Dec 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Knowingly supprting kids get vaccinated is one of her crimes..

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It takes a lot of suffering for these idiots to come around. But to do so publicly, i gotta give her some credit. Being nice for the moment would allow more of them to fess up. Then Australia can join Peru, Hungary, Brazil and any other nation in truth.

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I expect she is just trying to jump ship before it sinks. I think she knows that the people of Australia would hold her accountable for pushing vaccines on kids so she is hoping to change jerseys now so as to avoid any repercussions for her previous actions.

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The receipts are still blazing however.

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Same. That would explain why she continued pushing them on kids, knowing they are dangerous. She wants to jump ship, trying to make herself look better before the tide turns.

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And isn't it amazing that she is an EARLY defector ... at this late date?

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Exactly what I was thinking.

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I doubt it. She is not in a position of power. The TGA and the federal health minister are the real culprits.

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She was the former head of the AMA which is a position of authority. She encouraged children to take the vaccine AFTER she was injured without informing people of the risks.

That's against the principle of providing informed consent at the very least. Might it be counted as fraud? Not sure what category her actions would fall under but while she may not be the "real culprit", she is culpable.

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Yeah, there's no way out for her. If both she AND her wife suffered injury that's too much of a sample ... and she would have known of many others. It's way too late for her to legitimately "jump ship" ... but I guess at least she came out eventually.

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Sorry, you left out some words. You missed these:

"She is not in a position of power ANY LONGER."

Does NOT take power to speak out and say stop murdering children, does it?!

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Wouldn't even take any power to just not promote these vaccines to children after being injured herself. Instead, she decided to use her position of power at the time to promote them to this extremely low risk group.

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She is irrelevant because its those bureaucrats in positions of power that dictate policy. They have to be the ones prosecuted. She just followed along like 90% of Australian society believing the false narrative.

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Oh disagree wholeheartedly!! She is NOT irrelevant!! She was in a position of PUBLIC authority; that is, people will LISTEN to her! (AND people were paying her what you can BET was a very hefty salary!) It doesn't matter if she had no operational authority: IF she spoken up, then the NORMIES would (okay, might...) start asking uncomfortable questions of the people WITH operational authority! She CLEARLY could not have "believed" the false narrative because she and her wife were injured! So she KNEW there was danger. Wanna just bet as an 'ex-doctor' (it says in the article), she went and looked up the real truth, so she could try to help herself and her mate?! Nope sorry -- there IS not excuse for NOT preventing murders!

No one is so insignificant as to be assured their actions have no effect!

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Totally disagree. This is not just some random person in Australian society but rather a person in a position of power and authority.

Frankly, if more people in these positions would have spoken out, those bureaucrats in positions of power would not have had the ability to dictate such policies.

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Top of the prosecution list is the controlled opposition. People like Del Bigtree. Bureucrats are nobodies in comparison.


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Phelps mustered enough 'power' to type out the characters on her Twitter feed encouraging parents to get their children vaccinated. She knew she had influence, and sought to use it for nefarious, harmful means. Dispicable, to say the least.

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"amnesty: how could we know?"

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Anyone who harms children is a murderer.

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That goes for every one. Who was forced to take that poison shit.

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She knows the tide is turning and she is on the wrong side. Screw her.

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I am guessing there is a lot of that going on. The good news for them is the mass formation is still very strong with the public at large.

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Besides, if we’re gonna ambush the fascist jabbers, be nice and quiet and patient, let their convoy advance and reveal itself fully. Then attack at close range. Like in the movies.

Signed, Armchair military strategist.

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Could you elaborate about Hungary being on the truth side? I have some doubts.

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ESPECIALLY in light of the fact that she had been vax-injured, and she herself clearly recognized the relationship between the "medicine" and her (and her partner's) injuries.

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Exactly. She had no problem pushing these jabs on children even while she was supposedly injured so why is she speaking up now? Wouldn't she have done so when she was injured or at least abstained from encouraging more vaccine uptake?

I expect she sees the writing on the wall and wants to switch teams so people forget her actual role.

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Someone should invite her to come read this comment thread... We can get a jump on her punishment!

