Yeah, my question is, since omicron is simultaneously 'mild' yet causing hospitalizations, are they sweeping all of the vaccine side effects into the 'omicron' variant and using the PCR test to misdiagnose?

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It is a good question. We need to find some data or reports in support, or against, what you are suggesting.

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They are sure muddying the waters in the USA with the tests + fear e.g. "News out of Vermont paints a bleak picture of just how harmful the collective psychosis of COVID hysteria is, a phenomenon that seems isolated to heavily Democrat areas." https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/12/25/the-chickens-of-the-collective-psychosis-of-covid-hysteria-come-home-to-roost-n496830

Mass hysteria in NYC:


What are people saying on foreign Telegram channels?

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That's because in polling data, something like 48% of Democrats actually think that COVID has a 50% mortality rate! They are truly scared to death of COVID. So, yeah, as soon as they sneeze, or have a wet fart, they are getting tested!

Fools sure, but then we already knew that.

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Here's my theory: with all that fearmongering of Omicron in the media (thanks, Igor:-), the Indians are so scared of Omicron that they check themselves in as soon as they sneeze. Same day they get kicked out to admit another such scaredy-cat. And so it goes.

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Its the same everywhere getting Covid is a badge of obedience or "nocebo" as one poster called it .

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I already posted above BUT certain people are now clogging American hospitals: "News out of Vermont paints a bleak picture of just how harmful the collective psychosis of COVID hysteria is, a phenomenon that seems isolated to heavily Democrat areas." https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/12/25/the-chickens-of-the-collective-psychosis-of-covid-hysteria-come-home-to-roost-n496830

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I personally think Omicron is fake and was simply created to cover up all of the adverse effects/deaths from the clot shots. There's no specific test for Omicron or Delta, according to whistleblowers. The PCR test is incapable of distinguishing between variants and apparently only a small subset of patients get genetic sequencing- and then statistical models are used to guess the prevalence i.e. the whole thing is fake. Likewise, the CDC has claimed that 40,000 deaths occur annually in the USA from the flu. But it turns out the real number of deaths are only ~3,000 and the rest of the deaths are based on computer models:


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If you really want to get down to how much of a simulation this all is, the genome of this alleged virus also only exists in a computer program and has not been shown to exist and to have been isolated from an allegedly infected human being. This pandemic is literally a computer simulation

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Technically, the genome does "exist" because it can be "cloned" once it's been generated by the computer model. A pseudo-virus can also be created for lab experiments. But SARS-COV-2 hasn't been proven to exist in the wild. My guess is (some of) the viral fragments that are pieced together by the computer model are actually symptoms of a COVID-like illness, not the cause. I've been closely following the virus skeptic debate. Kaufman, Cowan and Lanka have been attacked a lot but so far none of their critics have responded to their main point: bacteriophages have been routinely pufied and isolated for years. If infectious viruses truly exist, then why can't they be purified the same way? You never get a response from their critics except some cryptic comments that you should trust the "experts" and viruses can't be separated from cells. If that's true, then how do viruses spread between cells or between people? Here's an example of their criticism (I think the commenters do a good job of debunking the article):


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Yup, I’ve been listening to a lot of Kaufman and Cowan recently, and I’m not 100% on the “viruses don’t exist” side, but it’s made me think differently about the alleged pandemic and it actually explains a lot of apparent “abnormalities” that writers discuss. For example, omicron spread rapidly across the globe in a matter of days. It’s easy to show that omicron spreads rapidly, if they begin calling a different artifact of the PCR test itself which they previously ignored, and now turn it into a relevant sequence. Suddenly it appears all over the world.

You’re right, the genome does exist because either the CDC or NIH has the patent (can’t remember which one) for coronavirus, which is supposed to be a naturally occurring organism

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Covid is a fraud of the big lie species . Vaccines are a tool for extorting $200 US a shot from the frightened sheeple. What the components of the vaccine are doesn't matter .

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Making money is always part of the agenda, but covid is a very real thing, and it's unlike any sickness I've ever seen. Freakin demonic is what it is.

