You are writing about true things that we can see with our own eyes. Al is promoting theories that have proven false over and over. That’s a huge difference!
Andrew's comment meshes with my feelings about this matter as well.
Over the years I have read dozens (hundreds?) of books on various subjects, trying to understand what the reality might be. Most of these authors wrote the truth, to the best of my knowledge (and to the best of their knowledge). A couple examples on the "Climate Crisis" paradigm: The Greenhouse Trap, by John L. Daly; and Heaven and Earth, by Ian Plimer. The two authors present good information, but there is a conflict between their conclusions to some extent. In my opinion, this is how science actually works!
Igor, I have been trying to pull myself away from this daily addiction to find out what is going on in the globalist world and the resistance. I unsubscribed one by one from substacks until only yours remained. I like that your posts are mostly short, only once a day, and there is a bit of humility in your writing that gives balance to all the bad news. Keep yourself in that sweet spot that I just described. You are nowhere near the likes of Al Gore.
There should be halfway houses for news junkies. I can't take quite so much now either, and have stopped a few. Nothing wrong with taking a breather to recalibrate.
This is Not headline skimming, this is get it done and save lives. Distracted, deceived, diseased people is the only way "they" scum like them remain in power. Stand Up !
God Given Rights
Always question "Jurisdiction" !
Paul Wilkerson
Jan 10
Call me crazy but I believe "conspiracy to deprive American Republic CITIZENS of God given Rights" resulting in death is in FACT criminal activity in violation of multiple global laws. Clearly our own government has stolen our money ( DOD ) to develop “countermeasures” intending to murder all the victims that were deceived , coerced, bribed, threatened and literally tortured from birth until death.
Asking what they intend to do About Elderly handicapped vaccinated woman abuse ? ?
Another way YOU CAN HELP
PLEASE send an email to the original Judge and ask him why he is ignoring crime's against humanity? Why is he working as a public servant “judge” in Illinois, knowingly working together with the Attorney General of Illinois to protect the interests of the Crown of England”? Please read “Guilty Government “ on my Substack then email the “Honorable Judge Joe Billy McDade @
All lives matter and I don't believe it's to much to ask you to help save your own life. One Email to all three email addresses . I am blocked now but you are not blocked.
We are MORE POWER then they Under Stand.
“the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the princes of the earth; for with thy sorcery were all the nations deceived.”
^^^This^^^ It is an addiction, and the frustrating part is I find myself reading the same information over and over that I already know. I know America is not America anymore, I know the shots are killing people, I know the financial system is going to collapse, I know there will be another big 9-11 type psyop and people will suffer. I know our medical system is belly up. I know my vote isn't really counted and our gov't is corrupt.
I could go on and on, so why do I spend so much time reading about stuff in the grand scheme of things I have zero control over? I am not a billionaire oligarch or powerful back room deal maker like Owl Gore. All I can do is give my time to things I enjoy and try to get through the hard times as best I can, and once in a while give back to others as I can, when I can.
"Natural News (formerly NewsTarget, which is now a separate sister site) is a far-right, anti-vaccination conspiracy theory and fake news website known for promoting alternative medicine, pseudoscience, disinformation, and far-right extremism."
Al is certainly eating more than his fair share and it follows, naturally, he is farting and burping more also. Additional taxes for him. He is full of hot CO2.
On the one hand, being fat and creating more "greenhouse gases" (farting = methane, burping = ???), that is bad. On the other hand, fat-shaming is bad and being overweight/obese is the "new normal". Tis a quandary, yes?
Exactly! Plants need CO2 to exist and make O2 so we can breath and continue to live.
Let's keep passing on this basic fact that we learned in 5 th grade science and had reinforced in high school and thereafter hopefully.
The Evils are truly making fun of the stupidity of people when they claim " carbon ", the most basic and important element on earth can be " generated " and is " bad " . It is just passed on and it is good.
Freedomisnoufree, every chance I get I tell people about the cycle of life. Tree will die without it and we would to. Also do you remember Al Gore to all the global warming would melt both poles about 15 years ago. For the last 15 years the earth has been cooling. So Al now says climate change. We are heading into a Grand Maunder Minimun (some say a mini ice age within the next few years). Climate change hog wash.
Better buckle up gona get cold, I were wise I would have a year supply of food and water. WW111 is around the corner. Prepare while u have time . u ben warned.
Is there anything of worthwhile substance to say about the lizard.... I think not. So he would no doubt interpret the observation that he is fat as some sort of compliment.
It might be because he never stopped flying around in his jets since he started this global warming stuff. Like most of them that don't practice what they preach. Just like they fail to tell people that they are destroying the environment by going green. Jungle's are being wiped out to get the material for the electric vehicle batteries. The need for oxygen that trees produce doesn't go away. That used to be important to these people. Protecting the jungles in the world. Now it is making money by destroying the planet through creating fear that we are destroying the planet. God gave us wonderful fossil fuels for a reason.
