My mom also ended up with a brand new (but totally unrelated supposedly) asthma diagnosis after her 2nd Pfizer shot! It was also right around the 2 week mark that her symptoms became so bad that she had to go to the hospital. And I know 2 other women who also ended up with new asthma diagnoses after covid shots.
Don't worry, Pfizer have a new mRNA vaccine for that, and when your mother gets another adverse reaction Pfizer will supply a vaccine for that as well.
by contrast, I know someone who has asthma who was deathly worried about ever getting Covid. so ... they got vaccinated as soon as they could. eventually they got Covid anyway. case was not extreme. they stayed out of hospital but continued to test positive for Covid even after they recovered. ugh. wish they'd stayed away from this vax.
I refused that vax even though they kept harping that I was "at risk" due to my asthma. I got covid...homeopathy got it fixed in about 36 hours. I was VERY glad I did not succumb to tge propoganda.
I have a homeopath that I consult, although I'm pretty adept at acutes with other ppl and animals. I've been using homeopathy for decades actually. But for ME I prefer to consult when it's a serious acute or for any chronics (its a trees for the forest kind of thing when it comes to myself LOL)...
It offers lots. Ppl don't know that during "Spanish"flu, the homeooathic hospitals had very high recovery rates 90%+, where the loathing hospitals had dismal results. I think it was under 40%. This was of course, BEFORE Rockefeller pushed out homeopathy in favor of his allopathic, oil based, pharma model. Look up the Flexner Report, which he bought & paid for....
Inflammatory and autoimmune thanks to Mr. Spike Protein. And not just with this jab. But you're right. They don't give a damn and neither do the doctors pushing this poison.
This is totally unfair. Pablo sold a really efficient product that works as advertised. Cocaine is also safer than the shots and you can stop taking it. You cannot ever get unvaccinated, though....
CDC: " Well, we screwed up in hiding the effects of this jab...soooooooo.. let's keep going and make another another excuse for our inexcusable promoting the next lie....some will still believe...... Do you think we really care? Hey.... we have an agenda and like good Nazis, we will take it to the end!!
They are totally under the control of our DARPA bioweapons Deep State (DOD BARDA, etc.) and have NO ROLE IN ANY OF THIS, INCLUDING MONITORING SAFETY STUDIES.
These are NOT VACCINES. LEGALLY THEY ARE BIOWEAPON RESPONSE SOMETHING OR OTHER (ask Katherine at Bailwick and Sasha Laitpova) .
My god people get with the program.
I wish someone smart would stand up, say that since this is now what they are, we no longer NEED A CDC/FDA/NIH.
Get rid of the lot of them.
You and Matthew Crawford are about all I trust now.
That's right. Most of the major countries have no choice but to research bacteria and viruses assuming the use of biological weapons by the enemy, even if they do not intend to use them.
Now genetic engineers say that it is possible to create as many new viruses as possible by mutating genes based on a certain virus.
The same goes for Omi-S at Boston University last October.
For us ordinary people, we are afraid of (1) accidentally leaking out of the lab, (2) someone maliciously intending to spread it, like the anthrax incident in the United States, and (3) pharmaceutical companies weakening Virus for profit. (4) its actual malicious use by adversaries;
As a nation, it would be necessary to have an fair organization to monitor these, but isn't it still in place?
My brother's twins, who turn two in March, got the Moderna. (He and his wife trust the government and mainstream media. Enough said.) The babies only weigh about 25 pounds each, so are still so tiny. I remember looking at the dosage for babies and thinking it was crazy high.
My worst fears are being realized, the more data emerges.
That's probably true, but not helpful to hear, especially in such a harsh and unsympathetic way. The twins are not just statistics to me; I love those sweet little babies and worry about them more than I can say.
I hear what you are saying. If I received that comment about my young adult Son, I would have the same reaction. He slept later than usual the other day and I panicked. Did he have heart failure in his sleep? Thank God he did not.
The horrible harsh fact is those precious babies were poisoned. My Son decided to poison himself despite my urging him not to.
Someone did analysis showing that not all follow the worse case scenario (at least in the time frame studied). So maybe . .
I'm very sorry to hear about your son, and understand your worry. The hope I cling to is that there seems to be a huge discrepancy between the batches, so maybe some of my loved ones, who are all jabbed, will be spared. Some days, that hope is the only thing that keeps me going.
Yes but keep in mind what goes on behind the scenes... to feed the babies and the other 8B rapacious primates... this is a nightmare
I wouldn't be worried sick if I were in denial. Any subscriber of Igor's Substack is well aware that the jabs are neither safe nor effective. Or even necessary, for that matter, especially for babies are at ZERO risk.