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Agree, and yet we must encourage others to speak up. Not for amnesty, but simple decency and a calm mind and soul. She can talk about coersion. She's been there, and many could relate if they hear it...

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Yes. She knew beyond any doubt of the harm. She knew it was not rare - two people in one household makes it common. But, she encouraged injecting kids. What a complete and utter bitch Phelps is.

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022

Maybe she regretted it and decided to help the kids get proper care she knew the allopathic cult couldn't deliver? Some of the greats are former 'vaccine' pushers. Take for example Dr Horowitz who exposed Mercola and Barbara Loe Fischer's ties to the 'industry' He said he had his own karma after training 30,000 'healthcare professionals' and they wouldn't let him speak at NVIC:


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Some of the greats are former 'vaccine' pushers. Take for example Dr Horowitz who exposed Mercola and Barbara Loe Fischer's ties to the 'industry' ... please explain what you mean by this statement?

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022

"The unending amends you've made

Are enough for one life be done"


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Agree. Mercola started out in Rockefeller medicine, and unlike most of his peers he saw it wasn't helping his patients and he opened his mind. He's done a lot of good since then. Sure, he still has some mainstream beliefs, but who doesn't?

It seems the lynch mob here would hang Mercola too for giving vaccines to his early patients. Amazing how hundreds of people who were born enlightened have congregated here to condemn doctors who bought into mainstream beliefs. One extremist witch-hunt begets another from the opposite side.

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Absolutely right, David. My website was one of the first in Australia to condemn all vaccinations, however, all my children were fully vaxxed in the 1970s and 80s. Why?

Because my wife was a nurse and midwife and I relied on her knowledge and wisdom as the inspiring mother many other women emulated. It's called 'division of duties', an organisational model famiar to most working married couples. But a decade later I accidentally discovered evidence pertaining to autism that set me thinking critically.

It was Joe Mercola who woke my ideas up some 18 years ago. This is how information is diseminated and I will be eternally grateful to him for turning my head in the right direction. Actually, it probably saved my life.

But Dr Kerryn Phelps was a totally partisan opportunistic medical professional who had way more access to the truth than did I, but she chose to look eleswhere, lucratively. Undoubtedly, she is responsible for many thousands of lives being lost, and greatly culpable when she remained silent about mRNA damage that she had personaly experienced. So add children's lives to the list of crimes.

I say, add her name to the execution list, but sit on this list until others join the amnesty bandwagon. The sooner more quacks climb the wagon the sooner they will be joined by other quacks. Eventually, this will reach tipping point and the entire construct will collapse and we can rebuild our country under national sovereignty, expelling the Rupert Murdoch information control empire. When Australia rises, so too will other nations.

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He is not traditionally trained. He is an allopath.


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I think you mean Osteopath

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"He is not traditionally trained. He is an allopath".

And that's a negative?

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So basically he has no qualifications apart from a criminal record in Rockefeller 'medicine'. Homeopathy would suggest the dilluted poison e.g. CAM is even more dangerous than the hardcore allopathy. This is how you get yoga teachers going along with the 'pandemic'. Mercola was spreading disinformation about "herd immunity" as were even many homeopaths. Close just ain't close enough. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDdK19bm_8o

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Thank you for posting this. I knew about the Mercola/Finn story but I hadn't read closely enough about the details of Barbara. People do not research nor do they question these people they follow & financial support.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I call BS on her side. She knows the tide is turning against them, so she defected to make sure she is on the right side. Knowing she and her partner were vaccine injured, and then pushing it on children is highly suspect if not evil. She can go f**k herself.

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Concur. I do not trust her. The January 2022 tweet, in light of her circumstances, is beyond disgusting.

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Yep, she is just one of the many evil creatures out there. I wonder if her medical problems have become more acute and require increasing amounts of money to keep at a manageable level. That would explain her angle that people need help from the government.

