Realistically, it's damn near impossible to prove causality statistically. Even RCTs don't truly prove causality with perfection. The best statistics can really get us with so many confounders floating about is quasi-causal approximations. What we need is not statistics. It's autopsies by people that know what to look for. The autopsies are being done anyways, so it comes down to training the people doing those autopsies to look for the right things... That would be cheaper and irrefutable... Either way. But it would need honest, meaningful government to get it done. Meh. Quasi-causal approximations it is!
"David Sassoli, the president of the European parliament whose final political intervention had been to oppose the building of walls on the EU’s borders, has been praised for his kindness following his death at the age of 65. The former journalist, whose three-year term as speaker of the chamber was due to end next week, had been admitted to hospital in Aviano, in his native Italy, on Boxing Day following a “dysfunction of his immune system”. He died at 1.15am on Tuesday."
It's near certain he was vaccinated and most probably boosted, being an elderly Italian citizen - Italy managing to persuade around 90% of the adult population to get injected, boosting around half of those.
A "serious complication due to a dysfunction of the immune system" (Wikipedia ATM) is highly suspicious, I've never seen this cited as a cause of death of any publicly known person. Curiously, he had pneumonia in September (probably fully vaccinated at that point), which took two months to recover from, so he only resumed his duties as speaker in December. Then I'd speculate he got boosted (ostensibly to protect his weakened lungs), Italian and Belgian boosting drives being in overdrive at that time due to the Omicron menace. On Boxing Day (December 26th) his immune system just collapsed and they fought for his life for a fortnight.
A lot of speculation, yes, but highly probable in my opinion. Could a MD weight in what the hell could be a "serious complication due to a dysfunction of the immune system" and how probable is that? Could somebody dig up some sources in Italian as to the nature of this dysfunction?
I have read somewhere that he had suffered from leukemia or was still suffering. Probably not the best idea „vaccinating“ an immuno-supressed person with an immuno-supressing jab.
Thanks for your cue, I googled "Sasolli leukemia" and stumbled upon this weird source, which seems to be a poor translation of an article from the Italian mainstream newspaper Corriere della Sera:
It does seem he had a sudden relapse of myeloma (similar to leukemia, both are blood cancers) that killed him in 14 days. That he was hospitalized at the oncohematology ward confirms this if the source is reliable.
Those of us who ask these questions were branded "ignoble beings" by the head of a major Italian TV channel. Well I'm sorry, as far as I know, the immune system does not just collapse in a fortnight. It's curious this collapse was so rapid they couldn't attribute his death to cancer outright, with the usual phrasing ("died after a short and difficult ilness" i.e. agressive cancer).
Ah thanks. Well… Never ask those evil questions! Never! ;)
Unfortunately I can also contribute with three similar stories about „sudden and unexpected“ cancer after 2 shots. One person is my mother 🙁 (she also thinks that it is caused by the vaccines) and two other persons are a befriended couple from my sister-in-law‘s family. All three have suddenly developed lung cancer. (My mother is a smoker but makes lung radiography each year. Last year in December - before the shots - everything was fine, this year in December, they found a quite big lesion/tumor in her lung.)
Many thanks, Igor! Yes, I agree, timing is very suspicious. And the two friends of my sister-in-law are both non-smokers, therefore it‘s even more suspicious.
If you haven't read Dr. Ryan Coles, a pathologist in Idaho, who has his own lab, of the many aggressive cancers that he is seeing. A lot of these patients were in remission for years, and the cancers that came back were turbocharged. Yes he was censored, lost business, etc A true hero.
Best of wishes to your mother! My boosted father is also a heavy smoker, but we have pretty good immune systems and no history of malign cancer in our family so I'm hoping they will dodge *this* bullet. I think he's more at risk of a sudden heart difficulty than cancer because of his third shot.
Thanks Stan! My mother had successfully defeated breast cancer some 20 years ago therefore I don‘t really wonder why she now seems to have developed another cancer. All the best for your father! Let‘s hope the best.
