
Here's an interesting article Dr Malone shared today.


Omicron in Botswana first found in traveling diplomats.

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Dec 13, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

And? What does this tell us? How does this fit with any of the purposed narratives?

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Dec 13, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

“The new virus was detected on four foreign nationals who had entered Botswana on the 7th November 2021, on a diplomatic mission,” said Botswana in a statement. The four diplomats tested positive for COVID-19 on November 11 as they were leaving, and genomic sequencing confirmed the variant on November 24."

If the "diplomats'" country wasn't named then you can bet your bottom dollar they were from China.

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

So they tested positive exiting Botswana? Were they only tested because they were leaving the country? It seems that it many developing countries, most of those tested are trailers (as they pay for testing), so they do little testing in general, they do very little testing of their own citizens.

If Botswana tests people entering the country (and they tested negative), or tested negative leaving their own country - it seems that they may have been infected in Botswana.

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

>> Why would someone do it? What do you think?

Maybe it was engineered and released intentionally, as a way to cover up that trying to vaccinate the world out of this misery is hopeless. Release a variant of the original virus to try to get more people infected quicker so they build immunity, by exposing them to a mild variant that spreads faster then the current variants that got out of hand after their first toy virus managed to escape from the lab? Or am I being too generous about the people who are destroying everything all around the world right now, and their motives?

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This is potentially a good explanation, yes, as at least it comports with facts.

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Too generous—a mild, highly infectious variant could end their business model. They will keep hyping it to get people to take the Alpha booster, then in March and again in June the Omicron boosters, then they will come up with another Variant of Commerce.

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But why the doubling down on getting the world vaccinated, as Grandpa Sniffy announced today?

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I have a suspicion this has more to do with vaccine passes than the virus. I'm in New Zealand at the coercion is tremendous. At the same time our Govt is working away behind the scenes of a Govt backed digital currency. I know it sounds conspiratorial but if everyone has a digital ID linked to a digital currency system we have instantly moved into the realms of a Chinese social credit system.

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No conspiracy. This has been the plan all along. I wrote about it last month.

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Yes and now the start of a Federal vax database. So noncompliers can be denied Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare etc.

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Totally agree.

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Accepting the argument that original covid and omicron are man made…Maybe all those who are doubling down on vaccines aren’t in the gang who created the virus. The creators realised just how far they could push them into madness and thought it was time to call the experiment off.

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That's a possibility, yes.

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m not one to really believe in giant world-wide conspiracies involving governments everywhere, so that would indeed also be my explanation. But I’m also not a big believer in the ‘intentional leak’ theory of the first variant.

Seems more likely this small group of people in the Daszak club was playing around with Corona viruses for whatever reason or purpose, and it accidentally escaped and started mutating into something worse than the original. The vaccines we have now were just a stopgap to buy time finding a solution to get the genie back into the bottle (remember how fast the genetic sequence for the spike protein was ‘found’ and shared with the vaccine makers? Almost immediately after the shit hit the fan and they couldn’t hide this virus was on the loose and going to spread everywhere).

Meanwhile they worked on engineering a new strain that they hope will outcompete all the variants going around now without too much additional deaths. That it looks a lot like the alpha variant would be because they used the same source material and methodology to create it.

Anyway like I said, could be too generous and this thing was engineered for some other purpose. Or not engineered at all. One thing I’m almost 100% convinced of is that the original virus came from a lab though, likely unintentionally but maybe even on purpose…

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These things are fun to think about, but ultimately we are in the speculation realm here and need to find some evidence backing such conclusions.

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Your comments do make a lot of sense and seem like one possible explanation. The people playing with the viruses (and it seems pretty clear that the Chinese didn't do this all by themselves, they had U.S. help as well as other virus crazy scientists) got in over their heads with this, very possibly. They fiddled around with a virus in their labs but didn't know what would happen with it if it ever got into the population. I like the genie back into the bottle analogy. I always thought a fair amount was known about viruses and virus behavior, but perhaps the overall understanding of viruses is weaker than I realized.

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They didn't tell the most voted for president in U.S. history.

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That’s pretty much the first thought I had.

