I would bet that damaging the immune system plays a part in this. But I am sure (like everything else with the Gene Injection) the causes for this will remain a complete mystery to our entire medical community.
You see, that's where you are wrong. Although I post as "baboon", I'm actually Al Gore, and have several (admittedly honorary) PhDs from America's most prestigious Universities. Bwahahahahahahaha!
White lab coat then? You must be there to help us all right? You would never deliberately cause us harm, so you could keep your big paycheck, right? I feel better already.
I haven't lived in a house/apartment that did not have a gas stove since I was 2 years old. I don't have asthma and my lungs are in great shape. I must be a throwback or something.
Likewise. We have reached a stage at which everything is responsible for the excess death with the exception of the jabs which are safe and effective. The saddest thing is that there will be idiots out there buying this nonsense and to make matters worse, they also vote. I had a colleague tell me about the "danger from eating eggs" in the context of getting sick from Covid and it was very difficult not burst out laughing. Normally, I would point that this is pure garbage but he is still masked from time to time so I am betting that talking to a wall might be more rewarding.
Miko, you have my deepest respect. You kept yourself from laughing. On purpose.
I would have laughed my butt off. On purpose. But that, although lots of fun and my true feelings, isn't a good idea at work. (Which is why I quit, I couldn't bear the evilness in charge anymore.)
That's the crux of the matter isn't it? Voting requires an IQ test. This may be a horrible, eugenicist position, but isn't this fair? Should morons be allowed to vote?
George Carlin said that the average person is stupid, and God help the 49% of people who are below stupid.
Either allow a referendum on everything (and ban the press from commenting, because oligarchs will oligarch) or disenfranchise morons.
There is no way to have a functioning democracy if stupid people rule. There is a term for that now, it's called "idiocracy".
I live in a three hundred year old house with mains electricity and water. We have a gas stove run off canisters, no mains sewerage (we have a septic tank) and the house is heated using a wood fire.
I smoke way more than I should and am bigger, stronger and fitter than "men" half my age.
I get free-range, non GMO fed eggs from the local farm, 30 at a time for 10 euro cents each. Plus I drink raw organic milk from the farm next door.
According to the State of California, I should have died five years ago. 😂
Damage to the immune system, but also to other systems & organs (eg, circulatory, kidneys) are likely to weaken a body's ability to clear both an infection & the toxic residues it generates.
Yes wash strawberries in the sink with 2 tablespoons salt and 2 tablespoons of baking soda. 1/2 hour. I put mine on paper towel to dry . Just water and baking soda for the rest of the berries 20 minutes. I wash all my vegetables with baking soda. You can really see it in the broccoli it’s so green after rinsing. If you can’t buy organic, you must wash your food. It’s a hassle but you get used to it. There is an odorless tasteless spray they put on all citrus, a fungicide, it is really disruptive to our thyroid. Although they are told it won’t hurt us. I think they put it on everything to keep mold off. Wash well with baking soda.
Also if you drink teas and coffees at shops with paper cups, They spray them with a polyflouro,...type spay that keeps them from leaking. It was banned in 2008 but allowed back in use shortly after. The government sends in their lab data manipulators to spin their “its healthy for humans” stories and the workers believe them. They wear masks while spraying and think it’s ok once dried on 🙄. So timmies and Starbucks we drink poison. Some Starbucks will pour the coffee into your own mug. But timmies “are not allowed to touch our mugs, it’s a health hazard” since covid. They are wearing gloves🙄
Just like the fluoride stories. My ‘Holistic’ dentist says “it’s not the bad type of fluoride “. They have a good story spun for that. The powers that be do not want you not using fluoride at all costs......it’s a big one.
Yes. I give my meat a good wash too, although I don’t think that helps much. Hormones and antibiotics. Gotta get grass fed. Some kosher products say no hormone or antibiotics right on them.
I bought a rack of pork chops last month from Costco. I don’t usually eat pork but these actually had lots of meat on them and 2 huge racks for $30 dollars. I like to just cook los one day and then left overs for a few.
The meat had no test. Neither of us liked them. They smelled a little chemically. I made a real good barbecue, tomato and organic smoked paprika sauce too.
We ended up throwing the meat out. It wasn’t bad. I think we are just used to grass fed. The coleslaw I made was delicious.
I think I know how gaaits says the children by 2025. There is sooo much shit out there. Make your own almond crackers. Only buy well fermented cheese. Also the mRNA technology is going into the childrens vaccines and the COVID shot.
I heard within the past year talk of putting mRNA tech into meat and animal products. I get the feeling that poetic justice may one day arrive to those who persist in tampering with the genetics of humans, plants and animals. I truly believe that literal monsters will be created that no one will be able to handle. Hopefully the vengeance will directed at those who had a part in the funding and in their creation.
Yes - you are correct. Organ damage and eventual death is the byproduct of this miss regulated system. These multiple jabbed folks with repeating infections are slowly dying. I don’t think you can survive 3 or more injections. I hope I am wrong.
I see that in a couple of my coworkers. They are constantly ill. I think one covers by working from home a lot since he is in position to do so, but the other is out now, likely for another week and she missed two weeks just before Xmas for Covid. Seems like every 2-3 months something lays them out for a week. It can't be good.
No, they are headed for Pfizer complementary toe tags. Their immune systems are toast. No one can survive very long without a functioning immune system. Their DNA repair system is probably toasted too. So a Turbo Cancer may be in their future as well. This injection has so many ways it can kill.
