These fucking criminals need to tried by a jury of their informed victims (not their corrupt peers as and subsequently given every single mRNA vax left unused in the world divided amongst them especially Ralph and Tony and to live stream it .

At the very least they’d do it 1 by 1 so they can measure the average amount each could tolerate before arriving in hell and make some science of it . Fauci’s pension at least 15 years also needs to go to research and payouts.

Although perhaps Tony should be left in live-streamed solitary to legally get his pension or somesuch.

My best friend maimed by stroke at 23 . She’s being gaslit by doctor’s to this day .

Being unvaccinated in Canada has been so profoundly psychologically tortuous . The gaslighting, the stress and outage the coercion, the illegal violation of my constitutional rights. The poisoning of everyone I love (thankfully no deaths).

The human toll in just my very very small network has been has been immeasurable and had it been lost me believing my “lying eyes “ that reviewed the literature I don’t know I’d still be here without Substacks like yours and Malones to confirm I am not in fact insane. Because no one I know , even family, bothered to read or evaluate anything... despite me imploring them and directly appealing to the fact without someone else’s considered opinion to read literature so I could get some sort of feedback I felt like I was going insane.

I have an aggressive autoimmune disorder disorder kept on check via carnivore diet because I refused biologics and prior to the “pandemic” I was happy and pain free for a few years after half a decade of intense unmanaged pain.

The psychological duress has made it less effective unfortunately but given I fell for propaganda early on and got a flu shot and was crippled with pain for 2 weeks and how much inflammation food can cause for me I figured inducing systemic spike protein synthesis was a death sentence or injury on topic of already precarious health and all my doctors were too chicken shit to give me an exemption.

So work like yours has helped my sanity a lot and also thankfully spared my family then 4th shot .

Thank you.

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022Author

Great comment (though my thoughts on punishments are somewhat different). Pinning

PS I admire unvaccinated Canadians. It was SO much tougher for you.

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Haha thanks and thanks for letting me vent. I hope you guys don’t underestimate your positive and supportive impacts on everyone. It’s been the difference I needed.

Care to share any thoughts on justice haha? :D

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No, thank you my friend. Reading your 'venting', and Igor, and Cole, and Malone, and Berenson, and all the other heroes of this age help ME not feel alone.

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Same. It is hard though to rely on a virtual support group to maintain one’s sanity. Maybe when this is all over we should have a survivor reunion.

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Right now I just want to attend “Up Yours” parties outside appropriate homes businesses snd on the steps of failed institutions. Amongst other interesting thoughts on punishments. A girl can dream. 🤔.

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Survivor reunion is a perfect phrase! (and, a good idea).

I agree virtual has its limitations. FWIW, and I know it's not for everyone, but the insanity of the last few years, the gaslighting, the lies, etc, led me to the Orthodox Church and, at least the parish I found, is full of steadfast, red-pilled, truth-loving people of all ages.

(I originally came across it via a form letter I found online for composing a religious exemption, which quoted various Orthodox Church fathers on their fervent opposition to the jabs -- https://news.gab.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Vaccine-Exemption-Full-Military-PDF.pdf)

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Thank you for posting. I sent myself a copy.

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Amazing idea !

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A key tactic of the psychopaths is to make you feel alone, and that YOU are the crazy one. Sites like Igor's and others are a constant reminder that we are not alone at all. There are millions upon millions of sane people who have said NO and will never break.

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Yes, the serial abuse by these psychopathic monsters is legendary.

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A hundred million or so of us. Civil War II.

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im a full carnivore too, theres a supplement i use called MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) it helps the body to utilise vitamins and minerals taken with vit C. the recommended dose is 2 teaspoons a day but i went up to 6 when my health was bad, it helped a lot.

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Thanks a lot! If it helps I’ve added the infowars X-2

Nascent iodine and it dramatically improved my waking energy and sleeping within a few days.

Context I hate the taste of iodized salt so was likely deficient. Unfortunately I love but cannot tolerate much of any seafood either so I must say I was stunned with the apparent quality of the product from glass bottle to glass measuring pipette to potency but was likely legit deficient too xD

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thats great, ive been taking nascent iodine for 6 years, its good stuff. i use Detoxadine though

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Cool I’ll check that out thanks!

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Do you eat organs? If not, please do.

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i dont really like the taste of liver so i get freeze dried pills, effing expensive. but i eat plenty of kidney

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For awhile I froze good liver and cut off little squares and popped them back like a pill. It works. Don’t need much as a supplement.

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I also eat freeze dried pills. (They ARE expensive). A mix of all organs in pill form is available. Bone marrow pills are also available. Taking these maybe once or twice a week should suffice. Good luck!

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Try get getting milk fed calf and cook very low and long of possible imo it’s infinitely better albeit then same you may never like liver but poorly cooked lower quality liver is gross haha

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I tried but those big steel pipes stuck in my throat! :)

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I eat calf liver

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I can't write in print what I believe and think about the kind of justice they should face.

This is a family newsletter.

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It's always good to consider contrarian viewpoints... what if ... what they are doing... is actually in our interests?

If this is correct https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220 can you imagine the incredible pressure that is on the people who are executing that plan.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022

The peak oil alarmists have been predicting oil doom for decades, but more oil fields keep being discovered, and we have enough coal deposits to last for centuries. Wind and solar are NOT substitutes for oil and coal and never will be, but we are a very long way from being in a worldwide energy crisis. What we are in is a deliberate attempt to shut off energy to kill off several billion human beings!

We need entirely new, "disruptive" technology like practical over-unity cold fusion (like some are claiming has been achieved already), or harnessing zero point energy, etc., for long term sustainability, but all the energy shortage talk now is just propaganda to push carbon taxes and other such Globalist nonsense, like killing off all the cattle to starve people (but we don't hear a word about all the deer and gazelles and zebras and elephants and buffalo and wildebeasts, and antelope, etc., that also produce tons of harmless and perfectly natural methane). So why are they just picking on the cattle (and just wait — goats and sheep will be next—) because of the plans for mass famine/mass depopulation, and also if they succeed in putting alk the ranchers out of business, they will be closer to their goal of owning ALL the land and keeping it exclusivly for the use of the Elites . . . while us HUMAN CATTLE will be forced into our "coffin apartments" in huge urban "smart cities" and will never even be allowed out of them to visit the countryside! Don't fall for it!

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Did you know that Cassandra was right - in the end?

Shale was the last gasp ...

Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.

What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.

Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times https://archive.ph/tjl6J

Our energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told https://ourfiniteworld.com/2022/07/28/the-worlds-self-organizing-economy-can-be-expected-to-act-strangely-as-energy-supplies-deplete/

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These are one of the messages I think that need to be pushed gently but consistently at least in my experience you always find out that far more people than you would ever believe or not only familiar with these concepts but believe in them now more than ever and I have no doubt in their mind that this is a global and coordinated campaign against human sovereignty dignity and life as we know it. The fact that virtually every public health minister and politician in the world has uttered the words conspiracy theory when most have been provably involved in a criminal conspiracy that is not a theory it’s a fact pending litigation punishment and Nuremberg 2.0.

So thanks for speaking up thanks for speaking out and keep on doing so because just like the unvaccinated people awake and open to these topics were out there and it would seem to me we are a huge demographic of the unexperimented and the And also the people who know for a fact that they are a victim so just because one is vaccinated does not mean they are ignorant rather it would seem their degree of outrage and regret is an indicator of the fact that they are ignorant or not so it is important never to judge what someone has done but how they are moving forward and always treat them with respect they deserve which is to be able to handle the truth and your words should they decide to should they agree with them.

Our fellow man isn’t stupid however they are under an unprecedented assault on logic and globally orchestrated campaigns teaching people that thinking for themselves reading for themselves and considering themselves as a sovereign individual is dangerous, dehumanizing, There’s not a conspiracy theory whatsoever it is proof that whether it is intentional or not there is a growing evil in the world that Has to be addressed and shut down and cast out like the cancer that it is.

If you are not sovereign in your actions your body and your mind and your choices save save hurting someone else, You are a slave

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I don't know about several billion human beings, but I do know about executing at least a million china-virus fascists.

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Yeah you always have to and in fact being curious and legitimately wanting to know the truth and being willing to try stuff out here people out and defeat their steelmaned arguments Is the only thing in my experience that has produced legitimate growth intellectually and physically following the party line and Caro towing and doing as you’re told his produce illness misery and desperation and dependence.

I used to be followed by multiple experts ““ or specialist ““every single one of them has been gob smacked when they’ve seen my physique which is nothing incredible by any stretch of the imagination but relative to what it was under their care it’s impeccable and they all ask how I did it and I told them I weaned myself off the medication and they would not wean me off and I did not follow their dietary advice I did my own research and I experimented with my own body and I found it to be true and not only that I found that it just so happened to be the exact opposite of what they were suggesting And I was told it would be short-lived I was told I was at risk in the future for deficiencies I was told that we would come back I was told you name it years later they at least have the decency to be happy that it still works for me “” and shut up about it in fact they are now so not concerned about the carnivore diet or its impact on my health in anyway other than positive they don’t test for certain things anymore I have to ask for testing.