He has said many things that aren't true. Those lies resulted in 5 million unnecessary deaths and untold suffering. The only problem is his age will prevent suitable punishment.
The deception comes in like this. Multiple jabs. Introduced scariants. Why couldn't the resolution to covid just be one shot? Because they knew that they could not get the outcome that they wanted with just one shot. Multiple shots would add layers of protection to their lie. Variants introduced at specific times like right before the jab started in Dec. of 2020 we saw the Delta. It was strategically announced 2 to 3 weeks before the jab started. A year later we have Omicron just before the Christmas holiday. Stupid, weak-minded and terrorized people will get us all killed because they cannot think clearly and critically. Do we still believe that variants actually exists?
I appreciate your articles Igor. I just do not believe that the original was isolated so how can there be variants. Please try and make me believe that we haven't been scammed across the board.
Omicron is real if the PCR tests used in Covid-19 testing are sensitive and specific at detecting Covid-19 and do not confuse other coronaviruses, such as ones that cause the common cold, for Covid-19.
Reality does not rely on test results. Sars2 is real whether pcr is accurate or not. Actually, it's pretty easy to construct a test to prove anything is real even if it is not.
Omicrom, and all its cousins, are real because we can see them with microscopes, and can read their RNA contents, precisely, to the letter. And we can even understand most of it.
I'm convinced Delta evolved from a trial of an Indian vaccine that failed. Seems somewhat like Mu after the Chinese vaccine in Peru. But I'm quite a nobody well qualified to wrong opinion.
No worries. I believe that Delta and Omicron were just spoken into existence. The entire medical world controlled by the WHO is corrupt. Next it will be the douchebag variant.
I would not doubt that the jabbed are all mutations now. It very well could be an extinction level event. Why? Because people are irrevocably fucking stuck on the worst kind of stupid.
This is also why in many regions the government talking heads are telling people to get boosted with whatever is available - you took Pfizer initially? boost with Moderna or J&J - started with J&J - Pfizer is the boost for you!
With all the mixing it will be impossible to attribute anything to anyone, other than the loss of loved ones to families.
It is, if true (and I cannot disagree with what he is saying, it makes logical sense) highly upsetting...and it is distrubing because it is, as you point out, a real possibility. I couldn't sleep at all last night. If you think of anything he said that is wrong, or not wholly true, or a stretch, please let me know.
I shared some "uncle intel" in my article yesterday where someone claimed they knew a nurse who said that most of the people dying in hospitals had covid, got vaxxed and boosted, and then got covid again...with heart failure being the big killer, often with people younger than 60.
Broken record comment: again, the VAST majority of test positives are false positives. So, no, most people won't get Omicron soon. We are suffering a tsunami of false positives not actual "cases."
Aside from tests, we are seeing a huge number of people getting a respiratory illness. My near neighbors are all infected and hunkering down. All have symptoms, no tests involved. They aren't likely to go to the hospital and will OK in a few days, I hope.
PCR or antigen, both are inherently flawed and even if they were accurate when used to test mostly asymptomatic people you necessarily get vast majority of false positives, due to false positive paradox which is a kind of "base rate fallacy." See USNews piece I linked below.
Thanks..but they are mixing PCR with RAT in the article for a start...and..then also talking about if a virus is decreasing in “cases” and testing is still being used then this can increase false positives..okay..
But the problem is, if a population is going to ICU in increasing numbers then the numbers of “infected” people as a rule of thumb are increasing..
That article is dramatically wrong. First, it's now well-established that the higher the CT the more false positives you'll have (it's a quantitative test after all and is based on fluorescent attachments to the amplified genetic material, which reaches a certain "positive" threshold within the established CT). Second, that article completely ignores PPV issues with low disease prevalence, which is the entire focus of the "false positive catastrophe." Basically, even very accurate tests used to test asymptomatic people at low active disease prevalence (anything under 5%, which is way way higher than we have been at any time in the pandemic) will result in a tsunami of false positives.
