Second 5:09 of the video is an interesting point, at which a stranger throws a box of MEDS into the guitarist's case, which already has a random selection of pills. What is this saying?

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What you wrote was so insane that I immediately thought you were kidding me!

I looked at the video and yes, the guitar player is getting a box of MEDS!!!

WTF is the WEF thinking!!!


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It was interesting because at that moment they talk about improved Medical Care but there's a variety of pills Loosely floating around in the guitar case so I guess he's already got drugs

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Those are tips in the guitarist case, not pills, in my opinion, and is referring to him getting medical care when the “med” in thrown in the box.

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Look closely, pills/capsules in the guitar case

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... there are definitely some medicine-appearing capsules in his case, along with tips.

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It means: "You'll own nothing and be happy" because drugs.

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There were no children in the second half of the video. We’re eliminating reproduction?

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That has been a MAIN "feature" of the proposed future of the WEF. NO UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION. I'm not aware that WEF has admitted this yet, but it's obviously a covert goal. I'm sure that the childbearing problems induced by the MANDATORY "vaccines" (they are NOT vaccines, by mechanism or by 'effectiveness') are just coincidental. I'm sure that the (lack of) coverage (the info is "out" there, but you won't see it on CNN) of this by the MSM is ALSO coincidental.

Childbearing is DOWN, somewhere around 10% to 40% for most countries.

That's major sarcasm on my part if it's not obvious.

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Yes, reproduction is a MAJOR concern for these people.

See this article:


A few quotes (these from Maurice Strong):

“What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group’s conclusion is ‘no.’ The rich countries won’t do it. They won’t change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

In a 1972 BBC interview, he admits to having gotten into trouble for raising the idea of reproductive licenses:

“Licenses to have babies incidentally is something that I got in trouble for some years ago for suggesting even in Canada that this might be necessary at some point, at least some restriction on the right to have a child.”

Championing a one-world government, Strong writes:

“The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental co-operation. It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful. The global community must be assured of global environmental security.”

And then, from this same Margaret Anna Alice article, this video (go to 6:15 mins): https://www.bitchute.com/video/iHhHxe5c5mTU

Bloody hell!, I can't find it right now, and it's getting late, will have to find it later, but I have a video section somewhere here where Alexander King explains something along the lines that reducing economic growth will simultaneously reduce population growth.

On that subject, check out the first video below at 2:47 mins.:



Bed time, g'nite.

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Definitely an industry being diminished…

…primarily for Caucasian humanity

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Don't think (at least by results) that WEF has much preference about WHOSE nations are most affected by reduction of fertility, I think the WEF isn't picking by ethnicity, childbearing is down everywhere. All nations are affected. All that you have to do is LOOK.

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They;ll be more uncontrolled drugs around, for people vulnerable to drugs "charms"

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Criminals and psychopaths, Igor. Climate cultists with a lot of money and their pets implanted in governments all over the world. These are very sick very dangerous people.

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It's about resources. Humans, if given enough time and technology, would eventually tap all of earth's resources then the solar system and then our galaxy and so on.

They want all of the ENERGY for themselves.

It's physics. Energy is vital to their transitioning.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I doubt it. Just the readily accessible uranium & thorium on the Earth's land mass would power our civilization for over 100Myrs. And the deuterium in ordinary water means water has an energy density of 300X that of gasoline.

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You are correct. Reject all Malthusian nonsense. History provides the evidence.

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,Cholesterol,sun dangerous, vaxes, they burying tech and

information that would not benefit their industries. We manipulated by antihuman psychos.who made the rules of the game of life and now perceive they are losing demand to change the rules and wipe the board. my survival instincts are in high gear, but I am sad to think of the loss and injustice coming.

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Disagree. Our thirst for energy would end up being insatiable with the advancement of technology.

Look at your energy usage over the last 20 years. Has it ever went down? Doubtful - even with technology becoming ever more efficient.

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No. Energy conservation has been going on in developed countries for 20yrs or more. The USA primary energy per person peaked at 94,229kwh in 2000 and dropped steadily to 77,574 in 2021. And latest study in Lancet projects World population to drop to 7-8B by end of the century. That's without bioweapon Plandemics and deadly vaccines. We can easily maintain US level energy consumption for that many people essentially forever (that is how long the human species exists).

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The WEF types are unbelievers and much of the rest of the world must be also since it never crosses their minds that humans are not in charge. God is in charge of things. God, our creator, created this world and the people who, for their short lives, live in it. Satan is running amok in it also and clearly controlling much of the population. Klaus and the gang are working for Satan. So are the Pharma folks. So is Biden. So are most of the political class. Get a reliable Bible and study it. And most who read this will call it vacuous.

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But the production of the goods we all use and love ,computers, i Phones wind turbines, solar panels, clothing all the way to toothbrushes and toothpicks and even the organic garlic and pine nuts in my supermarket has been transferred to China.....You must count the energy used in there production and transportation too.

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Yes, the embodied energy of goods consumed and their transportation is a factor. However, the embodied energy of goods exported and their transportation is included. So the net embodied energy is what you would want. That has been going on since the 70s. Embodied energy in "computers, i Phones, clothing all the way to toothbrushes and toothpicks and even the organic garlic and pine nuts" is small. Wind turbines and solar panels is all stupidly wasted energy, energy inefficiency. Large expansion in military expenditure, war, a giant energy consumer, fighting idiotic wars for the benefit of the Globalist Banker creeps. Overall consumer energy primary consumption is going down.

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Agree. We are on the verge of a so called "demographic winter" without, as you say, the vaccines.

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Arggh. Not for the wealthy.

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Advancement in technology will also bring advancement in energy technology, as it has throughout history.

