Dan Andrews and Gladys should be imprisoned. Hope Novak djokovic wins the Australian Open! He is still banned in the US. https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/update-on-novak-djokovic

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Happy New Year Yuri. BTW you were right about everything. I apologize to you on behalf of the entire West.


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And Happy Reincarnation!

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No, that should include every medico that administered or recommended the jabs and all the Federal and State officials that have been part of this horror. Greg Hunt spent a ton of money to get the Pfizer and Moderna jabs to Oz when it is was already known that they were not safe. He needs to be made an example of to ensure that no one ever gets to try this again.

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And dont forget the media & the judiciary + stupid businesses who ruined the economy & the lives, jobs, health and income of most employees via blind mandates!

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Absolutely - the media have been the propaganda arm of the big Harma and the totalitarian scumbags in government. All business boards & "leaders" need to be held not just criminally but financial responsible for enforcing jabbing when the government did not mandate it.

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Everyone appears as though they have Never heard of Jane Halton and her connection to the "plandemic"

She was the Federal Pandemic Response "officer" appointed by none other than Scott Morrison;

Both Greg Hunt and Jane Halton held advisory roles within WEF;

Jane Halton attended the infamous "Event 201" hosted by none other than The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation that had a "desk top pandemic response game" around Oct2019 if i remember right; Pretty sure it was october;

Event 201 "imagined" a pandemic caused a by "Corona-Virus".......Jane gave her 2 cents worth on how "they" might go about "marketing the vaccines while the market was ready".....

Jane Halton is the Mother-In-Law of Victoria's very own Brett Sutton;

Brett Sutton's father is or was on the Board Of Directors within the IMF;

Jane Halton also had (has) major Share Holder rights on the board of The Crown Hotels chain, you know, The Chain of Hotels that were given the "responsibility" of quarantining Australians returning from overseas at the beginning of the Plandemic.......The chain of hotels where the first "bungling" led to an alleged 800 deaths in Victoria;

It is obvious that Jane Halton gave the WEF's instructions to ScoMo who then passed the instructions along to the Chain of Filth known as Premiers and Chief Health Officers of Australia

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That is only part of the story. It would take years to cover all the filth that is now suffocating Oz. Have a look at who is running things for the Pfizer plant to be built outside Melbourne - hint: someone very, very close to Andrews. I am sure that everyone is going to keep on pretending that it is all a .. coincidence. What I found most infuriating is that the Liberal Party, as in the party that is supposed to be more conservative and follow the constitution, funded ALL of the abuses and the Covid horror. If anyone needed anymore proof that the Liberal Party and Labor are two sides of the same coin, there you have it. All the politicians and their connections are totally corrupt and need to be held accountable.

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Yes it is only part of the story;

You could lead me in the direction regarding the "plant" being built in Melbourne; My "net" and my search abilities are compromised i think;

Left, Right, Liberal, Labor, One Nation and the rest of it, is a game to keep the population thinking they have choices when it comes time to voting; If voting meant anything, we wouldn't be "allowed" to participate;

Just as i am sure that the MSM are now starting to report the facts about vaccine harms are just another distraction to keep us from getting to the heart of all that is wrong in this country Australia and how this happening agenda is able to continue;

We have an Unlawful Corporate establishment calling itself AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT pretending to be working for The People and the sooner The People of this once well respected and Great Nation wake up to this deception, the sooner we can take back control of Our Lives and Our Nation;

We have all that we need to Stand Up and take back Our Country within The Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of Australia (1900UK) and Chapter 12 (1901) of the same

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I think the way back is doing it the same way the current scum have done it - local and then expand. Put your hand up for local election and then bring more people in the councils that are likeminded. Always legal and always local first. It will take a long time but it can be done. To be honest, out side is out of the game because our side always assumed that the people being elected will do something good along with the bad - that is clearly no longer the case. I am trying my hand at the local Liberal party machine. Will see how it goes.

As far as the plant goes, it is built after lobbying from Andrew's brother who is on the board of Pfizer Australia. I am sure Dan put up a hard fight over it....

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Mate, while you no doubt have good intentions, being part of the machine will not stop the machine from running over well intention-ed people....the machine is remote controlled and the Left, Right, Liberal, Labour paradigm that is forced unto us is naught but a game of divide and conquer; It is all the same card player with a deck in every hand.....

Honestly, you might want to give some thought on the difference between Law and LEGAL; They are two entirely different realms;

As for Councils, if you happen to do some research you will no doubt find that "Council" is a third tier of GovCo that was voted against in 3 separate referendums and yet "they" still forced it onto us; There is nothing Lawful about council mate;

Stick with The Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of Australia (1900UK) and Chapter 12 (1901) as a place of solid ground to begin with;

Start calling out Council for being the Unlawful entity that it is

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Sounds like an option for voting but I did hear there was a meeting of all mayors from around the world to be part of the plans they have in mind.

Does not surprise me Andrews brother is involved, they keep it all in the family, mates and distant relatives who they think they can trust. Brain washed them when they are young to be part of the elite.

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Dec 7, 2022 · Construction on Moderna’s first factory in the southern hemisphere is underway within Monash Technology Precinct, Monash University announced on Wednesday. An agreement between the Victorian and federal governments and Moderna was made public in March this year – before the change of federal government – and finalised in August.

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and yet Monash University claimed to have been doing "independent" studies on the Cov19 "vaccines"......

Does the Board of Directors have any questions to answer when it comes time for the biggest "judicial inquiry" that Australia will likely never witness?

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Mark, I've been trying to get a sense of what Monash U is all about. On the one hand, I hear it's a great university, but, on the other, it seems to be an indoctrination center for global capitalists. Do you have any info on the university?

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Is there any studies "independent" anymore, no when they are all funded by big pharma.

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Great summary on Jane. I am sure you know she is chair of Gates' CEPI though she was representing ANZ at Event 201. She was appointed to run a project to assess Australia's Covid response recently. Her role at CEPI surely compromises that. She was Commissioner of Australia's National Covid--19 Commission. Before all that was chair of the people Smuggling Task Force under Howard that batted away all questions about the very dubious drowning of 340 people on the SiEV X. She was then rewarded by becoming Howard's Secretary for Health and Ageing 2001-15 and Secretary of Finance 2015-17. There is hardly a board in Australia she hasn't clambered on to. In short, she is a monster

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Where there is Jane, there be collusion

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Evil, just wants to get her hands on the money without any conscience.

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True, all too very true; Thanks for going back a bit regarding the tentacles of Jane;

She is indeed a monster from the deep and i stand by my observation; That she is the "conductor" of all things Cov19 in Australia and we need to get this monster into a small room and poke at it until it starts squirting its ink.......

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A perfect example of The Kraken

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The 800 deaths was not because they all got covid, it was pure neglect. These murderers are so evil, it makes me sick to know how intwined this whole thing is.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

I didn’t realize djokovic was still banned. That is shameful

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All unvaxed travellers are banned from entry in the US as far as I know.

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Yes, and that included my daughter, who wasn't even GOING into the US. She was flying to Canada --but because she is an unjabbed non-US citizen, she had to forego a flight that merely had a stopover in NYC en route to Toronto.

It's not about health, and probably never was. At this stage, it's just vindictive harassment.

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The US and China are the only two countries requiring the jabs for entry into the country. Let that sink in - the US is using the same approach as China. The corpse is basically persecuting those travellers that respect the rules in place whereas at the border with Mexico, anyone able to walk can simply walk in.

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The US government is working with the CCP.

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The US government is owned by the CCP. There I fixed it for you. :-)

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Indonesia will only let in the poisoned as well. And there are heaps of people who go to Bali year round.

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I thought that they got rid of their jab requirement. Thanks for update - that makes it three insanely stupid countries in the world.

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This is not about health…at all.

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If you come here illegally, you don't need a vaxx.

Just sayin'

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I think that applies to most countries.....

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Unless you’re an illegal alien. Just jump over the wall…what’s left of it.


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Land border crossings don’t check jab status as far as I know (still have not tried) but might ask but don’t verify. Flying in is impossible and yes it’s a pain even if you are just connecting to an outbound international destination in the US. Ugh

There was new wording on the extension to April however. It is now referring to non US inbound carriers. Sooooo flying in on US domestic carriers is ok unvaxxed??? However try telling that to CBP agents. Lol

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One of my pure blood friends confirmed this last month. Drove across, had to fly from Bellingham instead of Vancouver, but cheaper flight to LV anyway.

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By the letter of their “policy”, one only goes through the CBP at the actual port of entry, whether it be land, airport or seaport. So, there is no check at Bellingham, or any other place where someone would board for a US domestic flight.

I’ve heard as well that the land crossings are not asking the Vax status too, but also concerned that almost all of that is second and third hand knowledge, posted by many fellow Purebloods on sites like this. Curious how valid that truly is.

I would hate to book flights and accommodations, flying out of any US airport, just to be denied at the border by that one jerk CBP agent. That would be a quick loss of $5K.

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Through April.

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I honestly don’t think he cares - yes, he would dearly love to compete at this level but he is a TRUE HERO in my opinion for CALLING THE LIES OUT and seeking to protect his family and loved ones!

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YES!!!! That’s what I’ve been saying as well. Can you imagine if everyone said NO? My bf and I both lost our jobs. I was at my place of employment 23 years, him, 17 years.

GOD COMES FIRST! Evil has no place here!

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Exactly...and God is within us all and yet most gave over their Will to continue obeying some man made cockamamie bunch of rules that have No Basis in Law afforded us all with Our God Given Inalienable Rights

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Isn't it interesting that these perps accuse God of being a moral monster when the real imposters masquerading as public health advocates have committed more evil than any time in history. This collective worldwide evil has been and is committed by the real moral monsters right here on earth. As Martin Luther so eloquently wrote, "And though this world with devils filled should threaten to undo us, we will not fear for God has willed his truth to triumph through us". ....5.47 Billion people have been vaccinated. I would say the end is nearer then ever before and the evil one has begin his last push to take as many people captive as possible before his final end.

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The problem is that there has been a de education of Constitutional Law going on since 1974 through the school system in tandem with environmental and propganda polution, google grooming and OECD UN corporate policies.

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I know with absolute certainty that you are correct in your observation;

I was in 5th grade primary school at the time; And i can say with hand over heart that i was never educated at any time in my school years about The Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of Australia; Nor do I recall ever being taught on the fact that Australia even had a Constitution;

What i do recall once I was in high school is that we were given "elective subjects" on history and language; There were No electives about Australian History but I do recall World History. I chose Art instead as History was included in the Arts i think; Language was another where there was nothing about Australia or Aborigine; If i recall correct the choices were French, German and American Literature,,,, i failed miserably at German;

The propaganda machine about pending environmental disasters and the OECD solutions had not started in school by the time I left

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In the UK, enough doctors said no that the government had to backtrack. But I also heard that Dan Andrews was fine with firing 6000 nurses so it seems a lot DID say no but even Sky News refused to report on mandates and job losses due to mandates so nobody knew what was happening.

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There are many nurses who wanted to say no but were afraid of losing their houses and not being able to feed their kids. I have a nurse friend who is fighting against not having the 3rd and said she will leave over 30 years experience to the new recruits who know nothing. She also said it is chaos in hospitals.

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Stay in the Good fight mate; You will be wanted and needed; I too am in the fight and will be until i draw my last breath;

I also had challenges from my local "pharmacist" who i did consider to be a friend until i walked in without a muzzle over my nose and mouth; He wasn't wearing one when i walked in and it wasn't until he approached the front counter that he decided to slip his muzzle on and attempt to berate me.....i told him of studies proving that the "masks" do absolutely nothing and may even induce illness's and that being a man of medicine, he should look it up so we can lead by example in our small town........he went off his head and banned me from the chemist i had been going to for over 10 years;

Sky News was "all in" on the mandates, lock downs and forced vaccinations for a long time into the scam narrative and censored dissenting voices and comments on their YouTube channel......and now they claim to be on moral high ground; And, as you rightly point out, they never want to "investigate" any of the peadophile politicians or the suppressed police documents regarding the 28 known high profile peadophiles;

Sky News hang your head in shame; You may claim to be fighting the good fight NOW but we will not forget your past

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You have hit the nail on the head mate;

So many (too many) have no idea about The Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of Australia.......as a matter of my own observation, way too many "Australians" have no idea we Have a Constitution full stop; You are with me (or i am with you) in the thought and remedy to this mess we (as a collective of People) have endured so miserably for the last 3 years.......Returning to The Constitutional Commonwealth Of Australia that was stolen from Australia[ns] in 1973

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Editor, cairnsnews

Jan 8

The ASIO Amendment bill 2020 introduced to Parliament by then Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton on Wednesday May 13, 2020 made it easier for ASIO to install tracking devices in a person's bag or car without the approval of anyone outside the organisation. 

