Things are really intense in Canada like I've never seen. The Liberals (along with all the parties) set the atmosphere of animosity for politics. This was a conscious decision just like it was to unnecessarily invoke the Emergencies Act despite the fact there was a plan to end the convoy. The cynical politics of Justin Trudeau made enemies and criminals of fair-minded, law-abiding Canadians not known to distrust their government. Americans have an inherent distrust of government; Canadians display the opposite posture.
And Justin managed to breach that trust. Do you realize how bad (and wicked) you have to be to accomplish this? Think of it. Justin and the Liberals managed to turn a certain portion of a generally mild-mannered, decent, polite, obedient although somewhat naive population into angst-riddled angry protestors hurling vulgarities at him and other officials. Well deserved in my view by the way.
Anne Tessier showed courage. I accept her apology. She can get amnesty.
But we have a long way to go. The damage caused by what they did is permanent for a lot of people and I don't know how this can be remedied or people made whole again. There's serious division among Canadians.
I wish substack had a function that allowed us to go direct to respond to a commenter as the discussion moves some point it becomes too arduous to scroll😂
Yup. We’ve devolved into such laziness, cowardice and incuriosity that few realize their own complicity. Everything is tainted. Everything is distraction, the world is off its axis and very few appear to care.
I've actually installed a forum to my website (, but I'm so caught up in data analysis that I have not had time to set everything up. Registrations do work, but it needs to be filled with life.
I've already talked to a few people about it. I think it's essential that we build a strong communication channel. Can't believe we are relying on the comment section of something that is probably run by fascists or could be soon enough.
Same goes for Telegram. A ticking time bomb. They are already banning Russian news outlets by area code of your phone number.
They could eliminate almost all of our communication in a single swoop.
I thought Telegram was owned by a Russian or Kazakhstani or something. It's not Telegram that's doing it. Wait until you need digital ID to go online. I'm stocking up now. Lol
So she was apologizing for what the OTHER councilors did - before she was on the council. Although we appreciate what she did, none of the actual perpetrators apologized. Don't expect them to.
Still, the fact that she said that they brought in the mandates knowing that it wasn't protective is as good as evidence. A low bar I know but I've spent some time at Mathew Crawford's substack. This is still a war of nonsense statistical analysis. That stuff make my brain fog up in record time which, if others are the same, means that finding the truth takes incredibly hard thinking. Any doctor or medical scientist, having horrible statistical knowledge but believing the opposite, can arm politicians and bureaucrats with plenty of sciencey nonsense and keep us mired for decades.
IF she had nothing to do with the terror ,maiming and murder ,she is the wrong person to apologize .if the real perpetrators ever apologize should we give them our blessing and wish them all the best in resuming where they left off .So of I mass murder ,all I have to do is say sorry and all is forgiven .? They maimed murdered are still doing it ,right now and have horrible plans for us in the near future .They murdered my brother ,in a hospital plus many ,many others in the resent past at this moment and for the next ten years ,at a minimum .If she had nothing to do with it she should her mouth shut .The guilty ones can apologize ,just before being hung .
Thank you for asking. It’s been very hard. Unrelenting crying for more than six months due to pain and then still ongoing crying and their spouse had no idea because they can’t verbalize what is wrong. They are trying everything. After 19 months there is recently a tiny bit of improvement. We remain hopeful. The application to the Canadian government vaccine injury compensation program has gone nowhere. Homecare and treatments are about $15K per month. They’ve asked twice for Medical Assistance in Dying. Hopefully with some recent improvements, they won’t ask again. 🙏🏻
Oh my God, the Canadian government workers are repugnant and evil people. When we use the every day, Generallized collective word “government”, we are removing individual responsibility from the individuals who are making these decisions and the people who are CARRYING OUT these decisions. And yes, I’m talking about from the very highest paid government officials to the lowest paid lackeys. ALL are responsible for perpetrating and continuing this, what is truly “banal evil”. What SHOULD be done to them cannot be written in this post. May karma get every single one of them.
So true: words like "government" obscure the reality of individual people making decisions. But WE are the government!!! That direct connection MUST be reinstated, reactivated... remembered, This is what the first American revolution was about. WE the PEOPLE are responsible for who is in government!!!! This did not happen overnight. It took decades for them to infiltrate while we slept and happily outsourced our responsibility for our OWN self-government. If this doesn't change and change soon, we will be completely enslaved.
Rest assured, in time, in Darwinian fashion any gene contributing to this kind of evil weakness in humans will drop. Hey, they’ve all poisoned themselves over and over, living the Blue Pill Dream. And avoiding reproduction.
Self-eugenics. I don’t like eugenics; none should play God. But the Darwin Awards can’t be printed fast enough. Disproportionately to the farleft wackos among us.
