Dear Readers: I forgot about the top-most point that produces a reading of 22,000 titers. So the difference between the lowest and the highest is not 23 times, but instead over 70 times!

The article was correct but now it states an even stronger point -- the difference between the lowest and highest titer is over 70 times.

Article edited

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on the subject of antibodies, I read somewhere that, as a general rule, it's a really good thing that serum antibody levels decline after one defeats an infection. and that's because antibodies thicken the blood.

if a sequence of defeated infections caused a long term monotonic accumulation of antibodies, our blood would become a thick soup and we'd die. on the contrary, our bodies evolved a mechanism to bring down antibody levels after an infection, not keep them elevated perpetually.

even if these Covid jab specific antibodies did result in lowered hospitalization for Covid, repeating these jabs and their associated increase in serum antibodies is probably not a long term strategy for overall health. and yet they keep pushing the boosters.

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i wonder if this has anything to do with the strange clots found in the blood of those that have died.

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Not really...those are hypothosized to be unatural synthetic rope or string clots caused by the spike protein from the mrna jabs, especially the boosters.

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That would also explain the clot formation : thickening the blood constantly

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Quick note, Dr Meryl Nass says there were more than eight mice. Of course not that that matters, that's the point, but don't want to feed the "fack-checkers" with anything real. (And maybe there were various tiny trials of a few mice that added up ... "rigorous" science, as they say)

51:25 -- The CDC had an emergency meeting of its advisory committee that didn't have the three wk notice in federal register that usually occurs. They voted 13-1 in favor of rolling out the new Boosters even tho the only data they were presented w on these new boosters were from mice.

Interviewer - "and there's eight mice as I understand?"

Dr Meryl Nass - "No, I didnt see eight mice, I think there are a lot more than eight mice. But it doesn't matter how many mice - because mice do not reflect what happens to humans when you give them a vaccine.

Just abt any species is going to mount antibodies if you inject them w something, but that doesnt mean there going to have a good immune response to the disease doesn't mean humans are going to have a good immune response to the disease when they're injected w the same thing."

- "Theres no human trials?"

Dr Nass - "They're just staring human trials now, and why would you even do a human trial when you're already injecting millions of people? Moderna is starting a 512 person trial .. the public is the trial."


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Dear Igor : thank you for a great explanation. If you happen to see this, how do you read the numbers you posted on the chart? Left side doesn’t show the scale so I’m a bit lost - thank you

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Sorry if this was asked elsewhere in reply (TLDR 379 comments) does the chart at top suggest that the monovalent shot for BA.4/5 is actually useful?

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Eight blind mice, eight blind mice

See how they run, see how they run

They all ran after the mRNA shot

The doctor opened them up and found a clot

Did you ever see such a sight in your life as eight dead mice?

Eight dead mice, eight dead mice

See how they died, see how they died

They all showed damage to organ cells

Cancerous lesions and warning bells.

Did you ever see such a sight in your life as eight dead mice?

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An additional verse, if I may:

Eight jabbed mice, eight jabbed mice

What have we done? What have we done?

Antibody titers all over the place

A meaningless measure in any case

How will this effect the human race, and eight jabbed mice?

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Well done! I couldn't have done it better.

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Love it! Maybe the catchy tune will get people thinking again. Music has been used forever to spread a message.

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I wish we had more artists to back us with great murals on walls, comedians, even street performers like in the Shakespearean age. Sonnets and singers.

Topless protests... I mean if you want to get widespread attention why not pull out the big guns.

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Bob Moran - look him up on twitter and IG

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How have I not seen this before???

That is excellent.

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He is hilarious. As he is going to city councils, he is excellently prepared and knows exactly the crazy politics they are representing. He is just mirroring their craziness. He is a really smart guy, who started off seriously with politicians but got attention at all - then he switched.

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Do more verses! I think I've got it memorized...

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Just for you.

Eight spliced mice, eight spliced mice.

Report how they died, report how they died.

They all were humanely slaughtered with a squeeze and a choke.

So no abnormal findings was what the doctor wrote.

Did you ever see such a sight in your life as eight very dead mice?

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Love it.

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OMG this is sooo good. I will have to think about more rhymes you could add!

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Reminds me of a book we read to our children:


Knowing in part may make a fine tale,

but wisdom comes from seeing the whole.

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GOOD JOB!!!! 👍👏

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That is soooo good, thankyou

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Nice song Conway. Did they really die? I don't see any comment above from Igor about that. If they died from the vax, can you please provide supporting link(s)?

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I've sequentially measured the ab titers in mice in response to experimental vaccines, you do not need to kill them. They probably kept them alive unless otherwise stated.