So it went from being tested to see if I was going to have scurvy or you name it they were all worried that you know they were letting me follow some sort of implied psychiatric eating disorder and didn’t want to be liable if under their watch they’d allowed it to go unchecked.

Now they are so comfortable with it they’re a bit negligent in their overall practice of medicine because I can only infer relative to their average patient despite my health issues I am in enormous success story which I am very thankful for but the notion that this has not produced any kind of engagement in the topic or the science of this diet beyond ceasing to worry about me personally is a little troubling because yes we are all different but we are all human if you can get someone off the amount of medication’s that I was on It really perturbs me that there’s been little interest in seeing if it works with other patients.

But of course it goes against the eating recommendations.

Many people in my family I have diverticulitis or things of that nature and funny enough to recover from attacks they follow diet similar to me for a very short period of time and then quickly go back to the “” healthy diet that the doctor recommends only to develop the same symptoms and have to again revert back to how I am eating and despite me pointing this out and saying that wouldn’t it just be better to not have to have any attacks anymore they can’t wrap their heads around the fact that the invoice they might be getting from the doctor is total bullshit and causative of their issues with regards to fiber and certain other types of Poly unsaturated poison.

And the worst part is they have n of 1 Experimental data to prove that it is the case they have in fact proven themselves with their own bodies and eating patterns that this cures their ailments and that What is at least always associated with deterioration and said improvements is reverting back to following the doctors advice.

And I don’t know what to tell them although I do point it out and I do try to be kind and I am persistent and they recognize the cognitive dissonance but they can’t wrap their head around the fact that the doctor might be wrong and might be giving out faulty information with the absolute best of intentions.

So this is not just a vaccine issue this is an issue on all fronts and doctors are being co-opted and compromised and the last thing they want to have to deal with cognitively is the fact that they may have been harming people by following guidelines that they just adopted as dogma without any kind of critical assessment for decades.

And that I can’t fully identify with but I can fully identify with the human nature of not wanting to be wrong particularly if I’ve invested time in and I can only imagine it’s further compounded if I’ve been telling other people to do so and have therefore directly impacted them.

But that kind of cowardice and intellectual unions is just not acceptable from doctors if they want to be respected and viewed as doctors.

So it’s my iPad in the large game one of the things we need to do is try and get rid of these regulatory or government guideline agencies that make these doctors Feel like they are hostage to doing medicine in anyway that deviates from these unsubstantiated bullet point guidelines pass out from the government.

And it’s always the government ones that matter the most you can bring them guidelines and protocols from independent places and they might consider them but at the end of the day if they contradict the government ones they get uncomfortable because they feel that they could be liable and anyone who might be for you to ultimately could report them for essentially malpractice and spreading of misinformation and this was before the Covid pandemic.

So these doctors need to man up and woman up and decide whether or not their doctors degree means they have the sovereignty to give a medical opinion or if they’re going to be cucked by the state.

And largely most of decided that they will be cucked by the state if need be.

Started with diet went to opioids and now it’s fraudulent vaccines So while they need protections to be able to practice without the ability of any other person to rat on them and they also need to be able to be severely punished for legitimate malpractice is provable by not guidelines government policies but the actual pure reviewed repeatedly proven science

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Canada ain't nothin... I was on the phone with a mate who lives in Hong Kong --- he's got heart damage and fortunately an exemption against more shots ... for now.

The vax passports remain in full force - you cannot enter a bar or restaurant without being jabbed minimum 3x. You must also provide a recent RAT upon entering a bar. Not sure about other public venues (e.g. gyms) but basically you have no life if you don't vax

Another mate rang me -- his wife is from Shanghai and he was filling me in on the situation there... yes - everything you see is real with respect to the lockdowns --- he also said that if you test positive for Covid even after you are cured it is a strike against you and very difficult to get a job...

During lockdowns if you are living in a compound that tests + for many covid cases the food you receive (when the food vans make it to you) is of a standard lower than people in covid lite/free compounds. As if people can control the Covid situation where they live!

China is ground zero for Hell on Earth

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Hopefully, the Chinese will rise up and tear every last communist party member apart, limb by limb. Guns are useless against a motivated mob.

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I was in Hong Kong for 10 weeks of the protests... the mob was on the loose... but they lost

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The western world based it's entire covid me-too freakout on the CCP. This has NOTHING to do with health and EVERYTHING to do with control. When will people care? Let me answer my own question - NEVER.

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Not that I don’t feel for the poor Chinese people victimized by the evil ideology enslaving them and that is encroaching upon the western world more every day , I do -perhaps now more than ever ... but at the same time it is utterly sickening to see Canada be degenerate into a captured nation where it’s “well it’s not as bad as China thankfully.” Rather it’s the notion that it’s gotten so close that’s horrifying the courts are captured every political party is captured there’s corruption at the highest degree in every institution and true to his Foley bought all of the media and of course this is a cancer in every country and in the United States as well the difference at least in my opinion and experience is that Americans thankfully still stand a chance in court more often than not be it Covid restrictions or your name in there is still capture in the courts in the US but Maybe it took too long but ultimately most things were tossed out as Unconstitutional here in Canada Trudeau openly said that he would not engage in discussions about the constitutionality of anything he was doing it because he was “busy taking care of a pandemic “in the living signatory Honorable Brian Peckford Has sued the government and to this day they’ve not been in court yet I mean our Constitution is so young that there’s someone who signed it who is still alive and he cannot get in front of a court.

If that’s the case how the hell are the peasants supposed to get representation from the courts?

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And continues to be! Today (TO-DAY!!!) my wife got some grief from the gatekeeper at my MIL’s seniors residence: “you’re unvaccinated, you have to wear a mask!” These motherf@&$ers obviously don’t bother to educate themselves.

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To this day I still cannot visit my mother in her nursing home even with a negative test

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Same for me. So infuriating that my vaxxed siblings can visit her. The nurses, who are already short staffed and overworked, begrudgingly have to get her ready for me, and bring her to the door. I have a solution….let me come in! Ridiculous rules they have.

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2 page health questionnaire when I visit a friend in a nursing home. Every time. I answer no to all and sign. Leaving the jab info request (including dates of jabs and such) on the back blank. Mask yes. But they dropped the stupid additional plastic visor. I get in. But she is somewhat ambulatory so we meet in the entrance lounge now. No mask and no interrogation papers. I don’t like being around her crabby roommate anyway.

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Execute them.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022


Can you get her out of there????

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Thankfully she is allowed to leave so I’m able to see her but the restriction is ridiculous

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The nunber one fatality of the pandemic has been REASON!

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Yet another one of those topics where you have to laugh or are you just break down and cry but I can laugh about it.

My friend joined one of the government programs here in Quebec to help out the elderly in the peak of the fear porn pandemic phase because it paid incredibly well and she always wanted to help in the healthcare industry she wanted to be a doctor but I had to poor health to be able to ever do that amount of schooling and jumped on the opportunity to get involved in that sector and ultimately she is immunocompromise herself and it was so meaningful to her to be able to be an orderly after the old folks homes scandals in Quebec that left I’m dying in droves she chose to do that despite all of the big risk factors that she herself had a very young age.

She had already recently had two blood clots as very very tiny veins and they have difficulty getting IVs into her, compromised health in general. Blatant contraindications with this treatment and every single doctor refused to write a exemption on the basis of not wanting to be held liable shit anything happened to her when she caught Covid.

She never got sick working there she was always happy but that’s where the problem came in when they started forcing the vaccine she was terrified to lose the only job they had ever made her happy and Well I struggle to hold good on the principle of informed consent and not deter her from getting the vaccine beyond that sometimes I feel I let her down because she got it and she had a stroke and for quite a long time it was unclear if she herself would end up in a home.

Since then she has not been healthy enough to work and it has been over a year.

She’s been to the ER maybe 100 times in the last two years she never tested positive for Covid until just the other week and has had I believe something like 300 tests.

I have never tested myself for Covid and he never will but I’ve also never felt like I got Covid and was constantly in contact with someone in and out of the hospitals. People avoided me like the plague including my own family because you know I was in contact with someone who is either in the hospital or had worked with the old folks.

There’s more than one level of bullshit with these tests because it’s just not possible that someone can go and get that many Open over such a large period of time and such a large volume of them in addition to being kept in a Covid ward on numerous occasions as a “” preventative measure.

And on top of that despite me imploring her to hold off until the last possible minute she didn’t and not long after she got her shot the nurses and orderlies and put so much pressure on the government by quitting going on vacation and everything they ended up dropping the mandate for that sector completely.

