Igor, you asked for a text version of Sasha Latypova's claim that the DoD (not the FDA/CDC) controls the C19 "vaccine" from manufacture through distribution to injection. Sasha just posted a high level summary.
Actually, the legal work wrt to the contracts was done by Katherine Watt (Bailiwick News) not Sasha Latypova. Watt is a journalist who worked for many years as a paralegal. Laytpova's focus was her area of expertise: good manufacturing. They connected recently.
Latypova has been writing for Trialsite News for several months. Both she and Watt encourage people to go after all the players. It's important to understand the legal landscape because, as I pointed out above, Pfizer used this very argument in their motion to dismiss Brook Jackson's case...and the Federal government failed to join her suit.
I really don't appreciate Kingston throwing shade on Latypova. It's harmful to the entire opposition. If she disagrees with Watt and Latypova, she should take it offline. I don't know who is correct about the contracts. Neither do you.
And how do you know Kingston isn't the distraction?
IMO, it is 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 bad form to assume the worst about or suggest nefarious motives on the part of others; in this case, Kingston coming out and saying that Latypova and Watt are "shills" for Pfizer and Moderna? They're both bringing their POV to the subject -- and it is hardly "shilling." Sheesh! If Kingston thinks either or both are wrong, virtue demands that she seek to correct or help, not defame or character assassinate.
Kingston doing this makes me less open to listening to her, which is a shame, but she made this poor move first.
Latypova has NOT given cover to Pfizer,, et al. - she simply has exposed the REAL creators and funders of the criminal enterprise to the world. The pharma giants are all guilty as hell and, hopefully, their days are numbered. We shall see...
Kingston's post is needlessly aggressive. She also aims unwarranted criticism at Dr. Malone. Although the Stew Peters group she works with has produced some good info, I don't get good feelings from them, because of the commercial feel and showmanship/tug-at-emotions kind of outreach. Let's see where this goes.
I know that. The reason why I’m asking is because THEY are treating (17) year old children/young people as HIV positive & this are new patients 💭💭 you get my point NOW!!
Those of us with vaccine-injured children have known about this kind of data hiding and word-smithing for over a decade. We tried to warn people. It was all in plain sight. The idiots who spewed hate and posted dumb memes years ago about “if my kid can’t bring peanut butter to the classroom, yours can’t bring diseases” are now vaccine-injured and eating crow. Wakefield, Krigsman, Mumper, Megson, Kartzinel and many others have been sounding the alarm for decades. Now the clot shot is a whole other beast. CDC really broke out the big guns with this monstrosity, and MSM remains silent. They’ll keep going as long as they can. They don’t care if they injure or kill. It’s all about the Benjamins.
Thank you. I’m sorry we are all joined together by the lies and deceit. Many of us had to learn the hard way. But I’m glad to have someone as vocal and articulate as you seeing the truth. Keep up the great work.
Same, Igor. I dutifully allowed the Vax “schedule” for my kids, never gave it a thought, except the Hollywood types like Jenny McCarthy were nuts. I never had any use for or trust in government, politicians, bureaucrats but the medical community? Yes. My father, uncle & grandfather were MDs when MDs were still independent & Hypocratic Oath still meant something in the olden days. Eyes wide open now as of the past 3 years
Me too . I trained as a nurse and as part of the system believed I n vaccines. My mother was also a nurse. At 70 , it’s been not n the last few years as an IT challenged person been able to access other viewpoints. I now have a Pfizer injury and am speaking out at ever opportunity.
I think the premise of mimicking natural infections through vaccines is reasonably sound theoretically but there are so many immune system unknowns/ variances and this reactions. There are big differences in how natural infections proceed and how all the various types of vaccine are supposed to work but it isn't necessarily a bad idea if the match were good. That said, covid shots are transfections and nothing like live attenuated vaccines, for example. It must also be noted that any drug or vaccine can be dangerous, just like a virus/infection. It's always risk/benefit and should not be mandated ever. Unfortunately, the idea that vaccines are inherently safe or effective is indeed questionable and much of the data on regular vaccines has been obscured, I feel. It's a damn shame. Vaccines may have their place but we need to be in a position to see all the evidence and data..
That one I can explain! It is the covid propaganda that made your friend think that her life was at risk at that very moment. She probably made a calculation based on her knowledge: and because she tought she good dye, she preferred taking the risk to get vaccination injured, over dying.
Probably you are like me, looked up some data globally to check how many people died, because you, just like me, didn't know anybody who died from covid, nor my friends knew somebody who died of covid, and the data showed to me that that was not coincidented. There were not lots of people dying. So I concluded there was something wrong but not a lethal disease...