Balb/c mice are notorious for producing high antibody levels, they get results -hahaha. The fact that they couldn't get consistently high values with balb/cs is concerning. Also telling that they didn't use c57bl/6

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Very interesting

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The6 killed most of 5he lab animals so any longer term effects would not show up.....

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That’s my thought as well. They are in unaccountable for consequences. Ignorance is bliss

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Can we FOIA what happened to the mice, if they don't specify this anywhere?

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If they didn't submit to FDA, no. And may be "trade secret" even if they did. Most likely they did/will do some bleeds at other time points and freeze the serum in case they want to see how quickly the neutralizing abs fell.

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OT, but I like your name. I have 3 buffs, great birds.

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As a second thought, I wanted to ask you what do you think about this situation. How concerning are these results? Any good ideas, without compromising your privacy?

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Well, call me old fashioned but I wouldn't put too much stock either way in a balb/c mouse study with n=8, (n=8, N=24? There's at least 24 mice there, 8 per vaccine)(is that really all they did??). Using balb/c instead of outbred or repeating with at least one more strain is really, basic. A variable neutralizing titer response to a bivalent vaccine makes sense. I'd expect more variability in outbred humans. I wish I could tell you what that means, but being old fashioned I don't think neutralizing titers in mice tells us much about protection in humans when we don't have any correlate(s) of protection.

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Thanks! Note that the response to the Wuhan portion of the bivalent vaccine was NOT variable (in fact it was so consistent that it looks odd). What was too variable is the response to the Ba5 part of the bivalent shot

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I mean booster.

I don't know the experimental details-i think it says under the blue text in your image, but I assume they gave a primary series (2-3 shots) with the Wuhan /original spike, and then a booster with the original, omi, or bivalent vaccine. That means the mice have been exposed to Wuhan spike a lot, and are pretty consistent in make high levels of neutralizing abs against it. When boosted with one of the 3 boosters, they want to see if they can get neutralizing titers against the new strains. So, either ab previously developed that cross react, or newly developed ones. Pushing the original ab repertoire is bound to variable, as even with inbred mice the exact abs produced will be different. Based on that figure, the omicron monovalent looks best/has higher ab against more pseudoviruses. The cynic in me thinks they had a lot of original spike vaccine in the pipeline and to save money/time they used it to cut the omicron shot and make their Whitehouse-encouraged target date. That is only based on the chart above.

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i know im in a bubble group and not seeing the wider picture but who at this point is still wanting shots of their phamashite™?

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My 81-yo mom is one. She has had four shots thus far (the last two boosters could have killed her...she had high temps and could barely walk due to neuropathy afterwards...it did subside, thankfully). All of her bridge club ladies have, too, and now they are getting Covid, having "brain fog," and getting shingles. Her thought process is that she can "tell the vaccine effectiveness is waning" by how she feels. She says she can tell she needs another boost. I told her she sounds like a junkie.

It's all so bizarre and there is nothing I can do about it.

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You know, I definitely feel for you, but if I may say your mom is 81 years old. She will not bear more children, work, etc. She is a valuable member of the society and is your beloved mom, but at this point we collectively do not depend on her other than her wisdom and such.

(I have a mom of a slightly younger age but otherwise similar)

But what they did with young people, who we need to replenish the society with children, work, serve in the military etc, is quite terrifying.

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It's even worse than that Igor. The majority of those demanding kids and young adults get the shots were seniors (or over 50 at least)! People who were in the six or seventh decade and had lived full lives, were cowering in fear, and demanded those with their entire lives ahead of them take a barely-tested, experimental medication.

I find it hard to recall such widespread arrogant selfishness among those in their "golden years" at any point in my lifetime (and I've got plenty of gray hair myself). The boomer generation did not age well.

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Bullcrap. From my experience, as an old gen x (btw I know many boomers who are nothing like your description), the upper middle class, mid thirties Moms were pushing jabs on their kids.

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We'll your experience certainly invalidates anything I've observed in my life along with countless others (many of which have commented here).

Pack it up folks, Kelliann has spoken, it's all bullcrap. Zero refuting evidence needed just her opinionated rebuttal.

BTW, I never said it was *only old folks*, sure there are plenty of lunatic middle aged women driving this hysteria. My point was that we have never seen seniors as a group act this arrogant and selfish toward children and young adults in recent memory. If you thought about what I actually wrote rather than lash out emotionally it might make sense.

Really tired of the strawman responses from people who get their ox gored for whatever reason.

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I am an older Boomer as well. My golden years are not spent lolling in past glories. I am proactive, I speak out, I fight. I figure being older, I don’t have as much to lose. So I am willing to risk more. I do not believe I am alone in this. I know there are a number of folks in my age group who read this post doing exactly the same. When I read this stuff it seems to me we are participating in the behaviors that most of us find so reprehensible. It’s human I get it. But I am slightly disappointed because I hold us to a higher standard. O well

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At 83 and after two, no more. The data arrived and I can read. I'll bet on simple sanitation to keep me and if it doesn't maybe my clock expires.

