We are truly becoming Pink Floyd's 'The Wall'. Just another brick in the wall.

And every single asshole who supported this or thought 'I have nothing to hide' will find themselves part of the wall even if they believed they wouldn't be.

This is not 'getting' serious. The shit coming out of the WEF is serious and it's time to put it out of its misery. Problem is....how?

Isn't Tim Berners-Lee working on a new Internet? Chop, chop Tim!

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Btw, they lose. They're not just going the gains from 2008....

They are gonna lose vast amounts. Frankly I think they are satanic, and have been pulling all kinds of shit. One example... We might end up with 5, or3, or zero vaccines. Not my competence, just a guess

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Jesus said "In this world you will have tribulation but take heart for I have overcome this world."

They are of their father the devil but "He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world!"

Hang in there! The story gets rough but the end was finished from the beginning!

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Amen 🙏🏻♥️. And thank you!

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God bless you!

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They (the WEF) are going to lose, but that doesn't mean we win. The results will be unpredictable and chaotic.

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I am talking spiritually brother. If any man be in Christ, then He is our victory. This is not a battle of flesh and blood but of powers and principalities.

There are only two sides. You are either saved or you are an enemy of The Living God. The Scriptures tell us "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of The Living God".

So make sure you are a son. Because a son abides in The House of The Father. Repent of your sins, turn away from them, and follow The Savior!

"Therefore whoever the son sets free is free indeed"! Rejoice! And live in the freedom that Christ gives you!

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Truth be told the fight is about good against evil. The Bible (KJV I only read this version) foretold it all. We are already living in the end times. Moral degeneration, families being ripped apart and other things we can't mention for fear of retribution. This human world has become a cesspool of evil.

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But remember what Jesus said! "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

The New King James Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982), Lk 21:28.

Evil is thriving in this world. Let us strive to be in the world but not of it. Set apart! Spreading the Truth of the Gospel as far as we can! God bless you!

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Satanic is definitely the word. Add to that, Demonic.

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Notice the dem in DEMonic

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Another good word is, diabolicsal

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how? with guns. But snipers. Because we are not leftists who have nothing going on in our lives. Our time is precious. It must be efficient.

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if the wef plants tell you that

your response is I refuse to give my enemy anything but name rank and no ssn

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That's to a lawful enemy . not to sabateurs and child mass murderers

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Do you mean Inrupt?

https://www.inrupt.com/ The company is called Inrupt. The technology is called Solid. Solid docs here: https://solid.inrupt.com/docs/ .

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They should rather be named CORRUPT b/c that’s what these minions of Evil do: corrupting and destroying societies everywhere.

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So our kids need to develop apps in parallel...but what if the apps get shut down, like parler? It has to come that either it is decentralized and distributed....or they have to take down the grid to get at them.

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Check TOC here for some decentralized apps. This might help some people. http://wordsalad.info/storesharing.html

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Pixie dust drone strikes on Davos? To get rid of their evil thoughts.

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It might be a little more dramatic....

God LOVES dramatic endings. Read about Judith!!!!

You are in front row seat to greatest show on earth.

Garden if Eden, Crucifixion, windup of Great Apostasy.

Hang on, and, as they say, GET THE popcorn

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I totally get this, and I haven't even read the bible much. So glad I did not bring children onto this planet.

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I'm with you Patty.

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The end and the arrival will be very visible by all on earth. I believe the scripture says that.

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I think all the details were not set out.

Timelines very difficult

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True, they are not clear; in retrospect they are crystal, of course.

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The timelins are set out, or not? If they are please put here

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Pray for them! Jesus said bless those who curse you and pray for those that persecute you.

Pray for them!

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Exactly. You don’t get to decide you have nothing to hide—somebody or something else decides that. And then that someone takes action. How people don’t get that is beyond nuts and terrifying. No one is safe.

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Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.

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"Mother, should I trust the government?"

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Should have posted my song here… }}} Church of State {{{

(Ode to the Declaration of Independence and Bill of (Human) Rights)

Now you’ve gone and done it...

...the World will not out run it

The people are now the "collective"...

...and your power’s complete over consciousness awareness

With 21 at the core…

…Agenda 21 at the core

Oh, their Doctrines are Many...

...and their Dogma’s complete

Their god’s the Collective...

...in Human physical State

The Earth is their Idol...

...regulations are their prayers

Oligarchs , Popes and Judges...

...they are the State

and they’ve established the Church of State...they’ve established the Church of State…they’ve established the Church of State…

Now they’ve gone and done it...

...the World will not out run it

The people are now the "collective"...

...and their power’s complete over consciousness awareness

With 21 at the core…

…Agenda 21 at the core

Oh, their Doctrines are Many...

