Igor, I want to say you are really doing some excellent work. I discovered you around Christmas, 2021 and I've been following closely ever since. You combine a great intellect with humility and a warm and personal style that's really engaging.
I also like that you linked Radagast at rintral.nl. He's had some very thorough, detailed and well written posts on similar matters, with a lot of emphasis on immune system damage and the like.
"Estimating the impact of a vaccination programme is challenging as there is no completely unaffected control group." Oops! If only Pfizer hadn't jabbed the control group. I'm sure they only had the best of intentions -- not.
Lots of personal ramblings below, so the tl;dr is: same thing over here.
It seems to be the same way here in Sweden, that the jabbees are getting a nasty cold. I write "nasty cold" since we've stopped testing unless symptoms are so severe that the doctor must test to see what's going on. Nor do we trace infected any more (and tracing hasn't been done in any consistent manner from the start to boot), and I don't think the hospitals differentiate between jabbees and unjabbed.
So we're pretty much left with trusting authorities (Bwa-ha-ha yeah right mate, pull the other one it's got bells on...) or anecdotes via media and personal experience. Le sigh. This country used to be top notch re: all things stats about society. Heck, you can actually dig through records to look up the average shoe size during the Thirty Year War! No more, since the onset of PC durng the seventies.
Any-whoo, anecdotes. I'm unjabbed, and I have neighbours (meaning people living closer to me than 20 kilometers) who are also unjabbed. None of them have had Covid that they know of, all of them have had the usual cold(s) during winter. Age span is 5 to 85+. Several of my cousins, who are really nice people and not cynical "ooops did I say that out loud"-rapscallions like me, are jabbed both before and after Covid.
And have Covid right now, or have had it recently. They are, shall we say, less than happy about this. And upon learning/realising that social distansing and masks and all the rest of the superstitious and supercillious loads of sh*t they've been fed... well, they want answers. They want hearings and trials and such.
And when the stayed, settled and ordered middle classes starts to clamour for blood it's a ba-a-a-d time to have been in charge. Toffs gets listened to always, and us oiks gets ignored and that's simply the way of the world, but when Toby and Tracy Taxpayer gets riled for real - run to the hills.
We need to be careful to not overestimate importance of "cases." Governments have accelerated testing of asymptomatic people, so more positives are likely during a contagious epidemic, but entirely unimportant. And indications are that those cases are less severe than prior peaks, so serious illness might be less common, making case counts even less useful. Most hospitals are withholding effective therapies, probably hoping for increased patient loads and the profits they induce, so even hospitalizations are dubious importance. American politicians are quickly deciding their incitement of hysteria is about over. Might be more interesting to start counting leftists who reverse their fascist demands.
This has been a pandemic of the unhealthy from the beginning, exacerbated by malicious prohibitions of treatments and discussion of real risks. Even a society as dumb as most Americans eventually figure out they've been scammed. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 87 times and I'll be looking for retribution.
Yeah, I've wondered about the death protection. What could protect against death but not infection? The answer was always memory b and t cells. But they should continue to provide some protection from infection. I've seen it speculated that it's just a form of tolerance or desensitization to the spike protein.
mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing
The Truth About Safety of mRNA Vaccines Found in The European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan"
A chronic severe immune response to these spikes would also challenge the immune system (in the same way as an inappropriate immune response to allergens).
The vaccines show good efficacy rates because its just one giant filter. Give everybody Covid (the spike protein) in one go. Those who survive would have survived Covid anyway and those who don't stay in the unvaccinated category.
It just filters out all those who would have had little reaction to Covid in the wild and puts them in the vaxxed category.
Its like saying I'll teach everyone to swim in one second. I get everyone to jump into the pool and only count those who manage to scramble out. See 100% of the people learnt to swim in 1 second. Whilst not counting those at the bottom of the pool.
It looks like immune tolerance -- protection from death as the immune system is less likely to go cytokine storm, but negative protection from infection as the immune system is less likely to suppress a covid infection.
