There is no such thing as mild myocarditis. Ask any actual cardiologist.

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Mild myocarditis only causes mild sudden deaths.

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Mild sudden deaths which would've been worse if they weren't vaxxinated and boosted...

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So it's really MSADS? Mild Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.


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MSADS from another MAID.

Its just MAD

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Love it.

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Hanging after trials is mild

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But these deaths would have been much worse without the vaccine.

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That God for macabre humor. Sometimes I think It’s all that’s getting us through

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Macabre humor , macabre stillbirths ... I will remember that Glenda .

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I actually saw a person interviewed. A family member had died from the jab. Or rather they were jabbed, caught COVID and then died suddenly. They said when asked if they were sorry they had Gramps vaccinated. No, they said it would have been much worse without the vaccine. GRAMPA DIED!

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They actually said that?

The stupidity of some people is mind shattering....

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Every virus and disease will always be worse without the chemical drugs and vaccines we're told. When in reality. People would probably live a longer and a better quality of life without them. I even heard a doctor state recently that people with Alzheimer's disease would be better off without their drug cocktails.

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Placing parentheses around the sentence and citing the source by CDC makes it clearer.

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That is putting it rather mildly.

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Nicely, cleverly, and honestly put.

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Myocarditis = permanent heart damage

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What is the difference between minor and major surgery?

It's minor if it's surgery on you, major if it's surgery on me.

The people that parrot the words "mild myocarditis" certainly wouldn't feel that way if it happened to their child.

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Dr. Peter McCullough: Told ya' so!

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Here's Dr. McCullough spelling out exactly how myocarditis kills. Two minute video.


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It's just a mild case of death [for the greater good].

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The greater good of pharma profits.

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Nah, why ask a cardiologist? Rachel Madcow and all the media "stars" like her are far better informed and trustworthy.... Trust Scientism!

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Heck, I'm taking advice from Nicki Minaj and Ice Cube. Their advice was to not take the jab. They seem more informed than the so-called experts.

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Well, they at least passed the intelligence test. The more I understand about the way the jabs work, the more I convinced that they were meant primarily as an intelligence test - if you got them, you failed. If you got the boosters then you demonstrate that you have less intelligence AND common sense than cellular life. Also, you are about to get a real Darwinian experience in the near future....

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As long as karens want to get jabbed....be my guest.

I care not.

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It's only mild when it happens to someone else.

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True. Just don't ask our governments or mainstream death care industry

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The reason for that is that myocardial tissue, once dead, is dead forever. So, any loss of myocardial muscle is irreplaceable and compounds over time.

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Funny you should mention it, because I did. He was against the COVID vax, too, at risk of losing his job. Yet, he did believe that there was such a thing. I feel dumb for disagreeing with him, but I still do.

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"Surviving the Billionaire Wars" = GOLD!

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Boy, no kidding! Epic series, like the Star Wars franchise!

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Dec 2, 2022
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Really - mild... WTF? Soon it will be mild brain cancer and mild stroke.

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My neighbor had a stroke several months ago. He's now rehabbing. I asked him the other day if he had been vaccinated and if he thought his shot might have caused his stroke. He answered yes to both questions. He also spent two months in two different stroke rehab hospitals. He said both are over-flowing with patients.

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My neighbor friend was over having coffee with me in March. She said, "I wish I hadn't gotten those vaccines." I wish I had asked her what was going on but I didn't want to start a discussion over Covid and jabs. Four days later her family found her on the floor of her home with a massive stroke. She died a couple days later. Oh, how I wish I had asked her about what was happening. Maybe I could have done something like take her to urgent care or something. I'll regret it forever.

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Don’t blame yourself. It was done. Nothing could have stopped it. She maybe had a couple of more days talking to family.

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That sounds exactly like my neighbor here in Campbell but as far as I know, she was eager for three she recieved.

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Same here, except w/a scientist friend who was coerced by him start-up biotech employer. Sadly, he knew that the COVID narrative was BS, but wanted to keep his job. In addition to the stroke, he got a side-side dish of Bell's Palsy. His wife was no help.

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How come I've never read about this in the news? Oh eait.

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Brother dying of mild raging cancer.

