In 2022 my sibling experienced sudden dementia. Not just decline, but suddenly couldn't perform daily tasks. Went from accomplished CPA to full blown alzheimers-type behavior in a matter of months. He never had Covid, and never experienced a lockdown. He was double jabbed (I'm sure just a coincidence).
My wife and I had long covid after Delta - a dry cough (similar to whooping cough) for about a month. We got checked out multiple times, they couldn't find any other problems beyond the cough, which was annoying. I know some people had it worse, fortunately we didn't.
sorry, youve had 4 yrs to figure out you didnt have covid bec covid is a fake made up test for a fake virus. www.VirusTruth.NET read Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan md and Can You Really Catch A cold? answer no. no test, no covid, virus are dead cell debris, not contagious !
FWIW, my last go-round with C19 was pretty rough, and it took me over a month to recover (no cough, but the fatigue was brutal-- comparable to the horrific anemia I had after childbirth/serious haemorrhage). The thing that helped most with recovery was getting out in shorts and a tank top, and sitting in the sun, every day, not quite long enough to burn. Sunglasses, book, and a kitchen timer....
silly people test no covid ! its a made up fakery ! arthritis and apples test positive for the great con ! easy lectures books free at www.VirusTruth.NET
time for serious paradigm shift! and long covid? thats vax injury like all chronic fatigue syndrome. big pharma makes up new names for same symptoms to sell drugs that make you sicker. no docs, no pharma, no sickness ! read Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan md set yourself free !
So sorry about your brother. Terrible. My father’s slow moving dementia took a drastic downturn in April 22, right after a booster. He wound up bedridden and barely in reality, dying in September. He was 93 but always very healthy. As MCM says, a big part of the jab agenda is harming/offing the elderly.
and they further poisoned him with dementia drugs is my guess. no docs, no pharma no illness. read Toxemia Explained by Dr Tilman, old book but can find pdf archive and great books free explaining the covid con at www.VirusTruth.NET
Very sorry for what has happened to your mother. You didn't say whether she was jabbed or not, but a tragedy either way. Another family member had dementia, pre covid, and it was so sad to watch the decline.
Omg ! I live alone with two Cavaliers. I lead a healthy lifestyle and graduated law school a few years ago. I have not taken any jabs since university and don’t plan on anymore. For me they are just not worth the risk.
smart ! here is real reason why, study virologist Stefan Lanka control experiments proving virus are dead cell debris not contagious particles ! www.VirusTruth.Net
I know two elderly people who had increases in memory issues right after the vaxx. One is my elderly godfather, who went from fully functional to "I don't remember things very well" right after the first injection. He writes everything down now. He has to. A good friend has parents in another state; Mom started having cognitive issues right after her first shot. Her parents are now moving across country so she can take care of them.
I also have a similar story. My dad had pre-existing dementia but he still knew who we all were and still enjoyed himself and had his sense of humor. We had dinner with him and my mom at least once a week all through the scamdemic. I didn't notice too much after the primary series but he took a precipitous decline after a booster in October 2021. He became much more agitated at first, eventually lost bowel control, stopped eating and literally starved to death at the age of 91 in April 2022.
get mad ! save others ! i put mini flyers from on cars every day !
save someone elses loved one and other family from future shots and all pharma meant to shorten life, create permanent patients. great documentary Selling Sickness but no virus is biggest fraud on humanity !
I’m so sorry to read all of these sad declines in our elderly. It does seem to align with the IgG4 increase after the booster, particularly. Your immune system is already slowing down when you age and then it appears this huge increase of IgG4 blocking t-cells from doing their job...
I’m sorry and the same thing happening now to my mother. She had mild dementia. My sister took her to get jabs. She gets noticeably worse each week. I take her one day a week. I pray for a merciful death.
Same story with my mother, but after two shots. Vaccinated in January 2021, dead by the 1st of July that same year. Precipitous decline with personality changes. Yes, she was old, but we talked regularly and and she still knew who I was.
So sorry for you as well. At least by reporting them here these vax assaults won’t be completely undocumented. They had a huge stockpile of the vax yet they pretended that it was a special privilege reserved first for the elderly; if she took it in Jan 21 she was a victim of that. In January 21 I didn’t know any better and might have taken it myself but I wasn’t old enough and had a wait and see attitude.
Yes, she had to take it as she lived in a facility. I live a long way away and did not have the authority to resist for her. My sister, who lived in the same town as our mother, insisted she get the jabs, “What, do you want to kill Mom?!” It is a sickening feeling. I’m sorry for what happened with you and yours too, Ernie.
i can relate ! but im mad as hell fighting back with easy mini flyers on cars from www.VirusTruth.NET put book Contagion Myth directly into as many hands as possible, esp moms with babiestt Mom lives in assisted living a 4-5 hour drive from me, my twin brother lives 4-5 minutes away. 1st shot was organized in the facility. I noticed her dementia changed. My 1 hour conversations with her would reel around 4 times on the same story. So 15 minutes then start again same thoughts. After jab 1 that went to 10 minutes, so 6 same stories in 1 hour. After jab 2, it went to same short story every 5 minutes. I asked my brother the other day what jab they are on. Mom has had 5 and so has he, his wife, his daughter (who has rheumatoid arthritis) & not sure about his son, as he moved out of province with his GF...
My brother even said not to come because I haven’t had any jabs!!!
My father was very similar. Some mild memory impairment. Then booster. Then dramatic decline. Unable to use a mobile phone and other simple tasks. Couldn’t hold a conversation. Disoriented. Paranoia creeping in. It was devastating. We have been lucky though - we got him onto a strict keto diet, along with some supps and ivermec. This has reversed most of the decline, and he is functioning well, and back to his usual great conversational skills. We are just hoping we can keep for stable for a while. He is 79.
We ordered whey protein for my dad who had blackouts and Parkinson like shakes but the good doctors found nothing. Quadruple jabbed in Germany. He is feeling much better and keeps going on the whey. Otherwise very fit 80 year old
Glad you were able to give him significant improvement. They were never confrontational but always narrative believers so getting them to try IVM was out of the question. This is good to know.
