They are on average less healthy!

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Igor, you need to normalize by age. Old white people are the majority for their age group. It's population replacement. So for old people, 60% of them being white is not suprising.

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Uh, where are they getting the California racial statistics? The latest say that whites are 52.09%. I live here.

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Do we know how the testing rate compares among the demographics? Since having a positive test within 30 days of death counts as a covid death, demographics doing more testing would have a disproportionately higher covid death numbers.

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No such thing as covid so nobody died of "it"

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Probably because many of them are really old and covid really only killed people over the age of 80. In my country,of England, the average age of dying of covid was 83, some four years older than the ever age normal death rate…

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Maybe whites more likely to end up in the hospital where the official treatment protocol can kill them.

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Apr 18Liked by Igor Chudov

I think you're cherry picking this data. Your chart shows that Asians are even more highly vaccinated in California than Whites (by a substantial margin), but their share of deaths has increased by a much smaller amount and remains below their share of the population. Most of the shift is between Whites and Hispanics, the two largest demographic subgroups. The fact that the absolute rate of Covid deaths has declined substantially makes survivor bias a more plausible explanatory factor, a priori. Survivor bias is less plausible for explaining shifts in inter-country all-cause mortality patterns, since absolute rates have increased post-omicron in many highly vaccinated countries. But this California data, by itself, doesn't convince me that the vaccines are playing a major role.

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Apr 18Liked by Igor Chudov

Remember when people had been told that the virus would stop with them if they got jabbed? Then more of the jabbed started getting hospitalized and said that they were surprised because of what they had been told. It was mostly the elderly at first and then betrayal was heartbreaking.

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Apr 18Liked by Igor Chudov

Dear Sars C OV 2 I really appreciate that you have adjusted your understanding of our times and have adopted full circle DEI. You really scared us that you were so racist in the beginning but you have really embraced equity and have distributed the wealth to all races.

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What virus? PCR IS NOT A DIAGNOSTIC TEST. Not at 40+ threshold cycles, not at 28, not at any threshold

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Apr 17Liked by Igor Chudov

Another great article Igor. Thank you. Yes, more shots, more death. We need to keep saying it and hearing it. After all, this is the real science.

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Shoot Fauci in the head twice

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Apr 17Liked by Igor Chudov

Of course it’s the vaccines!!

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I am not medically or scientific trained but in October 2019 my wife ended up in hospital (ICU) with heart failure and other comorbidities. So, to keep my wife alive (after all how can I live without coffee?) I had to research the sudden January 2020 announced covid 19. Well there was this UK scientist who claimed having found the vaccine within 2 hours. In another video it was 3 hours. And, I just concluded this was crap. Peter Doherty Institute (Melbourne) claimed to have found 6 variants, albeit years later I understand they changed tune that they never did. So, I have been downloading tens of thousands of videos, articles, etc and while it doesn’t make me a brain surgeon at least I got the gist that this alleged covid-19 virus was never isolated and purified. When we have the renamed second hand car salesmen now referred to as politicians pushing the “safe and effective” mantra I knew I was on to something. Then I understood Peter Doherty Institute to be involved in Ukraine bio laboratories, etc. My wife and I do not watch television or listen to radio and that means we didn’t fall for any fearmongering. Not once did I wear a mask as after all useless to have a wire fence around your property when mosquitos can fly through it or over it, like the mask nonsense. I understand Florida had Bill Gates releasing mosquitos and then well people were dying as they previously did in Africa when mosquitos were released. And I understand the same in India. And with the DoJ and DoD pushing their Deagel DEPOPULATION scheme and alleged covid deaths were specifically where certain covid vails were u8sed and also keeping in mind https://jrnyquist.blog/2019/09/11/the-secret-speech-of-general-chi-haotian/ The Secret Speech of General Chi Haotian, about using pathogens to kill 200 million Americans it clearly fitted the way the DoJ and DoD were pursuing the DEPOPULATION. Combined with using the (FAKE) PCR test to obtain the DNA fo0f about everyone now they could calibrate the content of the vials to target specific races.

No surprise here that with seeking to wipe out the white skinned race. Anyhow, in 2021 my wife went to see her specialist and he then urged us both to have the jab. (I was not even his patients!) Anyhow, I asked him to explain the dangers for my wife to have the jab and well he admitted he didn’t known. Mind you he was the head of a Department in a major hospital then already having had more than 800,000 people injected. Anyhow, I then started to explain what I understood were the dangers for my wife (a non-medical person explaining to a medical specialist about medical issues regarding vaccination issues) and his response was: “You are very intelligent”. Well we didn’t come for him to tell me that, and my wife never went back to him again. A few years ago a cardiologist recommended for my wife to get some pacemaker and my wife asked me what my views were. I explained if she wanted to die then it was up to her but then who is going to make me coffee? She decided against it. Another specialist later made known to my wife that her heart pumps about 30% and her valves are leaking and she is far too weak to have an operation. So, not wanting to stop making me cups of coffee basically saved her life. I explained to my wife that more than 2 decades ago she was told by a doctor she had not long to live but she still is and I intend to celebrate when she turns 100. All she needs to do is just keep the coffee flowing.  She did make known that was it not for me she would have been death decades ago. So making me cups of coffee is not a problem. And, I like making her soups as she likes that! One of my sons (41) had 2 jabs to keep his job and now has a turbo cancer and given 5 months to 5 years to live. I keep sending him jokes via text as in my view to relax a person is the best medicine. I about 25 years ago told him when he turns 50 I would give him a dollar, and well he keeps telling me he has every intent to collect that dollar! We all are going to die someday but everyone should understand that it is better to make the best of while you can and are alive and if you RELAX this actually reduces stress and if better for you. Don’t watch the fearmongering on television or listen to the radio, just download videos as you can shut them up whenever you feel like it. If the grim reaper come to get you simply tell him you are too busy enjoying life. And try to avoid to let anyone give your DNA details to anyone as then well the party can be over sooner then you think.

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Apr 17Liked by Igor Chudov

There are many who decided to get the injections when they were offered ‘front of the line’ status. I have a friend who chose to get injected because a mutual friend had “connections” that forwent having to wait in line. His privileged status resulted in him getting a whole new personality change as a vaccine side effect. I had warned him thoroughly. He now regrets accepting that privileged offer.

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