The Reddit post is terribly sad: someone who is close to hopeless.

But we are not all having an “existential crisis”. I’m unvaccinated and I’ve been absolutely fine. I’ve had multiple exposures to Covid: if I had Covid, I didn’t notice.

The crime that has been perpetrated is difficult to comprehend.

I am British but now resident in the US. All my family and friends in the UK have taken the booster.

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Yes that post was very upsetting to me on many levels.

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Because the situation for that person seems hopeless. It is heartbreaking.

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Aside from the pain she is going though, what most struck me is her last sentence, "Forgive the theatrics but I'm on the verge of an existential crisis - as everyone presumably is during this (blanking) pandemic"

I don't know anyone who views the pandemic as an existential crisis. Yet she thinks "everyone" is going through this, as presumably her entire social circle are all as miserable as she is. So why are they miserable and we aren't?

I think it boils down to trusting God. At least in our family, we are confident God is in control so we do not fear. We may not like what's happening, but we know that if we trust in Him, and live our lives according to His Word, He will provide. It really is that simple. There's a reason the Bible says "fear not and trust in God" literally hundreds of times. It is absolutely required to maintain one's spiritual and mental health.

Yet the world bombards people with the exact opposite message 24/7. FEAR, FEAR, FEAR!! Pandemic of the unvaccinated! Masks as a sign of fearful submission. Avoid other people because they are disease vectors. Your child may kill grandma! Stay inside like a shut-in recluse. Trust in SCIENCE! Close the churches.

It's the exact opposite of trusting in God and look what it's wrought. The difference could not be more stark. I pray this poor woman finds comfort but there is an entire generation out there that seems completely lost.

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How come God made all the people who made covid?

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Absolute freedom is needed for conscious and universe to work and it includes both good and bad.

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Can't have love without free will.

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For your graph in blue and red comparing case rates, unvaxed to boosted, are these total Numbers or per 100,000 of each? I think you came up with boosted are 4.25x more likely to get sick from COVID. If these though aren’t comparing the same size cohort of each, but instead comparing total numbers people will object and say ‘yeah but boosted are more than 4.25x the number of unvaxed.’ If you could clarify that please it would be helpful. I would like to use this in discussions with people

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It's been a while since I posted this, but yes, rates are per 100,000 of relevant individuals.

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Don't feel sad - the odds are multiple people warned them not to inject - and they screamed f789 off!!!

Notice how some of them are blaming Covid -- and not the experimental shit they shot into their arms.

I struggle to find sympathy with anyone who was not forced into this.

It's like warning someone not to put their fingers into a meat grinder -- they do it anyway and lose their hand... and I am supposed to like feel sympathy for them???? Absolutely no different. And I do not buy the excuse 'but the news and the government said it was safe'

Bullshit. Anyone with half a brain knows you cannot create a safe and effective vaccine in less than a year.

How do you test for long term side effects when it's less than a year old?

It does not require a big IQ to come up that question.

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There are a lot of aggressively abusive vax-proponents who are informed enough to not deserve empathy. But there are plenty of people who had the "choice", but still deserve it. Having empathy is part of being a healthy minded human. Coersion doesn't only come via employers and schools. It also comes from 24/7 panic about the dangers of the virus that preceded the vaccines, then having the "answer" being blessed by medical authorities who people have been brainwashed into revering to near deity status. The brainwashing that results from an onslaught of propaganda is multifaceted and it isn't only successful in stupid people.

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Exactly. Those who went along and got the vax in good faith (i.e. trusting the medical establishment) deserve our compassion, not scorn. We were all there and naïve once, but something red-pilled us along the way so we didn't fall for this one. Unfortunately it usually takes a massive breach of trust to wake people up. I know it did for me.

Now those who tried to militantly push the vax on others are in a different category and deserve what they have coming. They shamelessly used their own fear as a justification to control and manipulate others.

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Once you read The Prince... there's no turning back.... throw some Ayn Rand into the mix and you become a serious realist.

Oh and keep in mind - there are 8B humans destroying the planet -- experimenting on animals so they can have eye liner that doesn't irritate their eyes... then there is industrial farming where we keep billions of animals in hellish gulags so that we can feed the vermin we pump out in our quest for 10B of us...

I save my empathy for those deserving of it - the animals.