You are getting a much higher dose of the spike induced per injection and for far longer, than during a natural infection so the cognitive decline is orders of magnitude higher.
Yes and also if one can use early treatment for that infection. I am unvaccinated and caught covid from a vaccinated partner. I have a wonderful doctor who prescribed Ivermectin for me which I took the minute I tested positive (and had started to feel a bit odd). After that I had virtually no symptoms apart from a bit of a runny nose and coped better than my husband and daughter and son-in-law (in their early 30s and also vaccinated).
I believe that the Ivermectin began to deal with the viral load quickly and so I was subject to a much shorter and less damaging boot of the virus - that must mean something! I have had chronic fatigue for decades but had no lingering affects from the virus. My husband’s doctor told him that he had had a very high viral load so my exposure was not low.
If only - and of course we all have our theories - we had gone down the route of sanity and offered everyone a pack of say hydroxycloroquine or ivermectin etc. for their cupboards and doctors had treated those who had become very ill instead of the path that was take .
Will we ever know what was really behind all of this? And now the WHO is getting ready to force another, no-doubt, experimental jab on us in any future pandemic!!
it doesn't matter what it is, it combats toxins. That's why it's so effective. Parasites, viruses create toxic products so it gets rid of it all ... Miracle stuff!
There had been in-vitro studies over years that showed Ivermectin to have antiviral activity against a number of viruses. An Australian in-vitro study in early 2020 showed that it was effective against SARS2. Clinicians managing COViD patients started using it (because there was no well-tested effective treatment), starting with the well-safety-tested antiparasitic dosage and found it effective.
Viruses are excreted by the body's cells and immune system in order to isolate toxins or to communicate/increase voltage across cells. Ivermectin would have worked at the root cause of the sars 2 much like covid sars. Then as a result of this, the viral load would decrease because it was not the viral load causing the problem to begin with.
Yes, I have one friend that was particularly affected after the second jab. He speaks much less now and responds more slowly and simplistically. Previously, I considered his IQ higher than my own but I fear he is waning mentally.
But we’ve all been focusing on the injections (and their payloads) these past 2+ years. What’s just as disturbing (after grasping its impact) is that the massive increase in microwave towers and the toxicity that pulsed arrays add to the electrosmog soup we’re being subjected to,,,as if frogs in a increasingly hot pot of water they’ve been placed in. These are massively disrupting (and damaging) to human cognition and cellular health in general. If you leave that intense electrosmog environment, you can notice the relief within minutes, hours or days depending on you individual sensitivity awareness.
Multiple vectors of toxicity (including injection payloads and RF, EMF and EF) are acting synergistically to to break down the human biological condition. As the frequency and intensity of this smog increases, human strength, endurance, cognition and energy become degraded. As frogs in the water, we hardly notice our own degradation and threat to our own survival.
....something about the woman being swallowed up by the wilderness. (Rev)
How do you get out of the electro smog environment? I would like to try this but does it require being in the middle of the desert? Also, I’m an amateur radio operator. I’ve always been told that the level of RF exposure is minimal and no cause for concern but now, well I just don’t necessarily believe anything the gov says. And then there’s 5G.
I'm looking (dubiously... but I am half-trusting of my source) into shungite -- a carbon "rock" from a meteor that crashed in Russia a gazillion yrs ago MOST unusual carbon rock because the carbon is arranged in bucky-ball form. They SAY -- and demonstrate? -- that shungite .. is like a sponge for EMR... Like, read the rads comin' off your modem and router (both EXTREMELY bad!) -- but put a piece of shungite near/between (not clear to me yet which/either?) and the rad detector drops precipitously...
Also, wearing /carrying a bit is supposed to (again: SEEMS to!) drop your body-dose when you're out-and-around. (AND the rock can be recharged by sitting out in the sun?)
"There's more in heaven and earth, Horotio..."
Plus it ONLY comes from that one Russia meteor.... so HOW do you ensure that is what you're buying?
It's a matter of degree, not all or nothing. EMF traffic is proportional to population density (and income to some degree). If you live in a high income inner city area full of high-rise apartments there is going to be a lot of traffic per square mile and lots of cell towers to support this. Also higher frequency equipment to support this.
If you go out to the suburbs on the fringe of town where people live in large blocks, the lower population density means less comms traffic and lower bandwidth, cheaper equipment to support that.
If you are semi-rural in an area that is basically villages with patches of forest in between, each cell tower will cover a large area and use lower bandwidth, longer range tech to cover the area.
Look at the kind of places rich people choose to houses, villages away from the main city. I'm sure it isn't dangerous for them.
So just think in terms of being somewhere lower density where people have gardens and space to move and there are patches of forest or open countryside.
EMF shielding of home, clothing, etc. To reduce exposure. Tenting for the bed to stop the EMF (make bed faraday cage). Clothes that block EMF from skin, hats for the head...air gapped head phones for the cell phone (keep way from ear and brain), turning off wi fi router at night (or using hard wire ethernet cable and not wifi router for internet services, telephone by landline ... paints that block EMF incoming to the house, ceiling, shielding for the the smart electric meters...A lot to reduce the EMF emissions can be done. But to get away from the smog? Country life, isolated from the big pop. spots... places like in the Adirondacks where the mountains block signals...
Just don’t take the jab if there is another pandemic. I’m NOT jabbed and refused, luckily I retired in 2018 as I would have had to be jabbed to work in a private boys school. With all the people around me that were jabbed, including my husband, I never caught the the flu (c19). I do take daily Vit D, Zinc, & Quercetin.
I think (I worry?) the option to "just not take more shots" will cease to be available in the next "go-round" -- because our enemies are 100% intent on our destruction.
Clif High says, and I agree: if 'they' come at you with another such shot (or the old one for the extinct-in-the-wild alleged contagion): they are INTENDING to kill you or do serious bodily injury -- and deadly force IS LEGAL to protect yourself or loved ones.
This whole disaster has been the use of a biological weapon of war; the mounting and mounting death and disability rates WERE THE DESIRED RESULT. (And, alas, it's NOT as easy as: "ooooh, the evil-bad CCP" ... This thing was 'designed' and forcibly spread BY Americans and Israelis and Europeans, along with the Chinese.
