Really great detailed information. Great work.

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Thank you! Nothing super-exciting happened, but I wanted to talk about repeat reinfections since it is important. Appreciate it

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you for the update, Igor! We'll have to see how the UKHSA will present future data. One would hope they'd just add another category...boosted. Either way, the data out of Israel makes clear that they will be right back at the same place in six months. Will the sheeple fall for another booster?

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We will soon see. I think that the vaccinator narrative is disintegrating. It is disintegrating because of US and what we do talking to people face to face or online.

Do not forget face to face, please!

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Many I know who are young and healthy were persuaded to get the virus because they believed that viral mutation was unlikely in a vaccinated person and they thought the unvaccinated would be responsible for any new strains. I never believed that, but what you've described suggests it could be even worse than we thought.

As a sidenote, an acquaintance recently told me her doctor told her monoclonal antibodies may soon be available prophylactically. Since the so-called vaccine appears to be a temporary prophylactic against severe disease and death (unless the third or fourth shot has miraculous properties) I am guessing this is on the horizon. Too bad there aren't any less expensive, repurposed, proven safe prophylactics available and haven't been since the beginning, eh? (Sarcasm, since I know that's hard to transmit in writing.)

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I am very skeptical about any Covid treatments coming from the Big Pharma and would personally like much more stringent testing.

That said, a direct injection of antibodies, without the phase invilving deadly spike protein, would appear to have the same temporary effect as so called "mRNA vaccines", but without the deadly mRNA nanoparticle payload, polyethylene glycol, and the resulting spike protein.

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Apparently the difference in cost between monoclonals and jabs affects decisions. Aside from delivery, wonder what the manufacturing cost differences are?

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Natural immunity *stops* mutations by eradicating the infection

When vaccines fail to provide sterile immunity, they *drive* mutations.

Same principal as antibiotic resistance. Under-treat a bacterial infection & the most resistant mutations survive to reproduce.

It is evolution in real time.

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You put it so much better than I did, and so succinctly! Thanks!

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

But you can't sell jabs with that message. Exactly what is the end game now that vaccines are not the answer?

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The end game for whom? For me, it is self treatment if/when I get infected. For the vaxxed, every booster is russian roulette & the damage to immune system & organs is cumulative. For the virus, it remains to be seen. Praying for not Marek's scenario.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

I am resistant to the booster. Worried of doing more damage and awaiting evidence of benefit. Should I get ill, prepared by getting the infusion referral ready and getting a home test kit.

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I am so glad that I am unvaccinated (and had covid). I would not get a booster if I was under 60 with absolute certainty, and perhaps even at a later age. The later age risk equation is extremely unclear -- unknown risk on both sides. But staying this out for a couple of months, for an older person, makes sense.

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At 82 and not in the greatest shape, I'm still evaluating. Meanwhile I'm prepped as well as I can. The state is pestering me now to get the booster. No hurry. I'd like more data. If Geert is right, I'm already somewhat damaged goods so it might make sense to give in. OTOH, the infusion may keep me going. Hopefully the infusion last longer.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

and yet people do not seem able to grasp this simple high-school level concept. sheesh.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Oops, in first sentence, get the jab, not the virus! That was clearly a Freudian slip.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

There was a recent study that showed most people develop blood antibodies to the receptor binding domain as opposed to the nucleocapsid. The authors assumed the immune system of these people neutralized the virus before it started splitting in any serious numbers and didn't need N antibodies. That begs the question if the UK cohort for delta (summer 21 to now) is different as in healthier overall than what we saw with alpha. If true that might also contribute explain the lower IFR of delta in the UK. That's just a thought.

Something is clearly suspect with the vaccines. There simply should not be this many "cases" after 2 years of exposure and the strength of natural immunity. Some scientists have suggested the vaccines damage innate immunity as well and there is the recent paper showing spike proteins produced by mRNA vaccines enter the nucleus and disrupt DNA repair and thus immunity.

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I am very doubtful that the vaccinated are "healthier", especially considering that vast majority of older Brits are vaccinated, they are a mix of all sorts of people.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Do you by chance have a link to the study you mentioned or an article about it? Would be very interested to read more.

