I have created a challenge for anyone pro-vax to provide an example of someone saved by the mRNA shots: https://twitter.com/lolcox2/status/1607178313369255943

I might also request someone provide, with proof, the name of one person that died because they didn't take a C19 jab (excluding people denied medical treatment, such as organ transplants, on the basis of their vax status)

There are complaints that it's not possible. In which case, how can anyone say millions of lives were saved? Before someone says these shots saved millions of lives, shouldn't they be able to give just one concrete example?

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You know what I think?

You should open a substack!

You will become a formidable competitor! Can't wait to subscribe

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Igor - do you know anyone who has died or been hospitalized because of covid?

I don't and neither does anyone I know. That has to be at least 2-3k total people between myself and those I know.

I find that curious.

I think you have mentioned that you do?


Or even experienced long covid

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I know of no one either. I think that's the strangest thing about this whole plandemic. Also, does any one know of any one who died AT HOME from the 'covid' flu? I've never heard once that someone died at home. But, many people I know now are sick after the vaxxes. Most with very aggressive cancers. Some with massive hypertension. Probably fibrin blood clots forming in their blood vessels....and lots of personality changes too. I don't think the flu was deadly at all,....it was the HOSPITALS using REMDESIVIR and MIDAZOLAM that weres DEADLY.

The saddest thing is all the grandma's and grandpa's, people my age, who died alone terrified and in pain, while their families couldn't even be there to hold their hands! If for nothing else, FAUCI, BIRX, COLLINS, BARIC, WHITMER, etc.....must all PAY for what they did to 1000's of elderly people in Hospitals and Old Age Homes.

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Your last paragraph. PLUS what has been done to children.

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Absolutely!! Thank heaven my grand children have a Mother with a brain! My Daughter of course! :)

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I read of cases in which somebody who hadn't been vaccinated (but had been tested and I believe the tests have the same venom as the "vaccine") who was in a bad way until chelated with EDTA. I can still buy EDTA for 20 bucks / kg of powder. Could cure thousands with that. But it needs to be applied carefully because it chelates calcium too. No doctors I know have the courage to defy the local psychopaths running the gov't.

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The rumor early on was that the COVID-19 nose-jab testing implanted a

5g chip near the base of the brain. I won't do them and no quackcinations..

Swanson Vitamins' NAC (Cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules

can prevent all Coronavirus' including COVIDS. I have only used this

brand since 2009. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day I take one in a.m., one before

sleep. It's about $10.00 a bottle. I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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They WILL but possibly NOT in this life.

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one of my coworkers died in his sleep while suffering covid symptoms. He was in his early 70s and is a diabetic otherwise healthy. This happened March 21 but I was not sure if he took the jab. I was told he did not.

Also I know of a friend's relatives in India where 3 people mm/dad and son died due to covid during the Delta wave but were admitted to hospitals in India

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India was horrendous apparently in March and April of 2021 and people were chartering flights to get family out and back to the UK.

Also, hospital care was poor at that time due to lack of oxygen as people had privately bought up much of the available bottled supplies "just in case".

Much of this is from randoms who I know but when you are told the same from several different sources then there is no reason to doubt it.

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Absolutely yes to long Covid, including unvaxed long Covid.

Someone I met had a 400 pound uncle who died of Covid, but it was a casual acquaintaince

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I’m a nurse and though I didn’t work in the hospital during the pandemic, and was fired last year for not taking the gene therapy injection, I keep in touch with my nurse friends. I don’t know anyone who died of COVID. I come from a huge family, no one died. My 92 y/o aunt recently died (had Covid in the past and Vax but death was gradual decline in overall health). My coworkers have had vax side effects including cardiac and autoimmune, but no deaths. Some of my family members have new cancer diagnoses. Most of my close friends are unvaxxed. No deaths in friend groups (vax or unvax) for both me or my husband (50s). One acquaintance told me his brother had a heart attack and died immediately after 2nd shot and told me he would not be getting his 2nd shot. The patients with Covid in the hospital were real and died on ventilators. No access to early treatment or typical respiratory interventions. Wave one worse than wave 2. Wave 2 worse in male Spanish population in my area, but easily managed. That’s my general experience for what it’s worth.

