"Modern art" was promoted and built up by the CIA in large part because it is a perfect vehicle for money laundering. The other advantage of course is dumbing down the culture overall and elimination of skill as a metric of value.

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I'm afraid to me modern art is a load of Pollocks. I often wondered why I never 'got it' - I even considered I may be a cultural Phillistine. Now I know - all the snobbery is nothing to do with aesthetics, Just value.

You on the other hand are highly skilled! Maybe you could give Hunter some lessons? For a hefty commission of course.

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The only lessons Sasha would give, would be an ass kicking. 👊💪

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I think Hunter would prefer it spelt with an L?

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People can’t tell the difference between pollack’s paintings and his paint smock.

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People can’t tell the difference between pollack’s paintings and one done by a chimpanzee.

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I’m gonna assume that Sasha wouldn’t want to spend time with Hunter. Not enough money in the world…

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As an art historian, I wholeheartedly agree with Sasha, whose opinion as a classically trained and highly talented artist carries a great deal of weight in this discussion.

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Yes "modern" art movement was and is an ongoing Psyop. And the CIA is just one of the letter agencies working the room. Tavistock and the Fabians were the original steering committee. But it's not about money laundering, that's just a side perk for the players. It's always been about the controlled demolition of the American dream, and of everything beautiful and good. That is the real reason, hidden behind the ostensible reason (as per SH). Destroy the meritocracy, subvert the arts, loot the economy, cut the legs out from under tradition, make a religion out of materialism, mocking the Creator. The enemy wants us on our knees, blind and groveling in the dirt, grateful for our bugs.

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It’s a way for the rich to write off millions in their tax bills.

They find an unknown artist, buy a piece of their work for a pittance, throw parties, promote the hell out of them.

The artist will then hit the big time as all the luvvies buy the mantra crappy mantra.

Once their art is worth millions the original sponsor then donates their piece, which incidentally they paid nothing for is suddenly worth a fortune. That donated piece to an museum or art gallery then can be claimed as a tax deductible write off. Yes they claim a reduced tax bill for millions on something that is practically worthless.

It’s the grift that keeps on giving and it’s been going on for decades. Rich people don’t get involved in anything when there’s nothing to be made back from it.

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Yes, that's exactly how it works -- excellent summary -- should be in every art history course.

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Thanks for that. While I'm well aware of corruption and grift I had never imagined in the art world, but of course. Anything the rich play with is for their enrichment.

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Off topic, but my understanding is that race horse buying and selling also has shady underpinnings.

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Read the Dick Francis novels for insider take

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I loved those books back in the day. Great stuff.

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We (husband and I) keep reading and re-reading them. And re-binding the poor over-read paperbacks.

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And breeding?

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Not sure, exactly, but behind the scenes price fixing among race horse owners, with mutual guarantees of how much resale horses would command. This info. is about 30 years old.

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Yes, Matt Ehret has covered this too and a friend who was part of the 80's art scene said everyone knew it, except those who chose to believe it was just their 'talent'. I tell his story on a post about Matt and Cynthia's research: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/matt-ehret-and-cynthia-chung-geopuzzle pros.

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Wow. That is fascinating, Sasha. I never knew that, and now I feel proud of myself, because I've always stuck by my opinion that "modern art" is stupid and is rarely ever "real" art. Makes sense now why Portland, OR has their highly prized Museum of Modern Art, but museums of any other type of art.

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You are right to trust yourself and your own sensibilities when it comes to Art.

Most "modern art" = Emperor's New Clothes

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I’ve always been appalled by the so-called ‘art’ of Andy Warhol. A painting of a can of Campbell’s soup? A photo of Marilyn Monroe, reprinted in different colors? He didn’t even actually create anything! And people pay millions for this garbage. I always have imagined him laughing all the way to the bank.

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The rot in America originated in the arts, with faux-'artists' like Warhol, or whore-wall as he might more accurately be named. I suspect the buyers know it's garbage, but they also know they can re-sell it for an even higher price than they paid. Rather like securitized mortgages which ran up in price before the market collapsed in 2007 - 08. It might be wise for holders of that whore-wall junk -- including name-brand Museums -- to dump it now before the bottom falls out.

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Andy was, in fact, a mean ladies shoes designer. As I recall, he used to send the odd pair to a cousin in (Czecho)Slovakia from time to time, so there definitely was something tangible there - like talent and skill. As for the rest and sadly, he gave society just what it wanted.