The impact of medium and long term chronic 'common cold' infection has yet to be determined.
The Zoe people (ie Spector) has the information on 'cold symptoms' by vaccination status, so they would be able to see if there is a correlation with vaccination status, but they decided not to show this aspect of the data.
Re the concept of immune tolerance in general, yes, there's lots of papers/books written on it.
Re. the concept as applied to the covid vaccines -- not so much, and nothing from 'official sources'. This is weird, because it is always a risk with vaccines, and the covid vaccines are particularly risky because the actual quantity of antigen produced for the immune system to work with is poorly defined (ie, you inject the instructions to make the antigen, not the actual antigen as with normal vaccines).
Igor do you think the "unvaccinated" are mostly people who have had natural COVID infections or are have they still been infection free? I ask because it could impact the results since we know natural immunity is superior to the vaccine immunity. I think close to 100% of the donated blood in the UK has vaccine or COVID antibodies.
if forced to bet i still think there is death protection but i am increasingly uncertain of that. a couple of ways this could be erroneous: differences in who gets versus doesnt get the shot; differences in the way vaccinated deaths versus unvaccinated deaths are adjudicated ( this is real imo); the possibility that covid LIKE illness is actuay covid with negative pcr.
toolate, if you're thinking there's death protection I heartily recommend you check out what is happening with the population that has only dose 2 and hasn't been boosted.
You can find it here for week 6: https://noline.substack.com/p/ukhsa-week-2022-06; and I have it calculated back as far as week 3 in earlier newsletters. There's something going on. Yes, boosting masks the effect, but why should people with exactly two doses be dying at twice the rate of the much maligned "unvaccinated" if the shots offer protection?
Well done on the VE analysis by the way. My take on the greater negative impact seen in 30-39 vs the older cohorts is that younger, healthier populations will show the vaccine induced immune damage more than the older cohorts.
Because they didn't vaccinate those close to death. The effect has been seen with death successive vaccine dose. This is responsible for a fairly large proportion of the apparent effectiveness of the vaccines in preventing covid mortality, and possibly explains all of it.
How do you know they did not vax those close to death? Old people´s homes - vaxed top to bottom. I should think that is exactly the set that is close to death, i. e., old and frail. I know of a place where 30% of the residents died within two weeks of the booster; all certified as pneumonia deaths, by the way. I knew a 92-year old lady - would you say she was in the close-to-death group? Well, she was boosted regardless, and now she is no more.
The comment isn't about 'old people' -- even they don't so often die suddenly. There are a significant number of deaths that are 'telegraphed early', that is, there is a deterioration and the medical staff know that time is now limited. These individuals are the ones that weren't vaccinated, not those that were simply 'vulnerable'.
There is evidence for this in 'standard medical procedures' that changed around January/February 2021 to not vaccinate those who were close to death.
So we end up with a complicated picture -- you have vaccine related deaths in those who weren't close to death (but certainly might have been frail), and those spared from vaccination arriving at their final destination about 1-3 months after their 'allocated vaccination time'.
All this is why they should have monitored the impact of the vaccines using proper matched cohorts, not the crazy 'don't bother looking' that we've ended up with.
'The letter exposes - on a small but important scale - much of what we have been saying about the misrepresentation and manipulation of data comparing vaccinated v unvaccinated' https://www.normanfenton.com/post/vaccination-data-update
I’m not sure that the all-cause mortality being significantly higher everywhere that rolled out the mRNA shots supports the “death protection” claim either. Even the poorly constructed “clinical” trials showed that death from Covid went down but overall deaths / risk of death went up in the shot cohort. As you’ve said, the adjucation and mis-attribution are real (see el Gato malo’s substack on negative VE and data crimes for a well done breakout). But I do wonder how much of the CLI is/was Omicron or another variant that doesn’t hit the faulty PCR tests the same way? The CDC crowed about their study showing 5X risk of Covid hospitalization if un-jabbed - but the actual numbers showed a +20% increase in overall Covid/CLI hospitalization if jabbed.