You're not offering me new information, just rubbing salt in the wound, making an already terrible situation that much worse.
Many of us here understand what you are feeling. Many of us are in the same situation. We've been watching since the jab rollout, our families and friends going through hell and dying.
But feelings are not helpful, they will just make you sick. Try to reign them in, or you will be broken by the end of this. And will be no use to anyone.
Don't get too attached...there was nothing you could do to stop the parents.
They are gonna have a hard time coming. Just stand by, keep your thoughts to
yourself, and if you care for them, just nod and say oh dear.
Or decide you have had enough of the culling, and let the parents have it between both eyes and with both barrells. Expect never to speak with them again.
I disagree vehemently. I refuse to act like the babies -- and all my other loved ones, who are all vaxxed -- are already dead and gone. I love them deeply and wholeheartedly. Spending time with the twins is a huge joy, because it allows me to live in the moment, without thinking about the future. In the here and now, the babies are ALIVE and funny and playful and cuddly and affectionate. I'm not turning my back on them, because they very likely will never make it to adulthood.
Unless my brother and his wife predecease the babies, which ia distinct possibility, they will one day realize the impact of their decision to have the children jabbed. There's no point in alienating them in the meantime. Whenever I get upset with them, I remind myself that they are victims, too. Most people are, and were, too weak to withstand the world's greatest PsyOp.
Thanks Claudia for your words of wisdom and compassion. The time is getting closer when the awaken ones will have to help and guide those who are victims of this , the greatest crime against humanity known to mankind . The light of GOD shines on you.
I think I disagree on about love them as hard as you can while you can? Heartbreak is part of life for people who care and attach and isn’t that a better way to live?
That was the best option before Covid...because you knew since 9/11 that the only thing that matters is people...not stuff. However, the horror combined with the numbers now is pretty hard wouldn't give the same advice to a Holocaust survivor for example. People are seeing up to 20 people they know or know of being devastated by cancers, injuries, sickness and worse. The loss of businesses, jobs, family connections, everything that happened was NOT normal. So I don't think a normal response is helpful right now.
And let us not forget the really big thing...the realization (if you are paying attention) that the world you thought you knew (and trusted) was just a lie...and that much much worse is in store for us and it is coming at us with the speed of a freight train...CBDC....Social Credit system....increasing "climate change" restrictions ...who can travel, for how long and by what means? It is already happening, and I for one can't pretend it is not.
I have a daughter with your name. I have to keep her going in the near-future when most (all?) of her friends die. The vaxxed have chosen their fate and cannot be helped.
It is not being cold or mean spirited. It is keeping yourself from being so traumatized by what is going on that you can no longer operate. This is especially critical to sensative people....and people who cannot understand what the world is coming to.
It is not cold or mean spirited. It is realistic. If you break your heart over this, you will be no good to anyone, and you will lose your mind. Feelings are great but the time is coming when you need to shut them down. IF you want to live.
You don't know the true long term effects any more than the twins' parents. Hell, we don't even know what's IN the vials or how much as it would seem to vary greatly. ttps://
Doom porning toddlers to drive home a point we all already understand well is pathetic and you should refund your paid subscribers if you have any.
I wouldn't say doomed doomed, but they probably aren't going to be healthy. I'm praying your brother stops with the COVID shots for them and they dodge the worst of the effects.
it is absolutely unbelievable to me how people trust the govt (and Pfizer for that matter) when there are so many examples showing that it CANNOT be trusted and that the welfare of the PEOPLE simply is not the govt priority. My mom is one of those.
Horrible. Those bastards will approve these bioweapons for children and adults as annual necessities and mainstream medicine will go along with it without a whimper or complaint.
Until there are arrests for Crimes Against Humanity and there are subsequent imprisonments and executions, there will be no change, IMO.
It is very distressing to be born in the US - spend >70 years working here and believing in the provably false "American Dream" - only to discover that your own country (Amerika, Inc. - the Indispensible) is actually the biggest terrorist organization on this planet.
You said this so well and so succinctly. I am in the same age, and it is very distressing. I have to shut my heart down every day to get through, while trying to take tiny steps as to what to do when tyranny is digital. But pretending it is not happening is not helpful to yoneself or anyone else. My all your mourning and grieving now. Let it all out. Face it, go through the stages, and the quicker you can get through it, the better. IT will hit you occasionally after like a load of bricks...but if you have truly accepted the horror around us, you will get over it quicker each time.
Absolutely, Duchess! It is indeed a form of grieving. I long ago discovered that things were not as they seemed and have been through the process - several times! Appreciate your voice!