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ok. please define modern art and some of those artists. We all know Hunter is no artist, more like Crack w****.

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you can look up modern art auctions and what gets sold there. By modern I mean non-realist, conceptual, 5yo can make it, generally ugly looking stuff, sometimes it's decorative, etc. A lot of it is used for money laundering, both with living and deceased artists, it doesn't really matter. The mechanism is that any value can be assigned to art (all art), but skillful art is extremely hard to produce, while any moron/crack addict like Hunter can make modern art.

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Yeah, the CIA's in a hurry, so they need art that's put together in an hour.

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This explains a great deal!

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You create real art!

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Binny the Bunny paints better than Hunter.


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Actually, I like Binny’s work.

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Binny is 10, he is very smart :-)

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I prefer the feline-created art in the book entitled _Why Cats Paint_. https://www.pinterest.nz/pin/88172105193772958/

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I have also felt this way for at least 30 years. I love the Impressionists, have since I was a teen. That’s art to me.

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I'll take a good Vermeer any day, although I have a soft spot for Van Gogh.

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I was absolutely ridiculed in college for liking the Impressionists. “Oh, you still like that pretty sh**.”

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I hope you didn't care one bit!

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A hypothesis put forth by Steven Pinker* in his 2001 book "The blank slate", in an own chapter about art, from what I recall, is that it's tied to ideology of people, like Marxists (or systems claiming to "do Marx"), who think that humans are arbitrarily malleable and there to be formed, like clay, by the "great minds", social engineers. So some of them wanted to do away with _beauty_ alltogether, whether in art, or elsewhere ("shouldn't care about socially constructed beauty standards blahblah", says the "body positive" Jabba).

Since this sort of stuff seemed to have caught on big, back in cold war times and before, in the east, too - maybe it's not only CIA stuff?

But, given your heritage, you tell me - do you know whether this stuff was big "behind the iron curtain"?

* (who seemed far too optimistic about where out culture was going - I wonder how it's for him now...)

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This stuff wasn't big behind the iron curtain. It is the opposite. St. Petersburg Art Academy is the only school in the world that has been teaching realist art the same way for 300+ years now (there are many other schools in the former Soviet Union following the same tradition of teaching. In the Soviet Union, the traditional art was the predominant art and teaching method. The social realism, while depicting largely propaganda subjects, remains artistically a very advanced school of realist art. Chinese academic art is modeled based on the Russian academy, and they are likewise very strong artists.

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Philadelphia Academy of the Fine Arts(our nation's first art school and where I was privileged to study for a few years) never went over to the abstract side, always required drawing/painting from the model.

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Yes, in Russia, art and craft are still closely linked. Actual skill in composition, form, color, design, knowledge of materials, and relation to artistic tradition -- all these are required. In the West, this link was severed by Pop Art, conceptual art, and other intentionally repugnant productions. These movements morphed into the sado-masochistic racket of contemporary art, where the more offensive the imagery, the more successful it becomes... in gaining publicity. As the comments here indicate, the time for a counter-trend is long overdue.

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Yes; Russians revere traditional arts; look at Ballet (Nuryev et al) Figure skating, chess, Literature. All disciplines that require long term training, commitment and suffering, and all of which Russians excel in. I knew a Russian who lived in Buryatia( Near Mongolia where Tibetan style religion thrives.) He was studying how to paint traditional Mandalas and iconic art. Many years later, he is expert in this very difficult task. The Hermitage is in St. Petersberg, after all. For whatever reason, many of my fellow Americans seem to have little understanding of Russia, Russian people, their love of the arts, sport, etc.

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nb. Pinker is a lost soul.

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Immediate thought while reading this is that it's the perfect vehicle for money laundering or exchanging payola money.

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Modern art has cheapened all art. Like duct-taping a banana to a wall. If that's art, then it's all garbage. It's all derided. Figures Biden would ride that tide.

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Yes- Carvaggio’s paintings speak for themselves; modern art requires an explanation. Paintings from the Renaissance were literally able to be used as history books. Modern art is akin to comic books, at best.

