No, that should include every medico that administered or recommended the jabs and all the Federal and State officials that have been part of this horror. Greg Hunt spent a ton of money to get the Pfizer and Moderna jabs to Oz when it is was already known that they were not safe. He needs to be made an example of to ensure that no one ever gets to try this again.
And dont forget the media & the judiciary + stupid businesses who ruined the economy & the lives, jobs, health and income of most employees via blind mandates!
Absolutely - the media have been the propaganda arm of the big Harma and the totalitarian scumbags in government. All business boards & "leaders" need to be held not just criminally but financial responsible for enforcing jabbing when the government did not mandate it.
Everyone appears as though they have Never heard of Jane Halton and her connection to the "plandemic"
She was the Federal Pandemic Response "officer" appointed by none other than Scott Morrison;
Both Greg Hunt and Jane Halton held advisory roles within WEF;
Jane Halton attended the infamous "Event 201" hosted by none other than The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation that had a "desk top pandemic response game" around Oct2019 if i remember right; Pretty sure it was october;
Event 201 "imagined" a pandemic caused a by "Corona-Virus".......Jane gave her 2 cents worth on how "they" might go about "marketing the vaccines while the market was ready".....
Jane Halton is the Mother-In-Law of Victoria's very own Brett Sutton;
Brett Sutton's father is or was on the Board Of Directors within the IMF;
Jane Halton also had (has) major Share Holder rights on the board of The Crown Hotels chain, you know, The Chain of Hotels that were given the "responsibility" of quarantining Australians returning from overseas at the beginning of the Plandemic.......The chain of hotels where the first "bungling" led to an alleged 800 deaths in Victoria;
It is obvious that Jane Halton gave the WEF's instructions to ScoMo who then passed the instructions along to the Chain of Filth known as Premiers and Chief Health Officers of Australia
That is only part of the story. It would take years to cover all the filth that is now suffocating Oz. Have a look at who is running things for the Pfizer plant to be built outside Melbourne - hint: someone very, very close to Andrews. I am sure that everyone is going to keep on pretending that it is all a .. coincidence. What I found most infuriating is that the Liberal Party, as in the party that is supposed to be more conservative and follow the constitution, funded ALL of the abuses and the Covid horror. If anyone needed anymore proof that the Liberal Party and Labor are two sides of the same coin, there you have it. All the politicians and their connections are totally corrupt and need to be held accountable.
You could lead me in the direction regarding the "plant" being built in Melbourne; My "net" and my search abilities are compromised i think;
Left, Right, Liberal, Labor, One Nation and the rest of it, is a game to keep the population thinking they have choices when it comes time to voting; If voting meant anything, we wouldn't be "allowed" to participate;
Just as i am sure that the MSM are now starting to report the facts about vaccine harms are just another distraction to keep us from getting to the heart of all that is wrong in this country Australia and how this happening agenda is able to continue;
We have an Unlawful Corporate establishment calling itself AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT pretending to be working for The People and the sooner The People of this once well respected and Great Nation wake up to this deception, the sooner we can take back control of Our Lives and Our Nation;
We have all that we need to Stand Up and take back Our Country within The Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of Australia (1900UK) and Chapter 12 (1901) of the same
I think the way back is doing it the same way the current scum have done it - local and then expand. Put your hand up for local election and then bring more people in the councils that are likeminded. Always legal and always local first. It will take a long time but it can be done. To be honest, out side is out of the game because our side always assumed that the people being elected will do something good along with the bad - that is clearly no longer the case. I am trying my hand at the local Liberal party machine. Will see how it goes.
As far as the plant goes, it is built after lobbying from Andrew's brother who is on the board of Pfizer Australia. I am sure Dan put up a hard fight over it....
Mate, while you no doubt have good intentions, being part of the machine will not stop the machine from running over well intention-ed people....the machine is remote controlled and the Left, Right, Liberal, Labour paradigm that is forced unto us is naught but a game of divide and conquer; It is all the same card player with a deck in every hand.....
Honestly, you might want to give some thought on the difference between Law and LEGAL; They are two entirely different realms;
As for Councils, if you happen to do some research you will no doubt find that "Council" is a third tier of GovCo that was voted against in 3 separate referendums and yet "they" still forced it onto us; There is nothing Lawful about council mate;
Stick with The Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of Australia (1900UK) and Chapter 12 (1901) as a place of solid ground to begin with;
Start calling out Council for being the Unlawful entity that it is
Sounds like an option for voting but I did hear there was a meeting of all mayors from around the world to be part of the plans they have in mind.
Does not surprise me Andrews brother is involved, they keep it all in the family, mates and distant relatives who they think they can trust. Brain washed them when they are young to be part of the elite.
Dec 7, 2022 · Construction on Moderna’s first factory in the southern hemisphere is underway within Monash Technology Precinct, Monash University announced on Wednesday. An agreement between the Victorian and federal governments and Moderna was made public in March this year – before the change of federal government – and finalised in August.
and yet Monash University claimed to have been doing "independent" studies on the Cov19 "vaccines"......
Does the Board of Directors have any questions to answer when it comes time for the biggest "judicial inquiry" that Australia will likely never witness?
Mark, I've been trying to get a sense of what Monash U is all about. On the one hand, I hear it's a great university, but, on the other, it seems to be an indoctrination center for global capitalists. Do you have any info on the university?
Great summary on Jane. I am sure you know she is chair of Gates' CEPI though she was representing ANZ at Event 201. She was appointed to run a project to assess Australia's Covid response recently. Her role at CEPI surely compromises that. She was Commissioner of Australia's National Covid--19 Commission. Before all that was chair of the people Smuggling Task Force under Howard that batted away all questions about the very dubious drowning of 340 people on the SiEV X. She was then rewarded by becoming Howard's Secretary for Health and Ageing 2001-15 and Secretary of Finance 2015-17. There is hardly a board in Australia she hasn't clambered on to. In short, she is a monster
True, all too very true; Thanks for going back a bit regarding the tentacles of Jane;
She is indeed a monster from the deep and i stand by my observation; That she is the "conductor" of all things Cov19 in Australia and we need to get this monster into a small room and poke at it until it starts squirting its ink.......
The 800 deaths was not because they all got covid, it was pure neglect. These murderers are so evil, it makes me sick to know how intwined this whole thing is.
Yes, and that included my daughter, who wasn't even GOING into the US. She was flying to Canada --but because she is an unjabbed non-US citizen, she had to forego a flight that merely had a stopover in NYC en route to Toronto.
It's not about health, and probably never was. At this stage, it's just vindictive harassment.
The US and China are the only two countries requiring the jabs for entry into the country. Let that sink in - the US is using the same approach as China. The corpse is basically persecuting those travellers that respect the rules in place whereas at the border with Mexico, anyone able to walk can simply walk in.
Land border crossings don’t check jab status as far as I know (still have not tried) but might ask but don’t verify. Flying in is impossible and yes it’s a pain even if you are just connecting to an outbound international destination in the US. Ugh
There was new wording on the extension to April however. It is now referring to non US inbound carriers. Sooooo flying in on US domestic carriers is ok unvaxxed??? However try telling that to CBP agents. Lol
One of my pure blood friends confirmed this last month. Drove across, had to fly from Bellingham instead of Vancouver, but cheaper flight to LV anyway.
By the letter of their “policy”, one only goes through the CBP at the actual port of entry, whether it be land, airport or seaport. So, there is no check at Bellingham, or any other place where someone would board for a US domestic flight.
I’ve heard as well that the land crossings are not asking the Vax status too, but also concerned that almost all of that is second and third hand knowledge, posted by many fellow Purebloods on sites like this. Curious how valid that truly is.
I would hate to book flights and accommodations, flying out of any US airport, just to be denied at the border by that one jerk CBP agent. That would be a quick loss of $5K.
I honestly don’t think he cares - yes, he would dearly love to compete at this level but he is a TRUE HERO in my opinion for CALLING THE LIES OUT and seeking to protect his family and loved ones!
YES!!!! That’s what I’ve been saying as well. Can you imagine if everyone said NO? My bf and I both lost our jobs. I was at my place of employment 23 years, him, 17 years.
Exactly...and God is within us all and yet most gave over their Will to continue obeying some man made cockamamie bunch of rules that have No Basis in Law afforded us all with Our God Given Inalienable Rights
Isn't it interesting that these perps accuse God of being a moral monster when the real imposters masquerading as public health advocates have committed more evil than any time in history. This collective worldwide evil has been and is committed by the real moral monsters right here on earth. As Martin Luther so eloquently wrote, "And though this world with devils filled should threaten to undo us, we will not fear for God has willed his truth to triumph through us". ....5.47 Billion people have been vaccinated. I would say the end is nearer then ever before and the evil one has begin his last push to take as many people captive as possible before his final end.
