Just hoping for some feedback... is this debate format useful?
Would you rather have occasional debates, or would you rather not? I am open minded on this. Even if a significant **minority** wants to keep the debate format I will keep it, this is not decided by majority opinion since anyone who does not like debates, can just skip them.
I just want to see what people think about it. Let me know
I have a friend who has been an ER doctor for 25 years. He was working every day through the pandemic. He and his wife are politically conservative, and generally supported Trump and distrust the government. But she was terrified in the early days of covid. He got the jab when it was first available. She admitted that she didn’t trust the jab, which scared her even more. She even mentioned that maybe it was best that he was jabbed and she wasn’t, because then one of them would still be around for the kids. But then suddenly, one day, she tells my wife that she got it and had both of their teenage kids jabbed too!!!!
We just avoid the subject now, so I can’t give their side of it, but I think that once he got jabbed, she may have convinced herself that the jab was safe…so good that her kids needed to get it too. My God. She may have been unable to live with the thought of it hurting him, so she convinced herself that it was good. We don’t talk about it because, well, what am I supposed to say…oh well, maybe your daughter won’t be sterile, or let’s hope your son doesn’t die of myocarditis while playing football?
I wonder if the health care system self-selects for conformists. Free thinkers can’t survive in a modern hospital, so they run away and open independent practices with less bureaucracy.
When the vax was rolling out I said there was no way to predict who would get it, whether by profession, level of education, race, sex, political affiliation etc. And I'm still right; people you think would be skeptical were all in, people of seeming lesser intellect said hell no.
Some time back it was reported that the more formally educated were getting vaxed more often than the less educated except when it came to those with a PhD. It makes sense since they are more likely to be able to critically examine the scientific literature. Also, makes sense that most doctors fell for the rouse because they really don't understand scientific literature, and as one of them I can attest to what they think a well done study is, but what one really is.
It seems to me that Mattias Desmet is right (I am re-reading his Psychology of Totalitarianism) but if so, his mass formation has been in the making for ages, long before a so-called virus came along. People buying into a communis opinio whether based on holy science or holy writings is as old as Western religion.
Thanks for this detail of antivaxx bashing. In retrospect it makes me see that even in The Netherlands, the vax lobby not being what it is in the US (not by a far cry), we have had some of this. Some ten years ago there was talk of unvaxxed children not being welcome at pre-school facilities. At the time I was just surprised. Now I guess we were being primed.
So true. I can understand some level of concern over death and disease. I can't fathom the gullibility of so many people. Which didn't have to be if people would learn to listen to honest individuals. Instead some folks seem to prefer to listen to the liars and the propagandists. And I doubt that following fake science and erroneous advice has ever improved anyone's life in the least.
I think it is more to do with your own ability to assess risk and resist pear pressure. I read a load of articles on mRNA and the technology. Than I looked at why since 1980 it was never used. Found out that all animal trials failed with ADE, a sort of aids like syndrome. Than I turned my attention to what a typical trial looks like for the past 30yrs to get a drug into the public and what the covid drug gene Therapy had done. I was very thougha in my research. I know hoe to do it properly as I did it in the past in university. I was convinced those mRNA jabs would give you ADE and blood clots as for the many thousands of tests they did since 1980. I showed all my research to my loved ones and my parents still got it. My sisters got it too. I felt sick and argued with them all for a week before they went to get it. Anycase I lost the fight and now I am chase ing them to do a will and leave all they got to me 😇. I had friends and they also did not listen and got jabbed. They gave me an ultimatum, go get the jab or they will have to stop beining friends with me. Yep you guessed it I no longer call theses shits my friends and they do not speak to me. So of all the people I know ...my loved ones and ex-friend they all got the jab. I was starting to think am I stupid or nuts because everybody is taking it. I held out and than news started combining in about blood clots and that re-assured me that my decision and the cost I endured for that decision was the right one. If you are someone that can resist pear pressure and investigate you will be one of the special people that simply will never take such a risky poison jab. I belive many will die early, as those spike proteins are not good for your body, they thinker up the blood and make the gains strike your and that causes blood clots. I think in 10, may be 20 years lots of people will die from side effects from the jab. Heart, blood or other issues that do not look related to the jab. We already have excess deaths that are 40% more than normal. Expect this to go up to 60 or 80% of the jabbed people. If I am wrong I will admit it in 20yrs 🙏🏼🤓
I went by my "gut" feeling, and didn't opt for the shot, and I warned my grown children not to get it either (to no avail). Husband and I are in our late 60s and have basically been taking Dr. Zelenko's protocol since the onset of this madness. He's a professional sailor, and I am a retired medical transcriptionist, if that helps add to the "no predicting who would get it" case. I believe that gut feelings are a God-given blessing.
Same here. My gut told me to avoid it. In fact. every fiber of my being told me to avoid it, and the ham fisted way it was rolled out made it even more obvious to me I’d made the right choice.
The clear over exaggeration of the lethality of the virus, the complete ignoring of natural immunity, the total demonization of existing therapeutics that had proven benefits, and the vaccine being the only salvation all proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that we were being lied to and steered to accept these experimental shots with no recourse. That only stiffened my resolve not to get them. The more they pushed, the harder I wanted to push back.
What amazed me was how few around me saw this. They were all terrified of the “the virus” and couldn’t wait to get the “vaccine”. It became a political movement as well. Only dumb Trumptards weren’t getting the vaxx, proof of their intellectual inferiority. Darwin at work, weeding out the stupid and the ignorant who didn’t believe in The Science. Many proudly advertised their jab statues on social media, we’ve all seen this, and were quick to demonize anyone they thought was an “anti-vaxx er”, excluded them from their social circles, purposely isolating them. I feel like I’ve survived the biggest psychological torture test in history, and it’s only now that I feel like I can talk about this with the walking jabbed and not be looked at as a leaper. Quite the opposite in fact.
How things have changed.
I think many jabbed are now openly stating that maybe this wasn’t such a great idea, and people who resisted the mass formation deserve some respect, especially since the jabbed are now getting sick which is obvious the all.
I wonder what it’ll all look like a year from now. It was a year ago now that the hysteria against the unvaccinated was at its peak. Will next year this time be when the jabbed have turned on the vaccinators and demand their pound of flesh?
If society was on the natural medicine path that you and others are on. No doubt here that most people would be living with better health. I don't hold out much hope for the die-hard chemical medicine worshippers. You can't convince most of them that almost every medical lie they believe, and every chemical they swallow or have injected into their bodies are the very things that accelerates death and diseases.
That's true. Wisdom is knowledge, experience and judgement. Thomas Sowell added a 4th criteria but I can't recall what it was. Intelligence is the ability to reason. I believe judgement and the ability to reason cant' be taught. It's innate.
I developed my own theory based on reading Gilgamesh (partially joking).
If you talk to people or read history (or even fiction) we do see that the distribution of human behavior seems to have 2 attractors. I don't understand why that is but this is how it looks:
- One attractor is related to city living (close quarters, no privacy, strong leaders). City living discourages tribalism (people need to work together even if not related). The life is too complex so a lot of decisions are just not made. Either the leader or the peer pressure decide most of the human behavior. Looking at the past, we can understand why these people survived. Just like an anthill, individual life is expendable but their offspring does well. It's very easy to ignore sexual or physical differences in the quest for the perfect "city" which is the anthill.
