Singapore cases are climbing rapidly again. Every country that has high vaccinations seem surprised when they get huge spikes. It’s as if they have never heard of a place called Israel.
Pfizreael. Nice of Pfizer to bribe Netanyahu and give us such a great sample size for one product. Sucks for the Israelis to be sold out by this Quisling-Mengele leader.
Natfali Bennett is PM of Israel since June 2021. I hold some doubts as to how he managed to wrest power from Netanyahu. What I mean is I suspect the change of admin in the US might have played a role. Not sure Netanyahu would have suffered from vaccine derangement syndrome at such a level.
I don't think they needed to. Bourla is the CEO of Pfizer. Bourla is a Greek vet (which makes the attacks on van den Bossche for the crime of being a vet and therefore not knowing what he is talking about all the more hypocritical). Bourla is also of Greek Sephardic Jewish heritage (his parents survived the Holocaust thankfully) to which he apparently remains "deeply connected"
In which case at some point they and all of us will have to reckon win the consequences. At the very least it will likely mean higher taxes to cover the collective costs of addressing the damage (while politicians continue to line their pockets of course). Time for all of us to start saving as much as we can as the future looks....poorer.
I wish I could be as cavalier as I usually am over all things health but as my wife has had three injections I live in a state of slight tension. I feel for those suffering reactions or watching their family suffer. Ugh.
I hear you- most of my family have had the injections. I hope that some of those were the saline injections that some people speak of. Also the human body is amazing resilient and my hope is that eventually the body will rid itself of the spike proteins. (There are a few websites that have info about how to expedite that process.) In the mean time, breathe deeply, listen to some healing frequency music, and stay positive…your positive energy will help your loved ones too 🥰
Does ivermectin (and other supplements) help jabbed people? I would like for flccc to talk about a protocol for those people. To help start on a path of healing.
It wasn't a study on NAC. It was an animal study where the animals reacted badly to spike proteins. The only info was one line in the study "The animals were rescued using NAC". They didn't say anything else. There is a list of studies using NAC here but it is mostly for treating the disease.
the mRNA vaxx reprograms your DNA to make spikes. No long term studies on whether this is a permanent change in the DNA (probably), leading to long term chronic inflammation. Its not a question of the body getting rid of the spikes! Now a traditional vaxx you would be correct.
I read an article about an NCIS actor, Vachik Mangassarian, who recently died from Covid complications. As I read more of the article, it states that he 'recently changed his tune on vaccinations.' It appears that he was strongly opposed to vaccines but wanted to continue working in films. As recently as November 2021, he was speaking out on vaccines according to the article. So, he must have gotten vaccinated late Nov or Dec and then dies in January of covid? So was the cause of death really covid, the vaccine or a combination of the two?
The Truth About Safety of mRNA Vaccines Found in The European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan" Welcome to the Medical Inquisition
mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing The Truth About "Safe and Effective" mRNA "Vaccines" Hidden In Plain Sight
Thanks Igor for your usual excellent article. Are you backing up your Substack information somewhere? Meaning if Substack folds to globalist pressure and kicks off so called antivaxers, do you have a way to preserve all of the hard work that you have done and have an alternate location to view your material? Basically, do you have a back up plan?
What a mess. And all foreseeable. Here in Canada, they're tripling down on the stupid. It's beyond surreal at this point. These 'vaccines' have hypnotic powers it would appear.
Same in Austria. My mom (double vaxxed against her inner „truth“) told me that the government now „comes for the double vaxxed“ who are not willing to get another shot. They are increasing the pressure as they seem to notice that the „right-wing anti-vaxxers lacking in solidarity“ will either risk losing their job or try to leave the country before getting jabbed.
Well done Igor, Love your work. God the more I read and see from my vaxed friends, the more I know I made the right decision to conscientiously object. And I am living in totalitarian germany
Great article. In the first chart, if you put together all the vaccinated numbers from the final four columns, being unvaccinated looks like the single most effective protection against omicron. Too bad it is the one intervention on the chart that cannot be selected by any who fall into the other columns. This is very depressing. Previously, we might have optimistically said something like, "Well, the shots seem to come with an alarming number of health risks, but at least you lower your risk of mortality from covid." Without the latter being true, the former is even more unforgivable. I just hope the vaccinated will be mad at the people who did this to them, not at the people who pointed out the wrongdoing.