Among the many treasures in this innocently titled bill are oral arrest warrants – including for children (s.34B). Questioning warrants that allow anyone between the age of 14 to 18 in relation to politically motivated violence, to be detained and questioned can be issued orally, ignoring the need for nasty paper trails which could later prove inconvenient in court

"Mr Dutton said it would only apply to teenagers suspected of engaging in terrorist attacks, not espionage or other examples of foreign interference".

Failed spymaster 007 Dutton thus condoned teenage spying as acceptable under his watch

Opposition Leader Peter Craig Dutton a failed spy master.

Dutton began telling reporters it was important for security agencies to deal with threats from both rightwing and leftwing “lunatics”.

“If somebody is going to cause harm to Australians, I just don’t care whether they’re on the far right, far left, somewhere in between, they will be dealt with,” the home affairs minister said. “And if the proliferation of information into the hands of rightwing lunatics or leftwing lunatics is leading to a threat in our country, then my responsibility is to make sure our agencies are dealing with it and they are.”

Australia with just 25 million people, has tax payers funding some 20 federal security agencies, manned by public servants terrified of making decisions that may reflect on career prospects, imagine the information blockade and false flags flying from these duplicated bureaucratic empire fortresses.

The Cyber Security sector employs 26,500 who fail to protect sensitive data from international hackers. ASIO has around 2000 staff. Nearly every day there are media reports of a business or government quango being hacked.

There have been 41 counter terrorism operations in Australia with 93 people charged but no stats on convictions was available.

The USA reported in 2010, there are 1,271 government organisations, 1,931 private companies with 854,000 people holding top-secret clearances working on counter terrorism and homeland security for a population of 332 million people

This ASIO Bill is about the 90th such piece of legislation passed following the 2001 New York attacks. And there are around 10 more civil rights-eroding bills before federal parliament.

One of those pending is the Identify and Disrupt Bill. Another Dutton special, this aims to enhance the abilities of the AFP and the Australian Crime Intelligence Commission to sweep the internet for anonymous operators and take over their online accounts.

Dutton is only the latest architect piecing together this ever-encroaching internal surveillance system that’s been propagated upon the pretext of a perceived foreign terrorist threat that’s never really come to fruition on these shores.

The closest such incident was the Lindt Café siege, which was the work of a mentally unsound local playing the ISIS apparition, rather than any real overseas operators. But despite this, NSW police were given shoot-to-kill powers in response to guard against any purported future terrorism.

Just like his predecessor George Brandis, Christian Porter is part of the surveillance state legislating act. In 2018, the attorney general oversaw the passing of laws permitting the easy deployment of the Australian and international defence forces for domestic incidents, and lately, he’s done the same with ADF reservists.

Indeed, over the last two years, it’s also come to the fore that home affairs minister Dutton is itching to set the nation’s international spying agency – the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) – upon his own citizens.

And following the leaking of such rumours to the press, the AFP went on to raid the Canberra residence of journalist Annika Smethurst for breaking the news.

Disgraced former Labor senator Sam Dastyari

Disgraced Labor politician Sam Dastyari, of Iranian origin, from 2013 to 2018 represented NSW in the Australian Senate. In November 2014 Dastyari declared a Chinese company, linked to the Chinese government, had provided him with $44,000 to settle legal bills by providing counter-surveillance advice. Dastyari's net wealth as of December 2022 is $5 Million, but he is not in jail for treason or espionage.

Tens of thousands public servants, defence force personnel and government contractors are required to undergo security checking before accessing confidential government information as do Ministerial staff. Government ministers are not required to clear ASIO scrutiny.

Big brother is alive and very well enjoying continued support from the voting public allowing the nation to retain subservient status to our unaccountable, lying, corrupt political masters.

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...by the neck sounds about right.

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you mean "hanged" i presume?

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Really? who cares, maybe you should write something.

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I don't know what it's going to take for Australians to wake up. I'm here in Sydney and people are so brainwashed still it's beyond belief.

We're at the point of no return.

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I read comments on Australian MSM websites last year. There were comments that were literally calling for "anti-vaxxers" to be exterminated that stayed up.

Clive James was right, you aren't a nation of prisoners you are a nation of prison guards.

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There was glimmer of hope a few weeks back - an article in news.com.au promoting the boosters had a substantial number of "I am not getting anymore of these jabs" comments. Then you see masked morons shopping and it is back to square one.

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The PR Team can turn them on a dime -- a few shots of a busy ICU (filled with 4x booster wankers of course)... and the fools will be queued up for more Rat Juice

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They do not need to even go that far. The GPs still push the jabs without being prodded to do so. There is stupid and then there are the Covid cultists who are out to prove that they really are without peer in idiocy. Doing a fine job everyday unfortunately.

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I think it's time for a major re-think here...

Why do we care if they want to keep injecting the Rat Juice? And by 'they' I mean everyone who insists on boosting including friends and family?

I guarantee you that 'they' - including friends and family --- would be very pleased if you -- the crazed conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxer --- ended up in hospital with Covid. They would just love to say 'I told you so'... (odds of that happening of course are as we know ... zero)

So f789 them. Enough of listening to their insults -- their excuses -- their parroting of CNNBBC lies.

No more frustration. No more arguing with the fools. No more warning them.

Let them do it. Say nothing. And when the go down ... leave them to suffer.

They made their choice - over and over and over... they made excuses insisting it was never the vax when others crashed and burned.

We need to be done with this. F789 them. Leave them rotting with their VAIDS... their cancers... their never-ending flus... their strokes and heart attacks... and when they even after they get burned say - no it wasn't the vax - it could happen to anyone... agree with them -- ya probably not the vax - healthy people have heart attacks all the time ...

Then tell them ya you should get the next booster -- especially now that you have that damaged body ... now it's even more important to protect yourself.

Enough of them. Enough of their bullshit.

Let them hang themselves

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I've come to the same conclusion; I am over trying to inform the sheep that it's best to stay away from the pen come drenching time;

We that stayed out of the pen where ridiculed, shunned, banished from everywhere and called all sorts of derogatory nouns by not only the narrators, but also by the people we were trying to warn; They also detested us for being "super-spreaders" while we were out fighting for not only our inalienable rights and freedoms, but theirs as well;

The inoculated called for the "unwashed" to be arrested, detained, gaoled, fined and forced into quarantine to "keep them safe" and so they can have their "freedom" back; They even accepted that the bashing and shooting of protestors was for "the greater good";

I say the vast majority of the inoculated are getting, and will continue to get, exactly what they deserve and signed up for;

I am a spiritual man and i wish no Harm on another Being but that does not mean that i am obligated to feel sorry for the fools who walk with blindfolds and earmuffs as they trudge through life sprouting venom from the one orifice that they should keep closed

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There is a quite a lot to be said about your comments and I agree internally with them. If people at their point need to defend their actions about the continuation of the boosts, let them continue their demise. I do feel for the innocent who have been roped in. Maybe this is the 'gift' of free will that we all have been given. We all use that gift in different ways. Some have chosen a different path to speed up their demise of this short existence in this current lifetime.... Something to ponder....

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You are completely, 100% correct - they made their choice and they will eventually get to see "live" the consequences. My only point is that if there is chance to sway some from time to time, I will try to put in the minimum effort. This is because these imbeciles will gladly go for more of the same and when (not if) the next plandemic hits, we need as many in our camp as possible. More of us will make it less likely to go to enforced jabbing.

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I agree, except for the fact that these insane ladies (of both sexes) set policy and affect our children.

I do despise them, though, with every fiber of my being.

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Sounds like you do not have children, grandchildren, or parents. I appreciate your attitude about this but it is difficult to get to that point of no return when loved lives are at risk. But you are probably right. They have not listened so far. I have done all I can.

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Sometimes peoples "bottom' is death. I learned that in Al Anon a very long time ago.

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Eventually, they will all be dead and only us “pure bloods” will be left (and maybe a few ppl who escaped the harm for one reason or another, but they won’t be “pure blood”.)

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I guess you don't have any nieces or nephews, sisters or brothers that took the shots. Or any children in the US military.

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I really don't think it matters anymore how many additional injections The Vax get now. Looks like 2 jabs and some "breakthrough infections" or 3 (or more) jabs destroys their immune systems. No one is going to live very long with damaged (non-functioning) immune systems. They are all dead. We can't save them.

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I think that your evaluation of the situation is more pessimistic than what I think will turn out in the end. 3 jabs is definitely sufficient to do irreversible damage to the innate immune system as well as let any cancers that were previously under control to advance very aggressively. The question is how much time the recipients have before things get really nasty for them. The question is what is the difference between AIDS and VAIDS? People with HIV now live relatively normal lives for extended periods of time and my hope is that some cocktail of drugs can be organized for those with jab damage. If the heart tissue is damaged then, yes, it is a matter of time because as far as I know, the tissue scarring is not repairable.

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This article by Iror is the Sickle on top of the Grimm Reapers cake in my mind (and others). Two recent studies... IgG3 going bye bye and IgG4 becoming dominant in The Vax is a death sentence. No one will survive very long with an immune system like this. It is just not possible. I am not the first one to say this: The lucky ones will die right away. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/booster-caused-immune-tolerance-explains

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I have read a couple of articles that discuss the same issue that was highlighted by Igor and I agree that the findings are scary to say the least. However, I do think that the effect will vary with each person and the process will take a long time. If the process was fast, we would see a fatality rate unlike nothing that we have had yet. Moreover, the disability rate seems to be stabilising rather than increasing. That is a good thing if we want a world which is still functioning in some fashion. If the excess deaths and disability rates pick up, then we will be looking at a dystopian world but thankfully that is not happening as far as I can tell.

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then of course there is the Bossche Mutation - that's what you get when you deploy leaky vaccines during pandemics...

Combine that with 6 billion Vaidsies -- and you get a train wreck

This is the end game

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The fact that anyone in the medical community would argue for jabbing people while the virus was still spreading shows that the medical community is lead by psychos and idiots. The French Noble prize winner that passed away last year was apoplectic about the very idea. He could not understand how anyone would do something so stupid and he called the whole thing a massive crime. The million dollar question is whether or not any of the mutations will turn the current virus into something with a high lethality. Vanden Bossche has been accurate in his assessment that the jabbing will drive the increased turn over in the virus variants. However, his prediction that one variant will be more lethal by attacking the lungs as the original strain while targeting the jabbed has not materialized thankfully. So far. Will it happen? Based on past pandemics, I would say that the chance is very small - the trend for all viruses is to be more infectious but less pathogenic over time.

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They all have VAIDS ... to some degree.

They are all doomed.

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Yes, I agree that they all have VAIDS to some degree. Moreover, I think that all MRNA jabbed people also have subclinical myocarditis. Will these two be deadly in 5 or 10 years? Probably but not at a high rate. I think that the whole process will take decades and by then, the unjabbed population will have a replacement effect that will make the dystopian scenarios very unlikely.

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Here in Melbourne, I only see Asians masked when shopping, nobody else. Doctors require masking and people comply but I also notice warnings being put up about threatening staff so they are clearly getting some pushback.

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Make it half and half baboon lol

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Ha, ha :-)...

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

It’s not just Oz my friend, it appears the western world remains within the Covid fear narrative, and continues to discount anything contrary. There is hope in that Rasmussen US poll, that the tide is slowly turning, but at a snail’s pace.

That said, places like Oz, Canada, NZ remain very tightly controlled by Big Brother government and controlled media, to keep the sheeple fearful and controlled. The good news, is booster uptake of the bivalent juice has been poor. Maybe the message is really getting out there, and the masses are quietly questioning the safety of the Quackzine

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The fact that there has been any of sort of bi-valent booster uptake is very, very disturbing. I wonder which one they took? The octo-mouse one or the deci-mouse one? Why would anyone take something that has been tested on only a handful of mice which, by the way, got the bug AND then some died as well? What I am missing here?

