The criminal behavior is so out in the open. There is no shame, no attempt at hiding it. Why? No accountability. Until people swing from the end of a rope, nothing will change.

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The vaxxed don’t seem terribly upset by these ongoing revelations of corruption/incompetence. Why is that?!

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They don't care. They've made their bed and they're lying in it. They don't read all this stuff on Substack. Or the proper science papers. WE do! WE know what's wrong! WE care! WE want a better world!

But these people? It's just 'Meh, I'll just do what my Dr & Govt tell me to do' and then of course you've got the raving lunatics who that think that vaccination = world's best cure for EVERYTHING, ha ha.

You can't save people from something they don't think they need saving from.

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Exactly Robyn! I saw a lady at the crosswalk a few days ago with 3 MASKS ON AND HOLDING A FACE SHIELD! This CONvid has brought out the mental illness in many people. I’m NOT one of them!

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It's a wonder she could breathe at all to even use the crosswalk! :-D

Think of all that high-altitude training she doesn't have to do now...

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LMAO! Damn…you’re right! Great observation Robyn!

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And maybe, just maybe, chronic mask wearers are actually fitter than before their mask wearing, since they've been training for a low oxygen environment. THEN when they took their much-longed-for covid jabs (which clumped their red blood cells and depleted their available oxygen), they were in fact ready for that low-oxygen situation! Which is why MORE people haven't died post-covid jab!! If TPTB were deadly serious about depopulating us, why the hell did they ever suggest mask-wearing?! They were just training the dickheads' ability to survive the covid jabs!

OR, to play devil's advocate, were they just MASKING (ha ha, great pun, right?!) the deaths from the covid jabs so people could survive longer post-covid jab...? But now that mask requirements have been relaxed in so many places, are we going to see MORE deaths as people stop doing their high-altitude training...?!

Just some food for thought ;-)

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When you think about it, training with a mask (or three!) on is far cheaper than travelling to some mountainous region to get fit (and it wasn't like people COULD travel to that mountainous region for a while there...). TPTB totally missed the positive spin on this one!

But to be fair, for them to say wearing a mask is great way to increase your fitness level (if it doesn't kill you - no, that's where the covid jabs come in...), they'd have to admit that wearing a mask actually depletes your oxygen ha ha ;-)

I just did a quick search and came across this website: https://altitude-training.com.au/

Check out the Youtube video on the main page (it's only 26 secs) of the guy doing exercise in a mask. OK, so he's got a tube attached to it, but hey, wouldn't 3 masks be easier? No tube or expensive rental needed! Ha ha ha ha! (and let's just forget about the increase in CO2 that comes from mask wearing...)

In fact, they have a lovely answer in one of their FAQs:

"Is altitude training safe?

Unless you have pre-existing health conditions such as a bacterial or viral infection, any type of heart condition, iron deficiency, sickle-cell trait, anaemia, are using diuretics or kidney medications or have a chronic sleep disorder then altitude training prescribed in the correct manner is considered safe."

Gee, those health conditions sound familiar....

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Lucky for the public ,she was only crossing a crosswalk and not driving .Close calls while driving is getting a bit frightening .Also driving at night in a well lit city, some 50% of drivers drive with high beam all the time never changing to low beam .The intense glare from the light is a danger ,that seems routine since all that vaxxing began .?

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I just saw a lady double maskef this evening walking outside in the fresh air. She had scrubs on. Looked like she just came from the doctors office. Insanity.

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Yeah and we better watch our backs around the sleeping masses too. Most of them are as much of a threat as most bureaucrats and technocrats are combined. Not to mention that you'll have to stay saturated with antioxidants to keep from catching their spike proteins or whatever.

I almost caught covid two or three times since 2021 and 2022 from working around jabbees. I felt it hitting my chest and throat like a cold was coming on. I started medicating immediately and stopped the infection from going full-blown every time by the grace of God.

