. Those who have been vaccinated also must deny reality.
you realise that if everyone got vaccinated, it would mean that 100% of deaths would be vaccinated people
Clearly this isn’t a pandemic of the unvaccinated when 80% of death & hosp are in vaccinated, no? This is extremely important data which is being suppressed, hidden and lied about and shows that the government and media cannot be trusted.
Come on my dude, when the whole country gets vaccinated, everyone in hospital will be vaccinated. The fact they are vaccinated is a reflection of the fact the country is vaccinated. The disparity between cases and deaths is where the benefit of any vaccine will be seen. Bearing in mind we are commenting on an article that is lying about the study cited. I even told the author where he went wrong. This is a bit of data that compares the likelihood of getting omicron versus delta, NOT omicron versus nothing. IE, it doesn't say a single thing about the likelihood of getting covid at all. This page is where the truth goes to die, lol
My comments have nothing to do with the study. “Pandemic of the unvaccinated” is a complete lie, as the UK stats have proven. Since the government and media lied about this and many other things in the course of the pandemic none of their conclusions are trustworthy. Rates are easily manipulated, no account is made for healthy vaccinee bias or for testing bias. There is no transparency, and less now than when this article was published. Public health Scotland recently decided to stop releasing stats because they showed total vaccine failure. CDC has done that all along.
Anyway, your claim that 80% of deaths are vaccinated isn't even true
The death rate became completely divorced from the infection rate and the mortality rate among unvaccinated was a lot higher than among vaccinated. Please read that sentence a few times. If you can't understand why the fact that most people in hospital have had a jab says nothing about the efficacy, then there's nothing more to say. This is the comments section of an article that is straight up lying. The arrticle says "being vaccinated DOUBLES the chance of catching Omicron compared to the unvaxxed", when the data (which is literally linked above, not that you will ever click or look at it) showed that people with vaccines were far more likely to get omicron, than delta. The author is pretending that they are more likely to get omicron than not getting infected at all. This is literally an disinfo article. Why are you going on about "complete lies", lol. You clearly have absolutely no interest in the truth to begin with. This article is false, and you love it, and the author. Stop pretending to give a solitary f**k about truth
In the US, Joe and his gang are hyping boosters. They're certainly aware it diminishes immunity to new variants. They need case panic to justify more lockdowns, which won them the last election. Increased cases, however benign, is their only chance to retain power. Normalize society and they're guaranteed epic losses.
I understand and sympathize with your point of view.
But just try to suspend your belief for a minute and imagine, purely as a mental exercise, that between January 10 and Feb 10, there will be a million deaths in the USA, among which 850,000 will be among the vaxxed.
Now imagine the tragedy but also the fallout. I am asking this not to say that this will definitely happen, but just so that we keep an open mind.
Sadly, your projection is likely as due to the high R, hospitals that are already stretched to the breaking point and lost 5-10% due to vaxx mandates, will overwhelm faster, doubling the CFR as well as all cause mortality.
Looking at recent SA data on naked capitalism suggests double the mortality of alpha - doubling the last peak gets to about 10k per day plus ~50% for hospital collapse and you get ~500k in a month.
Probably because I ignore MSM, my memory works and I recall that when alpha reached the US there was non-stop "propaganda" about Covid's mildness, just a few fatalities, blah blah blah, and then two months bodies stacked in mass graves in NYC, and running out of morgue trucks in Texas and elsewhere. China, meanwhile built a pandemic hospital in 10 days, which told me the western narrative was BS. Same narrative today, which your analysis suggests is once again BS. Kudos!
The allegations have been, and the response to such a calamity (however unlikely) would be the 850,000 are victims of the 150,000 unvaxed. Since deaths seem increasingly inlikely, they will focus on "cases" to continue the fear, and demand lockdowns and mail in ballots for the election. They know if they lose the congress, the panic is over and indictments will proceed.