The problem is that there has been a de education of Constitutional Law going on since 1974 through the school system in tandem with environmental and propganda polution, google grooming and OECD UN corporate policies.
I know with absolute certainty that you are correct in your observation;
I was in 5th grade primary school at the time; And i can say with hand over heart that i was never educated at any time in my school years about The Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of Australia; Nor do I recall ever being taught on the fact that Australia even had a Constitution;
What i do recall once I was in high school is that we were given "elective subjects" on history and language; There were No electives about Australian History but I do recall World History. I chose Art instead as History was included in the Arts i think; Language was another where there was nothing about Australia or Aborigine; If i recall correct the choices were French, German and American Literature,,,, i failed miserably at German;
The propaganda machine about pending environmental disasters and the OECD solutions had not started in school by the time I left
In the UK, enough doctors said no that the government had to backtrack. But I also heard that Dan Andrews was fine with firing 6000 nurses so it seems a lot DID say no but even Sky News refused to report on mandates and job losses due to mandates so nobody knew what was happening.
There are many nurses who wanted to say no but were afraid of losing their houses and not being able to feed their kids. I have a nurse friend who is fighting against not having the 3rd and said she will leave over 30 years experience to the new recruits who know nothing. She also said it is chaos in hospitals.
Stay in the Good fight mate; You will be wanted and needed; I too am in the fight and will be until i draw my last breath;
I also had challenges from my local "pharmacist" who i did consider to be a friend until i walked in without a muzzle over my nose and mouth; He wasn't wearing one when i walked in and it wasn't until he approached the front counter that he decided to slip his muzzle on and attempt to berate me.....i told him of studies proving that the "masks" do absolutely nothing and may even induce illness's and that being a man of medicine, he should look it up so we can lead by example in our small town........he went off his head and banned me from the chemist i had been going to for over 10 years;
Sky News was "all in" on the mandates, lock downs and forced vaccinations for a long time into the scam narrative and censored dissenting voices and comments on their YouTube channel......and now they claim to be on moral high ground; And, as you rightly point out, they never want to "investigate" any of the peadophile politicians or the suppressed police documents regarding the 28 known high profile peadophiles;
Sky News hang your head in shame; You may claim to be fighting the good fight NOW but we will not forget your past
So many (too many) have no idea about The Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of a matter of my own observation, way too many "Australians" have no idea we Have a Constitution full stop; You are with me (or i am with you) in the thought and remedy to this mess we (as a collective of People) have endured so miserably for the last 3 years.......Returning to The Constitutional Commonwealth Of Australia that was stolen from Australia[ns] in 1973
The ASIO Amendment bill 2020 introduced to Parliament by then Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton on Wednesday May 13, 2020 made it easier for ASIO to install tracking devices in a person's bag or car without the approval of anyone outside the organisation.
Among the many treasures in this innocently titled bill are oral arrest warrants – including for children (s.34B). Questioning warrants that allow anyone between the age of 14 to 18 in relation to politically motivated violence, to be detained and questioned can be issued orally, ignoring the need for nasty paper trails which could later prove inconvenient in court
"Mr Dutton said it would only apply to teenagers suspected of engaging in terrorist attacks, not espionage or other examples of foreign interference".
Failed spymaster 007 Dutton thus condoned teenage spying as acceptable under his watch
Opposition Leader Peter Craig Dutton a failed spy master.
Dutton began telling reporters it was important for security agencies to deal with threats from both rightwing and leftwing “lunatics”.
“If somebody is going to cause harm to Australians, I just don’t care whether they’re on the far right, far left, somewhere in between, they will be dealt with,” the home affairs minister said. “And if the proliferation of information into the hands of rightwing lunatics or leftwing lunatics is leading to a threat in our country, then my responsibility is to make sure our agencies are dealing with it and they are.”
Australia with just 25 million people, has tax payers funding some 20 federal security agencies, manned by public servants terrified of making decisions that may reflect on career prospects, imagine the information blockade and false flags flying from these duplicated bureaucratic empire fortresses.
The Cyber Security sector employs 26,500 who fail to protect sensitive data from international hackers. ASIO has around 2000 staff. Nearly every day there are media reports of a business or government quango being hacked.
There have been 41 counter terrorism operations in Australia with 93 people charged but no stats on convictions was available.
The USA reported in 2010, there are 1,271 government organisations, 1,931 private companies with 854,000 people holding top-secret clearances working on counter terrorism and homeland security for a population of 332 million people
This ASIO Bill is about the 90th such piece of legislation passed following the 2001 New York attacks. And there are around 10 more civil rights-eroding bills before federal parliament.
One of those pending is the Identify and Disrupt Bill. Another Dutton special, this aims to enhance the abilities of the AFP and the Australian Crime Intelligence Commission to sweep the internet for anonymous operators and take over their online accounts.
Dutton is only the latest architect piecing together this ever-encroaching internal surveillance system that’s been propagated upon the pretext of a perceived foreign terrorist threat that’s never really come to fruition on these shores.
The closest such incident was the Lindt Café siege, which was the work of a mentally unsound local playing the ISIS apparition, rather than any real overseas operators. But despite this, NSW police were given shoot-to-kill powers in response to guard against any purported future terrorism.
Just like his predecessor George Brandis, Christian Porter is part of the surveillance state legislating act. In 2018, the attorney general oversaw the passing of laws permitting the easy deployment of the Australian and international defence forces for domestic incidents, and lately, he’s done the same with ADF reservists.
Indeed, over the last two years, it’s also come to the fore that home affairs minister Dutton is itching to set the nation’s international spying agency – the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) – upon his own citizens.
And following the leaking of such rumours to the press, the AFP went on to raid the Canberra residence of journalist Annika Smethurst for breaking the news.
Disgraced former Labor senator Sam Dastyari
Disgraced Labor politician Sam Dastyari, of Iranian origin, from 2013 to 2018 represented NSW in the Australian Senate. In November 2014 Dastyari declared a Chinese company, linked to the Chinese government, had provided him with $44,000 to settle legal bills by providing counter-surveillance advice. Dastyari's net wealth as of December 2022 is $5 Million, but he is not in jail for treason or espionage.
Tens of thousands public servants, defence force personnel and government contractors are required to undergo security checking before accessing confidential government information as do Ministerial staff. Government ministers are not required to clear ASIO scrutiny.
Big brother is alive and very well enjoying continued support from the voting public allowing the nation to retain subservient status to our unaccountable, lying, corrupt political masters.
I read comments on Australian MSM websites last year. There were comments that were literally calling for "anti-vaxxers" to be exterminated that stayed up.
Clive James was right, you aren't a nation of prisoners you are a nation of prison guards.
There was glimmer of hope a few weeks back - an article in promoting the boosters had a substantial number of "I am not getting anymore of these jabs" comments. Then you see masked morons shopping and it is back to square one.
The PR Team can turn them on a dime -- a few shots of a busy ICU (filled with 4x booster wankers of course)... and the fools will be queued up for more Rat Juice
They do not need to even go that far. The GPs still push the jabs without being prodded to do so. There is stupid and then there are the Covid cultists who are out to prove that they really are without peer in idiocy. Doing a fine job everyday unfortunately.
Why do we care if they want to keep injecting the Rat Juice? And by 'they' I mean everyone who insists on boosting including friends and family?
I guarantee you that 'they' - including friends and family --- would be very pleased if you -- the crazed conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxer --- ended up in hospital with Covid. They would just love to say 'I told you so'... (odds of that happening of course are as we know ... zero)
So f789 them. Enough of listening to their insults -- their excuses -- their parroting of CNNBBC lies.
No more frustration. No more arguing with the fools. No more warning them.
Let them do it. Say nothing. And when the go down ... leave them to suffer.
They made their choice - over and over and over... they made excuses insisting it was never the vax when others crashed and burned.
We need to be done with this. F789 them. Leave them rotting with their VAIDS... their cancers... their never-ending flus... their strokes and heart attacks... and when they even after they get burned say - no it wasn't the vax - it could happen to anyone... agree with them -- ya probably not the vax - healthy people have heart attacks all the time ...
Then tell them ya you should get the next booster -- especially now that you have that damaged body ... now it's even more important to protect yourself.
