Exceptional times make exceptional measures possible, like replacing those judges by new ones, whatever the current law says. But I believe that's called a revolution.
I admit not knowing more about this. I know in Canada, courts tend to defer to the government and public opinion. So how would a new court change this default position?
When you run corrupt judges out of town and elect new ones? Seriously Canada, start acting like you own the country you live in instead of handing your power over to clear antihumanists. Ignore their rules. Tell them to f off.
The judge has to be convinced that ignoring scientific evidence and logic in favour of simply deferring to the local health experts shouldn't be lawful. Unfortunately when medical institutions including Health Canada provide medical direction/mandates contrary to proper scientific medical scrutiny (because those who were afraid of getting cancelled said nothing, complicit in the lies), the judge will side in favour of the 'experts'.
The experts must be made accountable. Albert's premiere, Danielle Smith, and Saskatchewan's premiere Scott Moe are the only two leader politicians with balls to stand up against the 'experts'. There were other politicians of lesser stature along with doctors who challenged the ''experts', but natually they were cancelled.
Last week there was a tribunal for three doctors charged by The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons for professional misconduct, related to not complying with standard care Covid-19 policies. It was another kangaroo court. I haven't heard the decision but I'm guessing it will not be in favour of the doctors.
It's good. Like I mentioned, judges are influenced by public opinion and 'judicial notice' is a hard nut to crack. With the media not budging on the 'safe and effective' and 'benefits outweigh the risks' narratives, it will be hard in Canada to shift public opinion. Canadians aren't exactly politically engaged in this issue at all. They're still stuck on stupid.
There's no room for actual debate and to present evidence. Our judges can't be free thinkers like their American counterparts. Which explains why some of the written opinions have been abysmally embarrassing. You read American opinions and they're sometimes works of judicial intellectual art.
Forget the Courts. The Canadian Govt have already trashed the protections of the law. Trudeau (WEF stooge) deserves the people's law - just like Mussolini. Then you'll see how he swings.
(Spoiler alert for non historians - Mussolini was the WWII Italian Fascist Prime Minister: The people hung him naked from a lamppost!)
That's the other part impossible to deny. Nearly all judges are vaccinated. They're going to keep to the narrative. Not only that, a few of them have PUBLICLY expressed bias.
This is an echo chamber. My nephew just visited from Seattle. Has worked for Microsoft for a long time and got his bivalent booster some weeks ago. Has NO CLUE any of this is happening. Has NO CLUE anybody is dropping dead. I suspect he is thinking I'm insane and should be put away. Or more likely, he thinks I'm lining up for a covid death.
In my case, right at the start, I felt very sad, like I could see the end of my life. I knew I would choose a bullet to the head rather than take that shot. It was just a flash, but it was certainty.
The current version of the virus is N.O.T. the same as the original Wuhan strain that we were told was killing everyone. Well, we don't know how many actually died of COVID since the numbers were plumped up to make the Plandemic look worse than it actually was, and we now have proof positive that more are dying of the shots than the virus. Sheesh. People need to get up to speed with the reality of this plandemic.
Our son was the same until I called him an idiot and challenged him to at least do some research. He no longer believes in the jabs in the least. Of course, if he's gotten any of the jabs, the folding of prions can be a real thing and he probably won't believe anything you say.
I am SO glad you got through to your son. My nephew is intellectually lazy and turns "research" over to others who are equally indoctrinated. They are injecting their kids so they are a quite a select bunch of idiots.
I haven't followed this for a long time, but I remember a time when Comirnaty was not available and all other product was being used under the EUA (not fully approved). One of his research buddies informed me this was no longer the case and the jab has been fully approved for adults. Is this true?
You are correct, he is not ...They never made comirnaty available in the US. I believe it was used in Europe. Everything given here was under EUA. It was a huge marketing lie. As soon as they released the bivalent booster(also under EUA) they immediately pulled all the other Pfizer shots. The bivalent is all that is available from Pfizer now in the US. This will be an endless push of new Vx and nearly completely untested (n=8 mice) unless the US stops the "emergency". You can't have an EUA without it....