...and their Dogma’s complete

Their god’s the Collective...

...in Human physical State

The Earth is their Alter...

...sacrifice you in Her name


Oligarchs , Popes and Judges...

...they are the State

and they’ve established the Church of State...they’ve established the Church of State…they’ve established the Church of State…

…and now there's NO separation, between you and their God

They’ve got so many commandments that you can never comply

They've taken your Liberty...

...run your Defenses dry

The Council, Collective and Sharia'h, teach your Children, what they need...

...change your history and stories, ban your memories

And then after the elections, they will "Punish our Enemies"...

They've Established the Church of State...

..."Progressive" Evil says it's already too Late

They've Established the Church of State...

…Oligarchs, Popes and Judges

Steal all God's Liberty

They've Established the Church of State

...and our "Leaders" Let Them!

Gave God's Freedoms away...

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I'd suggest using small g for "Their God’s the Collective..."

THIS is excellent!

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TBL's Solid is better suited to privacy in a way because you get to keep all your data on your own server, or a server you designate, and others must ask for it and access is granted based on your choices, which can be fine grained for each piece of data and who can access it. You can designate things for individuals you approve, or groups of people, or groups of groups. But this tech could also be used by companies, governments and ngo's and therein lies the problem. So how will it be used? For our privacy, or for Klaus' social credit system? Only TBL's W3c, a "public private partnership", knows, and they keep that answer to themselves.

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Tim Berners-Lee

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Love the Pink Floyd reference!

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We need The Wall streamed it remains relevant and moving. Plus, terrific soundtrack.

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Lord I hope so.

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wait until they figure out that people who install water barrels are most likely to want to be self sufficient and also doubt vaccine efficacy and safety. Next you'll be diverting rain water from the gutters and you've been de-platformed. going to the Library and withdrawing classic literature for your kids to read? Ix nay! growing tomatoes? the gall of you. the biggest punishment is to leave these censorship sites. eventually twitter will be Joe Biden and millions of bots confirming what a woman and a recession is. a great hack would be to tie up the AI in censoring bots in a loop.

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Most definitely. All red flags those independent actions. Sigh

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This doesn't surprise me. I see so many commonalities between the two.

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So far my favorite response. Create millions of bots to flood the censors - human or AI. Now, if only we could find someone to secretly fund the effort. Hello? ...... Elon? You home?

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The waker's are bought and paid for...but maybe not all of them? Newspapers? are they all on their end beams now?

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Very good idea...and that facial recognition tech hack, to slightly change all your phots of yourself so that AI cannot pick it up.

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Damn. I have a water shoe and it’s full. Add to my list of preparedness. Plus my red beach balls are ripening. (Code just in case of monitoring)

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In some localities it's already restricted to so collect water. I can think of two "legitimate" reasons that might be done: (1) risk of mosquito breeding pools; (2) water is scarce.

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So collecting it from the sky may be illegal soon. Yeah. I can see it.

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I know it is already illegal in Colorado to collect rainwater from your roof.

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It USED to be illegal in Colorado. As of 2016, it is legal to collect 2 x 55 gal drums on property. And the reason that it was illegal is that Water Rights are serious business in this high and dry state.


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Weird. Rain falls on your property. You collect it to enrich your property. Illegal to use the rain that falls on your property past a certain amount. I kind of get it. What does bill gates get to use of the rain that falls on his 250,000 acres of farmland he owns now. If other states do this and he owns farmland there. Me thinks he gets to keep it and the water rights. He is in essence “collecting it”.

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And Australia! You are prosecuted for having tank water in the suburbs! "Ooo... dirty water from the rain" the compliant neighbours complain. I do prefer the F'perier recycled sewerage water in a nice bottle, as respectable people do.

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WTF? Why? Health departments think you might drink it?

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In Arizona they claim the rain water must recharge the aquifer. Of course most of it ends up going down the wash to the river, or just evaporating.

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Is grey water recycling allowed?

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We need to get a bunch of bots coming up with a lot of crazy ideas give the ai work to do and we just mainly stay out of it and find other ways to communicate ai unreachable. Ai has limits too needs some frequency to reach you. Needs electricity, etc... a big emp pulse would put us into stoneage but maybe the only way to kill this ai monster. Literally ai is the alien we feared and it is humans fault. And it already starts. Is technology given to us by evil I wonder now.

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Well if the hacker verse who also loves freedom and/ or eating steak and or heating their family in the winter wants to start messing around I'm certainly thinking its a fabulous idea.

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An army of freedom loving hackers. Well vetted of course.