This is not the only vaccine that I suspect is related to asthma onset. I have known of two parents who said their child developed asthma after a routine round of wellness jabs and I always wondered about my father's asthma, which he developed as a boy in curious timing with a mass polio jab campaign. I have long thought that if the premise of a vaccine is to prime the body to attack some invader, if the jabs go wrong then the body will attack itself and hence any autoimmune disorder can be an outcome. Some of these fade with time and some do not. The science is such a sham at this point. They don't even try to hide it. My guess is they'll push it through no matter what. They can't let this collapse it's been all in double or nothing for too long
Same with my bronchitis. I was a healthy baby until mystery brain inflammation not long after my 1st b'day put me in hospital for 10 days. Docs said prob viral meningitis but didn't really know. Super sick as a kid with constant lung issues and then severe hayfever started after they took my tonsils out aged 7 (did have less bronchitis after that). Interesting to read that jabs may cause allergies to any spores etc in the environment at the time of the jab induced inflammation.
I'm guessing I had a jab at 12mths (hayfever season here) but first have to get hold of my medical records to find out...
Also, was nearly a SIDS case during my 1st year. Mum had a bad feeling a while after putting me down for a nap, came back and I was blue. She got me breathing somehow. She can't remember how many months old I was - records might show that too plus proximity to a shot?
Never connected my own poor health history to jabs until the almost rabid rush to try jabbing my own kids every time we saw a doctor. It was creepy enough that I intuited there must be something besides altruism behind their obsession with needling kids. Started asking Q's and TTAV found me soon after...
Thankful my mum has come around to the same conclusions as me of her own accord. But that hasn't deterred all my siblings from taking the magic juice journey.
I fail to understand why ANY parent in their right mind would still offer up their baby or child as a big pharma pincushion after all the evidence has been out there that these shots are not safe! It is sickening that these parents are putting their child at risk because they are gullible enough to believe what the government and big pharma are telling them.
Pretty sure my radical lefty sis, who is a science teacher is in this camp. She keeps saying “at least I know that my family and I are safe”. As her friends and relatives are battling cancer. Ahe has “no desire” to learn any more about the Scamdemic. A true science buff….
Yeah straight to the morgue…. My sister, AFTER she knew that I was furious that my mom had played the science card, did the same. She just couldn’t stop herself. What triggered her- I mentioned natural immunity, which I had no idea was even slightly controversial, since I long ago abandoned MSM
I do not understand how the Capitalist System has captured the organised left-wing so thoroughly. They must have been infiltrating for years (decades), drip-feeding them 'information' about how good modern medicine is, together with the genial plan to also infiltrate far-right groups to warn about the horrific dangers of the mRNA molecules.
They can then say to the left: 'only far-right white supremacists' are anti-science and against the life-saving 'vaccines'. The radical left is groomed to be much more scared of the far-right than the Corporations. They had to do this, because if the left had gone against this from the get-go, it would never have got off the ground.
You know of one now! I didn't fall for the propoganda. I've been awake for a very long time. I knew 9/11 was a gov attacking its own in order to exact more control over the public...another step closer to NWO.
That is exactly what happened...but more like 50 years...never mind the capitlaist system, look at JFK, Nixon, etc. We haven't had a consitutional republic since they assinated JFK.
My kind of madman. Love that guy's dedication to justice despite the odds. His 2021 book TRAF was epic and in a saner world would have changed everything!
Unfortunately, she is indoctrinated. That's not science. OPEN Debate is science. None of that happened. There were no gold standard research trials. What happened was "scientism" a dogmatic religion, def NOT actual science.
Correct. I raised those points with her and still the refusal to engage. She even admitted at one point that I may be correct, but at this point she simply doesn’t want to know. I’m guessing that pyscho Vermont will require her to be boosted forever, she damn well should care. Then again, who could admit that against all rational thought they poisoned themselves and their children? But ignorance is bliss…..
So very sad. I wonder how ppl like that will react when the mainstream finally admits the truth? Will they freak out and never forgive themselves for what they did not just to themselves, but to their children etc? Or will they lose it and go after the perps in a rampage? Or will they just swear everyone is lying, that the jags were and always will be safe and effective and keep their heads buried in the sand? It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. I will be watching, from a safe vantage point.
The only thing they seem to know for sure is that these vaccines are “very safe” so any adverse reactions can immediately be ruled out as being related. Sadly, they’ve gone after the children now with their very safe “vaccines”. I feel bad that parents are so susceptible to brainwashing that they would sacrifice their own children to this garbage science.