I've come to the same conclusion; I am over trying to inform the sheep that it's best to stay away from the pen come drenching time;
We that stayed out of the pen where ridiculed, shunned, banished from everywhere and called all sorts of derogatory nouns by not only the narrators, but also by the people we were trying to warn; They also detested us for being "super-spreaders" while we were out fighting for not only our inalienable rights and freedoms, but theirs as well;
The inoculated called for the "unwashed" to be arrested, detained, gaoled, fined and forced into quarantine to "keep them safe" and so they can have their "freedom" back; They even accepted that the bashing and shooting of protestors was for "the greater good";
I say the vast majority of the inoculated are getting, and will continue to get, exactly what they deserve and signed up for;
I am a spiritual man and i wish no Harm on another Being but that does not mean that i am obligated to feel sorry for the fools who walk with blindfolds and earmuffs as they trudge through life sprouting venom from the one orifice that they should keep closed
There is a quite a lot to be said about your comments and I agree internally with them. If people at their point need to defend their actions about the continuation of the boosts, let them continue their demise. I do feel for the innocent who have been roped in. Maybe this is the 'gift' of free will that we all have been given. We all use that gift in different ways. Some have chosen a different path to speed up their demise of this short existence in this current lifetime.... Something to ponder....
You are completely, 100% correct - they made their choice and they will eventually get to see "live" the consequences. My only point is that if there is chance to sway some from time to time, I will try to put in the minimum effort. This is because these imbeciles will gladly go for more of the same and when (not if) the next plandemic hits, we need as many in our camp as possible. More of us will make it less likely to go to enforced jabbing.
Sounds like you do not have children, grandchildren, or parents. I appreciate your attitude about this but it is difficult to get to that point of no return when loved lives are at risk. But you are probably right. They have not listened so far. I have done all I can.
Eventually, they will all be dead and only us “pure bloods” will be left (and maybe a few ppl who escaped the harm for one reason or another, but they won’t be “pure blood”.)
I really don't think it matters anymore how many additional injections The Vax get now. Looks like 2 jabs and some "breakthrough infections" or 3 (or more) jabs destroys their immune systems. No one is going to live very long with damaged (non-functioning) immune systems. They are all dead. We can't save them.
I think that your evaluation of the situation is more pessimistic than what I think will turn out in the end. 3 jabs is definitely sufficient to do irreversible damage to the innate immune system as well as let any cancers that were previously under control to advance very aggressively. The question is how much time the recipients have before things get really nasty for them. The question is what is the difference between AIDS and VAIDS? People with HIV now live relatively normal lives for extended periods of time and my hope is that some cocktail of drugs can be organized for those with jab damage. If the heart tissue is damaged then, yes, it is a matter of time because as far as I know, the tissue scarring is not repairable.
This article by Iror is the Sickle on top of the Grimm Reapers cake in my mind (and others). Two recent studies... IgG3 going bye bye and IgG4 becoming dominant in The Vax is a death sentence. No one will survive very long with an immune system like this. It is just not possible. I am not the first one to say this: The lucky ones will die right away.
I have read a couple of articles that discuss the same issue that was highlighted by Igor and I agree that the findings are scary to say the least. However, I do think that the effect will vary with each person and the process will take a long time. If the process was fast, we would see a fatality rate unlike nothing that we have had yet. Moreover, the disability rate seems to be stabilising rather than increasing. That is a good thing if we want a world which is still functioning in some fashion. If the excess deaths and disability rates pick up, then we will be looking at a dystopian world but thankfully that is not happening as far as I can tell.
The fact that anyone in the medical community would argue for jabbing people while the virus was still spreading shows that the medical community is lead by psychos and idiots. The French Noble prize winner that passed away last year was apoplectic about the very idea. He could not understand how anyone would do something so stupid and he called the whole thing a massive crime. The million dollar question is whether or not any of the mutations will turn the current virus into something with a high lethality. Vanden Bossche has been accurate in his assessment that the jabbing will drive the increased turn over in the virus variants. However, his prediction that one variant will be more lethal by attacking the lungs as the original strain while targeting the jabbed has not materialized thankfully. So far. Will it happen? Based on past pandemics, I would say that the chance is very small - the trend for all viruses is to be more infectious but less pathogenic over time.
Yes, I agree that they all have VAIDS to some degree. Moreover, I think that all MRNA jabbed people also have subclinical myocarditis. Will these two be deadly in 5 or 10 years? Probably but not at a high rate. I think that the whole process will take decades and by then, the unjabbed population will have a replacement effect that will make the dystopian scenarios very unlikely.
Here in Melbourne, I only see Asians masked when shopping, nobody else. Doctors require masking and people comply but I also notice warnings being put up about threatening staff so they are clearly getting some pushback.
It’s not just Oz my friend, it appears the western world remains within the Covid fear narrative, and continues to discount anything contrary. There is hope in that Rasmussen US poll, that the tide is slowly turning, but at a snail’s pace.
That said, places like Oz, Canada, NZ remain very tightly controlled by Big Brother government and controlled media, to keep the sheeple fearful and controlled. The good news, is booster uptake of the bivalent juice has been poor. Maybe the message is really getting out there, and the masses are quietly questioning the safety of the Quackzine
The fact that there has been any of sort of bi-valent booster uptake is very, very disturbing. I wonder which one they took? The octo-mouse one or the deci-mouse one? Why would anyone take something that has been tested on only a handful of mice which, by the way, got the bug AND then some died as well? What I am missing here?
This is an ongoing sub-text of a RW blog I frequent here at home. Most conservatives are critical thinkers, but a small minority are not. One such individual on the blog, is a diehard quaxxer. It’s a mystery how someone could be doubting everything a leftwing government does, but is completely obedient to said government’s health orders, “Experts have approved these v accines!”
He could be just a paid for troll, they are everywhere on social media.
Anyways, the ordinary, indifferent citizen is not a critical thinker, they don’t look in depth at very much beyond their immediate interests…..and……they TRUST the government, especially if they voted for them. Simple as that, and, “Experts approved them”. Sad. Martin Armstrong recently stated that this generation of heads of state in the western world are the most unintelligent he has encountered. He’s right, and it’s not even close. Between Castreau, Bidinh, Bojo, Sunak, Ardern, the Germans, Macron, etc, etc, etc, it’s an easy deduction
If any aliens came around and looked at our "leaders" their conclusion would be that there is NO sign of intelligence on the planet. As far as "the experts approved them", it is actually worse than that. Way to many people believe the "factcheckers" because they are not capable of any form of thinking. I had an argument with a colleague (double boosted and masked, of course) on the fact checking of the epidemiologist at Oxford who said the lockdowns are insane and will cause orders of magnitude more damage than the virus itself. "It has been fact checked multiple times and it is not true!" My reply was simple - "What are the credentials of the fact checkers? How much experience do they have in the field to even comment, let alone evaluate the statements made by the lady from Oxford? If they had the actual knowledge, do you think that they would be doing fact checking for a social media platform rather than practice medicine or work as medical consultants?" The penny dropped in this instance and I have not heard any fact checking or debunking comments from him since. Unfortunately, he is now distressed that his booster may be wearing off and he wants another one.
Yep. Martin Armstrong is terrific. He also said he thinks Charles will be the last monarch of England. Sometimes I worry for Martin- I would have thought he’d be a marked man by now.
They’re ignorant. So are most of the doctors who gave the shots. But, as you say, they’re not ignorant anymore. A lot of people I speak to know of those who have been injured.
Ignorance will not be accepted as an excuse when the accountability part of the process comes around (I think we moved from "deny everything" to "some may have been affected but there are very few such case and anyway, we saved lots of lives" BS stage).
Up in northern NSW, you visit the towns around the place and even Lismore still has about 1/10 people masked in stores. You just know these people are at least triple jabbed, possibly up to dose 5. Amazing they can still walk places...
I don't think people ARE waking up in Oz, either. It's Crazy Land.
I agree, we're at the point of no return. And just because SO FAR there's not much of a hospitalisation risk difference between 1 & 3 doses (compared to having taken 4 doses), is it going to remain that way in 6 month's time, or even 3 month's time? I doubt it. I think the risk of hospitalisation & death will get worse because of being covid jabbed. That's my prediction.
People are generally chilled out and doing their thing in the Northern Rivers, but if the govt cracks down again, I bet you anything those masks will be popped back on, and people will line up to get their next lot of jabs. We're NOWHERE near a revolution in this country :-(
I have a friend who is a Kiwi who lives in Australia.
My imagination of Australians conjures up hard asses like Merv Hughes, hairy arse gorillas who work in coal mines or who farm sheep in the desert. Men who wrestle crocodiles. Real men. Hard men.
My friend assures me that none of this is true anymore and that Australians are the most pussified people on the planet these days (I don't know whether to believe him or not, he is after all a Kiwi).