- The other attractor might be the original human/chimp model of living. Tribe is the most important so people prioritize family and personal interaction over "just business". Leaders can only influence the local tribe. Human roles are very strict (man/women for example). The level of acceptable violence is very high. Tribes don't have prison so the best case of action for a criminal is to be stoned to death.
In both cases, there is bliss in letting go of your individuality. In the first case, the religious fervor (civil religions included) acts as a way to turn people into tools of the city/state. People will go to their deaths singing. In the second case, the family and friends form a "cocoon" of trust that people would sacrifice for.
There is a lot more to be said here but just start by reading Gilgamesh. Enkidu is a wild beast living with animals while Gilgamesh rapes his citizens' wives and take their sons to war. Enkidu is hesitant on cutting the cedar forest but in the end the alcohol and city whores corrupted him and he goes willingly to his death.
Just a hunch, but after 40 years teaching in Japan ... some of which as a tenured prof of linguistics, some of which were as a biology lab director (TUJ) ... my observation is that it is not just health care systems which select for conformists.
All systems, ideologies, heuristics ... even rationality itself ... tends to self select for compliance, cohesion, and conformity. It takes time to build those things, and adjust our values to match them.
Here is Nahre Sol and LA Buckner's informative take on the provisional logic of musical taste, but it really gets interesting at about 8:30 when they talk about desensitizing to experience as we age ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANtPDhjjRsw
Like the Ouroboros, rationality exerts its own price. Time and scale are a double-edged sword. As we age, few can still tolerate the cognitive dissonance necessary for paradigm shifts — which are in turn, necessary to deal with changing conditions. Otherwise we would all still be children, artists, insane ... or a bit of all three.
There is something fundamentally contradictory about self-awareness. Both creative and self-destructive, that contradiction may be a black-pill answer to the Fermi Paradox.
Just some random thoughts that took all too long to emerge.
In a bit of a challenge on your statement about age, in a recent podcast with a cast of notable voices (Dr Kevin W. McCairn, Charles Rixey, Dr Johanna Dienert, Dr Jessica Rose, Spartacus, Walter Chestnut and others), McCairn noted that almost everyone he knows who is involved in the alternate narrative is over 40. It's a long one but definitely worth listening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZMEcXt-ECY
I am ambivalent-to-ignorant about the ramifications of age, and even before checking out the link, I can see the truth in what you say.
I guess part of it depends on parsing the many shades of 'intelligence' to 'wisdom'. In the domains of fine arts or mathematics, it makes sense that a young Mozart's music would be similar to those mathematical prodigies doing the bulk of their work while still young.
On the other hand, a young Mozart would not have had the experience to create Wagner's Ring Cycle, or those ephemerally delicate harmonies of Debussy or melodies of Chopin. The list of great poetic prodigies would be short indeed.
And there is good reason why traditionally, it was the elders of the tribe that were chiefs, oracles, or healers.
But in this 'modern' large-scale world, I am also a victim of divide-and-conquer ageism. Some 20 years ago, I would modestly evaluate myself as a popular and fair-to-middlin' effective teacher of Japanese college kids (tenured no less). Now, I am even better.
But because I have just passed that 'magic' age of 65, I find myself in a minimum-wage, contract position in public schools as an Assistant Language Teacher, taking orders from teachers young enough to be my granddaughter (23!) and who have never been to grad school ... much less struggled with the psychology of education, conducted original research, and have published or presented before other professionals. It is mortifying to sometimes be a stage prop for a poorly written textbook ... not just for me, but for the kids who deserve better.
But for just about all 'careers', the Japanese take this for granted ... with two exceptions:
1 — Those who were connected with higher positions of management from birth (yes, Japan Inc. also plays rotating chairs between high level govt. officials and seats on privately owned Boards of Directors), and
2 — Independent craftsmen and artisans, who, like a game of whack-a-mole, pop up every time a public health 'distancing' mandate knocks one down.
Hmmm ... I'm beginning to see a pattern here.
My mom is still alive and kicking in the states, but rapidly deteriorating from the ravages of Parkinson's, and I don't think her option to have taken the jabs have helped. I take it for granted that brute memory and calculating speed ebb with age, but even her pattern recognition is beginning to fail.
I am reminded of a new take on an old dictum by Nietzsche — 'Wisdom dictates there are some things I simply don't want to know'. I just hope wisdom is with me when I make the final journey.
Cheers Milhijules.
You've given me a lot to chew on.
Listening to that podcast now ... wheww ... even at 1.5 speed, a 4 hour video takes a chunk of time, but I can already suss out they are more than a paygrade above me.
Thanks for such a great comment to my comment. Yeah, it's a long podcast, it took me several sessions to get through it, but it was like watching the All-Star game, but with brains and heart instead of athletics. Lots to think about, indeed!
Having had to jump into the deep end of the job hunting pool recently, I can totally relate to your experience. Though I'm in a different field, IT, it sounds very much the same. For the last two weeks I've watched as 20- and 30-somethings careen and lurch about in the biggest example of how not to do IT project management I have ever seen in my career. And they think it's normal, they truly do not know any better, it's the inexperienced leading the even more inexperienced.
I can see your point, that the paradigm shift is hard for some, especially the older they get - old dog and new tricks is a lasting adage for a reason. But I think it may be even harder for young people to accept a new paradigm, though for a different reason. They are supposed to have their whole lives ahead of them, and while some cynically admit that they don't think they'll even see Social Security, I'm not sure they ever really considered the possibility they didn't have a future at all, except as a survivor/slave. Speaking for myself, with only a few more decades to go in the best of all scenarios, I'm less afraid to be true to myself, even if that means that it sets me apart from nearly everyone I know. I'm not sure that if I were in my 20s right now, I'd be able to do that.
Part of it the benefit of being older is that I've experienced "normal", then seen more and more signs for decades of things just not making sense. Not that life a few decades ago was perfect - but it wasn't an environment designed for sociopaths (yet). The norm was decent behavior and some empathy. Now, I see that being stripped away from nearly every aspect of modern life. At first I thought it was just the way society goes, but now I suspect that it's being nudged by the global psychopaths, the heads of companies, schools, courts, etc., have been hand-picked for their sociopathy and their predatory or parasitic view of other human beings. Something I've been meaning to write about on my own substack...
Followed on the spot, agreeing with everything you wrote, and at the level of abstraction you are analyzing. I winced when I saw that line about youth never imagining a future except as a survivor or slave. During the height of my tenure, I was turning down cash, and instead, volunteering for activities that I presumed a tenured educator should assume is 'community outreach'. At least that used to be a requirement for promotion to full professor back in the states. Now, and here, not so much.
Part of my wake-up call came when I did not receive any collaboration from my tenured 'colleagues'. On the contrary, some of them presumed I should be required to get permission from them (by virtue of 'them' being ethnic Japanese?) to do any outreach activities for the local government (workshops for mental health care out-patients), NPOs (a roving soup kitchen, local severely handicapped, teacher training in rural Cambodia), or local schools and businesses (from Kindergartens to Hino Motors).
It took a while to understand the psychology behind those Japanese who took it as a 'loss-of-face' affront to receive (rather than give) volunteerism from a foreigner.