Population growth is projected to reach a maximum of around 9.3 billion, or 10 billion at the most. There is no real reason to believe there will be some kind of catastrophe.

And creating the catastrophe ourselves (through zero carbon, zero fertilizer agendas), is hardly a smart way to ward off an imagined catastrophe.

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Yes-they create ‘catastrophe’ and ‘solve it’ for profit.

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Disagree. You're assuming humans would "naturally" (this push is NOT "natural" but pushed from above) and endlessly choose to continue the advancement of electronics crap. This is not necessarily what we all want.

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I am so sick of all this tech junk. It has make our lives much worse. We are slaves to it.

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

Watch Blade Runner 2049 to get a sense of what I'm saying.

I also have white papers on this theory.

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"Blade Runner 2049". You mean powered with idiotic wind turbines? These morons unlearn Nuclear power? Oh there might be a Fukushima (zero deaths) so we can't do nuclear no sir, we will instead embrace a dystopian energy poverty world of death & despair. That makes sense.

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

Exactly - it's a THEORY. One - just one - of many, and you are ignoring all the rest. A proper analyst would analyze as many possibilities as possible BEFORE coming to a conclusion, and especially stating that conclusion as THE conclusion.

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Watch Blade Runner? Since when have science fiction dystopian flics been accurate about anything?

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I do not want the endless advancement of electronics crap, for sure. But it is not up to me or you, as it would seem. What "we" want is irrelevant the technobeast with grow if the WEF group, anti-social tech weirdos and money grubbers have any say in it.

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That's exactly it... It IS up to us! If we don't want it, then we need to fight this.

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My own personal usage? Oh fuck yeah it went down. But I certainly do not advocate my path for everyone. I'm just cheap and hate paying the bastards

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That's not bad!

But look how much more the elites are using.

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Oh I know. I could never spend that in my wildest dreams. Really, I cannot fathom what goes through the minds of those that do. Especially when they are advocating austerity for the rest of us.

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Electricity can be freely harnessed from the atmosphere. Nikola Tesla was developing that technology. "Fossil" fuels are self replenishing and not from dead dinosaurs. There is an abundance of energy, but this is hidden from the public to keep them in modern feudalism.

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

You're assuming that energy usage will always go up. With what is happening in the world, and the psycho-planned and -executed population decrease now occurring, and the continued destruction of energy production & distribution facilities, and the therefore very likely coming backlash against technology, I would not say that assumption is entirely accurate... We may see a "return" to simpler means, with decreased tech and energy usage, and increased actual manpower and animals used to move things. We'll see!

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

It has not gone down, true. However if you look at history of mining for example, you realize that humans always find a more efficient way to do things as they need more.

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Not required. We have enough fossil fuels to last one hundred years.

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I would say a lot more than 100 even assuming that no new resources are found (unlikely).

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Maybe. But it's not that simple. You will have price increases that spell economic contraction and hegemony of energy in certain regions like Russia and the Middle East. Unlike all fossil fuels nuclear is unlimited and every country on Earth can be energy independent just from the uranium & thorium in the ground below their feet.

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What are you basing this claim upon?

I would be interested to learn.

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What claim do you refer to?

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

Geoscientist here. Please describe, with references, how "nuclear is unlimited".

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Easy, just look at the average density of uranium and thorium in the Earth's crust, even more in Granite. Consider the amount in normal mineable depths on the Earth's land surface. Consider that uranium and thorium have an energy density of 83 million MJ/kg, 3M X that of coal. Now with the World using 159,000 TW-hrs of primary energy per year. Figure it out for yourself.

So of course by "unlimited" I mean to all practical purposes. I think when you get past a 100Myrs, I mean really, how long do you think our species can last? And then there are the asteroids, moon, Mars. And far more energy in water. Ordinary water on Earth has 300X the energy density of gasoline, just from the deuterium in it. And Mars water has 6X the deuterium density of the Earth's. And vastly more energy in the Helium 3 on the outer planets.

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Way more than that! Just in the Power River Basin of Wyoming and Montana, where I live, there are 100's of years worth of mineable coal, at the topmost rate of production, which was several years ago. And, this basin also contains gobs of oil & gas, and some uranium & thorium. The "elites" don't want us to know this information, just like lots of other things.

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That's just a drop in the bucket compared to World primary energy consumption though. And few nations have energy resources like that. Relying on foreign nations for your energy supply is a fool's errand. Germany is finding that out the hard way.

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Yes, the hundreds of years' worth of mineable coal in the PRB may be a "drop in the bucket compared to World primary energy consumption"... I was providing an example for how there are a LOT more hydrocarbons out there than the psycho Globalists and useful idiot climate change fanatics want us to know about. How about you provide numbers for exactly how much "World primary energy consumption" is occurring - you know, as a comparison, since you made a comparison....

"Few nations have energy resources like that"... You're again assuming! You're taking the psycho's word for how much hydrocarbons are out there, and that it's extremely limited.

As for "relying on foreign nations for your energy supply is a fool's errand" - uh, some nations do NOT have the energy resources within their own boundaries... So, "relying on foreign nations" is EXACTLY what they have to do!!! Do you not know ANYTHING about the Earth, and how natural resources are NOT evenly distributed across it? TRADE amongst nations has to occur - and energy resources are part of that trade. Wake up.

Germany is being "led" by psychos who are doing the bidding of other psychos in the World Economic Forum and similar - as this substack discusses, if you've actually read it. They're destroying their own economies and energy production/distribution on purpose... In order to "build back better" you've got to first destroy what already exists... Just like what so many other national "leaders" are doing, like elsewhere in Europe, and the UK, and Amerikkka, and...

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The WEF, and by default Biden, wants digital money that only allows so much food and energy purchases.