So the botched government response that resulted in the call to arms that she responded to ended up putting her in a position where she felt obliged to take the shot and decided based on her current happiness to do so because she wanted to serve. And that’s what it cost her her ability to serve unfortunately.

And she come home crying seeing how they treated those people and the schism in the media about all the good they were doing for the old folks and how the old folks were some of them now begging to be killed because of how miserable they were others who had rapidly gone from being slightly demented to completely brain dead.

The deaths of despair started very very early on.

Until this day I still hear people talk about all of the wonders that we did for them and I always ask them have you ever heard that from any of them or did you just hear it from the government captured media. No one has heard it firsthand from the patients not a single person anyone involved knows that they were miserable and dying and actively seeking death.

And that was the predicate for everyone else getting vaccinated the population of people who are so unhappy they were suicidal we were supposed to get the shot to contact them when they were doing everything in their power to not be protected because protection was killing them.

People need to answer for this.

And at least on a spiritual level I think that includes anyone who did not fight like hell to get in to see their relatives.

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Would love to see how long it would take the evil-doers to succumb to any number of séquelae w/ weekly “vaccines”. On the other hand, plexiglass cages filled w/ mosquitos, as torture Faux-Xi did to beagle puppies, might be better. Why not both?

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Perhaps That’s reserved for Bill Gates? Would be great to hack his gene edited mRNA mosquitoes before release to they also target only him specifically . You know he’ll want be present when they are unleashed. The look on his face when they subsequently turn on him :3.

Ralph might deserve the fleas you’re right.

Of course only the lawful jury would be deciding, but I imagine they’ll ask for public comment

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Alexander, now that I think about it, the beagle “experiment” involved fleas, not mosquitoes but again, why not both (w/ perhaps some blood sucking ticks thrown in to mirror their blood sucking of humanity?) for ALL of them, worldwide.

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In a cage, where they can only stand up halfway, with all 6 surfaces as shiny mirrors....so they can't look anywhere without seeing themselves...getting the TREATMENT

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Sounds good to me, Ryan!

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It wasn't mosquitos, it was some kind of sand fly that ate their flesh out, from inside their nasal cavities.

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We can add those to the torture of the diabolicals!

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There's not many of us, in the urban centres anyways. The official tally in my city is 95% of 12+ with at least 1 jab and I do believe it. We only know one other couple that is not vaccinated, husband is blue collar, the wife is a bureaucrat but comes from a former Eastern bloc. We're both white collar and saw the hoax for what it was... 24/7 fear mongering, obfuscating the covid hospitalization/death stats to include everyone for and with covid, running PCR tests at elevated cycles to pump up the numbers, and the real risks rates.

Most of our friends, which I would identify as liberal or left-leaning and are highly educated have and continue to buy into the MSM narrative and happily obliged to continue to roll up their sleeves as they were legitimately scared of covid. A few others got the shots because they wanted to enjoy life. Then a smaller number, mainly blue collar types that I know, got it because they were coerced and threaten with their job.

I have read many comments on here and other substacks and have always wondered what separates the vaxxed from the unvaxxed. Why does it seem like the two are living in different realities. Is it personality? Just us being contrarians? Past experience with totalitarian governments? Political orientation?

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Let's drop the PC BS .... it's not mass formation or anything of the sort ...

It's Vaxxed = Stupid

Not Vaxxed = Smart

No smart person injects a substance into their body that has not been fully tested.

I've been pressed by a few people to get the jab -- I have responded with --- I am waiting on the long term test results.

That shuts them up.

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Canadian here. Unvaccinated and will remain that way. I concur with all you said and am in the same emotional state of mind: rage at those who pushed this, promoted it, follow it and deep fear for those who succumbed under duress. My former employer fired 5 of us for not shooting up but I can find another job. Her 8 year old son just got his booster.😭

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yeah I’m staying unexperimented too . I’ve payed a high enough price already , like everyone else; and I only have more reason to fear physical injury or death and to be quite frank I’ll figuratively die submitting and being complicit in this because one of few things I have left is my principles and self respect.

I’ve been blocked by family, paraded around in public like an animal followed by a “medical chaperone “ to enter Walmart to go only to pharmacy when the Quebec government required the COVID pass to shop anywhere but grocery stores.

This is not acceptable and no one is any safer if they claim is all.

At the very least some chaperones cried when they were asked to shadow me in addition to the pharmacist seeing it . Gave me hope through the ocean of dirty looks

Stay strong

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m a Canadian expat living overseas and I send in packages of Ivor Mac tin to family and friends, we are a few but we exist. The losses we are experiencing are life-changing.

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Already watched earlier today, I take you follow Jessica Rose?

I’d love to work for the highwire or childrens health defence. Despite likely lacking qualification I can read and research and with every fiber on my being wish to help inform fellow citizens especially since

This is the beginning of the “decade of vaccines”

That coupled with how utterly captured “our “ government is by the world economic forum the worst is her to come I am afraid

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You as well. Integrity is precious. EVERYONE should watch and share this, Vera Sharav speech at Nuremberg 75th anniversary https://rumble.com/v1grs8f-vera-sharav-speech-at-nuremberg-75.html

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Video was deleted or removed for some reason. Is there a backup on odysee or other channel?

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That link doesn't work anymore.

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The link works for me. I wonder if your ISP provider is blocking it.

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I just switched to the Brave browser. It is probably blocking it. I'll try something else. Thanks!

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Video gone

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links work for me in UK

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deletedAug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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this one works now. Please copy the 1080p version to Odysee, if it is not already there.

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Childrens health defence also got removed from my subscription list what the hell

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move to proton mail

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

CHD got deplatformed just last week by Facebook and Instagram....not sure where else. I got a notification about that..they are still on other platforms like Gettr, and Rumble, Odysee etc. The censorship is brutal!

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Stay strong. I admire un vaxed Canadians so much. Beware of grocery stores next! Trudeaus next latest thing is food made out of “crickets”. Literally he approved production of cheesy nacho flavored chips made from “cricket flour”. Start checking food labels unless of course you want to Justin to force you to eat bugs next.

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Horrific. I can’t imagine. But now I can. Yes. We still have our consciences and self respect. If that’s all we have left that’s enough. 💪🏻👍🏻

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a medical chaperone? omg. i can’t even!

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Yep broadcasting my status to everyone and also broadcasting what happens if you disobey in addition to looking little an animal being walked or. Was absolutely surreal.

Im sure to some it reinforced gov propaganda that I was such a grandma killing pathogen factory I needed needed to be followed to prevent my homocidal tendencies 🙄🤣

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How does it even make any sense? If you’re covid-deadly, how come the chaperone can follow you and all your covid particles without dying a hideous covid death?

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That treatment is poison for emotional snd mental health—and they know it. Like parading the criminals. Perp walks. Evil snd insidious. Stay strong.

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Ontario rn here, 45 of us fired at our hospital, me after 25 honorable years. Refused to promote or accept this poison. Freedom is not free....

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It should be. We are going through a momentous change and we can’t be dragged along. You must have a community, it starts with a neighbour I guess, your co-workers. I have quite few people of all walks of life around me and I know 90% of vaccinated won’t boost.

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Do they just say that now because they don't have to boost? What happens when it is mandated to keep a job or go to school or shop? I bet they change their tunes and start shooting up. Humans are like that.

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Thank god for the convoy, we were really heading down that road. Not just Canada, but the other WEF-led countries like Australia and NZ. The truckers did win out in the end, although CBC and its sheep don't like to admit it, but the majority of Canadians have bought into the convoy messaging as seen by the dwindling uptake rate of the boosters.

The Ontario Provincial elections happened a couple months after the convoy was stomped on, and an early stance for the Liberal party was mandating vaccine for all students. Well, I guess the feedback was pretty bad even among their own voters that they just dropped the mandate talk, acting like it was never a thing in the first place.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

We thank all of you for your commitment to true freedom!

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I feel sorry for those who didn't have a choice but to get a jab or lose everything...

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My son in law had to or lose his job snd he has afib. 50 yo. A physical job carrying a heavy Video camera shooting MLS. I pray and worry about him. Snd almost all my family.

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Many people who got fired probably saved their lives or health...

Big payouts coming up especially for the religious exemptions...

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I don't want to belittle the experience of anyone who lost their job by refusing the clot shot, but you may well be right: in years to come, losing your job for not vaxxing may come to be the best decision you ever made.

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I hope so. Sometimes I think I made the wrong decision. But my spirit overrides that feeling and says no. I don't know why, since I'm still unemployed. But something is coming down the pike....