No, it seems the officials are arriving at the conclusion that reporting cases is no longer helpful. It exposes the failures. They double down on boosters because they can't change course. Nobody has a clue about booster effectiveness against Omicron but they may help some for Delta for some period.
Joe says he's buying half billion tests. The only purpose for that is stoking cases. With the current variant flaming out for lethality, cases is all they've got to frighten the uninformed.
The way things are currently going for Joe & his puppeteers it won't be too long before he/they have a less than zero approval rating. It's rather enjoyable to watch it all implode, actually.
the piece he linked was about getting omicron versus delta, but he just lied and told everyone it was about omicron vs no infection. The entire thing is baloney
This is a very old thread, but you seem to misunderstand Igor's approach. Superficial reading of the references gives different results than digging into the actual data. The lies are in the reports, and their gullible supporters. Igor is consistently more honest and more competent than his targets.
There's no "misunderstanding the approach". There is an excel sheet, linked and screenshotted above, full of explanatory information, that a human being with a working mind can read. Igor is lying, or mistaken. Your opinion on his "approach", or "gullible supporters" does not change the contents of that spread sheet. The article is baloney
The report, as I will now repeat, was a report on the TYPE of covid that infected vaccinated people got. It showed vaccinated were less likely to get delta and more likely to get omicron. Download the excel sheet, and actually read the information
If you're so enthusiastic about reading and accepting government data, this probably isn't what you want to read. The rest of us recognize government shills, so your specious claims are uninteresting. If you think of something useful, let us know.
Why not just read the source material he's using to make the claim, lol
this is fucking hilarious. It's like "NO SHILL, YOU'LL NEVER MAKE ME READ THE LINK FOR MYSELF"
I really enjoy when things go badly for the CovIDIOTS.... does that make me a bad person? (hahaha - do I care hahaha)
It doesn’t make you a bad person. IMO, Just watch your thoughts. It’s something I have to constantly do. When under attack from ignorant people who want to outcast you and demand your medical information, i found it very easy to get angry and hope their vaccine sees them off. Then I realise, most people just want to live their lives and still trust the system and these people are victims. We need to win them over and I’m doing my best to not turn into a monster like some of these extreme vax clowns.
It's impossible to 'win them over'.... there is no cure for stupidity... other than jabbing them so many times they end up in a grave.
Fred is right. Most are doing what they believe to be the best thing for their survival, as the unvaxxed also are. Hating the unvaxxed has unfortunately been legitimised, so for some it has become their duty to blame the unvaxxed, just as we may blame criminals for crimes. This is of course wrong, but legitimisation has a long history of screwing with people's moral compasses. At the root of it, however, we see people (on both sides) who have been frightened into perceiving the world in a polarised way as us versus them, and in times of fear people tend to double down and retreat into their own vision of the world, falsely believing that their world view represents the absolute truth and the only way to overcome the problem at hand. The only way to change this situation is to show compassion and remove the judgement. This gives people permission to explore other points of view. I've seen people start to question things because what they were seeing didn't match their belief systems, but above all because the people around them gave them the chance to change. And I hope the same for myself!
We inherently are tribal, joining in "our tribe" for defense. The sheeple joined in because they thought it would help the tribe. Blaming anyone aside from the Chinese for allowing the virus to escape is wrong. I don't buy all the nonsense about THE PLAN other than inept functionaries fearful of being found in error. Groupthink took over and they have controlled the narrative until now. They are not at all happy by evidence exposing them.
The thing is...
I was a misanthrope long before the first CovIDIOT came on the scene.
Humans are truly a vile species. How many billions of animals have we moved through the gulags we call industrial farms?
How many have we committed the most heinous acts upon in the name of science? e.g.
Humans are MOREONS... barnyard animals with a few circus animals that perform the more complicated tricks... but ultimately they are all as easily controlled as rats in a maze... and because they are so easily controlled - they need to be controlled.
They are vile dangerous wicked beasts
Humans are an aberration ... a disease .. a virus... that is destroying the planet...