Wanted to be a doctor once upon a time. Gave up (grew up ULTRA poor, couldn't afford regardless) didn't gave up on learning though. Which works to my advantage since I can jump between disciplines with ease.
I was thinking how to compile even more evidence to demonstrate that the vaccines make the situation worse.
It occurred to me that all over the world pre-vaccine the pandemic essentially follow gompertz curves. As soon as the vaccination rates increased these curves became highly distorted. In the UK case not returning to an approxmately zero baseline and instead rising in a gagged and prolonged fashion. That should not have happened and should have instead been a more precipitous fall towards zero and staying there.
The Radagast post is good, though it's hazardous to base so many conclusions on a small study where everyone was in the same workplace at the same time and there were no unvaxxed controls. (Does anyone remember being skeptical of studies, not just pasting the authors' remarks as literal gospel, anymore?)
There are plenty of disease mechanisms from infection that would be worsened by tolerance. If you have viremia followed by heart and kidney infection and spikes everywhere and blood clots, you're not going to stay out of the hospital just because "no cytokine storm." You're dead. It's at least not very biologically plausible that the vaccines are protecting against severe outcomes unless they are also stopping viremia, and viremia is stopped by antibodies, not tolerance. Tolerance is not impossible, especially given how long the body seems to keep pumping out spike after injection, but the antibody super-response generated by boosters suggests it hasn't kicked in at the 2nd dosed stage for most - https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2786096 (Median Anti-spike AU from 440 to 25468! That's not tolerance.)
In fact if the vaxxed are "shedding" spike, the unvaxxed could be more at risk of developing tolerance, via environmental contact.
In general the quest to explain innate immune dysfunction with a "mechanism" risks overthinking things. The injections cause AEs. They injure recipients. Injured people have suppressed immune systems. No magic fungal-pseudouridine link required here.
Again, very good writeup Igor. I fully agree that vax is causing paradox in the socitey - in order to have 3-6 times less deaths in 60+ age group due to vax, the whole society should not put up with 2-4 times higher virus transmission as a whole.
As a note - whenever publishing data to refute some of the claims, one must remain open, honest and factual himself. Unfortunately this person whom you referred to, is fudging the charts, there is no such data in OWD:
On Feb. 4 Israel's Ministry of Health released a statement saying that the OWID data was incorrect. Apparently Israel had released an update for the preceding month and OWID put it all as new data for the previous day, creating a skewed chart. The statement said they were working with OWID to represent the data correctly.
The chart in this person website for ICU does not match real OWD data, Israel has never hit 140 per million ICU admissions, max 25. I pasted So I don't know what is it showing but surely not ICU admissions.
Wales finally to get rid of passes next week and masks on the 28th - despite cases being less in Wales than in England and death rates being the same despite Wales having had, and currently continues to have, more restrictions.
"Can someone please explain to me why vaccine passports protect people from Covid on 17 Feb but not a day later, while masks work until 27 Feb and then suddenly they don't? This sure is one clever little virus!"
Igor, I want to say you are really doing some excellent work. I discovered you around Christmas, 2021 and I've been following closely ever since. You combine a great intellect with humility and a warm and personal style that's really engaging.
I also like that you linked Radagast at rintral.nl. He's had some very thorough, detailed and well written posts on similar matters, with a lot of emphasis on immune system damage and the like.
Be well.
Well said. I would add that your integrity shines through, Igor.
I posted the wrong link, should be rintrah.nl
"Estimating the impact of a vaccination programme is challenging as there is no completely unaffected control group." Oops! If only Pfizer hadn't jabbed the control group. I'm sure they only had the best of intentions -- not.
The VA study WAS an amazing effort to have several control (and self-control) groups.
Lots of personal ramblings below, so the tl;dr is: same thing over here.
