Maybe not so much that the 43% didn't understand the question,( Yes I got your point. : > ) but possibly now at this time, they are so embarrassed about being hoodwinked that they can't (or won't) realize the atrocious decisions they have made. Remember the basics of human nature: It takes a tough person to admit that he/she was wrong. The ego structure in society is too well-implanted today for people to be honest with themselves let alone others............
Or they are simply so stupid and so invested in the Covid cult that they would not even consider the possibility that they have been duped over and over.
Concerned is a massive understatement. The fact that so many people in the western countries are so clueless as to what socialism entails is frankly depressing. There should be compulsory one way ticket trips to North Korea and Venezuela for all those longing for the socialist paradise. These useless idiots are not satisfied to destroy their own lives - they want the same for everyone. The irony is that the only place that seems like a refuge from all the insanity is Mordor (aka Russia) as they lived through it and the majority of the population has no interest in going back to the "good old days".
AGREE. Every high school graduate needs to be sent away with only a backpack, for a bare minimum of 2 weeks, to an oppressed country. Ride the bus, eat in the market, (bring toilet paper) walk to your destinations, etc. (2 weeks doesn’t sound like much, but with the lack of life skills I have seen lately, I would question the survival rate beyond 2 days.)
2 days? make that 2 hours depending on the place. In DPRK all you have to do is to say something rude to the local police and let us just say that they will not be concerned with rights of the perp...
Let’s harness the power of direct democracy against those corrupting our systems. It’s dangerous but we can do it safely. We have no other choice. It’s a weapon. We could use it on each other. Or them. That’s what they fear most is tyranny of the masses.
The churches got a ton of CARES cash to shut down, and it was a rare congregation who stood against the tyranny (like our own Calvary Chapel up here in San Jose). Kevin Jenkins has outlined that they especially targeted black ministers, knowing that their flocks would be more naturally skeptical.
Yeah I guess all the Christians were waiting for "The Big One", as they muzzled their kids and shipped them off to school, while they got to stay home maskless.
Did any of these so called Christian parents think of their first responsibility: To protect their children!
Did The Church think about the least amongst us? For surely they will pay the biggest price.
We had a guest pastor at our, uh, freedom church, who seriously thought that Covid was a rapture-like event, so he and his family had followed the rules here in SF for their particular sect. When I told him that no "infectious" disease will ever take out enough people to meet that bar (and that Covid had an IFR around 0.1%), he was surprised, but I said that it seemed like enough willing Christians injected a potentially dangerous product into their arms that might end up kicking his numbers up to meet his threshold.
Loving and forgiving evil doers ,means more evil as far as the eye can see .We already have that situation with the shot brewers .No matter how much harm they do they can't be sued .Murder for them is without consequences .No I cant love murderers and if some feel murder is lovely they are in the camp of hell .I'm not a saint, I'm a simple human and I leave the loving of the evil doers to saints with few morals .My wife often watches T.V. catholic mass and there were priests around the altar masked up like bank robbers .disgusting .
My wife used to go to a catholic mass every Sunday And often I came along with her .When the virus terror started there where suddenly papers to fill out by the door .The paper asked for personal info and if the shots where taken or not .To me that was spying on church goers .I believe if there was anyone of the church goers sick with the fake virus ,someone from the Gov.may come to our door to quarantine us because of the covid tracing operation .Maybe quarantine the whole apartment we live in .I told my wife no more going to any church because of the danger we expose our self to . She agreed and now she is only watching mass on T.V.
Yes, they all thought services via zoom was enough. Disgusting. The whole thing made me so angry and bewildered--how could so many people let their FEAR, an inability to put it all in God's hands, and their lack of DISCERNMENT rule them--and in so doing, harm others?
Yes Michele. My mother felt so hollowed out and forsaken. Incredible shame and repudiation is heaped on that church. Dereliction of their duties, common decency and basic Christian principles are just plain evil. I will never forgive them.
Sorry for your mom's experience, tho so many of us, I think, were taken aback at how many people we had previously considered to have common sense, common zest for living, common decency, common spiritual principles, only to find out they were completely manipulable by the media, completely desperate to be directed to a false safety, and--so frustrating--completely unwilling to do their own investigating. Just a complete--I was gonna say delegation but really it is--dereliction of kindness, curiosity, and faith.
We are so lucky, however, to have the perspective that we do.
Totally agree, Ryan. Im not religious but have always had respect for those who are. In the earliest, darkest days of lockdown & manufactured isolation, all I could think was if ever there was a time when people (even people like me) needed companionship, community, comfort, communion, HOPE, this was it. Even for me, I have heard God knows the number of our days so there is no real mitigation - when you gotta go, you gotta go whether it’s WuFlu or anything else - & then isn’t heaven the ultimate reward & so why would anyone be afraid???
Not to mention churches should’ve bucked all of it because God doesn’t follow edicts from the “State”.
And then once the savior “vaccine” came, people were denied entry to pray & worship if unvax’d. It was one of the very most astounding & demoralizing things I ever saw the whole time, & there were a LOT.
I have to add Doctors to that, if they had stood up w/the Churches we wouldn't be in this mess. They took the OATH of do no harm. Lots of blame to go around, but those two entities failed us horribly.
if the masses of general population would have stood up and been non compliant it would have ended over night. too many watch tv and no longer capable of critical thinking and living in fear. no way to live. we knew from the beginning it was a shamdemic. just look at the players. rockefeller's 2010 scenarios for the future - lock step was written decades ago, event 201 with gil bates, wef, john hopkins, etc. all was available early on for those with eyes to see. 2 Thessalonians…10and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11 For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe a lie.
