Are all the worldwide narcissistic sociopathic murderers working in/on health policy these days?

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Looks like it

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Not just working - leading and pushing all the changes. Quite clearly the psych testing in medicine is either useless or fraudulent. It is difficult to find a normal person in medical research these days. It makes one wonder if they ever did exist in the first place.

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pretty clear MD's chosen for Compliance; last 20-30 years. Who Selects? Rockefeller or Gates $

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I looked a few years ago- the UBC application was vetted by SJW's and required plenty of politically correct (now "woke") volunteer time.

The research (MD/PhD) track group who started with us some decades ago would not have been personable enough to work in clinical practice. I concur with your assessments, both Peter and Miko.

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ask my doc for Ivermectin, he said he would be fired if he gave it to me, I didn't get Ivermectin. doc got fired anyway, BY ME!

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No there are plenty more to infect government, military, Christianity, Judiasm and all the other entities that I have failed to list. At times this is over whelming then I remember that God will repay. Agape!

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💯 ... PfLIEzer / Congress writes the laws.

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Nah, couple are working in education too. Just look at university shot mandates...

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Yes and the new communist uniform is a dark suit, white button down shirt and no tie

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"This new form of control [technocratic totalitarianism] will not be led by gang leaders such as Stalin or Hitler, but by dull bureaucrats and technocrats,” -- Mattias Desmet, citing the work of 20th century political philosopher Hannah Arendt.

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Correct. That is where DEI comes in. It’s about getting unqualified people hired into authoritative jobs.

Mao did same thing. Roofers became surgeons and vice versa.

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At least 99%.

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We have Justin Trudeau, who would not have been able to earn a "health" credential above massage assistant.

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You give him far too much credit.

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not all. they are in every profiteering industry that the industrial 'revolution' created- you know, the global cartel in banking, utilities, the military, big agriculture, the media, ad nauseum. the so called leaders and all big corporations are puppets of people whose names we may never know.

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No. Some are working at decimating our (healthy) food supply, electrical and other energy supply, flooding Europe with surplus prison candidates* from the 3rd world, hypnotizing people to get 3-year-olds castrated and pretend that's _compassionate_ ,

hrm... did I forget anything?

* when TSHTF, something tells me, those won't be the ones most likely to be hungry, compared to people who have had problems in the past 2 decades such as their favorite TV show being cancelled. They are not being discouraged much by repeatedly getting probation sentences for violent crimes, including assault rape of 11 year olds, in Germany.

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YES! One day these same people, if they live long enough, will drink blood. They have shed BLOOD and BLOOD is what they get to drink. I CAN PROVE IT TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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the last thing we want is for farrar to be in charge of whitewashing the whole thing. before the WHO appointment he ran the wellcome trust which is a spinoff of the galton institute, formerly known as the eugenics society.

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And before Farrar, it was Daszak running the investigation. The corruption and deceit is so blatant it’s like they’re trolling us. They’re like “look at us, we can do whatever the f--k we want and the MSM - the same MSM that spent years obsessing over Russian “contacts” and phantom “bots” - will not say a thing, other than to call the people saying 2+2=4 tinfoil hat wearing right-wing misinformation-spreading conspiracy theorists.” It all seems like more of a sick practical joke than a cleverly orchestrated plot to take over the world.

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In my opinion they're being blatant about it all because they believe that control over the system has advanced so far that none of the higher-level perpetrators need fear any consequences.

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that's where we need to prove them wrong. :)

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They want to demoralize us into submission to their tyranny.

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What we need is for there not to even BE a WHO at all.

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I bet that whoever would be doing any sort of digging would be worse than Farrar. When dealing with psychos, it is always a worse specimen that replaces the current one.

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Indeed - and just when one thinks they've hit the lowest level possible! Almost makes you wonder who might be out there looking for/experimentally making worse psychopaths...

