May 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

This is what happens when you take God out of the picture and man tries to become God. Man now believes he is in charge of who lives and who dies. Sadly, this does not just apply to the Canadian healthcare issue. As long as man believes the lie that he is God, this, and worse, will continue to happen.

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KB, you are absolutely correct. This is what life without God looks like.

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Which god do you refer to? Allah? Yahwe? Gaia?

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The one true God who created the universe, the God of the Bible. The God who said, I am God, and there is no other.

This is the God who made us. And also the only God who made himself like us so that we could know him and have relationship with him.

That is the God.

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Does one need to have a religion to believe in the 1 and almighty? No.

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The one god that said you should not believe in any of the other three thousand "true" gods and godlike entities because he is pretty jealous? :D

Come on. Moral and ethics does not require a god idea of some ancient camel-lovers of the middle east who copied even more ancient stories together into a storyline that has more self-contradictions than the US history of wars.

I can tell you as an atheist that this MAID wrong. But I also can tell you that the segregation of church and state was seriously a good thing.

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“I can tell you as an atheist that this MAID is wrong.”

I am curious if you have a basis for this as it is hard to place a value on a human life if there is no ultimate purpose.

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Thank you. I am always uplifted when someone knows right from wrong without an external God reference.

I am not an atheist, per se, though I say thanks to atheists for reminding me that the truth is the truth and decency doesn’t hinge on a figure watching and keeping track of who’s naughty and nice like Santa Claus.

We need to stand up an advocate for decency regardless of God quotes.

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

The value of life of a human is defined by each individual. You for example have zero value to me, but I acknowledge that you value your own existence and I would not dare to nudge you to voluntary kill yourself.

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When Thomas Jefferson mentioned the phrase separation of church and state, in his letter to the Baptist church, he was not referring to the interaction of the church with the government.

He was warning of the dangers associated with letting the government interfere with or declare a state sponsored religion.

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Ah, that old chestnut again. It's a distinction without a difference, as they are ultimately two sides of the same coin.

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Only in terms of the Bible have I ever seen anyone try to pretend it makes sense to decide something is Not True, because there are multiple sources for it.

That's a truly awesome display of backasswards logic, really nonpareil.

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

How comes you are using an electronic device on Sabbath? According to Exodus 31:14 you need to be put to death.

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Not following this. What is decided that is not true?

Guessing? I don't run other's lives.

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That's funny, bc God never said that to me. God is not jealous. That's a human weakness. God requires nothing. There is only one God, but billions of ways of knowing the enormity of God, bc God is EVERYTHING. Separation of church and state is not the same as separation of God and state. God cannot be separated from anything.

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With respect, you may have overlooked a biblical passage or two as quoted in Exodus 20:4-6, for example: “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

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People follow what they believe, yes? Or nothing, yes?

Yehoshua decides, calls people, quite amazing.

But generally, people who are 'devout' ANYTHING have reasons that desperately poor who DON'T..have.

Each case is personal, yes?

We were led miraculously, financially.

Although @Copernicus is right, it's NOT for everyone.

Revelation 3:15 -17 tells believers what's ahead.

Think about the disciples, how EACH died.

That's serious hatred.

And it continues.

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Are you aware that five of the books in the old testament are also in the Quran and in the Torah? Yeah, one true God.

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"Which god do you refer to? Allah? Yahwe? Gaia?" -- it does not matter. It is about a guiding principle, a force that is more persistent, higher and stronger than man in its folly. Something that watches ABOVE the smartest and mightiest of us. If there is no above, you get men playing god and you get MAID.

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The Lord commanded 'Watch'...and 'Pray'. It's taken me years to know and really BEGIN to do this.

The bible says to 'work out YOUR OWN SALVATION with fear and trembling', nobody else.

Again, however, the bible refers to 'darkness'.

Like that bad way I have, you tell me,

I say 'I don't SEE it'.

I think it's a slippery slope, who knows where it will go next.

Again, the Old Testament says 'there's safety in the counsel of many', so I don't 'know it ALL'.