Not much of a silver lining, cannot assuage the human sufferring due to the Big Lie. But in the big picture there’s tons of hope that the truth will definitely prevail. We have in us what it takes to weather the storm. Or civilization would never have come so far.🙏🏽
I'm 58 and when I was little we'd regularly be taken to see some movie or documentary about the Holocaust. I remember thinking how impossible it was to even imagine what had happened and thinking I was such a wuss for not being anything other than perfectly happy and upbeat to be living in a world that had evolved beyond that. Later I heard about Arendt's writing. Some said she was a Zionist shill. Then Covid started and it wasn't until the mandates and 97% at work and in my community going along with it in spite of my best arguments that I realized Arendt was right.
Even with physical reality, it's the most subtle things that are most important. So subtle that they're actually secret. That's why one amplifier company makes better amps than anyone else. Whatever it is that they know cannot be reverse engineered. It's actually a secret within they're understanding of how physics and reality works. Humans are wired to pay attention to the big things. We think that if we take care of the big things the little things will take care of themselves. So when they do THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) measurements they crank it up until distortion crosses some threshold and then say that's how much power it can put out. Beneath that it may as well be perfect. That's the assumption.
But once you gain some level of understanding of how and why the lowest level behaviour can be optimized, then you realize that that is the "thing" and the big stuff takes care of itself. The key to begin your education within this domain is to hold listening as the only ultimate measure. The THD measurement is what it is. It can't be optimized to give deep insight into the other end of the scale. In physics, beyond classical Newtonian physics, there are things that cannot be measured at all and yet they're the fundamental things. They can only be understood mathematically and conceptually but when these fundamentals are multiplied together we get the real observable reality we experience. See Freeman Dyson's article Why Maxwell's Theory is so Hard to Understand. He explains that this is central to all post Newtonian physics (where you have forces and fields and virtual particles and things that are so small or short lived that they cannot be measured [because the photons we'd bombard them with to measure them would mess everything up]).
And so, even with human behaviour the same law applies. This evil could not exist if it weren't so banal (subtle). Everyone can excuse away their behaviours or opinions or arguments or ass backwards logic because of this subtlety. And even more so today because the emergency seems to have dissipated and things done in the past were done during a panic. All that's needed is the excuse.
This happened to a friend of mine years ago from a diving injury. If your friend can move her tongue or blink an eye she can communicate.
There is a computer that goes against her cheek and amazingly types out sentences quite quickly once they get good at it. There are a bunch of pre typed common sentences to choose from and there is a voice you can turn on or off, voice better on of course. So the patient can even make jokes. This helps a lot! I think my friend got this technology or the lead for it from Denver Neurological Spinal Cord Injury Hospital ( or something similar ) in Denver Colorado. My friend although he could only blink one eye and use his tongue a bit, got very good with this computer and actual made ( burned ) a CD for me of songs that we both shared in common. It was an incredible gift. I hope this helps.
Thank you. They had some sort of retina reader but didn’t master it. They are using some sort of letter board which works okay, except when they are upset. 🙏🏻
I am not endorsing this, but just want to say that it is not impossible. I have seen distance body work performed on a horse - I watched him standing out in the field doing some exercises according to the body worker's direction - she was three states and one time zone away, and I was inside the house looking through a window. since she was one time zone away, we spent an hour being disappointed while apparently nothing was happening, and were quite surprised then when he started to do these movements !
The Lord's Prayer says Forgive us our Trespasses as we Forgive Those that Trespass against us. This was no Trespass. This was murder and attempted murder or at least an accessory to it. Only God, for those few who still have Faith, can pardon that!
3 Jan 2023 a Canadian councillor apologized for her colleagues for imposing vaccines (she was elected to the council after those mandates because of her position against them). 1
It was a lame apology. She didn’t foster the council’s RESPONSIBILITY by seeking remediation for damages and healing to injured:
Sharon Iles: “My friend in Kelowna, paralysed and unable to speak/swallow after 2x Pfizer. Unrelenting crying for more than six months due to pain and then still ongoing crying and their spouse had no idea because they can’t verbalize what is wrong. They are trying everything. After 19 months there is recently a tiny bit of improvement. We remain hopeful. The application to the Canadian government vaccine injury compensation program has gone nowhere. Homecare and treatments are about $15K per month. They’ve asked twice for Medical Assistance in Dying.“
Rex Larson: “The damage caused by what they did is permanent for a lot of people... especially the dead ones!” 2
She didn’t say that in fact, it was a bio-weapon to Bluetooth-track, maim and murder the population.
I hope to someday take a poll of the dead and murdered and see if they will accept any amnesty? They might just say who cares for I am in a much better place now.
Yes. True. But. Why is an apology with no restitution ok? And I don’t mean using public funds. I mean everyone in power who voted to revoke our civil rights and profited insanely from it needs to be asset stripped. Here’s looking at you justy and fordy!!!
Would love to see this....also for the 2/3 of the US Congress that has investments in big pharma. But there is not going to be a legal process to accomplish this. They built in their own pardon.