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My heart goes out to you, Jan

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My aunt too! :(

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Sorry. Maybe some high quality selenium, quercetin, turmeric root, curcumin, vitamins C and D, glutathione, chlorella, spirulina, omega 3's, garlic oil, oregano oil, essential oils or other antioxidants may very well help. I wouldn't take meds and supplements at the same time though. The essential oils are good in that they bypass the digestive tract to get into the blood stream.

Feel free to visit thetruthaboutcancer.com to get more ideas on treatment options. I have heard of Vitamin C and glutathione injections being used for various life-threateing diseases.. If money is not an obstacle. There are doctor listings at ifm.org who understand that there are safer and better options to treat diseases than always prescribing chemicals for every health issue. No doubt on this end that taking toxic chemicals is why so many people have experienced bad health these past 100 years. Well wishes on this end.

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Thank you. As a retired nurse midwife I'm completely with you and pretty familiar with the various therapies. I'm having less success persuading the patient, of course his three injections after successfully dealing with covid put him in a bad spot. He has great "confidence" in his physicians who encouraged him to inject in the first place.

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There is plenty of room for me to learn more about health and medicine. I've learned what I have from honest medical professionals who never waver from the truth about health and disease. Sadly, I'm not sure if some people will ever realize that toxic chemicals will never replace the need to continually flood the body with antioxidants. Instead of being told to detoxify the body and eliminate or decrease our toxic exposures. People are usually being told to do the exact opposite.

As far as cancers are concerned. I believe that if a person isn't taking certain medications. Getting adequate amounts of sun exposure will yield better results than adding more toxins to the body. I would trust ample amounts of sun radiation over a machine any day. Been hearing a lot lately about infrared saunas being a useful tool in disease fighting therapies too. There's definitely more than one way to skin a cat. With Western medicine's overall track record. It beats me why some folks don't research, learn of and consider other possible healing therapies.

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The only thing not mild about all of this is the level of stupidity it reveals.

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I think corruption and evil also apply.

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Mild death. 🤡

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Are you saying it could have been MUCH worse?

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Well, a covid protocol hospital can always make death worse.

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Mild is when they don't die. Severe is when they do. In any event, heart damage is seldom reversible.

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Mild will Soon be when someone dies instantly. No suffering! And not mild will be when they spend a week in the hospital. ‘It was a mild death. They died instantly.’

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I think heart damage is heart damage and permanent to one degree ot another.

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Dec 2, 2022
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Except if it’s Covid, then even being asymptomatic is a crisis

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Well, it's all in keeping with their definition of 'mild' covid symptoms. Basically, if you didn't need to go to the hospital (and who would have wanted to anyway given the danger there) it was considered "mild". So that includes everything from a wee sniffle to full blown fever and hacking.

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Right... you got a better chance fighting the Russians in Ukraine than you do in a hospital here. At least you can run there... before you know it they will have you sedated and on ventilator (to help you).

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And pumping your body full of Remdesivir (aka Run-Death-Is-Near)

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Hey now, let's avoid politics and religion by staying focused on the Flu d'état. ; )

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Hmmm don’t we have a small electric chair that delivers a mild electric shock🤔

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Whenever I hear that I know the person saying it is fundamentally stupid, ignorant to the point that they are dangerous or both. Very simple intelligence test - just like the jabs.

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You could say that we are witnessing the telephone game being played out in real time, but the longer it goes on, its is becoming rather obvious that this is an intentional (satanically inspired) eugenics program around the world.

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Looks like it

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Yeah me too, it’s like “ oh just a mild class five tornado, rather smooth in its approach “

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Why not? WRT adverse side effects from covid jabs, any less that 40% are "rare". I guess the super habanero sauce is also mild.

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Thanks for this. I just wrote up a guide for college students walking them through the data on their risk of covid (low) vs. the VAERS data, debunking a lot of the media excuses. I'll add this article to mine - https://wholistic.substack.com/p/how-to-evaluate-risk-vs-benefit-with

The CDC has shown itself to be at best inept but most likely an extremely corrupt organization. How they can continue to act like there's "nothing to see here" is absolutely mind-blowing.

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Stephanie, a great guide! I so wish I had access to it 1.5 years ago!!!

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Interesting that you (and probably most commenters) use the words "inept" and "corrupt" to describe the CDC (and FDA and .....). Do the history books describe Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Josef Goebbels, Josef Mengele, et al as "corrupt"? The language these books use is much harsher than "inept" or "corrupt", given the nature of the crimes which these individuals committed. Why are we using language more appropriate for people in the numbers racket or other illegal gambling to describe what those enabling mass murder are doing?

