I had to boost your like count, though luckily I am prevented from double boosting it. If only taking a second booster would undo the damage of the first!
We can change the definition, just like CDC and WHO did with the definition of pandemic and vaccine so that safe and effective will mean anything we want them to mean! (This is the joke--it's on us!)
Absolutely. I never dreamed there would be "medicines" that would accelerate death and disease. Effective in that department. Unsafe on every other front.
Every thing the exterminators push on us is very effective in killing us ,not only the venoms, ,The remdesivir and ventilators are effective in their killing arsenal and lets not forget the snot pouches .
There is so much more to discover. Making women and docs afraid of natural hormones because they help prevent cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, dementia, sleep disorders, etc.
I know someone who started messing around with "hormone therapy" and ended up with high blood pressure, a sleep disorder and who knows what else. I don't bother trying to tell them anything else since this person is heavily, emotionally invested in conventional medicine for whatever ails her. I tried to tell and refer this person to integrative medical practitioners over 2 years ago to no avail. I don't know how people ever expect or bother hoping they will ever get off any medications, when they refuse to even have a consultation with anyone that's trained to wean them off the meds when possible. I've even tried to tell people too that the longer they are on daily meds. The harder it would likely be for them to ever get off them. So I don't continue wasting my time beating dead horses. You can only help people who are interested in getting truthful info and listening to honest people.
You are right. People have to be ready or mistrusting or a combination of both. I sent my then 86 yr old mother one article and she sent her primary Dr. a request to go on transdermal estrogen. She's been on oral for 40+ years! So much wasted time and no getting back the cardiovascular benefit now. She doesn't believe everything I say either because she watches so much news. After recovering unvaxed with the FLCCC protocol under my watch I think she is more receptive.
Oh, it is working all right. A week in hospital was proof that it was working according to a former work colleague. Lived to tell the tale and learned ABSOLUTELY nothing from it.
I am very, very sorry to hear that. Most people do not understand that the quicker one can get out of hospital the better. The chance to pick other highly resistant bugs increases every hour. I worked with a health specialist for 5 months doing data analytics and in simple terms, what I saw in that data was mind blowing but not in a good way.
During the early Freedom Rallies here in the Okanagan Valley, BC, Cda they sold t-shirts with two mice talking to each other: Mouse 1: Did you get your Covid-19 vaccine yet?
Mouse 2: Nope. I'm waiting 'til the human trials are done.
But, you were thinking while using your healty brain and dito common sense.
And that is so like...decades ago? Centuries ago?? I don't know when since when most people start to prefer 'believing' above common sense.
At second thoughts I think it probably started when people entered the world in some way or another.
What I am trying to say is:
1 there are mainly two kinds of people: 'believers' and 'knowers'.
And, even important to know...
2 where 'believing' starts, or 'takes people over' is more functionally formulated I guess, 'thinking' and 'knowing' ends there completely, so 'thinking is not a player in the game no more'.
It is, now know, believing OR knowing and the cannot occur a the same time. The one term excludes inherently the other!
Your example is about the 'believe' side, for the simple fact that no science is involved, et vice versa
Than the answer to your question in our current villain world is something like:
People who are pretending all the time because they are empty santan like people who think they are a little okee if they earn a lot of money but far more they need the believers in their good, there usefullness, because themselves know a lot better, and that hurts. So for instance pretending they are working according to legal protocols in very important because it makes them look like good people, only to their believers of course, but that is not a problem to them, they kill them anyway, but in the meanwhile to be able to do so, they have to keep the covidians nice and cosy in their believe in them.
That is what 'faith' is, and therefore cannot ever be also science.
The mice are not for knowers, like you. The mice are for believers.
And the more stupid it seems to be for you, the more scared you are going to be, because it tells you as a knower exactly who far away the believers are from knowing or wanting to know about all the harm the pretenders really do, and that is because you also know that this means that the believers are nothing going to do to stop the satanic actions against humanity and you as knower know you need them to be able to stop this hell, which is therefore going to be postponed while you cannot predict what the costs therefore going to be for all human beings on this earth, if the 'debts' are (still) 'payable' in the first place..
Next answer will also do:
Unethical serial killers who want to earn a lot of money by people who pay for their own deadpenalty, and if they don't die, the killers can make money from lots of medicins or finally very maybe by selling a real vaccine and that would be a total new phenomenon: a vaccine that is safe and effective, which in my opinion is the case when it saves (a lot?!) more lives than it takes, but I have to mention, till two years ago I was unaware of being a believer too...
