Del Bigtree. He has two documentaries Vaxx'd 1&2, if you can find them. Back in the day they caused quite the stir and were pulled, banned, and all the rest. Last I checked Bit Chute had them. Well worth watching.
I have an acquaintance who is a Libertarian in Nevada who told me a long while back that he thought all drugs should be legal. Hmmm, I said that seemed rather extreme and would cause a lot of issues, you know, like in Oregon. Then the other day I was watching a couple videos on youtube by Shawn Attwood the UK/Arizona ecstasy kingpin who got busted and sent to prison. He described how the prison system is a total racket now that it is privatized and they get 50K per head per year and they need a steady flow. He said the police and the DA's are all in on it and the cops have quotas and they go after low level weed crimes amongst the poorest of the population because they don't have big bank for a good lawyer. He said if all drugs were legal then either the prison system would swiftly go bankrupt, or the police would actually have to start investigating ACTUAL crime and the DA's would be forced/ordered to prosecute criminals to salvage the prison system and keep it afloat. At that moment I began to think perhaps my Libertarian friend was on to something. lol
They've been awful on pharma atrocities. They purged a central member after she asked them to expose vaccines. I met her at a talk. Libertarians except the Paul family and a few others have put zero skin in the war.
chd and rfk and del bigtree, are safe vaccine pushers keeping people hooked on fear of non existent viruses. lie of contagion, no vaccine can be made safe. Www.VirusTruth.NET
help by action. print easy mini flyers from this site and start putting on cars or hand to people especially those masked gripped in fear 3 yrs. www.VirusTruth.NET
It has been a good place for information. I’m bothered by one thing. Igor, maybe you can research this:
In the movie “The Real Anthony Fauci” RFKJR makes the claim that Pfizer donated $1M to Donald Trump’s Inaugural Committee. I have reached out to the producers six times to find out where this information came from. Three times I received a response number. No further responses from them thus far on the matter. I have looked at the FEC website and I see nothing with regard to donations to or from either organization.
I tweeted RFKJR asking the question. No answer.
Please let me know if you find anything else I missed.
The abstract at currently says there were big differences in the vaccinated with much higher rates of allergies and asthma, but the conclusion says there was no significant difference. Was there an earlier paper with different wording that was pulled?
In the analysis section it states: "The following conditions were significantly increased in the vaccinated group in the younger (more recent) age block only: asthma and allergic rhinitis."
The only mention of asthma in the Discussion section was to mention an earlier paper which had come to the same conclusion.
01/22/2021: Correction: Lyons-Weiler, J., et al. Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses along the Axis of Vaccination. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 8674
There was a Doctor who was threatened (in the last couple of years) with suspension for writing true statements on this question. He was not suspended only on the condition that he didn't communicate on this question again.
hammond also keeping lie of contagion going ! time to join team no virus tk change course of humanity. stop all the deadly shots. www.VirusTruth.NET
is taking action on ground to reach outside the choir. print the easy mini flyers on the site to hand to masked people to flatten their fear forever. reading Contagion Myth and VirusMania changed my life. never took or will take any fake test or insecticide ivermectin or any pharma ever again. www.VirusTruth.NET only way out. many free books on this site.
I don’t often see...but have seen here and there talk against ivermectin. I understand that given if you believe there are no viruses...but have heard they can help remove the spike proteins. Any thoughts on that?
Dr. Thomas has a show on Children's Health Defense. He's been on The Highwire several times. Amazing conclusions on health of unvaccinated children versus vaccinated. Compelling evidence.
I find that problematic "He Allowed The Parents To Choose".
I know what you meant though, he chose to retain rather than turn away patients, it just sounded weird the way it was stated. lol Or, I'm just way too cynical and jaded..
Dr. Paul “informed” the parents of all benefits and risks, and then let the parents choose…….stay with CDC recommended schedule, delay/go slower, or not bother. All info was right from vax’s package inserts. 11k patient study of the outcomes of the 3 groups. Worth investigating.
Indeed a Dr. of a rare breed, .... One with ethics, character and logical reasoning. I am not prone to the vax propaganda and have been onboard for quite a while with the notion that all vaccines are poison. I will surely read it, but I feel it is likely an unnecessary endeavor to come to the conclusion that the vaxxed on schedule are the sickliest group by far, especially since they brought out the Long Knives on him over this study, which BLOWS the big pharma scheme right out of the water and into the weeds. That right there is proof enough. lol Now if EVERY Dr. did the same, imagine the impact. There wouldn't be any Licensed Physicians remaining and their whole house of cards would collapse. It's the old "They Can't Punish All Of Us" theory. The tactic wouldn't be to convince them to stop stripping licenses, but rather do it in the hopes they would, because the whole Deathcare system needs to disappear anyway. Let something proper spring up in its place on a local, less Cabal format. Hey, we can dream can't we ??