As a sliver of hope, co-morbidities for re-infection still hold - I would hypothesize that high serum Vitamin D is still a powerful preventative for the vexed - its just that the virus's attack was made easier by refocusing the immune system. I am not sure about ADE, but OAS is lifelong.
Jan 27, 2022·edited Jan 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
To the question of whether reinfections will be more severe - what other virus behaves like that? There are many other viruses that infect humans and 4 other coronaviruses that regularly infect humans. Are any of them known to cause MORE severe infections upon reinfection? I haven't heard this and I don't think there is any reason to believe that SARS-COV-2 is special in this way. Along the same lines - why are we so worried that SARS-COV-2 will mutate back into a more severe form when we aren't worried about any of the other 4 coronaviruses doing so? Is there some reason to believe that SARS-COV-2 has some unique characteristic where it will behave differently than the other coronaviruses?
On the first point, if ADE is in effect with these vaccines as they were with all previously attempted coronavirus vaccines, then yes, repeated infections will get worse for the vaccinated, especially with genetic drift, as they did in the animal studies. The rapidity of infection must also be considered. Couple the frequency of reinfection with the compounding effect of repeated vaccination, and one must ask at what point the immune system gives way to exhaustion. Spike protein from vaccines lasts for more than a few months after injection, which, in itself, effectively constitutes a chronic infection.
Well put, and also ADE affects all viral infections - not just Covid mutations - so a followup "weak" cover is more likely to be combined with influenza. . . .
The origins of Covid are murky. Covid may possibly be a poorly designed live-attenuated pan-coronavirus vaccine, a SARS vaccine, or a vaccine against something very nasty. It is a tendency of vaccines to revert (deattenuate) back to what they were originally.
We do NOT know the future but it is not necessarily rosy. The Flu of 1918 also came in waves and some were worse than others.
ADE resulting from a lifetime of exposure to coronaviruses is thought to be why the elderly are more susceptible to a bad time on infection with covid. ADE existed before covid and these lousy shots. It's a sad fact of life.
French justice exempts an insurance company from covering the death of a vaccinated person for considering suicide who injected an experimental product.
Singapore cases are climbing rapidly again. Every country that has high vaccinations seem surprised when they get huge spikes. It’s as if they have never heard of a place called Israel.
Pfizreael. Nice of Pfizer to bribe Netanyahu and give us such a great sample size for one product. Sucks for the Israelis to be sold out by this Quisling-Mengele leader.
Did Pfizer give Netanyahu an actual bribe? I would not be surprised but I have not heard of it yet.
It's a running joke. Nobody knows for sure but I would not bet against it. He was corrupt beyond belief. Even by mid-east standards he was filthy.
Natfali Bennett is PM of Israel since June 2021. I hold some doubts as to how he managed to wrest power from Netanyahu. What I mean is I suspect the change of admin in the US might have played a role. Not sure Netanyahu would have suffered from vaccine derangement syndrome at such a level.
I don't think they needed to. Bourla is the CEO of Pfizer. Bourla is a Greek vet (which makes the attacks on van den Bossche for the crime of being a vet and therefore not knowing what he is talking about all the more hypocritical). Bourla is also of Greek Sephardic Jewish heritage (his parents survived the Holocaust thankfully) to which he apparently remains "deeply connected"
Uh huh 😂
Things are rapidly going to get more and more psychologically uncomfortable for the jabbed.
Will they take the off ramp and turn around?
Or ride this all the way to complete vaccine resistance immune system failure?
Like watching a gambler on a losing streak, double down, triple down, each bet more potentially disastrous than the last.
This will have immense medical and social consequences, if 60-50% of population have terminally damaged health and immunity.
They will likely continue to angrily resent us for our selfish non-compliance. They did it all for us. 😒
Right. We are "selfish smartasses who think that they are smarter than everyone else".