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There are always elections and if you select me I will change the laws to make things right .First anyone taking off the mask must be shot on the spot .Maskers must also have a long bushy tail on their but and large micky mouse ears on their face . That is for starters ,So stay tuned .

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I read you loud and clear. Different puppet. Same agendas irrespective of political party affiliations. How many more reruns of this movie will we be forced to endure?

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Good points.

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Ahhh...the legacy of Da Fauuccchhiii’s ouchies & his “recommendations” - our dear leader into the abyss - while he stays at the top ! (...until Judgement Day!)

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The same reason why smokers aren't bothered by info on lung cancer.

"I'm fine. Doesn't apply to me."

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You're barking up the right tree

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Maybe the smokers have had it right all along. The “experts” are the ones that said smoking cigarettes causes cancer. Now the “experts” say wear a mask and get quadruple vax’d, but many of us ignore it since it’s clearly bunk. Makes me want to light one up!

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Well, my mom started smoking at 12 with Camel unfiltered. She smoked pretty much all the way until she died (of COPD not shockingly) with only a few serious attempts at quitting. For the most part 2 packs a day. NOT ONE BIT OF CANCER. Cancer is you going bad, not a foreign invader. If your body can clear the toxins or deal with them without having cellular changes that get out of control, you can pretty much tolerate anything without getting cancer. But indeed, its more of a denial thing.

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The new chinese invention allows you to wear your mask 24./7 and smoke at the same time .The new masks have a hole in the center for the cigarette and they are now fire prove .

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This sounds right to me.

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They would have to admit they were lied to and psychologically manipulated. Most can't do it.

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Plus most of those people are also liars and psychologically manipulate other people to get what they want. Narcissists are aplenty.

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I can see that. You would think that might change with more people like Dr. Malhotra publicly acknowledging that they were misled (i.e. would help people's ego when a famous doctor has also been manipulated). Maybe we'll reach a tipping point and the expression of hurt and resentment by the vaxxed will snowball?

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We'll reach a tipping point when too many people are dead and buried. Even then, I'm still not sure...

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Even the maimed imbeciles have no regrets... they are like soldiers injured in battle...

I am surprised the PR Team does not provide the vax injured with medals of honour... how about free tickets to an NFL game and before the anthem is sung trot half a dozens of them out and thank them for their sacrifice.

Now that"s a Black Mirror episode!

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Well yeah. its somewhere tween death and our 'heroes' for now.

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As long as they are satisfied with the reasons their loved one died no one will bat an eye. Currently listening to two related coworkers discussing the health problems of two of their family members in their early 40's. It's all being blamed on lifestyle. I know drinking and smoking are bad, but it takes decades for it to take it's toll, usually. I've worked in bars all my life, alkies can live a surprisingly long time and it is not usually the heart that takes 'em out. It will be so easy for those who consider themselves to be above certain behaviours to look the other way when premature death comes to at least some of their people.

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Agreed. They'll just put the death down to something else. Also agreed that alcoholics can last a very long time! Maybe they're just too pickled, ha ha.

But yeah, most people aren't going to see it. They're already bound to the medical cartel, and very blind to it, so nothing is going to wake them up. People can justify ANYTHING to themselves. We're already seeing it.

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Yep. They will simply think - Thank God for the jab otherwise I'd have died much earlier.

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I was hoping that wouldn't happen anyway. Now I'm starting to believe that if too many covidians keep dying. The sociopaths may come after the rest of us.

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One thing is for sure....it has to get a lot worse and a lot more obvious than it is now.

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No, they would have to admit that they FELL FOR IT. That is far worse than admitting you were lied to. Oh, and they would also have to admit that WE WERE CORRECT!

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They excuse all of this because the MSM has told them to think that the vaccines saved millions of lives - the vax injuries are a small price to pay ...

And they'll also believe that sometimes you have to cut corners when you are faced with a disease that threatens us with extinction.

