My wife had what we now think was Chi-Com Flu in late February 2020, and I caught it from her in early March. There was no testing then, and it was just a real bad upper respiratory crud for both of us. She got a J&J jab in May 2021, and I am still an anti-jab pure blood. She is just getting over a tough bout of bronchitis, while I have not even had a case of the sniffles in a year and a half. I work in EMS, and have been repeatedly "exposed" to COVID positive and "under suspicion" patients, as well as the usual sick people in the ambulance and hospitsl ER. Nothing... zip, zero, nada. I will be finally getting my COVID anti-body test early tomorrow morning. My doctor relunctantly ordered the lab test, and hounded me to get jabbed. When he asked why I won't, I told him he won't like my reason. He insisted. I said "almost complete loss of trust in the medical community." I told him when healers become shills for big pharma ignoring their Hippocratic Oath, pseudo politicians, and policy dictating tyrants, they have lost me.
I have a fireman friend here in our busy city and he was forced to quarantine at home with his wife for two weeks when she caught covid last winter. He never got it. He's been on innumerable calls to homes with covid stricken people, but he like many of his fellows, seems to have an indestructible immune system. Only maybe 40 percent of his fire department took the vax. He's refused right along. And the government of this city so far has steered clear of ordering shots for first responders. Good thing because they'd leave us with no police, fire or EMT. Many of the first responders forced to quarantine at home after a symptomless PCR said positive. But so far they survive though PTSD has taken the lives of some though suicide. Overworked and they see the worst of the worst.
That is exactly what I think is protecting us in the fire service and EMS. The municipalities cannot afford to lose certified, qualified, and experienced personnel. There is not a huge pool of ready to go firefighters, EMTs, or paramedics, and it takes a long time to get a fresh candidate trained and operational.
Physicians, especially younger ones (a generalization), are no longer the incredibly independent professionals they once were. They now routinely allow hospitals and insurance companies to influence their medical judgments. This mentality is what leads many of them to uncritically accept anything from the CDC. Sadly, many (if not most) are unaware of the data and studies that are discussed in this forum. And, the CDC would like to keep it that way!
Sorry about your wife (the jab and the bronchitis). Anecdotally, I have heard multiple reports of the jabbed believing they have covid, but then "merely" having non-covid pneumonia, bronchitis, or other respiratory infections that last weeks. Thanks for your work in EMS! You made me laugh imagining your conversation with the doc.
Thanks for your concern for my wife. She is having a hard time shaking the lingering cough. In the back of my mind, I worry about her and possible long term serious effects. At this point, I don't believe she'll take a booster jab. She specifically got J&J because it was supposed to be "1 and done"
Maybe you've already tried Zpak for her bronchitis? At the risk of sounding like a true believer I might suggest trying horse paste/Zpak. That combo helped me beat the covid in September. Maybe it might possibly give her a boost? (A real one, not the toxshot kind).
One of the articles I read very early on in the IVM debate said that it had "broad based antiviral properties." Nowadays, since I don't trust the docs, I am going to take a dose of it any time I get sick. Very low risk and who knows what all it might do?
My guess is what I've seen from doctors I've told that I won't have it. They stare and then give a slight shake of their heads in the most condescending possible manner.
When my primary doctor asked me about the jab, I responded that I know 12 people that have recently tested positive for covid with one in the hospital on oxygen (ended up fine after 1 week in the hospital) and only 1 out of those 12 was unjabbed with 11 fully two shot jabbed. He said it's the delta variant. I shot back with well what's the point of the jab then? His tail feathers were ruffled and he said well I'm not going to argue with you. We both left it at that.
My family is also divided, though my partner and son regret the shot ever more as time passes. I feel terrible I did not stop them.
Any idea how I could appeal to the 'jabbers, vaccine administrators? It seems to me that these folks are seeing people with injury in the waiting rooms, are any of them speaking up?
'just doing what I was told' is not a good enough excuse for me, minions made the Holocaust successful for a time...have started by looking at the CDC ads for new jabbers.
1-The corona vaccination does not use a dead or weakened virus, but an mRNA code made by the pharmaceutical industry that instructs your DNA to build a protein. To get the protein to the cell, your immune system is partially switched off, because otherwise the spike protein would be attacked immediately. This process makes you more prone to contamination.
2-In addition, you are taught a very limited immune response from the spike protein. With new variants, it is immediately obsolete, but the body continues to repeat this reaction (original antigenic sin).
3-Your immune response after a natural infection improves many times over and continues to learn for a year, so that your immune system can also recognize variants and make them harmless.
4-From a social point of view, your sterile defense system contributes to group immunity after an infection. After a vaccine, you can never achieve sterile immunity again. You can get infected again and again. In other words: you really only take a vaccine for yourself. If you're willing to protect others and take the risk of getting sick and building good immunity, then you won't take it.
5-By becoming infected again and again, you contribute to a further evolution of the coronavirus towards more resistant variants. As a result, people who do not yet belong to a risk group will also end up in the danger zone in the future.
6-Because the vaccine works poorly and temporarily, you have to take a new injection every time to ensure that your (obsolete) antibodies are maintained. These antibodies will work less and less well and the side effects will increase with each injection.