Well given that the vax doesn't prevent transmission we are not selfish, and I would rather be a smartass than a dumbass!
I'd rather be a smartass than dead.
Yes! Hey, Igor, just noticed your fancy-schmancy new profile pic! Love the shirt!
Thanks :-)
And we are :) I have nothing but total disdain for the MOREONS who volunteer to inject.. and inject... and inject... and inject
Being angry at someone for not falling for the lies that you yourself fell for instead of being angry at the liar is a special kind of stupid.
I really hope not as many family members vaccinated.
Same here, extremely worried
In which case at some point they and all of us will have to reckon win the consequences. At the very least it will likely mean higher taxes to cover the collective costs of addressing the damage (while politicians continue to line their pockets of course). Time for all of us to start saving as much as we can as the future looks....poorer.
I wish I could be as cavalier as I usually am over all things health but as my wife has had three injections I live in a state of slight tension. I feel for those suffering reactions or watching their family suffer. Ugh.
I hear you- most of my family have had the injections. I hope that some of those were the saline injections that some people speak of. Also the human body is amazing resilient and my hope is that eventually the body will rid itself of the spike proteins. (There are a few websites that have info about how to expedite that process.) In the mean time, breathe deeply, listen to some healing frequency music, and stay positive…your positive energy will help your loved ones too 🥰
Does ivermectin (and other supplements) help jabbed people? I would like for flccc to talk about a protocol for those people. To help start on a path of healing.
The do use it in their long haul protocol (I-Recover). That would be a great starting place.
Dr Flavio from Brazil was using it day before, day of injeciton and day after to try and blunt the damage and it seems to work in part.
Check into NAC as it was used to "rescue the animals" in one study.
You got a title or link to that NAC study?
It wasn't a study on NAC. It was an animal study where the animals reacted badly to spike proteins. The only info was one line in the study "The animals were rescued using NAC". They didn't say anything else. There is a list of studies using NAC here but it is mostly for treating the disease.
Here is a website that lists a few methods to help the body deal with spike proteins, be they from infection or injection.
This one talks specifically about the shikimic acid (pine needles) that Mike Adams from Natural News mentions frequently:
Thank you.
the mRNA vaxx reprograms your DNA to make spikes. No long term studies on whether this is a permanent change in the DNA (probably), leading to long term chronic inflammation. Its not a question of the body getting rid of the spikes! Now a traditional vaxx you would be correct.
Yes the gambling analogy is spot on.
I read an article about an NCIS actor, Vachik Mangassarian, who recently died from Covid complications. As I read more of the article, it states that he 'recently changed his tune on vaccinations.' It appears that he was strongly opposed to vaccines but wanted to continue working in films. As recently as November 2021, he was speaking out on vaccines according to the article. So, he must have gotten vaccinated late Nov or Dec and then dies in January of covid? So was the cause of death really covid, the vaccine or a combination of the two?
Was there also an Infowars article? Was it about him?
I don’t know
Wow. Thanks for sharing.
This poison should be halted all together, the information they have in their own documents is enough to prosecute everyone involved:
Dr. Michael Yeadon: THIS MUST STOP! Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk
The Truth About Safety of mRNA Vaccines Found in The European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan" Welcome to the Medical Inquisition
mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing The Truth About "Safe and Effective" mRNA "Vaccines" Hidden In Plain Sight
A suit was filed with the Attorney General of Texas regarding crimes of humanity. Interesting.
Wonder what AG Paxton will do with the complaint?
Thanks Igor for your usual excellent article. Are you backing up your Substack information somewhere? Meaning if Substack folds to globalist pressure and kicks off so called antivaxers, do you have a way to preserve all of the hard work that you have done and have an alternate location to view your material? Basically, do you have a back up plan?
I am a former computer guy and own a bunch of websites and servers. Yes, I should back up my subscriber list, thanks for reminding.
Maybe substack will be accused of being a den of "terroristic parents" or something
This is why mention it.
The only question is, where to ?
I second this call. You need to back up all your great work/articles
Appreciate your articles!! Read everyone, thanks!
thanks, share them with your friends please
Negative efficacy injections are a helluva drug.