The Great Plains and farmlands are being polluted by wind turbines which they’ll soon pollute our beautiful waters with?? I truly hope this is dystopian…
But He didn't give us an infinite supply of inexpensive fossil fuels. He gave us a supply that increasingly costs more and more to extract and refine. For example, fracking and the tar sands oil and the "dirtier" forms of coal are harder to extract and prepare for use. There WILL come a point when the cost of the energy required to extract and refine these resources will exceed the capacity of a debt-fueled economy to support it. It's a separate problem from CO2 emission, but related to it and very real, nonetheless.
So you support Al Gore it sounds like. Get the real facts about CO2 emissions and how low they really are. If you get rid of fossil fuels you get rid of most everyday items we use. There is much debt being created on this green stuff. You can't dispose of solar or windmill parts and they can't be recycled. You destroy rain forests to get the materials for the batteries for electric vehicles and need fossil fuels to charge them. Where is the money in a debt fueled economy to support all of this? Most of the tests on all of these vehicles have failed and they can go average a 100 miles on a full charge. Let's be honest. It is about money and control of us. Kind of like we go from energy independence to importing oil again and higher prices we pay. Make us a socialist system where we have to depend on the government because they say we have to drive these vehicles. Our freedom of choice is being taken away everyday more and more. Let's create more fear to control the narrative and the people.
I do NOT support Al Gore. I simply point out yet another of the contestants in what I call "the race to chaos". Limited affordable natural resources. Financial collapse. Nuclear war. Weather-related mass migrations. Deadlier pandemics. And so on. Any one of these could induce a kind of chaos that ends with the collapse of civilization as we know it. Actually, I think climate change is running dead last in this race.
It seems to me the WEF leaders and their minions couldn't care less whether climate change were true or not. They will use any topic at hand if it can be used to elicit fear in the people and therefore vulnerability to mass formation and totalitarian control. All they care about is the endless accumulation of wealth and power. I think Rahm Emmanuel forgot to end his famous phrase: "Never let a good crisis go to waste ..,. and if there isn't one handy, manufacture it."
I am glad to hear that. China maybe needs to worry about CO2, not the USA. The American people in their slumber allow the government to participate in the race to chaos. The "pandemic" woke a lot of them up and the jabs are waking more up. Actually, worldwide not just in the USA. They play the misinformation game, and we are dumb servants, but there are so many more of us than them. This is all temporary anyway. They are gods only in their minds. They will be reminded of it soon enough how small they really are. This quest for earthly power has no real meaning. They aren't really in control.
Yes, but I fear many will suffer needlessly while the elites play their worldly games. When it comes right down to it, the only power We the People have left is the power of superior numbers, in the streets, by the millions, for as long as necessary, demanding return to a constitution-based government and an economy that works for everyone. The sociopathic oligarchs currently in charge have coopted all of our other powers.
There are some very smart people trying to make changes. Mark Levin is one of the constitutional lawyers involved in this organization. They are working with all states to activate Article V powers of The Constitution because of the run away federal government. They have 10 state governments signed up so far this year.
We don't need "an infinite supply", humanity is a long, long way from "infinite". The supply of economical fossil fuels is indeed limited. First by oil, in 10-25yrs, which will force a shift to gas/coal/uranium. Then by gas, in 25-50yrs, which will force a shift to coal/uranium. And then by coal, in 50-100yrs, which will force a shift to uranium/deuterium. Fortunately economical Earth resources of uranium/deuterium are for all intents & purposes unlimited. At least for absurd lengths of times like >100Myrs. And there are vast additional resources on Moon, Mars, the Asteroids.
If you have plentiful energy, you don't really need anything else. You can recycle everything, including water, extract the most low grade resources.
Funny how the PTB have boycotted nuclear energy since the 1970's, or as Alex Epstein called it "criminalized nuclear energy". And done the same to Methanol which is the easiest substitute for oil (gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil) and can easily be made from any carbonaceous matter including Forest Overgrowth, Waste, Flue gas, Coal, Stranded Gas or Ocean CO2. They don't want solutions. They are Rent-Seekers and Rent-Seekers just love scarcity. Plentiful energy is their archenemy. They love scams like Wind, Solar, Hydrogen, Agrofuels and ITER.
The NRC (Nuclear Rejection Commission) was directed by Congress to come up with a new regulatory system for the GenIV reactors to streamline their licensing. It took them 20months and they came up with greatly EXPANDED regulations that will make it MORE difficult to build GenIV reactors in the USSA. Essentially they gave Congress the big middle finger. They should all be fired. Let individual states use their own regulator.