5. not sure -- if the virus is already able to infect the vaccinated repeatedly (as will other viruses, in my opinion), there is no evolutionary pressure to evolve. If this is similar to HIV, then there is no ready treatment available (since this is NOT HIV).
When doctors and researchers all have the same "Covid-IV", there is not a lot of opportunity to fix this problem before the great die-off.
Again, this die-off is unlikely and something I prefer and pray would not happen.
There will be no protection against the virus entering the body and resulting in a positive test, not in the vaccinated anyway. But more important for the virus: can it enter the cell and multiply? That all depends on the succes of its spike protein. The vaccine still puts some pressure on the spike protein, due to the antibody's of the vaccinated. So where is there a advantage to gain? By mutations on exactly that spot, the spike protein. Is it a coincidence that both the very successful variants (Delta and Omicron) were able to get so popular so fast by having their mutation on the spike-protein?
This is a bit my way of reasoning, to explain the pressure. In HIV the mutations showed to be leaky-medicine driven, making the drugs less effective?
Spike protein is the least stable, most easily mutated part of the virus. Thus, the vax was doomed to failure by chasing only the low-hanging fruit. Vax-induced antibodies are the junk food of immunity.
What is the Covid-IV? Four shots? What if one has just two jabs and, perhaps, earlier natural immunity? I think I may have had Covid in Dec. 2019. Terribly sick with respiratory illness and I didn't feel well for months later. I am not particularly keen on dying because my husband coerced me into taking Fauci's little bioweapon, as you can well imagine. LOL
Also, the mRNA instructions to build the "S-spike" are far from the ones that should be used if one wished to precisely generate S-spikes. In the Pfizer jabs, every uridine residue in the mRNA is replaced with m1Ψ, which enhances immune evasion and protein production. This has consequences in that mRNA protein-building instructions become prone to errors. The proteins thus generated become a random mess. Hence the immune system goes nuts trying to deal with all this garbage at once. And this is known to promote cancers and neurological damage. Read "Incorporation of N1-Methylpseudouridine into mRNA Vaccines" (
"Consistent with this, in the initial report where m1Ψ-containing mRNA was found to drive high levels of protein production, this was attributed in part to its ability to blunt TLR3 activation"
That's why the jabbed get their immunity dropping immediately post-jab. Then end up as "unvaccinated" in the stats of Covid-19 hospitalizations and fatalities. Win some, lose some?
Will this cancer-promoting effect ever lessen? I'm a 3x survivor, 15 years, 8 years, 5 years, and all clean tests for past year. Needless to say, I'm a cancer hotbed so this is concerning. But I feel great so there's that, I guess. LOL
Hi Igor! Great research. I concur with your second hypothesis. The jabs, while helping with SARS-CoV-2 infection somewhat by eliciting mainly non-neutralizing antibodies to the S-spike protein, weaken you immune system by diverting its resources to dealing with the S-spike semi-permanent "infection" caused by the jabs. Do you know that mRNA delivered through lipid nano particles works in the jab-infected cells for 2+ months (maybe they haven't tracked it longer than 2 months), according to earlier research on lab animals, pre-Covid. The reason for high antibody titers in the blood of the jabbed is that the immune system keeps fighting the spikes that keep being produced in the "vaccinees". The titers go down eventually, after 4+ months. That's when the spike factories in vaccinees wind down. But the damage to the vaccinees is done, the immune system gets out of whack and weakened (maybe because the S-spike is very similar to HIV-1 spike? maybe that's why they chose this S-spike for their bioweapon population reduction recipe?), and the OAS effect is also there for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. SO, the only way to kick the can down the road is to jab again, lifting the non-neutralizing antibodies once again against SASR-CoV-2, but with all other detrimental consequences. There are also reports of increased development on cancers and prion disease thanks to the "stabilized in the open configuration" S-spikes. What not to like? Read my latest post, and also check This is all not an accident or criminal ignorance, quite the opposite.
Will be honoured. Although I would look for and add more references to solidly back it up, so it's not just hearsay, if published outside of the comments.
My own feeling on these issues -- such as finding out how long mRNA molecules will produce proteins in the body -- is that I cannot have a meaningful judgment about it. I feel that epidemiology is easier to understand than mRNA expression nuances.
Also, a great review on "Incorporation of N1-Methylpseudouridine into mRNA Vaccines" (, this may be a huge driver of disease, post-jab. The world population is in one giant in-vivo experiment. What could go wrong? Usually 99.9%+ of those experiments go terribly wrong, so what are the odds this time.
HOly Shi! you guys. First off, ThAnk you both, aLL above, for the fantastic, much needed information and analysis!! Totally not surprised by the newer, devastating developments. As another stated, this is aLLLLL by intended. My question now is, what can we do about it? I'm assuming there are now numerous scientists and doctors out there looking for a way out of the destructive path placed on the jabbed's immune system, or I pray and hope there are!!
I'm just SO incredibly thankful for all you brilliant folk out there, willing and able to "do what you do"!! Thank God for you!! : )
I am not aware of any "way out of the vaccine": once you get injected, the trap door is shut. It is like if the house burns down, you cannot "repair" it. Similarly for burned down immune system.
People try all sorts of things out of desperation, like borax baths, but nothing works. I am full of compassion and understanding for them and their predicament. Unfortunately I do not think that what is lost, can be rebuilt.