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Just hinting that the "vaccines" have side effects six months ago got you labeled as a conspiracy theorist.

Pureblood here. No shot. No mask. No sickness.

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If you get the 'flu are you still a pureblood. Asking for a friend

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What a relief.

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The brain washing and propaganda has been highly financed, so I do have empathy for those who were blinded by fear.

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Feeble minds are easily influenced

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I still feel sad. I begged my own wife not to take the shot but she did - for the greater good, because they said so. She is genuinely a good and not-selfish person. I am perfectly qualified to understand the numbers/stats/efficacy estimates and what not but she still believed the MSM.

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Prayers up for your wife Georgi. Unfortunately it's the good folks like your wife who are most easily manipulated. There may have once been a time when "for the greater good" actually meant something. Now it's used by sociopaths to manipulate people's behavior so they can consolidate wealth and power. It's been that way since at least the Vietnam war in the US, probably even earlier.

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The sheep are being lead to the abattoir.

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100% with Fast Eddy here. I feel sorry for my young relatives forced now to get three shots to finish their undergrad degrees. I do NOT feel sorry for any idiot who was pumping the vax and continues to demonize those who won't get every injection available... and I am formerly friends with a few people like this.

They CHOSE to sit themselves down in front of CNN and undergo daily brainwashing sessions when those of us early last year were stridently warning people to please take more time to look into it all.

This is just Darwin Doin Work. And at the end of the day, it sounds cruel, but he genes of those skeptical of central authority will be passed on, and there will be fewer progeny of useful idiots.

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Fear overrides the frontal cortex, the part of the brain that enables us to analyse and critically summarise information. We have to be patient with those who have been deeply inoculated by the fear driven by MSM. And I know many smart educated people in high positions who are still scared true believers. Still!! We have to be compassionate as there are folk who will never realise the truth.

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Are they actually smart -- if they cannot see the obvious... or are they just highly trained circus animals (surrounded by untrained barnyard animals)?

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I’ve considered this, I really don’t know the answer, but I know for many in high positions , who would never harm another being, the thought that their system would do anything harmful to innocent people is unthinkable. They really believe in the health system being their for our health. It took me a while to reconcile that profits over rode safety. I wanted to believe in a good health system. But I finally realised it needs those good folk to carry on the story.

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I'm unvaccinated in New Zealand and quite a few people I know who had Pfizer (some boosted), got Covid as well. I don't wear a mask and been around infected people, yet I'm still fine. I did have an evening with a few coughs, slight headache and runny nose, but woke up the next morning just fine.

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As for why... Our Pfizer rollout was very slow and by the time I became eligible, I started digging deeper. Decided to wait for Novavax, which only got approved last month, but it seems like it's really unnecessary at this stage.

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Do not get Novavax

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Do not get any vax developed in less than ten years. Period.

Only if the disease you are trying to avoid has a super-high fatality rate and the probability to get infected is also super-high. Even in that situation you could end harming your likeness to survive. Many vaxxes have ended being counterproductive.

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I second that. How could anyone trust anything that’s put out there now by the eugenic pharma society

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why? I searched your substack for more info about it but couldn't find any

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It is the same spike protein, just without the mRNA


4. Back to the Novavax Results

There is another line of argument to make. Remember, the Novavax vaccine does not cause cells to produce the Spike protein. It is the Spike protein, injected directly into a person's body, along with an adjuvant to make the immune reaction that much more vigorous.

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Yup, plus it's a subunit vax (only the spike) not a whole virus vax. Any immunity from it will be just like that of the mRNA vaxxes with a one-dimensional adaptive response focused solely on the spike (which has now mutated). The same "leaky vax" concerns that apply to the mRNA shots apply to Novavax. Not only is it far inferior to natural immunity but it can cripple your Covid immune response going forward (original antigenic sin).

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I have been wondering, if some of the 'monoclonal antibodies', such as those my husband and I received on our second bout with COVID, were the antibody equivalent of 'Spike protein + 1'.

At least the monoclonals probably did not have the same sort of 'adjuvant' hocus-pocus they seem to be playing with in Novavax.

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Because this program has been in the works for a couple decades now & God only knows what they are putting into vaxxed in their ongoing experiment.