"[I am thankful to the paying subscribers immensely. They get no specific benefit from supporting me and do so only because of the goodness of their hearts.]"
This is a topic I have thought about a lot. The distinction I personally make is that as long as the writing (or campaigning, or art) is not altered away from your real message by the desire to please paying parties or attract more paying parties, the job is being done well, and compensation for work is a very legitimate thing. Money was intended to be an expression of love.
People become "grifters" when they bullshit or knowingly cause harm or say meaningless words for followers or increased incomes. Grifting in writing is irresponsible writing, when someone doesn't evaluate the consequences for harm or doesn't care if it causes harm or confusion.
It the writing is from the heart with a solid desire for truth and love, then regardless of whether any given opinion is correct or incorrect, it is noble.
Yes, to judge if one is a grifter intent is most important. Trouble is, the better the grifter the better he is at cloaking his intent. This can get complicated. To be clear, I do not think you are a grifter, or close.
Tessa Lena, your thoughts mirror my own..well stated!
Also, Igor, the fact that you only recently accepted paying subscribers for your work says a lot- you didn’t get into this for financial gain. But your work and your time are valuable...never undervalue that. And btw, I do feel like there is a benefit to being a paid subscriber. It makes me feel like in some small way, I’m helping in the fight for truth.
My thought is that any honest, voluntary exchange between people is moral. This means that if one party intentionally deceives, threatens, or uses force, the exchange is immoral. Al Gore didn't get rich based on his insights, he got rich because of his connections to force (the gov't, large banks, and corporations, etc.). There was/is an implied threat that "you don't want to get on the bad side of Al Gore." People pay him as protection money, no different than paying Tony Soprano.
Should investigative journalists and truth seekers work for free and live on air? It is clear that financial corruption, and at a minimum conflicts of interest, are endemic in our institutions in the West. It is obvious in other areas but understood. But in the West we act as if it doesn’t happen, or at least not endemically, because we are a free democracy with the people untimely in charge. However that is a self delusion. Watching the progression of Covid 19 policy and the direction of travel of the global elites controlled unelected groups (G20, WEF, WHO, UN, EU commission) you can easily see this corruption. I cannot bear to watch or listen to Al Gore even for a few seconds. He inspires in me a consuming rage. He is the ultimate snake oil salesman. Even a cursory look at the real scientists who oppose his corrupt narrative reveals him and all the climate alarmism charlatans who follow his lead immediately reveals his utter incompetence on scientific matters. The WEF Davos jamboree is a massive echo chamber that seeks only to project their prepackaged narrative to the world. It is a massive nudge theory laced marketing campaign that should only be viewed to see behind the veil at what the fuckers are up to next. So no Substack (or any other) truth seekers are not the same as these self appointed masters of the world. Alas, as Senator Malcolm Roberts of Australia said recently to Tom Nelson (YouTube channel on anti climate alarmism narrative, which I recommend to anyone who wants to seek climate narrative truth), people will probably not wake up to this con until they feel the pain. That is true of Covid 19 policy and death shots as it is of the climate alarmism cult. That means more pain financially, in terms of loss of freedom and even loss of life... How has it come to this? Answer, lack of real journalism and professionalism in many walks of life, journalistic, scientific, medical, political, educational and public service. And indeed people themselves... what a cluster fuck! We need independent truth seekers now more than ever. Keep it up.
Just a couple of months ago got assessment for solar panels - costs ca. 20k to put in the panels + abt the same cost for battery+ 13k for generator without which solar panels will not run + needs gas as back up for the sqme purpose. The elctricity bill will go up to $180 monthly - now it is at approx $80. Tell me why.
We live offgrid with 5KW inverter and a bank of late model batteries. All good when weather is fine. None of our electrical appliances use over 1kW, and we have gas instead of electrical stove. Our lights use 8 watts each. Our fridges are optimised for offgrid. When weather is bad we have two days at normal usage. We are building a micro hydro system to augment our solar during wet periods. We try to do as much through the day as possible and use limited energy at night so we can optimise sunshine. My Mum is grid connected but she installed 10kw system ( without battery storage) about 10 years ago and gets 48 cents per kw feedin tariff. Not only has she not paid an energy bill for 10 years , she makes approximately $2500 per year in energy income. Like is she uses energy through the day when it is “free”.
Igor somehow i don't get the sense that you would want to put us all in 10X10 cells where we can't go more than half a mile from our homes because we might create rain bombs ;)
and i don't get the sense that your wife would want to destroy the greatest punk rock band ever
Al Gore was awarded a Nobel Prize for “informing the world of the dangers posed by climate change.”