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Re; 'modern art', I would add that it's EXTREMELY demoralizing. As Former KGB Agent, Yuri Bezmenov, Warns America About Socialist Subversion 'normalization' is the next step:


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I thought the CIA said it was promoted by Marxists to contribute to the general breakdown of traditional structures and values, like glorification of the Divine, truth, beauty, etc.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The only people gullible to believe this is not outright bribery are, sadly, many Americans. I lived and traveled abroad for years, and crowds in India would burst out laughing about this, as would those in any East Asian country. Americans believe TV over common sense. Historically great artists were not able to sell their first ‘works’ (GUFFAW) for hundreds of thousands as Hunter did to Ukraine. A few years later Hunter’s dad is cutting checks for billions to Ukraine. Unsupervised money.

The worst president in history.

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That's interesting, that ordinary people in India have more common-sense about the Biden shenanigans than presumably well-informed TV-viewing Americans do. You have to wonder what it will take to break that spell.

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Stop watching tv... perhaps ha ha. Most democrats are now anti-democrats due to watching and eating tv bolony in 3 years time, beginning with scapegoating Trump to ramp up the last 3 years of mis- and dis-information and mal-information. Most people cannot think without msm thinking for them. It is like msm for idiots, shortcutted news like tv meals.

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Yes; the sheeple need to re learn thinking and common sense. Anyone from India walking into an outdoor market to bargain learns from childhood to watch, prices, watch your pocketbook, watch for motorbikes tearing right through, farm animals walking around; thinking on one’s feet. Clinton was an open joke in most of Asia, as they laughed at his sexcapades(although his foreign policy was fairly well regarded in Asia).

Meanwhile Americans cannot see that Hunter’s paintings are receipts for ‘donations’. I have no party but was a Dem until 2018, but dems should at least want a different dem.

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"Americans believe TV over common sense." - that statement says it all.

That's why we are so far down this road of destruction.

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Yes; and the TV news is reading primarily press releases, particularly from the CDC of late. A quick look shows the CDC is jam packed with conflicts of interest. Or White House or DOJ press releases regarding Hunter, when these agencies are protecting the Bidens, not investigating them.

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Exactly! It's all such a cesspool of corruption, COIs, deceit, and harm.

I renamed the CDC: Controlled Depopulation Central : )

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As an artist myself I became quickly disillusioned with the politics in galleries. Everybody was trying to get a feel for the rich and powerful vibe, and a you scratch my back I'll scratch yours thing far superseded any actual talent. I saw awful things on the walls of the very rich in LA, not really Podesta esque disturbing so much as bland and unimpressive. But the person that did it was someone who knew someone. Why did they drop this now? I think they want to dump Biden they are just focus group studying how to do it. What's the reaction to this one?

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I become suspicious when the backstory of a work of art seems more important than the work itself.

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It always does now! You have to sell the story!

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Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

Yes, it’s the current patronage system.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The Newsom angle makes sense. There is some power broker that anointed Biden in 2020. So why couldn’t this same power broker read the tea leaves and decide that Biden has to go. There is so much dirt on him that it wouldn’t take much a rid themselves of him. He is clearly not all there so he might not even know that they did it. Just get him some ice cream and a different young girl to sniff everyday and he would never know.

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That's assuming that he's alive. I think they've advanced necrobotic technology to the point where they've animated his corpse. He could use a software update to improve his walking, talking and stair climbing though. 😉

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I think it’s to eventually get to rfk jr as nominee. There have been a number of negative Biden stories in publications I wouldn’t expect. I think like y’all it’s the start of replacing him on the ticket. I just think the anointed is rfk, not newsom. Could be wrong.

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I don’t think so, mainly because, like Trump, he will decimate the Deep State and Big Pharma. They will never let him in office for the same reason they’re trying to take out Trump. Too dangerous to the UniParty!

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Will he? I have my doubts about that. He is all in on manmade climate change and that seems to be the crisis du jour.

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And the jibby jabs.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

If they could elect a brain-dead senator in Pennsylvania, they can elect anyone as president, the uni-party is rotten to its last drop.

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Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

"Select" and install by illegal means, not "elect."

Otherwise I fully agree, Max.

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“Select”… not elect.

So true.

Thanks for that. Going forward, I am mentally going to replace the word election with “selection” when reading media coverage. Much more accurate.

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Yes, it's important to choose our own words to describe what has been happening. For example, let's stop using the word 'election' about the forced and illegal installation that occurred in 2020. And let's stop using an official title to designate the current illegitimate occupant of the White House. And in another context, whatever 'gender affirming change' may mean, genital mutilation would be a more accurate term for that grotesque medical abuse, which is promoted by the current illegitimate regime.