Under the current US definition (give immunity, protect against infection, etc?) of a “vaccine”, the manufacturers are protected from liability. But we now know the jabs don’t meet the definition, so can that help victims sue them?
I’m trying to find who has current legal definition- FDA? CDC?
like 2027, which in itself seems ludicrous. I know they voted to approve it for children, which is beyond ludicrous, but they need it to be on the kid’s vax schedules in order to avoid liability, I believe. If it’s on the childhood schedule, it falls under the 1986 ruling
That's what I thought. It'd be nice to find something that explicitly states it, but I couldn't find anything. Everything was just the general media saying it was approved - which they did from the very start.
Last I heard, they are still using the old shots ( the EUA approved shots) and will be for a very long time.
The FDA approved Cominraty(sp?), but it has never been used in the US.
The old shots, being EUA approved, are covered by liability protections....the others are not. The FDA and Pfizer claim that they are the same, but it appears that there are differences between the two.
Of course I am just regurgitating what I have read, your mileage may vary.....
Comminity (sp?) is exactly the same as BNT162b2. except packaged with a branded label (and maybe better QA on mRNA clumping). If used in USA, it doesn't have liability protection which is why Biden is keeping the pandemic emergency going, so Pfizer can continue to sell BNT162B2 instead of branded Comminity.
"[1] The licensed vaccine has the same formulation as the EUA-authorized vaccine and the products can be used interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness."
‘Certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness’
People have been predicting an "awakening" for almost a year that I am aware of ... but I couldn't find it. But just maybe it is just starting to stir:
"Canadian father unloads on Justin Trudeau… ‘F you for killing my son!’…"
I have dark dreams about the proper punishment for anyone in some position of authority who forced jabs on the young. I will do nothing as everything is progressing as prophesied. (Actual virologists, real doctors have predicted everything that is slowly coming true.). Nothing will be worse than reality. These monsters are also fools who took the jabs and boosters. Anyone boosted and still catches covid are the walking dead.
They now have less than four years before getting the diagnose of 3 or more different cancers. They will have months to think about it and to watch their jabbed children die. Welcome to hell Karen.
Great opportunity for cancer cure, right? Never let a good crisis go to waste! Maybe natural cancer treatments can shine for a change, but I suspect the propaganda will continue to place toxic chemo front and centre.
I hope you’re wrong, but I fear that you may be right. Those who forced the shots deserve anything they get, but those who were duped or forced to get them don’t deserve what may be coming......
Too bad so sad for those who were mandated by these institutions and are now unable to leave home. Or have heart surgery. Or died. On and on. Now it’s time for trials. Every single one that required any part of this shit show.
I don't know what I'm gonna do now that I will no longer have the 22-year-old interns to guide me on what does or does not constitute medical "misinformation."
Maybe you can hire an ex twitter trust and safety employee to do your personal thinking for you. I hear there's a lot looking for work. It can be the new personal shopper
I certainly hope to see justice for all of these criminals, but I think it is highly unlikely. Too much corruption at every level of government. However, perhaps we can restore skepticism as the guiding principle of science and move the needle back towards individual liberty in society. Thanks for all you do Igor!
it's a house of cards, though. When enough people see through this narrative for what it has been and is, the entire thing collapses from top to bottom. Imploding like WTC 7. Better be ready.
But Canada has already done this for the whole country! Mandating this unproven vax for all doctors - 93 have died so far - all health care workers, teachers, fire and police, etc etc. Why would college students be an exception? Trudeux is insane.
Doubt it. They are just whores for the pharma cartel and will do what they are told to collect a paycheck. I have no sympathy for them. They withheld early treatment for 2 years and now what goes around comes around. Bummer for them.
There will not be any workers left at all if they enforce this insanity. It's proven that the more boosters, the less effective the immune system, so these poor folks will be gone in a very short time one way or another.
