Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have created a challenge for anyone pro-vax to provide an example of someone saved by the mRNA shots: https://twitter.com/lolcox2/status/1607178313369255943

I might also request someone provide, with proof, the name of one person that died because they didn't take a C19 jab (excluding people denied medical treatment, such as organ transplants, on the basis of their vax status)

There are complaints that it's not possible. In which case, how can anyone say millions of lives were saved? Before someone says these shots saved millions of lives, shouldn't they be able to give just one concrete example?

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You know what I think?

You should open a substack!

You will become a formidable competitor! Can't wait to subscribe

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor - do you know anyone who has died or been hospitalized because of covid?

I don't and neither does anyone I know. That has to be at least 2-3k total people between myself and those I know.

I find that curious.

I think you have mentioned that you do?


Or even experienced long covid

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I know of no one either. I think that's the strangest thing about this whole plandemic. Also, does any one know of any one who died AT HOME from the 'covid' flu? I've never heard once that someone died at home. But, many people I know now are sick after the vaxxes. Most with very aggressive cancers. Some with massive hypertension. Probably fibrin blood clots forming in their blood vessels....and lots of personality changes too. I don't think the flu was deadly at all,....it was the HOSPITALS using REMDESIVIR and MIDAZOLAM that weres DEADLY.

The saddest thing is all the grandma's and grandpa's, people my age, who died alone terrified and in pain, while their families couldn't even be there to hold their hands! If for nothing else, FAUCI, BIRX, COLLINS, BARIC, WHITMER, etc.....must all PAY for what they did to 1000's of elderly people in Hospitals and Old Age Homes.

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Your last paragraph. PLUS what has been done to children.

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Absolutely!! Thank heaven my grand children have a Mother with a brain! My Daughter of course! :)

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I read of cases in which somebody who hadn't been vaccinated (but had been tested and I believe the tests have the same venom as the "vaccine") who was in a bad way until chelated with EDTA. I can still buy EDTA for 20 bucks / kg of powder. Could cure thousands with that. But it needs to be applied carefully because it chelates calcium too. No doctors I know have the courage to defy the local psychopaths running the gov't.

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The rumor early on was that the COVID-19 nose-jab testing implanted a

5g chip near the base of the brain. I won't do them and no quackcinations..

Swanson Vitamins' NAC (Cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules

can prevent all Coronavirus' including COVIDS. I have only used this

brand since 2009. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day I take one in a.m., one before

sleep. It's about $10.00 a bottle. I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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They WILL but possibly NOT in this life.

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one of my coworkers died in his sleep while suffering covid symptoms. He was in his early 70s and is a diabetic otherwise healthy. This happened March 21 but I was not sure if he took the jab. I was told he did not.

Also I know of a friend's relatives in India where 3 people mm/dad and son died due to covid during the Delta wave but were admitted to hospitals in India

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India was horrendous apparently in March and April of 2021 and people were chartering flights to get family out and back to the UK.

Also, hospital care was poor at that time due to lack of oxygen as people had privately bought up much of the available bottled supplies "just in case".

Much of this is from randoms who I know but when you are told the same from several different sources then there is no reason to doubt it.

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Absolutely yes to long Covid, including unvaxed long Covid.

Someone I met had a 400 pound uncle who died of Covid, but it was a casual acquaintaince

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I’m a nurse and though I didn’t work in the hospital during the pandemic, and was fired last year for not taking the gene therapy injection, I keep in touch with my nurse friends. I don’t know anyone who died of COVID. I come from a huge family, no one died. My 92 y/o aunt recently died (had Covid in the past and Vax but death was gradual decline in overall health). My coworkers have had vax side effects including cardiac and autoimmune, but no deaths. Some of my family members have new cancer diagnoses. Most of my close friends are unvaxxed. No deaths in friend groups (vax or unvax) for both me or my husband (50s). One acquaintance told me his brother had a heart attack and died immediately after 2nd shot and told me he would not be getting his 2nd shot. The patients with Covid in the hospital were real and died on ventilators. No access to early treatment or typical respiratory interventions. Wave one worse than wave 2. Wave 2 worse in male Spanish population in my area, but easily managed. That’s my general experience for what it’s worth.

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This page is talking about exactly that,....gradual decline in health of the vaxxed because their immune system can't really clear the 'covid' flu virus....ever. What scares me is I see millions of symptomless Super Spreaders coming all over the place! If they only carry 'covid' maybe it won't be so bad for we the unvaxxed, but if they then get sick with many other things on top of that,....they might make everyone around them sick.

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This is sort of a funny question because it brings us back to the test. Which we all know was deeply flawed/manipulated to achieve certain results. So many of our discussions are based on this sandy foundation. Which means even if we DO know someone hospitalized or dead "of" covid, really, this may not be the case.

I do know one very elderly woman who was in the hospital for a month, allegedly due to covid, and had to fight the nurses and the docs every single day to not be intubated. They made her sign documents that she and her fam wouldn't sue, since she was declining the recommended treatments. But her fighting is probably the only reason she's alive today.

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Yes - the dreaded test! We were asked to test before Christmas dinner again this year at an injected family house. I chose not to go for that reason - as I'm just done with the games. Funnily enough one of the family members supposedly just had "covid" this past week but took paxlovid to mask the symptoms so they could test negative in order to go to the party! LOL! You can't make this stuff up!

Also know someone who checked themselves out of hospital before the hospital tried to move them to the covid ward and was better in no time at home. Goodness knows what would have happened if they hadn't been able to get out.

The only people I have heard of dying of "Covid" went to hospital - and we know what happens then.

All people I know of who got the "coviflu" got better in less than a week. Those injected are starting to have overall health issues, unfortunately.

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I heard the party was boring any way so you didn't miss out!!

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Your first paragraph is so true....and frustrating.

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Oh I know people who have been hospitalized. That part is not entirely fake, I assure you.

My hairdresser (52) was hospitalized for a month, but never Vented ( probably why she lived ) she remained on O2 for a year after.

My husband and I had terrible Covid the Sept before last, after a couple of weeks, and no eating or drinking, I thought I was going to die and got dropped off at the ER.

I was highly neglected, and realized I was not in a place where people were going to help or were interested in doing so.

I decided to go home to die in bed ( but I recovered )

My husband was extremely close to Covid pneumonia, and that would landed him in the hospital, but luckily I’m sure he recovered and lived because of his refusal to go.

The O2 dips are real, I think the reason so many have died from it though, is from the neglect, the backwards, harmful, and cruel protocols they use on you when you arrive, and likely most would’ve been better off chancing it at home.

All that said, I still knew better then to take the serum into my veins

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The O2 dip was very real for me as well. I got Covid in October 2021 and was prepared to die in my recliner at home with my cats. I didn't want to go to the hospital and risk getting killed since at that point I was becoming more educated as to why my gut instinct was telling me from day one not to trust this authoritative push to get vaxxed. My primary care doctor I've seen and trusted for over 20 years gave me antibiotics for pneumonia that settled in but wouldn't do anything for me when I was getting worse by the day. The nagging cough didn't go away for another month. It was the sickest I've been in my life. I'm 45, active, healthy weight, and was fine before. I never did schedule a follow up with my doctor after being put thru this and I'll never go to another allopathic doctor again. These last two years have been an educating eye opener for me.

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I got a mild case of Covid in September 2021, and my husband got it after me. He ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, and was treated with Remdesivir. Thankfully, he survived that, and wasn't vented, but has had a long road to recovery. I'm guessing it was the Run-death-is-near that nearly did him in. And, then they tried to give him the jab on his way out the door. He said "No!" He was like a ghost when he came home.

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Glad your husband survived his time in the hospital! I can't believe they would want to give him an Injection as he should then have natural immunity. ( I actually can believe. It's all about control and $$ to these Evil Phucks!)

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Glad to hear you survived the virus!

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I also was fighting it with no early treatment protocol or knowledge of IVM or HCQ. If I had knowledge of it then I probably wouldn't have wondered if I was going to suffocate to death in my recliner while my O2 levels dropped for a few days and it might have just been a regular cold for me instead. My doctor sending me home to suffer and essentially telling me to fight it on my own sent me down a rabbit hole to get as much knowledge as I could about why my gut instinct kept telling me this whole Covid narrative and vax campaign was sounding fishy.

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God, isn't it a crime they basically sent people home to die?!...out of hubris on a "forthcoming" experimental serum!

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I think you are 100% right! People are fearful to go to the hospital, as they're afraid they won't leave.

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Well, I guess it depends on your definition of long covid. I know many people with permanent lose of taste or smell. I haven’t smelled anything for a year now after having Delta last winter. I was lucky to have a brave Dr and pharmacy and got the FLCC meds and wasn’t very sick. I have many friends that were extremely ill with Alpha or Delta in 2020-21. It was very real for the first year to be sure. My 40yp brother in law died on a vent in Hospital with Delta. To this day we believe he would have been fine with some early treatment but he was in a Blue state and was given nothing. The old come back when you can’t breath bullshit. Died the first night on the vent.

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SO SAD for your losses! It should have never happened to anyone!

Swanson Vitamins' NAC (from Cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules may be one reason I have not had any flu or Coronavirus' since 2009., or quackcines either. I learned about this then from a leaked doctor's email (which he later denied ever sending!) It's now about $10.00 a bottle. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day (morning and night.) I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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Topical ivermectin helped my daughter's olfactory system function again.

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It seems to be a problem specifically due to the Delta variant apparently due to one of the unique mutations.

Then again, what do I know if it is true or not?

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The same thing happened to a friend of mine. She was hospitalcided.

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Makes me sick Jean!

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That has to be awful not to be able to smell. I am so sorry.

And it's an effing crime what happened to your BIL.

I hope you get better Michelle

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I was thinking the other day about the not smelling thing being dangerous as well if say you can't smell a gas leak.

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Or food going off.

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Sorry about your brother in law!!

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I know of one death. I know of several long covids, including my unvaccinated but immune compromised wife.

My comment is not meant to open the entire can of worms on Covid, long Covid, and the shots. Suffice it to say, the shots can do anything Covid can do, and more. Yet Covid is real, and the harms many and varied. Covid can do most of the harms reported in the VAERS database. (Spike protein)

Most folks, cannot name more than 200 names they know and have some relationship with. Most vaccinated are doing fine. Yet the harms and reduced life expectancy are great. Most folk hear of one to two acquaintance deaths a year. ( depending on age and occupation) Some years it is none, some years several. A large variance of very low numbers, say one to five, it is difficult to notice a change. A life insurance company notices a change very quickly.