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Worse than that. Look at their videos. They are already building a Carbon Footprint calculator for your cell phone, coupled with GPS and purchase history so us plebes will be constrained in how much CO2 we produce. Linked to your digital currency, if you exceed your carbon quota sorry no more carbon for you for that cycle (day, week, month?). Stay at home in the cold and fast for awhile.

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I saw somecrap circulating about estimating your pet's input. Fuck that shit.

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Good one. They will also kibosh your ability to buy pet food with your CBDC.

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So we're basically just a race of locusts.

Sounds about right to me!! :-D

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Sounds like the opinion of someone living in a city, try moving to rural wyoming or visiting for a few days.

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Steve -

let me let you in on something; I am from a rural area. I've also spent many months in Wyoming. I also have some bona-fides; like owning businesses in the energy sector for the last 25 years.

But most importantly of all; I have imagination.

If you want to talk to someone like a child you're barking up the wrong tree cowboy.

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Good response! I live in rural Wyoming, and I'm a Geoscientist, so I'm familiar with certain things re. the energy sector here and elsewhere. Not saying I'm an expert, but I do know some things.

Also, that "Lipidnano-doodle" mentioned "rural Wyoming" specifically, when "Robyn S" did not, nor anyone else in this thread, makes me think LD is a BOT or TROLL...

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I think he's actually a real person. I think he regrets what he said. He's been "liking" a lot of my comments lately.

But I guess that could be a bot as well.

We all make mistakes.

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Same kind of linear thinking they do

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Alex Jones' new book "The Great Reset" addresses all of this, and though I'm not totally done yet it's been pretty eye opening. Can't bring myself to read Klaus work, but I've read Yuval Harris, and it's all the same vacuous nonsense. These people are evil.

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I actually bought his book, but have NOT read it yet -- want to do is ASAP!

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Reading is often preferable to having to listen to someone yellling

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It's literally true. Atrazine (agricultural runoff) has been found to affect frogs sexual proclivities. Don't knock him before you actually listen to him.

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not their proclivities, their actual BIOLOGY

first reported in 1996

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Thank you for the correction

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I think it’s just a comment to illustrate the comment above. And they are both hilarious. Can’t stop laughing. (And yes, we all live in a toxic soup and it’s obviously effecting younger and younger generations accumulatively.)

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Haha! This cracked me up

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Evolution of an old plan


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Makow limits his ire to the Rothschilds.... he fails to observe that the hierarchy of power extends way above the banksters level. They are the convenient fall guys, the tea boys who take the flak for the Venetian Black Nobility Mafia which has the world by the balls.

Yes, it is a very old plan which is rinsed and repeated every century or so because the ruling families do not want population to get out of control. They want the world and everything in it firmly barcoded, limited and above all profiting THEM and nobody else.

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While it is true that none wishes to give up their position as an elite...who would?... I am not sure that it is as simple as limiting everything for themselves. They actually regard themselves as "different" and "special" in a way that makes them regard the rest of the world as one does a "pet", and they wish to make sure we are treated adequately to ensure availability for required servitude, but housebroken with controlled breeding plans to ensure continued quality, eliminating the vagaries of natural selection. Yes, it is an old plan. It used to be called "Divine Right", but it never takes into account the frivolities of fate. So it invariably winds up with new "kings" as the peasants revolt or, more frequently, when the offspring of the elite turn out to be dumber and/or lazier than their forebears (read Hunter Biden, since powerful men invariably choose women to create with for sexuality over intelligence), which is what will happen here.

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Yeah I don’t think these are plans will succeed but they are influential. They have been able to seed these ideas in organizations around the world. I doubt the apparatchiks think much about it other than getting the warm fuzzies over how “good” they are. You don’t notice the absurdities you don’t think about.

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Yes, for me studying the path of the US and the planet up to and including the American Civil War gives me important clues and a distillation of history. Forces were always at work throughout the world to own we the people. In a history full of failed civilizations we can only point to brief periods of time where things went more toward sanity than for massive insanity. This is a huge subject, one I don’t even possess the attention span to write or discuss comprehensively. I am an Occam’s razor type and depend on those better equipped to furnish the details. But one thing I understand is that the experiment and process which is the United States is not over and what stands for freedom in the US is no different from what stands for freedom and sanity all over the planet. Never has it perhaps been so apparent we are all in this together. The task of us Occam’s razor types is to help make simple statements based on our knowledge of deeper complexities. Remain simple but carry a very large stick.

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Please make an org chart. We are going to need it for the trials.

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Isn’t it weird to think Alex Jones turns out to be the prophet of our times!

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He is usually a lot more right than he is wrong and credit to him - he is not allowing them to cancel him.

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David Icke was right about there not being a virus. It looks like Mike Adams is in the no virus camp now aswell.


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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Reading now. Klaus Schwabs audio is free on Odysee posted by "Audio Boy"

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Why would anyone want to waste his/her/pangolin time listening to KS's moronic ideas?

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Know your enemy. Ideas are often taken completely out of context, ideas that are usually fleshed out over an entire book. You do yourself a disservice to latch onto a blurb someone told you or that you saw on YouTube etc. This is why I read Hararis works, so I could gain real insight into his mind after all the clips about 'useless eaters' etc. My mind wasn't changed at all and if anything I have an even greater disdain for that egomaniac, but now I know. To be fair sapiens was a good easily digestable breakdown of humanity for the normie who knows nothing about history, but all the wishy washyness about constructs and how nothing is real so we can change everything (in his vision mine you) and it'll be a-okay and no one will care because nothing matters!

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"This is why I read Hararis works, so I could gain real insight into his mind "

It might be contagious - you are in need of a brain wash :)...