Do they target druggies, hopelessly addicted?

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Where I live in Canada, they just give them more drugs. It's all quite above board and legal. And people wonder why it's getting worse.

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You are so correct. I just drove to downtown Vancouver today to attend the World Freedom Rally. Hastings Street continues to deteriorate each time I pass by there. It is truly awful that we have let this happen in our country. I admit that my travels are not as varied as many, but I have never seen anything worse in any place I went to - and that includes some third world countries. It is so frustrating that there truly is a pandemic of drug abuse and fentanyl/opioid deaths (and this was back in 2013 when I was still working in the mental health field) and yet no one seems to care. It just gets worse and we keep shovelling money into strategies that clearly are not working and more lives are lost. A country that professes to offer "MAiD service" as a means of "harm reduction" needs to shake its head in shame.

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There's big money in it.

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That goes everywhere except where it should go. Lining pockets?!

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Free Will. Ain't it a bitch? 🤗

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hackenmesser. That is a cool last name. lol

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deletedMay 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023
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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023

The other day at my gym in the SF Bay Area, I spotted an almost middle-aged man (over 40 years of age) proudly wearing a T-Shirt with the word "Nihilist" emblazoned on it. Nihilism may even be cool these days.

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I think he wore it to seem hip, more than anything. Like people who wear Charles Manson t-shirts. Nihilism, brutalism, repudiation of God, it's become fashion to a lot of people out there. It goes along with their total lack of humor.

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Very well said. You're exactly right.

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Yes, it is exhausting. I understand where both sides take offense to anything opposing their obviously correct conclusion, but arguing about God will always be a losing battle. I believe semantics trips us up a lot...what's in a name? I used to get a lot of practice with that particular debate, bc I was born and raised in the Christian church, but left it when I grew up and learned about the history of the Christian church and got seriously put off. I was a true believer, too. Then I got a job in Santa Cruz , CA, where many of my co-workers were students at Bethany Bible College and they were always up for luring me back into the fold. 😄 We had many an impassioned debate, but NEVER did they even border on angry or mean-spirited. These people became good friends of mine and would even spend weekends at my house having wonderful conversations in front of the fireplace, our very own fireside chats, but no Dennis Prager. What happened to those days when politics didn't introduce hatred into the discourse and conversations were actually learning experiences? When did we become so adversarial? The internet, you say? 😆 I've been guilty of using the anonimity to engage in terrible, mannerless exchanges at times and it really is pointless and harmful. But sometimes a well aimed "fuck you" can open a steam valve that feels sooo good. Better with a faceless cyber stranger than dragging it into real life. So sorry I rambled on! Thank you so much for responding. You have a wonderful point of view and I'll call it to mind often. Will we ever willingly come together to fight our common enemy or will it take a catastrophy of some unpleasant kind? I hope not. God bless you. Keep speaking your voice of reason loud and clear, because it really is the only thing we need to work on. After that, we'll be a formidable force to reckon with. 🙏❤

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yep, same category like Eugenists hundred years ago, killing the mentally ill and crippled for the greater good. It's a shame.

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This is living in Hell. This is a place where people who don't believe in God live and they make it their place.

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Yes! We know this is not our home! 1 John 5:19 says, "We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one."

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023

Dang, this is how I often feel these days. Perhaps, I should read the Bible. There seems to be a (for want of a better word) cool verse for everything.

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

Yes. Even the poorest used to have an invaluable soul. In the absence of God, the best they are left with is an outdated mobile device.

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They still have a soul. Indeed, so do the people who want to kill them.

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Of course, but if they don't know they have it, they place no value on it.

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I'm not sure about this. I do understand what you're saying, but do you think people really do not know? I am thinking of the episode where Bart Simpson trades his soul for something. It's actually very profound. I'd say that it's more people like Trudeau who don't think they have a soul. Or maybe he does but he has willingly picked the wrong side?

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I came the Comments to write the same thing. It’s the same thing driving the trans movement, the people becoming completely unhinged with even minor restrictions to abortion, and all the “othering” happening. When we are no longer all “made in the image of God”, when we go back to the Garden and the Tower and all the other times man tried to become god himself... well, it turns out all they know how to create is hell.