It seems to be the same way here in Sweden, that the jabbees are getting a nasty cold. I write "nasty cold" since we've stopped testing unless symptoms are so severe that the doctor must test to see what's going on. Nor do we trace infected any more (and tracing hasn't been done in any consistent manner from the start to boot), and I don't think the hospitals differentiate between jabbees and unjabbed.
So we're pretty much left with trusting authorities (Bwa-ha-ha yeah right mate, pull the other one it's got bells on...) or anecdotes via media and personal experience. Le sigh. This country used to be top notch re: all things stats about society. Heck, you can actually dig through records to look up the average shoe size during the Thirty Year War! No more, since the onset of PC durng the seventies.
Any-whoo, anecdotes. I'm unjabbed, and I have neighbours (meaning people living closer to me than 20 kilometers) who are also unjabbed. None of them have had Covid that they know of, all of them have had the usual cold(s) during winter. Age span is 5 to 85+. Several of my cousins, who are really nice people and not cynical "ooops did I say that out loud"-rapscallions like me, are jabbed both before and after Covid.
And have Covid right now, or have had it recently. They are, shall we say, less than happy about this. And upon learning/realising that social distansing and masks and all the rest of the superstitious and supercillious loads of sh*t they've been fed... well, they want answers. They want hearings and trials and such.
And when the stayed, settled and ordered middle classes starts to clamour for blood it's a ba-a-a-d time to have been in charge. Toffs gets listened to always, and us oiks gets ignored and that's simply the way of the world, but when Toby and Tracy Taxpayer gets riled for real - run to the hills.
Thank you for sharing this story about Sweden. Stay healthy, Sweden will need the vaccine-free Swedes very badly.
We need to be careful to not overestimate importance of "cases." Governments have accelerated testing of asymptomatic people, so more positives are likely during a contagious epidemic, but entirely unimportant. And indications are that those cases are less severe than prior peaks, so serious illness might be less common, making case counts even less useful. Most hospitals are withholding effective therapies, probably hoping for increased patient loads and the profits they induce, so even hospitalizations are dubious importance. American politicians are quickly deciding their incitement of hysteria is about over. Might be more interesting to start counting leftists who reverse their fascist demands.
This has been a pandemic of the unhealthy from the beginning, exacerbated by malicious prohibitions of treatments and discussion of real risks. Even a society as dumb as most Americans eventually figure out they've been scammed. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 87 times and I'll be looking for retribution.
Yeah, I've wondered about the death protection. What could protect against death but not infection? The answer was always memory b and t cells. But they should continue to provide some protection from infection. I've seen it speculated that it's just a form of tolerance or desensitization to the spike protein.
Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk
mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing
The Truth About Safety of mRNA Vaccines Found in The European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan"
Mass Murder by a Medical System that has Lost Its Direction and Soul
Scary stuff.
An additive factor could be the long lived presence of the spikes in vaccinated individuals - Robert Malone describes A recent paper on this.
A chronic severe immune response to these spikes would also challenge the immune system (in the same way as an inappropriate immune response to allergens).
The vaccines show good efficacy rates because its just one giant filter. Give everybody Covid (the spike protein) in one go. Those who survive would have survived Covid anyway and those who don't stay in the unvaccinated category.
It just filters out all those who would have had little reaction to Covid in the wild and puts them in the vaxxed category.
Its like saying I'll teach everyone to swim in one second. I get everyone to jump into the pool and only count those who manage to scramble out. See 100% of the people learnt to swim in 1 second. Whilst not counting those at the bottom of the pool.
It looks like immune tolerance -- protection from death as the immune system is less likely to go cytokine storm, but negative protection from infection as the immune system is less likely to suppress a covid infection.
The impact of medium and long term chronic 'common cold' infection has yet to be determined.
Read about double jabbed Brits hospitalized with "colds from Hell".
Precisely. There's also the graph in the latest Zoe Symptom Tracker report (shame it won't embed):
Graph 5 from https://covid.joinzoe.com/post/uk-back-to-200-000-a-day
The Zoe people (ie Spector) has the information on 'cold symptoms' by vaccination status, so they would be able to see if there is a correlation with vaccination status, but they decided not to show this aspect of the data.