The immune system is extraordinarily complex. Yours is working. Don't mess with it.

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Well for one thing it's brewed in big vats of human protein from fetal cell lines. That is going to come at a price. Cannibalism never pays.

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Please do not get vaccinated, period! Research real info, and prepare your body with real therapeutics.

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I won't. I'm healthy and only 33 yo. Intermittent fasting, paleo diet, and plenty of exercise will keep me relatively safe.

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And keep ivm or hcq or both on hand and don't wait for positive test to start. First sign of fever go for it. I'm an old fart, used ivm that way and convinced it saved my husband and me both. I'm slender but a lifelong asthmatic and got Delta at peak of hay fever season when I was already coughing.

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╟ ░░░▒ ┈┈┈ ☣

Good. That't the spirit.

Go get it, lion ! Go chase that pesky virus away with Novavax which is the best, your health is safe in the hands of the CPI (Caring Pharma Industry) and you won't have to worry again. Ever.

Don't let any hateful conspiracy theorists take that away from you, just roll up your sleeve and enjoy the ride.

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Whoa heavy sarcasm almost as fatal as the vaccine itself😂

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Get plenty of Vitamin D3, supplemental or UV. I have had symptoms of the dreaded lurgy but never tested positive. In each case the symptoms were very minor. So many of these c19early.com are OTC.

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Sounds like you threw it off by breathing through your nose.

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Vitamin D

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Have taken high dose Vitamin D3 for many years to ward off family tendency to adult onset osteomalacia. I am totally unvaxxed since 1965, and am supposedly vulnerable, being in my mid-seventies. No masks, no tests and socialise regularly. Take no prescribed medicine other than a small dose of thyroid hormone. Had a two day sniffle in December, but otherwise have been well throughout the Covid Event.

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I agree, my heart aches for that poor girl but my experience is 180 degrees from hers. My small town did a 6ish week shutdown then has been normal since. Only wear masks at work(hospital) and on airplanes. The worst part of Covid for me was the loss of friends. In hindsight they obviously weren’t very good friends anyway but it still hurts.

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The last few days I have come across three people with, now chronic respiratory infections, a woman with a terrible skin rash post booster, a gent with a rare and highly aggressive sarcoma, all fully vaxed all going in for their fourth shot ASAP as directed by their GP. What can you say?

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This is so incredibly sad. I'm not vaxxed because I just had a weird feeling about it and had had a bad experience with the medical establishment and medication when I was a child. It's sad to have intuition sometimes. :-(

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Your intuition is first class.

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Hi Igor,

Question: Any theories on single dosers who declined subsequent doses?

I am somewhat of a statistical anomally (single Pfizer dose) who did not decline 2nd dose because of adverse reactions or poor health but rather my intuition scarted screaming at me, "what were you thinking?!!!"

Many thanks for sharing your insights.

Am 10 months out now.

Bloods showed virtually zero antibodies after 6 months.

D-dimer also showed up nothing.

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My opinion is that in the long run you are better off than getting second or even third dose.

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If you show zero antibodies and D-dimer is negative, you might as well received a placebo. 2 whistleblower nurses claimed they administered approx 30% placebos (saline water).

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Do you have a link to those white blowers or remember where you saw that? Not challenging, just curious. Thanks

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I don't have it but I saw it as well.

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According to Ivors charts displayed above, the UK data appears to show that the death rates in each group from lowest to highest is

1 shot,




Stick with the one you've had and you're ahead of the game.

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You probably got saline.

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Let me know your intuition please!!

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The story at the end? We’ll all know someone like that by the end of 2022.

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Yes, and frankly I do not WANT to know anyone like that but I fear that I will.

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I only know of one distant family member who, though apparently quite fit, died OF Covid but I know of 3 who have serious problems after jabs and one died of complications. Great advert for the jabs! ...and of course the myriads of acquaintances who have been reinfected after the make-you-safe jabs, including my missus.

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Same - I know jabbed who died unexpectedly… and I know of people who died from Covid - Alpha and Delta. I’m unvaxxed and had Delta. It wasn’t fun, but I survived. My double vaxxed wife had Omnicron in Jan and I was fine and did not get sick. The whole thing is a roll of the dice. With billions affected by Covid around the world it’s a curiosity why the western govts don’t truly seem to care where / how it originated… Xi laughs his butt off…

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I have a close friend who just missed a widow-maker level heart attack right after the shot last year.

