If the only people having kids are conservatives then the liberals will go extinct thereby removing any possibility of a hyper liberal future. Am I missing something here?
American-English language (at least how it is used these days) is really bad at mixing these political terms up. Liberal in the original sense means the pursuit of liberty, and nothing could be further away from the „liberals“ (Trudeau, AOC) of today. They are authoritarian, i.e. the complete opposite of liberal.
Conservative politicians like Ted Cruz or Rand Paul or Ron DeSantis are much more closely aligned with the original values of liberalism such as individualism, small government, etc.
My father heard me throw that word around one day when I was about 17, and made me go get the Webster's unabridged dictionary and read the definition out loud in front of him. Never forgot that lesson.
Exactly. Fascism is illiberal and collectivist and (at least in Germany) originated out of a socialist movement. The party was called "National Socialist" for a reason. I highly recommend reading "The Road to Serfdom" by Hayek which explores the roots of fascism and communism.
No he really doesn't. You can't understand Fascism through the lense of an economic system.
Fascism was europe's response to the bolshevik genocide perpetrated on whites, and attempted in central europe. The dead from that 'social experiment' planned in the late 1800s number in the tens of millions.
I agree you cannot understand fascism entirely through an economic lens, but I suspect it was not as simple as Europe's response to the Bolshevik genocide, not least because there is considerable evidence that the same people funded the Nazis as funded the Bolsheviks. I think it is better to view the two phenomena as twin psy-ops within a single strategy controlled by a hidden group with a single aim.
When I first started to think about the world twenty or so years ago, I thought about things in terms of economics. Then I discovered that philosophy and politics (power) were far more important ways of analyzing the world. And finally, only relatively recently, I have come to understand that God and religion move like whales beneath the surface of the ocean of "everything else there is". And both communism and national socialism are built upon occult, Satanic ideals. And in the end - that is all that matters.
Sadly I think you are wrong. The enlightenment, as Milton recognised at the time, was a rebellion against God. As such, no matter how noble the pursuit of liberty for its own sake can be made to sound, if not tempered by obedience to God, it is inevitably doomed to end up exactly where it has ended up.
I think they're saying that less people having children means less people will become conservative, but they are also assuming the multi-jabbed will be around in 10 or more years. But I'm with you, the liberals never seem to think of all the possibilities of what can go wrong, that may be a conservative trait.
"the liberals never seem to think of all the possibilities of what can go wrong..."
OR - liberals obsess on what 'could' go wrong and catastrophize everything, (climate change, plague, etc.)
Sowell theorized that liberals fail to see trade-offs, instead focusing on ideal solutions without seeing any downside. Green Energy is a textbook example.
Hi, I'm a formally trained engineer. I like green energy, as a hobby. I have a small photovoltatic (PV or solar power) system. I'm also formally trained in accounting and have plenty of business experience, coupled with my ability to think logically. Green energy is a horrible business plan and is completely unable to be self-sufficient, it requires massive input of taxpayer dollars to work just like any other socialist program, and it cannot compete with power plants that run on gas, which is very clean anyway.
One of the problems is the high amount of birds regularly killed by wind generators and solar focusing systems. The other thing is the landfills filling up with old wind generator "wings". You can't do anything with them or recycle them, as they are a composite material made of fiberglass and resin, mostly. They just fill up the landfills.
"Green energy is a horrible business plan and is completely unable to be self-sufficient"
Sure, energy that basically just magically appears is quite without competition. But it only seems that way to our ant brains' short attention span, rather it's just, in the grand scheme of things, little buffers of energy stored over some million years, which we are depleting, and to us it looks like "wow, cheap energy", while the buffer underrun is imminent.
Obviously, not quite forever. So it makes sense to seek for other ways, everything else is just putting the fingers in your ears singing "la la la" or "I'll be long dead when this happens, so who cares".
Pushing something large scale that's far from ready is another story.
The only rational allocation of resources is via a price system. In a market, alternatives will be transitioned-to as they become promising, viable, sustainable returns on investment.
The 'green energy' is movement is completely ideological, harmful and anti-civilizational.
The chickens come home to roost in europe this winter.
"The only rational allocation of resources is via a price system"
- is also ideological*.
How is a centralist dictatorship allocating everything very efficiently not "rational"? ;) Sure it didn't seem to work in the past, but that was before total surveillance and tracking of absolutely everything was feasible. Now it is, dirt cheap, lighting fast, and effective.
I'm not for it. Because of my values. Which has zero to do with "rational" or not. Rational means applying logic consistently, which is orthogonal to values.
For people who actually have the means to usurp & subjugate the world, decimate the energy users so their kind will have more for longer, and assign what the plebs will get with technical help - what's not rational about that?
Europe's coming winter is not an accident of a failed ideology, it is intentional. The useful idiots of our green parties may not get it, but that's irrelevant.
* At least my attempts to press libertarians for an actual rational explanation of this idea of "the market solves everything automatically" doesn't usually get that far without running over a lot of implied assumtions one does not have to agree with... But I'm eager to hear something better.
Btw I'm pretty libertarian minded. But I'm not a herd animal, and if some quasi-religious tenets of some group of people seems off, I can't go along.
Planning for 200 years out, and changing society at a massive cost to head off a futurist’s vision is not reasonable. We have massive amounts of oil. We continue to find more. Plus, we have nuclear. Which can go on forever. Windmills aren’t adding anything to the mix. Solar panels might have application in some small off the grid situations.
What I think is going to happen is the aged and inconvenient are going to be killed off in "mercy killings" because there will be fewer people to care for them.
I agree, Zade. Over the last 5 years there has been an indecent rush in the various State legislatures in Australia to legalise ‘Voluntary Assisted Dying’ - which is really just a euphemism for State-sponsored Euthanasia. In addition, abortion up to the time of delivery has also been legalised, with talk of it being extended beyond birth. This would have been culturally and morally repugnant to the generation that won victory over the Fascists in World War II.