Success and winning would only be possible if church and doctors and nurses would be united .If all D.Rs and nurses would have quit all on the same day ,winning the next day was a done deal .Sheep that most of us are need a strong and powerful shepherd to follow .
So what does that tell us about church going .? Remember faith is something for witch there is no evidence . Facts need no faith .I believe when I die the atoms I'M made of go back to the universe ,from where they came from . I would be very happy if there was more than that ,when I die but that must wait till it happens it will be very soon .
There has emerged 2kinds of Christian, 2 kinds of everyone, especially those holding oaths to uphold what is fair, right and good in this world.
Now you know who your real friends are. They are among the few people of principle, of courage, of unwavering commitment to the good.
Disappointment indeed. We can find forgiveness for so many who fell to the communist psyop we have barely survived with our minds intact. Open and critically-minded sufficient to recognize and resist lies Big and small.
And parochial school failed to teach the sneaky look of evil to all
of us as kids. Mom took care of that. Quietly, authoritatively and firmly without even trying.
:) You are not wrong. There are some of us who did NOT wear masks, nor peddle fear, bathe in hand sanitizer, social distance, or disown relatives…we DID walk, talk and faced off the aggressively misinformed citizens of fear. With open faces we stood our ground in stores and businesses. Some screamed us out. We will never return.
I agree with all of you here who are EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED in the weak-kneed, white-knuckled church leaders who are apparently more concerned about their paychecks and praise of men, than fulfilling their calling. (If they are indeed called) They cannot discern the signs of the times; but yet preach the return of Jesus. I fear they will miss Him entirely.
Yes. My mother's 'Christian' friends, not knowing that her children were all unjabbed, would continuously talk about how "all the antivaxers should just die." My mother finally told them off and they have since been quiet on the subject.
Yeah we literally left KC in April of 20 to seek refuge in Florida.
My wife and I had a little reservation that we might be overreacting. But, we could "feel" evil and we decided it was best to do it now then to have our kids surrounded in a spirit of fear.
Dan, I live in SENM & the culture was COMPLETELY different; sheriffs in Chaves, Lea, Eddy, Otero & Lincoln counties refused to enforce the mask & other mandates & lots of businesses didn’t either. Some people went all in, but I’d say majority everywhere were mask less, etc. it’s all farming, ranching, oil & gas w/ salt of the earth people here. But I have lots of concern about road whore Wuhan-Grisham having another 4 years now, for sure
Santa Fe a great place to visit, could never live there because of the leftist loons. We think in typical fashion, Wuhan “won” by hook & crook but who knows - the state is mostly deep blue except SENM & even then they gerrymandered so Harrell lost.
I would go so far as to say organisad religion has closed down human conscience and social analysis. With the notable exception of Archbishop Vigano, Christians have been the single most supportive sector in the democide. And even those who realised the true nature of the mRNA jab, absolved themselves of complicity or responsibility by declaring that God will punish the guilty, even though no such regulator has ever impacted on planet Earth. Christians are now so clearly spineless, delusional, amoral, and terminally irresponsible. And they will refuse to accept this charge simply because they do not want to, not because they can slap a coherent response on the narrative table.
Unbelievable! 70% of Republicans and 54% of independents. Just imagine the landslide that could have happened had Republicans chose to focus the election on COVID transparency and accountability instead of whatever the hell it was they focused on (I still haven’t figured out what their message was other than “not Biden”)
True. Except there’s still time to pull the “I was misled/lied to” card- the window is closing quickly but it’s still open. I think when it comes down to it, it’s your second point that explains their silence: they’re all a bunch of spineless cowards.
How come people like yourself with zero historical memory seem to forget that Bush also stole an election? Or that your people also relentlessly accused Obama of having no valid birth certificate? Does the hypocrisy ever end?
Also I think all of them are tyrants in case you think I'm taking sides. I'm trying to think of an election that wasn't stolen or hijacked in one way or another, to be honest. :)
I can't stand them, but yet find myself using them because a picture is worth a thousand words, and you don't have to get all syrupy and sappy when a little smiley face w/hearts will do.
You mean the same republicans who were happy to fund the abuses and destruction of businesses and lives in all states? The same republicans that were busy trying to get rid of bad orange man and were happy to accept all the mail-in voting (aka blatant fraud)? The ones who called terrorists the 20 odd republicans that had enough of a spine to try to bring some sanity to the House floor? The ones that keep voting for Mitch and his acolytes despite the fact that they have sold the country over and over? Those ones? Sorry but they are nothing but a blight on the country (along with the demoncrats).
CDC AND the FDA! Not only investigate but put all the members and their adjuncts on trial for crimes against humanity at an international people's tribunal!
We should remain angry for justice. Or surely we will see worse.
"He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.”
thx RG. I been looking for this quote I vaguely recalled til now. We call not for "rights", for what are they but a claim on others, when JUSTICE seeks the reversal of wrongs with application of the good.
I had an absolute fit when my dog groomer put a mask on a fake dog in her shop window.
I straight up told her it was a bad idea because too many idiots out there would see it and put masks on their dogs. To her credit she didn't tell me to pound sand and took it off.