But before we pave the whole thing over... we're being exterminated...
Which is a good thing (for every species except the humans of course)...
My only concern about this is that we are leaving 4000 spent fuel ponds behind... as our parting gift to the species that live in harmony with nature.
We are a vindictive lot as well -- we don't just take our ball and leave -- we put a nuclear bomb inside the ball and toss it onto the playground -- before we depart
why is nobody actually checking the source and downloading and reading the spreadsheet? Why is everyone so keen to just beleive whatever some guy says ABOUT the info, but not bother to read it themselves? The report has been completely mischaracterised. It was about which type of covid the vaccinated caught (omicron versus delta) and contained literally no information about getting covid versus not getting it.
substitute another disease - I assume you cheers when an alcoholic has liver failure? You shout for joy with each smoker who dies of lung cancer (so many millions to cheer the death of how do you find time to sleep)? You cry with happiness for each obese person who has diabetes?
The point of the narrative you are supporting is division that distracts while enabling the largest wealth transfer from the American public in history to a handful, who will relocate to an orbital Elysium.
I must admit ... as someone who played competitive sports and exercises daily (I still play in a fairly high level hockey league with guys 30 years younger - mountain bullshit e-bike - with some HITT sessions worked in a couple of times during the week - then there's the downhill skiing) .... does not ever consume soft drinks (and I mean never)... does not eat fast food (and I mean never).... who is obsessive about diet... who drinks alcohol sparingly .. has never smoked...
That I do harbour a bit of disdain for people who end up with 'lifestyle diseases' There is a tinge of superiority ... you wanna sit on the sofa and chug family sized cola and cram crisps down your maw every night --- don't expect a whole lot of empathy when you pay the price and you are riddled with diabetes... heart disease and high BP... how about some self control????
Yes there is some of that... but would I seriously suggest that someone who has ruined their body by living a life of sloth and gluttony be denied medical care? Do I wish they suffer and die?
Absolutely not.
But when it comes to CovIDIOTS... this is a different animal.
These are the people who wish me ill because I am not willing to partake in the grand experiment. These are the fools who put the smug vaxxie photos onto social media. These are the same clowns who mock the unvaxxed... the unthinking idiots who regurgitate the lies fed to them by the MSM ... the jack asses who would - if permitted - stone me to death or immolate me on a pile of burning tyres --- for not wearing a mask.
So yes - I am pleased when I am made aware of these CovIDIOTS get maimed or die from the injections. I am particularly pleased when a kid is involved... not because I wish ill on the kid -- rather I hope the parents suffer with eternal guilt because they were so stupid signing their kid up to inject and experimental substance into their body...
I do not wish on any person who is being forced into this genocidal plan - those who are given the horrifying choice of be injected so they can earn and feed their families - or refuse and end up homeless. I save my tears for those people.
Everyone else ... f789 'em. Die MOREONS.
We have Murdoch's 'The Sun' running an editorial today saying that the UK must not be forced into lockdown because the hospitals are overrun with unvaccinated Brits. Yet, anecdotally I am hearing from numerous unjabbed friends that it is jabbed friends, family and work colleagues who are falling ill.
I am hearing all sorts of anecdotal stories from less people in offices due to covid infection, pubs closed due to staff off sick with covid and cancelled hospital appointments due to NHS staff off sick with covid. A paramedic I know has been called to numerous strokes and shingles-like skin problems in young people. He asks each one whether they have been jabbed and when the last one was - usually it is within days or hours of them becoming ill.
Meanwhile the Welsh are going into some crazy sorta lockdown on Boxing Day - some bizarre rules which allows certain mixing but bans others. I could not be bothered looking at the detail as, being single, I am always in a bubble of one. But between now and Boxing day is enough time for the pubs and nightclubs to be crammed full of people so they can all share this highly infectious virus. If the virus was so dangerous then they would IMMEDIATELY lockdown. Crazy huh?