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This page is talking about exactly that,....gradual decline in health of the vaxxed because their immune system can't really clear the 'covid' flu virus....ever. What scares me is I see millions of symptomless Super Spreaders coming all over the place! If they only carry 'covid' maybe it won't be so bad for we the unvaxxed, but if they then get sick with many other things on top of that,....they might make everyone around them sick.

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This is sort of a funny question because it brings us back to the test. Which we all know was deeply flawed/manipulated to achieve certain results. So many of our discussions are based on this sandy foundation. Which means even if we DO know someone hospitalized or dead "of" covid, really, this may not be the case.

I do know one very elderly woman who was in the hospital for a month, allegedly due to covid, and had to fight the nurses and the docs every single day to not be intubated. They made her sign documents that she and her fam wouldn't sue, since she was declining the recommended treatments. But her fighting is probably the only reason she's alive today.

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Yes - the dreaded test! We were asked to test before Christmas dinner again this year at an injected family house. I chose not to go for that reason - as I'm just done with the games. Funnily enough one of the family members supposedly just had "covid" this past week but took paxlovid to mask the symptoms so they could test negative in order to go to the party! LOL! You can't make this stuff up!

Also know someone who checked themselves out of hospital before the hospital tried to move them to the covid ward and was better in no time at home. Goodness knows what would have happened if they hadn't been able to get out.

The only people I have heard of dying of "Covid" went to hospital - and we know what happens then.

All people I know of who got the "coviflu" got better in less than a week. Those injected are starting to have overall health issues, unfortunately.

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I heard the party was boring any way so you didn't miss out!!

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Your first paragraph is so true....and frustrating.

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Oh I know people who have been hospitalized. That part is not entirely fake, I assure you.

My hairdresser (52) was hospitalized for a month, but never Vented ( probably why she lived ) she remained on O2 for a year after.

My husband and I had terrible Covid the Sept before last, after a couple of weeks, and no eating or drinking, I thought I was going to die and got dropped off at the ER.

I was highly neglected, and realized I was not in a place where people were going to help or were interested in doing so.

I decided to go home to die in bed ( but I recovered )

My husband was extremely close to Covid pneumonia, and that would landed him in the hospital, but luckily I’m sure he recovered and lived because of his refusal to go.

The O2 dips are real, I think the reason so many have died from it though, is from the neglect, the backwards, harmful, and cruel protocols they use on you when you arrive, and likely most would’ve been better off chancing it at home.

All that said, I still knew better then to take the serum into my veins

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The O2 dip was very real for me as well. I got Covid in October 2021 and was prepared to die in my recliner at home with my cats. I didn't want to go to the hospital and risk getting killed since at that point I was becoming more educated as to why my gut instinct was telling me from day one not to trust this authoritative push to get vaxxed. My primary care doctor I've seen and trusted for over 20 years gave me antibiotics for pneumonia that settled in but wouldn't do anything for me when I was getting worse by the day. The nagging cough didn't go away for another month. It was the sickest I've been in my life. I'm 45, active, healthy weight, and was fine before. I never did schedule a follow up with my doctor after being put thru this and I'll never go to another allopathic doctor again. These last two years have been an educating eye opener for me.

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I got a mild case of Covid in September 2021, and my husband got it after me. He ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, and was treated with Remdesivir. Thankfully, he survived that, and wasn't vented, but has had a long road to recovery. I'm guessing it was the Run-death-is-near that nearly did him in. And, then they tried to give him the jab on his way out the door. He said "No!" He was like a ghost when he came home.