I saw a young gay guy walking around with a tee shirt that said ‘I am a Global Citizen’. I wanted to say ‘you do realize you’ve just outed yourself as a Nazi, right? In Star Wars you’d be one of the White suited Storm Troopers.’
'Let me be clear in this communication. There is no truth whatsoever to this false statement/accusation! There have never been litter boxes within MPS schools,' Sharrow said." BEST line in the daily mail one!
Yeah. Sadly, it seems that THE EVIL THEY love that "they are playing with us." Such jollies! The young not waking up. Toddlers losing limbs. Methinks that their evil incarnate quackcines may be turning the jabbed victims into "walking time bombs." A real LOL. Please forgive my very black humor!
Whatever they're doing might have some positive implications in injury recovery, but it's more politically correct to focus on making real tails and different skull shapes for humans who will probably have lifelong health problems.
Like the exploitation of the realness of some-kids-don't-fit-traditional-gender-roles into "gender dysphoria", next up is exploiting deep kinships with animals into "species dysphoria".
(But a spoof on it could be if every kid at a school who sees thru the bullshit, on the same day, insists they identify as another species and demand accommodations, and pronouns, or they'll sue for species discrimination.)
I think it’s that children are growing up with electronics as well as being scheduled for all sorts of planned activities from a young age and therefore not spending time playing pretend at age appropriate times. When they go to school, sometimes it’s the only time they aren’t plugged in to something and so they are pretending, which is a really important developmental stage. Just my two cents. (I heard Jordan Peterson make the initial observation but I’ve added my own interpretation of course)
Maybe. My children are adults and all had more electronics than is a healthy amount as a child. (now I know better) Jordan Peterson just simply said that they were playing pretend. I added the other details after observing the wild overuse of electronics in children. Look at LARPING. It’s definitely an adult thing. And definitely playing pretend. Maybe when adults play pretend is an emotional defense from having to confront difficult feelings/situations in real life.
I have a vaccination joke, but most of you here won't get it.
Thanks for injecting a little humour but I didn't get the point.
'The point'. That's a sharp one! 😄
I think he’s Dead serious.
That's only because of his heart-felt concern for others.
Most of you won't get it...... "it" being either covid, or the initial jabb and or the boosters.
You missed Madeleine’s joke. Too ‘sharp’ for you? Sorry. I don’t mean to needle you.
You have a piercing wit!
Good one!! For those that need help. “You won’t get it” play on words. It appears to be the joke yet applies to wont get jab. Ha ha
I had to boost your like count, though luckily I am prevented from double boosting it. If only taking a second booster would undo the damage of the first!
Free Billy, that was a nice piece of work.
This had me laughing from the moment I read it! Now I get to read all the replies to see the collective wit!
That's what I say after my joke bombs, attack the audience 😎
It took me a minute to get that joke lol
Your penetrating wit has caused me to wince.
Ha-ha! Thank you.
You're damned right I'm not going to get it.
Does "safe and effective" count as a vaccine joke?
Does the "vaccine" count as a joke :P?
If the vaccine is safe and effective for other people than the receiver of the vaccine, it sure is!
The jokes literally replicate themselves!
Much like the spike
Sadly the joke's on us, whether we get it or not.
Yes, them animal pharms be ‘liar liar pants on Pfizer’
Like a burnin' ring to rule them all.
Depends on your definition of safe. And your definition of effective. On the whole, yeah, it is a joke.
We can change the definition, just like CDC and WHO did with the definition of pandemic and vaccine so that safe and effective will mean anything we want them to mean! (This is the joke--it's on us!)
oh yeah! A cruel joke for sure.
Yes! More like very black humor!
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Has the chicken been vaccinated?
Yes, but... it's in incredibly poor taste!! 😡
Well, when I'm hungry I can eat almost anything--no matter how it tastes 🍕🍔🥓🍗🍗🍗
Did you hear the one about the Covid vaccines working? Yeah, me neither.
Depends on what the definition of 'working' is. 👀
Myocarditis means it's working.
“What we are looking for is myocarditis followed by death. That shows a very robust immune response.”
It is the mRNA sticky valve that binds us. 💔
Vinu, your a pisser
Lol. Right. I think they are “effective” as they are supposed to be
Absolutely. I never dreamed there would be "medicines" that would accelerate death and disease. Effective in that department. Unsafe on every other front.
Every thing the exterminators push on us is very effective in killing us ,not only the venoms, ,The remdesivir and ventilators are effective in their killing arsenal and lets not forget the snot pouches .
There is so much more to discover. Making women and docs afraid of natural hormones because they help prevent cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, dementia, sleep disorders, etc.
