Thanks for the link, well-deserved attention. I've noticed you keep getting more famous! Population levels SHOULD be an interesting, lively discussion. Of course, group-think on both sides of the political spectrum prevents that. I'm all for fewer people. It should go without saying efforts in that direction should NOT include coercion, deception, or murder. I'll say it anyway since non-thinkers will suggest anyone against turning the planet into wall-to-wall urban cesspools (which are invariably leftist, btw) should go first and volunteer to die. Which shows the pro-freedom side has its share of brainless followers too. They never notice urbanization and crowding correlates with leftism and less freedom, rural living correlates with the values they claim to believe in.
This has been their plan for the longest time; ALL of them has stated it publically, including Jane Goodall & others & it used to be written IN STONE on Georgia Guide Stones as the 1st "Commandment". That's what CONvid casedemic was all about!
I understand it, it's about ensuring the right type of people survive. Those who are indoctrinated and ill educated are easier to lead about. My dad left all the bureaucracy up to my mum, because she was English, he was Cypriot. If both parents do not have English as a mother tongue who is going to be going to the school to teach teachers that it's wrong to give blow jobs if they are under 10?
My daughter is doing a nursing degree, the academic stuff she is doing does not attain the standard of an old O Level Human Biology (Exams taken at age 16 UK). They brought in GCSEs to replace O Levels in 1988. I did half and half, GCSEs I got 5 As, O levels I got Bs, Cs and an F. GCSEs were multiple choice, I could have got As by accident. They have been dumbing us down for years
They want the more wealthy countries to be inundated with immigrants and refugees because it causes a certain amount of strain on the systems within those countries as well as causing aggravation and tension between people when it comes to culture clashes. The more people are stuck at a very base level of living and dealing with constant Petty problems, the more they are focused on those things instead of what's happening with the people in control at the higher-ups. That way, the people that are running the show can continue running the show and doing what they want because the rest of us are too busy fighting with each other over dumb things and ntentionally created problems.
So glad to see that this post showed up on G. Edward Griffin's site at so more and more people are informed, and will know about your substack.
As the Usual Suspects ensure we get new RSV “vaccines,” we shouldn’t forget the biggest Covid lie of all - the narrative that Covid was a top killer of children.
I don't particularly care how these globalist sock puppets couch things. When they say we need to reduce man's "Carbon footprint" that implies we have to sacrifice things and pay carbon taxes and the like. That is the side rort but they telling everyone, we are coming for you and we are going to gouge the hell out of you every which way we can while we go for our end goal.
You are totally right here. They are lying, like they always do. When they lie and we point it out, it is a right wing conspiracy theory. Simply put, these rich elitists, want more for themselves ... because you can never have enough. They are better than us and therefore deserve more. Don't believe me, just ask them. They no longer try and hide it.
Replacement of population is something I have noticed, as well. Natives are supposed to have fewer children but the floodgates are open to immigrants, whom even if they didn't have kids, replaces the unborn children of the "natives." Quality of life, then is not improved. Open space is not preserved. I have wondered if math education in the US is so abysmal that people cannot figure this out.
Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov
Good post, Igor. It's interesting and a bit sad that you've felt the need to sort of tiptoe around this immigration issue and issue a sort of disclaimer. Nothing against you, it's more of a comment of the overall atmosphere surrounding these types of topics. I'll be more blunt :)
First, immigration is not migration. Speaking just of the US, but this is also true of Western Europe, we no longer have immigration, we have migration. Unfettered, unchecked mass migration. This is a globalist dream and a nightmare for everyone else.
Neoprogressives like to use the tired old line "this country was built by immigrants" as if to shut down any future argument of immigration. There are two issues with this. First, we are dealing with migration right now, not immigration. Second and perhaps more importantly, the people entering the US illegally today are not the same people who came through Ellis Island and "built the country".
The immigrants who made this nation what is/was were largely white Europeans. Some people reading this will get prickly because I said "white" but it's a fact, and it's relevant. Have a look at the societies these people built before coming to America, they were beautiful - in some cases stunningly so. Of course these immigrants would sculpt this land in a similar image. Of course they would build what would become the greatest nation on Earth when given the types of freedoms we offered.
