Also in moderna study, after that high hospitalization ratio-unrelated might be related after all, maybe kid was agitated with sore throat caused by its vaids induced condition and shove something in the throat in toddler-attempt of relief, you never know! Same goes with egg allergy, was it new or old, if old is it always so intense to take kid to hospital? We will never know bc study data is not shared transparently!

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If HMOs cared, they should be able to easily parse their internal data for children "vaccinated" versus left "unvaccinated" or "unknown" in their database, and while not an RCT (and thus somewhat confounded), it should paint a strong picture one way or the other. Also, for the 6 month-4 year cohort, I'm guessing no one was vaccinated out of network, so there should be good data.

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"they trusted the wrong people"

I am sorry but these are the same people, mostly, who were trying to coerce or force a shot on others. The people I am sympathetic to are the people who had to jab for a job, kid going to school, etc. These people were willing, and with their kids, to drink the Kool-Aid. The next group to be sympathtic are the ones to reconize the danger after they got it and refuse any more boosters (which is probably the majority of the country now).

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Does Pharma or any FDA in any country ever compare apples to apples in studies or do they always adjust the parameters to make things look rosy, safe and effective?

Is this deception done purposely or is it the standard they always use?

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What I found interesting, was "We didn't test it." They didn't test it before they injected an experimental drug into adults and children. All of this for a disease that didn't effect children/teenagers/and adults under the age of 45.

In my opinion, the fact that they didn't run extensive tests before injecting people violates the Nuremburg code, and all these pharma corps, Drug agencies, and governments should be tried for violating that code.

Just because you have a mystery bug doesn't mean that you rush to inject the world.

You don't lock down whole societies, while letting political groups protest.

You quarantine the sick and let those not sick go about their lives.

You do not lock them down for two years, like prisoners.

That also violated basic human rights.

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Big, but I do think it's strategically unwise to call it "VAIDS", as it makes it sound like the vaccine is causing the specific disease AIDS, which the evil overlords with their odious "fact checks," can dismiss as untrue, which would be technically true even though the experimental gene therapy mislabeled a vax is compromising children's immune systems which is vile and evil. We have to be scrupulously careful and precise with our language if we want to defeat these demons in human form. Shoddy wording for clicks isn't helpful.

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We can call it anything we want - but the fact is a big across-the-board immune decline, to which I want to attract attention, so I call it with the term that antivaxxers invented to describe such a decline.

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I am not saying that's not happening, I'm saying be damn careful with words unless you want to do more harm than good.

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What do you call it, when the pharma corps said that they used AIDS genes in producing it? VAIDS sounds right to me.

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Dude, we are fighting monsters here with a lot of resources to burn, own goals that can be use in their anti "misinformation" campaigns are beyond stupid. If we don't tighten up our game we haven't got a chance.

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Agreed. However, I don't talk about the clotshots for the clicks. I honestly try to pass along information, or try to explain what I've heard and read.

AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It's when the immune system shuts down completely and leaves the person susceptible to the common cold and usually harmless bacteria.

If the mRNA gene therapy is mimicking AIDS, what else would you call it? It does seem to be suppressing the immune system and killing people.

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Great article. Don’t wait to learn about fenbendazole for cancer. In Remission, In Danger. Since traditional chemotherapy can spawn cancer stem cells it is especially important to self-treat with fenbendazole, the only substance that appears to safely, inexpensively and effectively eradicate cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells are the cells that form intractable distant tumors that result from chemotherapy. So, those in remission after traditional chemo are in a critical period where CSCs may develop and be fatal Learn more https://fenbendazole.substack.com/p/cancer-stem-cells-and-fenbendazole

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Would you ever use chemo/radiation from your research?

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We are still not seeing excess death yet though. Once it kicks in, there will be a whole lot less truth deniers to censor us!

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HA! What BAD things do NOT happen after taking Fauci's Ouchies? HORRIFIC!

And, we are asked to SURVIVE in this now GENOCIDAL KILLING OF THE WILLING?