Indeed he did, ... the new medical sin it seems. Behave like a grifting quack and they make you rich, act like a real Dr. and they come after you runnin' and gunnin'. I don't recognize this world anymore, it has gone total mondo bizarro.
"Vaccination before 1 year of age was associated with increased odds of developmental delays (OR = 2.18, 95% CI 1.47–3.24), asthma (OR = 4.49, 95% CI 2.04–9.88) and ear infections (OR = 2.13, 95% CI 1.63–2.78)."
Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination
"Compared to their unvaccinated counterparts, vaccinated children in the study were three to six times more likely to show up in the pediatrician’s office for treatment related to anemia, asthma, allergies and sinusitis."
"Regarding the question of whether or not vaccines prevent the infections they are intended to prevent, a quarter of a percent of the vaccinated were diagnosed with either chicken pox or whooping cough, while a half percent of the unvaccinated were diagnosed with chickenpox, whooping cough, or rotavirus. Significantly, there were no cases of measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, hepatitis or other vaccine-targeted infections in either the vaccinated or unvaccinated, during the entire 10.5 year study period."
"...the vaccinated children in the study appeared at the doctor’s office for respiratory infections 70% more often than the unvaccinated."
"Vaccination among children with autoimmunity in their family appeared to increase the risk of ear infection, asthma, allergies and skin rashes relative to the unvaccinated with family history of autoimmunity."
"However, children who had been vaccinated were 80 percent more likely to be diagnosed with anorexia and 25 percent more likely to be diagnosed with OCD than their non-vaccinated counterparts. Vaccinated children were also more likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and with tics compared to the controls."
"Truth Will Prevail: 1200 Studies" is an ebook and study by Dr. Alan Palmer that refute vaccine claims. Also notable is "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth", which you may have already read (edited by CHD's Mary Holland).
"Autism rates in US children have jumped from one in 150 in 2002 to one in 36 in 2020, or 2.8%, according to a new study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."
If you can obtain a PDF copy of The Real Anthony Fauci, there are many reference sources cited after various sections of the book, whereby autism rates pre & post childhood vaccination schedule are mentioned. Can use ctrl+F search to quickly sift through them. (I believe these guys submitted the vax vs unvax data to the supreme court or was it a library of congress, can’t remember) (Dr. Paul Thomas wrote a vaccine guide book and was challenged by his medical board so he posted all the data from his vaxxed and unvaxxed kids at his practice, over 10K patients and over 10 years of data, as a peer reviewed study to a journal only to have the paper retracted and his license suspended in 5 days for being a “danger to the public.”)
I agree...I actually am beginning to wonder if TPTB are wanting the autism epidemic because such a high percentage of gender dysphoric youth are autistic and they are easily led to believe they ought to transition. I wonder if this is purposeful? And is it a way to decrease the population substantially since autistic people have a much more difficult time engaging relationally and therefore have lower rates of marriage and family?
While I agree the connection makes sense because many have difficulties, some function very well and can raise a family. My son is autistic and super capable and on his own, would make a great dad but lacking the skills to know how to meet a girl. It’s frustrating for me to figure out how to help him with one wish for him.
Autism rates should horrify people. Unfortunately, they're being swept under the rug. People will only realize what has happened when half of all children have it.
I 100% believe it was a long term population control strategy put in place by TPTB. I am a mom of 3. My two boys are autistic. My oldest is very high functioning, my youngest very severe. I learned a little too late about the dangers of vaccines. My youngest will definitely not reproduce and it will take a miracle from God for my oldest to be able to form a love interest. Between autism, the trans push, big harma and everything else, we are in for the decimation of our population. 😢
its the only route out of this hell. i was first person to run to lowes to get masks and hazmat suit in jan 2020 before lockdown....when i saw propaganda on tv china lockdown. by april flund Contagion Myth and all fear lifted . .melted away...but anger being fooled set in and i never wore a mask ever since and demanded access and got served. even taking mom to urgent care got in and served with no masks. took about 15 min of uncomfortable pushback but its what real freedom fighters do. going on one year now i hand masked peopke tickets to contagion myth telling them nothing to fear a scam study this site www.VirusTrutb.NET
Wait until you read the results of the FOI lawsuit that Siri and RFK filed , asking for all studies used to justify vaccinating newborn to 6 mos. in the " regular" vax schedule .
You USED to be able to watch the Pharma training videos telling salespeople that they were " training parents to be obedient" . Considering that it is impossible until 24 months to even develop any antibodies - which is why colostrum is so important, to gain mothers immunity for that period - it should horrify everyone. Now that our children do not have immunity to pass on - because evidence that you have irritated the immune system is not the same as T and B cell immunity from actual exposure - what is in their future ?
Read every whistleblower statement about these products for an idea how bad it really is.
Team No Virus began in 1993 in earnest with Perth Group paper on Western Blot"HIV" test in Bio/Technology. I have not seen any exodus from hell resulting. It's 2023.