The PR Team has all angles covered.. now matter how obvious this is to any of us -- the CovIDIOTS will NEVER get it.

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And the scenario works perfectly for them. They can say that millions of lives were saved, without ever having to or being able to prove it, and we can say that they would have lived anyway, but can't prove that either. And since Pfizer did such horrible clinical studies, all the control groups have been jabbed so no long term studies there either, they can pretty much get away with it all. Yeah....science (really pisses off this guy with a BS degree in biology who worked 25 years in the medical diagnostics field).

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Not that it changes minds ... but when they make this claim ... I will respond with 'yes but the average age of those who die from covid is 80+ and they have 3+ very serious illnesses to begin with --- I don't qualify --- so there is no point in taking the risk of the vaccines' -- if they are also healthy individuals I will say 'it's not as if you or I are at risk of getting seriously ill or dying from covid - we are not old and sick'

A wave of cognitive dissonance hits them protecting them from the truth ... their eyes glaze over... there is a brief silence... then they ask about the weather.

That is about as close as one can get to having any level of success with one of these MORE-ONS.

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"Millions of lives saved." Exactly.

As some know, I have a friend that manages clinical trials for Pfizer. About a year and a half ago, I showed her one or two different substacks about the problems with the vaxx. This was before Paxlovid btw.

In the end, her comment was something like "there are no other treatments for COVID, and if there are vaxx injuries, they are small compared to the lives saved. "

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Looks that way. Hopefully they'll all live long enough so that big pharma won't convince governments to send swat teams to our homes, and jobs to force vaccinate and medicate the rest of us.

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Many people (even intelligent and educated people) still accept the official narrative about the jabs. I know, it doesn't make sense, but there it is. Those people sincerely believe that

-the jabs are "safe and effective"

-yes, there might be adverse effects but they are very, very rare

-the Chief Health Officers (or equivalent in your country) are responsible and knowledgable people who seriously look at all the evidence and make decisions that are in the best interests of general public health.

Once this whole edifice of mind-control gets cracked (eg a close family member gets harmed & it is clearly linked to the jab) then it all bursts apart. But until then, it is like some sort of psycho-biofilm that keeps out any thoughts heretical to this narrative.

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But it doesn't always burst apart. I can see vax injuries in quite a few of my family members, let alone my patients and the general public! I have seen people who died early because of bad medication. Barely anyone else I know ever questions it.

I think it's rare that people 'wake up' to the fact that insanity is going on around them and that they are a part of it. Most people are just like a product on a production line: do this, go here, say this, work there etc. even if bad things happen around them. The production line is all they know - and all they WANT to know. So few REALLY wake up!!! :-(

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Denial is a very powerful thing.

In my family, a few (one cousin & her family, and my son) resisted the propaganda from the start & refused to bow even to pressure (and in Australia, there was a LOT of pressure, amounting to coercion for many work categories). But only my sister decided to get jabbed, then later realised the extent of the con. (Extra respect to her for following her own judgement in the beginning, then changing course when the data began to come in - probably helped by a partner who was also resistant to the brain-washing.)

I have 3 brothers, all of whom are very intelligent & independently thinking people. Yet in this regard, they just accepted the narrative.

I think if someone in our family were to get obviously vax injured, that worldview might start to crack. One of my aunts, with a history of cancer, has mentioned that her doctor picked up some suspicious possible growths, and asked her specifically about her vax status - which did get my mother thinking.

But at this stage, I suspect that any downstream vax issues would probably not be obvious enough to convince most of them.

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"Once this whole edifice of mind-control gets cracked (eg a close family member gets harmed & it is clearly linked to the jab) then it all bursts apart"

Not necessarily. SIL had a good friend and her friends son--- friend had congestive heart failure and was on oxygen, while her son was morbidly obese with diabetes and high blood pressure-- die of "C0VID" in the hospital in late 2020. I believe the hospital murdered them.