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How can anyone let someone else suffer as they have, especially kids? We as adults are supposed to protect them. I know it is hard to do this, as I have done it a couple times in my life and been screwed for it. The irony is after it was all over I had many parents come to me and say they were on my side all along, and thank you for doing what I did.  where were they when I was shunned and isolated at a private school?(Walrdorf). Support after the fact means nothing. I understand that they are fearful. But the more Whistleblowers there are, the persecution is spread out. And you have a support system. And more people become willing to join you and support you.

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"When you're cynical, everything becomes clear."

An aphorism that's served me well for decades.

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Love it!

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Give them the treatment that they prescribed for others. I.e. don't treat them at all or give them Remdesevir and a few additional boosters.

Safe and effective, remember?

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Absolutely agree. So she suffered from an injury and has kept quiet about it till now. Shame on her for then pushing this onto young children. Yes, I too think she and her partner are getting on the bandwagon just in case the SHTF and she does not want to be on the wrong side.

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The other side's army is rolling in, off come the combat clothes of the extremists and they slip through like the civilians they've been killing.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

I couldn't agree more - she's been covering up for over a year but now senses the wheels are falling off the trainwreck of the narrative.

The good thing is that her admissions put paid to "safe & effective", "rare side effects" etc

Of course "our ABC" can always be trusted to gaslight


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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Maybe she thought it was "a vaccine" for "a virus leaked from a lab". People committed extrinsic fraud leading her to believe there was some level of "safety" and "efficacy" so that she concluded the "benefit" outweighed "the risk". She went to get a second opinion from the "other side" but they lied to her so as to stall and help get children injected. They said "the virus" was of little "risk" to children so she concluded "the vaccine" would be "safer" for children and help lead to "herd immunity" she was told was "effective" in Sweden. Maybe it was Dr Bhakdi she watched and he seemed like such a nice man trying to help "both sides/ all". He had failed to take due care and warn her it was dangerous content he was sharing. Content that required such warnings. Youtube as the publisher had failed to exercise editorial control and insist Bhakdi's content had such warnings instead directing viewers to disinformation from the WHO that itself failed to carry such warnings. Their search engine was inappropriately serving dark net content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaYkmGbcebc

"Extrinsic fraud includes fraudulent acts which keep a person from understanding information about his/her rights or obtaining evidence. This could include misleading an ignorant person about not having the right to sue or press criminal charges, or persuading them to delay moving forward with a case (stalling tactics)."


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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sorry, but my “give a sh-t” meter is pegged at zero. She suffers an unquestionable vaccine injury a year and a half ago and kept pushing the “safe and effective” narrative? Sucks for you doc, schadenfreude is a b-tch.

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I share your feelings about her

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If a rat like her is jumping ship, it's rather ominous: a great wave of illness caused by the vaxxes must be towering over her head.

Still, when former pro-vaxxers turn, they provide excellent links to send to people. None of the 'anti-science' 'anti-vaxx slurs work.

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Especially on children. If one was vaccine injured why would that person push the jabs on an extremely low risk group and push the fear of children being at risk from covid?

She is just switching sides in the hope people forget what role she played in the roll out.

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Doesn't this story remind you of Gavin disappearing for several weeks after his vax - whispered rumors of Guillain Barre, then he turns around and makes it mandatory for all school children in California (and rumors were his kids weren't vaxxed?)

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To paraphrase my favorite movie judge, Chamberlain Haller (My Cousin Vinnie): “KC, that is a lucid, well thought-out, intelligent objection. Overruled.”

How do you reconcile:

“Medical professionals are meant to question and weigh up the risks for each individual patient - not just take a one size fits all approach, which is precisely what they did.”


”...I also am able to understand how she and 95% of the health professionals were able to be blindsided by this well orchestrated pandemic response.”

There is no excuse for her, or any other medical professional who didn’t object the way that you did. You figured it out right away, 18 months is an eternity to discover your “error.”

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covid was created for the vaccine and the vaccine was created for the Certificate of Vaccination IDAI. Now a surveillance set up gearing toward UBI, smart cities and CBDC - at a guess. Compliance and control was the objective. Now 5G fencing is being constructed climate restrictions will be the next step.