Yet every 3 years when the college was required to fill out the Ministry of Education's Quality Assessment Form, someone from the school's head office would come to me and demand a list of the volunteer activities I had engaged in, and turn that list into the Ministry of Education as proof of the school's commitment to educational ideals.
Shortly after a Japanese colleague committed suicide, I resigned in protest ... thinking I would rather go back to eking out a living as part-time teacher. I had not realized that resigning from a tenured position would put me on a 'do-not hire' black-list / or coded language when prospective employers contacted my school for references. Nobody resigns from a tenured position. There are even businesses in Japan set up to help employees resign from companies because one can not simply resign without permission. It is beyond Kafka-esque.
The low-down, I resigned from a rare (for foreigners) academic position at the height of my years for compliance ... uh ... I mean 'productivity', and without any savings or assets. I still had 15 years of tenure and a hefty salary at that time. Suddenly, all gone. A prelude to what is hitting most of the world now.
I guess I should count myself as lucky never to have gotten married and have had a wife and children depending on my compliance. I suspect that is the priority of most doctors who have turned their backs on the Hippocratic Oath and are injecting experimental drugs without informed consent.
Just watched this podcast by Chris Martenson, and things are looking worse by the day.
Even before the 'plandemic' ... the Japanese govt. admitted that 1 out of every 6 Japanese school child was at the poverty level or below. Now, it is conveniently all the fault of the virus, or the 'Russian Invasion'.
I think lots of free thinkers have abandoned most conventional medical protocols for themselves too. After seeing and hearing of the disastrous results of most chemical medicines since they became a world-wide protocol for treating diseases. I'm more convinced than ever that the devil is in the details of all of it.
Speaking from my own experience when information was limited and there was great pressure such as, covid death chances of 1:100, I reasoned that I'd wait until the vax was out for several months, watching and listening for negative signals. The MSM never once said there were any negative signals. I wasn't red-pilled yet except for the origins of the virus, after reading Kristian Anderson's unconvincing Proximal origins and smelling a dead bat in a testtube.
So yes, your friend probably reasoned it was "safe and effective" as the promoters were advertising.
Selling snakeoil is easy if there are no hecklers in the crowd.
I was always I AM ABSOLUTELY NOT TAKING THIS UNTESTED, EXPERIMENTAL JAB but my OH said he'd watch and wait, and maybe take it in a few months. It didn't take him long to join me in the Absolutely No Way camp! I never tried to persuade him, as it was his decision and his health is his responsibility (though i practically begged our then 17yr old son not to, and he didn't). But, as my OH remarked, because of me his eyes were open and when he was observing, it was impossible not to see!
My wife and I are exactly like you on the jab. It wasn't a hard decision, there was no decision to be made at all - no friggin'way. And kids need guidance, so you did right by your son. But adults are a different story. They use their mature thinking skills and decide for themselves. We said what we thought to others, but no way would I try hard to convince my siblings or in-laws to follow our path. After all, we're not infallible and might actually be wrong! Not likely when it comes to the jabs, but it's not impossible some were actually saved by it.
Exactly. Anyone in their right mind would know this from day one. The government will NEVER take the responsibility for actual approval, and especially now that the results are coming in fast and furious. How can people not see this? It's maddening. And after all, it was a "personal choice" to take the "experimental gene therapy" anyway. They will blame the victims.
And there's a good case to be made for blaming the victims IMO. As Jacques Attali supposedly said, "We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself." Jacques Attali (1981)
There was no pandemic. The entities behind this are crazy. They want to mix people with computers and rule the world. They are dangerous maniacs so the jabs are much worse than just what has been done so far. It is what they still have planned which is so much worse and the people who believe all this nonsense about viruses and pandemics who are empowering this lunatic cult. They want access to peoples bodies and to take ownership of them. That is what the whole viruses claims are for. You are opening the door to a nighmare future with all this reckless belief in propaganda. https://banned.video/watch?id=632c69d97a47da09e9ccf2b1
I know of someone who was completely totally anti vax and never even officially vaksinated their kids growing up (who grew up never having even a mild cold). However all of a sudden they are saying they are fully vakked. I don't believe it. I think they were saying this so no one would question them or report them........
Your last paragraph nailed it: Despite all the science we study, the sociopolitical indoctrination trumps science, so to work in a hospital- even in ER - you must be a total conformist. Or cleverly fake it, which has got to be stressful.
Got done with all that nearly a decade ago. Not lookin back.
Love how people like us can debate and even disagree (oh my!). Yet we still get along. You know; sorta like things are supposed to be! I suggest debating a bit for those who want. Then a second substack with a poll afterwards? Great job!
Debate is good, because after all we are in the middle of basically ww3, and in such times offbeat and unusual sources of advice must be considered, and sooner rather than later.
I have total respect for the people on this sub stack, intelligent people and discussion. I like the occasional debates; it challenges my position and I learn stuff. Keep it up Igor, you are the first read whenever you come into my email.
Like Suzuko said - a poll would be great, actually for topics where a following like this would actually be divided. AND a debate. No reason not to do both.
Definitely, pro debates. Not sure if the comment section is the best format for that but what the heck - this is what we have. There are so many good comments, I would immediately follow them if they had their own substacks.
Most of my free time is spent "debating" in one way or another. I like the formality of the "debate" being announced. I also appreciate your responsiveness to the comments. It's interactive. Like Twitter, but without (most) of the trolls, LOL.
I like to see what other people are thinking, so I quite enjoy it. In this instance I have no fixed opinion about whether or not They took the shots, as I can clearly see arguments for yes and for no.
You see Igor, you ask to start the comment with a, let's say vote/label, and few put that at the beggining of the comment... Pretty sad that people comply only when a fascist government or power ask for... Western people are completely fried!
I can't expect everyone to read 100% of my post and follow instructions like it was computer code... And we did not ALL comply with vaccines either... And we have a pretty non-compliant populace here on this substack...
Vaccines are the mad idea of getting cow puss and using it to protect against smallpox some 200+ years ago. The only relationships any of this has to vaccines is that the people involved want to take advantage of existing concepts to impose their technologies on us. Calling these vaccines is helping to deceive people into being injected. It is an illegal activity of inciting violence. There is limits on freedom of speech and inciting violence by claiming there is covld vaccines is one of them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE49WK-oNjU
I like this format. I think it's important for folks to take time to consider opinions different from their own. There's 929 comments as of right now, I don't read all 929, but I do read some that differ from mine, knowing most of the readers are still my allies.
I'm enjoying opportunity of responding (I've been a silent reader previously) and got a like from you on an earlier comment which let me know you'd read it and it seemed to make sense to you - which was useful feedback to me also.
It would be useful if everyone followed the exact rules/format proposed. Otherwise, might as well leave this totally open and allow people to comment as they wish.
Not faked. I’m a PhD scientist working in a scientific field. My colleagues are all very smart people, who read the data and are getting Covid multiple times…. But are still proudly signing up for boosters. They believe they are morally superior, smarter, and just BETTER PEOPLE than the “anti-vaxxers.”
I think there's more of this than people realize- hubris is one candidate for the jabs, and hubris plus dumb, is another. Plus, there's the group that literally wants to be told what to do.
These smart people cherry pick the information they read to support their tightly held truths, that the vaccination is effective.