Please go watch David Martin lay out the multiple PATENTS going back as far as 1997 (!) in the development of this bioweapon! Martin describes -- and provides -- SEVENTY-TWO patents covering EACH of the "novel" aspects of the "novel" corona virus SARS-Cov2 going back to (I think it was ) 2003. This rabbit trail is WAY deeper than anyone expected!
Self assembling nanotech found in veterinary products. mRNA used in Beef, Pigs, vegetables, coming soon to a chicken near you. Self assembling nanotech found in insulin and dental products. Just avoiding the shots is not enough. Ref: Ana Mihalcea and Dr. David Nixon. Nattokinase, Quercetin, Zinc, and even IVM will not dissolve Graphene Oxide (plastics)
Your story is similar to mine. I am not vaccinated but caught Covid from my vaccinated girlfriend in late 2021. I took ivermectin and got better fairly quickly. In addition, my personal physician prescribed colchicine which apparently does a pretty good job of getting rid of the spike protein. I think that helped with my fairly rapid recovery.
Not too many people know about the benefits of colchicine in dealing with the spike proteins but there's good science behind it. My doctor is a pretty bright guy. His name is Dr. Peter McCullough. You may have heard of him. <wink>
I too was prescribed colchicine when I caught a bad case of Covid last winter. It really saved me. I had the beginning of pericarditis and I began to feel human again by end of first day on it. It took a couple of weeks to get back to feeling healthy again because I had let myself get quite sick before seeking treatment. I’m so grateful my dr got right on it. (He’s a family friend). If not for him I’m
I don't recall ever seeing colchicine as a treatment for getting rid of the spike. I had to look up what it is mainly used for - gout, inflammation and pain. Glad that it helped you.
I believe Dr Chetty from South Africa spoke about it early on. I believe, tho, that it can cause gastro issues so i would think you would only use it when sick.
Well to break a gout attack in the old days before NSAIDS it was to be taken until the attack subsided or diarrhea ensued. Some old timers still prefer it to anything else.
I have a friend who took it for years as well. During the scamdemic he said it was hard to find. And the price skyrocketed. I do remember it being cited as a very useful adjunct by the FLCCC early on in the game.
I took Vit D and Colchicine 0.5mg daily when I suffered Covid19 last October - moderately ill for 9 days (I am elderly and high risk) and I reckon the Colchicine kept me out of hospital. It is prescribed for troublesome gout. I am medical and was surprised that Colchicine was not prescribed more widely. I was vaccinated with 3 lots of Astra Zeneca Oxford, had to agree to this to keep my job.
ExcessDeathsAU, I read the link you supplied. I disagree that P MCullough is "promoting" mRNA technology: the article that HE cites merely points out that the harmful aspects of the mRNA platform could be overcome in future..
I agree w you that so long as we are in such a non-benevolent world I am unlikely to try a new pharma product.
No he doesn’t. That’s disinformation. Did you not even read the link you posted. He certainly doesn’t support the covid mrna vaccines and that article is very critical of them
I just read that article and I don’t share your interpretation. But I do agree that many “heroes” are being thrust upon us, and some, if given the opportunity, will probably be used to create harm. That’s why one must be analytical and not blindly accept the opinion of anybody just because they are an accepted authority. At this point I’m not quite willing to toss McCullough aside. He’s provided a lot of verified very good information and appears to have suffered for having done so.
He believes that mRNA technology has some potential for treatment of genetic diseases in people who are severely affected by their disease, not for people who are healthy. I agree with him on that.
How disappointing- I missed that. I thought that the individual variation in the production of the antigen alone and subsequent risk of autoimmunity alone would have made the platform unreliable for anyone healthy.
Lucifer is God to the KHAZARIAN MAFIA WHO ARE NOT JEWS. JESUS WAS A JEW. Dr. Zelensky was a Jew. You need to learn how to research properly. NO, YOU'RE THE DUMMY.
How fortunate you live in a country that is not run by petty dictators who cut off Ivermectin and Hydroxy from the public. Instead forcing vaccinations and Remdesivir therapy on the chronically ill. Now they are pushing their experimental anti virals, Molnupirovir and Paxlovid on the ignorant masses. Both experimental with no full approval.
I had covid in 2022 and no jab. Like the flu. Couldn’t get ivm until day 3. But after taking it, Fever went down within 4 hours. Curious if any post covid treatment recommended because of the fever. Don’t think I had lingering symptoms ...
Just anecdotal I know but I took my Ivermectin, had a nap and woke up feeling almost 100%. I’ve spoken to friends (98% vaccinated) and only one has even heard of Ivermectin and she said ‘oh you mean horse paste’!!
I couldn't get IM at the time but had Hydroxy... got Covid -- smashed with with the Hycroxy in two days...
When a Vaxxer asks if I've had Covid I tell them that story ... they say -- well you must have a strong immune system cuz it knocked me down hard for over a week.
I told my Ivermectin story to a buddy who has myocarditis and his daughter needed an emergency brain surgery for an aggressive tumor. His response- yeah steroids are amazing. I guess he was referring to the z-pack. And he seethes about the FDA amd the Sacklers. Luckily , ,both Pharma and the FDA decided to become pillars of integrity as soon as Covid hit. What an amazing coincidence. My sister has cancers exploding all around her and knows my Ivermectin story but won’t talk to me because her opinions are based on “science” aka anthony fraudci, mass murderer extraordinaire.
If so, take off your sock and spit it out once. they don't delete crap here unless you are Tatiana from "I made a thousand dollars last week, let me tell you how" or a dreary troll who states the same thing over and over when it is not appropriate.
3 of the 4 people close to me who are having cognitive problems since 2020 never took the vaccine so I don't think graphene oxide is the problem. And the woman who promotes that theory is someone who doesn't have the scientific background to correctly perform the lab tests she claims to have done.
Cognitive problems can be caused by many things. Neurotoxins of which there are many we are exposed to everyday. I have cognitive problems from bone cement used in surgery. It can also be caused by the flu vaccine or by dental work or by orthopaedic implants or even by an IV vitamin injection as they can have aluminium in them too.