I've been concerned about this happening and feeling glad I'm not vaxxed, but is there any way to tease out how many chose not to get vaxxed because they already had covid? That would give them the best immunity but confound what is the immune status of those not vaccinated.
It would be a good idea to know how many unvaccinated people are Covid recovered. But note that a lot of covid recovered were talked into getting vaccinated, or the vaccinated also had Covid in the last few months. Untangling this would take some serious serological and statistical work. It is the job of the government.
If you aren't collecting the data because you haven't required it's creation, that serious work won't happen. The US has failed, maybe on purpose. We must rely on data elsewhere.
The data collection - especially in a day and age with computers that can assist with statistics has been awful from the start. I do believe this was on purpose. From the beginning there should have been some way to quantify (like on a scale from 1 to 5) the best estimate of Covid's contribution to a death rather than calling every death with covid a covid death and honesty about the PCR test accuracy, honesty about deaths / injury following vaccine, clotting events following covid or vaccine for several months, attempts to access the effectiveness of repurposed drugs and more - the whole thing has been a public health fiasco.
I understand doctors in India use PCR cycle counts as a guide to assess patients. The cycle count was used to establish immediate need for care, watchful waiting or recover at home. The count had some meaning to them. here it seems no guidance and we have no idea should the test suggest infection. Then states deciding whether a person's vaccination status will be reported in the stats or the difference of death from/with covid. One might think the CDC would have established reporting guidelines/requirements.
I have developed middleware software that rationalizes various databases so that can be done in centralized reporting and collection. Without being inside the NIH/CDC we can't know what they are doing. I recall Dr Brix was concerned about what reporting was being done. I this era of big data not sure why we can't do better. OTOH, fools creating requirements that they don't understand along with contractors doing what they wish makes for broken, unusable systems.
I'm always going to be baffled at the preventing severe cases argument. Either the cases in thr vaccinated have been grossly underreported and VE is much lower than claimed (in which case green passes are even more ludicrous) or severe disease is not and has never been prevented (which means the entire vaccine narrative falls apart). It seems, given the data you and el gato posted today, the vaccinated have no option but to live with their decision at this point and hope omicron is mild (signs do point this way) and omicron provides robust natural immunity for future variants. I'm curious about the latter scenario. I could see both an OAS and ADE scenario play out in the long run here.
Look at South Africa hospitalizations and how they keep rising, despite cases slowing. Hospitalizations close to Delta levels already despite high natural immunity.
Hi Igor, while I can't vouch for the accuracy of the stats (they've proven to be very inaccurate in the past, mostly overstated), just to give you an update on what I'm able to observe on the ground, in our local community here in Gauteng...
Omicron is soaring. Since my last update, my aunt, cousin and sister-in-law have all contracted omicron. Many of my close family members, who had mostly been covid free since the beginning of this plandemic, all seem to have contracted omicron.
Classic physical symptoms seem to be threefold. Lethargy, body aches and headaches. And of course there's the mental aspect.
But I'm thinking omicron might be a kind of blessing, because of the additional spikes, and it being less lethal than previous variants, I think it's a good virus to contract and develop natural immunity towards.
I know the stats from the UK indicate that many are dying of omicron, but delta is also soaring amongst them. I'm thinking it might be the combined effect of omicron, along with other factors, leading to the high death rate in the UK. Possibly also another variant, mistaken as omicron? I can't be sure. But despite many people in our local community contracting omicron, while some might be getting hospitalised, the death rate is thankfully very low.
I'm kinda glad that my family and I contracted omicron, as opposed to any of the previous variants. I'm hopeful that very robust natural immunity will be the result.
Thank you and I love hearing your updates. Please keep us posted.
Do you know any vaccinated or unvaccinated people?
Does it seem to affect them similarly? Anything else interesting that you notices among your friends and loved ones?