Really? I can't find any news article stating that. I wouldn't put it past that nut case Bonnie Henry. Vancouver Island which she comes from is over 70 percent boosted. So many true believers around there....
Not just for covid but for ANY vaccine they say. The doctors are now pin cushions. I don't feel sorry for them. They let their patients suffer and die for 2 years withholding early treatments and now they won't speak out to stop the vaccination of children. They have, and will continue to, let kids & adults suffer and die needlessly just to collect a paycheck. Their immoral, unethical, spineless obedience is being rewarded with an unending series of injections. GOOD.
Under this bill, vaccines will be mandatory for healthcare professional for licensure, fines of up to $200,000 and jail time will be possible for those speaking out against govt health policies, advisory boards at the now concentrated colleges (compressed to only 6 for all professions) will be comprised solely of govt appointees to their boards. Very similar to Bill 2098 in California, where doctors cannot contradict public health, college and govt statements or lose their licenses.
Just another step down the road to tyranny via censorship of those that are in a position to speak out and are trusted (believe it or not) by the public. No doubt BC is a trial province.
This will need to be challenged and, at the moment, our lawyers are examining the bill. This is not the time to let ourselves be intimidated; we must fight back at every step and, in the process, show these tyrants up for what they are: criminals.
Canada Health Alliance has been looking at the future of healthcare in Canada and the necessity of building a parallel system. That will require that many healthcare professionals reinvent themselves, so as not to be caught practising medicine (or a defined profession) without a license.
This is good to see for sure. But more people need to wake up. The vast majority of the people in my circle including work and friends have taken these shots and are none the wiser after 2 years of the absolute nonsense around Covid. Mr. Chudov, I want thank you for all you do to provide a positive place to come for information around Covid and related matters.
Yes, because the globalists didn't get all the control they want the first time around. Not enough depopulation has happened yet, either. Then too, they need more and more shots in arms for their transhumanist agenda to take shape.
I pray for that everyday as my youngest is in college and has had to jump through hoops to get an exemption from the cooties jab. Now we have a governor who is against exemptions 😢
They are pulling back because if they don’t more students will obviously and clearly start dropping dead and winding up in hospital. In a small university community that will be hard to overlook. Not to mention irritated parents pulling back on their donations and alumnus dues. More universities will, I hope, see the obvious problem and follow suit. Additionally, if the things are mandated and kids die they can and will be sued. If the kids take the shots voluntarily because they are profaned to obey then their deaths are not on the hands of the university.
Writing letters, voting and such will not do it! Get off your butts and make up signs. Then spend an hour or so at least twice a month at a busy intersection with stop signs or lights. You WILL get reactions and results. Most are not used to seeing the TRUTH expressed this way and the righteous truly appreciate such efforts. I've had drivers pull over to talk. Others snap pictures. Most honk in approval while a minority fume and give a finger. And at our local town meetings, some have asked for my arrest!
I’d pay the homeless ppl here to do it but not sure they’d stick around after I gave them cash…. Ohhh… see you in a few hours with $20 if your still holding it might work! Also, our local “abortion kills” sign holder might be interested… “don’t vax b/c it’s killing our unborn”. Gross. All of it
Bring these Bastards to Justice!!!
Not in Canada will there be justice. The courts have made it clear where they swing.
Courts can be upended by new courts.
They have to die first...and Trudeau is replacing them so it’s not likely.
Exceptional times make exceptional measures possible, like replacing those judges by new ones, whatever the current law says. But I believe that's called a revolution.
I admit not knowing more about this. I know in Canada, courts tend to defer to the government and public opinion. So how would a new court change this default position?
When you run corrupt judges out of town and elect new ones? Seriously Canada, start acting like you own the country you live in instead of handing your power over to clear antihumanists. Ignore their rules. Tell them to f off.
We don't elect our judges.
That's the problem. It's not like in the USA.