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I agree with your thoughts in that we have to think this way.

Oh there appears to be many young SADS deaths right now so next thought is how many are there normally?

Oh 20% excess death rate, oh shocking, what could be causing it?

The question is why are we the "idiots and thickos" asking these questions in this way and not the "healthcare people"?

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Indeed. All cause mortality and morbidity, especially of the top ten vaccine adverse events, comparing like demographics, vaccinate vs unvaccinated, is such an obvious and easily doable set of statistics. Yet this is not done. That fact alone is indicative of guilt. Add in autopsies, done correctly, and the answers would not be debatable.

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Thanks, I couldn't have said it any better.

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A large study showed no Covid-related heart damage in the Covid-recovered unvaccinated.

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True, from Israel as I recall. A larger US study contradicted that. ???

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Yes exactly. This one:


There could be other studies showing different results, and one must look at where the funding is coming from.

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Since you posted this I decided to ask around my neighborhood of about 4K older people (55+). You know the most likely to croak from COVID. Nobody knows anyone here who has died from it. Not one. Of course they all think it is because of the jab. They have all had COVID, but none died and some were surprised hubs and I did not die. Seriously. Of course that is not asking all households.

You know what I have heard that I hadn't heard so often before but hear now? Cancer. CANCER! All over the place. There is a sweet man we know who is battling double bladder cancer. Yes, that is a think now. One of them being extremely rare. They found it when he went in to the ER because he couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe because he had a clot in his lung. He was jabbed with every jab available. It is a real dilemma with the people who get cancer after jabs. You cannot say "hey, how about no more jabs - here is the literature". Trust me, you can't. They either will hate you or think you are blaming their decisions. Their doctors tell them to jab especially since they have cancer. I bet every single person had someone in their life who got jabbed and now has a weird cancer or a clot. I know a few.

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I think the cancers are next too. Know of 2 of these. Both throat. Quite aggressive.

Hey - CDC just announced boosters may cause strokes. I see blood in the water. The dam is breaking.

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I just searched for it.

4 hours ago The Hill (via Yahoo) declares: CDC and FDA is done examining it (for Pfizer). No connection. They are not looking at Moderna since there is no association. https://www.yahoo.com/news/cdc-fda-no-increased-risk-212313851.html

2 hours Reuters reports Pfizer's may cause ischemic stroke in 65 and older. Pfizer is quoted in the story that they are sticking with the CDC and FDA from 4 hours ago. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-says-pfizers-bivalent-covid-shot-may-be-linked-stroke-older-adults-2023-01-13/

Ya can't make this stuff up. In the meantime go get the jab.

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I am somewhat disappointing ( no, VERY DISAPPOINTED) to read this. I guess Pfraudulent Pfizer yanked their chain hard enough to pull them back in line.

Still - I am trying to remain somewhat optimistic. Like many stories that are later retracted, it's actually too late. People only remember the first story.

Thanks for sharing the update.

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Yeah. Not surprised! Sadly, methinks that THE EVIL THEY will still (STILL!) mandate

(enforce) us all to be jabbed! I STILL WON'T!

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Hopefully not! My cynical mind wonders if enough have been injected now. They just have to sit back and wait for the results they want (depopulation).

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It maybe COVID CANCER from "The Clot Shots", Fauci's Ouchies!

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I know. Try telling them that in the context of asking them to consider not shooting up.

I've come to the conclusion that there are two camps: Camp Reality and Camp Delusion. Crossover is rare. No need to build a fence.

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Even though I am not Igor: My MIL was hospitalized with COVID. She was not feeling poorly, but they tested her when she was moving from her assisted living to another assisted living and found it. Then she was in limbo because neither wanted (rightly so) a COVID patient so they decided the hospital would be best. A few days into her stay they decided to give her Remdesevir. Then within two days of that she died. They say COVID. We say Remdesevir. I know one person here who went to the hospital because he could not breath (had Covid). They sent him home with a pulse ox meter. Two days later they picked him up in an ambulance. Not sure what happened to him. I was gone when they picked him up and the wife is gone now. Both of those people are/were old. I know not one young person who has died from COVID. Or been more ill than a cold.

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VERY SAD for your loss! It should not have happened. Maybe that's why it's called, "Run Death Is Near!"

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Sorry for your awful loss

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You shall now be officially known as "Not Igor But Raptor"!

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Igor will be happy for that clarification. And thank you for your comment above. Honestly I wish I could get over being so mad about what happened if for no other reason than to spare my husband having to see me so mad.

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You are angry because you care, there is nothing bad or wrong about feeling that way at all.

Honestly, my mother only showed indifference or anger towards me for something like asking a question.

If she had been angry for me just once I would have known that she gave a shit.

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I know 2 people who have died and who were vaxxed but they didn't have flu-like symptoms.

An Australian official admitted they only had 6 COVID cases, they did not mention deaths from COVID. But the PCR test was misused so that cannot be counted to determine if the person had COVID. And it's a new virus so I guess anti-body tests would be shady at best.

The amount of data fraud surrounding COVID is enormous and someone has documented it. Well, some of the fraud anyway.

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My brother and his wife had COVID-19 in earlier 2020 and went to the hospital. He survived but she died. She also had Alzheimer's Disease. The virus is real whether lab-created or natural. The COVID nose-jab testing and quackcines are REALLY BAD!

I won't go near them! I post publicly and freely on MeWe. SURVIVE AND STAY WELL NATURALLY! ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS!

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I know of 2 people who died from / with Covid.

The first lived in NY and passed in that first wave of the virus (an acquaintance, so I don't know many details). The 2nd died 1 year ago. What's incredibly sad (and I only learned much later) - he had sailed through 2020 and 2021 pretty much working and living his life. The rest of this is some guesswork. I "think" he was pressured to get the jab to get a colonoscopy. Probably got the first shot, but not the second. He got Covid, couldn't clear it, and died.

Now what ties these two people together - both were 60s, but morbidly obese. Let's say 350+ pound range. The friend I knew better had so many health problems, that I personally think his time was short - Covid or no Covid.

So while I know of 2 people who died with / from Covid, the underlying factor that I can't escape is that they were both incredibly unhealthy.

On a side note - my 89-year old mother (who unfortunately got the shot and boosters - thanks to my sister) got Covid in November. While she was sick for awhile, she still managed to clear it at home. She's 89. A healthy 89, but still. Think about that!

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Unfortunately my 95-yr old mother had all the shots - but she is doing well and has not had any major problems yet from the jabs. She is incredibly healthy for her age and has no health issues and takes no meds. She has not had covid either yet.

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I have a young friend who now has fibromyalgia after a bad case of covid. He's 26.

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I know of one. She is late 20s and morbidly obese.

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I know two people who died of covid, one in 2020, one in 2021. One male and obese, one female and slender, both middle aged.

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any comorbities with the slender one?

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Not that anyone was aware of.

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Correct, but there are so many who died, or have been permanently injured.....no one is talking about that.....so innocents will go blindly in for the next, more deadly Vax.....how can we help stop this!

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One George Santayana and Winston Churchill said, "Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." How many innocent babies were harmed and killed by their mothers taking Thalidomide before they were born? In President Jimmy Carter's time, MORE people died from taking the Swine flu quackcine then from Swine flu! Please tell me why (WHY!) people today are so gullible about taking the COVID nose-jab testing, jabs, and boosters?

I post publicly and freely on MeWe. SURVIVE AND STAY WELL NATURALLY!


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In answer to your question I think that around 10,000 babies were harmed across many countries (I want to say 50 countries but not 100%).

5,000 of them sadly died soon after birth but the other 5,000 survived.

One thing about it is that it affects cell division so depending on what day of a pregnancy it was taken on, its effects varied.

I believe that the drug was never used in the USA as the FDA would not authorise it which should have raised alarm bells.

One effect of this awful disaster was that in the followng years much was done to prevent anything like it happening again including the principle of no drugs to pregnant ladies unless utterly essential (eg to save their life).

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No. BIG PHARMA is still at it! Making expecting women taking jabs. My daughter took one (ONE!) and suffered damage. Now they are are having them take COVID quackcines even babies and toddlers. I will not ever take another vaccine or nose-jab testing either! MANY OF THE COVID JABBED WILL GET SICK AND DIE. . .some suddenly! STAY WELL NATURALLY!

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This is the $1000 question. I think you only reach people who are already questioning some part of the fake narrative.

Having said that - I have 2 jab injured friends (clotting that won't resolve), and they just don't want to hear it. So I just look for openings.. knowing full well, there may not be.

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I've continued to talk to people I know (carefully) and the more that comes out the more doubt they have about the vaxx.

I think the truth will prevail. It's a matter of how much time and suffering that takes.

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You know what I think?

Hundreds of millions of people are simultaneously suffering from covid infections right now in China and Xi is suffering a massive loss of face and perhaps a challenge to his rule due to his failed zero covid response policy.

One thing all those hundreds of millions are not suffering from is the effects of mRNA jabs and a non neutralizing antibody monoculture.

I have heard of a few military virology labs over there.

Were I an embarrassed and threatened dictator, I might be considering ways to get the last laugh.

I try not to think about things like this, but that's what I think.

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Apparently, the Zero Covid Policy is because most of the high level people in the CCP have had many ORGAN TRANSPLANTS (organ trafficking) and they are all on strong Immunosuppressive DRUGS. (this was from an article in the Epoch Times.)

That may be what is causing all the CCP people to die right now. They have no immune system's to fight the Omicron virus. (If it really even exists.)

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I don't know if this is true or not, but for the falun gong and epoch times, I sure hope they push this narrative HARD moving forward. The elite CCP all getting wiped out DUE TO THEIR ORGAN HARVESTING.

It's a sign from God!

Here's their take on the elite ccp dying, but they didn't mention the immunosuppressants.


Come on falun gong! This narrative could tale down the ccp if it gets legs inside of china.

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But they're not the only Chinese to be dying of covid. That's not the only cause of the deaths.

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Can you imagine a revolution in China happening at the same time as the shit-show cauldron in Ukraine?

I fear my boy could be sent off to an unjustified war when he gets older.

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Oh, Xi lost the Mandate of Heaven long ago, as far as I am concerned and I am all for the Chinese people making China great again.

It's up to them, not me.