There are about 35 teams of researchers around the world studying the nanotech in the vaccines. The Graphene ribbons etc and they have some remarkable microscopy which hasn’t been satisfactory debunked by anyone.
They’ve also found it in rainwater which isn’t surprising as it’s a cloud seeding metal.
I find listening to people who have been specialising in a certain area more knowledgeable of it than those who haven’t so I watch with great interest
I disagree with your hypothesis that Graphene Oxide (GO) poisoning is causing a brain condition and there is not data to support that hypothesis. The GO in pharm is not "industrial grade", it's a medical grade water soluble GO that pass from the body in about 72 hours, a bit long in some people. It's been used by pharm for several decade in many other drugs on the market, and especially in mRNA cancer treatment research and like research. You most likely have taken other drugs with medical grade GO included and have never known it. The only reason it's used is because of it properties to bind ingredients in the pharm to the proteins in cells or tissue which requires a positive or negative low grade electrical exchange.
You may be interested in this. I don’t think it wise to rule out graphene oxide. There’s a whole USA govt document on nanotech which says it’s in the mrna vaccines. Last I looked there were 35 teams investigating this and their microscopy is very disturbing
you are 🎯on this.. so much fear and panic over graphine when it's not same as industrial kind.. I researched that as so much panic even in dentists lidocaine we've all
Had it in something or other and it does clear
Soon we will be afraid to breath cuz pollutants in air..
Time to go offline and open the bible and trust God more
Scientists have been warning for years about the titanium nanoparticles in the air we breathe as they now surround the entire planet. They believe they are a main cause of the huge increase in autoimmune disorders worldwide. I’m allergic to titanium. It causes metabolic dysfunction which leads to more and more disease
Ryan Cole on a recent episode of Dr. Drew did a deep dive on the graphene the Spanish scientists found. It was all new information to me and I recommend it highly.
Ever since graphene oxide was first reported I've attempted to confirm it-- unsuccessfully. I don't think this is true: It wd be too easy for other researchers to confirm; yet they haven't.
It's like the story that the virus doesn't exist at all; this simplistic story is planted to divide us & to ruin our credibility.
There is no evidence of a pandemic over the last few years. Of course there’s always lots of viruses circulating but there was no pandemic. Check out Denis Rancourt. His data is robust
Others have confirmed it and it’s listed in Pfizer documents as being used as part of the manufacturing process. The microscopy of David Nixon and all the others round the world are pretty compelling. Last o checked there were 35 teams of researchers looking into the graphene issue around the world.
The USA govt document on nanotechnology also mentions it being used in mrna vaccines
Thanks for sharing but I'm frankly not interested in all doctors that know dam good well what medical grade GO is, it's water soluble, pass the human body in 72 hours, been used for decades in pharm products and medical procedures, and not one one study prior to the COVID 19 vaccine that showed any pharm damage to anyone who ingested this compound. There are "industrial grade" studies that show harm, but your talking about high amounts and long exposure, not "medical grade" and nano amounts, nearly unmeasurable. These people are trying to make money, fame, and/or followers on social media. There is nothing nefarious about medical grade GO, it's not something magically causing medical issues, because if it was causing medical issues now, it would have for decades. Sorry, I'm not swallowing that hook!
Not for everybody. A significant part of the population have gene mutations which mean their bodies don’t clear metals. Nanoparticles also act in different and unexpected ways. Metals kill many every year from bad reactions to orthopaedic implants so I can’t see how graphene oxide would be an different being a metal. There will be a subgroup of the population that don’t clear it in 72 hours and it will cause them harm.
The problem is that pharmaceutical companies also claim that vaccines stay in the arm muscle and don’t get distributed around the body. They also say medical grade titanium is 100% biocompatible. Both those claims are fraudulent claims and most drs are aware they are fraudulent. With medical grade titanium it is commercially pure and not chemically pure which means it’s got contamination in it.
So what I’m saying is that just because someone said medical grade graphene oxide is safe, it would be ridiculous to just believe it without scrutiny.
Some things are safe for some people but dangerous for others depending on gene mutations some may have as well.
What I’ve seen graphene oxide doing under high powered microscopy certainly doesn’t look safe to me.
In 2022 my sibling experienced sudden dementia. Not just decline, but suddenly couldn't perform daily tasks. Went from accomplished CPA to full blown alzheimers-type behavior in a matter of months. He never had Covid, and never experienced a lockdown. He was double jabbed (I'm sure just a coincidence).
My wife and I had long covid after Delta - a dry cough (similar to whooping cough) for about a month. We got checked out multiple times, they couldn't find any other problems beyond the cough, which was annoying. I know some people had it worse, fortunately we didn't.
sorry, youve had 4 yrs to figure out you didnt have covid bec covid is a fake made up test for a fake virus. www.VirusTruth.NET read Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan md and Can You Really Catch A cold? answer no. no test, no covid, virus are dead cell debris, not contagious !
pcr test meaningless bs.
Sorry about your sibling. :(
FWIW, my last go-round with C19 was pretty rough, and it took me over a month to recover (no cough, but the fatigue was brutal-- comparable to the horrific anemia I had after childbirth/serious haemorrhage). The thing that helped most with recovery was getting out in shorts and a tank top, and sitting in the sun, every day, not quite long enough to burn. Sunglasses, book, and a kitchen timer....
silly people test no covid ! its a made up fakery ! arthritis and apples test positive for the great con ! easy lectures books free at www.VirusTruth.NET
time for serious paradigm shift! and long covid? thats vax injury like all chronic fatigue syndrome. big pharma makes up new names for same symptoms to sell drugs that make you sicker. no docs, no pharma, no sickness ! read Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan md set yourself free !
sun helps me too
Please treat yourself to NAC with quercetin and zinc...good stuff to clear this up.
So sorry about your brother. Terrible. My father’s slow moving dementia took a drastic downturn in April 22, right after a booster. He wound up bedridden and barely in reality, dying in September. He was 93 but always very healthy. As MCM says, a big part of the jab agenda is harming/offing the elderly.
and they further poisoned him with dementia drugs is my guess. no docs, no pharma no illness. read Toxemia Explained by Dr Tilman, old book but can find pdf archive and great books free explaining the covid con at www.VirusTruth.NET
I’m so sorry. My mother is also in her 90’s and I feel like we’ve lost her already. She did everything to have a healthy old age, then covid...