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Sorry to hear you're unemployed, Napoleon. That must be tough. Let's hope the bastards end up paying for what they have done. I'm self employed so didn't have a job to lose. However. I did lose some clients either because they found out my stance on the death shots or they were terrified by the MSM into cutting back on "unecessary expenses" such as my services. F 'em! I made a whole lot of new friends who share my views. There IS definitely something coming down the pike. This story has a whole lot longer to go and Fauci and the other scum shouldn't start feeling they are out of the wood yet.

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Do you live near a Toyota plant?

They hire unvaxxed willing to do hard labour...

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One of my interests is mRNA alternative splicing processes. In short, no one know what processes foreign mRNA is going through. If through alternative splicing, God help us all and not just the vaxxed...

Cancer, neurological diseases, just to mention a few...

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Poor kid.

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Shooting up - that is most apt. I will use that from now on. It is an intravenous drug, like heroine. Addictive and everyone looking for their next fix.

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It came out spontaneously and yup, it’s a keeper.

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The evil ones seem to have chosen certain countries as test beds for their evil schemes: Canada, Australia/Nz, Germany and Israel.

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deletedAug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Most restraunts did away with the vax pass when the govt finally lifter mandates. We can finally leave this commie country but when we come back we are forced into 2 weeks of quarantine while the blessed vaxxed with their outdated therapeutic are free to go about their lives.

Many mandates still in place in Ontario....most Long term care homes won't allow unvaxxed to visit inside. Only outside visits and everyone is masked. Many hospitals still not allowing unvaxxed visitors. Many businesses will only hire vaxxed. Some universities require boosters ( University of Toronto requires booster to live on campus). Many cities still require vaxxed staff so if you aren't vaxxed you must test. Most hospitals still have vax mandates and have not hired back unvaxxed yet complaining they're overwhelmed.

So the insanity continues.

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The arbitration of all hospital unions vs OHA ended on July 22. No decision yet whether firing the unvaxxed was illigal. Ignoring religious examptions will be another ballgame...

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I really hope they won that one. Yep most universities and colleges wouldn't accept any exemptions at all in Ontario.

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Thank you. Easier for me then my kids who lost work and and the ability to get the degree she wanted but I emotionally o think it’s had it’s toll. We can do everything but re$entering is with quarantine. So it’s still apartheid. If we leave it’s for good so I don’t care about that either. Anyone know about Costa Rica?

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Costa Rica a beautiful, if small country with no military. It has been discovered by Expats a long time ago, so land is quite expensive, and there are the occasional stories of people being swindled by the locals when buying real estate. Best to go there, stay for awhile, see if you like it. We stayed 3 months during Covid (Feb-April 21) and loved the freedom we felt from whatever madness existed in Canada. Whereas this summer, I've driven back and forth between US and Canada 3 times and the quarantine and testing requirements are RIDICULOUS!! Have left again-Canadians are so brainwashed!

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I’m so sorry . Is it the institution’s or across the board . The where the he’ll is the litigation in Canada .

I can’t wait tinder for Hon. Brian Peckfords case. McCullough landing vs Canadian government

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I appreciate that - It’s gotten much better, I believe I still cannot leave or enter although I’ve heard from my pharmacist friend say if you avoid Canadian flight companies you can get away with it.

No no one I know in the healthcare community knows of anyone who successfully got a religious exemption from HR or medical exemption from a a doctor. Not a single person.

Healthcare workers, nurses and orderlies were exempt by government because so many quit went on burnout.

Then Quebec government “forced” doctors to only give exemptions for, get this: myocarditis and pericarditis. So my friend with stroke with history of blood clots: no exemptions.

I no longer notice it in my daily life and most recently was finally allowed to visit my vaccine injured friend in the hospital.

Frankly I might notice it more had I more resources. But sick as it to say, it’s pretty’s good these days

Pretty pathetic but after after being dehumanized like that in public and being restricted to grocery stores I was pretty chicken shit to look for any more I couldn’t do for a while to avoid Raging

But once I was allowed to enter gyms and hospitals (to visit )again it was relieving

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My heart goes out to you.

Let's recognize the courageous business owners who fought through this. Many had businesses for 10+ years and lost everything. Their dreams, savings...everything.

I'd especially like to recognize the VERY few business owners who stood up to this intrusion on our RIGHTS and to the demonization of our fellow citizens.

I am one of them. It was the hardest thing I've had to do in my life.

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yeah amen for that and good to remind people we do forget. Or at least I had.

I’m sorry for any losses and thank you for standing up to this corporatist tyranny in that kind of capacity. Seriously, standing for for myself was bad enough I can’t imagine myself, a dream and dependents in that way.

Yeah the abandonment by people everyone, including people you’d helped or gotten along with for years perhaps personally stood up for at uniquely your own risk and helped shut bullshit down by calling it out.

It’s usually so effective but was over a year of deafening silence juxtaposed the Karens from hell and the gaslighting trying to reason with people you already know don’t know a damned thing about civic duties, the way rights work (or used to at any rate in Canada) or the virus or “vax”

Canadians in Quebec (haven’t been anywhere else recently) have been such woefully shameful chicken shits it’s been absolutely revolting

As are the totally corrupt and captured courts here . What the government did to the responsible parents via the courts . Separated Parents who were either unexperimented themselves and or wanting to keep their kids safe we’re denied custody, and/ or visitation for being a “danger” to the child. Anyone who had an ex that was vindictive human debris exploited that for not only full custody but some even as a show of show of force to also vaccinate the kids behind the recently removed parents back I think those are the most heinous examples I’ve read about in Quebec .

Sorry for your stress and loss and legitimate public service in that when the time came you stood your ground and did the right thing for you and for everyone.

Did you manage to hold on to it if you don’t mind?

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Thank you so much for your kind words. Means a lot.

I'm lucky and blessed. I've held on. I have taken some heavy loses though.

One of my businesses (my central biz) is B2B. I have over 3k other biz owners who are my clients. It's utter carnage. It's a battle of receivables attrition. Trust is the currency in B2B; it's gone. Slow pay to see if someone goes down. Everyone's doing it. We all know and hate it...and for the most part don't want to screw other biz owners. But, it's come to that. Not fun. Screaming. Yelling. Swords are out.

A tsunami of BK's, defaults, property abandonment, etc., etc. is coming.

Guys/Gals who've been in biz 30+ years are going out of biz. For example; there's a guy that does customized rolled steel who's been in business for over 35 years (was handing it off to his son) that decided to close tent. He's done for good. Where do I go to get his skillset and product?, etc., etc.

Be cautious financially.

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I say a little prayer when I see your name now. I feel a good friend in you. But 🙏🏻 For all/- God knows who I mean.

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Thank you Janet. Yes there will be no shortages of prayer

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I am so happy to hear that you’ve held on I am sorry to hear that it cost you so much.

Embarrassingly I really don’t know what a lot of the shorthand stuff means I’m not business savvy at all and have not had the ability to engage with capital like that in any capacity And for good reason I didn’t deserve or earn it. Anyways I am extremely behind physically due to forementioned reasons which is fine. Be willing to clarify some of the short hand I’d be most grateful.

But given that I must say that I am looking for a job and would be curious to know what kind of places / sectors you think very likely to have people like yourself because ultimately I don’t want to work for anyone who is indifferent during this time or had buddies in the government. I Do you not want to be part of any of this tyranny in any capacity and I do not want to be working in a place where I have to speak lies on a daily basis maybe that’s too much to ask in this day and age given my position and absolute lack of clout but really what’s important for my self-respect is being able to speak the truth and perhaps more than that it’s not being forced to lie and many of the areas that I was formally looking into I just don’t see myself in my book to self respectingly Work there and obviously would like something above the job where I have no voice at all if that makes sense.

I want to work with people who survive despite all of the egregiously illegal ascientific witch hunting and help build some sort of parallel economy to decentralized this stuff. Call me as I have no formal qualifications in many /any areas However I can speak on the spot I can write I can think and I can read and I know how to research and I do not sacrifice my principles for anything and right now I am willing to work harder than ever if it’s aimed towards taking down this crap on level. Insight would be appreciated in terms of what kind of job to maybe look for anything and thank you for considering it.

Slow pay does that mean people actively try to pay as slowly as possible so that if someone goes bankrupt they can avoid paying them what they rightfully owe them? If so that’s fucking disgusting and so anti-entrepreneurial spirit at least and so far as I understand what an entrepreneur is supposed to be.

Do you have any ventures in Quebec?

(PS I am using voice to text right now which is why the grammar might be poor and the words might occasionally be slightly different than the one that should be there ha ha)

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Thank you Ryan! You are a hero!

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I rage at the churches who in my mind are complicit with the devil. Bet he’s laughing his arse off when he emptied the churches. I’m not going back. I worship my creator in nature and the joy of everyday life and engaging with people. I give thanks daily I resisted snd will until my last breath. They don’t get my money either. Some stood up but not around me.

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And let's recognize the big businesses that caved and went full Covid nazi. I hear that many of the big cinema chains are in serious trouble. Tough! You went along with this and even doubled down on the rules.