Thanks Igor. My family are all unvaxxed. Since I was able to see through this whole plandemic, almost since it's initial inception, I did quite a bit of brainwashing of my own amongst those closest to me. It took a lot of work, but by the grace of the Almighty, I got them all on the right side, albeit eventually.
I honestly don't mingle much with the vaccinated crowd. I know many people who've taken the vaccine, but don't associate much with them. Guess they're just generally not my cup of tea (just generally speaking, nothing to do with them taking the vaccine)
But as far as I can tell, omicron seems to be affecting both the vaxxed and unvaxxed indiscriminately. I can't say that either group is more susceptible to contracting it, nor more severely affected (just going by my normal observation)
I mean, my family and I are all unvaxxed, and 5 of us contracted it, and my sister knows quite a few vaxxed individuals who also contracted it, despite having been vaccinated within just the last 3 months or so. So basically, the vaccine has done nothing to protect them against contracting omicron.
As for other symptoms me, my family and others have experienced, I fear this is where I lose you guys, because now we're heading into the metaphysical aspect of covid.
Are you aware of "Omicron", the movie?
I haven't watched it, but just read up a bit about it on Google. It's a 1963 movie, basically about invisible aliens taking over people's bodies.
Do you think this is just a coincidence?
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I am" a student of truth, and there's no denying that many conspiracy theories end up being proven correct. There are many legitimate conspiracies at play in the world, and there have been many more in the past. History bears testimony to this fact.
Don't get me wrong now, because I'm not saying aliens are invading our bodies, with omicron, but the reality isn't too far from that..
I mentioned the demonic aspect of covid previously, and I've known this from the first wave already. So my views aren't based on some 1963 movie (which I only came to know about quite recently, since the discovery of the omicron variant), but rather, the movie only gives credence to views I've held for a long time already.
I'm willing to break this down for you guys and delve into it really deeply, but only if you're interested, so please let me know if you are.
Most people simply shy away when it comes to these kinds of matters which are beyond their understanding, and at conflict with their views on reality, so I'll give you guys the option before delving any further into it.
But know this, that whatever I have to say is pivotal to understanding the reality of covid, the paranoia people experience, the brain fog, hallucinations, confusion, loss of memory, etc.
I'm telling you guys, there's more to covid and the vaccines than meets the eye. But there's no point in me delving into this if people's minds are closed to what I have to say, so I'll leave the ball in your court.
I signed up for Substack just so I could ask to read your thoughts on this.
I too have suspected there is a supernatural blindness toward the danger of these shots. It is written that He will cause this type of blindness to occur in unbelievers. I pray I'm wrong but I will not bet against scripture.
There's honestly lots to tell, Hugh. I'm just gonna ramble a bit if that's ok.
Covid is actually a demonic attack. Do you know what jinn are? Do you know that viruses can technically also be classified as jinn?
What if I told you these entities were responsible for causing cancer and a whole range of other illnesses?
Shayateen (devils) sometimes perch on our backs, and kinda like mosquitos, inject poison into our hearts.
There are high level occultists at the helm of just about every industry.
You ever watch the rituals scientists at CERN partake in?
I know of someone, a Haafiz of Quran, young, healthy, who after taking just one dose of the Pfizer vaccine, had to do ruqya for 4 days before he got back to normal.
Did you see the entity Dr. Carrie Madej found in the Moderna vaccine? She was interviewed by Stew Peters some weeks back.
These satanists who produce these viruses and vaccines aren't idiots. They're actually getting us possessed by jinn, that's what they're doing.
Trust me, possession is a lot deeper than you guys think. There are varying degrees. Many people go through entire lives, possessed, but never realise it.
Sometimes magic is labeled as science. In fact, one of the cards in the illuminati card game mentions something to the effect that they'd take magic out of the realm of the occult and call it science.
With covid comes hordes of shayateen (demons). Many people have seen them while they had covid.
My one friend, who isn't really religious at all, described it as a kaboos. I had to Google the term to see what he was talking about.