Very sorry for what has happened to your mother. You didn't say whether she was jabbed or not, but a tragedy either way. Another family member had dementia, pre covid, and it was so sad to watch the decline.
Omg ! I live alone with two Cavaliers. I lead a healthy lifestyle and graduated law school a few years ago. I have not taken any jabs since university and don’t plan on anymore. For me they are just not worth the risk.
smart ! here is real reason why, study virologist Stefan Lanka control experiments proving virus are dead cell debris not contagious particles ! www.VirusTruth.Net
free books pdfs on this site
I know two elderly people who had increases in memory issues right after the vaxx. One is my elderly godfather, who went from fully functional to "I don't remember things very well" right after the first injection. He writes everything down now. He has to. A good friend has parents in another state; Mom started having cognitive issues right after her first shot. Her parents are now moving across country so she can take care of them.
its called Autism, adhd, learning dissability in babies ! all jabs do the same ! all toxic read Contagion Myth bt Dr Cowan at www.VirusTruth.NET
I also have a similar story. My dad had pre-existing dementia but he still knew who we all were and still enjoyed himself and had his sense of humor. We had dinner with him and my mom at least once a week all through the scamdemic. I didn't notice too much after the primary series but he took a precipitous decline after a booster in October 2021. He became much more agitated at first, eventually lost bowel control, stopped eating and literally starved to death at the age of 91 in April 2022.
get mad ! save others ! i put mini flyers from on cars every day !
save someone elses loved one and other family from future shots and all pharma meant to shorten life, create permanent patients. great documentary Selling Sickness but no virus is biggest fraud on humanity !
So sorry to hear this, another heart wrenching case.
JFly - so very sorry - my condolences 💔
I’m so sorry to read all of these sad declines in our elderly. It does seem to align with the IgG4 increase after the booster, particularly. Your immune system is already slowing down when you age and then it appears this huge increase of IgG4 blocking t-cells from doing their job...
I’m sorry and the same thing happening now to my mother. She had mild dementia. My sister took her to get jabs. She gets noticeably worse each week. I take her one day a week. I pray for a merciful death.
its the other rx drugs as well ! stop those and sugar and especially fake sweeteners processed food, and you might get your mom back.
Toxemia Explained by Dr Tillman
So sorry. I don’t want to contemplate how many others have been affected similarly.
Same story with my mother, but after two shots. Vaccinated in January 2021, dead by the 1st of July that same year. Precipitous decline with personality changes. Yes, she was old, but we talked regularly and and she still knew who I was.
So sorry for you as well. At least by reporting them here these vax assaults won’t be completely undocumented. They had a huge stockpile of the vax yet they pretended that it was a special privilege reserved first for the elderly; if she took it in Jan 21 she was a victim of that. In January 21 I didn’t know any better and might have taken it myself but I wasn’t old enough and had a wait and see attitude.
Yes, she had to take it as she lived in a facility. I live a long way away and did not have the authority to resist for her. My sister, who lived in the same town as our mother, insisted she get the jabs, “What, do you want to kill Mom?!” It is a sickening feeling. I’m sorry for what happened with you and yours too, Ernie.
i can relate ! but im mad as hell fighting back with easy mini flyers on cars from www.VirusTruth.NET put book Contagion Myth directly into as many hands as possible, esp moms with babiestt
So sorry about your situation as well. I know it is a very hard thing to watch and deal with. Mom lives in assisted living a 4-5 hour drive from me, my twin brother lives 4-5 minutes away. 1st shot was organized in the facility. I noticed her dementia changed. My 1 hour conversations with her would reel around 4 times on the same story. So 15 minutes then start again same thoughts. After jab 1 that went to 10 minutes, so 6 same stories in 1 hour. After jab 2, it went to same short story every 5 minutes. I asked my brother the other day what jab they are on. Mom has had 5 and so has he, his wife, his daughter (who has rheumatoid arthritis) & not sure about his son, as he moved out of province with his GF...
My brother even said not to come because I haven’t had any jabs!!!
We had the same problem, 2 siblings for it, 2 against…after 2nd set of shots, immediate decline. One is still living and really struggling some days.
My father was very similar. Some mild memory impairment. Then booster. Then dramatic decline. Unable to use a mobile phone and other simple tasks. Couldn’t hold a conversation. Disoriented. Paranoia creeping in. It was devastating. We have been lucky though - we got him onto a strict keto diet, along with some supps and ivermec. This has reversed most of the decline, and he is functioning well, and back to his usual great conversational skills. We are just hoping we can keep for stable for a while. He is 79.
We ordered whey protein for my dad who had blackouts and Parkinson like shakes but the good doctors found nothing. Quadruple jabbed in Germany. He is feeling much better and keeps going on the whey. Otherwise very fit 80 year old
Nattokinase has been shown to be very beneficial for reversing the effects of the spike protein on brain function.
Absolutely- we have him on that too!
Glad you were able to give him significant improvement. They were never confrontational but always narrative believers so getting them to try IVM was out of the question. This is good to know.
I had to smuggle it in for him. Doctors won’t prescribe it here. Utterly ludicrous.
I've heard this - "I've already got one foot on the banana peel, doesn't really matter, hey?" "Gonna pop my clogs someday - may as well take the jab."
Seems to me that the jab does more damage to fully functioning , robust immune systems.
You are getting a much higher dose of the spike induced per injection and for far longer, than during a natural infection so the cognitive decline is orders of magnitude higher.
Yes and also if one can use early treatment for that infection. I am unvaccinated and caught covid from a vaccinated partner. I have a wonderful doctor who prescribed Ivermectin for me which I took the minute I tested positive (and had started to feel a bit odd). After that I had virtually no symptoms apart from a bit of a runny nose and coped better than my husband and daughter and son-in-law (in their early 30s and also vaccinated).
I believe that the Ivermectin began to deal with the viral load quickly and so I was subject to a much shorter and less damaging boot of the virus - that must mean something! I have had chronic fatigue for decades but had no lingering affects from the virus. My husband’s doctor told him that he had had a very high viral load so my exposure was not low.