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Covid is a scam being used to keep the elites from taking the financial haircut they deserve by creating this very deep and worsening global depression. Covid is also as mentioned in the Shock Doctrine the perfect crisis enabling said elites to engage in social engineering and theft of public assets for our own good of course.

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Whatever you're saying is correct, but there's much more to it. Transhumanism is a big part of the agenda.

If you contracted Delta, you wouldn't be saying "it's just a flu"

Covid is something else. I'm not saying it's gonna wipe us out and that we should be paranoid. I'm just saying, it's not like the flu, and there truly is a demonic element to it.

There's a doctor in the US named Carrie Madej, if I remember correctly, who was interviewed by Stew Peters. She studied two samples of the moderna vaccine, from two separate batches, and observed a living organism in both of them, which she felt was self aware.

The vaccine is no different than a witches potion.

I get what I'm saying sounds crazy. Trust me, I know how it sounds, but that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about.

Most people aren't aware of the existence of the demonic realm, so they can't conceive of that which is beyond their understanding, but I'm telling you, there's more to covid than people think.

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When I had my covid a year ago, it felt like a more or less regular illness. Only once my oxygen dropped to 87, and recovered. I was taking piles of vitamin D, zinc, aspirin and C

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Flu is Flu ? Demonic ? I don't think so .

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Something definitely doesn’t add up. If they are all experiencing mild symptoms as the article says….why are they in the hospital?! It’s either incidental cases where they are hospitalized for a different reason, or there’s a lie somewhere. Either way, 33 out of 34 can’t be ignored.

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You do not understand. The vaccine works. Vaccinated people die of mild symptoms. The vaccinated also do not suffer as much prior to dying. This is a huge and often overlooked benefit of the vaccine, fact checkers say.

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YES! I am fond of saying 'it would have been so much worse if you had been unvaccinated'... but I never get that opportunity cuz they are usually already dead.

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Just think of how much worse it would have been if they HADN't been vaccinated??

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Absolutely. The unvaccinated people die because they are unvaccinated. The vaccinated people die because they have comorbidities. This is science, you ignorant people

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Whew, what a relief! I was worried that they might be dying from worse symptoms. That's reassuring!

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Who said it was mild?

The same MSM that said that the original Covid was as deadly as the Black Plague...

The same MSM that said get your two shots and you'd not be able to contract Covid

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At least one of the South African doctors who first noted Omicron is gobsmacked at the world reaction because she isn't seeing serious disease

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Saw their Prime Minister turn on a pin though, one day utterly opposed to what Pharma was up to with a dissent that was well thought through and strong, 3 days later threatening to mandate vaccines on whole population and off on a trip around Africa to sell the damn things.

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People sell their souls for money.

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Yes, and the big surprise is how low the price!

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Oh, somehow the media and government will find a way if it doesn’t suit their narrative. It’ll be a challenge to spin, but they’ll find a way.

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Lots of unvaccinated people are contracting omicron, and the symptoms are different from previous variants. I honestly never expected to contract covid, but omicron had my name on it.

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Are you having it now? Want to describe what is happening to you so far? I might not be the only person interested. I hope you recover soon

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I recovered from it about a week ago. I actually wrote a bit about my experience in a comment under one of your other articles.

But in a nutshell, I felt weird. Physical symptoms were basically a dull headache, and some body pain, isolated to my left leg, primarily in the groin region.

The body aches seem to affect different areas on different people. My mum's was in her stomach.

My aunt has omicron at the moment. I wrote about this yesterday, about how it felt like walking into a scene from the exorcist, when I went to visit her. It's affected her mental state in a really bad way. It's like she doesn't know if she's coming or going.

My experience was quite mild compared to my mum and aunt.

A less common symptom I experienced was red eyes. Also when I looked into the mirror, I didn't quite look like myself. I could see the jinn inside me when I looked into my eyes. Covid is actually a demonic attack. That's the reality of it. And this doesn't take anything away from it being a virus.

Symptoms of delta were far worse. You don't hear of people experiencing difficulty breathing with omicron. It's mostly just body pain. And of course the classic scratchy throat and covid cough.