In addition to that, it was the global lockstep + unhinged “policies” like lockdown, masks, arrows, plastic shields, limited interaction amongst groups, isolating the aged or sick or dying & the “warp speed” jab that left no doubt something wicked this way comes
Big pHarma shows no compassion for outcasts like me. Psychiatry is about finding unhappy or troubled people and creating the symptoms associated with bipolar or schizophrenia. Their mind altering drugs disfigure and cripple those they claim to help. They damage people neurologically (how the drugs work) and cause them to die 25 years early. After I found about vaccine injuries I was not surprised. Pfizer and the rest are worse than ordinary drug cartels. And far more powerful.
Yep true. I watched the fatality rate closely and it was obvious after the Princess Diamond Cruise that we weren't all going to die. There was never a need for a vax. A you can't make a safe vax in less than a year.
How about the fact that all the government and pharma hating hippies that are all in on natural healing and farm to table life not having a single question?
Rich, isn’t it Chiadrum. In addition, only THEY were “following the science”. But the true “science” tide is turning on them. The truth was always there….
I told my imbecile sister that she would be embarrassed by her position and the truth would come out. Whether or not she will ever admit it is another story. She and my mom both opted to no longer speak rather than have a respectful conversation on the topic. After they both smeared me as a science denier. Punch line- sis is a science teacher by trade. Yeah, we are doomed 😎
THEY hired the best Behaviorial Psychologists to figure out how to 'motivate' peeps to do stuff they normally wouldn't. Import Crisis and Mega-Fear, pre-fontal cortex. e.g. decision making for outcomes shuts down basically due to flight or fight response. Easy to sustain propaganda ads, fake death #s when you have a 1 billion dollar budget.
ffs. don't help your Citizens tho. Get that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
I think that I’ll get a tshirt- “Milgram Outlier”. Anyone who knows what it means is a friend for life. My sis claims she got jabbed so she could “have her life back”. What will the cost be next time sis?
Lots of people did it so they could “travel” - that was NEVER any good reason for me but to the extent dopes thought it was, they had really unpleasant experiences w/ constant masking & distancing & many places closed or majorly restricted due to WuFlu.
T220... I know a few anti vaxxers whose kids were injured from the MMR and DPT and they jabbed their teenage children with this Jab . It boggled my mind . One ended up with myocarditis and the other with an encephalopathy.
I fought it tooth and nail. It was a long hard frustrating battle. I appreciate everyone who supported snd educated me during that time. I think living in Missouri made it a little easier. They were a little more hands off. I fired at least 6 pediatricians. I am well aware in some states DFS might accuse me if child endangerment. Frankly, that frightens me.
that's ok. welcome .......to the far right, racist, mysogynist, climate denier, anti vaxxer hate speeching anti semite conspiracy theorists support group. you are one of us now. We are a pretty cool bunch when you get to mingle with us. HONK HONK.
Indeed, I felt the same way as well. And I am sorry too. It is sad that it had to take something like this to really blow the lid off the entire racket that has been literally going on since Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccine in the 18th century to one degree or another.
For smallpox, the entire 19th century looked an awful lot like what we are seeing now, with the vaccines igniting and reigniting new outbreaks over and over again. To say nothing of the horrible vaccine injuries too. And yet they kept on forcing them on people over and over again. History really does rhyme!
Not that all vaccines are always categorically bad in all cases period, of course, but there has always been a significant dark side to them pretty much from the get-go that has been (until now) successfully swept under the rug.
The proof is in the pudding as they say. We purebloods live awfully healthy lives decade in and decade out. I am working out now my body is worth a hell of a lot to a chop shop. I keep waking up in a cold sweat seeing hoards of covid jabbed lefties screaming and baying for the govt to intervene and make me give up my organs.
I am surprised at the continued blindness of some, who even quite publicly continue to criticize the circumstances around the creation and pushing of the Covid shot, but continue to trust and defend the very same pharmaceutical industry and government agencies when it comes to vaccines in general. THAT is being blind, gullible and lacking in critical thinking skills. Not coming across the facts about vaccines earlier, but *becoming curious and suspicious* and coming to the realization about the true circumstances surrounding all vaccines as a result of the Covid farce is showing intelligence and integrity.
Igor, you are the only person I’ve seen publicly apologize to your children for trusting vaccine manufacturers at and government agencies, and admit to your change of heart so openly, and I have tremendous respect for you because it!
Igor, this is one of the many reasons I paid to read your stack. I fully admit I read for free to get a feel for the type of writer and person I was spending my time on. I could tell through your various writings that you truly care, are a very ethical individual and in pursuit of the truth. This takes an individual being humble to admit when they are wrong. Now, that’s a person I want to hear from! Like you, I am always learning and always admit when I am wrong. Your kids are lucky to have you!
glad you saw the light, better now than never. i was extremely fortunate that in 1986 , the same year pHARMa was let off the hook , i wound up in a childbirth prep class from a midwife birthing center that was taught by a woman who was already in the know about what things like vaxxes , sonograms , epidurals and pitocen did to the fetus and later the child. god bless that angel sent from heaven , i can never thank her enough , and the chiropractor i met at that class as well
I didn’t catch on for a few years after getting many autoimmune issues after a booster shot for work in 2001. By 2003 I was applying for disability. I was so I’ll & brain fog (and brainwashed!) it took more neglect, gaslighting and failed treatments until I woke up. Found an integrative medicine doctor that changed & is changing my life and health. Finally functioning in society a little bit again. & the substack community has been a blessing since this covid narrative started.