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Sad - glad he’s okay.

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I think you mean Dr Mengelfauci instead of Xi.

He Daszak and Baric appear to have been the primary drivers of this GOF research.

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I know two people who died of the Chinese Lung Rot. Really, both were killed by the hospital. Vents lying on their backs in ICU. Son's friend's mom was getting better on just supplemental oxygen, so they dismissed her with no oxygen supplement and told her to come back if she couldn't breath. The next day, she was back with blue lips. They vented her and she died.

The other, a local vet, I don't know all the details, but I heard a rumor that his wife said she found out after he died that they didn't feed him the entire time he was vented and in ICU.

But then the Clot Shot deaths... My cousin's elderly neighbor died in her sleep the night after her shot. No autopsy. She was old and these things happen, right?

My son's friend got the 'Rona within 48 hours of his clot shot and died in about a week. The doc said it was like Covid on steriods.

My neighbor and friend, a 48 year old healthy female, died of a massive heart attack after a few minutes of warning involving numbness in her hands and arms. No autopsy, but her dad said it was a massive blood clot in her heart (he prob heard that from the doc.) Dad blamed it on stress and eating McDonalds.

So the tally so far is two 'Rona and three Clot Shot. Not such a good vax, right?

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Ivermectin is better than a trip to the hospital. It's OTC in Mexico or from all day chemist .com

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My sister is sadly one of these. I haven't had the heart to tell her I think it's from the vax, but she has been seriously sick with terrible respiratory infections 4 times since last summer. Never tested positive for covid though.

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I think you're right except that most of them will not blame the clot shot. They'll blame "long covid" and say that it was the unvaxxed who gave it to them. They will believe it would have all gone away if we'd only all succumbed to the propaganda.

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Based on last year's wave data, we should not be experiencing an increase in infection here in California until the end of June. Of course, who can say how BA.2 will continue to spread, or if there will be another "release", I mean new variant.

'Im unvaxxed and still unafraid, if this bioweapon doesn't kill my wife and I, then our government will do us in either through the weapon of financial mass destruction called hyperinflation or with an old school gulag for re-education, because we won't bend a knee on the shots.

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All-cause excess deaths in the US continue at unusually high rates, https://www.usmortality.com/excess-percent

I assume the most recent 4-8 weeks are undercounted and will get worse as data flows in. Overall excess is 35% as of the end of Jan '22, and as high as 55% for 24-44 year olds.

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Yup, I've been following all-cause mortality in the U.S. as well. The government and media want to paint a rosy picture that we've beaten the virus and the pandemic is over, yet based on the mortality numbers, we're no better off than we were at this time last year.

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They’re not even trying to hide it. They have an opportunity to lay low like Fauci but Moderna and Pfizer Instead keep upping the ante. Moderna requested approval of a 4th shot today

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Great article. One caveat about vaxxed person with multiple infections. I am unvaxxed but had covid three times. March 2020, then Delta, then Omicron. Meaning....It is possible in unvaxxed person as well to get these reinfections.

Here's my theory...and it's an offshoot of terrain theory...multiple infections are GREAT (provided you don't die of course). Each time I had covid was more minor than the last. I think it strengthened my immune system and now I'm well-positioned in terms of future variants.

I never mask or avoid crowds or sick people. But I seem fine now prob. bec. my immune system recognizes covid and eliminates it right away (t cells b cells antibodies etc). I agree the vaxxed are more likely to get reinfected and more likely for reinfections to be worse. Really think everyone should try to get omicron since next variant coukd be worse so you actually are better off getting it imo.

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Matt, can you give us some details? Were you tested positive each time? Were you symptomatic? (meaning had fever) How was it?