I do know that Aussie Rules is a proper man's sport though, so hopefully that hasn't changed.
Hard men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times. Australia has had uninterrupted good times for 40 or 50 years. Australians have become soft, and the softest amongst them have their hands on the levers of power - bureaucratic, political and corporate.
Canada is circling the drain too. Too much affluence and too many 'good times' for too long. We had no problems, so, we elected one. Thing is, we are now paying dearly for that election, but most people don't even know it. The band just keeps playing while the Titanic takes on terrifying amounts of water.
A Canadian that totally agrees. I'd say that many of us have become quite "pussified". Love that word by the way.
We've made life so easy that we spend our time worrying about feelings and gender dysphoria and other such things. Our PM is the worst of the worst. Not very bright, a bad actor and a finger wagger.
Exactly so. Take as an example pussies fretting over and enduring record carbon taxes for climate change that doesn't even exist. Remember acid rain? Polar bear extinction? Rising sea levels gonna wipe out the coasts? ('that your mansion on the beach, O'Bama?)
The top video (of a crowd of people) is a compilation of the "persuasion" people underwent to take the jab. There's a small clip of Trudeau that is the stuff of nightmares. Once you see it, you can't unsee it, so be warned.
I was working with my Kiwi mate (he's an ex investment banker who has worked for some of the biggest banks in the world at very senior levels).
He introduced me to an Australian company with an absolutely amazing technology that needed more funding. I introduced them to the biggest private venture capital company in the world that I had worked with before. These arseholes thought they were king of the castle, it was embarrassing.
I told the CEO I could salvage his screw up, but he would need to start paying me for consultancy. I told him when I was available and how much it would cost. He bragged about how it was "New Years" and how he was having a party for 100 people. He dicked me around so I gave him what-for and copied in every interested party in the email. Turns out, he was embezzling investor money to fund a lavish lifestyle. He lasted for about another month after that.
Yeah, not really interested in doing business with Aussie companies after that. Also, don't screw with me in business, because chances are, I can screw with you ten times the other way.
Maybe; however, 4 decades ago Australian babies were not used as pin cushions. They also had not had their food supply poisoned to nearly the same degree - GLYPHOSATE has been (slowly) killing us for at least a couple of decades. Not to mention plastics, non-ionising radiation etc etc etc. Unsurprisingly, the scientists/researchers who complained that glyphosate/microwave radiation were definitely not safe, suffered the same fate as many today - they were not following The Science™.
Men ARE much softer these days! The last thing I want my husband to do is wear pointy, shiny shoes, slick his hair back, wear a tight, shiny suit and prance his way to a slick office job where he does make-work all day.
Luckily for me he's currently out, wearing loose, scruffy cargo pants, a work shirt and buying screws and things like that so he can finish building our shed ha ha! Yes, he does metadata work (geeky IT stuff) as well, but you don't need to be hairy as an ape or grunt like a pig to be a 'real man' - but you should be able to stand your ground, protect your family and provide for your family - safely. Taking injections to save your pussy office job doesn't cut it IMO!
I think that quote stated below from TSMe is about right. We've had such 'good times' for so long that the only people who know how to be real people now are those who have had hard childhoods for one reason or another, even if they're currently financially stable. Of course you need to combine this with decent enough intelligence, a general 'lack of trust' in others, an ability to read between the lines, a penchant for kindness and someone who trusts their intuition - and THEN you have a person worth having in your life :-)
"Luckily for me he's currently out, wearing loose, scruffy cargo pants, a work shirt"
Me to a T.
I also have a lumberjack beard and have spent the last few years embracing "being a man". I'm bigger, stronger and fitter than I was when I was in my 20s, and I was really fit in my 20s.
"a general 'lack of trust' in others, an ability to read between the lines, a penchant for kindness and someone who trusts their intuition"
Robyn, there are at least two sides to every coin. The sheeple have accepted the enticements to an easy life taking the toys and fun as if they are entitled to it by birth. They were mislead as children not realising, as they could not with immature thinking and misguidance, that they have remained as children - living in a Disney make believe world of fantasy.
When do we grow up and be both responsible and accountable at least to ourselves and for ourselves? Does it depend upon being shown they way? Does some protector tell us what and when and how? Who shows us the way?
i do not know the answers to these questions. I wish I did. I got shoved into the deep end too early to be superior, and lucky I did not drown in the soup of existence along the way. It has been a hell of a ride and it is tougher now than ever, but head remains above the waterline and for that I am thankful. I am not alone. Oh how lucky to not be alone.
And that is WHY you are alive still! Like me, you did not drown in the deep end! You learned to swim - fast! :-)
It's not been a fun ride, though, has it? Still, it's got us to being alive today. You know, I even THANKED my Mum for her crappy 'parenting' because it has allowed me to survive all this. Trust me when I write that I never thought that would be something I would EVER be thanking her for - but thank her I did! What an upside-down world it is right now. I got tough early enough and questioned early enough and for that, I am now alive, as are my family, as are you. I had good enough people around me who helped me on my path, but I was also willing to listen.
As for who knows if we're shown the way or not, I think people are given many 'chances' to rectify their faults starting with seemingly trivial situations in life, and if we don't right the small ones, the big situations can get us instead. We all have little voices in our head (our conscience?) and a set of morals, to at least some degree, and I think many can ignore that little voice for years, even decades, and get away with it. Others aren't so lucky. However, there is always training to be done in life, and those who are Too Kool For Skool end up being broiled.
Yes, there are always at least 2 sides to a coin, but it is up to us to figure it out along the way. Parents/friends/neighbours/family/strangers can only show us some of the way. Yes, some people seem to get more of a helping hand than others, this is true. Some are born with a 'silver spoon' in their mouth, others have been fighting in the alleyways since they could walk. But both extremes still have lessons to learn. That we are required to do much of the legwork ourselves still stands across the board. And THAT is why we need to be left alone to ponder our thoughts in life, not be ridiculously busy all the time: so that we can take check and then make better decisions in life. We need to stop and listen to our inner voice. Find our individual path. Walk it. Own it. Love it.
Thanks Robin. My dad died from an accident when I was 14 1/2 and that said grow up now to me. Adult shoes were too big but I did not know that then and did the best I could as you do. My mum was for women's rights so would not tolerate a young male leaning on her very much, correctly as I know now. So like you Robyn I had to take responsibility for myself and rely on no one else. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity thrust upon me back then even if I was not too happy about it at first - there was no question as it was step up or collapse and there was nowhere to fall over to. You find quickly there are very few you can rely upon or trust.
They could use William Wallace body to power up the whole of Scotland given how fast it is spinning his grave. My word, what has happened to the Scots?
Dan Andrews and Gladys should be imprisoned. Hope Novak djokovic wins the Australian Open! He is still banned in the US.
Happy New Year Yuri. BTW you were right about everything. I apologize to you on behalf of the entire West.
And Happy Reincarnation!
No, that should include every medico that administered or recommended the jabs and all the Federal and State officials that have been part of this horror. Greg Hunt spent a ton of money to get the Pfizer and Moderna jabs to Oz when it is was already known that they were not safe. He needs to be made an example of to ensure that no one ever gets to try this again.
And dont forget the media & the judiciary + stupid businesses who ruined the economy & the lives, jobs, health and income of most employees via blind mandates!
Absolutely - the media have been the propaganda arm of the big Harma and the totalitarian scumbags in government. All business boards & "leaders" need to be held not just criminally but financial responsible for enforcing jabbing when the government did not mandate it.
Everyone appears as though they have Never heard of Jane Halton and her connection to the "plandemic"
She was the Federal Pandemic Response "officer" appointed by none other than Scott Morrison;
Both Greg Hunt and Jane Halton held advisory roles within WEF;
Jane Halton attended the infamous "Event 201" hosted by none other than The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation that had a "desk top pandemic response game" around Oct2019 if i remember right; Pretty sure it was october;
Event 201 "imagined" a pandemic caused a by "Corona-Virus".......Jane gave her 2 cents worth on how "they" might go about "marketing the vaccines while the market was ready".....