Eat or be eaten. It is coming ---it has come to that. Kill or be killed. BHates is bragging about putting the mRNA in Cattle, and every vaccine from here on in, aerosolizing it, and he has put something in mosquitoes. Dropping poisons from the skies daily on us, the plants and animals we eat and in the sea water and sea life. He is so freakin insane. The Devil announces what he will do next and so do the Evils,( BHates and his ex wife included) some people are just not listening. There is plenty more - the nanoparticles we are being forced to injest in unlabeled food items. FDA and EPA are useless.
The mRNA permanent gene editing Bioweapon with HIV gene sequencing in the spike protein ( if BHates includes the spike protein ) is a permanent human genetic modification, as in genetically modified and legally patentable per the Laws in US at least. This is a whole new level of food poisoning of humans, that if ingested successfully, cannot be reversed. Editing someone's human genome unpredictably is beyond disastrous and all the variables can never be predicted. Think SciFi if they are even able to continue living.
Similarly with the approximately 2,000 different types of poisonous nanoparticles ( metals etc ) they are adding to food, ( see Epoch Times article of Feb 2023) some with the excuse of making the food more attractive looking. Due to their size, they can be incorporated into tissues, organs and individual cells. This is a final level of poisoning.
Mobs show anger. Mobs rage. Let's hope they can all just slow down, calm down, and move through the justice system for what they need. If there is any justice left on this Earth.
There isn't any. Was there any justice for 9/11 and the 3000 lives lost on that day? Hell, no! There won't be any justice from the courts on this global coup. It's a DoD/DARPA operation. They're immune from prosecution and they've guaranteed immunity to Big Pharma and anybody who administered the poison gene therapy jabs.
Thailand s royal princess in a coma or was due to mrna. Asians care about family clans first. You can embarass and loot their nations and they will take it to save face but thefe is no face amongst clan pain blood loss for the chief.
There was a New Yorker cartoon in the wake of the 2008 financial meltdown. Group of suits gathered around a desk. One of them says, "We're too well-connected to go to prison. But I worry about middle management."
I'm pretty sure that accurately described the world then, and the world now.
Yes. People - we must be FOR the human race. That's just a bare bones minimal to expect from the rest of your fellow human beings. To be FOR each other and for the human race. To be PRO human - is that too much to ask? No.
Recently a real-life version of that: Elizabeth Holmes (facing 10+ for the Theranos fraud) reportedly told someone "they don't send attractive people like me to jail" - the prosecutors got wind of it - told the judge in open court session (which is how I know) - in the hopes of getting a severe sentence. And very curious how she dropped that geek-girl look and did become very much more attractive once she was facing charges. (And got pregnant twice - also a common defense strategy among females charged with crimes)
Twelve of the defendants were sentenced to death by hanging. Ten of them—Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, Alfred Rosenberg, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Fritz Sauckel, Alfred Jodl, Wilhelm Keitel, and Arthur Seyss-Inquart—were hanged on October 16, 1946. Martin Bormann was tried and condemned to death in absentia, and Hermann Göring committed suicide before he could be executed.
Hardly a disappointment, and why would you assume so? I'm well aware of the history of the Nuremberg trials. A modified version of them would suit the current circumstances. In fact, the concept should be a distributed version of the trials, right down to the local school board and city council level where numerous crimes against our children beg for redress.
It was a disappointment for me that there was so much evil and so few paid with their lives. Ten seems like a very low number for so much suffering, death, war.
I appreciate her apology but in all honesty I have zero interest in apologies at all especially from any people who were responsible for, enacted policy, or willfully upheld/supported the lockdowns, mandates, masking, forced vax and ostracization of others. These policies and the people who supported them helped to kill millions of people all over the world and injured countless others including children. Their actions and inactions ruined families forever.
And let's not forget the untold numbers who died from suicide from essentially being mentally tortured for the past 3 years, losing their jobs, their lives, their health. Where I live people are literally jumping off bridges on a weekly basis. That is no exaggeration as I hear it on the police scanner. The fallout from their Covid policies marches on and all we get is, "I'm sorry"?
I don't want apologies. I want the people who were responsible for this removed from their positions and tossed into the nearest prison. Action not words.
I went to the March Against Mandates in DC on January 23, mom died on January 6 and I felt compelled to go. What CNN reported was no where near what that event was. I was horrified in my hotel room watching the coverage. It was like watching something totally different than what I had experienced. It really drive home to me how bad the msm was and how it was largely propaganda and did not reflect truth.
I cheered for the Canadian truckers. I wanted to go support them. Being unvaccinated our borders were closed. Having had my experience in DC I could easily see how Trudeau and the press in Canada was twisting things. Ugly business.
Exactly. Even more so Quebecers - and we're the fun province. Without Quebec, Canada is boring and bland.