"Look, I fully agree that the later (higher the numerical value) the threshold cycle (CT “cycle number”) of the RT-PCR result, the less target RNA is present at the start of the reaction".
You never explained (away) the virologists test result example.
He then uses another study and says "This particular study found that that from among 5/60 (8.3%) patient samples with a CT greater than 35, infectious virus was still present. An arbitrary cut-off at 35 would have missed infectious people."
How do you explain his point on that as well?
"Second, that article completely ignores PPV issues with low disease prevalence" the inverse must be okay right?
Or the idea falls apart..
So if excess deaths and ICU admissions are increasing..then no one is going to argue that there is a "low disease prevalence" are they ?
If someone tried (or remained mute on this point)that then the whole idea of disease prevalence is meaningless. :)
As I mentioned, we are nowhere near a situation where we are anything other than low prevalence. This is a mathematical thing. You can play with the numbers yourself here:
Spike exposure is really bad for you. The more rounds, the worse it is. Even if you get a "mild" case of covid, it will produce spike --> inflammation --> possible latent injury.
We have to start prevention and early treatment: that's the only way to minimize spike exposure.
Good sterilizing ventilation should also be an effective long-term strategy, but we can do early treatment right now.
I came to the same conclusion, that the more covid/spike/vaccine, the worse, the best is a brief, mild covid. This is obviously what we *desire* and the virus will do what it will do, but that is why early treatment/antiviral suppression like Ivermectin is a great thing.
Quercetin provides the same function, zinc ionophore, as hcq, less strength than prescription hcq, but sufficient. I've had 3 infections, one confirmed, 2 probable. I don't mask unless demanded, and don't distance. Over 70, not vaxed.
The first was worst of course, used one quercetin, one zinc, twice a day, 3 days, cleared up fine. Other two were minor symptoms, used quercetin/zinc for insurance. Quercetin is over the counter, not yet targeted by the vax nazis. I also maintain D above 60, currently supplementing 3000 IU. BMI 20. Lots of factors determine success.
Heather Heying said on her recent S-Stack blog that Dr Kory advised HCQ over IVM for Omicron ( Could be because she was having vision artifacts. I assume the guidelines explain use of HCQ post infection.
He has a download protocol using hydroxychloroquine, dosage, zinc, etc. You can use both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine is someone is sick but you can't take them at the same time. And I am not a Dr. I just saw your question
My mom and I got covid at the same time and we took both HCQ and Ivermectin at the same time (along with all the vitamins.) We got through it relatively easily.
Could not agree more...and that is how it USED to be...there is a name for it, but I cannot remember it..or an expression...darn it. Mind is a blank. but it used to be that had to prove it WASN"T the intervention or vaccine..
The elite or the royal "they" as Angelbb put it above are or have strong narcissistic and sociopathic personality traits, though with strong impulse control (hence the need for "Epstein-style resorts" where they can relax control).
Such a person experiences social interaction as a game with arbitrarily enforced rules which can be gamed for advantage, but to do so requires self-control and the construction of a social face. And as like calls to like, they will over time stack any organisation with people like themselves, as is natural for all humans to do.
And as what is normal is dependant on reinforcement in a social environment, this people will over time feel that they no longer need their face - their mask, as it really is.
But the narcissistic and sociopathic personalities have another trait, dominant to the point of being compulsive or pathological (not sure I'm translating correctly here concerning pathological): vindictiveness. Any slight must be repaid until the scales balance. Since the narcissist/sociopath lacks innate understanding of empathy (to them it is just a tool) said scales can't ever be balanced since they cannot experience the other person's emotion: seeing suffering instead exhilarates them.
So how to punish everyone else who has forced you to "mask up" all your life?
I'm not a psychiatrist or psychologist, nor am I a scientist and I have zero studies to reference but the idea perhaps merits the words spent.
No aspirin for me as it can hurt the liver. Swanson Vitamins' NAC (Cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules have kept me from having any flu, Coronavirus, and COVIDS since 2009. About $10.00 a bottle. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day I take one in a.m. and one before sleep.