Jane Halton is the Mother-In-Law of Victoria's very own Brett Sutton;
Brett Sutton's father is or was on the Board Of Directors within the IMF;
Jane Halton also had (has) major Share Holder rights on the board of The Crown Hotels chain, you know, The Chain of Hotels that were given the "responsibility" of quarantining Australians returning from overseas at the beginning of the Plandemic.......The chain of hotels where the first "bungling" led to an alleged 800 deaths in Victoria;
It is obvious that Jane Halton gave the WEF's instructions to ScoMo who then passed the instructions along to the Chain of Filth known as Premiers and Chief Health Officers of Australia
That is only part of the story. It would take years to cover all the filth that is now suffocating Oz. Have a look at who is running things for the Pfizer plant to be built outside Melbourne - hint: someone very, very close to Andrews. I am sure that everyone is going to keep on pretending that it is all a .. coincidence. What I found most infuriating is that the Liberal Party, as in the party that is supposed to be more conservative and follow the constitution, funded ALL of the abuses and the Covid horror. If anyone needed anymore proof that the Liberal Party and Labor are two sides of the same coin, there you have it. All the politicians and their connections are totally corrupt and need to be held accountable.
Yes it is only part of the story;
You could lead me in the direction regarding the "plant" being built in Melbourne; My "net" and my search abilities are compromised i think;
Left, Right, Liberal, Labor, One Nation and the rest of it, is a game to keep the population thinking they have choices when it comes time to voting; If voting meant anything, we wouldn't be "allowed" to participate;
Just as i am sure that the MSM are now starting to report the facts about vaccine harms are just another distraction to keep us from getting to the heart of all that is wrong in this country Australia and how this happening agenda is able to continue;
We have an Unlawful Corporate establishment calling itself AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT pretending to be working for The People and the sooner The People of this once well respected and Great Nation wake up to this deception, the sooner we can take back control of Our Lives and Our Nation;
We have all that we need to Stand Up and take back Our Country within The Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of Australia (1900UK) and Chapter 12 (1901) of the same
I think the way back is doing it the same way the current scum have done it - local and then expand. Put your hand up for local election and then bring more people in the councils that are likeminded. Always legal and always local first. It will take a long time but it can be done. To be honest, out side is out of the game because our side always assumed that the people being elected will do something good along with the bad - that is clearly no longer the case. I am trying my hand at the local Liberal party machine. Will see how it goes.
As far as the plant goes, it is built after lobbying from Andrew's brother who is on the board of Pfizer Australia. I am sure Dan put up a hard fight over it....
Mate, while you no doubt have good intentions, being part of the machine will not stop the machine from running over well intention-ed people....the machine is remote controlled and the Left, Right, Liberal, Labour paradigm that is forced unto us is naught but a game of divide and conquer; It is all the same card player with a deck in every hand.....
Honestly, you might want to give some thought on the difference between Law and LEGAL; They are two entirely different realms;
As for Councils, if you happen to do some research you will no doubt find that "Council" is a third tier of GovCo that was voted against in 3 separate referendums and yet "they" still forced it onto us; There is nothing Lawful about council mate;
Stick with The Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of Australia (1900UK) and Chapter 12 (1901) as a place of solid ground to begin with;
Start calling out Council for being the Unlawful entity that it is
Sounds like an option for voting but I did hear there was a meeting of all mayors from around the world to be part of the plans they have in mind.
Does not surprise me Andrews brother is involved, they keep it all in the family, mates and distant relatives who they think they can trust. Brain washed them when they are young to be part of the elite.
Dec 7, 2022 · Construction on Moderna’s first factory in the southern hemisphere is underway within Monash Technology Precinct, Monash University announced on Wednesday. An agreement between the Victorian and federal governments and Moderna was made public in March this year – before the change of federal government – and finalised in August.
and yet Monash University claimed to have been doing "independent" studies on the Cov19 "vaccines"......
Does the Board of Directors have any questions to answer when it comes time for the biggest "judicial inquiry" that Australia will likely never witness?
Mark, I've been trying to get a sense of what Monash U is all about. On the one hand, I hear it's a great university, but, on the other, it seems to be an indoctrination center for global capitalists. Do you have any info on the university?
Is there any studies "independent" anymore, no when they are all funded by big pharma.
Great summary on Jane. I am sure you know she is chair of Gates' CEPI though she was representing ANZ at Event 201. She was appointed to run a project to assess Australia's Covid response recently. Her role at CEPI surely compromises that. She was Commissioner of Australia's National Covid--19 Commission. Before all that was chair of the people Smuggling Task Force under Howard that batted away all questions about the very dubious drowning of 340 people on the SiEV X. She was then rewarded by becoming Howard's Secretary for Health and Ageing 2001-15 and Secretary of Finance 2015-17. There is hardly a board in Australia she hasn't clambered on to. In short, she is a monster
Where there is Jane, there be collusion
Evil, just wants to get her hands on the money without any conscience.
True, all too very true; Thanks for going back a bit regarding the tentacles of Jane;
She is indeed a monster from the deep and i stand by my observation; That she is the "conductor" of all things Cov19 in Australia and we need to get this monster into a small room and poke at it until it starts squirting its ink.......
A perfect example of The Kraken
The 800 deaths was not because they all got covid, it was pure neglect. These murderers are so evil, it makes me sick to know how intwined this whole thing is.
I didn’t realize djokovic was still banned. That is shameful
All unvaxed travellers are banned from entry in the US as far as I know.
Yes, and that included my daughter, who wasn't even GOING into the US. She was flying to Canada --but because she is an unjabbed non-US citizen, she had to forego a flight that merely had a stopover in NYC en route to Toronto.
It's not about health, and probably never was. At this stage, it's just vindictive harassment.
The US and China are the only two countries requiring the jabs for entry into the country. Let that sink in - the US is using the same approach as China. The corpse is basically persecuting those travellers that respect the rules in place whereas at the border with Mexico, anyone able to walk can simply walk in.
The US government is working with the CCP.
The US government is owned by the CCP. There I fixed it for you. :-)
Indonesia will only let in the poisoned as well. And there are heaps of people who go to Bali year round.
I thought that they got rid of their jab requirement. Thanks for update - that makes it three insanely stupid countries in the world.
This is not about health…at all.
If you come here illegally, you don't need a vaxx.
Just sayin'
I think that applies to most countries.....
Unless you’re an illegal alien. Just jump over the wall…what’s left of it.
Land border crossings don’t check jab status as far as I know (still have not tried) but might ask but don’t verify. Flying in is impossible and yes it’s a pain even if you are just connecting to an outbound international destination in the US. Ugh
There was new wording on the extension to April however. It is now referring to non US inbound carriers. Sooooo flying in on US domestic carriers is ok unvaxxed??? However try telling that to CBP agents. Lol
One of my pure blood friends confirmed this last month. Drove across, had to fly from Bellingham instead of Vancouver, but cheaper flight to LV anyway.
By the letter of their “policy”, one only goes through the CBP at the actual port of entry, whether it be land, airport or seaport. So, there is no check at Bellingham, or any other place where someone would board for a US domestic flight.
I’ve heard as well that the land crossings are not asking the Vax status too, but also concerned that almost all of that is second and third hand knowledge, posted by many fellow Purebloods on sites like this. Curious how valid that truly is.
I would hate to book flights and accommodations, flying out of any US airport, just to be denied at the border by that one jerk CBP agent. That would be a quick loss of $5K.
Through April.
I honestly don’t think he cares - yes, he would dearly love to compete at this level but he is a TRUE HERO in my opinion for CALLING THE LIES OUT and seeking to protect his family and loved ones!
YES!!!! That’s what I’ve been saying as well. Can you imagine if everyone said NO? My bf and I both lost our jobs. I was at my place of employment 23 years, him, 17 years.
GOD COMES FIRST! Evil has no place here!
Exactly...and God is within us all and yet most gave over their Will to continue obeying some man made cockamamie bunch of rules that have No Basis in Law afforded us all with Our God Given Inalienable Rights
Isn't it interesting that these perps accuse God of being a moral monster when the real imposters masquerading as public health advocates have committed more evil than any time in history. This collective worldwide evil has been and is committed by the real moral monsters right here on earth. As Martin Luther so eloquently wrote, "And though this world with devils filled should threaten to undo us, we will not fear for God has willed his truth to triumph through us". ....5.47 Billion people have been vaccinated. I would say the end is nearer then ever before and the evil one has begin his last push to take as many people captive as possible before his final end.
The problem is that there has been a de education of Constitutional Law going on since 1974 through the school system in tandem with environmental and propganda polution, google grooming and OECD UN corporate policies.
I know with absolute certainty that you are correct in your observation;
I was in 5th grade primary school at the time; And i can say with hand over heart that i was never educated at any time in my school years about The Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of Australia; Nor do I recall ever being taught on the fact that Australia even had a Constitution;
What i do recall once I was in high school is that we were given "elective subjects" on history and language; There were No electives about Australian History but I do recall World History. I chose Art instead as History was included in the Arts i think; Language was another where there was nothing about Australia or Aborigine; If i recall correct the choices were French, German and American Literature,,,, i failed miserably at German;
The propaganda machine about pending environmental disasters and the OECD solutions had not started in school by the time I left
In the UK, enough doctors said no that the government had to backtrack. But I also heard that Dan Andrews was fine with firing 6000 nurses so it seems a lot DID say no but even Sky News refused to report on mandates and job losses due to mandates so nobody knew what was happening.