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

This is an ongoing sub-text of a RW blog I frequent here at home. Most conservatives are critical thinkers, but a small minority are not. One such individual on the blog, is a diehard quaxxer. It’s a mystery how someone could be doubting everything a leftwing government does, but is completely obedient to said government’s health orders, “Experts have approved these v accines!”

He could be just a paid for troll, they are everywhere on social media.

Anyways, the ordinary, indifferent citizen is not a critical thinker, they don’t look in depth at very much beyond their immediate interests…..and……they TRUST the government, especially if they voted for them. Simple as that, and, “Experts approved them”. Sad. Martin Armstrong recently stated that this generation of heads of state in the western world are the most unintelligent he has encountered. He’s right, and it’s not even close. Between Castreau, Bidinh, Bojo, Sunak, Ardern, the Germans, Macron, etc, etc, etc, it’s an easy deduction

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If any aliens came around and looked at our "leaders" their conclusion would be that there is NO sign of intelligence on the planet. As far as "the experts approved them", it is actually worse than that. Way to many people believe the "factcheckers" because they are not capable of any form of thinking. I had an argument with a colleague (double boosted and masked, of course) on the fact checking of the epidemiologist at Oxford who said the lockdowns are insane and will cause orders of magnitude more damage than the virus itself. "It has been fact checked multiple times and it is not true!" My reply was simple - "What are the credentials of the fact checkers? How much experience do they have in the field to even comment, let alone evaluate the statements made by the lady from Oxford? If they had the actual knowledge, do you think that they would be doing fact checking for a social media platform rather than practice medicine or work as medical consultants?" The penny dropped in this instance and I have not heard any fact checking or debunking comments from him since. Unfortunately, he is now distressed that his booster may be wearing off and he wants another one.

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Yep. Martin Armstrong is terrific. He also said he thinks Charles will be the last monarch of England. Sometimes I worry for Martin- I would have thought he’d be a marked man by now.

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They’re ignorant. So are most of the doctors who gave the shots. But, as you say, they’re not ignorant anymore. A lot of people I speak to know of those who have been injured.

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Ignorance will not be accepted as an excuse when the accountability part of the process comes around (I think we moved from "deny everything" to "some may have been affected but there are very few such case and anyway, we saved lots of lives" BS stage).

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Up in northern NSW, you visit the towns around the place and even Lismore still has about 1/10 people masked in stores. You just know these people are at least triple jabbed, possibly up to dose 5. Amazing they can still walk places...

I don't think people ARE waking up in Oz, either. It's Crazy Land.

I agree, we're at the point of no return. And just because SO FAR there's not much of a hospitalisation risk difference between 1 & 3 doses (compared to having taken 4 doses), is it going to remain that way in 6 month's time, or even 3 month's time? I doubt it. I think the risk of hospitalisation & death will get worse because of being covid jabbed. That's my prediction.

People are generally chilled out and doing their thing in the Northern Rivers, but if the govt cracks down again, I bet you anything those masks will be popped back on, and people will line up to get their next lot of jabs. We're NOWHERE near a revolution in this country :-(

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

I have a friend who is a Kiwi who lives in Australia.

My imagination of Australians conjures up hard asses like Merv Hughes, hairy arse gorillas who work in coal mines or who farm sheep in the desert. Men who wrestle crocodiles. Real men. Hard men.

My friend assures me that none of this is true anymore and that Australians are the most pussified people on the planet these days (I don't know whether to believe him or not, he is after all a Kiwi).

I do know that Aussie Rules is a proper man's sport though, so hopefully that hasn't changed.

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Hard men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times. Australia has had uninterrupted good times for 40 or 50 years. Australians have become soft, and the softest amongst them have their hands on the levers of power - bureaucratic, political and corporate.

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Canada is circling the drain too. Too much affluence and too many 'good times' for too long. We had no problems, so, we elected one. Thing is, we are now paying dearly for that election, but most people don't even know it. The band just keeps playing while the Titanic takes on terrifying amounts of water.

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'We had no problems, so, we elected one.' How apt.

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Trudeau is the biggest problem Canada has!!

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The boy Castreau is a problem, but the cretinous imbeciles who keep voting him in are a bigger one.

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A Canadian that totally agrees. I'd say that many of us have become quite "pussified". Love that word by the way.

We've made life so easy that we spend our time worrying about feelings and gender dysphoria and other such things. Our PM is the worst of the worst. Not very bright, a bad actor and a finger wagger.

Oh well. You get what you wish for.

Circling the drain is right.

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Exactly so. Take as an example pussies fretting over and enduring record carbon taxes for climate change that doesn't even exist. Remember acid rain? Polar bear extinction? Rising sea levels gonna wipe out the coasts? ('that your mansion on the beach, O'Bama?)

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The top video (of a crowd of people) is a compilation of the "persuasion" people underwent to take the jab. There's a small clip of Trudeau that is the stuff of nightmares. Once you see it, you can't unsee it, so be warned.

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At least that little bit of JT was short. I can barely tolerate seeing or listening to him for more than a few seconds.

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Hard to argue with that.

I was working with my Kiwi mate (he's an ex investment banker who has worked for some of the biggest banks in the world at very senior levels).

He introduced me to an Australian company with an absolutely amazing technology that needed more funding. I introduced them to the biggest private venture capital company in the world that I had worked with before. These arseholes thought they were king of the castle, it was embarrassing.

I told the CEO I could salvage his screw up, but he would need to start paying me for consultancy. I told him when I was available and how much it would cost. He bragged about how it was "New Years" and how he was having a party for 100 people. He dicked me around so I gave him what-for and copied in every interested party in the email. Turns out, he was embezzling investor money to fund a lavish lifestyle. He lasted for about another month after that.

Yeah, not really interested in doing business with Aussie companies after that. Also, don't screw with me in business, because chances are, I can screw with you ten times the other way.

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Maybe; however, 4 decades ago Australian babies were not used as pin cushions. They also had not had their food supply poisoned to nearly the same degree - GLYPHOSATE has been (slowly) killing us for at least a couple of decades. Not to mention plastics, non-ionising radiation etc etc etc. Unsurprisingly, the scientists/researchers who complained that glyphosate/microwave radiation were definitely not safe, suffered the same fate as many today - they were not following The Science™.

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Yep products are squashed (boughtout) that don't benefit wef dod sponsored corporatists.

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Well said!!

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Men ARE much softer these days! The last thing I want my husband to do is wear pointy, shiny shoes, slick his hair back, wear a tight, shiny suit and prance his way to a slick office job where he does make-work all day.

Luckily for me he's currently out, wearing loose, scruffy cargo pants, a work shirt and buying screws and things like that so he can finish building our shed ha ha! Yes, he does metadata work (geeky IT stuff) as well, but you don't need to be hairy as an ape or grunt like a pig to be a 'real man' - but you should be able to stand your ground, protect your family and provide for your family - safely. Taking injections to save your pussy office job doesn't cut it IMO!

I think that quote stated below from TSMe is about right. We've had such 'good times' for so long that the only people who know how to be real people now are those who have had hard childhoods for one reason or another, even if they're currently financially stable. Of course you need to combine this with decent enough intelligence, a general 'lack of trust' in others, an ability to read between the lines, a penchant for kindness and someone who trusts their intuition - and THEN you have a person worth having in your life :-)

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"Luckily for me he's currently out, wearing loose, scruffy cargo pants, a work shirt"

Me to a T.

I also have a lumberjack beard and have spent the last few years embracing "being a man". I'm bigger, stronger and fitter than I was when I was in my 20s, and I was really fit in my 20s.

"a general 'lack of trust' in others, an ability to read between the lines, a penchant for kindness and someone who trusts their intuition"

You just described masculinity perfectly I feel.

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Well, you just described every man I never met. (USA)

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You're the kind of man I want my sons to be.

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You're welcome :-) :-) :-)

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But your not quite as humble as me!....:)


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Well said.

I moved from a self gelded land of boys.

Couldn’t change a lightbulb type.

Found a kind, good honest man that uses a chainsaw, builds things, and drives a school bus for some extra money in retirement.

Never liked the shiny shoe suit types.

That is an excellent quote about good times makes soft men.

USA has had it quite easy for a while.

Degrading men with the toxic masculinity BS…. Because those Gates types w billions would whimper if they actually had to do something manly

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Robyn, there are at least two sides to every coin. The sheeple have accepted the enticements to an easy life taking the toys and fun as if they are entitled to it by birth. They were mislead as children not realising, as they could not with immature thinking and misguidance, that they have remained as children - living in a Disney make believe world of fantasy.

When do we grow up and be both responsible and accountable at least to ourselves and for ourselves? Does it depend upon being shown they way? Does some protector tell us what and when and how? Who shows us the way?

i do not know the answers to these questions. I wish I did. I got shoved into the deep end too early to be superior, and lucky I did not drown in the soup of existence along the way. It has been a hell of a ride and it is tougher now than ever, but head remains above the waterline and for that I am thankful. I am not alone. Oh how lucky to not be alone.

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One other note of why men have lost testosterone.

The Soy and Hormones in food, supposedly are estrogen producing.

Floride in the water

GMO in Food.

We are clueless as to how it damages the male .

Plus, medicating boys for being boys

75 vaccines in childhood.

We must have a clean out of all these toxins that the billionaires have poisoned us with

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And that is WHY you are alive still! Like me, you did not drown in the deep end! You learned to swim - fast! :-)

It's not been a fun ride, though, has it? Still, it's got us to being alive today. You know, I even THANKED my Mum for her crappy 'parenting' because it has allowed me to survive all this. Trust me when I write that I never thought that would be something I would EVER be thanking her for - but thank her I did! What an upside-down world it is right now. I got tough early enough and questioned early enough and for that, I am now alive, as are my family, as are you. I had good enough people around me who helped me on my path, but I was also willing to listen.

As for who knows if we're shown the way or not, I think people are given many 'chances' to rectify their faults starting with seemingly trivial situations in life, and if we don't right the small ones, the big situations can get us instead. We all have little voices in our head (our conscience?) and a set of morals, to at least some degree, and I think many can ignore that little voice for years, even decades, and get away with it. Others aren't so lucky. However, there is always training to be done in life, and those who are Too Kool For Skool end up being broiled.

Yes, there are always at least 2 sides to a coin, but it is up to us to figure it out along the way. Parents/friends/neighbours/family/strangers can only show us some of the way. Yes, some people seem to get more of a helping hand than others, this is true. Some are born with a 'silver spoon' in their mouth, others have been fighting in the alleyways since they could walk. But both extremes still have lessons to learn. That we are required to do much of the legwork ourselves still stands across the board. And THAT is why we need to be left alone to ponder our thoughts in life, not be ridiculously busy all the time: so that we can take check and then make better decisions in life. We need to stop and listen to our inner voice. Find our individual path. Walk it. Own it. Love it.


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Thanks Robin. My dad died from an accident when I was 14 1/2 and that said grow up now to me. Adult shoes were too big but I did not know that then and did the best I could as you do. My mum was for women's rights so would not tolerate a young male leaning on her very much, correctly as I know now. So like you Robyn I had to take responsibility for myself and rely on no one else. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity thrust upon me back then even if I was not too happy about it at first - there was no question as it was step up or collapse and there was nowhere to fall over to. You find quickly there are very few you can rely upon or trust.

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All this 👍👍👍

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I had the same visual of Aussies.

Scots have become Soy Boys too.

Why is that?

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Excellent point. Rob Roy would be turning in his grave no doubt.

Same for the Irish. I made this shit-tier meme to mock pro-EU Irish people on 4Chan. The concept is very sound I feel.


Not gonna lie, that still makes me laugh.

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They could use William Wallace body to power up the whole of Scotland given how fast it is spinning his grave. My word, what has happened to the Scots?

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The long-term effect of other Scots like Adam Smith played a role...

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Ewww he’s WOKE!

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I’ll have to see who Adam Smith is.


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The theoretical architect of market capitalism.

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Central West NSW here. I thought I was surrounded by warriors all my life. I was wrong. Sadly, it looks like I was surrounded by arrogant, ignorant, compliant cowards. I hate saying that, too.

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I would have thought the same was true for NZ.


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If your friend took a walk in Melbourne city, I would have to say that the is spot on. The men are the very definition of weaklings with a love for Bolshevism. In short, the worst of the worst. It is funny when I think about it - my wife liked the fact that I was what would be considered an old fashioned man and if there was a mouse in the house, I would take care of it instead of calling my therapist...