Doctor's Best Nattokinase , a natural Japanese med can prevent and heal blood clots. I post publicly and freely on MeWe. A helpful natural healing site is
Word is that Betty White died of a stroke in her sleep, and had a minor stroke 6 days before her death. She was supposedly vaccinated, not sure with what or how many times. Related? Who knows.
The article under the link "Bob Saget was boosted sometime before his death" states that Mr. Saget got his booster on/or around December 13. However, Bob Saget said on his Twitter that he got boosted on November 27
The other thing in the link... It refers to the AHA "study" (Abstract 10712) posted in AHA's journal Circulation. It is not really a study, but a 'letter of expression of concern' that was submitted during a conference call by Dr. Steven Gundry, who is a practitioner of Functional Medicine. The letter's title since has been amended.
Saget twice mentioned getting the booster, once in a tweet Nov. 28 where he said he had gotten it the day before, and once on video December, where he said something like "the other day." Both were in a humorous context (of course); in the video he said he had gotten in his butt.
He was also performing at a vax-only venue, and in general, in showbiz you have to be vaxxed (not sure about boosting) and upload a card. But I don't know if he was doing things other than solo live shows. I agree, it's not totally solid evidence, it's less solid than someone like Carlos Tejada posting a photo and caption on IG, for instance. And I could see Saget being a contrarian, still, I think at his age and profession he PROBABLY was boosted.
Realistically, it's damn near impossible to prove causality statistically. Even RCTs don't truly prove causality with perfection. The best statistics can really get us with so many confounders floating about is quasi-causal approximations. What we need is not statistics. It's autopsies by people that know what to look for. The autopsies are being done anyways, so it comes down to training the people doing those autopsies to look for the right things... That would be cheaper and irrefutable... Either way. But it would need honest, meaningful government to get it done. Meh. Quasi-causal approximations it is!
Vaccines can cause self-destruction
Autopsies of 15 deaths ages from 28 to 95. 8 days to 6 months after last injection.
Here is another suspicious death:
"David Sassoli, the president of the European parliament whose final political intervention had been to oppose the building of walls on the EU’s borders, has been praised for his kindness following his death at the age of 65. The former journalist, whose three-year term as speaker of the chamber was due to end next week, had been admitted to hospital in Aviano, in his native Italy, on Boxing Day following a “dysfunction of his immune system”. He died at 1.15am on Tuesday."
It's near certain he was vaccinated and most probably boosted, being an elderly Italian citizen - Italy managing to persuade around 90% of the adult population to get injected, boosting around half of those.
A "serious complication due to a dysfunction of the immune system" (Wikipedia ATM) is highly suspicious, I've never seen this cited as a cause of death of any publicly known person. Curiously, he had pneumonia in September (probably fully vaccinated at that point), which took two months to recover from, so he only resumed his duties as speaker in December. Then I'd speculate he got boosted (ostensibly to protect his weakened lungs), Italian and Belgian boosting drives being in overdrive at that time due to the Omicron menace. On Boxing Day (December 26th) his immune system just collapsed and they fought for his life for a fortnight.
A lot of speculation, yes, but highly probable in my opinion. Could a MD weight in what the hell could be a "serious complication due to a dysfunction of the immune system" and how probable is that? Could somebody dig up some sources in Italian as to the nature of this dysfunction?
Good question. If you dig deeply and perhaps find an Italian speaking friend to look things up for you, this could be a great story.
Pneumonia after vaccination is a story with which I am sadly very familiar
Patrick Reed the golfer almost died after vaccination/covid. Another reason to stay clear of these treatments.
I have read somewhere that he had suffered from leukemia or was still suffering. Probably not the best idea „vaccinating“ an immuno-supressed person with an immuno-supressing jab.