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It is a gordian knot of characters all tied up within related institutions, switching roles and companies from time to time but all feeding from the same massive teat of corrupt pharma. It seems there is more than enough provable evidence to establish serious wrongdoing. But the task serms daunting and perhaps impossible when taking onto account government involvement. One is looking at not only taking down big pharma, but its corrupt enabling agencies - pharma's musical chair partners - and ultimately the military and other entities who are deeply involved. That isn't something that is reliably remedied through the courts. These are matters settled by war.

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I continue to believe that the ONLY way out at this point is truly massive sustained demonstrations of nonviolent civil disobedience. Massive = millions in the streets. Sustained = for as long as it takes to depose the global oligarchs and their puppet sycophants, who together are relentlessly marching us off the cliff and into technocratic totalitarianism. A military, gun-toting style war immediately gives them the upper hand, as the prohibition of using US military troops against US citizens on US soil is long gone (gee thanks, Mr. Obama). Time will tell if enough people can be persuaded to participate, but I'm not holding my breath.

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I have a theory. The flu disappeared. The spike is real and bio-engineered, "covid" was a scam from day one, or at the very least a well marketed flu. Most deaths came from hospital protocols and normal co-morbidities (average age of a "covid" death close to life expectancy) and possibly other nefarious actions.

They don't want folks to look deeper because there is much more to find than meets the eye. It may even be possible that the current narrative and yes even the Wuhan lab may be just there for folks to have something to fight over.

Pick A or B .... but definitely don't think about or look at C, D or E.

Something at the beginning of all this just feels off ... does it not?

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Totally agree. Denis Rancourt has looked at all cause mortality and numbers were normal till jab rollouts began. Huge scamdemic.

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👏👏👏💯 Agreed.

I get the W.HO, W.E.F, Wellcome, Eco Alliance, DARPA, ad nauseam corporate global plots to turn the populace back to feudal states for the rich and lets make more coin off those that can least afford it, blah, blah, blah. I even get the, "its a Lizard, pedo thing and "Satanic mechanic", just cause we can or we're bored thing, or we are rich old dudes/ladies, who cant get it up/on anymore.

I get the "We are doing this for your own good" schtick, and I get the "We are meglomaniacs but we know better than you and we have to kill you to save you" mantra. I EVEN get the its a "climate change, the world's gonna burn", so let's traumatise the children and call it even thing. Or the AI will rule thing.

But I don't get the mass, United in censorship thing. Each and every one of these artificial narratives, will sell, depending on your cash, reach and PR team. But by censoring ANYTHING, in this internet driven world, you draw a target on the very thing you don't want.

So to me, covid, China, Russia, Ukraine, critical race, climate change, ufo, election, and so on. That all becomes noise to me and then I pay attention to the quiet spots....🤔 the spots that make a noise, then poor! Disappear.....🤨😉

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It's like dealing with Asperger's people...who are so rigid in trying to fit the narrative...and occasionally, just occasionally, they slip up and speak the truth, just the once, without their social blinders on, and you remember it because you know you'll never hear it again....

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Yes! They are masters at playing "look over there". And We the People fall for it every time. Every time! Nothing will change for the good until enough people realize that there is a ROOT CAUSE for all the tribal bickering, all the issues that distract and confuse us, all the threats that induce fear; it is the cabal of globalist billionaire oligarchs and their obsequious minions who are rapidly tightening the noose around our necks.

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As Igor concluded above there was a specifically engineered pandemic pathogen that was intentionally released by someone. That rules out your origin theory. The flu was certainly coded as Covid in doctor's offices and hospitals for more cash and to make Covid look bigger than it was. The protocols were iatrogenic medicine for sure. This is important because we need accountability for more than fraud. We need accountability for homicide.

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No offence, but who's your first defendant? That realistically doesnt have a "shaggy, it wasnt me" defence?! Whose your first witness? That is unimpeachable, pure as driven snow?! In both situations I see lines miles long of people willing, appropriate but also need to have their "covid" story told. That takes YEARS. To take accounts, statements, collate materials, schedule dockets, blaaahdy, blahhhhdy blah blah!