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YES!!! Absolutely everything that man has tried to "perfect" has ended up causing nothing but problems. Look at Big Ag, Big Pharma, Big Education, Big Gov't, the climate activists, trans activists, me too movements, abortion activists, the list goes on. Take God, who perfectly created everything the world would ever need, out of the picture, and absolutely all we are left with is hell.

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This is a very different view of the whole "trans" movement; it's not just about denying God.


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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023

I have not been religious for my entire life of 50 odd years, but the events of the past few years have brought me to the same conclusion.

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To leftists worth is provided by wealth alone. God never even entered their equation.

A poor man living a God inspired life, to a leftist has no apparent meaning purpose or value. Therefore we should end this existence.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm thinking that society could experience significant harm reduction if we use MAID for all the people who promote this kind of heinousness.

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Paid this forward to all in my ever tightening circle.

Pretty sure my son didn't read anything but the headline. He responded though.


I replied.

"Cheaper than continued government "support".

Just kill them off, for almost nothing...

I"m sure this will be a widely taxpayer supported idea..."

Son: "I dont think it will become wildly accepted, hope not"

Me: "Hope I'm wrong.

Look what the populace "supported" during the pandemonium..."

Denying jobs and medical treatment and freedom to the unvaxxed.

This MAIDS is already legal, and want to include it's use for kids under 18 without parental consent.

Kids need parental consent to get a friggin TATTOO, but not for gender altering drugs or MAID.

Hate what this country has become. So much."

He sent me an "uplifting" Tiktok video.

I told him to watch the video I'd sent him. It's UPLIFTING too...

"This is the only place you can view the film in its entirety, free."

The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told .


Transcriber B has let me know you can't actually watch the film on Telegram unless you have a (FREE) Telegram account.

Worth it. (It's how I watched the entire film, unavailable other than short promos and clips, elsewhere.)

The Epoch Times wanted me to "Subscribe" in order to view it. At a monetary cost.

I can't.

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I also sent a similar article out to my circle of contacts, including two of my kids and a nephew.


05/13/2023: Canadian academics write paper arguing in favor of euthanasia for poor people: https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/canadian-academics-write-paper-arguing-in-favor-of-euthanasia-for-poor-people/

First the elderly and terminally ill, then the insane, then the disabled, then the young, Now The Poor, .... How Long Before It's YOU ???


I didn't get any response at all though. lol

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I know someone who has two adult children. She's delighted that both of her adult children have consciously chosen not to reproduce. She also doesn't seem to be against sterilization. When I asked her who decides who decides who should be sterilized and who should be allowed to have children, she didn't have an answer.

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Wow, what kind or person would be happy about that ? Unless of course indoctrinating the kids to believe in overpopulation and being childless, "For The Common Good" was the goal. Yikes, with parents like that, ... who needs enemies ??

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First the unborn babies. You might get a response, and even if not, they might be thinking about it.

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Betcha dollars to donuts it will only be promoted to white people. They wouldn’t dare suggest it to a First Nations person. (They should not suggest it to anyone at all. We are made in the image of God)

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One of the authors is a professor of feminist philosophy. Probably a safe bet.

Would love to hear more details about their woke mumbo-jumbo theory.

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I sincerely hope this professor of feminist philosophy will one day find herself in a miserably destitute position, with no hope, no love, no help, except for the compassion-filled MAID to offer her solace...sign here please. Trust us, you'll be better off dead, you'll be doing Canada a great service. Now look at the lovely blue whale. Rest In Peace. Best of luck....NEXT! Why anyone would allow such a government to take part in something so sacred and personal is beyond belief. F**k the globalists! I would live on to spite them and would grow strong knowing they want me dead, but I live.

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I think 28% of Canadians support it... horrible

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I support MAID for politicians

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Don't forget the banker puppeteers who pull the politicians' strings. They're the real culprits, and the people above the bankers even more so.