FLCCC recommends ivermectin for the rest of your life to blunt the S spike effects, if mRNA embedded in your DNA (long Covid is one of the conditions). The problem is you may not know without specialized medical tests whether you have elevated heart inflammation markers and alike. So take it to be on the safe side. The theory is that ivermectin molecule ideally binds to the spike and disables it.
I know several people who are fully jabbed now complaining about "feeling ill all the time" and "I never used to get ill at all". Conversely I'm unjabbed but had symptomatic Covid in September and ever since have had frequent colds and other flare ups of infections usually infrequent (cold sores). So it's either the spike doing its thing in my system, or due to working in hospitality I'm constantly bombarded by vaxxed people with dodgy immune systems as mine recovers from the beating it took having the virus.
Not severe at all really .. in bed 6-8 days with full on energy loss and body aches being the main symptoms. Sense of taste and smell went away in week 2 and still not fully back after 3 months. No fever, no lung problems … i took NAC and vitamin D at high levels throughout… melatonin / Niacin / NAC / dandelion root since …
I believe it is any vaccine that induces antibodies to just the spike protein(s). My understanding is there are are only 4 or 5 epitopes on the spike, which is easy to mutate around. In contrast, the nucleocapsid (the protein housing that encapsulates the genetic material) can contain thousands of different epitopes.
Why would it? All it says is that people can be infected and vaccinated - and still get infected (and reinfected). Really shouldn't be surprising.
But what do we know? Do we know if that happens more or less than those who don't get vaccinated after infection? Do we know the medical history of these people?
It can be dangerous to jump to conclusions.
There are people who track and investigate patients on medical forums. That data can be the basis for further research or to improve communication, but is not by itself evidence.
You are absolutely right that we should not consider these hypotheses to be ironclad conclusions, supported by best quality evidence like randomized trials. But these pieces of data do allow us to ask questions and to hypothesize. We are human and this is what humans do. In the absence of honest science, this is unfortunately the best we can do to guide our own decision making.
I mean, what is the alternative? Follow Dr Fauci and his ever changing recommendations and prnouncements?
But you have to make sure you don't think that you confuse a hypothesis with evidence.
As for changing your mind - science is constantly changing, as we do more research, get more data and learn new things. Why would you trust someone that ignores new data?
So you're saying vaccines work? Why would Investigative researchers share data with you? Having no evidence is just where the WEF mother fuckers want you to be!
This article is so worth laboring through. It came out in May of this year and it discusses the ways in which the mRNA vaccines can damage the immune system. After injection the particles collect in lymph system and get to spleen and liver, even the brain.
The spleen is especially of interest because of the crucial role it plays in the immune response. My guess is these poor guinea pigs' spleens have been damaged by the vaccines. And it's likely to be similar to living without a spleen. You can do it but you're fragile.
I too have wondered about this, particularly the nightmare that the jab undermines ones immunity and reporgramms it such that if you had natural immunity you then lose it. Certainly I have heard of cases (second hand) from colleagues of covid, jab, then worse covid again.
The jabs certainly lower one's immunity immediately after. It is well recorded that it can trigger dormant shingles. I take both as a bad sign that it is undermining immunity.
In the worst case scenario will it undermine immunity to such a degree that people are just more prone to die of any disease (like how HIV kills)?
I have no comfort in recent all cause data in the UK, see Prof Norman Fenton. I hope I am proved wrong. I also hope there remains a control group.
A friend of mine, two shots of mRNA, last one in July, got COVID confirmation last week and is quite sick at the moment at his home. He was similarly sick last year early spring, most likely also COVID because he had just visited China but was never tested. Lost his sense of smell and feet hurt for many months so it fits the picture.
How would you like to get Covid-19 more than once? All you have to do is get vaccinated before you get Covid-19. You should build “N” antibodies after a natural infection. So…… with all these vaccine failures where are the N antibodies? They’re……. not there. Indeed, as the vaccinated percentage went up the slope of that line decreased until it….. was flat. This very strongly implies that getting Covid-19 after being vaccinated, which we now know adjusted for vaccination population percentage is more-likely now if you’re vaccinated than if you’re not appears to give you zero “N” antibody protection. That is, it appears the jabs program your immune system to fight it off without building those antibodies at all.
But we know from past experience with coronaviruses that it is the “N” antibodies that are conserved across mutations and thus are critical, over time, to prevent severe outcomes. How long this disabling of “N” antibody production is sustained nobody knows, but that it appears to be entirely suppressed in people who have been vaccinated and then get infected seems to be substantiated in that data. Now we have an explanation for why, when someone who is jabbed gets hammered, they get hammered fast and hard. Oh, and here’s the even-better news: Covid may never stop “breaking through” in the jabbed. If you took the jab you may well be stuck for life with repeated infections, and while protection may well be 50%, 60% or 80% against hospitalization and death for any given single infection if you roll those dice enough times they will come up snake eyes and you’re screwed.
The only good news is that since Delta appears to escape the jabs sufficiently to infect the mutational pressure may be insufficient to continue generating more strains with even better escape potential. If you got jabbed you better hope that’s true; if its not, well…. Oops.
My layman's understanding is that common colds are caused by coronaviruses. These viruses are mutating all the time, and while a person with a healthy immune system never gets the same cold twice, new strains which defeat existing immunity tend to show up seasonally. I'm not sure how or why "SARS-CoV-2" would be different.