There are many nurses who wanted to say no but were afraid of losing their houses and not being able to feed their kids. I have a nurse friend who is fighting against not having the 3rd and said she will leave over 30 years experience to the new recruits who know nothing. She also said it is chaos in hospitals.
Stay in the Good fight mate; You will be wanted and needed; I too am in the fight and will be until i draw my last breath;
I also had challenges from my local "pharmacist" who i did consider to be a friend until i walked in without a muzzle over my nose and mouth; He wasn't wearing one when i walked in and it wasn't until he approached the front counter that he decided to slip his muzzle on and attempt to berate me.....i told him of studies proving that the "masks" do absolutely nothing and may even induce illness's and that being a man of medicine, he should look it up so we can lead by example in our small town........he went off his head and banned me from the chemist i had been going to for over 10 years;
Sky News was "all in" on the mandates, lock downs and forced vaccinations for a long time into the scam narrative and censored dissenting voices and comments on their YouTube channel......and now they claim to be on moral high ground; And, as you rightly point out, they never want to "investigate" any of the peadophile politicians or the suppressed police documents regarding the 28 known high profile peadophiles;
Sky News hang your head in shame; You may claim to be fighting the good fight NOW but we will not forget your past
You have hit the nail on the head mate;
So many (too many) have no idea about The Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of a matter of my own observation, way too many "Australians" have no idea we Have a Constitution full stop; You are with me (or i am with you) in the thought and remedy to this mess we (as a collective of People) have endured so miserably for the last 3 years.......Returning to The Constitutional Commonwealth Of Australia that was stolen from Australia[ns] in 1973
Editor, cairnsnews
Jan 8
The ASIO Amendment bill 2020 introduced to Parliament by then Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton on Wednesday May 13, 2020 made it easier for ASIO to install tracking devices in a person's bag or car without the approval of anyone outside the organisation.
Among the many treasures in this innocently titled bill are oral arrest warrants – including for children (s.34B). Questioning warrants that allow anyone between the age of 14 to 18 in relation to politically motivated violence, to be detained and questioned can be issued orally, ignoring the need for nasty paper trails which could later prove inconvenient in court
"Mr Dutton said it would only apply to teenagers suspected of engaging in terrorist attacks, not espionage or other examples of foreign interference".
Failed spymaster 007 Dutton thus condoned teenage spying as acceptable under his watch
Opposition Leader Peter Craig Dutton a failed spy master.
Dutton began telling reporters it was important for security agencies to deal with threats from both rightwing and leftwing “lunatics”.
“If somebody is going to cause harm to Australians, I just don’t care whether they’re on the far right, far left, somewhere in between, they will be dealt with,” the home affairs minister said. “And if the proliferation of information into the hands of rightwing lunatics or leftwing lunatics is leading to a threat in our country, then my responsibility is to make sure our agencies are dealing with it and they are.”
Australia with just 25 million people, has tax payers funding some 20 federal security agencies, manned by public servants terrified of making decisions that may reflect on career prospects, imagine the information blockade and false flags flying from these duplicated bureaucratic empire fortresses.
The Cyber Security sector employs 26,500 who fail to protect sensitive data from international hackers. ASIO has around 2000 staff. Nearly every day there are media reports of a business or government quango being hacked.
There have been 41 counter terrorism operations in Australia with 93 people charged but no stats on convictions was available.
The USA reported in 2010, there are 1,271 government organisations, 1,931 private companies with 854,000 people holding top-secret clearances working on counter terrorism and homeland security for a population of 332 million people
This ASIO Bill is about the 90th such piece of legislation passed following the 2001 New York attacks. And there are around 10 more civil rights-eroding bills before federal parliament.
One of those pending is the Identify and Disrupt Bill. Another Dutton special, this aims to enhance the abilities of the AFP and the Australian Crime Intelligence Commission to sweep the internet for anonymous operators and take over their online accounts.
Dutton is only the latest architect piecing together this ever-encroaching internal surveillance system that’s been propagated upon the pretext of a perceived foreign terrorist threat that’s never really come to fruition on these shores.
The closest such incident was the Lindt Café siege, which was the work of a mentally unsound local playing the ISIS apparition, rather than any real overseas operators. But despite this, NSW police were given shoot-to-kill powers in response to guard against any purported future terrorism.
Just like his predecessor George Brandis, Christian Porter is part of the surveillance state legislating act. In 2018, the attorney general oversaw the passing of laws permitting the easy deployment of the Australian and international defence forces for domestic incidents, and lately, he’s done the same with ADF reservists.
Indeed, over the last two years, it’s also come to the fore that home affairs minister Dutton is itching to set the nation’s international spying agency – the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) – upon his own citizens.
And following the leaking of such rumours to the press, the AFP went on to raid the Canberra residence of journalist Annika Smethurst for breaking the news.
Disgraced former Labor senator Sam Dastyari
Disgraced Labor politician Sam Dastyari, of Iranian origin, from 2013 to 2018 represented NSW in the Australian Senate. In November 2014 Dastyari declared a Chinese company, linked to the Chinese government, had provided him with $44,000 to settle legal bills by providing counter-surveillance advice. Dastyari's net wealth as of December 2022 is $5 Million, but he is not in jail for treason or espionage.
Tens of thousands public servants, defence force personnel and government contractors are required to undergo security checking before accessing confidential government information as do Ministerial staff. Government ministers are not required to clear ASIO scrutiny.
Big brother is alive and very well enjoying continued support from the voting public allowing the nation to retain subservient status to our unaccountable, lying, corrupt political masters. the neck sounds about right.
you mean "hanged" i presume?
Really? who cares, maybe you should write something.
I don't know what it's going to take for Australians to wake up. I'm here in Sydney and people are so brainwashed still it's beyond belief.
We're at the point of no return.
I read comments on Australian MSM websites last year. There were comments that were literally calling for "anti-vaxxers" to be exterminated that stayed up.
Clive James was right, you aren't a nation of prisoners you are a nation of prison guards.
There was glimmer of hope a few weeks back - an article in promoting the boosters had a substantial number of "I am not getting anymore of these jabs" comments. Then you see masked morons shopping and it is back to square one.
The PR Team can turn them on a dime -- a few shots of a busy ICU (filled with 4x booster wankers of course)... and the fools will be queued up for more Rat Juice
They do not need to even go that far. The GPs still push the jabs without being prodded to do so. There is stupid and then there are the Covid cultists who are out to prove that they really are without peer in idiocy. Doing a fine job everyday unfortunately.
I think it's time for a major re-think here...
Why do we care if they want to keep injecting the Rat Juice? And by 'they' I mean everyone who insists on boosting including friends and family?
I guarantee you that 'they' - including friends and family --- would be very pleased if you -- the crazed conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxer --- ended up in hospital with Covid. They would just love to say 'I told you so'... (odds of that happening of course are as we know ... zero)
So f789 them. Enough of listening to their insults -- their excuses -- their parroting of CNNBBC lies.
No more frustration. No more arguing with the fools. No more warning them.
Let them do it. Say nothing. And when the go down ... leave them to suffer.
They made their choice - over and over and over... they made excuses insisting it was never the vax when others crashed and burned.
We need to be done with this. F789 them. Leave them rotting with their VAIDS... their cancers... their never-ending flus... their strokes and heart attacks... and when they even after they get burned say - no it wasn't the vax - it could happen to anyone... agree with them -- ya probably not the vax - healthy people have heart attacks all the time ...
Then tell them ya you should get the next booster -- especially now that you have that damaged body ... now it's even more important to protect yourself.
Enough of them. Enough of their bullshit.
Let them hang themselves
I've come to the same conclusion; I am over trying to inform the sheep that it's best to stay away from the pen come drenching time;
We that stayed out of the pen where ridiculed, shunned, banished from everywhere and called all sorts of derogatory nouns by not only the narrators, but also by the people we were trying to warn; They also detested us for being "super-spreaders" while we were out fighting for not only our inalienable rights and freedoms, but theirs as well;
The inoculated called for the "unwashed" to be arrested, detained, gaoled, fined and forced into quarantine to "keep them safe" and so they can have their "freedom" back; They even accepted that the bashing and shooting of protestors was for "the greater good";
I say the vast majority of the inoculated are getting, and will continue to get, exactly what they deserve and signed up for;
I am a spiritual man and i wish no Harm on another Being but that does not mean that i am obligated to feel sorry for the fools who walk with blindfolds and earmuffs as they trudge through life sprouting venom from the one orifice that they should keep closed
There is a quite a lot to be said about your comments and I agree internally with them. If people at their point need to defend their actions about the continuation of the boosts, let them continue their demise. I do feel for the innocent who have been roped in. Maybe this is the 'gift' of free will that we all have been given. We all use that gift in different ways. Some have chosen a different path to speed up their demise of this short existence in this current lifetime.... Something to ponder....