Probably thought that you have no understanding of the danger of the bug. I had a colleague try to explain to me how the face masks are important and that "every little bit helps" - when I pointed out that no respiratory virus has ever been managed through the use of masks and I showed him the Italian studies that showed how much awful stuff is gathered after only 4 hours, he simply remarked that I have a closed mind. He is still wearing a mask on most days. Never figured out why some days he goes without a mask - maybe he spins a wheel of risk and those days he gets a low risk....
Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov
The injuries will keep piling up until even the Democrats will realize the CDC cannot be trusted.
I went to a funeral yesterday for a 57 year old woman dead of breast cancer. Met another one today, late 60s, whose stage 4 metastatic breast cancer came on 4 months ago out of the blue. Both vaxxed. And met a 60 something man last week with breast cancer, likely vaxxed. If I can see it, anyone can see it.
It is the same in Britain .. add in the strikes, waiting lists, ☢️ and some err “contrails” NO LIMIT on the amount of CHLORINE added to public water supplies, poisoned food, 47,000 illegals staying in some of our most pleasant hotels - l mean AVIEMORE in Scotland! .. you have a death cocktail topped off with the cherry Vax - you also have the “perfect storm” for civil disobedience! Interesting how “they” will quash that one!
Do you even see "civil disobedience" starting any time soon over there? It 's a pity the reason half the country is striking is over pay rather than over principles of being shafted by a coup d'etat and a fabricated climate policy.
Good news indeed. But you know what would be great news? When 57% of the population want the perpetrators of this democide to be hanged in a public square, as opposed to 43% who prefer the electric chair (after due judicial process, of course, because we are civilized and execute people with civility).
We could go back to old testament days and throw rocks at these folks. Public participation is important don't you know.
Personally I don't believe in that kind of punishment. Hard time on video 24 hours a day so the public can tune in to watch. Also any US citizen can inspect the facility that holds these reprobates to verify their attendance. The entire wealth confiscated and used to heal those injured.
Ok, I admit I watched Saddam Insane be hung while eating pizza and drinking beer w/an OIF Veteran. It was a celebration of sorts. I could see myself happily celebrating the punishment of all those involved w/creating Rona Hell on Earth. I usually don't relish in the pain of others, just not my thing, but sometimes if they have earned it, well, then, so be it.
Well I may be a bit cynical but you couldn't blame for thinking an "official investigation" into the CDC would end up like the 911 "official investigation" .
Igor did you see here in New Zealand our Dictator resigned this week. In her speech she mention having no fuel left in the tank. Now last year when fuel prices spiked she was quoted as saying "I drive an electric car so I dont know the price of fuel".
I think it is funny that an electric car zealot is using a fossil fuel analogy in her resignation speech. She should have said "I have no charge left in the battery". Very amateur from her speech writer and a missed opportunity to be trendy.
Sadly pathetic amateurism is a pandemic in itself with no vaccine in sight.
That Red Dalek belongs in solitary for life and no parole. She is bailing out before the body count gets to the point that the hoi polloi will be looking for her with immediate justice in mind. Hopefully, she gets what she thoroughly deserves.
Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov
"More males than females have absolute trust in the CDC: 33% of males say it is very likely that “the CDC provided the public with complete safety information,” whereas only 25% of females say so. This may reflect a general tendency of males towards overconfidence rather than a gender-specific opinion on the CDC."
This is probably due to the relatively well publicized effects of the injection on menstrual cycle. Many of the women who may be otherwise trusting in these institutions are very justifiably unhappy about this in particular.
I trusted also , I suppose we project our own motivations onto others , like a love of humans and an attitude of reverence toward our responsibility towards others when we are in a position of power or authority.
Unfortunately our fellow humans are not always cut from the same cloth.
This is what hurts my heart to see , those naive believers and the look of absolute betrayal on their faces.
My son was vax injured by MMR and I was injured by hep b , as I also trusted. I've been reading these bogus studies on jabs for two decades, so my relief at finally having people with all the letters after their name finally coming awake is SUCH a relief.
Many do not have the intestinal fortitude to admit they harmed others , ESPECIALLY their own children .
also, possibly more males in leadership roles within healthcare. also, women talk more (mothers sharing stories with friends/family about the newest sudden death, the newest case of child myocarditis). and, women seemed to go along with the jabs in the beginning, but once they started going after the kids, moms pushed back (i think less than 5% of young children are covid jabbed?).
You really need to have four times the number of women in a study than men, since periodic hormonal fluxes mean that women aren't the same in different phases of their cycles. Men, by contrast, are much simpler, which is why so much of medicine is based on studying them. Not because of sexism as that author seems to think, but because of the immense expense involved: real research would go against the religion of the age, the MBA-driven spreadsheet of costs.
Why are we surprised??...all of those who do not want anyone investigated are the same ones who want to toss our free speech out the window if it does not meet with their approval...and they want to jail all those who do not ascribe to their climate change prophecies too.
Interesting interview with Ed Dowd at Red Voice Media. Dowd was asked who is behind the great culling and his theory is that the WEF/Globalists have been set up to some extent, and when things get sporty, that someone good looking and clean cut who does not look like a Bond villan-- someone who is part of the people who are really behind this- will show up and have a Miracle Solution.
Strangely enough, the good looking clean cut person with all the answers seems to fit the description of the Anti Christ.
There are a few more layers behind. WEF & Co are just active interface players at the mo. If you trace bk the history, connecting the dots, you will see a glimpse of Shadow groups behind.