There are so many under-reported and important topics that need serious journalism treatment or smart analysis. The "known knowable" is that the mainstream "journalists" aren't going to write these stories or do these investigations. So our "hope" is Substack.
There was a paper from New York that showed the cost of child healthcare was higher for those vaccinated according to billing records in doctors offices. The paper was on a preprint server and I vaguely remember that it was to be removed but may have been dreaming. I sort of remember it coming out in 2020 but it may have been earlier and that is when I read it.
"Compared to their unvaccinated counterparts, vaccinated children in the study were three to six times more likely to show up in the pediatrician’s office for treatment related to anemia, asthma, allergies and sinusitis."
"Regarding the question of whether or not vaccines prevent the infections they are intended to prevent, a quarter of a percent of the vaccinated were diagnosed with either chicken pox or whooping cough, while a half percent of the unvaccinated were diagnosed with chickenpox, whooping cough, or rotavirus. Significantly, there were no cases of measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, hepatitis or other vaccine-targeted infections in either the vaccinated or unvaccinated, during the entire 10.5 year study period."
"...the vaccinated children in the study appeared at the doctor’s office for respiratory infections 70% more often than the unvaccinated."
"Vaccination among children with autoimmunity in their family appeared to increase the risk of ear infection, asthma, allergies and skin rashes relative to the unvaccinated with family history of autoimmunity."
Toby Rogers PhD is also an excellent resource, on the political economy of Autism. Autism is truly the canary in the coal mine for understanding most of the core problems in society today; Autoimmunity, cancer, the root cause of most disease, violent crime, violent behavior, school shootings, homelessness, declining educational outcomes, declining motor skills, gender confusion and disparity of outcomes in different ethnic groups. TO BE CLEAR, I am not suggesting that the symptoms described as Autism are at the root of all of society's problems. I am suggesting that the vast majority Autism cases are environmental, not genetic. Genetics do play a role. Once you understand how to reverse engineer Autism, you then quickly realize those same root factors (usually toxic overload) are at play in all these other chronic problems, although they are not typically linked.
Most definitely. What I've learned is that so many injections (especially at young ages but not solely) cause a whole host of medical issues never linked to the initial injection, that cause people to go to the doctor where they end up on meds. I never linked my daughters chronic UTI's from birth to vaccines until a non network integrative doctor showed me that we visited the doctor and received antibiotics after every single childhood vaccine visit. The pharmaceutical solution was probably worse than the illness itself. Whether autoimmune, mental or physical, the prescription is always a pharmaceutical med which suppresses symptoms, causes nutrient deficiencies, and ignores the root cause.
Antibiotics are a standard protocol for UTI's. I didn't question anything back then. I was very compliant and ignorant. My issue is the vaccine caused the health issue. The remedy, the antibiotic, made her health much worse in the long run.
I too once upon a time took unquestioning the Rx the doc prescribed. I eventually changed my attitude, and became critical of all prescribed drugs. About 15 years ago I rejected a tetanus shot because I thought it was not appropriate - I had cut my hand on a broken glass bottle in my kitchen, what I thought I knew of tetanus was that it was not a possibility. And I never got ill. And am more than ever glad I rejected the vax.
I wonder would it be possible to compare autism rates in highly developed countries such as U.S or U.K to other parts of the world. I'd bet that countries in South and Central America, as an example, don't have such high rates of autism and have probably never heard of ADHD, which seems to be the latest celeb diagnosis de jour...
Dr Paul Thomas. His podcast is With The Wind. His website is . Turtle All The Way Down and Dissolving Illuions are great books. Just the inserts has a website for vaccines and medicine.
I'm at and would be delighted. My book "Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS" is just re-issued, available on Amazon. Thank you for all you do.
Also take a look at the book by Edward Hooper called The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV And AIDS . For me the most „elegant“ explanation for HIV. You can even download it for free here:
Hooper's work is a must-read for anyone discussing HIV/AIDS/vaccines. Check out his website, there are articles which are much more succinct than his 1000+ page book (which is outstanding btw), here is a good summary article (and he has another ~130 pg summary which is more comprehensive):
Maybe how certain "health freedom" advocates can be ardent practitioners of censorship with no hesitation (or capacity for self examination) in executing the very intolerance and witch hunts they claim to opoose?
What is your real name? What is your line of work and when did you join the fight to reveal these truths?
People who do not use their real name and risk their professional and life surely can't be in a position to attack those who have, (as far back as 1987?)
During my uni days I did a stint teaching some shall we say ... disadvantaged kids with various issues... they were a handful (I was called in because they had threatened to 'beat the pregnant female teacher with a 2x4 and kill her baby)...
Great kids -- she was probably just a bit to heavy-handed and patronizing...
Anyhow ... one day I was showing a video on HIV AIDS... and one of the boys shows up late ... and he says - what's this? I said it's a video about HIV AIDS...
He says - awwww I don't need to watch that sir ...
And in more modern times, with sars-cov-2 and its HIV associations there are a LOT of angles that would be very interesting.