Given the East Palestine and 3x other train catastrophes going on right now, covid crimes are going to get buried, if peeps dont pay attention. For those that decide to bring a case for covid, if it doesn't happen NOW or in the next year, will have to wait DECADES, if ever. It's going to get swallowed up in the "oooh inflation!", "ooh war3", "ooh aliens", "oooh government corruption!😐🤦‍♀️😑

Accountability will only happen if the people demand it and KEEP demanding it when other things like recession, war and poverty, brought on by bad bureaucracy, try to distract the people.😐🤔😑 everyone who remembers the $#!+ show of the last 3+ years, needs to remind their politicians, who works for who. And be the squeaky wheel, the fly in the ointment, the determined one.

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget

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Right. I say forget the lawsuits and start the non-violent revolution. Compensation and accountability are minor goals. Overthrowing the oligarchy is the opportunity.

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Agree 100%.

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Good summary. I have a distinct feeling the politicians know that we have been working for them for a very long time and that is only becoming much more apparent as time goes on. It's a laughable joke to call them "public servants." They're grifters whose goal is to make as much money as possible off the backs of the people they pretend to serve. Many of them are professional insider stock traders who moonlight as fake public servants.

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There was so NOT a pathogen of any type released anywhere - that is the decoy, the basis of all the fear and the anti-social regulations, masks etc. Covid was driven by WHO treatment protocols , circulated GLOBALLY after the declaration of pandemic by Tedros from his WHO HQ Director General's office. Trewatment protocols using Morphine, Midazolam, Ventilator machines, Remdesivir in the USA (especially for Fauci who pushed this horrendous toxin's widespread enforced use to despatch patients). No "new pathogenic virus" was needed - they just forced medics to follow their New Pathogenic Protocol!

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Absolutely agree. No virus was needed. Just the illusion of one.

The data shows no increase in all cause mortality till the jab rollout. Denis Rancourt has shown this.

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The gentleman from Massachusetts who has access to all death reports in the state found a substantial death increase in 2020 among the elderly. He maintains the Mrna mortality should have been much lower in 2021 because so many old had already died in 2020. But as we know ACM was way up.

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Cronyism at its best: jobs for the boys.

Cronyism at its worst: the body count doesn't matter.

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We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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One of our foundational documents in the US suggests we now have a solemn DUTY to throw off our government as it currently stands. The following words are taken directly from the Declaration of Independence:

"... whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [i.e., unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

"... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, IT IS THEIR DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

I think it has become very obvious in the last 3+ years that the ruling elites are destroying our unalienable rights of:

* Life -- there have been many unnecessary covid deaths,

* Liberty -- the imposition of vaccination and lockdown mandates, and

* Happiness -- we're being bombarded with constant mass media fear propaganda.

This has been building in "a long train of abuses and usurpations". In other words, democratic representation has increasingly been replaced by tyrannical oligarchic rule for decades now, and the level of brazen tyranny has been building. Could our duty be any more obvious?

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A very important comment, Russ. We can inform, and we can educate. The more people who know their rights, the more people will challenge those who try to take them away. And the more we can fight for. I trust you'll like, and understand, this article :

"The Powers Not Delegated"


"The Powers Not Delegated to the federal government by the people and their states, do not exist. Only the powers delegated, in the manner delegated, and for the purpose delegated, do any federal powers exist at all. The minute you shred the compact, you shred the federal government in its entirety. And Courts are not the final arbiters of truth and justice in the USA, the American people are!"

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The vast majority of US citizens have no clue about this. Great ejukation system in the last 40 years made sure.

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Great comment, Amy, And thanks for the links. I feel the pain too. And want my life back, too. But we're not getting anywhere fighting them, exposing them, challenging them. We're going to have to work within their nets and make the best of our daily living. They are Goliath. And none of us is David, singularly or collectively. I'm not saying give up, or give in. I'm saying we need to focus on ourselves, stay informed, but own the days, day by day. The future really isn't ours and that won't change. Buy what we do with our lives can, and should, change. We're in the front lines. So our our loved ones, and our children. We need to care for them in every way. We need each other, now more than ever.