But it's just because of this massive and embarrassing outbreak right now that I fear someone may want to leverage a very vulnerable world population, because the immune systems of the folks in China haven't been messed up in the same way as those in the west, and they could weather it.

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Very good point

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Something is very very off about Ukraine.

I am in the UK and day after day the news is about things that have supposedly happened but there have been boombastic headlines but little actual proof.


Huge terror kills one person in Ukraine - I kid you not.

Yet another person was stabbed to death in London last night and the parkrun is cancelled - police ask for witnesses.

When I say another person stabbed in London I mean it is neverending right now yet bottom of the page, small article, no-one really cares


Sorry gone off-topic slightly but my point is this is not a war to worry about for your lad.

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Thankyou for all the information. Finally I have a fuller understanding of where we're at. Albeit

Very grim. Shocked into silence.

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IgG4 increased markedly to a maximum by day 30 in all treatment groups and then began to decrease


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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thr deaths are mild I hear.

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Yes, and the bodies warmer and more lucid than if not for the thing

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I always laughed at the disease that 99.5 percent 70 and under survive can be proven EVEN MILDER. Lol!

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Could have been worse as well.

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The deaths were “mostly mild”.

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Hahaha. They're just resting...

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Like a parrot😂

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Wonderful plumage, the Norwegian blue.

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That's a good one...big pharma will add that to their lists of possible negative reactions to their deadly drugs.

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It's a very useful REACTION,....because it kills people far enough from the shots that they feel they can't be held responsible for all the Millions of deaths. It's a nice, neat way to slaughter BILLIONS and never get your hands dirty.

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what does that mean? How can a death be mild? they just fall asleep maybe? Sorry, I don't understand that comment. Enlighten me!

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The Globalists say that Covid is mild if you have the vaccine, impossible to prove. So I just add if you die and are vaccinated, with that logic, the death is mild.

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I think that he is being facetious here. I know I have in the past made fun the Cold of Covid mindsets involving the injections. You know they praise the vaccine as they are being killed by the vaccine. It’s pretty horrible.

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Mostly peaceful BLM protests…

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They could have been worse

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I was just in a debate with my neighbors on one of those neighbors apps and the Covidian nonsense is still off the charts. All of these people (I live near a major U.S. East Coast city) are still fully faithful to the alleged power and protection of the vaccines and the masks. One after another talks about how they have gotten Covid, but thanks to the vaccines their cases were not serious. The only reason they even got sick was because all of the bad people out in public who are unmasked and unboosted. I try and talk some sense into them and they send me some junk mask studies and claim that I refuse to acknowledge "the science." I send them my own studies and ask why we never wore masks in the past seventy years prior to Covid to control respiratory viruses. Also, why did Fauci and other public health officials tell us that masks do not work back in March 2020? Why did they do a 180 without the science to back it up? Were they liars then when they said masks do not work or liars now when they say they do? Which is it? Crickets. The cult of the vaccine and the mask are still strong in some parts of the country.

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The fact that they kept changing the goal posts should have been enough to wake people that the whole thing was a massive scam. Unfortunately, many people are too far gone and one just needs to focus on those that may listen.

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Exactly this. If people were going to be rational, they would have done so.

We are three years into this. People are locked in. I feel bad for the kids, terrible.

And pregnant women who endanger their babies.

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Regarding your last sentence:

It is sad to say that, if permanent, this damage is the one side effect that may bring down the house of cards. It can't be brushed off as "necessary evil" for the greater good and it can't be conflated with long covid. It is heartbreaking

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Pushing a deadly vaccine on 6mo-5yo when other countries banned for children…

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When they changed the definition of “vaccine” it was pretty obvious...

...come on, man

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When they changed the definition of anti-vaxer it was clear as daylight that it was all BS.

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and how about when They changed the definition of 'science?' no doubt about it, They've been on a roll ...

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"Science"is now a lucrative cult, a magnet for liars looking to get rich and powerful. It's so sad.

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The Flip Flopping was all a part of the PSYOP they used,....it's in the book on how to use PSYOPs on prisoners to make them so confused, they can't think rationally,...and they just do as they are told. That plus the FEAR PORN rammed into everyone's face 24/7,....was enough to get complete COMPLIANCE from most of the planet.

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To me, the flip-flopping just demonstrated that that this was a sh#$ show that was run by imbeciles so could not care less whether or not they got the message right - just dump as much BS as possible with the hope that some will stick. Cannot argue with the approach - the results are devastating as 95% of the population turned into headless chickens.

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Watch this video,....it will show you exactly what they did and how they did it to get the COMPLIANCE they needed.


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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022

The most unbiased mask study was Canada nurses association vs. The heath authority that required those unvaxxed for flu to be masked. This was pre covid. Around 2012. Judge ruled for nurses that no evidence masks had efficacy for flu. Judge reviewed studies. No bias. I think it was Ontario or BC Nurses association.

EDIT. Was Ontario. PDF link, see pages 16, and 44:


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That was before Trudeau corrupted all the judges. Try that case now the nurses would lose. Plaintiffs in a recent BC court case about church closures lost. The judge thought it was perfectly reasonable to order churches to close.

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I heard about that one. Thanks. Their fall back is that you need N95s. They tried that in Germany and it was a miserable failure. Even if it is somewhat effective in theory, the general public are not going to be wearing a perfectly fitted N95 with a valve day after day hour after hour.

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If it has a valve then it won't be "protecting" others. The only solution here is a plastic bag over the head.

Btw there was a recent study showing fitted n95 is no better than surgical. Yet my child's science teacher wears a cloth mask all day. Because science. It's only kindergarten, but still

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Umm, sorry but if the teacher is wearing a cloth mask every day, I would be looking for another kindergarten if possible. There is stupidity, and then idiocy and then, well, this.

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I don't disagree but there's not much to choose from where I live. Moving might be the best option but it's complicated.

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Well, that’s a special type of teacher. But I guess you can be grateful it’s only the kindergarten science teacher? Imagine it’s your chemistry professor at Harvard who’s requiring the mask... and yes they did. I think your sweet child will get a chance to escape a lot of the nonsense in the next 2 years, my son, however, had to leave college with depression.

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Special is not the word that comes to my mind to describe that person. Sometimes it feels like I live in the Idiocracy world.

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Yes, I'm not sure what college will be like in 12 years - or society for that matter. I'm hoping it's more sensible by then. I did not envy those with kids in college or young adult kids who might not have the best judgement about the risk/benefit.

Have you seen the VSRF rumble channel (steve kirsch's foundation)? There is a periodic meeting there of college age people fighting mandates, might be inspiring at least.

Re the harvard prof - I wonder what kind of PPE he uses when working with these kinds of viruses in the lab? One of the most ridiculous things about masking is the idea that you can achieve source control by using masks without vents. Anyone who thinks about that for 5 seconds should see the problems. Yet I have yet to be able to successfully convince someone of this idea, who didn't already think it.

The covid psyop has so many layers it is a real challenge to fight! (NPIs are effective and have 0 cost stop bitching, 2 weeks to flatten the curve, swiss cheese model, covid is dangerous to everyone even young healthy people, there are no effective treatments, protocol is to do nothing and then go to the hospital to die, remdesivir may often cause organ failure but it's worth it because it causes a negligible reduction in hospital stay [among those who survive], most tested vax in history, vaers is over-reported, safe and effective, it would have been worse)

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The CDC itself in 2020 had a summary of all the studies comparing N95s to surgical masks in hospital settings (so properly trained users who were professionally fit tested) against influenza. I think they found five studies that met their inclusion criteria. None found a difference.

And these were under ideal circumstances, with highly trained healthcare professionals who had official and professional fit testing done with N95s provided at no cost to the user.

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Would love to see this study. Do you have a link?

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If you're looking for the RCT showing similar results for surgical vs N95 masks, I believe this is the one: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/11/221129184442.htm

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Ok, Arkmedic has a fabulous thread on all of the controversies going on between the people who know the jabs are harmful (which isn’t exactly helping us right now ).


In that article is Jikky the mouse who then runs down in a long tweet thread about the demonization of ivermectin and azithromycin....


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oopppss wrong answer at the wrong place- sorry!

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Because they're fucking EVIL

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This. I never believed in Evil until the last 3 years.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

What if none of these people die, but they simply live a life of always being sick...or always fearing the next time they're sick.

That sounds worse than death itself to me, right?

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In some ways yes. However, the big Harma would consider that a perfect business opportunity...

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I guess at one point their immune system will give up. But gosh, what a terrible way to go.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

Well yeah. Exactly. You just can't be intermittently sick all the time and not let your immune system "heal".


Eventually that probably leads to death.

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Probably explains these "Died Suddenlies" - Body just can take so much

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Extra evidence to support your mask argument from inside their own wire. White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha: “There is no study in the world that shows that masks work that well.”


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Yet, the message is still go ahead and wear one anyway. That makes it simple to see how many imbeciles they managed to condition to obey without thought.

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They can change jerseys but they can't change their numbers.... or the receipts.

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Couldn’t agree more. The cult is alive and well in Canada under the cult leaders Trudeau and Tam.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

The cult is alive in Florida too. Although small (8-10%).

The difference is they are marginalized now. People recognize they are neurotic.

I wish everyone could see it and FEEL it. I hope freedom comes back to you guys in Canada.

It is worth fighting for.

Stay STRONG if you are in Canada David.

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Don't be fooled that freedom is alive and well in the US (it hasn't been for a very long time - we've all been duped - listen to George Carlin). It's just a slower boil especially if those in the know don't fight for it (slowly our rights are being taken away - we all need to understand what's happened in the past). Take a look at this substack:

One paragraph's worth: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program

From the post: Congress and US Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. government and the American people, through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program, conducted by the HHS Secretary and Secretary of Defense on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers.


There are plenty who voted in traitors to the constitution this past election. I know of plenty who are beyond ignorant and would never listen and still would think I'm crazy if I mentioned that the shot is a pure poison, toxic soup that destroys the immune system and that there are evil psychopathic perpetrators trying to destroy humanity and finally take over. Typing it even sounds crazy to me because this whole thing is insane.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

I agree with what you are saying.

I said you could "feel" freedom in Florida. There is hope here.

It is a difference. I have lived in several areas in the US.

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I just moved to NC and it has been a lot of work, but all 3 of my children have benefitted. We escaped the NYC area and are surrounded by mostly normal people. Phew.

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My apologizes.

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Oz too. In NSW, Victoria and WA they are agitating for people to mask up for the holidays. Sick, sick, evil people.