Fast forward to summer of 2021. Her son, a former heroin user, had heart issues he didn't tell anyone about. Job required the vaxx, he took it and died five days later. They blame his heroin use.

And now... fall of 2021. BIL gets a booster, has shingles that turn into neuropathy. SIL accepts that her husband is vaxx injured. He will not get another booster.

SIL has told me that even though her husband is vaxx injured, she will get the latest booster if her doctor tells her to get it. Because "my friend died."

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Some people don't have the courage to face difficult facts. So they have no potential to change. They will go to their grave happy, smug, ignorant, and wrong.

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The blood clots are in your blood for a good reason .The clots bang against the head of the Yrusses in your blood and kill them .Why would anyone not like that science?

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They are in complete denial of any truth. They simply call you a liar and go running to mommy and daddy in the censorship panel of the website you are on and get them to take down the comments that hurt them. Happened to me on Yahoo when I commented on someone's post that Covid had caused them to have massive blood clots, surgery to remove them, and long-term use of anti-coagulants. Of course I had the audacity to point out that it sounded like they were jabbed and that clots, etc. were showing up in lots of people post-jab and that sadly, he would likely experience more since the spike protein factory was not part of every cell in his body potentially.

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I believe the indifference of the vaxxed is two-fold. Once, is they are suffering from profound cognitive dissonance which prevents them from accepting the fact that the potential kill-shot they just took is of their own doing. The other is they are still living in a fantasyland where the three letter medical agencies, certain providers, and hospital administrators genuinely have a patient's best interests at heart and can be trusted.

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They are not upset because after vaxxing they are less human now ,more robotic .A robot has no human feelings .

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Because they are either imbeciles or refuse to accept that they got conned over and over.

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My vote goes to "they refuse to accept they got conned over and over."

That's the experience I've had with the vaxxed I know.

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My experience is that indeed, the majority refuse to accept that they made a mistake. However, I also have multiple cases in which there is really no excuse for their choices - we are talking about idiots that got hurt by the initial jabs and went back for more. Unbelievable.

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Is it because they knew there was some risk?

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Do you mean the vaxxed knew there was risk so they don’t care if what they give their kids was tested?

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I believe most knew there was some risk as every drug or treatment has some risk, but the reports freaked out their kids (or the parent) and some parents didn't want their child stressed about it. Instead of approaching logically they reacted emotionally. Many kids pressured their parents, also feeling invincible or peer pressure. Some parents let the kids make the decision. I did not.

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But as time goes by and more is revealed shouldn't people who went along with the (shifting) narrative start to feel resentment?

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Perhaps with all their pressing current health issues, from having been jabbed 5+ times, and being dragged from one Dr's appt to another, they won't be able to have time to think about any anger or resentment. Barely being able to breathe or being in a high level of pain - constantly - kind of pushes most thinking out the window...other than 'Give me drugs!' or 'Make this pain go away!'...! There's no room for free thinking in there when you're in a permanent state of pain and panic...

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I wish a owned some rural property next to a major road or highway. I would begin constructing the largest gallows ever. There would be a billboard advertising it as the cure for the COVID lie perpetuated on humanity. And, a future reminder to those planning future endeavors.

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Good idea - a big billboard next to it - with images of Fauci Biden and Trump -- next to the gallows with a message We are Coming for You.

Remember Trump pushed Operation Warp Speed. He cannot be excused

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No, I mean the esteemed Drs. Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, and Deborah Birx.

Debbie Birx even bragged about lying to Trump in her book.

They lied to him about everything, especially the estimated death totals.

Not being a scientist, he believed every word that the ‘experts’ told him..... just like millions of others. Hence Operation Warp Speed. I truly believe that the man was just trying to save lives.

As for the Fed and those who rule the world...... I can only explore one rabbit hole at a time.

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POTUS has zero power - he is a puppet --- controlled by the owners of the Fed.

JFK found out how that works the hard way.

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Trump is not a scientist.