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I love this and I feel your pain. Some of my fave people in the world are so gung-ho, 4x jabbed and salivating to get another if it’s deemed “necessary”. It’s a family divided. I feel as though people all around me are on fire, without knowing they are on fire. I’m standing by with a hose in one hand and an extinguisher in the other, yet I’ve told repeatedly I’m can’t use either. I can’t even SPEAK about using them. I am not even “allowed” to yell STOP, DROP and ROLL! It’s excruciating. I too am ever so grateful for substacks. I shudder to think what the next year may bring. Thank God for substacks and my faith!

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Bravo comment here, KC.

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Absolutely no one mentions Covid in anyway around me now. Most know I’m unjabbed. Some are experiencing some issues but remain mostly silent. I have no idea now what’s going on with them but the ones who shamed and guilted me—well, they are on their own now. I speak to them but my heart isn’t in it.

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The sudden shift in Deafening silence from the vaccinated is truly tragic they will not engage in conversation now more than ever they do not wish to look at data they are scared now more than ever sung about what they may have done to themselves and their health and some even seem to think that I wish to just be there and say I told you so when I don’t care I always hoped to be wrong.

I wish they would understand that I don’t see a divide between us and that they are my fellow humans and that I love them and I don’t care what choice they made a CARROT⁴ why they made the choice how they made the choice what drove him to make the choice and the fact that that choice could be made at all it means regulators failed them government failed them doctors failed them everyone they trusted failed them and I think deep down many of them no the only people who did not fail them where the people who stood up for their right to decline and they were nowhere to be seen and some of them actively conspiring to shut them down

I had family members block me I’ve had family members openly said they would vote against my right to remain unvaccinated I’ve had family members say fuck the unvaccinated to my face because I chose not to engage in the risk and they did and therefore still receive some sort of moral high ground they speak about the “” science and cannot get their head around or recognize the fact that without a control group there by default is no fucking science so I am not as bold as Fauci to say that I will be here and the science or are the science It just speaks to the level that people have been broken by propaganda people that I know are intelligent that are well-meaning that are loving that are my flesh and blood.

And the singular thing I hold against them at this point is that if they do not stand up for themselves and the crimes committed against all of us were in more danger than ever.

I really tragic how it went from this shrieking bat shit crazy oh my god you’re going to die if you don’t get the shot what are you doing in good faith to I don’t want to talk about it it makes me very anxious as if we are two distinct groups and in some cases we are but we’re all humans the crime has been perpetrated against all of us and we need money for research and treatment for these people I can’t convince my own family that for god sake’s we need to be able to get money to research for God for god anything that might happen to you that could be prevented.

And a lot of it if not all of it I think it’s predicated on the notion that eventually this topic is going to go away when really it’s just the label of COVID-19 that will go away the fundamental aspects of this crime and this way in which they perpetrate the crimes it is just the beginning and so far it has been an overwhelming success in terms of the Ponzi scheme and manipulation of the public there is absolutely no reason to expect that this will not only continue but get worse and become more and more aggressive and those who do not come to terms with the fact that they have been actively sold to Pharma by their own governments for profit right if the vaccine is free and you have to take it the vaccine is not the product being sold it is you Citizen. And frankly I am worried that even those who are reflecting on perhaps they’re disgusting behavior now and tragic mistakes will be prone to feeling self righteous the next time the propaganda calls upon them to demonize people Yet again and even more aggressively because this time they have skeletons in their closet the same way the doctors don’t want to talk about it don’t want to admit anything and carry on as if there’s nothing to see here I figured that on a societal scale that’s what they want that’s why they’re allowing the topic to go away so quickly and these discussions have to be had.

There is no justice we can only be assured that there will be more crime and it will be bolder and more dangerous than ever next time

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We are in very strange times. I believe Satan controls corrupt humans. Dividing us is the first step. When I figured out for myself this whole thing is satans plan it began to make horrifying since.

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Well I don’t know about Satan in terms of metaphysical I am agnostic but honestly every day I begin to believe in the concept of God more and more but in terms of a metaphor absolutely because if the season is the fall short of the target our society as a whole most certainly has and the Diabolical forces targeting a digital caste neo-feudalistic system have Most certainly hit the mark for now

I must say though that I’ve been guilty of being extremely bigoted towards religious people and it is something that I am deeply ashamed of and took me far too long to recognize I don’t know when I don’t know who it was but I do know that at a young age I was somehow convinced that religious people were incongruent with science were backwards and on some level were a danger to society and that ultimately their ability to put us in danger would and should be snuffed out and I shamefully was fully on board with that notion a discriminatory view that I have never held against any other group in my life and is not in my nature by any means I am not a progressive activist but I am tolerant and I listen and now thankfully to be religious as well but there is something in the education system something somewhere that taught me to be this way because I never heard it at home and in fact my grandparents were deeply religious and my parents simply left it up to me they were not engaged they are not bigoted people.

Somewhere I was being taught that targeting these groups for the betterment of society was a good thing and it led to being open communist To the point of having put it in my Facebook profile as political party.

Thankfully by the time Covid rolled around I had Ferreted out that Absolutely unacceptable worldview and felt for the people who could not attend church and found myself advocating on behalf of their right to be able to choose what they seem to be an acceptable risk or not and what is valuable or not and that if they all want to pray together and are willing and voluntarily going to these places the state and everyone else should fuck the hell off.

And the Canadian government which hunted these people so did provincial governments the treatment of the religious people particularly pastors and leaders who tried to fight it has been absolutely disgusting in Canada and Absolutely consistent with communist behavior in the past leading up to coups 

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I’ve been continuously shocked by how this has all gone down in Canada. Of ALL places. I don’t get it. I can imagine how awful this has been for you.

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Trudeau is WEF.

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Castrudeau was admitted to the cult back in 2005...

Clown Schwab's cultists in Canadastan:

InitiationYear *****FirstName,LastName *****Cult Title *****Sex *****PoliticalAffiliation *****OccupationPosition

2006 *****Mack,Gill *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****United Nations Department of Political Affairs *****CEO

2009 *****John W.,McArthur *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****UN Foundation *****Senior Fellow

2012 *****Tim,Wu *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****The Biden White House ofice (2020?) *****Senior Advisor

2013 *****Ren‚e Maria,Tremblay *****Young Global Leaders *****F *****Supreme Court of Canada *****Senior Counsel

2005 *****Justin,Trudeau *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****Prime Minister of Canada (2015?) *****Politician

2005 *****Scott ,Brison *****Young Global Leaders ***** *****President of the Treasury Board (2015?2019); MP 2000?2019 *****Politician

2005 *****Scott,Brison *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****President of the Treasury Board (2015?2019) *****Vice-Chair, Investment & Corporate Banking

1994 *****Jean,Charest *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****M *****Premier of Quebec (2003?2012) *****Lawyer

2014 *****Dominique,Anglade *****Young Global Leaders *****F *****Party Leader and Leader of the OppositioN (2020?) *****Politician

2017 *****Terry,Beech *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance (2021?) *****Politician

1995 *****Hartley T.,Richardson *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****M *****Officer of the Order of Canada *****Chairman

1993 *****Bernard,Valcourt *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****M *****MP for Madawaska?Restigouche *****Lawyer and politician

9999 *****Christian,Paradis *****Unknown *****M *****MP for M‚gantic?L'rable (2006?2015) *****Director

2018 *****Jagmeet,Singh *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****MP for Burnaby South (2019?); Leader of New Democratic Party of Canada (2017?); *****Lawyer and politician

2019 *****Andrew,Scheer *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****MP and Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Communities (2020?) *****Politician

2022 *****Sean,Fraser *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****Ministrer of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Citizenship and Immigration (2021?) *****Politician

2010 *****Kellie,Leitch *****Young Global Leaders *****F *****Minister of Labour (2013?2015) *****Surgeon and politician; Chair

2009 *****Fran‡ois-Philippe,Champagne *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****Minister of Innovation *****Strategic Development Director and Member of Management Committee

2014 *****James,Moore *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****Minister of Industry (2013?2015) *****Chancellor

2016 *****M‚lanie,Joly *****Young Global Leaders *****F *****Minister of Foreign Affairs (2021?) *****Politician

2008 *****John R.,Baird *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****Minister of Foreign Affairs *****Politician

2020 *****Karina,Gould *****Young Global Leaders *****F *****Minister of Families, Children and Social Development (2021?) *****Politician

2012 *****Vera,Kobalia *****Young Global Leaders *****F *****Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development *****Co-Founder

2005 *****Christopher A.,Alexander *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (2013?2015); MP for Ajax?Pickering (2011?2015) *****Former diplomat and politician

2020 *****Maryam,Monsef *****Young Global Leaders *****F *****Minister for Women and Gender Equality (2017?2021) *****Politician