Canadians live in what was up until 2020 a very stable peaceful kingdom for the most part. Now it's being rattled. We're being exposed to the obscene corruption the country hid well for years. No more.
Canada is so stable we're an afterthought for Americans. We're the country up there with all these strange but funny people that share pro sports teams with the USA. I think South Park depicts this image of how we're viewed very well. Taking to the extreme of course.
So imagine how bad Justin is for Americans to NOTICE. I've never seen us be the centre of attention in the USA - albeit mostly in conservative circles. Nonetheless, the point is they see Canada as not itself.
I'm an American, always thought Canadians too sane to elect a Justin Trudeau and then let him turn Canada into a pharma camp. The crackdown on the truckers convoy seemed like something out of Soviet Russia, not the Canada I'd visited years ago. We've elected a brain damaged moron here but we're still fractious and contrary. Can Canada recover from its present captive state or are you guys too nice?
My Canadian relatives made such fun of those of us here in the States who wanted Trump to win. Wonder what they're thinking now? Lesson - don't act all high and mighty!
You, like us here in NZ, have been infiltrated by the Fifth Column known as WEF. These people are unreconstructed New Marxists. We need to root them out, pull them from their cars. Stand against WEF.
Len ..... surfed your Substack.... good materials there. Have you, by any chance, read Donnelly's book, "Ragnarok, The Age Of Fire And Gravel" - he has some insights. He is also interesting even when he is wrong.......
I guess Ragnarok was a theory that till came from a comet, whereas the mainstream considered it glacial. Right? For readers who don't know, mixtures of various size sediment is often considered to be glacial till. I guess till is related to the term tilling the soil. However, it may often be from the Great Flood or the Younger Dryas glacial melt flooding. Comet and asteroids did impact the Earth during and after the Great Flood, but likely didn't form the till.
All those ( sexually ) abused and then murdered children of the Natives that the gov aided in killing and covering up was a bit of a shocker but I suppose it should not have been now with the deviant Trudos Castro at the helm. The reign is one of a monarchy. Have those annoying overconfident Liberal Leftist Pseudo Feminist types realized yet that they shouldn't have voted him in because he had nice hair ?
The rollout of the vx went to indigenous ("communities at risk") people first. In hindsight this looks to be an attempt to accelerate their program among '"the least of these".
Things are really intense in Canada like I've never seen. The Liberals (along with all the parties) set the atmosphere of animosity for politics. This was a conscious decision just like it was to unnecessarily invoke the Emergencies Act despite the fact there was a plan to end the convoy. The cynical politics of Justin Trudeau made enemies and criminals of fair-minded, law-abiding Canadians not known to distrust their government. Americans have an inherent distrust of government; Canadians display the opposite posture.
And Justin managed to breach that trust. Do you realize how bad (and wicked) you have to be to accomplish this? Think of it. Justin and the Liberals managed to turn a certain portion of a generally mild-mannered, decent, polite, obedient although somewhat naive population into angst-riddled angry protestors hurling vulgarities at him and other officials. Well deserved in my view by the way.
Anne Tessier showed courage. I accept her apology. She can get amnesty.
But we have a long way to go. The damage caused by what they did is permanent for a lot of people and I don't know how this can be remedied or people made whole again. There's serious division among Canadians.
Great response! pinning for now
I wish substack had a function that allowed us to go direct to respond to a commenter as the discussion moves some point it becomes too arduous to scroll😂
yes many inconveniences
Yup. We’ve devolved into such laziness, cowardice and incuriosity that few realize their own complicity. Everything is tainted. Everything is distraction, the world is off its axis and very few appear to care.
I've actually installed a forum to my website (, but I'm so caught up in data analysis that I have not had time to set everything up. Registrations do work, but it needs to be filled with life.
I've already talked to a few people about it. I think it's essential that we build a strong communication channel. Can't believe we are relying on the comment section of something that is probably run by fascists or could be soon enough.
Same goes for Telegram. A ticking time bomb. They are already banning Russian news outlets by area code of your phone number.
They could eliminate almost all of our communication in a single swoop.
I thought Telegram was owned by a Russian or Kazakhstani or something. It's not Telegram that's doing it. Wait until you need digital ID to go online. I'm stocking up now. Lol
It seems all communication channels have major flaws these days. Community building worked so much better in the days of internet forums.
They still have forums. But they've been taken over by young guys that think they know everything while knowing nothing. I never saw it coming.
I saw somewhere that you can do an @ but i have never tried it … we can test it
I have had direct responses. I don't know how.
I suspected they were FIB or the like plants from the content so I did not respond.
Then whatsapp will be messaging us. There r minus and plusses to amish internet
Amish internet.
I believe it can be. Gatos stack is organized like that.
There must be an option on Igor's side that allows that
I find that it does on all stacks early on but once the comments pile up it’s basically needle in a haystack.