If only - and of course we all have our theories - we had gone down the route of sanity and offered everyone a pack of say hydroxycloroquine or ivermectin etc. for their cupboards and doctors had treated those who had become very ill instead of the path that was take .
Will we ever know what was really behind all of this? And now the WHO is getting ready to force another, no-doubt, experimental jab on us in any future pandemic!!
The US military knew in April 2020 that ivermectin killed the virus and kept it quiet.
I believe we DO know what has transpired. Sources: and on Twitter; Mark Kulacz on YT @ Housatonic Live (1, 2 or 3 -- depending on what has been censored); Peter Duke at and on YT. and, and others. We DO know.
Ivermectin is primarily an anti parasitical. That is why it works, because it isn't a viral load. It is some type of parasite or nanomachinei nvasion.
it doesn't matter what it is, it combats toxins. That's why it's so effective. Parasites, viruses create toxic products so it gets rid of it all ... Miracle stuff!
There had been in-vitro studies over years that showed Ivermectin to have antiviral activity against a number of viruses. An Australian in-vitro study in early 2020 showed that it was effective against SARS2. Clinicians managing COViD patients started using it (because there was no well-tested effective treatment), starting with the well-safety-tested antiparasitic dosage and found it effective.
Viruses are excreted by the body's cells and immune system in order to isolate toxins or to communicate/increase voltage across cells. Ivermectin would have worked at the root cause of the sars 2 much like covid sars. Then as a result of this, the viral load would decrease because it was not the viral load causing the problem to begin with.
This is a nonstandard explanation. What observable real world facts does it predict better than the standard one?
Iver is also an anti-inflammation agent, used to kill inflammation in chest, old guys get it, worked good.
Yes, I have one friend that was particularly affected after the second jab. He speaks much less now and responds more slowly and simplistically. Previously, I considered his IQ higher than my own but I fear he is waning mentally.
But we’ve all been focusing on the injections (and their payloads) these past 2+ years. What’s just as disturbing (after grasping its impact) is that the massive increase in microwave towers and the toxicity that pulsed arrays add to the electrosmog soup we’re being subjected to,,,as if frogs in a increasingly hot pot of water they’ve been placed in. These are massively disrupting (and damaging) to human cognition and cellular health in general. If you leave that intense electrosmog environment, you can notice the relief within minutes, hours or days depending on you individual sensitivity awareness.
Multiple vectors of toxicity (including injection payloads and RF, EMF and EF) are acting synergistically to to break down the human biological condition. As the frequency and intensity of this smog increases, human strength, endurance, cognition and energy become degraded. As frogs in the water, we hardly notice our own degradation and threat to our own survival.
....something about the woman being swallowed up by the wilderness. (Rev)
How do you get out of the electro smog environment? I would like to try this but does it require being in the middle of the desert? Also, I’m an amateur radio operator. I’ve always been told that the level of RF exposure is minimal and no cause for concern but now, well I just don’t necessarily believe anything the gov says. And then there’s 5G.
I'm looking (dubiously... but I am half-trusting of my source) into shungite -- a carbon "rock" from a meteor that crashed in Russia a gazillion yrs ago MOST unusual carbon rock because the carbon is arranged in bucky-ball form. They SAY -- and demonstrate? -- that shungite .. is like a sponge for EMR... Like, read the rads comin' off your modem and router (both EXTREMELY bad!) -- but put a piece of shungite near/between (not clear to me yet which/either?) and the rad detector drops precipitously...
Also, wearing /carrying a bit is supposed to (again: SEEMS to!) drop your body-dose when you're out-and-around. (AND the rock can be recharged by sitting out in the sun?)
"There's more in heaven and earth, Horotio..."
Plus it ONLY comes from that one Russia meteor.... so HOW do you ensure that is what you're buying?
It's a matter of degree, not all or nothing. EMF traffic is proportional to population density (and income to some degree). If you live in a high income inner city area full of high-rise apartments there is going to be a lot of traffic per square mile and lots of cell towers to support this. Also higher frequency equipment to support this.
If you go out to the suburbs on the fringe of town where people live in large blocks, the lower population density means less comms traffic and lower bandwidth, cheaper equipment to support that.
If you are semi-rural in an area that is basically villages with patches of forest in between, each cell tower will cover a large area and use lower bandwidth, longer range tech to cover the area.
Look at the kind of places rich people choose to houses, villages away from the main city. I'm sure it isn't dangerous for them.
So just think in terms of being somewhere lower density where people have gardens and space to move and there are patches of forest or open countryside.
EMF shielding of home, clothing, etc. To reduce exposure. Tenting for the bed to stop the EMF (make bed faraday cage). Clothes that block EMF from skin, hats for the head...air gapped head phones for the cell phone (keep way from ear and brain), turning off wi fi router at night (or using hard wire ethernet cable and not wifi router for internet services, telephone by landline ... paints that block EMF incoming to the house, ceiling, shielding for the the smart electric meters...A lot to reduce the EMF emissions can be done. But to get away from the smog? Country life, isolated from the big pop. spots... places like in the Adirondacks where the mountains block signals...
Some of us “Dummies” believes it’s multiple vectors, including perhaps graphene oxide. IE the experiment is not just one thing.
Just don’t take the jab if there is another pandemic. I’m NOT jabbed and refused, luckily I retired in 2018 as I would have had to be jabbed to work in a private boys school. With all the people around me that were jabbed, including my husband, I never caught the the flu (c19). I do take daily Vit D, Zinc, & Quercetin.
The next needle is the kill shot
I think (I worry?) the option to "just not take more shots" will cease to be available in the next "go-round" -- because our enemies are 100% intent on our destruction.
Clif High says, and I agree: if 'they' come at you with another such shot (or the old one for the extinct-in-the-wild alleged contagion): they are INTENDING to kill you or do serious bodily injury -- and deadly force IS LEGAL to protect yourself or loved ones.