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Glad your husband survived his time in the hospital! I can't believe they would want to give him an Injection as he should then have natural immunity. ( I actually can believe. It's all about control and $$ to these Evil Phucks!)

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Glad to hear you survived the virus!

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I also was fighting it with no early treatment protocol or knowledge of IVM or HCQ. If I had knowledge of it then I probably wouldn't have wondered if I was going to suffocate to death in my recliner while my O2 levels dropped for a few days and it might have just been a regular cold for me instead. My doctor sending me home to suffer and essentially telling me to fight it on my own sent me down a rabbit hole to get as much knowledge as I could about why my gut instinct kept telling me this whole Covid narrative and vax campaign was sounding fishy.

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God, isn't it a crime they basically sent people home to die?!...out of hubris on a "forthcoming" experimental serum!

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I think you are 100% right! People are fearful to go to the hospital, as they're afraid they won't leave.

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Well, I guess it depends on your definition of long covid. I know many people with permanent lose of taste or smell. I haven’t smelled anything for a year now after having Delta last winter. I was lucky to have a brave Dr and pharmacy and got the FLCC meds and wasn’t very sick. I have many friends that were extremely ill with Alpha or Delta in 2020-21. It was very real for the first year to be sure. My 40yp brother in law died on a vent in Hospital with Delta. To this day we believe he would have been fine with some early treatment but he was in a Blue state and was given nothing. The old come back when you can’t breath bullshit. Died the first night on the vent.

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SO SAD for your losses! It should have never happened to anyone!

Swanson Vitamins' NAC (from Cysteine, an amino acid) 600 mg. capsules may be one reason I have not had any flu or Coronavirus' since 2009., or quackcines either. I learned about this then from a leaked doctor's email (which he later denied ever sending!) It's now about $10.00 a bottle. Child: 1/Day Adult: 2/Day (morning and night.) I post publicly and freely on MeWe.


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Topical ivermectin helped my daughter's olfactory system function again.

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It seems to be a problem specifically due to the Delta variant apparently due to one of the unique mutations.

Then again, what do I know if it is true or not?

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The same thing happened to a friend of mine. She was hospitalcided.

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Makes me sick Jean!

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That has to be awful not to be able to smell. I am so sorry.

And it's an effing crime what happened to your BIL.

I hope you get better Michelle

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I was thinking the other day about the not smelling thing being dangerous as well if say you can't smell a gas leak.

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Or food going off.

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Sorry about your brother in law!!

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I know of one death. I know of several long covids, including my unvaccinated but immune compromised wife.

My comment is not meant to open the entire can of worms on Covid, long Covid, and the shots. Suffice it to say, the shots can do anything Covid can do, and more. Yet Covid is real, and the harms many and varied. Covid can do most of the harms reported in the VAERS database. (Spike protein)

Most folks, cannot name more than 200 names they know and have some relationship with. Most vaccinated are doing fine. Yet the harms and reduced life expectancy are great. Most folk hear of one to two acquaintance deaths a year. ( depending on age and occupation) Some years it is none, some years several. A large variance of very low numbers, say one to five, it is difficult to notice a change. A life insurance company notices a change very quickly.

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I agree with your thoughts in that we have to think this way.

Oh there appears to be many young SADS deaths right now so next thought is how many are there normally?

Oh 20% excess death rate, oh shocking, what could be causing it?

The question is why are we the "idiots and thickos" asking these questions in this way and not the "healthcare people"?

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Indeed. All cause mortality and morbidity, especially of the top ten vaccine adverse events, comparing like demographics, vaccinate vs unvaccinated, is such an obvious and easily doable set of statistics. Yet this is not done. That fact alone is indicative of guilt. Add in autopsies, done correctly, and the answers would not be debatable.

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Thanks, I couldn't have said it any better.

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A large study showed no Covid-related heart damage in the Covid-recovered unvaccinated.

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True, from Israel as I recall. A larger US study contradicted that. ???