Thanks for your cue, I googled "Sasolli leukemia" and stumbled upon this weird source, which seems to be a poor translation of an article from the Italian mainstream newspaper Corriere della Sera:
It does seem he had a sudden relapse of myeloma (similar to leukemia, both are blood cancers) that killed him in 14 days. That he was hospitalized at the oncohematology ward confirms this if the source is reliable.
Interestingly enough, an Italian philosopher has been asking the same questions:
Those of us who ask these questions were branded "ignoble beings" by the head of a major Italian TV channel. Well I'm sorry, as far as I know, the immune system does not just collapse in a fortnight. It's curious this collapse was so rapid they couldn't attribute his death to cancer outright, with the usual phrasing ("died after a short and difficult ilness" i.e. agressive cancer).
Covid vax kills bone marrow's blood cell producting function
Ah thanks. Well… Never ask those evil questions! Never! ;)
Unfortunately I can also contribute with three similar stories about „sudden and unexpected“ cancer after 2 shots. One person is my mother 🙁 (she also thinks that it is caused by the vaccines) and two other persons are a befriended couple from my sister-in-law‘s family. All three have suddenly developed lung cancer. (My mother is a smoker but makes lung radiography each year. Last year in December - before the shots - everything was fine, this year in December, they found a quite big lesion/tumor in her lung.)
I wish your mother a quick recovery, lung cancer is unfortunately occurring often in smokers, but the timing is suspicious.
Many thanks, Igor! Yes, I agree, timing is very suspicious. And the two friends of my sister-in-law are both non-smokers, therefore it‘s even more suspicious.
If you haven't read Dr. Ryan Coles, a pathologist in Idaho, who has his own lab, of the many aggressive cancers that he is seeing. A lot of these patients were in remission for years, and the cancers that came back were turbocharged. Yes he was censored, lost business, etc A true hero.
Best of wishes to your mother! My boosted father is also a heavy smoker, but we have pretty good immune systems and no history of malign cancer in our family so I'm hoping they will dodge *this* bullet. I think he's more at risk of a sudden heart difficulty than cancer because of his third shot.
The truth is that these risks are UNKNOWN
Thanks Stan! My mother had successfully defeated breast cancer some 20 years ago therefore I don‘t really wonder why she now seems to have developed another cancer. All the best for your father! Let‘s hope the best.
ADE? Misc-A?
I just changed the name—it lets you.
Fauxi told congress today unvaxed have 20 times probability of death. Another felony?
Those multipliers really work well with small numbers. They often get used when data are small and you want them to seem larger.
We're not dealing with small numbers. He should deal with real numbers. He implied he did. It was a lie (to congress).
He also recently said covid still exists because we didn’t have a big vaccination program like with smallpox. NPR just played the quote. 😂
He has said many things that aren't true. Those lies resulted in 5 million unnecessary deaths and untold suffering. The only problem is his age will prevent suitable punishment.
The deception comes in like this. Multiple jabs. Introduced scariants. Why couldn't the resolution to covid just be one shot? Because they knew that they could not get the outcome that they wanted with just one shot. Multiple shots would add layers of protection to their lie. Variants introduced at specific times like right before the jab started in Dec. of 2020 we saw the Delta. It was strategically announced 2 to 3 weeks before the jab started. A year later we have Omicron just before the Christmas holiday. Stupid, weak-minded and terrorized people will get us all killed because they cannot think clearly and critically. Do we still believe that variants actually exists?
Variants exist, yes but Omicron is certainly man-made. Less certain of Delta.
Overall our authorities deserve our worst suspicions. But also there has to be some evidence to go with the suspicions.
I appreciate your articles Igor. I just do not believe that the original was isolated so how can there be variants. Please try and make me believe that we haven't been scammed across the board.
Hi. I would like to take that challenge up. Let's formulate a thesis that I will defend, as an article, and you can try to oppose me in comments.
It has to be something that also interests other subscribers, something like "Why Omicron is real and ________"
Join me for a verbal conversation on my platform. You can email me at
Omicron is real if the PCR tests used in Covid-19 testing are sensitive and specific at detecting Covid-19 and do not confuse other coronaviruses, such as ones that cause the common cold, for Covid-19.