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KC, your reflections and analysis on the former AMA president are well thought out. In reading the comments of others, I can see that it is easy to condemn people in positions of power for their wrongs, but the fact is this news story doesn't give the whole side of her story. It does say that the diagnosis and causes of her injuries were made known to her, so she can't claim ignorance. As such she should face the full weight of the law for her actions/decisions. But it is by the courts that she should be judged. I'm just relieved that more truth about this whole debacle is coming out.

Let the chips fall where they may...

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Its a crying shame that it took injury for these buttholes to figure out what was glaringly obvious all along.

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It's the reverse of NIMBY (not in my backyard). It's only when it's IN their backyard, do they reverse course. They are ALL odious, lying, murderers, even her.

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If you read the Chronicle article it was ridiculous the rationalization on why the vaccine injuries were not reported. The rationale was that it would further vaccine hesitancy. "The reason we are not telling you, the vaccine hesitant about vaccine injury is that it will confirm your thoughts about taking an experimental substance." What they don't realize is they already didn't have us at "untested."

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It's not ridiculous. At least four countries have similar policies. My experience in Canada was that on the government propaganda CBC News website, I would regularily comment in Readers Comment section and observe anything covid vaccine negative would be censored. What I found odd in late 2021, I made a comment describing the censorship asserting "to prevent vaccine hesitancy", expecting it to also be censored, but it wasn't. Repeating that assertion throughout several weeks confirmed it was okay to make it. It was a hole in their censorship filter. I was surprised they would allow me to point it out.

Countries that blocked anything that would promote vaccine hesitancy include;

1- Australia

2- New Zealand

3- U.K.

4- Canada

5- USA

In one province in Canada, B.C., they have put forward a Bill making it illegal to go against anything government approved covid vaccine negative. Similarly New Zealand has done the same, a "snitch on your neighbors" law.

Shutup laws are specifically about forcing silence from medical professionals. Danirlle Smith, Alberta's premiere (like a governor), a DeSantis like thinking person, has created a new position to ensure peoples constitutional rights are being protected and not overrun by government. Ideally that will include medical professionals.

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But it is ridiculous.

Just because different countries participate in it doesn't make it any less absurd, in fact it makes it more absurd. This idea of "consensus is truth or rational" is not true. After all, the horrible and absurd, arbitrary and capricious Covid policies were adopted by many countries.

Yes, I know these laws exist as do these policies, but that does not make them any less ridiculous or absurd, but rather highlights their absurdity. It's like the ridiculous argument that "We should mask up and do what we are told by the government or else the government restrictions will continue or get more arbitrary and capricious than they already are."

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So when we consider that list with the impact this seems to have on fertility, which world gene pools stand to be reduced?

Goodbye Anglo Saxons.

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Certainly her predecessor, Jason Kenney, failed the test as a wannabe DeSantis. He folded like paper as soon as the going got tough, and almost went full Castreau.

DeSantis, however, held the line and stood his ground during Florida's real trial by fire, and passed with flying colors. Just like Kristi Noem of South Dakota did during her state's worst Covid wave.

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Yikes... !!

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Glad you picked this up (and note Naked Emperor's comment below, too). To be clear, I am sorry Dr Phelps and her wife have been injured and I sincerely hope they both recover. This being said, I share your frustration regarding the timing of this statement. Dr Phelps was an avid participant in the covid vaccine roll-out and also participated in the promotion of the censorship she now bemoans (quite rightly) by labelling others as 'misinformation spreaders'. It's bad enough that it seems Dr Phelps (like so many others) was incapable of acknowledging the plight of so many people until she herself was injured, but the fact that she continued promoting mass childhood covid vaccination after she and her wife had already been injured (but without disclosing this) is unforgivable. Dr Phelps has also been (and I believe continues to be, at least until quite recently) a rabid supporter of lockdowns, perpetual masking, school closure, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she has finally spoken up about this serious issue so people (including her and her wife) can get recognition, support and treatment, but I don't think she's the 'hero' some people wish her to be.

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VERY - VERY -- Well said

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Thanks, Igor! :) And thank you for all your amazing work in this space!

