White House "Climate Adviser" Banned from the National Academy of Science for Science Fraud
... while White House Officials Beg Social Media to Silence Opponents
Climate change is a very important topic! According to Bill Gates-sponsored scientist Kari Nadeau, climate change is responsible for the recent rise in heart attacks, stillbirths, and cardiovascular disease, especially in children. So, knowing how important climate change is, I am paying attention to news about it, though with lesser intensity than I devote to Covid news.
Finally, we have a great climate change story! White House “climate official” Jane Lubchenco was just banned by the National Academy of Science (archive link) for science fraud. She was an editor of a paper written by her brother-in-law. Jane did not disclose this family relationship and promoted her brother-in-law’s article. The article itself contained false data that was known to be out of date at the time the article was written, and thus the paper was fraudulent.
Jane is now not allowed to participate in many scientific activities due to violating ethics rules meant to prevent fraud in science.
What is the White House’s biggest priority right now, when it comes to climate change? Perhaps it is cleaning up the place and making sure that we have honest science? Not really. The priority is demanding that major social networks silence climate change skeptics. Watch this video at 11:10:
The White House adviser says in the interview:
And frankly, the tech companies have to stop allowing specific individuals over and over again to spread disinformation.
I am not a big climate change skeptic — I do not care about climate change all that much right now — but coincidentally, Twitter recently suspended my dog’s account for 7 days.
So, I am not allowed to spread misinformation. The White House, on the other hand, has climate change advisors who perpetrate scientific fraud.
On a more serious note, my dog’s Twitter account was not alone and was suspended among hundreds of others last week, ostensibly for antivax misinformation. Why is this happening now? Why the urgency? It certainly is NOT about helping to vaccinate the public, as COVID vaccine uptake is at historic lows and everyone made up their mind already. Censorship would not help much with vaccination! Why, then, is it intensifying?
My own guess is that these suspensions are not so much related to Covid, but are happening due to the fact that the White House and the woke social networks are preparing for the November elections and want to silence dissent in advance. Why?
to influence the election, and
to prevent people from questioning election conduct and fairness afterward
They — the White House, Twitter, Facebook and Google — know that they will have to face very uncomfortable questions about their role in forcing the so-called “Covid vaccine” onto young people, as they “own” the outcome of this. They want to postpone that moment of reckoning and thus are deleting as many dissenting voices as they can.
It is possible that they will succeed. What do you think?
The climate change insanity hooked me years ago and has kept me riveted every day since, right on through the scamdemic of the last couple years. (Made it very easy to spot the outright covid lies early on, btw).
The climate hoax is of overwhelming importance, the govt “response” to this cooked-up theory hugely impacts every aspect of our lives and they are just getting started. It’s actually a fascinating topic to explore. I started out years ago by reading John Casey’s “Dark Winter” (also saw the documentary based on Casey’s book, back in 2018 on Newsmax). I’ve read additional books since that time, there are several great ones out there. Just as with covid, there are many, many brilliant, reputable scientists around the globe who have been shouting the truth about this from Day One, but are completely silenced and erased. One of my first reads every morning is a newsletter I follow on the subject by “Cap Allon” at electroverse.co. Highly recommend Casey’s book and/or electroverse to get started. Truth always wins in the end🙏🏻♥️
The last election cycles, Twitter systematically censored and banned accounts starting at about the 90 day mark outside of the elections. I heard Facebook uses the same format of censorship. It's obviously coordinated. Google also changes their search results in that same window. We have to strip them of their Section 230 protections- because they violate that repeatedly all year long. We need to open the liability doors wide open so they get sued! These monsters only speak in the language of money. I should also point out- that because so many in Congress get substantial campaign contributions from these internet giants- they will NOT revoke the Section 230 protection unless we make such a stink that we treat them like Cheney!