I hate to see it. They are just joes who didn't think twice when it or the boosters were suggested. Long story but the former management in this place required vaxxes The next regime that hired me... hired back the best warehouse guy....he'd been fired for not wearing a mask and refusing the vac,,,for me its 'don't ask, don't tell' , but he rocks it and I'm glad.
You hit the nail on the head! And people behind this scamdemic knew everything you mentioned all along. And all you can hear from Bill Gates these days is that the covid jabs are not preventing covid or transmission. Apparently it isn't necessary for the covid jabs to protect from covid since they don't protect from any other diseases either. Those covid jabs are basically lethal injections for prisoners who aren't on death row. But I'll step aside and let the believers take whichever biological weapons and toxic chemicals they think will heal or save them from death and diseases.
Well they did say that it reacts suppressing that igG3 which is how allergy medication works to suppress the reaction of antibodies so things like cytokines storms don’t happen. So yes suppresses immunity, the more shots the more suppression.
Immunity suppression is going to be one of the “killers” with these injections. There are many more ways this “vaccine” will and is killing. The dropping dead suddenly are the lucky ones.
According to the TODAY show doctor, any pain discomfort or symptoms felt directly after the injection don't count as vaccine related as you aren't considered vaccinated until 15 days after the vaccination.
I know - these folks were just let to slaughter like cattle. And still to this day most of them have no idea what has been done to them. I did a post about what I think is a “must see” movie for all Pure Bloods. You should watch it if you can. The ones left behind will not necessarily be the lucky ones. I found it on Amazon prime but you can also buy it. It is very intense and examines the world after a mass death event and how two people deal with the trauma that they have endured. https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/i-think-were-alone-now?utm_source=direct&r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Smart move. I think taking that snake oil fake medicine like many others is akin to playing Russian Roulette with your life and health. But there are some people who like rats will keep going back for more instead of looking into safer and better options.
Dr Chesnut (no middle T) is doing great research on how the spike protein damages the body. The vaccines are super loaded with the spike protein. Most viruses get into a cell via one type of receptor which very few cells have. Thus the damage that virus does is limited. The spike protein works differently. It gets into cells with the ACE receptor (I think) which most cells have, so the spike protein damages most organ systems.
I am not a researcher or scientist but I have read a lot about this subject. Here is basically what happens. The injection does not stay in the muscle of the arm. It enters the blood stream. The spike proteins attach to vessel walls. They are a made of a foreign protein so the body attacks them. The vessel walls rupture causing the spikes to leak into the organs. They are attracted to organs that express ACE-2 receptors like the heart and reproductive system. In the heart for example they attach to the heart muscle and the body attacks them creating small scars on the heart muscle. These scars cause electrical problems that interrupt the heart’s beat. A workout or surge of adrenaline will cause sudden death. So wherever the spike proteins go they cause the body’s immune system to attack them. And yes they pass through the blood/brain barrier and attach to brain cells. The vaccinated are having their brains destroyed by the own immune systems. The vaccine turns the body into a spike protein factory with no off button. The more you know about all of this the less optimistic you become about surviving these injections. I hope something can be done to help the vaccinated folks.
I read that 71% of the sudden cardiac arrest is occurring in sleep due to the cortisol and other hormones that prepare you to wake up.
Thanks for your explanation above. I understand that hyperbaric treatment is helpful for some; I guess it forces oxygen into some damaged tissues, certainly including the brain. It's a common treatment for stroke, and I guess now may have wider applicability.
Your sleep cycle begins to produce adrenaline between the hours of 3 to 6 AM. Which is why people are dying in their sleep and athletes are dying after a big play. It puts their damaged hearts into atrial fibrillation. Without an immediate shock to restore the heart rhythm, they just die. There are folks who are dying from aortic dissection which is happening when the spike proteins attach to the aorta resulting in the immune system literally eating a hole in the aorta. This produces instant death. And last but not least, the spike proteins seem to be causing blood hemoglobin to misfold and clot. When blood supply is suddenly closed by multiple spike protein clots and you die from a massive heart attack.
Of course Covid does the same thing. My mother never got the vax. Had a bad case of Covid a year ago. Damn near killed her. When she went into the hospitial heart test showed she was fine. 6 months later she has a hole in her aorta.
Horrible! Was she treated with hospital "death" protocols then and no Ivermectine or Hydroxychloroquine? Aortic dissection can happen on it's own (but rarely) without the help of the spike proteins being attacked by the body's immune system and basically chewing a whole in the aorta. She was lucky to survive. I would assume since she was not vaccinated the hole was a rip in the aorta...
Dr. Peter McCullough noted recently that Nattokinase dissolves the spike protein. And we already know that NAC (N-acetylcysteine) cleaves the disulfide linkage in the spike, thus neutralizing it. And resveratrol (from grapes) and fisetin (from strawberries) can supposedly block spike's entry into cells as well, per the late Bill Sardi.
Here's an article from Dr. Mercola which includes the info from World Council of Health, but has additional material including references that contain even more detail.
The lipid particles in which the other vaccine components are suspended cross all membranes: They cross cell membranes, blood/brain membrane, placenta-- everything.
It certainly appears to me that the genetic code has been cracked. But not for healing purposes that we used to hear about in years past. It seems to me that modern medicine does a better job of shortening lives and destroying human health generally speaking.
Yup - the current state of understanding of genetics is primitive. We are most likely decades away from “really” understanding DNA. What these idiots have done is like a cave man using a rock to break another rock. He has no idea why the rock broke the other rock. He just knows he was able to break the rock. Since we really don’t understand DNA, messing with it is a dice roll. After all, messing with the human genome is really messing with the future of human race.