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Ok, my comment is probably more appropriate here. If she wants to be a hero, she should break whatever NDA Pfizer Moderna et al have and release the contracts and also confidential emails from prime ministers, etc., - i.e., be a whistleblower.

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This doctor is a general practitioner (GP) and would almost certainly not have access to this information. She has previously been a politician, but in a relatively low level position and not related to this type of covid policy.

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Although Prof Phelps would certainly have lots of informal connections with the big bop movers and shakers, being a past AMA head honcho etc etc.

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I'm sure you're right about this.

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Why be sorry?

These evil people need to be JABBED UNTIL DEAD.

No amnesty!

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I understand your anger, I really do. What these people have done is unconscionable and unforgivable. But I personally try to act with the compassion and empathy which I demand of others. It doesn't mean I don't think people should be held accountable for their actions, it just means I don't enjoy seeing anyone suffer. Wherever possible, I want to take the 'high road' and show the people who showed disregard to others, that we are the 'better people'. I do agree there should be no amnesty. Everyone - even those who have seen the light and have just recently begun speaking out - should take ownership over their previous 'cheerleading' of draconian, unethical and unscientific government covid policy. Some people seem to be much better at doing this than others.

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I understand that you don't want to see anyone suffer but how could Dr Karen Phelps take ownership for her actions without suffering? I am confounded by your beleif that people in power that have treated others with utter disdain and disrespect are capable of acknowledging the "better people". There isn't a moral compass in the radar of their pockets.

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I meant suffering in the sense of her vaccine injury. I do think there are scenarios in which retribution is required as part of being held accountable, and I'm assuming this is the type of suffering to which you are referring? I also didn't say I expect these people to acknowledge the 'better people', simply that I try to conduct myself with this in mind (being the 'better person'). And I'm not claiming to be perfect either, just because I try to hold myself to this, it doesn't mean I don't have moments of fury. I agree that many people involved have abandoned moral and ethical standards (if they ever had these in the first place), and this extends to Dr Phelps. The fact that she has only spoken up because of her own experience (and that of her wife) is telling, and this is something she should have to explain/take ownership of.

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Unfortunately, as someone has pointed out to me, it is not a fact that she took shots. She could be trying to clear herself. Thankyou for your clarifications.

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I wish there were more people that held (expressed) views similar to yours. There is a tremendous amount of damage that these vaccines have caused, but division in our society doesn't have to be the effect of that damage. I fear it will be if we don't proceed carefully. Empathy, compassion, and, most importantly, justice will do a lot towards mending our societies that have been torn asunder by this colossal mess.

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Thank you for this kind comment, Andy. I agree, I think compassion and empathy have been so lacking in the conversation, and the unvaccinated have been treated terribly (I have been on the receiving end of this, like so many others). I think it's so important that wherever possible, we seek to treat others with more compassion than they have afforded us. Of course, I do think people who have participated in the aggressive pushing of harsh and harmful policy should be accountable for their actions, but there is a spectrum when it comes to who reverses course and when, and whether they show genuine regret (and do not seek to rewrite their role). It's an incredibley hard line to walk, but I think the future of our society depends upon us trying.

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compassion starts with the humility to accept not that "the unvaccinated have been treated terribly" but that the 95% or the fabricated percentage of people that HAVE been jabbed have been treated terribly aswell. We have all been treated terribly.

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Carol, I'm not sure what I've said that has upset you (or perhaps I have misinterpreted the tone of your comment?). I did not claim that the vaccinated have not been treated terribly, simply that there has been a clear and sustained campaign of discrimination levelled at the unvaccinated (including me). I personally agree that those who have been vaccinated have been unforgivably treated. Most, if not all vaccinated people were not provided with informed consent and have also been coerced to some extent (on a spectrum from being offered 'free stuff' to being denied employment - or worse, being denied medical treatment like organ transplants). This is a gross breach of ethics and duty of care on behalf of the medical system and despicable overreach by our governments. I agree that we have all been treated terribly, absolutely no argument from me on this point.

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No amnesty, and NO QUARTER!

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I'm no doubt being a bit dense, but what do you mean by "no quarter"?