There's too much for me to tell you everything, but I assure you, demons accompany covid.
What our satanic overlords really want is to impress their religion on us. Mind control and subliminal messaging are one of their many tools. They want to bring us to the same satanic vibration they're on. Of course they want to wipe out a large number of us, control every aspect of our lives, etc, as well, but demonic possession always plays an integral part.
Sex, drugs, magic and dragons. That's the gist of their religion.
Understand that they're intimate with demons. They work together, strike deals with one another, etc.
Everything we're witnessing is the prelude to the emergence of dajjaal.
The deception in on such a level, few will ever truly realise.
Some people are so far from the Almighty, they actually have a symbiotic relationship with the shayateen. Hence covid will affect different people differently. The demonic onslaught is more severe for some than others.
If I have to give you an analogy...
A person who lives in a dump yard will be immune to the smell. To him, it's home. But if a person who works in a perfume factory enters a dump yard, he'll instantly perceive the stench.
Similarly, some people's hearts are filled with noor (light), so they instantly perceive darkness. This was the case of the Haafiz I mentioned earlier. He basically felt possessed after just a single jab.
[The vaccine is essentially a potion. There's an element of sihr (magic) to it]
But a person who's already in darkness might never be able to perceive the darkness in covid and the vaccines. Many already have a symbiotic relationship with jinn.
But the shayateen are extremely evil and hate all humans. They'll always try to harm us.
Then again, many people aren't even entirely human. Part human, part demon.
Magic these days is at its height. Demonic activity too. There's been a noticeable paradigm shift in the world, as I'm sure you've noticed. Only true sheeple will still be oblivious to what's going on.
There's honestly lots more to say, but just mentioned the little bit which came to mind.
Do tell.. curious to hear your theory
InshaAllah (God willing), I'll do so soon, Abu. I just typed out quite a lengthy comment on another thread, and delving into the metaphysical aspect of covid will likely require an even lengthier post, so please bear with me on this. InshaAllah I'll get to it soon as I have more time to spare.
Yikes. Not to mention South Africa is younger with lower BMI.
Well... let's put it this way... if *something* (ADE, OAS or vaccine suppression/dysregulation of the innate immune system, whatever it is) is causing this strain to preferentially infect the vaccinated (especially the double dosed as opposed to the triple dosed possibly... and then maybe only for a while) there has to be the constant fear (for those aware enough to even think about it) that a *future* variant might well be as infectious and preferentially infect the vaccinated as omicron seemingly does BUT just by chance not be mild (or as seemingly mild as omicron). With our luck as a global society it will be as severe as the Wuhan strain (or maybe worse, maybe like SARS-1 or MERS) and as infectious as omicron. No doubt by chance it will also happen to arrive when, for naming purposes, they reach the last Greek letter: Omega
[That would be ironic and poetic in a macabre fashion since "omicron" means "little o" (o micron) and "omega" (o mega) means "big O", as a doomsday variant the name Omega would be so suitably fitting that we would have to seriously consider the possibility that we now live in a Hollywood universe - it would be right out of a some zombie movie (or maybe a James Bond flick): the Omega Virus...]
If the vaxxed next take an omicron tailored booster they will be totally fucked
The Omega Man
I liked that film and the novel it was based on!
Also I guess now we might as well prepare ourselves with omicron as the dress rehearsal for Omega's arrival on the scene in say... what... October 2022? At the rate they discover and name variants that should be about the time we see Omega I guess (or rather when we notice it...doubtlessly an analysis soon after will reveal it diverged from some ancestor strain at least a few months before)
I know I’m just a dumb anti-vaxxer, but there is something I’ve never understood: if “vaccine” induced antibodies are not effective against a Covid variant (say “omicron”), then how in the hell can getting a booster (which just causes the production of more of the same ineffective antibodies) provide any more protection against these variants?
Good question!