Human beings are incurably hubristic. The very idea that we may someday "understand" DNA is a supreme example of this. We will never understand life, nature, how photosynthesis transforms pure energy into matter, DNA, or anything else which is and will always be a divine mystery. We are essentially ignorant apes, but unfortunately most of humanity likes to imagine that we're extremely intelligent higher beings.
I respectfully disagree. We will at some point, be able to design and built sentient AI computers that will “allow” us to completely understand DNA and give us the “true” ability to manipulate it and even create life. What the current crop of meddlers in RNA technology have recently done will be seen as the future as an ill-conceived attempt to use the code of life without the real knowledge to do so.
Honey, I wish what is happening were mere stupidity. Unfortunately, their quite determined campaign to continue their agenda must mean they've no objection to the injury & death that they're causing. Surely they are malevolent rather than stupid.
I am not sure about their intent. I believe that the vaccine was a tool with the ultimate objective being control not genocide. But with that being said, they "know" now that there is a major problem. You will never see someone who heads up a company who has been accused of something illegal admitting they did anything wrong or that there is a problem. What they "always" do is double down and make phone calls to their investors to assure them nothing is wrong. That is what is happening right now. Until the handcuffs are put on these folks, they will continue to pretend there is nothing wrong and push more injections. Once they admit anything, they know they are on a road to prison cell or a strong rope. The truth is coming out. We literally have thousands of criminals to arrest, try and punish. I wrote a post on this last year. Will there be room in Argentina for all the Vaccine Genocide Criminals? https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/will-there-be-room-in-argentina-for?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
I think new variants are evading the immunity of vaccinated people. That said, I’m unvaxxed and had COVID in January and it was pretty nasty with fatigue, loss of smell, cough, etc. My 5x vaxxed parents have COVID right now and (thank goodness) it seems mild. But statistically I’m still very glad that my kids and me are unvaxxed...the odds are in our favor overall.
The odds are that you have god given natural immunity now. Getting one this variants is the best thing that can happen to an unvaccinated person. These variants are less deadly and more transmissible. Your parents on the other hand (like my relatives) have immune systems that have almost no IgG3 cells (the good guys) and a ton of IgG4 cells (the tolerate ones). These new infections are usually mild but they will not be able to clear them from their bodies. Their dominate IgG4 cells will tolerate the infections rather than fighting the infections. They will not get any natural immunity either. This is why vaccinated folks get Covid multiple times. Their immune systems are damaged permanently (we think).
in december just before christmas i (not injected) got it 4 days after my mum (who has 2 injections). i got it from her... we had the same symptoms. they followed like clockwork. she spent 3 days in bed. i spent 1 day on the couch. super achey bones. a bit fluey but nothing else was severe or remarkable. but the fatigue continues, and we both got gastro yuck that is just starting to improve.
i can understand the ‘viruses are a hoax/ it’s just detoxing’, but then why did i get what my mum had just 4 days delayed from her symptoms?
if covid(viruses) doesn’t exist then what are Ralf Barik (sp?) and Daszak (EcoHealthAlliance guy) inserting HIV components into?
So, a bundle of sailors on a ship get boils, hair loss, sickness, teeth loss. They believe they are infected with some kind of evil spirit or weird disease and they keep their distance from each other. After all, it can be fatal.
Yes. They think now that Alzheimer’s is a type of scurvy of the brain........The four arteries feeding blood to the brain get plugged up and the large vitamin C molecule does not get through the blood brain barrier. Not sure if it’s just the arteries not delivering or the blood brain barrier getting encrusted with fluoride?
(side note, they carried barrels of sauerkraut onboard the ships and eating it prevented scurvy... i’d guess the probiotics helped with disease prevention)
I can’t find where captain cook learned of the sauerkraut , he just loaded his ship with it. 😏 it does explain the chemical reaction of the cabbage metabolizing and leaving vit C and B vitamins as a product, it’s a good probiotic.
Dr.latusdextro above was talking about a time in the past when they thought all sorts of things were responsible for ships illness, when it was just scurvy. I read recently where Alzheimer’s was also a type of scurvy. It was just anFYI. Nothing to do with viruses.
You've obviously never had the illness, so your opinion carries almost neglible weight with those who have experienced it, and know that it differs substantially from earlier illnesses. Until you can provide a better framework for explaining the myriad things that virology does pretty well, I'll stick with the existing paradigm. (I'm willing to consider new input; just bring your evidence.)
No Sir. You bring your evidence. You show the 'virus' that you allege infected you or better you prove an infection over a physiological healing crisis precipitated by an environmental assault common to us all, or to most of us. (Hint: there are a multitude of potential environmental challenges that might result in an affliction that when also denied indicated treatment proves fatal for some. The stated WHO criteria of clinical symptoms are about as non-specific and meaningless as one can possibly get. The presence of ubiquitous fragmentary sequence doth not a disease make.
Until better explanations arise (I'm waiting!), I turn to the body of knowledge we call virology as evidence. It may not be bullet-proof (Is anything?) but it works a HELL of a lot better than the empty psycho-babble rap presented by "No-virus" trolls.
The presence of a ubiquitious pattern of symptoms indicates an identifiable contagious illness, which has yet to be explained by proponents of "Stressors" or "Toxins."
The distracting arguments here, though interesting in their own right, are NOT constructive for the purpose at hand. I'm here to assemble evidence of willful harm by trusted leaders, and to see that they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law (and maybe more). We can consider the tools they used some other time. "They" call it a virus; I'm perfectly content to hang them with that.