Whenever they rule adverse reactions as coincidence during trials, I just have to roll my eyes. I remember a man from one of the initial “COVID Vaccine” trials (the trial in India maybe?) being sued by the pharmaceutical company for defamation because he was injured and he was speaking out about it and the pharmaceutical companies couldn’t have that kind of bad press. They needed to shut him up. They were sure his injuries weren’t from the vaccine. It kind of made me laugh because I’m sitting there asking myself how they would know the injury wasn’t from the vaccine because the trial was ongoing at the time. So much fraud.
I know right? They openly say in print while debunking AE's "well we know it can't be the vaccine" and quote zero data backing that up. It's fricken' religion for sure and anyone asking questions is immediately branded a heretic. Science and progress pfffft.
70 out of 71 do not develop asthma, but asthma is not the only concern for those “safe” 70, by any means! In fact, it’s probably the least of their worries for many of them.
This is actually true. There have been some cohort studies with children that have been able to trace asthma in preschool / young elementary school age to 2 main risk factors: cigarette smoke exposure at home or the young child getting sick (epigenetic reprogramming of the immune response).
The cells don't care whether the inflammatory event happens via nose or via needle. Studies showing an inflammatory sickness changing epigenetic expression in immune response scientifically support your concerns.
So yes, I believe these wonderful studies and I agree with your concerns.
"The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine increases risk of developing de novo asthma or exacerbation of existing asthma (and allergies, GI diseases). All vaccines are contaminated with aeroallergens thus increasing risk of developing asthma. The Pfizer vaccine is distributed in a multi-dose vial which needs to be diluted. This step along with the "pressure equalization" step further increases risk of aeroallergen contamination of the vaccine. Since it is also known that the vaccine has high reactogenicity, it will cause a strong undesirable immune response against these aeroallergens. One can expect increase in asthma and aeroallergen related allergies following this vaccine. And the two dose requirement, will boost the asthma and allergies too.
Aeroallergen contamination of multi-dose and reconstituted vaccine vials cause the development of asthma, gastrointestinal diseases and proves vaccine makers and vaccine safety regulators are incompetent
Should have warned the DOD, too! Since they were all set to seize regulatory control once Donald did his special part in declaring the State of Emergency and unleashing the power of the Other Transactional Authority and the PREP Act.
(But the DOD wouldn't have listened either. You kidding? They want to kill us.)
Who the hell puts their kids up for drugs trials? Especially for these toxic things? Any parent who willingly allows their child to be used for testing is an appalling human being.
The MSM, Tucker and few others aside, has a lot to answer for. If most Americans knew about the case of Maddie de Garay they would never have got the 71 kids for this trial. Anyone still trying to inject children with these poisons deserves to burn in hellfire.
My mom also ended up with a brand new (but totally unrelated supposedly) asthma diagnosis after her 2nd Pfizer shot! It was also right around the 2 week mark that her symptoms became so bad that she had to go to the hospital. And I know 2 other women who also ended up with new asthma diagnoses after covid shots.
Even before COVID, you saw more asthma in children who follow the CDC vax schedule than those who are unvaxxed.
It isn't just asthma, its everything.
Dr. Paul Thomas Compares The Vaccinated To The Unvaccinated
Couldn't remember who did the study - thanks for posting link
Yes! Exactly!
And autism!😢
Igor, pin this one as well.
They only let you pin one...
There's even a recent US government sponsored study that shows kids that get aluminum containing vaccines have higher rates of asthma.
No doubts.
Don't worry, Pfizer have a new mRNA vaccine for that, and when your mother gets another adverse reaction Pfizer will supply a vaccine for that as well.
It's vaccines all the way down...
by contrast, I know someone who has asthma who was deathly worried about ever getting Covid. so ... they got vaccinated as soon as they could. eventually they got Covid anyway. case was not extreme. they stayed out of hospital but continued to test positive for Covid even after they recovered. ugh. wish they'd stayed away from this vax.
Wish they’d stay away from the unreliable PCR tests! Kary Mullis video!
I refused that vax even though they kept harping that I was "at risk" due to my asthma. I got covid...homeopathy got it fixed in about 36 hours. I was VERY glad I did not succumb to tge propoganda.
Did you follow a protocol with the homeopathy or did you match to symptoms? Consult a classical homeopath? Thanks!
I have a homeopath that I consult, although I'm pretty adept at acutes with other ppl and animals. I've been using homeopathy for decades actually. But for ME I prefer to consult when it's a serious acute or for any chronics (its a trees for the forest kind of thing when it comes to myself LOL)...
Interesting story. What did homeopathy offer for Covid? I haven't heard anything about that approach. Thanks.
