I have an 18 year old son with autism. I am a chemist for big pharma for 29 years. I didn't know anything about vaccines and nobody warned me about vaccines. It never occurred to me to research vaccines. I blindly followed whatever the pediatrician said and I deeply regret it to this day. My son was a full-term, 9 pound baby and developing perfectly fine. I witnessed him regress into autism. I went deep down the rabbit hole of vaccine research and I never stopped researching it. We have been duped for decades! It's a hard red pill to swallow! My son saved his younger brother from the vaccines and my younger son is healthy, intelligent and unvaccinated. He saved his younger brother from the poison shots. He also saved our whole family from the experimental covid shots. I even had to switch jobs last year after 27 years of service because my company mandated the vaccines. The truth will eventually come out. The silver lining with the covid shots is that more people are waking up faster and coming over to our side of health freedom and scientific truth. God bless all the people who are vaccine injuried. May their vaccine injuries get the acknowledgement and the compensation they deserve. 🙏

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022Author

I am so very sorry. I will unpin the previous post and pin yours because it is just as deserving of the light of day. Stay strong please.

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Thank you for your support! My husband and I are in the process of getting legal guardianship of him because he's 18. He will never be independent. My biggest worry is who will take care of him when I'm gone or too old. The real pandemic is the vaccine injuries, not covid. Thank you for the wonderful reporting you do!

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I am so terribly sorry.

Yes, you are absolutely correct that the last two years have awakened many of us to the nefariousness of childhood vaccines.

I had become a bit curious, after some other adverse health experiences related to pharmaceutical fraud and government misinformation re dietary advice. I started wondering if, perhaps, the same sort of situation had happened w childhood vaccines. It felt sacrilegious to even suggest it.

Now, however, I too wish I could roll back the clock and do it over w our kiddo. I suspect that some of his learning glitches may be vaccine related.

I will never again agree for our child to have another vaccine. I pray to God that once grown he will continue on a vaccine-free path.

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Me too. Everything you just said is how I feel as a father.

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Thank you for sharing that. We need to keep sharing stories like your son so they can’t be ignored or dismissed!

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Not a single vaccine is proven to have benefits that outweigh the risks. We were ALL born and raised into the vaccine scam, and the vaccine and booster schedule for children has skyrocketed for over the past 25 years.


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No politician is going to stand against the others & survive. So there goes ALL possibility of ANY politician fixing this. Who does that leave?

Kim Jong-un? The Congolese Air Force? Right. The ONLY force left that can make them change this, end the mandates is mass public pressure.

If WE'RE the ones able to admit to ourselves that the jabs are bad, then WE have to organize the resistance or give up in cowardice.

I can't a find a Single Other Person who will discuss trying to organize. Everyone else mentally curls up, sucks their thumbs & rocks themselves to sleep muttering "Daddy-Government WILL SO come rescue me, Daddy-Government WILL SO come rescue me" over & over.

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So? The plan is to tell others this, then what? Wait for Gandalf's Eagles from Middle-Venus to DO" something about it?

As I keep pointing out, the decision-makers in charge already know all this: they made the decision based upon http://allaregreen.us/. They are never going to admit their crime or complicity. & we keep acting like children who believe that 'politicians' = 'Our Divine Protectors' & so we keep waiting for politicians to rescue us.

Can't ANYONE here grow tf up? Can One Other Person stop mentally curling into the fetal position over the loss of "Daddy-Government" & realize that this was always a fantasy? A truly infantile fantasy that 'Government' is a Benevolent Daddy-figure?

Or are you going to keep waiting for "Daddy" to come rescue us from this?

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You carry a heavy burden. My blessings to you and all your family. Also to all families suffering like yours.

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Sorry to hear that. But... why are you here commenting on social media?

1) Politicians are exempt from zero laws in zero nations. 2) It IS illegal to a) mandate untested products, B) coerce or intimidate anyone OR their children to have them injected into them, C) as the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us, take private $ while in public office (for OBVIOUS REASONS: like the ones you're all whining about right now) & D) give corporations "legal" (they aren't) protections from the harms done by their products.

We & the hundreds of sites out there also reporting on this have FAR more than enough people on board with ending the mandates than even your governments could block or dismiss (especially as the public, once they see thousands of others on board with this would support it) & yet I can't PAY any of you hypocrites & cowards to even discuss joining in on taking those legal, non-violent measures.

But that's not what anyone seems to want. Even with their own children harmed, people seem to still want Daddy-Government to show He Cares more than they want to help children. Watch; I outlined FOUR legal, non-violent options. If I get any responses, it'll be about my awful unhelpful tone.

You fantasize about that happening via the agency of whining because that's how Adoring Children appeal to their Daddies. Here, we're dealing with lobbyists.

How tf is WHINING going to cause LOBBYISTS o turn into your Desired Surrogate-Daddies?

& until this DOES work, you're all going to wait for "someone" always meaning someone ELSE to act.

It has to be someone else. And they have to not implicate Daddy-Government in this. Our Beliefs that 'Government' = a Caring Parent are threatened, & far more important to anyone I've ever met than children's lives. & you'll all prove this by NOT attempting to use these legal, non-violent options to save them.

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Uh, who exactly are you talking to here? Do you even recognize the thread you’re on?

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Everyone. Everyone here played the "duck our own individual heads & hope this doesn't happen to anyone WE know" game. Everyone knew in advance that lobbying leads here, pretended to themselves that it didn't.

Now we're here.

The fact that everyone avoids naming the people on this list http://allaregreen.us/ as complicit, yet also says defensively "they won't arrest themselves or allow us to succeed" shows everyone is doing this knowingly.

Now, no one can change the past, but we can move forward. The only way anyone can help those harmed is by removing the only impediments to getting them help & I helpfully suggested FOUR DIFFERENT WAYS we can do this.