On the other hand, from what I understand of the S2 spike protein, I can easily imagine long-term and even irreversible damage to the immune system resulting from the mRNA shots.
Jay-sus, if this getting infected again and again - thesis is true, we are looking at a very possible human civilization collapsing, east, west, south, north...does not matter! It will be named probably something like The Great Fall, before and after!
Easily 70 percent of people in the western countries are already jabbed, also the numbers are climbing up fast elsewhere and most with mRNA vaccines. This is like in the movie "I am Legend" the News scene (Dr. Alice Krippin, "viral cure for cancer")!
There are no ways to erase Covid because it will stay in the animal reservoir, waiting for that one slip up or the resources just simply will run out to fight against it. Violent riots will end any forever lockdown yo-yoing for good. And the the fun stuff starts, starvation, violent militias, neo-tribal territorial wars, you named it.
This is not great news for us who had Covid and then got vaxxed - it's too bad Borax does not unvaxx us. Like you, I am curious about the biology of how the shots might disable already-existing immunity. How would that work?
I was actually thinking -- and I understand I am not a biologist -- if there could possibly be anything to fix broken immunity -- and I did not come up with anything.
The two articles that explain two separate mechanisms for breaking immunity are here
The highly oxidative vegetable oils that are ubiquitous in our foods, and unfortunately, are a predominate fat in many of our cellular membranes and continue their oxidative damage once ingested.
There are quite a few engineers and MD's who've been following this deadly pseudo-food product and it's deleterious effects on animal (man and beast) health.
And as many have found as soon as you eliminate it from your diet, you will feel SOME relief.
But realize that cellular turnover can be as long as years (collagen) or a matter of days. How much you have, how aggressively you work to rid yourself of it, and how much permanent damage has already been inflicted, will determine the level of improvement.
The shots are a form of HIV, hence they damage the immune systems of the jabbed. Th S-spike in the jabs was prototyped on the S-spike from HIV-1. So, having natural immunity to Covid-19 does not protect one against the damages that are caused by the jabs. Avoid injecting S-spikes or S-spike producing mRNA "vaccines" at any cost. Your life depends on that.
Sorry, the reference to Borax was a joking allusion to Igor's previous article on the wishes of the vaxxed to become unvaxxed. I do not actually think you can "undo" a vaccination.
dod's darpa: science projects to military futurists did a studt ADEPT. moderna did a "grant" on the mrna stuff in 2013. must not have been "promising".
Your scientific institute can't come soon enough. First order of business: human challenge trials. It's absurd that the current mass vaccination campaign on young, healthy people (many of whom were previously infected) is considered ethical but challenge trials on the vaccinated/previously infected are not.
While I think innate immune suppression and OAS are likely contributors. I also think what Geert Vanden Bossche has been saying about immune pressure from vaccinal antibodies is also a factor. Natural selection will undoubtedly cause the virus to mutate in ways to escape the vaccinal antibodies, with the higher percentage of the population vaccinated causing higher immune pressure for the virus to escape.
So vaccinated people who had prior infections have now been primed with vaccinal spike antibodies from a early strain of the virus that has had a year of selection pressure to escape. So now when the vaccinated get reinfected, these vaccinal antibodies will complete with the natural antibodies, which will mean they will have a reduced natural antibody response compared to the unvaccinated with natural immunity. So failing vaccinal antibodies are replacing more effective natural immunity antibodies. Boosters will only make this worse.
My wife had what we now think was Chi-Com Flu in late February 2020, and I caught it from her in early March. There was no testing then, and it was just a real bad upper respiratory crud for both of us. She got a J&J jab in May 2021, and I am still an anti-jab pure blood. She is just getting over a tough bout of bronchitis, while I have not even had a case of the sniffles in a year and a half. I work in EMS, and have been repeatedly "exposed" to COVID positive and "under suspicion" patients, as well as the usual sick people in the ambulance and hospitsl ER. Nothing... zip, zero, nada. I will be finally getting my COVID anti-body test early tomorrow morning. My doctor relunctantly ordered the lab test, and hounded me to get jabbed. When he asked why I won't, I told him he won't like my reason. He insisted. I said "almost complete loss of trust in the medical community." I told him when healers become shills for big pharma ignoring their Hippocratic Oath, pseudo politicians, and policy dictating tyrants, they have lost me.
Same here, the vaxxed having worst infections of most regular kind.
I have a fireman friend here in our busy city and he was forced to quarantine at home with his wife for two weeks when she caught covid last winter. He never got it. He's been on innumerable calls to homes with covid stricken people, but he like many of his fellows, seems to have an indestructible immune system. Only maybe 40 percent of his fire department took the vax. He's refused right along. And the government of this city so far has steered clear of ordering shots for first responders. Good thing because they'd leave us with no police, fire or EMT. Many of the first responders forced to quarantine at home after a symptomless PCR said positive. But so far they survive though PTSD has taken the lives of some though suicide. Overworked and they see the worst of the worst.
That is exactly what I think is protecting us in the fire service and EMS. The municipalities cannot afford to lose certified, qualified, and experienced personnel. There is not a huge pool of ready to go firefighters, EMTs, or paramedics, and it takes a long time to get a fresh candidate trained and operational.