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Yes exactly. This one:


There could be other studies showing different results, and one must look at where the funding is coming from.

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Since you posted this I decided to ask around my neighborhood of about 4K older people (55+). You know the most likely to croak from COVID. Nobody knows anyone here who has died from it. Not one. Of course they all think it is because of the jab. They have all had COVID, but none died and some were surprised hubs and I did not die. Seriously. Of course that is not asking all households.

You know what I have heard that I hadn't heard so often before but hear now? Cancer. CANCER! All over the place. There is a sweet man we know who is battling double bladder cancer. Yes, that is a think now. One of them being extremely rare. They found it when he went in to the ER because he couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe because he had a clot in his lung. He was jabbed with every jab available. It is a real dilemma with the people who get cancer after jabs. You cannot say "hey, how about no more jabs - here is the literature". Trust me, you can't. They either will hate you or think you are blaming their decisions. Their doctors tell them to jab especially since they have cancer. I bet every single person had someone in their life who got jabbed and now has a weird cancer or a clot. I know a few.

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I think the cancers are next too. Know of 2 of these. Both throat. Quite aggressive.

Hey - CDC just announced boosters may cause strokes. I see blood in the water. The dam is breaking.

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I just searched for it.

4 hours ago The Hill (via Yahoo) declares: CDC and FDA is done examining it (for Pfizer). No connection. They are not looking at Moderna since there is no association. https://www.yahoo.com/news/cdc-fda-no-increased-risk-212313851.html

2 hours Reuters reports Pfizer's may cause ischemic stroke in 65 and older. Pfizer is quoted in the story that they are sticking with the CDC and FDA from 4 hours ago. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-says-pfizers-bivalent-covid-shot-may-be-linked-stroke-older-adults-2023-01-13/

Ya can't make this stuff up. In the meantime go get the jab.

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I am somewhat disappointing ( no, VERY DISAPPOINTED) to read this. I guess Pfraudulent Pfizer yanked their chain hard enough to pull them back in line.

Still - I am trying to remain somewhat optimistic. Like many stories that are later retracted, it's actually too late. People only remember the first story.

Thanks for sharing the update.

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Yeah. Not surprised! Sadly, methinks that THE EVIL THEY will still (STILL!) mandate

(enforce) us all to be jabbed! I STILL WON'T!

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Hopefully not! My cynical mind wonders if enough have been injected now. They just have to sit back and wait for the results they want (depopulation).

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It maybe COVID CANCER from "The Clot Shots", Fauci's Ouchies!

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I know. Try telling them that in the context of asking them to consider not shooting up.

I've come to the conclusion that there are two camps: Camp Reality and Camp Delusion. Crossover is rare. No need to build a fence.

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Even though I am not Igor: My MIL was hospitalized with COVID. She was not feeling poorly, but they tested her when she was moving from her assisted living to another assisted living and found it. Then she was in limbo because neither wanted (rightly so) a COVID patient so they decided the hospital would be best. A few days into her stay they decided to give her Remdesevir. Then within two days of that she died. They say COVID. We say Remdesevir. I know one person here who went to the hospital because he could not breath (had Covid). They sent him home with a pulse ox meter. Two days later they picked him up in an ambulance. Not sure what happened to him. I was gone when they picked him up and the wife is gone now. Both of those people are/were old. I know not one young person who has died from COVID. Or been more ill than a cold.

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VERY SAD for your loss! It should not have happened. Maybe that's why it's called, "Run Death Is Near!"

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Sorry for your awful loss

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You shall now be officially known as "Not Igor But Raptor"!

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Igor will be happy for that clarification. And thank you for your comment above. Honestly I wish I could get over being so mad about what happened if for no other reason than to spare my husband having to see me so mad.

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You are angry because you care, there is nothing bad or wrong about feeling that way at all.

Honestly, my mother only showed indifference or anger towards me for something like asking a question.