My other one is that it’s last year’s South African variant that been so benign over the summer that no one noticed it and it’s now resurfacing. In the same way I read somewhere about flu never goes away, there are some people who carry it a low level infection and then it blooms again when it comes into season. I may have got that wrong but others will know more on that than me.

What happened to beta? This article is nearly a year old but could have been last week


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black hats vs white hats. Remember some good people still exist on this planet and this could be the solution. Problem is it will still kill lots of people. Black hats and white hats use unsanctioned methods. One for good and one for bad. Time will tell who did it

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We will have to see, but let's say that if this is much deadlier in the vaxxed than unvaxxed then it was probably "the one" I have very sadly been expecting since April, if this is indeed a depopulation agenda.

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Interesting. Thanks. But they kept increasing even after Nov 23 and going up exponentially?

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Nope, only that one crazy spike. Have a look at this thread, he also says that Omicron did not descend from previous VOC. https://twitter.com/NAChristakis/status/1465435907268427782?s=20

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

That guy seems determined to love the vaccines, regardless of the evidence they don't work

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THEY were waaaay too ready to pounce on Omicron, with the full weight of media and governments, on a worldwide basis, and beyond anything that even 2 years of public health sector priming should be able to deliver. Just in time for peak season and Northern Hemisphere Christmas. The fear response is legitimate from a weary public that still bitterly clings to vaxxes, masks, lockdowns, and COVID-Zero myths, but the agitprop is set to volume 11. Other authors are more shy about claiming there could easily be a cabal of actors issuing mutants on a regular basis to prop up authoritarian regimes and to keep governments off-balance. But honestly, if you think about what best serves the PLA today, it is releasing a new variant about every 90 days and letting western media do it's thing. The trick is making sure it doesn't look like it is coming from Wuhan again.

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Part of that is because scientists can do computer modeling of the spike protein binding based simply on the genetic sequence, and it looks bad regarding vaccinal and monoclonal antibodies: https://twitter.com/MichaelWorobey/status/1464325657861574659 No one wants to come out and say that since they are trying to get everyone boosted with the the obsolete strain, which they've produced billions of doses of. Also, it will likely merge with Delta and evolve towards a version which is the best of both.

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

A true conspiracy theory :) :

We have two competing superpowers which are now using very different vaccine formulations en masse on their population. What is happening is that those two populations now have two different immune responses to SARSCov2 but within each of the populations the antibodies are extremely homogeneous - identical spike formulation in our mRNA vaccines. Assume any of the two sides finds a way to formulate a virus that is blocked by the antibodies of their own people but use the adversaries' antibodies as a backdoor, that is cause ADE infections. Then will they release it and kill a substantial portion of their adversaries population? Even to hide the trace they could release a variant which is only tiny steps away from evolving in this deadly strain.

It sounds like a far fetched conspiracy but consider this: actually nobody needs to work behind the scenes to formulate the variant which is favourable for the own jabbed population but potentially deadly for the adversary. You just need to jab your population with a leaky vaccine: the virus will start circulating among the uniformly vaxxed and the natural evolutionary gradient is to become mild to the vaxxed. In doing so the virus wouldn't care to stay mild in the adversaries which have a different leaky vaccine formulation. As a bonus the thing can mutate in a Marek scenario which will make it deadly to the unvaxxed which is the elites' wet dream - they can completely control their population as they would hold the life saving vaccine. doses.

If Omicron is indeed so mild and transmissible then this is kind of an exit scenario from the above silently brewing biological warfare. Maybe a truce ... for now. I do not beleive in the truce theory because the western elites are so much freaking about omicron. If this were a truce they would silently let it spread and let everybody acquire natural immunity.

On a more realistic side: it is a gift from the nature. It came from a low vaxxed population so it has evolved naturally to become less deadly. The lineage was not picked up until now - maybe they are not sequencing often enough there so it slept through. The elites now are freaking out because the vaccines will become useless and not needed in the future if omicron manages to spread all over the place.

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Just to add that being not detected for a long time and being mild rhyme quite well: it was not detected precisely because it was so mild, and you know, people in Africa typically have larger problems and simply do not go to a doctor if they just have some very mild symptoms.