This is where we have to focus... at the very root of all our problems, at the designers/planners.

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I disagree. It's the people that went along with it that are the problem. We got what we tolerated. We ushered in hell on earth and we only have ourselves to blame.

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Sorry, had not noticed your reply...

You're not wrong in what you say, and neither am I, it's a shared responsibilty, these homicidal maniacs cannot carry out their plans if no one goes along with their crimes.

That doesn't negate that if these crazies were not organizing these crimes in the first place, we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with.

At the same time as I sometimes blame the people for being so compliant and so sorely lacking in principles, I also always remind myself and others that our ruling class has been for decades working hard to break down family cohesion, they have long been changing the educational systems, etc., they have been creating these soulless, immoral, aimless, unprincipled, people, they've made them unable to reason, all to suit their aims, to make the populace easier to manage/control... so how much of the people's situation is of their own making, and how much is a result of their being crafted to be as they are?

It's not all one way, it's not all one side's fault.

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See first link, Norman Dodd who describes how the foundations were already in the very early 20th century actively working to control history.

I'm not home now, so don't know where to find the document right now, will try to find it later, a document describing how the school system was being degraded in the '70s.

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I'm thinking society could experience significant harm reduction if we use MAID on all the people who manipulate viruses, and mandate and promote Covid injections"!

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I agree.

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I can get behind that idea!

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Yes! I love it!!

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Some Canadians would vote for an updated version of MAiD (the "M" in this case standing for "Mandated") for those who, based on a fair trial, would qualify; the current PM, for instance, would have no trouble qualifying.

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This is good for climate change and Canada’s ESG score because it permanently eliminates human carbon emissions. Greta and klaus are happy.

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They're on a list too, they just don't know it.

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Correct, they're the most useful idiots, until the objectives are accomplished (massive depopulation), then they're not needed anymore, and they have no choice but to go to Carousel (for the younger crowd: https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/22080/what-did-the-crowd-think-it-took-to-win-renewal-in-carrousel ).


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...on an A.I. list

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They are. They just do not know it. Ask the original Bolsheviks how they fared once the dust settled in the Soviet Union. They were the first to be disposed of once they "confessed" their counter-revolutionary actions.

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Joan of Arc became Veruca Salt. Who would've seen that coming?...;) Come, sweet death if I ever have to hear one of her lectures again

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... the USELESS EATERS !!!

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May 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

What a truly messed up country. Trudeau is a disgrace.

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Snakes must have been in hibernation mode and all suddenly woke...Is that where WOKE came from? Canada needs to send Castro's son to the Father Country and leave the fine Canadians alone.

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But they keep electing him. Who are these fine Canadians?

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He won with the lowest popular vote in history and is propped up by the NDP in a dubious coalition. Most of his support is from the urban cities (think Democrats in major cities) mostly in Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto in particular. However, there finally appear to be cracks in the armour in Toronto. They'd better wake up because Chrystia has her eyes on raiding the savings of wealthy Canadians. And Toronto is where most of our wealthiest citizens reside.

The Conservatives won more votes and garnered a higher popular vote in the last two elections. Even the brand new People's Party got 500 000 votes (which is impressive) but it didn't convert into any seats for the latter and a government for the former.

Justin is widely unpopular and has no moral authority to govern. He's just swinging and most missing these days. But he has done enormous damage to Canada's psychology and culture on multiple levels.

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The only reason the PPC doesn't get more votes is that too many are falling for the "vote splitting" canard that is used by the Establishment to maintain the status quo of the uni-party.

ALWAYS vote for the change you want. Always!

If the PPC and Bernier ever came to power, perhaps they would "fall in line" and continue the present course toward our integration with the UN/WEF global governance model, but as it stands now, the PPC are the only party who have spoken in our interests, and against the ideologies of the WEF.

If any of the major parties is voted in, we know for certain that we are continuing down the path toward loss of sovereignty to the UN/globalists, with the PPC, there's at least a very slim sliver of hope that we may take another path.