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Ha ha, I remember being grossed out by my hubby crushing a mouse under his boot once - to put it out of its misery (my cat had played with it...). But then again he *is* a country boy!! :-D

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Umm, brutal but effective. I actually trapped the pest in a box and dispatched it away from the house. Probably shows I have been raised in the city I guess :-)

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My husband dispatches things too 😀💜

I had to once with a rock and my boot. Couldn’t watch.

Same reason, put out of misery.

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Despite being a Kiwi he’s correct. We’ve mostly turned into a bunch of soy boys 😂

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What happened?

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Don’t know. We are also pretty agreeable people, most like to just agree to get along. Maybe it has to do with the ratio of sheep to critical thinkers 😀



Edit: comment by TSMe above/below explains it well, but I’m still sticking to my sheep hypothesis (correlation is not causation 😀)

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I'm afraid your Kiwi friend maybe right. ☹️

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David Attenborough: This is thought to be one of the last of it's kind in existence. A species on the verge of extinction. Here we see rare footage of a hairy arsed Australian gold mining crocodile wrestler in its native habit.

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"David Attenborough: This is thought to be one of the last of it's kind in existence. A species on the verge of extinction. Here we see rare footage of a hairy arsed Australian gold mining crocodile wrestler in its native habit."

On closer inspection, it's a female....

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Oh, that's gold! 😂

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Probably more like this guy.


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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Pretty good. I'm more a connoisseur of Imparja PSAs though.


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Read TSMe below. He’s right.

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It’s been true for years. When I was living in Houston there were tons of Australians there in our circle. We got Karened so much on wHy dO yOu nEeD gUnS

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"Karened." I love it.

Imagine being a man who asks this question.

The only acceptable alternative, by way of implied answer, would be something like "I prefer knives," but these ideologues just want the state to carry the weapons. Or something.

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The crazy hits are not longer permitted

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Kiwis seem thoroughly pussified too, though, don't they?

Wait a minute, doesn't the whole Anglosphere? Come to think of it, isn't all of Western civilization thoroughly pussified at this point? (Think of ze Germans.) The only civilizational—I don't mean savage—alternative at this point seems to be one version or another of Oriental despotism, and the examples of that these days hardly seem to represent shining examples of social health.

Seems we're all fucked. Bring on the savages.

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The people will do it all over again.

We need "20% LOUD" if we want accountability. It's also the same number we need to make sure this doesn't happen a second time.

We're not there yet

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What we need are so many vax injuries and deaths that it's impossible for the MORE-ONS to dismiss them... but even then... they'll blame covid or long covid...

I'm recalibrated and instead of trying to warn them I now indulge in a bit of Shad and look forward to reading about celebrities doctors etc (particularly those who insulted the no vaxxers) to get injured or die

Every morning I wake up wondering which famous person has gone down!

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Have you noticed the numerous reports of people publicly wishing harm on the unvaxxed and then dropping dead after a booster? There have been heaps. Any strong hostility, prejudice, bee in the bonnet is bad for the heart and then when you add spike protein...

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Not there and it is glacial progress. Probably by design because at this rate, the filth who directed this horror will be in their late 70s before they are held accountable. This would give them the excuse that they are too old and frail to face the music. Hopefully the people will remember this and not fall for this old trick that every criminal has used in the past.

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Predictable that the Nimbin hippies and Byron Bay surfies would have boosters coming out their arse. They vote for the Greens who are fascists that were set up as a front for a US alphabet agency with its HQ in Langley, Virginia.

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Do we set up an unvaxxed society? I am being completely serious now. Wtf. The vaxxed are dying off like flies on my bedroom window

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I agree. I'm in Sydney and just about ALL my friends, colleagues, relos are vaxed. I've become a 'nonperson' (no problem with that, always been a bit of an outsider)

But it would be nice to be in contact with other unvaxxed in Sydney. Any suggestions?

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Same here, also in Sydney and most people my husband and I know are vaxxed up the wazoo. We do have a few friends and family that are not jabbed because they’ve either seen the light or a bad jab side effect has happened to them, a close family member or friend. Meet monthly at a pub or a cafe somewhere maybe?

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Thanks for that TUND and a great idea... I was thinking of email contact, initially at least. Without wishing to 'pass the buck' when it comes to tech stuff I'm as thick as a brick - took me months to get a sub stack thingo going and I still have no/little idea what I'm doing..

So could one just use an email address without setting up a web site? Can substack be utilised as a contact platform - is that permitted? It's all a bit out of my league.

I think that a central point where the non vaxxed/regretful/enforced vaxed can communicate, share and then maybe meet up personally if appropriate would be the way to go.

As stated, I'm not ducking out here and can contribute in other ways, but not so much technically.

Welcome any ideas.


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There is a sizeable group of us in Katoomba about 100 k west of Sydney city. Meet regularly for coffee etc. I'm sure you would be most welcome.

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Hi Dianne, thanks for that.

I replied to Thumbs Up Not Down before I saw your reply so maybe you could refer to that response.

I hope we can form an alliance of some sort to reject, oppose & fight those who wish to impose their tyranny upon us.

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That’s good to know. I was wondering if the alternative people in the mountains would take the jab. I hope there’s lots of you who haven’t had it.

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There are standups in Sydney 10am Sundays. There is one in Hyde Park and one in Coogee. There's a website https://www.astandinthepark.org/.

Also my wife has coffee weekly with a group inner west. I think they also meet at a pub in Newtown. Let me know if need more info.

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Thanks - I'll check it out

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I’d never go out with a vaxed person

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No matter how hot ... how fit... I'd be turned off if a woman told me she was boosted... I'd immediately go limp

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You are asking to be trouble if you do that. Better to be grey man in a parallel society. Under the radar.

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You have a point. But to initiate or take part in a parallel society you have to put your head above the radar, to some extent.

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You have a point. But to initiate or take part in a parallel society you have to put your head above the radar, to some extent.

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Given satellite and drone capabilities there is no hiding from "the radar." Ten years ago they could read the markings on a coin from space on the ground. Combine that with heat-seeking properties. Imagine what they have now. Please understand. There is no "hiding from this."

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Any group in WA? I know it is very optimistic but I can hope right?

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Hey Miko! I'm quite sure there are lots of sane & rational people in WA, as in the rest of Oz.

We need to set up a central contact point, consolidate, then form groups & meet-ups with a view to opposing the next assault on our God-given liberty & freedoms. The assault will come. They are not done yet.

Any ideas on a central platform?

(see Diane Stebbings & Thumbs Up Not Down comments above)


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The problem with all platforms is that they are all ultimately owned or controlled by the totalitarian cabal that pushed this scamdemic in the first place. I think that something like Telegram might be worth looking into. I also agree that the Covid scamdemic was only the start - it is matter of when rather than if. They tried it with Monkeypox but it failed badly when questions were asked as to how kids would get it when the only way that was transmitted was via direct contact of a very specific nature. My bet is that they already have something waiting to be released.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Are you sure about that ?

“Nimbin” and surrounding areas the anti-vax capital of Australia. Maybe it’s changed?


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I live not too far from Nimbin, as the crow flies. Our kids go to a Steiner school. I'd say about half the kids there have had NO childhood vaccinations, but maybe 20% to 25% of the kids there are double covid jabbed (and of course they've also had their full childhood schedule...). 90% of the staff are jabbed, willingly or otherwise :-(

So there are plenty from both ends of the spectrum in this school if you like, but not much in the middle. There are also those kids who are fully vaccinated from childhood, but the parents draw the line at the covid jabs.

If the kid has been covid jabbed, you know the parents are boostered.

If the kid has had all of their childhood jabs but not covid, it's possible that the parents are double jabbed due to work requirements - or not.

If the kid has had some of the childhood jabs but no more, you know the parents aren't keen on any more jabs - for them or their kids (so unlikely they've taken the covid jab).

And obviously if the kids are ENTIRELY unjabbed, the parents aren't taking ANY jabs either!

But this is also an alternative private school. The state schools and regular private schools will still have a very high percentage of kids being jabbed and parents being jabbed.

I see about 10% of people wearing masks around Lismore, very few around Kyogle (now...but a few months ago it was easily 10-15%), almost none around Nimbin, but I've seen MORE people wearing masks flying to/from Ballina airport than I did from Avalon, Melbourne or Gold Coast airports!! So I think there are certainly plenty of self-entitled (wannabe) hippies around the Northern Rivers...

Plus most of the old people have taken the jabs. They still listen to their medical doctors...

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It’s a land of pretend. Look casual and stress free but keep up the rat race. Virtue signal like it’s a competition. Cover up your ignorance with arrogance.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Yes. You're on the money there. Very observant.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Thanks for that, I’m surprised about more people wearing masks at Ballina. Almost no one is wearing masks in Sydney. Dropped my wife and daughter at Sydney International for a trip to Bali last Thursday, almost no one was wearing masks and lots of passengers grumbling and making smartass comments to check-in staff about producing vax certificates etc. They were all vaxxed but not happy about it from what I could tell.

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Maybe people are smarter in Sydney than the Northern Rivers. 'Alternative' doesn't always = smarter overall.

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They make people produce vax certificates there still?

My father lives in Sydney (I'm not even in Australia and will never go back to visit). He became a full-on Covidian. We no longer speak. To hell with these tyranny-enabling cowards, wherever they are.

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Go inland to Armidale and Tamworth, Australia's version of Nashville, and the rednecks there think boosters are the greatest thing since sliced bread. The Tamworth Country Music Festival starts on Friday and I am sure if anyone wants to get boosted they only need to show up and they'll be shed on. The Dolly Parton song below would be very popular. I doubt there would be any less vaxxed on the coast at the Byron Bay Blues Festival or Splendour in the Grass.


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Don’t know about the ratio or vaxxed to vaxxed out there but your description of the locals is spot on. I have a friend that lives just outside of Morree and have driven through and stopped at the towns you mentioned many times in the past 😂

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Dolly gave Vanderbilt a million bucks to work on Moderna. I really thought she was smarter than that. She’s pretty savvy about most things.

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Ha ha ha - true!

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No I am not sure. I was inferring it from Robyn S's comment and the fact that the ecofascist Greens are fanatical jab mandate zealots. It would be good if there are some non-sheep in Nimbin and surrounds.

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I would argue that we are a lot closer to devolution country if one considers the city folks. As far as I can tell, in the country WA the people are a lot more grounded than the city counterparts. They ignored a lot of the restrictions and I do not think they jabbed themselves at the same rate as Perth. That being said, my experience is limited to the South West only.

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I'm pretty sure we're on the downhill slide...

As for country people ignoring restrictions, I NEVER saw so many cars on the country roads I used to drive on when we were meant to be 'locked down'!!! :-D However, that does not mean they avoided the jabs. A lot of farmers are middle-aged to old, and they're very conservative. I was surprised in my country practice that about 95% of my patients took the jabs, no matter what I said. I can only assume the same is fairly true for country WA as it is in country NSW.

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That is very depressing. I have gone regularly down South here in WA and most people I talked to were not jabbed and were quite relieved to see that some city slicker was not buying the "narrative".

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Problem is, there's what, about 2 million in Perth? And WAY less in the rural areas. Doesn't matter if 30-50% of the rural people are not jabbed when 90-95% of the city folk are, because by numbers, they lose hands down.

All it means is don't live in the cities! Live rurally.

I should also say that the town I worked in was near Canberra, so it wasn't exactly truly rural. Perhaps those towns far away from major cities DO have a greater percentage of non-jabbed.

I'm glad to hear those in southern WA seem a lot less jabbed. Perhaps some sense is still in the country after all!

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Numbers wise, yes the idiots vastly outnumber the ones with a working brain. However, I would think that quality consistently trumps quantity. I know that some would argue that a large number has a quality of its own but given the Darwinian nature of this test, that quality is negated.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

There are plenty in the South West who have had 4 shots and wonder why they caught covid. WA voted for socialism and it was across most of the state that it happened after the alternative Premier went to the election on a policy of, in effect, rolling back the industrial revolution and introducing AOC's green new deal. He did that in a state that is heavily dependent on minerals and mining. The Greens said the policy was too extreme even for them. I don't know if it's because of the convict genes but Australia has the highest rate of illicit drug use in the world and waste water and other data show that rural Australia is more riddled with Meth/ICE than in the urban areas. Hardly surprising that a nation of crackheads would think it's a clever idea to inject themselves with experimental gene therapies.