The evidence suggests that "virology" may be readily falsified. https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/ The harm inflicted by synthetic polynucleotide (cobbled together computer generated in silico ... nothing to do with an alleged "virus" "exosome" or "virion" ~ all potential products of induced apoptosis). To effectively inflict a terrible harm upon humanity based upon a fraudulent narrative compounds the evil. This construct has been employed before and may be summarised as, create the problem and provide the "(final) solution."
In this instance, the notion of 'contagion' is neither demonstrated or proved, but assumed, as you so ably demonstrate. A common experience does not denote contagion and the attempt at dismissing a debate on the basis of some faux-authoritarian argument appears intellectually limiting.
I’m convinced (although it is only speculation) that the so called boosters were designed for these delayed type of outcomes. A delayed negative efficacy with even worse outcomes overall to disguise any immediate correlation from the jab and to continue to prolong the so called pandemic.
Why don't you guys take ivermectin for prevention? I take it since two years and haven't been sick at all. All around me got it. All masked and vaxxed. I'm traveling a lot, sit in cars with extremely coughing people. I seem to have good health like a horse;) 😉🐴
Yup - I take it every day. Horse paste is the cheapest way to go. I get it at Tractor Supply. I can buy it from India but it costs more. I am 71 and haven’t been sick in 20 years. I have for years taken Vitamin C, D3, zinc. I also exercise every day and go outside (weather permitting) everyday. I think 60% of the people in my town are overweight blobs of shit who spend most of their time eating and watching TV. They might as well die because they useless land whales who only come out of their houses to search for more food. I don’t understand how we got to this point. Fat, stupid and lazy as fuck people who line up for injections like it’s a sale if wide screen TVs?
EXCELLENT suggestion... a single "Normal" dose every two weeks seems to be enough to keep most people safe; you could take it every week if you are particularly concerned.
My mom just turned 87; plain old "Horse paste" has served her well. I got over-confident, stopped after several months, and contracted Delta after leaving my secluded residence (after long lockdowns) for a busy day of shopping and exercise at the gym.
The first few month in 2021 I took 12mg once a week. Then i upped it to 24mg. I've read somewhere that if you took it three month straight, you somehow have longer lasting protection. But the results were not really clear yet. But that's how I fare. Every two weeks i take 24mg and one extra when I'm around sick people. I also take daily vitc, d, and Amla pills.
I got it send to Southeast Asia in two weeks. Relatives in Germany ordered same, but German Nazi customs cracked down on it, but lo and behold they got their money back. But that was early 2021. Hope they still have good service and didn't get to greedy.
(Not speaking for Original Post) My family uses the "Normal" dose (12 mg for average weight), not the increased therapeutic doses prescribed by FLCCC.net.
I would bet that damaging the immune system plays a part in this. But I am sure (like everything else with the Gene Injection) the causes for this will remain a complete mystery to our entire medical community.
It's Climate Change dude, trust me, I'm a doctor!
If you were a doctor you would be baffled! :-)
You see, that's where you are wrong. Although I post as "baboon", I'm actually Al Gore, and have several (admittedly honorary) PhDs from America's most prestigious Universities. Bwahahahahahahaha!
Your red behind was a dead giveaway, Al!
I knew I should have chosen the man/bear/pig avatar. Hidden in plain site, lol. I thought a baboon would be the ideal disguise. Urgh.
I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you pesky climate denying, racist, domestic terrorist anti-vaxxers!
Inflamed... stop rubbing your butt in the Rat Juice... the spike protein is making it all puffy and red
It's naturally like that. Please don't give other baboons ideas, the redder the arse, the higher one's social standing.
What do you need a PhD for. Climate Czar, John Kerry, declared understanding the climate issue was primary school level science?
And you invented the internet.
Yes, the baffled baboon doctors, scratching, bouncing, and gesticulating wildly, “We wuz LIED to!”
I'm telling you, you need to wear a mask because you don't want all the diseases I'm carrying. It's nothing personal.
Silly ape! Good one, babs!
From his reply he is baffled! :-)
I'm not baffled, it's just the wind changed direction one day whilst I was looking confused and it stayed that way, worst luck!
Lol- yep, that’s the truth.
White lab coat then? You must be there to help us all right? You would never deliberately cause us harm, so you could keep your big paycheck, right? I feel better already.
Basically, take a look at this image and swap a baboon with a Shiba Inu dog and you have nothing to worry about.
As a baboon I don't get paid, see this:
I would trust the dog even if it wasn't dressed as a doctor. 😏
No, it is (checking the latest narrative notes) the gas stoves and eating eggs!
You'll be telling me next that people cook eggs using gas stoves....oh the humanity!
I haven't lived in a house/apartment that did not have a gas stove since I was 2 years old. I don't have asthma and my lungs are in great shape. I must be a throwback or something.
Likewise. We have reached a stage at which everything is responsible for the excess death with the exception of the jabs which are safe and effective. The saddest thing is that there will be idiots out there buying this nonsense and to make matters worse, they also vote. I had a colleague tell me about the "danger from eating eggs" in the context of getting sick from Covid and it was very difficult not burst out laughing. Normally, I would point that this is pure garbage but he is still masked from time to time so I am betting that talking to a wall might be more rewarding.
Miko, you have my deepest respect. You kept yourself from laughing. On purpose.
I would have laughed my butt off. On purpose. But that, although lots of fun and my true feelings, isn't a good idea at work. (Which is why I quit, I couldn't bear the evilness in charge anymore.)