He bought himself an ocean view villa for around $9 million in California three years later, presumably after the dangers he had forecast had subsided.
Just out of curiosity, is the relatively rapid melting of Arctic ice also bullsh*t? Vax injuries, mortality increases, and birth declines are clues to a deeper story, one that necessarily looks to science for explanation. I'm not sure how the rapid warming of the Arctic is not also a clue to a deeper story.
Google the phrase "melting of sea ice" and go to the NASA page titled "Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Extent". There is a time sequence of September images from 1979-2022 clearly showing a decline of minimum extent. There is also a graph showing that the percentage of ice lasting for more than one season has shrunk from about 64% in 1985 to about 30% today. Overall, September Arctic sea ice is now shrinking at a rate of 12.6% per decade. The Arctic is warming at roughly three times the global average.
Why did they choose September to take their photos? How much ice is there in December? June? More or less?
I live in a country with virtually no ice or snow and even I know that ice melts more in summer and magically appears again in winter. Give me 400 years of data and then we can talk about correlating "ice melt" with grand solar minimum. Oh, wait, they don't have 400 years of data, just enough to scam everyone who's ignorant of the grand solar cycle. Go look up Valentina Zharkova and learn about some real climate science
Your first question is answered by the name of the NASA web page "Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Extent". The graph on that page clearly shows that the summer melt is not completely replaced as the years go by. Since you seem to want to ignore straightforward data that's right in front of you, I must assume you're not really interested in a back-and-forth discussion. I'm moving on. Have a nice day.
Just like you want to ignore the simple fact you cannot establish an ice melt baseline for the purposes of generalisation until you know what is maximum and what is minimum. You don't seem to realise one cannot conclude that current observations are abnormal until the normal range has first been established. How much ice was there 400 years ago? 2000? There's only data for 50 years. And you want to tell me we're in a climate crisis because some ice melted in the arctic? The world is much bigger than us measly humans and more than capable of regulating itself, and its short and long cycles will continue quite regardless of whatever fraud industry-sponsored religious Scientism wants to insist we believe.
Geo Engineering and stratospheric injection of chem trails containing strontium, barium and aluminum oxide; poison to every living thing on the planet is, funded and promoted by the same people who brought you the climate change narrative. These poisonous injections are harmful to the weather patterns too. Climate change is being caused by the same people who always talk about it and profit from it.
According to Al Gore and other cretins, if you are FORCED to pay a tax to the government, then the climate will somehow stop having changes in the weather.
Fastest way to stop climate change is to EXTERPATE all Elites from our human existence. Remove all governments from power. Stop believing in ANYTHING containing "hierarchy" BTW China is the Biggest creator of all the chemicals that make it possible.
I agree with you 100%; sorting through and processing the actual data is always the best starting point. Political manipulation of any issue leads the best minds off course.
You are writing about true things that we can see with our own eyes. Al is promoting theories that have proven false over and over. That’s a huge difference!
Andrew's comment meshes with my feelings about this matter as well.
Over the years I have read dozens (hundreds?) of books on various subjects, trying to understand what the reality might be. Most of these authors wrote the truth, to the best of my knowledge (and to the best of their knowledge). A couple examples on the "Climate Crisis" paradigm: The Greenhouse Trap, by John L. Daly; and Heaven and Earth, by Ian Plimer. The two authors present good information, but there is a conflict between their conclusions to some extent. In my opinion, this is how science actually works!
This afternoon I just read an excellent article on the subject of "Climate Change," written by Mark Keenan:
Igor, I have been trying to pull myself away from this daily addiction to find out what is going on in the globalist world and the resistance. I unsubscribed one by one from substacks until only yours remained. I like that your posts are mostly short, only once a day, and there is a bit of humility in your writing that gives balance to all the bad news. Keep yourself in that sweet spot that I just described. You are nowhere near the likes of Al Gore.
I’m trying to step out to… it’s too much!!
There should be halfway houses for news junkies. I can't take quite so much now either, and have stopped a few. Nothing wrong with taking a breather to recalibrate.
Ha! I like truth junkies. At least we aren’t plugging in to MSM BS.
This is me as well. It’s too much. Too dark. I read Igor (love the self reflection btw), Jeff Childers and the bad cat. The rest is headline skimming.
This is Not headline skimming, this is get it done and save lives. Distracted, deceived, diseased people is the only way "they" scum like them remain in power. Stand Up !
God Given Rights
Always question "Jurisdiction" !
Paul Wilkerson
Jan 10
Call me crazy but I believe "conspiracy to deprive American Republic CITIZENS of God given Rights" resulting in death is in FACT criminal activity in violation of multiple global laws. Clearly our own government has stolen our money ( DOD ) to develop “countermeasures” intending to murder all the victims that were deceived , coerced, bribed, threatened and literally tortured from birth until death.