If she had been angry for me just once I would have known that she gave a shit.

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I know 2 people who have died and who were vaxxed but they didn't have flu-like symptoms.

An Australian official admitted they only had 6 COVID cases, they did not mention deaths from COVID. But the PCR test was misused so that cannot be counted to determine if the person had COVID. And it's a new virus so I guess anti-body tests would be shady at best.

The amount of data fraud surrounding COVID is enormous and someone has documented it. Well, some of the fraud anyway.

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My brother and his wife had COVID-19 in earlier 2020 and went to the hospital. He survived but she died. She also had Alzheimer's Disease. The virus is real whether lab-created or natural. The COVID nose-jab testing and quackcines are REALLY BAD!

I won't go near them! I post publicly and freely on MeWe. SURVIVE AND STAY WELL NATURALLY! ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS!

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I know of 2 people who died from / with Covid.

The first lived in NY and passed in that first wave of the virus (an acquaintance, so I don't know many details). The 2nd died 1 year ago. What's incredibly sad (and I only learned much later) - he had sailed through 2020 and 2021 pretty much working and living his life. The rest of this is some guesswork. I "think" he was pressured to get the jab to get a colonoscopy. Probably got the first shot, but not the second. He got Covid, couldn't clear it, and died.

Now what ties these two people together - both were 60s, but morbidly obese. Let's say 350+ pound range. The friend I knew better had so many health problems, that I personally think his time was short - Covid or no Covid.

So while I know of 2 people who died with / from Covid, the underlying factor that I can't escape is that they were both incredibly unhealthy.

On a side note - my 89-year old mother (who unfortunately got the shot and boosters - thanks to my sister) got Covid in November. While she was sick for awhile, she still managed to clear it at home. She's 89. A healthy 89, but still. Think about that!

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Unfortunately my 95-yr old mother had all the shots - but she is doing well and has not had any major problems yet from the jabs. She is incredibly healthy for her age and has no health issues and takes no meds. She has not had covid either yet.

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I have a young friend who now has fibromyalgia after a bad case of covid. He's 26.

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I know of one. She is late 20s and morbidly obese.

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I know two people who died of covid, one in 2020, one in 2021. One male and obese, one female and slender, both middle aged.

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any comorbities with the slender one?

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Not that anyone was aware of.

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Correct, but there are so many who died, or have been permanently injured.....no one is talking about that.....so innocents will go blindly in for the next, more deadly Vax.....how can we help stop this!

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One George Santayana and Winston Churchill said, "Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." How many innocent babies were harmed and killed by their mothers taking Thalidomide before they were born? In President Jimmy Carter's time, MORE people died from taking the Swine flu quackcine then from Swine flu! Please tell me why (WHY!) people today are so gullible about taking the COVID nose-jab testing, jabs, and boosters?

I post publicly and freely on MeWe. SURVIVE AND STAY WELL NATURALLY!


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In answer to your question I think that around 10,000 babies were harmed across many countries (I want to say 50 countries but not 100%).

5,000 of them sadly died soon after birth but the other 5,000 survived.

One thing about it is that it affects cell division so depending on what day of a pregnancy it was taken on, its effects varied.

I believe that the drug was never used in the USA as the FDA would not authorise it which should have raised alarm bells.

One effect of this awful disaster was that in the followng years much was done to prevent anything like it happening again including the principle of no drugs to pregnant ladies unless utterly essential (eg to save their life).

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No. BIG PHARMA is still at it! Making expecting women taking jabs. My daughter took one (ONE!) and suffered damage. Now they are are having them take COVID quackcines even babies and toddlers. I will not ever take another vaccine or nose-jab testing either! MANY OF THE COVID JABBED WILL GET SICK AND DIE. . .some suddenly! STAY WELL NATURALLY!

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This is the $1000 question. I think you only reach people who are already questioning some part of the fake narrative.