"to make matters worse, they also vote"
That's the crux of the matter isn't it? Voting requires an IQ test. This may be a horrible, eugenicist position, but isn't this fair? Should morons be allowed to vote?
George Carlin said that the average person is stupid, and God help the 49% of people who are below stupid.
Either allow a referendum on everything (and ban the press from commenting, because oligarchs will oligarch) or disenfranchise morons.
There is no way to have a functioning democracy if stupid people rule. There is a term for that now, it's called "idiocracy".
I live in a three hundred year old house with mains electricity and water. We have a gas stove run off canisters, no mains sewerage (we have a septic tank) and the house is heated using a wood fire.
I smoke way more than I should and am bigger, stronger and fitter than "men" half my age.
I get free-range, non GMO fed eggs from the local farm, 30 at a time for 10 euro cents each. Plus I drink raw organic milk from the farm next door.
According to the State of California, I should have died five years ago. 😂
I'd have thought you should have died longer ago than that with all this careless living you've done all these years. 😉😊😋
I'd love to see your house! IRL. I have a beautiful pic in my mind though.
Yeah, can you imagine the horror? Double the damage....
Well, triple if you include the damage of Climate Change!
My word, you are right. The emissions! That is too much, I do not know how they live with themselves.
Or stress from worrying about the vaxxes!
Damage to the immune system, but also to other systems & organs (eg, circulatory, kidneys) are likely to weaken a body's ability to clear both an infection & the toxic residues it generates.
Yes wash strawberries in the sink with 2 tablespoons salt and 2 tablespoons of baking soda. 1/2 hour. I put mine on paper towel to dry . Just water and baking soda for the rest of the berries 20 minutes. I wash all my vegetables with baking soda. You can really see it in the broccoli it’s so green after rinsing. If you can’t buy organic, you must wash your food. It’s a hassle but you get used to it. There is an odorless tasteless spray they put on all citrus, a fungicide, it is really disruptive to our thyroid. Although they are told it won’t hurt us. I think they put it on everything to keep mold off. Wash well with baking soda.
Also if you drink teas and coffees at shops with paper cups, They spray them with a polyflouro,...type spay that keeps them from leaking. It was banned in 2008 but allowed back in use shortly after. The government sends in their lab data manipulators to spin their “its healthy for humans” stories and the workers believe them. They wear masks while spraying and think it’s ok once dried on 🙄. So timmies and Starbucks we drink poison. Some Starbucks will pour the coffee into your own mug. But timmies “are not allowed to touch our mugs, it’s a health hazard” since covid. They are wearing gloves🙄
Just like the fluoride stories. My ‘Holistic’ dentist says “it’s not the bad type of fluoride “. They have a good story spun for that. The powers that be do not want you not using fluoride at all costs......it’s a big one.
Good advice on washing food. It may be a good to wash all raw food as you have described.
Yes. I give my meat a good wash too, although I don’t think that helps much. Hormones and antibiotics. Gotta get grass fed. Some kosher products say no hormone or antibiotics right on them.
I bought a rack of pork chops last month from Costco. I don’t usually eat pork but these actually had lots of meat on them and 2 huge racks for $30 dollars. I like to just cook los one day and then left overs for a few.
The meat had no test. Neither of us liked them. They smelled a little chemically. I made a real good barbecue, tomato and organic smoked paprika sauce too.
We ended up throwing the meat out. It wasn’t bad. I think we are just used to grass fed. The coleslaw I made was delicious.
I think I know how gaaits says the children by 2025. There is sooo much shit out there. Make your own almond crackers. Only buy well fermented cheese. Also the mRNA technology is going into the childrens vaccines and the COVID shot.
I heard within the past year talk of putting mRNA tech into meat and animal products. I get the feeling that poetic justice may one day arrive to those who persist in tampering with the genetics of humans, plants and animals. I truly believe that literal monsters will be created that no one will be able to handle. Hopefully the vengeance will directed at those who had a part in the funding and in their creation.
Yes - you are correct. Organ damage and eventual death is the byproduct of this miss regulated system. These multiple jabbed folks with repeating infections are slowly dying. I don’t think you can survive 3 or more injections. I hope I am wrong.
I see that in a couple of my coworkers. They are constantly ill. I think one covers by working from home a lot since he is in position to do so, but the other is out now, likely for another week and she missed two weeks just before Xmas for Covid. Seems like every 2-3 months something lays them out for a week. It can't be good.
No, they are headed for Pfizer complementary toe tags. Their immune systems are toast. No one can survive very long without a functioning immune system. Their DNA repair system is probably toasted too. So a Turbo Cancer may be in their future as well. This injection has so many ways it can kill.
I hate to see it. They are just joes who didn't think twice when it or the boosters were suggested. Long story but the former management in this place required vaxxes The next regime that hired me... hired back the best warehouse guy....he'd been fired for not wearing a mask and refusing the vac,,,for me its 'don't ask, don't tell' , but he rocks it and I'm glad.
You hit the nail on the head! And people behind this scamdemic knew everything you mentioned all along. And all you can hear from Bill Gates these days is that the covid jabs are not preventing covid or transmission. Apparently it isn't necessary for the covid jabs to protect from covid since they don't protect from any other diseases either. Those covid jabs are basically lethal injections for prisoners who aren't on death row. But I'll step aside and let the believers take whichever biological weapons and toxic chemicals they think will heal or save them from death and diseases.
Well they did say that it reacts suppressing that igG3 which is how allergy medication works to suppress the reaction of antibodies so things like cytokines storms don’t happen. So yes suppresses immunity, the more shots the more suppression.