Physicians, especially younger ones (a generalization), are no longer the incredibly independent professionals they once were. They now routinely allow hospitals and insurance companies to influence their medical judgments. This mentality is what leads many of them to uncritically accept anything from the CDC. Sadly, many (if not most) are unaware of the data and studies that are discussed in this forum. And, the CDC would like to keep it that way!
Sorry about your wife (the jab and the bronchitis). Anecdotally, I have heard multiple reports of the jabbed believing they have covid, but then "merely" having non-covid pneumonia, bronchitis, or other respiratory infections that last weeks. Thanks for your work in EMS! You made me laugh imagining your conversation with the doc.
Thanks for your concern for my wife. She is having a hard time shaking the lingering cough. In the back of my mind, I worry about her and possible long term serious effects. At this point, I don't believe she'll take a booster jab. She specifically got J&J because it was supposed to be "1 and done"
Maybe you've already tried Zpak for her bronchitis? At the risk of sounding like a true believer I might suggest trying horse paste/Zpak. That combo helped me beat the covid in September. Maybe it might possibly give her a boost? (A real one, not the toxshot kind).
One of the articles I read very early on in the IVM debate said that it had "broad based antiviral properties." Nowadays, since I don't trust the docs, I am going to take a dose of it any time I get sick. Very low risk and who knows what all it might do?
I have also heard ivm may be effective against vaccine syndromes. There are other therapies, too. Look around
Worked for me too!
What was his response?
He was taken aback by my comment, but he understood my position and agreed that "filthy politics" had infiltrated medicine.
Still had some morals left. 4th jab will fix that.
My guess is what I've seen from doctors I've told that I won't have it. They stare and then give a slight shake of their heads in the most condescending possible manner.
When my primary doctor asked me about the jab, I responded that I know 12 people that have recently tested positive for covid with one in the hospital on oxygen (ended up fine after 1 week in the hospital) and only 1 out of those 12 was unjabbed with 11 fully two shot jabbed. He said it's the delta variant. I shot back with well what's the point of the jab then? His tail feathers were ruffled and he said well I'm not going to argue with you. We both left it at that.
My family is also divided, though my partner and son regret the shot ever more as time passes. I feel terrible I did not stop them.
Any idea how I could appeal to the 'jabbers, vaccine administrators? It seems to me that these folks are seeing people with injury in the waiting rooms, are any of them speaking up?
'just doing what I was told' is not a good enough excuse for me, minions made the Holocaust successful for a time...have started by looking at the CDC ads for new jabbers.
thanks Glypto Dropem
Can you agree with this?
1-The corona vaccination does not use a dead or weakened virus, but an mRNA code made by the pharmaceutical industry that instructs your DNA to build a protein. To get the protein to the cell, your immune system is partially switched off, because otherwise the spike protein would be attacked immediately. This process makes you more prone to contamination.
2-In addition, you are taught a very limited immune response from the spike protein. With new variants, it is immediately obsolete, but the body continues to repeat this reaction (original antigenic sin).
3-Your immune response after a natural infection improves many times over and continues to learn for a year, so that your immune system can also recognize variants and make them harmless.
4-From a social point of view, your sterile defense system contributes to group immunity after an infection. After a vaccine, you can never achieve sterile immunity again. You can get infected again and again. In other words: you really only take a vaccine for yourself. If you're willing to protect others and take the risk of getting sick and building good immunity, then you won't take it.
5-By becoming infected again and again, you contribute to a further evolution of the coronavirus towards more resistant variants. As a result, people who do not yet belong to a risk group will also end up in the danger zone in the future.
6-Because the vaccine works poorly and temporarily, you have to take a new injection every time to ensure that your (obsolete) antibodies are maintained. These antibodies will work less and less well and the side effects will increase with each injection.
1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. yes
5. not sure -- if the virus is already able to infect the vaccinated repeatedly (as will other viruses, in my opinion), there is no evolutionary pressure to evolve. If this is similar to HIV, then there is no ready treatment available (since this is NOT HIV).
When doctors and researchers all have the same "Covid-IV", there is not a lot of opportunity to fix this problem before the great die-off.
Again, this die-off is unlikely and something I prefer and pray would not happen.
6. Yes
Thanks for the feedback.
There will be no protection against the virus entering the body and resulting in a positive test, not in the vaccinated anyway. But more important for the virus: can it enter the cell and multiply? That all depends on the succes of its spike protein. The vaccine still puts some pressure on the spike protein, due to the antibody's of the vaccinated. So where is there a advantage to gain? By mutations on exactly that spot, the spike protein. Is it a coincidence that both the very successful variants (Delta and Omicron) were able to get so popular so fast by having their mutation on the spike-protein?
This is a bit my way of reasoning, to explain the pressure. In HIV the mutations showed to be leaky-medicine driven, making the drugs less effective?
Spike protein is the least stable, most easily mutated part of the virus. Thus, the vax was doomed to failure by chasing only the low-hanging fruit. Vax-induced antibodies are the junk food of immunity.
I love the way you described it.