So maybe the original strain got an important mutation that made it mild but not so transmissive. It survived because being so mild, even not so transmissive, kept it from extinction: people who had it showed no symptoms and socialised a lot. So it stayed around, acquired many mutations and eventually became more infections and was finally detected and named as Omicron. And the mankind lived with it happily ever after :)

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

Dr Angelique Coetzee's story of how it even became detected always seemed kind of funny. A patient came in with something like a headache and fatigue? I wondered why this individual would be going to the doctor for something so mild! But maybe that's just it -- he was the first patient to do so even after the variant had been circulating for months.

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Black hats vs white hats. Same nefarious methods for a different outcomes. I have to believe a white hat could have done this for us, and not just a natural accident

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

"Blaming” Africa and “low vaccination rates” ->> well this CovAids variant appeared like 10 days after the media were baffled by the low cases of africa - so LOL on timing.

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

"...if it is as mild as some are saying, Omicron could be a tool to rapidly end the Covid pandemic by infecting everyone with a super mild variant within two months." If they wanted people to obtain community immunity why did they implement all their measures for?

The naivety of some very clever people puzzles me.

They will continue to release omiscams to prolong and extend their measures, and their plans.

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

It’s a way to punish South Africa for not buying enough vaccines


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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Yup. India just declined Pfizer and Moderna. Watch economic punishment might be headed their way?

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov





After the war, the top surviving German leaders were tried for Nazi Germany’s crimes. Their trial was held before an International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg, Germany. Judges from the Allied powers—Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States—presided over the hearing of 22 major Nazi criminals.

Subsequently, the United States held 12 additional trials in Nuremberg of high-level officials of the German government, military, and SS as well as medical professionals and leading industrialists. The crimes charged before the Nuremberg courts were crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes.

In all, 199 defendants were tried at Nuremberg, 161 were convicted and 37 were sentenced to death, including 12 of those tried by the IMT. The defendants generally acknowledged that the crimes they were accused of occurred but denied that they were responsible, as they were following orders from a higher authority.

After almost 140 days of proceedings, including the testimony of 85 witnesses and the submission of almost 1,500 documents, the American judges pronounced their verdict on August 20, 1947. Sixteen of the doctors were found guilty. Seven were sentenced to death. They were executed on June 2, 1948.

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Feel free to post that on popular Facebook pages including government officials -- or print and post it to doctors at clinics or to anyone who is unaware of the deadly nature of the covid vaccines

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I find it lol that they people keep mentioning that nuremberg thing for them. The N trials were implemented by govts. And here the govts are killing and suppressing people!

In fact, they are putting people on nuremberg trials with the vax and lockdown measures.

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The worry is ins214EPE -- this isn't your normal type of mutation. Not quite a smoking gun, but certainly a whiff of cordite.

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

What is a 'normal' type of mutation? Is the problem structural or due to the (unknown) predecessor?

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

Regarding Hypothesis #3, you might think it's 'unlikely', but it's been well documented that the virus continues to mutate in patients throughout infection - mutating more in prolonged infections, often related to weaker immune responses (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2021.760170/full, https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.06.03.21258228v1., https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC8072072/pdf/main.pdf, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-26602-3.pdf, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC7640888/pdf/main.pdf).

No one knows if this is what happened, But history says that it's definitely possible.

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David, thank you VERY much for posting your well reasoned and contrary opinion. I agree that the virus could stay in immunocompromised patients, But I am not so sure why it would develop so many mutations like Omicron has, that favor things that are external to living in this patient, such as infectivity.

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

I think that it's a mistake to form the question as 'why'. Why make an assumption that this is guided, that there is some plan. We like to attribute human characteristics to other organisms. Makes it easier for us to understand.

Mutations occur because the replication process is not perfect. Nothing else. Out of the millions of random mutations that have happened over the last ~24 months, some may confer characteristics that enable the virus to spread faster (such as higher viral loads, longer pre-symptomatic periods etc.), evade the immune system (such as lowering identification by antibodies), while some have the opposite effect, limiting their continued spread. When an infected person self-isolates immediately after exposure, any potential new variant will die off, regardless of any 'favor' it may generate.