Immunity suppression is going to be one of the “killers” with these injections. There are many more ways this “vaccine” will and is killing. The dropping dead suddenly are the lucky ones.
"The dropping dead suddenly are the lucky ones."
Agree. Saw a video of Maddie de Garay the other day. Heartbreaking.
According to the TODAY show doctor, any pain discomfort or symptoms felt directly after the injection don't count as vaccine related as you aren't considered vaccinated until 15 days after the vaccination.
I know - these folks were just let to slaughter like cattle. And still to this day most of them have no idea what has been done to them. I did a post about what I think is a “must see” movie for all Pure Bloods. You should watch it if you can. The ones left behind will not necessarily be the lucky ones. I found it on Amazon prime but you can also buy it. It is very intense and examines the world after a mass death event and how two people deal with the trauma that they have endured. https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/i-think-were-alone-now?utm_source=direct&r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
The only expertise demonstrated by the medical mafia is the ability to prescribe drugs.
And keeping their large direct deposits going
Never underestimate the power of denial.
No shit,.... Fauking unbelievable.
Yup - 2 injections = 75% of your immune system gone - 3 injections = 100% of your immune system gone.
Thank God I stopped at two in April/May 2021, almost two years ago. Hopefully it all bounced back by now.
Smart move. I think taking that snake oil fake medicine like many others is akin to playing Russian Roulette with your life and health. But there are some people who like rats will keep going back for more instead of looking into safer and better options.
Glad you are with us Ajax. The fact you can joke about it too is good. We'll have you as an honorary Pureblood. 🍻
Thank you :)
I hope so - glad you didn’t boost yourself into a box with a lid.
Indeed. Knock on wood (though hopefully not the lid of a wooden casket).
If that is true. I won't be adding any fuel to the fire. Really don't need to as long as the biological weapons labs are in existence.
Top kek. 😂
Dr Chesnut (no middle T) is doing great research on how the spike protein damages the body. The vaccines are super loaded with the spike protein. Most viruses get into a cell via one type of receptor which very few cells have. Thus the damage that virus does is limited. The spike protein works differently. It gets into cells with the ACE receptor (I think) which most cells have, so the spike protein damages most organ systems.
Here's his blog: https://wmcresearch.substack.com
It's a bit technical but readable.
I am not a researcher or scientist but I have read a lot about this subject. Here is basically what happens. The injection does not stay in the muscle of the arm. It enters the blood stream. The spike proteins attach to vessel walls. They are a made of a foreign protein so the body attacks them. The vessel walls rupture causing the spikes to leak into the organs. They are attracted to organs that express ACE-2 receptors like the heart and reproductive system. In the heart for example they attach to the heart muscle and the body attacks them creating small scars on the heart muscle. These scars cause electrical problems that interrupt the heart’s beat. A workout or surge of adrenaline will cause sudden death. So wherever the spike proteins go they cause the body’s immune system to attack them. And yes they pass through the blood/brain barrier and attach to brain cells. The vaccinated are having their brains destroyed by the own immune systems. The vaccine turns the body into a spike protein factory with no off button. The more you know about all of this the less optimistic you become about surviving these injections. I hope something can be done to help the vaccinated folks.
I read that 71% of the sudden cardiac arrest is occurring in sleep due to the cortisol and other hormones that prepare you to wake up.
Thanks for your explanation above. I understand that hyperbaric treatment is helpful for some; I guess it forces oxygen into some damaged tissues, certainly including the brain. It's a common treatment for stroke, and I guess now may have wider applicability.
Your sleep cycle begins to produce adrenaline between the hours of 3 to 6 AM. Which is why people are dying in their sleep and athletes are dying after a big play. It puts their damaged hearts into atrial fibrillation. Without an immediate shock to restore the heart rhythm, they just die. There are folks who are dying from aortic dissection which is happening when the spike proteins attach to the aorta resulting in the immune system literally eating a hole in the aorta. This produces instant death. And last but not least, the spike proteins seem to be causing blood hemoglobin to misfold and clot. When blood supply is suddenly closed by multiple spike protein clots and you die from a massive heart attack.
And yes hyperbaric treatment can help. Here is a link to a post for mitigation/treatment of the vaccine. Share it if you can. https://open.substack.com/pub/informedchoice/p/treatment-protocols-for-covid-19?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Dr Peter McCullough recommends hyperbaric treatment for long Covid folks.
Of course Covid does the same thing. My mother never got the vax. Had a bad case of Covid a year ago. Damn near killed her. When she went into the hospitial heart test showed she was fine. 6 months later she has a hole in her aorta.
Horrible! Was she treated with hospital "death" protocols then and no Ivermectine or Hydroxychloroquine? Aortic dissection can happen on it's own (but rarely) without the help of the spike proteins being attacked by the body's immune system and basically chewing a whole in the aorta. She was lucky to survive. I would assume since she was not vaccinated the hole was a rip in the aorta...
Dr. Peter McCullough noted recently that Nattokinase dissolves the spike protein. And we already know that NAC (N-acetylcysteine) cleaves the disulfide linkage in the spike, thus neutralizing it. And resveratrol (from grapes) and fisetin (from strawberries) can supposedly block spike's entry into cells as well, per the late Bill Sardi.
Ajax, if pos-covid or post-vaxx treatment interests you-- or if you want to maintain a file to help others:
World Council of Health
Here's an article from Dr. Mercola which includes the info from World Council of Health, but has additional material including references that contain even more detail.