2009 *****George,Gosbee *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****Member of the Economic Advisory Council, Government of Canada; *****President and CEO

2016 *****Michelle,Rempel *****Young Global Leaders *****F *****Member of Parliament *****Politician

2011 *****Naheed,Nenshi *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****Mayor of Calgary (2010?2021) *****Politician

2015 *****Brian,Gallant *****Young Global Leaders *****M *****Leader of the Liberal Party *****Politician

2002 *****Belinda,Stronach *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****F *****Former MP and Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development (2005?2006) *****Chairman, CEO, President

2014 *****Alison,Loat *****Young Global Leaders *****F *****Former analyst for the Privy Council Office *****Managing Director, Sustainable Investing and Innovation

2000 *****Chrystia,Freeland *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****F *****Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance (2019?) *****Journalist and author

1994 *****Sheila,Copps *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****F *****Deputy Prime Minister (1993?1997) *****Talk show host

2014 *****Ailish,Campbell *****Young Global Leaders *****F *****Chief Trade Commissioner of Canada (2017?) *****Politician

2010 *****Elissa,Golberg *****Young Global Leaders *****F *****Assistant Deputy Minister for Strategic Policy (2017); Ambassador of Canada to Italy (2017?) *****Politician

1998 *****Craig,Kielburger *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****M ***** *****Human rights activist, Co-Founder

2001 *****Vicki A.,Saunders *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****F ***** *****CEO

2011 *****Scott,Gilmore *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Diplomat and Co-Founder

2020 *****Jason,Camm *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Curler

2011 *****Yana,Peel *****Young Global Leaders ***** ***** *****

1995 *****Roger,Gruben *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****M ***** *****Ex-President

2020 *****Michele,Romanov *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Co-Founder and President

2001 *****Barry,Appleton *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****M ***** *****Lawyer and Managing Partner

2013 *****Julie,Bedard *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Lawyers, Partner

1996 *****Kim,Samuel-Johnson *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****F ***** *****Director

1999 *****Christel,Bories *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****F ***** *****Senior-VP, President and Chief Executive

2014 *****Nolan,Watson *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Chairman, CEO and President

2018 *****Catherine,Raw *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Chief Operating Officer, North America

1999 *****Jonathan,Kolber *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****M ***** *****Chairman

1993 *****Louise T.,Blouin MacBain *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****F ***** *****Founder

2004 *****Ken,Wiwa *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Journalist, author and human rights activist

2008 *****Kirstine,Stewart *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Managing Director, Canada

2000 *****Donald A.,Mattrick *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****M ***** *****Senior VP, Interactive Entertainment Business, Entertainment and Devices Division

2013 *****Shauna,Robertson *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Founder

2009 *****Samantha,Nutt *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****MD, Founder and executive Director

2010 *****D‚sir‚e,McGraw *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Executive Director

2016 *****Cheryl,Perera *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Founder and executive Director

2019 *****Maya,Roy *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****CEO

2021 *****Jocelyn,Formsma *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Executive Director

2008 *****Kirstine,Stewart (formerly Layfield) *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Director of Programming

2012 *****George,Stroumboulopoulos *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Host

2014 *****Shahrzad,Rafati *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Founder and CEO

2006 *****Adam,Bly *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Founder and CEO

2005 *****Jennifer,Corriero *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Co-Founder and Executive Director

2007 *****Marc,Kielburger *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Co-Founder

2000 *****John,Manzoni *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****M ***** *****President and CEO

2006 *****Tyler,Br–l‚ *****Young Global Leaders ***** ***** *****Editor-in-Chief

2011 *****Dylan,Taylor *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Chairman and CEO

2019 *****Jean-Fran‡ois,Gagn‚ *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****VP

2020 *****Joelle,Faulkner *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****President and CEO

2021 *****Liam,Sobey *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Vice-President, Merchandising

1997 *****Don J.,Walker *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****M ***** *****Co Chairman

2013 *****Wael,Sawan *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Chairman

2006 *****Hubert ,de Pesquidoux *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Executive Partner

2009 *****Geoff,MacDonald *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****CEO

2006 *****Irshad,Manji *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Professor of Public Leadership

2006 *****Larry,Gaiters *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Presiding Bishop & Prelate

2006 *****Payam,Akhavan *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Professor of Law

2009 *****Susan L.,Tighe *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Associate Professor of Engineering

2019 *****Jessica,Burgner-Kahrs *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Associate Professor

2004 *****Jillian,Buriak *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Professor of Chemistry

1996 *****Daniel,Langlois *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****M ***** *****President and Founder

2009 *****Salimah Yvette,Ebrahim *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Journalist and Co-Founder

2011 *****Zoe,Keating *****Young Global Leaders *****F ***** *****Cellist and composer

2013 *****Sharmeen,Obaid Chinoy *****Young Global Leaders ***** ***** *****Documentary filmmaker

2015 *****Khaled,Al Sabawi *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Founder and CEO

2010 *****Brett,House *****Young Global Leaders *****M ***** *****Deputy Chief Economist

1993 *****Paul,Desmarais *****Global Leaders for Tomorrow *****M ***** *****Chairman and Co-CEO

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Would have been easier to list those NOT associated with the WEF

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I know.

That's why I no longer call it Canada. It's become Canadastan which is run by a satrap imposed by Clown Schwab.

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Hey, that’s what i call it too!

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The head janitor in the parliament building isn't apparently.

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I knew about Schwab's boast of how many of his disciples he had somehow managed (how exactly? what is his method? ) to inculcate into positions of influence in Canada but I am truly shocked at the numbers.

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Actually, it's not just in Canadastan.

Virtually all "liberal democracies" have been penetrated by Clown Schwab for the Great Reset scam.

There is nothing called opposition in any western country. Entire countries are run by the Clown Schwab's Cult from Germany.

In Australia, if you look at the new parliamentary bills been introduced, they are carbon copies of the WEF websites' publications. With the same punctuation and footnotes!!!

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I was in a religious cult once for 25 years—I smell cult for sure. First thing to go is your God given ability to reason. 2nd is they have all the answers to your problems. Third is your money.

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...."they have all the answers to your problems."....

That's exactly how political parties behave in Canadastan. When you're elected MP or MPA for the first time, you go through training by a party selected mentor. You're told to always tell your constituents that you have answers to their problems. Never admit that you don't know since you became the master of the universe just by being selected by 1000s of people in a county!!!

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Yeah as is Singh scheer Charest mayors of MTL Ottawa and Toronto.

The capture here is ludicrous there is literally no viable democratic solution to this triangle of treason.

It’s why we’ve suffered so much here there’s no political or judicial solution

If Charest wins conservative leadership’s the triangle of treason = guaranteed victory for the WEF I have no idea how to combat this.

Do we have Canadian grassroots groups or chapters organizing /brainstorming to hold these treasonous democidal maniacs and taking our country back

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Contact Will Dove (investigative journalist):

at https://strongandfreecanada.org/truthcast/

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 Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. (2012)


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I don't get the utter passivity either. I constantly hear that 90% of Canada is conservative and hates Trudeau and Quebec/Ottawa. The trucker movement was magnificent, but it petered out. So here we are. Am I being unfair?

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"Although perhaps Tony should be left in live-streamed solitary to legally get his pension or somesuch."

Nope; prison, with a very slippery piece of soap in the showers ... and THAT should be live-streamed.

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... or we could do a beagle experiment on him :P


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6 mirrors on all surfaces of the gimp boxes so they can't escape seeing themselves. The treatment I'll leave up to you.

I just request mirrors.

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

please try the autophagy protocol presented on the FLCCC.net website. I have a story similar to yours…Autophagy works!

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That what you meant? I eat every 24 hours but I agree fasting helps a lot thanks .

Have you tried carnivore? If autophagy helps you I’m sure carnivore is worth shot!

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I get what you’re saying about warning people and your warnings being ignored. No one asked me why I refused the jab, they just ran from me or disinvited me. My father was a world famous pathologist and expert in the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. His contribution helped inform the C19 jab development and is central to the universal flu jab being developed. My stepmom co-founded a pharmaceutical company. Both said do NOT take this jab! But none of my friends even asked about my reasons.

Like you, I’ve found fellowship through these free speech forums. I’m in the US and, as Igor says, Canadians had it way worse than Americans. Stay strong!

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WOW! I thought I had good reasons for people to back away. Yours take the cake!

Are any of them vax injured?

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I do know some who I believe are vax injured. It's obvious to me that it's very likely, but not to them. One, who had a blood clot behind one eye and is losing her vision does NOT think it's vax-related. She did have vision issues prior to this, but her doctors had never told her she would go blind before. And her vision worsened after one booster, then resolved a few months later, then got worse again following a second booster.