Please watch my drone video. 2 minutes, Link 👇.
Land of the Free
Home of the
B iological
R ights
A bove
V accine
E nslavement
My other case filed Nov 1-22 in Wyoming for elderly abuse on my mom and all mom's is being refused by the "clerk" of the 7th district in Wyoming.
Please help ,Paul Wilkerson Writes Paul’s Newsletter
It might help if you yes YOU call/email.
Wyoming office of the attorney general
Asking what they intend to do About Elderly handicapped vaccinated woman abuse ? ?
Another way YOU CAN HELP
PLEASE send an email to the original Judge and ask him why he is ignoring crime's against humanity? Why is he working as a public servant “judge” in Illinois, knowingly working together with the Attorney General of Illinois to protect the interests of the Crown of England”? Please read “Guilty Government “ on my Substack then email the “Honorable Judge Joe Billy McDade @
Or to the Magistrate Judge Jonathan E. Hawley @
Here is proof ILLINOIS protection is for the “Crown of England”
All lives matter and I don't believe it's to much to ask you to help save your own life. One Email to all three email addresses . I am blocked now but you are not blocked.
We are MORE POWER then they Under Stand.
“the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the princes of the earth; for with thy sorcery were all the nations deceived.”
Please 🙏
What the Data shows.
It has proven to be true that most people these days do not practice discernment or even know what it is!
^^^This^^^ It is an addiction, and the frustrating part is I find myself reading the same information over and over that I already know. I know America is not America anymore, I know the shots are killing people, I know the financial system is going to collapse, I know there will be another big 9-11 type psyop and people will suffer. I know our medical system is belly up. I know my vote isn't really counted and our gov't is corrupt.
I could go on and on, so why do I spend so much time reading about stuff in the grand scheme of things I have zero control over? I am not a billionaire oligarch or powerful back room deal maker like Owl Gore. All I can do is give my time to things I enjoy and try to get through the hard times as best I can, and once in a while give back to others as I can, when I can.
Love this ☝🏼yep it’s an addiction. Need to find something else to do
Family, community (church, school) and tennis :)
and work of course
Thank you Deborah
I used to sub to his stack too but… something off putting about his writing for me. Bad cat is good as well!!!
Except Childers is all pro Musk last I checked, wont hear otherwise. Maybe they bought anchors (I mean Teslas)?
Algore is a master level grifter. A true parasite.
"The Main Thing Is Honesty. If You Can Fake That, You’ve Got It Made" 😉🙂
Sad but true
"Natural News (formerly NewsTarget, which is now a separate sister site) is a far-right, anti-vaccination conspiracy theory and fake news website known for promoting alternative medicine, pseudoscience, disinformation, and far-right extremism."
Seems about right ...
Al Gore is fat.
That is all I have to say about him tonight.
Al is certainly eating more than his fair share and it follows, naturally, he is farting and burping more also. Additional taxes for him. He is full of hot CO2.
On the one hand, being fat and creating more "greenhouse gases" (farting = methane, burping = ???), that is bad. On the other hand, fat-shaming is bad and being overweight/obese is the "new normal". Tis a quandary, yes?
No, I think we still get to fat shame men. It's just fat women who are sacred cows.
CO2? U talking about plant food? That we nor plants can live without. GOD IS GREAT!
Exactly! Plants need CO2 to exist and make O2 so we can breath and continue to live.
Let's keep passing on this basic fact that we learned in 5 th grade science and had reinforced in high school and thereafter hopefully.
The Evils are truly making fun of the stupidity of people when they claim " carbon ", the most basic and important element on earth can be " generated " and is " bad " . It is just passed on and it is good.
Freedomisnoufree, every chance I get I tell people about the cycle of life. Tree will die without it and we would to. Also do you remember Al Gore to all the global warming would melt both poles about 15 years ago. For the last 15 years the earth has been cooling. So Al now says climate change. We are heading into a Grand Maunder Minimun (some say a mini ice age within the next few years). Climate change hog wash.
Interesting. Thank you.
Better buckle up gona get cold, I were wise I would have a year supply of food and water. WW111 is around the corner. Prepare while u have time . u ben warned.
And my guess he didn’t get fat on bugs. Unless they’re covered in chocolate.
Is there anything of worthwhile substance to say about the lizard.... I think not. So he would no doubt interpret the observation that he is fat as some sort of compliment.
I think that I may have something worthwhile to say about him:
Thank God that he was never President of the United States of America.
That about covers it......
🙌 Praise the Lord!
His wife despised him in Wash DC and could not wait to get away from him. Poor thing, all those wasted years.
Puffy eyes are a sign of kidney problems.
