No, it’s the paper of record. Which is so sad, given their terrible history. The Gray Lady Winked by Ashley Rindsberg goes into details of their generational malfeasance.
If enough people did they would fold or change. I believe they're funded through corporate doners more than individual purchasers at this point. But they still might get shut down once the doners decided they weren't brainwashing large enough numbers.
For journalists it's good to know what the MSM is saying even if it's all garbage because it's the official narrative. Enough influential people still believe it, so it shapes the world.
Apparently not, at least according to the Babylon Bee:
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The White House issued a dire warning this week, reminding the nation that Elon's continued ownership of Twitter means they now only control 97% of the media.
"We can't overstate how dangerous this is," said Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. "Yes, we still control Facebook, Google, Apple, Instagram, YouTube, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Hollywood, TIME, USAToday, The Wall Street Journal, and pretty much all the rest, but we don't control Twitter. This is dangerous to democracy."
The entire intelligence community at the CIA, FBI, and NSA concurred with the warning, stating that "Elon's ownership of Twitter leaves America vulnerable to dangerous opinions we do not approve of." Leaders with the agencies are recommending immediate investigations to bring down the Twitter CEO provided their planned drone strike doesn't work first.
"Democracy is at stake," said all the agency leaders in a shared statement in which they all recited the words simultaneously in a robotic monotone. "We must do something. Democracy is at stake."
At publishing time, several watchdog groups had underscored the warning, pointing to a 128% increase in exposure to unapproved opinions since Musk's Twitter purchase.(Babylon Bee Reporting).
Hallelujah-- FINALY, someone "got" what I'm saying, translated here for all the rest of the idiot curmudgeons with half a brain cell: YOU NEED to KEEP CLOSE TABS on your enemies. In other words, Why the HELL do nations need to have INTEL?? DUH...
Press the escape key on your keyboard as the page downloads. It beats the paywall.
Might take a few tries to time it right depending on your device. On an iphone press the x on the right edge title bar as a page downloads .to achieve the same.
The bird cage bottom? My budgie is as patriotic as a bald eagle. I use the Washington Post for that. The NYTimes is used to kindle the backyard bonfire. Roast those freedom marshmallows!
A+ post (as usual for you). I believe we should not "move on" until the world knows the following:
The Pfizer and Moderna "gold standard" randomized clinical trials showed 4 people killed for every 3 saved, that is, the vaccine groups had 4 extra non-COVID deaths for every 3 less COVID deaths overall (compared to the placebo groups), even during the deadliest Alpha wave in winter 2020-2021. The separate Pfizer and Moderna trials both showed a 15-20% increase in non-COVID deaths, and specifically a 40-50% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths, with vaccine versus placebo.
I just got back from a luncheon of 50yo plus ladies. 3 of 7 have had or are getting (next month) heart valve transplants. Not normal. Especially since all of us are in good shape and eat well. We know each other from playing sports. Captain spoil the fun Raptor could not help but call attention to it. What are the odds? It is not a coincidence or a one off situation. It will take people keeling over right and left to make people wake up. The jabbers all grumbled at me and said "Old age Raptor!". I don't buy it.
Exactly. I said something like : Oh is that so? Cuz how many times have I heard that you are in better shape than your kids? Or that you are in better shape than when you were young? And they are. Except for the pesky valve problems. The two of us that are unvaxxed are probably the lest in shape. The one who is getting her valve replaced in January is an off road MTB racer who (if you are a mountain biker you will appreciate it) does the True Grit race in Ut. They are just delusional. Anything but the jabs. Anything. The year they ate garbage in college. NOW they are paying for it. Sheesh!". I ordered the fish and chips. They got the salad. Cuzzzz. Valves.
Well, I certainly do not want the "new normal" to be 50yo (you said "plus" -- may I ask the upper age?). I have always been young for my age (appearance and health -- good genes), but now that I'm getting up there, it's even more apparent that many people around me seem to be aging faster, at a way younger age than used to be the case. Yes -- people in their 40s and 50s with the type of age-related health complaints that I used to not year from anyone younger than 65.
Well we're fatter than ever before in America. You can't swing a cat without hitting some lumbering tub in Lululemon leggings. Fat's been glorified. That's going to set you up for a rough time with covid and the shots.
I know someone who is fully shot up and was recently diagnosed with a murmur due to shonky valves. I believe we have bacteria lurking behind biofilms just waiting for immune senescence and an opportunity to run amok. Seems to me the muck they are injecting hastens senescence and disease initiation.