What is the Covid-IV? Four shots? What if one has just two jabs and, perhaps, earlier natural immunity? I think I may have had Covid in Dec. 2019. Terribly sick with respiratory illness and I didn't feel well for months later. I am not particularly keen on dying because my husband coerced me into taking Fauci's little bioweapon, as you can well imagine. LOL
Also, the mRNA instructions to build the "S-spike" are far from the ones that should be used if one wished to precisely generate S-spikes. In the Pfizer jabs, every uridine residue in the mRNA is replaced with m1Ψ, which enhances immune evasion and protein production. This has consequences in that mRNA protein-building instructions become prone to errors. The proteins thus generated become a random mess. Hence the immune system goes nuts trying to deal with all this garbage at once. And this is known to promote cancers and neurological damage. Read "Incorporation of N1-Methylpseudouridine into mRNA Vaccines" (
"Consistent with this, in the initial report where m1Ψ-containing mRNA was found to drive high levels of protein production, this was attributed in part to its ability to blunt TLR3 activation"
That's why the jabbed get their immunity dropping immediately post-jab. Then end up as "unvaccinated" in the stats of Covid-19 hospitalizations and fatalities. Win some, lose some?
Will this cancer-promoting effect ever lessen? I'm a 3x survivor, 15 years, 8 years, 5 years, and all clean tests for past year. Needless to say, I'm a cancer hotbed so this is concerning. But I feel great so there's that, I guess. LOL
Love point 4: to protect others, do NOT get the jab! Brilliant!!!
Contamination should be; to infection with SarsCov2 and other pathogens.
Hi Igor! Great research. I concur with your second hypothesis. The jabs, while helping with SARS-CoV-2 infection somewhat by eliciting mainly non-neutralizing antibodies to the S-spike protein, weaken you immune system by diverting its resources to dealing with the S-spike semi-permanent "infection" caused by the jabs. Do you know that mRNA delivered through lipid nano particles works in the jab-infected cells for 2+ months (maybe they haven't tracked it longer than 2 months), according to earlier research on lab animals, pre-Covid. The reason for high antibody titers in the blood of the jabbed is that the immune system keeps fighting the spikes that keep being produced in the "vaccinees". The titers go down eventually, after 4+ months. That's when the spike factories in vaccinees wind down. But the damage to the vaccinees is done, the immune system gets out of whack and weakened (maybe because the S-spike is very similar to HIV-1 spike? maybe that's why they chose this S-spike for their bioweapon population reduction recipe?), and the OAS effect is also there for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. SO, the only way to kick the can down the road is to jab again, lifting the non-neutralizing antibodies once again against SASR-CoV-2, but with all other detrimental consequences. There are also reports of increased development on cancers and prion disease thanks to the "stabilized in the open configuration" S-spikes. What not to like? Read my latest post, and also check This is all not an accident or criminal ignorance, quite the opposite.
This is a great reply! Do you mind if I add it to my article with credit to you, of course?
Will be honoured. Although I would look for and add more references to solidly back it up, so it's not just hearsay, if published outside of the comments.
Thanks, I added it
Found the article about mRNA factory lasting for months in mice: "Direct gene transfer into mouse muscle in vivo" (
"After injection of the DNA luciferase expression vector, luciferase activity was present in the muscle for at least 2 months"
You know that this paper is +30 years old? And refers to another mRNA system?
My own feeling on these issues -- such as finding out how long mRNA molecules will produce proteins in the body -- is that I cannot have a meaningful judgment about it. I feel that epidemiology is easier to understand than mRNA expression nuances.
So? mRNA is mRNA. If anything, the Covid vaxx mRNA will function in you even longer. How would you like that?
Read also,,
Also, a great review on "Incorporation of N1-Methylpseudouridine into mRNA Vaccines" (, this may be a huge driver of disease, post-jab. The world population is in one giant in-vivo experiment. What could go wrong? Usually 99.9%+ of those experiments go terribly wrong, so what are the odds this time.
HOly Shi! you guys. First off, ThAnk you both, aLL above, for the fantastic, much needed information and analysis!! Totally not surprised by the newer, devastating developments. As another stated, this is aLLLLL by intended. My question now is, what can we do about it? I'm assuming there are now numerous scientists and doctors out there looking for a way out of the destructive path placed on the jabbed's immune system, or I pray and hope there are!!
I'm just SO incredibly thankful for all you brilliant folk out there, willing and able to "do what you do"!! Thank God for you!! : )
I am not aware of any "way out of the vaccine": once you get injected, the trap door is shut. It is like if the house burns down, you cannot "repair" it. Similarly for burned down immune system.
People try all sorts of things out of desperation, like borax baths, but nothing works. I am full of compassion and understanding for them and their predicament. Unfortunately I do not think that what is lost, can be rebuilt.
A recommendation from none other than Geert vanden Bosche:
FLCCC recommends ivermectin for the rest of your life to blunt the S spike effects, if mRNA embedded in your DNA (long Covid is one of the conditions). The problem is you may not know without specialized medical tests whether you have elevated heart inflammation markers and alike. So take it to be on the safe side. The theory is that ivermectin molecule ideally binds to the spike and disables it.
I know several people who are fully jabbed now complaining about "feeling ill all the time" and "I never used to get ill at all". Conversely I'm unjabbed but had symptomatic Covid in September and ever since have had frequent colds and other flare ups of infections usually infrequent (cold sores). So it's either the spike doing its thing in my system, or due to working in hospitality I'm constantly bombarded by vaxxed people with dodgy immune systems as mine recovers from the beating it took having the virus.
Lysine is great for cold sores.