I'm damaged from long term (22+ years) use of SSRI drugs to treat the "brain chemical imbalance" the lying experts assured me I had. Shame on me for believing them. Went off them 5 years ago. Suffering autoimmune illness and neurological problems like brain fog. Similar to a lot of the vaccine injured I noticed.
I can relate to that. At 45 I was on 8 prescriptions for various autoimmune issues and tried antidepressants for many years before them. Slowly weaned myself off everything but thyroid medicine. Doesn’t it remind you of what they call long covid? Don’t be embarrassed about believing the “ experts “, just be thankful you came to your senses.
Sorry I wasted so much of my life too. Ages 20-44 drugged out of my gourd. I took a lot of the drugs including sedatives and neuroleptics. When the SSRI for anxiety and depression I took shortly after turning twenty made me batty (3 weeks without sleep) they diagnosed me bipolar and forced a "cocktail" on me. They warned my family how stupid and sneaky the severely mentally ill can be because "they lack insight." The lies to and about me combined with lots of mood/mind altering drugs that really hurt my relationships. Gainful employment or having a family were impossible. I couldn't even properly grieve the life they stole.
That breaks my heart. Unfortunately, like when my baby had bloody diarrhea, and a face covered in eczema, after the first round of shots, the pediatrician will say it’s all perfectly normal so we should continue posthaste.
This gives me so much hope and makes me cry. Thank you Igor for your courage.
After being yelled at by doctors and ostracized for health decisions for my family which go against the medical norms, I hoped when this whole Covid nightmare began, there would be good that came from it.
I believe this is the good, the silver lining. That people everywhere are seeing behind the veil of lies and deception.
yes, it's really true that most people were ok with vaccines as long as it wasn't mandated on them. i'm of an age where my childhood vaccines were polio, small pox and TB so i'm pretty unscathed. i was taught in college (!) that autism was caused by a cold unfeeling mother who rejected the child (even unconsciously) at birth and i asked "i suppose fathers never reject a child?"
in 1976, my cousin's wife spent a year in a wheelchair after that swine flu vaccine. i figured it was better to spend a few days in bed with the flu than a year with GBS.
there's just too much medicine. you go to a doctor when you break a bone or have a ruptured appendix. other than that, eat real food, move around and spend time outside. all the rest- well baby visits, yearly scans, tests looking for this and that- it's all rent seeking behavior.
we all had measles, mumps and chickenpox as children and our parents weren't overly concerned. now, to hear doctors talk about measles as if it's some fatal disease! yikes! yeah, sure lots of kids die from measles in impoverished countries where there is a lack of nutrition and poor water supply. i'm not fooled by billionaires who claim to worry about the world's health but only want to help in ways that add to their fortunes. when bill gates shows as much concern for the education and nutrition of poor children as he does for getting needles into their arms, and gets a well fitting brassiere, i might take him a bit more seriously
😂😂I was already thinking about the need for a brassiere when I got to the part where you gently suggested it. How come all folks pushing pharmaceuticals look like they’ve never heard of health?
Big Pharma’s target market are sick people. Especially chronically sick. The more sick people the better.
I’ll bet they’re cleaning up $$$$ due to all the sick people their jabs have created. Bad drugs are more profitable than safe drugs if you can cover up the truth with lies.
Avoid seed oils for good eating - it's amazing how they're in just about everything! Should be ~2% or less of caloric intake, but more like 20-30% of American diet. Even health foods tout they use organic seed oils... Don't eat it!
you should worry about the polio vax all the boomer kids got, it was contaminated with SV-40. Simian Virus 40, the 40th one they identified, also known as polyoma, which means 'many cancers'.
i know but there's little i can do about it now. i'm grateful that i missed the vaccinate against anything wave in order to go to school. i work at staying healthy
I don’t have vaccine injured kids but have been a rabid anti- vaxxer for years. It must rile you when you hear people use the term derogatively. It sure riles me. The parrots have never looked into the lifelong negative side effects of these poisons because if they did they would certainly never use terms like this. Their ignorance is only surpassed by their arrogance.
I called my ex friend, an er doc, a drug attic when she told me she had to get her 5th pfizer and all the prerequisite flu shots too. Sufficient to say we no longer speak. I just can’t understand that level of brainwashed!
Ironically, peanut allergies (and egg, wheat, dairy, shellfish, asthma) may well be connected to childhood vax side effects. I went to school in the 80's and 90's and there weren't friggin EpiPens everywhere. Yet another pharma side effect rort.