Just like the merchant of death, they are happy to support both fighting sides.
Well the super wealth .001% are the only people who can afford to look like that anti christ. Get cosmetic surgery, the media attention and perpetrate a media snow job extolling the christ like virtues of this anti christ. Stay tuned, the ride will be fun. But remember according to prophesy god destroys them that destroy the Earth.
Sorry Igor but surveys mean absolutely nothing. If the system is corrupt beyond repair and IT IS, what the hoi polloi wants will be ignored and it will be business as usual. In some cases, to placate the population there will be some slow, pretend investigation with some scapegoat in the form of a useful idiot (like the imbeciles appearing on CNN) thrown in to make it look legit. The Pfizer documents released prove beyond any doubt that the big Harma has committed so much fraud that it is difficult to quantify it and the leadership KNEW. When they arrest Bourla and his clique, then maybe, just maybe, we may start to get somewhere. Even DeSantis is slow walking the investigation when everyone has the receipts. No one with power wants make the first meaningful move. The sad part is that it is not just big Harma that gets away with it. In the US the elections are a joke, why would it be any different with this horror?
I like Florida's approach. They now have grand jury driven investigations into the crimes that were committed by the pharma companies (approved by the Florida Supreme Court), which will of course drag the FDA and CDC into it as well. They should take their time and do it right.
They have receipts from Pfizer - not even Pfizer is contesting what has been disclosed under a court order. To me it looks like slow walking everything in the hope that it goes away. Given the massive crimes committed, DeSantis can be the politician of his generation if he were to act swiftly. I like what he has done in Florida but he is playing this wrong.
OMG! This is a tragedy an epic tragedy! This means 43 percent are so Vax injured that they didn't understand the question!!
True, but that glass half full is filling up, never drying up. Homo
sapiens has an affinity for truth that it just can’t seem to shake!
Maybe not so much that the 43% didn't understand the question,( Yes I got your point. : > ) but possibly now at this time, they are so embarrassed about being hoodwinked that they can't (or won't) realize the atrocious decisions they have made. Remember the basics of human nature: It takes a tough person to admit that he/she was wrong. The ego structure in society is too well-implanted today for people to be honest with themselves let alone others............
Or they are simply so stupid and so invested in the Covid cult that they would not even consider the possibility that they have been duped over and over.
If you are a socialism survivor, you must be very concerned about what you see happening.
Concerned is a massive understatement. The fact that so many people in the western countries are so clueless as to what socialism entails is frankly depressing. There should be compulsory one way ticket trips to North Korea and Venezuela for all those longing for the socialist paradise. These useless idiots are not satisfied to destroy their own lives - they want the same for everyone. The irony is that the only place that seems like a refuge from all the insanity is Mordor (aka Russia) as they lived through it and the majority of the population has no interest in going back to the "good old days".
AGREE. Every high school graduate needs to be sent away with only a backpack, for a bare minimum of 2 weeks, to an oppressed country. Ride the bus, eat in the market, (bring toilet paper) walk to your destinations, etc. (2 weeks doesn’t sound like much, but with the lack of life skills I have seen lately, I would question the survival rate beyond 2 days.)
2 days? make that 2 hours depending on the place. In DPRK all you have to do is to say something rude to the local police and let us just say that they will not be concerned with rights of the perp...
You are SO right! Agree! ;) I guess I was being way too generous with my timeline! :)
Its the Kids, the education system in the US has been taken over by marxists. The millennials think they love socialism.
Very scary. I am 54 and no kids, I could not imagine having kids and grandkids, the pain would be unbearable.
I do think it will be a slow grind, moving to red states may add a few more good years.
Good luck to you.
Or possessed by satan
Let’s harness the power of direct democracy against those corrupting our systems. It’s dangerous but we can do it safely. We have no other choice. It’s a weapon. We could use it on each other. Or them. That’s what they fear most is tyranny of the masses.
I am in. Why not?
Teachers and The Church were the biggest disappointment during covid.
The way The Church behaved filled me with one part sorrow and one part disgust.
There are many Christians who need to do some self reflecting...most of them.
The churches got a ton of CARES cash to shut down, and it was a rare congregation who stood against the tyranny (like our own Calvary Chapel up here in San Jose). Kevin Jenkins has outlined that they especially targeted black ministers, knowing that their flocks would be more naturally skeptical.
Yeah I guess all the Christians were waiting for "The Big One", as they muzzled their kids and shipped them off to school, while they got to stay home maskless.
Did any of these so called Christian parents think of their first responsibility: To protect their children!
Did The Church think about the least amongst us? For surely they will pay the biggest price.
I could go on and on.
We had a guest pastor at our, uh, freedom church, who seriously thought that Covid was a rapture-like event, so he and his family had followed the rules here in SF for their particular sect. When I told him that no "infectious" disease will ever take out enough people to meet that bar (and that Covid had an IFR around 0.1%), he was surprised, but I said that it seemed like enough willing Christians injected a potentially dangerous product into their arms that might end up kicking his numbers up to meet his threshold.
Apparently the rapture was underperforming so they had to bring in the death shots to meet key performance indicators.
Rapture is nonsense invented1800 years after Bible finished
Loving and forgiving evil doers ,means more evil as far as the eye can see .We already have that situation with the shot brewers .No matter how much harm they do they can't be sued .Murder for them is without consequences .No I cant love murderers and if some feel murder is lovely they are in the camp of hell .I'm not a saint, I'm a simple human and I leave the loving of the evil doers to saints with few morals .My wife often watches T.V. catholic mass and there were priests around the altar masked up like bank robbers .disgusting .