NB: I found the T-cell depletion aspects of the covid vaccines in managed and unmanaged HIV carriers very interesting. There hasn't been a lot on post-vaccine T-cell depletion in healthy subjects.
all illness symptoms is body detoxing or acute scurvy from malnutriton
dont forget women conned into getting yearly tumor causing radiation then oops you have cancer and we are going to expedite your death with more radiation and chemo and make a killing if you have good insurance we can bill - while we kill you.
Cowan et al tend to overlook that organisms and viruses can be toxic too. Without viruses DDT, arsenic etc would not be able to cause polio and some other diseases.
I would think first you would have to prove a virus existed. Which has never been done and Cowan, Lanka, etc... have explained this many times. So if no virus exist what is really causing the poio/diseases/cancer etc.
please join our ground effort , we print easy cheap tickets 10 per page from this site and hand to still masked people, or put on cars or stuff diaper boxes to awaken and plant seeds www.VirusTruth.NET
Thank you. I read Dr Cowans last book. Fascinating. I’m willing to have my mind open since TPTB have been able to truly attach pain, disease and death to everything around and in us. In a large case by lying and tricks.
HIV wasn't the cause of AIDS at all, until they changed the definition of AIDS. The cause of AIDS was mainly the drug AZT, formerly used for chemo, I think, with similarly deadly results.
If you do, please look up "Deadly Deception," a book about Fauci's machinations during the AIDS epidemic. Also "AIDS, Inc." and "The House that AIDS Built."
The autism rates of vaccinated vs completely unvaccinated children in the USA.
Or, a comparison of overall health of those two groups.
I would like to write about it. Do you have any links to read about
Del Bigtree. He has two documentaries Vaxx'd 1&2, if you can find them. Back in the day they caused quite the stir and were pulled, banned, and all the rest. Last I checked Bit Chute had them. Well worth watching.
You'll see some papers referenced that you can then find and read in full, I believe.
Anything by RFK, Jr. The Children's Health Defense website is the go-to place for vaccines and autism.
Quite the patriot Robert Jr is too.
I can't think of a single Democrat I would ever even think about voting for, ........ Except Jr.
The libertarian party is looking better every day.
Get outta my head !! lol
I have an acquaintance who is a Libertarian in Nevada who told me a long while back that he thought all drugs should be legal. Hmmm, I said that seemed rather extreme and would cause a lot of issues, you know, like in Oregon. Then the other day I was watching a couple videos on youtube by Shawn Attwood the UK/Arizona ecstasy kingpin who got busted and sent to prison. He described how the prison system is a total racket now that it is privatized and they get 50K per head per year and they need a steady flow. He said the police and the DA's are all in on it and the cops have quotas and they go after low level weed crimes amongst the poorest of the population because they don't have big bank for a good lawyer. He said if all drugs were legal then either the prison system would swiftly go bankrupt, or the police would actually have to start investigating ACTUAL crime and the DA's would be forced/ordered to prosecute criminals to salvage the prison system and keep it afloat. At that moment I began to think perhaps my Libertarian friend was on to something. lol
They've been awful on pharma atrocities. They purged a central member after she asked them to expose vaccines. I met her at a talk. Libertarians except the Paul family and a few others have put zero skin in the war.
That is why it is the third biggest political party.
I'd like to see more politicians who are changing party consider the LP.
chd and rfk and del bigtree, are safe vaccine pushers keeping people hooked on fear of non existent viruses. lie of contagion, no vaccine can be made safe. Www.VirusTruth.NET
help by action. print easy mini flyers from this site and start putting on cars or hand to people especially those masked gripped in fear 3 yrs. www.VirusTruth.NET
"safe vaccine pushers"? You just documented your ignorance. I suggest you spend some time actually reading/listening to their work.
It has been a good place for information. I’m bothered by one thing. Igor, maybe you can research this:
In the movie “The Real Anthony Fauci” RFKJR makes the claim that Pfizer donated $1M to Donald Trump’s Inaugural Committee. I have reached out to the producers six times to find out where this information came from. Three times I received a response number. No further responses from them thus far on the matter. I have looked at the FEC website and I see nothing with regard to donations to or from either organization.
I tweeted RFKJR asking the question. No answer.
Please let me know if you find anything else I missed.
Thank You 🙏🏼
Dr Paul Thomas' study of his patients' outcomes based on the number of shots.
Here's Dr Thomas' study of vaccinated vs unvaccinated, which caused him his license:
The abstract at currently says there were big differences in the vaccinated with much higher rates of allergies and asthma, but the conclusion says there was no significant difference. Was there an earlier paper with different wording that was pulled?
In the analysis section it states: "The following conditions were significantly increased in the vaccinated group in the younger (more recent) age block only: asthma and allergic rhinitis."
The only mention of asthma in the Discussion section was to mention an earlier paper which had come to the same conclusion.
Shop & Compare. I haven't dug in yet, but I am curious what was changed.