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To be honest, you would have to work absurdly hard to find a bigger imbecile than the one that was supposedly the "opposition leader". The only thing he was a leader of, was idiocy. His masterstroke to claim that he lost the election during the campaign and beg the electorate not to vote for the wannabe local emperor was as bad as it could get. Think about it, "I am total loser, I wanna wreck the State a lot more, do not vote for the other guy!" is not exactly a winning message, is it? What is infuriating is that he could have easily savaged the scumbag premier for all the abuses and absurd rules that destroyed WA. Yet, he goes all galactically stupid and the electorate rightly tossed him out as the worst leader of the Liberal party EVER.

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Agree. These ignorant, myoptic, lazy people are from all walks of life and all socioeconomic status. I work in a Uni & they are the same - ignorant to the truth, focused only on what comes across the TV/Radio, and lazy for not doing their own research. The common denominator are the lazy Media watchers/listners..

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I'm also in Sydney. 95% of my friends are committed Covidians. I don't see any signs of their waking up yet, bar two who had probs with the jab. I didn't get vaxxed but built up my health prior to the rollout with diet, exercise and lots of sun. When I got the plague last July, it was no more than a mild cold - all over in three days. Everyone knew I was unvaxxed but didn't trash me because they knew I'd had Guillain Barre Syndrome in the past and didn't want to chance a recurrence. While I was getting myself healthy I started trying to find out as much as I could about the lurgy and thus got red pilled - thank God. After I had Covid they just about all said: "Jeez you're lucky mate..." It wasn't luck. And when they get sick they just about all say: "Thank God I got vaccinated! How sick would I have been otherwise." I have to laugh, otherwise I'd be weeping tears of blood.

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That's exactly how it is. I went to a party and someone asked me if I was jabbed. I said no and the entire room became silent. In my opinion these people were more shocked that I defied the government health advice rather than not being jabbed. I have been ostracised by my group of friends but I don't care if I'm a loner now. I know the truth. That's what matters the most.

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You're not alone mate.

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I don’t know what happened to us Aussies. Was our standard of living too high and because of it people trusted the msm? Many people who didn’t trust politicians were the same ones who rolled up their sleeves for an experimental gene injection after being told by said politicians to do so. PCR reckons the Americans are now too dumb to save themselves, well I reckon we’re way worse! Having said that I know of many people who didn’t want the shot but had to take it to keep their job. A lot of them are probably now sick. I also know of a few who couldn’t get to the doc fast enough for what they thought was a vaccine. One has had to have heart surgery plus has pericarditis, another 2 now have rheumatoid arthritis. Two of these people were fitness fanatics. Makes me wonder how many of us are going to be left healthy.

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As LeMaisonGelat says above, "You are not alone mate". Definitely not alone even if you feel like you are in a sea of the unthinking. Not alone, we are all here just not well connected - yet.

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The Seppos are far more vax hesitant than the Aussies, with the exception of those Yanks who migrated to Australia as economic refugees. I know a couple of them and they thought lockdowns were wonderful and are "up to date" with all their jabs and pissed off that more boosters aren't available.

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What utter cunts.

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My God. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

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If you trust the MSM you deserve what you get. PERIOD.

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I threw my television out 20 years ago. No one deserves to be murdered. But, if people do not wake up and face reality, no one can help them. This is domestic terror.

Trust, but verify…trust my ass!

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One word: Fear

Human beings can be the same, no matter what part of the world they’re in. I have fear sometimes, that’s when I pray to my Father…and your Father. Psalm 91 comforts me everyday. I’ve cried often for humanity. And there’s still such beauty in the world. I think this is definitely a reckoning for humankind. We need to be gentle with one another.

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You are NOT alone! Ever...✝️💜!

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BINGO. There it is right there. People are WAY more shocked by the out-group behaviour as they know deep down they followed the group not their own internal self.

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Not alone at all! There are millions awake, aware, Informed & pure bloods just like you. If they just learned to say ‘NO’, Waited until more information came out from other countries that were ahead of us by a year with negative data & information, Researched and LISTENED to the heavily censored & de platformed doctors/scientists /specialists & academics THEY WOULD NOT BE IN THIS PREDICAMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE. Instead many blindly chose to live in Fear as opposed to living in Faith. Disregarded their immune system & FOLLOWED THE Mind Numbing Brain Washing NARRATIVE repeated by puppet’s & minions.

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You have done the right thing and you have protected the most precious asset you have - your health. When the damage will start to show up and it will (it is a matter of time), I am curious how many will still be showing the same idiotic attitude.

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Ya but you don't have VAIDS so you are not dying

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Same - I have contacts in a few countries -- they are all fully committed... I do not believe the CNNBBC reports that people are rejecting the boosters in huge numbers.

I was telling a friend in Bali just the other day that I cannot visit Canada because the flights transit the US and you need to be vaxxed...

He cannot understand why I don't just get the shots. I sent him a list of people I know (10+) with serious vax injuries... with a note that I would sooner play Russian Roulette than shoot that rat poison.

Never got a reply

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The “vaccine” is a bioweapon sponsored by the US DOD, Pfizer, BioNtech, Bill and Melinda Gates and the CCP, as well as other countries.This has been a coordinated attack on people. This is a domestic attack. CONvid is a cold/flu…it’s the jab that’s the danger. All the cures have been censored in many parts of the world.

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You aren't alone mate. I sent an email to a Tory MP (I'm British) suggesting the British Government censure the Australian government for what they did.

Never got a reply but I did try. We also protested outside your embassy in Paris once.

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Hi David, Stay with it mate, stay with it, you are doing excellently. Total great approach. My belief now is that those three days is the body dealing with whatever. Then congestion and the next 7-10 days dealing with all the gunk, thick head, coughing, feeling like wanting to throw up etc., is a secondary bacterial overgrowth. That you avoided this secondary points to excellent preparation and a strong defence system. Well done, may we all do as well.

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Thanks Peter. I'm pleased with myself and my preparation. At 71 I'm supposed to be dead of it hahaha, but I'm very much alive and kicking and thankfully AWAKE.

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Canada just as bad it seems, maybe worse.... Far to much of the populace happy to rely on the gov to "keep them safe"

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And hostile to the truth.

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They don’t know what the truth is. Haven’t got a clue. Too damn lazy to look. And don’t want to feel uncomfortable upon reading a narrative that is opposite the msm propaganda.

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

They rely upon the corrupt media as if they were “the voice of god”. Never questioned, always BELIEVED, always OBEYED.

Excuse me, I missed the part of our laws that said the media is ALWAYS correct, ALWAYS honest, and ALWAYS to be obeyed. Why do the sheeple give up their critical thinking abilities when the talking heads spew their government funded spun propaganda?

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No better here in Perth. We have masked imbeciles in 35+ degrees heat jogging. Nuff said.

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Ah well, they keep that up and it'll be another ambulance siren to be heard by all as they pick up said stupid masked jogger from the path, having 'died suddenly'...!

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It would be interesting to know what the ambulance crews think as they pick all the idiots that have jabbed themselves according to the Covid cult commandments - they have had to take the most jabs with the medicos. Surely by now they must know that they have been digging a big hole for themselves, right?

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Honestly, I wouldn't know. I suppose some must be cottoning onto it. But I think most will just be doing their job and getting on with it. Don't forget, they'd still use those rat 'tests' and if the deceased person is covid +ve, the paramedic's cogs will clunk into place, and all will make perfect sense in their mind... :-\

There's probably a thread out there somewhere discussing this stuff if you want to search for it - for both the awake and the nearly-dead ambos.

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Oh boy, they cannot be THAT stupid or can they?

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Yes. They can be that stupid. Even in my profession, Chiropractic, which is a natural therapy that's a bit alternative, it's a bit 'out there', it's meant to work with our 'innate intelligence' and be holistic etc, still most of my profession went out and got jabbed. So if my profession has done that, I can only think that even more ambos did that, paramedics being more related to medicos than chiropractors are.

If people are getting the jabs, even to 'save' their jobs, they obviously believe this BS to at least some degree. And anyway, it's easier to go with the mainstream views than have your own. Less hassle that way. We're a lazy country, remember?!

I'd love to say that people are NOT stupid, but the last 3 years has definitively shown me otherwise.

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There is nothing more contemptible than the sight of a masked "man."

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To me the imbeciles wearing masks are keen to show how incredibly stupid, ignorant and compliant they are. It is a sign of fundamental stupidity.

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All the more stupid, precisely because they believe they are showing their wisdom and virtue.

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Do you have or know anyone that’s got any good data/info on WA?

I’m trying to work something out but can’t find good data.

There appears to be a first glance correlation between vaccines and deaths, but can’t find any quality data to support it.


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Sadly no. NSW were the ones to provide quite a bit of detail but even that lot have started to pull back on the information. It is a clear tell when they publish data for a while and all of sudden they stop doing it, removing or obfuscating details - the data proves the exact opposite of what they want to show. WA had some data available but as far as I know it was lagging and now it is simply no longer updated. They have known the reality for a long while and they were trying to quietly walk it all back. The problem is that the Covid variants have derailed that effort with regular "waves" that, yep you guessed it, are a "mystery" to the "experts".

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

It’s a “mystery” alright. That’s the answer I give to my wife when she asks me about the “latest” news she’s seen on her socials or TV. She doesn’t appreciate it, it just comes across as “I told you so” but I told her so over a year ago. 😂

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My wife just shakes her head in disbelief and keeps asking me - "How long are they going to keep up this nonsense? Are people still really buying it into this?". My reply is always "Never underestimate the enormity of human stupidity."

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I’m here in Sydney also and yes they still parrot the safe and effective line. But my experience is fewer and fewer are getting the shots, and most people know they were scammed. They’re just too embarrassed and ashamed to say that out loud, but I’m hopeful when the next wave of tyranny comes a lot more of them will not comply.

And in rural NSW there was a more healthy libertarian attitude. There are still crocodile Dundees here, they just don’t live in Sydney.

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That’s interesting. Do you really think they know they’ve been scammed? Have they said so or do they say it in a round about way? Do you know of many who have been injured?

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Also in Sydney and I'm constantly incredulous the jibby-jabbed still think they are "safe and effective" :-(

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According to Kübler-Ross, the five stages of grief are:






Depending on the level of cognitive dissonance, we are still mostly between denial and bargaining in most people, sadly.

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Yeah, most people are still in the denial phase. It's honestly staggering.

The Brad Hazzard's of the world have a lot to answer for. I rate him as worse than Kerry Chant as he is that nasty know-it-all type - I can just picture him as an awful teacher (he was a high school teacher) who doesn't believe a student/young people when they are telling the truth - whereas Chant I think is a dunderhead.

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Sadly, some people are a glutton for punishment. I've learned to accept that. It's not worth the time or the energy to argue with people who actually believe that chemicals will save the day for their health

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My birth-mother looked me squarely in the eye and said, "There is nothing you can say or share that will make me change my mind." The topic? The "vaccines" are safe and effective and my family is nuts. I shared with her that docs had been muzzled in Ontario. I shared that we all had C19 and survived very easily. I shared that the media could no longer be trusted. She has had 5 shots BTW, and she's fine, so therefore she concludes we are stupid. Grrrr.....

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their anecdotes matter, yours do not... one of the many ways to see the truth of their belief in science

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That is a good point. Sometimes when we are too close to the provocateur, it is hard to see what is now obvious when you put it like that!

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Funny...we have a Sydney in Nova Scotia, Canada. By your description of the population I was 100% sure you meant our Sydney.

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I have to admit to being totally baffled by this as the Australian people were always considered to be a “self empowered and vocal lot” .. it’s utterly heartbreaking that so many are prepared to lay down their lives voluntarily for a vaccine that kills ..

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propaganda and division are shockingly powerful tools on tools

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For reasons unknown to me. I suspect that certain people have been deceived and lied to for long about health, medicine and everything else. They can't help themselves for choosing to believe lies about everything. Some people refuse to learn that blind trust can be one of your worse enemies.

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Hate to write this, but only an increase in the deaths of children will wake people up. “Adult” deaths can be explained away by the powers that be; SADS, cancer, undiagnosed heart disease, etc.

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Oh, but isn't that coming, what with Catastrophic Contagion, the latest in those John Hopkins tabletop exercises attended and promoted by Gatesy, the last one being 'Event 201' in Oct 2019, which was a pandemic of a novel coronavirus...?!