People have always had AFib. I've had it, treated with an ablation. My cardiologist said there are Egyptian papyri describing AFib. He says even elephants get it.
Yes that is true. Have you noticed a LOT of commercials for it lately? More than viagraesque drugs. which is curious to me. BUT it does seem that lots of people in my neighborhood/clubs/groups are getting treated (with ablation or they are wearing a diagnostic harness thing) for it this past year. I, of course knew some before COVID. But now - lots.
I hope the ablation worked for you. Interesting about the elephants.
The ablation seems to have worked. I wasn't able to take the garbage meds they push for arrhythmias, not even the rotten Eliquis. Maybe it's all the neanderthal genes. Or maybe a lot of people are walking around like zombies and dying because of those meds and they never make the connection.
The direct to patient marketing of pharma is way out of control.
Having lost a perfectly health niece who I helped get though college and was an elementary school teacher, to a massive blood clot in her carotid artery; I want murder charges and executions. I know I am not alone.
I am so very sorry for your loss. There are simply no words that l can express that would begin to address your unimaginable grief.
I too believe that there is NO soft option for dealing with those complicit in the mass genocide, eugenics and maiming of innocent people .. Public EXECUTIONS will be too fast but effective!
The executions need to be Medieval in their scope. Barbaric AF. We need to send a VERY clear message to anyone who tries this again what will happen to them.
I've been against the death penalty my entire life, but in the case of murdering millions of people? No mercy.
No they need to be stoned. Each of the worlds peoples sends a representative to throw stones so that it is clear that we all repudiate their acts. Any people who will not stone the murderers is no longer a part of the community. This genocidal, tramshumanist, Malthusianism has to be buried in human history where it never returns. They have inflicted what may be an Extinction Level Event on humanity. And they had plenty of warning that it would go this way. Nobody feel sorry for them when they get their lumps.
Jon.. what a great idea... with the relatives of their victims throwing the stones. Now the Pure Bloods will have finish up the job once all the jabbed relatives die. I really think you would like my SubStack.... we seem to be of the same mind on all of this... Here is some fiction from the future: An excerpt from “The Second Dark Age of Man”
Those of us left with permanent illness will never forgive or forget. Nor will we forgive or forget those who died suddenly, whose families still mourn them. There is no trust in any of our media outlets to be given.
I've been surprised to learn that I'm a far right extremist. My political views are a mix, across a spectrum, as is the case with just about everyone. But the company on this so-called extreme far right is good, and the people are courteous and reasonable.
LOL yup, it's like when people say "I'm sorry you feel that way/you got upset/you feel hurt" instead of "I'm sorry I punched you/murdered our child/coerced you into taking an experimental medical treatment by threatening you with job loss." Trying to make it about yr over-sensitivity, not their crime.
We the people need justice. Who will get it for us? Would DeSantis allow the truth to be told? Would they destroy him if he tried? Brandon isn’t going to. No current politician in DC besides Sen Johnson out of Wisconsin shows any interest. Rand Paul where are you in this fight? The justice we demand will be clean out all that lied. See how Germany prosecuted some 97 yr old for work she did as a teenager in WW II. No fines we want jail and blood for all of our loved ones who did not need to die. Who died alone. Where will we find this justice?
Until people go to jail for what they've done, none of us are safe. They are just waiting for the next opportunity to demonize us and mandate another jab. Fines, even if billions of dollars, will not be enough. That's just a business expense. They must fear being held personally responsible and going to jail for their lies and crimes.
I am amazed, given the 2A that you dear folks have over in the US that he is still alive .. GATES IS AN ABOMINATION a manifestation of all that satanic practice embraces ..
Agreed and he is looking unusually tan and you know he is a total cry baby coward so he is probably hiding on a warm island constantly looking at the radar next to his computers to make sure no plane or boat is coming for him. They will be though.
Could be on Epstein's Island ( who else would be there now ? ) with a few bar maids younger then his poor daughters. Can you imagine how much money it would take to get someone to have sex with this disgusting autistic cold fish? Either that or at gun point. I wonder why the authorities are not following up on his Felonies? Last I heard he was due in Court in India on murder charges. I hope his lawyers did not pay them off to get out of it. Terrible thing when the FBI and Dept of Injustice are purposely ignoring the Criminal syndicates.
And who has the lack of character and soul to even work for this soulless psychopathic Homicidal maniac?