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I'm convinced that our leaders, world-wide, are put in place by rigging the system. As an American, I know we, the people, didn't vote for the empty skin suit we currently have ruining our country. Judging from the glorious truckers stand against Trudeau, I'm pretty sure Canadians didn't vote that deviant into power, either. FJT. FJB. F liberals, leftists and all globalists.

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It has been said that the evil Castro spawn was about to imprison the unvaxxed until the truckers showed up and forced him to realize the high number of his objectors.

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I don't doubt it for a minute. He's a coward and he does what cowards do. There was a time when I could honestly say I hated no one. Now it's hard to deny there are a growing number of individuals, for which I hold a deep and damaging hatred. God help us all. Peace. 🇨🇦🇺🇸❤👍✌❤🇨🇦🍻🇺🇸

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Same here. I detest some of my fellow humans. But then God did not command us to accept, praise or love such evildoers!

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Canada elections are different to yours. Justin 'won' with 32% of the vote. Not exactly a landslide. It's worse out west. By the time we get to vote the election has already been called.

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So it’s a different system and fraud doesn’t play a role. I hope somehow he can be replaced. He’s a scary guy.

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Who said fraud doesn't play a role?

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I call "Justin" Iceback Castro. It has a nice ring to it I think.

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They’re following the Beast

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

That's why the election was so hastily called. To have a win just before enforcing tyranny. And the platform states that the shots will likely be made mandatory should libs win the next one.

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So - shots mandatory, medically assisted death - voluntary. For now.

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

The 'Fine' Canadians are all the Canadians met...And, there's a number of them. Even helped a man in Windsor, Ontario get a dual citizenship to work in Detroit while maintaining residence in Canada.

Don't know who in Canada is electing Trudeau or those in the Parliament.

Seems as the people in the East elect him...But, local politics aren't really

reported in the States and it's the reason I don't know.

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WAS a country. Now it looks like some feudal place in which the serfs are just as disposable now as they were 600 years ago.

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To John:

One of many. Everyday, I understand the banality of evil more and more. There's nothing extraordinary or even recognizably evil about any of these so-called leaders. They're cowards and their evil lies in their weakness. I hope and pray, when I'm called to stand for my country, I don't succumb to the evil of weakness.

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I believe Justin's dad was pro-depopulation. Justin must have been well groomed and indoctrinated into the agenda.

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Indeed, re Justin's step-dad. Although Justin's dad was a communist, had a beard, lived in the Caribbean. Not obvious because of his beard, but in younger photos of him the similarity is there. There's other evidence as well.

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Maybe all our politicians now just do what they're told, confident that computers will get them "re-elected."

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May 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

'Can't pay your bills? No problem; we'll kill you for free!' These scumbags have no moral compass and absolutely no regard for the inherent value of all human life, yet they feign compassion and concern for the suffering by offering to murder them? Outrageous!

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Exactly. Make no mistake that's where it's going

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Yep, mandatory euthanasia for the sick, the elderly and the poor is where this is all headed I'm afraid, unless we the 'useless eaters' stand against it and stop believing the lies of the global elites and Marxist government bureaucrats. Do not comply!

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Absolutely! They are trying to inculcate a “duty to die” mindset in the population. Rahm Emmanuel, Obama’s creepy friend said that the age of 75 was a reasonable age to be put to death.

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And when/if he makes it to 75, then what? These people are incapable of clear thinking, finding value in others, and projecting and pursuing the greater good in life. They are beset by the most evil of thoughts, without any moral considerations.

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Don't forget the disabled and the mentally ill/incompetent.

Also... they get to decide who is deemed mentally ill/incompetent.

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We need to remove these people from positions of authority, including government. They are incapable of representing the public when they are on record as willing to kill the poor.

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Are parasites not useless?

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While pushing the everyone is equal bullshit!

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Actually, equality is not their concern now. It’s about equity. If someone has more of anything than their favoured groups, they insist on laws and regulations that will remove from those with more (even if the it’s good looks, friends, education, etc.) to give to others who are without these features and accomplishments. It’s mostly about money and privilege, but it’s really about taking from others (whites mainly) to reduce their hated status.