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Brain conditioning thoughts. stopped watching the news years ago because of stories of inhumane behavior of other humans because I think it spurs on these behaviors. Movies are not real but they too condition the mind. culture gone mad.

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Hollywood was and still is the greatest propaganda machine :P...

The most authentic documentary about the life experience of average people in US I have ever seen is "Married with Children", and they would not make anything similar today :P... too real :P?

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Agreed. That sounds worse than listening to the same Maria Carey song over and over for hours.

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Alex Jones was historically been known as a nonsensical conspiracy nut.

But, now that the MSM has switched to Fake News, Jones has become a relatively reliable source of information.

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Alex's work needs to be taken with a grain of salt. He made some mistakes but most of the stuff he predicted has been spot on. Sadly, it was the stuff that I wish he did get wrong.

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

Yes, I used to think so too, but now I have to admit "Alex Jones was right"... IW is far more reliable and honest than any "legacy" media outlet I know!

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I've downloaded Schwab's book (immoral to give him even one cent by buying it). Like Igor said, it's long boring slog and it's hard to learn anything from it. I will try reading Eugyppius' report next.

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The audio is on odysee.com posted by audio boy.

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Thanks Nikolai for your research, I cannot bring mysefl to read those works. I guess the best way to do genocide is out in the open, beyond obvious. It's brilliant, sadly, that the boldness of it defies logic so the evil becomes invisible to most, who try to use logic. Best from Oregon

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Jay Dyer is among those who have kindly read and analyzed Klaus so we don’t have to: https://youtu.be/HuQwIDhKFFE. Highly recommended.

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Thank you, Ann - I'll watch :)!

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

"These people are evil. "

... and terribly stupid, I might add... They all win through corruption, with the funny money they call "fiat"... This is why it is critical for the current financial system to fail and to be replaced by a financial system anchored in the physical world...

BRICS and others are working on this project as we speak... and it will happen, unless a nuclear war will kill us all first... but no worries - the "elites" from the WEF have bunkers :P...

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The Elitists have no skills and no friends with skills. They would be the first to die if the system failed.

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Told you they were stupid :P...

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Do not underestimate their resources. Yes, they are stupid but money and control often more than compensates for stupidity. Critically, the average person in the hoi polloi is NOT any brighter either.

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

Stupidity isn't really the issue. Many of them are probably quite intelligent, even extremely intelligent. But they lack wisdom. They are essentially idiots. In reality, they are just a bunch of ordinary people traumatized by the emptiness and violence of modern/postmodern life, just like the rest of us. But theirs is papered over by great wealth and comfort, so they never address it. They have no understanding of the inverse relationship between the complexity and nonlinearity of a system and it's predictability.

And of course, they are self-interested and greedy, wanting to maintain their wealth and only keep around the people that they need to do this. How conscious they allow themselves to be of this, I don't know. It probably takes quite a bit of self-awareness to avoid the painful cognitive dissonance from presenting a plan that is portrayed as being positive for everyone while behind the scenes, it is greedy and downright inhuman. I bet the majority of them fool even themselves into believing in their benevolent goodness.

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

"Stupidity isn't really the issue. Many of them are probably quite intelligent, even extremely intelligent. But they lack wisdom. "

In the and, it is all about me: Hubris :P!

This reminds me of an Asian story; two wise guys and a peasant, while walking through the forest found a dead tiger. The wise guys wanted to prove their skills and bring back to life the dead tiger. The peasant climbed on a tall rock and watched from afar. The knowledge of the wise guys was great indeed - they managed to do what they said and the tiger ate them :P...

The fact that you CAN do something, doesn't mean that you SHOULD :P...

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good story!

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Fully agree that they are greedy, self-interested. Some are quite clearly stupid (Turdeau is good example). However, I am also of the opinion that a significant number are also inherently totalitarian and evil as they get a kick out inflicting misery on as many people as they can. No normal person acts that way. Are they aware of what they are doing? Yes, absolutely.

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Excellent analysis! One thing though - as this insanity and destruction continues, there's likely to be a point where those doing their bidding and making their lives livable, may decide not to play along any longer. If the psychos killed or drove off enough other folks, they may not have "replacements" for their servants... That will be an awesome moment of payback, if no other payback comes.

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They're financed by the world banks, and in fact the wef is just the modern extension of David Rockefellers trilateral commission which began in the 70s. These people have been in all the top positions in all major countries since then, regardless of which party is in power. THEY are the "deep state"

I used to scoff at all the Rothschilds illuminati type stuff, but all you need to do is actually do some digging and you'll realize for the most part it's all true. These people hate democracies and democratic republics, and they've been undermining them for generations. Every president or prime minister is controlled by them, and they install their people at all top levels. This is why nothing ever gets better, it's all about their hidden agenda.

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“...why nothing ever gets better.” I remember the 50s well. A lot has gotten better. I’m so many ways. We can talk. We can find each other. For decades I thought I was alone and nobody saw things my way. FB and social media changed that. No way Trump would have won without social media. He didn’t succeed, but he revealed the enormity of the task we face.

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Yes, we are in a unique point in history... The internet not only makes their surveillance and censorship of us unprecedented, but it also provides us an unprecedented resource for finding information and each other. I believe they've sped things up because our exploitation of this resource has given us a great advantage, and we're using it! Notice how fast "conspiracy theories" become revealed as conspiracy fact? And, how the amount of time between theory and fact is decreasing, almost exponentially? It's now days or hours instead of years. We're on the cusp, the knife edge - which way will the world go?