He will try but the viruses don't cooperate and he is too stupid to know that since he is not a natural scientist ( PhD ) and has never studied microbiology and biology and physiology and pathophysiology etc. He thinks he is smarter then Mother Nature and God but he is not.
Please someone put him out of his misery and miserable unhappy existence.
Unless the top and middle group of the scum that have pushed this horror on the world go away for at least 40 years each, this will be repeated. Moreover, this needs to be very much publicized and the rest of the enforcers need to face the music too. Abused kids and old ladies who had the audacity to get fresh air at the park? Fired on the spot, no benefits and do time. Fired people because you enforced the mandates? Fired, jail time and blacklisted for life - once out they can try cleaning urinals and maybe they get an epiphany on what they should have done. Medicos and nurses who pushed and administered the jabs - life in jail PERIOD. The media? Use the old style shaming - public square for a couple months - then 25 years jail time. No quarter, no forgiveness.
Based on what happened with Sam Bankman-Fried, I'm not hopeful. Let's see, steal billions of dollars from people, finally get arrested several weeks later, and then be released on $250 million bond (where'd he get that money) to spend the next year or so on house arrest at your parent's place playing video games. Nothing like good old accountability for wrong doers. Oh wait, he's a Democrat, so never mind.
Where did he get the money? Fraud, pure and simple. The filth still has properties in the Bahamas. Given the amount of money missing, the question is, how does he still have anything except his underwear? Billions are "missing" - he should be getting the public defender not a paid lawyer because even if he works all his life in a salt mine, he will not be able to pay back what he literally stole.
Never forgive, never forget. It only gives me the resolve to stand up for the principles of truth and freedom. And I'm grateful to be standing with this courageous, strong-willed posse, as history will remember us.
There is a book out there that says "remove the plank out of your own eye before you help remove the spec out of another's. Then there is that thing they say about Glass Houses...good Billy Joel album, by the way.
please stop funding that fascist rag that isnt fit to be used as bird cage liner
I considered paying them just to report on their articles. I decided against it for that exact reason.
if we ignore them do you think they'll go away? :)
I would hope so
No, it’s the paper of record. Which is so sad, given their terrible history. The Gray Lady Winked by Ashley Rindsberg goes into details of their generational malfeasance.
Nooooo 🤣 Just KNOW you are in the right side of the divide along with a lot of good folks!
If enough people did they would fold or change. I believe they're funded through corporate doners more than individual purchasers at this point. But they still might get shut down once the doners decided they weren't brainwashing large enough numbers.
Hell, the US Congress would just bail them out.....
And then brag about it (McConnell too).
You haven't learned an old Chinese proverb: "Keep your enemy close."
So, umm, yeah, go ahead and cancel your subscription-- you don't wanna know what your enemies are up to anyway, do you?
theres plenty of sources, i dont need to read/fund fascist crap to keep up
Great-- that makes at least 10 of us here :-)P.S.: My comment above was not in reply to YOU.... Cheers, ~ TH
For journalists it's good to know what the MSM is saying even if it's all garbage because it's the official narrative. Enough influential people still believe it, so it shapes the world.
Especially if the articles are free.
is Facebook, Google, Apple, Instagram, YouTube, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, TIME, USAToday, The Wall Street Journal not enough?
I wouldn't pay for any of them.
Here we go:
Apparently not, at least according to the Babylon Bee:
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The White House issued a dire warning this week, reminding the nation that Elon's continued ownership of Twitter means they now only control 97% of the media.
"We can't overstate how dangerous this is," said Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. "Yes, we still control Facebook, Google, Apple, Instagram, YouTube, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Hollywood, TIME, USAToday, The Wall Street Journal, and pretty much all the rest, but we don't control Twitter. This is dangerous to democracy."
The entire intelligence community at the CIA, FBI, and NSA concurred with the warning, stating that "Elon's ownership of Twitter leaves America vulnerable to dangerous opinions we do not approve of." Leaders with the agencies are recommending immediate investigations to bring down the Twitter CEO provided their planned drone strike doesn't work first.
"Democracy is at stake," said all the agency leaders in a shared statement in which they all recited the words simultaneously in a robotic monotone. "We must do something. Democracy is at stake."
At publishing time, several watchdog groups had underscored the warning, pointing to a 128% increase in exposure to unapproved opinions since Musk's Twitter purchase.(Babylon Bee Reporting).
Hallelujah-- FINALY, someone "got" what I'm saying, translated here for all the rest of the idiot curmudgeons with half a brain cell: YOU NEED to KEEP CLOSE TABS on your enemies. In other words, Why the HELL do nations need to have INTEL?? DUH...
