I am grateful to all paying members. Thank you!

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Extraordinary data out of New Zealand


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This is just MY thanks to YOUR paying subscribers. Thanks!

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For all that's wrong in the world, I blame the members of the establishment press more than any other "captured" group. The MSM doesn't write about the important science.


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All parts of Nuremberg Code were violated. All

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Wow! Any conflicts of interest? Funded by anti-vax pro-healthy heart groups by chance?

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Did you give support to these Nuremberg Code Violators? I know some "journalists" that should be tried


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This person is an obvious asshole and blocking him.

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The flu vaccines did nothing to protect you except fool

You into the next jab- the Covid one. I knew enough then to stay away. It’s your immune system! Keep it healthy the normal way of eating right, exercising and fresh air!

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It should be noted that the "Flu vaccine mandates" that started in US healthcare settings over a decade ago were the camel's nose under the tent for a compliant population... All such mandates should be abolished

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"What this study adds:

"We already know, based on cardiac damage markers in humans, that COVID vaccines cause heart damage, sometimes hidden, that is far from rare:"

You're just hyperlinking to the same abstract that is the subject of this post - which has nothing to do with "cardiac damage markers in humans" - or even in rodents.

Cardiac side effects of RNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: Hidden cardiotoxic effects of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 on ventricular myocyte function and structure


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Para 14. Postulates damage caused by an inrease in miR-155 expression as distinct from damage caused directly by immune rejection/attack per se. (If I'm reading it correctly).

The paper was first published nearly 2 yers ago....

Oh and there are lots of other nasties - as detailed in the rest of the paper.

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I'm fairly confident that big pharm knew that the mRNA genetic cell therapies coined as vaccines caused defeats in the heart cells considering they have been experimenting with mRNA genetic cell therapies for Sars-COV, MERS, etc. since around 2003 and they never successfully created an effective or safe vaccine, and many of the peer reviewed studies/experiments offered in many journals always resulted in either maiming or death of the animals for a variety of reasons, generally organ failure. In some 17 or 19 years of experimenting how could have not known? Also, note worthy because of the animals maimed or deaths in the studies from around 2003 to 2019, the FDA, NIH, and CDC would not approved human testing, the first human testing (a whole 90 days) was 2020. I think it's safe to assume we now know one of the reasons why pharm demanded no criminal and civil prosecution.

Welcome to the greatest human experimental lethal dose study in the history of mankind.

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While indeed we are in a great experiment that has anticipated hazards, our leaders decided to not collect data! Now mRNA may very well be a good tool to create anti-bioweapon defenses as needed by the DoD, their notion of collateral damage is more tolerant than ours might be for a less lethal pathogen. Despite all efforts Covid-19 was not that lethal. In fact, some people were immune against the virus from the beginning (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-022-01780-9). We have been sorely misled by apparent incompetence and we ought to know why. People we pay failed us

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Thanks for posting, Igor. I'm a retired MD and do a lot of road-biking and know a number of serious racers and ex-racers. Within a few months of the rollout I began getting first-hand reports of cyclists I knew who complained that they couldn't perform at their previous level, that their "heart was racing or beating irregularly" and so on. This study provides a possible scientific basis for why this was occurring, even it was not a full-blown myocarditis picture.

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Wonder if the scarring causes performance loss forever? Suggests many premature deaths years from now.

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Those I know have recovered more or less with retained performance after several months when they were noticeably well below normal. I would expect a bell curve result in terms of long term effects. Asymptomatic, subclinical inflammation may not cause any scarring or fibrosis which would restrict the heart's ability to fill and contract. This study found evidence of inflammation up to 180 days post vaxx. Perhaps it will end up being much longer, like years? After all, if mRNA capable of spike protein production is incorporated into the cell's DNA, it could be a lifetime. What kind of effect would that eventually have on the pump or electrical activity of the heart? Hard to say, but I would venture to say it wouldn't be good for many. It's a massive experiment with a bioweapon. Since the data isn't being collected properly we may never know the extent of the damage created by this.

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"data isn't being collected properly" - All we have are various personal researchers concerned. Those we pay seem to be ignoring evidence. Our Congress wants to bicker and not provide oversight.

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Yes, part of the plan. Quit collecting (or stop making public) the data that exposes the false narrative.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Interesting that the two vaccines had different effects. Did the study check the vaccines for contamination? We can never assume the mRNA is the full length sequences with no DNA or other impurities. Neither company seems to have cared about the quality of the finished product.

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What "side effects?" are discussed in this article?

" ... in isolated cardiomyocytes, both mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 induce specific dysfunctions that correlate pathophysiologically to cardiomyopathy."

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Their lipid nanoparticle carriers were different, which could have signalled a different type of invader to the cells, producing different response. The actual code of their mRNA was very different which could've had secondary-level regulation effects inside the cells. The volume of mRNA was different. And as you write - any amount of broken/spliced/residues genetic material in there, doing or signalling anything.

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good question, I was also wondering

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Is there anything in the discussion as to why?

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023Author

Not really - but if it is contamination related difference, it is batch-specific, and experiments would never be fully reproducible.

In other words, it could be moderna vials had contamination A, and Pfizer vials had contamination B

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Or perhaps the DNA -> RNA bioreactor manufacturing process is not all that controllable right now. Is it true that the FDA is not allowed to monitor the processes in person?

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I thinks it's worth noting that these mechanisms are not necessarily the ONLY ones involved in cardiac events. There remains the probability that spikes themselves in heeart cells in the myo/pericardium are responsible for both clotting and immune responses resulting in inflammation and tissue damage when produced by the viral mRNA on the outer walls of these same cells. And it is this latter mechansim that Big Pharma is reportedly trying to bury because they see mRNA as the future for all vaccines as they are so inexpensive to produce in bulk once the basic technology is in place. That results in enormous gross margins, especially of course, as some have reported, that the purification stage is, shall we say, less than perfect.

As always, follow the money....

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"enormous gross margins". Perhaps why patents are guarded and process secrecy inforced.

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The whole point of patent title was to prevent secrets and allow the faster spread of knowledge.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Criminal. We were the rats...not personally. But all of us were considered acceptable collateral damage. Some knew it, said “no”, and paid heavily. Many more were coerced to comply. Our friend’s 30 year old son, now suffering with worry and can’t participate as an athlete. 2 “healthy” family members died suddenly in their early 40’s, winter 21/ 22. All went for the shots and boosters. Will The People suddenly awaken en masse and with fury? Or continue to stuff their ears and minds with white noise supplied by alphabet agencies?

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Chest pain, as well as heart palpitations began in the years following my second major MS exacerbation in 2009. Thankfully, I very rarely experience either since taking Arjuna daily.

11 Health Benefits Of Terminalia Arjuna: A Remedy At The Heart Of Your Health! https://curejoy.com/content/terminalia-arjuna-bark-benefits/

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