I had the honor of meeting and chatting with Kevin Jenkins in May of 2022.
I am blessed to have a pastor that did not cave. He talks about how the shots are killing people every Sunday. I am from NE Ohio.
God bless your pastor.
Please tell him from the bottom of our hearts; thank you for being STRONG!
His Maker is pleased.
Pastor not pasture.
I was in the middle of typing a another response about horse face in New Zealand retiring. LOL
are there any live streaming services? I can not listen to any Pastor that doesn't "see this"
I wish you could hear him live. God bless.
I'm from Texas. Catholic Church near Cincinnati sent us priest all thru this nonsense.
Bishop Daniel Dolan, saint, rip
Something special about ohio
Synagogues also.
I was so disgusted, I left.
Out of all groups.
One would think Jews would say no to experiments . But no. The tax write offs are the Golden Calf.
I know. My wife's side is Jewish. My side is Christian.
Like I said; sorrow and disgust
I think the Big Guy was shaking his head
my Catholic Church didn't shut down
My wife used to go to a catholic mass every Sunday And often I came along with her .When the virus terror started there where suddenly papers to fill out by the door .The paper asked for personal info and if the shots where taken or not .To me that was spying on church goers .I believe if there was anyone of the church goers sick with the fake virus ,someone from the Gov.may come to our door to quarantine us because of the covid tracing operation .Maybe quarantine the whole apartment we live in .I told my wife no more going to any church because of the danger we expose our self to . She agreed and now she is only watching mass on T.V.
If they said Francis was pope (which they almost certainly did)., it wasn't Catholic Church.
If you get a chance, might blow your mind
I saw so many, support the current thing, from churches. I also saw lines for getting your jab at churches. Totally disgusting.
My mother's church never once checked on an 83 year old woman, living alone, who has been tithing her entire adult life.
Yes, they all thought services via zoom was enough. Disgusting. The whole thing made me so angry and bewildered--how could so many people let their FEAR, an inability to put it all in God's hands, and their lack of DISCERNMENT rule them--and in so doing, harm others?
Not to mention giving up their God Given Right of Freedom to Worship God if they so choose. It was all disgusting and embarrassing.
Yes Michele. My mother felt so hollowed out and forsaken. Incredible shame and repudiation is heaped on that church. Dereliction of their duties, common decency and basic Christian principles are just plain evil. I will never forgive them.
And, the majority of that church are elderly. How many of them know how to zoom?
My mother certainly can't.
Sorry for your mom's experience, tho so many of us, I think, were taken aback at how many people we had previously considered to have common sense, common zest for living, common decency, common spiritual principles, only to find out they were completely manipulable by the media, completely desperate to be directed to a false safety, and--so frustrating--completely unwilling to do their own investigating. Just a complete--I was gonna say delegation but really it is--dereliction of kindness, curiosity, and faith.
We are so lucky, however, to have the perspective that we do.
If Jesus ever came back ,he would be masked shot and boosted before allowed in his church .
They were soooo good at social distancing they couldn't even call her...
Being unshotted is the new leprosy. Some churches still require vaxx passes. Jesus wept.
But, you know, they were saving the world by sitting on their butts.
Despicable 😢
Totally agree, Ryan. Im not religious but have always had respect for those who are. In the earliest, darkest days of lockdown & manufactured isolation, all I could think was if ever there was a time when people (even people like me) needed companionship, community, comfort, communion, HOPE, this was it. Even for me, I have heard God knows the number of our days so there is no real mitigation - when you gotta go, you gotta go whether it’s WuFlu or anything else - & then isn’t heaven the ultimate reward & so why would anyone be afraid???
Not to mention churches should’ve bucked all of it because God doesn’t follow edicts from the “State”.
And then once the savior “vaccine” came, people were denied entry to pray & worship if unvax’d. It was one of the very most astounding & demoralizing things I ever saw the whole time, & there were a LOT.
Agree with everything you say.
Even non Christians know this verse as one Jesus's most important messages. Yet they all forgot.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind"
- 2 Timothy 1:7
That scripture alone covers all the bases for how The Church and Christians should've behaved.
And if they had followed that verse and stood up we wouldn't be in this mess.
I have to add Doctors to that, if they had stood up w/the Churches we wouldn't be in this mess. They took the OATH of do no harm. Lots of blame to go around, but those two entities failed us horribly.
if the masses of general population would have stood up and been non compliant it would have ended over night. too many watch tv and no longer capable of critical thinking and living in fear. no way to live. we knew from the beginning it was a shamdemic. just look at the players. rockefeller's 2010 scenarios for the future - lock step was written decades ago, event 201 with gil bates, wef, john hopkins, etc. all was available early on for those with eyes to see. 2 Thessalonians…10and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11 For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe a lie.
For sure
Success and winning would only be possible if church and doctors and nurses would be united .If all D.Rs and nurses would have quit all on the same day ,winning the next day was a done deal .Sheep that most of us are need a strong and powerful shepherd to follow .
Agree wholeheartedly Ryan but w/ profound sorrow that religious leaders of ALL denominations & faiths followed the devil instead, IMHO
Yeah Satan's been rifling through his bucket list pretty quickly with the help of many Christians.
I guess that's one way to get called "home" faster.