Was your covid severe?
My experience was this: I am unvaxxed. Had Covid a year ago. It was a mild case, stomach flu like the first day, fever 5 days.
Since then, I had two minor colds. Nothing super special happened so far.
Not severe at all really .. in bed 6-8 days with full on energy loss and body aches being the main symptoms. Sense of taste and smell went away in week 2 and still not fully back after 3 months. No fever, no lung problems … i took NAC and vitamin D at high levels throughout… melatonin / Niacin / NAC / dandelion root since …
Igor! Thank you for your great work! Quick question - do you think this issue is limited to the MRNA vaccines, or the DNA vaccines as well?
It is a good question. I do not know the answer and I do not know a way that I could arrive to the answer. Both possibilities could be entertained.
I believe it is any vaccine that induces antibodies to just the spike protein(s). My understanding is there are are only 4 or 5 epitopes on the spike, which is easy to mutate around. In contrast, the nucleocapsid (the protein housing that encapsulates the genetic material) can contain thousands of different epitopes.
I guess that to figure it out, you would first have to know what is actually happening, in the real world - not on the internet.
I don't think that posts can be considered as evidence of anything.
This is a subreddit for regular people who have Covid. I always thought that their self descriptions had evidentiary value.
Why would it? All it says is that people can be infected and vaccinated - and still get infected (and reinfected). Really shouldn't be surprising.
But what do we know? Do we know if that happens more or less than those who don't get vaccinated after infection? Do we know the medical history of these people?
It can be dangerous to jump to conclusions.
There are people who track and investigate patients on medical forums. That data can be the basis for further research or to improve communication, but is not by itself evidence.
You are absolutely right that we should not consider these hypotheses to be ironclad conclusions, supported by best quality evidence like randomized trials. But these pieces of data do allow us to ask questions and to hypothesize. We are human and this is what humans do. In the absence of honest science, this is unfortunately the best we can do to guide our own decision making.
I mean, what is the alternative? Follow Dr Fauci and his ever changing recommendations and prnouncements?
But you have to make sure you don't think that you confuse a hypothesis with evidence.
As for changing your mind - science is constantly changing, as we do more research, get more data and learn new things. Why would you trust someone that ignores new data?
So you're saying vaccines work? Why would Investigative researchers share data with you? Having no evidence is just where the WEF mother fuckers want you to be!
So having no evidence is evidence of... what?
Novavax has just been approved in the UK. It's a third type of vaccine so will be interesting to see how it goes.
It's still spike proteins shot into you. Still brewed using fetal cells. Pass.
That article discusses the risks from mRNA vaxxes but says it's quite possible the DNA ones can cause similar trouble.
This article is so worth laboring through. It came out in May of this year and it discusses the ways in which the mRNA vaccines can damage the immune system. After injection the particles collect in lymph system and get to spleen and liver, even the brain.
The spleen is especially of interest because of the crucial role it plays in the immune response. My guess is these poor guinea pigs' spleens have been damaged by the vaccines. And it's likely to be similar to living without a spleen. You can do it but you're fragile.
I read this article a while back. Do you know if the authors have updated it? I’m just curious how the data is jibing with the points they made.
I too have wondered about this, particularly the nightmare that the jab undermines ones immunity and reporgramms it such that if you had natural immunity you then lose it. Certainly I have heard of cases (second hand) from colleagues of covid, jab, then worse covid again.
The jabs certainly lower one's immunity immediately after. It is well recorded that it can trigger dormant shingles. I take both as a bad sign that it is undermining immunity.
In the worst case scenario will it undermine immunity to such a degree that people are just more prone to die of any disease (like how HIV kills)?
I have no comfort in recent all cause data in the UK, see Prof Norman Fenton. I hope I am proved wrong. I also hope there remains a control group.
A friend of mine, two shots of mRNA, last one in July, got COVID confirmation last week and is quite sick at the moment at his home. He was similarly sick last year early spring, most likely also COVID because he had just visited China but was never tested. Lost his sense of smell and feet hurt for many months so it fits the picture.
Yes, fits the picture exactly.
Great stuff and very interesting. But can we really trust the PCR test results yon round #2?
Good question. In my mind, PCR+symptoms is proof enough for me. PCR with no symptoms isn't
Igor see these articles on the same topic. Here is another. Covid may never stop “breaking through” in the jabbed. If you took the jab you may well be stuck for life with repeated infections..”
• Want To Get Covid Many Times? (Denninger)
How would you like to get Covid-19 more than once? All you have to do is get vaccinated before you get Covid-19. You should build “N” antibodies after a natural infection. So…… with all these vaccine failures where are the N antibodies? They’re……. not there. Indeed, as the vaccinated percentage went up the slope of that line decreased until it….. was flat. This very strongly implies that getting Covid-19 after being vaccinated, which we now know adjusted for vaccination population percentage is more-likely now if you’re vaccinated than if you’re not appears to give you zero “N” antibody protection. That is, it appears the jabs program your immune system to fight it off without building those antibodies at all.