It offers lots. Ppl don't know that during "Spanish"flu, the homeooathic hospitals had very high recovery rates 90%+, where the loathing hospitals had dismal results. I think it was under 40%. This was of course, BEFORE Rockefeller pushed out homeopathy in favor of his allopathic, oil based, pharma model. Look up the Flexner Report, which he bought & paid for....
That’s the way to go! Good job.
I know one woman. A senior.
Inflammatory and autoimmune thanks to Mr. Spike Protein. And not just with this jab. But you're right. They don't give a damn and neither do the doctors pushing this poison.
The doctors value their $$$ more than honesty, it seems. The FDA is a cesspit beyond redemption
Right on both. So glad I left it behind a while ago.
Most doctors are scum.
But then ... so are most humans
Check out these abominations
Pharma = Pablo Escobar
Doctors = street dealers
I wondered whatever happened to Paul Le Roux, so I checked:
Arrested 2012; sentenced mid-2020. Took some time, did it not? Someone with a very useful skill set in pharma ...
This is totally unfair. Pablo sold a really efficient product that works as advertised. Cocaine is also safer than the shots and you can stop taking it. You cannot ever get unvaccinated, though....
CDC: " Well, we screwed up in hiding the effects of this jab...soooooooo.. let's keep going and make another another excuse for our inexcusable promoting the next lie....some will still believe...... Do you think we really care? Hey.... we have an agenda and like good Nazis, we will take it to the end!!
Are they insane or idiotic or greedy?
Conclusion They are three.
Don't forget......NOT Human or of human compassion!!!
They are totally under the control of our DARPA bioweapons Deep State (DOD BARDA, etc.) and have NO ROLE IN ANY OF THIS, INCLUDING MONITORING SAFETY STUDIES.
These are NOT VACCINES. LEGALLY THEY ARE BIOWEAPON RESPONSE SOMETHING OR OTHER (ask Katherine at Bailwick and Sasha Laitpova) .
My god people get with the program.
I wish someone smart would stand up, say that since this is now what they are, we no longer NEED A CDC/FDA/NIH.
Get rid of the lot of them.
You and Matthew Crawford are about all I trust now.
this is indeed the future of all "health care" now.
That's right. Most of the major countries have no choice but to research bacteria and viruses assuming the use of biological weapons by the enemy, even if they do not intend to use them.
Now genetic engineers say that it is possible to create as many new viruses as possible by mutating genes based on a certain virus.
The same goes for Omi-S at Boston University last October.
It is funded by his NIAID under Fauci's NIH.
For us ordinary people, we are afraid of (1) accidentally leaking out of the lab, (2) someone maliciously intending to spread it, like the anthrax incident in the United States, and (3) pharmaceutical companies weakening Virus for profit. (4) its actual malicious use by adversaries;
As a nation, it would be necessary to have an fair organization to monitor these, but isn't it still in place?
Yeah, Mercury and Aluminum are toxic in the body.
My brother's twins, who turn two in March, got the Moderna. (He and his wife trust the government and mainstream media. Enough said.) The babies only weigh about 25 pounds each, so are still so tiny. I remember looking at the dosage for babies and thinking it was crazy high.
My worst fears are being realized, the more data emerges.
I hope the twins are okay!
Don't kid yourself -- they are doomed.
That's probably true, but not helpful to hear, especially in such a harsh and unsympathetic way. The twins are not just statistics to me; I love those sweet little babies and worry about them more than I can say.
I hear what you are saying. If I received that comment about my young adult Son, I would have the same reaction. He slept later than usual the other day and I panicked. Did he have heart failure in his sleep? Thank God he did not.
The horrible harsh fact is those precious babies were poisoned. My Son decided to poison himself despite my urging him not to.
Someone did analysis showing that not all follow the worse case scenario (at least in the time frame studied). So maybe . .
I'm very sorry to hear about your son, and understand your worry. The hope I cling to is that there seems to be a huge discrepancy between the batches, so maybe some of my loved ones, who are all jabbed, will be spared. Some days, that hope is the only thing that keeps me going.
Yes but keep in mind what goes on behind the scenes... to feed the babies and the other 8B rapacious primates... this is a nightmare
Denial on our side as well. You need to accept the true horror of what we are facing here.
I wouldn't be worried sick if I were in denial. Any subscriber of Igor's Substack is well aware that the jabs are neither safe nor effective. Or even necessary, for that matter, especially for babies are at ZERO risk.
You're not offering me new information, just rubbing salt in the wound, making an already terrible situation that much worse.
Many of us here understand what you are feeling. Many of us are in the same situation. We've been watching since the jab rollout, our families and friends going through hell and dying.
But feelings are not helpful, they will just make you sick. Try to reign them in, or you will be broken by the end of this. And will be no use to anyone.