So what does that tell us about church going .? Remember faith is something for witch there is no evidence . Facts need no faith .I believe when I die the atoms I'M made of go back to the universe ,from where they came from . I would be very happy if there was more than that ,when I die but that must wait till it happens it will be very soon .
Starting with the pope for Catholics.
Well, at least he's making the world safe for pedophiles....
And communists.
Down here in Australia I have been totally disgusted with The Teachers Federation and the Department of Education. Still am.
You’re not alone, teachers unions in the States were demonic, Grant
There has emerged 2kinds of Christian, 2 kinds of everyone, especially those holding oaths to uphold what is fair, right and good in this world.
Now you know who your real friends are. They are among the few people of principle, of courage, of unwavering commitment to the good.
Disappointment indeed. We can find forgiveness for so many who fell to the communist psyop we have barely survived with our minds intact. Open and critically-minded sufficient to recognize and resist lies Big and small.
And parochial school failed to teach the sneaky look of evil to all
of us as kids. Mom took care of that. Quietly, authoritatively and firmly without even trying.
I have met VERY few, if any, "Christians" that actually followed the Bible's teachings. They all need "some self reflecting."
:) You are not wrong. There are some of us who did NOT wear masks, nor peddle fear, bathe in hand sanitizer, social distance, or disown relatives…we DID walk, talk and faced off the aggressively misinformed citizens of fear. With open faces we stood our ground in stores and businesses. Some screamed us out. We will never return.
I agree with all of you here who are EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED in the weak-kneed, white-knuckled church leaders who are apparently more concerned about their paychecks and praise of men, than fulfilling their calling. (If they are indeed called) They cannot discern the signs of the times; but yet preach the return of Jesus. I fear they will miss Him entirely.
Yes. My mother's 'Christian' friends, not knowing that her children were all unjabbed, would continuously talk about how "all the antivaxers should just die." My mother finally told them off and they have since been quiet on the subject.
Yeah we literally left KC in April of 20 to seek refuge in Florida.
My wife and I had a little reservation that we might be overreacting. But, we could "feel" evil and we decided it was best to do it now then to have our kids surrounded in a spirit of fear.
Best decision of our lives.
Dan, I live in SENM & the culture was COMPLETELY different; sheriffs in Chaves, Lea, Eddy, Otero & Lincoln counties refused to enforce the mask & other mandates & lots of businesses didn’t either. Some people went all in, but I’d say majority everywhere were mask less, etc. it’s all farming, ranching, oil & gas w/ salt of the earth people here. But I have lots of concern about road whore Wuhan-Grisham having another 4 years now, for sure
Santa Fe a great place to visit, could never live there because of the leftist loons. We think in typical fashion, Wuhan “won” by hook & crook but who knows - the state is mostly deep blue except SENM & even then they gerrymandered so Harrell lost.
If you don’t mind my asking, where did you go?
So, kill them and God will do the sorting? Not sure I understand.
Death: lifes way of firing you.
Omg, changed my whole outlook!!
That's only a human construct (interpretation).
This is why I am weary of organised religion.
I would go so far as to say organisad religion has closed down human conscience and social analysis. With the notable exception of Archbishop Vigano, Christians have been the single most supportive sector in the democide. And even those who realised the true nature of the mRNA jab, absolved themselves of complicity or responsibility by declaring that God will punish the guilty, even though no such regulator has ever impacted on planet Earth. Christians are now so clearly spineless, delusional, amoral, and terminally irresponsible. And they will refuse to accept this charge simply because they do not want to, not because they can slap a coherent response on the narrative table.
Unbelievable! 70% of Republicans and 54% of independents. Just imagine the landslide that could have happened had Republicans chose to focus the election on COVID transparency and accountability instead of whatever the hell it was they focused on (I still haven’t figured out what their message was other than “not Biden”)
How could they?
They were complicit as well. With the exception of DeSantis.
Plus they have tic-tacs for b**ls
True. Except there’s still time to pull the “I was misled/lied to” card- the window is closing quickly but it’s still open. I think when it comes down to it, it’s your second point that explains their silence: they’re all a bunch of spineless cowards.
That's mostly because the election need was censored like hunter bidens laptop
Psssst.....they stole the election!
How come people like yourself with zero historical memory seem to forget that Bush also stole an election? Or that your people also relentlessly accused Obama of having no valid birth certificate? Does the hypocrisy ever end?
Also I think all of them are tyrants in case you think I'm taking sides. I'm trying to think of an election that wasn't stolen or hijacked in one way or another, to be honest. :)
Election theft is a longtime American tradition. The techniques have changed somewhat over the centuries.
Al Capone got his start fixing elections
Wonder where he is today?
'cause it's profitable. The good news is that they can only steal a limited amount. I don't know the limit.
That insult was not necessary. You don’t know me.
Not talking to you.
All elections are stolen.
Reagan in 80 & 84
Were you talking to me?
This is not an insult. More of a sssh don’t tell anyone or yes, you’re right. Sorry I shouldn’t use emojis. My Son tells me that all the time. : )
🤫 actually this Dr Linda 😊
I still like it.
I can't stand them, but yet find myself using them because a picture is worth a thousand words, and you don't have to get all syrupy and sappy when a little smiley face w/hearts will do.
I'm old please splain. Unusual post.
Forgot to say I LIKE IT,UNUSUAL.
Yes, and the good for nothing repukins did nothing.