I know someone who started messing around with "hormone therapy" and ended up with high blood pressure, a sleep disorder and who knows what else. I don't bother trying to tell them anything else since this person is heavily, emotionally invested in conventional medicine for whatever ails her. I tried to tell and refer this person to integrative medical practitioners over 2 years ago to no avail. I don't know how people ever expect or bother hoping they will ever get off any medications, when they refuse to even have a consultation with anyone that's trained to wean them off the meds when possible. I've even tried to tell people too that the longer they are on daily meds. The harder it would likely be for them to ever get off them. So I don't continue wasting my time beating dead horses. You can only help people who are interested in getting truthful info and listening to honest people.
You are right. People have to be ready or mistrusting or a combination of both. I sent my then 86 yr old mother one article and she sent her primary Dr. a request to go on transdermal estrogen. She's been on oral for 40+ years! So much wasted time and no getting back the cardiovascular benefit now. She doesn't believe everything I say either because she watches so much news. After recovering unvaxed with the FLCCC protocol under my watch I think she is more receptive.
Created to vertically challenge both humans and photo-shopped meeses. ✅
Working = making lots of money for Big Pharma
Gotta get that final ₵ha-₵hing before the mass consumer keel.
Oh, it is working all right. A week in hospital was proof that it was working according to a former work colleague. Lived to tell the tale and learned ABSOLUTELY nothing from it.
Yikes. Glad you lived to tell but my utmost sympathies for your harrowing experience.
My brothers 8 day stay in a hospital for a flu was enough to kill him .
I am very, very sorry to hear that. Most people do not understand that the quicker one can get out of hospital the better. The chance to pick other highly resistant bugs increases every hour. I worked with a health specialist for 5 months doing data analytics and in simple terms, what I saw in that data was mind blowing but not in a good way.
I’m sorry for your loss.
This needs more up votes
And for whom?
"So even after reading Igor's analysis I forwarded to you, you still went ahead and got the Ba.5 booster? Why?"
"It's a lung story."
During the early Freedom Rallies here in the Okanagan Valley, BC, Cda they sold t-shirts with two mice talking to each other: Mouse 1: Did you get your Covid-19 vaccine yet?
Mouse 2: Nope. I'm waiting 'til the human trials are done.
Must have been Pinky and The Brain. Except I think they work for Pfizer now.
“What’s the plan for tonight, Brain?”
“Same as every night, Pinky.
I'm stealing your joke and posting it on Truth Social.
Playing your Trump card, eh?
Nothing like that "grain of truth" in all the best humour!!
I think all mouses would avoid it, seeing the human data...
Maybe all the mice should avoid all the quackcinated humans according to page 69 of Pfizer's forced released documents!
Thank you for your reaction! Where can I find page 69 of Pfizers released documents, I really like to read it!
Thank You! Do you know how to click on pg. 69 on that site? I was not able to.
Who needs mice ,if they can experiment with people?
You are very right, of course.
But, you were thinking while using your healty brain and dito common sense.
And that is so like...decades ago? Centuries ago?? I don't know when since when most people start to prefer 'believing' above common sense.
At second thoughts I think it probably started when people entered the world in some way or another.
What I am trying to say is:
1 there are mainly two kinds of people: 'believers' and 'knowers'.
And, even important to know...
2 where 'believing' starts, or 'takes people over' is more functionally formulated I guess, 'thinking' and 'knowing' ends there completely, so 'thinking is not a player in the game no more'.
It is, now know, believing OR knowing and the cannot occur a the same time. The one term excludes inherently the other!
Your example is about the 'believe' side, for the simple fact that no science is involved, et vice versa
Than the answer to your question in our current villain world is something like:
People who are pretending all the time because they are empty santan like people who think they are a little okee if they earn a lot of money but far more they need the believers in their good, there usefullness, because themselves know a lot better, and that hurts. So for instance pretending they are working according to legal protocols in very important because it makes them look like good people, only to their believers of course, but that is not a problem to them, they kill them anyway, but in the meanwhile to be able to do so, they have to keep the covidians nice and cosy in their believe in them.
That is what 'faith' is, and therefore cannot ever be also science.
The mice are not for knowers, like you. The mice are for believers.
And the more stupid it seems to be for you, the more scared you are going to be, because it tells you as a knower exactly who far away the believers are from knowing or wanting to know about all the harm the pretenders really do, and that is because you also know that this means that the believers are nothing going to do to stop the satanic actions against humanity and you as knower know you need them to be able to stop this hell, which is therefore going to be postponed while you cannot predict what the costs therefore going to be for all human beings on this earth, if the 'debts' are (still) 'payable' in the first place..