Honestly, at first it was hard to find data about the vaccinations. I personally wanted to believe the vaccinations would work. I just decided I wasn’t a high risk so would wait until I could read the clinical protocol in detail. My colleagues were less patient (and don’t design clinical trials for a living), took the first series, and are now in the sunk-cost fallacy+feeling morally superior.
Wonder if it is a bit of the Dunning Kruger effect. I work with a fair number of the “smartest guy in the room” types and they exhibit that same moral superiority as well as the patronizing attitude to those of us simply not intelligent enough to grasp the breakthrough of mRNA and the brilliant people behind it.
It’s true. But if several publications come out showing vaccination strengthens previously naturally-derived immunity against Covid outcomes, I’ll read them and consider. It’s hard to stay up on the literature, bc there’s a lot there and so many have conclusionary statements that don’t match the results. It’s one of the reasons I appreciate you, Igor (and other sunstackers) bc it does spread the load.
I was quite concerned in the early days and given my age and medical history thought I was doing a proper job of risk/reward calculations. So I got in the early line for my two shots. It was later I discovered that the promises weren't true (largely via SubStacks) and refused to boost. I had friends in similar situations who thought I was not wise and did get boosted. So far we are all OK anyway. The friends became wiser but won't address why they did get the booster.
I hate the thought of being misled and chide myself for being fearful. But I did want to try to go shopping without fear and thought the shots would enable that. It was getting harder to find uncrowded times to go shopping for my food.
Since then I learned that mouth and nose sanitation are useful in preventing the virus from replicating in the mucosa and spreading. Now I'm even madder that our public health officials never bothered to inform the public. Just imagine when Trump was pondering interventions (the bleach bit) if one of the officials had said that diluted saline would be helpful. Instead they used his intemperate remarks to attack him. I use diluted Betadine but I understand saline would work.
I can relate very much to what you said here, except that my friends did not "get wiser." Almost everyone around me has maintained the same position on these Covid jabs as they had at the initial rollout. They're either continuing to avoid the jabs, or continuing to get boosted.
A friend's mother had cancer that was in remission in 2019. She had a clean scan. In 2021 she was vaxxed and boosted. Her cancer came roaring back. She died before the year ended. But my friend still got boosted herself, got Covid and then took paxlovid and had a rebound. I don't think she's changed her attitude about the boosters. She reads the New York Times.
Look up Terror Management Theory. People can't cope with being reminded they will die. So they kind of go crazy. We heard "you're going to die from covid" daily for two full years.
It's interesting how people choose to believe certain things. We humans do not select our beliefs entirely from facts and logic. A surprising amount of those taken in seem motivated by pride as well as fear and the desire to be liked.
I guess the ship has sailed on "prevents transmission" so they're not even going to bother lying about that... just seems odd to fake getting reinfected several times in a year. That doesn't seem like a strong selling point.
Hard to know what these psychos are thinking though
If that was the only down side , we know it gives you ADE and a negative effect. So non vaxx’Ed people less likely to get virus than vaxx’ed. white papers show this data now. I am so glad I did not take it but it was a heavy cost to my social life as I got ex-friends now
At this point I honestly have no idea. Two and a half years of this crap has taught me that people I thought were smart have zero critical thinking skills and people who I might not have thought were smart (heartfelt apologies for my assumptions) are able to cut through bullshit and think for themselves.
Isn’t that the truth!!! I will say that the one and only good thing to come from the Covid crisis for me is that it truly opened my eyes to all the corruption in our medical system. I am moving away from allopathic medicine and looking at alternatives. I don’t trust anyone anymore.
Biden probably thinks he's vaccinated because due to his senility it wouldn't be safe to leave him with the knowledge that he isn't. Who knows what his handlers actually had him stuck with.
I really have no idea. It’s so hard to tell with all the meds he was prescribed. It was odd. His smile changed and his eyes changed. He didn’t look himself at all at the end of his life.
I've always figured he was loaded up on Adderall to keep him alert, at least for a few hours at a time. It seems plausible he might have a cocaine problem too like his son and many other politicians like those two "formerly from Arkansas" who were also reported to take it.
When I saw biden get one of his shots, the nurse didn’t squeeze his shoulder muscle and her thumb seemed to push the syringe in a little too fast for there to be anything in it. Same with Trudeau.
NUANCED...I can't decide. I was/am pretty sure the late Queen wasn't vaccinated simply because I think it was very unlikely the Loons in Charge would risk killing a very famous old lady. All medical interventions have risks so, whether the Loons believed they worked or not, there would have been a risk the Queen would have reacted badly to it. But she had to appear to be jabbed (and I'm sure she believed she'd been jabbed) because that was excellent marketing. I think it's quite likely people like Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau were jabbed with the real thing. If they were jabbing saline into people somebody would have spilled the story by now wouldn't they? I also think Tony Fauci probably took it because he believes his own narrative doesn't he? I'm not sure about Albert Bourla though - his company knew full well they hadn't done enough testing and he'd be crap at his job if he didn't know too. To be honest, I don't really care. I hate them all.
Just hoping for some feedback... is this debate format useful?
Would you rather have occasional debates, or would you rather not? I am open minded on this. Even if a significant **minority** wants to keep the debate format I will keep it, this is not decided by majority opinion since anyone who does not like debates, can just skip them.
I just want to see what people think about it. Let me know
I have a friend who has been an ER doctor for 25 years. He was working every day through the pandemic. He and his wife are politically conservative, and generally supported Trump and distrust the government. But she was terrified in the early days of covid. He got the jab when it was first available. She admitted that she didn’t trust the jab, which scared her even more. She even mentioned that maybe it was best that he was jabbed and she wasn’t, because then one of them would still be around for the kids. But then suddenly, one day, she tells my wife that she got it and had both of their teenage kids jabbed too!!!!
We just avoid the subject now, so I can’t give their side of it, but I think that once he got jabbed, she may have convinced herself that the jab was safe…so good that her kids needed to get it too. My God. She may have been unable to live with the thought of it hurting him, so she convinced herself that it was good. We don’t talk about it because, well, what am I supposed to say…oh well, maybe your daughter won’t be sterile, or let’s hope your son doesn’t die of myocarditis while playing football?
I wonder if the health care system self-selects for conformists. Free thinkers can’t survive in a modern hospital, so they run away and open independent practices with less bureaucracy.
When the vax was rolling out I said there was no way to predict who would get it, whether by profession, level of education, race, sex, political affiliation etc. And I'm still right; people you think would be skeptical were all in, people of seeming lesser intellect said hell no.
Very interesting isn't it? An obvious conclusion is intelligence is less easily measured and perceived than we thought. And more complicated.
Some time back it was reported that the more formally educated were getting vaxed more often than the less educated except when it came to those with a PhD. It makes sense since they are more likely to be able to critically examine the scientific literature. Also, makes sense that most doctors fell for the rouse because they really don't understand scientific literature, and as one of them I can attest to what they think a well done study is, but what one really is.
Dr Mattias Desmet has posited that it’s a psychological case of mass formation. It seems plausible.
It seems to me that Mattias Desmet is right (I am re-reading his Psychology of Totalitarianism) but if so, his mass formation has been in the making for ages, long before a so-called virus came along. People buying into a communis opinio whether based on holy science or holy writings is as old as Western religion.