It's basically like delta, minus the respiratory issue. Some people still experience severe body aches with omicron. Mine wasn't too severe. A single high strength brufen tablet a day and I was sorted. But other family members reported severe body pain.

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Thank you for sharing! This is so weird how your aunt was affected

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I know many people who were affected similarly. I'm surprised so many people are unaware of the mental onslaught which covid comes with.

I personally didn't experience anything too hectic, but I'm religiously quite devout and very strong minded. But I know many people who became like zombies, totally confused and out of it, just like my aunt. Many others were plagued with terrifying hallucinations (which weren't actually hallucinations, I assure you), severe paranoia, disorientation, irritability and the list goes on. People with covid also tend to have an inclination towards spiritually destructive activities.

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Flu is flu no matter what you choose to name it is a seasonal malady and until 2020 killed several million people world wide every year mostly without comment or concern of big government and their corporate masters. Vaccines have been available for many decades , for those who believe in them . What has changed is the question that should be asked ?

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Trust me Jim, my thinking was exactly like yours some months ago, but covid isn't like the normal flu. I know so many people who've had it, and after just recovering from omicron recently, I now have first hand experience.

While my symptoms were mild, I'm telling you, it's not like the flu.

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Of course they are PCR has shown Papaya to be positive for Covid . The great reset requires a fourth , fifth ,and sixth , ad infinitum wave of "deadly" flu as long as the sheeple will buy the con ! Where are the bodies ?

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Well if the virus can infect cats, mink, deer, dogs (to a limited extent), gorillas, hippos and now mice, who says it can't infect papaya? It's a respiratory virus no? Do plants not respire? Maybe it infects their stomata. ;-)

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Lots of people in my community died during the third (Delta) wave. I'm talking multiple deaths on a daily basis. It's when I realised covid is not to be taken lightly.

The real question is, how is covid spreading?

I can tell you this much, it's not spreading from person to person, as they would have us believe. All the mask wearing and social distancing is a load of bs, with a totally different objective.

One thing I can tell you is before every wave, helicopters were observed circling the localities where covid hit hard. Even during lock down, at odd hours in the morning, like 3AM, helicopters were circling. And not just in our area, but this trend was noticed in many other localities hit hard by covid.

One couple were driving and some spray from the helicopter above landed on their windscreen. One of them even said jokingly how they were spraying the covid, but they later realised it wasn't a joking matter.

There's lots going on with covid people don't realise. This is a multi faceted onslaught, and while we probably won't see through all of it, many aspects of the onslaught have come to light.

There have been bodies. It's nowhere near as bad as they initially said it would be, but in many communities here in South Africa, covid has claimed lives. It's not entirely a con, that much I can guarantee. While the mortality rate is low, there's no denying that many people have died from covid, and many of them suffered greatly prior to their deaths.

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Could you try to dig a little bit on this subject to see if anyone else makes credible reports of similar stuff? Like all conspiracy stuff, a lot of conspiracy theories end up being true, but always need to be verified in some way.

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No promises Igor, but InshaAllah (God willing) I'll see what I can dig up in a few days time, when I have more free time on my hands.

Just to put you a bit into the loop. I believe one of the purposes of chemtrails is to make HAARP technologies more effective. I'm almost certain HAARP has something to do with covid. Perhaps CERN too. I'm sure you know they openly admitted to opening portals to other dimensions. They're quite literally summoning demons. Then you have Geordie Rose, who started D-wave, then Kindred AI, and last I know, he started another company and is making headway in the field of transhumanism. I'm putting a lot of stuff out here for you to research. I guarantee you, these things I'm mentioning are affecting the world in ways we cannot fathom.

Honestly, there's probably way more to this conspiracy. Once you understand how these elite psychopaths operate, you'll realise that what I'm saying isn't farfetched. And ultimately, demon worship is at the heart of all of it. Magic and rituals.

I know I sound like a conspiracy loon, but that's fine. One day, people will realise the reality of it, and I can guarantee, I'm not far off.

Ultimately, it's all demonic. The whole alien thing, covid thing, AI, transhumanism, you name it. It's all a demonic conspiracy, and fully fledged demons are at the helm of it.