But we know from past experience with coronaviruses that it is the “N” antibodies that are conserved across mutations and thus are critical, over time, to prevent severe outcomes. How long this disabling of “N” antibody production is sustained nobody knows, but that it appears to be entirely suppressed in people who have been vaccinated and then get infected seems to be substantiated in that data. Now we have an explanation for why, when someone who is jabbed gets hammered, they get hammered fast and hard. Oh, and here’s the even-better news: Covid may never stop “breaking through” in the jabbed. If you took the jab you may well be stuck for life with repeated infections, and while protection may well be 50%, 60% or 80% against hospitalization and death for any given single infection if you roll those dice enough times they will come up snake eyes and you’re screwed.
The only good news is that since Delta appears to escape the jabs sufficiently to infect the mutational pressure may be insufficient to continue generating more strains with even better escape potential. If you got jabbed you better hope that’s true; if its not, well…. Oops.
Read more …
Yes, this topic is definitely not my own invention. What I found is the reddit posts about double covid infections, which seemed to be proof enough.
My layman's understanding is that common colds are caused by coronaviruses. These viruses are mutating all the time, and while a person with a healthy immune system never gets the same cold twice, new strains which defeat existing immunity tend to show up seasonally. I'm not sure how or why "SARS-CoV-2" would be different.
On the other hand, from what I understand of the S2 spike protein, I can easily imagine long-term and even irreversible damage to the immune system resulting from the mRNA shots.
Common colds are rhinoviruses. All viruses are very creative and constantly change and rearrange. A virus is going to virus.
Most are rhino but something like 10% are corona, from my understanding.
Jay-sus, if this getting infected again and again - thesis is true, we are looking at a very possible human civilization collapsing, east, west, south, north...does not matter! It will be named probably something like The Great Fall, before and after!
Easily 70 percent of people in the western countries are already jabbed, also the numbers are climbing up fast elsewhere and most with mRNA vaccines. This is like in the movie "I am Legend" the News scene (Dr. Alice Krippin, "viral cure for cancer")!
There are no ways to erase Covid because it will stay in the animal reservoir, waiting for that one slip up or the resources just simply will run out to fight against it. Violent riots will end any forever lockdown yo-yoing for good. And the the fun stuff starts, starvation, violent militias, neo-tribal territorial wars, you named it.
This sort of thing is a possibility, with unknown chances of actually happening. We are living in interesting times.
This is not great news for us who had Covid and then got vaxxed - it's too bad Borax does not unvaxx us. Like you, I am curious about the biology of how the shots might disable already-existing immunity. How would that work?
I wrote my borax article a couple of weeks ago.
I was actually thinking -- and I understand I am not a biologist -- if there could possibly be anything to fix broken immunity -- and I did not come up with anything.
The two articles that explain two separate mechanisms for breaking immunity are here,this%20new%20class%20of%20vaccines.
Well, this is where what we eat is crucial.
The highly oxidative vegetable oils that are ubiquitous in our foods, and unfortunately, are a predominate fat in many of our cellular membranes and continue their oxidative damage once ingested.
There are quite a few engineers and MD's who've been following this deadly pseudo-food product and it's deleterious effects on animal (man and beast) health.
And as many have found as soon as you eliminate it from your diet, you will feel SOME relief.
But realize that cellular turnover can be as long as years (collagen) or a matter of days. How much you have, how aggressively you work to rid yourself of it, and how much permanent damage has already been inflicted, will determine the level of improvement.
Is this the reason I can't find Borax to use in my laundry?! 🤬
The shots are a form of HIV, hence they damage the immune systems of the jabbed. Th S-spike in the jabs was prototyped on the S-spike from HIV-1. So, having natural immunity to Covid-19 does not protect one against the damages that are caused by the jabs. Avoid injecting S-spikes or S-spike producing mRNA "vaccines" at any cost. Your life depends on that.
'a form of HIV'? What are you talking about? Where did you get that from?
Many sources. E.g., the most recent:
It wouldn't, that's not the way the immune system works.
BTW - why would Borax only 'unvaxx' you for this virus? If it did what people wrote, wouldn't it actually 'unvaxx' you to all organisms?
Sorry, the reference to Borax was a joking allusion to Igor's previous article on the wishes of the vaxxed to become unvaxxed. I do not actually think you can "undo" a vaccination.
dod's darpa: science projects to military futurists did a studt ADEPT. moderna did a "grant" on the mrna stuff in 2013. must not have been "promising".
cannot find much more on google about this.
some of the more "harsh colds" could antigen dependent enhancement (ade)
Your scientific institute can't come soon enough. First order of business: human challenge trials. It's absurd that the current mass vaccination campaign on young, healthy people (many of whom were previously infected) is considered ethical but challenge trials on the vaccinated/previously infected are not.
While I think innate immune suppression and OAS are likely contributors. I also think what Geert Vanden Bossche has been saying about immune pressure from vaccinal antibodies is also a factor. Natural selection will undoubtedly cause the virus to mutate in ways to escape the vaccinal antibodies, with the higher percentage of the population vaccinated causing higher immune pressure for the virus to escape.
So vaccinated people who had prior infections have now been primed with vaccinal spike antibodies from a early strain of the virus that has had a year of selection pressure to escape. So now when the vaccinated get reinfected, these vaccinal antibodies will complete with the natural antibodies, which will mean they will have a reduced natural antibody response compared to the unvaccinated with natural immunity. So failing vaccinal antibodies are replacing more effective natural immunity antibodies. Boosters will only make this worse.
I believe that is, as Igor posted above, what is called Original Antigenic Sin.