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I have had a similar experience, 3 bouts of covid unvaxxed. Wuhan strain March 2020, no tests, mild symptoms for about a week, some breathlessness but not enough to worry about, about a month to banish the fatigue. Then Delta August 2021, PCR+ and LFT+, the acute phase was milder (no breathlessness) but the post-viral effects were worse (fatigue and loss of smell, annoying but not debilitating, just needed more sleep and I have upped my game with diet, supplements etc), the fatigue gradually faded over about 6 months and I have about 50% of my smell sense back. Then Omicron December 2021, one LFT+ with a weak line, the next LFTs were negative so I'm guessing a very low viral load, virtually asymptomatic, I would probably have thought I imagined it except that a family member had a more definite case at the same time (she was ill with multiple LFTs+), no effect on my concurrent long covid. I'm 50, fit and healthy, and very happy with my well-earned natural immunity! I was healthy-living to start with but not angelic, but the experience has encouraged me to go fully angelic (zero alcohol, sugar etc)

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Thank you! Noted

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Have you had a test for your Vitamin D3 level?

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I'm fine now, but thank you!

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I work and play outdoors and supplement

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Thesis: There are practically no reinfections. I think you should check your environment for radiation, starting with an EMF meter. Geiger counter might come in handy, too.

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Unvaxxed seem to get it more mildly second time round

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You're kidding - I know loads, vaxxed and unvaxxed!

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FWIW I can give you details on my similar experience: Male, 57, unvaxed, in good health but with some developing symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Exposed via spouse in Oct. '20 but didn't get it; Delta in April '21 resulting in 5 day hospitalization (not ICU, no vent, but O2 sat ~88%, on 3L supplemental O2; other symptoms of note were "typical" including

elevated ddimer, pulmonary microclots, high ferritin levels, temporary brain fog); Omicron Jan 22 resulting in typical cold symptoms taking 2 weeks to completely resolve but never saw a doctor. Had positive PCR test verification in all 3 instances. I don't know what to make of this at this time except that I likely fall into the ~5% w/ unknown risk factors resulting in life threatening outcomes. For me Delta was the Big One (so far). I'm watching for the arrival of BA.2, etc. and wonder what "learning to live with it" will mean for someone with a history like mine (sigh...)

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Yes, thanks for your report and indeed it is worrying

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Wow, I'm surprised by these reports of reinfections in unvaccinated people! Perhaps a viral infection debilitates the immune system as well as providing protection. Perhaps we need to keep boosting our immune system and flush the spike protein after an infection...

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I'm 57 and haven't been reinfected, but both my kids have been (as I explained in another comment.) I've been periodically (like every time any of us comes down with some kind of lumpuckazooti) taking a dose or two of IVM. I dose my mom on the same schedule and she's 89 and made it through a Delta infection with flying colors.

From what I read, it has broad based anti-viral properties and may help clear out any "long covid" or spike protein damage. So far, so good.

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All right! Well done. 👍🏼😊

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I am unvaxxed, had Delta September 21, D level>45, used ivm. Tested positive after 3 days of symptoms, fever gone after 3-4 days. Pulse ox never lower than 94. Then in January got Omicron from vaxxed/boosted 17 yo niece. 4 days of mild sore throat, fatigue. Kind of irritated I could get covid twice in six months but the second time was really nothing much, no fever.

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Thanks for sharing. Have you been taking Vitamin D all along?

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Yep - D3, A, K2.

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It would have been useful to measure the levels of vit. D.

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Damn dude, I'm glad you made it through a trip to the hospital. Did you do any home treatment, i.e. McCollough or iMASK?

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I’ve only had it once (delta, Oct 21), but my unvaxxed son (12) and vaxxed husband both had it twice. October 21 like me (positive LFT, PCR, headache, tired, loss of smell - nobody had fever or breathlessness or cough beyond the tickly throat of day 1).

Then again in Feb 22. Presumably Omicron. Both only picked up through routine LFT testing at work and school. Slightly bunged up on one day, no other symptoms for both of them.

There is recent research I have read that shows that delta gives little protection against omicron infection, regardless of vaccine status. It was published a few weeks back in preprint but I’m sorry I don’t recall who it was by. McCullough refers to it though. If there wasn’t such hysteria around the dreaded ‘rona neither husband or son would have known they were “infected” second time round. And frankly I would have dragged myself to work first time round too - I felt crummy but I go in with regular colds feeling like that.

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Similar story with my son and daughter.

Son (21 and very healthy) had all the classic symptoms in early Jan. 21 but no test. Probably Delta. Loss of taste and smell, exhaustion, mild fever. Mostly clear in about a week. Second time, about 6 months later, milder symptoms but similar. Had to test that time and tested positive.