Maybe we should start with the people who lied to him first.

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"In both those meetings he asked me if the vaccines were not a bad thing, because he was considering a commission to look into ill-effects of vaccines... and somebody - his name is Robert Kennedy Junior - was advising them that vaccines were causing bad things and I said "no, that's a dead end - bad thing - don't do that"".

Kill f...ing Gates!

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Trump was lied to over and over again. By those a President is supposed to be able to trust.

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You mean the people who ordered him to launch Warp Speed... the people who own the Fed and run the world?

Good luck with that.

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I'm going to remove my comment. Probably you should remove yours too.

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I wouldn't be too concerned. It's metaphorical ... nobody is gonna hang anyone (gallows humour!)

I'm just off the phone with Pfizer spitting venom at someone -- I told them I was forced to get the injection to prevent the spread and have heart damage - and now their director is saying it wasn't tested to stop the spread.

Of course I have never been injected..

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Personally, I would be happy if Igor removes my comments entirely.

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Love this

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Removed my comment.

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Here's one possible explanation of why it's not hidden: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/did-i-hear-what-i-thought-i-just

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I’ll kick the chair.

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Why use mice ,when you have babies for testing .? Besides the testing mice have all died some time ago from testing .

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Alex Jones had some eloquent words today (at https://banned.video/watch?id=63471d072b54c900243e2cbc) about how the death penalty must be applied to all the Faucis and Gates and such people, without which "this country has no future". Whether one likes Jones or not, he's dead on on this.

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Alex Jones has been right about lots of things through the years. This world doesn't have much of a future if the new Nazi Reich on steroids isn't put out of commission. Sooner rather than later.

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This doesn't only apply to the US. Everywhere where such crimes have been committed. Somehow I feel the future of my country depends on justice (legal justice) done on these people, justice of the final kind. Otherwise, it means you can do anything, absolutely anything, to a nation and that nation won't respond in kind. It would mean it's dead. That's where these words by Jones resonate with me.

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I certainly didn't mean to sound like the covid jabs and the mania was limited to the US. Most if not all of her alleged allies are co-conspirators of every evil that goes on under the sun too. We truly have a world-wide epidemic of global corruption from people in high and low places. Which results in some of the ruling and non-ruling classes of individuals being a perpetual threat to the safety and survival of honest, law-abiding citizens.

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I didn't mean to imply that you sounded "like the covid jabs and the mania was limited to the US", I just meant that, as a Non-American, I know that in many countries there are such criminals, this is indeed a worldwide problem. For my own country, I do wish to see Macron and his gang (his prime ministers, his ministers of Health, and certain higher-ups in the public health structure) dangle from a rope some time in the future. Otherwise, I don't see how France will ever recover from this morally. This crime, the virus + the jabs is absolutely on the level of the worst that the nazis ever did. Finally, though, the US does have a leading role in all of this, first because it usually has, second because this conspiracy has its cradle in the US, third because the US already has the death penalty, fourth because it is there that the "resistance" is the strongest, and you have all those great doctors, scientists and engineers leading the information work and the fight.

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No problem Christopher. I didn't re-read what I posted and thought I may have sounded like I thought the covid tyranny and the mania was limited to the US. Long story short. The foxes are guarding the hen houses globally.

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Oct 13, 2022
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What makes me suspicious about Jones is 1) that constant divisiveness (the Left is all bad and the Right is all good), instead of building bridges between left and right: this serves the oligarchy: "divide and rule". 2) the constant "anti-communist" message ("anti-communism" is a reactionary message, it's a conservative message, it 's not just about "communists").

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Oct 13, 2022
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You can't ignore the beast, you have to fight back, else it will devour you. No way out.

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Oct 13, 2022
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Possibly. Controled by whom, in your view? I have my doubts about him too.