Now contrast this to the people who are pouring in today. Look at what they built in the places they have left. What have they built? It's nothing. How will these people possibly contribute to our society? Will a few make a positive contribution - sure. But the vast majority will not. This will only hurt the people who are here, those born here and those like yourself who came here LEGALLY.
Two examples of what I'm talking about, there are probably millions if you take a deep dive. First, ff you have not seen the documentary Empire of Dust, it's worth the 90's on YouTube. It takes a look at the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative in Congo. There is a scene at the end of the movie where Lao is talking to Eddie, the person he has been working with. Lao is describing the conditions of the mines, which the Belgian's built. Lao tells Eddie, "You neglected the things that others built and left for you. What's worse, you completely destroyed them". The contrast between the societies cannot be more clear. The Congolese have the resources they need to build their society, they just will not do it so the Chinese must make arrangements with the Congolese government to do it for them.
Second, I would invite anyone to look at the history of the Sebara Dildiy bridge in Ethiopia. Built by the Portuguese in the 1800's (it was a beautiful bridge - a work of art) it was partially destroyed during WWII by Italian troops...early 1940's. From that time until an American philanthropist became aware of the damaged bridge and provided a sort of patch the Ethiopians used ropes to cross the bridge. They used ropes for more than 60 years! These people could have easily repaired the bridge but they either lacked the intelligence, work ethic or both. Why is it that the Ethiopians crossed this bridge using ropes for more than 60 years, but an American brings a crew and repairs the bridge quickly? The people who used ropes to cross the bridge - do we really want them in the US? Will they help build our society in ways that the early immigrants did? Asking these types of questions, which seem legitimate, gets one branded a racist or a xenophobe or whatever.
I'll be more blunt. Different races have different average IQ's. While any particular person of any race can be a genius and/or a boon to whatever country they are in, if you bring in 100s of thousands or millions people from a certain race or culture the country taking in those people is going to start looking more like the country or countries they came from.
Moreover the Muslim religion is set up to cause people to be violent, intolerant and misogynistic.
I wish it wasn't true. But every single scrap of unbiased research shows that.
What they want is what they have always wanted while pretending that they didn’t have these aims and that, even if they did, it wasn’t happening and then, when it turned out to be true, it was a surprise and perhaps even a good thing.
Dr Halliday Sutherland warned of the Malthusian agenda in the 1920s:
“Our declining birth-rate is a fact of the utmost gravity, and a more serious position has never confronted the British people. Here in the midst of a great nation, at the end of a victorious war, the law of decline is working, and by that law the greatest empires in the world have perished. In comparison with that single fact all other dangers, be they war, of politics, or of disease, are of little moment. Attempts have already been made to avert the consequences by partial endowment of motherhood and by saving infant life. Physiologists are now seeking the endocrinous glands and the vitamins for a substance to assist procreation. “Where are my children?” was the question shouted yesterday from the cinemas. “Let us have children, children at any price,” will be the cry of tomorrow.” Halliday Sutherland Birth Control: A Statement of Christian Doctrine Against the Neo-Malthusians, 1922, p. 155.
Or more succinctly in 1929: “The cataclysm which may end the eighth known epoch in civilisation may be a lack of European children.” Halliday Sutherland quoted in the Uxbridge & West Drayton Gazette – Friday, 27 September 1929.
There’s only less white people in the uk, we have masses of Africans and Asians being shipped in constantly, they have loads of children and are consuming shitloads and don’t let anyone tell you any different, they’re given priority in cheap social housing and most can afford to buy and run a car.
Those from Hong Kong behave completely different, they buy their own homes, work hard are polite, friendly and respectful for being here.
People don’t and never had an issue with immigration, it is the amount and the quality however of the immigrants that are dross of a government lets land here, many are lazy self entitled and think we owe them the world.