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They quoted eminent covidian Angela Rasmussen, so you know it’s b.s.

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Angela was a part of Covid coverup since the beginning, I did not want to overload my article with too many facts but you are 100% right

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We will never know the truth as our Masters do not want us to know. And people are too divided to coalesce around getting to the bottom of this 21st century heist of our lives.

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WHO was initially more protective of China. And now, openly putting the blame on China, in conjunction with alleged Chinese spy balloons invading N America and heating up political tensions against China.

Apart from WHO's avoidance to investigate the origin of the cvd, I wonder what else is going on....

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hey, was that bad for my gulag score? lol.

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What's the difference? Who / UN / N America or Chyna. 1 big Pedo Eff U ring.

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Oh I thought the real masterminds are 10 feet tall Reptilians manipulating humans and eating not only children but also adults as their sustenance. They are happy to see us fight against each other :-P

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I never heard they were 10' tall. Darn. You've thrown my whole top secret reptile defense plan into disarray :-(.

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Sorry mate. Then you could go for those little Greys. They are about 4 feet tall :-P

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It disgusts me to see the betrayal by these people. I struggle to stop wishing harmful things to these liars. I’m sure I’ll have more to say. : )

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yes. misdirection.

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Well, when you consider the true origin was in Maryland in mid 2019 then it shouldn't be a problem "investigating" it.

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Based on my 20 years of military experience and knowledge of government covert operations, if they ever conduct a fair and honest investigation the results is going to be something like this:

American is going to find out that Wuhan because of there ongoing corona virus research funded by our government and NIH in particular is going to be the world pasty (the perfect 2019 Lee Harvey Oswald) for an American deep state covert civilian government and military clandestine black operation to infect the world with COVID 19 for the purpose of conducting a 3rd world type coup d'état to over throw a sitting President and his 2nd term election replacing him with there own puppet on a string.

I could be wrong.

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Here is some more info you may or may not know:

In October 2019 there was a worldwide military athletic competition in Wuhan China and soldiers from Ft. Derrick, MD, and Ft. Derrick was before conveniently closing in November 2019 was a bio-weapons research facility. It would make sense to have infected US soldier from Ft. Derrick participate with military personnel from around the world who would be infected, in turn return to their own countries spreading the virus, thus, making the Wuhan lab the perfect pasty since it was well known around the world that Wuhan was conducting coronavirus research. Early reports of an unknown respiratory illness staring circulating in the October and November time frame with the first Chinese admitted cases in late December 2019.

Does anyone find this a consequence.

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I’ve read this as well. I had an old friend return from China in December of 2019 and all he would say is “we knew”.

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Yes, it's all true, and demonic. The consequence of a plan. US soldiers have always been guinea pigs - for bioweapons, vaccines, AI, mind control, experimental Big Pharma drugs, and even now for social experimentation. The Pentagon controls them completely. I remember when Obama fired the generals who refused to go along with using the military against the people. Trump rehired a few of them.

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No, but coincidental very possibly. I am unable to dissuade myself that this is a US military/intelligence "exercise", gone horribly wrong potentially because the so called vaccine was not ready when SARS COV2 leapt from the digital sphere from whence it came - possibly "vaccine" research was underway because of the Moderna patent used in the so called (mRNA) virus. I have nil doubts that Farrar/Vallance/Daszak/Baric/Sheng Li knew exactly what they were doing (ref. "...it looks engineered" email comment is a blatant attempt to distance themselves as the shit hit the fan and the "Lancet 27" letter was very hastily produced which was a massively bad knee jerk mistake - for them). I have nil doubts that the UK/China/Russia have been working on very pathogenic viruses for decades as a form of warfare; the virus preparation was never the problem, the delivery system always was - how do you control an infectious disease FFS - and the "vaccine" was intended as the prototype antidote in case the wind "blew in the wrong direction"; the Chinese stole the Japanese research post WWII, the Russians persuaded their own NAZI virologist/other scientists with an offer they could not refuse.