Another had to go to the ER following a booster but seemed okay after. Then he got Covid (not sure if he's on booster one or two), took Paxlovid, rebounded, got much worse. He still thinks the vax is wonderful and that it kept him alive through Covid. Following that he found he was not able to exercise as before due to heart palpitations, but he blames Covid rather than the vax.

I think Mark Twain was right. It is much easier to fool someone than to make them realize they've been fooled.

And when I think about how difficult it would be to admit that you might have injected something that could cause grave harm, I do understand how hard that would be.

So I greatly admire those, like Steve Kirsch, who realize they were fooled and then do something about it.

One friend who took the first booster has stopped. For her, all it took was hearing about the FDA going to court to stop the data being released to the public for 75 years. I thought that one would influence more people.

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Thanks. You too!

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I am a Canadian living in Switzerland, and my family and friends who live there all acted in the same manner...never listened to a word I had to say, especially after I did so much research on my own. You are not alone. My sanity was also saved by these writers, and their readers. I would have been lost without them.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

"You can't save all of them". Some are just unsavable, and that is their choice. It actually isn't even our job, although we very much want to help. I understand exactly what you mean, though. I was trying to give my brother useful medical information for years , like to NOT take Statin drugs and PPI inhibitors. Did he ever listen? No. Is he still taking those dangerous and useless drugs? Probably. Could they cause major health problems and shorten his life, including ruin the quality of his life because of dementia or other problems? Very easily. What can I do about it? Nothing. It is all on him, and I finally got tired of him belittling and shaming me for trying to help, so I don't speak to him any more. THAT is how you maintain your sanity! If they are so brainwashed that they believe medical professionals are gods who always have their best interests at heart, and that Big Pharma's toxic drugs are just wonderful, there is absolutely nothing you can do, and even sending them excellent books on the subject won't help, because they will figure that anything coming from you must be quackery. So write them off and just figure that they are in God's hands. And in the end it will all be okay (after they leave their bodies).

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Hey, Eileen, I think we've exchanged comments here before. I'm an expat Brit in Switzerland too (Lausanne area). I'm actually pleasantly surprised at how comparatively laid back the control freak Swiss have been about all this. Life is totally back to normal here (for the moment). I went over to France for a walking holiday and couldn't believe it. It was like March 2020 still: loads of masks, people social distancing, etc - and all this in 30°C of heat! Maybe Switz isn't such a bad place to be after all. I hope you stay strong - there are a lot of us here who are going to fight this crap till the end!

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

We have...and you are so right..I had heard that France is still Covidmanic! I have my sights set on holding SBB accountable for all of their nonsensical mask mandates (they were both illegal and harmful.) for all adults, but my focus is on children 12 and over that were forced to wear them. If SBB goes down, just think of the domino effect!!...but not sure if I am up to the challenge, or if I can garner support....I have been brave enough so far, but you are so right....I am ready to fight this crap till the end. Lovely to hear from you again! I am staying strong! Have been in contact with the CEO, Vincent Ducrot who is actually from the French speaking part of CH...I am letting him know that trouble is coming his way, in the form of lawsuits, as they are for many around the world.

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Wow, respect, Eileen! It's great to hear you are still fighting. The Amis de la Constitution is launching another referendum against the Covid measures, which our lords and masters want to continue until 2032. Here's the site (FRench and German) https://verfassungsfreunde.ch/fr/. God knows what way the Swiss would vote on it this time, but it's at least a sign that this is not going away and that a lot of the population are peed off with this. A big problem I had during the last two years was that I and most of my family had mask exemptions because of asthma. Yet many shops felt that they could ignore these and keep us out. It really infuriated me that they could be so arrogant as to take the laws into their own hands. Luckily, my wife and I (and my oldest kids) really gave them hell and got apologies from them all. The latest was Socar, who banned me in Feb. I managed to get an apology from one of their top managers who, very decently, agreed that the manager at this petrol station was completely out of order. It's very draining having to fight all the time for some basic respect, but we have to do it. Let's see what happens this winter!

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I got a mask exemption too, but not because of any medical issue...just because I really did not want to follow the orders. I never was good at blindly following authority. I found a doctor in my town that was writing them, and when he asked me what my medical issue was, I said it was mental rather than physical, and then told him that wearing a diaper over my face was a gross insult to my intelligence..he said it was the best excuse he had ever heard, and promptly wrote me one..hahaha! I have thanked him silently ever since. I never had to use it much..I think only twice because I was told that no one has the right to see it....I do recall asking one security guard to move along when he asked me...that was simply the best! Most indoor places I entered, I always made a concerted effort to whistle, and whistle loud..I have gotten really good and actually miss doing that now. Not so much fun when one cannot provoke...got exemptions for both of my adult kids too so they learned the wonderful lesson on how not to comply with nonsense. :-)

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Are you from Ontario? We have a pureblood community west of toronto if you need support and new friends:)

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sorry to hear this. I am of the belief that the Charter of rights and freedoms is a red herring. So many cases have been lost and so much case law is being established that works against our ‘rights’. P. Trudeau was a big commie. I am believing that the charter was set up to do what it is doing today which is dismantling our God-given rights and transforming them into government given rights. I’m not sure if you’re aware but the group stand4thee is having success using the Bill of Rights.

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Care to elaborate a bit please

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I know it was even worse in Canada. However, here in California, I feel we've been competing well for "most restrictive." I've been excluded from a number of places till recently and for a while it looked as though everyone here was going to be required to be vaxxed to work anywhere -- even remotely at home. That bill has been tabled due to public outcry, but it could be back.

I also felt almost completely alone and to this day, friends are "tut-tutting" over "how sad" it is that I have apparently lost my once-fine mind and fallen into conspiracy theories -- because what else could explain my continued speaking out about the dangers of the Covid vaccines?

When I pointed out that there was no good reason for the FDA to hide the Pfizer documents for 75 years if the vaccines were safe and effective, a vaccinated and boosted friend told me it was completely justified because "over a million people died, so they deserve some protection from liability, OKAY?"

Nonsensical. And this is someone who prides himself on always putting logic and reason ahead of emotion!

Another friend told me, "Yeah I see what you mean about the FDA wanting to keep it quiet. But it's worked for me and I'm going to get all the boosters coz I don't want to get Covid."

Another told me she agreed it probably was a fraud, however, she felt "safer" getting all the boosters, just in case it's not. After 4 vaxxes, she got Covid, but felt the shots protected her from losing her sense of smell and taste.

I also told her about the part in the FOIA-released Pfizer documents where out of 32 vaccinated pregnant women, 78% either had miscarriages or their babies died. She said that's probably the normal rate of miscarriages (it's around 15% normally) because most miscarriages aren't reported to anyone.

Any you know what? These are smart people who would never usually respond in such clearly illogical ways. They really are. One is a college professor. I knew them all in the pre-Covid world.

I've been crying a lot.

I also questioned whether maybe they were right and I really was insane -- but then I remembered the people I know who've been injured: two who each had a blood clot behind one eye, and one is going blind. Another who had so many blood clots in his legs that he was hospitalized for 2 weeks. And my nurse friend who loves surfing, but spent her 38th birthday in the ER with A-fib (no prior history of heart or health problems.) And I remember these Substack researchers who are today's investigative journalists.

And then I know I'm not insane, and moreover that I have a duty to keep speaking out, no matter how hard it is, and no matter that I've only been able to convince ONE person not to get another booster. But perhaps she will convince her husband. I have to hope Mattias Desmet is right and that my goal is not to convince but to temporarily wake them up and keep them from going deeper into a trance.

Did I mention I cry a lot now?

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"friends are "tut-tutting" over "how sad" it is that I have apparently lost my once-fine mind and fallen into conspiracy theories "

Yeah I had that one from someone too when I questioned Lockdowns and the jabs (this was before the jabs were available I think). The person said something like 'you're a lovely person but...' implying I was crazy now. I mean during 2020 I did get really wound up a lot because people just wouldn't wake up.

I haven't spoke to this person in ages so I don't know if they are still a Covid fanatic or not. At least my parents say they aren't taking any more jabs.

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You know what's really weird? Every one of these people used to know that pharma is corrupt and can't be trusted.

They used to be able to see basic inconsistencies, like that it doesn't make sense that small businesses had to close while all the big box stores remained open.

Suddenly a pandemic came and they were the white knights riding in to save the day. I don't get it.

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The word 'vaccine' has a hypnotic effect on people the way other drugs don't, I think. We have it drilled into us constantly that 'vaccines are good, they have saved millions of lives' that if you call something a vaccine it MUST be good. We do with other drugs to an extent, but not as much as vaccines.

Heck I used to fall for that hypnotic effect before Covid myself.

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Bless you for being so wise. As a medical laboratory technologist in BC I was terminated on October 26, 2021 as I refused to be a lab rat. Only 5% out of 10,000 medical professionals refused the experimental gene shot in my healthcare area. A sad state of affairs that people that should know better, don't! Now we have more individuals being damaged by the ingredients in a product that was NOT tested adequately. Our health care system is already on a precipice, this event just pushes us over.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

Someday they will hire you back, in desperation. Demand full back pay and damages while you are at it!!!