You find my trying to help STRANGE? Yeah... the notion of holding the Authority Figures one reveres accountable always sounds so bizarre to people.

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Many haven't been ducking their heads, Michael Freed. Many have been in this fight for years, decades in fact - people like Barbara Loe Fisher (nvic.org) who's been at it for 40 years, organizations like Children's Health Defense (https://childrenshealthdefense.org/), physicians like pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas. Parents have been showing up at government agency hearings, legislative hearings, and their representatives' offices. Anyone who's not already involved, it's time!

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How can I dumb this down enough for people? Screaming AT or ABOUT A Problem does NOT cause Mommy and Daddy to come remove the problem for you IN ADULTHOOD! The PUBLIC isn't your Mommy, and 'Government' isn't your Daddy!

Ergo informing the public does nothing, & 'Daddy' has already taken the corporate $ & decided to push the jabs! You know what your example Barbara Loe Fisher is doing?

The same thing everyone ELSE is doing! Informing the public & begging 'Government' as if it is a separate, Incorruptible Living Being from the politicians RUNNING it & waiting for Mommy &/or Daddy to remove the problem FOR her!

Now: express it in a % or whole number, however you please: how CAN any number of politicians act against the corporations lobbying them & survive career-wise? What are the chances that THEY don't understand they can't do that? What will the other politicians do when they try & how many Americans will support them if they do?

The same number of Americans that stood up for Chelsea Manning or Julian Assange? Or less? How about Dr. Andrew Wakefield?

The ONLY PEOPLE CAPABLE OF holding American politicians accountable are YOU: & YOU are ALL waiting for someone ALREADY IN AUTHORITY to fix things FOR you! & the only people who CAN do that have already taken the lobbying $.

Do you not SEE the circle that you, Barbara & every "activist movement" is always thinking in? Your STARTING PREMISE is false: the conclusions you come to based UPON them are erroneous. In all human history, not one time when the leaders decided A did merely bleating about it without following up with actions AGAINST THE DECISION-MAKERS cause anything to CHANGE!

Now: remind me again what follow-up actions anyone "fighting" this are organizing, taking part in or enacting? Right, they're just publishing MORE info to bring to the attention of the public & begging corrupt politicians who have ALREADY TAKEN the $ & cannot vote against those paying it to please vote against those paying it, then waiting for "someone" to simply remove the problems "somehow."

Great Plan. Without ANY threat or incentive or push-back from the public, you're all waiting for THESE people http://allaregreen.us/ to voluntarily reject THESE amounts http://allaregreen.us/ of $. & you're calling THIS "fighting back?"

Ding! Oh; Lobbying $ won in a knockout. Next round or fight? Ding! Oh; Guess who won before the fight started?

There no "fighting." There's begging with no hope of succeeding being CALLED "fighting by people who DON'T WANT TO FACE the adult responsibility of holding their authority figures accountable, & continuing to refuse to do so.

HOW does informing the public lead to the public taking any actions to end the harmful policies? How does it cause politicians to overturn their decisions or arrest themselves? HOW does any of this "fighting" you are referring to CAUSE ANY CHANGE to occur?

WHY are you "adults" living in a wish-fulfillment fantasy that allows them to continue killing children? What do YOU all GAIN from doing so?

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It is unclear what you are proposing. What is the plan/strategy you are offering? What does "joining in" with your "legal, non-violent measures" entail?

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They're not "my" legal plan or measures. You're HERE because you see something wrong with the jabs being mandated. So how did this become "mine?"

Come back when you stop using distancing language like that. If you're so resistant to even thinking about legal, legitimate ways of saving children's lives, then this isn't for you, that's for sure.

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I have two autistic children. I have tried so hard not to blame vaccines. So hard. I have walked into doctor office after doctor office and reassured them I wasn’t questioning drugs or vaccines. No, they definitely had not harmed my kids. I don’t want anyone thinking I’m crazy.

Except they had harmed them. And I knew it. But they train you to ignore your instincts. Or not to admit them. I try not to hold myself accountable for things I know now that I wish I had known 15 years ago. But I’ve sacrificed my kids’ futures on the altar of a mythical public health, and something has got to change.

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022Author

I am so sorry to hear. A truly sad reply. Pinned.

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I'm so sorry. 😔

Maybe you get all kinds of advice, so pardon me if the following is annoying.

When I read your comment, I recalled the naturopaths and holistic doctors that have died under suspicious circumstances over the past 10 years. I remembered one of those doctors treated kids with autism. Here is an article and what he was using, GcMAF. Maybe you've heard of it...


Maybe you've looked into all this stuff. I know it's hard to get autistic children to eat different things, but a quarter cup of cilantro mixed in water and a high-speed blender taken over a couple weeks is a great heavy metal cleanse, and while blueberries will help those metals out of the body.

I've also heard that the doctor from that vax was researching gut health, so homemade sauerkraut would be a great thing.

Take good care, sending much love. ❤️🌷

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Thank you so much. I’ve not read about GcMAF - how interesting! I have a phenomenal biomed doctor who has walked with us through some really dark stuff, and we’ve added a homeopath in the last two years. We’ve definitely walked a strange and painful road.

I’m trying to write about it as personal therapy, but maybe it’ll be useful to others!

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Yeah, I imagine it would be kind of like journaling, therapeutic. It's great you have good doctors now. I have two new unvaccinated friends who are also homeopathists, and I have been impressed. One of them cleared up her husband's plantar fasciitis within a week with homeopathy. My ex had terrible hives for about 5 years, finally turned to homeopathy and that's what solved them.

I imagine you've walked a strange and painful road, quite challenging. My ex is an occupational therapist and owns a OT clinic and provides OT in schools. Many of her child clients are on the autism spectrum.