Like any country the people of the uk owe them not a single thing, the government deems otherwise and it’s going down like a lead brick. People are openly speaking about the ulez/ climate scam on how taxing us more will somehow save the environment, they all calling bullshit on it and rightly so.
Of course it’s another one of the government’s money laundering schemes, just like immigration it makes their friends stupendously richer with all the money which has to be borrowed to keep everything going. Wages are driven down and millions more are borrowed to give in tax credits to top up those wages, all while they constantly promote themselves as helping the workers. Literally nothing could be further from the truth, wages would be far higher and so would the standard of living, more middle class means people choosing naturally to have less children, only the benefit bums have loads most working have two/ three max.
What I will highlight though is the blatant lies about the numbers of the UK population, they admit they’ve allowed 10 million in to live in just the last 25yr span.
Having family old enough including my mother remember when we supposedly from 57million to 67million these last 25yrs calls out their big fat lies.
As she said the country was pleasant to live in and practically empty to what it is now, she estimates there’s nearer hundred million now in the uk. My parents were from the generation where large families were the norm, my mother was one of five, father was one of eleven, they saw with their own eyes how it use t be. My mother says we’ll be known as the land of bricks with the amounts of houses and buildings going up to accommodate all the world.
So yes I’m with you on the crappy wef mantra, why bring millions to cold countries to use up more resources if you really want a decline in those populations numbers.
We know we have an ageing population at the minute, that would balance itself out though. My dad used to say that nature always wins, Mother Earth will do what ever she needs to protect herself, if man has to die then so be it he will die.
Already, most developed countries have been experiencing declining birth rates (even before covid). Typically, as people's level of education increases, they choose to have fewer children.
But a declining birth rate means an aging population, which is not good for the economy (not with our current high consumption economic model).
None of it truly makes sense - and you have to wonder whether these depopulation people (who also just happen to be mostly among the wealthy "elite") have not thought all this through, or whether they have some other plan in the wings...
What an idiot. High tech/high income nations can afford population increases. Truth is she knows this - she is just trying to turn every county into third world.
This post is now on Infowars:
Thanks for the link, well-deserved attention. I've noticed you keep getting more famous! Population levels SHOULD be an interesting, lively discussion. Of course, group-think on both sides of the political spectrum prevents that. I'm all for fewer people. It should go without saying efforts in that direction should NOT include coercion, deception, or murder. I'll say it anyway since non-thinkers will suggest anyone against turning the planet into wall-to-wall urban cesspools (which are invariably leftist, btw) should go first and volunteer to die. Which shows the pro-freedom side has its share of brainless followers too. They never notice urbanization and crowding correlates with leftism and less freedom, rural living correlates with the values they claim to believe in.
Very. Well. Put.
This has been their plan for the longest time; ALL of them has stated it publically, including Jane Goodall & others & it used to be written IN STONE on Georgia Guide Stones as the 1st "Commandment". That's what CONvid casedemic was all about!
Please reassure me that Professor Harper has NOT procreated!
I understand it, it's about ensuring the right type of people survive. Those who are indoctrinated and ill educated are easier to lead about. My dad left all the bureaucracy up to my mum, because she was English, he was Cypriot. If both parents do not have English as a mother tongue who is going to be going to the school to teach teachers that it's wrong to give blow jobs if they are under 10?
My daughter is doing a nursing degree, the academic stuff she is doing does not attain the standard of an old O Level Human Biology (Exams taken at age 16 UK). They brought in GCSEs to replace O Levels in 1988. I did half and half, GCSEs I got 5 As, O levels I got Bs, Cs and an F. GCSEs were multiple choice, I could have got As by accident. They have been dumbing us down for years
They want the more wealthy countries to be inundated with immigrants and refugees because it causes a certain amount of strain on the systems within those countries as well as causing aggravation and tension between people when it comes to culture clashes. The more people are stuck at a very base level of living and dealing with constant Petty problems, the more they are focused on those things instead of what's happening with the people in control at the higher-ups. That way, the people that are running the show can continue running the show and doing what they want because the rest of us are too busy fighting with each other over dumb things and ntentionally created problems.