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Evil is certainly taking advantage of technology. A time in human history when all is connected in some way to tech. Of course Evil is going to use it. Evil doesn’t even have to mount a conventional army. Interesting some way to knock AI out. Heads should be planning something to save us down the little me.

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Own nothing. No Voice. Eating bugs. And happy.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The bugs will be eating Klaus long before we eat bugs.

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The very last sentence. From your lips, to God's ears. 🙏

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Klaus will not end well. God is allowing his folly, this evil, for a much greater good.

His death will be sudden and horrible. as will his sickos he pals with.

And by sickos, I don't mean to limit the absolute evil unhinged

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"His death will be sudden and horrible." Refering to Klaus Schwab --- As I say repeatedly: From your lips, to God's ears. 🙏

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God doesn't like murderers. Child mass murderers....

Satan don't even like them

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Why doesn't Satan like child mass murders? Because they're taking away his future followers?

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Maybe I was exaggerating...

Literary license...


no wife, no kids

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I prefer it be slow and horrible.

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That'll work

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King Herod died a horrible death.

Acts 12:23

[23]And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.

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Ouch. Gruesome.

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It doesn't seem so Godly to contemplate anyone's suffering. The Good Shepherd saves all lost sheep.

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I have no obligation to forgive evil. Justice is what I want. God can do that. They can be saved only if they want it. That’s biblical. I can’t do that.

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IMO, everyone is responsible for forgiving ONLY their own evil after they've made amends via appropriate self-sacrifice. No one gets off "Scott-free". All evil doers must make amends for their evil deeds. And only God knows what amends each of us must make.

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Think what you like but God hates evil. Good enough for me. He will judge and punish.

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Last one... Death penalty for serious crimes is morally acceptable. Catholic teaching.you sound very soft on child mass murderers

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Yes. Just what does God think of child sacrifice—which is exactly what this is when children are put in harms way to protect—adults. God says plenty.

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It's despicable. Actually kids could have protected us by getting covid, I think, cuz their immune systems would have crushed it (I think?

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You believe in universal salvation? Utter nonsense

An undeclared war is being waged on civilians, children. Sorry people get angry.

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And basically it's a strong guess

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"God" says vengeance is his. Meaning it's not ours.

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You are interpreting the Bible. Just one example how you're wrong...

Catholic Church says death penalty is lawful

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I've said this before, but...I miss the good ole days when these atheist psychopaths who fear death just put their disembodied heads in the deep freeze for later reanimation. I did always wonder whose body they were going to steal, though.

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You won't own a body; we'll just get our heads together and will be happy.

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Ted Williams, .344 batting average, 500 plus HR even though in 2 wars

and then....ugh

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Gotta get an org chart

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George Soros will suffer the same fate/judgment.

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Another prayer of, From your lips, to God's ears. 🙏

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Someone else will just replace him. There will always be evil. Hold fast.

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Satan has many demons and minions.

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that pig, he is the 'manager'. we must find his bosses.

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Proverbs 6:2

[2]Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.

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Aug 11, 2022
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It seems I’ve been fattening up some squirrels on my deck. 🤔.

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Faggot = the root of Fascist. 😂🤣 --- Excellent!

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Aug 11, 2022
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i had read the word "faggot" in the bible. it was the word for the branches pruned from the vine that did not produce fruit. they were to be gathered and set ablaze to start the bonfire. faggot=kindling.

gosh, one would think that would be a clear enough visual.

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That actually sounds familiar. Of course, cigarettes were called faggots a huge number of years ago.

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No human will be able to stop it. Satanic forces are at work. WEF and all the others are his puppet organizations.

Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

When it reaches a certain point. The Creator will end it. It really comes down to worship. That will become clear as time goes on but it is going to get much much worse first. Biblical prophecy is very clear. As it was in the days of Noah....

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you might be into smt.

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The Jesuits, always behind a “front”, have “inspired” many a diversion but if you love truth, you will always be able to find it.

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my absolute call to action! https://youtu.be/KXzkg1iHmcU

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lol ...

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Actually the KJV is very very close to the Dead Sea Scrolls etc. the original documents supporting the Biblical text far out weigh any other supposed ancient documents.

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I thought they were found to be forgeries recently? No that there isn't great wisdom in them. There is plenty.

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i suppose you are the authority ... lol

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And not Harari!

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That point will be when humans will be on track to utterly destroy themselves and Gods created planet and creatures on it. We are well down that track. Most will have no clue. Wait, watch and return to your God. He wants everyone back but many will refuse.

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“If you would know who controls you, see who you may not criticize.”

- Tacitus, the Roman historian and politician.

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If we can't criticize the WEF, this entire substack article will be short lived.