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Oct 13, 2022
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Makes sense. Yet, that appeal to the death penalty can't help the oligarchy, including because it has a mobilizing effect, so it doesn't make much sense that he would say that if he was really "controled opposition". However, today I heard him say strange things about aliens, that really made no sense to me. I'm not sure. I'm more positive about Mike Adams, who clearly supports the current NATO domination of Europe.

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Oct 13, 2022
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I feel your sentiments. As long as certain wicked people and their wicked offspring are alive. The rest of the world can all but forget about having or enjoying anything or living in peace.

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Why would they ever stop this nonsense when we are living in a fascist society and nobody poses one bit of a threat to this or any other bought out regulatory agency? Has there been even just one protest against anyone at the FDA, CDC, NIH, or Pfizer? No. The people behind the manufacturing and pushing of these useless, wasteful, injurious, and deadly products get to live their lives in peace- they get to go home each night and sit down, eat dead bodies, and watch TV in peace like everyone else. Until people push harder into the personal lives of these people they are going to keep at it and do even worse things for our future. It's pathetic what kind of abuse humanity takes and perpetuates.

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It far worse than that. Most are getting a high from the damage they have done and that is why they keep doing it. How many big Harma board members have you seen displaying a normal person's emotion to what has happened? NONE. Many of them laugh it off. Absolute evil.

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Agreed, they are getting a huge pleasure rush from this, can't imagine how good that feels because I'm not a sadist.

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No normal person can comprehend the behaviour of these creatures. It is a sad reality but some people are just pure evil.

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Yes, too many people don't understand how many enjoy causing pain and death. A thorough understanding of psychopathy is essential to understanding how human societies function. Without that understanding you can simply scratch your head in confusion always wondering why, why, why.

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Yesss. People don't like accepting that a lot of humans are completely malicious and have an ever increasing drive to be even more malicious.

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You have an interesting handle, considering our "kids" are being decimated... ??

I agree, though, and I while I'm not interested in some kind of armed response, if we continue to be quiet, and go along with genocide, the Evil Ones will continue their program of NWO.

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Not having kids who don't exist is different from harming kids who do exist. There's no harm in not brining someone into existence, but there's guaranteed harm in bringing someone into existence. The SHK movement believes in prioritizing the life that we already have here right now, real life with real interests and desires (this includes humans and other animals, children and adults alike). We don't advocate any harm towards anyone, but rather spreading compassion by helping the people and places we have right now. And like you said, if we keep this all passive their program will indeed continue.

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I find it odd that you claim your primary concern is helping people, when the name of your movement is a very specific call to cease having children. Obviously your priority is trying to convince people not to reproduce.

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The movement is about a lot of stuff, you could start off by checking out the website. There are all kinds of alternatives to creating biological children: being childfree for one, fostering and adopting children who are already here and are in need, volunteering with children, mentoring children, teaching children, donating to organizations that help children (we do this), spending time with children who you are close to (nieces, nephews, parents of friends and neighbors), and creating families with other species. Yes, we want to encourage and convince people to not reproduce or to not reproduce further, but we simultaneously want to encourage people to help those who exist and are in need. After all is said and done, we aren't stopping anyone from having kids or advocating for anyone to be forced to not have kids. It's a compassionate message whether you agree or not.

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I think we're all entitled to our opinion, and so I am not here to judge you. I have no kids, either. Not because I don't like them, I just didn't ever feel I was in a good position to go there... starving artist and so on. That said, it just seems an odd time to be saying this, when there's a giant cull going on, and sterilization going on... That doesn't mean you can't think whatever you like, since you will anyway. But it will surely continue to draw attention, maybe not positive attention.

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Part of what we do is provoke people to think critically about procreation. Sadly a lot of people have kids because they don't realize there's another way and we want people to know procreation is an ability, not an obligation. Our message is meant for any time, no matter what's going on in the world the message is always relevant. There's always culls and sterilizations going on, it's just that new forms of these pop up from time to time, but it's a human problem like most where there's no end in sight. We draw a ton of positive attention when we do outreach and we get a lot of positive attention online too. Negative attention too, but I don't want to neglect mentioning that there is a lot of positive attention.