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RE: the hated status of the whites... I used to work back with a number of people of color years ago. I don't remember anyone hating me because of what I had because I was white. BTW... some of those people of color earned very high six figure salaries. I don't think they hated me for my white status.

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Ideological uniformity disguised as Cultural diversity

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It feels like it wasn't that long ago people were all "it's worth it to save just one life?"

💢 Sickening.

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The first day of the lockdowns I looked at my wife and said; They are going to sacrifice saving the MOST lives for trying to save EVERY life. She looked at me and said; They are going to DESTROY lives in order to SAY "if it only saves one life". My wife is smart

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Many of us felt this way. That's why we're on Substack commiserating.

And destroy lives they did with reckless abandon.

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Very prescient, Thanks for that!

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Yes and when you see the statistics, sickening. ~~~Watched the long video on Epoch Times today, so many background stories of the vac injured……just nuts…what has been done to the talented and trusting, old and young !?

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Is there a link to watch that is free? Thank you.

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How do they get away with pushing this garbage and promoting vaccines to save grandma? Of course it makes no sense. Confusion, anger and panic are cool now!

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Great point

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Let's create a just society by killing everyone. Trudeau taking advantage of Canadians wanting to be "nice." We'll all be on that bus to justice soon if we don't stand up for those who can't stand for themselves.

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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller

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A boy was holding a sign at a demonstration for Julian Assange: “First they came for the journalists … and then we don’t know what happened.”

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This is all hard to choke down, realizing we have missed the signs, many of us, until the Canadian truckers fiasco and their fight for fairness and a hearing. To think that leaders in so called progressive, wealthy …blah blah…countries so blatantly, yes, and can capitalize on the national “be nice, be caring” personality……I fail to absorb, what words can I use ?!

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I imagine there were millions of perfectly “nice” Germans in the 30’s. So polite they would never even consider jaywalking or cutting in line. So nice and caring that the extermination of undesirables was seen as a moral good, a socially desirable policy. We are all capable of this if we choose to stay ignorant. The word ignorant stems from the word ignore.

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So Vewwy Vewwy true, really good point, and yes a slice from another direction. ~~~ I see it in my family, though it is more “don’t want to know, I would have to agree with you then”. ~~~Yes indeed those of us so nice we cannot conceive of any fourth grade teacher now, helping to hide the gender wardrobe of choice from a child’s parent. ~~~ Friend formerly worked at school in the NW often told kids, “no, I’m not calling you anything else but what we have in your file.” Had to make a decision, right or wrong to keep her conscience. And got out.

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Kudos to her!. She paid a price though.

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Willful ignorance has always been my “prejudice.” You can’t help being dumb but people can choose ignorance - and do! - and that has always, even as a kid, chaffed my hide.

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Pfizer documents attached in substack 393 pages of adverse events

https://open.substack.com/pub/lawyerlisa/p/pfizer-data-attached-393-pages-of?r=3kbp6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email Pfizer Appendix 2.2 Cumulative and Interval Summary Tabulation of Serious and Non-Serious Adverse Events from Post Marketing Data Sources BNT162-B2

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Hi Lisa, thanks for sharing this link. I've downloaded it. Unbelievable, yet unfortunately believable.

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please help get this everywhere. I believe in the miracle of the blind seeing.

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There shall be equity!!!

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WOW That's so true! We are all equal in death! Right on, brother!

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"Nice" is a cousin of "tolerant" and "tolerant" is a slippery slope.

We went from "we just want to be accepted" to "we have a right to get married" to "we have a duty to expose your young children to the details of gay sex." And it's heading right for "we demand the pedophiles be accepted into society" and "you're a hater if you don't accept that it's OK for your children to have sex with adult men and women."