Few Australians are aware today that before WW2, powerful elites pushed for the introduction of a Eugenics program. Compulsory Euthanasia laws actually passed through the parliament of the Australian State of Victoria in 1939 – and even included discussion of such things as ‘Lethal Chambers’ for the ‘mentally deficient’ and fringe dwellers. However the legislation was not signed into law by the Victorian State Governor because WW2 suddenly broke out. However, the Eugenics lobbyists failed to advance their cause in the State of Queensland at the time due to opposition from the Catholics, who were more politically organised in that State. The concept was not pursued in Victoria after WW2 once the existence of the Nazi death camps became common knowledge, as by then the Eugenics ideas had become socially unacceptable – at least temporarily.
My point is that we need to learn from history. These changes to the cultural fundamentals of Western countries are not the end of the matter - they are just the beginning. The elites and their corporate sponsors who seek to run the emerging Techno-States are amoral people. Talk of ‘useless eaters’ and ‘overpopulation’ is again in the wind. These elites will continue to mount pressure to extend population-limiting practices, claiming that they are necessary due to declining economic prospects in our future, and of course, because of the alleged ‘human-caused’ climate emergency. In my country (Australia), it is time for the sheeple to get off their backsides for once and oppose the rising Techno-State. A good starting point would be to expel from our parliaments the infestation of unworthy careerists and opportunists who sell themselves to the highest bidder.
So well said! In my state of Maryland a "physician assisted suicide" bill was narrowly defeated a few years ago but that lobby won't give up. If you can approve the murder of unborn babies you have no qualms about murdering inconvenient old or "non productive" people. Belgium and the Netherlands have euthanasia and it's tragic. It's a rot that spreads from country to country.
Redistribution of income and forced invasion into white nations is not a *eugenics* program, but a *dysgenics* program.
Funny how many people parrot the 'eugenics' line. Eugenics is promotion of population fitness. What is happening to white nations now is the exact opposite.
Actually, in the US, the cull of the elderly, spring 2020 was done in the old fashioned way: pack the care homes with very sick pneumonia patients, ban families from visiting patients, impose solitary confinement on patients (hugely stressful for anyone); and withdraw care. Lastly, collect premium rate US Gov reimbursement for Covid care. Very effective.
Canada and New Zealand are already pushing euthanasia. Canada is distributing a book to kids about euthanasia. Will euthanasia be used to kill off the vaccinated because they are in terrible pain?
Katrina, perhaps your grandkids are still young. My children went through "violent video games" and grew past them, and they are caring and balanced individuals. I hope your grandkids will be fine. Children understand the difference between gaming and real life.
Violent video games are a huge waste of time for sure though, playing outside is a better idea.
My ‘liberal’ acquaintances can’t seem to see past the first effect of any action. It’s really amazing to me. Rents seem to be too high - ‘put in rent controls’. ‘Uh, okay. But how does that solve the problem? Fewer rentals will be built. We need more rentals not less.’ ‘Yeah but greedy landlords won’t be able to raise rental rates.’ ‘Right. So who would build a rental building when they’re stuck with the same rents for years? Because other prices go up. So their expenses keep increasing.’ ....crickets...
If they saw beyond proximate causes, they would realize the problem with their utopian schemes is that, sooner or later, they run out of other people’s money. And it would seem they are running out of other people’s children as well.
I believe mrkel was saying if there are rent controls, landlords won't do upkeep, because they can't afford it, and tenants won't leave because the price is too good, so you end up with crappy living conditions, just like a govt housing project...
Thinking further ahead, to understand the consequences of one's actions is an "executive neural function" of the brain. So is actually planning ahead for the future. This is not found in immature brains, and the brain does not mature to get these executive functions simply due to a person's physical age. A person must get experience, AND learn from their mistakes to get these functions. And some people never get them.
So yes these are more common among conservatives, but also businessmen that manage to have their business to survive. You can't have a business survive without thinking and planning ahead, the competition is too great. Although some businesses do great, get a new CEO or executive team that doesn't know what they are doing, and then starts doing poorly.
In some rare cases a person can get these executive functions at a very young age, say age 12 or so, but that depends if they have the ability to learn from their mistakes or not.
Similarly confused. My guess is there will be a "hyper liberal" near term future while the conservatives are busy procreating, and then a massive whipsaw to the right once those children grow up.
It was poorly explained. What it's saying is that parenthood = a rightward drift. Therefore, fewer parents = fewer people drifting right.
It's easy to mistake it thinking - conservatives are more likely to have children (this is true, but that is NOT the message here). The message is that Parents become more conservative than when they were non-parents.
The logic is correct, but ignores MANY other confounds, such as: conservatives will be increasingly likely to have children, leading to a larger proportion of children raised conservative. Leading to (possibly): a decadal drift left as fewer parents exist, then a steady move right as conservative children reach adulthood and exert greater pressure on societal ideologies.
> The message is that Parents become more conservative than when they were non-parents.
Well said. Parents typically have to grow up when they have their first child, because children are REALLY expensive in the US. And if the parents fail to manage their resources properly, they will fail, which increases their chances of having their children taken by the state.
Raising kids is expensive if parents rely on mainstream services. If I were a parent, I'd rely mainly on free or cheap alternative services. Home-grown organic food. Home birthing. "Primitive" living. Home business. Like-minded Community.
What guarantee is there, they won't take the children away from their parents, before the parents can poison their brains with modesty.
And after a few of them happened and parents see they have no support, why wouldn't they voluntarily do it, if it meant their children stays with them.
The long term effect of this situation was encapsulated by Mark Steyn some years ago at the time Chancellor Merkel’s mass-migration of young men into Europe from the Middle East was in full flood. In discussing the collapse in European birth rates below replacement level amongst native-born Europeans, Steyn brilliantly distilled the end result of the demographic crisis with the words:
“The future only belongs to those who show up for it”.