Delve deeply. Scratching the surface when it comes to these matters only puts you in the land of deception. Only those who dig deeply enough strike truth. And ultimately, without guidance from the Almighty, we're all in darkness. Everything good in our lives is purely a grace and mercy from Him. Recognition of this is the true enlightenment.

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Excellent, stuff -- as always.

I suggest that the majority of the hospitalised will be double vaccinated in the older age range, and these will have been vaccinated earlier in their vaccination programme. In the UK we don't have many left in this group because they've all been boostered.

Is this indicative of negative vaccine effectiveness for protection against hospitalisation at a further timepoint beyond vaccination than the negative effectiveness for protection against symptomatic disease (as we're seeing in the data for the UK and Europe).

Which then might beg the question -- when the authorities in the West suddenly decided that they had to booster jab everyone that had been double jabbed, was this because they'd been informed (via secret channels) that the vaccines were turning bad and that they had to do this to avoid the vaccinated dominating the statistics this coming winter?

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Since you are a smart guy and there is several more smart persons reading this, I have a question.

The vaccinated, who got their shots a long time ago, seem to be getting a lot more Omicron than the unvaccinated.

My burning question is why. It may or may not be ADE: to have ADE, you need antibodies, which the long-ago vaccinated do not have. So what is it? What is it that makes someone vaccinated 8 months ago, so much more susceptible than the unvaccinated person?

Is that only about more covid recovered being found in the unvaxed?

Or some biological mechanism? If so, which one?

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Do we really know what is going on in the immune systems of the double-vaxxed who got Delta or Omicron? Is anyone checking?

IMO, the shocking negative VE of the double-vaxxed against Omicron suggests they are producing anti-spike antibodies to the Wuhan virus...Original Antigenic Sin...which causes their innate immune system to "stand down" and allows infection. The innate immune response in the unvaxxed functions normally.

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Right, I am not sure if I agree with every word of your reply, but I have no better idea. We both seem to be thinking along the same lines.

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I don't know about those who got Delta or Omi, but this doctor has done a case study of a patient who was double jabbed, looking at blood tests with white blood cell counts. And the results were shocking. This video is a follow-up:


...it is still up on YT as of now, but if YT takes it down (they took down his first video on this case study) you can find him on Rumble: Dr Nathan Thompson.

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Yes, I've seen this video. Dr. Ryan Cole also talks about disturbing changes in the blood following the jabs. My point is that we really don't know what is happening in the blood of the double-vaxxed when they become infected...with any variant. Are they producing vaxx generated anti-spike antibodies? What's going on with their cellular and innate immunity? We just don't know. Rather than trying to understand what is actually happening in their bodies, Uncle Tony and Brandon just push more doses of last year's magic potion. We won't know the answer until they actually investigate what happens in a double-vaxxed person during "breakthrough" infection.

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I read an article that cited a study showing Omicron cases were not producing large amounts of S-antibodies. They didn't link to the study though. If that is the case then this can't be OAS? Or is it? You'd expect high levels of S-antibodies that just don't work well but these cases had low levels. Geert VanBosche seems to think because the amount of vaccinal antibodies is so low it will give the innate immune system a chance to fight Covid once more. But if these people are being hospitalised, it can't be doing a good job.

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I would really like to see that study. I've read and watched Geert Vanden Bossche's argument against boosters as a way out of the endless variants and viral spread. I just sent a long missive to my vaxxed family members (most of my family) about the dangers of the booster to longterm immunity and the implications of the UKHSA data on anti-nucleocapsid in donor blood.

We really need to know what is going on the bodies of the double-jabbed who become infected. Are they producing anti-S? How much? It's the only way to answer the question about OAS.

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Omicron apparently doesn't trigger the spike protein test sample in the PCR test (that is how they know it is Omi). There are 3 test sequences, and Omi triggers 2 but not the 3rd, the spike protein sequence, because it's spike protein is very different. This is probably why the vax doesn't work against Omi - it is only designed for the original CV spike protein. And if Omi is not triggering serious illness, you wouldn't expect it to trigger high levels of antibody production, even in a non-vaxxed person (without OAS coming into play).