You are completely, 100% correct - they made their choice and they will eventually get to see "live" the consequences. My only point is that if there is chance to sway some from time to time, I will try to put in the minimum effort. This is because these imbeciles will gladly go for more of the same and when (not if) the next plandemic hits, we need as many in our camp as possible. More of us will make it less likely to go to enforced jabbing.
I agree, except for the fact that these insane ladies (of both sexes) set policy and affect our children.
I do despise them, though, with every fiber of my being.
Sounds like you do not have children, grandchildren, or parents. I appreciate your attitude about this but it is difficult to get to that point of no return when loved lives are at risk. But you are probably right. They have not listened so far. I have done all I can.
Sometimes peoples "bottom' is death. I learned that in Al Anon a very long time ago.
Eventually, they will all be dead and only us “pure bloods” will be left (and maybe a few ppl who escaped the harm for one reason or another, but they won’t be “pure blood”.)
I guess you don't have any nieces or nephews, sisters or brothers that took the shots. Or any children in the US military.
I really don't think it matters anymore how many additional injections The Vax get now. Looks like 2 jabs and some "breakthrough infections" or 3 (or more) jabs destroys their immune systems. No one is going to live very long with damaged (non-functioning) immune systems. They are all dead. We can't save them.
I think that your evaluation of the situation is more pessimistic than what I think will turn out in the end. 3 jabs is definitely sufficient to do irreversible damage to the innate immune system as well as let any cancers that were previously under control to advance very aggressively. The question is how much time the recipients have before things get really nasty for them. The question is what is the difference between AIDS and VAIDS? People with HIV now live relatively normal lives for extended periods of time and my hope is that some cocktail of drugs can be organized for those with jab damage. If the heart tissue is damaged then, yes, it is a matter of time because as far as I know, the tissue scarring is not repairable.
This article by Iror is the Sickle on top of the Grimm Reapers cake in my mind (and others). Two recent studies... IgG3 going bye bye and IgG4 becoming dominant in The Vax is a death sentence. No one will survive very long with an immune system like this. It is just not possible. I am not the first one to say this: The lucky ones will die right away.
I have read a couple of articles that discuss the same issue that was highlighted by Igor and I agree that the findings are scary to say the least. However, I do think that the effect will vary with each person and the process will take a long time. If the process was fast, we would see a fatality rate unlike nothing that we have had yet. Moreover, the disability rate seems to be stabilising rather than increasing. That is a good thing if we want a world which is still functioning in some fashion. If the excess deaths and disability rates pick up, then we will be looking at a dystopian world but thankfully that is not happening as far as I can tell.
then of course there is the Bossche Mutation - that's what you get when you deploy leaky vaccines during pandemics...
Combine that with 6 billion Vaidsies -- and you get a train wreck
This is the end game
The fact that anyone in the medical community would argue for jabbing people while the virus was still spreading shows that the medical community is lead by psychos and idiots. The French Noble prize winner that passed away last year was apoplectic about the very idea. He could not understand how anyone would do something so stupid and he called the whole thing a massive crime. The million dollar question is whether or not any of the mutations will turn the current virus into something with a high lethality. Vanden Bossche has been accurate in his assessment that the jabbing will drive the increased turn over in the virus variants. However, his prediction that one variant will be more lethal by attacking the lungs as the original strain while targeting the jabbed has not materialized thankfully. So far. Will it happen? Based on past pandemics, I would say that the chance is very small - the trend for all viruses is to be more infectious but less pathogenic over time.
They all have VAIDS ... to some degree.
They are all doomed.
Yes, I agree that they all have VAIDS to some degree. Moreover, I think that all MRNA jabbed people also have subclinical myocarditis. Will these two be deadly in 5 or 10 years? Probably but not at a high rate. I think that the whole process will take decades and by then, the unjabbed population will have a replacement effect that will make the dystopian scenarios very unlikely.
Here in Melbourne, I only see Asians masked when shopping, nobody else. Doctors require masking and people comply but I also notice warnings being put up about threatening staff so they are clearly getting some pushback.
Make it half and half baboon lol
Ha, ha :-)...
It’s not just Oz my friend, it appears the western world remains within the Covid fear narrative, and continues to discount anything contrary. There is hope in that Rasmussen US poll, that the tide is slowly turning, but at a snail’s pace.
That said, places like Oz, Canada, NZ remain very tightly controlled by Big Brother government and controlled media, to keep the sheeple fearful and controlled. The good news, is booster uptake of the bivalent juice has been poor. Maybe the message is really getting out there, and the masses are quietly questioning the safety of the Quackzine
The fact that there has been any of sort of bi-valent booster uptake is very, very disturbing. I wonder which one they took? The octo-mouse one or the deci-mouse one? Why would anyone take something that has been tested on only a handful of mice which, by the way, got the bug AND then some died as well? What I am missing here?
This is an ongoing sub-text of a RW blog I frequent here at home. Most conservatives are critical thinkers, but a small minority are not. One such individual on the blog, is a diehard quaxxer. It’s a mystery how someone could be doubting everything a leftwing government does, but is completely obedient to said government’s health orders, “Experts have approved these v accines!”
He could be just a paid for troll, they are everywhere on social media.
Anyways, the ordinary, indifferent citizen is not a critical thinker, they don’t look in depth at very much beyond their immediate interests…..and……they TRUST the government, especially if they voted for them. Simple as that, and, “Experts approved them”. Sad. Martin Armstrong recently stated that this generation of heads of state in the western world are the most unintelligent he has encountered. He’s right, and it’s not even close. Between Castreau, Bidinh, Bojo, Sunak, Ardern, the Germans, Macron, etc, etc, etc, it’s an easy deduction
If any aliens came around and looked at our "leaders" their conclusion would be that there is NO sign of intelligence on the planet. As far as "the experts approved them", it is actually worse than that. Way to many people believe the "factcheckers" because they are not capable of any form of thinking. I had an argument with a colleague (double boosted and masked, of course) on the fact checking of the epidemiologist at Oxford who said the lockdowns are insane and will cause orders of magnitude more damage than the virus itself. "It has been fact checked multiple times and it is not true!" My reply was simple - "What are the credentials of the fact checkers? How much experience do they have in the field to even comment, let alone evaluate the statements made by the lady from Oxford? If they had the actual knowledge, do you think that they would be doing fact checking for a social media platform rather than practice medicine or work as medical consultants?" The penny dropped in this instance and I have not heard any fact checking or debunking comments from him since. Unfortunately, he is now distressed that his booster may be wearing off and he wants another one.
Yep. Martin Armstrong is terrific. He also said he thinks Charles will be the last monarch of England. Sometimes I worry for Martin- I would have thought he’d be a marked man by now.
They’re ignorant. So are most of the doctors who gave the shots. But, as you say, they’re not ignorant anymore. A lot of people I speak to know of those who have been injured.
Ignorance will not be accepted as an excuse when the accountability part of the process comes around (I think we moved from "deny everything" to "some may have been affected but there are very few such case and anyway, we saved lots of lives" BS stage).
Up in northern NSW, you visit the towns around the place and even Lismore still has about 1/10 people masked in stores. You just know these people are at least triple jabbed, possibly up to dose 5. Amazing they can still walk places...
I don't think people ARE waking up in Oz, either. It's Crazy Land.
I agree, we're at the point of no return. And just because SO FAR there's not much of a hospitalisation risk difference between 1 & 3 doses (compared to having taken 4 doses), is it going to remain that way in 6 month's time, or even 3 month's time? I doubt it. I think the risk of hospitalisation & death will get worse because of being covid jabbed. That's my prediction.
People are generally chilled out and doing their thing in the Northern Rivers, but if the govt cracks down again, I bet you anything those masks will be popped back on, and people will line up to get their next lot of jabs. We're NOWHERE near a revolution in this country :-(
I have a friend who is a Kiwi who lives in Australia.
My imagination of Australians conjures up hard asses like Merv Hughes, hairy arse gorillas who work in coal mines or who farm sheep in the desert. Men who wrestle crocodiles. Real men. Hard men.