It might be because he never stopped flying around in his jets since he started this global warming stuff. Like most of them that don't practice what they preach. Just like they fail to tell people that they are destroying the environment by going green. Jungle's are being wiped out to get the material for the electric vehicle batteries. The need for oxygen that trees produce doesn't go away. That used to be important to these people. Protecting the jungles in the world. Now it is making money by destroying the planet through creating fear that we are destroying the planet. God gave us wonderful fossil fuels for a reason.
good point
The Great Plains and farmlands are being polluted by wind turbines which they’ll soon pollute our beautiful waters with?? I truly hope this is dystopian…
??? That's new to me. What is happening?
It is heart wrenching to see those beautiful creatures washing up on the beaches usually dead. Shame on those that cause it.
But He didn't give us an infinite supply of inexpensive fossil fuels. He gave us a supply that increasingly costs more and more to extract and refine. For example, fracking and the tar sands oil and the "dirtier" forms of coal are harder to extract and prepare for use. There WILL come a point when the cost of the energy required to extract and refine these resources will exceed the capacity of a debt-fueled economy to support it. It's a separate problem from CO2 emission, but related to it and very real, nonetheless.
So you support Al Gore it sounds like. Get the real facts about CO2 emissions and how low they really are. If you get rid of fossil fuels you get rid of most everyday items we use. There is much debt being created on this green stuff. You can't dispose of solar or windmill parts and they can't be recycled. You destroy rain forests to get the materials for the batteries for electric vehicles and need fossil fuels to charge them. Where is the money in a debt fueled economy to support all of this? Most of the tests on all of these vehicles have failed and they can go average a 100 miles on a full charge. Let's be honest. It is about money and control of us. Kind of like we go from energy independence to importing oil again and higher prices we pay. Make us a socialist system where we have to depend on the government because they say we have to drive these vehicles. Our freedom of choice is being taken away everyday more and more. Let's create more fear to control the narrative and the people.
I do NOT support Al Gore. I simply point out yet another of the contestants in what I call "the race to chaos". Limited affordable natural resources. Financial collapse. Nuclear war. Weather-related mass migrations. Deadlier pandemics. And so on. Any one of these could induce a kind of chaos that ends with the collapse of civilization as we know it. Actually, I think climate change is running dead last in this race.
It seems to me the WEF leaders and their minions couldn't care less whether climate change were true or not. They will use any topic at hand if it can be used to elicit fear in the people and therefore vulnerability to mass formation and totalitarian control. All they care about is the endless accumulation of wealth and power. I think Rahm Emmanuel forgot to end his famous phrase: "Never let a good crisis go to waste ..,. and if there isn't one handy, manufacture it."
I am glad to hear that. China maybe needs to worry about CO2, not the USA. The American people in their slumber allow the government to participate in the race to chaos. The "pandemic" woke a lot of them up and the jabs are waking more up. Actually, worldwide not just in the USA. They play the misinformation game, and we are dumb servants, but there are so many more of us than them. This is all temporary anyway. They are gods only in their minds. They will be reminded of it soon enough how small they really are. This quest for earthly power has no real meaning. They aren't really in control.
Yes, but I fear many will suffer needlessly while the elites play their worldly games. When it comes right down to it, the only power We the People have left is the power of superior numbers, in the streets, by the millions, for as long as necessary, demanding return to a constitution-based government and an economy that works for everyone. The sociopathic oligarchs currently in charge have coopted all of our other powers.
There are some very smart people trying to make changes. Mark Levin is one of the constitutional lawyers involved in this organization. They are working with all states to activate Article V powers of The Constitution because of the run away federal government. They have 10 state governments signed up so far this year.
No, that is not true. And the fossil fuels do renew of course as organic matter breaks down in the ground.
Everything in moderation. The answer as usual.
We don't need "an infinite supply", humanity is a long, long way from "infinite". The supply of economical fossil fuels is indeed limited. First by oil, in 10-25yrs, which will force a shift to gas/coal/uranium. Then by gas, in 25-50yrs, which will force a shift to coal/uranium. And then by coal, in 50-100yrs, which will force a shift to uranium/deuterium. Fortunately economical Earth resources of uranium/deuterium are for all intents & purposes unlimited. At least for absurd lengths of times like >100Myrs. And there are vast additional resources on Moon, Mars, the Asteroids.
If you have plentiful energy, you don't really need anything else. You can recycle everything, including water, extract the most low grade resources.
Funny how the PTB have boycotted nuclear energy since the 1970's, or as Alex Epstein called it "criminalized nuclear energy". And done the same to Methanol which is the easiest substitute for oil (gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil) and can easily be made from any carbonaceous matter including Forest Overgrowth, Waste, Flue gas, Coal, Stranded Gas or Ocean CO2. They don't want solutions. They are Rent-Seekers and Rent-Seekers just love scarcity. Plentiful energy is their archenemy. They love scams like Wind, Solar, Hydrogen, Agrofuels and ITER.