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Excellent points, Peter.

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For a fraction of a second I thought what is this guy smoking again, just to recognize that the photo used as a thumbnail was shot from an unfavourable angle, lol. I'm sorry, just had to mention this. Didn't think it could get any worse so far, but I was once again disabused by the latest news.

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Or Michael Obama.... ummmm I mean Michelle.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Do you think Michelle/Mike would really want to run? Not that she can’t be pressured or owe TPTB, but she seems to have a life akin to Bezos’ bimbo. Travel, shopping, luxurious home, why work?

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My take as well on Big Mike. And what the hell is with Obama’s dead chef?????

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Big Mike definitely wants the ROTUS title (Resident of the US) and bragging rights of “firsts”. She would not actually be doing any work, her corrupt gal pals would be overseeing the destruction of US behind the scenes. Corruption used to be an anathema, now it is a career path.

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“Corruption used to be an anathema, now it is a career path” = great line!

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There is definitely a back story to that, but we will never find out.

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Isn’t it his second dead chef?, folks tell me. And that video he posted of himself swimming in a pool like he was on swim team as a child.

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Sounds like the cook, saw or overheard something He was not supposed to so the clintons were called and problem resolved

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I read he either could not swim or could not swim well until five years ago when he set a goal for himself: Become a great swimmer. And he did Olympic level workouts, ultimately.

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sounds nice, but she may have to touch Bezos.

Ladies? 🤮🤮🤮 am i right?

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That disgust goes both ways imo.

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Apparently Obama is running the show now for Biden. So it would just be business as usual?

And if she's Trans, I'm a Martian!

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What's the weather like on mars? can you help elon get there any sooner? Is there a martian government are they ran by psychopathic Lying thieving lunatics like the earths government? Is your skin green? Do you have a spaceship? So many questions, we would like to ask Mr. Martin.

Cause Michelle sure aint no woman.

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No! Never! Surely not? But I bought her book!

So where did they buy their kids? Or are they hired props?

How big are her hands and feet? I can't believe it! You're kidding?

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Look online, the girls’ parents are out there.

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I keep hearing this innuendo but never any details. And that Obama has weird 'appetites'. Never any further information as though it is an in joke. Details please? From UK.

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American here. I don’t get it either. I think the idea was planted to make opponents of the Democratic Party look puerile and racist (cannot appreciate African feminine beauty).

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It's actually pretty cruel (if not true). We can't generally help our shape or what we look like, apart from superficially.

Mind you, I think Mr was always prettier than Mrs Obama.

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There were a few videos on YT (don't know anymore) showing Mikey's: A) index finger longer than ring--only females; B) a huge salami bulging through her blue dress on the Ellen DeGeneres Show (and other places); the neck and shoulder muscles of a male bodybuilder; C) large head; D) old pictures of Obama with a male that looked like Michelle.

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& No pregnancy pics

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Plus two vids I've seen of Obama accidentally saying Michael instead of Michelle.

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Thank you Guest. I had NO idea! It can't be true though? Right? The First Lady was a Dude?!? They would never have got away with it - Trump would've been all over it! (I mean, the allegation, not, you know....) And surely she would tuck. Gosh!!

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Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023


Yes, really hard to believe, similar to a secret underground world. This is why it does not even minutely register as a possibility. It is not the fact that the Obama married a transvestite that is concerning, but the fact that he was able to completely pass a GIGANTIC fraud on the American public, with the help of Hollywood and the media who knew. Did you know that soon after Joan Rivers quipped to a reporter that "There is already a transvestite in the White House, the First Lady..", she was killed in an accident during a medical procedure (YT).

The BIG Hitlerian Fraud that continues forced on us is not just brainwashing, it is targeted brain damaging activity. Transsexualism is the key brain toxin followed by Covid, Global Warming, Race Relations... A biophysically dummed-down people who are becoming figurative sheep.

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Well that sure kicks who killed JFK and the fake moon landings into a top hat! But I keep seeing it mentioned... Smoke. Fire. I will take a closer look. And you're right about all their other crap too. They will exhaust us all and wear us down eventually. Meanwhile, I do love a good conspiracy!

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My understanding, they love the blood from unborn infants and the flesh of children. These are truly evil creatures.

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I think you may have a crossed wire, although that line has been used many times before throughout history to whip up the masses.