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Per Merriam-Webster:

literary. : no pity or mercy. used to say that an enemy, opponent, etc., is treated in a very harsh way. The soldiers showed/gave no quarter to the enemy.

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Ah, I see. Thank you for taking the time to explain! :)

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You're welcome :)

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You know the ship is really sinking, when the rats start jumping.

It does seem a cynical move by her to go over to the winning side of the argument. Jumping before being pushed. If she was ethically or morally motivated, she would have moved sooner. Interesting to see how she justifies the delay but I can see now cry-baby arguments about "struggling with my conscience" etc.

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Way too little and way too late. I don't think the people of Australia will forget her pushing jabs on children regardless of what she claims now, especially when she herself was purportedly injured. I doubt whatever she says now is going to cut it.

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First they need to care or accept that taking the jab was a massive mistake that killed and injured more than anyone will ever know. At present, the Oz population would like to stay oblivious to the truth about the jabs. That will change in time as the damage from each jab is cumulative and more people will be seeing the consequences of their compliance with the jab mandate.

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Indeed, switching jerseys only when it is convenient.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It is being said that the cv19 vaccine has eroded confidence in the all the other injections. it is not eroded confidence it is exposed to truth of all this s*** that they've been injecting us to make us sicker. Pediatrician Paul Thomas patient data highlighted that chronic conditions were absent only in his uninjected kids. Unsurprisingly his license has been recently removed by oregon board.his podcast is against the wind

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Thank you for the podcast referral. I read his book - it has good common sense information about childhood vaccines.

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Some might even call that the start of a new paradigm shift.

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I don't know the answer to your question, but either way, it's good news. She should still be held accountable, especially in light of knowing her advice was untrue. It's ugly progress and I'll take it.

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Maybe someone close to her died and that is why she changed her story. We may never know. I was in the medical profession for 25 years. I was practicing when the first strand of SARs hit. I knew all of this was incorrect from the beginning no matter how many didn't agree with me. You always treat the symptoms in medicine. The vaccine attempt failed the first time for SARs. I have never been tested for Covid or vaccinated for it and I am not an anti vaxxer. It is a travesty that so many medical professionals have not truly followed medicine throughout all of this. They like to call it science now, but we always called it medicine and I still do. I knew Operation Warp Speed was opening Pandora's Box and now it's open.

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I was mid writing about this but I'll stop now! You can read her full submission here - https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/House/Health_Aged_Care_and_Sport/LongandrepeatedCOVID/Submissions

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022Author

It happens to me -- MORE OFTEN THAN I WOULD LIKE :-)

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Next time somebody says a leftist got redpilled, i will fact check. Hers was no admission of a mind change about the plandemic at all.

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In her full submission, Phelps writes that, "Australia needs a long-term, comprehensive plan NOW to minimise transmission, Long

COVID and reinfection.

This does not mean a return to draconian lockdowns. "

This is odd, as one of the precautions she lists is, " A return to mandated isolation of infected individuals through the infectious period."

Oddly absent from her list is a recommendation against vaccinating kids. Concerning the vaccines she merely recommends the following:

• Development of specific information packages for GPs and medical specialists on the spectrum of vaccine adverse events so that patients receive full and accurate informed consent prior to vaccination, and wider recognition of vaccine injury.

• Development of Consumer Medicines Information resources about COVID19 vaccine adverse events

• Development of specific information packages for GPs and medical specialists on

how to manage patients with suspected or likely vaccine injuries.

• Research into the underlying mechanisms of vaccine injury

• Research and development of targeted treatments for vaccine injury.

• Recognition of long term Long COVID and vaccine injury disability under the NDIS.

She seems fine with the vaccines. All that it needed is to inform people that injuries await them.

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Number 510.

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How do find her submission? I'm using my phone and can't find it.

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Are you kidding? You could call Australia the Associated Press strangle hold embedded with totalitarian Alphabet Sensorship Wash. There are a few lone faces on youtube, substacks and the informative global network of tntradio.live Look at the way the monster media is trying to attack bad government whistle blowers over a recent shooting which had absolutely NOTHING to do with Covid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw2nzpf0hMo

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Indeed. Long Jab Injury is far more likely.