11/22/2020: Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination:
01/22/2021: Correction: Lyons-Weiler, J., et al. Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses along the Axis of Vaccination. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 8674
Thank you!!
There was a Doctor who was threatened (in the last couple of years) with suspension for writing true statements on this question. He was not suspended only on the condition that he didn't communicate on this question again.
Paul Thomas, MD
He had a practice where he allowed the parents to choose, so he had vax and no vax in his practice and did the research
Was that the Doctor who recently escaped suspension if he promised not to mention his findings any more?
No. Paul Thomas's license was suspended and is still suspended. Whole story in a wonderful book by Jeremy Hammond called The War on Informed Consent.
Brokesters like me got it here.
hammond also keeping lie of contagion going ! time to join team no virus tk change course of humanity. stop all the deadly shots. www.VirusTruth.NET
is taking action on ground to reach outside the choir. print the easy mini flyers on the site to hand to masked people to flatten their fear forever. reading Contagion Myth and VirusMania changed my life. never took or will take any fake test or insecticide ivermectin or any pharma ever again. www.VirusTruth.NET only way out. many free books on this site.
I don’t often see...but have seen here and there talk against ivermectin. I understand that given if you believe there are no viruses...but have heard they can help remove the spike proteins. Any thoughts on that?
Thanks. Do you know who I'm talking about? Or maybe I've mis-remembered.
Dr. Thomas has a show on Children's Health Defense. He's been on The Highwire several times. Amazing conclusions on health of unvaccinated children versus vaccinated. Compelling evidence.
I find that problematic "He Allowed The Parents To Choose".
I know what you meant though, he chose to retain rather than turn away patients, it just sounded weird the way it was stated. lol Or, I'm just way too cynical and jaded..
Dr. Paul “informed” the parents of all benefits and risks, and then let the parents choose…….stay with CDC recommended schedule, delay/go slower, or not bother. All info was right from vax’s package inserts. 11k patient study of the outcomes of the 3 groups. Worth investigating.
Indeed a Dr. of a rare breed, .... One with ethics, character and logical reasoning. I am not prone to the vax propaganda and have been onboard for quite a while with the notion that all vaccines are poison. I will surely read it, but I feel it is likely an unnecessary endeavor to come to the conclusion that the vaxxed on schedule are the sickliest group by far, especially since they brought out the Long Knives on him over this study, which BLOWS the big pharma scheme right out of the water and into the weeds. That right there is proof enough. lol Now if EVERY Dr. did the same, imagine the impact. There wouldn't be any Licensed Physicians remaining and their whole house of cards would collapse. It's the old "They Can't Punish All Of Us" theory. The tactic wouldn't be to convince them to stop stripping licenses, but rather do it in the hopes they would, because the whole Deathcare system needs to disappear anyway. Let something proper spring up in its place on a local, less Cabal format. Hey, we can dream can't we ??
He gave informed consent
Indeed he did, ... the new medical sin it seems. Behave like a grifting quack and they make you rich, act like a real Dr. and they come after you runnin' and gunnin'. I don't recognize this world anymore, it has gone total mondo bizarro.
This will get you started, mostly pilot studies of vaccinated vs unvaccinated children.
Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children [Anthony Mawson]
Preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders: a cross-sectional study of 6- to 12-year-old vaccinated and unvaccinated children
Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders
Brian Hooker and Neil Z Miller
"Vaccination before 1 year of age was associated with increased odds of developmental delays (OR = 2.18, 95% CI 1.47–3.24), asthma (OR = 4.49, 95% CI 2.04–9.88) and ear infections (OR = 2.13, 95% CI 1.63–2.78)."
Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination
James Lyons-Weiler and Paul Thomas
Groundbreaking Study Shows Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children
"Compared to their unvaccinated counterparts, vaccinated children in the study were three to six times more likely to show up in the pediatrician’s office for treatment related to anemia, asthma, allergies and sinusitis."
"Regarding the question of whether or not vaccines prevent the infections they are intended to prevent, a quarter of a percent of the vaccinated were diagnosed with either chicken pox or whooping cough, while a half percent of the unvaccinated were diagnosed with chickenpox, whooping cough, or rotavirus. Significantly, there were no cases of measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, hepatitis or other vaccine-targeted infections in either the vaccinated or unvaccinated, during the entire 10.5 year study period."
"...the vaccinated children in the study appeared at the doctor’s office for respiratory infections 70% more often than the unvaccinated."
"Vaccination among children with autoimmunity in their family appeared to increase the risk of ear infection, asthma, allergies and skin rashes relative to the unvaccinated with family history of autoimmunity."
Children's Health Defense (Robert F Kennedy Jr)
Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed: The Science
A Population-Based Cohort Study of Undervaccination in 8 Managed Care Organizations Across the United States
Temporal Association of Certain Neuropsychiatric Disorders Following Vaccination of Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Case–Control Study
Yale University Study Shows Association Between Vaccines and Brain Disorders
"However, children who had been vaccinated were 80 percent more likely to be diagnosed with anorexia and 25 percent more likely to be diagnosed with OCD than their non-vaccinated counterparts. Vaccinated children were also more likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and with tics compared to the controls."