That guy put up another one not too long ago.
The judge has to be convinced that ignoring scientific evidence and logic in favour of simply deferring to the local health experts shouldn't be lawful. Unfortunately when medical institutions including Health Canada provide medical direction/mandates contrary to proper scientific medical scrutiny (because those who were afraid of getting cancelled said nothing, complicit in the lies), the judge will side in favour of the 'experts'.
The experts must be made accountable. Albert's premiere, Danielle Smith, and Saskatchewan's premiere Scott Moe are the only two leader politicians with balls to stand up against the 'experts'. There were other politicians of lesser stature along with doctors who challenged the ''experts', but natually they were cancelled.
Last week there was a tribunal for three doctors charged by The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons for professional misconduct, related to not complying with standard care Covid-19 policies. It was another kangaroo court. I haven't heard the decision but I'm guessing it will not be in favour of the doctors.
Shows what an idiot the judge is, doesn't it?
In some cases, judges won't even look at the evidence as we saw with Peckford et. al because it's 'moot' now.
CSPO was involved. They're a rogue mafia like the Order here in Quebec. There's no way to stop them. If they want to destroy physicians, they will.
So I'm not confident the trio, led by Dr. Trozzi (who stopped practicing on his own to fight the Covid insanity) will prevail.
I'm hoping CSPO has a moment of commonsense. It's doubtful.
What do you know about this? https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/a-strong-signal-to-governments-and?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
It's good. Like I mentioned, judges are influenced by public opinion and 'judicial notice' is a hard nut to crack. With the media not budging on the 'safe and effective' and 'benefits outweigh the risks' narratives, it will be hard in Canada to shift public opinion. Canadians aren't exactly politically engaged in this issue at all. They're still stuck on stupid.
There's no room for actual debate and to present evidence. Our judges can't be free thinkers like their American counterparts. Which explains why some of the written opinions have been abysmally embarrassing. You read American opinions and they're sometimes works of judicial intellectual art.
Forget the Courts. The Canadian Govt have already trashed the protections of the law. Trudeau (WEF stooge) deserves the people's law - just like Mussolini. Then you'll see how he swings.
(Spoiler alert for non historians - Mussolini was the WWII Italian Fascist Prime Minister: The people hung him naked from a lamppost!)
And how they swing? 😉
Trying to get me in trouble?
Who? Me!? Never! 😉😊😋 --- Truly, not at all.
By their necks, hee hee heeeee
What do you mean? This looks promising https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/a-strong-signal-to-governments-and?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Can't disagree with you.
That's the other part impossible to deny. Nearly all judges are vaccinated. They're going to keep to the narrative. Not only that, a few of them have PUBLICLY expressed bias.
there is a point in the 1944 film 'gaslight' where ingrid bergman realizes that charles boyer has been brainwashing her.....
that awakening is happening today.
everyone grab the movie and watch!!!
This is an echo chamber. My nephew just visited from Seattle. Has worked for Microsoft for a long time and got his bivalent booster some weeks ago. Has NO CLUE any of this is happening. Has NO CLUE anybody is dropping dead. I suspect he is thinking I'm insane and should be put away. Or more likely, he thinks I'm lining up for a covid death.
the more you know the better you can make a decision under uncertainty.
as twain said: 'it is what you know that ain't so..."
what i know and i am 72 and healthy i will take my chances w/ the bug.
in spring 2021, i was duped and am moderna vax, no boosters, i had a very mild case in june 2022!
i will rely on my natural immunity and hope the time mrna bomb don't go off anytime soon.
In my case, right at the start, I felt very sad, like I could see the end of my life. I knew I would choose a bullet to the head rather than take that shot. It was just a flash, but it was certainty.
Same here..think it was very eye opening when we told our son that it was a hill we'd die on if necessary.
The current version of the virus is N.O.T. the same as the original Wuhan strain that we were told was killing everyone. Well, we don't know how many actually died of COVID since the numbers were plumped up to make the Plandemic look worse than it actually was, and we now have proof positive that more are dying of the shots than the virus. Sheesh. People need to get up to speed with the reality of this plandemic.