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Fraudci was in a study where they exhumed bodies of 1918 epidemic. Not one died of the Spanish Flu! All had bacterial pneumonia from wearing MASKS! That psychopathic troll knew it all along!

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I heard baking soda consumption helped with Spanish flu

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You see, “teh science” changes. You also must be fired, arrested, or shunned if you don’t follow “teh science” because it is infallible. Until our high priests tell us otherwise

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Or we just ignore them. I think that's the only way it finally stops.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

Fauci really isn't to be trusted for a bunch of reasons, but he eventually claimed that he advised against masks for the general public in order to save them for healthcare workers, since there was little value in healthy people wearing them. Which itself seems like quite a reasonable position, with a few key adjustments. Do you deny that masks have worked well for healthcare workers treating COVID patients? If I had to bet my life on it, masks do work but they are UNNECESSARY in almost all situations.

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Fauci was saying privately over email that the masks do not work (this came out in a FOIA). I think they really do not work as a public health measure against an aerosolized virus like the flu or Covid. Thanks for your comment. Also, I agree about the unnecessary part.

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A friend who is a pharmacist facing the sick public full-time the entire epidemic just got Cov for the first time in Dec. 2022. She is a faithful N-95 wearer and knows how to wear it pinched around the nose so that the air is actually being filtered.

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What a miserable life to live.

Sounds like it didn't work after all.

There's no "hiding" from a highly contagious respiratory disease.

Maybe it was the plexiglass that "protected" your friend so long?...lol

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The theoretical creators of a contagious biolab anti-fertility virus would probably support our freedom to spurn masks. ;)

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I have a magic rock. Does that count?

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

Question, while it's contagious for sure, don't you think it's far LESS contagious than we have been led to believe? Just look at even the most inflated COVID case counts since March 2020 onwards, through over-testing, etc. The case counts don't seem to be even minutely consistent with "aerosols staying in the air of a room for several hours" having much practical/clinical relevance at all. "Asymptomatic spread" also seems to have a very minimal role in the transmission of this virus. It's not just the case counts being very low, common sense says so as well. If these sorts of "fear porn" were true, the world would have been a very, very different place the last 3 years. Don't you think?

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Whatever the PHA say I believe the opposite.

So, after reflection, I agree after reading your comment!...:)

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Yes, this matches what I have seen as well- nothing is 100% but they clearly seem to work well for healthcare workers. And almost all of the few people I know who haven't yet caught COVID (as of recently) but spend lots of time around others use masks to some degree. Curious, did your friend catch it at work, in public, or at a social event?

The big problem with masking (aside from its many obvious downsides) is that it's a very impractical strategy: I know multiple people who religiously masked at very low risk places like the grocery store, and then caught a serious case of COVID at a family gathering, birthday party, etc. with people they "trusted" (which usually means "vaxxed to the max"). I agree with the sentiments here that for almost all of us, masking is simply not worth it (unnecessary) almost all of the time, but I definitely believe masks work in acute situations.

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An Irish doctor Anne McCloskey spoke out about masks for the general public being mostly useless in every day life. She was fired as a result. They have their place in a surgical setting when you dont want the surgeons sweat dropping into your internal organs. But for stopping a virus mostly useless.

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Nothing is 100%, not even 95%, especially when those N-95s are cheaply-made imports.

I didn't ask her how she thought she caught it - likely holiday family gatherings as you say.

Good use of quotes in "trusted". (Thinking here of a story I heard recently, someone's family members show up to large group dinner with flaming positive test, which they mention at the end, after having also spent the day at Disneyworld because it was this adult's birthday and they deserved not to have to cancel plans.)

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You could follow that up with Fauxi was just under oath and could site NO studies that masks were effective. Funny how the Fake Media didn't cover that.

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The Cult of Vaccine goes back to Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and relies on magical thinking held together by the cement of group thinking. Both sad and impenetrable!

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Those neighbor apps seem to bring out the worst in people. Nextdoor for instance, is where I go to discover what assholes people I know can be online.

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Could be AI bots responding or fbi agents, lol. Nextdoor app is highly censored. No discussion allowed about elections ect...

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Yep I had the thought of purpetual sickness too. Why allow post- birth abortion and drive thru assisted suicide. Joyless fearful lives and birth defects.

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The cult oh group thinking goes back to Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and relies on magical thinking held together by group thought that is quite impenetrable to reason and critical thought.

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What is a "neighbors app?" I've never heard of such a thing. Sounds moderately dreadful.

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Nextdoor is a notification chat app useful? for neighbors to communicate; lost pets, crimes, service recommendations. It is owned therefore censored by big brother. I saw some people last year regret voting for Biden. And later these comments were removed; restricted use ie. Ye revolution will not be organized thru nextdoor app. Cheers.

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You don't need an app for that. My tiny town has an e-mail list that is run by locals. We find out about local activities, sell stuff, look for lost animals, etc with no intervention or oversight by big tech.

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Yeah, when I heard about next door I was all, wait, are you kidding me? I'm going to be neighborly by hiding in my house and posting to some ad-selling data-tracking app?


And from what I hear from people who use it, it's hella narc-y. Apparently, according to my literal next door neighbor, when I was leaving my apartment every single day during the stay-at-home-diktat, people were commenting about how I was 'disobeying.' She said: "They're upset because they can't see if your car has one of those slips on your dashboard that says you're an essential worker."

This would be LMFAO except for what it revealed about others, to me, which was more SMH.

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Where I live people get mad if you fail to pick up your dog's poop and they'll post pictures of you and your dog on nextdoor. Sometimes accidents happen but these Karens all live to get even. Great place for snitches.

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Identifying the zombies ahead of time is best.

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Got it; thank you. Somehow I don't think that's in use around here ... In my area, the neighbors just use the HAM radio to listen in on the dispatch to find out whose house the cops are visiting. That, or call directly ...

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I understand your point and I am sure we agree about the vaccines and the big problems caused by them, but this is not how medical science works. I can not imagine any disease or drug for which such evidence you ask for could exist. It is always about probability. If you conduct a randomized controlled trial and you have 100.000 covid patients in a treatment group and 100.000 covid patients in a control group and in the treatment group 2000 patients die while in the control group 4000 patients die, you can see the drug is likely effective and reduces the risk of death.

However, if a patient takes this drug and survives, this no proof that the drug saved his life. He could have survived without it.

So we can only see if a drug is effective and if it is reduces negative outcomes if we do studies with a control group.

However, the idea that the vaccines saved millions of lives is not based on a randomized controlled trial. At least for the mRNA vaccines, there was no reduced all cause mortality in the trials. So it is misleading to tell people the vaccines saved lives.

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"So it is misleading to tell people the vaccines saved lives"

Which is my point. If they truly were saving millions of lives, we should be able to find at least one example.

And hey, we can find examples of lives being lost from these shots.

"the idea that the vaccines saved millions of lives is not based on a randomized controlled trial"

The RCTs they did for these shots were extremely problematic with massive fraud, and then when they were over, they tried to make sure there was no longer any way to do them because of a lack of a control group.

Didn't Pfizer decide not to go with India (over 1 billion potential customers) since the Indians wanted to do their own RCTs on the shots? Yeah, and if you look at the author lists for the RCTs done in the USA, most of the authors are funded by / invested in Pfizer and/or Moderna!

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"The RCTs they did for these shots were extremely problematic with massive fraud".

And they still showed that the mRNA vaccines were more likely to kill than save overall, even during the worst Alpha wave.

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Well said. That's the fundamental problem:

They're always "chasing the dragon". Meaning the previous variant. Sometimes 2 or 3 removed.

That in and of itself is a bomb with a lit fuse.

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"I can not imagine any disease or drug for which such evidence you ask for could exist"

What about rabies & the rabies shot?

What about bacterial infections that go untreated, but for which very effective antibiotics exist?

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This is not convincing for me. If a patient survives an infection, this does not proof beyond doubt that the treatment saved his live. If you have a very clear case report describing how a patient is deteriorating more and more and is almost dead and minutes after you adminsitered a certain drug, the patient starts improving and recovers, this could provide "some evidence" that this drug seems to be effective. But this is still not considered real proof. It is just a case report. And in case of a covid vaccine which is given before the disease, such a case report is even more meaningless. If you could administer such a vaccine to a patient who is deteriorating, and after he received the vaccine, he stabilizes immediately and recovers, this could provide some evidence that the vaccine can save a life. But you never know if a person would get severely sick or die with covid, no matter if vaccinated or not.

Regarding scabies, it is not 100% fatal. There is, for example, an article from the NY Times, with the title: "Peru: Antibodies Seen in Amazon Dwellers Suggest That Rabies May Be Survivable"... they write:

"Scientists who took blood samples from 63 relatively healthy villagers in the Amazon jungle in Peru, where vampire bat bites are common, found seven people who had antibodies to rabies. Only one reported ever having had a rabies shot (which would also produce antibodies)."

"Several Americans have survived rabies without getting post-exposure shots.."

Even if we would assume that scabies is always fatal and the only patients who ever recovered are the ones who received a certain treatment, then this can not be compared with covid. Even most of the very old people survive the infection. There are reports of >100 year olds who easily survived covid (pre vaccine period, I think).

Again, we do agree about the vaccines in general. And there is no convincing evidence that they reduce all cause mortality. To the contrary, they seem to increase it. But what you are asking for is not possible. At least for >99,99% of all diseases in this world (including covid, with this high survival rate) it is not possible.

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There's certainly plenty of anecdotal evidence that ivermectin saved people on the downward spiral to the grave,but we never hear of that.


Computer modelling wasn't required for that.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You are onto something important. Keep pressing forward. 

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This is great in theory, but you can never prove it in any direction.

You cannot prove that anyone was saved by the shots, because (even if it destroys aspects of it) of the existence of the immune system. Immune system is a wonderful and strange thing and like the brain, we only know a tiny bit about how it functions in its entirety. What I mean is: you cannot prove if a vaxxed person would not have cleared the infection on their own. (Especially if they never had COVID prior to their shot.)

To your other question: you cannot prove that someone died because they DIDN'T get the shot because you cannot prove a negative. In medicine, that is literally impossible - again too many variables at play to provide definitive proof.

In both cases, you can only indicate probabilities. (And @Max did a fine job of explaining all of that.)