Yeah we know why they want to hide it...
has anyone written in detail about this hypothesis?
Re the concept of immune tolerance in general, yes, there's lots of papers/books written on it.
Re. the concept as applied to the covid vaccines -- not so much, and nothing from 'official sources'. This is weird, because it is always a risk with vaccines, and the covid vaccines are particularly risky because the actual quantity of antigen produced for the immune system to work with is poorly defined (ie, you inject the instructions to make the antigen, not the actual antigen as with normal vaccines).
Igor do you think the "unvaccinated" are mostly people who have had natural COVID infections or are have they still been infection free? I ask because it could impact the results since we know natural immunity is superior to the vaccine immunity. I think close to 100% of the donated blood in the UK has vaccine or COVID antibodies.
At this point both vaxxed and vax-free groups have incredible numbers of people who had Covid.
When I say "unvaccinated" I am taking about that group in the study of course.
if forced to bet i still think there is death protection but i am increasingly uncertain of that. a couple of ways this could be erroneous: differences in who gets versus doesnt get the shot; differences in the way vaccinated deaths versus unvaccinated deaths are adjudicated ( this is real imo); the possibility that covid LIKE illness is actuay covid with negative pcr.
toolate, if you're thinking there's death protection I heartily recommend you check out what is happening with the population that has only dose 2 and hasn't been boosted.
You can find it here for week 6: https://noline.substack.com/p/ukhsa-week-2022-06; and I have it calculated back as far as week 3 in earlier newsletters. There's something going on. Yes, boosting masks the effect, but why should people with exactly two doses be dying at twice the rate of the much maligned "unvaccinated" if the shots offer protection?
Well done on the VE analysis by the way. My take on the greater negative impact seen in 30-39 vs the older cohorts is that younger, healthier populations will show the vaccine induced immune damage more than the older cohorts.
Because they didn't vaccinate those close to death. The effect has been seen with death successive vaccine dose. This is responsible for a fairly large proportion of the apparent effectiveness of the vaccines in preventing covid mortality, and possibly explains all of it.
How do you know they did not vax those close to death? Old people´s homes - vaxed top to bottom. I should think that is exactly the set that is close to death, i. e., old and frail. I know of a place where 30% of the residents died within two weeks of the booster; all certified as pneumonia deaths, by the way. I knew a 92-year old lady - would you say she was in the close-to-death group? Well, she was boosted regardless, and now she is no more.
The comment isn't about 'old people' -- even they don't so often die suddenly. There are a significant number of deaths that are 'telegraphed early', that is, there is a deterioration and the medical staff know that time is now limited. These individuals are the ones that weren't vaccinated, not those that were simply 'vulnerable'.
There is evidence for this in 'standard medical procedures' that changed around January/February 2021 to not vaccinate those who were close to death.
So we end up with a complicated picture -- you have vaccine related deaths in those who weren't close to death (but certainly might have been frail), and those spared from vaccination arriving at their final destination about 1-3 months after their 'allocated vaccination time'.
All this is why they should have monitored the impact of the vaccines using proper matched cohorts, not the crazy 'don't bother looking' that we've ended up with.
'The letter exposes - on a small but important scale - much of what we have been saying about the misrepresentation and manipulation of data comparing vaccinated v unvaccinated' https://www.normanfenton.com/post/vaccination-data-update
I’m not sure that the all-cause mortality being significantly higher everywhere that rolled out the mRNA shots supports the “death protection” claim either. Even the poorly constructed “clinical” trials showed that death from Covid went down but overall deaths / risk of death went up in the shot cohort. As you’ve said, the adjucation and mis-attribution are real (see el Gato malo’s substack on negative VE and data crimes for a well done breakout). But I do wonder how much of the CLI is/was Omicron or another variant that doesn’t hit the faulty PCR tests the same way? The CDC crowed about their study showing 5X risk of Covid hospitalization if un-jabbed - but the actual numbers showed a +20% increase in overall Covid/CLI hospitalization if jabbed.