The people who are rejoicing at this demographic collapse are either very, very dim-witted, and have fallen victim to being suckered by ideological manipulators - or they themselves have malign intent and wish to destroy the civilisation that gave them birth and made them the most privileged humans in history.
A single promoter can be identified that has facilitated this psychological debasement of whole populations. It is made up of the corrupt people who control the mainstream media. A pox on all their houses!
It’s a strange delusion. The UK is run by the aristocracy. They can’t be so deluded that they believe the Muslims will allow them to keep their houses and estates when they are the majority.
The elites are not deluded. The immigrants, by and large, come from other countries with less than ideal education systems, thus the immigrants are not as educated and are more easily manipulated. However the immigrants can work, and be taxed, and controlled easily, which is a big part of the point. But they won't tell you that.
To do this the immigrants must get on welfare programs where they can be controlled, and they must stay there, where they will vote for the leaders controlled by elites if they want their free money. Which is easily done with an ignorant population who value feelings over facts, and who cannot think beyond the concept of "wow! free money!"
Except when the Muslims are the majority they will vote racially and religiously and the elites will be out. Which will happen because you don’t have to be clever to have 4 children per woman. There is no way a Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim majority will stomach a bunch of English toffs owning all the land.
The muslims might very well want to vote out the elite, but will the elite let them? Who is to say that "voting" isn't already rigging in the UK like in the US?
Working up from the bottom (councils) there’s nothing the elite can do about it. An elite cannot survive without a power base. The British Indians controlled Uganda for a few decades but we’re ousted because there was no power base to support them.
I currently like to point out to lefties (liberals) that most of these policies are designed to push them to extinction. Because liberals are the only ones who go without children for the following reasons: climate myth, homosexuality, feminism, careers for women, vaccination, over population myth.
Am hoping some of them might wake up if they are told the establishment wants them dead.
So true. My partners liberal family is an example: only one of his 3 sibs had kids (3) of which one has changed gender, one has had a hysterectomy for health issues, and the other tried to commit suicide in 2020. So not expecting a large number of grand nephews or nieces. We have two teens currently so we shall see what happens.
I don't think they mean "conservative" or "liberal" in any traditional sense. I think they mean selfish people who think not having kids means they can live like teenagers forever without any responsibilities or thought for others.
100%, Stuffysays. Until I was 35, I was never having children 'because overpopulation/feminism/pollution' etc. In reality, it was because I lived a selfish & hedonistic lifestyle where I could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, everyone else be damned. 12 years later I'm divorced, remarried with 2 children, a stay-at-home mum (so single income household) & with a completely different outlook on life. To say that my priorities have changed would be an understatement.
You've come a long long way, and I'm so proud of you for that. Give yourself a big pat on the back!
For it's not where you are that matters, it's how much you had to work to get there. Self-improvement is one of the most difficult things to do. I've been there.
The "liberals" of today are actually leftists, which are the opposite of the 1970s liberals, aka "classic liberals". Classic liberals were very tolerant, helpful for all people, not just minorities, were much more positive, supported integration, and true equality and equal responsibility.
The Nazis, while they tried to call themselves "nationalists" to make their socialism more appealing, were actually leftists, and were not right wing at all. The labels journalists gave them mean nothing, the Nazi actions are very leftist.
Key points of leftism: censorship, threats, violence for political gain, nepotism (to form a network of control), riots, manufacture an enemy to distract people, intolerance to other views (thus the censorship), government control, make people dependent on gov't. (The Nazis also offered free education.)
If you ever wonder if a statement seems unfair and seems to persecute a group, change the group name, like MAGA or conservatives, to Jews or blacks, and read it again. Changing the group name does not change the concept of intolerance itself.
Since the sheeple are overwhelmingly liberal, I have to agree. The only solace I can take, and I dislike taking it, is the effects of the jab will reduce their population more than the conservative population.
I don't follow. How can there be a Hyper Liberal Future if the liberals aren't procreating?
Do they mean "immediate future" within their lifetimes? Because if more conservatives are reproducing, even if the overall birthrates are lower, that would mean the next generation will be born mostly to conservative parents.
I guess we shouldn't be surprised to see high time preference thinking from the liberals.
American-English language (at least how it is used these days) is really bad at mixing these political terms up. Liberal in the original sense means the pursuit of liberty, and nothing could be further away from the „liberals“ (Trudeau, AOC) of today. They are authoritarian, i.e. the complete opposite of liberal.
Conservative politicians like Ted Cruz or Rand Paul or Ron DeSantis are much more closely aligned with the original values of liberalism such as individualism, small government, etc.
In Romania we have the same problem, although we are only 42% vaccinated. But young, active people are over 50% vaccinated. So, it seems that only half of a young couple must be vaccinated in order to drive mass sterilisation. However, most couples that I know are either entirely vaccinated, or unvaccinated. And I know some young vaccinated women that lost the baby during the last 12 months.
Another fact: we don't know how the offsprings of these vaccinated couples will be in the future. We have at least 2 examples from the past (Diethylstilbestrol, Pregsure BVD) where injections in the mothers had negative effects on the offsprings.
More interesting: in 2010 we had a severe economic crisis, basically as severe as Greece's crisis, although media didn't speak about it because we are seen as a "shitty" country somewhere near Russian border, while Greece was "respected" member of Eurozone. More than one million of young, fertile people emigrated. This had an impact on the birth rate. How big? Only -5%! So today's decline by -20% is absolutely horrific, it's like during the WW2 time... What causes it? Officialy, nobody knows.
Everything is fine. Few Covid cases (despite the fact that we had our own BA4/BA5 wave), very few deaths, mostly old people in their 70s and 80s, and no excess mortality since March. I did a graph that summarizes everything:
As you can see, with only 42% vaccination rate Romania outperforms much better vaccinated EU countries.