If not......
Reality does not rely on test results. Sars2 is real whether pcr is accurate or not. Actually, it's pretty easy to construct a test to prove anything is real even if it is not.
I am not saying that you are not right, but work with me:-) How do you test a philosophical argument?
Omicrom, and all its cousins, are real because we can see them with microscopes, and can read their RNA contents, precisely, to the letter. And we can even understand most of it.
I'm convinced Delta evolved from a trial of an Indian vaccine that failed. Seems somewhat like Mu after the Chinese vaccine in Peru. But I'm quite a nobody well qualified to wrong opinion.
No worries. I believe that Delta and Omicron were just spoken into existence. The entire medical world controlled by the WHO is corrupt. Next it will be the douchebag variant.
Big data from 145 countries suggest 38% more US covid cases pr million and 31% increase in US deaths because of vaccine.
Likely suggestion that the vaccinated passes the covid mutation and not the vaccine-free. Or what?
I would not doubt that the jabbed are all mutations now. It very well could be an extinction level event. Why? Because people are irrevocably fucking stuck on the worst kind of stupid.
Dr. Shankara Chetty summed it up in a nutshell, which was posted yesterday by Steve Kirsch. It is
DEFINITELY worth watching..I've seen it three times. He is saying the same kill billions without ANYONE NOTICING.
Just cut through the lady talking
This sounds highly upsetting, but it IS a real possibility, disturbingly.
This is also why in many regions the government talking heads are telling people to get boosted with whatever is available - you took Pfizer initially? boost with Moderna or J&J - started with J&J - Pfizer is the boost for you!
With all the mixing it will be impossible to attribute anything to anyone, other than the loss of loved ones to families.
Not just "a real possibility" - it is actually only logically acceptable explanation of what's going on
It is, if true (and I cannot disagree with what he is saying, it makes logical sense) highly upsetting...and it is distrubing because it is, as you point out, a real possibility. I couldn't sleep at all last night. If you think of anything he said that is wrong, or not wholly true, or a stretch, please let me know.
I shared some "uncle intel" in my article yesterday where someone claimed they knew a nurse who said that most of the people dying in hospitals had covid, got vaxxed and boosted, and then got covid again...with heart failure being the big killer, often with people younger than 60.
Yes, it's just a report from a cranky old "conspiracy" forum but you can sometimes find nuggets of truth there.
I loved your article, thank you for mentioning it here. You made the right conclusions, for most people there is less risk in NOT getting vaxxed.
Broken record comment: again, the VAST majority of test positives are false positives. So, no, most people won't get Omicron soon. We are suffering a tsunami of false positives not actual "cases."
Aside from tests, we are seeing a huge number of people getting a respiratory illness. My near neighbors are all infected and hunkering down. All have symptoms, no tests involved. They aren't likely to go to the hospital and will OK in a few days, I hope.
PCR? okay...only without defining what number of cycles are being run...
PCR or antigen, both are inherently flawed and even if they were accurate when used to test mostly asymptomatic people you necessarily get vast majority of false positives, due to false positive paradox which is a kind of "base rate fallacy." See USNews piece I linked below.
Thanks..but they are mixing PCR with RAT in the article for a start...and..then also talking about if a virus is decreasing in “cases” and testing is still being used then this can increase false positives..okay..
But the problem is, if a population is going to ICU in increasing numbers then the numbers of “infected” people as a rule of thumb are increasing..
You cant have it both ways…
There is also this
That article is dramatically wrong. First, it's now well-established that the higher the CT the more false positives you'll have (it's a quantitative test after all and is based on fluorescent attachments to the amplified genetic material, which reaches a certain "positive" threshold within the established CT). Second, that article completely ignores PPV issues with low disease prevalence, which is the entire focus of the "false positive catastrophe." Basically, even very accurate tests used to test asymptomatic people at low active disease prevalence (anything under 5%, which is way way higher than we have been at any time in the pandemic) will result in a tsunami of false positives.