Having said that - I have 2 jab injured friends (clotting that won't resolve), and they just don't want to hear it. So I just look for openings.. knowing full well, there may not be.

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I've continued to talk to people I know (carefully) and the more that comes out the more doubt they have about the vaxx.

I think the truth will prevail. It's a matter of how much time and suffering that takes.

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You know what I think?

Hundreds of millions of people are simultaneously suffering from covid infections right now in China and Xi is suffering a massive loss of face and perhaps a challenge to his rule due to his failed zero covid response policy.

One thing all those hundreds of millions are not suffering from is the effects of mRNA jabs and a non neutralizing antibody monoculture.

I have heard of a few military virology labs over there.

Were I an embarrassed and threatened dictator, I might be considering ways to get the last laugh.

I try not to think about things like this, but that's what I think.

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Apparently, the Zero Covid Policy is because most of the high level people in the CCP have had many ORGAN TRANSPLANTS (organ trafficking) and they are all on strong Immunosuppressive DRUGS. (this was from an article in the Epoch Times.)

That may be what is causing all the CCP people to die right now. They have no immune system's to fight the Omicron virus. (If it really even exists.)

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I don't know if this is true or not, but for the falun gong and epoch times, I sure hope they push this narrative HARD moving forward. The elite CCP all getting wiped out DUE TO THEIR ORGAN HARVESTING.

It's a sign from God!

Here's their take on the elite ccp dying, but they didn't mention the immunosuppressants.


Come on falun gong! This narrative could tale down the ccp if it gets legs inside of china.

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But they're not the only Chinese to be dying of covid. That's not the only cause of the deaths.

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Can you imagine a revolution in China happening at the same time as the shit-show cauldron in Ukraine?

I fear my boy could be sent off to an unjustified war when he gets older.

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Oh, Xi lost the Mandate of Heaven long ago, as far as I am concerned and I am all for the Chinese people making China great again.

It's up to them, not me.

But it's just because of this massive and embarrassing outbreak right now that I fear someone may want to leverage a very vulnerable world population, because the immune systems of the folks in China haven't been messed up in the same way as those in the west, and they could weather it.

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Very good point

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Something is very very off about Ukraine.

I am in the UK and day after day the news is about things that have supposedly happened but there have been boombastic headlines but little actual proof.


Huge terror kills one person in Ukraine - I kid you not.

Yet another person was stabbed to death in London last night and the parkrun is cancelled - police ask for witnesses.

When I say another person stabbed in London I mean it is neverending right now yet bottom of the page, small article, no-one really cares


Sorry gone off-topic slightly but my point is this is not a war to worry about for your lad.

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Thankyou for all the information. Finally I have a fuller understanding of where we're at. Albeit

Very grim. Shocked into silence.

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IgG4 increased markedly to a maximum by day 30 in all treatment groups and then began to decrease


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Thr deaths are mild I hear.

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Yes, and the bodies warmer and more lucid than if not for the thing

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I always laughed at the disease that 99.5 percent 70 and under survive can be proven EVEN MILDER. Lol!

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Could have been worse as well.

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The deaths were “mostly mild”.

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Hahaha. They're just resting...

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Like a parrot😂

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Wonderful plumage, the Norwegian blue.

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That's a good one...big pharma will add that to their lists of possible negative reactions to their deadly drugs.

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It's a very useful REACTION,....because it kills people far enough from the shots that they feel they can't be held responsible for all the Millions of deaths. It's a nice, neat way to slaughter BILLIONS and never get your hands dirty.

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what does that mean? How can a death be mild? they just fall asleep maybe? Sorry, I don't understand that comment. Enlighten me!

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The Globalists say that Covid is mild if you have the vaccine, impossible to prove. So I just add if you die and are vaccinated, with that logic, the death is mild.

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I think that he is being facetious here. I know I have in the past made fun the Cold of Covid mindsets involving the injections. You know they praise the vaccine as they are being killed by the vaccine. It’s pretty horrible.