Even better, this one will have govts cracking down even further on social media and the like, where there is only ONE view of 'correct' information, with none of this 'misinformation' stuff floating about, no sirree...

Anyway, people who are scared re dying from covid/living in fear generally will of course take their kids out to be murdered, sorry, jabbed. Mostly these people & their kids are jabbed, anyway, but there will always be those who are hesitant and didn't get their kids jabbed this time...but WILL get them jabbed next time...especially if the media shows lots of sick & dead kiddies in hospital...it's just a matter of time :-(

For we who are strong and know the nasty games these power-hungry morons play, our children will be safe.

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This guy is an Australian that was forced to move to Mexico; has a lot of pretty interesting info:


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Canadians too.

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Same in the rotten evil empire of the USA

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Indeed, agree. This campaign of fear has worked for the most part. However, looking at the lack of uptake for boosters, there is a healthy scepticism growing in more..

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"Buying bread from a man in Brussels

He was six-foot-four and full of muscle

I said, "Do you speak-a my language?"

He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich

And he said"

Do you come from a land down under?

Where the vaccines don't work and hospitals blunder.

Can you see the stats? They're a real wonder.

This is science in the land down under.

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Great. Just great. Now I have that song in my head before bed.

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Hey, it's a good song! Even better now thanks to Conway Judge!! :-D

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It's a great song. Not before bed.

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May your dreams be as deep as a crocs gizzard, and sleep come as fast as a kangaroo hops in front of a road train.

And may Dan Andrews not visit you there or any other senior health executives either. So in the morning you awaken to the coos of a kookaburra, merry merry as he can be, king of the bush and some old gum tree.

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bet they're singing this one too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0AxrOUJ62E

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Good on ya! Thanks!

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Haha. Yep. I am now totally ashamed to ‘call Australia home’.

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Yep. I came here in the 70's when Oz was a fair dinkum country largely of rugged men and women who demanded respect, but were feminine at the same time.

So sad to see how the country has gone to the dogs

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being ashamed of your species seems a lot more pressing issue

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don't be. you have great music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZkfG5oTyoI

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Not much consolation though, is it? Dying to the sound of great music....

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😂 I mean it would be funny if it wasn't so sad...

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It's been sad for a long time now. I'm all sadded out.

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Yep. Me too. No more tears, just understanding. I'm pretty sure all of us on Substack here have been through the multiple phases of grief: denial, anger, sadness, and a whole bunch of other things. Now I just accept that it is how it is: the jabbed will get sick, probably die early at some point, and that's that.

The bigger concern for me is what the economic fallout will be, when that will be, who's going to try to take advantage when that happens...and in what way/s...

I'm probably more in the 'planning' phase now to try to offset what will come. But tears? They're for when I watch a soppy movie...or stick my finger in my eye - that had chilli on it! :-o

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I’m glad you mentioned the different emotions and stages of grief. By April 2020 I was beside myself- I knew clearly what was going on and so desperately tried telling people. I send relevant good info from top sources who warned of the exact side effects that we’re seeing now. A number of them still went and got jabbed. I couldn’t believe it. I think they equated covid with guaranteed death.

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That song was sooooo big in the 80’s! I remember-lol!

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The single dose ones are already on our side, they had issues after the first shot and those that survived will stay clear. The double jabbed - there is a chance, many of them are aware now, too. I don’t think the triple and quadruple jabbed will wake up, even if they secretly have doubts now. Firstly it’s too hard and involves too much responsibility for yourself and your life, and people here have been brainwashed for decades into believing that the nanny state will take care of everything. It is very hard to unlearn the lessons of a lifetime, doubly so if everything in the public space tries to tell you that you shouldn’t. But on top of that, if you wake up now after years of maligning, bullying and downright harassing those that didn’t go along, you might have to take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror and maybe even draw some consequences. What are the odds of THAT happening more than very rarely?

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John Campbell had 3 doses and came over. Big win that as a lot of people trust him.

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Lots of three dose were forced in Australia if they wanted to keep their jobs. Mandates for three dose still in place. Four dose must be scared or brainwashed. Many elderly people still listen to their doctor and worry if they don’t follow the schedule. In my town they were lining up out the doors for dose four. Really sad to see this.

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They got 64% of the over 50s in the UK with the Autumn 4th dose (it would have been the 5th for the over 75s as they has a Spring booster as well) and they wonder why the hospitals are overflowing. That's 15 million shots with a high adverse event rate, plus they're all getting COVID, regular colds and/or the flu with their immune systems being shot to pieces with the repeated jabbing. What a mess. I do know a few older people who have refused, which is good. One friend of my Mum in her 80s told her doctor the last shot made her feel worse than getting COVID and she wasn't ever getting another!

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How crazy it all is! My mother and father (passed) in law had five shots each, flu shot and pneumonia. Apparently the AZ was not as destructive to the immune system so the older ones who didn’t boost seem better off but all the pfzier jabbed are getting sick. I know a couple of people who had first pfzier then stopped bc saw or heard of side effects. I wish someone would look at the data for those who only took one bc good on them for stopping, they couldn’t work or go anywhere for nearly nine months and the nurses and emergency service workers still can’t work in many Australian states. I have friends whose children had one dose then the parents got cold feet and stopped. Is there any good news for the single pfzier jabbed? I wonder if Joel has looked at this because those spike jab results are terrifying and I would love to tell my friends their kids immune systems will be okay bc they didn’t get second shot? They aren’t recommending it for under 30 anymore so go figure! I hate to think what red flags are being hidden.

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Yes the elderly are particularly scared by the propaganda

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Yes, but look at the damage he has done in the meantime- other people would have followed his example. And he knows it. He’s obviously a nice guy but really, how could someone in his position be that trusting. He should have at least known the mrna technology had not been used on humans before except in very short trials. His actions were unfortunately irresponsible. Never the less, I hope he’ll be ok but judging by the data now coming out about the triple jabbed he must be worried. I’ll never forget what Dr Bakhdi said ‘if you take that third shot then go and make up your will at the same time’.

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True. He's looked broken after a few of his videos. I think he's been working his way along the Kubler Ross change curve...

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Yes, well said. If I was him I’d feel terribly worried, more for others who followed me. I’d feel responsible in some way for them. I watched him at the beginning, thought he sounded intelligent with good judgement and communication skills. But quickly turned off him in shock and disgust for going along with ‘the narrative’. I’ve looked at a few of his recent vids, only because they were put up by the likes of Mike Yeadon and am glad to see he’s woken up, even if it is far too late. Clearly, there is a big difference between ‘intelligence’ and wisdom. You can be intelligent but not smart. Wisdom is the most intelligent of all. Too many ‘educated’ people lack it.

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As an Aussie who left 15yrs ago but had a holiday there last yr essentially no one cares about covid anymore. Ok the odd hyperventilater but its the insane govt. also most people are vaxxed who are over 16. i think its close to 95% in NSW. the entire immune system of Australia is fucked. Maybe the Deagel 2025 population predictions were real

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They don't seem to care, but plenty still wear masks. I think what is more correct is that SUPERFICIALLY they don't care. But they're totally bought. The govt just needs to push harder...and The People Will Comply...

But you're very right about the immune systems of this country being stuffed. I'll be fine (I am fine!) as are my kids & hubby because we weren't dumb enough to get jabbed, and we eat very well and look after ourselves, but the next few years, for almost everyone in this country, are going to be hell - because if people are too sick to work, then how can the economy stay afloat?

Going to a funeral will be the next social 'in-thing'...

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this issue is its a super high trust society. they didnt have a big reason not to trust govt until recently

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I'm going to have to disagree with you there. A 'stupid' society before a 'trusting' society! At best they are stupid to trust, perhaps.

But given Australia was originally a penal colony (and sure, the prison guards were about on par with the prisoners, who obviously weren't the cleverest since they actually GOT caught), the prisoners could still 'earn' their freedom. That meant being in servitude to TPTB, until their time was up. Move forward 200 years from there, and now, the people in Australia are STILL in servitude. They just want to have a 'good life' - which means they want a McMansion, and they do whatever the 'social' thing is to do, so that they can continue on their chosen (materialistic) path.

They're a lazy bunch who find it EASIER to do what the govt says than strike out on their own.

That lovely book "The Lucky Country" written by Donald Horne in the '60s perhaps gave good insight into our stupidity. It's all still there, just more obvious these days. The reason more Aussies aren't dead already is because they're just bloody lucky! But all good luck comes to an end eventually...and we will see what unfolds over the next few years to this end.

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You tap an important point with your observation in Oz. I have struggled to understand the abject and truly spineless predisposition to passive-aggressive compliance in NZzzz and its dull witted populace, who are so intellectually lazy they welcome the killer shots bereft of consent and when told to kneel merely murmur, for how long? They now pretend it never happened even though their excess mortality is 5 - 6 SD away from the mean.

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I’m going to start reading that book tomorrow- thanks. I think we’ll get a good idea over the next 18 months- 2 years just how bad everything is going to pan out. Prof Dolores Cahill said two years ago that if you’re 70 plus and fully jabbed you’ll have 2-3 years to live and if you’re 30-35 you’ve got 5-10 years - and downhill all the way. That sentence kept me awake all night countless times. I told people- they still got jabbed. I now swing between having utter contempt for them and feeling compassion. Some days it does my head in. What really amazes me is that Australia had a year to see what was happening overseas before the jabs were rolled out here. And they still went ahead even though early figures showed deaths and injuries. It’s been like living in The Twilight Zone for me.

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i am amazed by how the only people who really seem to care are those at least risk (having not gotten the not-vax). It's almost like a relationship with an addict where the addict doesn't care much about what they're doing to themselves (and loved ones) but the loved ones are emotionally wrecked by it. Seems to me if we survive peak oil in any sort of way resembling pre-scamdemic society this will be an awfully interesting period to study. Alas we'll probably be mostly living in long houses in 200 years so hang on and start moving on with your concerns I guess.

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Well said. It’s like we’re screaming at a room full of people ‘don’t do it, I’ve looked into this and its going to kill you- here’s the evidence’ yet they look at you as if you’ve been on mute. I can’t get my head around it. Talk about an eye opener. If someone warned me about a potential threat I would at least look into it. Apart from the sheep aspect and the fear thing going on in their heads I’m sure there’s more to it than that but at this point I don’t know what exactly. If it’s simply a matter of not wanting to look like the odd man out then that’s just pathetic.

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Our jabs came out in Feb 2021. In the USA I think it was Dec 2020. It was only a few months at most, not a year, but by the time many mandates came into being, yeah, it was getting close to a year...

But yes, it DOES do your head in. Try to level with yourself and realise that people have always been this way. Look beneath the surface, look at what they are REALLY like. We are a terribly social society, for better or for worse. People haven't fundamentally changed over time. They're still the same, often revolting creatures. Some are truly good, almost like angels. Many are the opposite. And most are somewhere in between, to varying degrees, full of faults and weaknesses - and often stupid to boot.

Yes, people WILL fall - worse than they are now. There is not much we can do to stop this other than try to save ourselves and our loved ones. Put systems in place so you can feed yourselves and have something to barter with. Be ready to leave at a moment's notice.

Ultimately, how would you manage in war? This is no different :-(

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Good perspective. I hope we get another 1-2 years to prepare but I expect the curtain will be pulled back and the walls will close in quickly before awareness of vax damage and Covid/climate change/absolute zero as cover for energy cost debt spiral becomes undeniable.

I expect push for data/surveillance tiered society and urbanization through harsher lockdowns due to nuclear event in major city, cyberpandemic and/or a solar-related blackout. Phrases shared with me over time are.. events "big enough to be a replacement for a book of the Bible," "a new Pearl Harbor" involving Israel and a fall of empire on par with Bronze Age collapse starting with an attack on "Senate City" with images of migration from Africa to Europe. See Olduvai Theory. Prepare for return to pre-Industrial civ with minimal electricity and subsistence depending on pockets of self-sustaining community for defense and long term survival.

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Totally agree. I have planted 21 dwarf trees on a large suburban block and have vege beds. Also, solar panels and battery which of course was expensive to install but now we have no energy bills for most of the year. An electric car would be the next instalment if we can do it. I expect shortages of components in these things going forward. Thanks for your reply, its nice to communicate with like minded people. God bless Igor.