This whole disaster has been the use of a biological weapon of war; the mounting and mounting death and disability rates WERE THE DESIRED RESULT. (And, alas, it's NOT as easy as: "ooooh, the evil-bad CCP" ... This thing was 'designed' and forcibly spread BY Americans and Israelis and Europeans, along with the Chinese.
Please go watch David Martin lay out the multiple PATENTS going back as far as 1997 (!) in the development of this bioweapon! Martin describes -- and provides -- SEVENTY-TWO patents covering EACH of the "novel" aspects of the "novel" corona virus SARS-Cov2 going back to (I think it was ) 2003. This rabbit trail is WAY deeper than anyone expected!
Self assembling nanotech found in veterinary products. mRNA used in Beef, Pigs, vegetables, coming soon to a chicken near you. Self assembling nanotech found in insulin and dental products. Just avoiding the shots is not enough. Ref: Ana Mihalcea and Dr. David Nixon. Nattokinase, Quercetin, Zinc, and even IVM will not dissolve Graphene Oxide (plastics)
Exit the WHO! Do you follow James Roguski on Substack?
Your story is similar to mine. I am not vaccinated but caught Covid from my vaccinated girlfriend in late 2021. I took ivermectin and got better fairly quickly. In addition, my personal physician prescribed colchicine which apparently does a pretty good job of getting rid of the spike protein. I think that helped with my fairly rapid recovery.
Not too many people know about the benefits of colchicine in dealing with the spike proteins but there's good science behind it. My doctor is a pretty bright guy. His name is Dr. Peter McCullough. You may have heard of him. <wink>
I too was prescribed colchicine when I caught a bad case of Covid last winter. It really saved me. I had the beginning of pericarditis and I began to feel human again by end of first day on it. It took a couple of weeks to get back to feeling healthy again because I had let myself get quite sick before seeking treatment. I’m so grateful my dr got right on it. (He’s a family friend). If not for him I’m
sure I would’ve been admitted to hospital.
Have never heard of colchicine. Will research. TY.
I don't recall ever seeing colchicine as a treatment for getting rid of the spike. I had to look up what it is mainly used for - gout, inflammation and pain. Glad that it helped you.
I believe Dr Chetty from South Africa spoke about it early on. I believe, tho, that it can cause gastro issues so i would think you would only use it when sick.
Well to break a gout attack in the old days before NSAIDS it was to be taken until the attack subsided or diarrhea ensued. Some old timers still prefer it to anything else.
Colchicine has been the off-label standard of care for pericarditis for quite some time now. I had it pre-covid and took it for years.
I have a friend who took it for years as well. During the scamdemic he said it was hard to find. And the price skyrocketed. I do remember it being cited as a very useful adjunct by the FLCCC early on in the game.
There is a pretty good meta analysis of colchicine efficacy here:
Dr. McCullough says it is especially good for heart patients like me who get Covid.
Thank you.
I took Vit D and Colchicine 0.5mg daily when I suffered Covid19 last October - moderately ill for 9 days (I am elderly and high risk) and I reckon the Colchicine kept me out of hospital. It is prescribed for troublesome gout. I am medical and was surprised that Colchicine was not prescribed more widely. I was vaccinated with 3 lots of Astra Zeneca Oxford, had to agree to this to keep my job.
Lucky you to have Dr. Peter McCullough as your doctor - you couldn’t have been in better hands. What a tour de force that man is 😀
He promotes mRNA technology now. Says it was 'just off to a bad start but the future may be brighter.'
ExcessDeathsAU, I read the link you supplied. I disagree that P MCullough is "promoting" mRNA technology: the article that HE cites merely points out that the harmful aspects of the mRNA platform could be overcome in future..
I agree w you that so long as we are in such a non-benevolent world I am unlikely to try a new pharma product.
No he doesn’t. That’s disinformation. Did you not even read the link you posted. He certainly doesn’t support the covid mrna vaccines and that article is very critical of them
death threat?
I just read that article and I don’t share your interpretation. But I do agree that many “heroes” are being thrust upon us, and some, if given the opportunity, will probably be used to create harm. That’s why one must be analytical and not blindly accept the opinion of anybody just because they are an accepted authority. At this point I’m not quite willing to toss McCullough aside. He’s provided a lot of verified very good information and appears to have suffered for having done so.
He believes that mRNA technology has some potential for treatment of genetic diseases in people who are severely affected by their disease, not for people who are healthy. I agree with him on that.
again, did you read the article?! he implicitly says the covid-19 mRNA jabs are terrible.
did you actually read the article? (or just latch onto the sub-header?)
Oh, that is sooooo disappointing! And I am frustrated because, not being a paid subscriber, I can't blast him!
"Mistakes were made."
Did they threaten his kids? Offer him a bazillion $$$? Maybe both. Smdh.
How disappointing- I missed that. I thought that the individual variation in the production of the antigen alone and subsequent risk of autoimmunity alone would have made the platform unreliable for anyone healthy.
Lucifer is God to the KHAZARIAN MAFIA WHO ARE NOT JEWS. JESUS WAS A JEW. Dr. Zelensky was a Jew. You need to learn how to research properly. NO, YOU'RE THE DUMMY.
How fortunate you live in a country that is not run by petty dictators who cut off Ivermectin and Hydroxy from the public. Instead forcing vaccinations and Remdesivir therapy on the chronically ill. Now they are pushing their experimental anti virals, Molnupirovir and Paxlovid on the ignorant masses. Both experimental with no full approval.
I had covid in 2022 and no jab. Like the flu. Couldn’t get ivm until day 3. But after taking it, Fever went down within 4 hours. Curious if any post covid treatment recommended because of the fever. Don’t think I had lingering symptoms ...
Just anecdotal I know but I took my Ivermectin, had a nap and woke up feeling almost 100%. I’ve spoken to friends (98% vaccinated) and only one has even heard of Ivermectin and she said ‘oh you mean horse paste’!!
I couldn't get IM at the time but had Hydroxy... got Covid -- smashed with with the Hycroxy in two days...
When a Vaxxer asks if I've had Covid I tell them that story ... they say -- well you must have a strong immune system cuz it knocked me down hard for over a week.
There ain't no cure for stupidity...