Exactly! There were no food allergies in my family, then my 4th became allergic to milk overnight after the dpt. I learned there are bovine milk proteins in the dpt shot. It programmed her body to see milk proteins as antigens. I stopped all Vs then and researched for hundreds of hours.
I graduated HS in 1990. I knew no one with autism or food allergies in school in a large district school. Since the 1986 act, all of it has skyrocketed.
they began putting pnut oil in the jabs and it made everyone allergic......i saw a great docu on it but its memory holed even beyond the way back machine now.
I suspect you received a LOT more than just those few vaccines. I got mine at around 2yrs old in 1965 and it was 17 shots at once. Left a scar on my arm that looked like a cigar burn, which has moved up my arm and over my shoulder. I would have never even known about it, except that I happened across an old picture of Dad holding me, while in a diaper, and I had to ask Mom, "What the heck is that on my arm ??" It happened before I developed very many memories, so I would have never known.
They pulled the plug on the 17 shot blaster at around 1968-1970, not sure precisely when, but it was because it caused to many issues, .... aside from the fat scar it left. But that didn't mean they stopped all those 17 vaccines, it just meant they spread them out a bit, so they were all-in by the time a kid is 4 or 5 yrs old.
I remember getting a painful shot with little needles in my back at age 5. Missed out on a day or two of kindergarten because I got sick with a fever afterwards. Had a sore between my shoulder blades that itched for many days.
Amen sista! I am thankful for warrior parents like you who spoke out relentlessly for decades about the dangers of the juices and was willing to share countless amounts of data to prove their stance. I listened and learned and have a healthy child because of it. I will be forever grateful.
Yes. I knew this almost twenty years ago. And it once came up at a children's party, which my son was at in around 2010. The (psychotherapist) host mother mentioned childhood vaccines to me. I said my son's vaccines stopped after the first baby ones - I didn't bother to elaborate on that, either the details or my thoughts - and WOW I was set upon by this woman I thought was my friend, plus several other women, blaming me for all kinds of terrible imaginary outcomes! I didn't bother defending my viewpoint, since it was my business not theirs. After that, I felt I had the more exact measure of this woman who I had thought intelligent and interesting. And I learnt to keep quiet. But not any more!
Breaking news! I’ve obtained a copy of what Moderna presented to the FDA advisors:
the number of dollar signs would exceed the capacity of this system
Igor, you asked for a text version of Sasha Latypova's claim that the DoD (not the FDA/CDC) controls the C19 "vaccine" from manufacture through distribution to injection. Sasha just posted a high level summary.
This was basically the argument put forth by Pfizer in its motion to dismiss Brook Jackson's case.
Sasha owned 3 start up companies and sold them for high $. She's the latest on the alt talk circuits and a distraction. Check out Karen Kingston's take https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/will-we-fall-for-the-latest-expert?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1103773&post_id=93457771&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email
Actually, the legal work wrt to the contracts was done by Katherine Watt (Bailiwick News) not Sasha Latypova. Watt is a journalist who worked for many years as a paralegal. Laytpova's focus was her area of expertise: good manufacturing. They connected recently.
Latypova has been writing for Trialsite News for several months. Both she and Watt encourage people to go after all the players. It's important to understand the legal landscape because, as I pointed out above, Pfizer used this very argument in their motion to dismiss Brook Jackson's case...and the Federal government failed to join her suit.
I really don't appreciate Kingston throwing shade on Latypova. It's harmful to the entire opposition. If she disagrees with Watt and Latypova, she should take it offline. I don't know who is correct about the contracts. Neither do you.
And how do you know Kingston isn't the distraction?
Beautifully stated. I agree completely.
IMO, it is 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 bad form to assume the worst about or suggest nefarious motives on the part of others; in this case, Kingston coming out and saying that Latypova and Watt are "shills" for Pfizer and Moderna? They're both bringing their POV to the subject -- and it is hardly "shilling." Sheesh! If Kingston thinks either or both are wrong, virtue demands that she seek to correct or help, not defame or character assassinate.
Kingston doing this makes me less open to listening to her, which is a shame, but she made this poor move first.
Latypova has NOT given cover to Pfizer,, et al. - she simply has exposed the REAL creators and funders of the criminal enterprise to the world. The pharma giants are all guilty as hell and, hopefully, their days are numbered. We shall see...
Kingston's post is needlessly aggressive. She also aims unwarranted criticism at Dr. Malone. Although the Stew Peters group she works with has produced some good info, I don't get good feelings from them, because of the commercial feel and showmanship/tug-at-emotions kind of outreach. Let's see where this goes.
karen graphene
LOL. Yes... What we need is more multi-dimensional chess courtesy of Mr. Warp Speed and his "beautiful vaccines"!
Mr. Igor there’s new data on HIV infection rates ?
HIV tests are apparently about as trustworthy as PCR.