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‘FB and social media’ and that’s why they are busy bringing in ‘on line safety/harms’ bills to close down that free exchange of knowledge and ideas. Somethings are invented and improve matters that were not expected or planned. They are busy destroying the financial system and removing the novelty of private property for the working and middle classes (at least in the west), and the dismantling of law, for a rules based order. Again as it doesn’t suit the powers in control.

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Their "financial resources"... which is a fancy word for "bits in a computer"; this is exactly why the financial system needs to collapse!

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I do not think that the collapse of the financial system is desirable as it is quite clearly a goal of the current "elites". If the elites want this, it surely must be avoided. From what I can see, that is how the certified digital currency is to be introduced and in my opinion that is the last thing anyone wants implemented. What needs to happen is for the banking to be linked to something tangible like it used to be - as in gold for example. Also the Federal banks need to have a very narrow set of options available, all with actual oversight instead of the current lunacy where all reserves just create more virtual money.

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Well, the implementation of CBDCs is the outcome they want... this is the way they intend to stay in control, now that the fiat money (they printed so many to award themselves) reaches the production value: zero. This would work only if the whole world would buy into this CBDC idea, with only one global bank controlling it. For that to happen, all countries should go for it, but it is rather obvious that Russia and China (most notably) are not onboard with donating their countries to the globalist cabal and are currently working at their own currency.

Another thing that is noticeable is that the "elites" are buying as much as they can physical assets, to better position themselves for the time when the dollar/euro will go belly up... so they don't WISH it, but they know that it is unavoidable and they act to protect their interests.

As the West is massively de-industrialized, they just cannot survive without their "slaves" from China and the cheap minerals from Russia and they keep pushing for war with f...ing BOTH! As Alexander Mercouris likes to say, they have no reverse gear, and I am afraid they will eventually trigger a nuclear war. In my opinion, the only thing that could solve the problem is regime change all over the global West, but most importantly in the US (the snake's head). I don't say it will happen, but it is the one path I see that doesn't lead to instant Armageddon.

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That would be a disaster. The Fed ran very well until Greenspan. It was and is a brilliant system. The fact that it is being run by socialists doesn’t mean the system was bad. They’re screwing it up on purpose.

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The Fed is a privately owned Central Bank! All Central Banks are privately owned. The US Congress illegally and unconstitutionally transferred in 1913 their power to print/coin money to A PRIVATE INSTITUTION... A CABAL OF BANKERS. The US dollar is fiat - nothing backs up it's value. That is exactly how the cabal designed it!!! The "system" you refer to is functioning "brilliantly" - by transferring the wealth of the nation and it's Citizens to THE BANKING CABAL... Just because we haven't been inconvenienced too much so far does not mean that it's a good system - it's a rotten system, and it was designed to and has made us all debt slaves. In debt to the CABAL.

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it IS a disaster already, William... It is not "on purpose" they are screwing up for but greed and utter incompetence.

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How many other major institutions had run the same way with barely a glitch for 80

Years ? None. The fact it did is a testimony to how well thought out it was.

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Bush and Greenspan busted it. But Clinton, that old Satanist, set that in motion. Trump had a plan to fix it, which he hinted at, but he spent four years fighting everyone in Washington, both parties. He got a lot of his agenda done but not that.

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Not only evil but some thing worse. They are STUPID.

Marxism doesn't work and cannot work and always fails where tried. They will fail again. The only issue is what the body count will be until they realize their ideas are failures.

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Yes I agree. Just need to love off grid until the Elitists collapse

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They're not people, just transhumanists.

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Stellar analysis, Igor, and you are 100% right about them using coded language. Coincidentally, I am currently listening to Hannah Arendt’s “Eichmann in Jerusalem” on audiobook, and she talks about how the Nazis were instructed to use coded language in written communications:

“[A]ll correspondence referring to the matter was, subject to rigid ‘language rules,’ and, except in the reports from the Einsatzgruppen, it is rare to find documents in which such bald words as ‘extermination,’ ‘liquidation,’ or ‘killing’ occur. The prescribed code names for killing were ‘final solution,’ ‘evacuation’ (Aussiedlung), and ‘special treatment’ (Sonderbehandlung) …”

As far as WEF coded language goes, Yuval Noah Harari does all the decoding for us in great detail, which I document extensively in my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series:

• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)

• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)

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Somebody said This situation is like revenge of the nerds. I just wish I could think of it as a comedy

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Nonsense. Those words weren’t used because there never was an extermination program.

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Keep denying, you may get to see the sequel in your lifetime.

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Sorry...I read your retort as coming from Bono.

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What sequel? If you don’t believe it happened?

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People who believe in the holocaust have no idea what's actually purported to have happened.

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Prove it.

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Make a logical argument. I’m willing to listen. But just denying is silly. (I can make some very logical arguments why it wasn’t what they said. By the way.).

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Can’t prove a negative. The burden of proof is on those making extraordinary claims about death camps and gas chambers. People still believe the soap and lampshade lies.

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There were people who witnessed those camps and chambers. Some still alive today to tell their story and physical remains of facilities. Or do I misunderstand?

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I think Bono’s Mullet is saying it didn’t happen. Which is bizarre to me. I assume we don’t have accurate details. Since we don’t about anything. But to think that means it didn’t happen is weird.

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No. It’s an historical fact, the work camps, prison camps, etc. Many many witnesses that lived to tell about it. My wife’s family lost people in it. Relatives died, that some older relatives knew and lost. You are making the extraordinary claim. What is your point?

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I think it was a bad day in somebodies mind along with a bit of, you know.

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I assume much has been exaggerated. But are you saying you don’t believe Jews were rounded up? And those who were almost all died?

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Do I like their plans?

We're not talking about changing the secret sauce here.

The crazy shit the WEF (alleged to be the creation of the CIA) says in Davos used to stay in Davos. Now it appears there are politicians who actually buy into this crap and that's a problem.