We now know that the "vaccine" is worse than SARS COV2; it don't do what they thought it would do but hey, why bother with the virus when the antidote does "it" a lot better?

I do not have 20 years military experience nor any of government covert operations; but I do know by various means that UK Intelligence - MI5/6/GCHQ - is massively involved with sections of US Intelligence, ramped up before Pearl Harbour and exponentially ever since - GCHQ is an example in plain sight. Impossible that UK was unaware of US bioweapon research - as defined in US Law - over at least 3 decades, given the existence of Porton Down, therefore 100% complicit by association. If the CIA/NSA can perpetuate the LHO patsy bollux since 1962, they can easily "do" SARS COV2 ....

Just a few thoughts, you are (currently) free to disagree; when is the next "Daniel Ellsberg" going to emerge?

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Ah, but it was ready, actually Moderna had made 100,000 doses in 2019 according a quote from the Moderna CEO for the whole year, see the below Rumble link and watch the video. Actually they have been researching and developing these vaccines since around 2001 when the first SARS1 virus and MERS virus appeared.

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Company Produced COVID-19 Vaccine In 2019 Before 'Pandemic' Started



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Even before that. Obama said "Trump will have a pandemic" during his administration. Thanks for posting this link.

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The finest world pasty is the Cornish pasty; made with minced beef and root vegetables seasoned with black pepper. These should never be confused with a patsy.

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You may be right. But it doesn't matter. Not to them, or their plans.

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I agree that overthrowing a Nationalist president who was on to their power and their globalism may have been a bigger motivation for the Covid release than depopulation. Can you say how you see the deep state/covert civilian government and who some of those people might be? How do they interact with the military and who are the players over there? Are there quiet generals or civilian command power-brokers making decisions? I guess I am asking you to describe how you believe the deep state mafia within the government works.

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I don't have personal knowledge of anyone in particular, but I would guess the whole operation is comprised of cells in several agencies with only one or two people at top running the show. Like terrorist none of the cells no other or there mission keeping the secret isolated and no one can connect the dots. That's how these things usually work, just like the JFK assignation, several players and the players don't know each other, and no one know the leaders or who to blame because several people and agencies look guilty.

I just research my information from the internet and there is plenty of media outlining many of these facts, and not mainstream media

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You mean the criminal investigate himself? Really? The WHO were complicit in all the horror so they will not investigate the worst crime ever committed. Please remember that the WHO pushed for China like home-detention, jabs for everyone and suppressed existing effective treatments. Are China solely responsible for it? No, but they did the dirty work - the experiments and then the horror of the "containment" that ended up being mirrored around the world. I have little hope for the US to do anything (as their are involved up to their hairline). I had a look at the videos of the Republican lead congress investigations - it is, as far as I can see, all talk no action. They ask for documents and let people that were responsible for mass murder walk away after it is clear that they are the reason why all this horror happened. Instead of asking, they should be using their power and make it clear that the compliance is not optional. There are people rotting in jail just for being D.C. without trial. How is Fauci still at large? At present, the US is no different from a Stalinist country in which the political class and its acolytes can do everything without any consequences. My only hope is that places like Thailand will do what is needed. The Thai princess that is in a coma after the "safe and effective" booster seems to have made the Thai king mad enough to go after Pfizer. With luck, that is the first domino piece to fall because when the big Harma starts to get in trouble, the rats will start running and that is how I hope the whole scam will collapse.

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Someone will get upset; eventually.

Send pics of bad guys to former military personnel. Problem solved.

Buy popcorn.

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I’ve been waiting for someone to snap for two years now.

It seems I (never jabbed), am more angry than the jabbed !