Next answer will also do:
Unethical serial killers who want to earn a lot of money by people who pay for their own deadpenalty, and if they don't die, the killers can make money from lots of medicins or finally very maybe by selling a real vaccine and that would be a total new phenomenon: a vaccine that is safe and effective, which in my opinion is the case when it saves (a lot?!) more lives than it takes, but I have to mention, till two years ago I was unaware of being a believer too...
Mouse Schwab says save and effective .
Was it a triple-blind mice study?
I laughed… out loud.
Groan. 🙄
Three mice walk into a bar. Two have a beer, the third goes for a shot. They drink up. Third mouse falls down dead. His drink was spiked.
did he shed??
That's very clever!
If only he had some tonic for his anti-gin shot. Of course tonic water has quinine in it, so the Covidians will try to ban it.
No, no, he had the shot called Original Antigenic Sin!
People who identify as mice and are prepared to be sacrificed after the shot, can get it.
I'm a Shih Tzu but I identify as a Puma.
Love that! I'm a tired boomer, but I identify as a Lioness of Truth!
: ))
I saw a young gay guy walking around with a tee shirt that said ‘I am a Global Citizen’. I wanted to say ‘you do realize you’ve just outed yourself as a Nazi, right? In Star Wars you’d be one of the White suited Storm Troopers.’
I’m on the ground now, but otherwise identify as an unidentified flying object.
I identify as a c#n+. I mean, if we really want to get down to that level. 😁
Whenever my son hears anyone say, “Whatever you say can & will be held
against you”, he yells, “Boobies!” Then he says, “Hey, a guy can dream, right?” Makes me laugh as only a 3rd born can.
It is difficult to determine which one is satire ...
'Let me be clear in this communication. There is no truth whatsoever to this false statement/accusation! There have never been litter boxes within MPS schools,' Sharrow said." BEST line in the daily mail one!
Yeah. Sadly, it seems that THE EVIL THEY love that "they are playing with us." Such jollies! The young not waking up. Toddlers losing limbs. Methinks that their evil incarnate quackcines may be turning the jabbed victims into "walking time bombs." A real LOL. Please forgive my very black humor!
It's Weimar germany. Same people. Same mutilation.
Stay tuned for the coming wave of "Species Affirmation Surgery" for "Species Dysphoria". Seriously. https://freedomofform.org/?s=species&post_type%5B%5D=any&search_limit_to_post_titles=0&fs=1
Whatever they're doing might have some positive implications in injury recovery, but it's more politically correct to focus on making real tails and different skull shapes for humans who will probably have lifelong health problems.
Like the exploitation of the realness of some-kids-don't-fit-traditional-gender-roles into "gender dysphoria", next up is exploiting deep kinships with animals into "species dysphoria".
(But a spoof on it could be if every kid at a school who sees thru the bullshit, on the same day, insists they identify as another species and demand accommodations, and pronouns, or they'll sue for species discrimination.)
South Park did an episode on that 17 years ago.
That and the one where one of the dads thought he was a dolphin.
Satire is dead. The horrific world of Phillip DiFillipo awaits. Think the Phil Dickian universe is unsettling? This Phil brings the biscuits.
Same episode. It's amazing how far out they saw.
Satire is not dead; satire has been banned.
That is good news! My dog wants to be human for a long time, so there is hope for her now!!
Must be in or near Boise, the only pocket of liberal insanity infesting Idaho.
Even then you would have thought they would identify as a potato ...
Well played, sir!
Serious question. I realize furries dress up. But is this some sort of sexual thing? What is it exactly?
I think it’s that children are growing up with electronics as well as being scheduled for all sorts of planned activities from a young age and therefore not spending time playing pretend at age appropriate times. When they go to school, sometimes it’s the only time they aren’t plugged in to something and so they are pretending, which is a really important developmental stage. Just my two cents. (I heard Jordan Peterson make the initial observation but I’ve added my own interpretation of course)
But aren’t adults doing this? That’s what I’m hearing.
Maybe. My children are adults and all had more electronics than is a healthy amount as a child. (now I know better) Jordan Peterson just simply said that they were playing pretend. I added the other details after observing the wild overuse of electronics in children. Look at LARPING. It’s definitely an adult thing. And definitely playing pretend. Maybe when adults play pretend is an emotional defense from having to confront difficult feelings/situations in real life.
They have conventions!!! And probably “hook up”.
Hopefully not first hand… or on accident… omg! 😂
My mantra has become - "You can't make this shit up!"
Spot on. We keep thinking that they cannot be that stupid, greedy and evil and they keep proving us wrong.