I always remembered that doctor. I thought if they killed him he might have been on to something with that GcMAF.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

re GcMAF ,I couldn't access the site for the story (from UK, blocked) but the UK Column News website about dr David Noakes might interest you too. hmmmm..

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Interesting that you couldn't access the site. I've read about Dr Noakes, but I forget the details...

Here is the original series of articles from HealthNet news following the suspicious deaths of naturopaths in the US. Dr Bradstreet is listed under June 19th, 2015.


And her interview with the Bradstreet family after his death, including a discussion of GcMAF.


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ugh, I tried using archive.ph and 12ft.io to dodge the region block on that link and neither succeeded. first time I've seen either of those fail to open a page.

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Try searching with keywords: GcMAF, Noakes, Thyer, Immuno Biotech, Iain Davis. Some source is liable to come up and work. Davis wrote an article in 2019.

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Soooo interesting. If you want to try other ways to read about him through health nut news, see my response above. Makes me think there's something to GcMAF.... 🧐

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

I hope this is not an overburden of advice but I'd like to say a few words on the topic which might be helpful.

I've read success stories for autism spectrum with alpha lipoic acid heavy metal chelation. It's the Andrew Cutler protocol if I am not mistaken. It's quite an intensive protocol but some report to almost fully reverse and that is very promising. I did not see such an effect size with other alternative treatments.

Also, I found this recently posted study where children got dmsa to chelate heavy metals and found significant (p<0.01 and even a lot of p<0.001 values) improvements on various autism rating scales.

Safety and efficacy of oral DMSA therapy for children with autism spectrum

disorders: Part B - Behavioral results

Coriander, Alpha Lipoic Acid, DMSA all help with detoxifying heavy metals. Chances are that is a big part of the solution.

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Thank you! We've done some ACC, and I have a fantastic doctor who has his own spin on it that we'll probably do at some point. We've found a lot of success with homeopathy, actually - and some with diet and supplements (targeting aluminum, actually). Autism and the damage that's been done can be so multi-faceted. It's just going to be a journey.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

Ah great to hear you had success with treatment! What homeopathy treatment do you attribute it to?

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We work with a classic homeopath, meaning she takes the symptoms and behaviors in total, and we try a single remedy in varying potencies in a methodical way. It took about 18 months before I was pretty convinced it was helping. My oldest was able to stop all meds I had inflicted on him and start to heal. Can't say enough good about homeopathy as an approach!

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primary commonality in areas with the highest proportion of centenarians is gut health as a result of diets high in prebiotics like bananas, onions, greens (foods that nourish the good bacteria in your gut) *and* probiotics (fermented foods) like sauerkraut, kiefer, yogurt that repopulate the gut with good bacteria.

especially good idea to follow this regimen after a course of antibiotics has wiped out your healthy gut bacteria.

gut essential to immune system health makes commonsense since provides nutrition to entire body.

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Great observation. We're learning so much about the absolutely critical role the gut biome plays in health, not least of all mental health (it's all connected). I enjoy making (and eating!) lacto-fermented vegetables like carrots, beets, gherkins, garlic and so on. So easy to do, and very tasty.

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Wow, good to know. We're finding out more and more how important that got bacteria is. I've been making my own homemade sauerkraut and it feels so good to my body.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Don't forget miso a great soy sauce replacement that is fermented. Many uses.

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Soy sauce is also a product of fermentation

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But a lot of soy sauce has wheat in it. Plus often GMO. Coconut amines supposed to be good replacement. I have not tried however.

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Bragg liquid coconut amino acids is great, I’m gluten free and non gmo from numerous autoimmune issues and biotoxin mold illness. I got a booster shot for work in autistic classroom ( ironic!) . Had to go on disability in 2003. Doctors had no answer why I suddenly had autoimmune issues. I’d had a thyroid problem previously and was recently sober from drinking . Blamed myself for many years. A few years ago, my upper middle class Drug Rep cousin admitted she forbid her daughters to take Gardasil vax. She refused to discuss it. Must have signed a non disclosure agreement along with selling her soul for a nice income.

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Tamari is wheat free

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And most of the immune system is in the gut (where most of the potential pathogens are all the time). The gut biome is important to many other systems, too. I highly recommend Ronda Patrick who carefully researchers in the med literature each topic she covers on her podcasts (but skip her when she is talking about the covid vaxx).


There is a body of research showing that Kim Chi has the widest diversity of good microbes and pre-biotics, and after you eat it a few times it starts to smell good (first time is difficult).

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Some doctors recommend sauerkraut in addition to kimchi, so if you like the taste of at least one of them, it or they should be part of your diet.

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I'm dealing with this issue now after 2 courses of antibiotics for sinus infections from the germs my toddler grandchild picked up in daycare and sneezed into my face. It's a slow process.

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For what it's worth, my daughter had chronic sinus infections for many years, and antibiotics only cleared them for a few weeks. She started taking oil of oregano (1 pill 2x/day Gaia brand) and almost immediately her chronic sinusitis/infections went away. She hasn't had another infection in 20 years.

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I had chronic sinus infection also. A simple homemade nasal spray and lots of nutraceuticals later? None. Many years. Spray: take sterile bottle (I just use basic saline nasal spray bottle from grocery store pharmacy) and refill with distilled water, about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon xylitol (I buy from store), pinch sea salt, and optional pinch sodium ascorbate (stains clothing so you can leave out), and 4 drops NOW brand eucalyptus oil per 4oz bottle. When I’m not on a trip I use a 4 oz glass bottle or neti pot at home with same per 4 oz water.

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I used a neti pot and natural nasal spray with xylitol both times when I first started to feel congested, and instead of making it better, it seemed to make the mucus impacted in my sinuses. Never happened in the past so I don't know what happened. But I had never before been sneezed at right in my face multiple times while changing a diaper either. My granddaughter was constantly sneezing, coughing and snotty after she started daycare. I'm sure the prior lockdowns, even though they were relatively brief here in Florida, and the staff all wearing masks and constantly touching them at the nose to pull them up, didn't help.