The antivaxx bashing was ramping up for a decade before. COVID is the absolute culmination of it.
Thanks for this detail of antivaxx bashing. In retrospect it makes me see that even in The Netherlands, the vax lobby not being what it is in the US (not by a far cry), we have had some of this. Some ten years ago there was talk of unvaxxed children not being welcome at pre-school facilities. At the time I was just surprised. Now I guess we were being primed.
Yep and based in mystification ( my new favorite word)
So true. I can understand some level of concern over death and disease. I can't fathom the gullibility of so many people. Which didn't have to be if people would learn to listen to honest individuals. Instead some folks seem to prefer to listen to the liars and the propagandists. And I doubt that following fake science and erroneous advice has ever improved anyone's life in the least.
It seems to me that most people are moved by apathy and fear and certainly by the need to not make waves, to go along
I think it is more to do with your own ability to assess risk and resist pear pressure. I read a load of articles on mRNA and the technology. Than I looked at why since 1980 it was never used. Found out that all animal trials failed with ADE, a sort of aids like syndrome. Than I turned my attention to what a typical trial looks like for the past 30yrs to get a drug into the public and what the covid drug gene Therapy had done. I was very thougha in my research. I know hoe to do it properly as I did it in the past in university. I was convinced those mRNA jabs would give you ADE and blood clots as for the many thousands of tests they did since 1980. I showed all my research to my loved ones and my parents still got it. My sisters got it too. I felt sick and argued with them all for a week before they went to get it. Anycase I lost the fight and now I am chase ing them to do a will and leave all they got to me 😇. I had friends and they also did not listen and got jabbed. They gave me an ultimatum, go get the jab or they will have to stop beining friends with me. Yep you guessed it I no longer call theses shits my friends and they do not speak to me. So of all the people I know ...my loved ones and ex-friend they all got the jab. I was starting to think am I stupid or nuts because everybody is taking it. I held out and than news started combining in about blood clots and that re-assured me that my decision and the cost I endured for that decision was the right one. If you are someone that can resist pear pressure and investigate you will be one of the special people that simply will never take such a risky poison jab. I belive many will die early, as those spike proteins are not good for your body, they thinker up the blood and make the gains strike your and that causes blood clots. I think in 10, may be 20 years lots of people will die from side effects from the jab. Heart, blood or other issues that do not look related to the jab. We already have excess deaths that are 40% more than normal. Expect this to go up to 60 or 80% of the jabbed people. If I am wrong I will admit it in 20yrs 🙏🏼🤓
Well put. All it takes is a little research but few would do it.
"Peer" pressure? (Can't resist!) Possibly radiation effects from 5G
may also play an evil part. There were early rumors that it was in
the nose-jab testing and quackcines. And, according to Pfizer there
is "shedding" from the injected. Bummer!
I went by my "gut" feeling, and didn't opt for the shot, and I warned my grown children not to get it either (to no avail). Husband and I are in our late 60s and have basically been taking Dr. Zelenko's protocol since the onset of this madness. He's a professional sailor, and I am a retired medical transcriptionist, if that helps add to the "no predicting who would get it" case. I believe that gut feelings are a God-given blessing.
Same here. My gut told me to avoid it. In fact. every fiber of my being told me to avoid it, and the ham fisted way it was rolled out made it even more obvious to me I’d made the right choice.
The clear over exaggeration of the lethality of the virus, the complete ignoring of natural immunity, the total demonization of existing therapeutics that had proven benefits, and the vaccine being the only salvation all proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that we were being lied to and steered to accept these experimental shots with no recourse. That only stiffened my resolve not to get them. The more they pushed, the harder I wanted to push back.
What amazed me was how few around me saw this. They were all terrified of the “the virus” and couldn’t wait to get the “vaccine”. It became a political movement as well. Only dumb Trumptards weren’t getting the vaxx, proof of their intellectual inferiority. Darwin at work, weeding out the stupid and the ignorant who didn’t believe in The Science. Many proudly advertised their jab statues on social media, we’ve all seen this, and were quick to demonize anyone they thought was an “anti-vaxx er”, excluded them from their social circles, purposely isolating them. I feel like I’ve survived the biggest psychological torture test in history, and it’s only now that I feel like I can talk about this with the walking jabbed and not be looked at as a leaper. Quite the opposite in fact.
How things have changed.
I think many jabbed are now openly stating that maybe this wasn’t such a great idea, and people who resisted the mass formation deserve some respect, especially since the jabbed are now getting sick which is obvious the all.
I wonder what it’ll all look like a year from now. It was a year ago now that the hysteria against the unvaccinated was at its peak. Will next year this time be when the jabbed have turned on the vaccinators and demand their pound of flesh?
Personally, it seems to me, people like me who have practiced natural healing
for years will not go near any nose-jab testing and quackcines. We know the
dangers of BIG PHARMA. We use natural healthy meds and tell others about them.
I post publicly and freely on MeWe. STAY ALIVE AND WELL NATURALLY!
If society was on the natural medicine path that you and others are on. No doubt here that most people would be living with better health. I don't hold out much hope for the die-hard chemical medicine worshippers. You can't convince most of them that almost every medical lie they believe, and every chemical they swallow or have injected into their bodies are the very things that accelerates death and diseases.
Intelligence and wisdom are different things.
King Solomon wrote, "Get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get understanding."
Proverb 4:7 The prophet John the Revelator wrote in Revelation 13:18, "Here is wisdom, let him who hath understanding . . ."
I take these verses to mean that a wise person will get understanding about a substance
before he/she will have it enter his body. I post publicly and freely on MeWe.
That's true. Wisdom is knowledge, experience and judgement. Thomas Sowell added a 4th criteria but I can't recall what it was. Intelligence is the ability to reason. I believe judgement and the ability to reason cant' be taught. It's innate.
I developed my own theory based on reading Gilgamesh (partially joking).
If you talk to people or read history (or even fiction) we do see that the distribution of human behavior seems to have 2 attractors. I don't understand why that is but this is how it looks:
- One attractor is related to city living (close quarters, no privacy, strong leaders). City living discourages tribalism (people need to work together even if not related). The life is too complex so a lot of decisions are just not made. Either the leader or the peer pressure decide most of the human behavior. Looking at the past, we can understand why these people survived. Just like an anthill, individual life is expendable but their offspring does well. It's very easy to ignore sexual or physical differences in the quest for the perfect "city" which is the anthill.
- The other attractor might be the original human/chimp model of living. Tribe is the most important so people prioritize family and personal interaction over "just business". Leaders can only influence the local tribe. Human roles are very strict (man/women for example). The level of acceptable violence is very high. Tribes don't have prison so the best case of action for a criminal is to be stoned to death.
In both cases, there is bliss in letting go of your individuality. In the first case, the religious fervor (civil religions included) acts as a way to turn people into tools of the city/state. People will go to their deaths singing. In the second case, the family and friends form a "cocoon" of trust that people would sacrifice for.
There is a lot more to be said here but just start by reading Gilgamesh. Enkidu is a wild beast living with animals while Gilgamesh rapes his citizens' wives and take their sons to war. Enkidu is hesitant on cutting the cedar forest but in the end the alcohol and city whores corrupted him and he goes willingly to his death.