Now a covidian might say "well, the same is true for the shots." Save that with the shots, you're introducing something foreign (mRNA Spike protein) to the body. Just like a knife is a foreign object and introducing it to the body can cause serious damage or even death (depending on where the knife is put). It CAN be proven that I wasn't bleeding before the knife cut me. People CAN prove that the changes in their health conditions are due to the shots. (Yes, I know docs and researchers are making it difficult to do, the point is it is POSSIBLE to prove.) This is why it used to be that when shots/medicines were introduced to the 'general public' the adverse reactions were considered to be due to the shots/medicines until proven otherwise. (All that has been chucked out the window and... here we are...)

The burden of proof is on the "new thing" (shots) not the thing that exists throughout nature (immune system).

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The entire point is that they can't prove it. Yes, there are too many unknowns. But whenever I see anyone claiming these shots saved millions of lives, I will tell them that this is not the case; in fact, there's no reason to believe they saved any lives. I will show them the challenge. There are a few standard responses by pro-vaxxers:

1 - They will post random examples of supposed "anti-vaxxers" that allegedly died from the virus. I ask them to prove: (a) the person died "of Covid-19", and (b) they would not have died if they took the mRNA shots. Often they can't even prove a, but they certainly can't make any case for b, as most of the people dying from the virus now right now are jabbed according to US figures

2 - They will say it's impossible to prove, it would require an alternate reality. Then we can move on to their arguments for why they think the shots have saved any lives, especially given that there were no actual, unbiased, double-blind RCTs that showed any real benefit. They were all rife with fraud, generally being funded by Pfizer/Moderna.

3 - They will claim that they were vaxxed and survived the virus. I will point to them the very low death rate, and let them know that I'm not vaxxed and never even got sick from it (never tested).

One pro-vaxxer got so upset they told me that humans wouldn't even be alive right now without "vaccines." That's obviously insane. I don't know if there's any hope for these people anymore. Unless they personally have an adverse reaction, or a close family member does, or their TVs tell them the vax was actually bad... I don't see how it's possible to get through.

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I get you totally here.

Midazolam Matt came on the TV one night in 2021 and said something like "good news for you people the vaccines have saved 17,000 lives!!".

I hit the fucking ceiling as they CANNOT KNOW this unless they can time travel or have a fully functional crystal ball.

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There was study a while back that said the adenovirus vaccines were the bomb and mRNA vaccines were junk. Maybe J&J was paying them off. It said there was a Covid mortality benefit for the mRNA Covid vaccines, but it was canceled out by a higher mortality rate for non-Covid causes. I do not buy the adenovirus vaccines are great part, but I think mRNA critique has some merit although I suspect they are a mortality negative across the board at this point.

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Under 60 years old was 0.035% IFR for pre-vax, original strain: https://michaelpsenger.substack.com/p/new-study-from-ioannidis-covids-ifr

That's less than 1 per 2,850

At that point, you're more likely to die from choking on your food, getting in a car crash, drowning, or falling down some stairs.

And that number changes drastically when you start taking vitamin D + C + zinc

Not to mention that upper respiratory viruses tend to mutate to be less deadly, but more easily spread.

I never for one second believed the claim that an injection into the arm could provide superior immunity to actually contracting the virus and defeating it with your immune system. You don't get sick from a respiratory virus by having it inject itself into your arm. It gets into your sinuses, lungs - upper respiratory mucous membranes.

Taking a "vaccine" - especially one that was rushed - and double-especially one that is experimental tech - and triple-especially one pushed by people that had been systematically lying to us about this virus for a year straight - just did not seem like a good choice to me. So I never took it. And I never once regretted it.

To me it just seemed obvious, but I do remember the massive propaganda campaign (still in effect, but died down on this a bit) taking place in the media. One good thing about the vax situation (perhaps the only good thing) is how many people it woke up to the problem we have with the mass media. It really is the #1 problem! If we had a responsible mass media, this whole problem would have been avoided.

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Excellent. After reading Dr. Jessica Rose go through the Bradford-Hill criteria for establishing causation with observed data, I'm convinced the jabs are CAUSING some severe, even fatal events. The evidence is huge at this point.

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That’s the same logic that is used to say “ if I hadn’t been inoculated it would have been much worse”. How would anyone know?

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Maybe by being objective/observing and seeing that the unvaxxed with natural immunity are not (for the most part) getting sick from covid or otherwise?

I guess that's asking too much from these folks?

Being objective in a cult would mean you've "escaped".

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That is the OP's entire point.

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Well said. Thanks.

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A kid I went to high school with, who was a JetBlue flight attendant was one of the first people to die of covid. He was 27. It even made national news because he was one of the first young deaths. https://youtu.be/oEKJOO9OSTM

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I am sorry!

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These questions can be asked of any so-called preventive procedure such as other childhood vax. While it is impossible to show at an individual level (as the person's health evolves with time and there is only one time trace) but what the vax or preventing stuff pushers do is use mostly observational studies - will show a trend of cases with vax and without vax in a population for example Measles rates etc. The other means in the so called gold-standard RCT which is supposed to be a controlled clinical trial which is not really "controlled plus many times doctored with phony "end points" and cherry picking of the final data and creating new end points after the experiment which flatters the treatment, for example Remdesiver Fauci told the white house that the RCT shows that the drug although has not effect on mortality cuts hospital time by 3 days in case the patient survives the infection and the remdesivir but I digress. For example Pfizer and Moderna trials the end point was a PCR test showing infection and one of common cold symptoms such as runny nose, fever, sore throat etc. That is it. No quantification of severity etc - even with this they showed only a relative RR of 95% after doctoring the stats and not following the blinding procedure as per court docs. Also these are not really "controlled" experiments like in a real science experiment in a lab as the patient and control groups are allowed to follow their daily lives for he trial period and thus other factors of infection are not controlled. This is not like lab mice in cages or metal alloy testing. Furthermore people randomly drop out of the trial and the results are not critically looked at with the reasons behind the drop off. Imagine a jury trial where the jury is allowed to get all kinds of outside input which can affect their decision..

Also as per the Turtles book on child vax there has been not one RCT where the placebo was not a saline - it was nearly always another toxic unproven to be safe jab. It is like someone comparing their test score to the worst person's score and showing how much superior their results are.

But remember if you say someone was injured by the vax they will say "prove it" although their own trial shows more deaths

These medical quacks are quick to tell parents of injured and dead kids they are conspiracy theorists are imagining that their jab killed the kid. They invent new diseases like SIDS and SADS

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The real reason that you can never prove lives have been saved or not saved is because when you take one course of action, you can never be 100% sure that taking a different or opposite course of action would have made a difference. In the case of mRNA injections, you cannot go back and be un-injected.

Probability comes into play when determining which road to follow and then that assumes you have enough accurate data to make assumptions based on probabilities.

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That was part of the PSYOP and all their machinations from day one:

You can't prove a negative

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It should be somebody they knew personally. Otherwise, there are sites with collections of misreported and fabricated stories from the media where antivxxers died from convid (prior to the vx availability, those were about antimaskers, but then masks magically became irrelevant).

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I don't mean to speak in favor of these not-vaccines, at all ... but .. my Mom was in the hospital recovering from surgery, and tested positive on the hospital's PCR. I hoped it was a false positive, but she also was positive (quickly) on three rapid tests. Her last injection was many months ago, whenever Booster-Saviour-Number-Four came out.

She had no covid symptoms at all. I don't know if the injection made her more likely to test positive for no reason, or if it actually protected her from getting sick - my covid was way worse (Mom didn't have covid, just positive test). Mine was survive-able in five days doing as much of the treatment protocols as possible while so tired, and then felt even more tired after tested negative.

I have absolutely no regrets at not trusting these injections and not taking them, and I see this is way beyond cutting corners for pharma $ profits .. and I see how people have lost their minds and souls and senses of logic .. yet somewhere in there are bits of realness .. sometimes people have an easier time with covid for being "vaccinated", Yet this study suggests those with an easier time of the acute phase may be more messed up in the long run ...

And meanwhile, the information war continues .. and people can't hold more than one truth at the same time .. it could be true that, in some cases, the injections mitigate severity of disease .. and sometimes, the gamble for noticeable harm two years later worked out in their favor .. yet it's always true that it alters a complex system that it's ridiculously negligent to not have investigated more before unleashing this on the planet ...

Hope not to be misunderstood, just sharing story, not saying I think these shots are anywhere near OK(!). (& I know covid tests aren't that reliable, but thought rapids have more false negatives ... It is possible Mom got infected in the hospital, they put asymptomatic covid + patients on same floor as regular, with nurses going back and forth.)

(And also, the night of her positive test I'm having a hard time convincing a doctor to let her have the zinc lozenges and x-clear that are in her bag, and he said she has no symptoms so they're not giving her anything for covid. The next afternoon, an infectious disease doctor ordered Remdesivir. Just in time I had Mom talk to a nurse from Graith Care patient advocates, who convinced her to say a clear no to Remdeath & make sure it's in her chart.)

Even if there are lots of people who may have benefited from the shot (at least in what's apparent as of now, who knows what time bombs are inside...), even if ... doesn't change that it has so many routes to screw up the body, it never should have been given, and also cost / benefit without early treatment in the equation isn't accurate ...

But millions ... no ... that study going around saying saved millions of lies is based on data they don't explain . . biologist Heather Heying said it's more of a "blog post" than a study(!) .. That's another miserably sourced "study" for the time capsule of these times ...

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I'd be interested to know when this happened (IE when your mom tested positive and when you had COVID - was it the same time frame? Did you each have the same strain? etc. - but that's just morbid curiosity, to see how it lines up with the research I've been reading, don't answer unless you feel comfortable.)

Let me offer this example that might help you see your situation in a broader context:

Recently, 12 people in my family were all exposed to my COVID+ mom (she's vaxxed/boosted and this was her THIRD time getting COVID THIS YEAR!). They initially thought she had RSV because the rapid test came back negative. The longer test did come back positive a day or two later. 4 people in my family became symptomatic after a family gathering (we met up because we didn't know it was COVID until after the gathering). Some of us vaxxed some not. ALL of us had different COVID symptoms. My mom: well, they thought it was RSV, so tells you how bad it was for her. Me? (unvaxxed, been exposed to COVID frequently at work and this was the first time I ever had symptoms - so I had never taken a test before I did test positive) High fever for 4 days, Sore throat for 3 hours on day 4, THEN after I'd returned to work for a couple days (~day 8), I lost my sense of taste (for 24 hours) and smell for 12 hours after sense of taste returned. But no other 'cold like' symptoms. Two of my siblings had SEVERE cold-like symptoms (1 vaxed, 1 not) that went on for two full weeks. The last sibling (Vaxxed) had all the gastrointestinal aspects of COVID, and slight cold-like symptoms, but nothing else, that lasted just under a week.