The good news is Sweden and Italy going right will likely not follow but countries like Canada have no shortage of low IQ dopes and whores ready to betray Canada and embrace the WEF.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Add Sri Lanka. An A WEF student who went all in on no nitrate farming, their economy collapsed. The people stormed the capital, the President resigned. They burned down elected officials houses and threw their cars in the ocean.

No more WEF in Sri Lanka. Or food or gas or ...

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The problem has not gone away. The last I heard a former prime minister is now the president (elected by the parliament) and his first speech was focused on the evil protesters that sent the former president packing. Seems to me that the newly minted president is ready to use the army to crush any further resistance. If the army goes along, then the WEF wins. Hopefully the army will do right thing send this scumbag to the nearest jail along with those "representatives" who have elected him as replacement.

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I want to follow what's going on in Sri Lanka. "Mr. Global" may be hoping they'll surrender for food. But my guess is they're too aware. Better starve on our own terms than be slowly killed/tortured by sociopaths. The kind who frequented Epstein Island and want everyone on earth to be dependent on their nonexistent tender mercies. Sadism--couched in a burning thirst for control--is the only motive to this bizarre top down cruelty.

Both Fauci and Gates praised brutality as wonderful. Gates praised Australia as the nation everyone in the world should emulate. In the USA Fauci praised Andy Cuomo's approach with NY. On being asked why since Cuomo's severity hadn't seemed to save many lives, Fauci just smirked and repeated, "I approve the methods used by Cuomo in dealing with the pandemic."

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

But, you can bet that WEF creatures are still in place just awaiting a signal - a dog whistle?

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Of course with their arrogant smurks we all get glimpses of. They will have wolves in sheep clothing..

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But, until the collapse, Sri Lanka had the best ESG score!!!!

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I never understood why US mayors would be flying all over the world for events like don't they have enough to deal with in their own cities.

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Going right is a small, small step in the right direction. The most pathetic part of the right wing is that it does not use the power given to them by people via the electoral process. I find it incomprehensible how the right simply wastes the opportunity to fix the things that the majority of the population wants. Take education and law & order. Parents just want their kids to get an education not to be indoctrinated by a bunch of idiots & psychos. In the US, the level of indoctrination is staggering. Same for law & order - all that is needed is for the laws to be enforced. Why is it such a massive problem to deport hardened criminals back to the places they came from?

If Sweden is to be saved, the no-go areas need to disappear. At present the no-go areas are the modern version of medieval fiefdoms. Will the Social Democrats muster the will to fix this? I would like to think so but for some reason every right wing politician gets absolutely terrified of the media. The same media that will criticize and call them everything under sun regardless of what they do.

As far as Italy is concerned, they have yet to confirm that they will take that small, small step that Swedes did. The upcoming election should be a good indicator if the EU survives in its current German imposed model. If the right does get into power, again, it needs to fix things and quickly. If not, well, they will join Greece in the competition of which country can be more stuffed than everyone else.

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I agree. Once in power, they must UNDO legislation put in place for ideological purposes. Which has been numerous these past 2.5 years. For example, here in Canada the Conservatives elected a populist (so we think) to power. It's not enough to come in and leave what Justin did. He has to REVERSE it.

De Santis (like Trump) showed you can take on the media. But you have to be ready to BRAWL.

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Absolutely - treat the media as the enemy because they ARE solely focused on destroying anyone going against the narrative set by a bunch of degenerate Bolshevik scumbags.

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80% of people want the border secured. No one does it.

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100% correct - the fact that it is not done, is a testament to the power of the scumbags from the media. The only way to put the media in their place is to go all out against them because they will do their worst every single time.

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Justin says there is no real Canada. There is Quebec and not much else.

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That seems to be a common theme among these WEF acolytes - history, culture, people are erased at the altar of Swab (I wonder who pulls his strings). That creature from France, Macron, was on TV in early April telling everyone that there is no such thing as a French culture. That should have buried him right then and there but as usual, the media and the French "intelligentsia" advocated that this degenerate filth was the only option and that Le Pen was Satan incarnate. Not that long ago what Macron said would have been regarded not just as insulting to the country but also treasonous. Lots of people died for that culture and lots of people were inspired by according to him, non-entities like Voltaire. The French, just like the Canadians, are going to find out the really hard way what it means to have that level of filth in power when times are about to get really hard. Their economy is imploding along with the rest of Europe and Macron's BS no longer works with Sauron (aka Putin). I wonder what Turdeau thinks about Foucault. All French speakers regard him as great thinker in spite of the fact that he was a documented serial child rapist who thought that the world must burn (deconstructed).

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I can guarantee Trudeau hasn’t read a page of Foucault.

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I was just going to say that.

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Yep, you are probably correct. However, that actually that is a good thing. Why anyone would even consider the ravings of the utterly depraved psycho worth reading is beyond me.

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I would be surprised if he has an IQ of 95.

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Yes, an IQ of 95 for him would be stunning. He is in my opinion just a sock puppet with the same level of intelligence. Why women vote for him AFTER they hear him speak is a mystery to me. The strings I think are pulled by that demented bitch in charge of finance who is also a WEF graduate. That one is far more dangerous because she can do basic math.

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Canada is an unserious country.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I believe part of the WEF agenda is to reduce the world population. But, they can not come out and say so explicitly.

You can shut down some industries if there are fewer people to consume the products.

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Humanity will be easier to herd into smart cities after culling us by 3 or 4 billion. The idea is to kill large numbers and make it look like an accident.