You mean the same republicans who were happy to fund the abuses and destruction of businesses and lives in all states? The same republicans that were busy trying to get rid of bad orange man and were happy to accept all the mail-in voting (aka blatant fraud)? The ones who called terrorists the 20 odd republicans that had enough of a spine to try to bring some sanity to the House floor? The ones that keep voting for Mitch and his acolytes despite the fact that they have sold the country over and over? Those ones? Sorry but they are nothing but a blight on the country (along with the demoncrats).
I'm imagining the landslide that could have happened had there not been election fraud.
Really nothing else matters until the election fraud stops.
that's why desantis won easily and people are flocking to florida
I know. How stupid.
You're assuming the votes would have been honestly counted.
CDC AND the FDA! Not only investigate but put all the members and their adjuncts on trial for crimes against humanity at an international people's tribunal!
Surgeon General as well.
We should remain angry for justice. Or surely we will see worse.
"He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.”
- Thomas Aquinas
thx RG. I been looking for this quote I vaguely recalled til now. We call not for "rights", for what are they but a claim on others, when JUSTICE seeks the reversal of wrongs with application of the good.
Nice. Exactly!
Dang, that is a good one!
Silence and inaction in the face of pure evil?
And the other 43% are driving alone...masked.
LMAO - those are the worst drivers
They don't have any oxygen going into their brains.
I have not seen any evidence of brains in those creatures - prove me wrong.
I can't prove you wrong because I agree!
Maybe they get the masks to cover their eyes too. You can never be too safe from the bug.
I had an absolute fit when my dog groomer put a mask on a fake dog in her shop window.
I straight up told her it was a bad idea because too many idiots out there would see it and put masks on their dogs. To her credit she didn't tell me to pound sand and took it off.
Probably thought that you have no understanding of the danger of the bug. I had a colleague try to explain to me how the face masks are important and that "every little bit helps" - when I pointed out that no respiratory virus has ever been managed through the use of masks and I showed him the Italian studies that showed how much awful stuff is gathered after only 4 hours, he simply remarked that I have a closed mind. He is still wearing a mask on most days. Never figured out why some days he goes without a mask - maybe he spins a wheel of risk and those days he gets a low risk....
I really wish these numbers meant something.
How do I know they don't?
Well, take a look at this Rasumussen poll in terms of election integrity:
Up to 83% are concerned about election integrity as of last summer. Was anything done? No. Not at all.
Will anything be done about the CDC? No.
Because our Elected Official don't want anything to be done.
The injuries will keep piling up until even the Democrats will realize the CDC cannot be trusted.
I went to a funeral yesterday for a 57 year old woman dead of breast cancer. Met another one today, late 60s, whose stage 4 metastatic breast cancer came on 4 months ago out of the blue. Both vaxxed. And met a 60 something man last week with breast cancer, likely vaxxed. If I can see it, anyone can see it.
It is the same in Britain .. add in the strikes, waiting lists, ☢️ and some err “contrails” NO LIMIT on the amount of CHLORINE added to public water supplies, poisoned food, 47,000 illegals staying in some of our most pleasant hotels - l mean AVIEMORE in Scotland! .. you have a death cocktail topped off with the cherry Vax - you also have the “perfect storm” for civil disobedience! Interesting how “they” will quash that one!
Do you even see "civil disobedience" starting any time soon over there? It 's a pity the reason half the country is striking is over pay rather than over principles of being shafted by a coup d'etat and a fabricated climate policy.
Good news indeed. But you know what would be great news? When 57% of the population want the perpetrators of this democide to be hanged in a public square, as opposed to 43% who prefer the electric chair (after due judicial process, of course, because we are civilized and execute people with civility).
We could go back to old testament days and throw rocks at these folks. Public participation is important don't you know.
Personally I don't believe in that kind of punishment. Hard time on video 24 hours a day so the public can tune in to watch. Also any US citizen can inspect the facility that holds these reprobates to verify their attendance. The entire wealth confiscated and used to heal those injured.
I am so flexible, I'll support either!! 😁
It's the only time I'd support the current thing.
Whatever you guys can think of is fine by me.
I hear ya, but lethal injection by far makes the most sense. How about a real COVID jab every 2 weeks until the inevitable?
Ok, I admit I watched Saddam Insane be hung while eating pizza and drinking beer w/an OIF Veteran. It was a celebration of sorts. I could see myself happily celebrating the punishment of all those involved w/creating Rona Hell on Earth. I usually don't relish in the pain of others, just not my thing, but sometimes if they have earned it, well, then, so be it.
Maybe just a few extra boosters …
One a day to keep the doctor (permanently) away?
That's noir, Mauro. AND, very funny.
Well I may be a bit cynical but you couldn't blame for thinking an "official investigation" into the CDC would end up like the 911 "official investigation" .
Igor did you see here in New Zealand our Dictator resigned this week. In her speech she mention having no fuel left in the tank. Now last year when fuel prices spiked she was quoted as saying "I drive an electric car so I dont know the price of fuel".
I think it is funny that an electric car zealot is using a fossil fuel analogy in her resignation speech. She should have said "I have no charge left in the battery". Very amateur from her speech writer and a missed opportunity to be trendy.
Sadly pathetic amateurism is a pandemic in itself with no vaccine in sight.
Why the looooong face when she resigned?...:)
Someone needs to create a site commemorating her term as Prime Minister of NZ.