My entire extended family will be dead by 2025.
Don't get too attached...there was nothing you could do to stop the parents.
They are gonna have a hard time coming. Just stand by, keep your thoughts to
yourself, and if you care for them, just nod and say oh dear.
Or decide you have had enough of the culling, and let the parents have it between both eyes and with both barrells. Expect never to speak with them again.
But you need to guard your heart.
I disagree vehemently. I refuse to act like the babies -- and all my other loved ones, who are all vaxxed -- are already dead and gone. I love them deeply and wholeheartedly. Spending time with the twins is a huge joy, because it allows me to live in the moment, without thinking about the future. In the here and now, the babies are ALIVE and funny and playful and cuddly and affectionate. I'm not turning my back on them, because they very likely will never make it to adulthood.
Unless my brother and his wife predecease the babies, which ia distinct possibility, they will one day realize the impact of their decision to have the children jabbed. There's no point in alienating them in the meantime. Whenever I get upset with them, I remind myself that they are victims, too. Most people are, and were, too weak to withstand the world's greatest PsyOp.
Thanks Claudia for your words of wisdom and compassion. The time is getting closer when the awaken ones will have to help and guide those who are victims of this , the greatest crime against humanity known to mankind . The light of GOD shines on you.
I think I disagree on about love them as hard as you can while you can? Heartbreak is part of life for people who care and attach and isn’t that a better way to live?
That was the best option before Covid...because you knew since 9/11 that the only thing that matters is people...not stuff. However, the horror combined with the numbers now is pretty hard wouldn't give the same advice to a Holocaust survivor for example. People are seeing up to 20 people they know or know of being devastated by cancers, injuries, sickness and worse. The loss of businesses, jobs, family connections, everything that happened was NOT normal. So I don't think a normal response is helpful right now.
And let us not forget the really big thing...the realization (if you are paying attention) that the world you thought you knew (and trusted) was just a lie...and that much much worse is in store for us and it is coming at us with the speed of a freight train...CBDC....Social Credit system....increasing "climate change" restrictions ...who can travel, for how long and by what means? It is already happening, and I for one can't pretend it is not.
Really unhelpful and uncalled for.
Time to harden your heart and acknowledge incredibly difficult and dangerous times ahead.
"Come with me if you want to live."
Time to learn some compassion. Not everyone copes by becoming cold and mean-spirited.
I have a daughter with your name. I have to keep her going in the near-future when most (all?) of her friends die. The vaxxed have chosen their fate and cannot be helped.
It is not being cold or mean spirited. It is keeping yourself from being so traumatized by what is going on that you can no longer operate. This is especially critical to sensative people....and people who cannot understand what the world is coming to.
It is not cold or mean spirited. It is realistic. If you break your heart over this, you will be no good to anyone, and you will lose your mind. Feelings are great but the time is coming when you need to shut them down. IF you want to live.
You don't know the true long term effects any more than the twins' parents. Hell, we don't even know what's IN the vials or how much as it would seem to vary greatly. ttps://
Doom porning toddlers to drive home a point we all already understand well is pathetic and you should refund your paid subscribers if you have any.
There is hope! There's a cure! LOL
No. Grow up.
Optimism is cowardice.
I wouldn't say doomed doomed, but they probably aren't going to be healthy. I'm praying your brother stops with the COVID shots for them and they dodge the worst of the effects.
Thank you for your prayers, they are much appreciated.
Common, they are NOT doomed. The shots are way too toxic but most will survive. Hopefully....
Thank you, Amy. Me, too!
it is absolutely unbelievable to me how people trust the govt (and Pfizer for that matter) when there are so many examples showing that it CANNOT be trusted and that the welfare of the PEOPLE simply is not the govt priority. My mom is one of those.
That is truly awful. I am so sorry
Arsenic is cheaper.
parents these days.....
they "follow their doctors' advice" so ...
"we need to stay out of it and MOOB" (mindourownbusinesss)
This explains blaming asthma on gas stoves.
Oh, good catch!
Horrible. Those bastards will approve these bioweapons for children and adults as annual necessities and mainstream medicine will go along with it without a whimper or complaint.
Until there are arrests for Crimes Against Humanity and there are subsequent imprisonments and executions, there will be no change, IMO.
It is very distressing to be born in the US - spend >70 years working here and believing in the provably false "American Dream" - only to discover that your own country (Amerika, Inc. - the Indispensible) is actually the biggest terrorist organization on this planet.
Never forgive. Never forget.