I know that. The reason why I’m asking is because THEY are treating (17) year old children/young people as HIV positive & this are new patients 💭💭 you get my point NOW!!
Everyone has VAIDS!
Monkey pox looks AWFULLY similar in some respects to Kaposi Sarcoma...
Is there? Or are you just making fun of all the garbage testing?
LOL !!
Where's Jerry Maguire when you need him?
Those of us with vaccine-injured children have known about this kind of data hiding and word-smithing for over a decade. We tried to warn people. It was all in plain sight. The idiots who spewed hate and posted dumb memes years ago about “if my kid can’t bring peanut butter to the classroom, yours can’t bring diseases” are now vaccine-injured and eating crow. Wakefield, Krigsman, Mumper, Megson, Kartzinel and many others have been sounding the alarm for decades. Now the clot shot is a whole other beast. CDC really broke out the big guns with this monstrosity, and MSM remains silent. They’ll keep going as long as they can. They don’t care if they injure or kill. It’s all about the Benjamins.
ArtyD, I want to apologize to you.
I was blind before COVID.
I thought that antivaxxers were quacks.
I did not know that so many kids were hurt.
I already apologized to my children for not thinking about their childhood vaccinations.
Now I want to apologize to you and other people like you.
I am sorry.
I only woke up in the last 3 years.
Thank you. I’m sorry we are all joined together by the lies and deceit. Many of us had to learn the hard way. But I’m glad to have someone as vocal and articulate as you seeing the truth. Keep up the great work.
Same, Igor. I dutifully allowed the Vax “schedule” for my kids, never gave it a thought, except the Hollywood types like Jenny McCarthy were nuts. I never had any use for or trust in government, politicians, bureaucrats but the medical community? Yes. My father, uncle & grandfather were MDs when MDs were still independent & Hypocratic Oath still meant something in the olden days. Eyes wide open now as of the past 3 years
Me too . I trained as a nurse and as part of the system believed I n vaccines. My mother was also a nurse. At 70 , it’s been not n the last few years as an IT challenged person been able to access other viewpoints. I now have a Pfizer injury and am speaking out at ever opportunity.
Im so sorry, Julie. But good for you in being brave & speaking out 😘
I think the premise of mimicking natural infections through vaccines is reasonably sound theoretically but there are so many immune system unknowns/ variances and this reactions. There are big differences in how natural infections proceed and how all the various types of vaccine are supposed to work but it isn't necessarily a bad idea if the match were good. That said, covid shots are transfections and nothing like live attenuated vaccines, for example. It must also be noted that any drug or vaccine can be dangerous, just like a virus/infection. It's always risk/benefit and should not be mandated ever. Unfortunately, the idea that vaccines are inherently safe or effective is indeed questionable and much of the data on regular vaccines has been obscured, I feel. It's a damn shame. Vaccines may have their place but we need to be in a position to see all the evidence and data..
Did Jenny McCarthy speak out against the covid vax?
I have a friend that was antivaxx precovid but for some bizarre reason she took the covid vax. I'll never understand that one.
That one I can explain! It is the covid propaganda that made your friend think that her life was at risk at that very moment. She probably made a calculation based on her knowledge: and because she tought she good dye, she preferred taking the risk to get vaccination injured, over dying.
Probably you are like me, looked up some data globally to check how many people died, because you, just like me, didn't know anybody who died from covid, nor my friends knew somebody who died of covid, and the data showed to me that that was not coincidented. There were not lots of people dying. So I concluded there was something wrong but not a lethal disease...
In addition to that, it was the global lockstep + unhinged “policies” like lockdown, masks, arrows, plastic shields, limited interaction amongst groups, isolating the aged or sick or dying & the “warp speed” jab that left no doubt something wicked this way comes
Talk about overplaying their hand!
Big pHarma shows no compassion for outcasts like me. Psychiatry is about finding unhappy or troubled people and creating the symptoms associated with bipolar or schizophrenia. Their mind altering drugs disfigure and cripple those they claim to help. They damage people neurologically (how the drugs work) and cause them to die 25 years early. After I found about vaccine injuries I was not surprised. Pfizer and the rest are worse than ordinary drug cartels. And far more powerful.
Yep true. I watched the fatality rate closely and it was obvious after the Princess Diamond Cruise that we weren't all going to die. There was never a need for a vax. A you can't make a safe vax in less than a year.
Jenny M declared her son's autism to be vax-caused.
IDKT220. I just remember her saying childhood “vaccines” were responsible for things like autism, ADD, etc. I thought she was crazy. No more
I got suspicious when I heard pharmaceutical companies claiming "100% safe and effective." Nothing is 100% safe. That set my BS detectors off.
R Nichols ... where were the clinical phase trials ... now lawyers are having a field day with using Tylenol in pregnancy and linking it to autism.
Yes, that is one of the reddest red flags there is.