So annoying
So she was apologizing for what the OTHER councilors did - before she was on the council. Although we appreciate what she did, none of the actual perpetrators apologized. Don't expect them to.
Good point. Thank you for clarifying.
Still, the fact that she said that they brought in the mandates knowing that it wasn't protective is as good as evidence. A low bar I know but I've spent some time at Mathew Crawford's substack. This is still a war of nonsense statistical analysis. That stuff make my brain fog up in record time which, if others are the same, means that finding the truth takes incredibly hard thinking. Any doctor or medical scientist, having horrible statistical knowledge but believing the opposite, can arm politicians and bureaucrats with plenty of sciencey nonsense and keep us mired for decades.
IF she had nothing to do with the terror ,maiming and murder ,she is the wrong person to apologize .if the real perpetrators ever apologize should we give them our blessing and wish them all the best in resuming where they left off .So of I mass murder ,all I have to do is say sorry and all is forgiven .? They maimed murdered are still doing it ,right now and have horrible plans for us in the near future .They murdered my brother ,in a hospital plus many ,many others in the resent past at this moment and for the next ten years ,at a minimum .If she had nothing to do with it she should her mouth shut .The guilty ones can apologize ,just before being hung .
Good point. Thanks for clarifying.
"The damage caused by what they did is permanent for a lot of people...." Especially the dead ones.
Including my friend in Kelowna, paralyzed and unable to speak/swallow after 2x Pfizer.
I am so very sorry for your friend.
I’m so very sorry for your friend. How is he or she coping? Are there any reparations?????
Thank you for asking. It’s been very hard. Unrelenting crying for more than six months due to pain and then still ongoing crying and their spouse had no idea because they can’t verbalize what is wrong. They are trying everything. After 19 months there is recently a tiny bit of improvement. We remain hopeful. The application to the Canadian government vaccine injury compensation program has gone nowhere. Homecare and treatments are about $15K per month. They’ve asked twice for Medical Assistance in Dying. Hopefully with some recent improvements, they won’t ask again. 🙏🏻
Oh my God, the Canadian government workers are repugnant and evil people. When we use the every day, Generallized collective word “government”, we are removing individual responsibility from the individuals who are making these decisions and the people who are CARRYING OUT these decisions. And yes, I’m talking about from the very highest paid government officials to the lowest paid lackeys. ALL are responsible for perpetrating and continuing this, what is truly “banal evil”. What SHOULD be done to them cannot be written in this post. May karma get every single one of them.
So true: words like "government" obscure the reality of individual people making decisions. But WE are the government!!! That direct connection MUST be reinstated, reactivated... remembered, This is what the first American revolution was about. WE the PEOPLE are responsible for who is in government!!!! This did not happen overnight. It took decades for them to infiltrate while we slept and happily outsourced our responsibility for our OWN self-government. If this doesn't change and change soon, we will be completely enslaved.
Rest assured, in time, in Darwinian fashion any gene contributing to this kind of evil weakness in humans will drop. Hey, they’ve all poisoned themselves over and over, living the Blue Pill Dream. And avoiding reproduction.
Self-eugenics. I don’t like eugenics; none should play God. But the Darwin Awards can’t be printed fast enough. Disproportionately to the farleft wackos among us.
Not much of a silver lining, cannot assuage the human sufferring due to the Big Lie. But in the big picture there’s tons of hope that the truth will definitely prevail. We have in us what it takes to weather the storm. Or civilization would never have come so far.🙏🏽
I'm 58 and when I was little we'd regularly be taken to see some movie or documentary about the Holocaust. I remember thinking how impossible it was to even imagine what had happened and thinking I was such a wuss for not being anything other than perfectly happy and upbeat to be living in a world that had evolved beyond that. Later I heard about Arendt's writing. Some said she was a Zionist shill. Then Covid started and it wasn't until the mandates and 97% at work and in my community going along with it in spite of my best arguments that I realized Arendt was right.
Even with physical reality, it's the most subtle things that are most important. So subtle that they're actually secret. That's why one amplifier company makes better amps than anyone else. Whatever it is that they know cannot be reverse engineered. It's actually a secret within they're understanding of how physics and reality works. Humans are wired to pay attention to the big things. We think that if we take care of the big things the little things will take care of themselves. So when they do THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) measurements they crank it up until distortion crosses some threshold and then say that's how much power it can put out. Beneath that it may as well be perfect. That's the assumption.
But once you gain some level of understanding of how and why the lowest level behaviour can be optimized, then you realize that that is the "thing" and the big stuff takes care of itself. The key to begin your education within this domain is to hold listening as the only ultimate measure. The THD measurement is what it is. It can't be optimized to give deep insight into the other end of the scale. In physics, beyond classical Newtonian physics, there are things that cannot be measured at all and yet they're the fundamental things. They can only be understood mathematically and conceptually but when these fundamentals are multiplied together we get the real observable reality we experience. See Freeman Dyson's article Why Maxwell's Theory is so Hard to Understand. He explains that this is central to all post Newtonian physics (where you have forces and fields and virtual particles and things that are so small or short lived that they cannot be measured [because the photons we'd bombard them with to measure them would mess everything up]).
