As the ERoIE of fossil fuels is in decline global population must follow its decent. At some point the energy curve will flatten to a new equilibrium. Only when nearing this flexure point will it be safe for humanity to start re-breeding at replacement rates of 2,0-2,1.

Hoping that the energy descent rate will not be steeper than 1,6-1,7, we could safely reach this new steady-state-carrying-capacity level in about two centuries. At, I guess, 20%-25% of our current numbers. The more we deviate from this descending energy curve the more people will simply be pushed off the population curve into famine and war over these resources. Why would we want to ignore this unfortunately rather realistic scenario. Unlike degrowth* a carefully managed temporary population reduction is I believe the best thing humanity can wish for.

* https://medium.com/@gl-10190/debunking-degrowth-part-ii-aded18d44652

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You might want to post this comment into a more recent article on this topic:


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will do, thanks for your suggestion

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He’s population decline is natural and not the end of the world. I do feel badly about the vaccine damage but eventually things correct themselves. Preventing disease with vaccines is a rather foolish belief

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I believe Oxford is a 15 minute city whay are people not pushing back? Probably because it sounds good and they think there life will be better.SHEEP

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The purpose of all these plans is to enslave humanity. Everything else is just crap talk to cover up the true purpose.

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Coercive methods, however subtle, or "gentle nudges" towards a depopulation agenda, no matter how well-intentioned (and the intentions are debatable)... are inhuman. Full stop. It is NEVER the business of one group of people to engineer the fate of others, and certainly not for the whole of human race. That said, the true emergency underlying our present historical moment is not the physical extinction of the human race, but rather of humanity itself... the very quality of human-ness... altruism, loyalty, creativity, unpredictability, playfulness, humor... love. Make no mistake about it: what makes us human, our quest for meaning, is at terrible risk, like never before in history. If we turn our attention to this question... who are we? What does it mean to be human?... we would never again question the spiritual... never mind the physical... importance of bearing children. Children are angels among us. Their innocence and helplessness should encourage and inspire us to be our very best, our most noble selves. Imagine what a grim place the world would be without their laughter and playfulness. When did we take such a wrong turn that we are willing to live like robots and machines?

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Giant leap sounds sikilar to Mao’s Great Leap Forward … these ideas always sound so great

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There should be WORD LIMITS on comments

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How many words do you reckon is optimum for effect ?

I keep mine short and pithy :-)

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Wow !! I have been an activists trying to WAKE UP OUR LOCAL on UNAgenda 21/2030 Sustainable development .Local planners and regionalism councils.ICLEI ,Smart Cities,15 minute cities and other all being put in using the UN sustainable development plan. Towns and Cities have no idea what the plan really means.Go back and read Henry Lamb,Dr Michael Coffman,Phoebe Courtney,Rosa Korie,Joan Veon, and many others warning of what the government was doing.Now we have moved forward to this new plan I pray that the Americans WAKE UP! The new prisons are inside the cities and towns that are already been built more on the way. Control of the population! We must get out of the UN and of course other Globalists Institutions.

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If you live in a 15 minute city you will not need to own an automobile.

When I lived in Mayfair, London and Manhattan they were a pain in the ass.

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It's a terrible, Satanic idea. God's intention and command has not changed since he first told Adam and Eve to "fill the earth and subdue it." We are supposed to have children to the point that we fill the earth and we have not come even close to being 10% there. On the contrary, we are in danger of going backwards like the mice in the experiment. With those seeking depopulation, It is clear from so much of what they have written they are attempting to lead us into the results that would be mirrored in this experiment using nice sounding goals to do so but producing the complete opposite. This is an evil agenda that most certainly departs from God's written path.

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Go forth and multiply were God's instruction to mankind.

Genesis 1:28

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Yes, I think it`s a good idea.

I`m not sure about 81%. But certainly, 50%!

Especially, with automatization and digitalization on a planet NO NEED so many people anymore! Why they can`t control their genitales and shut the sperm "fountain"?!

Humankind must evolve and ascend in its goals and lifestyle instead perpetuate every 20-25 years a kindergarten and primitive habits (eat, sex, entertain, sleep) and stuck in conscious limit. It`s matrix.

Why to do unsafed sex, if ones live in total poverty, in areas refer to dangerous climate zones, without a good education, career and personal development` perspectives, healthy and pure lifestyle? Such millions of fools cause my surprise and compassion (as they`ll suffer, apriori)...

Let`s make Earth ecological, vegan, with adequate quantity of beautiful, fit, free from religions, and high-consious talented humans.

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The only way to achieve higher conscious is to be connected to the Creator who desires for marriage, children, families, and sex to be safe in that context between husband and wife. This is beauty, freedom, joy and fulfillment like no other. I am sad for people like you that miss out on this, the God given joy of creating a family within his Spirit, guidance and plan.

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I just wanted to say that I like your thought-out comment even though I do not quite agree with it

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The Depopulation Agenda Is Not A Theory - 15 Minutes Video:


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earth 4 all butt not 4 u

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Medicare4all would be a good place to start.

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According to some scientists the children of vaxxed mothers (those who actually make it full term) may turn out the be infertile in 20 years time. Some speculate they may not even be able to reach full sexual maturity due to the damage caused to their endocrine systems.

In other news.... the de-gendering of society is racing ahead with a suspicious sense of urgency, including the removal of gendered words from permitted speech and the introduction of 100 new pseudo genders which are more suitable to an infertile population.

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WOW! THEY have already greatly reduced birth rates with Fauci's Ouchies!

Methinks are THEY about ready to head for their underground bunkers?The

people of Earth are today's sheeple. Will they "WAKE UP!" before going into

that shower a.k.a. "gas chamber?" Please STAY WELL NATURALLY. I post

publiclly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH"S Saints!😁

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

There is a very interesting article on the "Universe 25" experiment and its author. You will be surprised what you will learn about the "Universe 25" experiment or HOW an experiment from the 1970s predicts developments in the 21st century.


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Rob Schneider, Dr. Robert Malone, Five Times August, Joseph Arthur, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, and more. Join VSRF for a Giving Tuesday Special on Rumble to keep VSRF alive in 2024.


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In the meantime, contaminated mRNA shots should be banned with immediate effect.

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