Congratulations, Igor! Well done! In addition to the very good suggestions already presented, I might lead you to James Lyons-Weiller's recently published stack:
"Truth Will Prevail: 1200 Studies" is an ebook and study by Dr. Alan Palmer that refute vaccine claims. Also notable is "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth", which you may have already read (edited by CHD's Mary Holland).
Please read "Turtles All The Way Down."
It went wrong in the UK when Dr Wakefield was Gaslit, late 1990s...
Dr. Wakefield was good, I heard him on numerous programs.
Certainly worth another look given what we now know about the depths of corruption...
1) ZeroHedge - Autism On The Rise: CDC Data,
"Autism rates in US children have jumped from one in 150 in 2002 to one in 36 in 2020, or 2.8%, according to a new study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."
2) ZeroHedge - The Rising Prevalence Of Autism,
3) has many excellent articles on the subject, often with links to peer-reviewed journal articles. One example: As Autism Rates Soar, Parents and Scientists Seek Answers By Dr. Joseph Mercola,
If you can obtain a PDF copy of The Real Anthony Fauci, there are many reference sources cited after various sections of the book, whereby autism rates pre & post childhood vaccination schedule are mentioned. Can use ctrl+F search to quickly sift through them.
Congratulations on your first 50,000!!! You should definitely read about Dr. Paul Thomas.
"The War on Informed Consent: The Persecution of Dr. Paul Thomas by the Oregon Medical Board" Dr. Paul Thomas' Last Day and Last Patient: and James Lyons-Weiler They are both on substack.
Utobian...Toby Rogers.
One of my favorites (largest vax vs unvax study/comparison ever done) (I believe these guys submitted the vax vs unvax data to the supreme court or was it a library of congress, can’t remember) (Dr. Paul Thomas wrote a vaccine guide book and was challenged by his medical board so he posted all the data from his vaxxed and unvaxxed kids at his practice, over 10K patients and over 10 years of data, as a peer reviewed study to a journal only to have the paper retracted and his license suspended in 5 days for being a “danger to the public.”)
Hope these help
J.B. Handley’s “How to End the Autism Epidemic” is a very good start.
or how about gender dysphoria , autism and unvaccinated.
I agree...I actually am beginning to wonder if TPTB are wanting the autism epidemic because such a high percentage of gender dysphoric youth are autistic and they are easily led to believe they ought to transition. I wonder if this is purposeful? And is it a way to decrease the population substantially since autistic people have a much more difficult time engaging relationally and therefore have lower rates of marriage and family?
I absolutely think so. Autists, for the most part, can’t raise families.
While I agree the connection makes sense because many have difficulties, some function very well and can raise a family. My son is autistic and super capable and on his own, would make a great dad but lacking the skills to know how to meet a girl. It’s frustrating for me to figure out how to help him with one wish for him.
Exact same for me with my son! I pray every day he doesn’t spend his life alone. It breaks my heart.
Covered by Toby Rogers at Utopian.
Autism rates should horrify people. Unfortunately, they're being swept under the rug. People will only realize what has happened when half of all children have it.
I 100% believe it was a long term population control strategy put in place by TPTB. I am a mom of 3. My two boys are autistic. My oldest is very high functioning, my youngest very severe. I learned a little too late about the dangers of vaccines. My youngest will definitely not reproduce and it will take a miracle from God for my oldest to be able to form a love interest. Between autism, the trans push, big harma and everything else, we are in for the decimation of our population. 😢
That would be a fantastic topic!!!!
Dr Sherry Tenpenny has an extensive archive of studies , and her books are excellent.
she needs to join Team No Virus
its the only route out of this hell. i was first person to run to lowes to get masks and hazmat suit in jan 2020 before lockdown....when i saw propaganda on tv china lockdown. by april flund Contagion Myth and all fear lifted . .melted away...but anger being fooled set in and i never wore a mask ever since and demanded access and got served. even taking mom to urgent care got in and served with no masks. took about 15 min of uncomfortable pushback but its what real freedom fighters do. going on one year now i hand masked peopke tickets to contagion myth telling them nothing to fear a scam study this site www.VirusTrutb.NET
Wait until you read the results of the FOI lawsuit that Siri and RFK filed , asking for all studies used to justify vaccinating newborn to 6 mos. in the " regular" vax schedule .
You USED to be able to watch the Pharma training videos telling salespeople that they were " training parents to be obedient" . Considering that it is impossible until 24 months to even develop any antibodies - which is why colostrum is so important, to gain mothers immunity for that period - it should horrify everyone. Now that our children do not have immunity to pass on - because evidence that you have irritated the immune system is not the same as T and B cell immunity from actual exposure - what is in their future ?
Read every whistleblower statement about these products for an idea how bad it really is.