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Anybody , at any time , who pushed for the vaccination of children with these experimental vaccines really ought to be criminally prosecuted.

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Especially those who KNEW they were poison.

I can forgive fools easily, but not those aware

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How could they NOT know? They failed to test the jabs for the adults let alone the kids. The lack of testing should have been a show stopper, yet, I recall that imbecile from the FDA saying that they should try them anyway.

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Every physician should have the knowledge base to be able to read the ingredients on the label, spend a short time looking at articles online, and know the trouble these promise. Even before the vaccines were offered to the public this was possible because of previous use of these ingredients in the lab and in failed trials.

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Completely agree. I think that anyone who reads about lipid nanoparticles would have only one question: "How could anyone even conceive the idea of using them when its description make it clear that the they are extremely toxic, should be not be used and the usage is severely restricted even in trials?" They substituted the lab mice with the population and no one has asked this very basic question. On the contrary, the media is fawning of the "cool" new tech when in reality it is like fawning over a newly invented poison that no one still have any understanding what the longer term effects are (the short terms are known and hence the do not use even in most trials) and which they injected in billions. The media is just as culpable for this horror as they have not done even the most fundamental check of their stories. Not surprised though - they are on the pay of big Harma.

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Ya like the evil Bonny Henry of BC, Chinada. Filthy socialist scum!

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And let's not forget Justin Castreau.

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Indeed. Anyone that high up in the medical establishment would have known that something was not quite right from the get-go.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

No amnesty!

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Agreed. But how about sentencing discounts for the first thousand perpetrators to confess? And maybe a debilitating vaxx injury or the sudden death of a loved one could count a bit toward time served?

Just spitballing here. But seriously, this is such a massive crime that we're going to have to make some allowances, because we just can't afford to lock that many people up, on top of all the freshly dead victims and those who'll need caregivers for the rest of their days. Not amnesty, but truth & reconciliation. Justice, not retribution.

As for me, I'd be content with this one having her medical license revoked and being gifted an entry in the big permanent museum of shame. Along with so many of her peers.

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She hopes to get sympathy and be forgiven for all that were injured. No amnesty.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

While I believe she is reprehensible for promoting those shots for kids, I wonder if this is as simple as we would like it to be. Yes, without a doubt she is a traitor to the children and parents of Australia.

Did she truly have a change of heart? Is she a coward but finally grew a pair? Does anything absolve her for her part in these murderous acts? No! Should she pay? Yes!!! Do I still have a modicum of compassion for her. Yes, but reluctantly.

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I have a similar mix of feelings to be honest

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Me too. This is an important issue to write about. We all have the impulse to mock the vaxed, but then watch some videos of vax injured people. Not funny.

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I have to disagree with your statement that we all have the impulse to mock the vaccinated. I certainly don't have such an impulse not even in this case. However, while I may have compassion for her and her partner regarding any injuries they may have sustained, I do not think her injuries or speaking out about them now absolve her of anything. Even after being injured, she chose to promote the vaccines especially on a group that were always at extremely low risk from covid.

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You are right. Not all have the impulse. But a lot of us have it. And you can see it all over these substacks. It is probably a defense mechanism. They have tried (and still do) to force us to get something we don't want. And they have mocked us as well. So, somehow, it is fair to make fun of their injuries. But we are mistaking some people for all the vaxed.

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There are many vaxxed who took it in the belief they were doing the right thing. Many also disagreed with the mandates. I expect most of us do feel compassion for most vaccine-injured. Who can sit there and not feel sympathy for Brianne Dressen or Maddie de Garay?

Admittedly, I am far less sympathetic toward those who mocked and shamed anyone for not just falling in line. Still mocking and/or shaming them in turn seems inhumane. I expect many on our side feel the same way. However, while I may be sympathetic even to those that showed some of the worst aspects of humanity, I will also not forget their actions.

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{wink} On the other hand, it's ENTIRELY appropriate to mock and insult the NON-injured for trying (and succeeding in) destroying our country and the West! Until / unless they show up injured, open both barrels!!!