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You are right, of course. We don't know. Even more disturbing, it seems that nobody (in an official position) wants to find out. They don't want to find out about early treatment, they don't want to know about vax effects - or not to make public, anyway.

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Not sure. There are a few mechanisms, though.

Firstly, there are antibodies. Sure, they've waned a bit but they're still around. The message is that the boosters are needed to increase antibody levels and it is inferred that this is because 'they'll get back to protective levels'. What the boosters are actually doing is massively increasing antibody levels from an already high level (above what you'd see after natural infection) to counter the fact that they're now much less effective against Omicron (vaccine escape).

Secondly, which antibodies are we talking about? The neutralising antibodies definitely wane, as do non-neutralising antibodies, some of which are disease enhancing. There was a paper out a few months back that noted that neutralising antibodies were waning faster than non-neutralising enhancing antibodies, and that at some point the enhancing antibodies would start to dominate. It is possible that we're at that point now (for 2 doses).

Thirdly, it might be nothing to do with antibodies. There's worrying evidence of direct vaccine interference of certain cell types of the cellular immune system. This would then drive ADE type effects by that route. I'd note that this would also result in overall immune system disregulation / suppression.

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Brian has an post out which suggests innate immune suppression (via two possible methods): https://unglossed.substack.com/p/neg

So they may have antibodies even though vaccinated 8 months ago, just that their antibody levels are low enough to outcompete natural IgM antibodies from the innate immune system but but high enough to call the adaptive immune system into action properly ----> infection sweetspot.

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I will read it, thanks

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Slow acting poison. Waits until a sign of weakness.

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But do the vaccines even have' short term benefits?

I don't see how people getting boostered will help keep the stats down.

I know of too many people who were severely harmed by the vaccines. Some of them died within days of taking the vaccine, and those still alive to tell the tale certainly won't be taking any boosters.

My cousin who took both Pfizer jabs just hasn't been the same ever since the second jab. She now discourages anyone from taking the vaccine.

If the vaccine harms people, how will taking a booster help the stats? I find it hard to believe the vaccine has any benefits at all, even in the short term.

I'm pretty sure the vaccine is designed to give people covid, and make people more susceptible to contracting covid.

I don't believe the vaccine was created for covid, but rather, covid was created to get people to take the vaccine.

The mainstream vaccines were probably produced long before they would have us believe.

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What happened to your cousin? Dare to write a small story, leaving out all personal details?

Anyway, the first two weeks of booster is terrible effectiveness, then 15-17 weeks of kinda effectiveness, then negative again.

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We aren't really that close. She's much older than I am, and I seldom ever see her, despite her living in our locality.

But my sister sees her every so often, and she told her that she hasn't been feeling well ever since taking the second jab. Not too sure of the exact symptoms, but she regrets taking it, and subsequently advised her daughter and son in law not to take it.

Perhaps I can I find out more if you like..

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That's okay, I do not mean to cause any tensions in your family. I understand

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No it's nothing like that, no tension at all. I just don't see some family members too often, but we're on good terms.

InshaAllah (God willing) I'll keep you posted if I come by any further details.

Oh, yes, dunno if you read my one comment yesterday, where I mentioned my friend who contracted covid like 3 or 4 times already..

So I met up with him today, and it doesn't seem he contracted omicron. But he did tell me the first time he got covid, during the first wave, it was the most severe. He was knocked out for 10 days, barely functional at all, both mentally and physically.

During the second wave, he said it was bad, but not as bad.

Then he got it again after that, but I forgot to ask him for further details because we ended up veering off topic a bit. But it seems like he might have had milder symptoms in infections subsequent to the first, due to antibodies he developed.

He never took the vaccine.

And during this wave, his wife contracted omicron, and he didn't. So perhaps he now truly has solid immunity?

I'm not entirely sure how this works, since there's more to it than just the physicalities we perceive, but perhaps developing antibodies does play a part in him not contracting omicron.