None of us were hospitalised - not even my mom.

The remaining 8 people? Didn't catch it/become symptomatic this time, some of those are vaxxed, some not vaxxed. (Though 3 of those 8 are the 'in-laws', so not blood-related.)

I share that, because in this case, you have a group of blood-related people, some vaxxed and some not, catching the same strain from the same person, having wildly different experiences with COVID at the same time. Vaxxed or not didn't seem to matter when it came to severity and 'how long it went on'.

And in short-hand, this is how a virus looks when it goes endemic: each individual person is going to react to 'the same thing' differently. So I hope that helps to see the COVID picture in a broader scale.

I'm looking forward to the day that hospitals treat COVID like the Flu (IE: only test symptomatic patients, only isolate severely symptomatic patients, don't require 2-3 "negative tests" before surgeries, etc)

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The standard of care is still to refuse treatment until your lips are turning blue, and antibiotics were removed from the protocol long ago. Those two things killed 90%+ of everyone who died "from" Covid

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This isn't quite as true now. Partly because hospitals have reopened to doing "elective surgeries" so they don't need the government kickbacks, but significantly because shortness of breath to that extent isn't happening as much with the new variants. (Not saying it doesn't happen, but it's far less common.) When I HAVE seen shortness of breath listed in covid charts, the patient already had other issues (COPD, etc) that would cause SOB anyway, so they need to be hospitalised quickly.

Oddly, I know a LOT of people (all of us hospital employees) who said that Oct-Dec 2022 is the first time any of us contracted COVID and the symptoms weren't what they've been before. IE: For me and a few others it was just a high fever, for some just a sore throat, others just a bad headache. (All of this is if you believe the PCR tests - I still go back and forth on them.)

Point is: yes it's endemic, but it's also even more survivable now, because your body isn't fighting all symptoms at once. It seems one symptom will be really bad and the others super mild - sometimes less than allergies or 'normal winter colds'.

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Why. Why did they do this?

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The point was always to get the mRNA shots out there. They had to make COVID deadly enough to scare the population and withhold all treatments 1) for the. EUA and 2) to convince people the shot is the only solution to covid.

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And they are not stopping. They are building new mRNA factories. They plan on shoving these shots down your throat again and again whether you want them or not. Massive $$$$$ for the billionaire class and that is what it is all about.

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I won't trust ANY "vaccine" any more. Last shot I got was for tetanus in June 2021. I was bed-ridden for three DAYS after getting it - because all my muscles tensed up so bad I could hardly move and it was very painful when I did move. (They hadn't "mRNA-d" it yet, so I can't blame that.)

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I’m guessing this challenge didn’t go so well. Have there been any proven winners yet?

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terrible argument and im on your side here. they think it reduces your risk of a bad event, so even if they were correct it wouldnt show up at an individual level

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That's partially the point. The goal is to get them to come in and whine about the challenge. "Oh, OK, so you admit that you can't show any lives have actually been saved by the vax. Got it. But we know people have died from it. Make your case for the shots."

This is a strategy that has been commonly used, such as by Trump. He would sprinkle in outrageous claims (often just exaggerations) with his facts, and the media would obsess over them. He just wanted them to talk about it.

I recognize why it doesn't make all that much sense to ask this question. But the target is people that are claiming that the vax has saved millions of lives. It has simply not done this. These are not rational people. But if you provide a very well-though out argument they will typically refuse to engage. Proper bait has to appear flawed, so they are willing to come in to "fact check" or "debunk" it.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Dr. Fareed and Dr. Tyson treated many thousands of covid patients in their clinics and had 0% mortality with early treatment. They also found that the vaccines are too dangerous. I wish the world would have listened to them! Early treatment is and was the key. The vaccines are a catastrophe.

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Dr. Zelenko also had an extraordinary record of successful treatment. If I recall correctly, he lost one covid patient who was in his 90’s.

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Their book is called Overcoming The Covid Darkness:how two doctors successfully treated 7000 patients. George Fareed is in his 70s, went to Harvard Medical School, was an NIH scientist and has been a family physician for 30 years. He tried many times to contact Fauci et al to explain their protocol and for fauci to defend his. Fareed and Tyson started with HCQ and later added ivermectin, among other interventions. I still cannot get over the suppression of early treatment for this....if I start getting into deaths from the vaccines then I really start to lose it

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Yes!! This point really really gets me too. We STILL do not have an even basic protocol for covid besides paxlovid (rebound city) and Molnupiravir (mutating covid variants). I read a thread somewhere where they detail how the authorities went around criminalizing ivermectin, hcq and antibiotics literally the MONTHS before the pandemic. If you like, I will try to find it again. Totally eye-opening and obviously a strategy to keep covid “dangerous with no available medicines to treat it”, so the crap jabs would be sanctioned.

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We have a protocol in this house (old retired ER nurse)....wash hands immediately; rinse/gargle with H2O2 in throat; and at the merest hint of a fever, respiratory whatever, start Ivermectin (weight-based) following any situation whenever out and about and in places with lots of folks that are sick or vaccine-shedding. We even went to Hawaii' for two months in Jan/Feb 2021. No issues. We come home, husband takes the first two shots and has a TIA (Trans Ischemic Attack). I forbid him any more of this government foolishness. Now he wonders why we are so healthy when lots of our family and friends are getting sick over and over. I still think he is screwed for taking the first two shots. And maybe me, if he's shedding all over my ass. Doing the best we can without divorcing. Ha!

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SO SAD! Swanson Vitamins' NAC (Cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules have helped me not to have any flu or Coronavirus' since 2009. About $10.00 a bottle.

Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day (One in a.m., one before sleep.) Before that I had those many times and almost died from complications of one in 1957 when I was 9. I post publicly and freely on MeWe. STAY WELL NATURALLY!

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The suppression of any and all early treatments--including something as ridiculous as hospitals banning doctors from giving vitamin C to patients--is the clearest sign something terribly wrong was transpiring.

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They are both in California, soon to be arrested is my guess.

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Dr. Chetty said the same and the local government supports his claims. https://mobile.twitter.com/ca4blr/status/1393844188865699843

Dr Shankara Chetty, a GP in a small town in South Africa, has treated more than 4000 Covid patients. None of his patients have died or needed oxygen or hospitalisation. He eschews the protocols that WHO and other bodies prescribe.

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

Fabian, go to the page c19early and scroll down. They have 36 physician early treatment results from all around the world. The results from Chetty are included there as well. This physician treated more than 8000 patients with 0% mortality.

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Yes, I know c19early, amazing project. I didn't know they indexed early treatment doctors though.

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Catastrophe? Not for BigPharma's bottom line. That's what this whole abomination is about.


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Not 0%, but very close.


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0% is correct. I was referring to early treatment (treatment starts when the infection is still mild and not moderate or severe yet). They treated many thousands of patients, in most of these cases treatment started early. Among these cases, there were zero deaths. They also treated some patients in a later stage. And a very small amount of these patients died. But this was no early treatment.

This is from their study text:

"Of 1,585 patients treated for mild COVID-19 in Protocol 1, there was one hospitalization (0.06%) and zero deaths (0%). Of 2,356 patients treated for mild COVID-19 in Protocol 2, there was one hospitalization (0.04%) and zero deaths (0%). There were twenty-one patients whose date of treatment was obscured after data blinding, but were treated for mild COVID-19, all without hospitalization or death. In total, of 3,962 patients (Table 1) treated for mild COVID-19 by All Valley Urgent Care staff, prior to moderate or severe disease progression, there were two hospitalizations (0.05%, RR = 0.0019, p < 0.0001) and zero deaths (0%, RR = 0.00, p < 0.0001).

Of 413 patients treated for moderate COVID-19 in Protocol 1, there were two hospitalizations (0.5%) and zero deaths (0%). Of 190 patients treated for moderate COVID-19 in Protocol 2, there were five hospitalizations (2.6%) and three deaths (1.6%). There was one patient treated whose date of treatment was obscured after data blinding, but was treated for moderate COVID-19 without hospitalization or death. In total, of 413 patients (Table 2) treated for moderate COVID-19 by Valley Urgent Care, there were seven hospitalizations (1.7%) and three deaths (OR = 0.0659, p < 0.0001). The one patient who refused hospitalization, and instead chose outpatient treatment for severe COVID-19 with All Valley Urgent Care recovered."

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The "vaccines" are working AS INTENDED. Just not to make you healthy.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

When the bodies response is IgG4 ('useless antibodies'), we can readily deduct the response to a future Covid strain, highly infectious and highly virulent (reaching down into the lower respiratory tract) will be catastrophic for the multi-vaccinated. Their immune response will be all but useless, disease will rapidly run rampant, effective treatments will remain unused, exacerbating treatments will remain prevalent, and the shit will hit the fan en masse.

But, who will take heed? After all, Netflix just released the latest season of a favoured series, and the football's on...

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Come on man, why bother with the facts! The only thing that matters is the narrative - safe and effective.

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People dying from covid in large numbers again will be a wonderful opportunity to sell more fear and inject more shots into people.

After all, all those millions of unused, soon-to-be-expired vials are not going to shift themselves.

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That would appear to be the goal.

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Turning the cells of the body into the producer of a toxin never ends well. People misunderstand cancer and the immune system and the interaction between the 2 completely. If you were able to test every cell in every person on Earth you would find that everyone has cancer but the immune system in most people is able to identify and eliminate those cancerous cells before they begin to replicate exponentially. As time passes, aging and other processes mean that the immune system is less able to ID those cells that are cancerous and eliminate them, this leads to cancer actually developing.

What does this have to do with the mRNA vaccines? It is likely in a couple of different areas. The obvious one is that the mRNA is causing cell damage and the immune system is attacking those cells that are producing the spike protein. Repeated vaccinations mean more and more cells are being killed by the immune system and some of those cells are in important organs like vascular walls. Break enough of those cells down and a blood vessel will unzip at the point of damage. That would be an aneurism and result in a rapid death with no warning. But in other cases if the damage is not concentrated it would lead to many smaller wounds in blood vessels and resulting massive clotting of blood which leads to heart attack, stroke and other deaths over a period of time.