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The US government under Merrick Garland and the Washington FBI have been busy arresting anyone that might "snap", using false flag scenarios, over-zealous charging, and infiltration influence operations. The typical guilt-tripping and media mind control are not working as well as they did in the past so they need to up their control measures. That is why the righteous COVID realm is so important, and why we need to press on with peaceful protest and eventual prosecutions at multiple levels. The western governments are crime syndicates/oligarchies. They are no longer functioning. They support deviance and degeneracy. They do not represent normal people.

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I appreciate all of your comments. Please excuse the following aside. Are you a counselor who uses "old school" methods, or just a school counselor who happens to be old? (It's the same question I would ask the Eagles regarding their song "Black Magic Woman.)

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Haha. I use this brand to market an Old School approach. I used Common Sense Counselor in the past before You Tube shut me down. I am a 62 year old, traditional white heterosexual man too. I guess yes to both questions. I wrote a Substack article about the OSC approach. As far as I know I am the only one doing it but that will change as the world turns.

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Feb 15, 2023
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I saw Carlos with Buddy Guy in a mud bowl along the Mississippi River in Memphis about 15 years ago. Great show.

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Feb 16, 2023
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Ah, yes. Thanks for the correction. The Eagles song was "Witchy Woman".

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Feb 15, 2023
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Yes. It is in the documents released. P153 gene deletion. My mom is definitely affected!

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Indeed we do not want suspects doing their own investigation. We don't need a coverup or whitewash staged by captured, conflicted abusive authorities that are collaborators in criminal behavior if not the actual accomplices and perpetrators.

Maybe we can crowdsource an investigation and analysis performed by several independent groups of knowledgeable and reputable individuals that acted ethically and honorably during this period.

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Did covy ever really exist? Was the whole thing a sham to inject a culling agent into thr population? Did the flu get fearmongered into covy?? I keep reading no one has found the virus. Im curious and suspicious. Now wef is warnning about avian flu and the possibility of it jumping to humans. Chickens are being culled. Fearmongering is pushed like a drug. Is the world insane? Maybe its me, idk anymore.

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You do know. You recognize the pattern. The story about avian flu is version 2.0, so you know where that is going. So this year they are killing chickens, two years ago they killed minks. It is just drama and noise signalling nothing beyond mind control. Avert your eyes.

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If people just ignored them they wouldn’t have power. They use fear. The bs doesn’t work on me. All this crap has been in the works for decades.

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Would anyone notice if they weaponized the flu?

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If one were going to design a virus to primarily kill older people and those with pre-existing conditions in order to mitigate overpopulation, they couldn't have done much better than COVID. I suspect that COVID was made in a lab with the best intentions. But, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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Saving planet from overpopulation and polluting it with billions of useless plastic masks along the way? They dont care a bit about the planet. They are psychopaths.

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They wanted to kill weak people with hospital protocols. They did not want virus to be much deadly because they are not young themselves and not wanna die

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Do you believe there was a plan for that or it happened as a result of the opportunity?

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Of course it was planned!

1. Create virus that spread like wild fire but can be easily treated

2. Use effective treatments for elites, killing protocols for others

3. Use these deaths to scare people to make them give up their freedoms and accept new-fashioned mRNA "vaxes"

4. Fill the "vaxes" with anti-fertility agent => reducing the world population, their final goal

5. If any adverse effects happen, silence them. The lives of "useless eaters" dont matter anyway

At what part of the plan can you see good intentions???

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The MRNA fix may have been developed as a legitimate countermeasure. I am sure there are many scientists who believe in this technology. They are not all covert operatives for the WEF. A lot of them are bought but many are sincere. Most of the doctors and nurses believe in the technology as the next frontier in vaccines. They are not all mind-numb robots or murderers. Some government people believe the pandemic preparedness is for good - to respond to bioterrorism. Some military may believe the threat from bioterrorism from enemies is real, thus justifying the biosecurity system, flawed and abused as it is.

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But there is medicine that Suppresses ACE-2 receptor binding from spikey/virus (starts with an "i"). Add in immune boosting supplements and we are good to go. DEATHVAX™ not needed.

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Can you flush out your theory about best intentions? I tend to see these things as good intentions gone bad as you allude to.

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