The lipid particles in which the other vaccine components are suspended cross all membranes: They cross cell membranes, blood/brain membrane, placenta-- everything.
Let me guess. And one lipid type is a hydrogel? Some hydrogels have graphene, which is super toxic in any form.
You are correct. It is perfect “delivery” vehicle for the Spike Proteins. Billions are going to die from this injection.
It certainly appears to me that the genetic code has been cracked. But not for healing purposes that we used to hear about in years past. It seems to me that modern medicine does a better job of shortening lives and destroying human health generally speaking.
Yup - the current state of understanding of genetics is primitive. We are most likely decades away from “really” understanding DNA. What these idiots have done is like a cave man using a rock to break another rock. He has no idea why the rock broke the other rock. He just knows he was able to break the rock. Since we really don’t understand DNA, messing with it is a dice roll. After all, messing with the human genome is really messing with the future of human race.
Human beings are incurably hubristic. The very idea that we may someday "understand" DNA is a supreme example of this. We will never understand life, nature, how photosynthesis transforms pure energy into matter, DNA, or anything else which is and will always be a divine mystery. We are essentially ignorant apes, but unfortunately most of humanity likes to imagine that we're extremely intelligent higher beings.
I respectfully disagree. We will at some point, be able to design and built sentient AI computers that will “allow” us to completely understand DNA and give us the “true” ability to manipulate it and even create life. What the current crop of meddlers in RNA technology have recently done will be seen as the future as an ill-conceived attempt to use the code of life without the real knowledge to do so.
Indeed, homo sapiens are not nearly as sapient as they think they are.
Honey, I wish what is happening were mere stupidity. Unfortunately, their quite determined campaign to continue their agenda must mean they've no objection to the injury & death that they're causing. Surely they are malevolent rather than stupid.
I am not sure about their intent. I believe that the vaccine was a tool with the ultimate objective being control not genocide. But with that being said, they "know" now that there is a major problem. You will never see someone who heads up a company who has been accused of something illegal admitting they did anything wrong or that there is a problem. What they "always" do is double down and make phone calls to their investors to assure them nothing is wrong. That is what is happening right now. Until the handcuffs are put on these folks, they will continue to pretend there is nothing wrong and push more injections. Once they admit anything, they know they are on a road to prison cell or a strong rope. The truth is coming out. We literally have thousands of criminals to arrest, try and punish. I wrote a post on this last year. Will there be room in Argentina for all the Vaccine Genocide Criminals? https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/will-there-be-room-in-argentina-for?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Igor , sometimes just writing about what’s in your head is good enough for your readers . 🤗
It will be a 100000000x better than anything on CNNBBC....
I think new variants are evading the immunity of vaccinated people. That said, I’m unvaxxed and had COVID in January and it was pretty nasty with fatigue, loss of smell, cough, etc. My 5x vaxxed parents have COVID right now and (thank goodness) it seems mild. But statistically I’m still very glad that my kids and me are unvaxxed...the odds are in our favor overall.
The odds are that you have god given natural immunity now. Getting one this variants is the best thing that can happen to an unvaccinated person. These variants are less deadly and more transmissible. Your parents on the other hand (like my relatives) have immune systems that have almost no IgG3 cells (the good guys) and a ton of IgG4 cells (the tolerate ones). These new infections are usually mild but they will not be able to clear them from their bodies. Their dominate IgG4 cells will tolerate the infections rather than fighting the infections. They will not get any natural immunity either. This is why vaccinated folks get Covid multiple times. Their immune systems are damaged permanently (we think).
in december just before christmas i (not injected) got it 4 days after my mum (who has 2 injections). i got it from her... we had the same symptoms. they followed like clockwork. she spent 3 days in bed. i spent 1 day on the couch. super achey bones. a bit fluey but nothing else was severe or remarkable. but the fatigue continues, and we both got gastro yuck that is just starting to improve.
i can understand the ‘viruses are a hoax/ it’s just detoxing’, but then why did i get what my mum had just 4 days delayed from her symptoms?
if covid(viruses) doesn’t exist then what are Ralf Barik (sp?) and Daszak (EcoHealthAlliance guy) inserting HIV components into?
Igor posted something exposing this 'there are not viruses' psyop a month+ ago... it's a stitch up
It's as distracting as the damn MIHOP/LIHOP, was it a ray gun or a mini nuke arguements from 20 years ago, and just as productive in the end.
i understand the theory.
however we seem to have man made viruses.
maybe the concept of viruses was invented, and now scientists are splicing proteins to create the myth.
So, a bundle of sailors on a ship get boils, hair loss, sickness, teeth loss. They believe they are infected with some kind of evil spirit or weird disease and they keep their distance from each other. After all, it can be fatal.
Yes. They think now that Alzheimer’s is a type of scurvy of the brain........The four arteries feeding blood to the brain get plugged up and the large vitamin C molecule does not get through the blood brain barrier. Not sure if it’s just the arteries not delivering or the blood brain barrier getting encrusted with fluoride?
Great answer. The scamdemic was all about the jabs.
Is radiation sickness also not real because scurvy exists?
how does scurvy disprove viruses?
(side note, they carried barrels of sauerkraut onboard the ships and eating it prevented scurvy... i’d guess the probiotics helped with disease prevention)
I can’t find where captain cook learned of the sauerkraut , he just loaded his ship with it. 😏 it does explain the chemical reaction of the cabbage metabolizing and leaving vit C and B vitamins as a product, it’s a good probiotic.
Also fermenting the cabbage increases the vitamin c content of sauerkraut.