When we sequence infected people, we mainly see the 'successful' variants that have spread. Who knows how many more dangerous variants have appeared? Look at Beta or Gama, they 'lost' to Delta. The initial vaccine trials showed that they were better at evading the immune response, both vaccine and infection induced (https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abh2644).

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You are right. It "could" happen that purely by chance, 50 mutations would suddenly appear that favor immune escape and infectivity, in a person who does not have immunity (so no pressure on virus living in him or her to escape the immunity in that specific body). Also by pure chance, virus living in that person would not escape to his or her contacts previously, so no track record of intermediate variants anywhere.

Similarly, I could throw a pure coin and by chance, it would be all heads. The chance of that is 1/1024. It is "possible". But both outcomes are also "unlikely". And the lab origin is, in my humble opinion, more "likely".

The lab origin raises more questions than it answers. Which lab? Who would possibly direct this development? It is not easy to create a clandestine virological lab.

This is an ongoing, developing story.

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Why not option #4. White hat creates it and sticks it in a person that is immune compromised to let that person spread it to a maximum number of people. An immune compromised person infected on purpose with a less lethal virus means they are a longer term spreader.

If I were a white hat trying to stop this, I would release an early strain, maximum spread, able to infect the vaccinated, lower death hopefully and dropped in a place with lower vaccine and controls. Remember the black hats and the white hats in the hacker world use the same methods, one for good and one for bad, but both are usually not legal.

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Sounds like the plot of multiple TV shows and bad movies...

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Here's an interesting article Dr Malone shared today.


Omicron in Botswana first found in traveling diplomats.

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How did you calculate the 50 mutations? What is your base-line?

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I'm surprised they didn't release a more deadly variant. I guess that's coming in March.

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They don't want to. Dead people are not very profitable or useful.

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Except as voters for democrats.

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

One of the substacks I'm subscribed to reported that So. Africa changed their reporting of covid cases to include antigen tests and that might be partly responsible for the rise in cases.


Down at the bottom of Chris Martenson's article there is a chart of omicron mutations and a visualization of where it fits on the sars-cov-2 family tree.


This person is one of the early experts who analyzed sars-cov-2 clues that indicated lab origin. He has some tweets about comparing to mutations in an actual, known immunocompromised patient.


There is also a lot of stuff at this twitter account, too much for me to absorb.


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Thanks, i will read those as soon as i get to my desktop

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Igor Chudov

This is the tweet that el gato malo was referring to in his article. Hard to say if it's real or a data artifact. The numbers are still climbing.


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"The motives for creating and releasing this heavily mutated strain" - and for leaving such an obvious signature. Presumably an artificial Delta+ would have been just as easy to whip up.

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Yes, it is a great question indeed. I think that it is because making a viable virus takes time. They cannot just make a new effective virus in a week.

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Perhaps. Or perhaps they just see shifting the "controversy" from wet market to lab leak to UNC patented product and back forever as an end in itself (even if the latter one is the truth).

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I read that they fed the immunocompromised patient lots of monoclonal antibodies over the months which could put pressure on the virus to mutate and recombine over time perhaps?

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Did they have these antibodies in Africa around mid-2020?

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No, but we presumably only have recent samples from the patient, not from mid-2020 i believe.

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Also i heard the virus can recombine with host DNA as another source of mutations.

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That a RNA virus can combine with DNA?

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I really don't get the claims about the virus developing in an immunocompromised patient...more specifically, an AIDS patient. If this did happen, then it means the variant is not as dangerous as prior variants...because it would kill an immunocompromised patient much faster than a person with healthy immune function. It wouldn't brew for 15 months.

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Completely agree, as an immune compromised (long term chemo effects) NP who used to treat HIV+ people.

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Mar 30, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

4 months later. There is an article on Covid Serotypes from France showing the descent of Omicron from the Wuhan Covid.

Simon-Lorriere, E, and Scwarz, O: doi.org/10.1038/s41579-022-00708-x

The Ba2 now seems to be the current panic, but overshadowed by the Ukraine war.

I see your essay from Jan.22, 2022, and the comments.

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