Our son was the same until I called him an idiot and challenged him to at least do some research. He no longer believes in the jabs in the least. Of course, if he's gotten any of the jabs, the folding of prions can be a real thing and he probably won't believe anything you say.
I am SO glad you got through to your son. My nephew is intellectually lazy and turns "research" over to others who are equally indoctrinated. They are injecting their kids so they are a quite a select bunch of idiots.
I haven't followed this for a long time, but I remember a time when Comirnaty was not available and all other product was being used under the EUA (not fully approved). One of his research buddies informed me this was no longer the case and the jab has been fully approved for adults. Is this true?
You are correct, he is not ...They never made comirnaty available in the US. I believe it was used in Europe. Everything given here was under EUA. It was a huge marketing lie. As soon as they released the bivalent booster(also under EUA) they immediately pulled all the other Pfizer shots. The bivalent is all that is available from Pfizer now in the US. This will be an endless push of new Vx and nearly completely untested (n=8 mice) unless the US stops the "emergency". You can't have an EUA without it....
Meryl Nass is an excellent resource on this.
Under the current US definition (give immunity, protect against infection, etc?) of a “vaccine”, the manufacturers are protected from liability. But we now know the jabs don’t meet the definition, so can that help victims sue them?
I’m trying to find who has current legal definition- FDA? CDC?
the two top people demystifying the legal issues are katherine watt and karen kingston
I’m not sure. I thought they were doing EUA until
like 2027, which in itself seems ludicrous. I know they voted to approve it for children, which is beyond ludicrous, but they need it to be on the kid’s vax schedules in order to avoid liability, I believe. If it’s on the childhood schedule, it falls under the 1986 ruling
of zero liability. Evil.
That's what I thought. It'd be nice to find something that explicitly states it, but I couldn't find anything. Everything was just the general media saying it was approved - which they did from the very start.
Last I heard, they are still using the old shots ( the EUA approved shots) and will be for a very long time.
The FDA approved Cominraty(sp?), but it has never been used in the US.
The old shots, being EUA approved, are covered by liability protections....the others are not. The FDA and Pfizer claim that they are the same, but it appears that there are differences between the two.
Of course I am just regurgitating what I have read, your mileage may vary.....
Comminity (sp?) is exactly the same as BNT162b2. except packaged with a branded label (and maybe better QA on mRNA clumping). If used in USA, it doesn't have liability protection which is why Biden is keeping the pandemic emergency going, so Pfizer can continue to sell BNT162B2 instead of branded Comminity.
They pulled the EUA on the original shot per Meryl Nass...
"[1] The licensed vaccine has the same formulation as the EUA-authorized vaccine and the products can be used interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness."
‘Certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness’
The FDA said it, it must be true...
Brain Fog disease=lack of comprehension
I’m doing my level
best to send everything I read that is truly
informative to at least 10-20 friends, post it on twitter and sometimes fakebook, etc. It’s got
to get
at least 1-2.
Most people I know are like that. See no evil, I guess.
Love that movie...now I know why..... ;)
Me, too!
Terrific film
People have been predicting an "awakening" for almost a year that I am aware of ... but I couldn't find it. But just maybe it is just starting to stir:
"Canadian father unloads on Justin Trudeau… ‘F you for killing my son!’…"
And in Denmark:
Danish Prime Minister Publically Shamed: You Killed 83,000 Danes With the ‘Covid Vaccine’
I sure hope so.