And so, even with human behaviour the same law applies. This evil could not exist if it weren't so banal (subtle). Everyone can excuse away their behaviours or opinions or arguments or ass backwards logic because of this subtlety. And even more so today because the emergency seems to have dissipated and things done in the past were done during a panic. All that's needed is the excuse.
This happened to a friend of mine years ago from a diving injury. If your friend can move her tongue or blink an eye she can communicate.
There is a computer that goes against her cheek and amazingly types out sentences quite quickly once they get good at it. There are a bunch of pre typed common sentences to choose from and there is a voice you can turn on or off, voice better on of course. So the patient can even make jokes. This helps a lot! I think my friend got this technology or the lead for it from Denver Neurological Spinal Cord Injury Hospital ( or something similar ) in Denver Colorado. My friend although he could only blink one eye and use his tongue a bit, got very good with this computer and actual made ( burned ) a CD for me of songs that we both shared in common. It was an incredible gift. I hope this helps.
Thank you. They had some sort of retina reader but didn’t master it. They are using some sort of letter board which works okay, except when they are upset. 🙏🏻
Suggestion: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy if available.
I offer a remote healing method at my substack article.
What the governments fail to provide, the heavens can succor instead.
I am not endorsing this, but just want to say that it is not impossible. I have seen distance body work performed on a horse - I watched him standing out in the field doing some exercises according to the body worker's direction - she was three states and one time zone away, and I was inside the house looking through a window. since she was one time zone away, we spent an hour being disappointed while apparently nothing was happening, and were quite surprised then when he started to do these movements !
Hey Ymar, long time no see ... Funny, your name just came up in conversation this morning. Hmm.
Savage bro. 💘
Nevertheless - true.
More like blunt honesty.
The Lord's Prayer says Forgive us our Trespasses as we Forgive Those that Trespass against us. This was no Trespass. This was murder and attempted murder or at least an accessory to it. Only God, for those few who still have Faith, can pardon that!
"God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."
-- Arthur Koestler
Real or fake apology?
3 Jan 2023 a Canadian councillor apologized for her colleagues for imposing vaccines (she was elected to the council after those mandates because of her position against them). 1
It was a lame apology. She didn’t foster the council’s RESPONSIBILITY by seeking remediation for damages and healing to injured:
Sharon Iles: “My friend in Kelowna, paralysed and unable to speak/swallow after 2x Pfizer. Unrelenting crying for more than six months due to pain and then still ongoing crying and their spouse had no idea because they can’t verbalize what is wrong. They are trying everything. After 19 months there is recently a tiny bit of improvement. We remain hopeful. The application to the Canadian government vaccine injury compensation program has gone nowhere. Homecare and treatments are about $15K per month. They’ve asked twice for Medical Assistance in Dying.“
Rex Larson: “The damage caused by what they did is permanent for a lot of people... especially the dead ones!” 2
She didn’t say that in fact, it was a bio-weapon to Bluetooth-track, maim and murder the population.
She didn’t warn the population about the future global plans.
Until now, no civil authority all over the world, ever apologized for what they did and neglected to do. Also, no religious authorities openly:
1) Recognize their errors and seek to amend damages
2) Commit to avoid them in the future PLANdemics
3) Warn about the global coup and depopulation haccination
For them, is pride above truth and love?
Without those 3 items, it’s not a complete apology. We are still praying for their conversion.
Far as I'm concerned?
"Apology accepted, Captain Needa."
-- Darth Vader
I hope to someday take a poll of the dead and murdered and see if they will accept any amnesty? They might just say who cares for I am in a much better place now.
Yes. True. But. Why is an apology with no restitution ok? And I don’t mean using public funds. I mean everyone in power who voted to revoke our civil rights and profited insanely from it needs to be asset stripped. Here’s looking at you justy and fordy!!!
Would love to see this....also for the 2/3 of the US Congress that has investments in big pharma. But there is not going to be a legal process to accomplish this. They built in their own pardon.
Then we do things illegally like they do daily.
Eat or be eaten. It is coming ---it has come to that. Kill or be killed. BHates is bragging about putting the mRNA in Cattle, and every vaccine from here on in, aerosolizing it, and he has put something in mosquitoes. Dropping poisons from the skies daily on us, the plants and animals we eat and in the sea water and sea life. He is so freakin insane. The Devil announces what he will do next and so do the Evils,( BHates and his ex wife included) some people are just not listening. There is plenty more - the nanoparticles we are being forced to injest in unlabeled food items. FDA and EPA are useless.
You're not asking for enough. Money back? Is that all?