Unfortunately, the -20% births' rate decline is real. The births' rate decline started in May 2021, when the 1st phase of the vaccination was accomplished, accelerated over the summer of 2021, reached a plateau of about -20% around January and never came back.
I remember watching a Romanian film in early 2000s. It was called "4, 3, 2" - which stood for 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days. It was about a college-aged girl who became pregnant and her friend helped her procure an illegal abortion. It had a big impact on me and I have tried to find a way to watch it again a number of times of the years. Anyway, one of the takeaways for me was the attitude of the young woman after her abortion. It left me cold and I wonder if that attitude may also be contributing factor to the shrinking birth rate.
With only 42% of people vaccinated you should be much better than Chile, we have 92% vaccinated and boosted. And a few months ago the government was thinking about a 5th dose.
This is very interesting, thank you so much. Unfortunately one hears very little about Romania and other countries in the east or south east of Europe.
You raise the important point that those babies that are successfully born to vaxxed parents may grow up with sterility issues of their own. The full extent of the sterility impact will not be known for at least another generation.
The hypothetical mechanism I and others are suggesting for intergenerational infertility is the accumulation of spike protein and LNP in the ova of developing female fetuses. But you are right; who knows what’s really in any particular jab?
How would spike accrued in one cell pass on to the ova of the grown woman resulting from it? It's a few molecules in one cell, distributed among trillions of cells in the resulting human.
Because all of the ova an adult woman will have are formed when she is still in utero, and biodistribution studies show that the LNP have the highest affinity for concentrating in ovaries. If the LNP pass the placenta-blood barrier and concentrate in the fetal ovaries, that could impact adult fertility.
Somewhere I read that largest political demographic that is vaccinated and boosted are the democratic voters. I would have good reason to believe that given their outright support for vaccine mandates. If they were to cease having offspring, and only conservatives were procreating, then eventually the "woke" left could disappear from the gene pool. We could actually live in peace.
Think about it,
No more rioters paid for by Soros,
No more LGBT in schools
No more CRT in schools
No more crime everywhere
True conservatives naturally leave each other alone, they get along, they are law-abiding, independent thinkers and are the inventors and creators that contribute best to civilization as a whole.
Left wants compulsory collectivism
Conservatives want a voluntary cooperative society.
I really don't want anyone to go extinct, there's always something of value to be learned, especially when there are many differences.
The left has taught me how important conservative individualism really is.
Mostly agree, but Conservatives do not "leave each other alone". That isn't a bad thing. Remember the "Morale Majority" movement, but their tactics were vastly different than today's Progressives.
There is a 3rd option asides from hyper liberal future, and extinction. The 3rd option is a ultra religious society ruled under Sharia law.
Religious Muslims have lots of children and are certainly not liberal. Liberal societies in Europe and beyond will collapse and be replaced with either nationalist states or ultra religious Islamic states.
I have no more insights than anyone else, but I have had a longer lead-in, having been aware of the vaccine-based eugenics plan since 2007. More time means more opportunity for reflection.
The first consideration is that eugenics targets fertility before anything else. With massive financial and other resources, we can presume all is going to plan.
Thus, I conclude that women who were pregnant when jabbed, will probably lose their babies. Those babies that are born will have vaccine injuries and I have reason to believe they will also be infertile when they become adult. It seems likely that all jabbed individuals will have fertility issues and most will die within 8 years.
The next issue to follow will be millions of orphaned children, that is, the children whose parents were jabbed but the children were not. Those of us who survive, because we refused the jab, will be required to adopt many children. I saw this coming a long time ago and so I have been setting up a wilderness village in which locals can take refuge and raise the children. I suggest other purebloods consider likewise. It takes a lot of planning and resources and the time to start is now. You need a place with spring water, a deep soil location for a garden, and you need roofing material now, long before you build. Soom roofing iron will be unobtainable.
If the only people having kids are conservatives then the liberals will go extinct thereby removing any possibility of a hyper liberal future. Am I missing something here?
American-English language (at least how it is used these days) is really bad at mixing these political terms up. Liberal in the original sense means the pursuit of liberty, and nothing could be further away from the „liberals“ (Trudeau, AOC) of today. They are authoritarian, i.e. the complete opposite of liberal.
Conservative politicians like Ted Cruz or Rand Paul or Ron DeSantis are much more closely aligned with the original values of liberalism such as individualism, small government, etc.
In the same way, the word fascist gets thrown around with no comprehension of its meaning.
YES! That just drives me nuts.... if the left doesn't like something it's either fascist and/or racist.
My father heard me throw that word around one day when I was about 17, and made me go get the Webster's unabridged dictionary and read the definition out loud in front of him. Never forgot that lesson.
Exactly. Fascism is illiberal and collectivist and (at least in Germany) originated out of a socialist movement. The party was called "National Socialist" for a reason. I highly recommend reading "The Road to Serfdom" by Hayek which explores the roots of fascism and communism.
Black is white, front is back, up is down, left is right in this crazy upside down world.
And THAT was foretold in the bible thousands of years ago!
No he really doesn't. You can't understand Fascism through the lense of an economic system.
Fascism was europe's response to the bolshevik genocide perpetrated on whites, and attempted in central europe. The dead from that 'social experiment' planned in the late 1800s number in the tens of millions.
I agree you cannot understand fascism entirely through an economic lens, but I suspect it was not as simple as Europe's response to the Bolshevik genocide, not least because there is considerable evidence that the same people funded the Nazis as funded the Bolsheviks. I think it is better to view the two phenomena as twin psy-ops within a single strategy controlled by a hidden group with a single aim.
When I first started to think about the world twenty or so years ago, I thought about things in terms of economics. Then I discovered that philosophy and politics (power) were far more important ways of analyzing the world. And finally, only relatively recently, I have come to understand that God and religion move like whales beneath the surface of the ocean of "everything else there is". And both communism and national socialism are built upon occult, Satanic ideals. And in the end - that is all that matters.