I told my Ivermectin story to a buddy who has myocarditis and his daughter needed an emergency brain surgery for an aggressive tumor. His response- yeah steroids are amazing. I guess he was referring to the z-pack. And he seethes about the FDA amd the Sacklers. Luckily , ,both Pharma and the FDA decided to become pillars of integrity as soon as Covid hit. What an amazing coincidence. My sister has cancers exploding all around her and knows my Ivermectin story but won’t talk to me because her opinions are based on “science” aka anthony fraudci, mass murderer extraordinaire.
You are telling my story. Hcq smashed our infection too within a day/day and a half. And vaxxed friends remain on the bandwagon.
You are stuttering. Get some help.
Will, you don’t need to repost your comment multiple times for it to be read.
So are you the one doing that?
If so, take off your sock and spit it out once. they don't delete crap here unless you are Tatiana from "I made a thousand dollars last week, let me tell you how" or a dreary troll who states the same thing over and over when it is not appropriate.
Yep. A dreary troll.
I am very sorry about your sibling. Sorry for your long Covid but glad it was limited. Pinned for now
Was he taking statin drugs, the number one cause of memory deficits?
3 of the 4 people close to me who are having cognitive problems since 2020 never took the vaccine so I don't think graphene oxide is the problem. And the woman who promotes that theory is someone who doesn't have the scientific background to correctly perform the lab tests she claims to have done.
Cognitive problems can be caused by many things. Neurotoxins of which there are many we are exposed to everyday. I have cognitive problems from bone cement used in surgery. It can also be caused by the flu vaccine or by dental work or by orthopaedic implants or even by an IV vitamin injection as they can have aluminium in them too.
There are about 35 teams of researchers around the world studying the nanotech in the vaccines. The Graphene ribbons etc and they have some remarkable microscopy which hasn’t been satisfactory debunked by anyone.
They’ve also found it in rainwater which isn’t surprising as it’s a cloud seeding metal.
I find listening to people who have been specialising in a certain area more knowledgeable of it than those who haven’t so I watch with great interest
NAC, quercetin, and zinc will help clear this up.
They didn’t for me. I’ve taken them all for many years. But low dose naltrexone has helped tremendously.
I take that as a prophylactic. Prescribed by my functional medicine doc.
I disagree with your hypothesis that Graphene Oxide (GO) poisoning is causing a brain condition and there is not data to support that hypothesis. The GO in pharm is not "industrial grade", it's a medical grade water soluble GO that pass from the body in about 72 hours, a bit long in some people. It's been used by pharm for several decade in many other drugs on the market, and especially in mRNA cancer treatment research and like research. You most likely have taken other drugs with medical grade GO included and have never known it. The only reason it's used is because of it properties to bind ingredients in the pharm to the proteins in cells or tissue which requires a positive or negative low grade electrical exchange.
You may be interested in this. I don’t think it wise to rule out graphene oxide. There’s a whole USA govt document on nanotech which says it’s in the mrna vaccines. Last I looked there were 35 teams investigating this and their microscopy is very disturbing
you are 🎯on this.. so much fear and panic over graphine when it's not same as industrial kind.. I researched that as so much panic even in dentists lidocaine we've all
Had it in something or other and it does clear
Soon we will be afraid to breath cuz pollutants in air..
Time to go offline and open the bible and trust God more
Scientists have been warning for years about the titanium nanoparticles in the air we breathe as they now surround the entire planet. They believe they are a main cause of the huge increase in autoimmune disorders worldwide. I’m allergic to titanium. It causes metabolic dysfunction which leads to more and more disease
What are the sources of Titanium oxide. I know it is used in paint, specifically white base paint coloring.
Ryan Cole on a recent episode of Dr. Drew did a deep dive on the graphene the Spanish scientists found. It was all new information to me and I recommend it highly.
Ever since graphene oxide was first reported I've attempted to confirm it-- unsuccessfully. I don't think this is true: It wd be too easy for other researchers to confirm; yet they haven't.
It's like the story that the virus doesn't exist at all; this simplistic story is planted to divide us & to ruin our credibility.
There is no evidence of a pandemic over the last few years. Of course there’s always lots of viruses circulating but there was no pandemic. Check out Denis Rancourt. His data is robust
Others have confirmed it and it’s listed in Pfizer documents as being used as part of the manufacturing process. The microscopy of David Nixon and all the others round the world are pretty compelling. Last o checked there were 35 teams of researchers looking into the graphene issue around the world.
The USA govt document on nanotechnology also mentions it being used in mrna vaccines
Thanks for sharing but I'm frankly not interested in all doctors that know dam good well what medical grade GO is, it's water soluble, pass the human body in 72 hours, been used for decades in pharm products and medical procedures, and not one one study prior to the COVID 19 vaccine that showed any pharm damage to anyone who ingested this compound. There are "industrial grade" studies that show harm, but your talking about high amounts and long exposure, not "medical grade" and nano amounts, nearly unmeasurable. These people are trying to make money, fame, and/or followers on social media. There is nothing nefarious about medical grade GO, it's not something magically causing medical issues, because if it was causing medical issues now, it would have for decades. Sorry, I'm not swallowing that hook!
Not for everybody. A significant part of the population have gene mutations which mean their bodies don’t clear metals. Nanoparticles also act in different and unexpected ways. Metals kill many every year from bad reactions to orthopaedic implants so I can’t see how graphene oxide would be an different being a metal. There will be a subgroup of the population that don’t clear it in 72 hours and it will cause them harm.
The problem is that pharmaceutical companies also claim that vaccines stay in the arm muscle and don’t get distributed around the body. They also say medical grade titanium is 100% biocompatible. Both those claims are fraudulent claims and most drs are aware they are fraudulent. With medical grade titanium it is commercially pure and not chemically pure which means it’s got contamination in it.
So what I’m saying is that just because someone said medical grade graphene oxide is safe, it would be ridiculous to just believe it without scrutiny.
Some things are safe for some people but dangerous for others depending on gene mutations some may have as well.
What I’ve seen graphene oxide doing under high powered microscopy certainly doesn’t look safe to me.
Thank you. I don't have your depth of knowledge but Cole's point was that they didn't use the testing tools accurately. 🤔