Daughter had very mild symptoms in January 21. Her husband and 3 y/o daughter had same symptoms. Sore throat and fever. We wouldn't have ever suspected it was Coof except that she gave it to me and Mom (and I know it was her because I was stuck at home with a broken leg and hadn't had company or gone anywhere in weeks.) Mom and I got all the classics (no smell or taste, exhaustion). Daughter then got it again in January 22. That time she tested positive and it knocked her on her butt. She was *very* tired, coughed some and had a sore throat, but certainly not at any risk of hospitalization.

That time, Mom, her hubby and daughter, and I all missed it. Of course, as soon as she got sick, mom and I started taking IVM. Anyway, all of us are unvaxxed and two of the 6 have got it twice.

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Most readers have been trained (unbeknownst to them due to cover-up "science") to turn away from what I am about to write with derision. Please pay attention. Unfortunately, I have experienced the heartbreak of watching our lovely bright daughter nearly die, developing inflammatory issues throughout her body and then waste away communicatively after a childhood vaccination. This issue of hiding data, and twisting the narrative, is not new! It was used before and worked.


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I'm so sorry to read that. I have 2 daughters and the eldest has been diagnosed with Autism (twice). I often wonder did the childhood vaccination cause it.

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I’m 60. As an infant, I developed idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 3 days after my second DPT. (Hospitalized for nearly 4 months.) Now, all these moons later, the C19 vax is assoc w/the same adverse event. Yes! Vaccine hazards have been hidden for decades.

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I’m 63, and from Texas where we have a high degree of freedom. We had a relatively short period of “mandatory masks” early on, but our society has been wide open for many many months. I’ve been a workout fiend since childhood; take all of the supportive supplements; get lots of sunshine; have Ivermectin and Fluvoxamine on hand in case I do get sick; nebulize hydrogen peroxide a few times a week; and to the best of my knowledge have never had Covid. From the very beginning I’ve done the opposite of what the “experts” have said to do. I go out in public, including in crowds; I go mountain biking, I go to the gym; I go to the store; I go to sporting events. Enough about all that. I’ve always had confidence in my innate immune system and have never been fearful of Covid. This entire two years while people have been holing up and masking up, I’ve been exposing myself to normal life situations. I take full responsibility for and take very good care of my own health, consequently, I’m not comorbid in any way. I’ve taken a lot of heat for being unvaxed, but I’m glad I’ve handled it the way I have. My own sister was so fearful of Covid that she didn’t leave her house for a year. I’ll take my way.

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This would explain why a technician I work with who had Covid about two months ago and then again about a month ago is still coughing deep in her lungs. I heard it today. She is of course double vaccinated (despite my warnings because she wanted to go to some concert in LA). I suppose I should tell her to get a chest X-ray and make sure she doesn’t have crap all up in her lungs (I’m sure she does the cough is nasty--she does NOT smoke and is only 32) but I doubt any doctor she would see would have the slightest clue about how to treat it. Are there any newer protocols out there for these unfortunate patients?

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This is so sad, as Elizabeth said, so far I am not aware of anything.

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Please try nebulizer with saline and food grade hydrogen peroxide. Can be done daily, even multiple times daily even for kids so is very safe. See Dr Mercola or Dr Thomas Levy for more info on benefits. I personally use 1tsp H2O2 and 5ml of 0.9% saline. Higher saline is often used with RSV but is harder to find. God Bless

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There is absolutely treatment available. Please go to: https://covid19criticalcare.com/ Doesn't hurt to try.

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At least check the flccc.net protocols; there is a good chance your co-worker is not taking helpful supplements or ivermectin.

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Woke up one morning with flu-like symptoms. Not vaxxed. Tested Covid +

Took 200mg of Hydroxychloroquine at noon - started to feel better by dinner - took another before bed. Felt 85% back to normal by morning. Took a 3rd and by the evening was nearly good as new ... by the morning of the second day it was done and dusted. But I finished off the 7 day course as recommended.

Try telling this to a MOREON who is injected and getting pounded by Covid cuz they have wrecked their immune system -- they think you are crazy --- instead they beg for another Booster

I say go ahead - get more boosters -- boost the kids -- boost granny... I'm all good.

My Covid trip was done before it even got started

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