Sadly I think you are wrong. The enlightenment, as Milton recognised at the time, was a rebellion against God. As such, no matter how noble the pursuit of liberty for its own sake can be made to sound, if not tempered by obedience to God, it is inevitably doomed to end up exactly where it has ended up.
I'm a liberal libertarian.
The word 'liberal' got stolen by the word-stealers. Learn who were called the 'word-stealers'.
I think they're saying that less people having children means less people will become conservative, but they are also assuming the multi-jabbed will be around in 10 or more years. But I'm with you, the liberals never seem to think of all the possibilities of what can go wrong, that may be a conservative trait.
"the liberals never seem to think of all the possibilities of what can go wrong..."
OR - liberals obsess on what 'could' go wrong and catastrophize everything, (climate change, plague, etc.)
Sowell theorized that liberals fail to see trade-offs, instead focusing on ideal solutions without seeing any downside. Green Energy is a textbook example.
Hi, I'm a formally trained engineer. I like green energy, as a hobby. I have a small photovoltatic (PV or solar power) system. I'm also formally trained in accounting and have plenty of business experience, coupled with my ability to think logically. Green energy is a horrible business plan and is completely unable to be self-sufficient, it requires massive input of taxpayer dollars to work just like any other socialist program, and it cannot compete with power plants that run on gas, which is very clean anyway.
One of the problems is the high amount of birds regularly killed by wind generators and solar focusing systems. The other thing is the landfills filling up with old wind generator "wings". You can't do anything with them or recycle them, as they are a composite material made of fiberglass and resin, mostly. They just fill up the landfills.
There are quite a few more examples of green energy failures here. https://wordsalad.info/tag-greenfail.html
It's been 50 years since we've had consumer-grade solar panels. When does it become self-sustaining?
The human race seems unable to think through the entire life cycle of a product be it a staple or a wind farm.
People tend to think better about costs when it's their own money on the line, and not taxpayer and moneyprinter money.
"Green energy is a horrible business plan and is completely unable to be self-sufficient"
Sure, energy that basically just magically appears is quite without competition. But it only seems that way to our ant brains' short attention span, rather it's just, in the grand scheme of things, little buffers of energy stored over some million years, which we are depleting, and to us it looks like "wow, cheap energy", while the buffer underrun is imminent.
Obviously, not quite forever. So it makes sense to seek for other ways, everything else is just putting the fingers in your ears singing "la la la" or "I'll be long dead when this happens, so who cares".
Pushing something large scale that's far from ready is another story.
The only rational allocation of resources is via a price system. In a market, alternatives will be transitioned-to as they become promising, viable, sustainable returns on investment.
The 'green energy' is movement is completely ideological, harmful and anti-civilizational.
The chickens come home to roost in europe this winter.
"The only rational allocation of resources is via a price system"
- is also ideological*.
How is a centralist dictatorship allocating everything very efficiently not "rational"? ;) Sure it didn't seem to work in the past, but that was before total surveillance and tracking of absolutely everything was feasible. Now it is, dirt cheap, lighting fast, and effective.
I'm not for it. Because of my values. Which has zero to do with "rational" or not. Rational means applying logic consistently, which is orthogonal to values.
For people who actually have the means to usurp & subjugate the world, decimate the energy users so their kind will have more for longer, and assign what the plebs will get with technical help - what's not rational about that?
Europe's coming winter is not an accident of a failed ideology, it is intentional. The useful idiots of our green parties may not get it, but that's irrelevant.
* At least my attempts to press libertarians for an actual rational explanation of this idea of "the market solves everything automatically" doesn't usually get that far without running over a lot of implied assumtions one does not have to agree with... But I'm eager to hear something better.
Btw I'm pretty libertarian minded. But I'm not a herd animal, and if some quasi-religious tenets of some group of people seems off, I can't go along.
Planning for 200 years out, and changing society at a massive cost to head off a futurist’s vision is not reasonable. We have massive amounts of oil. We continue to find more. Plus, we have nuclear. Which can go on forever. Windmills aren’t adding anything to the mix. Solar panels might have application in some small off the grid situations.
What I think is going to happen is the aged and inconvenient are going to be killed off in "mercy killings" because there will be fewer people to care for them.
I agree, Zade. Over the last 5 years there has been an indecent rush in the various State legislatures in Australia to legalise ‘Voluntary Assisted Dying’ - which is really just a euphemism for State-sponsored Euthanasia. In addition, abortion up to the time of delivery has also been legalised, with talk of it being extended beyond birth. This would have been culturally and morally repugnant to the generation that won victory over the Fascists in World War II.
Few Australians are aware today that before WW2, powerful elites pushed for the introduction of a Eugenics program. Compulsory Euthanasia laws actually passed through the parliament of the Australian State of Victoria in 1939 – and even included discussion of such things as ‘Lethal Chambers’ for the ‘mentally deficient’ and fringe dwellers. However the legislation was not signed into law by the Victorian State Governor because WW2 suddenly broke out. However, the Eugenics lobbyists failed to advance their cause in the State of Queensland at the time due to opposition from the Catholics, who were more politically organised in that State. The concept was not pursued in Victoria after WW2 once the existence of the Nazi death camps became common knowledge, as by then the Eugenics ideas had become socially unacceptable – at least temporarily.
My point is that we need to learn from history. These changes to the cultural fundamentals of Western countries are not the end of the matter - they are just the beginning. The elites and their corporate sponsors who seek to run the emerging Techno-States are amoral people. Talk of ‘useless eaters’ and ‘overpopulation’ is again in the wind. These elites will continue to mount pressure to extend population-limiting practices, claiming that they are necessary due to declining economic prospects in our future, and of course, because of the alleged ‘human-caused’ climate emergency. In my country (Australia), it is time for the sheeple to get off their backsides for once and oppose the rising Techno-State. A good starting point would be to expel from our parliaments the infestation of unworthy careerists and opportunists who sell themselves to the highest bidder.