I read it twice. I'm still trying to find the meaning of life.
Sad, but an all-too-common tale, Papa.
Just a hunch, but after 40 years teaching in Japan ... some of which as a tenured prof of linguistics, some of which were as a biology lab director (TUJ) ... my observation is that it is not just health care systems which select for conformists.
All systems, ideologies, heuristics ... even rationality itself ... tends to self select for compliance, cohesion, and conformity. It takes time to build those things, and adjust our values to match them.
Here is Nahre Sol and LA Buckner's informative take on the provisional logic of musical taste, but it really gets interesting at about 8:30 when they talk about desensitizing to experience as we age ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANtPDhjjRsw
Like the Ouroboros, rationality exerts its own price. Time and scale are a double-edged sword. As we age, few can still tolerate the cognitive dissonance necessary for paradigm shifts — which are in turn, necessary to deal with changing conditions. Otherwise we would all still be children, artists, insane ... or a bit of all three.
There is something fundamentally contradictory about self-awareness. Both creative and self-destructive, that contradiction may be a black-pill answer to the Fermi Paradox.
Just some random thoughts that took all too long to emerge.
Despite it all, cheers.
In a bit of a challenge on your statement about age, in a recent podcast with a cast of notable voices (Dr Kevin W. McCairn, Charles Rixey, Dr Johanna Dienert, Dr Jessica Rose, Spartacus, Walter Chestnut and others), McCairn noted that almost everyone he knows who is involved in the alternate narrative is over 40. It's a long one but definitely worth listening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZMEcXt-ECY
Good point Milehijules!
I am ambivalent-to-ignorant about the ramifications of age, and even before checking out the link, I can see the truth in what you say.
I guess part of it depends on parsing the many shades of 'intelligence' to 'wisdom'. In the domains of fine arts or mathematics, it makes sense that a young Mozart's music would be similar to those mathematical prodigies doing the bulk of their work while still young.
On the other hand, a young Mozart would not have had the experience to create Wagner's Ring Cycle, or those ephemerally delicate harmonies of Debussy or melodies of Chopin. The list of great poetic prodigies would be short indeed.
And there is good reason why traditionally, it was the elders of the tribe that were chiefs, oracles, or healers.
But in this 'modern' large-scale world, I am also a victim of divide-and-conquer ageism. Some 20 years ago, I would modestly evaluate myself as a popular and fair-to-middlin' effective teacher of Japanese college kids (tenured no less). Now, I am even better.
But because I have just passed that 'magic' age of 65, I find myself in a minimum-wage, contract position in public schools as an Assistant Language Teacher, taking orders from teachers young enough to be my granddaughter (23!) and who have never been to grad school ... much less struggled with the psychology of education, conducted original research, and have published or presented before other professionals. It is mortifying to sometimes be a stage prop for a poorly written textbook ... not just for me, but for the kids who deserve better.
But for just about all 'careers', the Japanese take this for granted ... with two exceptions:
1 — Those who were connected with higher positions of management from birth (yes, Japan Inc. also plays rotating chairs between high level govt. officials and seats on privately owned Boards of Directors), and
2 — Independent craftsmen and artisans, who, like a game of whack-a-mole, pop up every time a public health 'distancing' mandate knocks one down.
Hmmm ... I'm beginning to see a pattern here.
My mom is still alive and kicking in the states, but rapidly deteriorating from the ravages of Parkinson's, and I don't think her option to have taken the jabs have helped. I take it for granted that brute memory and calculating speed ebb with age, but even her pattern recognition is beginning to fail.
I am reminded of a new take on an old dictum by Nietzsche — 'Wisdom dictates there are some things I simply don't want to know'. I just hope wisdom is with me when I make the final journey.
Cheers Milhijules.
You've given me a lot to chew on.
Listening to that podcast now ... wheww ... even at 1.5 speed, a 4 hour video takes a chunk of time, but I can already suss out they are more than a paygrade above me.
— steve
Thanks for such a great comment to my comment. Yeah, it's a long podcast, it took me several sessions to get through it, but it was like watching the All-Star game, but with brains and heart instead of athletics. Lots to think about, indeed!
Having had to jump into the deep end of the job hunting pool recently, I can totally relate to your experience. Though I'm in a different field, IT, it sounds very much the same. For the last two weeks I've watched as 20- and 30-somethings careen and lurch about in the biggest example of how not to do IT project management I have ever seen in my career. And they think it's normal, they truly do not know any better, it's the inexperienced leading the even more inexperienced.
I can see your point, that the paradigm shift is hard for some, especially the older they get - old dog and new tricks is a lasting adage for a reason. But I think it may be even harder for young people to accept a new paradigm, though for a different reason. They are supposed to have their whole lives ahead of them, and while some cynically admit that they don't think they'll even see Social Security, I'm not sure they ever really considered the possibility they didn't have a future at all, except as a survivor/slave. Speaking for myself, with only a few more decades to go in the best of all scenarios, I'm less afraid to be true to myself, even if that means that it sets me apart from nearly everyone I know. I'm not sure that if I were in my 20s right now, I'd be able to do that.
Part of it the benefit of being older is that I've experienced "normal", then seen more and more signs for decades of things just not making sense. Not that life a few decades ago was perfect - but it wasn't an environment designed for sociopaths (yet). The norm was decent behavior and some empathy. Now, I see that being stripped away from nearly every aspect of modern life. At first I thought it was just the way society goes, but now I suspect that it's being nudged by the global psychopaths, the heads of companies, schools, courts, etc., have been hand-picked for their sociopathy and their predatory or parasitic view of other human beings. Something I've been meaning to write about on my own substack...
Followed on the spot, agreeing with everything you wrote, and at the level of abstraction you are analyzing. I winced when I saw that line about youth never imagining a future except as a survivor or slave. During the height of my tenure, I was turning down cash, and instead, volunteering for activities that I presumed a tenured educator should assume is 'community outreach'. At least that used to be a requirement for promotion to full professor back in the states. Now, and here, not so much.
Part of my wake-up call came when I did not receive any collaboration from my tenured 'colleagues'. On the contrary, some of them presumed I should be required to get permission from them (by virtue of 'them' being ethnic Japanese?) to do any outreach activities for the local government (workshops for mental health care out-patients), NPOs (a roving soup kitchen, local severely handicapped, teacher training in rural Cambodia), or local schools and businesses (from Kindergartens to Hino Motors).
It took a while to understand the psychology behind those Japanese who took it as a 'loss-of-face' affront to receive (rather than give) volunteerism from a foreigner.
Yet every 3 years when the college was required to fill out the Ministry of Education's Quality Assessment Form, someone from the school's head office would come to me and demand a list of the volunteer activities I had engaged in, and turn that list into the Ministry of Education as proof of the school's commitment to educational ideals.
Shortly after a Japanese colleague committed suicide, I resigned in protest ... thinking I would rather go back to eking out a living as part-time teacher. I had not realized that resigning from a tenured position would put me on a 'do-not hire' black-list / or coded language when prospective employers contacted my school for references. Nobody resigns from a tenured position. There are even businesses in Japan set up to help employees resign from companies because one can not simply resign without permission. It is beyond Kafka-esque.