You said this so well and so succinctly. I am in the same age, and it is very distressing. I have to shut my heart down every day to get through, while trying to take tiny steps as to what to do when tyranny is digital. But pretending it is not happening is not helpful to yoneself or anyone else. My all your mourning and grieving now. Let it all out. Face it, go through the stages, and the quicker you can get through it, the better. IT will hit you occasionally after like a load of bricks...but if you have truly accepted the horror around us, you will get over it quicker each time.
If not, you will be broken..and crazed
Absolutely, Duchess! It is indeed a form of grieving. I long ago discovered that things were not as they seemed and have been through the process - several times! Appreciate your voice!
This is not the only vaccine that I suspect is related to asthma onset. I have known of two parents who said their child developed asthma after a routine round of wellness jabs and I always wondered about my father's asthma, which he developed as a boy in curious timing with a mass polio jab campaign. I have long thought that if the premise of a vaccine is to prime the body to attack some invader, if the jabs go wrong then the body will attack itself and hence any autoimmune disorder can be an outcome. Some of these fade with time and some do not. The science is such a sham at this point. They don't even try to hide it. My guess is they'll push it through no matter what. They can't let this collapse it's been all in double or nothing for too long
I suspect the same about my asthma as well. I no longer have asthma, but I hated every minute of asthma attacks.
How did the asthma go away? Simply age or a remedy?
Same with my bronchitis. I was a healthy baby until mystery brain inflammation not long after my 1st b'day put me in hospital for 10 days. Docs said prob viral meningitis but didn't really know. Super sick as a kid with constant lung issues and then severe hayfever started after they took my tonsils out aged 7 (did have less bronchitis after that). Interesting to read that jabs may cause allergies to any spores etc in the environment at the time of the jab induced inflammation.
I'm guessing I had a jab at 12mths (hayfever season here) but first have to get hold of my medical records to find out...
Also, was nearly a SIDS case during my 1st year. Mum had a bad feeling a while after putting me down for a nap, came back and I was blue. She got me breathing somehow. She can't remember how many months old I was - records might show that too plus proximity to a shot?
Never connected my own poor health history to jabs until the almost rabid rush to try jabbing my own kids every time we saw a doctor. It was creepy enough that I intuited there must be something besides altruism behind their obsession with needling kids. Started asking Q's and TTAV found me soon after...
Thankful my mum has come around to the same conclusions as me of her own accord. But that hasn't deterred all my siblings from taking the magic juice journey.
Please read this article from Children’s Health Defense. All side effects listed should be taken seriously.
By the way, Asthma is listed there.
Ann Dachel’s website is very very good.
Me too. Very sick with asthma as a kid. Missed a lot of school. Brutal.
I fail to understand why ANY parent in their right mind would still offer up their baby or child as a big pharma pincushion after all the evidence has been out there that these shots are not safe! It is sickening that these parents are putting their child at risk because they are gullible enough to believe what the government and big pharma are telling them.
Pretty sure my radical lefty sis, who is a science teacher is in this camp. She keeps saying “at least I know that my family and I are safe”. As her friends and relatives are battling cancer. Ahe has “no desire” to learn any more about the Scamdemic. A true science buff….
Yes, we have family that is ‘following the science’ right off that cliff.
Yeah straight to the morgue…. My sister, AFTER she knew that I was furious that my mom had played the science card, did the same. She just couldn’t stop herself. What triggered her- I mentioned natural immunity, which I had no idea was even slightly controversial, since I long ago abandoned MSM
I do not understand how the Capitalist System has captured the organised left-wing so thoroughly. They must have been infiltrating for years (decades), drip-feeding them 'information' about how good modern medicine is, together with the genial plan to also infiltrate far-right groups to warn about the horrific dangers of the mRNA molecules.
They can then say to the left: 'only far-right white supremacists' are anti-science and against the life-saving 'vaccines'. The radical left is groomed to be much more scared of the far-right than the Corporations. They had to do this, because if the left had gone against this from the get-go, it would never have got off the ground.
I don’t know a single hippie that has a single question about any of the Scamdemic policies. Truly amazing.
You know of one now! I didn't fall for the propoganda. I've been awake for a very long time. I knew 9/11 was a gov attacking its own in order to exact more control over the public...another step closer to NWO.
That is exactly what happened...but more like 50 years...never mind the capitlaist system, look at JFK, Nixon, etc. We haven't had a consitutional republic since they assinated JFK.
But please remember, RFK Jr is a madman.
My kind of madman. Love that guy's dedication to justice despite the odds. His 2021 book TRAF was epic and in a saner world would have changed everything!
Yep...I agree! If he's a mad man, then we all should be like him.
They hugely upped THC exposure.
