It's all a coincidence. Everything. Except the bits that you are told are not. Really, just STOP thinking. This is embarrassing. And very white of you, Igor. Go get a jab, or you might continue spreading sound ideas, and then where would we be?
Igor, Thank You for the horrific details! "Follow the Money Trail!" seems to apply to ALL of the COVID CRAP that is actively destroying life here in America! 😡 This MUST be the mantra of BIG HARMA, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND THE MSM UNDER THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN IN ROME! (Yes, sadly, I HAVE connected the dots!) This certainly was also the theme of the German Nazis with their "crooked cross!"
Nature Heals! I post publicly and freely on MeWe.
Igor, you need to normalize by age. Old white people are the majority for their age group. It's population replacement. So for old people, 60% of them being white is not suprising.
A possible answer is how Census and other agencies handle "Hispanic." At various points there has been a change in the term. "Hispanic" is not a race -- it's a language and culture affiliation. The original pure (purer) Castilians are some combination of European Caucasian with some Arab/Moor mixed in. These people colonized much of the New World and as a result the "average" Hispanic there added variable amounts of dozens of distinct native populations and/or African tribes, primarily in the Caribbean where slavery was common.
A less charitable answer is that the purveyor of statistics had motive to bias its numbers for some reason. Granted, such bias would not be likely in any given year; it’s more a risk in comparing racial statistics in (say) 1970 and 2020.
Do we know how the testing rate compares among the demographics? Since having a positive test within 30 days of death counts as a covid death, demographics doing more testing would have a disproportionately higher covid death numbers.
Probably because many of them are really old and covid really only killed people over the age of 80. In my country,of England, the average age of dying of covid was 83, some four years older than the ever age normal death rate…
I think you're cherry picking this data. Your chart shows that Asians are even more highly vaccinated in California than Whites (by a substantial margin), but their share of deaths has increased by a much smaller amount and remains below their share of the population. Most of the shift is between Whites and Hispanics, the two largest demographic subgroups. The fact that the absolute rate of Covid deaths has declined substantially makes survivor bias a more plausible explanatory factor, a priori. Survivor bias is less plausible for explaining shifts in inter-country all-cause mortality patterns, since absolute rates have increased post-omicron in many highly vaccinated countries. But this California data, by itself, doesn't convince me that the vaccines are playing a major role.
Asians are more likely to care for family members / are more family-oriented / more likely to live in intergenerational homes and eat WAY healthier than white people. That's why.
Assuming that SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab, which I think pretty much everyone not reliant on NIH grants now openly acknowledges, from the outset one of several conjectures is that a lab was working on a vaccine against HIV.
There you go again. Gates twists everything to fit his bigger narrative. Gotta get the serfs to believe in the Viral Mythology fable so as to make them more controllable.
It's been noted that there could have been some natural immunity in certain populations even before the SARS-CoV-2 appeared on the scene. So far as I know, it is not controversial that SARS type coronaviruses are endemic to China. Thus it's a reasonable guess that there would be more likely natural immunity in those populations closest to natural virus lairs.
I'm not that familiar with, say, data in Western countries broken down by demographic group. On the other hand, the differences are not so great between East Asia and, for example, Australasia and Scandinavia (bar Sweden). In particular, both Covid- and all-cause mortality *trends* during the pandemic have been similar in these regions: relatively low pre-omicron, then exploded. While Covid mortality has abated (at least in official figures, which are more or less not even being published any more), all these regions continue to suffer from what looks like chronic all-cause excess mortality, and at comparable levels (maybe even higher in East Asia than in Scandinavia). All such countries are, moreover, highly vaxxed and boosted, so they exemplify the apparent failure of mass vaccination.
Because Asians are extremely compliant. It’s absolutely pathetic to behold. I see them everyday at the coast with no one around wearing a mask. Pure insanity…
Remember when people had been told that the virus would stop with them if they got jabbed? Then more of the jabbed started getting hospitalized and said that they were surprised because of what they had been told. It was mostly the elderly at first and then betrayal was heartbreaking.
Dear Sars C OV 2 I really appreciate that you have adjusted your understanding of our times and have adopted full circle DEI. You really scared us that you were so racist in the beginning but you have really embraced equity and have distributed the wealth to all races.
And I lost my job after 23 years because I refused to put a swab up my nose (a carcinogen). I knew it went against God/Creator. I retired three years early, not by choice.
Humanity is utterly insane. I won’t go into any details.
It's all a coincidence. Everything. Except the bits that you are told are not. Really, just STOP thinking. This is embarrassing. And very white of you, Igor. Go get a jab, or you might continue spreading sound ideas, and then where would we be?
Igor, Thank You for the horrific details! "Follow the Money Trail!" seems to apply to ALL of the COVID CRAP that is actively destroying life here in America! 😡 This MUST be the mantra of BIG HARMA, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND THE MSM UNDER THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN IN ROME! (Yes, sadly, I HAVE connected the dots!) This certainly was also the theme of the German Nazis with their "crooked cross!"