Team No Virus began in 1993 in earnest with Perth Group paper on Western Blot"HIV" test in Bio/Technology. I have not seen any exodus from hell resulting. It's 2023.
In 1993 I did not even have a computer so I believe information was not as widely shared back then. Lets hope this time we can keep waking people up!
There are so many under-reported and important topics that need serious journalism treatment or smart analysis. The "known knowable" is that the mainstream "journalists" aren't going to write these stories or do these investigations. So our "hope" is Substack.
There was a paper from New York that showed the cost of child healthcare was higher for those vaccinated according to billing records in doctors offices. The paper was on a preprint server and I vaguely remember that it was to be removed but may have been dreaming. I sort of remember it coming out in 2020 but it may have been earlier and that is when I read it.
I included this paper in a separate reply along with other vax/unvax pilot studies.
Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination
James Lyons-Weiler and Paul Thomas
Groundbreaking Study Shows Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children
"Compared to their unvaccinated counterparts, vaccinated children in the study were three to six times more likely to show up in the pediatrician’s office for treatment related to anemia, asthma, allergies and sinusitis."
"Regarding the question of whether or not vaccines prevent the infections they are intended to prevent, a quarter of a percent of the vaccinated were diagnosed with either chicken pox or whooping cough, while a half percent of the unvaccinated were diagnosed with chickenpox, whooping cough, or rotavirus. Significantly, there were no cases of measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, hepatitis or other vaccine-targeted infections in either the vaccinated or unvaccinated, during the entire 10.5 year study period."
"...the vaccinated children in the study appeared at the doctor’s office for respiratory infections 70% more often than the unvaccinated."
"Vaccination among children with autoimmunity in their family appeared to increase the risk of ear infection, asthma, allergies and skin rashes relative to the unvaccinated with family history of autoimmunity."
Toby Rogers PhD is also an excellent resource, on the political economy of Autism. Autism is truly the canary in the coal mine for understanding most of the core problems in society today; Autoimmunity, cancer, the root cause of most disease, violent crime, violent behavior, school shootings, homelessness, declining educational outcomes, declining motor skills, gender confusion and disparity of outcomes in different ethnic groups. TO BE CLEAR, I am not suggesting that the symptoms described as Autism are at the root of all of society's problems. I am suggesting that the vast majority Autism cases are environmental, not genetic. Genetics do play a role. Once you understand how to reverse engineer Autism, you then quickly realize those same root factors (usually toxic overload) are at play in all these other chronic problems, although they are not typically linked.
I'm beginning to think the core health problem in America today is pharmaceutical drugs.
Most definitely. What I've learned is that so many injections (especially at young ages but not solely) cause a whole host of medical issues never linked to the initial injection, that cause people to go to the doctor where they end up on meds. I never linked my daughters chronic UTI's from birth to vaccines until a non network integrative doctor showed me that we visited the doctor and received antibiotics after every single childhood vaccine visit. The pharmaceutical solution was probably worse than the illness itself. Whether autoimmune, mental or physical, the prescription is always a pharmaceutical med which suppresses symptoms, causes nutrient deficiencies, and ignores the root cause.
Did you ever suspect the vaccine was a justification for the antibiotic?
Antibiotics are a standard protocol for UTI's. I didn't question anything back then. I was very compliant and ignorant. My issue is the vaccine caused the health issue. The remedy, the antibiotic, made her health much worse in the long run.
I too once upon a time took unquestioning the Rx the doc prescribed. I eventually changed my attitude, and became critical of all prescribed drugs. About 15 years ago I rejected a tetanus shot because I thought it was not appropriate - I had cut my hand on a broken glass bottle in my kitchen, what I thought I knew of tetanus was that it was not a possibility. And I never got ill. And am more than ever glad I rejected the vax.
I wonder would it be possible to compare autism rates in highly developed countries such as U.S or U.K to other parts of the world. I'd bet that countries in South and Central America, as an example, don't have such high rates of autism and have probably never heard of ADHD, which seems to be the latest celeb diagnosis de jour...
Dr Paul Thomas. His podcast is With The Wind. His website is . Turtle All The Way Down and Dissolving Illuions are great books. Just the inserts has a website for vaccines and medicine.
Thank you.
You could write about HIV. You'll feel like you writing about COVID all over again.
Yeah, I will start reading about it and yes, I agree, HIV has dark history
Make sure you contact Celia Farber.
I'm at and would be delighted. My book "Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS" is just re-issued, available on Amazon. Thank you for all you do.
I just bought your book on Amazon
Also take a look at the book by Edward Hooper called The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV And AIDS . For me the most „elegant“ explanation for HIV. You can even download it for free here:
Hooper's work is a must-read for anyone discussing HIV/AIDS/vaccines. Check out his website, there are articles which are much more succinct than his 1000+ page book (which is outstanding btw), here is a good summary article (and he has another ~130 pg summary which is more comprehensive):
You must be filthy rich.