You get the come down but no high.
A beloved Police officer in Southeast Texas was vaccinated and got covid. He just died of covid related causes coming out of covid.
In this case he died from BOTH Covid and Vaccine.
That's my interpretation also.
Doesn't it appear that the vaccine was the proximate cause? Set him up with increased susceptibility and worse time with covid?
I really enjoy your articles, they are so calm and lucid and show what you can do with simple numbers and enough patience. Thanks Igor.
Thank you for your encouragement.
What a mess. And all foreseeable. Here in Canada, they're tripling down on the stupid. It's beyond surreal at this point. These 'vaccines' have hypnotic powers it would appear.
They only have hypnotic power because of censorship.
Same in Austria. My mom (double vaxxed against her inner „truth“) told me that the government now „comes for the double vaxxed“ who are not willing to get another shot. They are increasing the pressure as they seem to notice that the „right-wing anti-vaxxers lacking in solidarity“ will either risk losing their job or try to leave the country before getting jabbed.
Well done Igor, Love your work. God the more I read and see from my vaxed friends, the more I know I made the right decision to conscientiously object. And I am living in totalitarian germany
I am feeling so lucky to be vax-free
Great article. In the first chart, if you put together all the vaccinated numbers from the final four columns, being unvaccinated looks like the single most effective protection against omicron. Too bad it is the one intervention on the chart that cannot be selected by any who fall into the other columns. This is very depressing. Previously, we might have optimistically said something like, "Well, the shots seem to come with an alarming number of health risks, but at least you lower your risk of mortality from covid." Without the latter being true, the former is even more unforgivable. I just hope the vaccinated will be mad at the people who did this to them, not at the people who pointed out the wrongdoing.
Yep, we cannot "choose to become unvaccinated again"... Which is truly tragic.
As a sliver of hope, co-morbidities for re-infection still hold - I would hypothesize that high serum Vitamin D is still a powerful preventative for the vexed - its just that the virus's attack was made easier by refocusing the immune system. I am not sure about ADE, but OAS is lifelong.
I wanna say that you are generating great content and appreciate your work.
To the question of whether reinfections will be more severe - what other virus behaves like that? There are many other viruses that infect humans and 4 other coronaviruses that regularly infect humans. Are any of them known to cause MORE severe infections upon reinfection? I haven't heard this and I don't think there is any reason to believe that SARS-COV-2 is special in this way. Along the same lines - why are we so worried that SARS-COV-2 will mutate back into a more severe form when we aren't worried about any of the other 4 coronaviruses doing so? Is there some reason to believe that SARS-COV-2 has some unique characteristic where it will behave differently than the other coronaviruses?
On the first point, if ADE is in effect with these vaccines as they were with all previously attempted coronavirus vaccines, then yes, repeated infections will get worse for the vaccinated, especially with genetic drift, as they did in the animal studies. The rapidity of infection must also be considered. Couple the frequency of reinfection with the compounding effect of repeated vaccination, and one must ask at what point the immune system gives way to exhaustion. Spike protein from vaccines lasts for more than a few months after injection, which, in itself, effectively constitutes a chronic infection.
yes, boosters on top of vaccines, then a couple of reinfections with Omicron BA1 and then with BA2 can easily prove too much for many people.
Well put, and also ADE affects all viral infections - not just Covid mutations - so a followup "weak" cover is more likely to be combined with influenza. . . .
The origins of Covid are murky. Covid may possibly be a poorly designed live-attenuated pan-coronavirus vaccine, a SARS vaccine, or a vaccine against something very nasty. It is a tendency of vaccines to revert (deattenuate) back to what they were originally.
We do NOT know the future but it is not necessarily rosy. The Flu of 1918 also came in waves and some were worse than others.
ADE resulting from a lifetime of exposure to coronaviruses is thought to be why the elderly are more susceptible to a bad time on infection with covid. ADE existed before covid and these lousy shots. It's a sad fact of life.
French court rules death after vaxx as suicide.
French justice exempts an insurance company from covering the death of a vaccinated person for considering suicide who injected an experimental product.