Little kids themselves DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE! The worst part of this is that the

5G tech in the jabs and 5G towers may be bio-weapons as reported by researcher

Karen Kingston. The towers can be charged with massive radiation killing the

jabbed (and smart phone users?) instantly! A phone test by FEMA happens on

October 4, 2023 at 2:20 p.m. EST. IT'S A GREAT TIME NOT TO BE ON A 5G PHONE!

I won't be because I only (and will always have) only a land line! I post publicly and

freely on MeWe. Holistic Healing: EarthClinic.com. SURVIVE THEIR EVIL PLANS!


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We've got a hybrid tower on our farm property...pays well and the doves we shoot have 2 heads and 4 breasts. Makes for some delicious poppers. Will be out there again blasting some birds tomorrow.

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NOT FUNNY! You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Ashamed of what? Getting paid for a cell tower on our property until, at least, 2050? Or shooting birds that I prepare to wrap in delicious bacon with a portion of cream cheese and a jalapeno slice or two to grill?

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SUPER YUCK! It's really DUMB having a 5G tower on your property. It's a bio-weapon! Did you also take Fauci's Ouchies? At any time (maybe this October 4) you can become TOAST!

I believe that it is HORRIBLE to shoot wild birds. Bacon and all pork is Biblically unclean and is full of parasites no matter how long it is cooked. YUMMY!

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you're nuts

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HA! The trouble is YOU did not go to school, do your homework, or become

informed! 😡

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Anybody´s called me? I´m V, V for Vendetta, a true commie!


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Amnesty and forgiveness I will happily grant to them - dangling from the trees!

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Most of these studies are now merely an exercise of word twisting, omissions, etc. Finding any medical benefit from the injection of bioweapons in the majority of the world population is like trying to find nutrition in a cesspool. Where are the studies proclaiming an improvement in global health, lengthening of life span and rise of reproduction since the introduction of the "vaccines"? After all, we have been spared the ill affects of the wet market bat virus. Maybe they can be found in the fiction section of your local library, assuming there is room with the addition of all the new kiddy porn.

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I've read their "BCG" study, and investigated age, a little.

The subjects in the BCG study were neonates, in the first days of their life. The HepB vaccine was co-administered in that time frame. Thus the authors said "The results of our study should be interpreted as BCG vaccination and hepatitis B vaccination, compared with hepatitis B vaccination alone." I'd expect this would affect the quality of comparisons, assuming HepB alone would also impact the cytokines.

(I suppose it would've been *unethical* to deny the infants the HepB shot, since it was recommended. ;) [NB - This shot had been put on the schedule in time for my third child. I turned down the offer on advice from other mothers that it upset their babies.])

Eight of the 51 participants in this covid-19 pfizer vax trial got their 2nd vax as part of their 'usual vax program' (? the flu shot?) so this may have influenced some results too. The participants were enrolled in the BCG(+HepB) study in 2014-2015, as neonates, so when the covid-19 vax trial was conducted in 2022 they would've been ~7 or 8.

There is a lot of immune system maturation that goes on between neonate and age 7 (for example https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5554489/). One would expect to see differences in the absolute values of the cytokine responses 7-8 years later. I don't know how age would impact vax-induced reductions.

It's informative to look at the changes over 6 months, although data was only collected on 8 children.

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Nicely done research and logic. Thank you. There is similar evidence on children through the Marshfield Clinic in Wisconsin on flu shots. These shots appear to cause VAIDS for five years after the flu shot for a particular year probably through priming aimed at old flu strains which overrides or replaces the more comprehensive and adaptive innate immune response.

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Interesting. There's a number of these multiple-marker studies that I'm seeing lately. There was a study put out by McCullough on the Courageous Discourse substack https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/post-covid-19-vaccine-syndrome-characterized?r=pdvgq&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email that looked for markers that could distinguish between Post-acute Covid-19 Vaccine Syndrome (PACVS) and a cohort of 'healthy' post-vaccinees (health workers). They looked at a number of auto-antibodies currently associated with long post-viral syndromes, and select cytokines. They proposed a couple of markers, but that wasn't the interesting thing to me. It was the data of the post vaccine healthy cohort that I found fascinating.