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What about B and T cell immunity? Seems the shots don't give people those either or at least there doesn't seem to be any certainty.

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The fact that the "vaccine immunity" is so short lived, suggests that the long term immunity does not develop. I do not feel qualified guessing the mechanism without reading relevant studies, if you come across any let me know.

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Thanks, I will. So far I have not heard of anyone vaccinated getting infected more than once, but maybe there hasn’t been enough time for that to happen, or it hasn’t been tracked.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov


a. Do the "booster" concoctions contain the same S protein as the initial drug or are they modified with the S protein from the latest strain i.e. they provide cumulative protection against the various strains up until the point of manufacture?

b. Why don't the drug companies responsible for producing these concoctions include other proteins to make it more "effective"?

If we know the answers to the above questions does this not infer that the drug companies and the relevant government agencies knew this prior to requesting EUA? Maybe this is partly why they are reluctant to release the data which the EUA is based on i.e. so others may validate the data.


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They are the original "full spike" S protein generating mRNA or DNA vectors.

The odd thing, it reportedly took "two days" or "two weeks" to develop original vaccines, but they still cannot make vaccines adapted to new variants. Makes me wonder if someone knew something ahead of time.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

We were promised that this new technology would allow quick development of new vaccines which wouldn't need extensive testing. Both seem untrue now. But why?

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Because this one is working exactly as intended. It's turned society on its head, it's killing people slowly enough as to be subtle to your average NPC, and it's the foot in the door for social credit scores in the West. Why else would all of the governments have essentially the same reaction at the same time and spew the same talking points which make no sense? I find it hard to believe this is just government incompetence at this point. These people know what they're doing.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you for these very informative posts on the UKHSA data. Would it be possible to calculate the expected number of vaccinated cases/hospitalizations/deaths if we assume the vaccines were 90% (or whatever %) effective?

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Thank you!

It depends on whether you mean effective against illness, or effective against death. If they were effective against illness and transmission, you would probably see a rapid decline in the pandemic.

Which you might see if you booster everyone -- for 2-3 months you will see a decline in case if the booster is 90% effective against cases. Then, probably a worse spike and hospitals full of people with common colds. I wrote about that a couple of weeks ago.

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Thank you Igor for the reply. Here is a more detailed explanation of my thought on expected rates...

I'm wondering if we can say that the COVID cases among the vaccinated are 25x more than would be expected (if the vaccine was indeed 90% effective).

Please double check my logic and calculation on this...

Consider the latest week 42-45 UKHSA surveillance report. Based on the report, we know that about 76% of 40-49 year olds are vaccinated (and so 24% unvax). We know that there were 15,920 cases in the unvax. So, we can say that the baseline expected infection rate would be 15,920 cases / 24% = 663 cases per 1% of unvax population.

If we assume that vaccines are 90% effective, then we would expect only 10% of that expected rate among the vaccinated, which would be 663 x 10% = 66.3 cases per 1% of the vaccinated population. Therefore, we would expect a total of 66.3 cases x 76% vaccinated = 5,039 expected cases in the 40-49 year old group.

The reported cases among the fully vaccinated group is 125,936. Therefore, the actual vs expected rate is 125,936 actual / 5,039 expected = 25

Please note that I did not include the Unlinked numbers (I assume that they fall along the same lines as the unvax vs vax). Please doublecheck me on this.

The same calculation can be applied to hospitalizations (3x more than expected in 40-49 year olds) and deaths (2.9x and 3.2x more than expected in the 28 day and 60 day groups)

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

A very important question. If the vaccinated always react with the same set of antigens to the virus, even when they get really sick, they will get reinfections. If enough people are prone to reinfections, the virus becomes seasonal and will never go away. In this case, the vaccination campaign has made SARS-2 permanent - without vaccines, SARS-2 would have vanished already like SARS-1.

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I am very much afraid, and hope that you and I are wrong, that it is indeed the case and the vaccinated immune systems are permanently miswired.

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Endorse. Amplify.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Mr. Chudov, if im in a situation where i either take the vax or be jailed (Austria actually plans to implement this)... Only vaccine that looks "normal" to me is Valneva VLA2001 - highly-purified inactivated whole virus adjuvanted with alum and CpG1018. What do you think?