Indeed, we live in a world where sanity and insanity switched places long ago. And only very recently are they starting to switch back, it seems.
Black is white, up is down, slavery is freedom, 2+2=5, sanity is insanity…I hope you’re right that it’s switching back Ajax
How about the fact that all the government and pharma hating hippies that are all in on natural healing and farm to table life not having a single question?
Rich, isn’t it Chiadrum. In addition, only THEY were “following the science”. But the true “science” tide is turning on them. The truth was always there….
I told my imbecile sister that she would be embarrassed by her position and the truth would come out. Whether or not she will ever admit it is another story. She and my mom both opted to no longer speak rather than have a respectful conversation on the topic. After they both smeared me as a science denier. Punch line- sis is a science teacher by trade. Yeah, we are doomed 😎
THEY hired the best Behaviorial Psychologists to figure out how to 'motivate' peeps to do stuff they normally wouldn't. Import Crisis and Mega-Fear, pre-fontal cortex. e.g. decision making for outcomes shuts down basically due to flight or fight response. Easy to sustain propaganda ads, fake death #s when you have a 1 billion dollar budget.
ffs. don't help your Citizens tho. Get that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
I think that I’ll get a tshirt- “Milgram Outlier”. Anyone who knows what it means is a friend for life. My sis claims she got jabbed so she could “have her life back”. What will the cost be next time sis?
Lots of people did it so they could “travel” - that was NEVER any good reason for me but to the extent dopes thought it was, they had really unpleasant experiences w/ constant masking & distancing & many places closed or majorly restricted due to WuFlu.
T220... I know a few anti vaxxers whose kids were injured from the MMR and DPT and they jabbed their teenage children with this Jab . It boggled my mind . One ended up with myocarditis and the other with an encephalopathy.
Wow. Looks like some people never learn, alas.
No they don’t … my sympathy level was low , I’m sad to admit.
And Pamela Anderson, and Robert DeNiro, and so many others too.
Jenny has kept her mouth shut since she was lampooned. But I know she’s still in the biomedical circles treating her child. I hear he’s doing well.
I would think & hope she’d be right out loud, vindicating herself
I fought it tooth and nail. It was a long hard frustrating battle. I appreciate everyone who supported snd educated me during that time. I think living in Missouri made it a little easier. They were a little more hands off. I fired at least 6 pediatricians. I am well aware in some states DFS might accuse me if child endangerment. Frankly, that frightens me.
thank you; it is a rare admission, so it counts even more
that's ok. welcome .......to the far right, racist, mysogynist, climate denier, anti vaxxer hate speeching anti semite conspiracy theorists support group. you are one of us now. We are a pretty cool bunch when you get to mingle with us. HONK HONK.
You fogot anti-science
Has anyone ever openly called themselves "anti science"?
It's what others call them, along with mysogynist, racist etc
but better late than never. you are a valuable addition to the team!
Indeed, I felt the same way as well. And I am sorry too. It is sad that it had to take something like this to really blow the lid off the entire racket that has been literally going on since Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccine in the 18th century to one degree or another.
For smallpox, the entire 19th century looked an awful lot like what we are seeing now, with the vaccines igniting and reigniting new outbreaks over and over again. To say nothing of the horrible vaccine injuries too. And yet they kept on forcing them on people over and over again. History really does rhyme!
Not that all vaccines are always categorically bad in all cases period, of course, but there has always been a significant dark side to them pretty much from the get-go that has been (until now) successfully swept under the rug.
The proof is in the pudding as they say. We purebloods live awfully healthy lives decade in and decade out. I am working out now my body is worth a hell of a lot to a chop shop. I keep waking up in a cold sweat seeing hoards of covid jabbed lefties screaming and baying for the govt to intervene and make me give up my organs.
Jonathon Edwards died of an early smallpox vaccine. A famous Puritan writer and preacher.
I have to agree. I have been thinking about my children too, now that I am awake.
I am surprised at the continued blindness of some, who even quite publicly continue to criticize the circumstances around the creation and pushing of the Covid shot, but continue to trust and defend the very same pharmaceutical industry and government agencies when it comes to vaccines in general. THAT is being blind, gullible and lacking in critical thinking skills. Not coming across the facts about vaccines earlier, but *becoming curious and suspicious* and coming to the realization about the true circumstances surrounding all vaccines as a result of the Covid farce is showing intelligence and integrity.
Igor, you are the only person I’ve seen publicly apologize to your children for trusting vaccine manufacturers at and government agencies, and admit to your change of heart so openly, and I have tremendous respect for you because it!
Better late than never. I appreciate your work.