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I just started taking oil of oregano in dropper form. The recommended dose on the bottle is 4 drops per day. I mix it with water so it only burns a little. I don't mind the burn; I can eat pickled jalapeño peppers right out of the jar. I'm going to ask my integrative doc about upping the dose.

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

UK column news website has an article by Iain Davis about dr David Noakes who was recently imprisoned in France for 6 months, his company immuno biotech was making and giving his patients who needed it free GCMAF for cancer, with success apparently. he and Lynn Thyer paid a price it seems for doing so. hmmm nothing to see there then...

UK Column ran a campaign to help him, he suffered badly in prison. They say he is a good honest doc.

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Quite a few summers ago, 12 drs that were curing cancer were found in their offices dead with a “heart attack” or floating face down in a river! Wish I had printed and kept that. I remember it so vividly because one dr. was from New York City, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, who m I had recommended to my nyc daughter in law!😢😡

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Yep, he's listed in health nuts news compilation of doctors dying under suspicious circumstances. Especially naturopathic doctors, and doctors who were successfully treating autism and cancer.


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My primary care doctor was treating Lyme successfully. Medical mafia bullied him and threatened to keep him in court, examining every Medicare and Medicaid bill until he was bankrupt or retired. I see an integrative medicine doctor for actual help. Disability makes me see primary care doctor.

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For heavy metal chelation, check out the alginate product PectaClear by Econugenics. Binds most heavy metals with the exception of aluminum. https://www.dreliaz.org/formulas/detoxification-formulas/

Only sialic acid-rich water (and IV chelation) will remove aluminum.

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Thanks! I’ve had my sons on liquid silica for some time - it’s been quite extraordinary to see the difference, indicating aluminum to be one of the core problems. But it takes a long time.

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Actually, this product is not supposed to do anything with Al, but I'm so glad your son is doing better. it is only sialic acid. You can email Prof. Chris Exley directly about this - I'm sure he'd be happy to answer any questions about this that you have.

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Silica is known to bind to aluminum - there’s a lot of information around about that, so it’s one of those “maybe it will maybe it won’t help” things, but here it absolutely does. But now I will absolutely chase down sialic acid! Thank you for the info!

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And by the way, I don't know if your child has the typical GI issues with food sensitivities and diarrhea and all, but I found that tiny amounts (1/8 tsp, 1-2x/day)) of raw horseradish root, freshly minced before serving in a little spoonful of applesauce given daily with a meal completely stopped my child's GI problems. It was immediate but had to keep it going for 9 months before I could successfully stop with results maintained. I suppose it takes that long to change the microbiome. Does require compliance due to strong taste.

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Good luck. Please let me know what you find. And do email Exley - very nice person.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Truly sorry about your experience. No one should have their kids injured. I've recently stumbled upon the VAXXED movie. You are not alone. And people hear your story. Vaccine-injured peoples' stories. Thousands of them. I was crying the whole movie. We need to spread the word around the planet on how dangerous those poison shots are. https://www.vaxxed2.com/

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Thank you.

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The first one was also excellent.

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Sorry to hear that. They maimed multiple generations. The youngest are the hardest hit.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It is not your fault at all. We cannot all be experts in everything and thus outsource our thinking to subject matter experts in all sorts of fields, particularly fields as complicated as medicine.

The propagandists, profiteers, and enablers of the medical industrial complex have abused this dynamic and are 100% responsible for the harm to your children. The "safe and effective" propaganda, coupled with the vicious attacks on all who question it, are overwhelming. For me, and I imagine for a lot of us, only the Covid insanity revealed it all for the corrupt, harmful, and evil enterprise it truly is.

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It revealed it to me. Before, I trusted doctors.

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Sorry to hear that Marianne. I can tell you when I started practice in the early 1970s I never heard the word autism. By the mid 1990s and increasingly in the 2000s I started to see countless patients with autistic kids. The story was very similar. Within days or a week of the child getting a vaccine, especially the MMR, behaviour started to change and was never the same.

When it comes to our kids we have to ultimately make the decision of what goes into their bodies, not doctors or Big Pharma. The Covid narrative has turned the whole thing upside-down. It's shameful and criminal.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

drs TREATING autistics know from parents: " fine till the injections".

NOT proper filtration for Retrovirus.

Remove Hg,Al( High dose chlorella cilantro),gliphosate (peat), emf wi-fi, ; all need vit K,D, melatonim; treat parasites,mold,Lymeretrovirus, veins restrictions(infection) with cream. Improves (brain) circulation ginkgo/rosemary (dr klingh.)

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1st autistic 1941 after '30s wax, dr Kanner.

If mother/womb yet mercury + emf wi fi, wax mercury & grbage is grace coup chances for autistic or milder case.

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Autism seems to mean unsocial, or rejecting social norms. 50 years ago it essentially meant catatonic. But it seems to have many variations, and these don't seem to be recognized or addressed. Should they really all be lumped together, even should inoculations contribute to many or most?

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So in the face of all the pushing of Covid19 shots, what would you now say to your colleagues who are still pushing them? I work for 6 MDs. All “true believers”.

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Laura, my wife is an medical doctor who just works part time. She does not encourage the jabs and let's people know if they ask her what she thinks of them. She has had patients with adverse events, some very severe. I am a chiropractor and I also work part time and I tell my patients the truth. It violates the board's code of ethics. However, at this point in my life I don't care, because the board has no ethics, now requiring as of June 29 that every healthcare provide be "immunized" for transmissible diseases. You can see where this is going. It's evil.