And the second way is that while the immune system is busy trying to rid the body of the pathogen and infected cells, it becomes fixated on that problem and misses the cancers growing out of control. This explains the rare "super aggressive" cancers that are killing many lately. It is extremely likely that the reason these super aggressive cancers were rare in the pre covid world was because the immune system was able to keep them in check. Now with a short circuited immune system being overwhelmed by repeated viral infections because the immune system can't neutralize the virus these rare cancers are becoming more prevalent.

There is much fodder in science for some really fantastic research to happen. Does repeated vaccination lead to increasingly lower fertility? But those who hold the grant money will never pay for that research to be done because it will destroy the agenda in short order.

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Is it possible that turbo cancers are correlated with igG4 switch? Are these immunoglobulins telling the immune system that cancers are friends and that they all should coexist?

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There is another factor, the mRNA formulation uses pseudoephedrine to fool the immune system into letting it through (turning off certain processes that would id the mRNA strands as virus related and destroy them). This might also partly disable the response to cancer cells temporarily.

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thanks! that was an autocorrect error if you can believe it!

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I believe this is the root of the problem. This was known before the rollout and even if I had believed that there was a real pandemic would have stopped me from considering mRNA.

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Best Description I've read about how the vaccines are affecting everyone but the PUREBLOODS.

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Not purebloods, we need to call ourselves “control group”

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Wow. So the vaccines result in "milder symptoms" of covid, which includes a peaceful DEATH in your sleep when your organs shut down.

How thoughtful of them to help us avoid that pesky fever.

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you nailed it

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No. I read your article, in which YOU nailed it, right to the WALL!

The vaccines lessen "covid symptoms" while hastening DEATH. So they're very "effective."

Excellent work here! Out in public, I am seeing the awakening. More people are beginning to speak openly (to random strangers, at the bank, the store, etc.) about what's happening here. People like YOU give them courage.


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Plus makes them awesome super-spreaders!

Conveniently most first responders and heath care workers were required to be vaxxed. So, that's a bit of an enormous vector.

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Yep. Far worse than any "Typhoid Mary". All we can do is try our best to completely avoid these murder factories anyway. They'll kill you faster than anything you came their to get help with.

If you bring an injured kid in, they'll call CPS who will confiscate and SELL the kid into pizza trafficking land.

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They really, really care. About their profits and power that is.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sorry to have to correct you Igor but it should be "What have they (as in the big Harma) done?" The answer is simple and utterly depressing - they swapped lab test mice with people, made a ton of money with the toxic jabs and helped every living Fascist/Bolshevik live their dreams of control and oppression. This was intentional and the perpetrators knew what they were doing. That is why they jabbed the control groups and went all out to jab everyone through threats and coercion. Hell will need a special new area for these evil, twisted creatures. The worst part about it is that it is still not over. The only people with power that can bring some accountability are still taking their time, time which is a lot shorter than most people think. I have injured relatives and I am praying that they will be the exception to the rule, the ones who will manage get pass this. There needs to be a massive effort to try to, if not undo, at least alleviate this horror inflicted upon billions but it looks like the efforts are focused still on jabbing more people. Everyone should pray for miracle because that is what is needed. The alternative is a changed (not a good change) world that no one will recognize.

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Where is Northcom?

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

When I think of that "experiment" performed on billions, I get a feeling somewhat akin to what I feel when I picture the 3 WTC towers being brought down on 9/11. I am stunned, I have a hard time accepting that it did really happen, that "they" dared do it, but I realize that it did or it has, and I'm not having a bad dream. "They" really did it. By the way, Dr. McCullough has recently been insisting on the fact that this "vaccine" was "a military project". As 9/11 was in part too, at least via the necessary complicity of NORAD.

Hollywood director CHRIS CARTER is the author of BOTH the "Lone Gunmen" pilot episode which "predicted" 9/11 a few months before it happened, AND the X-Files, which in Season 10 "predicted" an attack on our genome that would switch off the immune system of those who got jabbed. An interesting coincidence. According to Alex Jones Chris Carter told him that those stories were passed to Carter by the CIA so he would insert them into his productions ("predictive programming"). Does this mean that the same people who "created" 9/11 did the same for these immune system-killing shots? Certainly an intriguing thought.

If so, is there another "production" coming, and if so what is it going to be? Is Chris Carter saying anything?

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I just wanted to add that your lack of comprehension that such events have taken place, is shared by me and probably millions of others. The way I have come to rationalise all of this is within the context of a God figure. Being an atheist all my life, I have been slow to the party, but like Naomi Wolf and countless others, there seems to have been an 'extra-terrestrial' influence to make so many people totally oblivious to what seems so obvious. If you think of the teachings of a God figure, there is an emphasis on believing in truth, the light, to dispel fear and to make your own judgements according to certain universal truths. Just look around at the world we inhabit and many of the universal truths have been cast aside, often at the behest of 'science'. This kind of thinking (dispelling fear) also seems to be a basic tenet in the idea of us being 'dimensional beings', however this idea itself almost sounds like a CIA psyop created to control us.

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It seems like fear is the primary tool used to control minds and it's very effective. That's how they got people to suspend rational thought and "buy in". So it seems unlikely that they would support psychological methods of countering fear. Not being religious, dimensional beings stuff seemed dangerously detached from "reality", but I've latched onto it as an interesting idea and definitely trying to use that viewpoint and others to control my own fear responses.

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Fear is a powerful elixir.

It was not just fear of death.

I would contend it was also the fear of losing something, i.e., job, social status, friends, etc.

Very few were willing to pay a "price" for freedom...no matter how small


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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022


Most younger people I know who took it,merely did so for being able to go on holiday to Spain

It wasn't fear,it wasn't anything but the ability to maintain their lifestyle.

Oh well,now a lot of them are seeing a lifestyle of being constantly ill,with reduced quality of life.

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True, but younger people have notoriously bad judgement :)

I also know some who did it for lifestyle reasons.

They were afraid of neither the virus nor the vaccine... maybe it evens out.

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Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

I believe 9/11 was stunning to me because of its sheer audacity (the crime was committed not in the dead of night, but in broad daylight, at noon on the town market place, so to speak, in front of the whole town assembled - i.e. on world television), also because it revealed there were people (a group within the 'deep state') ready to murder thousands to achieve their goals, AND because they appeared quite confident that they could control the narrative on these events so as to avoid justice. They were right, of course, but it takes a lot of knowledge of the inner workings of things to have known that in advance. 9/11 was also stunning because "evil" showed its face. All in all, it was a big learning experience for me.

What 9/11 was, this Covid Op has been as well for me, multiplied by 10 or 100. We clearly have the spiritual dimension of a struggle between good and evil, with evil on the offensive big-time. This time, it has not been just a group within the US 'deep state', it has been worldwide. Suddenly, "the elite" ("meaning the people who are in control", Alex Jones dixit) have shown themselves ready to murder millions of us. This applies to the political leaders and part of the economic 'elite' of other countries, it absolutely applies to my own country, France, which is why the death penalty is necessary for Macron and his immediate accomplices in the administration and the health authorities, IMHO.

I believe it was Tessa Lena who wrote something to the effect that predators exist to keep us alert. Peter Breggin's book on the subject has a very apt title ("The Global Predators - We Are The Prey") This Covid thing has certainly been another, much bigger, learning experience for me, as to the existence of these predators.

When you look at Bill Gates and see just from his smirking face and the twinkle in his eye how much he is enjoying the mayhem he contributed so powerfully to causing, you can only be stunned. Who is this person??

To quote Paul Craig Roberts, writing on December 29th:

"It is murder to withhold a cure from people who are at risk of death if untreated. The US and European medical establishment, with the aid of media and politicians, suppressed the cures for Covid-19. Almost all Covid deaths are the result of non-treatment with known cures". Not to mention the shots. It bears repeating thousands of time until justice is done, each country for itself. I hope it happens. For people like the WHO and UN Secretaries General, too, and other international mercenaries.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We substituted herd immunity for herd stupidity.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022Author

I say instead of herd immunity, we got herd mentality

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I coined " We Got Herd Immunity To Factual Information."

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Some Herd "Hitler's" too...:)

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So succinctly put. I do not know who said it but it is so true - "When everyone is thinking the same thing then no one is actually thinking."

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Not good, at all. Suppression of IgG3 with prominence of IgG4 is basically a universal passport for ADE with any strain of SARS-CoV-2. And you can’t deprogram it from your immune system. If this is indeed true and widespread...ugh.

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It is like opening your house to robbers

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Robbers with machine guns with endless bullets..

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Wait, a new mRNA jab will automagically appear that will “reprogram” your immune system to reverse the insensitivity to spike protein. Reminds me of the old Monty Python skit. “But, at what cost?”


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Invest in funeral services and funeral related companies, that's what I did.

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Also look at shorting life insurance companies due to the increasing number of payouts in age categories that were unexpected like under 40.

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I assume the government probably working to subsidize life insurers to silence this data.

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The Government will reimburse them. You’ll see. PPE for the Insurance companies.

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Last year I joked about starting a Uber hearse service. I was told how much it cost to transfer the dead. But gov regulations will probably require shots to protect dead.

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Now here’s a man with a plan. I love it.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

In all honesty, we started investing in service corporation international and hillenbrand (caskets and funeral supplies) last year. My wife and kids are unvaxxed so we figured: why not make hay while the sun shines.

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Hillenbrand had a casket/urn/funeral division (since 1906) but just recently sold that part of its business to focus on other things. Another possibility is Carriage Services (CSV).

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Thank you, I will check them out!

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Automation, robotics and sensoring technology companies to augment dying & disabled workers.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And I’m just reading-right on cue- as if someone has read your article and will try and prevent you from proving the link- the UK will stop reporting Covid deaths and data....


Now the governments will be Hell bent on hiding the cause of excess mortality. It should be SO obvious that any dry tinder (pull-forward effect) should have had us see negative mortality, not excess mortality at this point.

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Yeah, what a "success" fighting Covid -- NOT

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Of course they will. It shows the true horror of their crimes. I am surprised they published the info this long.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

They started to report the data because, initially, it proved what they wanted to prove for reasons of serendipity.

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Actually, it did not. The data was all BS and part of the propaganda push.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

That's not what i said! It was before anyone had an idea that HMG would actually manipulate data using the methods we now fully understand - definitions (of vaccinated/unvaccinated and cause of death etc) , cherry-picking time scales. It took all of us some time to get onto it. In the meantime, as I said, it proved what they wanted it to prove. This and midazolam alloed them to get the scam rolling. look up "serendipity" in a dictionary.