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Honestly, Igor, I cannot agree. It does not matter at all what age group.

There was an undercover video from a nursing home when the vaccine rollout began in Dec. 2020. The way these defenceless people were treated, with the "doctors"? (not even sure) clad in these full-cover plastic condoms - it was beyond bearable.

I think it is even worse with the vulnerable, the old who rely on doctors and others taking taking care of them.

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Hmmm. Elders have a place in society. If what you say was really true, then why was the aging Congress offered exemptions from taking "the shot"?

add: if these elders fulfilled their end of the social contract, why can't the gov't? Capitalism's end game is to quietly RENEGE by declaring elders and those who cannot contribute something "useful" in terms of productivity (from a ruling capitalists perspective) as useless to society and therefore need to be "neutralized" to save on costs. But if you openly renege, there could be a revolt...or a loss of confidence in the system from younger citizens. So you use a silent [bio]weapon and get people to euthanize themselves.

And then this brand of capitalism can continue to champion itself as being this wonder of an economic system. Nothing to see here.

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And who have time to develop longterm degenerative pathologies as a result.

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I'm so sorry to read of your mom and her friends. These predators are very good at convincing people that they're on the side of health. When I was in the hospital late last year overnight one of the nurses, who was the sweetest person, almost broke into tears because I had not and would not get the covid shot. She believed I would end up dying by resisting. I thanked her for her concern and felt very sad for her.

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You should send her a card at the hospital thanking her for the care and letting her know you're still alive!

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That's a great idea. Thank you for that suggestion!

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leave her alone. hopefully she will awake up. not much we can do.

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my mum is the same, ex nurse and an avid believer, we cant even discuss it, she gets mad

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Almost everyone I know over 55 is vaxxed and will probably get another booster. Their doctors tell them to do it , so they do. Most look at it as a thing to do now, like the yearly flu shot. My BIL is vaxx injured, his wife admits it, yet she has said that if her doctor says to get another booster, she will.

IMHO, it's irrational fear of death. They don't realize... we will all eventually die, but the likelihood is that it won't be from COVID.

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Stunned mullet syndrome.

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Maybe they added something to cause just that effect! Easier to control everyone! That's why the hard push and more this fall. They want it in EVERY arm.!

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It wouldn't surprise me.

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Good grief. She is a junkie. I’m sorry.

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When the jokes become truth. Painful

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I am so sorry. Awful. My aunt is a doctor and likewise brainwashed. It is so painful to watch and to only encounter condescension - in the case of my aunt.

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I’m truly sorry. I have some loved ones around me who think this way too. I find peace in prayer, it’s all I can do at this point. I hope you can find peace too🙏🏻♥️

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I've been thinking about this alot lately. These drugs are addictive, much like heroine. This is devastating to our society.


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My mom said the first two shots gave her a type of euphoria and she felt great afterwards. She said she could "feel her immune system strengthening." The second two shots didn't give her that euphoria and caused a lot of pain, but she is still excited to get the new one that is coming out soon. So I don't know if they put something in the first two shots to get certain people to willingly take the boosters (she is 81)? Nothing surprises me anymore.

Friday night she told me I should get the shots and I said "over my dead body" and she replied, "well, it just might be." Lovely, haha.

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My condolences. If my mother was still alive (passed 8 years ago at age 92), she would have been the same.

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I was in the next room, but listening in on my wife’s weekly zoom call she has with her family. One sister was so proud to say she just had her yearly flu shot and couldn’t wait to get the booster in late Sept or early Oct. Most of the rest of the family (not my wife) crowed their approval and agreements...

It’s hard for me to roll my eyes hard enough these days 🙄🤦🏼‍♂️

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i think i could hear you eyerolling from here

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😂😂 I bet you could!

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I was eye rolling right along with you

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That reminded me of our last FaceTime last year. Hubby asked his daughters/niece and their husbands why they took the shot. Dead silence. Then the niece said in a tiny voice, so I don't die. Needless to say, that was the last FT call with his family. I shouldn't but everytime I think of that call I laugh.

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I've been feeling hurt that I've been left out of the Zoom calls (didn't even know they were happening for the longest time; I'm sure it was because I supported the wrong candidate) but hearing your story, I'm relieved I was left out.

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Hmm, for me it was worse - getting relatives on the other side to be preachy on the jabs was difficult to manage with some measure of calm.

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Would they change their minds if they knew it was only tested on mice?