Yes CLI is the thing we need to know more of. I have been seeing a fair amount if it lately. symptoms that mimic covid 19 and neg PCR neg rapid test
My case for reverse Marek's grows stronger by the hour now.
Really interesting. I'm curious what is your background? Your analysis looks well-thought out to me...
Wanted to be a doctor once upon a time. Gave up (grew up ULTRA poor, couldn't afford regardless) didn't gave up on learning though. Which works to my advantage since I can jump between disciplines with ease.
Awesome! Similar here. I just work with doctors...and I read their magazines.
Interesting, thank you.
Great work as always Igor.
I was thinking how to compile even more evidence to demonstrate that the vaccines make the situation worse.
It occurred to me that all over the world pre-vaccine the pandemic essentially follow gompertz curves. As soon as the vaccination rates increased these curves became highly distorted. In the UK case not returning to an approxmately zero baseline and instead rising in a gagged and prolonged fashion. That should not have happened and should have instead been a more precipitous fall towards zero and staying there.
That's right. And repeat infections are thekey to our future.
The Radagast post is good, though it's hazardous to base so many conclusions on a small study where everyone was in the same workplace at the same time and there were no unvaxxed controls. (Does anyone remember being skeptical of studies, not just pasting the authors' remarks as literal gospel, anymore?)
There are plenty of disease mechanisms from infection that would be worsened by tolerance. If you have viremia followed by heart and kidney infection and spikes everywhere and blood clots, you're not going to stay out of the hospital just because "no cytokine storm." You're dead. It's at least not very biologically plausible that the vaccines are protecting against severe outcomes unless they are also stopping viremia, and viremia is stopped by antibodies, not tolerance. Tolerance is not impossible, especially given how long the body seems to keep pumping out spike after injection, but the antibody super-response generated by boosters suggests it hasn't kicked in at the 2nd dosed stage for most - https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2786096 (Median Anti-spike AU from 440 to 25468! That's not tolerance.)
In fact if the vaxxed are "shedding" spike, the unvaxxed could be more at risk of developing tolerance, via environmental contact.
In general the quest to explain innate immune dysfunction with a "mechanism" risks overthinking things. The injections cause AEs. They injure recipients. Injured people have suppressed immune systems. No magic fungal-pseudouridine link required here.
Again, very good writeup Igor. I fully agree that vax is causing paradox in the socitey - in order to have 3-6 times less deaths in 60+ age group due to vax, the whole society should not put up with 2-4 times higher virus transmission as a whole.
As a note - whenever publishing data to refute some of the claims, one must remain open, honest and factual himself. Unfortunately this person whom you referred to, is fudging the charts, there is no such data in OWD:
Check yourself:
When I find such data manipulation, it basically demolishes whatever argument the person was trying to make.
I would love to look at this deeper and, if I find anything beyond a minor mistake, I will definitely remove any references to such articles.
So, what is the specific manipulation?
On Feb. 4 Israel's Ministry of Health released a statement saying that the OWID data was incorrect. Apparently Israel had released an update for the preceding month and OWID put it all as new data for the previous day, creating a skewed chart. The statement said they were working with OWID to represent the data correctly.
The chart in this person website for ICU does not match real OWD data, Israel has never hit 140 per million ICU admissions, max 25. I pasted So I don't know what is it showing but surely not ICU admissions.
Wales finally to get rid of passes next week and masks on the 28th - despite cases being less in Wales than in England and death rates being the same despite Wales having had, and currently continues to have, more restrictions.
Thread on the Welsh data
The majority of people with covid in Welsh hospitals caught it in the hospital.
"Can someone please explain to me why vaccine passports protect people from Covid on 17 Feb but not a day later, while masks work until 27 Feb and then suddenly they don't? This sure is one clever little virus!"