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Hindsight is 20/20 vision. Please do not blame yourself. You didn't know because the perpetrators of this crime didn't want you to know, & made sure their crimes remained well hidden.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You didn't sacrifice your kids' futures, you were trying to do the very best by them. This mess with the childhood vaccines and autism has been kept very quiet, so the ones who sacrificed kids this way are the doctors and the regulatory agencies. You're not the only mother I know with two children injured this way by shots, and this has me ready to get much more involved in fighting them. God bless you for loving your kids, and for posting this.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Marianne my heart goes out to you ❤. You DID THE BEST YOU COULD with the information YOU HAD AT THE TIME. IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT. It was not your fault. I want to hug you and whisper that in your ear until you hear me: it wasn't your fault❤

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Deeply sorry Marianne. If no one has mentioned yet, there is Natasha Campbell McBride, who completely reversed her son’s autism. I met her and her son many years ago at a Weston A. Price Foundation conference in San Francisco. She is the real deal. Best of luck to you.

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I might have seen you at that wonderful WAPF conference... My favorite presentation was the live blood analysis (dark field microscope).

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I have a grandson that went from a perfectly normal 6 month old, to getting his 6 month old shots with a 103⁰ fever. His dad did question this but the nurse said he'll be fine. Had my daughter or myself taken him, the answer would have been, your correct he will because I'll bring him back when he's well. He is now 8 years old, is non-verbal, a runner, is not potty trained and I fully believe it's from the shots. Don't beat yourself up, you're not alone. I gave it to God. Peace and God's love and grace be with you

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Now that’s a familiar story. Both my injured boys had traumatic 6-month shots (two years apart). I have documented messages to the pediatrician in the weeks following saying they “seemed different.” But babies, right? I’ve been feeling like it’s time to tell these stories more because so many experience the same. We need to listen to moms more. And moms need to listen to themselves.

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Sorry to hear about your struggles. I have friends with autistic children yet they are pro vax. Ridiculing parents that question these vaccines is abhorrent.

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I know. The autism families I know fall into two categories - the holistic/biomedical families, who work intensely on eliminating and preventing toxins, and KNOW their kids are injured, and then the “autism is a gift” families who just want therapy and medications and stop-talking-about-damage-my-kid-is-perfect kind of interactions. I literally have to gauge what kind of people they are before I make any recommendations. But the one thing I recommend universally is to be super critical of psych meds. That’s another massive area of harm perpetrated on our kids, especially the special needs, but is also destroying pretty much everyone they touch. And they’re dispensed like candy. That definitely plays into the story.

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Medications like risperidone ladle them from the frying pan into the fire. (Methylating agents like crucifers, SAM-e, and trimethylglycine may actually help.) Risperdal and Zyprexa cause metabolic syndrome. The medical establishment's "solution" is to kill them off.

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This video (and the entire channel) is so enlightening. Here he addresses autism and childhood vaccines. Hugs to you and your kids!!


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Marianne, Your message is so sad. There are many of us reading this who feel badly about what has happened to your boys. I know two women who had their children obviously damaged by vaccines.

However, I wanted to give you another idea because maybe it might help you feel better. A doctor I went to said a family had 3 children. First child had shots...and autism. Second child had shots...autism. Third child..family said no shots.. but still autism. The doctor felt like there was another component involved.

This is not to say the jabs didn't cause the autism in your situation but there is a remote possibility that it wouldn't have helped. Maybe that will help you feel better. I think Mom's deal with a lot of guilt for all our decisions. And it can be too much to bear.

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Oh, absolutely. It’s why I’ve always hesitated to blame any one thing for what’s happened to my kids. There’s a whole host of things that likely contribute, so we need more people taking a broader view and dealing with it as absolutely a medical/toxin/biological issue. Pathogens and parasites and antibiotic use and everything. (In my family, however, first son, shots = autism, second son, shots = autism, third son, halted shots in a panic really early = no autism. Could absolutely mean nothing. But interesting to note.)

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Actually, the third child too was most likely injured by vaccines. Mom's vaccination can cause autism in the child. This seems to be the case here. The Tdap vaccine during pregnancy is especially dangerous.

How to prevent or reduce risk of food allergies, autism, asthma and type 1 diabetes: From a parent who has been burned



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Thanks. Folate receptor disruption could explain undermethylation in people with autism symptoms.

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Marianne -

What you have experienced is evil. Try to remind yourself, that blaming yourself, is allowing evil to be harbored in your spirit. Do not let evil strike twice.

You are not to blame and there's no sense in ruminating about it. Harness that energy for love; the love of the two children who have been granted to you - just as they are.

This is how you triumph over evil. The good Lord knows what you can handle.

Prayers and Power to you!

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I’m so sorry for you and your injured children. I personally know families with vaccine injured kids as well. The medical establishment works VERY HARD to undermine mothers and their intuition. It’s heartbreaking to watch. 😢

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am 100% with you. We had our children vaxxed on the normal schedule (except declined Hep B at hospital) - we had considered spacing out vaccines but were reassured by friends who were doctors that it made more sense to keep to the schedule. A few years back when our kids were around 3-5YO, two of them caught pertussis (whooping cough) despite being fully vaxxed. Had to bring them to the doctor 3 times before the doctors figured it out. Despite this earlier direct experience with vaccine failure, it took Covid for me to appreciate the full extent of pharma fraud. Grateful we have been able to avoid the covid vax for our kids, but I do wonder what effect those earlier shots might have had. On the topic of your apology - I also feel that I owe an apology to the pre-covid "anti-vaxxers". I used to view this group as free riders who wanted the benefit of vaccine-induced herd immunity without any of the risk. Now I have a much greater understanding of their perspective, and also appreciate that many found themselves in this camp after first-hand experience with vaccine injury. I am truly sorry that I didn't consider their position more thoughtfully earlier.