The low-down, I resigned from a rare (for foreigners) academic position at the height of my years for compliance ... uh ... I mean 'productivity', and without any savings or assets. I still had 15 years of tenure and a hefty salary at that time. Suddenly, all gone. A prelude to what is hitting most of the world now.
I guess I should count myself as lucky never to have gotten married and have had a wife and children depending on my compliance. I suspect that is the priority of most doctors who have turned their backs on the Hippocratic Oath and are injecting experimental drugs without informed consent.
Just watched this podcast by Chris Martenson, and things are looking worse by the day.
Even before the 'plandemic' ... the Japanese govt. admitted that 1 out of every 6 Japanese school child was at the poverty level or below. Now, it is conveniently all the fault of the virus, or the 'Russian Invasion'.
We are in 'interesting times' Milehijules.
Despite it all, in defiance of it all, cheers.
I think lots of free thinkers have abandoned most conventional medical protocols for themselves too. After seeing and hearing of the disastrous results of most chemical medicines since they became a world-wide protocol for treating diseases. I'm more convinced than ever that the devil is in the details of all of it.
Speaking from my own experience when information was limited and there was great pressure such as, covid death chances of 1:100, I reasoned that I'd wait until the vax was out for several months, watching and listening for negative signals. The MSM never once said there were any negative signals. I wasn't red-pilled yet except for the origins of the virus, after reading Kristian Anderson's unconvincing Proximal origins and smelling a dead bat in a testtube.
So yes, your friend probably reasoned it was "safe and effective" as the promoters were advertising.
Selling snakeoil is easy if there are no hecklers in the crowd.
I was always I AM ABSOLUTELY NOT TAKING THIS UNTESTED, EXPERIMENTAL JAB but my OH said he'd watch and wait, and maybe take it in a few months. It didn't take him long to join me in the Absolutely No Way camp! I never tried to persuade him, as it was his decision and his health is his responsibility (though i practically begged our then 17yr old son not to, and he didn't). But, as my OH remarked, because of me his eyes were open and when he was observing, it was impossible not to see!
My wife and I are exactly like you on the jab. It wasn't a hard decision, there was no decision to be made at all - no friggin'way. And kids need guidance, so you did right by your son. But adults are a different story. They use their mature thinking skills and decide for themselves. We said what we thought to others, but no way would I try hard to convince my siblings or in-laws to follow our path. After all, we're not infallible and might actually be wrong! Not likely when it comes to the jabs, but it's not impossible some were actually saved by it.
Hence the American government's rapidly accelerating campaign to outlaw and imprison all hecklers.
I was the same until it was tested properly. It will never be approved. Always be emergency use authority.
Exactly. Anyone in their right mind would know this from day one. The government will NEVER take the responsibility for actual approval, and especially now that the results are coming in fast and furious. How can people not see this? It's maddening. And after all, it was a "personal choice" to take the "experimental gene therapy" anyway. They will blame the victims.
And there's a good case to be made for blaming the victims IMO. As Jacques Attali supposedly said, "We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself." Jacques Attali (1981)
Can't argue with that. They lined up like lemmings for sure, and were generally wicked evil to anyone that didn't.
I bet she faked it. As a doctor you can easily fake it since you know the right people.
There was no pandemic. The entities behind this are crazy. They want to mix people with computers and rule the world. They are dangerous maniacs so the jabs are much worse than just what has been done so far. It is what they still have planned which is so much worse and the people who believe all this nonsense about viruses and pandemics who are empowering this lunatic cult. They want access to peoples bodies and to take ownership of them. That is what the whole viruses claims are for. You are opening the door to a nighmare future with all this reckless belief in propaganda. https://banned.video/watch?id=632c69d97a47da09e9ccf2b1
Watched the video at your link. I've never heard anything from this so-called conspiracy theorist that I considered an outright lie.
I know of someone who was completely totally anti vax and never even officially vaksinated their kids growing up (who grew up never having even a mild cold). However all of a sudden they are saying they are fully vakked. I don't believe it. I think they were saying this so no one would question them or report them........
Beginning to conclude I need to do the same and for my own safety. That's really disturbing to me.
Your last paragraph nailed it: Despite all the science we study, the sociopolitical indoctrination trumps science, so to work in a hospital- even in ER - you must be a total conformist. Or cleverly fake it, which has got to be stressful.
Got done with all that nearly a decade ago. Not lookin back.
With so many responses, it gets to be a lot of reading. That's okay now and then. But sometimes a poll would do just as well.
Love how people like us can debate and even disagree (oh my!). Yet we still get along. You know; sorta like things are supposed to be! I suggest debating a bit for those who want. Then a second substack with a poll afterwards? Great job!
Debate is good, because after all we are in the middle of basically ww3, and in such times offbeat and unusual sources of advice must be considered, and sooner rather than later.
I LOVE this post! Civil debates are good. Much to digest here. Excellent mental floss...
No 'bots here. Real people. How refreshing!
I have total respect for the people on this sub stack, intelligent people and discussion. I like the occasional debates; it challenges my position and I learn stuff. Keep it up Igor, you are the first read whenever you come into my email.
Like Suzuko said - a poll would be great, actually for topics where a following like this would actually be divided. AND a debate. No reason not to do both.
Definitely, pro debates. Not sure if the comment section is the best format for that but what the heck - this is what we have. There are so many good comments, I would immediately follow them if they had their own substacks.
Most of my free time is spent "debating" in one way or another. I like the formality of the "debate" being announced. I also appreciate your responsiveness to the comments. It's interactive. Like Twitter, but without (most) of the trolls, LOL.
I like to see what other people are thinking, so I quite enjoy it. In this instance I have no fixed opinion about whether or not They took the shots, as I can clearly see arguments for yes and for no.
Human nature being what it is, I think it is clear that some cheated and many didn't. Specific instances and the ratio are impossible to know.
Also, there were reports of many US congressmen being treated secretly with ivermectin.
You see Igor, you ask to start the comment with a, let's say vote/label, and few put that at the beggining of the comment... Pretty sad that people comply only when a fascist government or power ask for... Western people are completely fried!
I can't expect everyone to read 100% of my post and follow instructions like it was computer code... And we did not ALL comply with vaccines either... And we have a pretty non-compliant populace here on this substack...
Vaccines are the mad idea of getting cow puss and using it to protect against smallpox some 200+ years ago. The only relationships any of this has to vaccines is that the people involved want to take advantage of existing concepts to impose their technologies on us. Calling these vaccines is helping to deceive people into being injected. It is an illegal activity of inciting violence. There is limits on freedom of speech and inciting violence by claiming there is covld vaccines is one of them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE49WK-oNjU
To what end? What does it matter now? I would just say "who cares" if that didn't sound too flippant in a comment like this, but really...
I like this format. I think it's important for folks to take time to consider opinions different from their own. There's 929 comments as of right now, I don't read all 929, but I do read some that differ from mine, knowing most of the readers are still my allies.
I'm enjoying opportunity of responding (I've been a silent reader previously) and got a like from you on an earlier comment which let me know you'd read it and it seemed to make sense to you - which was useful feedback to me also.
I mean it feels more like a dialogue this way which I think can help many people who feel terribly isolated past 3 years surrounded by a crazy world.
It would be useful if everyone followed the exact rules/format proposed. Otherwise, might as well leave this totally open and allow people to comment as they wish.