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First I am very sorry about this. Second, I cannot evaluate a vaccine by just one sentence.

Most importantly this vaccinating insanity, and likely the evil Schellengerg government, will be gone before you actually will be physically forced to vaccinate. Shelf life of this Covid hysteria is 3-4 months, tops.

I heard that 35% of Austrians are unvaxxed. It is a huge number of basically very strong people who feel very threatened. You have a lot of power.

You need to organize and protest as much as you can -- spend a day a week -- and topple the government and stop this insanity.

You can do it and we are doing it successfully in USA. I am with you 100%

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

hold out as long as possible. I think this is a big panicky bluff. good luck to you.

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DeeKay, be strong, it‘s a big bluff. My feeling is that vaccine mandate will definitely not be implemented. It‘s just a last try to coerce people into the jab now out of extreme panic. Lots of light from Vienna.

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The word "survivor" is important. Also to remember that natural immunity, supposedly considered better in the article, also wanes just like vaccinated immunity and equally open to breakthrough infection. On the other hand, vaccination prevents death, serious illness, and is of shorter duration, which in turn affects lesser N-protein antibody production, even if regardless of severity of illness, has significant impact of death rate and long-term adverse consequences of infection. Therefore, treating it as an endemic like Flu etc. and timely booster (has highest impact on severity) to all has more probability of preventing replications and mutations as opposed to acquiring natural immunity that would also wane and will expose people to breakthrough infections. It is only after waning of immunity, either acquired through vaccination or natural, a breakthrough infection may lead to severe illness, in which case lower N-protein antibody may play a role. In waned immunity unvaccinated population, both S- and N-protein antibody production may spike again, but supposedly, death rate may still be stable as before i.e., around 2% of all who develop severe illness. In a waned immunity vaccinated population, theoretically, death rate and severity may increase as speculatively, S-protein antibody production may spike but N-protein antibody production may not, as discussed in the article. However, if timely vaccination takes place, it will show similar effect on severity and death rate as it has shown till now since the start of the pandemic. That is, vaccination prevented severity and deaths. An established finding and conclusion.

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This is actually basic immunity 101, but later narative keep pushing the idea that immunity is waning, hence booster is required, the problem with this narrative is fail to mention the role of memory cells, wanning immunity is OK, memory cell will handle the next encounter, to produce antibody much faster than the first encounter.. the same narrative is promoting booster, but the problem is booster is still using an old version if S protein , while new variant is basically return with a new S protein that is not recognized by the memory cell, hence it will create a new infections

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Let's hope they do as this will never end!

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Maybe the reason for the higher case rates is that they are already getting infected multiple times?

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It is an excellent question and a very good possibility.

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deletedNov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov
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My problem with Germany is that I do not speak German, so I cannot search for stuff and I am afraid I might seriously miss the mark with any comments about Germany, because of this.

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deletedNov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov
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This is fantastic. I am least concerned about "ownership rights" to my texts and most concerned with spreading the good word and defeating evil.

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I am one of the „lucky people“ who has received this „letter of invitation to my personal jab“. People are freaking out because of this as they believe that they will be forced to get the jab now. Absolutely everything that was treated as „holy“ until 2020 (privacy, medical records) has now vanished. Austria is definitely the new leader of totalitarian regimes in Europe. Again. I am so ashamed to live here and that nearly nobody seems to notice what is going on…

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deletedNov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov
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I am ready to spend 15 minutes a day helping my German counterparts. Not sure what I can do due to language barrier.

Can you suggest a few German search terms or German Twitter tags like #GetVaccinated?

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deletedNov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov
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Thanks. I am definitely not holding my breath for a parade.

I am hoping that at least one of these corrupt, Big Pharma owned and incompetent official would get enough shame to resign. At least one. Dr Fauci, Sajid Javid, Dr Drossen, etc

But I am not holding my breath for this either.

Please keep trying to change public opinion -- it works. If you have a random conversation with someone at a store checkout line, and this person begins to doubt something, it is a day well spent.

I often tell people how "hundreds of thousands are panicking to un-vaccinate", if a conversation about weather turns to covid, as it often does. Kind of like passing a rumor along.

Reach out to people who you did not know before.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov


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