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I don't think we need to worry about overpopulation anymore after these shots, unless the 15% birth rate decline is temporary. We're going to need to worry about a complete collapse of society.

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Fuckin A.

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Yeah, SHK isn't focused on the problem of overpopulation, that isn't what it's mainly about.

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Steve Kirsch has a boat load of money and is in this fight in a very tenacious way. But, what effort can we come up with that Steve could help fund? Billboards all over this country perhaps? Idea anyone?

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I consider Steve Kirsch to be controlled opposition. Sorry, I know lots of people think he's wonderful. Try that idea and see if he even ANSWERS you.

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I don't necessarily think he is controlled, but I do see a disconnect- which I see others also having at this time- where he and many others just suddenly started seeing this. Everything was pretty much AOK in their world. Meanwhile there are people who have seen this thing coming down for 20-30 years now or more. It's gonna take them a long time to realize that everything they based their life on is false and shifting under their feet. The more money they have, the longer and harder the process. I do hope K uses his money to create space to debate. However, I never expect that he (or Malone,etc) will be able to accept the depth of the con.

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Well, these people have big bucks, too, so maybe that's why they don't seem particularly worried. Or maybe they think they're out of harm's way. I don't know, but I trust my intuition, and I have a really good sniffer... ;)

But I could be wrong! Maaaaaybe. lol

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yahh . the thing is they cant see it cause o' $$$$$.

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I hadn't thought of Kirsch as controlled opposition... but maybe.

He seems to be doing things, but I'm not sure if any of it is effective. I know he's been on Fox several times, which I think is good. However, the other actions he's taken seem to be... IDK, weak and ineffective. I think billboards would be a better idea than "One GABILLION dollars if you debate me about Covid Vaxxine safety."

I also suspect Malone is playing both sides. Just like Alex Berenson.

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Being on Fox doesn't seem like a good thing to me. I don't trust ANY politicians, nor do I trust ANY mainstream media. None of 'em. At least, none that I've seen. Most of the people I trust have either gone into a deep cover sort of thing, or they've been smeared, pestered, censored... or both.

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Billboards would be a great start, I've mentioned this many times. How S.K. hasn't put up any billboards yet is quite incredible. He could even use them to promote his Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.

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I just emailed Steve

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Thank you!

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Hopefully he will read it. Seems like such a simple effort - one that maybe he's thought about, but too difficult to make a reality.

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Isn’t this the truth!

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They need to be doxxed and have protesters show up at their houses like they did w/ Cavanaugh. Of course with this DOJ ,they probably be labeled domestic terrorists and thrown in jail.

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you are so very on point...keep up that critical thinking.

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You are not living in a fascist country; you are living in a communist country ruled by a globalist oligarchy dominated by Jews and Freemasons. Yes, they do like to call themselves capitalists and democrats but that is a disguise to keep people voting for them and to prevent a slave revolt until they can vaccinate you all to death. Afterwards they will just take over the world and turn it into their own private country club staffed with subservient brown slaves.

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I could almost agree with you... but I disapprove of blaming with a sweep like "Jews and Freemasons." That's too far, blaming ALL of those people. After all, not ALL white people are racist, nor rich, nor stupid, nor fascist, and yet... some of them are. I know some Jews, and I know some masons, and they're NOT ALL THE SAME.

Seems to me what's important right now is that people understand the nature of what is happening to the world (genocide and an attempt at global tyranny), that it's incumbent upon us to retain our sense of depth and complexity in humanity, and above all, not to go around HATING other people, especially those who are not responsible for the problems we face.

That kind of blanket statement is used by the Bad Guys, not by people with the wherewithal to discern truth from lies, and complexity from propaganda.

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The extremes come together... but we are still fascists. I was born in Eastern Europe - I should know the difference!

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