My friend assures me that none of this is true anymore and that Australians are the most pussified people on the planet these days (I don't know whether to believe him or not, he is after all a Kiwi).
I do know that Aussie Rules is a proper man's sport though, so hopefully that hasn't changed.
Hard men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times. Australia has had uninterrupted good times for 40 or 50 years. Australians have become soft, and the softest amongst them have their hands on the levers of power - bureaucratic, political and corporate.
Canada is circling the drain too. Too much affluence and too many 'good times' for too long. We had no problems, so, we elected one. Thing is, we are now paying dearly for that election, but most people don't even know it. The band just keeps playing while the Titanic takes on terrifying amounts of water.
'We had no problems, so, we elected one.' How apt.
Trudeau is the biggest problem Canada has!!
The boy Castreau is a problem, but the cretinous imbeciles who keep voting him in are a bigger one.
A Canadian that totally agrees. I'd say that many of us have become quite "pussified". Love that word by the way.
We've made life so easy that we spend our time worrying about feelings and gender dysphoria and other such things. Our PM is the worst of the worst. Not very bright, a bad actor and a finger wagger.
Oh well. You get what you wish for.
Circling the drain is right.
Exactly so. Take as an example pussies fretting over and enduring record carbon taxes for climate change that doesn't even exist. Remember acid rain? Polar bear extinction? Rising sea levels gonna wipe out the coasts? ('that your mansion on the beach, O'Bama?)
The top video (of a crowd of people) is a compilation of the "persuasion" people underwent to take the jab. There's a small clip of Trudeau that is the stuff of nightmares. Once you see it, you can't unsee it, so be warned.
At least that little bit of JT was short. I can barely tolerate seeing or listening to him for more than a few seconds.
Hard to argue with that.
I was working with my Kiwi mate (he's an ex investment banker who has worked for some of the biggest banks in the world at very senior levels).
He introduced me to an Australian company with an absolutely amazing technology that needed more funding. I introduced them to the biggest private venture capital company in the world that I had worked with before. These arseholes thought they were king of the castle, it was embarrassing.
I told the CEO I could salvage his screw up, but he would need to start paying me for consultancy. I told him when I was available and how much it would cost. He bragged about how it was "New Years" and how he was having a party for 100 people. He dicked me around so I gave him what-for and copied in every interested party in the email. Turns out, he was embezzling investor money to fund a lavish lifestyle. He lasted for about another month after that.
Yeah, not really interested in doing business with Aussie companies after that. Also, don't screw with me in business, because chances are, I can screw with you ten times the other way.
Maybe; however, 4 decades ago Australian babies were not used as pin cushions. They also had not had their food supply poisoned to nearly the same degree - GLYPHOSATE has been (slowly) killing us for at least a couple of decades. Not to mention plastics, non-ionising radiation etc etc etc. Unsurprisingly, the scientists/researchers who complained that glyphosate/microwave radiation were definitely not safe, suffered the same fate as many today - they were not following The Science™.
Yep products are squashed (boughtout) that don't benefit wef dod sponsored corporatists.
Well said!!
Men ARE much softer these days! The last thing I want my husband to do is wear pointy, shiny shoes, slick his hair back, wear a tight, shiny suit and prance his way to a slick office job where he does make-work all day.
Luckily for me he's currently out, wearing loose, scruffy cargo pants, a work shirt and buying screws and things like that so he can finish building our shed ha ha! Yes, he does metadata work (geeky IT stuff) as well, but you don't need to be hairy as an ape or grunt like a pig to be a 'real man' - but you should be able to stand your ground, protect your family and provide for your family - safely. Taking injections to save your pussy office job doesn't cut it IMO!
I think that quote stated below from TSMe is about right. We've had such 'good times' for so long that the only people who know how to be real people now are those who have had hard childhoods for one reason or another, even if they're currently financially stable. Of course you need to combine this with decent enough intelligence, a general 'lack of trust' in others, an ability to read between the lines, a penchant for kindness and someone who trusts their intuition - and THEN you have a person worth having in your life :-)
"Luckily for me he's currently out, wearing loose, scruffy cargo pants, a work shirt"
Me to a T.
I also have a lumberjack beard and have spent the last few years embracing "being a man". I'm bigger, stronger and fitter than I was when I was in my 20s, and I was really fit in my 20s.
"a general 'lack of trust' in others, an ability to read between the lines, a penchant for kindness and someone who trusts their intuition"
You just described masculinity perfectly I feel.
Well, you just described every man I never met. (USA)
You're the kind of man I want my sons to be.
You're welcome :-) :-) :-)
But your not quite as humble as me!....:)
Well said.
I moved from a self gelded land of boys.
Couldn’t change a lightbulb type.
Found a kind, good honest man that uses a chainsaw, builds things, and drives a school bus for some extra money in retirement.
Never liked the shiny shoe suit types.
That is an excellent quote about good times makes soft men.
USA has had it quite easy for a while.
Degrading men with the toxic masculinity BS…. Because those Gates types w billions would whimper if they actually had to do something manly
Robyn, there are at least two sides to every coin. The sheeple have accepted the enticements to an easy life taking the toys and fun as if they are entitled to it by birth. They were mislead as children not realising, as they could not with immature thinking and misguidance, that they have remained as children - living in a Disney make believe world of fantasy.
When do we grow up and be both responsible and accountable at least to ourselves and for ourselves? Does it depend upon being shown they way? Does some protector tell us what and when and how? Who shows us the way?
i do not know the answers to these questions. I wish I did. I got shoved into the deep end too early to be superior, and lucky I did not drown in the soup of existence along the way. It has been a hell of a ride and it is tougher now than ever, but head remains above the waterline and for that I am thankful. I am not alone. Oh how lucky to not be alone.
One other note of why men have lost testosterone.
The Soy and Hormones in food, supposedly are estrogen producing.
Floride in the water
GMO in Food.
We are clueless as to how it damages the male .
Plus, medicating boys for being boys
75 vaccines in childhood.
We must have a clean out of all these toxins that the billionaires have poisoned us with
And that is WHY you are alive still! Like me, you did not drown in the deep end! You learned to swim - fast! :-)
It's not been a fun ride, though, has it? Still, it's got us to being alive today. You know, I even THANKED my Mum for her crappy 'parenting' because it has allowed me to survive all this. Trust me when I write that I never thought that would be something I would EVER be thanking her for - but thank her I did! What an upside-down world it is right now. I got tough early enough and questioned early enough and for that, I am now alive, as are my family, as are you. I had good enough people around me who helped me on my path, but I was also willing to listen.
As for who knows if we're shown the way or not, I think people are given many 'chances' to rectify their faults starting with seemingly trivial situations in life, and if we don't right the small ones, the big situations can get us instead. We all have little voices in our head (our conscience?) and a set of morals, to at least some degree, and I think many can ignore that little voice for years, even decades, and get away with it. Others aren't so lucky. However, there is always training to be done in life, and those who are Too Kool For Skool end up being broiled.
Yes, there are always at least 2 sides to a coin, but it is up to us to figure it out along the way. Parents/friends/neighbours/family/strangers can only show us some of the way. Yes, some people seem to get more of a helping hand than others, this is true. Some are born with a 'silver spoon' in their mouth, others have been fighting in the alleyways since they could walk. But both extremes still have lessons to learn. That we are required to do much of the legwork ourselves still stands across the board. And THAT is why we need to be left alone to ponder our thoughts in life, not be ridiculously busy all the time: so that we can take check and then make better decisions in life. We need to stop and listen to our inner voice. Find our individual path. Walk it. Own it. Love it.
Thanks Robin. My dad died from an accident when I was 14 1/2 and that said grow up now to me. Adult shoes were too big but I did not know that then and did the best I could as you do. My mum was for women's rights so would not tolerate a young male leaning on her very much, correctly as I know now. So like you Robyn I had to take responsibility for myself and rely on no one else. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity thrust upon me back then even if I was not too happy about it at first - there was no question as it was step up or collapse and there was nowhere to fall over to. You find quickly there are very few you can rely upon or trust.
All this 👍👍👍
I had the same visual of Aussies.
Scots have become Soy Boys too.
Why is that?
Excellent point. Rob Roy would be turning in his grave no doubt.
Same for the Irish. I made this shit-tier meme to mock pro-EU Irish people on 4Chan. The concept is very sound I feel.
Not gonna lie, that still makes me laugh.
They could use William Wallace body to power up the whole of Scotland given how fast it is spinning his grave. My word, what has happened to the Scots?
The long-term effect of other Scots like Adam Smith played a role...
Ewww he’s WOKE!
I’ll have to see who Adam Smith is.