Samo, sorry, that part was humor at the end. I removed it so as not to confuse the issue.
So no, of course not to your question.
Thanks for clarifying.
When did u first realize they were poisoning humanity with the food?
The mRNA permanent gene editing Bioweapon with HIV gene sequencing in the spike protein ( if BHates includes the spike protein ) is a permanent human genetic modification, as in genetically modified and legally patentable per the Laws in US at least. This is a whole new level of food poisoning of humans, that if ingested successfully, cannot be reversed. Editing someone's human genome unpredictably is beyond disastrous and all the variables can never be predicted. Think SciFi if they are even able to continue living.
Similarly with the approximately 2,000 different types of poisonous nanoparticles ( metals etc ) they are adding to food, ( see Epoch Times article of Feb 2023) some with the excuse of making the food more attractive looking. Due to their size, they can be incorporated into tissues, organs and individual cells. This is a final level of poisoning.
Food, water, air, soil...
Legal processes may not protect them from the grieving mobs.
Mobs don't grieve - they are past that.
Mobs show anger. Mobs rage. Let's hope they can all just slow down, calm down, and move through the justice system for what they need. If there is any justice left on this Earth.
There isn't any. Was there any justice for 9/11 and the 3000 lives lost on that day? Hell, no! There won't be any justice from the courts on this global coup. It's a DoD/DARPA operation. They're immune from prosecution and they've guaranteed immunity to Big Pharma and anybody who administered the poison gene therapy jabs.
Dod darpa are merely the visible arms. The invisible hydra is fhe khazarian mafia.
Usa kniws them as the paperclip nazis.
Unfortunately the number is way above 3,000.
Justice is bought and paid for friend...
I hate to agree....but sometimes that is true.
Ask qaddafi howbwell western justice did to libya. Also serbia and dead families in afghanistan
Never say never.
Fraud and bad faith negate contracts.
Yes. Keep watching the Phillipines. Aren't they suing Pfizer? Or is that another country?
Thailand s royal princess in a coma or was due to mrna. Asians care about family clans first. You can embarass and loot their nations and they will take it to save face but thefe is no face amongst clan pain blood loss for the chief.
Phillippines and Thailand. Some interesting stuff going on in Switzerland, too.
But that is where KSchwalb arch enemy #1 is headquartered. I thought they were bought and paid for. It is Big Pharma central.
"Asset stripped." I like the sound of that.
@Samo. Ditto.
Asset strip not just the puppets, but the string pullers too.
ESPECIALLY the string-pullers!
There was a New Yorker cartoon in the wake of the 2008 financial meltdown. Group of suits gathered around a desk. One of them says, "We're too well-connected to go to prison. But I worry about middle management."
I'm pretty sure that accurately described the world then, and the world now.
Time we changed that, Tyrone.
Yes. People - we must be FOR the human race. That's just a bare bones minimal to expect from the rest of your fellow human beings. To be FOR each other and for the human race. To be PRO human - is that too much to ask? No.
Oh yeah. That is perfect. We'll see.
It might be worth noting that actually nobody went to jail following the 2008 meltdown, so the cynical cartoon wasn't cynical enough.
Recently a real-life version of that: Elizabeth Holmes (facing 10+ for the Theranos fraud) reportedly told someone "they don't send attractive people like me to jail" - the prosecutors got wind of it - told the judge in open court session (which is how I know) - in the hopes of getting a severe sentence. And very curious how she dropped that geek-girl look and did become very much more attractive once she was facing charges. (And got pregnant twice - also a common defense strategy among females charged with crimes)
Wow. True to her Psychopathic roots.
Nuremberg them all.
Well - this may be disappointing news for you.
Twelve of the defendants were sentenced to death by hanging. Ten of them—Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, Alfred Rosenberg, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Fritz Sauckel, Alfred Jodl, Wilhelm Keitel, and Arthur Seyss-Inquart—were hanged on October 16, 1946. Martin Bormann was tried and condemned to death in absentia, and Hermann Göring committed suicide before he could be executed.
Hardly a disappointment, and why would you assume so? I'm well aware of the history of the Nuremberg trials. A modified version of them would suit the current circumstances. In fact, the concept should be a distributed version of the trials, right down to the local school board and city council level where numerous crimes against our children beg for redress.
It was a disappointment for me that there was so much evil and so few paid with their lives. Ten seems like a very low number for so much suffering, death, war.
I appreciate her apology but in all honesty I have zero interest in apologies at all especially from any people who were responsible for, enacted policy, or willfully upheld/supported the lockdowns, mandates, masking, forced vax and ostracization of others. These policies and the people who supported them helped to kill millions of people all over the world and injured countless others including children. Their actions and inactions ruined families forever.
And let's not forget the untold numbers who died from suicide from essentially being mentally tortured for the past 3 years, losing their jobs, their lives, their health. Where I live people are literally jumping off bridges on a weekly basis. That is no exaggeration as I hear it on the police scanner. The fallout from their Covid policies marches on and all we get is, "I'm sorry"?