The only effect I can think of is generally giving a short-term immune boost just from having antigens in the body, like you would not catch a flu a few weeks after you had a cold.
Obviously, a "cold" does not immunize you against a "flu", but it raises some short term immune defenses.
That's all.
It would be much safer just to give people a cold virus.
If the vaccine-induced antibodies are "low effective" (affinity) rather than "ineffective," then having more can prevent infection (if enough of them seep into the mucosa, despite few being targeted IgA). Low affinity is suggested by the neutralization results published so far ( - if it was 0 affinity, 3rd dose shouldn't make any difference at all), though those are a simulation, not real life. Seems to take a week for any IRL difference against the pre-Omni strains ( The widespread anecdotes of "booster breakthroughs" in the US suggests that whatever effect there is must be short lived vs Omni.
New study that may shed some light on this.
The U.K. data confirms what seems to be true so far: there is not a shred of evidence that boosting makes omicron infection less likely or milder, and emerging data suggests the contrary.
Is there a single public health official or elected leader right now who is "following the science" on this and urging caution? Is it possible that they are emphatically recommending boosting because, although it is worse than no vax, it appears that being twice vaccinated is worst of all, and it's not like that population can go back and become unvaccinated? (But still, they are telling unvaxxed to get vaccinated, cannot treat them as behaving at all logically, only in senseless lockstep.)
Just saying! Israel today:
-Covid hospitalizations: 124
-Omicron hospitalizations: 0
-Flu hospitalizations: 1088
Judging by the case graph Omicron is just starting in Israel. Compare the graph to NY State and Denmark, for example.
Israel is 1-2 weeks behind UK, so no surprise here.
Look at South Africa's rising hospitalizations, they are now close to the level of the Delta peak. And SA has massive natural immunity.
But don’t we expect that Omnicron is infecting more people than Delta did? Thus even is hospitalizations reach same level Delta did it is actually a lower % of total cases??
Just heard on the radio: SA says they have passed the peak as the virus can't spread noh moh because of herd immunity. SA case closed. AND now this:
Just saying.
I am writing something opposite, you might enjoy taking that apart in a few hours.
Can't wait! :-)
Seems to be compensated for by earlier discharge as reflected in the current in-patients graph.
Thanks Igor for all of the information that you compile. It is difficult, though, because here (US) all we hear is that the unvaxx are overwhelming the hospitals.
You are right, and blaming the vaxxed for full hospitals is a complete lie! Hospitals are actually full of sick vaccinated and lack capacity because of vaxx mandates.
See my above post about Murdoch's 'The Sun' in the UK today claiming that the UK hospitals are full of mainly unjabbed people.
Handy tool to fact check your news:
Yep, amazing tool!!! I used but I think that the data source is the same
I was using the same tool as you Mr Chudov, but have been unable to access it lately. Is it still online?
My only question is whether this survey was of symptomatic people, people who showed up to get tested, or a truly random survey of the general population?. Because in the former cases, the #s could change dramatically.
Thanks for the link Igor and interesting dissection of the figures!
Another possibility for your bio weapon article is a reduction in fertility. Have a read of this article.
That’s s really interesting article!
Additionally, Beaumont hospital is the largest system in Michigan. On the news this morning they announced that over 580 patients are covid +. The news anchor pauses then continues that this amount includes all eight of their hospitals which (doesn't make the number seem quite as oppressive). The hospital rep then admits that they have over 100 staff that is sick with covid. I'm assuming they have all been vaxxed. It's confusing making sense of all the data.
There is no making sense of these propaganda articles, paid-for by the Big Vaccine backers.
They are basically lies masquerading as news reporting. They are also easily debunked.
I wrote a template on how to debunk them regardless of specific locale:
Unfortunately the hospitals don't delineate if the covid patient is vaxxed or unvaxxed. Not sure where to find this data.
Look at your state's breakthrough Covid report.
Does the 25% unvaxxed count kids too young to be eligible?
Thanks, Igor!