No amnesty! 😡😡😡
And no forgetting
Never forget
So far letters similar to this one have been sent to state attorneys general in WY, NH, KY, KS, TX, IN, AK, AL, AZ, TN, MT, FL, and UT: https://dailyclout.io/letter-to-wyoming-attorney-general-consider-state-criminal-investigation-of-cdc-officials-for-reckless-endangering/
They can have a hard punishment (default) or an easy punishment (maybe). Period
I have dark dreams about the proper punishment for anyone in some position of authority who forced jabs on the young. I will do nothing as everything is progressing as prophesied. (Actual virologists, real doctors have predicted everything that is slowly coming true.). Nothing will be worse than reality. These monsters are also fools who took the jabs and boosters. Anyone boosted and still catches covid are the walking dead.
They now have less than four years before getting the diagnose of 3 or more different cancers. They will have months to think about it and to watch their jabbed children die. Welcome to hell Karen.
Great opportunity for cancer cure, right? Never let a good crisis go to waste! Maybe natural cancer treatments can shine for a change, but I suspect the propaganda will continue to place toxic chemo front and centre.
I hope you’re wrong, but I fear that you may be right. Those who forced the shots deserve anything they get, but those who were duped or forced to get them don’t deserve what may be coming......
"Personally, I will do my best to continue exposing Covid criminals so that they are not let off the hook and their crimes are not forgotten."
Yes!! There must be consequences!!! This crap can never happen again.
Too bad so sad for those who were mandated by these institutions and are now unable to leave home. Or have heart surgery. Or died. On and on. Now it’s time for trials. Every single one that required any part of this shit show.
We're hopefully getting to the 'chase them down' part of the saga.
No amnesty.
love this.
I don't know what I'm gonna do now that I will no longer have the 22-year-old interns to guide me on what does or does not constitute medical "misinformation."
Maybe you can hire an ex twitter trust and safety employee to do your personal thinking for you. I hear there's a lot looking for work. It can be the new personal shopper
And offer them $15/ hour.... Minimum wage, baby!! That's about all they're really worth!
Interns? Bots.
I certainly hope to see justice for all of these criminals, but I think it is highly unlikely. Too much corruption at every level of government. However, perhaps we can restore skepticism as the guiding principle of science and move the needle back towards individual liberty in society. Thanks for all you do Igor!
it's a house of cards, though. When enough people see through this narrative for what it has been and is, the entire thing collapses from top to bottom. Imploding like WTC 7. Better be ready.
Nicely put!
...but they are still keeping the masks..... NO AMNESTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, seeing masks making a comeback in the mall that I went to today-seems to be increasing.
Sheep will be sheep.
Don’t comply with what you know is wrong!!!!
I am all for trials and short ropes. Injections if they prefer. They seem to like them. No amnesty. Not now, not ever!
Give them ALL the injections. I hear they're safe and effective...
But Canada has already done this for the whole country! Mandating this unproven vax for all doctors - 93 have died so far - all health care workers, teachers, fire and police, etc etc. Why would college students be an exception? Trudeux is insane.
British Columbia has just mandated boosters every three months for health care workers.
Hopefully enough walk out that they’ll have to resign that bs
Yes, that would surely be a wake-up call. The more that leave - the more effect!
Doubt it. They are just whores for the pharma cartel and will do what they are told to collect a paycheck. I have no sympathy for them. They withheld early treatment for 2 years and now what goes around comes around. Bummer for them.
There will not be any workers left at all if they enforce this insanity. It's proven that the more boosters, the less effective the immune system, so these poor folks will be gone in a very short time one way or another.
Oh no - how many will be left to take care of the sick?? Not enough!
Really? I can't find any news article stating that. I wouldn't put it past that nut case Bonnie Henry. Vancouver Island which she comes from is over 70 percent boosted. So many true believers around there....
Not just for covid but for ANY vaccine they say. The doctors are now pin cushions. I don't feel sorry for them. They let their patients suffer and die for 2 years withholding early treatments and now they won't speak out to stop the vaccination of children. They have, and will continue to, let kids & adults suffer and die needlessly just to collect a paycheck. Their immoral, unethical, spineless obedience is being rewarded with an unending series of injections. GOOD.