You’re the first person I’ve ever seen who has apologized for this
Igor, this is one of the many reasons I paid to read your stack. I fully admit I read for free to get a feel for the type of writer and person I was spending my time on. I could tell through your various writings that you truly care, are a very ethical individual and in pursuit of the truth. This takes an individual being humble to admit when they are wrong. Now, that’s a person I want to hear from! Like you, I am always learning and always admit when I am wrong. Your kids are lucky to have you!
glad you saw the light, better now than never. i was extremely fortunate that in 1986 , the same year pHARMa was let off the hook , i wound up in a childbirth prep class from a midwife birthing center that was taught by a woman who was already in the know about what things like vaxxes , sonograms , epidurals and pitocen did to the fetus and later the child. god bless that angel sent from heaven , i can never thank her enough , and the chiropractor i met at that class as well
I didn’t catch on for a few years after getting many autoimmune issues after a booster shot for work in 2001. By 2003 I was applying for disability. I was so I’ll & brain fog (and brainwashed!) it took more neglect, gaslighting and failed treatments until I woke up. Found an integrative medicine doctor that changed & is changing my life and health. Finally functioning in society a little bit again. & the substack community has been a blessing since this covid narrative started.
I'm damaged from long term (22+ years) use of SSRI drugs to treat the "brain chemical imbalance" the lying experts assured me I had. Shame on me for believing them. Went off them 5 years ago. Suffering autoimmune illness and neurological problems like brain fog. Similar to a lot of the vaccine injured I noticed.
I can relate to that. At 45 I was on 8 prescriptions for various autoimmune issues and tried antidepressants for many years before them. Slowly weaned myself off everything but thyroid medicine. Doesn’t it remind you of what they call long covid? Don’t be embarrassed about believing the “ experts “, just be thankful you came to your senses.
Sorry I wasted so much of my life too. Ages 20-44 drugged out of my gourd. I took a lot of the drugs including sedatives and neuroleptics. When the SSRI for anxiety and depression I took shortly after turning twenty made me batty (3 weeks without sleep) they diagnosed me bipolar and forced a "cocktail" on me. They warned my family how stupid and sneaky the severely mentally ill can be because "they lack insight." The lies to and about me combined with lots of mood/mind altering drugs that really hurt my relationships. Gainful employment or having a family were impossible. I couldn't even properly grieve the life they stole.
I know of baby that just received scheduled jabs and broke out body wide hives.
That breaks my heart. Unfortunately, like when my baby had bloody diarrhea, and a face covered in eczema, after the first round of shots, the pediatrician will say it’s all perfectly normal so we should continue posthaste.
I know an infant who the grandmother hasn’t been allowed to meet yet , I pray for baby and for her parents to wake up.
This gives me so much hope and makes me cry. Thank you Igor for your courage.
After being yelled at by doctors and ostracized for health decisions for my family which go against the medical norms, I hoped when this whole Covid nightmare began, there would be good that came from it.
I believe this is the good, the silver lining. That people everywhere are seeing behind the veil of lies and deception.
I started going anti vaxx after I noticed some militant anti-anti-vaxxer propaganda that praised Big pHarma. And it made no sense.
yes, it's really true that most people were ok with vaccines as long as it wasn't mandated on them. i'm of an age where my childhood vaccines were polio, small pox and TB so i'm pretty unscathed. i was taught in college (!) that autism was caused by a cold unfeeling mother who rejected the child (even unconsciously) at birth and i asked "i suppose fathers never reject a child?"
in 1976, my cousin's wife spent a year in a wheelchair after that swine flu vaccine. i figured it was better to spend a few days in bed with the flu than a year with GBS.
there's just too much medicine. you go to a doctor when you break a bone or have a ruptured appendix. other than that, eat real food, move around and spend time outside. all the rest- well baby visits, yearly scans, tests looking for this and that- it's all rent seeking behavior.
we all had measles, mumps and chickenpox as children and our parents weren't overly concerned. now, to hear doctors talk about measles as if it's some fatal disease! yikes! yeah, sure lots of kids die from measles in impoverished countries where there is a lack of nutrition and poor water supply. i'm not fooled by billionaires who claim to worry about the world's health but only want to help in ways that add to their fortunes. when bill gates shows as much concern for the education and nutrition of poor children as he does for getting needles into their arms, and gets a well fitting brassiere, i might take him a bit more seriously
There’s nothing Gates could do at this point to restore his credibility other than by jumping off a tall bridge.
as part of his depopulation agenda
A lot of folks on the right and the left hate him.
😂😂I was already thinking about the need for a brassiere when I got to the part where you gently suggested it. How come all folks pushing pharmaceuticals look like they’ve never heard of health?
Big Pharma’s target market are sick people. Especially chronically sick. The more sick people the better.
I’ll bet they’re cleaning up $$$$ due to all the sick people their jabs have created. Bad drugs are more profitable than safe drugs if you can cover up the truth with lies.
100%. Their products are the gift that keeps on giving - to themselves.