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scary stuff. I go maskless everywhere and no second covid so far

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It appears to me that omicron is spreading throughout the world via vaccinated travelers, and India is no exception. I believe only vaccinated are currently allowed entry, and I know they were doing random covid testing for each flight but now perhaps they are requiring it of all travelers from certain destinations? I wonder if they automatically send those who test covid-positive at the airport to designated government hospitals-- that would explain mild illness in the hospitalized. I don't think the wealthy would voluntarily go to a government hospital in India.

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Reading the rest of the article there are these two paragraphs which basically agree with what you said:

"...He cautioned that with three of the persons admitted with Omicron not having any travel history, the new variant may have already started to spread in the community.

Five of the 34 patients admitted to the hospital with confirmed Omicron infection were citizens of European and African countries, while the remaining 29 were Indian citizens. At present, with 57 patients, Delhi has the highest number of confirmed Omicron cases in the country, followed by Maharashtra."

So out of the 34 patients, 31 would seemingly have had a travel history. Since the unvaccinated generally can't travel at this time, I would image that of the 3 who did not have a travel history, one of them was the unvaccinated person.

The 5 persons from Europe and Africa are most likely travellers (even if maybe they are resident in India).

They mention 57 patients with omicron in hospitals across Delhi in total. It would be interesting to know what proportion of these other 23 patients were travellers and/or vaccinated or unvaccinated.

But so far the likely breakdown of the patients seems to be:

5 citizens of European and African countries - likely travellers - likely vaccinated

26 Indian nationals - likely travellers - likely vaccinated

2 Indian nationals - no travel history - likely vaccinated

1 Indian national - no travel history - likely unvaccinated

Additionally of the 33 vaccinated persons, two had received mRNA vaccines (thus the rest likely received AstraZeneca or Johnson and Johnson or some variation of these). Also 2 of the vaccinated persons (not sure if it is the same two who received mRNA vaccines) also received boosters.

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India is a strange country though. I remember stories from hospitals being full with rich people paying for a hospital bed after a positive test, just to be sure.

That could be the case here as well as I imagine vaccinated indians are more wealthy then unvaccinated. Especially since the article speaks of mild symptoms that would not justify hospitalization.

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Just wrote same below LOL!

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Maybe you heard that the Bar Association of India is pressing murder charges against Bill Gates as well as India’s chief health minister. They are also charging the WHO head scientist (an Indian lady) for pushing the shots while recommending against Ivermectin. Incredible report here about Uttar Prakash, the state that told the WHO to shove it. https://newsrescue.com/the-undeniable-ivermectin-miracle-indias-240m-populated-largest-state-uttar-pradesh-horowitz/

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Hmmm... does anyone think that they have been telling people Omicron is mild to ensure that the CovIDIOTS continue to mix and match and spread it far and wide as rapidly as possible?

Mission Accomplished


If we look at that spiking energy prices in Europe (they are through the roof now and winter is just about to hit...) it would seem a good time to introduce Devil Covid... and begin the great extinction...

We may be looking at the tip of the tip of the iceberg here

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Holy Cow! When I looked at this it felt like a Dopamine Bomb exploded in my head.

I almost passed out!!! I may be developing an addiction.

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Yeah, me too actually, make sure to share it, I usually do not ask to share stuff but this one is so good

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This one is sooooooo good that I am tempted to print out a thousand copies and pass them out to CovIDIOTS on the street corner... with my gas mask on of course (20 bucks for that)


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We will convince nobody. They do not listen. Data from India? I do not trust data from those countries. Data from Denmark? That is a tiny country. That always have some stupid thing to say.

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A lie, repeated a thousand times, is believed.

The truth needs only a hundred times to be believed, and will win.

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Good! I will try to keep that in mind. You guys (you, kirsch, berenson, Malone, boriquagato, etc…) are doing a lot for us. From our side we must spread the word. It is also difficult because we are treated like crazy people, but still, I will try to follow what you say. Thanks!

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Yes, just keep spreading the truth, never lie, and we will win. I am certain of this.