Nature Heals! I post publicly and freely on MeWe.
They are on average less healthy!
Compared to who
Igor, you need to normalize by age. Old white people are the majority for their age group. It's population replacement. So for old people, 60% of them being white is not suprising.
Uh, where are they getting the California racial statistics? The latest say that whites are 52.09%. I live here.
A possible answer is how Census and other agencies handle "Hispanic." At various points there has been a change in the term. "Hispanic" is not a race -- it's a language and culture affiliation. The original pure (purer) Castilians are some combination of European Caucasian with some Arab/Moor mixed in. These people colonized much of the New World and as a result the "average" Hispanic there added variable amounts of dozens of distinct native populations and/or African tribes, primarily in the Caribbean where slavery was common.
A less charitable answer is that the purveyor of statistics had motive to bias its numbers for some reason. Granted, such bias would not be likely in any given year; it’s more a risk in comparing racial statistics in (say) 1970 and 2020.
Who exactly determines what a race, culture, etc., is?
Do we know how the testing rate compares among the demographics? Since having a positive test within 30 days of death counts as a covid death, demographics doing more testing would have a disproportionately higher covid death numbers.
No such thing as covid so nobody died of "it"
But they died "with" covid according to the PCR test.
Probably because many of them are really old and covid really only killed people over the age of 80. In my country,of England, the average age of dying of covid was 83, some four years older than the ever age normal death rate…
Maybe whites more likely to end up in the hospital where the official treatment protocol can kill them.
I think you're cherry picking this data. Your chart shows that Asians are even more highly vaccinated in California than Whites (by a substantial margin), but their share of deaths has increased by a much smaller amount and remains below their share of the population. Most of the shift is between Whites and Hispanics, the two largest demographic subgroups. The fact that the absolute rate of Covid deaths has declined substantially makes survivor bias a more plausible explanatory factor, a priori. Survivor bias is less plausible for explaining shifts in inter-country all-cause mortality patterns, since absolute rates have increased post-omicron in many highly vaccinated countries. But this California data, by itself, doesn't convince me that the vaccines are playing a major role.
Asians are more likely to care for family members / are more family-oriented / more likely to live in intergenerational homes and eat WAY healthier than white people. That's why.
You said "Omicron" like you think it is/was a real thing.
Bill Gates admits that the Omicron strain of SARS-2 acted as a vaccine
Assuming that SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab, which I think pretty much everyone not reliant on NIH grants now openly acknowledges, from the outset one of several conjectures is that a lab was working on a vaccine against HIV.
There you go again. Gates twists everything to fit his bigger narrative. Gotta get the serfs to believe in the Viral Mythology fable so as to make them more controllable.
Asian covid mortality seems to differ greatly worldwide from whites for an unknown reason
It's been noted that there could have been some natural immunity in certain populations even before the SARS-CoV-2 appeared on the scene. So far as I know, it is not controversial that SARS type coronaviruses are endemic to China. Thus it's a reasonable guess that there would be more likely natural immunity in those populations closest to natural virus lairs.
I'm not that familiar with, say, data in Western countries broken down by demographic group. On the other hand, the differences are not so great between East Asia and, for example, Australasia and Scandinavia (bar Sweden). In particular, both Covid- and all-cause mortality *trends* during the pandemic have been similar in these regions: relatively low pre-omicron, then exploded. While Covid mortality has abated (at least in official figures, which are more or less not even being published any more), all these regions continue to suffer from what looks like chronic all-cause excess mortality, and at comparable levels (maybe even higher in East Asia than in Scandinavia). All such countries are, moreover, highly vaxxed and boosted, so they exemplify the apparent failure of mass vaccination.
Because Asians are extremely compliant. It’s absolutely pathetic to behold. I see them everyday at the coast with no one around wearing a mask. Pure insanity…
Remember when people had been told that the virus would stop with them if they got jabbed? Then more of the jabbed started getting hospitalized and said that they were surprised because of what they had been told. It was mostly the elderly at first and then betrayal was heartbreaking.
Dear Sars C OV 2 I really appreciate that you have adjusted your understanding of our times and have adopted full circle DEI. You really scared us that you were so racist in the beginning but you have really embraced equity and have distributed the wealth to all races.
What virus? PCR IS NOT A DIAGNOSTIC TEST. Not at 40+ threshold cycles, not at 28, not at any threshold
And I lost my job after 23 years because I refused to put a swab up my nose (a carcinogen). I knew it went against God/Creator. I retired three years early, not by choice.
Humanity is utterly insane. I won’t go into any details.
Another great article Igor. Thank you. Yes, more shots, more death. We need to keep saying it and hearing it. After all, this is the real science.
Shoot Fauci in the head twice
Why twice? Lol!
Of course it’s the vaccines!!