Seems to me the logical thing to do is skip right to nuclear energy (next generation and safer). I don't really see much activity in that area.
The NRC (Nuclear Rejection Commission) was directed by Congress to come up with a new regulatory system for the GenIV reactors to streamline their licensing. It took them 20months and they came up with greatly EXPANDED regulations that will make it MORE difficult to build GenIV reactors in the USSA. Essentially they gave Congress the big middle finger. They should all be fired. Let individual states use their own regulator.
Igor -
You would be the worse grifter of all time.
If you're thinking of going into grifting, I wouldn't quit your day job...;)
lol, poor Igor
"[I am thankful to the paying subscribers immensely. They get no specific benefit from supporting me and do so only because of the goodness of their hearts.]"
From our hearts to yours, Igor <3...
This is a topic I have thought about a lot. The distinction I personally make is that as long as the writing (or campaigning, or art) is not altered away from your real message by the desire to please paying parties or attract more paying parties, the job is being done well, and compensation for work is a very legitimate thing. Money was intended to be an expression of love.
People become "grifters" when they bullshit or knowingly cause harm or say meaningless words for followers or increased incomes. Grifting in writing is irresponsible writing, when someone doesn't evaluate the consequences for harm or doesn't care if it causes harm or confusion.
It the writing is from the heart with a solid desire for truth and love, then regardless of whether any given opinion is correct or incorrect, it is noble.
Yes, I think that what is most important is intent, is there an intent to deceive for money?
Yes, to judge if one is a grifter intent is most important. Trouble is, the better the grifter the better he is at cloaking his intent. This can get complicated. To be clear, I do not think you are a grifter, or close.
Tessa Lena, your thoughts mirror my own..well stated!
Also, Igor, the fact that you only recently accepted paying subscribers for your work says a lot- you didn’t get into this for financial gain. But your work and your time are valuable...never undervalue that. And btw, I do feel like there is a benefit to being a paid subscriber. It makes me feel like in some small way, I’m helping in the fight for truth.
My thought is that any honest, voluntary exchange between people is moral. This means that if one party intentionally deceives, threatens, or uses force, the exchange is immoral. Al Gore didn't get rich based on his insights, he got rich because of his connections to force (the gov't, large banks, and corporations, etc.). There was/is an implied threat that "you don't want to get on the bad side of Al Gore." People pay him as protection money, no different than paying Tony Soprano.
Should investigative journalists and truth seekers work for free and live on air? It is clear that financial corruption, and at a minimum conflicts of interest, are endemic in our institutions in the West. It is obvious in other areas but understood. But in the West we act as if it doesn’t happen, or at least not endemically, because we are a free democracy with the people untimely in charge. However that is a self delusion. Watching the progression of Covid 19 policy and the direction of travel of the global elites controlled unelected groups (G20, WEF, WHO, UN, EU commission) you can easily see this corruption. I cannot bear to watch or listen to Al Gore even for a few seconds. He inspires in me a consuming rage. He is the ultimate snake oil salesman. Even a cursory look at the real scientists who oppose his corrupt narrative reveals him and all the climate alarmism charlatans who follow his lead immediately reveals his utter incompetence on scientific matters. The WEF Davos jamboree is a massive echo chamber that seeks only to project their prepackaged narrative to the world. It is a massive nudge theory laced marketing campaign that should only be viewed to see behind the veil at what the fuckers are up to next. So no Substack (or any other) truth seekers are not the same as these self appointed masters of the world. Alas, as Senator Malcolm Roberts of Australia said recently to Tom Nelson (YouTube channel on anti climate alarmism narrative, which I recommend to anyone who wants to seek climate narrative truth), people will probably not wake up to this con until they feel the pain. That is true of Covid 19 policy and death shots as it is of the climate alarmism cult. That means more pain financially, in terms of loss of freedom and even loss of life... How has it come to this? Answer, lack of real journalism and professionalism in many walks of life, journalistic, scientific, medical, political, educational and public service. And indeed people themselves... what a cluster fuck! We need independent truth seekers now more than ever. Keep it up.
Ditto friend! Nailed it!!!
Global warming/climate change is just another globalist scam, just like covid and ozone layer. Anything else I missed?
Peak-oil and Russians are bad.
Isn't the author of this Substack Russian?
“They get no specific benefit from supporting me and do so only because of the goodness of their hearts.]"
We pay because we get the benefit of your unique perspective as a guy who is obviously a science and numbers whiz.