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well said

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, this really is the issue. I've read countless people here and other sub stacks who said "I wasn't an anti-vaxxer before Covid."

The blatant lying, corruption, and self-dealing involved at the FDA and CDC is something millions in America cannot unsee. I for one will never trust them again.

100 years from now people will know the name Fauci, hopefully for ill, but the heroes like Igor will remain nameless.

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Here too. When they introduced the Covid jabs, I was moderately skeptical, and at the beginning used to say "I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but..." No more! I wear it as a badge of honor.

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The term/word anti-vaxxer is invented as so many others by the pharmaceutical and medical complex, media and/or CIA.

To ask questions about something that is new, not used before as in experimental is a sound way in life. To use common sense and not directly head on trust what a state official or a public ‘health’ official tries to sell unto you in collaboration with Pharma is and can be life-saving. These people have never yours, our best interest in mind.

Social distancing, what an utter load of bullocks.

‘Vaccines’ , injections of poison into a body of purity.

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Exactly right. It's now blindingly obvious, at least to a growing number of us, that the term "anti-vaxxer", like "conspiracy theory", was a term consciously promulgated by the corrupt corporate media to silence debate about controversial topics.

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Yet I have worn that label with pride for decades. Why take the sacrament of someone else's religión, just because they gave their garbage the word "vaccine"?

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Oooh I love this image. It is sooo apt.

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Not to mention, the current crop are not really vaccines. Even the SEC filing for Moderna calls it what it is: gene therapy.

I decided years ago, that I would not take chemo, unless for specific cancers where it can potentially save your life. The last time I spent time on this, there were two such cancers. That may have changed in the interim.

In other cases, chemo may prolong the agony or shrink the tumour, but with no significant relationship to longevity. I learned also that many tumours treated with the full onslaught, would not have been lethal in the long-term, had they been left alone.

My mom-in-law, was given 6 months to live. She refused chemo. She eventually agreed to a very mild one, but then stopped shortly after. She lived about 10 years, and it was her heart that got her, not the cancer. I know this is just one case, but from what I learned years ago, getting a chemo drug to market is pretty sketchy too.

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Same here. I say the term “anti-vaxxer” with affection now.

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I literally NEVER bought into the autism argument. But I do now. And I have zero trust in Big Pharma, public health, and doctors at this point. Meanwhile, I've developed a sheepish, apologetic respect for the original antivaxxers.

I'm not saying ANY of that is bad. My parents raised me to never trust the government and always follow the money. But I'd like to give credit where it is due, because only one man deserves credit for my complete distrust of EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in the medical establishment - Tony "Cockroach" Fauci. Take a bow, Herr Scientismist.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

exactly. I never gave vaccines a second thought, really -- I just have a sort of general policy to avoid doctors and drugs as much as possible. I figured health care was just pushing useless products. But NOW? Now I'm thinking that they are actually pushing HARMFUL products. Trust is 100% gone.

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They went and blew the last trusted institutions up. A VERY large number of Americans will never trust the government, medicine, or "science" in the abstract ever again. There is no recovery.

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At the beginning of this COVID mess I didn’t want the anti-vax moniker. I really don’t care at this point. I have thick skin now so they can throw as many labels at me as they want.

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I was a discriminating vaxxer. For ex. got Hep. B for travel to an area where it's endemic; have always refused flu shots and knew damned well something approved at, you know, warp speed for a disease still poorly understood was insanity.

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I think the ones developed before immunity from liability was granted are less likely to harm. The TB vaccine might actually save lives.

Anything developed after 1986? No.

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I also got Hep B and Yellow Fever prior to a trip to South America; the latter was required for the region I was visiting. I remain open to the theoretical possibility that some vaxxes are useful, but I don't trust Western Big Pharma one bit in this regard. They have no credibility left. ZERO

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I am very damaged from HepB shot. Don’t trust any shots now.

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43 yrs

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Wow. I'd heard that they give it to infants at a far too young age.. but this... smh

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That was twenty years ago.... A lot of suffering for 15 years. I have been to many many doctors, till I figured out that the jab was responsible for my problems. Followed Dr Christopher Exley’s protocol to remove the aluminum that had gone to the brain (aluminum from the jab). After that the improvement was nothing short of miraculous. So I am doing good for the last 5 years.

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If you don't mind my asking: How old were you when you received it?

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I too believed in the US medical system until Covid crap arrived. I even took the first killshot,then my daughter ripped me a new one and put me on a mission of critical thinking and researching! Thank God she did. I now see what vaxx has done to our innocent and not so innocent ( who also need some compassion). Hopefully we warriors can make a difference! God bless all of you 🙏 ❤

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I'd rather be a nameless hero than a famous schmuck.

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Yeah, me too. There was some idiot who burned down one of the 7 wonders of the world, with the idea his name would be left to history for the deed. The Greeks tried to obliterate his name but he is named.

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Thank you for saying this. We anti-vaxxers were a minority. Now only 30% of Americans took the COVID booster. It seems that fewer would today; about 6% had all 4 shots. Are we who are skeptical of vaccine promises now approaching a majority?

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If I was still in research, this would be one of my areas of interest. How many people were considered anti-vaxx before? Why were they? How many now? Why are they?

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I know I was it seemed to be more than they said but never a majority...probably 10%-20% of parents expressed some degree of sympathy for the cause, though some seemed coerced into it anyways. The fringe willing to walk through hell, turn down schools stand up to doctors et cetera was smaller than that maybe 5%. Some of these followed after bad jab injuries...there are more now. I read 34% are expressing skepticism about childhood jabs...https://sukwan.substack.com/p/vaccines-coercion-and-control?utm_source=%2Fprofile%2F43827192-amy-sukwan&utm_medium=reader2&s=w

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Thanks for the link. I just read your story. I was holding my breath. I do that a lot lately. I'm glad she is okay. My daughter had a horrific reaction to the H1N1 shot at age 11. She appears okay now. She took the HPV shot when I didn't want her to, as it was new and she was not going to be sexually active anytime soon. The nurse told her she didn't need my consent. I relented and signed, but afterward I heard of some of the AEs and deaths. Now I regret that.