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One thing that has struck me throughout this saga is the number of incredibly smart and principled Indian doctors who have risen to prominence in the public eye. And these are ones fearlessly speaking truth to power. Don't forget this is an ancient and wise civilisation. Massive and chaotic, yes, but with razor-sharp minds - especially in the maths and sciences and medicine. Their approach to health and well-being is much broader than our more narrowly-defined allopathic take. They have also been far more pragmatic in their approach to therapeutics.

Not sure where I'm going with this (😆), but maybe what I'm trying to say is that I wouldn't discount India having a reasonable handle on its info and stats. Based purely on my subjective admiration of its people and their abilities, of course!

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Indian people are very smart and very many of them are indeed principled. I have good hopes.

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Sure wish they'd stop injecting people with this crap.

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The question I have is does Omicron affect people with natural immunity??? Why no info on this?

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Supposedly, it infects them at a relatively low rate. About 5% of Omicron cases are reinfections.

How many are reinfections of previously infected vaccinated people, or previously infected never-vaccinated people, is not known.

I suspect that previously infected unvaxxed are much safer.

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mRNA doses have decades of history of being pathogenic primers towards causing infection making them unmarketable but the removal of liability meant that these results no longer prevented their distribution thanks to the FDA.

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The Delhi vax rate seems to be higher than the average of the country, though, according to articles. Just like the NYC rate is much higher than many rural areas. But regardless, the vax is not very protective. And we don't know how many of the hospitalized live in Delhi. It says some are foreigners, too.

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The bioweapon works exactly as intended. Vax is the weapon Humanity is The Virus they intend to kill, damage for life, sterilise, so useless eaters don't reproduce. They've told us the truth years in advance, but nobody is paying attention to "Bunch of nonsense and "conspiracy theories" 1992 https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum

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FOR A COMEDY BREAK: Check out my collection of scariant memes ;)

- COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: The Best Delta & Omicron (OmiCON) Scariant Memes


In addition:

- COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best COVID Christmas Music/Songs, Memes and Videos Infecting the Internet


- COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: The Best Fauci Memes


- COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: The Best Bill Gates COVID Memes


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about 2/3 of Delhi's adults are fully vaccinated


It's the 15-18 year olds' turn next:


Here in NZ they start vaxxing 5-11 year olds on January 17. Happy New Year from Jacinda Ardern kiddies!

But that wicked bitch says they "won't mandate vaxxing for under 12s" . Yeah right, that's what they said about the adults too. Then they did.

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I think that Jacinda is actually a sadist. Do you think it is true?

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I think she is a WEF minion who is serving what she sees as a "higher cause". She is not a servant of the citizens of NZ, but of what she believes are more important principles, ie social justice, climate change, transgenderism etc, the usual woke bullshit.

However, I do believe she is evil, for that same old reason, "the ends justify the means".

She knows very well that vaccines and lockdowns are useless, but continues enforcing them because she can't admit she's wrong, so a typical politician.

She is totally OK for many NZers to die or be harmed by vaccines, lockdowns and their side effects, as long as she moves closer to her end goal.

Is she a sadist and enjoys inflicting this pain? I do not know, but gives every impression of very much enjoying the exercise of power. And I think it is immaterial to her what pain it causes.

Like many politicians, I expect she is a psychopath, if she is also a sadist it would not surprise me.

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The first article (Delhi Hospital) refers to omicron hospitalizations in Delhi, but then refers to a 40% vaccination rate in India as a whole. Does anyone know a the vaccination rate in Delhi?

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Dec 26, 2021Edited

A very good point. According to the India Economic Times (Dec. 24) the single dose vaccination rate in the Delhi region is now around 100%, while about 70% of eligible citizens are double-vaxxed. At such a high rate is is patently obvious that most of those hospitalized would be expected to be vaccinated. The point is not that they are vaccinated, but rather that, as the subheading shows, they all have only mild symptoms and none is in need of oxygen or similar life-support. It is therefore grossly misleading to jump, on the basis of the headline quoted, to the generalisation that people would be better off by not being vaccinated.

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Yeah and they die mild symptoms also, which is an often overlooked benefit of vaccination, health experts and fact checkers say.

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A doctor drew blood from her jabbed 17 year old son and 26 year old unjabbed daughter... and took photos and video of both samples.


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