So glad to see that this post showed up on G. Edward Griffin's site at so more and more people are informed, and will know about your substack.
Thank you for pointing out that site.
o m f789ing G... the smoking gun.......
As the Usual Suspects ensure we get new RSV “vaccines,” we shouldn’t forget the biggest Covid lie of all - the narrative that Covid was a top killer of children.
I don't particularly care how these globalist sock puppets couch things. When they say we need to reduce man's "Carbon footprint" that implies we have to sacrifice things and pay carbon taxes and the like. That is the side rort but they telling everyone, we are coming for you and we are going to gouge the hell out of you every which way we can while we go for our end goal.
You are totally right here. They are lying, like they always do. When they lie and we point it out, it is a right wing conspiracy theory. Simply put, these rich elitists, want more for themselves ... because you can never have enough. They are better than us and therefore deserve more. Don't believe me, just ask them. They no longer try and hide it.
Replacement of population is something I have noticed, as well. Natives are supposed to have fewer children but the floodgates are open to immigrants, whom even if they didn't have kids, replaces the unborn children of the "natives." Quality of life, then is not improved. Open space is not preserved. I have wondered if math education in the US is so abysmal that people cannot figure this out.
Good post, Igor. It's interesting and a bit sad that you've felt the need to sort of tiptoe around this immigration issue and issue a sort of disclaimer. Nothing against you, it's more of a comment of the overall atmosphere surrounding these types of topics. I'll be more blunt :)
First, immigration is not migration. Speaking just of the US, but this is also true of Western Europe, we no longer have immigration, we have migration. Unfettered, unchecked mass migration. This is a globalist dream and a nightmare for everyone else.
Neoprogressives like to use the tired old line "this country was built by immigrants" as if to shut down any future argument of immigration. There are two issues with this. First, we are dealing with migration right now, not immigration. Second and perhaps more importantly, the people entering the US illegally today are not the same people who came through Ellis Island and "built the country".
The immigrants who made this nation what is/was were largely white Europeans. Some people reading this will get prickly because I said "white" but it's a fact, and it's relevant. Have a look at the societies these people built before coming to America, they were beautiful - in some cases stunningly so. Of course these immigrants would sculpt this land in a similar image. Of course they would build what would become the greatest nation on Earth when given the types of freedoms we offered.
Now contrast this to the people who are pouring in today. Look at what they built in the places they have left. What have they built? It's nothing. How will these people possibly contribute to our society? Will a few make a positive contribution - sure. But the vast majority will not. This will only hurt the people who are here, those born here and those like yourself who came here LEGALLY.
Two examples of what I'm talking about, there are probably millions if you take a deep dive. First, ff you have not seen the documentary Empire of Dust, it's worth the 90's on YouTube. It takes a look at the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative in Congo. There is a scene at the end of the movie where Lao is talking to Eddie, the person he has been working with. Lao is describing the conditions of the mines, which the Belgian's built. Lao tells Eddie, "You neglected the things that others built and left for you. What's worse, you completely destroyed them". The contrast between the societies cannot be more clear. The Congolese have the resources they need to build their society, they just will not do it so the Chinese must make arrangements with the Congolese government to do it for them.
Second, I would invite anyone to look at the history of the Sebara Dildiy bridge in Ethiopia. Built by the Portuguese in the 1800's (it was a beautiful bridge - a work of art) it was partially destroyed during WWII by Italian troops...early 1940's. From that time until an American philanthropist became aware of the damaged bridge and provided a sort of patch the Ethiopians used ropes to cross the bridge. They used ropes for more than 60 years! These people could have easily repaired the bridge but they either lacked the intelligence, work ethic or both. Why is it that the Ethiopians crossed this bridge using ropes for more than 60 years, but an American brings a crew and repairs the bridge quickly? The people who used ropes to cross the bridge - do we really want them in the US? Will they help build our society in ways that the early immigrants did? Asking these types of questions, which seem legitimate, gets one branded a racist or a xenophobe or whatever.