Perhaps not, BUT... we won't put up with annoying lies.
I buy just the Sunday NYT to analyze their next move(s)--it makes me sick to pay---but it's a must to follow the real enemy.
The same reason l force myself to listen to the BBC Propaganda - the Government’s mouthpiece - nothing more powerful than “knowing your enemy” ..
The fact that the Licence Fee is going towards this propaganda makes me angry.
£159 a fucking year for crap
havnt paid it for about a decade and never will again
Press the escape key on your keyboard as the page downloads. It beats the paywall.
Might take a few tries to time it right depending on your device. On an iphone press the x on the right edge title bar as a page downloads .to achieve the same.
The bird cage bottom? My budgie is as patriotic as a bald eagle. I use the Washington Post for that. The NYTimes is used to kindle the backyard bonfire. Roast those freedom marshmallows!
a dead duck is more patriotic than the NY Times
Stop the subscriptions and find other kindling
unfortunately NY Times journalists are a bit too wet to light
My parakeets get to read WSJ. I love them too much to make them defecate on NYT. Or the Washington Postitute.
i like the ones with the little red dots on their cheeks
Those would be cockatiels and I like them too!
"The NYTimes is used to kindle the backyard bonfire"
What if it's full of spike proteins?
I wouldn't wipe my arse with it, even if it was the last bit of paper on earth.
Whatever you'd wipe off onto it would make a better read than the original print.
A+ post (as usual for you). I believe we should not "move on" until the world knows the following:
The Pfizer and Moderna "gold standard" randomized clinical trials showed 4 people killed for every 3 saved, that is, the vaccine groups had 4 extra non-COVID deaths for every 3 less COVID deaths overall (compared to the placebo groups), even during the deadliest Alpha wave in winter 2020-2021. The separate Pfizer and Moderna trials both showed a 15-20% increase in non-COVID deaths, and specifically a 40-50% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths, with vaccine versus placebo.
Also the Covid deaths saved were due to statistical malfeasance as chronicled in Igor's other posts.
In other words, the "cure" is worse than the disease.
"the "cure" is worse than the disease"
That was obvious in early 2020. No offense.
Indeed it was. Back then it was lockdowns, masks, and NPIs, later it was the jabs. Either way, the "cure" has been way worse than the disease.
I just got back from a luncheon of 50yo plus ladies. 3 of 7 have had or are getting (next month) heart valve transplants. Not normal. Especially since all of us are in good shape and eat well. We know each other from playing sports. Captain spoil the fun Raptor could not help but call attention to it. What are the odds? It is not a coincidence or a one off situation. It will take people keeling over right and left to make people wake up. The jabbers all grumbled at me and said "Old age Raptor!". I don't buy it.
I will continue to be a PITA.
Thank you for listening.
Fiftiesish is NOT old if you're fit. They know that too.
Exactly. I said something like : Oh is that so? Cuz how many times have I heard that you are in better shape than your kids? Or that you are in better shape than when you were young? And they are. Except for the pesky valve problems. The two of us that are unvaxxed are probably the lest in shape. The one who is getting her valve replaced in January is an off road MTB racer who (if you are a mountain biker you will appreciate it) does the True Grit race in Ut. They are just delusional. Anything but the jabs. Anything. The year they ate garbage in college. NOW they are paying for it. Sheesh!". I ordered the fish and chips. They got the salad. Cuzzzz. Valves.
Well, I certainly do not want the "new normal" to be 50yo (you said "plus" -- may I ask the upper age?). I have always been young for my age (appearance and health -- good genes), but now that I'm getting up there, it's even more apparent that many people around me seem to be aging faster, at a way younger age than used to be the case. Yes -- people in their 40s and 50s with the type of age-related health complaints that I used to not year from anyone younger than 65.
Well we're fatter than ever before in America. You can't swing a cat without hitting some lumbering tub in Lululemon leggings. Fat's been glorified. That's going to set you up for a rough time with covid and the shots.
What will set up the rough times? The lululemon wearing or the seeing the wearing of the lululemon?
Physical fitness is racist doncha know. Glad to find someone else who swings cats.
I know someone who is fully shot up and was recently diagnosed with a murmur due to shonky valves. I believe we have bacteria lurking behind biofilms just waiting for immune senescence and an opportunity to run amok. Seems to me the muck they are injecting hastens senescence and disease initiation.
Seems like a lot of people with Afib. I would advise getting into cardiology.