Not faked. I’m a PhD scientist working in a scientific field. My colleagues are all very smart people, who read the data and are getting Covid multiple times…. But are still proudly signing up for boosters. They believe they are morally superior, smarter, and just BETTER PEOPLE than the “anti-vaxxers.”
It’s a cult-religion.
I think there's more of this than people realize- hubris is one candidate for the jabs, and hubris plus dumb, is another. Plus, there's the group that literally wants to be told what to do.
These smart people cherry pick the information they read to support their tightly held truths, that the vaccination is effective.
Honestly, at first it was hard to find data about the vaccinations. I personally wanted to believe the vaccinations would work. I just decided I wasn’t a high risk so would wait until I could read the clinical protocol in detail. My colleagues were less patient (and don’t design clinical trials for a living), took the first series, and are now in the sunk-cost fallacy+feeling morally superior.
Wonder if it is a bit of the Dunning Kruger effect. I work with a fair number of the “smartest guy in the room” types and they exhibit that same moral superiority as well as the patronizing attitude to those of us simply not intelligent enough to grasp the breakthrough of mRNA and the brilliant people behind it.
My husband is a chemist. He's the only person in his office/lab who is not vaxxed.
He says mRNA is the new dream tech. Just like stem cell research used to be.
I'd say mRNA is really good at hijacking the immune system. So a good bioweapon, but not much else.
And we cherry pick too, at least I do, but not grossly so
It’s true. But if several publications come out showing vaccination strengthens previously naturally-derived immunity against Covid outcomes, I’ll read them and consider. It’s hard to stay up on the literature, bc there’s a lot there and so many have conclusionary statements that don’t match the results. It’s one of the reasons I appreciate you, Igor (and other sunstackers) bc it does spread the load.
Love your honesty and truth.
I was quite concerned in the early days and given my age and medical history thought I was doing a proper job of risk/reward calculations. So I got in the early line for my two shots. It was later I discovered that the promises weren't true (largely via SubStacks) and refused to boost. I had friends in similar situations who thought I was not wise and did get boosted. So far we are all OK anyway. The friends became wiser but won't address why they did get the booster.
I hate the thought of being misled and chide myself for being fearful. But I did want to try to go shopping without fear and thought the shots would enable that. It was getting harder to find uncrowded times to go shopping for my food.
Since then I learned that mouth and nose sanitation are useful in preventing the virus from replicating in the mucosa and spreading. Now I'm even madder that our public health officials never bothered to inform the public. Just imagine when Trump was pondering interventions (the bleach bit) if one of the officials had said that diluted saline would be helpful. Instead they used his intemperate remarks to attack him. I use diluted Betadine but I understand saline would work.
I can relate very much to what you said here, except that my friends did not "get wiser." Almost everyone around me has maintained the same position on these Covid jabs as they had at the initial rollout. They're either continuing to avoid the jabs, or continuing to get boosted.
A friend's mother had cancer that was in remission in 2019. She had a clean scan. In 2021 she was vaxxed and boosted. Her cancer came roaring back. She died before the year ended. But my friend still got boosted herself, got Covid and then took paxlovid and had a rebound. I don't think she's changed her attitude about the boosters. She reads the New York Times.
Look up Terror Management Theory. People can't cope with being reminded they will die. So they kind of go crazy. We heard "you're going to die from covid" daily for two full years.
Terror Management Theory Specialist would be a good title for a LinkedIn account.
Very real today. I want your help but don't want to hear why.
Truly a triumph of marketing.
Jim Jones would have had a field day with some of these people!
It's interesting how people choose to believe certain things. We humans do not select our beliefs entirely from facts and logic. A surprising amount of those taken in seem motivated by pride as well as fear and the desire to be liked.
How many of those morons will die and how many will get side effects in the years to come?
NUANCED: some did take it, some didn't. I tend towards thinking they really believe their own insanity.
I guess the ship has sailed on "prevents transmission" so they're not even going to bother lying about that... just seems odd to fake getting reinfected several times in a year. That doesn't seem like a strong selling point.
Hard to know what these psychos are thinking though
If that was the only down side , we know it gives you ADE and a negative effect. So non vaxx’Ed people less likely to get virus than vaxx’ed. white papers show this data now. I am so glad I did not take it but it was a heavy cost to my social life as I got ex-friends now
At this point I honestly have no idea. Two and a half years of this crap has taught me that people I thought were smart have zero critical thinking skills and people who I might not have thought were smart (heartfelt apologies for my assumptions) are able to cut through bullshit and think for themselves.
I'll add to this by saying that those folks who have been targeted for criticism during this ordeal ---
I always knew you guys were really smart. Salt-of-the-earth, think for yourselves, follow no false gods.
Isn’t that the truth!!! I will say that the one and only good thing to come from the Covid crisis for me is that it truly opened my eyes to all the corruption in our medical system. I am moving away from allopathic medicine and looking at alternatives. I don’t trust anyone anymore.
Watch the documentary “The Bleeding Edge” on Netflix if you want to be truely horrified
Bless you child, I forgive you. :-)
First, Biden isn't "too smart" for anything, so I assume he is vaccinated on that basis alone.
I am with Eugyppius on this, though- they have drunk the Kool-Aid.
Biden probably thinks he's vaccinated because due to his senility it wouldn't be safe to leave him with the knowledge that he isn't. Who knows what his handlers actually had him stuck with.
Biden's pupils are always dilated...big as saucers. Hence, the aviator sunglasses and his constant squinting.
In older photos of him, he had blue eyes.
He is juiced up...with something.
That’s true.
He had really blue eyes.
Now his eyes are as black as his soul
Yes, how could people not notice the difference?
My Dad’s bright blue eyes turned black as his dementia progressed.
Was it from medication, or was it from the disease?
I really have no idea. It’s so hard to tell with all the meds he was prescribed. It was odd. His smile changed and his eyes changed. He didn’t look himself at all at the end of his life.
Maybe Hunter helps him out.
The family that snorts together, stays together.
I've always figured he was loaded up on Adderall to keep him alert, at least for a few hours at a time. It seems plausible he might have a cocaine problem too like his son and many other politicians like those two "formerly from Arkansas" who were also reported to take it.
He gets angry quickly so that’s a side effect with mood switch with drug’ies
A B12 shot hoping it would help
Amphetamines more likely
Plus Steroids.
When I saw biden get one of his shots, the nurse didn’t squeeze his shoulder muscle and her thumb seemed to push the syringe in a little too fast for there to be anything in it. Same with Trudeau.
Yes agree. No resistance at all.
NUANCED...I can't decide. I was/am pretty sure the late Queen wasn't vaccinated simply because I think it was very unlikely the Loons in Charge would risk killing a very famous old lady. All medical interventions have risks so, whether the Loons believed they worked or not, there would have been a risk the Queen would have reacted badly to it. But she had to appear to be jabbed (and I'm sure she believed she'd been jabbed) because that was excellent marketing. I think it's quite likely people like Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau were jabbed with the real thing. If they were jabbing saline into people somebody would have spilled the story by now wouldn't they? I also think Tony Fauci probably took it because he believes his own narrative doesn't he? I'm not sure about Albert Bourla though - his company knew full well they hadn't done enough testing and he'd be crap at his job if he didn't know too. To be honest, I don't really care. I hate them all.