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Take a look at the UK ONS/HMG 'modelling' used to define vaxx "effectiveness."

It is beyond appalling. "Black box" invalid models fusing original corrupt "efficacy" data to post hoc hospitalisations, case numbers and deaths.

Making a reliable mess of the data was key to maintaining chaos and confusion and a viral narrative (pun intended). It ensured that people, doctors, politicians kept circling the drain rather than keeping their eye on the ball. In the end, most were mesmerised in the mass formation described by Mattias Desmet, and they still are.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

Yes, but it's "Climate Change" distorting the data. Allegedly. That also explains why it is no longer worth publishing the data. Allegedly.

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Explains a lot. You have a good teaching method with great pacing of the subject. It's a easy to follow. Thanks

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Agree! Igor breaks it down well

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I was hoping you would cover his article, after i read your tweet mentioning it! Someone also linked to this substack article from September, also reaching a similar conclusion- that it would lead to exhaustion of the IgG4.


My question is this. It seems logical that the shift to Ig G4 is very alarming because we don’t know the long term consequences, but I see 2 different outcomes. If vaccinated people really do continue to produce spike proteins long after the jabs, then there will severe consequences. But is there the possibility that the body will stop producing them at some point? Or is this switch to IgG4 permanent in any event and any and all respiratory illnesses will be taxing them to try and clear it?

Also, he mentions the dangers -again- of vaccinated being possible superspreaders- this time of RSV. Can this also invariably endanger also unvaccinated because the vaccinated spreaders are practically without symptoms? I swear this is why covid is never going away and seasonality is no longer a thing with covid. It’s literally riding on the waves of the covid injections.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022Author

It could DEFINITELY endanger the unvaccinated, yes. Natural immunity is, sadly, far from bulletproof and many unvaxed subscribers to this substack reported multiple infections.

Covid is a HIV carrying lab chimera and it is very strong. The vaccine makes it worse.

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I would love to see stats from the unvaxxed camp on number of infections.. I seem to be at 0, but I'm sure I've been exposed. How prevalent are multiple infections? How many have seemingly never been infected?

I do take vitamins including horse vitamins whenever I feel at all ill after possible exposure.

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Unvaxxed. Covid variants are still happening. Came down with a slight sore throat , top pressure headache, with throat congestion.

Been on all the FLCCC supplements for 2 years now.

Took my two anti-viruals Sweet Wormwood & Oil of Oregano, and one day of Ivermectin, back to normal in 24 hrs.

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I haven't had it. Worked in Healthcare, but left after healthscare. Mega vits. Healthy 58- y.o. male. Been around a bunch of Covid positive people, without fear.

I command my immune system to practice killing viruses, not "catch and release" viruses. I don't fear viruses, viruses fear me.

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I've had it twice. First time March 22, second time September 22. The second time our family had it it was EXTREMELY mild.....had I not known that I was exposed I might not have known. It was 12 hours of joint pain, nothing else. So I would hazard a guess that people have had it multiple times but don't notice subsequent infections.

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I’ve had it once, Jan 2021, just a cold. I take C, a ginger turmeric supplement, D3, B6 and B12 daily, zinc if I’m feeling a little off. Even the common cold and flu mutate so I wouldn’t expect to only ever have it once. But I do worry about the vaxxed creating so many mutations

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Interesting. FWIW, I don’t personally know anyone who is unvaxxed and has had multiple infections except for one person with 2 infections. I do, however, know several vaxxed people who are repeatedly infected, including young children (10-15). The boosted ones are even worse off.

All predictions have come true.

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I'm in the control group.

Had it in March '21 - flu like with HCQ/Zn//Zyth

Had it again Oct '22 - Mild Cold like, still took HCQ/Zn...

Always on High Vit D, Zn, Quercetin,

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I’ve (pureblood) had it twice, once at Christmas 2021 (mild) and again around November 2022 (extremely mild). The most recent time was during a stressful period in which I spent a lot of time flying to and in social (work-related) gatherings in LA and NYC, so a weakened immune system caused by the stress and lack of good sleep, not taking vitamins regularly, and being around a lot of 4-5x jabbed crowds.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

Yes, we have to assume socializing is a little more risky. Immuno compromised carry more pathogenic loads, so use your nasal hygiene and vit d.

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Not sure if you read this early 2020 study.

"Serum IgG4 level predicts COVID-19 related mortality"


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Personally, I think the vaccinators are superspreaders of everything now. Covid, colds, flu, RSV...they are sick all the time .

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On a more cheerful note, although I have no doubt about the reality of shedding (Moderna admitted it in 2021) one of my craft pupils is fully-vaxxed, I spend a good 2 hrs with them in a small room, and even when they turned up snuffling badly one day I caught nothing.

Un-vaxxed, good diet rich in anti-inflammatories, at least 2 cloves of garlic per day (I'm Spanish!) plus some supplements and vitamins.

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Plus sunshine!...:)

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They are, and a lot of them are still SO INTO being sick. This is a weird corollary--that the people who got jabbed and boosted are also those who enjoy the THRILL of teetering on the ABYSS now, whenever they have a cold, because, of course, even tho they're jabbed and boosted, well, they've never let go of the fear porn and so THEY COULD DIE at any moment, because COVID!!!!!!!!! They get really upset if you roll your eyes and say "whatever." Nevermind trying to explain the connection between boostedness and constant illness--THAT's just too much for them.

So tiring.

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This is what I have feared all along.

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Regarding RSV.... as I understand it, before The Vaxxed Times, RSV used to be.... drum roll... a cold.

Nothing to get upset about.

Now people have damaged their immune systems and people are dying from it. But... are the people dying of RSV the vaxxed or the unvaxxed? And is the RSV hysteria even real, or is it another control play by the Elites?

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Actually, very young infants and toddlers as well as the elderly have always been more susceptible to severe RSV disease. Some of those end up in hospital and a few die. But in the rest of the kids and adults, you are correct that it typically is a cold.

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The UK is going on and on about Strep A- which is basically strep throat. Its treatment is- drumroll- antibiotics. And what has the UK been doing for over 10 years? Demonize antibiotics- they make you feel like if you take the tabs you are helping develop antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria (this actually is not happening in the UK- it is happening however, in countries where antibiotics are available over the counter and people are self medicating- see Mexico, vast swaths of south america and middle east and India). Has anyone noticed this huge push to demonize basic basic antibiotics? And now we struggle to even get pain reducers?

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FYI, echinacea is a natural antibiotic and can be used in it's place.

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RSV is the Current Thing that replaced MonkeyPox.

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Mareks disease.

Also, whooping cough is a symptom of toxins produced by the bacterium. The vax for it does not make the immune system fight the bacterium, but the toxins. Vaccinated people are thus asymptomatic carriers of whooping cough.

For covid, I get the feeling that the vaxxed will suffer though and not so much the purebloods.

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Dr.Sucharit Bhakdi: Why ALL mRNA 'Vaccines' Will Cause Harm

Please listen and memorise the basics, then share it on Twitter, Facebook and wherever you can. - Dr. Michael Yeadon


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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This echoes all the same warnings that Geert Vanden Bosch has been saying since the beginning. We are heading into one of the most horrific health crisis scenarios imaginable. God have mercy.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022


Yeah then all the hospital beds WILL be full.

You know how this whole farce started?...:)

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I came across this idea a while back. I also remember reading that an IGg4 antibody cannot switch back to any other subclass, exacerbating the problem further.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I did the allergy shots as well when I was a teenager, for dust mites. My mom has the same allergy.

Once I became an adult I moved away to college and stopped getting them, but my allergies got way better. Often it does just get better when you become an adult. Further, I was sleeping and eating better (high school required me to get up at 5am for the bus, but I would always stay up late).

Really, in high school, my immune system was poor. Every winter I got a cold or flu. It's also the case that public school is just a breeding ground for these things, unlike a normal office for work.

So it's impossible to say whether or not it helped. Maybe it did. But I can't imagine doing that same process for a virus with a cardiotoxic spike protein.

I do wonder if it's all just genetics that causes it, or if childhood vaccinations, or even something else, could have made it worse for me.

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Could be childhood vaccinations indeed

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I wonder if you stopped getting sick so often because you had been exposed to some form of every virus going around.

From about 2008-2018 I had to travel halfway around the world 4 times a year for work, in a foreign place packed with people. Every time I got there I immediately came down with some horrendous flu, strep throat, cold, pneumonia, name it… then in 2018 I stopped getting sick. I distinctly remember it because 3 weeks into work I was like, “Hey! First time I’ve shown up without getting sick!”

I never got sick again until COVID which was insanely mild for me.

I figured after 10 years of circling the globe I had finally defeated everything out there.

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It's plausible. I remember H1N1 "Swine flu" (another problematic fake "pandemic" I have looked into, that might have been a rough draft of the Covid-19 "pandemic", possibly even from a lab as well). My younger brother was sick in his room when the schools closed ,so I was at home. I never got sick from it. Igor has written about some structural similarities between SARS-CoV-2 and swine flu that caused cross-immunity. (see: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/how-could-chinese-cave-bats-pick)

Another factor is that when you're still developing it's very resource-intensive. That's partially why so many teenagers can eat massive amounts of food and not get fat. Being in a public school with a bunch of snot-nosed adolescents, sitting at different desks in 6 different rooms 5 days a week also increases the risk of exposure to viruses.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I also have bad allergies to dust mites. My mother got the shots for her allergy to peanuts. It never seemed to help. But one of the articles explains that those shots were many many thousands of times weaker than what they did with the mrna shots. So hard to compare. Plus, the mrna shots had your body continually reproduce the spike protein, overwhelming the IgG3 and maybe the 4 also eventually.

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Also, some allergies come and go in a very unpredictable manner

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I had all the usual childhood shot, never had an allergy...except for now. I have two cats, and every once in a while (like yesterday and this am) I am sneezing my head off. It means that I have to get under my bed again and wipe up all the accumulated cat hair with a damp sponge :-)...cures my allergy like nothing else!!!! (I'm only telling the story becuase I am laughing at myself...first time it happened I thought I was coming down with covid!!! Nope. A little vacuuming and mopping was the cure!!)

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Interesting point about "did it help." I took allergy shots in my teens to early 20's. Looking back, I'm not sure if they did any real good or not.

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