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95% Agree. But, mocking those who made fun of us and tried to destroy our lives seems humane.

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I do not think that anyone mocks those that have been conned or coerced into getting the jabs. I have a colleague that had to take the jabs to be able to attend her father's funeral in another country. I was/am very sorry one had to do that and I thought it was absurd that she had to do it. It also revealed how despicable the creatures behind this are. However, I do not have any sympathy for those that did it just because they wanted to go have a coffee or those who were enforcing the absurd Covid "measures" like sacking people for refusing the jabs and masking the kids. The people in this latter groups are total and complete imbeciles and are responsible for the horror that took place . You need a ton of people to comply and enforce the idiocy and as much as it is disturbing when one thinks about it, many of them also had fun and were promoted for doing it. Before anyone gets magnanimous about these lowlifes, think that they did not hesitate to hurt kids and let old people die alone. Just about as evil as one can get and hence no quarter to be given to them and no forgiveness - feeling conflicted about them invites more of the same (and no, they did not feel conflicted about forcing others to comply with the Covid horror).

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I have absolutely NO IMPULSE to mock the poison-vaxxed! Do you actually KNOW anyone (besides yourself?) who has an impulse to mock an injured person!?

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Read the comments to any entry of any substack that deals with this issue, please.

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According to the gentleman in the video, the MRNA shots work for 2 years, then everyone' in the trial had their heart stop. (He claims he was in an MRNA trial in 2013, and all died but 5).

It is the 2 year mark.

If what this young man says is true, they won't be able to hide it for any longer. They know this.


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Wow! In 2008 I applied for a vaccine trial at Stanford for lymphoma. I wasn't accepted (long story) and was upset. But the trial was eventually closed down due to excess deaths. MRNA technology at it's finest. Great video; thx for sharing it.

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Indeed. mRNA gene therapies in general have been around for a while in terms of clinical trials. And the results of those trials haven't exactly been reassuring, to put it very mildly.

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I really hope to God that that is false, or (next best thing) that a good chunk of the population got the saline....

Otherwise, 2023 will have the largest number of peacetime excess deaths in all of recorded history since the Black Death. Which they will surely blame on "climate change" or something.

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If you got the jab and did NOT feel sick the next day, you probably got the saline (though some people just get a sore arm). If you did feel sick, that may have been a nocebo effect, but most likely it was the real deal. Look up "how bad is my batch" if you dare...

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That reminds me of a post by Dr. Brown yesterday, talking about the work of Ethical Skeptic: https://docbrown77.substack.com/p/ethical-skeptic-with-more-interesting

Apparently the CDC has created a large number of different codes for Covid injuries and heart problems, so that the data can't be tracked (if you have 10,000 sudden cardiac deaths, that's easy to look up, but if you call them by 100 different names, the data doesn't show an obvious story.)

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She is also calling out the fact that AHPRA have been gagging medical professionals. It is definitely a taboo topic to talk openly about vaccine injuries in Australia. But in the medical setting? That shouldn’t be a problem. Of course, the effort the regulatory body have gone to has skewed the statistics and underreporting of injuries has allowed the narrative to continue.

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I wonder how many are dead because of AHPRA, the Medical Board, TGA and ATAGI.

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I know. I wonder that too. It’s a good question to ask. Along with, how many of the CHOs are now going to jump ship after this admission?

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That's a very good question. And celebrity doctors? Norman Swan?

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This element of her testimony hasn't been reported in the Aus MSM to anywhere near the same extent as the fact of their vaccine injury

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Do the crime, do the time is harsh but especially applicable in Nuremberg crimes.

Lots of people convicted of violent crimes were drunk or high when they occurred. No excuse. Let the judge decide, not the police.

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I say let her join the bandwagon, invite her in, give her a place and then when the tide has fully turned and things are quieting down, tap her on the shoulder and slap the cuffs on her, *sorry* no amnesty for Nuremberg crimes sweetie.

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That was an EPIC scenario/comment!

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

In the words of hero John McClaine from.Diehard:

'Welcome to the party, Pal!!!"

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