Ironic isn't it: it used to be considered a most dreadful act to harm children, now we jab them with 72 vaccine shots + covid, starting from the day they are born. Nuts!!!

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I have to say it. This “transgender First Lady” claim is not true, and as a joke it’s not even funny.

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I've seen the video of the peoples voice showing the truth. This video was one of the reasons why they got banned on YT.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

(Can I just say that aside from the fact that I love reading Igor’s substack, the comments from the community just make my day! What an astute and humorous group of people! I come for the comments just as much as the content!)

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I love comments also

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ME TOO! 🎉🎉

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Give the guy a break. Street drugs are expensive. And can you imagine how much the secret service charges to go get them these days? Lol

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at least Hunter can get free crack pipes from the govt

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Is that in California, or everywhere?

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Yes- actually he seems to have a stash of coke in the West Wing...oh wait, they say it could be from anyone who just walked in off the street through the White House, did a few lines in the oval office, then left his cocaine behind. That makes sense. It couldn’t be the cocaine addicted son of the president who has been selfied doing drugs in locations around the world, and who is one of only a few people who could set up a drug stash with impunity there.

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Careful, Igor. You might be labeled a "domestic terrorist" for pointing out the naked corruption in the White House.

As a veteran and patriot, it pains me to acknowledge that the nation that once served as an inspiration for all of humanity as a beacon of freedom, experimenting with the radical notion of true, representative government, has not only devolved into Empire, but late-stage empire in which corruption, incompetence, nepotism, cronyism and an otherwise total lack of statesmanship and servant-leadership now defines the US of A. Bagman Hunter Biden and all his nearly unbelievable shenanigans is simply a visible symptom of this rot to the core. Can it be rescued?

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Yeah, I know, but I cannot stay silent any more

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Agreed, Igor! Thank you for your courage in pointing out that the emperor has no clothes on.

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Civies are with you bro. thanks for reminding me to go buy more crayons.

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Thanks for your service.

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When will the parent who corrupted the Bagman throw said bagman to the wolves or under the bus?

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The top picture looks like Hunter's snorting something...

I try to avoid all the circus articles about Hunter and his disaster of a life. Remember that none of this matters, the presidents and their lives are just props of the regime used to distract from the real issues like the ongoing iatrogenocide from the forced covid injections. I just attended a funeral this past weekend sponsored by Pfizer. What Hunter does or doesn't do is pretty far down the list.

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Could that paintbrush be hallowed out and also used to snort cocaine? Nah....

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Whoever is their prospective candidate, I think the purpose is not just to promote him, but to poke Americans in the eye. I'm noticing they've been doing this increasingly since January 6 since it has worked so well for them.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Hunter’s finger paintings are just the top of the iceberg on the Biden corruption. It would be nice to see the Republicans do anything with this knowledge.

Also, it’s 100% a play to get Governor Hair Gel to run for president

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The Republicans are USELESS! Their ineptitude and unwillingness to impeach the criminals in this administration are astounding. The GOP is rapidly proving to the American electorate that they are cowards and empty promise. All sound and fury and zero action. Is it any wonder conservatives are talking about a third party???

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or bought by the same oligarchs

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It’s a uniparty dog and pony show. Bill Gates and the big boys don’t bother to stand for election.

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Time for a third..fourth or even fifth political parties to sprout.

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at least he'd be OUT of CA.

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Oh, thanks! We’d rather he stay there, thank you very much! Can’t you just take one for the team???(jk!)

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Here's another unfortunate development over the last several decades. The answer to "What is art?" has become:

Art is whatever you want it to be.

Perfectly aligned with the "woke" movement. Truth is whatever you want it to be. Gender is whatever you want it to be. Racism is whatever you want it to be. Reality is whatever you want it to be.

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As far as Hunter Biden's high proceeds from his artwork, it sounds like a great way to fulfill a quid pro quo.

Similar to a president being kind to corporate lobbying and then receiving $50,000 and over for boring speeches after exiting the presidency - great way to launder the financial reward.

This also appears to be the same for those that held high positions in the Whitehouse. (Hillary)

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And book deals. I’ve lost track of the multi million dollar book deals for ghost written autobiographies that sold a few thousand copies.

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The only reason that any negative information on the Biden crime family sees the light of day from Establishment Media, is that our Dear Leaders have decided that a younger, better-looking figurehead is needed.

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