I hear ya..
But he also clarified and said
"Look, I fully agree that the later (higher the numerical value) the threshold cycle (CT “cycle number”) of the RT-PCR result, the less target RNA is present at the start of the reaction".
You never explained (away) the virologists test result example.
He then uses another study and says "This particular study found that that from among 5/60 (8.3%) patient samples with a CT greater than 35, infectious virus was still present. An arbitrary cut-off at 35 would have missed infectious people."
How do you explain his point on that as well?
"Second, that article completely ignores PPV issues with low disease prevalence" the inverse must be okay right?
Or the idea falls apart..
So if excess deaths and ICU admissions are increasing..then no one is going to argue that there is a "low disease prevalence" are they ?
If someone tried (or remained mute on this point)that then the whole idea of disease prevalence is meaningless. :)
As I mentioned, we are nowhere near a situation where we are anything other than low prevalence. This is a mathematical thing. You can play with the numbers yourself here:
Or read our paper where we go through the numbers systematically and show how basically any prevalence below 20% still leads to more false positives than false negatives and at the 0.5% or so active disease prevalence we've seen during spikes in the pandemic we get well over 90% false positives. These things are quantifiable.
Last, here's my most recent essay showing how we are well into "casedemic" territory in the US b/c vast majority of positive test results and thus "cases" are false positives or at the most very mildly symptomatic.
Science is now spelt seance. Why else do you think Fauci yelled in a he-man style -- "I am science" ?
He's definitely the friggin' Grim Reaper.
If by science he meant, low in stature, vilified, suspicious and vulgar, yeah; he can have it.
Spike exposure is really bad for you. The more rounds, the worse it is. Even if you get a "mild" case of covid, it will produce spike --> inflammation --> possible latent injury.
We have to start prevention and early treatment: that's the only way to minimize spike exposure.
Good sterilizing ventilation should also be an effective long-term strategy, but we can do early treatment right now.
I came to the same conclusion, that the more covid/spike/vaccine, the worse, the best is a brief, mild covid. This is obviously what we *desire* and the virus will do what it will do, but that is why early treatment/antiviral suppression like Ivermectin is a great thing.
I agree: early treatment and get on with our lives.
According to Heather, HCQ seems better to help recover from Omicron.
Hi, as of an hour ago my another relative is having covid, this is the jabbed one but I need help asap, what do you know about HCQ?
I do have IVM on hand but would love to know what you know.
Quercetin provides the same function, zinc ionophore, as hcq, less strength than prescription hcq, but sufficient. I've had 3 infections, one confirmed, 2 probable. I don't mask unless demanded, and don't distance. Over 70, not vaxed.
The first was worst of course, used one quercetin, one zinc, twice a day, 3 days, cleared up fine. Other two were minor symptoms, used quercetin/zinc for insurance. Quercetin is over the counter, not yet targeted by the vax nazis. I also maintain D above 60, currently supplementing 3000 IU. BMI 20. Lots of factors determine success.
Heather Heying said on her recent S-Stack blog that Dr Kory advised HCQ over IVM for Omicron ( Could be because she was having vision artifacts. I assume the guidelines explain use of HCQ post infection.
If you go to:
He has a download protocol using hydroxychloroquine, dosage, zinc, etc. You can use both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine is someone is sick but you can't take them at the same time. And I am not a Dr. I just saw your question
My mom and I got covid at the same time and we took both HCQ and Ivermectin at the same time (along with all the vitamins.) We got through it relatively easily.
She is 89 and I a generation behind her.
I wonder what the numbers are that the jabs create without mitigation
The unwillingness of the medical community to investigate causal relatonships is infuriating.
Correct. But It should be by default. Just like death after testing positive. See above.
No investigation? No autopsy? Then it's vaccine, unless proven otherwise
Could not agree more...and that is how it USED to be...there is a name for it, but I cannot remember it..or an expression...darn it. Mind is a blank. but it used to be that had to prove it WASN"T the intervention or vaccine..