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Mostly peaceful BLM protests…

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They could have been worse

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I was just in a debate with my neighbors on one of those neighbors apps and the Covidian nonsense is still off the charts. All of these people (I live near a major U.S. East Coast city) are still fully faithful to the alleged power and protection of the vaccines and the masks. One after another talks about how they have gotten Covid, but thanks to the vaccines their cases were not serious. The only reason they even got sick was because all of the bad people out in public who are unmasked and unboosted. I try and talk some sense into them and they send me some junk mask studies and claim that I refuse to acknowledge "the science." I send them my own studies and ask why we never wore masks in the past seventy years prior to Covid to control respiratory viruses. Also, why did Fauci and other public health officials tell us that masks do not work back in March 2020? Why did they do a 180 without the science to back it up? Were they liars then when they said masks do not work or liars now when they say they do? Which is it? Crickets. The cult of the vaccine and the mask are still strong in some parts of the country.

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The fact that they kept changing the goal posts should have been enough to wake people that the whole thing was a massive scam. Unfortunately, many people are too far gone and one just needs to focus on those that may listen.

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Exactly this. If people were going to be rational, they would have done so.

We are three years into this. People are locked in. I feel bad for the kids, terrible.

And pregnant women who endanger their babies.

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Regarding your last sentence:

It is sad to say that, if permanent, this damage is the one side effect that may bring down the house of cards. It can't be brushed off as "necessary evil" for the greater good and it can't be conflated with long covid. It is heartbreaking

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Pushing a deadly vaccine on 6mo-5yo when other countries banned for children…

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When they changed the definition of “vaccine” it was pretty obvious...

...come on, man

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When they changed the definition of anti-vaxer it was clear as daylight that it was all BS.

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and how about when They changed the definition of 'science?' no doubt about it, They've been on a roll ...

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"Science"is now a lucrative cult, a magnet for liars looking to get rich and powerful. It's so sad.

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The Flip Flopping was all a part of the PSYOP they used,....it's in the book on how to use PSYOPs on prisoners to make them so confused, they can't think rationally,...and they just do as they are told. That plus the FEAR PORN rammed into everyone's face 24/7,....was enough to get complete COMPLIANCE from most of the planet.

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To me, the flip-flopping just demonstrated that that this was a sh#$ show that was run by imbeciles so could not care less whether or not they got the message right - just dump as much BS as possible with the hope that some will stick. Cannot argue with the approach - the results are devastating as 95% of the population turned into headless chickens.

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Watch this video,....it will show you exactly what they did and how they did it to get the COMPLIANCE they needed.


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The most unbiased mask study was Canada nurses association vs. The heath authority that required those unvaxxed for flu to be masked. This was pre covid. Around 2012. Judge ruled for nurses that no evidence masks had efficacy for flu. Judge reviewed studies. No bias. I think it was Ontario or BC Nurses association.

EDIT. Was Ontario. PDF link, see pages 16, and 44:


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That was before Trudeau corrupted all the judges. Try that case now the nurses would lose. Plaintiffs in a recent BC court case about church closures lost. The judge thought it was perfectly reasonable to order churches to close.

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I heard about that one. Thanks. Their fall back is that you need N95s. They tried that in Germany and it was a miserable failure. Even if it is somewhat effective in theory, the general public are not going to be wearing a perfectly fitted N95 with a valve day after day hour after hour.

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If it has a valve then it won't be "protecting" others. The only solution here is a plastic bag over the head.

Btw there was a recent study showing fitted n95 is no better than surgical. Yet my child's science teacher wears a cloth mask all day. Because science. It's only kindergarten, but still

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Umm, sorry but if the teacher is wearing a cloth mask every day, I would be looking for another kindergarten if possible. There is stupidity, and then idiocy and then, well, this.

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I don't disagree but there's not much to choose from where I live. Moving might be the best option but it's complicated.

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