People have always had AFib. I've had it, treated with an ablation. My cardiologist said there are Egyptian papyri describing AFib. He says even elephants get it.
Yes that is true. Have you noticed a LOT of commercials for it lately? More than viagraesque drugs. which is curious to me. BUT it does seem that lots of people in my neighborhood/clubs/groups are getting treated (with ablation or they are wearing a diagnostic harness thing) for it this past year. I, of course knew some before COVID. But now - lots.
I hope the ablation worked for you. Interesting about the elephants.
The ablation seems to have worked. I wasn't able to take the garbage meds they push for arrhythmias, not even the rotten Eliquis. Maybe it's all the neanderthal genes. Or maybe a lot of people are walking around like zombies and dying because of those meds and they never make the connection.
The direct to patient marketing of pharma is way out of control.
That sounds like the sickly people who hang around mental health centers. Not so much "crazy" as physically frail and debilitated.
There's a reason.
The birds were right. It is SOAS they suffer from, i. e., Sudden Old Age Syndrome. Soon to be accompanied by blood thinners for life.
Women didn't generally have heart disease, it was almost exclusively a male thing.
When women went to work at jobs men used to have exclusively we started in with heart disease.
Having lost a perfectly health niece who I helped get though college and was an elementary school teacher, to a massive blood clot in her carotid artery; I want murder charges and executions. I know I am not alone.
There is at least TWO of us - I want investigations and appropriate punishments
I am so very sorry for your loss. There are simply no words that l can express that would begin to address your unimaginable grief.
I too believe that there is NO soft option for dealing with those complicit in the mass genocide, eugenics and maiming of innocent people .. Public EXECUTIONS will be too fast but effective!
I done with being nice about this. If you aid murders you are guilty of murder. It’s that simple.
The executions need to be Medieval in their scope. Barbaric AF. We need to send a VERY clear message to anyone who tries this again what will happen to them.
I've been against the death penalty my entire life, but in the case of murdering millions of people? No mercy.
No they need to be stoned. Each of the worlds peoples sends a representative to throw stones so that it is clear that we all repudiate their acts. Any people who will not stone the murderers is no longer a part of the community. This genocidal, tramshumanist, Malthusianism has to be buried in human history where it never returns. They have inflicted what may be an Extinction Level Event on humanity. And they had plenty of warning that it would go this way. Nobody feel sorry for them when they get their lumps.
Jon.. what a great idea... with the relatives of their victims throwing the stones. Now the Pure Bloods will have finish up the job once all the jabbed relatives die. I really think you would like my SubStack.... we seem to be of the same mind on all of this... Here is some fiction from the future: An excerpt from “The Second Dark Age of Man”
The Years Following the Vaccine Genocide.
Yup - all the people involved with this. And I mean ALL of them need to pay with their lives.
Those of us left with permanent illness will never forgive or forget. Nor will we forgive or forget those who died suddenly, whose families still mourn them. There is no trust in any of our media outlets to be given.
Dear NYT,
Sweep your own fucking front porch.
Team Truth
I've been surprised to learn that I'm a far right extremist. My political views are a mix, across a spectrum, as is the case with just about everyone. But the company on this so-called extreme far right is good, and the people are courteous and reasonable.
Umm... as as far right extremist, you're also probably a domestic terr0rist.
Just thought I'd break it to you.
Yeah, most former leftists, now centrists like us are "far right". It means we aren't part of the Borg and have principles.
Nice to have you. Being an anti-vax crazy doesn't pay that well but as you say the company is good. Also the retirement for purebloods is fantastic.
"We need to move past X" is the language of an abuser.
Think of it this way. How would you react if your significant other said:
"We need to move past the fact I punched you and sent you to the hospital."
"We need to move past the fact that I murdered our child."
"We need to move past the fact that I've infected you with a potentially untreatable disease."
It's language that is blanket forgiveness and gives the abuser the right to abuse you again, since they have not paid any price for their abuse.
You NAILED it!
LOL yup, it's like when people say "I'm sorry you feel that way/you got upset/you feel hurt" instead of "I'm sorry I punched you/murdered our child/coerced you into taking an experimental medical treatment by threatening you with job loss." Trying to make it about yr over-sensitivity, not their crime.
A classic move.
We the people need justice. Who will get it for us? Would DeSantis allow the truth to be told? Would they destroy him if he tried? Brandon isn’t going to. No current politician in DC besides Sen Johnson out of Wisconsin shows any interest. Rand Paul where are you in this fight? The justice we demand will be clean out all that lied. See how Germany prosecuted some 97 yr old for work she did as a teenager in WW II. No fines we want jail and blood for all of our loved ones who did not need to die. Who died alone. Where will we find this justice?