So well said! In my state of Maryland a "physician assisted suicide" bill was narrowly defeated a few years ago but that lobby won't give up. If you can approve the murder of unborn babies you have no qualms about murdering inconvenient old or "non productive" people. Belgium and the Netherlands have euthanasia and it's tragic. It's a rot that spreads from country to country.
Redistribution of income and forced invasion into white nations is not a *eugenics* program, but a *dysgenics* program.
Funny how many people parrot the 'eugenics' line. Eugenics is promotion of population fitness. What is happening to white nations now is the exact opposite.
They’ve already killed off a lot of old people with their bioweapon virus and the death jab ...
Actually, in the US, the cull of the elderly, spring 2020 was done in the old fashioned way: pack the care homes with very sick pneumonia patients, ban families from visiting patients, impose solitary confinement on patients (hugely stressful for anyone); and withdraw care. Lastly, collect premium rate US Gov reimbursement for Covid care. Very effective.
Canada and New Zealand are already pushing euthanasia. Canada is distributing a book to kids about euthanasia. Will euthanasia be used to kill off the vaccinated because they are in terrible pain?
Katrina, perhaps your grandkids are still young. My children went through "violent video games" and grew past them, and they are caring and balanced individuals. I hope your grandkids will be fine. Children understand the difference between gaming and real life.
Violent video games are a huge waste of time for sure though, playing outside is a better idea.
my first thought too
My ‘liberal’ acquaintances can’t seem to see past the first effect of any action. It’s really amazing to me. Rents seem to be too high - ‘put in rent controls’. ‘Uh, okay. But how does that solve the problem? Fewer rentals will be built. We need more rentals not less.’ ‘Yeah but greedy landlords won’t be able to raise rental rates.’ ‘Right. So who would build a rental building when they’re stuck with the same rents for years? Because other prices go up. So their expenses keep increasing.’ ....crickets...
If they saw beyond proximate causes, they would realize the problem with their utopian schemes is that, sooner or later, they run out of other people’s money. And it would seem they are running out of other people’s children as well.
AND - they don't maintain the places, so they turn into dumps. Then the neighborhoods decline. Crime increases. Etc.
Not with privately owned rental buildings. I maintain mine as it would be foolish to let them run down.
I believe mrkel was saying if there are rent controls, landlords won't do upkeep, because they can't afford it, and tenants won't leave because the price is too good, so you end up with crappy living conditions, just like a govt housing project...
Thinking further ahead, to understand the consequences of one's actions is an "executive neural function" of the brain. So is actually planning ahead for the future. This is not found in immature brains, and the brain does not mature to get these executive functions simply due to a person's physical age. A person must get experience, AND learn from their mistakes to get these functions. And some people never get them.
So yes these are more common among conservatives, but also businessmen that manage to have their business to survive. You can't have a business survive without thinking and planning ahead, the competition is too great. Although some businesses do great, get a new CEO or executive team that doesn't know what they are doing, and then starts doing poorly.
In some rare cases a person can get these executive functions at a very young age, say age 12 or so, but that depends if they have the ability to learn from their mistakes or not.
Similarly confused. My guess is there will be a "hyper liberal" near term future while the conservatives are busy procreating, and then a massive whipsaw to the right once those children grow up.
It was poorly explained. What it's saying is that parenthood = a rightward drift. Therefore, fewer parents = fewer people drifting right.
It's easy to mistake it thinking - conservatives are more likely to have children (this is true, but that is NOT the message here). The message is that Parents become more conservative than when they were non-parents.
The logic is correct, but ignores MANY other confounds, such as: conservatives will be increasingly likely to have children, leading to a larger proportion of children raised conservative. Leading to (possibly): a decadal drift left as fewer parents exist, then a steady move right as conservative children reach adulthood and exert greater pressure on societal ideologies.
> The message is that Parents become more conservative than when they were non-parents.
Well said. Parents typically have to grow up when they have their first child, because children are REALLY expensive in the US. And if the parents fail to manage their resources properly, they will fail, which increases their chances of having their children taken by the state.
Raising kids is expensive if parents rely on mainstream services. If I were a parent, I'd rely mainly on free or cheap alternative services. Home-grown organic food. Home birthing. "Primitive" living. Home business. Like-minded Community.
It doesn’t work like that. When you’re a parent you’re super busy. Home grown organic food is a hobby. Which you don’t have time for.
I'll have to agree with Mystic William here.
People saying 'live off the grid' in a COMMENT TO THE INTERNET, are probably not practicing what they preach.
That's only if you're a conventional parent.
What guarantee is there, they won't take the children away from their parents, before the parents can poison their brains with modesty.
And after a few of them happened and parents see they have no support, why wouldn't they voluntarily do it, if it meant their children stays with them.
Plan accordingly
The long term effect of this situation was encapsulated by Mark Steyn some years ago at the time Chancellor Merkel’s mass-migration of young men into Europe from the Middle East was in full flood. In discussing the collapse in European birth rates below replacement level amongst native-born Europeans, Steyn brilliantly distilled the end result of the demographic crisis with the words:
“The future only belongs to those who show up for it”.
The people who are rejoicing at this demographic collapse are either very, very dim-witted, and have fallen victim to being suckered by ideological manipulators - or they themselves have malign intent and wish to destroy the civilisation that gave them birth and made them the most privileged humans in history.
A single promoter can be identified that has facilitated this psychological debasement of whole populations. It is made up of the corrupt people who control the mainstream media. A pox on all their houses!
It’s a strange delusion. The UK is run by the aristocracy. They can’t be so deluded that they believe the Muslims will allow them to keep their houses and estates when they are the majority.
The elites are not deluded. The immigrants, by and large, come from other countries with less than ideal education systems, thus the immigrants are not as educated and are more easily manipulated. However the immigrants can work, and be taxed, and controlled easily, which is a big part of the point. But they won't tell you that.