I just finished reading it last night. Excellent book. Very interesting, informative and highly readable. Thank you.
Maybe how certain "health freedom" advocates can be ardent practitioners of censorship with no hesitation (or capacity for self examination) in executing the very intolerance and witch hunts they claim to opoose?
Yeah! Let's definitely beat up on our own side.
Yeah let's definitely be a hypocrite.
Based on your actual deeds I have little doubt that you would be a full participant in McCarthyite witch hunts- against individuals "on our own side."
As I said- no capacity for self reflection.
Allen, please of you don't mind:
What is your real name? What is your line of work and when did you join the fight to reveal these truths?
People who do not use their real name and risk their professional and life surely can't be in a position to attack those who have, (as far back as 1987?)
Let's at least have some fairness.
Signed, Team Real Names
Celia, I'm still waiting for you to call me back...
everyone needs to join Team No Virus so adverse events obsolete
www.VirusTruth.NET issued new statement april 2023
During my uni days I did a stint teaching some shall we say ... disadvantaged kids with various issues... they were a handful (I was called in because they had threatened to 'beat the pregnant female teacher with a 2x4 and kill her baby)...
Great kids -- she was probably just a bit to heavy-handed and patronizing...
Anyhow ... one day I was showing a video on HIV AIDS... and one of the boys shows up late ... and he says - what's this? I said it's a video about HIV AIDS...
He says - awwww I don't need to watch that sir ...
Why's that I say?
He says -- cuz I know how you get that...
From f789ing monkeys....
Well then ... you really should watch it then...
Reading the book now! Thanks Celia.
better books free pdf VirusMania, Contagion Myth, Breaking the Spell,
Goodbye Germ Theory, Ending a Century of Medical Fraud
www.VirusTruth.NET also can print easy mini flyers to put on cars
Buying it now!
Another wealthy individual.
And in more modern times, with sars-cov-2 and its HIV associations there are a LOT of angles that would be very interesting.
NB: I found the T-cell depletion aspects of the covid vaccines in managed and unmanaged HIV carriers very interesting. There hasn't been a lot on post-vaccine T-cell depletion in healthy subjects.
By the way, Sloane said HIV is cancer, i.e. leukemia, and is easily cured with herbs. I guess the herbs would be chaparral and pau d'Arco etc.
all illness symptoms is body detoxing or acute scurvy from malnutriton
dont forget women conned into getting yearly tumor causing radiation then oops you have cancer and we are going to expedite your death with more radiation and chemo and make a killing if you have good insurance we can bill - while we kill you.
Cowan et al tend to overlook that organisms and viruses can be toxic too. Without viruses DDT, arsenic etc would not be able to cause polio and some other diseases.
Most cancer is caused by viruses. What prevents viruses from being toxic? Bad bacteria are toxic. Parasites are toxic.
I would think first you would have to prove a virus existed. Which has never been done and Cowan, Lanka, etc... have explained this many times. So if no virus exist what is really causing the poio/diseases/cancer etc.
...and Fauci is front and center on HIV and covid.
Pay close attention to the commercial release of the 1981 Hepatitis B vaccine and when AIDS was “discovered.”
Was Fauci in the neighborhood?
interview jon rappaport who covered the aids scam and was one of the first to call the covid scam
please join our ground effort , we print easy cheap tickets 10 per page from this site and hand to still masked people, or put on cars or stuff diaper boxes to awaken and plant seeds www.VirusTruth.NET has great weekly community zooms
Thank you. I read Dr Cowans last book. Fascinating. I’m willing to have my mind open since TPTB have been able to truly attach pain, disease and death to everything around and in us. In a large case by lying and tricks.
Read ‘Virus Mania’
I quoted James Sloane regarding HIV at You just have to scroll down to the H section. The list is in alphabetical order.
Agree - a concise article explaining this story would be of interest
David Ho vs Fauci included?
Yea a deep dive into the history of HIV would be so helpful
Starring Fauci in NYC 1988....
I vote for HIV too - like the Perth Group and whether HIV is the sole cause of AIDS.
HIV wasn't the cause of AIDS at all, until they changed the definition of AIDS. The cause of AIDS was mainly the drug AZT, formerly used for chemo, I think, with similarly deadly results.
have you connected yet with Team No Virus ?
has great weekly community zooms and podcasts have to sign up via subscribe star
Team No Virus began in 1993. So it needs a new name. Team No Virus round two?" I wish people would study the history.
Why does Tom Cowan say Peter Duesberg did more harm than good?
My answer: Because he wasn't there in the trenches being blown up in 1989 and after. AZT era.
No. Cowan et al overlook the toxicity of some viruses, bacteria, parasites etc.
Cowan referenced Dr. Harold Hillman re wrong assumptions of microbiology, which I wrote about at
If you do, please look up "Deadly Deception," a book about Fauci's machinations during the AIDS epidemic. Also "AIDS, Inc." and "The House that AIDS Built."