Unfortunately, she is indoctrinated. That's not science. OPEN Debate is science. None of that happened. There were no gold standard research trials. What happened was "scientism" a dogmatic religion, def NOT actual science.
Correct. I raised those points with her and still the refusal to engage. She even admitted at one point that I may be correct, but at this point she simply doesn’t want to know. I’m guessing that pyscho Vermont will require her to be boosted forever, she damn well should care. Then again, who could admit that against all rational thought they poisoned themselves and their children? But ignorance is bliss…..
So very sad. I wonder how ppl like that will react when the mainstream finally admits the truth? Will they freak out and never forgive themselves for what they did not just to themselves, but to their children etc? Or will they lose it and go after the perps in a rampage? Or will they just swear everyone is lying, that the jags were and always will be safe and effective and keep their heads buried in the sand? It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. I will be watching, from a safe vantage point.
The only thing they seem to know for sure is that these vaccines are “very safe” so any adverse reactions can immediately be ruled out as being related. Sadly, they’ve gone after the children now with their very safe “vaccines”. I feel bad that parents are so susceptible to brainwashing that they would sacrifice their own children to this garbage science.
Whenever they rule adverse reactions as coincidence during trials, I just have to roll my eyes. I remember a man from one of the initial “COVID Vaccine” trials (the trial in India maybe?) being sued by the pharmaceutical company for defamation because he was injured and he was speaking out about it and the pharmaceutical companies couldn’t have that kind of bad press. They needed to shut him up. They were sure his injuries weren’t from the vaccine. It kind of made me laugh because I’m sitting there asking myself how they would know the injury wasn’t from the vaccine because the trial was ongoing at the time. So much fraud.
I know right? They openly say in print while debunking AE's "well we know it can't be the vaccine" and quote zero data backing that up. It's fricken' religion for sure and anyone asking questions is immediately branded a heretic. Science and progress pfffft.
The vast majority of parents are not. There is that, at least.
70 out of 71 children do not develop asthma after the jab. --Rochelle Walensky
Sad but true
70 out of 71 do not develop asthma, but asthma is not the only concern for those “safe” 70, by any means! In fact, it’s probably the least of their worries for many of them.
Thrombus and autoimmune disease in the next few years, this is troublesome, most of them have only symptomatic treatment.
Wait ten years and it could be 71 out of 71. If they are still alive to get asthma, that is.
This is actually true. There have been some cohort studies with children that have been able to trace asthma in preschool / young elementary school age to 2 main risk factors: cigarette smoke exposure at home or the young child getting sick (epigenetic reprogramming of the immune response).
You don't really beleive that, do you? Most chlldhood asthma comes from the vaccines the kdis are forced to take. Ditto allergies...Ditto autism.
Come on people, wake up please.
The cells don't care whether the inflammatory event happens via nose or via needle. Studies showing an inflammatory sickness changing epigenetic expression in immune response scientifically support your concerns.
So yes, I believe these wonderful studies and I agree with your concerns.
Probably true. Mine developed slowly, long after I quit getting jabs.
I don't think she can count that high
Another prediction comes true. I warned the FDA Dec 7, 2020, BEFORE EUA that this vaccine will cause asthma.
"The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine increases risk of developing de novo asthma or exacerbation of existing asthma (and allergies, GI diseases). All vaccines are contaminated with aeroallergens thus increasing risk of developing asthma. The Pfizer vaccine is distributed in a multi-dose vial which needs to be diluted. This step along with the "pressure equalization" step further increases risk of aeroallergen contamination of the vaccine. Since it is also known that the vaccine has high reactogenicity, it will cause a strong undesirable immune response against these aeroallergens. One can expect increase in asthma and aeroallergen related allergies following this vaccine. And the two dose requirement, will boost the asthma and allergies too.
Aeroallergen contamination of multi-dose and reconstituted vaccine vials cause the development of asthma, gastrointestinal diseases and proves vaccine makers and vaccine safety regulators are incompetent"
Should have warned the DOD, too! Since they were all set to seize regulatory control once Donald did his special part in declaring the State of Emergency and unleashing the power of the Other Transactional Authority and the PREP Act.
(But the DOD wouldn't have listened either. You kidding? They want to kill us.)
the bloody DOD is behind it all!
Who the hell puts their kids up for drugs trials? Especially for these toxic things? Any parent who willingly allows their child to be used for testing is an appalling human being.
Maddy's parents...
The MSM, Tucker and few others aside, has a lot to answer for. If most Americans knew about the case of Maddie de Garay they would never have got the 71 kids for this trial. Anyone still trying to inject children with these poisons deserves to burn in hellfire.
Definitely gas stoves. Problem solved.
Oh yes how could I forget it, thanks for correcting me