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if the TV told them it killed everyone that takes it, but you still need to take it, they’ll line up and get it 🐑🐑🐑

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Yes...my family certainly would. I cringe even saying that.. 😣

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Maybe. I told a vaxxed and boosted friend about it in a non-threatening way, and she said she was good for now. I think that means she won't get it.

But... she is my friend, and might just be humoring me. IDK.

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I thought the rah rah stage was over. Still a long slog

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"Wisdom is vindicated by its results..."

Stay strong!

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The Covidians that is who. They will jump at the chance to get themselves jabbed again and again while thinking that the rest of hoi polloi are insane to miss out. Now, if they were to be the type that live and let live, I would have no problem - after all, it is their choice to get jabbed with that concoction. Unfortunately, they are not happy to test the stuff on themselves - they want everyone else to get it because all the ones that are not jabbed are a mortal danger to them. One word describes them succinctly - NUTS.

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whats really remarkable is some of these people are actually quite intelligent, they can dress themselves and everything

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They may be functional but that is not proof of intelligence. This scam has been a real eye opener for me. To see so many people getting conned so easily is difficult to grasp.

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This is very very true. Family in a different blue state, who I believed were intelligent, have shown otherwise by embracing this whole fiasco. Even had one of the baffling sudden deaths occur in their circle but nothing to see here. They are all shot up and boosted up, whenever it's time for a new boost, they're in.

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As prof. Desmet stated, intelligence does not protect you from being susceptible to fraud. Also, yesterday I've learned from this video that "nudge units" carefully crafted their messaging based on early 2020 psychological experiments: https://youtu.be/WKT2IcSaG6M

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Not surprising. The mental manipulation is exquisite.

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censorship & propaganda kill the mind.

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yeah, but it's as if their minds actually CRAVE censorship and propaganda.

you try to set them free, they lock the door and throw away the key. this whole covid nuttery probably gave them a welcome sense of meaning, a higher purpose, belonging to something 'higher' than themselves and all that. transcendence via covid cultism.

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I once heard someone say ,"YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!"

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It is now proven fact beyond any doubt.

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I know infectious disease specialists in the biggest most famous hospital in Stockholm who believe this shit. Three sons, all jabbed. Because science.

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The only thing they are specialist in is stupidity if they are jabbed or jabbed their kids.

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This particular doctor was sort of gloating that she got her first shot in January last year. (I’m a doctor too but not working clinically.) And was laughing with relief that her husband (healthy, mid 40s) had SUCH a bad bout of covid which could, of course, have been much worse had he not been triple jabbed. No one in the household got covid the whole of 2020 when she was working without a vaccine and with the most critical patients. But covid is just so strong! Thank god for the boosties!

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I know that type of total moron. I have a colleague that took multiple jabs so that he could get a chest badge with "Covid Vaccinated" and wore that to show how "responsible" and "caring" he was. He got Covid at least twice that I know of. What I find very offensive is the Covid jab creed that they recite once they do get Covid "I am grateful for protection offered by the jabs and without them it would have been worse." What protection is that you imbeciles? You got Covid after you got jabbed.

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no, not nuts but fascist.

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They are nuts to take the jab. However, you are correct they are fascist/bolshevik in their view of the world.

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COMPLETELY nuts AND fascist IMO. But maybe that's just my fellow Kiwi's..

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Extremely dangerous. They would readily lock up all those that have not taken the jab, force jab them and in some cases worse. It is because of these useful idiots that we ended up with mandates and systematic elimination of individual rights.

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Death cult to be more precise.

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A child in heart failure who can’t get in organ donation list without being UTD, including Covid.

Pure evil to deny a child who isn’t vaccinated.

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Pure evil to deny it to anyone that has a matching organ but is not jabbed.

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Evil is always on the rise. Requires constant vigilance, and constant response, to control it.

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this is where i feel most strongly on the death penalty for doctors, i'd happily do it myself

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As I’ve said many times in the past few days as this phenomenon seems finally to be getting some notice on the twitter, it is not just evil, it is Murder.

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The doctors who are relieved and equal parts baffled and laughing that their partners got three shots, got Covid and got it really bad! Who’d have thunk?! Surely not the senior consultant in infectious diseases in Stockholms most famous hospital! Thank god they got the booster! Imagine what would’ve happened without it!!

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They would have gotten over it faster (especially if they took some horse paste).

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I took it straight out of the TUBE — from


feed store! 😂 For real.

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I am in Kanadistan, would like to figure out the dosage for a 175 pound pony ;)

We can't get IVM, any ideas on this? Had Covid 2 times now. Been scared to take my tube because of all the fear porn.

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You should also be taking zinc, Quercetin, C and D3. See Zelenko prevention protocol.

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