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Look up "Godwin's law." Making comparisons to Hitler may feel satisfying, but as a talking point will immediately shut down the mind of someone who is in the middle but perhaps reachable otherwise.

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Hitler might be a huge understatement. If someone follows "Godwins law" they are not reachable at all but beyond help. Such 'law'' is probably made up by someone trying to take cards off the table to protect criminals. It would be like saying you shouldn't mention the Romans when discussing metal poisoning in pipes.

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It's not a question of feeling satisfied; it's a question of being accurate!

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You can't say it's accurate. You are mind reading a malicious intention. I cannot prove that they INTENDED to murder people. It's a possibility, for sure, but it's not proven and doesn't connect well with the people who need to be reached.

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“The final solution.” Kill the vermin. Singling out one group of people with concentration camps & gas chambers & a plan is proof of intention. It may shut down peoples minds but it’s accurate, and the fact that they added other ‘untouchables’ later doesn’t change anything. And as far as numbers this democide is far worse.

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There was gas apparently to kill flees and these were the cause of typhus. There is a poster showing that that there was claims of typhus spreading in jewish populations so it could be argued that some people might not have intended to murder but were trying to control a epidemic. Others might have intended to murder. At the time people probably were told that the santiary measures were precautions blah blah. It is like gaslighting to pretend after the fact that it was all just murder with no cover of a supposed epidemic and then say you can't talk about it when more 'sanitary measures' are being imposed. The narc admitting to murder after the fact to cover up the method so it can be done again. "It was just racism nothing to do with 'vaccines' and 'sanitation'. how dare you denier" In anycase it is a relevant and important historical example. The intent doesnt matter so much as the impact being negative and there being historical examples of how dangerous such claims can be. The old saying about how the road to hell is paved with good intentions. https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/1o2421/beware_of_typhus_avoid_jews_poster_from_the/cco8w41/

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I couldn't state that at the beginning, in early 2020, or perhaps even in early 2021. With all the evidence we have now acquired about denial of appropriate and early treatment for those tagged with COVID-19 and about the harm caused by the "vaccine", and with continuation of the "vaccine" promotion, there is no doubt in my mind about intent. David Irving, the WWII revisionist, made numerous statements about Hitler's not knowing about the Holocaust. For some people, all the evidence in the world will not constitute "proof"!

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Hitler not knowing about the Holocaust? Now that is completely laughable.

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Good point

Their intention may have been to just sterilize and cause miscarriages.

Oh wait, causing miscarriages would be murder, so that's off the table.

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I did nazi that coming! ; )

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Inept eventually surfaces when you are dealing with a large staff.

Corruption seems to be another issue all together.

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Then there is corrupt AND inept. :-)

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I have learned to be careful never to attribute to ineptitude that which is attributable to malice.

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"Now, some of my colleagues on Substack might argue that the 6,688 covid deaths reported for young adults between 18-29 years weren’t all deaths “by” covid but “with” covid"

The data at face value doesn't claim these were "covid deaths". It says "deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19". It is not arguing something but pointing out they are not claiming these are caused by covid but actually say "with". It is only you that have a belief that the data couldn't possibly be so deceptive and worthless. In reality there is no evidence of any 'covid' deaths at all. Not even any evidence anyone had so much as a sneeze because of "covid". https://odysee.com/@halloftruth:c/the-final-refutal-of-virology-dr-stefan-lanka:6

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Yes, well, I was trying to write for more mainstream people. :-)

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John. The link doesn’t work. ........

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hmm. maybe try on bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/jw3D3fexbCij/

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I can’t reach this site.

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It's likely either your search engine, browser or the server your connecting to.

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Man...this movement needs more people like you on the frontlines... So here's your chance...

Fix your Bayonet. We're planning a 'bolts-open charge' at the enemy lines. First one of you to capture the machine gun nest, gets a Medal, an increase in rank, a bonus from the Commander, and week of R&R in Paris.

Go get 'em, tiger. Nobody believes in virology like the BigPfharma industrial complex. Keep punching up!

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Dec 2, 2022
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I’m about 3/4 of the way through. Had I known I wouldn’t of vaccinated my 2 adult children. My youngest son is expecting his 2nd child in March, they won’t be vaccinating and have already told the doctors they can shove the hepatitis B vax. It astonishing how many people don’t realize hours old infants, get a vaccine for something they don’t need.