Avoid seed oils for good eating - it's amazing how they're in just about everything! Should be ~2% or less of caloric intake, but more like 20-30% of American diet. Even health foods tout they use organic seed oils... Don't eat it!
you should worry about the polio vax all the boomer kids got, it was contaminated with SV-40. Simian Virus 40, the 40th one they identified, also known as polyoma, which means 'many cancers'.
i know but there's little i can do about it now. i'm grateful that i missed the vaccinate against anything wave in order to go to school. i work at staying healthy
I don’t have vaccine injured kids but have been a rabid anti- vaxxer for years. It must rile you when you hear people use the term derogatively. It sure riles me. The parrots have never looked into the lifelong negative side effects of these poisons because if they did they would certainly never use terms like this. Their ignorance is only surpassed by their arrogance.
Terms Anti-Vax and Vaccine Hesitant were crafted.
We could easily call users of vaxes, Health-Deniers...
Peter ,,,, I think your on to something ,let’s call them NID’s.
NID = Natural Immunity Denier.
And Coincidence Theorists.
perfect brother!!
Same as racist, sexist, transphobic etc. Labels meant to discredit instead of engage.
I called my ex friend, an er doc, a drug attic when she told me she had to get her 5th pfizer and all the prerequisite flu shots too. Sufficient to say we no longer speak. I just can’t understand that level of brainwashed!
Hahaha. Yes. There are a few more I could add to your list but civility overcomes my desire for rudeness.
What about “KoolAid Drinker”? ;)
yes the "hesitant" is a HOOT!
ADAMANT is my word
Thank you ArtyD, I am one of those parents warning after my kid was injured. I have been excoriated for years about it.
Ironically, peanut allergies (and egg, wheat, dairy, shellfish, asthma) may well be connected to childhood vax side effects. I went to school in the 80's and 90's and there weren't friggin EpiPens everywhere. Yet another pharma side effect rort.
Exactly! There were no food allergies in my family, then my 4th became allergic to milk overnight after the dpt. I learned there are bovine milk proteins in the dpt shot. It programmed her body to see milk proteins as antigens. I stopped all Vs then and researched for hundreds of hours.
I graduated HS in 1990. I knew no one with autism or food allergies in school in a large district school. Since the 1986 act, all of it has skyrocketed.
they began putting pnut oil in the jabs and it made everyone allergic......i saw a great docu on it but its memory holed even beyond the way back machine now.
It wasn't a problem when I was a kid. We had MMR's and maybe polio shots. That was it. No flu shots. (They don't work I've noticed.)
I suspect you received a LOT more than just those few vaccines. I got mine at around 2yrs old in 1965 and it was 17 shots at once. Left a scar on my arm that looked like a cigar burn, which has moved up my arm and over my shoulder. I would have never even known about it, except that I happened across an old picture of Dad holding me, while in a diaper, and I had to ask Mom, "What the heck is that on my arm ??" It happened before I developed very many memories, so I would have never known.
Maybe. I was born in the early seventies.
They pulled the plug on the 17 shot blaster at around 1968-1970, not sure precisely when, but it was because it caused to many issues, .... aside from the fat scar it left. But that didn't mean they stopped all those 17 vaccines, it just meant they spread them out a bit, so they were all-in by the time a kid is 4 or 5 yrs old.
I remember getting a painful shot with little needles in my back at age 5. Missed out on a day or two of kindergarten because I got sick with a fever afterwards. Had a sore between my shoulder blades that itched for many days.
BAM !!
I wonder, .....
A graph showing the total quantity of different childhood illnesses, syndromes & disorders 1968-2023.
A graph showing the increase in total quantity of different vaccines required. 1968-2023.
Do you just use the same graph and slap a different description on it ?? lol
Like Edward Dowd commented - they will double down, triple down, until the whole shit-show bursts into flames.
Let’s hope it does burst into flames. Ed Dowd is a hero. Thank goodness we have him and the others fighting for the truth.
Momentum seems to be gathering - ridiculing the ridiculous is righteous
Haha. Thanks. I presume the Kaufman reference is Andrew Kaufman. Or is it just a coincidence?
It's a play on the words, "cough, man."
Coinkydinks at every turn 😉
It will. And soon.
Amen sista! I am thankful for warrior parents like you who spoke out relentlessly for decades about the dangers of the juices and was willing to share countless amounts of data to prove their stance. I listened and learned and have a healthy child because of it. I will be forever grateful.
That’s great to hear! I always hope we are making a difference.
Yes. I knew this almost twenty years ago. And it once came up at a children's party, which my son was at in around 2010. The (psychotherapist) host mother mentioned childhood vaccines to me. I said my son's vaccines stopped after the first baby ones - I didn't bother to elaborate on that, either the details or my thoughts - and WOW I was set upon by this woman I thought was my friend, plus several other women, blaming me for all kinds of terrible imaginary outcomes! I didn't bother defending my viewpoint, since it was my business not theirs. After that, I felt I had the more exact measure of this woman who I had thought intelligent and interesting. And I learnt to keep quiet. But not any more!