The paper of record is as morally bankrupt as the men of epsteins guest lists
Until people go to jail for what they've done, none of us are safe. They are just waiting for the next opportunity to demonize us and mandate another jab. Fines, even if billions of dollars, will not be enough. That's just a business expense. They must fear being held personally responsible and going to jail for their lies and crimes.
Yes, they will do it again while laughing at us
And making money at the same time.
Bill Gates is planning the next pandemic. Calls it Catastrophic Contagion. Believe him when he tells you exactly what he is going to do.
I am amazed, given the 2A that you dear folks have over in the US that he is still alive .. GATES IS AN ABOMINATION a manifestation of all that satanic practice embraces ..
I think he’s very well hidden with lots of security.
Agreed and he is looking unusually tan and you know he is a total cry baby coward so he is probably hiding on a warm island constantly looking at the radar next to his computers to make sure no plane or boat is coming for him. They will be though.
Could be on Epstein's Island ( who else would be there now ? ) with a few bar maids younger then his poor daughters. Can you imagine how much money it would take to get someone to have sex with this disgusting autistic cold fish? Either that or at gun point. I wonder why the authorities are not following up on his Felonies? Last I heard he was due in Court in India on murder charges. I hope his lawyers did not pay them off to get out of it. Terrible thing when the FBI and Dept of Injustice are purposely ignoring the Criminal syndicates.
And who has the lack of character and soul to even work for this soulless psychopathic Homicidal maniac?
I just thought of someone who I know...
I think India sued him in the United States. I’m not 💯 % sure but someone in a SUBSTACK told me that? I do agree with everything else that you said.
Another monie pox or monkey business fiasco.
Nobodies listening....
He will try but the viruses don't cooperate and he is too stupid to know that since he is not a natural scientist ( PhD ) and has never studied microbiology and biology and physiology and pathophysiology etc. He thinks he is smarter then Mother Nature and God but he is not.
Please someone put him out of his misery and miserable unhappy existence.
SPEERS. Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome
Yeah, saw it all.
I am still hooked on the MMR outbreak and I am still terrified for my gay friends of the Monkey business pox.
Oh, I forgot. They just changed the name to M pox because people were not taking it seriously enough. So now it sounds a little less laughable.
Thanks. I have no doubt that they will try
Unless the top and middle group of the scum that have pushed this horror on the world go away for at least 40 years each, this will be repeated. Moreover, this needs to be very much publicized and the rest of the enforcers need to face the music too. Abused kids and old ladies who had the audacity to get fresh air at the park? Fired on the spot, no benefits and do time. Fired people because you enforced the mandates? Fired, jail time and blacklisted for life - once out they can try cleaning urinals and maybe they get an epiphany on what they should have done. Medicos and nurses who pushed and administered the jabs - life in jail PERIOD. The media? Use the old style shaming - public square for a couple months - then 25 years jail time. No quarter, no forgiveness.
Based on what happened with Sam Bankman-Fried, I'm not hopeful. Let's see, steal billions of dollars from people, finally get arrested several weeks later, and then be released on $250 million bond (where'd he get that money) to spend the next year or so on house arrest at your parent's place playing video games. Nothing like good old accountability for wrong doers. Oh wait, he's a Democrat, so never mind.
Where did he get the money? Fraud, pure and simple. The filth still has properties in the Bahamas. Given the amount of money missing, the question is, how does he still have anything except his underwear? Billions are "missing" - he should be getting the public defender not a paid lawyer because even if he works all his life in a salt mine, he will not be able to pay back what he literally stole.
0.05% death rate (1 in 2,000) from the shots based on Australian data!
Probable causal association between Australia’s new regime of high all-cause mortality and its COVID-19 vaccine rollout:
Never forgive, never forget. It only gives me the resolve to stand up for the principles of truth and freedom. And I'm grateful to be standing with this courageous, strong-willed posse, as history will remember us.
Amen Igor.
Merry Christmas RG 🤗
How can anyone with an ounce of integrity work for The NY Times?
They can't
There is a book out there that says "remove the plank out of your own eye before you help remove the spec out of another's. Then there is that thing they say about Glass Houses...good Billy Joel album, by the way.
Noiiice, mate. I got so much satisfaction driving my sister nuts banging out “All for Leyna” on the piano. She’s such a bitch.