Bill 36 was passed in BC last week. There was no discussion period -- it was cut out by our new premier David Eby. The bill can be read at https://www.leg.bc.ca/parliamentary-business/legislation-debates-proceedings/42nd-parliament/3rd-session/bills/first-reading/gov36-1
Under this bill, vaccines will be mandatory for healthcare professional for licensure, fines of up to $200,000 and jail time will be possible for those speaking out against govt health policies, advisory boards at the now concentrated colleges (compressed to only 6 for all professions) will be comprised solely of govt appointees to their boards. Very similar to Bill 2098 in California, where doctors cannot contradict public health, college and govt statements or lose their licenses.
Just another step down the road to tyranny via censorship of those that are in a position to speak out and are trusted (believe it or not) by the public. No doubt BC is a trial province.
This will need to be challenged and, at the moment, our lawyers are examining the bill. This is not the time to let ourselves be intimidated; we must fight back at every step and, in the process, show these tyrants up for what they are: criminals.
Canada Health Alliance has been looking at the future of healthcare in Canada and the necessity of building a parallel system. That will require that many healthcare professionals reinvent themselves, so as not to be caught practising medicine (or a defined profession) without a license.
I think the Geo theory has little basis, but the Covid policy is similar to the western side of the US continent.
Is there a Geo theory in that sense?
That is dreadful.
BC never mandated for teachers. (At least.)
Turdeau 💩 is not your bro.
ha! True Dat!
This is good to see for sure. But more people need to wake up. The vast majority of the people in my circle including work and friends have taken these shots and are none the wiser after 2 years of the absolute nonsense around Covid. Mr. Chudov, I want thank you for all you do to provide a positive place to come for information around Covid and related matters.
Thank you and lots of work ahead...
Plus the "next pandemic" is around the corner...
There will be "roll-by" pandemics just to make sure people know who's in control.
What they don't know is that THERE WILL BE BLOOD the next time around.
Yes, because the globalists didn't get all the control they want the first time around. Not enough depopulation has happened yet, either. Then too, they need more and more shots in arms for their transhumanist agenda to take shape.
...Bill Gates will insist...
Agree how are ppl so uninformed
I hope all the hold out Universities and Colleges follow suit.
I pray for that everyday as my youngest is in college and has had to jump through hoops to get an exemption from the cooties jab. Now we have a governor who is against exemptions 😢
I heard 2 of RFK, Jr’s kids are vaxxed, much to his chagrin. They wanted
to play sports at their colleges.
Omg…that’s insanity at its’ finest.
SEND THIS to colleges!
Too bad Twitter can't ban the CDC, WHO, CCP, Fraudci, and Justin Brandeau's accounts for all the misinformation they've been spewing.
They are pulling back because if they don’t more students will obviously and clearly start dropping dead and winding up in hospital. In a small university community that will be hard to overlook. Not to mention irritated parents pulling back on their donations and alumnus dues. More universities will, I hope, see the obvious problem and follow suit. Additionally, if the things are mandated and kids die they can and will be sued. If the kids take the shots voluntarily because they are profaned to obey then their deaths are not on the hands of the university.
Dropping dead… or just dropping out!
Writing letters, voting and such will not do it! Get off your butts and make up signs. Then spend an hour or so at least twice a month at a busy intersection with stop signs or lights. You WILL get reactions and results. Most are not used to seeing the TRUTH expressed this way and the righteous truly appreciate such efforts. I've had drivers pull over to talk. Others snap pictures. Most honk in approval while a minority fume and give a finger. And at our local town meetings, some have asked for my arrest!
Where are you?
Wingdale, New York. Dutchess County, about 100 miles north of the city where I grew up and left in '92 after They banned assault rifles.
I’d pay the homeless ppl here to do it but not sure they’d stick around after I gave them cash…. Ohhh… see you in a few hours with $20 if your still holding it might work! Also, our local “abortion kills” sign holder might be interested… “don’t vax b/c it’s killing our unborn”. Gross. All of it
You rock!!! :-)