Dr.latusdextro above was talking about a time in the past when they thought all sorts of things were responsible for ships illness, when it was just scurvy. I read recently where Alzheimer’s was also a type of scurvy. It was just anFYI. Nothing to do with viruses.
There no Covid to be immune to. Virology is pure fake junk science.
You've obviously never had the illness, so your opinion carries almost neglible weight with those who have experienced it, and know that it differs substantially from earlier illnesses. Until you can provide a better framework for explaining the myriad things that virology does pretty well, I'll stick with the existing paradigm. (I'm willing to consider new input; just bring your evidence.)
No Sir. You bring your evidence. You show the 'virus' that you allege infected you or better you prove an infection over a physiological healing crisis precipitated by an environmental assault common to us all, or to most of us. (Hint: there are a multitude of potential environmental challenges that might result in an affliction that when also denied indicated treatment proves fatal for some. The stated WHO criteria of clinical symptoms are about as non-specific and meaningless as one can possibly get. The presence of ubiquitous fragmentary sequence doth not a disease make.
Until better explanations arise (I'm waiting!), I turn to the body of knowledge we call virology as evidence. It may not be bullet-proof (Is anything?) but it works a HELL of a lot better than the empty psycho-babble rap presented by "No-virus" trolls.
The presence of a ubiquitious pattern of symptoms indicates an identifiable contagious illness, which has yet to be explained by proponents of "Stressors" or "Toxins."
The distracting arguments here, though interesting in their own right, are NOT constructive for the purpose at hand. I'm here to assemble evidence of willful harm by trusted leaders, and to see that they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law (and maybe more). We can consider the tools they used some other time. "They" call it a virus; I'm perfectly content to hang them with that.
Yes - the hanging part is the most important!!
The evidence suggests that "virology" may be readily falsified. https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/ The harm inflicted by synthetic polynucleotide (cobbled together computer generated in silico ... nothing to do with an alleged "virus" "exosome" or "virion" ~ all potential products of induced apoptosis). To effectively inflict a terrible harm upon humanity based upon a fraudulent narrative compounds the evil. This construct has been employed before and may be summarised as, create the problem and provide the "(final) solution."
In this instance, the notion of 'contagion' is neither demonstrated or proved, but assumed, as you so ably demonstrate. A common experience does not denote contagion and the attempt at dismissing a debate on the basis of some faux-authoritarian argument appears intellectually limiting.
The view that there's no covid, no real virology & no contagion is a view fed to us by the Intelligence "community" to divide us and discredit us.
It's very much like Flat Earth-- and for the same purposes.
Then why do antivirals work if there’s no such thing as a virus?
I’m convinced (although it is only speculation) that the so called boosters were designed for these delayed type of outcomes. A delayed negative efficacy with even worse outcomes overall to disguise any immediate correlation from the jab and to continue to prolong the so called pandemic.
Why don't you guys take ivermectin for prevention? I take it since two years and haven't been sick at all. All around me got it. All masked and vaxxed. I'm traveling a lot, sit in cars with extremely coughing people. I seem to have good health like a horse;) 😉🐴
Yup - I take it every day. Horse paste is the cheapest way to go. I get it at Tractor Supply. I can buy it from India but it costs more. I am 71 and haven’t been sick in 20 years. I have for years taken Vitamin C, D3, zinc. I also exercise every day and go outside (weather permitting) everyday. I think 60% of the people in my town are overweight blobs of shit who spend most of their time eating and watching TV. They might as well die because they useless land whales who only come out of their houses to search for more food. I don’t understand how we got to this point. Fat, stupid and lazy as fuck people who line up for injections like it’s a sale if wide screen TVs?
EXCELLENT suggestion... a single "Normal" dose every two weeks seems to be enough to keep most people safe; you could take it every week if you are particularly concerned.
My mom just turned 87; plain old "Horse paste" has served her well. I got over-confident, stopped after several months, and contracted Delta after leaving my secluded residence (after long lockdowns) for a busy day of shopping and exercise at the gym.
What dosage are you taking? I'm curious.
The first few month in 2021 I took 12mg once a week. Then i upped it to 24mg. I've read somewhere that if you took it three month straight, you somehow have longer lasting protection. But the results were not really clear yet. But that's how I fare. Every two weeks i take 24mg and one extra when I'm around sick people. I also take daily vitc, d, and Amla pills.
I get my ivm online in India medicinevilla.org .
I got it send to Southeast Asia in two weeks. Relatives in Germany ordered same, but German Nazi customs cracked down on it, but lo and behold they got their money back. But that was early 2021. Hope they still have good service and didn't get to greedy.
Hope you guys beam with health.
(Check out Amla for cholesterol levels)
(Not speaking for Original Post) My family uses the "Normal" dose (12 mg for average weight), not the increased therapeutic doses prescribed by FLCCC.net.
Every week or two seems to suffice.
i understand IVM’s available over the counter in many places but not in Canada. but at this point i’ve grown fairly distrustful of pharmaceuticals.
i’ll get over the effects of being sick, and then i should have fairly robust immunity. sometimes it takes the body a while to heal and detox.
Hey, I got Covid in Jan and it was much worse than one year ago! Very similar to your experience.
My wife, same.
We are unvaxxed.
You got sick you didn’t get Covid. You know that the Bio Weapon was designed to transmit to other people right?
Don't make up bs, please.
I had covid. That's a fact. And it was not the damn flu.
How do you know? The fraud PCR test? I wonder how many people know the VAXX Bio Weapons are transmissible between people.
They tested me for covid19, the flu and strep throa