The first point was that all of the healthy cohort had all of these auto-antibodies before they were vaccinated, at different concentrations. So I understood these antibodies to be part of a healthy working system. What was stunning was that there was a dramatic reduction in most of these markers 6 months after their second shot (Moderna), with increases in a couple. I did a quick line of research in these auto-antibodies to find that they are not understood. They seem to be able to up-regulate and down-regulate the same targets. The selected markers were related to the various adrenaline/noradrenaline receptors. I looked at one that had shown an increase - alpha-2B-adr-R: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha-2_adrenergic_receptor Cutting a long story short, this particular receptor plays a role in long emotional memory. People with a particular allele that limit binding are more prone to PTSD from negative emotional events.

The first measurements in this 'healthy' cohort were probably taken in winter (Germany) pre-vax as covid accelerated, and the 2nd measurements 7 months later in summer, when covid had abated. All of these health workers escaped covid (at least, no N antibodies). So I wondered if these markers were more a signal of emotional relaxation. The group with PACVS did not see these levels of reductions in their auto-antibodies.

Anyway... that was just a story. Lots of markers, and we mostly don't know what they mean, not just in these studies.

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do you have links, thanks

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Yes, I wrote an article with the links and primary sources. http://citizenzeus.com/lets-learn-from-science-do-not-overuse-vaccines-and-balance-benefits-and-risks/

It’s a short article with the relevant quotes and data highlighted.

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Dr. Edward Belongia is among the scientists who have seen the picture coming into focus. He and some colleagues at Wisconsin’s Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation reported recently that children who had been vaccinated annually over a number of years were more likely to contract the flu than kids who were only vaccinated in the season in which they were studied.


“The vaccine was significantly more effective … if they had not been vaccinated in the previous five years,” Belongia, an epidemiologist, recounted in a recent interview with STAT.

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“Influenza vaccination in the United States has long been recommended for all persons 65 years or older. Vaccination coverage for this age group increased from between 15% and 20% before 1980 to 65% in 2001. However, 3-year moving averages of unadjusted excess… mortality rates among people 65 years or older… rose substantially during this period. This was surprising because influenza vaccination is thought to be highly effective at reducing influenza-related mortality.” (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/486407)

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The problem with using 'influenza' as a cause of death diagnosis is that most causes of death are allocated to heart conditions, dementia, diabetes or other conditions rather than the influenza that challenged them - it's the "Multiple Cause of Death" phenomena. In Australia, if the flu season is bad, the deaths to all causes will be bad. And in 2020 and 2021, when we were locked down with no flu and no covid, deaths to all causes plummeted, right up until the vaccine rollout commenced in earnest, at which point the circulatory, "other" and coroner deaths accelerated.

Maybe have a look at this visually here "Misattributed Vaccine Deaths" https://madeleinelove.substack.com/p/misattributed-vaccine-deaths

Also this one "Vaccine Deaths in the Frail Elderly" addresses flu vaccines https://madeleinelove.substack.com/p/vaccine-deaths-in-the-frail-elderly

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Fascinating that the researchers insisted it was unethical to have a control group, while many also often argued that human challenge trials were unethical and so none were conducted before the rollout—yet the vaccine rollouts first targeted frontline health care workers (regularly exposed to infected patients), the elderly (whose participation in the trials was very limited), the immuno-compromised and pregnant (not included in the trials at all), then they immediately unblinded the control group, thus eliminating it.

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It’s almost as if they planned and executed a pre-coverup after examining unpublished and suppressed trial results which showed all these harmful effects to be verified and disqualifying. Hmmmm.

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Though you're probably right that the unidentified object in the lungs is not related, I must say that amyloid clots have been found in the airways of a few of the vaccinated. This is not strictly a circulatory phenomenon.

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I have a notion of they deserve, and it isn't amnesty. Too many people have died as a result of those shots; these people are mass murderers.

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