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" in a product that was NOT tested adequately."

Hurting people was the purpose, I am afraid...

Bless you too, Eva <3...

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»Unjabbed menace: A Twitter chronicle of hate& discrimination«

30 min meditation on the insanity of our peers. Try to forgive but never forget!


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Oh don’t you worry, I will never forget. The forgiving will only come when I see them swinging by their necks. Clearly I’m mad.

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That you have held out and continue to do so through the abject oppression in a country that has become a shocking example of the evil going on, I salute you for your strength. You are sane. You are among the sane here. I hold off an autoimmune disease by keto-carnivore. The fact TPTB are demonizing meat and animal products is transparent. They want us dead or sick—and themselves rich.

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Like the state always has the best of intentions somehow they always mean well they always tried and I’m always supposed to be understanding of the fall out of that situation should I was building cricket factories and is replacing meat the Calgary stampede with “” Cricket beef and shit like that this is gone from pissing on us and telling us that it’s raining too literally getting us to eat bugs and try and like it you know and people are still asleep some of them but they just aren’t awake to the fact that we’re not investing more money in grass fed beef Regenerative agriculture which requires ruminants that is CO2 net negative no they’re investing in food that is not proven to be sustaining is openly insulting to our dignity and humanity and just like the shots already has a large body of evidence to suggest is directly toxic.

And chitin is a big buzzword right now particularly on info wars but I can tell you firsthand just how devastatingly toxic it is to at least me as an individual because as someone who has tried Psilocybin many a time I have to make tea because otherwise the chitin present in the mushroom has nearly ended me up in the emergency room from the anaphylactic response that I had to it it is incredibly toxic and I’ve always assumed that it is me and my auto immune disorder which makes it toxic To that degree which I believe is true but I also know that no one I know I can actually tolerate it because they all either vomit or have similar symptoms just not as bad.

And this is now to be put in our food supply?

Chitin is not a buzz word My people who are unwilling to be open to new ideas chitin is a toxin to the human species.

And I have known for over a decade this to be the case but it was present in one singular mushroom that I had a way to still use it without getting sick and did so infrequently. So it was a very niche thing to be aware of.

Seeing this being implemented on a mass scale for no reason no science no nutrition nothing other than just trying to get us to go along with any and everything new these are dark days and people need to push back.

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Absolutely and I don’t mean to pat ourselves on the back but for those of us who recognize firsthand the value of meat and are simply unable to be healthy without it being the majority or entirety of our diet I have had an especially Dark shadow cast across their future and worldview that perhaps others to this day cannot see and may not see or even be in agreement with but this couldn’t be truer it couldn’t be more terrifying.

And the fact that I am having difficulty being able to afford the amount of meat that I need even just ground beef which I don’t care ground beef and tallow I’ll eat that I don’t care if it’s not exciting I really don’t care I just don’t want to be in pain and I want to be happy and I want to be functional and I want to contribute to society so if it comes down to it I really don’t care if it comes to eating pure tallow and ground beef but it’s becoming unaffordable and not only that while I used to have huge support in terms of my needs for my health given all of the inflation and rising food prices people are now talking to me about having to accept that I’m going to have to eat stuff that makes me sick and it has nothing to do with Taste or preference or anything like that some days I am so goddamn sick of eating this stuff when I’m not doing the best and I’m not cognizant enough to be grateful that I still can’t eat this but it’s deeply disturbing that it’s eroded support even in my closest net work and then I’m supposed to except that the government can just destroy the economy and arbitrarily decide that meat is not important and they’re so willing to accept that that they’re willing to try and get me to be “” reasonable and start including stuff into my diet that they know will not be helpful.

So the propaganda it’s been a really successful on that front too because apparently being able to afford the food you need to be healthy is now beyond the scope of what is reasonably expected and that’s where the thought train stops when it comes to why they’re saying that to begin with they don’t wanna talk about it

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Of course you are not the insane one! Those lining up for untested experimental genetic modification shots are the irresponsible crazy ones! They have just been gaslighting you to trick you into sacrificing yourself for the New World Order. What a bunch of crap! Be proud of yourself for being smart and being strong. In the end, they will be the ones either dead or seriously regretting their lack of discernment, and you will be among the healthy unvaxxed (and unsterilized) to carry on the human race.

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

A Message to the UNVACCINATED

Author unknown:

"Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.

Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money ... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation ... but they kept going.

Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand.

You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark."

Author unknown

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My school report cards dating back to kindergarten have all stated the same thing “does not deal well with authority figures “. This has always been presented to me as a negative. Now I view it as my greatest strength

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How can I put 10 likes on your reply?

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Easy! First you put two. Then, after a while, you say that those 2 where super good but you need a new one. Then another and you get covid… Sorry, I am confused now.

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Me too...and they have been saying to me last 2,5 years they were complety sure I was the only one who doesn't anderstand this!?!

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Ask Fauci!

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OMG, I thought I was the only one! My kindergarten teacher repeatedly pinned notes to me informing my mother of my so-called aggression. Teacher said I colored too hard and broke too many crayons 🖍 and that I flatly refused “correction” by authorities. 😂 It’s all true. Jimmy Crack Corn...

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

I guess I did ok with teachers. My Mom was one. --- I've been called stubborn, bull headed, pig headed, obstinate, a bitch, a "fuck" (just the other day on a substack), and probably several others I can't recall, because I wouldn't comply with illogical orders or knuckle under to bullying. I've been forced to apologize to the people bullying me, for "bullying" them. (Standing up for myself.) --- I've had enough.

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I'm usually not openly rebellious, too much of an introvert, I guess. I just quietly do my own thing, and also like to research the heck out of everything, so right at the start in early 2021 I came across interviews with Prof. Bhakdi and Dr. Wodarg warning of the dangers of mRNA jabs which made it quite easy to decide: no poison for my family and me.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

OMG...me too! I still have all my primary school reports, and chuckle at them often..my poor teachers!...But I was also extremely curious which is probably an attribute most of the Substack writers and their readers have in spades. However, I give most of the credit to my father for my scepticism and deference to authority figures; he was an overbearing and abusive autocrat, and I was generally afraid of him for most of my life at home. I think I developed a third eye due to him which has helped me immensely to see through all the bullshit over the last 31 months....going on three years..has it been that long? We really do need some accountability to happen soon..I also learned to be incredibly patient, and knew that things will always work out for the ones who are true and good....the evil will stop, in that I trust. Thanks always Igor for your work and passion...we so appreciate your voice. Eileen

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Judith I was always told and it is on my School report at the age of 12,, by my R.I. teacher "Must not argue so much". I too have found it to be my strength!

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I was always on the edge being dismissed from my boarding school due to this exact complaint.

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Now kids like that get meth based simulant drugs for being "mentally ill"

Care to read what these drugs do to kids long term?

Hint: they cause depression, anxiety, heart disease, and worse educational outcomes


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I've come to believe that the use of these drugs on children have contributed to our epidemic of mass shootings. I would like to believe that my parents generation would have been horrified and resisted the advice to drug their children.

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The MTA NIMH long term study found use of stimulants increased arrests, delinquency and anti-social behavior by upwards of 6.5 times.

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Same! Authority doesn't have much sway with me. 😊

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Where the hell were you, then?

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It's quite the compliment, isn't it?

I feel humbled and embarrassed to accept such accolades, they cannot be deserved...I did not have to give up anything to refuse the vax.

But those who lost jobs, careers, homes, family, were ostracized, those people do deserve this praise. They are the heros of humanity.

I hope we survive the Nhilists, Warmongerers, mad scientists and Nazi era Governments, so their bravery can be applauded by many, and their sacrifices not made in vain.

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We were very lucky; I work at home, and my husband's workplace has less than 100 people. He had to deal with daily temp checks and masking and some general whining when he forgot to put on a mask. For whatever reasons, our extended families did not shun us, although the majority are vaxxed. I feel very very sorry for those who had to deal with all the unpleasantness; you are the heroes.

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What about the children? Let's never forget what happened to them. EVER!

The letter could've been better if it acknowledged the despair a lot of parents had during this insufferable nightmare.

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Oh, don't get me started on what they've done to kids.

Every time I'm out and see a child with a mask on I want to tell the adult with them that they're engaging in child abuse.

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We were at a large public event this week and I saw a mama and her two young daughters with masks. Mom and older daughter w the N95s. It was so sad to see. The younger daughter probably doesn’t even remember a time without masks. 😭😭😭

What a great setup for a lifetime of anxiety. Not to mention all the adverse physical effects on our immune systems.

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They're almost certainly "lost".

I get a bile burn, up and down my GI, every time I see that.

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