Vaccine destroying AND preventing natural COVID immunity
Numerous Reddit posts found evidencing that
First, they told us that vaccines “stop Covid”. Then, they told us “they do not prevent infections, but they 100% prevent deaths”. Now we hear that “they do not prevent infections, but people die less often”. Could it end up, instead, as “the vaccinated will be getting and transmitting Covid repeatedly”?
The underlying assumption that we generally have is that Covid is a one-time event for any given person. The vaccine would prevent, postpone, or alleviate it, but once you had Covid, that’s it.
It almost certainly is a one time event in unvaccinated people who had Covid with symptoms, as opposed to a high-cycle-threshold PCR test without symptoms. But could it be that “Covid vax” unsets natural immunity and actively prevents proper multi-factor natural immunity from forming?
I dug up some new and original evidence in support of this possibility and will discuss other materials explaining the mechanisms of this and the concept of “original antigenic sin”. The possibility discussed here is that the vaccinated will endlessly catch Covid, needing endless vaccine shots and having endless exposure to repeated bouts of Covid.
Since I cannot survey thousands of people or have access to healthcare databases, I decided to go to the /r/COVID19Positive subreddit. In a couple of hundred of posts for the last 10 days, there is EIGHT messages (captured in seven images, one with two messages) describing breakthrough reinfections after having covid and later vaxxing, or double breakthroughs after vaccination.
I stopped looking past 10 days, but you can look farther into the past posts and find even more of the same. This is a common and recurring topic in this subreddit. I am not allowed to post in it due to my antivax views, but I still read it to get a glimpse of how Covid works for regular people.
Please note that some of these events describe two relatively close bouts of covid past-vaccination, which is nearly unheard of in the unvaxed world.
mRNA Covid “vaccines” reprogram innate immunity and artificially introduce “spike protein” in our bodies without exposing us to the whole virus. In addition to immediate harm reported in VAERS, being toxic to heart, preventing DNA damage repair and waning quickly, it seems that it also prevents forming natural immunity, or destroys existing natural immunity.
So, what is happening to those redditors?
There are two explanations for this. One is called Original Antigenic Sin. You can read this link for details. Briefly, OAS was known for decades and is a known issue with some vaccines and some viruses. Reintroduction of a similar pathogen (virus similar to the vaccine spike protein) simply produced more spike protein antibodies, that wane just as well as vaccine antibodies. This is as opposed to natural immunity, which provides lasting memory of several viral “epitopes” such as spikes, nucleocapsids, etc.
OAS theory is neat, but does not explain why people who had Covid prior to vaccination, are having it again after vaccination.
The second possibility is worse, but consistent with other observations, such as terrible colds in double jabbed, hospitals full of vaccinated people, and other reports of immune problems of vaccinated people. What it may be, is that the vaccine disables immunity entirely, so repeated Covid is not special, but that flus, colds etc could recur endlessly without acquiring proper immunity to each of these pathogens.
My other article “Do the vaxxed acquire natural immunity”, based on UK data, also raised similar issues.
It is impossible to tell which biological explanation is correct without owning a scientific institute (I am still working on it), but it is possible to raise questions and mention possible answers.
If you, the reader, have a better answer, let me know.
Also, without considering vaccinated and unvaccinated people separately, new fake CDC statistics may soon appear “proving” that there is no natural immunity to Covid, because “people catch Covid repeatedly”. But in reality it is likely that it is only the vaccinated who catch Covid repeatedly. Next time you see a study about it, consider this possibility.
User “Andreas Oehler” posted a comment that is worth incorporating here:
Hi Igor! Great research. I concur with your second hypothesis. The jabs, while helping with SARS-CoV-2 infection somewhat by eliciting mainly non-neutralizing antibodies to the S-spike protein, weaken you immune system by diverting its resources to dealing with the S-spike semi-permanent "infection" caused by the jabs. Do you know that mRNA delivered through lipid nano particles works in the jab-infected cells for 2+ months (maybe they haven't tracked it longer than 2 months), according to earlier research on lab animals, pre-Covid. The reason for high antibody titers in the blood of the jabbed is that the immune system keeps fighting the spikes that keep being produced in the "vaccinees". The titers go down eventually, after 4+ months. That's when the spike factories in vaccinees wind down. But the damage to the vaccinees is done, the immune system gets out of whack and weakened (maybe because the S-spike is very similar to HIV-1 spike? maybe that's why they chose this S-spike for their bioweapon population reduction recipe?), and the OAS effect is also there for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. SO, the only way to kick the can down the road is to jab again, lifting the non-neutralizing antibodies once again against SASR-CoV-2, but with all other detrimental consequences. There are also reports of increased development on cancers and prion disease thanks to the "stabilized in the open configuration" S-spikes.
My wife had what we now think was Chi-Com Flu in late February 2020, and I caught it from her in early March. There was no testing then, and it was just a real bad upper respiratory crud for both of us. She got a J&J jab in May 2021, and I am still an anti-jab pure blood. She is just getting over a tough bout of bronchitis, while I have not even had a case of the sniffles in a year and a half. I work in EMS, and have been repeatedly "exposed" to COVID positive and "under suspicion" patients, as well as the usual sick people in the ambulance and hospitsl ER. Nothing... zip, zero, nada. I will be finally getting my COVID anti-body test early tomorrow morning. My doctor relunctantly ordered the lab test, and hounded me to get jabbed. When he asked why I won't, I told him he won't like my reason. He insisted. I said "almost complete loss of trust in the medical community." I told him when healers become shills for big pharma ignoring their Hippocratic Oath, pseudo politicians, and policy dictating tyrants, they have lost me.
Can you agree with this?
1-The corona vaccination does not use a dead or weakened virus, but an mRNA code made by the pharmaceutical industry that instructs your DNA to build a protein. To get the protein to the cell, your immune system is partially switched off, because otherwise the spike protein would be attacked immediately. This process makes you more prone to contamination.
2-In addition, you are taught a very limited immune response from the spike protein. With new variants, it is immediately obsolete, but the body continues to repeat this reaction (original antigenic sin).
3-Your immune response after a natural infection improves many times over and continues to learn for a year, so that your immune system can also recognize variants and make them harmless.
4-From a social point of view, your sterile defense system contributes to group immunity after an infection. After a vaccine, you can never achieve sterile immunity again. You can get infected again and again. In other words: you really only take a vaccine for yourself. If you're willing to protect others and take the risk of getting sick and building good immunity, then you won't take it.
5-By becoming infected again and again, you contribute to a further evolution of the coronavirus towards more resistant variants. As a result, people who do not yet belong to a risk group will also end up in the danger zone in the future.
6-Because the vaccine works poorly and temporarily, you have to take a new injection every time to ensure that your (obsolete) antibodies are maintained. These antibodies will work less and less well and the side effects will increase with each injection.