It is also quite revealing. The masks, such as it were, are truly being pulled back on various professions.
You have the seed of a sociological thesis there.
The elite or the royal "they" as Angelbb put it above are or have strong narcissistic and sociopathic personality traits, though with strong impulse control (hence the need for "Epstein-style resorts" where they can relax control).
Such a person experiences social interaction as a game with arbitrarily enforced rules which can be gamed for advantage, but to do so requires self-control and the construction of a social face. And as like calls to like, they will over time stack any organisation with people like themselves, as is natural for all humans to do.
And as what is normal is dependant on reinforcement in a social environment, this people will over time feel that they no longer need their face - their mask, as it really is.
But the narcissistic and sociopathic personalities have another trait, dominant to the point of being compulsive or pathological (not sure I'm translating correctly here concerning pathological): vindictiveness. Any slight must be repaid until the scales balance. Since the narcissist/sociopath lacks innate understanding of empathy (to them it is just a tool) said scales can't ever be balanced since they cannot experience the other person's emotion: seeing suffering instead exhilarates them.
So how to punish everyone else who has forced you to "mask up" all your life?
I'm not a psychiatrist or psychologist, nor am I a scientist and I have zero studies to reference but the idea perhaps merits the words spent.
Yup. Agree. But some are. Dr. Richard Fleming, Dr. Shakara Chetty..
Hell's bells, the royal 'they' [but, not ALL] don't even want to look at early treatment protocols.
Good riddance Bob... one less CovIDIOT
This is outstanding
I love that letter. They are getting rid of thinkers and replacing them with compliant sheep. But not for long.
By far one of the most informative letters lately. Thank you.
This didn't happen in 2020 though...did it?
I would consider taking an aspirin a day after having covid (or a clot shot). Probably for quite a while. But maybe that's just me....
No aspirin for me as it can hurt the liver. Swanson Vitamins' NAC (Cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules have kept me from having any flu, Coronavirus, and COVIDS since 2009. About $10.00 a bottle. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day I take one in a.m. and one before sleep.
Doctor's Best Nattokinase , a natural Japanese med can prevent and heal blood clots. I post publicly and freely on MeWe. A helpful natural healing site is
Word is that Betty White died of a stroke in her sleep, and had a minor stroke 6 days before her death. She was supposedly vaccinated, not sure with what or how many times. Related? Who knows.
I want to clarify two things.
The article under the link "Bob Saget was boosted sometime before his death" states that Mr. Saget got his booster on/or around December 13. However, Bob Saget said on his Twitter that he got boosted on November 27
The other thing in the link... It refers to the AHA "study" (Abstract 10712) posted in AHA's journal Circulation. It is not really a study, but a 'letter of expression of concern' that was submitted during a conference call by Dr. Steven Gundry, who is a practitioner of Functional Medicine. The letter's title since has been amended.
You could view it here:
Doctor Gundry is a retired heart surgeon, now famous for his book 'Plant Paradox' and the subsequent line of expensive food supplements.
I highly respect Igor's statistical analyses and insight, but I wish he will rely on better quality reporting.
I edited my text, the exact date is of course important so I appreciate your post.
Saget twice mentioned getting the booster, once in a tweet Nov. 28 where he said he had gotten it the day before, and once on video December, where he said something like "the other day." Both were in a humorous context (of course); in the video he said he had gotten in his butt.
Yeah that's what I saw
He was also performing at a vax-only venue, and in general, in showbiz you have to be vaxxed (not sure about boosting) and upload a card. But I don't know if he was doing things other than solo live shows. I agree, it's not totally solid evidence, it's less solid than someone like Carlos Tejada posting a photo and caption on IG, for instance. And I could see Saget being a contrarian, still, I think at his age and profession he PROBABLY was boosted.
This is more clear and not jokey
I think you need to watch this:
The spike protein is the cause of heart attacks, etc etc. etc..but you won't be able to connect them.