I suggest the following as a template:
"You all have jab induced VAIDS. I'm out!" - Jacinda the Horse
That Red Dalek belongs in solitary for life and no parole. She is bailing out before the body count gets to the point that the hoi polloi will be looking for her with immediate justice in mind. Hopefully, she gets what she thoroughly deserves.
"More males than females have absolute trust in the CDC: 33% of males say it is very likely that “the CDC provided the public with complete safety information,” whereas only 25% of females say so. This may reflect a general tendency of males towards overconfidence rather than a gender-specific opinion on the CDC."
This is probably due to the relatively well publicized effects of the injection on menstrual cycle. Many of the women who may be otherwise trusting in these institutions are very justifiably unhappy about this in particular.
Or it could be that most men have become pussy's these days?
What with 70ish jabs by adulthood, glyphosates, etc., etc....
I know, right?!
I am pleased to say as a female I do not trust those institutions long, long before current events.
Covid changed me - I trusted those people -- and partly that's why I am so upset at them
Betrayal is a hard pill to swallow. Not only the act itself but especially for me that I fell for it.
I trusted also , I suppose we project our own motivations onto others , like a love of humans and an attitude of reverence toward our responsibility towards others when we are in a position of power or authority.
Unfortunately our fellow humans are not always cut from the same cloth.
This is what hurts my heart to see , those naive believers and the look of absolute betrayal on their faces.
My son was vax injured by MMR and I was injured by hep b , as I also trusted. I've been reading these bogus studies on jabs for two decades, so my relief at finally having people with all the letters after their name finally coming awake is SUCH a relief.
Many do not have the intestinal fortitude to admit they harmed others , ESPECIALLY their own children .
good point.
also, possibly more males in leadership roles within healthcare. also, women talk more (mothers sharing stories with friends/family about the newest sudden death, the newest case of child myocarditis). and, women seemed to go along with the jabs in the beginning, but once they started going after the kids, moms pushed back (i think less than 5% of young children are covid jabbed?).
5% too many!
Yeah, I made the same point below.
This book makes an interesting point:
You really need to have four times the number of women in a study than men, since periodic hormonal fluxes mean that women aren't the same in different phases of their cycles. Men, by contrast, are much simpler, which is why so much of medicine is based on studying them. Not because of sexism as that author seems to think, but because of the immense expense involved: real research would go against the religion of the age, the MBA-driven spreadsheet of costs.
Well I don't know about anyone else but I want to see gallows built for all the scum. I will donate for the lumber and rope.
There will be many volunteers to get the job done!
Won't happen. Nooses are racist.
Dang......what about guillotine? or burning? or rocks and stone pummeling?
I am a fan of death by 1000 cuts for people who deserve it. Like the ones who commanded death by a million jabs.
Not holding my breath for anything to come of it, but always good to see that more and more people are catching on.
Why are we surprised??...all of those who do not want anyone investigated are the same ones who want to toss our free speech out the window if it does not meet with their approval...and they want to jail all those who do not ascribe to their climate change prophecies too.
Good news. I agree there will be no real investigation. To many politicians on the 'take" from Pharma/Harma. Thanks for the update.
Interesting interview with Ed Dowd at Red Voice Media. Dowd was asked who is behind the great culling and his theory is that the WEF/Globalists have been set up to some extent, and when things get sporty, that someone good looking and clean cut who does not look like a Bond villan-- someone who is part of the people who are really behind this- will show up and have a Miracle Solution.
Strangely enough, the good looking clean cut person with all the answers seems to fit the description of the Anti Christ.
There are a few more layers behind. WEF & Co are just active interface players at the mo. If you trace bk the history, connecting the dots, you will see a glimpse of Shadow groups behind.
Just like the merchant of death, they are happy to support both fighting sides.
Well the super wealth .001% are the only people who can afford to look like that anti christ. Get cosmetic surgery, the media attention and perpetrate a media snow job extolling the christ like virtues of this anti christ. Stay tuned, the ride will be fun. But remember according to prophesy god destroys them that destroy the Earth.
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Sorry Igor but surveys mean absolutely nothing. If the system is corrupt beyond repair and IT IS, what the hoi polloi wants will be ignored and it will be business as usual. In some cases, to placate the population there will be some slow, pretend investigation with some scapegoat in the form of a useful idiot (like the imbeciles appearing on CNN) thrown in to make it look legit. The Pfizer documents released prove beyond any doubt that the big Harma has committed so much fraud that it is difficult to quantify it and the leadership KNEW. When they arrest Bourla and his clique, then maybe, just maybe, we may start to get somewhere. Even DeSantis is slow walking the investigation when everyone has the receipts. No one with power wants make the first meaningful move. The sad part is that it is not just big Harma that gets away with it. In the US the elections are a joke, why would it be any different with this horror?
Can we skip over the "investigate the CDC" and just indict Walensky, Fauci, Collins, et al, before defunding the alphabet agencies en masse?
We don't need another investigation, we just need to act on the information that is already in the public record.
I like Florida's approach. They now have grand jury driven investigations into the crimes that were committed by the pharma companies (approved by the Florida Supreme Court), which will of course drag the FDA and CDC into it as well. They should take their time and do it right.
They have receipts from Pfizer - not even Pfizer is contesting what has been disclosed under a court order. To me it looks like slow walking everything in the hope that it goes away. Given the massive crimes committed, DeSantis can be the politician of his generation if he were to act swiftly. I like what he has done in Florida but he is playing this wrong.