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Sums it up perfectly. Most Australians don’t know the origin of the “Lucky country” quote.

As Horne says, “When I invented the phrase in 1964 to describe Australia, I said: 'Australia is a lucky country run by second rate people who share its luck.’”

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Thats the difference between the critical thinkers and those who took the poison - I was always equiped with high suspician of gov/media/big business...

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This is my concern as well ( the funeral thing). In the past year, I've known of 6 people with clotting issues, 3 heart attacks, 1 stroke, 2 aggressive cancers, and 1 SADS incident. So it's possible, many won't die, but their lives will be permanently altered - for the worse.

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until it's studied in an open way we won't be sure what is delayed symptoms of covid and what of the vax. the fact that they won't study it should bias any rational human towards it being the vax, as they'd be seeking to avoid accountability (which they failed to bake in by failing to eliminate the control group as they tried so hard to do). However you could also form an argument that covid itself has the delayed effects we are seeing (it very well might and doesnt preclude the vax also being implicated), and they fail to study what is going on now because it was actually a bioweapon and don't want to be held to account for having developed it. It's possible that just no narratives work for them anymore other than authoritarianism and we are all left guessing the extent of the problem.

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The only caveat I have - and yes, it's anecdotal - all those things happened in Injected people. I don't know anyone with these injury who got Covid who was not Injected.

Again - it's not proof. Just clarifying.

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Exactly what I keep saying to my husband- ‘who’s going to be well enough to work?’ I’d love to know how many shots were placebos. Like you, I’m expecting the economy to tank at some point. I keep thinking of what Dr Paul Alexander said about the people at the CDC and FDA in America told him that they expect ‘massive deaths’ 5-6 years from the rollout of the deathvax.

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whoever survives the first winter of a mass die off.

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I doubt it that it is 95% - to me that figure is just propaganda that could be leveraged to bully, trick or coerce the refuseniks into getting the "good stuff". The problem is that even if it is 75% and it probably is, the amount of the damage that has been done is incalculable. Whether we like or not, we the unvaxxed, will be affected in some bad way down the line.

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Yes, and no doubt will be affected in many unforeseen ways. God only knows how its going to play out and how we’re going to feel about it. I swing between having contempt for the jabbed and pity. It’s a strange place to be especially when we are painfully aware of how some of the lunatics verbally attacked or ostracised the unjabbed.

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Given how they treated me over the past year, hard pass on the pity. They behaved at best like sociopaths and I will not give them any more understanding or pity than they gave me.

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Totally understandable. But they believe what they think is 100% correct and have no doubts whatsoever, unless they’ve been injured. This obdurate mindset does not allow them to even attempt to see things from another perspective. It will probably also ensure that when they do see jab injuries and deaths they’ll be unable or unwilling to move from that same position for the same reason. Ego.

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couldn't care less if they believe 100% i shouldn't be allowed in a hospital because I didn't take their poison. Does not matter one bit how sure they are correct that I should not be afforded a basic human right.

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I won't treat them nastily like they did me, but I probably won't catch them if they fall, either...

Not sure if that puts me int the 'no pity' category or what!! :-D

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they still treat me with callous disrespect its an amazing thing to watch. Its what happens when you tell a junkie to stop using junk... just doesn't work out as you might hope

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that made me start the process of acceptance but watching them persist really drove it home

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Yes, i have a sneaking suspician that the deaths from the dodgy jabs will really start to escalate as the months/years progress...

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we tend to keep putting this time in the future but its clearly already here... perhaps soon we will have some numbers which we can start comparing to other global depopulation events and get some scale pinned down so we can understand better

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The government says they are 96% jabbed. It’s a lie!!!!!!!

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

I keep thinking that myself. Do you remember how large of a population reduction Deagle forecast for Australia? The world?

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Yes, I recall the Deagal report and thinking Oz had quite a large reduction in terms of population, considering its relative lack of global importance.

I figured that either: 1. Deagal was some sort of 'play' by elites/dark forces 2. We would get hit badly by vax deaths due to our supine compliance with authority or 3. In WW3, as well as Pine Gap & NT, they'd take out capital cities for good measure.

We'll see.

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i think australia was from about 26mill to 13 or so. I would have to look through archives. I will do a post on it in the coming week now that I've got a substantial audience.

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I would appreciate that since I've seen the report, but do not have a copy.

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this report is so weird. finland only down 0.2million and also highly vaccinated but germany down catastrophically (where i currently live)

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sounds about right, now the question is how did they know lol

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I believe the stats on vaccination status in Australia. People were fanatical about it. I've just respect for basically everyone around me.

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you mean lost? yeah one of my best friends mandated it at his company and was complaining to me when 3 out of approx 15 workers quit. i told him this will be the biggest regret you will have.

"it's just a vaccine" afterall

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Good for you. How dare he mandate it. Hope he sees the damage he’s done.

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What’s the Deagal 2025 population prediction?

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It was a report written about a decade ago (someone else here probably knows the exact date). But in it, it predicted major population declines by country, by 2025. For example, the US was said to have a population of about 99 million. That would be a reduction of more than 200 million if it happened.

At the time the report was released, it just seemed silly. But after the last few years, many seem interested as to why these predictions were made.

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Thanks for that. 2025 is not far away. If the Deagal report proves true then we are going to see one hell of a lot of deaths over the next few years. But how does that square with the large increase in immigration now implemented by the Albanese govt.? I suppose the jabs will limit population growth because many have become sterile.

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

You are describing the concern (and conundrum). Before 2020, it just seemed like someone was making up a "conspiracy theory". After 2020, you now start to wonder..

Will Injection injuries continue to increase? Was this the plan all along? Does anyone here remember the doctor back in 2020 reporting on either mRNA or coronavirus testing in mice? ALL the mice died within a few years once out in the wild. ALL OF THEM.

The report literally goes country by country. And it seems like it was funded by the DOD or some such. Crazy stuff. Again, never gave it a thought until we had nonstop crazy for the last 3 years.

We all have to hope it's wrong.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, in a previous article, you asked about health suggestions for Covid. There are so many additional prophylaxis and treatment possibilites but today I would like to let you and your readers know about a new RCT, showing that Ginger is very effective for Covid patients and leads to much faster recovery.

People above 60 had the strongest benefit. Their lenght of hospital stay was reduced by 50% when they received high dose Ginger.

Maybe especially the vaccinated people should learn about this!

"Results: Among all participants, a significant reduction in hospitalization time (the difference between the treatment and control groups was 2.4 d, 95% CI 1.6–3.2) was detected in response to the ginger supplement. This effect was more pronounced in men, participants aged 60 years or older, and participants with pre-existing medical conditions, relative to their counterparts (P-interactions < 0.05 for all)."

Conclusion: Ginger supplement significantly shortened the length of stay of hospitalized individuals with COVID-19."

And extremely important:

"Besides, our subgroup analysis highlighted the importance of ginger supplement to older adults, where the hospitalization time could be shortened to less than half of their un-supplemented comparisons, which could effectively reduce the suffering and pain and improve the life quality of the elderly."

Li Y, Yang D, Gao X, Ju M, Fang H, Yan Z, Qu H, Zhang Y, Xie L, Weng H, Bai C, Song Y, Sun Z, Geng W, Gao X. Ginger supplement significantly reduced length of hospital stay in individuals with COVID-19. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2022 Dec 28;19(1):84.

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A very thought provoking interview with Dr. Graham Lloyd-Jones on a possible mode of infection by SARS-CoV2 and possible treatment/prophylaxis with mouthwashes containing Cetyl Pyridinium Chloride or Phthalocyanine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Pz2aYSxUrk

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Yes, antiviral phthalocyanine derivative is very effective. Studies prove it. But nobody cares. This is what I mean. There are so many studies and RCT´s showing that so many different treatments are extremely effective for Covid.

See this RCT with phthalocyanine derivative for example. ICU admission and deaths were prevented completely, compared with the control group.


The risk of contamination and dissemination by SARS-CoV-2 has a strong link with nasal, oral and pharyngeal cavities. Recently, our research group observed the promising performance of an anionic phthalocyanine derivative (APD) used in a mouthwash protocol without photoexcitation; this protocol improved the general clinical condition of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. The present two-arm study evaluated in vitro the antiviral activity and cytotoxicity of APD. Additionally, a triple-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted with 41 hospitalized patients who tested positive for COVID-19. All the included patients received World Health Organization standard care hospital treatment (non-intensive care) plus active mouthwash (experimental group AM/n = 20) or nonactive mouthwash (control group NAM/n = 21). The adjunct mouthwash intervention protocol used in both groups consisted one-minute gargling/rinsing / 5 times/day until hospital discharge. Groups were compared considering age, number of comorbidities, duration of symptoms prior admission and length of hospital stay (LOS). The associations between group and sex, age range, presence of comorbidities, admission to Intensive care unit (ICU) and death were also evaluated. The in vitro evaluation demonstrated that APD compound was highly effective for reduction of SARS-CoV-2 viral load in the 1.0 mg/mL (99.96%) to 0.125 mg/mL (92.65%) range without causing cytotoxicity. Regarding the clinical trial, the median LOS of the AM group was significantly shortened (4 days) compared with that of the NAM group (7 days) (p = 0.0314). Additionally, gargling/rinsing with APD was very helpful in reducing the severity of symptoms (no ICU care was needed) compared to not gargling/rinsing with APD (28.6% of the patients in the NAM group needed ICU care, and 50% of this ICU subgroup passed way, p = 0.0207). This study indicated that the mechanical action of the protocol involving mouthwash containing a compound with antiviral effects against SARS-CoV-2 may reduce the symptoms of the patients and the spread of infection. The use of APD in a mouthwash as an adjuvant the hospital COVID-19 treatment presented no contraindication and reduced the hospital stay period."

da Silva Santos PS, da Fonseca Orcina B, Machado RRG, Vilhena FV, da Costa Alves LM, Zangrando MSR, de Oliveira RC, Soares MQS, Simão ANC, Pietro ECIN, Kuroda JPG, de Almeida Benjamim IA, Araujo DB, Toma SH, Flor L, Araki K, Durigon EL. Beneficial effects of a mouthwash containing an antiviral phthalocyanine derivative on the length of hospital stay for COVID-19: randomised trial. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 7;11(1):19937.

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You're right. There are LOTS of studies showing lots of great things out there - but nobody cares. The problem is that TPTB only accept a SLIVER of those studies. And then they push and push this crazy idea and so the majority of academia ALSO only accept a sliver of those studies! It's the old adage of repeat the same thing enough times and people will believe you...even if it's wrong.

I'm part of a think-tank that sends scientific information out to politicians & the media etc, and no-one is interested! On rare occasions the govt comes back to re-state their argument that They Are Right and We Are Wrong and rarely does anyone from the MSM pick up on our work. It all feels so futile.

Still, I'm glad that some people are persevering and doing these studies because at least the information IS there...should anyone wish to look at it.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Thank you for your work, Robyn! I have done something similiar, showing study results of the most effective treatments to many parliamentarians in my country. They did not care. This is so strange.

Even if your work did not lead to big changes yet, I am happy to know there are people like you who try and do not give up. You are a light in this world.

If a RCT shows that a cheap and safe substance like Curcumin + Piperine can reduce covid mortality by 82%, why would no one be interested in it??? Why won´t the mainstream media tell all of us about the study to let everyone know about this major breakthrough? The authors concluded:

"Administration of oral curcumin with piperine as an adjuvant symptomatic therapy in COVID-19 treatment could substantially reduce morbidity and mortality, and ease the logistical and supply-related burdens on the healthcare system."

AND NO ONE CARES. Everything could be so easy and in a world that is ruled by intelligent and well-intentioned people, this and other treatments would be used as early treatment standard of care! However, since we live in clownworld, this is not going to happen.

Pawar KS, Mastud RN, Pawar SK, Pawar SS, Bhoite RR, Bhoite RR, Kulkarni MV, Deshpande AR. Oral Curcumin With Piperine as Adjuvant Therapy for the Treatment of COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Front Pharmacol. 2021 May 28;12:669362.

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Regrettably, in a profoundly circularly corrupt time of intellectual, moral, scientific, medical, legal, and financially driven policy-based "evidence," evidence-based policy has almost no chance, particularly when the Fourth Estate is also being paid to work as the Fifth Column and the governments have not only funded the unpredictable-death-by-shot but provided BigPharma/WEF/WHO with waiver of liability.