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I was shocked to find out about the jabs they give the day of birth and equally shocked at how many vaccines are on the schedule. Over sixty? Who in their right mind would think that's even healthy. It can't be.

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Renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has stated that there is no such thing as mild myocarditis as all damage to the heart muscle is irreparable and will probably shorten one's life. He believes that there is a lot of undiagnosed damage that, while not producing immediate symptoms, will affect the damaged person's life at some point. This may be why we're seeing a disproportionate number of young athletes dying suddenly. They may have undiagnosed damage but are more susceptible to dying due to the higher level of stress on their bodies compared to non-athletes.

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The heart damage is not a step function where some people are hospitalized with myocarditis and everyone else is 100% fine. There is likely a huge amount of varying subclinical heart damage out there.

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Thanks. Subclinical is the word I think McCullough used!

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Agree. And it gets worse with every shot. Stop the shots, NOW!

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Here's a quick (2 min) review from Peter of how myocarditis + adrenaline = sudden death.


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Thx! That answers my question about about why people would be dying from 3am-6am. He mentioned that time frame on the Highwire but didn't explain it there.

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Thanks! Great explanation.

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Adrenaline + any damage may turn into a fatal arrythmia, possibly.

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Spot on. Dr. McCullough has been trying to wake up people from the beginning and for his efforts he is getting erased by the medical boards and the media. Very sad to see someone with skills and integrity getting punished for telling the truth. Would love to see the medical board members made "famous" for acting as the medical SS.

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Dishonest, narcissistic con artists HATE anyone who tells the truth!

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In the same vein, a very interesting report was shown by German regional broadcaster MDR on November 29th (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxD9OHKbvXo). If I am not mistaken, this is by far the most daring report shown up-to-date by that broadcaster, which already was the one, of all German regional broadcasters, that started (in February 2022) doing reports that showed vaccine victims. Probably not coincidentally, MDR is based in Leipzig (Saxony), a region which has signalled itself by being the most "rebellious" of all German regions against Covid "measures".

Anyway, the November 29th report tells the story of a family who insisted upon getting the body of the family father autopsied after his unexplained death. They insisted upon it and obtained the autopsy in the face of the stalling (including lying) tactics of the hospital where the father died.

The result was the case report which can be seen here: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/10/1651

Also significant is the fact that Dr. Mörz, the pathologist who authored that case report, was prohibited by his institute to grant an interview to MDR. So what did he do? He went to the headquarters of MDR in Saxony and gave the interview there, including showing photos of the brain tissue of the deceased. Sure to cause him trouble with his institute, but he did it anyway. Another doctor to be applauded for his integrity.

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Are you aware of a translated version of the video? My Deutsch is not up to snuff enough to follow.

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I'm not aware of a translated version, but I'll look until tomorrow and if I find one I'll post the web address here.

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It could be worse, and has subtitles.

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"Myocarditis, mild and transient" has been the standard response.

I fail to believe it.

Also, with regards to pfizer and moderna investigating their own heart related adverse events, is like asking the fox to investigate the death of the chickens.

I wouldn't expect any honest findings.

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Shockingly, but are we any more? In Britain today the “deaths of the vaccinated children suffering myocarditis” are now abound on the Propaganda machine (aka the BBC) as being “children are falling unwell, some seriously, with Staph and Scarlett Fever .. born of which can cause death if not treated ... here is what to look for” and out they trot the classic Vax symptoms .. it’s beyond laughable .. there are simply no words and yet the sheep and headless chicken go on believing as they head to their own demise ..

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The levels of Cognitive Dissonance is astounding.

As the saying goes....

People will get angry with you for speaking the truth, rather than get angry with those who lied.

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Just like the inflation.

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Depends on whether or not they have some new concoction to sell. If they do, they will "find" something for which they have a magic pill or jab to sell to the hoi polloi.

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So how high is the pile of dead bodies so far? Not high enough yet apparently? They will never admit there is a problem with the vaccine. Because they entire narrative would collapse and the blame for this will be directed at THEM. You got nothing to lose by ignoring reality and lying when the alternative is murder charges. They know that they are guilty of murder. They will be “not guilty” even up to the point that the ropes are put around their necks. It’s what criminals do. 90% of the people in prison are not guilty... just ask them?

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