I don't want apologies. I want the people who were responsible for this removed from their positions and tossed into the nearest prison. Action not words.
It would seem that's a very important part of making sure this never happens again
No. Public, televised executions. Nothing less is adequate.
Seems like a CYA move to me. The horse is long gone gone out of that barn.
There can be no meaningful restitution without retribution.
It wasn't an apology, it was a comment. Pretty lame if you ask me.
It's not an easy thing to rile up Canadians. They're even tempered and polite as a rule.
But Trudeau managed to do it.
I went to the March Against Mandates in DC on January 23, mom died on January 6 and I felt compelled to go. What CNN reported was no where near what that event was. I was horrified in my hotel room watching the coverage. It was like watching something totally different than what I had experienced. It really drive home to me how bad the msm was and how it was largely propaganda and did not reflect truth.
I cheered for the Canadian truckers. I wanted to go support them. Being unvaccinated our borders were closed. Having had my experience in DC I could easily see how Trudeau and the press in Canada was twisting things. Ugly business.
Same experience at the ottawa protests. Fake news is too mild a phrase!
Aaron, I suggest "controlled media", not "legacy media" or "MSM".
Media needs to be stripped of assets as well.
Controlled by cia. Read op mockingbird declassed
I went to Ottawa for our awakening, for you.🙏🏽
So sorry about your mom. I was there too! I was surprised about the “coverage.” To be expected from those fools!
The Mighty Wurlitzer is the propaganda arm of the U.S. government and the 3 letter agencies.
So sorry 😞.
Exactly. Even more so Quebecers - and we're the fun province. Without Quebec, Canada is boring and bland.
Canadians live in what was up until 2020 a very stable peaceful kingdom for the most part. Now it's being rattled. We're being exposed to the obscene corruption the country hid well for years. No more.
I should add.
Canada is so stable we're an afterthought for Americans. We're the country up there with all these strange but funny people that share pro sports teams with the USA. I think South Park depicts this image of how we're viewed very well. Taking to the extreme of course.
So imagine how bad Justin is for Americans to NOTICE. I've never seen us be the centre of attention in the USA - albeit mostly in conservative circles. Nonetheless, the point is they see Canada as not itself.
I'm an American, always thought Canadians too sane to elect a Justin Trudeau and then let him turn Canada into a pharma camp. The crackdown on the truckers convoy seemed like something out of Soviet Russia, not the Canada I'd visited years ago. We've elected a brain damaged moron here but we're still fractious and contrary. Can Canada recover from its present captive state or are you guys too nice?
My Canadian relatives made such fun of those of us here in the States who wanted Trump to win. Wonder what they're thinking now? Lesson - don't act all high and mighty!
And how does Trudeau keep getting elected?!
How did Xiden get elected? And he will again.
He doesn't look like he'll last another five years. But if the dead can vote they can hold political office too.
You, like us here in NZ, have been infiltrated by the Fifth Column known as WEF. These people are unreconstructed New Marxists. We need to root them out, pull them from their cars. Stand against WEF.
Marxists are puppets of the Fascist capitalist ruling class.
You sure that's not just what the fascists want you to believe? :D
@Fabian. No, I'm sure the Fascists want us to believe that Marxists are their enemies and our enemies. But they're both our enemies.
Len ..... surfed your Substack.... good materials there. Have you, by any chance, read Donnelly's book, "Ragnarok, The Age Of Fire And Gravel" - he has some insights. He is also interesting even when he is wrong.......
I guess Ragnarok was a theory that till came from a comet, whereas the mainstream considered it glacial. Right? For readers who don't know, mixtures of various size sediment is often considered to be glacial till. I guess till is related to the term tilling the soil. However, it may often be from the Great Flood or the Younger Dryas glacial melt flooding. Comet and asteroids did impact the Earth during and after the Great Flood, but likely didn't form the till.
Oy Vey !
Fifth column and 5G.
Then there's a few 33s and 66s. :)
The 'fun' province with curfews and utterly compliant inhabitants that left elderly people to starve to death?
Woo-hoo! Quelle joie de vivre! No thanks. Quebec is Canada's cesspool.
True. It became a very dark place in a jiffy second.
Well, it was anyway. Lol.
Fun and corruption go together in Quebec...SNC lavalin etc etc
All those ( sexually ) abused and then murdered children of the Natives that the gov aided in killing and covering up was a bit of a shocker but I suppose it should not have been now with the deviant Trudos Castro at the helm. The reign is one of a monarchy. Have those annoying overconfident Liberal Leftist Pseudo Feminist types realized yet that they shouldn't have voted him in because he had nice hair ?
The rollout of the vx went to indigenous ("communities at risk") people first. In hindsight this looks to be an attempt to accelerate their program among '"the least of these".