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Thank you for your perseverance.

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Robyn, Please keep doing what you do as you do it brilliantly and we need you. As has been said many time including here, "You are not alone mate" Definitely NOT alone.

We all need to start connecting, not simply giving ourselves up to whatever, but finding those who think for themselves even when we might disagree - that too is a piece of the excitement of life, of being alive. And we will need a lot of it in the times to come as we are forced to make clear to the jabbed that THEY made their decision and must live with it now, we will help as best we can, BUT it still is THEIR decision THEY must live with.

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Yes, that study was mentioned in the Lloyd-Jones piece. On behalf of other readers I thank you.

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I thank you, too, Greg!

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While on this subject, isn't it sad (medical / gov incompetence) that no public health advice regarding nutrition or pharmacological advice was given to people. In fact their corruption, at least in Australia saw products like ivermectin banned and doctors cautioned over prescribing it!! Total corruption of the lowest order!

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That was one of my earliest observations too, here in BC, Canada. It was already known that nutritional and dietary factors and related 'co-morbidities' affected susceptibility. And aging is related to some of these factors too. But no, 'they' imposed edicts which reduced opportunity to exercise and get exposed to sunlight, along with 'information' which raised stress levels and sleeplessness. Incompetence and malignance!

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Thanks! :-))

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Thank You for providing this information. I just started a new immune boosting vitamin and it has Ginger in it. For the life of me I couldn’t understand the Ginger addition, but now it makes complete sense.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

After having locked horns with my large extended family in Aus, I have little hope. We showed them a LOT of info... data, science, interviews with highly credible doctors and scientists, lack of science, evidence of fraud and corruption, blatant lies, hiding of data, consistently illogical decision making, the changing narrative, conflicts of interest, organised censorship and the gargantuan propaganda campaign even targeting children...... NONE of it sinks in or sets off alarm bells. The website was never official enough, the fact-checks, ad hominum attacks, even the colours used in graphs and people writing with passion (about what is the most important and urgent issue of our lifetimes) was enough to claim it was propaganda from our end. They never once defeated a single argument with facts or good science or real data.

This was the biggest learning for me in the pandemic. We look the same, roughly, and we can all tie our shoelaces in the morning... but we are very different people. Their brains do not work properly. I wish I was exaggerating for comedic effect, but I’m not. The zombies are real, and Aussies seem particularly affected. They are also incapable of admitting they were wrong (they cling to the idea that they are smarter than average). We’re gonna have to learn this one the hard way...

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Sadly some people are indeed like this - they were brainwashed and their minds inoculated by industrial strength propaganda.

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Yep. I get that. My experience was the other way, though, in that I sent the data to my Dad in the USA (who is Australian, he's just lived there for 35 years) and nothing was good enough - but at least he discussed it with me to begin with. Now of course we're on opposite sides of the battlefield, very much so, but it didn't start off that way.

I have to say, though, that other family living in AU were even more closed-minded than him. My sister just laughed at me, then ignored all my emails and told me not to email her about it anymore. I guess she's not laughing now because she's supposedly got covid and feeling rotten now that she's had 3 doses of poison. It'll probably make her decide to go and get a 4th dose, you know, so she doesn't get covid badly again...or get hospitalised...and then when she DOES get hospitalised with it, she'll get the 5th dose because, you know...science. :-\

I think most people just make up their minds, then they close them. And this goes for almost anything, but ESPECIALLY covid. I couldn't think of anything worse - much better to keep your metaphorical eyes open ALL THE TIME! :-D

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I think these types of people would only change their minds if the ABC did a volte - face. The awakened know that’s not going to happen. Then there’s the other cohort who couldn’t change their minds even if the ABC told them the truth. They’re gone. Unreachable. Embedded in their delusions. I am lucky in that my family didn’t give me a hard time for not taking the poison. Most of them didn’t take it either. In April 2020 I sent out an email saying if you take this deathvax you will be putting a nail in your own coffin as well as mine. Most of them still talk to me but quite frankly if they had chosen not to I’d consider it as a quick sorting out process.

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I find even starting to state any facts at all sets them off.

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Facts? FACTS? They're not facts! It's propaganda! It's not even from a government website!

You're a conspiracy theorist! You should be locked up!! You're dangerous!

...sound familiar...?!

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Like you I’m utterly shocked. I too sent out heaps of information to family and friends from April 2020 onwards, from highly educated scientists and doctors, stating why the jabs were dangerous, but they still got jabbed. They’d rather listen to a paid, non medical, news reader than someone who knew what they were talking about. I couldn’t believe it, still can’t. In fact I think I went into post traumatic stress disorder for a while. Do you get angry with them, in your mind only I mean?

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I only get angry with the ones who defend, defend, defend and be dicks about it… mostly it is feeling sorry for those with good hearts, but don’t trust themselves to think about science stuff. There’s ignorant, and then there’s willful ignorance.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The media in Australia is completely captured and runs only doom and gloom stories about people getting Covid. Despite deaths that even the TGA admits are due to the vaccine not a single MSM outlet has covered them and there has not been a single MSM article on vax injuries. Gotta be seen to be believed.

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Yep- never thought I’d see it in this country. I’m totally gob-smacked.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm an Aussie who has lived in Asia for the past 23 years. Unfortunately, I can say that many of my brothers and sisters there are living in denial. When I have sent data strongly indicating that all is not well with the 'vaccine' program, they turn the other way and whistle Dixie. Their critical thinking has been taken offline.

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I think that this horror has demonstrated beyond any doubt that the critical thinking capacity was not there in the first place!

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I think you're right - it just wasn't tested in such a high stakes game before

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Sounds like not enough Australians have been vaccinated yet. Once they reach 100 percent compliance, things should turn around.

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Yep, very much like the "beatings will continue until the morale improves!".

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It's funny 'coz it's true!

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100% of people is not enough they’re moving on to livestock.


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I know. If you want meat it'll be 'grow your own animals and slaughter them yourself' soon enough. They're doing pilot studies right now. It's terrible :-(

I guess the line of thinking of 'Surely the farmers will balk at it when so many of their cattle die post-jab' will have as much as an impact as 'Can't you see that these people are all dying because they've been jabbed!'...

Get used to less meat in your diets, people, unless you want contaminated meat in your bodies. Because THIS is how they're going to have people eating insects. It's a bit hard to eat beef when 90% of the cattle are dead.

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Prepare for mystery disease forcing ‘us’ to cull all livestock

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Numbers are indicating 95% of Auusie population has had 2 or more doses.

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What age group?

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16+ IIRC

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So most of the unvaxxed may be younger than that, the deaths would be in the elderly vaxxed. Seems odd there wouldn’t be any hospitalizations a,ong elderly too frail to get a vax , but maybe they jab all the ones in the hospital and let the rest die at home.

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More likely that they're making up all the numbers....

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I think so. Did a quick look at Australian vaccination rate yesterday. I think it’s overstated but still pretty high.


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110% vaccination rate should do it!

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If Aussies are anything like Canadians, I say they won't wake up.

This scenario is ripe to start scapegoating the unvaccinated again.

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I live here (Sydney, NSW). 3 years driving a public bus, including to COVID clinics at the Royal Prince Alfred & Concord Hospital.

0 vaccines received

0 positive tests

0 days off work due to 'COVID' illness

0 s**ts given about the propaganda

0 crowds observed at COVID clinics

The vax is hospitalising/killing them. 'COVID' is just a useful scapegoat.

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Hi Igor, I keep posting the following to you but it disappears of substack? So trying a reply to a thread to see if works. Finding lots of jabbed with sore right heels, always the right. Equal ratio male/female. Over 40s, some exercise some don’t. Never heard of this before, but since Xmas I keep attending incidents, it’s not their main complaint but it’s brought up, so now I ask, the numbers are too many to be just a coincidence. You hearing anything?

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Wow! Are you blood group O?

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Now that would be too perfect! Ha! (A neg)

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

“0 s**ts given about the propaganda”

Look forward to catching your bus 👍


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I was one of the unmasked ones for the last 3 years 👍

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Getting back to what happened in Australia, and why...

From 1970 onwards, two countries were particulary targeted by the globalists, Australia and Canada. This is because both nations have most resources necessary to run an independent economy. Thus, they could one day turn their back on free trade and develope barricade industrial economies, which cannot be attacked with punishing trade sanctions. Both countries would be expensive to invade and occupy militarily, so they had to be captured a different way.

Canada was captured during the Diefenbaker regime, handed over to the City of London on a plate. It was lost way back then. And is doubly lost today. Canada cannot be revived.

Australia was being handled by increasingly controlled politicians, beginning with Menzies, and the City of London and Tavistock Institute believed "Mission Accomplished" when Gough Whitlam was elected, he being a graduate of Oxford/London School of Economics and part of the Fabian Socialist agenda.

But Whitlam was no fool and he was a patriot, and he realised that Pine Gap and other US bases were being used against Australian interests. He discovered that the CIA had agents in the country, turning it over to US globalist interests: Doug Anthony (leader of the National Party, Bob Hawke (President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions), Sir Peter Ables (TNT), John Kerr (Governor General), and Sir Arthur Tange (permanent Head of Canberra's Commonwealth Department of Administrative Affairs).

Whitlam was due to release the list of traitors to Parliament on 11 November 1975 and the CIA and MI6 worked together to deliver a coup d'tat. Democratically elected Whitlam was sacked.

The brains behind the coup was Rupert Murdoch, having two years previously become a US citizen and sponsored by ultra-globalist David Rockefeller. From that moment on, truth was 100% repressed and Australians became a nation of brainwashed illiterates whose bodies and brains have been smashed by vaccines, toxic food additives, nutritionless foods, fluoride, rBGH and rBST, GMO foods, sugar, and alcohol.

Free-to-air TV news and entertainment requiring cerebral engagement has been replaced by reality TV and woke indoctrination. Australians are now predominently feminised organic robots who just do as they are told. In the NT, around 20% resist the takeover but in other states the battle has clearly been lost. North Queensland and the Kimberly are still fighting back.

As with other western nations, the globalist-engendered pre-programming of responding to oppression and democide with "non-violent peaceful protest" has led 95% to the point that they will eventually form a procession, singing of the triumph of universal love all the way to the killing fields.

The biggest mistake the Resistance made was not realisng that the media is actually running the entire globalist/mRNA campaign. Rupert Murdoch is its leader but he cunningly defers guilt to Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Bourla, Tedros and other expendible patsys.

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OMG Tony, it all makes sense now, thank you!

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Thanks, Marta. If you really want to know where this is going, I have a website for this purpose at oziz4oziz.com/ (How Australia was Globalised). If you are a glutton for punishment and you want to feel how the corrupt closed in, there is a novel titled The Lost Track, which also explains Aboriginal culture as it really was and is today. The novel is free in PDF from tonyryan43@gmail.com

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Read an interesting report that pomegranate peel extract helps against vaccine damage.

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That’s interesting, do you know how it’s prepared?

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I don’t. I’m going to dry the peels and powderize them in a food processor and make a tea.

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The following Substack article, by a nutritionist, talks about pomegranate. Perhaps you can contact her via comments...


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I looked it up on Amazon and they have it but it looks like a skincare product?!

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In my research, I’ve found that you can steep the powder in hot water for tea, or mix it into a paste and apply it to the skin for skin care remedies.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I have observed that anything to do with Covid or the vax is becoming taboo. I think there is a silent never to be spoken acknowledgment but not really an ‘awakening’...

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Thanks Igor....as an Australian who has followed the bureacratic malfeasance, and the narcisistic arrogance of idiots like " health Hazzard " and the rest of the National Cabinet, the TGA ,the PM and every single moronic underqualified health minister to execute their roles as " useful idiots " of the WEF , the FDA and the US administrative state , I am not sure whether to laugh or cry at these numbers. It was deliberate , and so many have been harmed, it's hard to immagine how they could have done anything more despotic than being party to the fraudulent " plandemic" and all it's brutality, but especially the " experimental gene altering drugs masquerading as vaccines", that are now killing and incapacitating Australians ( vaxxed) at an alarming rate. Geert was right.....and I have spent the last 2 years challenging all of the above morons, with real science, real expert opinion and facts.....but as in the rest of the world, there is only one narrative, theirs....I sure hope all the clowns from this global circus are rounded up, stripped of their titles and locked away.....preferrably in the lyon's cage.....!🙈🙏

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