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Pfizer documents attached in substack 393 pages of adverse events

https://open.substack.com/pub/lawyerlisa/p/pfizer-data-attached-393-pages-of?r=3kbp6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email Pfizer Appendix 2.2 Cumulative and Interval Summary Tabulation of Serious and Non-Serious Adverse Events from Post Marketing Data Sources BNT162-B2

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May 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I am actually in favor of assisted suicide for people who are coherent and cognizant enough to choose it. It’s a bit silly to argue the ethics...if someone wants to commit suicide they’ll find a way. What I’m 100% against is the government of Canada inserting itself into this very personal decision (they’ve run tv ads glorifying suicide) and I’m pretty sure they’re somehow funding professors who write these types of “scientific” papers.

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023Author

You nailed it (about maid) very exactly. I wrote several pages and you expressed it in just one paragraph

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The problem is that even if you remove government as the primary agent, some has to “assist” and this would fall to the medical profession. Doctors being paid to end life instead of trying to preserve it. The whole concept of doctors ending life is a contradiction. No one has the right to end another’s life. It is the helpless and vulnerable who are being targeted just as in the destruction of the unborn. Check out the T4 program in Germany. That’s the inevitable result of physician-assisted suicide.

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I acknowledge that there are potential flaws in my thinking, but I still believe that if someone is hellbent on ending their life, I’d rather that they can do it in a peaceful manner. I agree with you...doctors are no longer the trustworthy stewards they once were. The key would be to keep money out of it. There should be no financial incentive to assist someone.

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The difference is committing suicide is free, while maid will surely have a fee schedule for the practitioners. Coming out of your tax money. So is it really a "compassionate" service if the provider is well compensated?

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It's like marriage and work and insurance and everything else. There is no reason to coerce or entice people to do this or that. Private issues and contractual relationships are never the business of Government.

Inducing suicide as a practical solution to any problem is not the proper role of Government.

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A coherent, cognizant person should not need assistance with ending his life.

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There are “messy and very traumatic for the survivors” ways and ways that are potentially cleaner and less traumatic. My point is that without this option, I think people are more likely to go for the messy ways which would likely torment their survivors’ memories much worse.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Pro-lifers knew from the beginning that this is where the road of legalizing suicide would lead to.

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Life without God as the moral lawgiver always ends with this kind of immoral outworking.

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And always eventually ends in judgement. And it’s coming.

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Yep. They were spot on and of course the hoi polloi did not listen. Made too much sense to do so.

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The slippery slope CJHOPKINS predicted years ago is now covered in oil and grease

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov


The power of EUPHEMISMS.

These are the people who would tell us when the "shit hits the fan" it was simply chocolate chips.

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And that vaccines are safe and effective.

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Good one!

No, what you’re seeing you’re really not seeing… Trust us

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Reminds me of the movie Solyent Green.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I was thinking to same. I have made many references to that film in the last 3 years.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The most important reason this is wrong is that humans are created in the image of God, the Creator of the Universe. We are not mere animals. We have souls. We are made by God for a purpose. Only GOD has the right to end life.

Fifty years ago (in the US), it was the unborn who were life not worthy of life.

A mere thirty years before that it was, in Germany, the disabled, the mentally unfit, the wandering Gypsies, and the Jews who were life not worthy of life.

A year ago in many places it was the uninjected who were life not worthy of life.

Now it is the poor.

When will it be YOU? And me?

Reminds me of the famous quote:

“First they came for the…

And I said nothing because I was not a …

Then they came for me,

And there was no one left to speak.”

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And it is all supported by the affirmation of CLASS.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Even discussing this topic shows how low governments around the World have become. Rather than provide the less well off with the means to live in dignity we are now suggesting they be eliminated. This leads to a eugenics society where the clever and rich survive and the rest are killed off.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

This is a classuc utilitarian bioethical approach on steroids. The fact that this is in fact an "ethical" approach -- as well as the likely most popular embraced today -- shows how far we have moved away from a sense of morality and ethics based on the dignity of the human person and its spiritual foundations.

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Social Darwinism, sort of like the laws of the jungle.

But the less you physically do, the more you climb the social ladder.

The more you physically do, sweep, climb, build... The lower you go.

So actually it's nothing like the jungle.

And so the weak thrive and the strong perish.

Well this is a generalization of course.


I think you all get what I mean.

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