These two events set me on my current trajectory, although I also had some experience collecting data for a big pharma study, that also provided another piece of the puzzle. Although the data collection was "cleaner" than what we are currently seeing, they didn't get the result they wanted, and so they didn't publish.

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I research all of them on a case by case basis. The HPV shots I used to think were the worst (in terms of safety and lack of efficacy/negative) until the Conjab Covid jabs came along. Really though the kids often do all right despite a lot of mistakes, but by the grace of God we live. I forgive myself for it I am thankful there were no major harms done that I can see and live on the heuristic of know better-do better-be better. It's all you can do...

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I don't know if you watch Del Bigtree's "The Highwire" at www.thehighwire.com, but they had a wonderful episode right before covid called "WHO is Lying to You". There was a camera inside the room where the Vaccine Safety Commitee was meeting and Highwire got ahold of the footage. Some of the questions you asked are answered in this. It is pretty shocking.

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How is it I seem to know all 6%? I keep meeting people who are proud to announce their fourth booster. Including one who got covid a week after number 4.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It is a very sad and painful day when you realize you can’t trust medical professionals. As a long time anti-vaxer and former research scientist, all I’ve ever been interested in is the truth.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you. Being anti in a mainstream world is difficult, but it’s worth it. My youngest is the healthiest person I know. I didn’t even allow the eye drops when he was born.

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Well said. I was an antivaxxer pre-COVID. Yes some people behaved abominably to me and my children such as fantasizing about them dying and making me out to be a selfish imbecile but my kids are perfectly healthy and all the reward I need

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PS: he’s now 25.

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feel the same way... owe apologies.

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Apology accepted. At least you are big enough to admit when you are wrong. We are all human we all make mistakes.

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I agree with you re apologies to the anti-vax crowd. I used to share your views, and now I find myself firmly standing in that crowd.

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Beautiful post! MB, I feel exactly the same way!

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I highly recommend Steve Kirsch's recent interview with Andrew Wakefield on the entire childhood vax lineup https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/im-interviewing-andrew-wakefield?

As well as this follow up https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/icymi-fda-data-and-shots-gab-poll?s=r

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I just finished watching this. Dr. Wakefield is pretty much a hero to all of us with injured kids. Props to Steve for digging further back than the covid vaccines.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Even the documentary, Plandemic, has discussions regarding childhood vaxxs and the damage they cause.

It is all both sad and infuriating!

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Excellent interview!

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Polio and hep A appear to have had similar results post introduction of vaccines..

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The only good thing about covid is that many people will wake up to what people like Del Bigtree have been SCREAMING for years… that the childhood vaccine schedule is dangerous and destroying our kids health. I highly recommend the book “How to End the Austin’s Epidemic “ by JB Hadley. It is an excellent compilation of the actual science on vaccines and the adjuvants used in them.

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Del Bigtree, with whom I had honor interacting recently, is a super warm, intelligent, and inspiring human being!

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Have you watched Del’s productions Vaxxed and Vaxxed II? Be prepared to cry and bow your head is disbelief and disgust. Those two films changed me into a proud anti-vaxxer. Igor. Forgive yourself. You didn’t know what you didn’t know.

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Like many others, I did not dig into the topic until the covid vaxes rolled out. Those movies are indeed difficult to watch, but very important, and very well made. As much as it made me angry to not have learned about it before my kids received most of the childhood vaxes, I am grateful that they did not suffer severe adverse events.

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I need to watch your recent interview, heard it was great :)

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022

I think you have typos in your book recommendation

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022

😂 as a Texan watching the blue cancer spread I wish that book would be written

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I didn’t notice it until now but that book would also be appropriate 😂

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Agreed, that is an excellent book.

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Dr Andrew WAkefield was completely destroyed by the vax industry when he exposed the MMR and autism link. The game is UP! so pissed off I am

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We are all in the same boat here Igor, this has been a massive awakening for so many. I did have a gut feeling that the vaccines were neither safe nor effective when my son was a toddler. He had a bad reaction to the MMR and came up with autoimmune reactions straight away. I told my husband I didn't want to vaccinate him anymore but I couldn't find any information backing up my intuition.... so we went ahead and kept vaccinating him, and my next son. I wish I had stuck to my guns but whats done is done.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"Trust the science, when we allow you to read it, 75 years from now."

--Pfizer slogan, probably

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, this makes me cry. I have done the same to my son (now 18) and told him recently I was so sorry…and didn’t understand at the time. I’m trying to figure out a way to exempt him for any “top up’s” before college in August. (It’s a miracle his small men’s college never mandated the C19 shots)

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Igor's apology is one I will sending to my kids too....we all never took the Covid jabs, but I was unaware and ignorant of all the childhood vaccines. I can be thankful that my children only received about half of what American children receive by age 18; it is mind boggling. We live in Switzerland. My daughter has already stated that her future children will receive no vaccines, ever.

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Good for her, Eileen! And I so wish we’d all known more, sooner…

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Good for her! 👍🏽

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Hi Daphne. If it’s a vaccine your son has had in the past, you should be able to have titers tested and submit them as proof of immunity. And most states allow religious exemptions to be filed. See nvic dot org for more info.

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Thank you so much, Jules! That’s so helpful to know. And since it is genuine, I will also see about a religious exception. We’ve spent the last few years homeschooling, so as we approach in-person learning again, here we are!