"Wow! Lockdown and vaxxes killed more than they saved? Countries couldn't feed everyone on less than 25% of the normal food grown as required to preserve the earth's greenness? Civil war and revolutions are breaking out everywhere? National governments have failed the people. All you survivors will be provided for by us if you agree to be our chattel. Too bad about 'those we lost along the way.'"

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

And then you have 2 billion people who scratch out an existence on $2/day.

The only difference between survival and extinction for a quarter of humanity is a few cents per day.

The vaxx was intended for the middle class.

The least amongst us were easy targets if the low/middle class bought in.

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The food and energy shortages will have huge casualties. Michael Yon says 1 billion dead from food alone by 2025.

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Pretty terrifying indeed. I suspect “We’ll let AI decide what industries to liquidate” is actually code for “We’ve already decided which industries we plan to liquidate, but we'll conveniently blame it on AI when the time comes”.

I also think WEF’s plain language isn’t simply meant to induce boredom, it’s ultimately meant to induce *consent*. The only way they can get away with their evil plans legally is by manufacturing consent of the masses...

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The best thing possible to do with AI is to replace all the WEF/Davos/BIS Bankster rulers who are in reality useless, entitled, pampered, welfare bum parasites and the World would be far, far better off without them. An AI would be the perfect tool to run the financial system, would probably cost <1% of GDP vs the 30% it currently is in the USA.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Can AI ever truly be calibrated to remain unbiased? That hasn't been my impression at all with algorithms.

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The AI is a coverup. "But it was the AI that decided, not me"

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm not an expert by any means, but every program is built, coded by humans, who will naturally build in the biases they & those directing them have.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That's right, the only biases will be what is programmed by humans. People hear the term AI and think they are actually "intelligent". They aren't. They are smart as a sack of rocks. They just munch incredible amounts of data and formulate decisions based on their vast knowledge database and extremely fast processing power. We don't even know what intelligence is yet. Best experts conclude it is a non-computable phenomenon, that is it cannot be simulated on a Turing machine, aka computer.

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I agree. And one thing the WEF clowns and AI have in common is a complete lack of emotional intelligence, too... That's why I think globalists will fail.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Excellent point... Consent is needed, so they can turn around, if questioned, and say, "you agreed".

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The Terminator got it wrong. It's not the machines but the misanthropes running them.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I remember in 1999 there was a video with Klaus Schwab and leading high tech leaders. One CEO was going off on what could be done with the useless eaters. UBI, Bugs to eat, micro apartments created in Super Cities. Another CEO tired of it and said, "We all know we kill the Useless Eaters with the Vaccines. Lets eat." That video seems to be gone now. It was on youtube for many years

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Similar to the video embedded at the link below. Encourage wide sharing.


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Good site. Right on Target. Thanks.

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Thank you.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Your analysis of the language that the WEF uses is spot on.

Most of the vaunted WEF programs sound a lot like re-branded socialism to me.......which is why you never hear leftist politicians criticize the WEF (full of rich leftists) indeed, they are working overtime to implement those same programs.

Remember, ‘you will own nothing and be happy’.....sound familiar?

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Klaus Schwab, "you will own nothing and be happy"

Marx, "marxism is the abolishement of personal property."

What is new:

Harari, "In the past Totalitarians failed because man had free will, but today many governments and even corporations through gene editing can remove free will."

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Harari came out and said that blatantly??? Wow. Can you provide a link? Thanks.

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Oh yes, I will try to find it....its on Rumble somewhere.

He also said, "science is no longer about truth, it is about power." Captian obvious now, but shit I had some hope for humanity before he said that!

Here is him saying science is about power..


Free will is over three minutes in...


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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

‘The best laid schemes of mice and men’

Just because he wants it to happen doesn’t mean that it will......

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It won't happen. He's an atheistic, narcissistic transhumanist. He'll die and then find out the truth and it will be too late for him. He controls absolutely nothing.

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This guy is a raving lunatic. How can anyone listen to him and not start throwing popcorn or something. He’s the character in a B grade horror flick who in the last scene is attacked by the zombies he created and as the credits roll we watch him scream in terror as blood spurts from him. And everyone laughs.

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And he’s a professor?

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Thank you for that link! If you can find the other, that'd be fantastic - I could send it to some serious ostriches with their heads in the sand... I do still have some hope for humanity - don't count us out yet. And, God is a huge factor that might just have some surprises in mind.

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Actually it is as close to Marxism as one can get - everything is based on one's needs not one's abilities. That plague on humanity Marx said this in almost the same words. Unfortunately not to many people actually pay attention to what utter scum like Marx said and it shows.

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To quote Norm Macdonald, "sounds like a lot of commie gobbledegook".

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It is a simple plan:

Humans devoid of purpose are impotent.

Without a sense of purpose why would you want to bring children into this world?

Most of humanity will be wiped out, in a few generations, while they try to transition from humans to digitized consciousness.

Disarm the populace by having them give up their purpose in exchange for chains.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Or give all you can a vaccine that makes the children infertile.

BioNTech in March of 2020 sold a majority of stock to a CCP shell company. That company makes the majority of the vaccines. Two Military doctors and Naomi Wolf believe they can prove that the CCP is killing our troops.

Infertility seems likely according to many doctors: Malone, McCullough, etc

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1st step right?

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

There's no way normalizing euthanasia for marginalized people isn't part of the plan too. Canada is already offering assisted suicide to depressed veterans and people who are "too poor to continue living with dignity."

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Oh for sure. The US already had it when some Governors placed covid patients in nursing homes. That is eugenics right there.

When SOME people, likely already sick, got covid bad the US Protocal was RunDeathIsNear and the vent. That is eugenics too

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Simple and diabolical.

IMO the Globalist lose in the end. But I'm an optimist. That said, the last two years have sharpened my cynical side.