To do this the immigrants must get on welfare programs where they can be controlled, and they must stay there, where they will vote for the leaders controlled by elites if they want their free money. Which is easily done with an ignorant population who value feelings over facts, and who cannot think beyond the concept of "wow! free money!"
Except when the Muslims are the majority they will vote racially and religiously and the elites will be out. Which will happen because you don’t have to be clever to have 4 children per woman. There is no way a Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim majority will stomach a bunch of English toffs owning all the land.
The muslims might very well want to vote out the elite, but will the elite let them? Who is to say that "voting" isn't already rigging in the UK like in the US?
Working up from the bottom (councils) there’s nothing the elite can do about it. An elite cannot survive without a power base. The British Indians controlled Uganda for a few decades but we’re ousted because there was no power base to support them.
They are not working. The supermajority are living off the resources of the taxpayer.
They're just breeding. The mean cost of an illegal invader is over 1 million euro, by estimates of the IFO.
The hyper liberal birthing men will have to step up their game!!!
They cannot. They are relatively infertile by design from Bill Hates Depop shot.
my thoughts, too, John. So, I take it that this is a positive outcome.
Yep. It's desperation. The fads and trends of the age will soon vanish into the wind, and conservative principles will endure.
If conservatives are the breeders, then...
I currently like to point out to lefties (liberals) that most of these policies are designed to push them to extinction. Because liberals are the only ones who go without children for the following reasons: climate myth, homosexuality, feminism, careers for women, vaccination, over population myth.
Am hoping some of them might wake up if they are told the establishment wants them dead.
So true. My partners liberal family is an example: only one of his 3 sibs had kids (3) of which one has changed gender, one has had a hysterectomy for health issues, and the other tried to commit suicide in 2020. So not expecting a large number of grand nephews or nieces. We have two teens currently so we shall see what happens.
Aim for 12.
I don't think they mean "conservative" or "liberal" in any traditional sense. I think they mean selfish people who think not having kids means they can live like teenagers forever without any responsibilities or thought for others.
100%, Stuffysays. Until I was 35, I was never having children 'because overpopulation/feminism/pollution' etc. In reality, it was because I lived a selfish & hedonistic lifestyle where I could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, everyone else be damned. 12 years later I'm divorced, remarried with 2 children, a stay-at-home mum (so single income household) & with a completely different outlook on life. To say that my priorities have changed would be an understatement.
You've come a long long way, and I'm so proud of you for that. Give yourself a big pat on the back!
For it's not where you are that matters, it's how much you had to work to get there. Self-improvement is one of the most difficult things to do. I've been there.
Men also are misled into bad lifestyles. A good man seeks one good wife; he doesn't ride the copulation carousel.
Exactly what i came to say
The "liberals" of today are actually leftists, which are the opposite of the 1970s liberals, aka "classic liberals". Classic liberals were very tolerant, helpful for all people, not just minorities, were much more positive, supported integration, and true equality and equal responsibility.
The Nazis, while they tried to call themselves "nationalists" to make their socialism more appealing, were actually leftists, and were not right wing at all. The labels journalists gave them mean nothing, the Nazi actions are very leftist.
Key points of leftism: censorship, threats, violence for political gain, nepotism (to form a network of control), riots, manufacture an enemy to distract people, intolerance to other views (thus the censorship), government control, make people dependent on gov't. (The Nazis also offered free education.)
If you ever wonder if a statement seems unfair and seems to persecute a group, change the group name, like MAGA or conservatives, to Jews or blacks, and read it again. Changing the group name does not change the concept of intolerance itself.
You're right to observe that 'liberal' is a stolen word. We refer to the old meaning with the term 'classical liberal' now.
As an ex-classical-liberal myself, I have taken to heart Cicero's advice "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society."
In the short term before they are faced with their mortality and their meaningless existence
They already hate children
Since the sheeple are overwhelmingly liberal, I have to agree. The only solace I can take, and I dislike taking it, is the effects of the jab will reduce their population more than the conservative population.
No you are not missing anything😂
This is just more Inversion Psych Ops.
I think we should ignore the Psych Ops articles and move on to more important matters.
We can hope.
I don't follow. How can there be a Hyper Liberal Future if the liberals aren't procreating?
Do they mean "immediate future" within their lifetimes? Because if more conservatives are reproducing, even if the overall birthrates are lower, that would mean the next generation will be born mostly to conservative parents.
I guess we shouldn't be surprised to see high time preference thinking from the liberals.
I guess they mean short term future, as in the next 10-15 years
Remember, math is racist and white supremacist. Hyperliberals eschew math.
American-English language (at least how it is used these days) is really bad at mixing these political terms up. Liberal in the original sense means the pursuit of liberty, and nothing could be further away from the „liberals“ (Trudeau, AOC) of today. They are authoritarian, i.e. the complete opposite of liberal.
Conservative politicians like Ted Cruz or Rand Paul or Ron DeSantis are much more closely aligned with the original values of liberalism such as individualism, small government, etc.
At this point the term "liberal" is simply a name tag. It doesn't have any relation to the true meaning of that word.
LIke "fascist" - it is void of it's original meaning; it indicates only "the one who does not follow the current thing".
Fascist is accurately applied to anyone not going along with the agenda of those-who-must-not-be-named.
And it's actually being used accurately right now.
I'd guess they are using liberal as code for transhumanism.
You vill be liberal und you vill like it!!!
Well, you can have a Hyper Liberal Future that consists of a small set of liberals, and the brown people that they literally rule.
I think that it's permanent.
In Romania we have the same problem, although we are only 42% vaccinated. But young, active people are over 50% vaccinated. So, it seems that only half of a young couple must be vaccinated in order to drive mass sterilisation. However, most couples that I know are either entirely vaccinated, or unvaccinated. And I know some young vaccinated women that lost the baby during the last 12 months.