No force or agenda like the climate scam involves.
these pikers all need to be rounded up in boxcars and shipped off to do hard labour. Their constant shrieking is irritating to say the least!
Just a couple of months ago got assessment for solar panels - costs ca. 20k to put in the panels + abt the same cost for battery+ 13k for generator without which solar panels will not run + needs gas as back up for the sqme purpose. The elctricity bill will go up to $180 monthly - now it is at approx $80. Tell me why.
I would say that solar system is undersized for an average home electricity demand of 30kwh/day.
We live offgrid with 5KW inverter and a bank of late model batteries. All good when weather is fine. None of our electrical appliances use over 1kW, and we have gas instead of electrical stove. Our lights use 8 watts each. Our fridges are optimised for offgrid. When weather is bad we have two days at normal usage. We are building a micro hydro system to augment our solar during wet periods. We try to do as much through the day as possible and use limited energy at night so we can optimise sunshine. My Mum is grid connected but she installed 10kw system ( without battery storage) about 10 years ago and gets 48 cents per kw feedin tariff. Not only has she not paid an energy bill for 10 years , she makes approximately $2500 per year in energy income. Like is she uses energy through the day when it is “free”.
even worse so.
Shit feed in tariffs and usage in evenings instead of daytime when energy might be free
Igor somehow i don't get the sense that you would want to put us all in 10X10 cells where we can't go more than half a mile from our homes because we might create rain bombs ;)
and i don't get the sense that your wife would want to destroy the greatest punk rock band ever
Al Gore was awarded a Nobel Prize for “informing the world of the dangers posed by climate change.”
He bought himself an ocean view villa for around $9 million in California three years later, presumably after the dangers he had forecast had subsided.
He is a prime candidate for Cunt of the Century.
COTC - good one!
The difference is that climate alarmism is bullsh*t; COVID vax injuries, mortality increases and birth declines are not.
Just out of curiosity, is the relatively rapid melting of Arctic ice also bullsh*t? Vax injuries, mortality increases, and birth declines are clues to a deeper story, one that necessarily looks to science for explanation. I'm not sure how the rapid warming of the Arctic is not also a clue to a deeper story.
Where is this alleged "rapid melting" been observed and quantified, and how does it compare with observations of overall Arctic ice pack mass?
I call your bluff and raise you quantifiable, empirical evidence.
Google the phrase "melting of sea ice" and go to the NASA page titled "Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Extent". There is a time sequence of September images from 1979-2022 clearly showing a decline of minimum extent. There is also a graph showing that the percentage of ice lasting for more than one season has shrunk from about 64% in 1985 to about 30% today. Overall, September Arctic sea ice is now shrinking at a rate of 12.6% per decade. The Arctic is warming at roughly three times the global average.
Why did they choose September to take their photos? How much ice is there in December? June? More or less?
I live in a country with virtually no ice or snow and even I know that ice melts more in summer and magically appears again in winter. Give me 400 years of data and then we can talk about correlating "ice melt" with grand solar minimum. Oh, wait, they don't have 400 years of data, just enough to scam everyone who's ignorant of the grand solar cycle. Go look up Valentina Zharkova and learn about some real climate science
Your first question is answered by the name of the NASA web page "Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Extent". The graph on that page clearly shows that the summer melt is not completely replaced as the years go by. Since you seem to want to ignore straightforward data that's right in front of you, I must assume you're not really interested in a back-and-forth discussion. I'm moving on. Have a nice day.
Just like you want to ignore the simple fact you cannot establish an ice melt baseline for the purposes of generalisation until you know what is maximum and what is minimum. You don't seem to realise one cannot conclude that current observations are abnormal until the normal range has first been established. How much ice was there 400 years ago? 2000? There's only data for 50 years. And you want to tell me we're in a climate crisis because some ice melted in the arctic? The world is much bigger than us measly humans and more than capable of regulating itself, and its short and long cycles will continue quite regardless of whatever fraud industry-sponsored religious Scientism wants to insist we believe.
Geo Engineering and stratospheric injection of chem trails containing strontium, barium and aluminum oxide; poison to every living thing on the planet is, funded and promoted by the same people who brought you the climate change narrative. These poisonous injections are harmful to the weather patterns too. Climate change is being caused by the same people who always talk about it and profit from it.
According to Al Gore and other cretins, if you are FORCED to pay a tax to the government, then the climate will somehow stop having changes in the weather.
Fastest way to stop climate change is to EXTERPATE all Elites from our human existence. Remove all governments from power. Stop believing in ANYTHING containing "hierarchy" BTW China is the Biggest creator of all the chemicals that make it possible.
I agree with you 100%; sorting through and processing the actual data is always the best starting point. Political manipulation of any issue leads the best minds off course.