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I've been choosing to remain optimistic too. This is spiritual warfare on many levels, and at the end of the day, good IS a greater force than evil :)

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I read about it. Trudeau is such a humanitarian isn't he? We had a Red Dalek in 2010 (Julia Gillard) but she got kerb stomped in the polls before the subsequent election and did not last a full term. How in the world could the Canadians give this filth another shot is difficult to grasp.

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Is it possible that their elections are corrupt? I believe they use Dominion machines for voting in Canada.

(Is there a clue in the company name?🤔)

Mike Lindell is working very hard across the country, on his own dime, to get Secretaries of State across the USA to go back to hand counted paper ballots on specific paper, no drop boxes, no mail-in voting and voting only on election day.

There can be No appreciable cheating that way.

Many of the current SOS’s were funded by George Soros.

Perhaps many of these WEF “leaders” have been installed, not elected?

I seriously question what percentage of the population actually desire the WEF agendas they are pushing now? 10%? 12%? The useful idiots that Lenin described.

IMO, In an unadulterated election these WEF people would be out of power in two cycles.

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I honestly do not know if they use vote counting machines across all provinces in Canada. I know that some provinces like Ontario definitely use them. That means that yes, some level of manipulation was behind the whole affair. However, I get the sinking feeling that Turdeau got a substantial amount of votes from suburban wives that could not recall any of the idiot's policies or speeches but were thinking that he was "well intended". I have seen this here in Oz as well. In 2010, they voted for Gillard the Red Dalek in droves (that is what got her over the line) but when challenged as to why they voted that way, they could not come up with a single valid reason. I talked to at least eight such voters and the common line was "She seems to be sincerely wanting to help." Help from the government. Yeah, THAT STUPID.

As far as how many useful idiots are out there? The scamdemic was an eye opener. I would say that more than 10-12%. 25-30% or so sounds more likely. At least that is/was the case in Oz. If you reaction is wow, the Oz population have not learned much from the 2010 Red Dalek debacle, yep, you would be right (or they forgot about it which is just as bad).

Finally, in a fair election, the WEF would not get anywhere near real power. How many referendums have we had to going back to the stone age type of poverty to save Gaia? None. Everything is done without approval from the hoi polloi.

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Ahhh so that’s why the fbi went after mike ....

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Canada is also offering euthanasia to children.

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Really? Without parental consent?

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

YES. Proposed, AFAIK not yet law.

"For this reason, DWDC asks that Parliament amend the existing age requirement of 18 years of age to extend it to persons: “at least 12 years of age and capable of making decisions with respect to their health.” As with adults, there should be a presumption of capacity for these minors."

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

I would think so.

My belief is the WEF is at war with the human as they want to end humanity and usher in transhumanism.

The CCP conspires with WEF no doubt, but the CCP wants all non chinese dead, that is what the vax is being used for, slowly kill and make all non chinese as possible infertile. In 20 years, just take over. Easy Peasy.


In this video a Military doctor reviews why he thinks the vaccine is a bio weapon.

He also talks about a Chinese Military person refusing to take the made for US VAX saying she could not get back into her country if she did!! Damn!

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Transhumanism is still well in the scifi zone. Maybe at the end of this century it might be an issue. Keep in mind a mosquito is quite capable of driving a Tesla, if it could be interfaced properly, puts advanced super-duper robots to shame.

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Totally agree, but Schwab and the Davos nutters dont think that. Ivankas husband thinks HE has a chance if living forever, but for sure his kids. That is bullshit.

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Spot on.

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Yuval hariri decided he don't need so many humans hanging around.

When you get paid not to work, you get free fentanyl and needles galore and tin foil.

Check out the results in downtown s f.

Putin said he thought the a i was fighting the war for the west hence their winning strategy and donuts....

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Ha ha thanks so much for your article I’m loving all of the content everyone is stepping up to produce to help wake people up this is amazing to see as is in particularly your exploit’s.

Your hard work is something I am very much looking forward to use it to continue in my plight to red pill my family.

The degree to which this apparently needs to be broken down to some people is getting Either so hysterically funny that I can’t start laughing or so tragic that I can’t stop crying but God bless you for your efforts and I will report back to see if it worked

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This quote came to me through the ether.....Truth cannot be told it must be realized.......

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In my experience you can’t enlighten someone who already has the answers. This transhumanist environmentalist religion provides them.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It’s crazy to think that “it’s opposite day” which can gaslight even children is truly the most sophisticated weapon they are using...

Like these people are evil beyond belief and they are employing elementary school level psychological warfare with regards to protecting how obvious their economic plans are

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

People who are on top want to stay there. This insanity freezes the system.

No cow for thee, just for me and my buddy Al Gore.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

PS.. Instead of reading Schwab's book get Alex Jones's The Great Reset War of the World. Excellent read. He pulls a lot of the important stuff from Schwabs book and Yuval Harari’s book. Easy to understand and a quick read. Excellent!

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And still AJ is controlled Opposition, for decades, Bill Cooper already called him out after 9/11 with a special episode "AJ is a liar" AJ silenced any isreali trace on 9/11, i hate AJ since then which cant be reversed because i dont like his voice neither.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yep, the israeli thing is crucial. Hence Ryan Dawson being cancelled continually.

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He's a flunky for Trump, who distracts those who might otherwise be organizing a parallel system.

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Alex Jones.

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Industries they're severely downsizing that no one would have guessed.

Entertainment (AI?)

Medical Care (Screens & AI)

Chain stores (Online)

Chain restaurants (Online)

Trucking (Electric automated)

Farms (Labs for growing foul tasting, toxic slop and disease carrying vermin for food)

Education (Screens)

Police (armed robots, drones, surveillance)

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