I'll be more blunt. Different races have different average IQ's. While any particular person of any race can be a genius and/or a boon to whatever country they are in, if you bring in 100s of thousands or millions people from a certain race or culture the country taking in those people is going to start looking more like the country or countries they came from.
Moreover the Muslim religion is set up to cause people to be violent, intolerant and misogynistic.
I wish it wasn't true. But every single scrap of unbiased research shows that.
What they want is what they have always wanted while pretending that they didn’t have these aims and that, even if they did, it wasn’t happening and then, when it turned out to be true, it was a surprise and perhaps even a good thing.
Dr Halliday Sutherland warned of the Malthusian agenda in the 1920s:
“Our declining birth-rate is a fact of the utmost gravity, and a more serious position has never confronted the British people. Here in the midst of a great nation, at the end of a victorious war, the law of decline is working, and by that law the greatest empires in the world have perished. In comparison with that single fact all other dangers, be they war, of politics, or of disease, are of little moment. Attempts have already been made to avert the consequences by partial endowment of motherhood and by saving infant life. Physiologists are now seeking the endocrinous glands and the vitamins for a substance to assist procreation. “Where are my children?” was the question shouted yesterday from the cinemas. “Let us have children, children at any price,” will be the cry of tomorrow.” Halliday Sutherland Birth Control: A Statement of Christian Doctrine Against the Neo-Malthusians, 1922, p. 155.
Or more succinctly in 1929: “The cataclysm which may end the eighth known epoch in civilisation may be a lack of European children.” Halliday Sutherland quoted in the Uxbridge & West Drayton Gazette – Friday, 27 September 1929.
There’s only less white people in the uk, we have masses of Africans and Asians being shipped in constantly, they have loads of children and are consuming shitloads and don’t let anyone tell you any different, they’re given priority in cheap social housing and most can afford to buy and run a car.
Those from Hong Kong behave completely different, they buy their own homes, work hard are polite, friendly and respectful for being here.
People don’t and never had an issue with immigration, it is the amount and the quality however of the immigrants that are dross of a government lets land here, many are lazy self entitled and think we owe them the world.
Like any country the people of the uk owe them not a single thing, the government deems otherwise and it’s going down like a lead brick. People are openly speaking about the ulez/ climate scam on how taxing us more will somehow save the environment, they all calling bullshit on it and rightly so.
Of course it’s another one of the government’s money laundering schemes, just like immigration it makes their friends stupendously richer with all the money which has to be borrowed to keep everything going. Wages are driven down and millions more are borrowed to give in tax credits to top up those wages, all while they constantly promote themselves as helping the workers. Literally nothing could be further from the truth, wages would be far higher and so would the standard of living, more middle class means people choosing naturally to have less children, only the benefit bums have loads most working have two/ three max.
What I will highlight though is the blatant lies about the numbers of the UK population, they admit they’ve allowed 10 million in to live in just the last 25yr span.
Having family old enough including my mother remember when we supposedly from 57million to 67million these last 25yrs calls out their big fat lies.
As she said the country was pleasant to live in and practically empty to what it is now, she estimates there’s nearer hundred million now in the uk. My parents were from the generation where large families were the norm, my mother was one of five, father was one of eleven, they saw with their own eyes how it use t be. My mother says we’ll be known as the land of bricks with the amounts of houses and buildings going up to accommodate all the world.
So yes I’m with you on the crappy wef mantra, why bring millions to cold countries to use up more resources if you really want a decline in those populations numbers.
We know we have an ageing population at the minute, that would balance itself out though. My dad used to say that nature always wins, Mother Earth will do what ever she needs to protect herself, if man has to die then so be it he will die.
Already, most developed countries have been experiencing declining birth rates (even before covid). Typically, as people's level of education increases, they choose to have fewer children.
But a declining birth rate means an aging population, which is not good for the economy (not with our current high consumption economic model).
None of it truly makes sense - and you have to wonder whether these depopulation people (who also just happen to be mostly among the wealthy "elite") have not thought all this through, or whether they have some other plan in the wings...
What an idiot. High tech/high income nations can afford population increases. Truth is she knows this - she is just trying to turn every county into third world.