Another fact: we don't know how the offsprings of these vaccinated couples will be in the future. We have at least 2 examples from the past (Diethylstilbestrol, Pregsure BVD) where injections in the mothers had negative effects on the offsprings.
More interesting: in 2010 we had a severe economic crisis, basically as severe as Greece's crisis, although media didn't speak about it because we are seen as a "shitty" country somewhere near Russian border, while Greece was "respected" member of Eurozone. More than one million of young, fertile people emigrated. This had an impact on the birth rate. How big? Only -5%! So today's decline by -20% is absolutely horrific, it's like during the WW2 time... What causes it? Officialy, nobody knows.
Yes I do remember it was all about Greece and then later Cyprus.
I was in Cyprus and I thought my bank card was broken at one point because no cash machine wold work - it was odd.
How are things going in Romania now obviously except vaccine nonsense?
Everything is fine. Few Covid cases (despite the fact that we had our own BA4/BA5 wave), very few deaths, mostly old people in their 70s and 80s, and no excess mortality since March. I did a graph that summarizes everything:
As you can see, with only 42% vaccination rate Romania outperforms much better vaccinated EU countries.
Unfortunately, the -20% births' rate decline is real. The births' rate decline started in May 2021, when the 1st phase of the vaccination was accomplished, accelerated over the summer of 2021, reached a plateau of about -20% around January and never came back.
I remember watching a Romanian film in early 2000s. It was called "4, 3, 2" - which stood for 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days. It was about a college-aged girl who became pregnant and her friend helped her procure an illegal abortion. It had a big impact on me and I have tried to find a way to watch it again a number of times of the years. Anyway, one of the takeaways for me was the attitude of the young woman after her abortion. It left me cold and I wonder if that attitude may also be contributing factor to the shrinking birth rate.
The movie is this one: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2kgtc4 It's about a young woman that wants an abortion before 1989 (when it was illegal).
Thank you for finding that! I have never heard of "dailymotion" either, that is a good source.
With only 42% of people vaccinated you should be much better than Chile, we have 92% vaccinated and boosted. And a few months ago the government was thinking about a 5th dose.
Perhaps you can do some good on twitter but I wouldn't touch it.
Great content, followed you on Twitter.
This is very interesting, thank you so much. Unfortunately one hears very little about Romania and other countries in the east or south east of Europe.
You raise the important point that those babies that are successfully born to vaxxed parents may grow up with sterility issues of their own. The full extent of the sterility impact will not be known for at least another generation.
The gift that keeps on not giving.
There's no known mechanism for passing-on infertility from the current gene-jab products.
Not to say the next batch couldn't have different code. Nobody's really checking what is *actually* being delivered to billions of people.
The hypothetical mechanism I and others are suggesting for intergenerational infertility is the accumulation of spike protein and LNP in the ova of developing female fetuses. But you are right; who knows what’s really in any particular jab?
How would spike accrued in one cell pass on to the ova of the grown woman resulting from it? It's a few molecules in one cell, distributed among trillions of cells in the resulting human.
Because all of the ova an adult woman will have are formed when she is still in utero, and biodistribution studies show that the LNP have the highest affinity for concentrating in ovaries. If the LNP pass the placenta-blood barrier and concentrate in the fetal ovaries, that could impact adult fertility.
In a dilution of one to 37 trillion? No.
Somewhere I read that largest political demographic that is vaccinated and boosted are the democratic voters. I would have good reason to believe that given their outright support for vaccine mandates. If they were to cease having offspring, and only conservatives were procreating, then eventually the "woke" left could disappear from the gene pool. We could actually live in peace.
Think about it,
No more rioters paid for by Soros,
No more LGBT in schools
No more CRT in schools
No more crime everywhere
True conservatives naturally leave each other alone, they get along, they are law-abiding, independent thinkers and are the inventors and creators that contribute best to civilization as a whole.
Left wants compulsory collectivism
Conservatives want a voluntary cooperative society.
I really don't want anyone to go extinct, there's always something of value to be learned, especially when there are many differences.
The left has taught me how important conservative individualism really is.
And.. just because your parents might be lefty jerks, doesn't mean you will be. A baby always has great potential.
Mostly agree, but Conservatives do not "leave each other alone". That isn't a bad thing. Remember the "Morale Majority" movement, but their tactics were vastly different than today's Progressives.
There is a 3rd option asides from hyper liberal future, and extinction. The 3rd option is a ultra religious society ruled under Sharia law.
Religious Muslims have lots of children and are certainly not liberal. Liberal societies in Europe and beyond will collapse and be replaced with either nationalist states or ultra religious Islamic states.
Aren't they jabbed, too? Would be interesting to know what is going on with their birth rates.
Non whites were less likely to be jabbed in the UK, since they very rightly distrusted the pharmaceutical industry and the Government.
Yes, this has been occurring to me too. I have, of course, done absolutely no research.
Word of mouth has it that 90% of invaders are unjabbed. From my conversations I can only estimate it's a majority who are unjabbed.
I have no more insights than anyone else, but I have had a longer lead-in, having been aware of the vaccine-based eugenics plan since 2007. More time means more opportunity for reflection.
The first consideration is that eugenics targets fertility before anything else. With massive financial and other resources, we can presume all is going to plan.
Thus, I conclude that women who were pregnant when jabbed, will probably lose their babies. Those babies that are born will have vaccine injuries and I have reason to believe they will also be infertile when they become adult. It seems likely that all jabbed individuals will have fertility issues and most will die within 8 years.
The next issue to follow will be millions of orphaned children, that is, the children whose parents were jabbed but the children were not. Those of us who survive, because we refused the jab, will be required to adopt many children. I saw this coming a long time ago and so I have been setting up a wilderness village in which locals can take refuge and raise the children. I suggest other purebloods consider likewise. It takes a lot of planning and resources and the time to start is now. You need a place with spring water, a deep soil location for a garden, and you need roofing material now, long before you build. Soom roofing iron will be unobtainable.