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We're all learning all the time, Igor, and we have been lied to all our lives by people who should be worthy of trust. Your children won't hold what you didn't know against you. God bless you for all you're doing now to spread truth!

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

For my first daughter, the vax for the rotavirus had been suspended due to intussusception which is when one part of the intestine slides into another part like a collapsible telescope. She subsequently got the rotavirus and was really sick for 4 days. Did everything I could to make sure she didn't get dehydrated. For the second daughter, I was glad to have her jabbed with the Rotatec vax thinking this would protect her. Nope! She developed green jelly diarrhea within a few days and went to the hospital for two days of diagnostics. Every night for 4 months she cried for about 2 hours before going to sleep and also had intermittent diarrhea the entire time. The pediatrician agreed that the vax was likely responsible, but she did not submit a VAERS report so I did instead.

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We're living in a nightmare. I'm so sorry you and your babies suffered in such a way. :-(

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yeah, I'm keeping my kids and myself away from the corrupt medical industrial complex as much as possible going forward. Aside from treating traumatic injury or some sort of acute severe illness like appendicitis, we're staying far, far away.

The system does exactly what it is designed to do - rake in profits. It does not at all do what it is purported to do - make people healthier.

But the propaganda is so powerful. The silver lining on the tremendous harms caused by Covid hysteria is that it fully exposed this corruption for all to see who cared to look. "I once was lost, but now I'm found."

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David, see Sebastian Rushworth's recent post: Should the patient really get the drug? https://sebastianrushworth.com/2022/06/14/should-the-patient-really-get-the-drug/

It's an interesting article.

In his article he refers to some books by authors Ben Goldacre and Peter Gotzsche...but I have issues with both of those authors because neither of them have been forthright on the problems of vaccine products.

For years the 'Church of Vaccination' has been protected from scrutiny, it's way past time for the vaccine industry and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy to be subjected to scrutiny...very way past time indeed.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Wow. That article is interesting. I have been prescribed various drugs for life for various "chronic conditions" over the years, but successfully de-medicalized myself starting about five or six years ago. The drugs I was given were clearly doing more harm than good, and safe alternatives have been much more effective. And I've never felt better. The whole industry is a destructive racket.

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This piece broke my heart. I am on a guilt trip for vaccinating my children, too. Both my sons suffered serious (life threatening) health setback shortly after meningoccocal B vaccine by Pfizer, which they got on the same day. Coincidence? Now, after health wrecking treatment, they must do their blood tests every three months for the rest of their lives, hoping for the best. This is not what teenagers/young adults should be worrying about. Additionally one of them got tinnitus (he was 15 then) right after that shot, which we have not been able to cure.

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Thank you for sharing! Sorry you had to go through it. My 12 year old son is due for this shot for school and I keep postponing and wondering if I should write religious exemption. I think this post was a sign. I had my kids on delayed schedule and never gave flu shots . So always very suspicious . I guess I will just stop now

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Thanks and take care.

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I'm sure your children would forgive you. We were all taught to trust doctors and healthcare authorities. Even the doctors believed it and they are the ones who should have known how to assess their safety..I'd like to recommend a book to you. Dissolving Illusions. A well documented historical study of vaccines of the 19th and 20th centuries. With graphs showing that most of the diseases for which vaccines were developed were already in decline at the time the vaccines were introduced. Better hygiene and food were the big changes that saw childhood illness and death decline precipitously. But the pharmaceutical companies were quite happy to take the credit for it and have been milking it for years .Sorry I can't remember the author

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Author is Suzanne Humphries. Written in 2013. Brave woman. I wish everyone would read her book. We would not be where we are now (and going back 1.5 years). The same thing going on now with "Covid" vaccines (and all the rest of the vaccines), went on 200 years ago with the constant lies/threats from Health "Authorities" to get the majority vaxxed.


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The entire vaccine industrial complex will collapse because of Malthusian overrach. The psychopaths are Icarus and have flown too close to the sun. And yes, they are ALL GOING TO ETERNALLY BURN FOR IT.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My two children are unvaccinated. It wasn't easy though, during my first pregnancy I obsessively researched to a point that was probably not mentally healthy. I would guess 150 hours of reading, and I mean that. I was not impressed with the data, but also, I learned so many of these companies had knowingly killed people -- not with vaccines necessarily, but they had. So I decided I would not trust these companies, and did no vaccines, period. But even in my liberal town where in the past so many didn't vaccinate, it was a secret and a hidden scarlet letter. It's psychologically difficult. Like-minded friends came under tremendous and sometimes abusive pressure when they refused or deferred vaccination. I don't blame anyone who trusted or gave in. With my second child I had antibiotics during labor because I had a positive strep B test, but that was terribly detrimental to his health for years (if not forever). Not a vaccine, but definitely damaging. I made that decision out of fear, a fear of separation were he to be held for observation, and given the strange situation with the birthing center which was connected to the hospital yet not part of it, such that I could be discharged, yet he could be held there without me. I didn't want to risk separation, so I gave in, and his digestion was terribly affected, as was his immune system, which was prone to the autoimmune, e.g. severe eczema. Introducing probiotics felt like a miracle, and showed me what the problem had been -- his lack of healthy gut flora. In 2014, at age 10, he caught EV-68, a virus which was essentially polio that was epidemic in the US, which the CDC utterly ignored except to tell everyone NOT to test for it. (That year was The End, between me and CDC.) My daughter was fine, a sniffle; my son I drove to the ER at 2am asking him over and over "Can you still breathe? Can you still breathe?" He had never had asthma, yet needed hours of breathing treatments plus Albuterol for every cold for 2 years after that. I can't help but wonder about his lifelong health risks given he never established native gut flora at birth, and I feel responsible, regretful, and angry. First do no harm needs to be the mantra not of doctors (they clearly don't listen) but of parents. Refuse. This is your child. Refuse.

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